August - Tangier Shrine
August - Tangier Shrine
Shriners International Omaha, Nebraska Tangier Website: Email Articles To: [email protected] August 2016 • Vol. 92, No. 8 Published Monthly Get Ready Little Rock, Here We Come! CSSA 2016 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Potentate’s Message Greetings Nobles & Ladies We hope your summer is going well. Your Divan has been busy the month of July. We traveled to Tampa for Imperial Session. Tangier is proud to announce that Illustrious Sir Jeff Jackson and Lady Heidi made a generous donation of One Million Dollars to our Shriners Hospitals, at the Imperial Session. God Bless Jeff & Heidi, we are very proud! August is going to be busy with the Carson parade on August 6th, Nile Kids Carnival on August 14th and Shrine Night at the Races on August 19th. Footnote on the Race at I-80 Speedway--tickets are free for Nobles, Ladies, family or anyone interested, so Let’s go Racing! CSSA is in Little Rock on August 24th - 27th. We are looking forward to a great time. Remember Spaghetti Feed is Sept 11th, and we will need all the help we can get. If you brought in a new Noble, give them a call and bring them along to get them involved. Finally, this year we have done a great deal of remodeling. Projects like the security gate for the bartenders; ceiling fans in the bar, new finish on the entrance and steps, new floor in the back kitchen and numerous other projects. Our goal was that we would make Tangier a premier center. With the leadership of the Past Potentates who have supported this, I would have to say, “We Did It”! A lot of Nobles helped with these projects. I want to especially thank Illustrious Sir Frank Kroupa, Al Sesemann, Dave Muller and all the Nobles that saved us a lot of money with their time and labor. Their love of Tangier is truly evident. The last project is outside. You may have noticed the fence is gone, along with the gate. We are going to replace it with landscaping which will be easier to maintain, and make it look more appealing. Lastly, I propose, and it is time; we are getting bids to replace the east parking lot with 7 inches of concrete, and change the slope so it drains properly. What we have now is falling apart and is beyond patching. I want to thank Bill German for going out for the bids on this. We’re putting together a budget not to exceed $125,000, and we will need your support to release these funds from the Fricke-Jackson Fund. This is important and I ask for your support. TANGIER STATED MEETING Thursday August 11, 2016 Cook: Gary Unger Serve: Kops Dinner 6:15 PM Lower Level Men’s Meeting 7:30 PM Main Room Ladies Program will be Shrine Ladies Collections in the Green Room BABYSITTING AVAILABLE Tangier Shrine Office • RSVP to 392-0404 CIRCUS AD SALES ARE GOING! Ad packs are out. Charles F. Marchand, Jr. Potentate 2016 2 Circus Kickoff Thu Sep 29th 6:00 pm – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” ELECTED DIVAN Potentate.........................................................Charles Marchand Jr. Chief Rabban........................................................................ Jim Hirl Assistant Rabban......................................................... David Norton High Priest & Prophet............................................. Michael Gardner Oriental Guide......................................................................Al Smith Treasurer............................................................. Ralph Joos Jr. P.P. Recorder............................................................... Robert Schapp Jr. TRUSTEES Ron Barber................................................................. Bryan Deming Ed Mummey.................................................................. Kevin Potter APPOINTIVE DIVAN First Ceremonial Master.................................................David Shaw Second Ceremonial Master............................................Steve Elliott Director....................................................................Maynard Crispin Marshal........................................................................... Jim Sklenar Captain of the Guard................................................. Andy Freeman Outer Guard............................................................ Dean Stockman POTENTATE’S PERSONAL AIDES Travis Drews....Frank Kroupa....Dillon Hadcock....Dave Witchell POTENTATE’S STAFF Chief of Staff................................................................ Barry Ahlborn Assistant Chief of Staff...............................................Greg Hadcock Chief Aides……............Kim Gardner, Joe Hodges, Adam Reese, and Jim Smith, Jr. Potentate’s Aides........................................ Mike Arola, Steve Cash, John Chester, Dan Henn and Chuck Cline. Ambassadors..........Lawrence Brown, Dennis Coufal, Micah Evans Leland Meisinger & Mark Vandemark Chaplains........................................Dr. Ken Bunnell & Chuck Sohm Commander of Units................................................Donovan Brand Lt. Commander of Units.................................................Brian Heath Samsar..................................................................... Tyler Goodman Circus Consultant.............................................................. Al Penner Circus Chairman.............................................................. Jim Turpen Hospital Representative.......................................Jim Parks, Sr. P.P. Hospital Patient Coordinator.........................Stan Garner & Jim Toft Hospital Van Coordinator............................................... Stan Garner Hospital Staff.............................................................. Howard Fouts Board of Directors, Twin Cities................................ Daryl Finley P.P. Housing Chairman.................................................... Gary Shepherd Kitchen Manager................................. Bill Garner and Adam Reese Legal Staff.......................................Darren Carlson and Rick Myers Photographers.......................................... Jim Reese, Steve Reese, Greg Norton & Carl Monico Publicity Chairman.................................................. Gary Unger P.P. Show & Shine Chairman.............................................. Don Streeter NE Shrine Bowl.........................David MacDonald, David Workman Paul Gonzales and Rob Kuhl. Soccer Classic Chairmen............ Drew Rodehorst and Steve Spear Sound Room..................................... Jeremy Myers & Chuck Sohm Sunshine Committee........................................................ Bill Harper Hot Sands Editor............................................................ Dave Shaw Chief Aide Emeritus..............Al Seseman, Dan Henn, Scot McCaul, Leroy Fuglsang, Dave Muller, John Hoagland, Phil Harris Clair Burroughs and Barry Ahlborn Hospital Van Coordinator Emeritus................................ Marv Kovar Recorder Emeritus.................................................Don Madsen, PP Treasurer Emeritus……………………….James B. Parks, Sr P.P. Trustee Emeritus...................................................Chuck McDonnell Samsar Emeritus....................................................... Randy Heckert AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 MASONIC FAMILY ACTIVITIES Omaha-Council Bluffs Metro Area Aug 6 Papillion Lodge #39 Coffee on the Square 8:00 AM PMC Aug 6 Omaha Area Masters and Wardens Club Meeting-host Papillion #39 9:30 AM PMC Aug 6 Waterloo Lodge #102 Cornerstone Charity Golf Classic 1:00 PM Stone Brook Aug 14 JJ Mercer Lodge #290 Breakfast 8:00 AM-1:00 PM BenMC Aug 14 Job’s Daughters Bethel #18 Prospect Party 4:00-6:00 PM WOMC Aug 20 Papillion Lodge #39 Annual BBQ 3:00-7:00 PM PMC Aug 22 Aksarben Chapter #277 Summer Card Party 10:00 AM Northwest Hills Church Aug 22 SRMC Family Picnic 4:30 PM arrive 6:00 PM dinner Cooper Farm Aug 25 Trinity Chapter #299 OES Visitation 7:00 PM WOMC Aug 26 Council Bluffs Chapter #441 OES Spaghetti Dinner 4:30-6:30 PM CBMT Aug 27-28Nebraska Job’s Daughters Grand Family Retreat and Fall Workshop Hastings Sep 3 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 16 Sep 18 Sep 18 Sep 21 Sep 23 Sep 24 Sep 25 Papillion Lodge #39 Coffee on the Square 8:00 AM PMC York Rite Royal Arch Festival 7:30 AM PMC JJ Mercer Lodge #290 Breakfast 8:00 AM-1:00 PM BenMC Grand Lodge Masonic Youth Charities Golf Tournament Noon - North Bend, NE Aksarben Chapter #277 OES Paint and Sip 7:00-9:00 PM SMC Job’s Daughters Bethel #18 Pancake Breakfast 9:00 AM-1:00 PM WOMC Alpha Chapter #325 OES Star Point Vendor Sale 2:00-4:00 PM BelMC Scottish Rite Men Only Fall Outing 4:30-9:00 PM Papillion Rod and Gun Council Bluffs Chapter #441 OES Spaghetti Dinner 4:30-6:30 PM CBMT Grand Lodge All Committee Meeting 8:00 AM-Noon Fremont, NE Nebraska Masonic Home Donor Recognition Dinner 1:30 PM Masonic Home Plattsmouth ------------------------ For other activities see the following websites: -----------------------Grand Scottish Tangier Jobs Daughters................www.jdne.orgDeMolay.................... York – Please Support Our Sponsors – 3 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” BUILDING FUND DONATIONS In Memory of Steve Vukas: Sandy Vukas Vintage Iron SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN TWIN CITIES UNIT: In Honor of Jack Nitz’s 80th Birthday: Karl & Annette Rasmussen In Memory of Frank Vondra: Dick Savicky In Memory of Norm Henry: Dick Savicky TRANSPORTATION FUND DONATIONS Keith & Helen Niemann Nathan Larson In Memory of Norm Henry: John & Wanda Hudson Betty Henry & Family George Eckert Stated Meeting Expirations Clarence R. Kroeger........ June 10, 2016 William H. Nielsen........... June 11, 2016 Richard J. Crawford........ June 21, 2016 James N. Demoss.............. June 25, 2016 In Memory of Bracston Olds: Sherry Moran In Memory of Gary Hallberg: Sherry Moran In Memory of Jack Schram: George Eckert Daryle & Dee Winder In Memory of Art Gunson: Arnie & Karleen Nelson In Memory of Robert Bennett: Brett Bennett & Family Jim & Cheri Leonard In Memory of Lane Graves: Peggie & Randi Christiansen In Memory of Cheryl Elliott’s Father Marvin Seastrom: Gene & Barb Remund Mark & Mariel Remund In Memory of Nadine Ellis: Tangier Hospital Float Ken & Cindy Nisley 4 HOSPITAL VAN FOR SALE 2008 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY UNDER 210,000 MILES ALL HIGHWAY MILES. RUNNING WELL! $4,000.00 – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Tangier Band AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Boone &Crockett By: Charlie Binge, Secretary By: John Herbolsheimer Greetings to all! As the summer marches on, the Tangier Band continues to keep pace by playing in parades and performing at various locations around town. Thank you again to the Legion of Honor who have let us join their float for the parades, which has enabled us to entertain the crowd at almost every parade this year. In addition to parades, we recently had the opportunity to play at Bickford Senior Living, where we spent the evening with Don Kaye and other residents. We have missed having Don at our practices and performances and we were glad to have such a talented musician lend his skill to our small concert. We also spent an afternoon entertaining the residents at Rolling Hills Ranch for an Independence Day Concert that was well attended and fun to put on! Since the parade season and other concerts are keeping our schedules full, the band will not hold its regular practice for the month of August. We will continue to play at Stated Meetings and welcome any event where a small band might be needed. If special music is required, let us know and we will do our best to deliver. The Band is always looking for band instrumentalists, and we can always use a few more brass, woodwind, and percussion players. Even if you think you’ve been out of practice for too long, sit in with us and you’ll be surprised at how quickly it all comes back to you! If you need an instrument, we might be able to find one for you. If you are interested, please contact John Herbolsheimer at herboljohn@ or Nathan Rolofson at [email protected]. Please continue to support the fundraising activities of your local clubs, units, and lodges. It’s August. August means fishing, continued parades, CSSA, and children going back to school. The members of the Boone & Crockett Club are out fishing and reporting good catches. Speaking of good catches, I hope you didn’t miss the B&C Walleye Fish Fry on Sunday, July 31st. Reports are the food was outstanding and attendance was up. One hundred percent of the money we raise from the Fish Fry, Annual Wild Game Dinner, and Gun Raffle goes toward purchasing new vans to transport our children to the hospitals. At our June business/dinner meeting we announced all Gun Raffle tickets were sold and monies turned in. All 12 of the winner’s names were drawn and their names announced. Congratulations to all the winners. Also in June, the Boone & Crockett Club gave the Tangier Divan a check to cover the cost of our new Chrysler Town & Country van. CSSA is coming up soon, August 24-28, in Little Rock, AR, and the units are polishing cars and shining shoes to prepare for competition. Good luck to all who participate. We are still looking for a couple of fishermen to join us in our annual journey to Sheboygan, WI for a salmon fishing trip September 11-14. Please give me a call at 402-895-5750, if you are interested in joining us. The B&C Club meets in the Shrine Center basement the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm for a short meeting and dinner afterward. Please feel free to come and join the brothers and see what we are all about. Our next meeting is August 4th. THINK MEMBERSHIP - Visit your Blue Lodge and bring a brother into the Shrine. Chanters By: Bernie Hauber On June 26, the Chanters performed a fund raising concert in Sioux Falls SD with El Riad Shrine Chanters (Sioux Falls SD), Abu Becker (Sioux City IA), Kem (Grand Forks ND), and Yelduz (Aberdeen ND). In July, we learned that the Shriners Hosptial for Children – Twin Cities received a check in the amount of $1418 from the concert donations. It is still summer, but the Tangier Shrine Chanters’ singing schedule has picked up. This month, we have plans to sing for some local churches. We began practicing again with warm-up beginning at 6:50 pm, and are preparing for our performances at area churches in August. Our church performances on Sundays in August are as follows: August 21 (11:00 am) – Carson United Methodist Church 300 Washington St., Carson, IA and August 28 (10:30 am) - All Saints Episcopal Church, 9302 Blondo St., Omaha, NE. We are also scheduled to sing at Arrows to Aerospace celebration at Washington Park, Bellevue on Saturday, August 20. The exact times are still to be determined as of this writing. However, please feel free to contact any Chanter and we will be glad to give you the details. The Chanters have also begun preparations for our annual fundraiser (the Rib Feed) on October 21. Tickets should be on sale by the end of August. Any noble with even a little interest in singing and a willingness to join us should contact any Chanter or just leave a message at the Shrine Center. That’s my update for August. The Chanters Unit does not participate in parades and there is no organized competition in the CSSA. However, we wish nothing but the best for other Tangier Units who are competing at the upcoming CSSA in Little Rock, Arkansas. GO TANGIER! “That music in itself, whose sounds are song, the poetry of speech.” Lord Byron (British Poet) Van Drivers Needed to take our Shrine patients to the hospitals for their appointments. Contact Tangier Shrine Off ice for details – Please Support Our Sponsors – 5 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Director’s Staff Corvette Club By Maynard Crispin By: Paul Bohannon The Corvette Club had 21 Corvettes at the Ralston Parade and what a parade it was. We heard they estimated 60,000 people. It was a great day compared to last year. Thanks again Keith Kortright for picking out all the great places to gather before the parades. We’re having a great time. Thank Tom and Meg Bonnichsen for hosting our summer picnic. It was a great time. Thanks to Travis for arranging the club display at the H&H All Chevy Show. We’re going to have a large group of Corvettes going to the CSSA competition in Little Rock in August. It sounds like they have found us a great hotel close to a trolley line to take us around town. Looking forward to the trip. Hope to see a lot of you there. If you can’t make it I hope you participate in the Millard Parade. I understand that Miloma Lodge #328 is on the lineup route and they are talking about having a breakfast available again this year. Well worth the money. Come hungry. Thanks to Keith Kortright who knows how to use the Broaster at the Shrine. He has cooked up a great meal for our last meeting at a nominal price. More food than anyone should eat. Welcome Chip/Patti Woodmen as the newest member of the Corvette Club. Maybe you can go with us to CSSA. The Corvette Club is always looking for new members. You don’t have to own a corvette to join. We have a lot of fun, and sometimes we need volunteers to drive a car in a parade, or at a car show, or competition. Contact us today and start your adventure down Highway 2016 with us. Road Runners By: Stanley Garner Tangier Road Runners made seven trips to the Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities in June, transporting seven patients. Twenty patients traveled to the Twin Cities by private conveyance, and one traveled to the St. Louis Hospital on their own. Five patients were flown to the Chicago Hospital, and one was flown to the Philadelphia Hospital. June drivers included M. Boehler, G. Eckert, G. Bennett, M. Hatcher, D. Deming, J. Nielsen, M. Drier, R. DeWell, J. Hoagland, R. Lyon, J. Gathmann and R. Krause. Thanks all for your “patient” driving. 