Vendor Package - TitleSearch247


Vendor Package - TitleSearch247
Dear Prospective Search Vendor :
We appreciate your interest in becoming a member of TitleSearch247, LLC.
Searching Team. TitleSearch247 is a nationwide Vendor Management Company
dedicated to being superior in Service and Pricing, one search at a time. As a
professional searcher, we know that you have built a career of being detail
oriented, accurate and efficient, and these qualities make you a good fit for our
Expanding on the success of Notarize247, we are using the same service-oriented
business model to create national network of title searchers and abstractors to meet
our customers’ needs. We know that competition is fierce and margins are tight so
many companies are utilizing overseas vendors to complete searches – however,
we value the specific knowledge and service that on-the-ground searchers like you
give us in providing our nationwide clients with the most accurate reports
As an approved Search Vendor, you commit to the highest level of communication
and service, and in return we commit to treating you with the respect and courtesy
you have earned as a professional in our industry.
We look forward to a mutually profitable and beneficial relationship.
Thank you,
Luis Lucero, CEO & the TitleSearch 247 Team
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Application Check List:
In order for you to be considered a fully qualified and active member of our
National Title Vendor Database, we must receive the following documentation:
o Search Vendor Application - signed and dated
o Independent Contractor Agreement - signed and dated
o TitleSearch247’s Terms and Conditions- signed and dated
o Search Types & Pricing
o A copy of your W-9; this must match the name of the company/individual
on the application
o A copy of your current Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance
o Diversity Discloser Form (optional)
o ACH Direct Deposit form (optional)
Once completed, please send by one of the following:
23615 El Toro Rd. Ste. X-385
Lake Forest, CA 92630
[email protected]
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Search Vendor Application
Applicants Name:
DBA (As it appears on your W-9):
Type of Business:
Sole Proprietorship
How many years of searching do you have?
What counties do you cover?
How many searches can you handle in one day for each county?
Do you have the ability to send and receive orders from the courthouse(s)?
Do you have E&O Insurance? ( If yes, include copy)
Do you employ additional searchers ?
If yes, how many?
Briefly describe your training process.
Are all of your Searchers covered under your E&O Insurance Policy?
Full Street Address: (please include city, state and zip code)
Full Mailing Address:
Preferred Contact Number:
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:
Can you receive text messages on your mobile phone?
Website Address:
Can you get your orders (by email) on your mobile phone?
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Other than English, please list any additional languages in which you are fluent.
If any claims/judgments have been filed against you in the past 5 years, please explain (pertaining to real estate
If you have been convicted of a crime in the past 5 years, please explain.
Phone Number:
Phone Number:
Phone Number:
Do you subscribe to a plant or access the records from the courthouse?
If you access a title plant, which one?
Do you have computer access to County Records in your office?
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Terms and Conditions of Service
In consideration of payment by TitleSearch247, LLC. (“TitleSearch247”) for services rendered by
(“Search Vendor”), Vendor agrees to the following terms and conditions for the service it provides.
1. Services. TitleSearch247will provide requests for abstracts of title, judgment searches, document
retrievals, and other services expected of an abstractor/title searcher. SEARCH VENDOR will
fulfill these requests, for which SEARCH VENDOR will be paid on a “per complete order” basis.
SEARCH VENDOR’s fee schedule is completed within, or attached to, this vendor packet. Fees
in excess of this fee schedule will not be paid unless escalated fee approval is sought by TITLE
ABSTRACTOR and granted by TitleSearch247, PRIOR to the completion of the order , on a
per-order basis.
