CSSA 2013 Schedule of Events
CSSA 2013 Schedule of Events
Shriners International Omaha, Nebraska August 2013 • Vol. 89, No. 8 Tangier Website: www.tangiershrine.com Email Articles To: [email protected] Published Monthly ! n o s an CSSA 2013 Schedule of Events Branson, MO (This Schedule of Events is in Alpha Order by Unit / Organiza�on) r B in Wednesday, August 21st, 2013 arket Place Setup acket Pickup (Temples) VIP Dinner Convention Center—Exhibit Hall B Convention Center—Exhibit Hall B The Welk Hotel u o y ee Thursday, August 22nd, 2013 Golf Outing Market Place Opens Packet Pickup (Temples) S Clowns: Thousand Hills Convention Center—Exhibit Hall B Convention Center—Exhibit Hall B Clown's Registration Convention Center—Cooper Creek 1, 2 & 3 Clown meeting & Balloon Competition CSSA Band: Convention Center—Cooper Creek 1, 2 & 3 CSSA Band Performance 8:00 am 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 am Tee Time 9:00am - 6:00pm 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 11:00 am 3:00 pm Market Place Foot Patrol: Foot Patrol-Captain's Meeting Keystone Kops: 1:30 pm Convention Center Keystone Kops Business Meeting Ladies: Convention Center Ladies Luncheon & Show Legion of Honor: Legion of Honor – Necrology Legion of Honor - Competition Legion of Honor - Lunch Legion of Honor - Business Meeting Legion of Honor Banquet - social hour Legion of Honor Banquet - dinner Motor Corp: 4:00 pm 4:00 pm Hughes Brother’s Theater (3425 W 76 Country Blvd) 1:00 pm Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel Radisson Hotel 9:00 am 10:30 a 12:00 1:30 5:30 6:3 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” By: Walt Mailand Greetings Nobles and Ladies Hello to all, Yvette and I hope that this edition of the Hot Sands finds you all in good health and enjoying your summer. We again would like to take the time to thank you for the wonderful opportunity of serving you as Potentate and First Lady. The year has been very successful up to this point and we have had a lot of great experiences and more fun than should be allowed. July was a great month and we enjoyed working with each club and unit that participated. I want to thank everyone who has been participating in the parades this year. We are trying new things to promote the family atmosphere and I hope you will all find that parading with Tangier under the new rules will encourage more involvement. Thank you to Kevin Potter for keeping us on the right path. We have a few parades left so make sure you plan on being there to support your unit. The Central States Shrine Association annual convention is just a few weeks away in beautiful Branson, Missouri. Please consider signing up and joining us for a great convention. We have the hotel practically all to ourselves and we have a grand event planned that is sure to offer something for everyone. This is a fantastic destination spot for the conventions that only comes along once in awhile so please take advantage of this opportunity. See the flyer in this month’s edition as time is running out. The Divan and a group of Past Potentates attended the Imperial Session in Indianapolis June 29 thru July 4 so if you missed the July open meeting you missed the presentation and information we brought back with us. Please let us know if you have any questions about the new by-laws or the hospitals in general and we will go over it with you. Please keep in mind that our big Spaghetti Feed fund raiser is coming up and to go back to your club or unit and vote on that donation. The donations and support of the clubs and units is what sets Tangier apart from other Shrine Centers in fund raising efforts and we need to continue that tradition. Make plans to come down and help with the feed as well. Please take the time to visit the Tangier Shrine website as our webmasters are adding things daily and improving the site all the time. I would like each of you to take the time to thank a member of your Divan when you see them. They are doing a phenomenal job of managing your Shrine and they deserve to know you appreciate their efforts. Once in a while you may get a little frustrated if the Divan representative for your club or unit misses a meeting or if the communication about a certain event passes you by and I want you to be mindful of the commitment they made to our fraternity and realize that no one can be everywhere at every moment. Please remember they have jobs and family that come with very important obligations as well. My time as Potentate will soon pass but those who will follow need to know you support and care for them and for what they are doing. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” –Mark Twain Fraternally Yours, Charlie Lovell - Potentate 2013 The Red Cross View We have been notified by our Red Cross consultant that our goal for the August 5th Blood Drive will be 19 pints of whole blood. To reach this goal we will need to have 30 donors registered before the 5th. Mike Foreman will be working with me for this and future drives. We will get together to determine new ways that we can stimulate interest in this and later drives. In 1996 we held our first blood drive as a Tangier project. That objective has not changed and the units and clubs must carry the word to their members. We reached a high of better than 40 pints in 1997 and we have yet to attain that goal again. The Divan has covered blood drives in the monthly meetings and in the officers meetings each month. Is it possible that this information is not covered in the unit and club meetings? This must be a cooperative effort if we are to succeed. We will continue to contact donors by email and telephone. The need for blood is constant and especially so during the summer months when members are vacationing. Is it unreasonable to assume that 2% of our members should be participating in the Blood Drives? Talk it up at your regular meetings and if you feel it would help to have Mike or me attend your meeting, let us know. Remember,“The Gift Of Life Flows Through You” • GIVE BLOOD • Stated Meeting Thursday, August 8, 2013 Dinner 6:15 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.M. The speaker for the ladies meeting is from Youth Emergency Services (YES) in Omaha. Their mission is to serve homeless and at-risk youth by providing critically needed resources which empower them to become self-sufficient. Everyone is encouraged to bring any travel toiletries they have on hand to donate to YES. Babysitting Available Tangier Shrine Office • RSVP to 392-0404 2 – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” ELECTED DIVAN Potentate.............................................................. Charles G. Lovell Chief Rabban...........................................................Daryl W. Finley Assistant Rabban...................................................... Gary S. Unger High Priest & Prophet................................. Charles F. Marchand Jr. Oriental Guide............................................................ James D. Hirl Treasurer.....................................................James B. Parks, Sr. PP Recorder.................................................................... Don S. Larson TRUSTEES William F. Somerville ........................................... Ronald D. Barber Loren C. Moore....................................................... Larry D. Moody APPOINTIVE DIVAN First Ceremonial Master.............................................. Jerry Nielsen Second Ceremonial Master........................................... Don Eppley Director......................................................................... Ronald Kern Marshal.......................................................................... Jim Sklenar Captain of the Guard................................................ Andy Freeman Outer Guard........................................................... Scott Robertson POTENTATE’S PERSONAL AIDES Mark Vandemark…….Bob Janecek……..Dillon Hadcock Eric Hadcock…….Adam Norton POTENTATE’S STAFF Chief of Staff............................................................... Barry Ahlborn Assistant Chief of Staff..............................................Paul Gonzales Chief Aides..................... Bryan Deming, Joe Hodges, Ed Mummey, James Smith and Roger Mlady. Potentate’s Aides................Mike Arola, John Chester, Jim Huebner Keith Kortright and Adam Reese. Ambassadors...............................Lawrence Brown, Dennis Coufal, John Maxell, Leland Meisinger and Mark Vandemark. Chaplains........................ Dr. Kenneth J. Bunnell, Charles E. Sohm Commander of Units.................................................... Kevin Potter Lt. Commander of Units.......................................... Dave Robinson Samsar.............................................................Randal J. Behounek Membership Comm Chairs.......................Jerry Nielsen, Fred Yates, Kenneth Bunnell Circus Consultant..................................................... Alan J. Penner Circus Chairman...................................................... Jack V. Schram Circus Assistant............................................... Dr. James B. Turpen Hospital Representative..............................James B. Parks, Sr. PP Hospital Patient Coordinator...........................William F. Somerville Hospital Van Coordinator..................................Cary L. Manson, PP Hospital Staff................................... James Toft &William C. Harper Board of Directors, Twin Cities..............................Don D. Perry, PP Housing Chairman.......................................................Randy Busse Kitchen Manager...................................................... William Garner Legal Staff............................. Darren R. Carlson, Richard D. Myers, Jerome F. Given, PP Photographers.............................................................. Greg Norton Publicity Chairman............................................. Byron K. Simmons Show and Shine Co-Chairman.....................................Don Streeter Soccer Classic Chairmen.............. Bill Somerville, Drew Rodehorst Nebraska Shrine Bowl Inc..................... William Harper, Chad Fuller and Dave MacDonald. Sound Room........... Don Ellenberger, Tony Kimball, Jeremy Myers and Charles Sohm. Sunshine Committee............................................William C. Harper Hot Sands Editor.......................................................David A. Shaw Chief Aide Emeritus.............. Al Seseman, Dan Henn, Scot McCaul, Leroy Fuglsang, Dave Muller, John Hoagland, Phil Harris,. Clair G. Burroughs Hospital Van Coordinator Emeritus.............................Marvin Kovar Recorder Emeritus......................................Donald W. Madsen, PP Trustee Emeritus...........................................Charles M. McDonnell Samsar Emeritus................................................ Randall S. Heckert S.H.B.D................Jon Christensen, Jerry Nielsen, Loren Kastanek Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Masonic Family Activities Omaha-Council Bluffs Metro Area Aug 1 Papillion Dinner/Masonic Home Tour 5:30 pm RSVP: Cullen Pilker 402-490-1836 Aug 3 Shrine Carson, IA Parade Line Up at 9:30 am Aug 3 Spaghetti Dinner by Narcissus 4:30 pm-7:00 pm Benson Masonic Center Aug 5 Tangier Shrine Blood Drive Tangier Shrine Center Noon-6:00 pm Aug 10 Achievement Day Fremont Home Lunch 12:00 noon Fremont Aug 11 Nile Ice Cream Social and Kids Carnival 1:00-4:00 pm Tangier Shrine Center THEME CHANGE Aug 11 Nebraska Masonic Home Cornerstone 2:00 pm Plattsmouth Aug 14-18 Straddlers #47 Masonic Camping Club Lewis and Clark Onawa, IA Aug 15 Metro York Rite Dark Social 6:00 pm Upstream 17070 Wright Plaza (171st and W. Center Rd.) Aug 17 Installation Westside Rainbow TIME? WOMC Aug 17 Iowa / Nebraska OES Fun Exchange CB Masonic Center Aug 18 Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast by COBIA Lodge 8:00 am-1:00 pm CB Masonic Center Aug 22-28 Scottish Rite Supreme Council Biennial Session Washington DC Aug 22-24 Shrine CSSA Branson, MO Aug 23 Spaghetti by CB 4:30-6:30 pm CB Masonic Center Aug 24 Shrine CSSA Parade Branson, MO Line Up at 8:00 am Aug 24 Shrine Millard Parade Line Up at 10:00 am Aug 25 Papillion OES Silver and Gold Event 3:00 pm Papillion Masonic Center Aug 29 Council Bluffs Masonic Friendship Dinner 6:00 pm CB Masonic Center Aug 31 Papillion Lodge BBQ 3:00-6:00 pm Papillion Masonic Center This is an informational service offered through the Omaha Metro Area Masters & Wardens Club to all of the Masonic family members in the Greater Omaha Area. For additions, corrections or the adding of people to receive the list, please contact Ron Stites, Chairman of Masonic Activities List for Masters and Wardens at 402293-1538 or [email protected]. Please include the name of event, date, time, and location. – Please Support Our Sponsors – 3 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” TRANSPORTATION FUND DONATIONS James V. Culp Keith & Helen Niemann Ed & Ruth Ticknor In Memory of Cliff Morgan: Larry & Kathy Courtnage & Family In Memory of Dr. Bill Martin: Larry & Kathy Courtnage & Family Jim & Paula Turpen In Memory of Harvey Hansen: Kansas City Power & Light In Memory of Jim Becher: Daryle & Dee Winder Jim & Sandy Parks Tom & Sue Vaghy Ralph & Judy Joos Paul & Jean Carey Loren & Carol Kastanek Carol Sorensen Jerry & Rosemary Bishop Bob & Joyce Vondrasek Jerry & Judy Nielsen Dean & Judy Abels Bill & Phyllis Harper Edna Hesson Don & Sharon Perry Bob & Jackie Maline Don Streeter & Marcie Sargent Tangier Racers In Memory of Larry Long: Louis Riedmann Sr In Honor of Frank & Susie Kroupa’s 50th Anniversary: Fred & Jane Kroupa Jim & Judy Husebo Jim & Paula Turpen In Memory of Dennis Samuelson: Don & Sharon Perry In Memory of Ruth Hamell: Frank & Lucille Vondra In Honor of Jordan Dickinson: Scott Williams 4 In Memory of Kelli DeGorgio: Wally & Sandy Jernigan In Memory of Wayne Bryant: Lovina Bryant Christi Garrett Debra Kester Botna Valley Shrine Club In Honor of Hank & Sharon Schwarz’s Anniversary and Birthdays: Rich & Rose Braun Ron & Tina Barber Ed & Marge Thompson In Memory of Ron Stoffers: Don & Sharon Perry In Memory of Warren “Tom” Hultquist Tom & Sue Vaghy Jim & Sandy Parks Dr. Jeffrey & Sandra Passer In Honor of Theresa Pierce: Covert Lodge #11 In Memory of Warren “Tom” Hultquist: Marilyn Grasso Robert & Joyce Vondrasek Gail Seaton Norbert & Marcella Seitz Lawrence & Norma Busboom S.N. & S.C. Heiderpriem Michael & Alisa James John Belford Ronald & Gloria Creps John & Anna Lehotyak Peggy Gentry Patricia Laughlin Charles & Ellen Binge Maxine Winje Robert & Carol Chambers Michael & Sharon Malloy W.C. & K.S. Ruff Michael & Nancy Ossino Harold & Diane Johnson Constance Sanduski Loren & Carol Kastanek William & Marjorie Kozal Gerald & Joyce Stepanek Cindy Mallatt Randy & Florence Allen Paul & Brenda Jacobsen Mark & Teresa Dagostino James & Lola Patton John & Kathy Peterson Weber & Thompson, P.C. Daryle & Dee Winder Charles “Jake” Jacobs Bill & Marilyn Arnold Edna Hesson John & Katie Knickman Jerry & Judy Nielsen Don & Sharon Perry Elaine Volkens Tangier Arab Patrol In Memory of Bob Barchus: Bob & Joyce Vondrasek Don Streeter & Marcie Sargent Arnie & Karleen Nelson SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN “TWIN CITIES UNIT” Stated Meeting Expirations Roger L. Jensen.............. June 13, 2013 Robert L. Barchus.......... June 16, 2013 Raymond B. Boren Sr.... June 21, 2013 Wilson F. Schollman...... June 25, 2013 – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Arab Patrol Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Clowns By: Jim Leonard By: Bryan Deming One, two, three, four. Wheel right, wheel left. Hey, we did a good job in the Ralston Parade. 13 members marched on the 4th of July and we had a lot of fun. What a great time all had after the parade at Jan and Len Kliment’s home. The food was fantastic! Thanks, Jan and Len, and the cooks. When working at dinners in upcoming events at Tangier be sure to look for the new Rubbermaid kitchen cart the Arab Patrol purchased to help make moving dishes and such easier. Our next meeting will be August 12 at 7:00 pm at Tangier and later in August look for a good turnout for CSSA. As always, remember to try and support all other unit club events and parades this summer. Chanters By: Bernie Hauber It is still summer, and the Chanters’ singing schedule is still limited due to vacations. However this month, we have plans to sing for some local churches. The proposed schedule is as follows: August 4 - St. Luke United Methodist Church (where the Chanter’s director, Dr. Theis is a Choir Director); 11810 Burke Street, Omaha, NE 68154. The service that begins at 10:30 am. August 11 - Bethany Presbyterian Church (where Chanter Greg Carlson is Pastor); 1900 S 7th St, Council Bluffs, IA 51501. The summer worship service is at 9:30 am. August 19 - Carson United Methodist Church; 300 Washington St, Carson, Iowa. The service that begins at 11:00 am. The Chanters have also begun preparations for our annual fund-raiser, the Rib Feed. Tickets should be on sale by the end of August. The Chanters will probably not practice in August except briefly before the church services. We wish nothing but the best for other Tangier Units, who are competing at the upcoming CSSA in Branson Missouri. GO TANGIER! Any Noble with a little interest in singing and a willingness to join us should contact any Chanter or just leave a message at the Shrine Center. That’s my update for August. “When a singer truly feels and experiences what the music is all about, the words will automatically ring true.” Monserrat Caballe (Spanish Opera Singer) As I write this, we are preparing on having a Unit Picnic. But as you read this it will have already passed. One of the difficulties in writing this article thinking into the future and one of the difficulties in growing a Unit is the ability to change and adjust with the time. As with many other Units and Clubs we have been a little short on the participation side of our membership and the Shrine. Well, we all need a little help on the membership side. We seem to be losing more men to the Black Camel than we are gaining in active new membership. At our last meeting an old idea was sparked with new interest and I want to take it as far as it will go. We are looking for any and all that are interested in taking a bus ride to the Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities in Minneapolis. We have no date set up but the plan is to find 20 Men, Clowns, Keystone Kops, Mobile Nobles, Corvette Club, Boone and Crockett… 20 men interested in visiting the Hospital. As Clowns we are looking to entertain as many kids as possible so we will be coordinating with the Hospital to ensure that we are able to do so while not interfering with the daily business. We are actively asking for companionship from the Keystone Kops and any other Unit or Clubs that would like to venture on our journey. For those of us that have been fortunate enough to be a part of the Hospital Visit it is one of the most fulfilling of events you will have in your lifetime. And we would like to share that with you. Now, I say we are looking for 20 men because we want those 20 men to be able to bring their Ladies. Without the support of our Ladies many of us would not be able to contribute the amount of time and energy that we do and often it goes without saying. If you are interested in making the trip please let one of the Clown officers know so that we can start to make a list and set the plans into motion. Other events going on this month are A Night Out Neighborhood event and again we are helping to support the ALS Walk at Werner Park. And let’s not forget CSSA and the Millard Parade. Strypes has agreed to drive the Fire Truck in the Millard Parade and we will have more details later. As of this article we are also in the process of contributing to a Shrine Night at the Races. Details are forming quickly so be watching your emails. Thank you for all that you do. Corvette Club By: Henry Higgs Well at last the weather is getting hotter and muggy. The