6 The time of year is in full swing for parades and our Tangier Shrine image to shine. The crowds are smiling and waving back at us. It is a thrill to see how happy the Shriners make all the children and even the adults. What a great way to advertise our Shrine and our cause. Please check the Hot Sands for the Parade Schedule. There are still a number of parades and we would love to see you there. The Director Staff would like to invite any ladies or fellow Shriners to please come and ride on our trailer with us. The more the merrier. Check your Hot Sands calendar to see what is coming up for the next couple months. Let’s all try to support the other clubs and their activities. This is what keeps our Shrine shining. Don’t forget your Blue Lodge they also need your support. July 30 the Director Staff had a picnic at Linoma Beach after the Gretna Parade. A great time was had by all. We even had a bikini and speedo contest. Just kidding! On August 12 we will be sponsoring a Bingo Night at Tangier from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. $8 a ticket to play for the night and a chance to win numerous prizes. Come out for a fun-filled night. We appreciate your support. Tickets can be bought at the door. B - be there for a night of fun I - I will see you there N - night full of fun G - got’a get there early to get a good seat O - Oh my gosh I got a bingo Now that we have hit the half-way point in the year, I would like to take this time to thank all of you and your ladies for all the help and support you have given Nancy and me this year. We were very green as far as what was expected of us but everyone pitched in to help and guide us. Again, Thank You. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Director Staff, contact any member or visit us on the fourth Monday of every month in the lower level of the Shrine at 7:00 pm. Our ladies meet at the same time. We would welcome you to join us. Remember: “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” It’s a Great Day to be a Shriner! Golden Girls By: Maxine Lorraine Powers This is the month we can all enjoy eating the homegrown vegetables and melons available at Farmers Markets in the area. Homegrown tomatoes are one of the special treats for most people. Some of our basic vegetables have grown on this planet since the beginning of time. The Egyptian symbol of eternity is the onion. I’m repeating a paragraph of my August 2011 “Hot Sands” article because I think it’s worth repeating. Time is a dictator. We do live by the clock. Time brings to my mind some of the famous clocks throughout the world. The Anker Clock in Vienna, Austria; Obelisk of Montecitorio – Rome, Italy; Jubilee Clock, Zimmer Tower – Lier, Belgium; Clock Tower, Ministry of the Interior – Madrid, Spain; Sundial, Forbidden City – Beijing, China; World Time Clock – Berlin, Germany; Dolmabahce Clock Tower – Istanbul, Turkey; Astronomical Clock, Strasbourg Cathedral – Strasbourg, France; Spasskaya Tower Clock, The Kremlin – Moscow, Russia, and the very famous clock tower, Palace of Westminster – London, England. All of these clocks are great pieces of artwork. Golden Girls will not have their monthly noon luncheon meeting in August. Happy Birthday JoAnn Spann. Enjoy your special day, August 5th. Until next month. September will bring cooler weather. MO-RI By: Noble Don After a busy first seven months of doing several breakfasts, a busy parade schedule, and sponsoring an Oasis after the Blair Parade, it’s time to get back to what we do best – Meet & Eat! June and July are traditionally dark moths for the Club allowing for family time and travel. August means we turn the lights back on and get on with toasting the Nobility. President Joe has lined up a couple of new locations for our September and October dinners that should be pleasing to all. August is Steak Fry month and we can be found in the main room at Tangier Center. Jim Hirl and his crew will be in charge of putting together steak and the trimmings. This event goes off on Thursday evening August 18. The annual Club Picture will also be taken at 6:50 pm and dinner served at 7:00. If you are wondering about Mo-Ri and what we do, this would be the perfect evening to come out and check us out. – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Hillbilly News AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Jo De Ra By: Jim Sklenar Raban of the Clan By: “Rib Eye” Costello Howdy Cuzins! How ya’ll doin? Thank you again to everyone that has helped with all the activities goin on this Summer! It’s sure been a whole lotta fun. Great job everyone! I want to thank all the Divan Cuzins and Gals for leading the Tangier Team too. We are lucky to have such a supportive Divan full of Hillbillies. Congratulations to all the new Cuzins and Gals. I hope you will jump in and feel right at home as our newest Hillbillies. The Clan looks forward to getting to know you all real soon. You will be getting your official Hillbilly News very soon. Also, please be sure that Ms Cheryl Wonder has your computer mail address, so we can send you information and updates about Hillbilly happenings. Welcome Cuzins and Gals! So what’s goin on? Here are some Hillbilly Happenings. SAVE THE DATES! August 6th – Carson Parade. Calling all Cuzins and Gals! We are marching as a club in the Carson Parade! Put on your best duds and hats and come on out. Afterward honor the cob at the Carson Oasis where they have the best sweet corn in the world! We are even getting a banner and everything! Please RSVP to Cheryl in the office if you can march with us. We really want to see some of you new Cuzins too! October 15th – Fall Party at Ralph’s Hideout. The Viddle Fixer is cookin up a big batch of Hillbilly Stew and biscuits! Degree work will depend on the level of interest. Of course there will be a fire… Call Cheryl or one of the Hillbilly officers if you have a candidate. NOTE – I think I had the wrong date in last month’s article. I apologize for the cornfuzion! December 29th – Hillbilly Christmas Party and gift exchange. Have you got an idea you would like to see us try? Please let me or one of the other officers know what you’re thinkin. We are always looking for new ideas to try. Like always, keep an eye on the Hot Sands and your computer for Hillbilly news and updates. Please make sure we have your contact information to include your email. If you have any questions about the Hillbillies, please call Cuzin Cheryl in the Shrine office or me. I hope everyone is having a great parade season and summer. Isn’t it great to be a Shriner? Honor the Cob! What a great turnout we had for our parades in Blair, Papillion, Red Oak, and Ralston. There was also a great turnout at the Ralston’s Independence Day parade and they estimated over 60K people attended the parade. It’s was great to have Jerry Bishop, Tom Upton, and Allan Marsh back. This month will be in Gretna and Carson Iowa. I hope you can make it. “WANTED: NOBLES THAT WANT TO HAVE FUN!” Bob Krause and the board are calling on nobles that would like to be part of this club. We sure could use a couple of new guys to help us drive the Divan. In order to entice you to give us a try, our Captain has added dessert to the drink and meal offer! But wait, he has informed us that he will even buy an appetizer. If you would like to join us, we meet the first Monday of each Month. It’s at Brother Sebastian’s, located at 1350 S. 119th St. the meeting starts at 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there. A pizza delivery boy arrived at Bob Krause’s house to drop off an order. Bob asked what is your usual tip. “The other guys said if I get a quarter out of you, I will be doing great” he said. Bob snorted, “well, just to show them how wrong they are, here’s $5.00.” “Thanks, I’ll put this in my school fund.” “What are you studying?” Bob asked. “Applied Psychology” he answered. Till next month. Arab Patrol By: Steve Bugajny, Secretary Greetings and happy summer to you all! Well the parade season is in full force and having just finished the 4th of July parade, we sure look like we are all enjoying the Shriner brotherhood. I