2. Procedure. TitleSearch247 will assign orders by phone call, text message & email, in that
order. In order for TitleSearch247to meet the turn times and service requirements of our
national lenders, we choose to issue work to SEARCH VENDORS that we contact and
can confirm the ability to complete orders within our time frames. The confirmation
email will state the requirements and conditions of the order in addition to the agreed
upon fee for the order. Each requirement and condition must be fulfilled for an order to
be considered complete. SEARCH VENDOR will confirm receipt of each order via
email or telephone within 2 business hours of the submittal of that order to SEARCH
VENDOR. Orders not confirmed within 2 business hours are subject to immediate
cancellation without payment, at the discretion of TitleSearch247 . COMMUNICATION
is the cornerstone of our success!
a. Turn Times. SEARCH VENDOR will provide to TitleSearch247 an Estimated Time of
Arrival (ETA) for each order currently in progress. Failure to provide an ETA or overall
lack of sufficient communication may subject an order to immediate cancellation without
payment, at the discretion of TitleSearch247. SEARCH VENDOR agrees to abide by
their stated ETA. If an order cannot be delivered on or before stated ETA, SEARCH
VENDOR will provide TitleSearch247with notice of delay, and provide a revised ETA
for that order. Late orders are subject to cancellation by our clients; therefore orders
delivered late, without sufficient communication and a revised ETA may be subject to a
reduced fee, at the discretion of TitleSearch247.
3. Request to Correct. If TitleSearch247 deems an order submitted by SEARCH VENDOR to
contain an error or omission, a Request to Correct will be issued immediately and the SEARCH
VENDOR will be contacted by phone and email. Requests to Correct will be addressed by
SEARCH VENDOR in a timely manner. A file with an outstanding Request to Correct is
considered incomplete and will not be paid until finished.
4. Errors & Omissions Insurance. Vendor, at Vendor’s expense, will maintain professional
liability insurance with a minimum of $500,000 per occurrence coverage liability . Such
insurance shall cover the actions and services to be provided by Vendor hereunder. Insurance
coverage required under this section shall not limit the liability of Vendor to TitleSearch247.
5. Payment. TitleSearch247 will not consider an order complete unless all documents are
submitted as stipulated for the specific order and abstracted on the requested Order Form.
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This Order Form will be provided by TitleSearch247. The current effective date of the
county, town or judicial records must be featured on the Order Form.
a. TitleSearch247 pays for services rendered via ACH (Automated Clearing House)
deposits to your bank account only. The terms of payment are net 14 days from the
TitleSearch247 closed date of the order regardless of cancellation. Payment will be
initiated on the 14th calendar day (or the next business day if it falls on a Saturday or
Sunday date). Payments will be generated and deposits will be processed in the next
weekly payment batch. Funds will be available in your bank account one business day
after email notification. The email notification will provide the remittance information for
your deposit. If you chose not to use ACH, check payments are issued monthly, and are
processed on the 2nd Wednesday of every month for all orders closed in our system for
the prior month.
b. SEARCH VENDOR will return each completed order to TitleSearch247 by email, then
log on to our website to confirm completion of the order and submit your invoice for
expedited payment.
6. Confidential Information. Vendors agrees TO KEEP CONFIDENTIAL ALL, AND not to USE
AND/OR AFFILIATES OF TitleSearch247, except as is necessary in the ordinary course of
business to carry out the activities to be performed by Vendor UNDER THIS AGREEMENT.
7. Independent Contractor. It is specifically understood and agreed by the parties that Vendor is
not a servant, employee, joint venture, partner, member, manager or agent of TitleSearch247.
Vendor is only under the control of TitleSearch247 in that TitleSearch247 may approve the
results of Vendor’s work and terminate its association with Vendor as provided in this
Agreement; but TitleSearch247 shall not control the means by which Consultant conducts his
business. Vendor is not authorized to transact business, enter into agreements, or otherwise make
commitments on behalf of TitleSearch247. Vendor or its employees, agents, consultants or
contractors shall not have any claim under this Agreement or otherwise against TitleSearch247
for social security benefits, workers’ compensation, disability benefits, unemployment insurance,
vacation, sick pay or any other employee benefits of any kind. Vendor acknowledges and agrees
that TitleSearch247 is under no obligation to use Vendor’s services, and that TitleSearch247 may
use competing vendors.
8. Construction/Venue. This Agreement and any disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any lawsuit or action
brought by any of the parties hereto shall be filed and adjudicated in Orange County, California.