Club has had a great turnout for the parades and different functions of the Shrine Club and Units. The Show and Shine we had our usual number of cars there. The Corvette Club grilled out steaks for the North team in the Shrine Bowl and it was a great success, the players were really enthused about being part of the Shrine Bowl. The parade season is in full swing and the Brothers are really enjoying showing off their vettes. We had the largest number to participate which was 27 cars. It was great to be in the Fremont Parade this year and several of the members took their significant others in the parade. We had our Summer Picnic at Brother Jeff Jackson and Heidi’s house and we really want to thank them for hosting us again this year – we had a great time. Now it is time for CSSA in Branson, MO and we are getting antsy to go. I guess that is all for now see everyone at the next parade. Director’s Staff By: Joe Stom We are now deep into the summer and also deep into the parade season. We have had pretty good turnouts at parades as usual and all kinds of fun. Business has been booming at the back of the hearse. The hot weather makes everything taste all the better. On the horizon is the annual CSSA convention in Branson, Missouri. CSSA is always a good time but this one should be especially fun. There is plenty to do in Branson and the Ozark country is beautiful. Not to mention it is just a short drive to get there. For those of you that don’t know, the Directors Staff represents itself at this convention with an association that is called Central States Shrine Directors Association. They usually have a business meeting/ breakfast for the men and a dinner party for the men and their Ladies. This year is no different. The breakfast for the men is on Friday at 8:00 am. The cost is $12 and you need to wear your fez. The dinner is at 6:00 with the social hour starting at 5:00. The cost is $25. Plan on attending both of these functions as it is a great way to meet our fellow members of the Directors Staff in the Central States. Hope everyone is having a great summer thus far and as always if you or someone you know is interested in becoming a member of the Directors Staff see Ron or just come to our regular meeting. It takes place on the fourth Monday of the month in the lower level of the Shrine at 7:00 pm. – Please Support Our Sponsors – 5 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Daughters of the Nile Greeters By: John James By: Queen Angie Greetings from Sat-ra: There were 18 Princesses and myself that attended the Supreme Session in Grapevine Texas. We all had a great time. The Patrol Unit debuted a new outfit…they looked Marvelous! Their performance was outstanding and I tell you they were part of almost every honor guard throughout the 5 day event. I was so proud of them! Way to go Ladies! Pageantry Dancers also attended and performed a flawless dance! My Noble Jim and Noble John Knickman joined us on the trip…they did some fishing, swimming and as always at their best at taking care of the Ladies of Sat-ra …if we needed a ride to pick anything up, took some fishing and carried a LOT of luggage. A special Thank you to my Noble Jim for going with me and supporting me every step of the way! I love you! Congratulations to the following Past Queens on their Supreme Appointments. This year Sat-ra received nine appointments! What an Honor. Congrats to: PQ Becky Unger, Deb Benitez, Mary Waite, Les Faulkenberry, Carol Sorensen, Barb Gray, Nina Heckert, Sue Ellenberger and special committee appointment to PQ Linda Jasa. Supreme Queen Margaret Ann Risk will be visiting Sat-ra on Friday, July 26th. This is a special time of the year we have the Supreme Queen to ourselves and to hold a ceremonial of initiation. We will have a banquet in the evening with cooking by The Culinary Master! Yum! Don’t forget, I hope to see ALL of you at the First Annual Kids Carnival/ Ice Cream Social. This will be held on Sunday, August 11th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Tangier, outside in the parking lot. Parking for the event will be at the Movie theater. Remember to bring your kids, your grandkids, neighbors, bring them all! Shiloh Lodge will be sponsoring the Masonic “CHIP” program. This is a great program to have an Identification kit made up for your loved ones. This is a free program to you, so why not take advantage of it? That’s all for now! Sat-ra and I wish you all the best and remember to Smile every day! Sparkles of Nile Love, GEMS: Grow, Educate, Motivate in Service 6 Hello from the Greeters. July sure was hot, but we had fun anyway in the July Parades at Ralston and Fremont. For August we have two Parades, Carson, Iowa on Saturday the 3rd and Millard on Saturday the 24th. Please try to attend these two parades, IT’S A FUN TIME. The Millard Parade falls on the same date as CSSA. The Greeters picnic is on August 4th, Sunday at 1:00 pm at same location as last year, Bellevue Masonic Lodge. Keep Tangier and the Greeters strong, find new members. Hospital Float By: Mike Donham August is another busy month for Tangier with CSSA, Carson, and Millard on the Parade schedule. The Unit had a good turnout for the Ralston Parade; six min-cars and two float riders were on hand. The float itself has new carpet, thanks to Marvin Kovar, Ken Nisley, Stan Hale, Tom Hultquist, and Mike Donham. Everyone appreciates the work you Nobles did to “spruce” up the float. Since the article did not make the July Hot Sands, some of the following items are “catch up” for July. Happy Birthday wishes for July were Nobles Ken Nisley and Dan Brunton, and Ladies Anita Peck, and Debbie Winslow. August Birthday wishes are sent to Nobes Dick Whiteman and Don Madsen, and Lady Laura Mendoza. Those members celebrating anniversaries for July and August include: Stan and Carol Hale, Jeremy and Nicole Thomason, and Dick and Pat Whiteman for July; Don and Barb Madsen and Matt and Stacey Hultquist for August. Congratulations to Lady Bev Donham who was installed as Worthy Grand Matron of Nebraska Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. For courtesies this month, Noble Dick Whiteman has been hospitalized and Lady Mary Ann Johnson lost a brother. We wish to send Dick lots of prayers and get well soon wishes and to Mary Ann, we extend our sympathies. Remember Nobles: “The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands.” - Robert M. Persig Golden Girls By: Maxine Lorraine Powers AUGUST! Yes, August already. Those hot days of August – known to many of us as dog days – are upon us. Summer is slowly winding down. It’s back to the “books” for students the end of this month. Their vacation has ended. Golden Girls will meet on Tuesday, August 13. Same time (noon) and place – lower level (Oasis room) of the Shrine Center. Betty Bligh and Courtney Nelson will serve as hostesses. Our one and only birthday celebrant this month is JoAnn Spann. Happy Birthday, JoAnn. Wishing you many more. Golden Girls were entertained last month by a very skilled storyteller, Molly Strong. She told us four very interesting “funny” stories. Lots of laughter by the Golden Girls. Her performance was truly outstanding. If you have checked the August calendar looking for a holiday, it’s not there. However, if you lived in Scotland you could enjoy the Summer Bank Holiday on the 5th or if you were a resident of the United Kingdom, you could celebrate the Summer Bank Holiday on the 26th. Hope you’ve been enjoying those tasty ears of corn and other fresh veggies. To many of us, the arrival of August means homegrown tomatoes and juicy melons. And last, but not least, those delicious Colorado peaches. Keep the AC running and enjoy the remaining summer days. Mobile Nobles By: Jason McFarlane ALL ABOARD! The July 4th parade in Ralston this year was absolutely amazing! The weather was perfect, the sideline turn out enormous, and the Nobles and there Ladies were there in full force. It was great seeing everyone there! There are a few things to remind everyone of. August 3rd is the Carson, Iowa parade. This is always a good time so make plans to go. If riding the train to Carson, contact Pres. Bill Redman for the time to be at the barn. August 22nd through the 24th is CSSA. If you are riding the train down, be at the barn on Thursday the 22nd at 9:00am. Please let Pres. Bill Redman know as seating is limited. September 2nd is Schuyler parade. September 7th is Plattsmouth parade. September 21st is Nebraska City parade. Please mark your Calendars and hope to see you all there! – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Legion of Honor Keystone Kops By: Captain Allen “Boo Boo” Smith By: Tom Upton, Cmdr. Let me begin with a sincere thank you for the cards, prayers and thoughts during my recent hospitalization. Healing is taking place and some therapies are ahead but the outlook is good and the support I’ve received from the fraternity is greatly appreciated. Congratulations and a big thank you to the LOH Color Guard for their fine job at the Shrine Bowl Parade, presenting the colors at the game and supporting our parade schedule so well. The Memorial Day flag display for our veterans and civilian patriots was well done. I have received many comments about the display this year. The efforts of the LOH, our ladies and supporters in this effort are well regarded. Thank you. Well done to Brother Mark Drier for coordinating Fireworks Stand shifts for the unit. Thanks to all of the Brothers and their Ladies for supporting this project. Brothers Tom Sorenson and Larry Poffenbarger have been leading the CSSA Competition Drill Teams practices each Tuesday night 1830 hours. Two first place trophies in a year would be a nice accomplishment for this team. CSSA schedules of events will be available at our August meeting and can also be requested from John Dickey or Larry Poffenbarger. LOH meetings, competition, luncheons, and banquet activities are all scheduled for Thursday. Dick and Jan Moore have arranged a River Boat Ride and Dinner Friday evening; the cost will be about $50 per person. Parades this month are