thought our Shrine members were having a super time and representing the Shriners proudly. As the Arab patrol marched in formation, it was nice to see the crowds looking on at them and waving respectfully and enthusiastically. A special thank you to the Kliments for once again hosting the Oasis at their lovely home. Good food and libations were enjoyed and hearty conversation and planning for the next parade was evident. Thanks to all who brought food and drink to share. Our next big participatory role will most likely be the Millard Days Parade in August. There is plenty of time to join Arab Patrol and march with members at the parade. Please feel free to contact President Steve Spear with inquiries. Check your Hot Sands issue for contact information. We would love to have you in our group. Keystone Kops By: Captain Travis “Jinxie” Drews The Keystone Kops of Tangier thank everyone who came out to our Christmas in July fundraiser! We hope you all enjoyed yourselves! I have seen many ugly Christmas sweaters, but the ones on display at the party redefined the word ugly. Another big thank you to all the Kops and Kuties who worked at the fundraiser and made it the success that it was! Thanks to all who have helped prepare the Paddy Wagon for parades thus far. The new Paddy Wagon still has some things that need to be done, but for all practical purposes it can be used for parades. The vehicle committee is working hard to make sure things are getting done right the first time. CSSA is almost upon us and Past Chief Shave and I are working on an award winning skit for competition. Keep an eye out for skit practice times and dates. Things will get messy, but the fellowship we will have will be priceless! We will be prepared for Little Rock. Hopefully Little Rock will be prepared for the Keystone Kops of Tangier Shrine! Don’t forget the Kops and Kuties are serving the meal before the August stated meeting at the Shrine on August 11th. The Daughters of the Nile Kids Carnival is August 14th. Happy Birthday to Past Chief Jeff Burnham, Officer Gino Dawson, Noble Assistant Raban and Past Chief David Norton, Past Chief Dave Shaw. Happy Birthday to Kutie Brenda Holman. This month’s edition of “Do you remember your first pie” is a doozy! Past Chief Shave didn’t get smacked with a pie – it was a big cake! It was 1988 at CSSA in Wichita during the skit competition. His assailant was a Kop by the name of Duck McLean. Shave was blinded and surprised and to keep the skit moving, Duck kept telling Shave to “keep going, keep going.” Keep thinking membership! If you top line sign someone, make sure that they get involved with a club or unit and be a mentor to them! Always keep a Shriners Hospital patient referral card with you in your wallet or purse. Support your Blue Lodge, York, and Scottish Rites. Remember if it’s not broke don’t fix it! If it’s broke…I’m sorry! – Please Support Our Sponsors – 7 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Motor A Daughters of the Nile By: Larry Hulsebus By: Queen Cheryl Elliott Congratulations to Sat-ra Temple No. 59’s new Supreme Appointive Officers for 2016-17: Les Faulkenberry PQ, Beverly Donham PQ, Angie Huebner PQ, Barb Gray, PQ and Deb Benitez PQ. Our new Supreme Queen is the beautiful Cathy Carol Rose, PQ who will be visiting our Temple on Sunday, September 18 at 2:00 pm. I was able to honor Patti Pettit, PQ at the very moving Memorial Service at Supreme Session. Sat-ra Temple extends our heartfelt sympathies for her family and friends. I need to give my extreme gratitude and appreciation to our Patrol Unit members that worked so hard to preform and also escort me in with the 130+ other reigning Queens. In attendance were Tina Bowerman PQ, Linda Jasa PQ, Mary Elizabeth Waite PQ, Princess Badora Karen Clopton and Princess Yvonne Highman. I was also attended by Princess Royal Samantha Gunn and PQ Paula Gunn throughout the week. Two other ladies working very hard during the performances were Supreme Director of Patrols Past Queen Bev Donham and her assistant Dee Schuetz. Thank you to Supreme Princess Zora Becky Unger, PQ and Supreme Temple American Flag Escort Deb Benitez, PQ. Beautifully done Ladies. Our next session: August 4. Dinner at 5:30 pm served by Pageantry Dancers Unit, and Session starts at 6:15 pm. Make reservations with Renate Horn, 402-333-8084. There is a Newsletter coming out for all Sat-ra Temple No. 59 members as of the end of July. Please call me if you have not gotten one, 402-690-4431. The 4th Annual Kid’s Carnival is on August 14th, 1-4 pm. A lot of fun games, food, and drinks will be available for minimal prices. The CHIP program will start at noon so that we might be able to get more young children through the lines. We have many Tangier units and clubs that will be helping to make our community more aware of all we do for the “Kids”. Call Angie Huebner at 402-3314461 to let her know if you can help out too. We are working to increasing the community awareness of all that we do. I want to thank everyone that gave me their heartfelt condolences, cards, and flowers when my father, Marvin Seastrom, passed away on May 28, 2016. It means so much to my husband Steve and I to know that our Shrine and Nile friends are always here to support us during hard times. Keep bringing in new members. Remember membership begins with “ME”. 8 Greetings from Motor “A”, and a busy parade season it has been. At the Blair Parade, one of our members was not there and we are not sure if he bought a Barn or a Quilt since he left us a message he was on a Barn Quilt Mission? Our appearance at the Papillion Parade was met with very hot weather, and the brakes on the Lil 57’s were getting a workout. We did not have a July meeting because we were attending the 4th of July parade in Ralston. Dick and Rosemary have most graciously invited Motor “A” to their home for the August meeting. It was brought to our attention that Roger hasn’t had a “Kodak” moment during any of our parades, but that might be because the media has given up on Motor “A” if Roger is not in attendance at the parades. I apologize to Al for bumping into his car while parading in Blair, the intense heat was causing me to struggle as I was performing a strategic maneuver at my high rate of speed causing my timing to be off (sounds good don’t you think?) You all were probably wondering where Motor “A” was at the Red Oak Parade? It seems everyone had commitments and I went to Sioux City to see if Dick made his first of three class reunions. Dick is the only person we know that attends three different class reunions a year. That’s all the parade news from Motor “A for now, our cars have been performing well so far this parade season and we are all glad about that. I want to extend a happy anniversary to Al and Kelly from last month and happy birthdays for this month are Scott Clark, Lindsey Gobbett, and Gene Bowman. Anniversary wishes go out to Roger & Karen also. “Keep your gas tanks full and remember to turn the key!” Mobile Nobles By: Dave Stolp “OLD 357” will make appearances at two parades in August. On Saturday August 6th we will travel to Carson, IA. Lineup is at 9:30 am. All members will be notified of the schedule by our Secretary (Mr. always on top of all things) Patrick Smith. Patrick’s service to our unit is very valuable in keeping all members up to date. Big thanks to Patrick for his dedication. The week of August 22nd the train will travel to CSSA in Little Rock, AR. All will be informed of the departure date and time and the return scheduled date and time. Anyone who wishes to ride the train needs to contact Larry Drews for availability and to schedule. As mentioned in the July Hot Sands, the train has experienced trouble with the generator that runs our electrical service to the club car and the air conditioners. By the time you read this article we will have resolved this problem. A giant thanks to all Mobile Nobles and their Ladies for serving the dinner at the Stated Meeting in June. We had a great showing and everything went off like clockwork. Tickets for our raffle for a Lifetime Membership to Tangier or a cash equivalent of $2,250 cash are still available. Ticket price is $25 and the drawing will be held at the Halloween Bash on Oct. 8th. Contact your favorite Mobile Noble to purchase. As always remember to support all Tangier Units and Clubs and our advertisers in the Hot Sands. We must remember to thank all who support us. That’s all for now as I am going over to the train to watch the new TV installed in the Club Car. See you all down the tracks. Quote: Keep your stick on the ice. Tangier Ladies Bazaar Night THURSDAY, SEPT 8TH 7:30 to 9PM Set up time 3PM to 5PM Interested in