Zulfiquar - Canara Bank
Zulfiquar - Canara Bank
tunryrrtugf'\Canara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) Ref:MIRZApUR,BAJIMO KATM/ZO 1 S_ I6 Date:r7r8.zotd To, Sri Zulfiquar AIi Bhutto R/.o 72/ST6HayatNagar SabfiRoad, IWrjapur,IJ.p. Dear Sir/Madam, sub:Notiee ,ntler s-egfion rB(4) of the see,ritisation anrtl neeonst.retio. of il111T1i.'"Htr#H*ll-:l;1;:*"11ii.,Hg"3ffi-;,aat.Zoozreae,wirrrR*reAs you. are aware, I on behalf of Cana posiession orthe a,isets aescribedln ;;;;;ir:,2i5;,Kffi"rffi"#rr*;i::ffiri?ilT *ilf,ffj*f,#;:#:"J;[;i,h "*,tandins a,, i^iti,by you ," .,,.iii.,zapur.,:?;,ljf| Balirao ffi: K:?i.::gned proposes to sell the assets (through e-auction)more futly described in the schedute of Hence' in terms of the provisions of the subject Act and,Rules made there underr the Sale Notice (e-auciion r am herewith sendins ,ioii .o"i;i"r.riu last and rinal opponY1'-t{ ""ti".l tl* ,ri". ur" hereby siveni ;*'i;;r1;uirriy r" rrir ,r'rr1la "i days trom the date of this notice, u,;a r.i"iui^tL. urr"tr'*r.,i.iiirr.in-rhe sare Notice enclosed within 30 which the assets will be u.., por..rr.J by the bank, fairins til" and, conditi'on, r;;"d;ffii"r, d9!; t"H;;;"; ;Tt,it}:lout ;ilr ."t'"u, in rhe encrosed Sale Notice. prejudice to any other rights availabtero rhe Bankunderthe subjecr Act/ Yours faithfully, ----7--- '-_->-' AUTIIORTSED OI,FTCDN CANANA BA]Ttr( ENCLOSURE - SALE NOTICE tunurrrs$canara Bank or any other (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) D.AUCTTON NOTTCD saLD NOTTCD Or rtrrDflovaBlD pB0pDnTrns Trrnoucrr E.AUCTTON (ONr,rND uNrlER Ru,Es s(6) & (e) or rNTEatrsT tdifi.?#l"" (Drrronc,Dr,Nr) is herebv- given to the effect rt"^rn"",Yr1rT#frop"rti"rdescribed -T:rt under the provisions of Securitisati,ori herein,taken possession R;;;;r;;t"i#or. Securirv rnreresr Act 2oo2;J Li' unaEnforcement of rnteresr auction on the following terms *]r, be sord through e_ & r, rrby the service provider A,trares "or.Jitiorr. ^*^nged. yoaoo-col,i.* ooassio* 4os throush the #;;iv ( il (ilf;;;;"ro nrrr"irix y,dfi,ji, ^iit fI;if;H;;#*fffi:;,ff;*:*o 1' Nanne and Addr"" "n11*;".-;:Jil:#*" n. : canaraBank U.P 2. Narre and Adtlress of the llorrr x/o,rz/ sie;;;l'*r* sri zutriquar Bhutto Sabri Road, Mirjapur,IJ.p. 3.Total lia'ilities as .,n OB.Og.I2: Rs.6,gZZ46.0I*inf.*other exp.WEF 04.09.2012 4'Last nate for reeeipt of tenrler doeurnen ts:rg.og.2ord upto z:oo pm S.Tender dor:ru,ent CanaraBank Mirzapur,Bajirao #rf;F:mitted: 6. (a) Date & Time of e. auetion: Date_22.Og.ZO7d fi*"- l2:OOnoonto 01:OO p.*. -- " (with (b) Portal unlimited extension of S -minutes dur ation each till the conclusion of the sale) of c. auetion: www b anke au ctionw iz at d. c orn . 7' rDetails of Property/ies: L?:!_&BuildingH.No.I ^"'"' 76t/2Ka, Z,tz / sz 6,HayatNrt;,Y ?r! _"9 sabri Rd'Tehsil Sadar, 1 orrriu..rir-rr 8. Reserve 9. Priee: o, R5.S3r$BOQO.OO DMD & Iast date of deposit of DIIfI): Rs.3,39,300.00 [Rs.Three lakhs Thirty Three Hundred. onlylNine by 79.09.2015 upto 2 p.M. Thousand ?;lXi tilsJll Xi':f;,X'f#".t ;"HX;]l.T?t :?#;".', is,, basis inctudinsencumb,ances, b. Auction / bidding shall be only through ,,Online Electronic Bidding,, through the website www'bankeauctionwizard'com. Bidd.ers,are aivised,to the websi lothrough t{for detailed terms before tal<tng par"t in the e-auction sale p.o"..dirg, c' The property canbe inspected,,with Prior Appointment u*" o"*fli1til"X;1,fl[ Hi?ii ff::XJ* with thebranchManager. Reserve Pdce and the participatinsbtdders may improve g' EMD amount of loo/o of the Reserve-.Price is to be deposite dby Authorized officer, Canara BankJthirzapur, Bajirao' - []::iT3Tj:;;ir}T;?;;;,fedit or a"couni or xurru, way of Demand draft infavour of oR shall be