scheduled for Carson, IA and Millard. Our August meeting will be at 1900 hours By: Ed Hatter on August 6th. Thank you for your continuing support of I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th our nation and the Tangier LOH. of July holiday. This is one of my favorite holidays. It usually involves camping, boating, and most of all, eating and biking. We had another dinner ride to Round the Bend Steakhouse near South Bend, NE in By: Stanley Garner July – always good food and great company. Tangier Road Runners made We will be meeting at the Shrine Center at 5:30 and ride to the Dinner meetings. Other eight trips to the Minneapolis Hospital rides we are planning are Old Trusty Days and one trip to the St. Louis Hospital in on September 7 and the Clay County Fair in June, transporting ten patients. Another twelve patients traveled by private Spencer, IA. conveyance. Please join us the first Monday of the month Drivers for the June trips included C. at 5:30 pm at the Farmhouse Cafe at 3461 Fuglsang, L. Fuglsang, P. Pilakowski, South 84th Street if you have a motorcycle or S. Garner, G. Eckert, J. Hoagland, F. have an interest in motorcycles. We have all Burklund, H. Fouts, R. Krause, R. Lyon, kind of bikes in our unit, so don’t think you E. Bowman, R. McCauley, N. Henry, R. have to ride a Harley. Hope to see you there. DeWell and G. Bennett. THANK YOU to all the Keystone Kops that have attended all the parades so far this season. What a great turnout. Keep it up. Some of you that haven’t participated in a while are more than welcome to show up and teach us some new tricks. We have plenty of fire extinguishers. Remember, “Water Happens!” Well, August is here. The Keystone Kops are looking forward to another fun filled month. We have several events that we agreed to help at and then there is the Ceremonial Session of the Central States Shrine Association (CSSA) in Branson MO starting Thursday August 22nd through August 24th and we are ready for the fun that it brings. The following anniversary and birthday wishes for July and August to the following Kops and Kuties: Happy Anniversary to, Arlo & Sandy Burke, and Justin & Stephanie Porta. Congratulations. Happy Birthday to Kuties, Kimberly Burmham, Brenda Cerveny, and Pam Mitchell. Happy Birthday to Kops, Past Chief Darwin Baker, Past Chief Jeff Burnham, Officer Ross Cerveny, Past Chief Gene Holman, Officer Matthew Knabe, Officer Ed Luick, Officer Chris Nigro, Past Chief Dave Norton, Officer Justin Porta, Past Chief Dave Shaw, Officer Matt Sproul, and Officer Dave Tinsley. Tangier Band By: Jim Radosevich, Captain Thank you for the fine attendance and great performances at our Stated Meetings. If you show up early, about 6:30 pm, we can play some tunes as soon as the chairs and stands are set up. Although the regular 4th Thursday Band Practices have been cancelled until September, we will continue to play at parades, Stated Meetings, impromptu events, and practices in small groups. In addition, various members of the Band will continue to entertain at various Homes for Seniors. The Band is always looking for band instrumentalists. This summer is your opportunity to sit down and play with an informal, small band group. We will supply the music and stands, and maybe even find you an instrument, if needed. If you’re interested, please contact Jim at (402) 496-2691 [email protected]. For August: The Famous Tangier Shrine Band will perform at the Plattsmouth Masonic Home’s Cornerstone Ceremony on Sunday afternoon, August 11st. A good number of the Tangier Bandsmen will participate as the Central States Shrine Association Band performing on August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th in Branson, MO at the Ceremonial Session of the Central States Shrine Association. A special thank you to those who volunteered at the Omaha Senior Open Golf Tournament last month. Please continue to support the fund-raising activities of your local clubs, units, and lodges. Motor B Road Runners – Please Support Our Sponsors – Tangier T h a n k s Yo u 7 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Women’s Auxiliary Vintage Iron By: Jim Smith VI Pres 2010 By: Jan Moore August and a couple more parades to go! In July our meeting was held at the Mattress Factory in the old market. Thanks to all that showed up and had a good time. This month is CSSA in Branson, so let’s not let Illustrious Sir Charlie down. September is the Spaghetti feed and our car show. There will be a lot of workers needed on those days and the weeks leading into the Spaghetti feed and the car show, so please plan on giving as much time as you can. The Spaghetti feed is one of Tangier’s biggest fund raising activities and the car show is our club’s biggest fundraiser. The flyers are ready to get out (See Jim Allesandro) and we need our members to sell as many sponsorships as they can as well as items for door prizes, raffle items, etc. Jeff and his committee are meeting and gearing up for our car show. Please plan on attending our car show and donating your time to your club. Remember to support all clubs, units, lodges and rites. Vintage Iron meets the 4th Tuesday of every month in the main room at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member of Vintage Iron please feel free to contact Greg Hansen, President at 712-566-2817, or George Houts, Vice President at 402238-6163. What a glorious day the 4th turned out to be. I hope that all of you enjoyed the day, whatever you did. Thanks to all of you that brought toys for Christmas in July. The kids at the Hospital will enjoy them. Thanks for the pop tabs that we receive each month. It amazes us what Pat finds in the boxes and containers of tabs. We find money, earrings, pieces of paper with notes, nails, screws, and once a fishhook. Always an adventure, we wonder what the folks were thinking, or if they were, when they dropped them in the container. We will be meeting on the second and fourth Wednesday of August. Neither of the meetings will be a business meeting, but rather work sessions. We are getting ready for our craft show, luncheon, and style show. This will happen on October 19 at Tangier. Lunch will be at noon with the style show to follow. We will have models of all sizes, shapes and ages. We have multi-generation families that will model. The craft show will open at 11:00 and we hope that many of you will come and have lunch with us and buy, buy, buy. Remember 100% of this money goes directly to the Hospital. Have a safe rest of the summer. We will be going to CSSA and I hope to see many of you there. Wise Ashes By: Barry Ahlborn We have had several meetings now and would like to say thank you to those who hosted the meetings and put on the spread. The cigar talk and information and the “tastings” were quite enjoyable. At our last meeting, Pres. Greg H. (our WISE ONE) questioned Illustrious Sir Charlie about his ability to enjoy a puros from the wrong lit end! After much deliberation and some more libations Illustrious Sir Charlie defended his judgment by showing everyone that the label was actually put on upside down. Therefore it turned out that the Illustrious Sir is really the “WISE ONE.” During the months of July & August we will be dark due to scheduling conflicts. Our September meeting will be the 26th at the home of Barry Ahlborn. More info will be in the September Hot Sands. Just because there is no official meeting for those months does not mean we can’t get together for an enjoyable PUROS or cocktail at the drop of a feather. If you have any questions or need information about the “Wise Ashes” you can contact President Greg Hadcock, 402-5100018; V. President Barry Ahlborn, 402-6165862; Sec/Treas Larry Moody, 402-660-2249. See you next month; with a puff of smoke and a tinkle of ice. Dues Increase Discussion At the August temple meeting on August 8, 2013 the divan will be presenting more information about a dues increase. This notice serves as a reminder to come and ask questions and/or be heard on the matter. Depending on the results of the discussion, we will vote on the matter at the September Meeting. This will give us another opportunity to get more information that may be requested from the nobilty before we make a final decision. Thank you for your attention to this matter and we look forward to seeing you at the temple meeting. - The divan 8 – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Thank You From Bob & Suz Klesath We would like to r thank everyone fo the calls, cards, flowers, notes and prayers. Bob is doing better and is at home recuperating and waiting for his leg to heal so he a can be fitted for k prosthesis. We as for your continued thoughts and prayers. Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 The Mobile Nobles have the Train available for Birthday Parties, Etc. Please contact Bill Redmond (402-333-9022 or 402-677-2104) for details & to make arrangements. – Please Support Our Sponsors – 9 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” 2013 October November 10 HAMBURGER NIGHT SCHEDULE 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 FALL 2013 & WINTER/SPRING 2014 Legion of Honor Bethel #18 Provost Bethel #13 Vintage Iron Westside RB #22 Arab PatrolBenson Diana Rainbow 22 Pirates Bethel #24 Greeters Greeter Gals Corvette Club Bethel #1 Thanksgiving EveNo Hamburger Night Directors Staff Staffettes March #59 5 Arab Patrol Westside #22 12 YOSHI Bethel #18 19 Motor A/Jo De Ra Daug. Nile Chorus 26 Clowns Benson Diana RB #2 April 2 9 16 23 30 Westside RB #22 Bethel #13 Aksarben OES #277 Bethel #24 Bethel #1 Vintage Iron Provosts Motor B Pirates Corvette Club December No Hamburger Nights 2014 January 1 8 15 22 29 February 5 12 19 26 If these dates do not work for you Unit, Club or Group, New Years Day No Hamburger Night please call the office at 402-392-0404 Motor B Aksarben OES #277 Legion of Honor Bethel #18 Jo De Ra/Motor ADaug. Nile Chorus #59 If these dates do not Shrine Bowl Bethel #1 work for your Unit or Club, please call the Clowns Benson Diana RB #2 office at 402-392-0404. Directors Staff Staffettes Greeters Greeter Gals Circus Setup No Hamburger Night – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Introducing our 2013-14 National Patient Ambassadors Olivia Stamps of Batesburg, S.C., and Brendon Wiseley of Tulsa, Okla., have been selected as the health care system’s national patient ambassadors for 20132014. The announcement was made on July 3, 2013, after the premiere of their video, “Walking toward Endless Possibilities” during the Imperial Session of Shriners International in Indianapolis. Every year, Shriners Hospitals for Children® chooses two national patient ambassadors to represent the thousands of children who receive care at the health care system every year. The Ambassadors share their stories to inspire others and raise awareness of Shriners Hospitals for Children. Meet Olivia and Brendon: Olivia has cerebral palsy, which affects her mobility. She was originally diagnosed at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Chicago, but since moving to South Carolina, she has been cared for by the Shriners Hospital in Greenville, S.C. Olivia has benefited from Shriners Hospitals’ expertise in treating the orthopaedic effects of cerebral palsy and in movement analysis. In the movement analysis laboratories, available at 12 Shriners Hospitals facilities, high-speed cameras, reflective markers, force platforms and muscle sensors combine to record and measure how a child with a mobility impairment is moving. A team of medical professionals can then determine the best treatment plan to help the child improve. After reviewing the data from Olivia’s analysis, her team recommended surgery to lengthen her heel cords and hamstrings. After surgery at age 6 and rehabilitative therapy, Olivia, now 10, has a perfect walking gait and can run, dance, jump on a trampoline, ride a bicycle and keep up with her peers. Brendon is Back on the Track Brendon loves to race. In fact, he was on the track in a micro junior car when he was 5, and is a track favorite in his hometown of Tulsa, Okla. His ability to participate in the sport he loves nearly came to a quick end when he was 7 years old, and was injured in an accident involving a lawn mower. Although he lost a leg, the expertise of the prosthetics staff at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Shreveport and the health care system’s commitment to personalized attention and care combined to get Brendon back on track. Brendon is able to race again – the only difference – now he passes his helmet to collect donations for Shriners Hospitals. The stories of Olivia and Brendon are representative of the successes that can be found throughout the 22-facility Shriners Hospitals for Children health care system. We applaud their achievements, and those of all the patients they represent in their roles as National Patient Ambassadors. Shriners Hospitals for Children is pleased to have been able to help them on their journey toward life’s endless possibilities. – P l e a s e S u p p o r t O u r S p o n s o shrinershospitalsforchildren.org rs – OSJUL13IO2N 11 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Marching with the School Band: A “Wow” Moment for Joseph Since the first Shriners Hospital opened in 1922 in Shreveport, La., caring for children with orthopaedic conditions has been a primary mission of our health care system. The orthopaedic diseases and disorders we treat are wide-ranging and diverse. Whether we are treating bone deformities such as clubfoot, neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy, or genetic anomalies such as achondroplasia, our goal is to help each child become as independent, confident and healthy as possible. Here is one patient’s story: Hartless says Shriners Hospitals for Children— Lexington has changed her child’s life. “In four years, we progressed from Joseph never having walked to ‘Hey, Mom, where are my drumsticks?’ For that, I simply say thank you from the bottom of my heart.” When Joseph Van Hofwegen was born in February 2001, he was immediately diagnosed with caudal regression syndrome, which impairs the development of the lower half of the body. In this disorder, the bones of the lower spine are frequently misshapen or missing, and the corresponding section of the spinal cord can be irregular or missing. In Joseph’s case, his legs were bent with the knees pointing out to the side and his feet tucked underneath the hips. Joseph could crawl as a baby, but only by dragging his lower extremities. Kristen Hartless, Joseph’s mother, accepted the probability he would never walk. The family learned of Shriners Hospitals for Children ®— Lexington and made an appointment to discuss possible surgical solutions. Janet Walker, M.D., a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon who researches club feet, limb deficiencies, limb misalignment and children with amputations, examined Joseph. Dr. Walker advised that Joseph, then age 6, have amputation surgery, followed by prosthetics. After a successful surgery, Joseph was very nervous about preparing for his new prosthetic legs. “He was worried he would walk like a cartoon robot,” said Hartless. “Oh, and also, he wanted toes!” The prosthetics department at the Lexington Shriners Hospital went to work and soon Joseph had his new legs. Now 12 years old, Joseph continues to come to the hospital for fittings and therapy every six months. Recently, he announced a big event in his life. “I have been playing the drums for several years, and we figured out how to attach the drums to my walker. Next spring, I will be in my middle school marching band as a drummer,” Joseph said. “Walking, marching, playing my drums. Wow!” Top: Joseph Van Hofwegen, 6 years old here, waits for surgery that will give him two prosthetic legs. Bottom: Along with his love of music, Joseph also enjoys playing sports. shrinershospitalsforchildren.org 12 – Please Support Our Sponsors – OSMAR13MWTS Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Shriners Hospitals for Children: Leading the Way in Specialized Pediatrics minimize scarring, and development of engineered skin and better wound-healing techniques. Our patients receive advanced care for burn injuries and related scarring, along with physical rehabilitation and emotional support to help them successfully return to their school or community. Since the first Shriners Hospital opened in 1922 in Shreveport, La., providing expert pediatric care has been a cornerstone of our mission to improve the lives of children. Today, Shriners Hospitals for Children® has 22 locations – 20 in the U.S., and one each in both Mexico and Canada, and provides care for all types of orthopaedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, burns, and cleft lip and palate, in a familycentered environment. All services are provided regardless of the families’ ability to pay. A Foundation of Orthopaedic Care Twenty of our facilities are staffed and equipped to handle virtually all pediatric orthopaedic problems, except for acute trauma. Commonly treated conditions include: clubfoot, limb deficiencies and discrepancies, scoliosis and osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), as well as the orthopaedic difficulties associated with neuromuscular conditions, such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. With a large full-time staff of experienced pediatric orthopaedic surgeons, as well as a comprehensive team of physical, occupational, speech and other therapists, we are able to treat each child with a customized approach based on their overall health and medical conditions. Excellence in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Shriners Hospitals for Children was the first health care system in the country to develop spinal cord injury rehabilitation programs specifically for children. We offer innovative therapies, emotional support, and development of independent living skills. The program also includes an emphasis on research. Projects range from restoration of function to quality of life and long-term outcomes. The knowledge gained from these studies will improve clinical practices and enhance the lives of young patients with spinal cord injuries. Providing Expertise in Cleft Lip and Palate Care Patients with a cleft lip and/or palate are treated by a multi-disciplinary group of experts who work together to improve the child’s ability to eat, communicate, breathe and feel good about their appearance. Each patient’s unique treatment plan may include surgery, orthodontics, and hearing, speech and psychological therapies to restore optimal function and appearance. With the generous support of our donors, Shriners Hospitals for Children has cared for more than 1 million children since that first Shriners Hospital opened back in 1922. To refer a child, please visit shrinershospitalsforchildren.org or call the patient referral line at 800-237-5055 in the U.S., or 800-361-7256 in Canada. Pioneers in Pediatric Burn Treatment Shriners Hospitals for Children has been a pioneer in burn care and research since entering the burn care field in the 1960s. Some of the advances made through our research efforts include improved survival rates, creation of pressure garments to – Please Support Our Sponsors – OSJUNE13LTWI 13 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Chief Rabban Daryl Finley and his Lady Lisa invite all Tangier Shrine members, their families and friends on an all inclusive DOMINICAN REPUBLIC vacation. Excellence Punta Cana Resort April 21 – 27, 2014 Your Dominican Republic Vacation Includes… Round trip air transportation from Omaha to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic All transfers and taxes Excellence Punta Cana Resort (adults only) Luxury suite with private balcony, whirlpool tub, mini-bar, and 24-hour room service All meals at your choice of 8 different ala carte restaurants, a buffet breakfast and lunch restaurant, and a beach snack grill All beverages (soda, fruit juice, domestic and premium alcohol) at your choice of 10 different bars Pool and beach waiter service Two giant swimming pools and two outdoor Jacuzzis Non-motorized water sports, daily activities, nightly shows, grass mini golf, tennis clinics, game room, and fitness center Excursions and spa services available (additional fees apply) $150 deposit per person required to book. Contact Lindsay Bolt at Enchanted Honeymoons to create your vacation and get a price quote! 