hosting a table to showcase and sell your items to Tangier Ladies and Friends? Reserve your table space! Call or Email Pam Gardner at (402) 672-7782 [email protected] We are requesting a small donation item from each table to use as bingo prizes in November. – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Provost AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Arbor Shrine By: Brian Heath I write this with two days having passed since the Provost closed down their annual fireworks stand. I once again think about how lucky I am to be this year’s Chief of the Provost. A lot of hard work was put into the stand by many people. Even more so during one of the worst rain storms we’ve ever had at the stand. I’m not saying it was hurricane-like but there was enough rain that Kevin Potter was photographed paddling a kayak next to the stand! The upside is that the Provost now have a certified naval arm and have christened the kayak Provost Emergency Response Vehicle III. On a serious note, I would like to take an opportunity to thank the Provost Ladies for all of their hard work running the registers and with helping set up and take down the tent. We quite literally could not have done it without them. I also want to thank all of the guys and gals that stocked, guarded, helped customers, squeegeed water, emptied trash, got provisions, made food, inventoried, or did one of many other jobs. Even with the inclement weather, the tent was a big success and the money earned will be put to good use at the Shrine in the coming year. On that note, I also wanted to thank the Provost members for offering and voting to pay $4,000 for the new security doors being added to the lounge and the main hallway. We plan to present a check for the repairs at the July Temple Meeting. On an even happier note, I am extremely proud of the Provost members for having voted to donate $5,000 to the Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities to help them purchase an EOS Machine, a 3D X-ray imaging system that uses about 1/10th of the radiation that a regular X-Ray machine does, making it safer for both the patients and the staff. We will be presenting this check to the Potentate at the July stated meeting with light hearts. That’s all I have for this month. I look forward to seeing all of you at the upcoming parades and at Shrine events. Remember, if you know someone that you think might be a good fit in the Provost, send them our way and we will get them squared away. See you all out there! By: Don Larson Arbor Shrine has been busy with parades and would like to thank Noble Recorder Bob Schapp and Lady Amy for joining Arbor Shrine at the Syracuse parade. Arbor Shrine plans to overhaul the engine from the Firetruck this Winter and if anyone knows someone that is good at repair of older motors please forward information to someone at Arbor Shrine. At the Arbor Shrine June meeting it was voted to send $500 to the Tangier Women’s Auxiliary to be forwarded to the Auxiliary at the Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities for items to be purchased for the older (teen) patients because they are always short of items for them. If any of the other Tangier Units or Clubs would like to match, the Auxiliary would appreciate the support. The Tangier Shrine 2017 Circus ads are now being sold so if anyone has regular ads now is the time to get them renewed or any new ads. Renewal ads and paperwork for new ads can be found at the Circus Office. Arbor Shrine would like to thank Past Potentate Illustrious Sir Jeff Jackson and Lady Hedi for the wonderful gift of one million dollars to Shriners International so the work of helping the Shrines Patients can continue, we are proud to know people like Jeff and Hedi. As always, Arbor Shrine is always looking for new members, if interested contact a noble from Arbor Shrine. Hospital Float By: Mike Donham The parade season continues with Carson, August 6; CSSA in Little Rock, Arkansas, August 27 and Millard also August 27. Plan to attend and support Tangier by parading. It is with sadness to report the passing of Lady Nadine Ellis in June. We convey our deepest sympathy to Noble Don Ellis and his family in their loss. Please welcome Noble Rich Mai and Lady Lori to the Hospital Float Unit. Happy Birthday wishes to two of our honorary members: Noble Dick Whiteman and PP Don Madsen. Lady Laura Mendoza will also celebrate an August birthday. It is a month of congratulations and best wishes because not only does PP Don Madsen celebrate a birthday but he and Lady Barb also celebrate an August anniversary. Remember Nobles: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar Director’s Staff BINGO NIGHT Friday, August 12, 2016 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Admission: $8.00 Cash Bar Several Hundred Dollars in Cash & Prizes will be given away. Must be of legal age to buy tickets (Gambling & Alcohol) – Please Support Our Sponsors – 9 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” DATE Aug 6 2016 LOCATION LINEUP Carson STEP OFF OASIS 9:30am 10:30am Community Center Lineup area on Park Road, enter lineup area from N. Commercial & North Street Aug 27 CSSA TBD TBD TBD Aug 27 Millard 10:00am 11:00am TBD Sep 5 Schuyler TBD TBD TBD Nebraska City TBD TBD TBD Little Rock, Arkansas Lineup area is 131st & Old L St Sep 10 Sep 17 Plattsmouth TBD TBD TBD NOTE: Details are still being finalized with the various local communities. Watch this space for updates next month. 2016 Tangier Shrine Membership Goals 2016TangierShrineMembershipGoals WelcomeNewNobles: NeilBHarman DavidHJohnson TonyWJohnson UnitName ArabPatrol Band Chanters Clowns CyclePatrol DirectorsStaff Greeters HospitalFloat JoDeRa KeystoneKops LegionofHonor MobileNobles MotorA MotorB ProvostGuard RoadstersII ShrineBowl UnitTotal CharlesStephenson StephenLStrauss CaseySVanHelton 2016Goal 2 2 2 4 1 5 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 2 5 2 5 49 YTD 2 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 22 Congratulations: RitualDivanhas passedtheirgoal.ArabPatrol,Clowns, MobileNoblesandNorthBendhave all mettheirgoals.Westillhaveplenty of timeforallUnitsandClubstomeet theirgoals.Let'sallkeeptheRaceGoing. 10 ClubName ArborShrine Boone&Crockett BotnaValley ComputerClub CorvetteClub Crescent Fremont MoRi NorthBend Oasis PastMasters Pirates Racers RitualDivan RoadRunners SandHills VintageIron WiseAshes Yoshi ClubTotal PastPotentates Trustees Divan Tangier2016Total 2016Goal 3 5 2 2 4 2 4 4 2 3 2 4 3 1 2 3 4 3 3 56 4 4 7 120 – Please Support Our Sponsors – YTD 3 2 2 1 2 1 11 1 34 Weall areon the M E M B E R S H I P Team in 2016! TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Scottish Rite Masonic Center Calendar of Events CHECK THE DATE August 13 Knights of St. Andrew meeting 9:00 am August 15 Scottish Rite Family Picnic 5:00 pm Cooper Farm DATES TO REMEMBER Omaha York Rite Dates to Remember Aug 8 September 9 Wine Tasting & Catered Dinner 6:00 pm September 21 SR Outing Pig Roast, men only October 7 Omaha York Rite Friends of Scottish Rite Dinner and Auction November 17-19Fall Reunion For Many Events At Scottish Rite Masonic Center If you prefer you can register online: Click on “Events Calendar”, the month, scroll down to find an event, “View Details”, and finally “Register & Pay”. Call the office if you have questions, 402-342-1300 Omaha Chapter # 1 Meeting 7:30pm at Benson Masonic Center Aug 18 York Rite Dark Social 5:30pm; Order off the Menu; Upstream 17070 Wright Plaza Sept 10 Chapter Degrees Festival at Papillion Masonic Center Sept 17 York Rite College at Fremont Masonic Center BE SURE TO SUPPORT YOUR BLUE LODGE AND ALL APPENDANT BODIES! Support Your Blue Lodge! 