9. Indemnification. Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless TitleSearch247 and its shareholders,
directors, and employees from any claim, injury, damage, loss or expense caused to
TitleSearch247, its customers or other third parties by the breach or default of this Agreement
and/or the negligent acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Vendor or its employees, agents,
consultants or contractors arising under or in connection with this Agreement. The
indemnification right shall include, but not be limited to, the payment of reasonable attorney’s
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fees and other expenses which may be incurred in settling the claim or other threatened action, or
which may be incurred in any finally adjudicated legal proceeding.
10. Agreement. This Agreement and the Vendor Contract Information contain the entire agreement
between the parties and supersedes in any prior written or oral agreements or course of dealings
between the parties. This Agreement shall be construed and governed by the laws of the State of
California. The parties submit to jurisdiction in Orange County, California. Either party may
terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days notice to the other party; in the event of
termination of this Agreement for any reason, Paragraphs 5, 7 and 9 shall survive such
The foregoing terms and conditions describe the terms under which Vendor agrees to offer service to
TitleSearch247. By signing below Vendor is acknowledging that it has read the foregoing terms and
conditions, and agrees with and accepts all of the terms and conditions for providing service to
______________________________________ (“Search Vendor”)
By: _____________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________
Date: ______/________/______
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Search Types and Pricing
County: ________________
Copy cost per page / Doc: __________
Price: ________
Current Owner:
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner - Vesting Deed copy
all open recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary liens) for
vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 12-24 hours
INITIALS: ________
Current Owner less taxes & assessment :
Price: ________
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner - Vesting Deed copy
all open recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary liens) for
vested owner(s),
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 12-24 hours
INITIALS: ________
Five Year Lien Search :
Price: ________
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner, and all owners within
a 5 year time frame - Vesting Deed copy included
all open & CLOSED recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary
liens) for vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 24-36 hours
INITIALS: ________
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Fifteen Year Lien Search :
Price: ________
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner, and all owners within
a 15 year time frame - Vesting Deed copy included
all open & CLOSED recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary
liens) for vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 24-36 hours
INITIALS: ________
Twenty-Five Year Lien Search :
Price: ________
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner, and all owners within
a 25 year time frame - Vesting Deed copy included e
all open & CLOSED recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary
liens) for vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 36-48 hours
INITIALS: ________
Commercial Current Owner:
Price: ________
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner - Vesting Deed copy
all open recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary liens) for
vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 12-24 hours
INITIALS: ________
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Price: ________
Full Search:
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information, & chain of title for All owners back to State Statue,
Vesting Deed copy included
all open recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary liens) for
vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 36-48 hours
INITIALS: ________
Update / Bringdown:
an update of a prior report, with new effective date
abstract of any changes
Expected Completion time: 12-24 hours
Two-Three Owner:
Price: ________
INITIALS: ________
Price: ________
legal description of the subject property,
current vesting information and chain of title for current owner - Vesting Deed copy
all open recorded liens or known liens (including voluntary and involuntary liens) for
vested owner(s),
property tax status,
property assessed value and
associated recorded documents to the subject security instrument(s) (i.e. assignments,
loan modifications, lis pendens, judgments, notice of default, etc.)
Expected Completion time: 24-48 hours
INITIALS: ________
Document Retrieval:
Expected Completion time: 12-24 hours
Price: ________
INITIALS: ________
If you cover more than one county, please make copies of pages 8-10 and
complete with pricing and initials.
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Diversity Disclosure Form
To better serve our customers, we ask that you voluntarily fill out the information
below regarding the ownership structure of your company. We appreciate your
participation in this survey.
Company Name:
Please check applicable boxes:
Service Disabled Veteran Owned
Veteran Owned
Disabled Owned
African American Owned
Asian Pacific Owned
Native American Owned
Hispanic Owned
Subcontinent Asian Owned
Female Owned
Multiple Ethnicity or Unknown Ethnicity
HUBZone Small Business (SBA Certification)
LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender)
Small Disadvantaged Small Business (SBA Certification)
Obtain SBA information in the internet: http://www.sba.gopropov
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Please read the payment information carefully.