14 Excellence Resorts www.excellence-resorts.com Travel Arrangements: Enchanted Honeymoons www.enchantedhoneymoons.com 17650 Wright Plaza, Omaha, NE 402.390.9291 Lindsay Bolt [email protected] – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 ÞCSSA 2013Þ Ceremonial Session of the Central States Shrine Association August 22, 23, 24, 2013 Thursday-Saturday Tangier Housing Branson Grand Plaza Hotel 245 N. Wildwood Drive Branson MO 65616 417-336-6646 Tangier will make all arrangements for your room and event, listed below. The cost PER COUPLE for the room (double occupancy) and the event fees for Thursday thru Saturday will be as follows: • • • • • • Standard Room $369.00 2 queen beds, small refrigerator Mini Suite $426.00 1 king bed, sitting room, microwave, large refrigerator King Feature Room $493.00 1 king bed, microwave, large refrigerator, Jacuzzi Family Suite $527.00 2 king beds w/baths in separate rooms, microwave, large refrigerator Ø For single occupancy reduce total by $30.00. Ø A $15.00 fee will apply for each additional adult in the room. Ø Wednesday rooms available upon request for additional fees. Ø A credit card must be presented at check in for incidentals. Ladies luncheon, Thursday, 1 PM, $40.00 Registration and Hospitality only, $60.00 per couple Members attending will pay Tangier directly and all your reservations will be made for you. $100.00 deposit due by June 1, 2013 balance due by July 26, 2013. You may pay by check or by credit card by calling Sandy at 402-3920404 or stopping by the Shrine Center Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 4:30. Also rooms are available at the same rate up to 3 days before and 3 days after, members need to make arrangements with hotel, Tangier will need to know so rooms can be coordinated. Please fill out the following information and submit with your payment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Name________________________________________________ Unit or Club ____________________ Significant other_______________________________ Attending Ladies Luncheon Yes___ No___ Address____________________________ City___________________ State________ ZIP___________ Room Type _________________________ Amount Paid ______________________________________ Arrival Date__________ Departure Date_____________ Day Phone______________ Cell____________ Arriving early Yes___ No___ Staying late Yes___ No___ – Please Support Our Sponsors – 15 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Come join us for Shrine Night at the Races I-80 Speedway • Greenwood, NE Friday August 16, 2013 Gates open at 5:00 P.M. Race starts at 7:15 P.M. Come early and meet the driver of the Tangier Shrine-sponsored car Admission is free! Show up in your best Shrine shirt • No fez required Tickets will be provided Call the office for details 402-392-0404 16 – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 WINGS & BEER NIGHT Thanks for everything you do as Shriners and Shrine Ladies! Tangier Shrine Center Green Room August 14, 2013 6:00 – 8:00 pm Chicken Wings (hot, mild, and teriyaki) 6 for $3.00 12 for $5.00 Basket of Fries $1.50 All Pints of Beer $1.50 “Beer for a Year” glasses will not be honored at this event. If you have a membership prospect you would like to introduce to the Shrine in a casual, fun environment please invite him and his lady to attend this event! The membership team will be on hand to answer questions. – Please Support Our Sponsors – 17 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Scottish Rite Masonic Center Calendar of Events “Omaha York Rite” DATES TO REMEMBER CHECK THE DATE Aug 10 KSA – 9AM Aug 19 SR Picnic at Cooper Farm Aug 22-28 Supreme Council Biennial Session in DC Aug 27 Master Craftsman Aug 29 Friendship Dinner in CB Aug 30-Sep 2 SRMC Office Closed for Holiday Sep 14 KSA – 9AM Sep 14 Wounded Warrior Dinner & Auction Sep 16 Lodge Meeting Sep 18 Fall Outing at Papillion Gun Club Sep 22 WalkRite for RiteCare – Zorinsky Lake Sep 26 KCCH Club Honors Dinner For Many Events At Scottish Rite Masonic Center If you prefer you can register online: www.scottishriteomaha.org Click on “Events Calendar”, the month, scroll down to find an event, “View Details”, and finally “Register & Pay”. Call the office if you have questions, 402-342-1300 Director Staff SHRINE HOP Dinner & Dance Friday, September 6, 2013 Cocktails Dinner Dance 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Chicken Breast with/all the trimmings 8:00 - 12:00 p.m. “The Sharks” Live Band Admission ONLY $15.00 Each Tables of 8 - $100.00 Per Couple $25.00 at Tangier Shriners Center 2823 S 84th Street 18 Most York Rite Bodies are Dark in July and August …but be sure to join your companions and their Ladies at the Annual York Rite Dark Social Thursday August 15th at 6:00pm Upstream Brewing Company 17070 Wright Plaza (171st and W. Center Road) Warning: Wearing a tie to this event will subject you to a stiff fine! Maynard Tatelman • 402-393-2734 • email: [email protected] COMPUTER VIRUS REMOVAL l Clean Out Viruses Update Windows Install Anti-Virus Programs Regularly $85.00 Special = $75.00 FOR SALE Huge Selection of Laptops and Desktop Computers Tickets available at Tangier office or see a Director’s Staff member. H COMPUTEROMAHA.COM H “Proceeds are for the benefit of Tangier Directors Staff activity fund” “Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions.” 402-572-0350 Ext 330 7758 Cass Street – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 2013 Preliminary Parade Schedule All dates, locations, line-up/start time and Oasis subject to change Mandatory parades listed first in bold type; optional parades in regular type Date..................................Location................... Line-up/Start times.................... Oasis August 3................................Carson, Iowa................ 9:30am / 10:30am........ Community Center Line-up at Ray Carr (rodeo) Arena – enter from north end at N. Commercial St. & Carson Ave. August 18 Columbus (Sunday).......2pm / 3pm....................................................................................... TBD Line-up at Nebraska Public Power District (1414 15th St.). More details forthcoming. August 24..............................CSSA/Branson, MO..... TBA / 9am........................Afterglow / Hotel Line-up in Grand Plaza Hotel lot (our hotel); Afterglow in lot south of Bass Pro in Branson Landing. For more info: go to www.cssa2013.org/paraderoute.html August 24 ..............................Millard........................... 10am / 11am....................... American Legion Line-up expected to be the same: S. 131 St. south of L St. – west of Western Bowl. September 2 .........................Schuyler (Monday)...... 1pm / 2pm............... tentative: OakBallroom Line-up expected to be the same: D St. from E. 11th to E. 10th St. – east of the courthouse. September 7..........................Plattsmouth.................. TBA / TBA.............................................TBD No information available yet. More details forthcoming. September 21........................Nebraska City....................................................................................... Noon / 1pm.......................................................................................................tentative: Eagles Club Line-up expected to be the same: First Corso & 16th St. Parade Inquiries: e-mail Commander of Units Kevin Potter at [email protected] Tangier Ladies will carry the flag Parade Inquiries: e-mail Commander of Units Kevin Potter at [email protected] – Please Support Our Sponsors – 19 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Kracht Plumbing, Inc. Arnie Kracht 4848 S. 120th St. Residential, Small Commercial, Remodels, Pipe & Sewer Cleaning Cell: (402) 504-2918 David’s Electric Residential & Commercial LICENSED • INSURED • BONDED DAVID E. ANDERSON Business: 553-1565 Fax: 553-3014 Mobile: (402) 510-3751 Email: [email protected] 1707 N. 42 St., #17 • Omaha, Ne 68111 NO JOB TOO SMALL!! 20 – Please Support Our Sponsors – Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Proud to be a Shriner. Invite someone in. Omaha’s Only All Suites for Dogs & Cats • Boarding • Grooming & Day Care • Snuggle Time • Yappy Hour Call Kathy or Tom Brazer for Reservations In Old Town Elkhorn 402-289-4033 Dependable coverage, exceptional service, affordable rates. Travis L Prater, Agent Omaha, NE 68164 [email protected] (402) 445-6117 Bus (402) 493-1454 Fax American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 BC-223676 - 11/11 – Please Support Our Sponsors – 21 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Lawnmowers • Snowblowers • Trimmers • Blowers • Chainsaws Rich Almgren & Pat Almgren 556-1610 4524 Leavenworth, Omaha www.pruittoutdoorpower.com Consulting, inC. insuranCe serviCe Peter G. Larson, CLU (402) 659-5960 Email: [email protected] 4508 N. 192 Circle l Elkhorn, NE 68022-5237 Oakland, Iowa Harlan, Iowa 405 S. Hwy. 2101 23 Street rd “the gold standard in insuranCe serviCe” here’s how we Can help • Individual Health Insurance • Supplemental Insurance • Group Health Insurance • Life Insurance/Annuities • Health Savings Accounts • Medicare Supplement Insurance • Short-Term Health Insurance • Long-Term Care/Nursing Care Ins. • Dental/Vision Insurance • Disability Income (Toll Free) (Toll Free) (402) 391-3900 Our800-234-4927 Legacy Of 877-885-3278 712-482-6491 712-755-2116 Service Continues… • Advanced Funeral Planning Professionals •Cremation • Spacious Facilities HEAFEY HEAFEY HOFFMANN DWORAK & CUTLER MORTUARIES AND CREMATORY www.heafeyheafey.com 22 WEST CENTER ROAD CHAPEL 7805 West Center Rd. • 402-391-3900 16TH & VINTON STREET CHAPEL 2466 South 16th St. • 402-346-1144 BELLEVUE MEMORIAL CHAPEL 2202 Hancock St., Bellevue • 402-291-5000 – Please Support Our Sponsors – • Critical Care Insurance Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Retirement Planning that Helps Keep You Retired • Mutual Funds • 401(k)s • IRAs • 401(k) Rollovers Serving Omaha and the surrounding area for 27 years Kevin Pearce, Financial Advisor 17117 Oak Drive, Suite F Omaha, NE 68130 402-502-6900 AFN45324 Kevin Pearce is a registered representative and a financial advisor offering securities and investment advisory products and services through Mutual of Omaha Investor Services, a registered broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC and SEC Registered Investment Advisor firm. Mutual of Omaha Financial Advisors is a division of Mutual of Omaha Investor Services. 