Your new choice for - Silver City Health Center


Your new choice for - Silver City Health Center
Why Choose Children’s Mercy FAMILY HEALTH PARTNERS?
• We know Kansas! We are live and local. If you are puzzled and need to talk with someone who knows the providers in your area, we can bring it all together for you!
• We have a large selection of quality providers in Kansas. We want to work with your doctor.
• Puzzled about how to get a ride for a medical appointment? Call us and we can get you there and home again.
• We have a Nurse Advice Line you can call at any time. So if you or your child wake up in the middle of the night with a fever you don’t have to go to the emergency room. Call our Nurse Advice Line first.
• We have an award-winning asthma program if you or your child has asthma.
• Pregnant? First Touch Care Managers will help make sure you take steps to be healthy during your pregnancy and your baby gets a healthy start in life. We would also like to give you a gift at the end of your pregnancy for attending your appointments with your PCP or OB.
Still puzzled about what choice to make? We want to help put the pieces together for you. Call us
at 1-877-FHP-9363.
¿Por qué decidirse por el “Children’s Mercy FAMILY HEALTH PARTNERS”?
¡Nosotros conocemos Kansas! Somos un grupo presente y local. Si usted tiene dudas y necesita hablar con alguna
persona que conozca a los proveedores en su área, ¡nosotros podemos presentarle todas sus opciones!
Your new
En Kansas, tenemos una gran variedad de proveedores de alta calidad.
¿Desconcertado acerca de como obtener transportación para una cita médica? Llámenos y nosotros lo llevaremos a
su cita y de regreso a su casa.
Nosotros contamos con una Línea de Enfermeras, usted puede lamar esta línea en cualquier momento. Así que si
usted o uno de sus niños, se despiertan con fiebre a media noche, no tendrá que ir a la sala de emergencia; llame
primero a nuestra Línea de Enfermeras.
Si usted o uno de sus hijos tienen asma, tenemos un programa de asma galardonado.
¿Está usted embarazada? El programa del Primer Encuentro le ayudará a tomar los pasos necesarios para lograr una
buena salud durante su embarazo, y un inicio de vida saludable para su bebé. También quisiéramos darle un regalo
al final de su embarazo, por haber asistido a todas sus citas con su Proveedor Primario de Salud o con su médico obstetra. ¿Aún está indeciso respecto a cuál opción tomar? Nosotros queremos ayudarle a escojer el mejor programa para
usted. Llámenos al 1-877-347-9363.
We bring it all together for you.
We bring it
all together for you.
215 W. Pershing, Ste. 600, Kansas City, MO 64108 • (877) FHP-9363 •
P.O. Box 411806, Kansas City, MO 64141 • 1-877-FHP-9363 •
APPROVED 12/18/07
We have a large selection
of quality providers.
We want to serve you Yours FREE
Free digital thermometer
Free Snugli® baby carrier for
attending appointments
Free cell phone for use to
contact your healthcare
Yours FREE
First Touch OB Program
ADHD Education Program
First Touch Care Managers will educate and guide you throughout your pregnancy
• Help with transportation to your appointments
• Home health visits for you and your baby after delivery*
• Home monitoring equipment to check your blood pressure, weight or blood sugar and give your doctor the results through a phone or pager*
Asthma Management Program
Free spacers*
Newsletter with information
specific to your needs
Personalized asthma action plan
Education for your doctor about how to manage your asthma
Your own Health Coach to educate and guide you
Free cell phone for use to
contact your healthcare
Education specific to your
Healthy Lifestyles Program (HeLP)
Free pedometers
Newsletter with information
specific to your needs
and your family.
Personalized health habits assessments
Body mass index assessment
Education for your doctor Your own health coach to educate and guide you
Education for your doctor about how to manage your medications
Care Management
Nurses and Social Workers assigned as your own Care Manager to educate and guide you
• Help to schedule transportation for your doctor appointments
• Care Managers will meet you at your
appointments to help you ask the right questions and get the answers you need from your provider**
• Home monitoring equipment to check your blood pressure, temperature, pulse, weight and/or blood sugar*
Nurse Advice
24 hour a day/ 7 day a week
access to a live nurse for
healthcare advice
Help with deciding where to go to seek care
Help with transportation to a healthcare appointment
Information about providers in your network
Information about benefits available to you
Wellness Program
Sports physicals
Immunization (shots)
reminders for your children
• Well Care reminders for you
• Newsletter with information
specific to your needs
Help you and your family stay healthy
You can get all your preventative services: blood lead levels, immunizations (shots), mammograms, cancer screenings, and vision.
*requires an order from your doctor
** request through your Care Manager to see if you are eligible
Our Customer Service department is live and local! If you need help or have questions, we are here for you. Call us at
1-877-FHP-9363. We are available Monday-Thursday 7am-6pm and Friday 7am-5pm.
Customer Service can help you:
Select a Primary Care Provider (PCP) for you or your children
Make appointments to see the PCP
• Get more information on benefits and limits of your plan
• Help you get transportation to your medical appointments
• Change your PCP or your child’s PCP
Visit us at for a
list of doctors in the network.
We have staff that will be working in your community. We can offer education sessions for your kids in their school.
Look for our community outreach vans coming to your area.
Need a ride to see your doctor? Free transportation
is available to non emergency medical appointments
or to the pharmacy. If you have a car, we’ll even pay
for your gas to these appointments.
We bring it all together for you.