4th Annual Shrine Night at the Races I-80 Speedway • Greenwood, NE Friday August 19 Gates open at 5:00 P.M. Race starts at 7:15 P.M. Come support your driver Matt Buller #1 SLMR Race Car! Show up in your best Shrine shirt • No fez required Tickets are free and can be picked up at the Tangier Office. Call the office for details 402-392-0404 Give as many tickets to friends and family for this is a membership drive. Admission is free! – Please Support Our Sponsors – 11 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 * CSSA 2016 * CENTRAL STATES SHRINE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS August 25 – 28, 2016 (Thursday – Sunday) HOLIDAY INN PRESIDENTIAL 600 INTERSTATE 30 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72202 501-375-2100 Tangier will make all arrangements for your room and events. The cost PER COUPLE for the room (double occupancy) and the event fees (including hospitality at the hotel) for Thursday through Saturday are as follows: • • • • $475 Double Standard room (Two Double Beds, Desk & Chair) $475 King Standard (King Bed, Desk and 2 Chairs) LADIES LUNCH - TBA $70 per couple for registration and hospitality only Members attending will pay Tangier directly A $100 deposit is due by June 15, 2016 with the balance due by Aug 1, 2016 You may pay by credit card by calling Sandy at 402-392-0404 or stopping by the Shrine Center Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm A credit card will need to be presented to the hotel upon check in for incidentals The rooms are available for the same rate for two days before and two days after, based on availability. Additional days are available at a cost of $135.00 per day. Please fill out the following information and submit with your payment. Name:_______________________________________________________ Unit/Club:________________________________ Lady: _______________________________________________________ Ladies Lunch? Yes___________ No___________ Address:_________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:_________________ Best phone to contact:______________________________________ Room Type:_____________________________ King or Double Beds: _____________________________ Arrival Date:_______________________________________ Departure Date_______________________________________ – Please Support Our Sponsors – 12 Payment Type and Amount _______________________________________________________________________________ TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” – Please Support Our Sponsors – AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 13 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” MASONIC CHARITIES GOLF TOURNAMENT Monday, September 12 Open to the Public 11:00 am Shotgun Start $125 per person 4-person Scramble North Bend Golf Course $20,000 Hole-in-one Contest (nets both the golfer and charities $10,000!) Also featuring: Steak dinner following (included in price) More details and registration forms are available at Can’t play? Become a sponsor! Sponsorships Available! Call 402-475-4640 for more info The tournament benefits the following Masonic Charities: The Masonic-Eastern Star Home for Children in Fremont The Nebraska Masonic Home in Plattsmouth The Nebraska Masonic Foundation Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Masons of Nebraska 14 – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Tangier Chanters along with Chanters’ from Grand Forks, Sioux Falls, Aberdeen & Sioux City performed at Chanters’ Summer Concert at First Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD. Tangier Shrine Chanters in attendance: Stan Weyand, Kevin Throckmorton, Jim Carlton, Al Nelson, Jack Frost, Joel Perry, Bernie Hauber, Bob Mitchell, Howard Fouts, Bruce McCoy, Chris Work (director), “Fritz” McMullin, Joe Work, Joe Little, and Robert Flood Don’t Forget To Let Others Know Tangier Shrine has Banquet Halls For Rent Contact Office: 2823 S 84th St Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 392-0404 – Please Support Our Sponsors – 15 Celebrate Travel 2722 S. 87th St. Omaha, NE 68124 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Tangier Shrine Resort Package: Mr. & Mrs. James Hirl, would like to invite all Tangier Shrine members, their families and friends to join them on an all-inclusive resort vacation. The Grand Hotel Rose Hall January 24, 2017 for 6 nights Your Resort Package Includes: * Price – Starting at $2,289 * Roundtrip airfare to Montego Bay, Jamaica * Transfers to the resort and back to the airport * 7 days and 6 nights * Private welcome reception * Private farewell reception * Luxury junior suites, mini bar, and 24-hour room service * 4 swimming pools including an infinity pool * Non-motorized water sports, outdoor sports area, organized activities, fitness room, tennis, live nightly shows, disco and gaming room with slot machines Travel Arrangements by: Roxann Haley Celebrate Travel 2722 S. 87th St Omaha, NE 68124. [email protected] cell: 402-651-4110 office: 402-391-4300 16 – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” – Please Support Our Sponsors – AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 17 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE A special meeting of Tangier Shriners will be held on Aug. 11, 2016, at 7:15 pm at Tangier Shriners, 2823 So 84th St, Omaha Nebraska, in regard to the Fricke-Jackson Investment Fund. There will be a vote held by the membership to approve a distribution from the fund’s realized gains to cover capital improvements to the property. Please note the original Fricke-Jackson Fund principal will remain as per the bylaws set forth for the fund. FROM TANGIER SHRINERS BY-LAWS ARTICLE 3 Temple Meetings & Ceremonials 3.5 Place of meeting. The place of all meetings shall be determined by the potentate except as may be otherwise required or restricted by the bylaws of Shriners International. 3.3 Special Meeting. Special meetings may be called by the potentate at any time, but notice must be given to each member stating the business to be considered and no other business than that specified in the call may be transacted. 3.6 Notice of Meeting. At least one week’s notice must be given of the time and place of all meetings and ceremonial sessions. The notice may be given in the official temple publication or by letter. 3.8 Admission. A Noble may not be admitted to this temple unless he exhibits to the temple an official Shrine card for the current year. ARTICLE 6 Fiscal 6.13 Fricke-Jackson Fund Investment. (b) The Fund, including additions to the Fund, are otherwise exempt from expenditure for any purpose whatsoever, and shall not be pledged, used for collateral, or in any way encumbered. Provided, however, this restriction may be released or modified by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a special meeting of the temple called for such purpose, following written notice as specified in these bylaws. 18 Charles F. Marchand, Jr. Potentate Robert L. Schapp Recorder – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 I-80 Speedway: Bigger & Better 2016 Schedule (Tentative) All Races are non sanctioned unless otherwise stated August Eric Dougherty office: (402) 496-8959 cell: (402) 320-0987 email: [email protected] Fri 5 Veterans Night, Kids Box Car Races, NASCAR Event, All Classes 7:15 Fri 12 OFF NO RACING Fri 19 Shriners Night, NASCAR Event, All Classes 7:15 Fri 26 SPEEDY BILL MEMORIAL (NE 360s, A Mods, B Mods, BRLM, Stock, Hobby Stocks 7:15 September Sun 4 ALLSTAR CHAMPIONSHIP SUNDAY, NASCAR Event, All Classes, GOTRA, MCSA 6:00 Fri 30 MIDWEST FALL BRAWL, NE 360 Sprints, tba 7:15 October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Watch for details) Sat 1 MIDWEST FALL BRAWL, NE 360 Sprints, tba 6:00 Fri 7 SPEEDWAY MOTORS CORNHUSKER CLASSIC, tbd Sat 8 SPEEDWAY MOTORS CORNHUSKER CLASSIC w/SLMR, tbd Sun 9 SPEEDWAY MOTORS CORNHUSKER CLASSIC, tbd NASCAR Weekly Classes include; Super Late Models (SLM), A Mods (AM) Stock Car/ProAms (Stocks) B Mods (BM), Bragging Rights Late Models (BRLM) and Compacts (Comp). Follow Us – Please Support Our Sponsors – 19 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” 4602 N 192nd Terrace Cir. Elkhorn, NE 68022 Toll Free: (866) 630-0191 Fax: (402) 498-8392 Email: [email protected] Established in 2001, GoldKey Consulting specializes in the senior market, working with and educating people who are turning 65 or just coming into Medicare for the first time. We take the time to explain ALL of your options and help you pick a plan that’s right for your individual needs. Medicare Supplement Individual Health Insurance Dental Protection Life Insurance Trusted Service. Sound Advice. Fast Decisions. The Experts in Men’s Health We Can Help When the Pills Fail! *Results May Vary. Pictures are models. 4352676-01 •Custom ED Treatments, 99% Effective •Low Testosterone Treatments •Non-Surgical Penile Enhancements •NeoGraft Hair Restoration •Private Exam Rooms •Confidential Consultations •Guaranteed & Immediate Results Join the thousands of patients who are no longer suffering because they had the courage to call NuMale Medical Center. Call or Visit Us Online Today! 