302 Fulton Ave. Plattsmouth, NE 402.296.3210 Our Goal is to satisfy you & gain your confidence. I personally guarantee this. • Competitive Pricing • Service After the Sale • Finance Assistance Large selection under the big flag. – Please Support Our Sponsors – 23 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 2013 UNITS & CLUBS MEETINGS UNITS................TIME...... DAY OF MTG.......LOCATION..................CONTACT............ PHONE.......................... DIVAN Arab Patrol........... 7:00 pm.....2nd Monday.............Tangier – Aladdin............. John Knickman......... 402-573-1625..Charlie Marchand Band..................... 7:00 pm.....4th Thursday............Tangier – Lower Level..... Jim Radosevich......... 402-496-2691.................Jim Parks Chanters............... 7:00 pm.....Every Monday.........Tangier – Main Room...... Joe Riddle................. 712-484-3830..............Gary Unger Clowns................. 6:30 pm.....1st Friday.................Tangier – Lower Level..... Bryan Deming.......... 402-598-2370............ Daryl Finley Cycle Patrol.......... 6:30 pm.....1st Monday..............Various............................. Don Ellenberger........ 402-306-4930................... Jim Hirl Directors Staff...... 7:00 pm.....4th Monday..............Tangier............................. Ron Kern.................. 402-658-0456..............Don Larson Greeters................ 7:00 pm.....2nd Tuesday.............Tangier – Main Room...... Charles Kubich......... 402-510-4930........... Loren Moore Hospital Float....... 6:30 pm.....3rd Saturday.............Various............................. Stan Hale.................. 402-965-3722........... Loren Moore Jo De Ra………...6:30 pm.....1st Monday..............Jerico’s............................. Cary Manson............ 402-250-7640............ Daryl Finley Keystone Kops..... 7:00 pm.....2nd Friday................Various............................. Corey Hall................ 402-208-8964................... Jim Hirl Legion of Honor... 7:00 pm.....1st Tuesday..............Tangier – Lower Level..... Tom Upton................ 402-895-2684..............Gary Unger Mobile Nobles...... 11:00 am....1st Saturday.............Anthony’s......................... Bill Redmond........... 402-677-2104....Charlie Marchand Motor A................ 6:30 pm.....1st Monday..............Various............................. Richard Chilton........ 402-553-5418.............. Ron Barber Motor B................ 5:30 pm.....1st Monday..............Farmhouse Cafe............... Chuck Cline............. 402-321-2511........... Larry Moody Oriental Band....... 7:00 pm.....1st & 2nd Mondays.. Various............................. Vern Gibson.............. 402-669-6212....Charlie Marchand Provost Guard...... 7:00 pm.....3rd Thursday............Tangier............................. Mark Batchelder....... 402-689-9866............ Daryl Finley Rawhide Nobles......................3rd Thursday............Various............................. Jon Mitchell.............. 402-990-9112........................... All Roadsters II.............................3rd Wednesday.........Fremont Blue Lodge............................................................................................ All Shrine Bowl............................2nd Tuesday.............Various............................. Rob Mead................. 402-321-3008........... Larry Moody CLUBS...............TIME...... DAY OF MTG.......LOCATION..................CONTACT............ PHONE.......................... DIVAN Arbor Shrine......... 7:00 pm.....last Tuesday.............Nebraska City (TBA)....... Dennis Marshall....... 402-873-5331..............Don Larson Boone & Crockett.6:30 pm.....1st Thursday.............Tangier – Lower Level..... Mark Westadt............ 402-670-1122....Charlie Marchand Botna Valley......... 6:30 pm.....4th Tuesday..............Various............................. Jay DeYoung............. 712-379-3962........................... All Computer Club..... 7:00 pm.....3rd Tuesday..............Tangier – Lower Level..... Michael Parkinson.... 402-457-5491.............. Ron Barber Corvette Club....... 6:00 pm.....2nd Monday.............Tangier............................. Henry Higgs............. 402-689-6641............ Daryl Finley Council Bluffs...... 5:00 pm.....Bi-Monthly 3rd Sunday..Various............................. Michael Wallace....... 712-328-8110........................... All Crescent S.C. …. 6:00 pm......4th Friday.................Various............................. Dan Daniels.............. 402-292-6274..............Gary Unger DeMolay (Boys)... 7:00 pm.....Tuesdays........................................................... James Gunderson...... 402-253-2688........................ N / A Fremont................ 6:30 pm.....last Monday.............Various............................. Richard Curley......... 402-727-1951..............Gary Unger Mo Ri................... 6:30 pm.....3rd Thursday............Various............................. Bill Herschlag........... 402-715-0557....Charlie Marchand Oasis..................... 7:30 pm.. 3rd Tuesday................Schuyler........................... Terry Scheuneman.... 402-352-8815........................... All Past Masters......... 6:30 pm.....Quarterly..................Various............................. Jeff Coleman............. 402-290-7243.................Jim Parks Pirates................... 6:30 pm.....4th Monday..............Tangier............................. Greg Norton.............. 402-680-4055.................Jim Parks Racers……………7:00 pm 2nd Monday...............Tangier –Card Room........ Roger Waller............. 402-680-2389................... Jim Hirl Ritual Divan...................................................................................................... Jim Mueller............... 402-597-0690........................... All Road Runners....... 12:00 pm...2nd Saturday............Anthony’s......................... Phil Pilakowski......... 402-968-1652.................Jim Parks Sandhills............... Various......Various.....................Various............................. Jeffrey Brandt........... 402-340-1018........................... All Soccer Committee............................................................................................. Bill Somerville......... 402-680-1547.........................TBA Temple Craft........ 7:00 pm.....3rd Thursday............Tangier – Main Room...... Al Sesemann............. 402-333-3197........ Bill Somerville Vintage Iron......... 7:00 pm.....4th Tuesday....................................................... Greg Hansen............. 402-660-5700........... .Daryl Finley Wise Ashes........... 6:30 pm......................................Various............................. Greg Hadcock........... 402-510-0018 Yoshi................................................................................................................. Lil Joe Beister........... 402-968-7133............ Daryl Finley LADIES MEETINGS................. TIME........ DAY OF MTG..... LOCATION................. CONTACT..................PHONE DAUGHTER’S OF THE NILE.......12:00 pm..... 1st Thursday...........Tangier Main Room.........Angie Huebner............... 402-699-0213 Sat-Ra Patrol....................................7:00 pm....... Mondays.................Tangier Lower Level........Mary Waite..................... 402-346-0659 Sat-Ra Chorus..................................11:00 am..... Every Thursday......Tangier Main Room.........Florence Corbin............. 402-298-8683 Pageantry Dancers...........................5:30 pm....... Every Monday........Tangier Main Room …..Angie Larsen................... 402-896-5919 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY................10:00 am..... 2nd & 4th Wed.......Tangier Lower Level........Jan Moore...................... 712-256-9818 GOLDEN GIRLS.............................12:00 am..... 2nd Tuesday...........Tangier Lower Level........Arlene Anderson............ 402-384-8409 24 – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 February August Sun Mon 4 Tue Blood Drive Noon – 6:00pm 5 Wed 6 Cold Sands 6:30pm Thu 7 1 Fri 2 Sat Carson Parade 9:00am Lineup 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 Stated Meeting Dinner 6:15pm Meeting 7:30pm Babysitting Available 11 12 18 19 Nile Ice Cream Social and Kids Carnival 1:00pm-4:00pm 25 26 13 14 20 21 Chief Aide, Unit, & Club Head Meeting 5:30pm Membership Meeting 6:30pm CSSA 22 CSSA 23 CSSA 24 Millard Parade (optional) 10:00am Lineup 27 28 29 30 Friendship Dinner Council Bluffs Masonic Center 6:00pm 31 2013 September Sun 1 Mon Schuyler Parade 1:00pm Lineup 8 2 9 Tue 3 10 Wed Cold Sands 6:30pm 4 11 Thu 5 12 Stated Meeting Dinner 6:15pm Meeting 7:30pm Fri 6 Director Staff Dance 13 Legion of Honor POW Soup Supper Sat 7 Plattsmouth Parade 14 Wounded Warriors Banquet Babysitting Available 15 16 22 23 Spaghetti Feed Vintage Iron Car Show 29 17 18 24 25 Chief Aide, Unit, & Club Head Meeting 5:30pm Membership Meeting 6:30pm 19 20 26 27 Big Red Dinner 21 Nebraska City Parade Noon Lineup 28 Nile Style Show 30 Circus Kickoff 2013 – Please Support Our Sponsors – 25 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Tangier Business & Professional Sponsor Directory ACCOUNTING & TAX Dave Emry, Ray Duerfeldt 14707 California St…….....402-498-9100 Computer Services Parkinson Consulting - Michael Parkinson [email protected] Schwarz & Associates, CPA Hank Schwarz……….....