deposited through ianaru Bank',r,AirzapiipEii". kaira B,ranch;;? e' Intending bidders shall hold. a valid, digital signature certificate and. e-mailaddress. For details with regard to digital signature please contact the p"oviJe, A,tares syste,r r,ttl.,Ba,galore, Dfs'Rekha Yadav contaet No-se-rvice oodsgeo*aos flrro,gh the website www.bankeauctionwizard.com. Immediately on the iii" a^t" of paT,rnent oT the EMD amounf the bidderc shall approach the said service proride" tor oitauing digiiar ;G;;ilGf not hording a varid, digital signature) h' After payment of the EMD-amount,the inteydingbidders should submit a copyof the following rg'6g.zors av 6z:oi.-riu, to Canara saik, rt4trzapur f^iiffi{}"i1[":;,:;ro:^P;;. Baiira| (1) Demand Draft/pay order towardr !y?31g" nt.rf paidthrough RTGS/NEF', actnowledgement recerpt thereof wifh (Z) Photocopies of PAN card, ID Proof.and UTR No. Address proof. However, success fulbidderwould have to ptoduce these documents in orisinatto the naik;; rh; til;;/;rd;';;y ment or batance amount of 21o/o of bid amount. (3) Bidders Name. ContactNo. Address, E Mail Id. (4) Bidder,s A/c detailsfor online iefun'dof fl,fO. f. The intending biclders should register their names at pPrtal their User rD and password free of r.orp. ctive biddii may avail online trurungon E- and get auction from the service provider Arrtares Sys]em "ort. itd.,Bangalore, Dfs.Rek[o yatlav Coptoet No. tl*ough the i**"liu,.ry on the same 3#lirX}fifli5 websit" i' EMD deposited bv the unsuccessfulbidd,er shallbe rcfund,edto them within 2 sale. The EMD shali not carry any interest. days of finalization of j' Auction would commence at Reserve Price, as mentioned above.Bidders shall improve their offers in nrultipties of Rs. 10,000. The bidder wtro suomir, rh. h;f;jirrJ-i""i"u"r";lii: Reserve price) on closure of 'online' auction shaltbe declired u, .r"".rrfrl-Biia"r. Sale shall be confirme d, in favour of the successfulbidder, subject to confirmaiion of tlr" ,r*"-tvli.," ,"..r""a creditor. k' The successful bidder,shall deposit 25o/o of^the.sale price (inclusive of EMD already paid), immediately on declarinihim/her as the successful bidder ind, the bataici-ltlri" IE days from the date of confirmation of sile by the r"",r""a creditor. iril," r""."ssful biider f;ilrl; pay thesale price wifhin the period stated aboie, the-deposit *uiruy l.,iJ-rirJt r" iorreiteJry^iir.'e,rtt u! LrLc orised officer without anv notice and propefty shalr forthwith be p;i;p r* ,irJrs;i;:"'" l#X,i.1?r'rfiffi:i.-",;:ce, stamp dutv andresistration charses etc., as appticablesharr be borne by nr' A'uthorised officer reserves the right to postpone /cancelor vary the terms and, conditi,ons of the eauction without assigning any reason-thereof. '1' In case thete ate bidderc who do not i#!iii,?iTl hau-e access to the internet but interest ed in participatingthe eBaiirao rbtra bran"t uo;o i,-u ";?i":f:i1*";::::,ffiT,;Tl*ff"'u!,'T,il,uru, ;H":f?:*"j"H,::.:ll'bf ,[ #.ii::,:,T,"-^ y_r.?g.1.- 9:,.:.. Bamk. n,irzapur -rtr.,n.,garore, .I.*f" ;ili:".#i;X.J tlrrough thewebsir"*^*f ..sy.toT," 09453308405 date of payment. ;:.ffi fin'"11,?"il#;T"ffi pj,l4i"s in rhe tasr minuresrsx;*#:i,ffi Neither canara Bank nor the service (Internet failure, pow.er rrial .^,iXJ::Sl t"rt"u, Ji.i o"ii"_pur* ,I*},Y,,]:::i:l"y: Immediately on the same *iii.i;" i"qp"isible for any rapses/fairure of the aiihiror vendor in such cases. rn q;;1 on, vruuurr uiaa"r, ilrc ar e requested r equested to fo make make a, th e,1necessary e.F hI allthe ur;;;;:" aruan3ements/alternatio", fil,:*,::11,,s*,' ,rEn se4 l*::l*,f iir.i-ii "i,"umu",,i',".r,],#li::y;;X!r:k:\iX,T,ffii..iT,Tli,,I!flj; Place: IrLtrzapur Date: l$.os.Zol\ AUTHORISED OI.FICEIT CANAIIA BANI(