402-807-2002 • 20 © ©2015, Great Western Bank – Please Support Our Sponsors – 402.952.6000 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 STAIR LIFTS $400 OFF FREE Installation & InHome Estimate 402.895.1030 [email protected] Don Kroupa Ins. Agency Specializing in All Types of Insurance 12865 Deauville Dr. Fax: 402.895.1118 1 Blk. So. of 129th & Q St. Omaha, NE 68137-3293 Lift Chairs Visit our in store working display (402) 3151930 Omaha 4924 Center St. 68106 Fremont 424 West 23rd St. 68025 DAVID’S ELECTRIC Residential & Commercial LICENSED • INSURED • BONDED DAVID E. ANDERSON Business: 553-1565 Fax: 553-3014 1707 N. 42 St., #17 • Omaha, Ne 68111 NO JOB TOO SMALL!! “The agency that works for you.” Rob Kuhl LaVerne Vrbka Auto . Home . Life . Business 2809 S 125th Ave., Suite 284 Omaha, NE 68144 (402) 932-9293 – Please Support Our Sponsors – 21 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Oakland, Iowa Harlan, Iowa 405 S. Hwy. (Toll Free) (Toll Free) (402) 391-3900 Legacy Of 877-885-3278 Our800-234-4927 712-482-6491 712-755-2116 Service Continues… • Advanced Funeral Planning Professionals •Cremation • Spacious Facilities HEAFEY HEAFEY HOFFMANN DWORAK & CUTLER MORTUARIES AND CREMATORY 22 HOT SANDS Email Address 2101 23rd Street WEST CENTER ROAD CHAPEL 7805 West Center Rd. • 402-391-3900 16TH & VINTON STREET CHAPEL 2466 South 16th St. • 402-346-1144 BELLEVUE MEMORIAL CHAPEL [email protected] This is used for Hot Sands Information Only. Deadline for articles and ads is the 10th of the month. 2202 Hancock St., Bellevue • 402-291-5000 – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Lawnmowers • Snowblowers • Trimmers • Blowers • Chainsaws Generators for Home & Business Rich Almgren 556-1610 4524 Leavenworth, Omaha Invite Someone to Become a Shriner Today! It’s up to you! Nobles, Smile! We want you in our new membership program, “Web Fez” Please email a picture of yourself to [email protected] or stop by the office we will snap your picture. - Thank you. – Please Support Our Sponsors – 23 TANGIERSHRINERS TA N G I E R “ H OT S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Unit/Clubs-2016 2016 Club and UnitMEETINGS Meetings 2016 UNITS & CLUBS 30-Dec-15 UNITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ArabPatrol Band Chanters Clowns CyclePatrol DirectorsStaff Greeters HospitalFloat JoDeRa KeystoneKops LegionofHonor MobileNobles MotorA MotorB OrientalBand ProvostGuard RawhideNobles RoadsterII ShrineBowl CLUBS Arbor Boone&Crockett BotnaValley Cabiri CorvetteClub Crescent 7 DeMolay 8 DungeonMasters 9 Fremont Shrine 10 HillbillyClan98 11 MoRi 12 NorthBend 13 Oasis 14 PastMasters 15 Pirates 16 Racers 17 RitualDivan 18 RoadRunners 19 Sandhills 20 Shrinerazzi 21 SmokinShriners 22 Toastmasters 23 VintageIron 24 WiseAshes 25 Yoshi 1 2 3 4 5 6 TIME LOCATION Tangier Tangier Tangier Tangier Various Tangier PHONE 402-709-9491 402-670-8599 402-305-2009 402-917-0254 402-670-8069 402-498-2854 402-660-7792 402-558-9032 402-968-9597 402-690-4491 402-778-1229 402-670-3105 402-504-4619 402-203-5945 402-957-5865 402-630-5594 402-990-9112 402-721-2785 402-215-6545 6:00P.M. 6:00P.M. LOCATION CONTACT Nebraska City Various Glenn Bennett Tangier Mike Gardner Various Jay DeYoung Frank Kroupa 2nd Monday Tangier Paul Bohannon 4th Friday Bi-monthly Various Dan Daniels PHONE 402-209-2242 402-670-1364 712-370-1477 402-670-5780 402-699-0860 402-850-6274 7:00P.M. 3rd Tuesday Tangier Mike Stuhr 402-250-3563 6:30P.M. last Monday varies 3rd Thursday Various Ralph's Place Various Roger Hunteman Jim Sklenar Joe Hodges Will Blocker Terry Scheunemann Nathan Rolofson Greg Norton John Reinders Jim Mueller Robert Krause Jeremiah Schartz Greg Norton Sonny Ashford Bob Schapp Brian Gilcrist 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 7:00P.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 7:30P.M. 7:00P.M. 11:00A.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. TIME 7:00P.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 7:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 6:30P.M. 7:00P.M. 12:00N 6:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 6:30P.M. 7:00P.M. LADIES MEETINGS DAUGHTER’S OF THE NILE Sat-Ra Patrol Pageantry Dancers MEETING DATE 2nd Monday 4th Thursday Every Monday 1st Friday 1st Monday 4th Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Saturday 1st Monday 2nd Friday 1st Tuesday 1st Saturday 1st Monday 1st Monday 1st & 2nd Monday 3rd Thursday 3rd Thursday 3rd Wednesday 2nd Tuesday CONTACT Steve Spear John Herbolsheimer Greg Carlson Richard Dutcher Phil Stier Maynard Crispin Garden Café/Rockbrook Jeff Welch Various Michael Donham Jerico's Robert Krause Tangier Steve Ellliott Tangier Dale Nelson Anthony's Larry Drews Various Darrin Dietrich Farmhouse Café Carl Lewis Various Don Peterson Tangier Brian Heath Various Jon Mitchell Fremont Lodge Jerry Nielsen Tangier LL Timothy Bernet MEETING DATE Last Tuesday 1st Thursday 4th Tuesday 3rd Tuesday Schuyler Quarterly Various 4th Monday Bi-Montly Tangier 2nd Monday Tangier varies 2nd Saturday Anthony's varies 3rd Thursday Thursdays 4th Tuesday 3rd Tuesday 1st Tuesday TIME 12:00 pm 6:30 / 7:00 pm Greg Hadcock Dillon Hadcock DIVAN REP Kevin Potter Dave Norton Jim Sklenar Jim Hirl Dave Shaw Jim Sklenar 402-654-2505. Al Smith 402-960-7282 Ralph Joos Jr PP 402-320-3494 Dave Norton 406-544-5195 Bryan Deming 402-615-0243 Steve Elliott 402-502-7488 Dean Stockman 402-680-4055 Kevin Potter 402-681-2827 Ralph Joos Jr PP 402-880-6851 Maynard Crispin 402-968-9596 Bryan Deming 402-340-7007 All 402-680-4055 Ed Mummey 402-651-0148 Dean Stockman 314-799-5300 Bob Schapp 402-913-7360 Jim Hirl 402-510-0018 Ed Mummey 402-366-7776 Al Smith DAY OF MTG LOCATION CONTACT 1st Thursday Tangier Main Room Cheryl Elliott 402-690-4431 PHONE Mondays Tangier Lower Level Bev Donham 402-558-9032 402-493-3465 Every Monday Tangier Main Room Barb Gray WOMEN’S AUXILIARY 10:00 am 2nd & 4th Wed Tangier Lower Level Jan Larson 402-650-2930 GOLDEN GIRLS 12:00 am 2nd Tuesday Tangier Lower Level Ramona Artherton 402-334-2294 24 5:30 pm Tangier Tangier Tangier Various Tangier DIVAN REP Al Smith Kevin Potter Ron Barber Dave Norton Bryan Deming Mike Gardner Ralph Joos Jr PP Dave Shaw I.S. Charlie Marchand Bob Schapp Mike Gardner Bob Schapp Ron Barber Mike Gardner Ed Mummey Jim Hirl All Steve Elliott Dave Norton – Please Support Our Sponsors – TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 August 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 7 Wednesday 1 2 8 9 Thursday 3 Cold Sands 6:30pm 10 Friday Saturday 4 11 Stated Meeting Dinner 6:15pm Meeting 7:30pm Cook: Gary Unger Serve: Kops 5 Carson Parade 9:30am Lineup 6 12 13 19 20 Directors Staff Bingo Night 6:00pm Babysitting Available 14 Nile Kid's Carnival 21 15 16 17 22 23 24 CSSA 28 18 Chief Aide, Unit & Club Head Meeting 5:30pm 29 30 Shrine Night at the Races 25 CSSA Membership Meeting 6:30pm 26 27 CSSA CSSA Millard Parade 10:00am Lineup Friday Saturday 31 CSSA September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 4 5 Wednesday 6 11 12 7 Cold Sands 6:30pm Labor Day Schuyler Parade 1:00pm Lineup 2 8 9 19 10 Babysitting Available 13 14 20 21 15 16 27 22 17 Nebraska City Parade Noon Lineup 23 24 Membership Meeting 6:30pm Chief Aide, Unit & Club Head Meeting 5:30pm 26 3 Plattsmouth Parade 5:00pm Lineup Big Red Dinner Supreme Queen Visit & Banquet 25 1 Stated Meeting Dinner 6:15pm Meeting 7:30pm Spaghetti Feed 18 Thursday 28 29 Vintage Iron Car Show 30 Yoshi Octoberfest – Please Support Our Sponsors – 25 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Tangier Business & Professional Sponsor Directory ACCOUNTING & TAX Schwarz & Associates, CPA Hank Schwarz……….....….402-330-6880 Donald P. Bush CPA, PC Don Bush 13812 U St 402-896-2500............ FAX 402-896-2700 ADVERTISING & DESIGN Hawk River Advertising Kevin Conner…….....…......402-305-7931 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Jerry’s Basement Waterproofing, Inc. 3030 Keystone Drive……...402-392-2211 COMPUTER SERVICES Parkinson Consulting - Michael Parkinson [email protected] DRY CLEANERS Max I. Walker Cleaners Bob Walker, Jr. All over Omaha & Council Bluffs.....402-344-7488 AIR CONDITIONING A-1 United Htg & Air Conditioning 4972 “F” Street……............402-593-7500 ELECTRICAL David’s Electric 1707 N. 42nd Street...........402-553-1565 AUCTIONEERS Hoffman Electric.................402-734-1196 Great Plains Realty-Auction Co. Randy Fleming, CAI, NAA Full Time Auctioneers Since 1964 email: AUTOMOBILE REPAIR TUFFY AUTO SERVICE CENTER Mark Anthony 137th & Millard Ave…........402-895-4274 House of Mufflers & Brakes, Total Car Care Jeff Moberg 8906 Maple St,...................402-393-7888 2717 Leavenworth,.............402-346-1040 4102 N. 30th,......................402-455-0135 Bellevue, 301 Fort Crook Rd. N...402-293-1800 AUTOMOBILE SALES Gregg Young Chevrolet - GEO 178th & West Dodge Omaha, NE ………………..402-572-8080 Hobscheidt/Henry Pro Chrysler-Dodge Jeep-Ram-New/Used Next to Jeff Henry Chevrolet Plattsmouth, NE 68048......402-296-5000 Jeff Henry Chevrolet - New/Used 10 Min So Bellevue on Hwy 75 Large Selection “Under The Big Flag” Plattsmouth, NE 68048......402-296-3210 Keast Motors - Ford, Lincoln, Chevrolet, Buick, GMC Walt Keast-Oakland, IA......877-885-3278 Steve Keast-Harlan, IA.......800-234-4927 McMullen Ford - New & Used Scott McMullen and Mike Wallace Lake Manawa Exit, Council Bluffs, IA ……........712-366-0531 BANKING Great Western Bank - 15 Locations Harlan Falk………….....