Accounting will NOT set your file up for ACH if they do not have one of the following:
- Voided check
- Account verification form (these are issued by the bank)
Failure to provide one of these documents will result in your payments being sent via check.
Accounts Payable Policies and Procedures:
Payment via ACH:
Terms of payment for vendors receiving payments via ACH are net 14 days from the date the invoice is
received. Payments will be initiated on the 14th calendar day (or the next business day if it falls on a
Saturday, Sunday or holiday). Payments will be generated and deposits will be processed in the next
weekly payment batch. Funds will be available in your bank account one business day after email
notification. The email notification will provide the remittance information for your deposit.
Payment via Check:
Check payments will be processed on the second Wednesday of every month for all orders closed in our
system for the prior month. If you receive information regarding a payment and you have not received
the payment, contact the AP department using the following email address: [email protected]. If
the check was issued over two (2) weeks ago, the AP department will determine if the check has been
cleared from the bank account. If the check still has not cleared the bank account, a stop payment will
be issued and a replacement check will be issued.
Any inquiries regarding payments, please contact TitleSearch247, LLC. Accounts payable department at
[email protected] the item in question will be researched and resolved within three (3) business
days if at all possible. Requests for payment of files older than three (3) months will NOT be investigated
or honored.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________________
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ACH Payment:
TitleSearch247, LLC. Pays for services rendered via ACH (Automated Clearing House)
The ACH method of payment allows for your payment to be automatically deposited into the account of
your choice. A separate email notification will be sent providing you with the reference information for
the service (s) you provided. We can reference by last name and/or invoice number.
Some of the benefits of receiving payment via ACH are:
Quicker turn-time for payment
Payment is initiated on the 14th calendar day (or next business day if it falls on a Saturday,
Sunday or Monday holiday date) versus 28 calendar days for check payment
Payments are generated and deposits are processed in the next weekly payment batch
Automatically placed in the account of your choosing
Funds are available in your bank account one business day after email notification
Email notification provides the remittance information for your deposit
No check deposits to make
No lost checks
One time sign-up for the service (unless your account information changes)
Please complete the ACH agreement in its entirety and return to one of the following:
Email: [email protected]
Mail: TitleSearch247, LLC.
Attn: Accounting Department
23615 El Toro Rd Suite D-385
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Please include a copy of a VOIDED CHECK or bank verification form (send an original if mailing-please do
not send a deposit slip).
To protect your privacy, the information enclosed on the form will only be seen by the Accounting
Department of TitleSearch247, LLC.
Your Tax ID and/or Social Security number must be provided in order to receive payment. Your email
address is important if you would like to be notified of payment details. TitleSearch247, LLC. Information
is treated with the appropriate level of confidentiality and security.
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If you have any questions in regards to the above information, please contact TitleSearch247, LLC.
Accounts payable department at [email protected]
Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits (CREDIT):
I (WE) hereby authorize TitleSearch247, LLC. to initiate a credit entry to my (our) Checking Savings
account in the entity named below (Depository Institution) and authorize the Depository Institution to
accept and to credit the amount of such entries to my (our) account.
Email Address for ACH Notification:
Tax ID or Social Security Number:
Name of Depository Institution:
Name that Appears on Account:
Transit Routing Number (9 Digits): Account Number:
In the event of an error in the credit entry, the correction of which requires that a reversing (debit) entry
to be made, I (we) hereby authorize the Depository Institution to initiate such a debit entry in the
amount of the error to my (our) account.
Please check one:
Name: (Printed)
Contact Phone #: (S)
Personal/Business Address:
City: State: Zip:
Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________________________
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Please attach a VOIDED CHECK
I do not wish to participate in ACH and understand I will be paid by check monthly. Payments
are processed on the
2nd Wednesday of every month for all orders closed in the prior month.
Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________________________
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