….402-330-6880 DRY CLEANERS Max I. Walker Cleaners Bob Walker, Jr. Donald P. Bush CPA, PC Don Bush 13812 U St 402-896-2500............ FAX 402-896-2700 ADVERTISING & DESIGN Hawk River Advertising Kevin Conner…….....…......402-305-7931 AIR CONDITIONING A-1 United Htg & Air Conditioning 4972 “F” Street……............402-593-7500 AUTOMOBILE REPAIR TUFFY AUTO SERVICE CENTER Mark Anthony 137th & Millard Ave…........402-895-4274 House of Mufflers & Brakes, Total Car Care Jeff Moberg 8906 Maple St,...................402-393-7888 2717 Leavenworth,.............402-346-1040 4102 N. 30th,......................402-455-0135 Bellevue, 301 Fort Crook Rd. N...402-293-1800 AUTOMOBILE SALES Gregg Young Chevrolet - GEO 178th & West Dodge Omaha, NE ………………..402-572-8080 Hobscheidt/Henry Pro Chrysler-Dodge Jeep-Ram-New/Used Next to Jeff Henry Chevrolet Plattsmouth, NE 68048......402-296-5000 Jeff Henry Chevrolet - New/Used 10 Min So Bellevue on Hwy 75 Large Selection “Under The Big Flag” Plattsmouth, NE 68048......402-296-3210 All over Omaha and Council Bluffs.402-344-7488 Electrical David’s Electric 1707 N. 42nd Street...........402-553-1565 Hoffman Electric.................402-734-1196 EMPLOYMENT Eggers Personnel, Jim Eggers, Prs. 11272 Elm St. ………….....402-333-3480 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Korisko-Larkin-Stasklewicz Funeral Home 5108 “F” St. ………............402-731-1234 Roeder Mortuary Jon Roeder 50th Ames Ave. ……..........402-453-5600 108th & Maple ………........402-496-9000 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP. A-1 United Heating & Air Conditioning 4972 “F” St. …….......……..402-593-7500 Home Repairs Celebrity Gutters Residential & Commercial Paul Rutten.........................402-681-6080 INSURANCE American Family Ins - Travis Prater Auto, Home, Life, Health, Commercial 14345 Fort St, Ste 900.......402-445-6117 INSURANCE (Continued) State Farm-Tanya Patzner Auto, Life, Health, Home, Business 2770 S. 129th Ave..............402-333-1866 W.G. Muldoon Insurance Life Health Auto Home Commercial P.O. Box 241592 Omaha NE 68124…..........402-689-7167 INVESTMENT ADVISORS D.A. Davidson & Co. Philip A. Lorenzen SID & General Market Municipals 1111 North 102nd Court..…402-392-7902 PRINTERS K-Kopy Printing Service, Inc. Keith Kortright, E-mail: [email protected] 736 North 75th St. ………..402-393-4857 JEWELRY Malashock’s - Village Pointe South Robert Malashock 16811 Burke Street...........402-496-9990 REAL ESTATE Paramount Commercial Real Estate Services David J. Gibbs, CPM®.......402-502-3300 13520 Discovery Dr...www.paramountcres.com LAWN CARE Barna Lawn & Landscape Fertilization, Mowing, Aeration Jacob Barna…….........................402-515-5530 REMODELING Joe Kopecky Builders Joe Kopecky ………......….402-676-9533 Complete Lawn Service Lawn Care & Snow Removal Bill Redmond …..………....402-333-9022 RC Remodeling www.rc-remodel.com….....402-598-9078 LAWN EQUIPMENT Pruitt Inc. - Rich Almgren Small Engine, Lawn Mowing Equip. 4524 Leavenworth St, Omaha.402-.556-1610 Anthony’s Steakhouse and Ozone Lounge OFFICE SPACE Ford, Lincoln, Chevrolet, Buick, GMC Walt Keast-Oakland, IA......877-885-3278 Steve Keast-Harlan, IA.......800-234-4927 LORING & COMPANY Dan Loring - Business Insurance 600 Essex Court ……........402-399-8721 McMullen Ford - New & Used Scott McMullen and Mike Wallace Lake Manawa Exit, Council Bluffs, IA ……........712-366-0531 Jeff Mann Gretna Insurance Agency 802 Village Square Gretna, NE 68028..............402-332-0000 OPTOMETRISTS Pearle Vision - Bellevue John Herbolsheimer, O.D. 3906 Twin Creek Dr..........402-932-8007 BANKING Great Western Bank 20 Locations Harlan Falk………….....…..402-552-1251 Member FDIC, Equal Opportunity Lender Montclair Insurance Group Rob Kuhl, Dave Strunc 2809 S 125th Ave, STE. 284 Omaha NE 68144..............402-932-9293 26 The Faucet Shop 6016 Maple St…...............402-551-5533 REFRIGERATION Bennett Refrigeration Inc. 3352 North 88th Plaza Eric Pelberg & Frank DeRoin...402-571-7444 Hillcrest Landing Great Location-Great Price, Check it out! Don Perry …………..…….402-596-1062 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Jerry’s Basement Waterproofing, Inc. 3030 Keystone Drive……...402-392-2211 PLUMBERS Kracht Plumbing Inc. cell......................................402-504-2918 INVESTIGATORS Professional Investigations Inc. David Robinson ………......402-690-4014 [email protected] ASSOCIATED UNDERWRITERS, INC. 9412 Giles Rd................402-592-0900 LaVista, NE 68128 Keast Motors - PHOTOGRAPHERS Mervin Reese 9802 Nicholas St. Ste 210..402-391-3755 PAINTERS Welch Painting - Jeff Welch Interior - Exterior - Decks [email protected] Pet Care Services Paradise Pet Suites LLC Boarding, Grooming, Day Care 20601 Elkhorn Dr...............402-289-4033 RESTAURANT 7220 “F” St.........................402-331-7575 ROOFING Waite Home Services Brad Waite..........................402-680-9288 RUBBER STAMPS J.P. Cooke & Co. Warren Cooke, John Cooke 1311-15 Howard St. ….......402-342-7175 SERVICE STATIONS VALVOLINE INSTANT OIL CHANGE Mark Anthony 132nd & Maple Street ….402-445-0070 137th & Millard Ave. …....402-895-4274 108th & Q Street ………..402-592-6550 STORAGE Gray & Associates Don & Joan Gray, Owner Cars, Boats, RVs, Etc. 18201 S. 132nd St. ……....402-253-2855 Call Tangier Office ADVERTISE IN 402-392-0406 THE HOT SANDS – Please Support Our Sponsors – Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Tangier Business & Professional Sponsor Directory TIRES Allied Oil & Tire Company Con Heinson 2209 S. 24th St. …………..402-344-4343 TRAVEL AGENTS RnDSTravel www.RnDSTravel.com ROGER & DONNA MLADY Omaha NE 68124 [email protected] or....402-660-9523 TREE CARE Terry Hughes Tree Service Terry Hughes …………..…402-558-8198 Josh Kroupa Certified Arborist...............402-981-1453 TRUCKS Paul Lucht & Sons Body Shop, Inc. Tom & Nick 1519 S. 3rd St.……..…......402-342-5630 McMullen Ford - New & Used Scott McMullen & Mike Wallace Lake Manawa Exit Council Bluffs, IA …………712-366-0531 UNIFORM RENTAL Max I. Walker Uniform Rental Bob Walker Jr. …………....402-344-7488 All Over Omaha and Council Bluffs Hot Sands Newsletter Available on our website! GO TO. . . . www.ta ngiersh ri ne.com Brick Order Form For the wall in the Crescent Room Red Brick: $100 Gold Brick $500 Please PRINT clearly and do not exceed 16 characters per line. First Line: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Second Line: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Third Line: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Buyer’s Name: ________________________ Office Use Only Received By: Address _____ Cash/Checks ________________________ $ ______________ Phone:___________________ Brick Amount $ ____________ Date: ___________ (Payment Enclosed) Lifetime Membership Dues Card Costs: There is no age basis for the following membership categories and formula. If not for yourself, think of purchasing a lifetime membership for a son or relative you may have brought into Shrinedom. Each of these individually, or together resulting in a Total Life Membership. The Tangier office @ 392-0404 can assist you or answer any questions. Life Member * Temple Dues $37 x 20 years = $740 Per Capita Member * Per Capita $15 x 30 years = $450 Permanent Contributing Member * Hospital $5 x 30 years = $150 Total Life Membership cost for 2013 Only $1340 – Please Support Our Sponsors – 27 Au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Ta n g i e r “ h o t s a n d s ” HOT NEWS Potentate’s Message...................................Page 2 Red Cross Review.......................................Page 2 Stated Meeting............................................................Page 2 Appointments & Masonic Family Activities..................Page 3 Memorials....................................................................Page 4 Unit & Club Articles.................................................Pages 4-8 Burn Aid Golf Classic...................................................Page 9 Hamburger Nights.....................................................Page 10 Wounded Warriors Family Support ..........................Page 10 Shriner Hospital Articles.....................................Pages 11-13 Excellence Punta Cana Resort Trip..........................Page 14 CSSA.........................................................................Page 15 Shrine Night at the Races.........................................Page 16 Arkansas Statement..................................................Page 16 Tangier Ladies Bazaar Night.....................................Page 17 Wings & Beer Night...................................................Page 17 Advertisements...................................................Pages 17-23 Scottish Rite Check the Date....................................Page 18 Omaha York Rite Dates To Remember.....................Page 18 Shrine Hop Dinner & Dance......................................Page 18 Parade Schedule.......................................................Page 19 Unit & Club Meetings.................................................Page 24 Calendars of Activities...............................................Page 25 Directory Ads.................................................. Pages 26 & 27 Brick Order Form.......................................................Page 27 Lifetime Membership.................................................Page 27 Friendship Dinner................................................ Back Cover Tangier Shriners 2823 South 84th Street Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 392-0404 • Fax: (402) 392-2208 Email: [email protected] Tangier Lounge 392-1357 Pre-Sorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Omaha, NE Permit No. 433 Friendship Dinner Thursday August 29th 6:00 pm Council Bluffs Masonic Center Reservations: 402-392-0404 28 Invite a Friend to Become a Brother! – Please Support Our Sponsors –
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