…..402-552-1251 Member FDIC, Equal Opportunity Lender 26 INVESTIGATORS Professional Investigations Inc. David Robinson ………......402-690-4014 [email protected] JEWELRY Malashock’s - Village Pointe South Robert Malashock 16811 Burke Street...........402-496-9990 LAWN CARE Barna Lawn & Landscape Fertilization, Mowing, Aeration Jacob Barna……........................402-515-5530 Complete Lawn Service Lawn Care & Snow Removal Bill Redmond …..………...402-333-9022 ESTATE SALES Edmonds Mowing Service Mowing & Trimming Trevor Edmonds................402-594-1319 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 5108 “F” St. ………............402-731-1234 LAWN EQUIPMENT Pruitt Inc. - Rich Almgren Small Engine, Lawn Mowing Equip. 4524 Leavenworth St, Omaha.402-.556-1610 Roeder Mortuary Jon Roeder 50th Ames Ave. ……..........402-453-5600 108th & Maple ………........402-496-9000 Hillcrest Landing Great Location-Great Price, Check it out! Don Perry …………..…….402-596-1062 Spotlight Auctions Carl Monico..................402-880-5633 Korisko-Larkin-Stasklewicz Funeral Home HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP. A-1 United Heating & Air Conditioning 4972 “F” St. …….......……..402-593-7500 INSURANCE American Family Ins - Travis Prater Auto, Home, Life, Health, Commercial 14345 Fort St, Ste 900.......402-445-6117 Don Kroupa Insurance Agency Specializing in all types insurance 12826 Deauville.................402-895-1030 Jeff Mann Gretna Insurance Agency 802 Village Square Gretna, NE 68028..............402-332-0000 Montclair Insurance Group 2809 S 125th Ave, STE. 284 Omaha NE 68144..............402-932-9293 State Farm-Tanya Patzner Auto, Life, Health, Home, Business 2770 S. 129th Ave..............402-333-1866 Universal Group, Ltd. Dan Loring - Business Insurance 11819 Miracle Hills Dr., Ste 102..402-399-8721 INVESTMENT ADVISORS D.A. Davidson & Co. Philip A. Lorenzen SID & General Market Municipals 1111 North 102nd Court..…402-392-7902 OFFICE SPACE OPTOMETRISTS Pearle Vision - Bellevue John Herbolsheimer, O.D. 3906 Twin Creek Dr..........402-932-8007 PAINTERS Welch Painting - Jeff Welch Interior - Exterior - Decks [email protected] PET CARE SERVICES Paradise Pet Suites LLC Boarding, Grooming, Day Care 20601 Elkhorn Dr...............402-289-4033 PHOTOGRAPHERS Mervin Reese Photographers Steve and Jim Reese 9802 Nicholas St. Ste 210..402-391-3755 PLUMBERS Kracht Plumbing Inc. H......402-332-3296 C......402-504-2916 The Faucet Shop 6016 Maple St…...............402-551-5533 PRINTERS K-Kopy Printing Service, Inc. Keith Kortright, E-mail: [email protected] 736 North 75th St. ………..402-393-4857 REFRIGERATION Bennett Refrigeration Inc. 3352 North 88th Plaza Eric Pelberg & Frank DeRoin...402-571-7444 – Please Support Our Sponsors – REAL ESTATE Paramount Commercial Real Estate Services David J. Gibbs, CPM®........402-502-3300 13520 Discovery Nebraska Realty [email protected] Kathy Wickstrom.................402-208-4617 REMODELING All Wood Cabinet Fronts DON’T REPLACE - REFACE! Chuck Cline.......................402-734-2420 RESTAURANT Anthony’s Steakhouse and Ozone Lounge 7220 “F” St.........................402-331-7575 ROOFING Waite Home Services Brad Waite..........................402-680-9288 RUBBER STAMPS J.P. Cooke & Co. Warren Cooke, John Cooke 1311-15 Howard St. ….......402-342-7175 SERVICE STATIONS VALVOLINE INSTANT OIL CHANGE Mark Anthony 132nd & Maple Street ….402-445-0070 137th & Millard Ave. …....402-895-4274 108th & Q Street ………..402-592-6550 STORAGE Gray & Associates Don & Joan Gray, Owner Cars, Boats, RVs, Etc. 18201 S. 132nd St. ……....402-253-2855 TIRES Allied Oil & Tire Company Con Heinson 2209 S. 24th St. …………..402-344-4343 TREE CARE Terry Hughes Tree Service Terry Hughes …………..…402-558-8198 Josh Kroupa Certified Arborist...............402-981-1453 Edmonds Tree Service Free Estimates • Insured Nicholas Edmonds............402-570-0818 TRUCKS Paul Lucht & Sons Body Shop, Inc. Tom & Nick 1519 S. 3rd St.……..…......402-342-5630 McMullen Ford - New & Used Scott McMullen & Mike Wallace Lake Manawa Exit Council Bluffs, IA …………712-366-0531 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 Hot Sands Newsletter UNIFORM RENTAL Max I. Walker Uniform Rental Bob Walker Jr. …………....402-344-7488 All Over Omaha and Council Bluffs Available on our website! G O TO. . . . w w w.t a n g ie rs h r i n e. c o m Brick Order Form Tangier For the wall in the Crescent Room Red Brick: $100 Thanks Gold Brick $500 Please PRINT clearly and do not exceed 16 characters per line. YOU Get Your Message Out There in the First Line: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Second Line: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Third Line: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Buyer’s Name: ________________________ Office Use Only Received By: Address _____ Cash/Checks ________________________ $ ______________ Phone:___________________ Brick Amount $ ____________ Date: ___________ (Payment Enclosed) Lifetime Membership Dues There is no age basis for the following membership categories and formula. If not for yourself, think of purchasing a lifetime membership for a son or relative you may have brought into Shrinedom. Each of these individually, or together resulting in a Total Life Membership. The Tangier office @ 402-392-0404 can assist you or answer any questions. All Submissions Due on the 10th of the month email: [email protected] LIFE MEMBER Temple Dues $55 x 20 years = $1100 PER CAPITA MEMBER 2016 Per Capita $30 x 30 years = $900 PERMANENT CONTRIBUTING MEMBER Hospital $5 x 30 years = $150 Total Life Membership beginning Jan 1, 2016 Only $2150 – Please Support Our Sponsors – 27 AU G U S T 2 0 1 6 TA N G I E R “ H O T S A N D S ” Tangier Shriners HOT NEWS Potentate’s Message....................................................2 Stated Meeting.............................................................2 Elected Divan & Appointments.....................................3 Masonic Family Activities.............................................3 Memorials.....................................................................4 Stated Meeting Expirations..........................................4 Unit & Club Articles....................................................5-9 Ladies Bazaar Night.....................................................8 Bingo Night...................................................................9 Parade Schedule........................................................10 Membership Goals.....................................................10 Scottish Rite Check the Date..................................... 11 Omaha York Rite Dates To Remember...................... 11 Shrine Night at the Races.......................................... 11 CSSA 2916 Sign up Sheet.........................................12 Kid’s Carnival..............................................................13 Masonic Charities Golf Tournament...........................14 Tangier Shrine Chanters Choir Photo.........................15 Potentate’s Trip 2017..................................................16 Big Red Dinners.........................................................17 Special Meeting Notice...............................................18 I-80 Speedway 2016 Schedule..................................19 Advertisements......................................................19-23 Unit & Club Meetings..................................................24 Calendars of Activities................................................25 Directory Ads..................................................... 26 & 27 Brick Order Form........................................................27 Lifetime Membership..................................................27 Spaghetti Feed............................................ Back Cover Pre-Sorted Standard U.S. Postage September 11 To sign up to Volunteer Contact the Tangier Shrine Office 402-392-0404 11:00 am - 7:00 pm at Tangier Shrine Center 84th & Tangier Way ( just south of Center Street) – Please Support Our Sponsors – PAID Omaha, NE Permit No. 433 Sunday c i l b u P ed In v i t 28 2823 South 84th Street Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 392-0404 • Fax: (402) 392-2208 Email: [email protected] Tangier Lounge (402) 392-1357
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Housing Chairman.......................................................Randy Busse
Kitchen Manager...................................................... William Garner
Legal Staff.....................