Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
5th Sunday of Easter Saint Mary’s Catholic Church _________________ Iglesia Católica Santa Maria 5 Domingo de Pascua 600 AVENUE B • STERLING, IL 61081 (815)625–0640 May 6, 2012 Yo soy La Vid, Ustedes los sarmientos I am the vine, you are the branches. 6 de Mayo2012 5th Sunday Easter St. Mary’s Church, Sterling, Illinois Office Hours-Staff Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Phone: 815-625-0640 Parish Pastor: Fr. Don Ahles Parochial Vicar: Fr. Juan Ayala Parish Secretary: Donna Blum Hispanic Secretary: Janie Atilano Shut-in Ministry: Sally Kellen Pastoral Associate: Jane Olson Business Manager: Marilyn McBride Deacon: John Kellen Deacon: Jim Lopez Deacon: Larry Zitkus St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253 Principal: Tom DePasquale Religious Education/Phone/625-6688 Director: Gerry Williamson Secretary: Dianne Williamson Weekend Mass Schedule: English: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am St. Mary’s Website Mass Intentions Monday, May 7 8:30 am Anastasia Devine Tuesday, May 8 8:30 am Katherine McCormick Wednesday, May 9 8:30 am Larry Marrs Thursday, May 10 8:30 am Gilbert Thome Friday, May 11 8:30 am Mary Olalde Saturday, May 12 8:30 am Katherine McCormick 5:00pm Mary Dondero Sunday, May 13 7:00 am Mary Devine 8:30 am Mary Irene Kivisto 10:00 am St. Mary Parishioners 11:30 am Moises & Emilia Cantu, Sr. “Peanut Butter & Jelly Sunday” Date: May 13, 2012 For: “Let’s Feed the Children”- a free summer feeding program. Choices: Donations of: Jars of Peanut Butter (smooth, not chunky) Jelly, (not preserves or jam) Our parish has once again stepped up to assist this program at St. John’s Church, 7033rd Ave., Sterling. We are in need of volunteers for July 10-11-12 and July 17-18-19, from 10:30-12:30p.m. each day. A sign-up sheet will be at the front desk of the Parish Office. We are accepting donations at the Parish Center office anytime between now and May 11th or after the Mother’s Day promotion, please deliver the peanut butter and jelly to the Sauk Valley Foodbank, 1801 Plant Road (west of Self-Help), Sterling, between 9:00a.m. and noon. Your donations would be appreciated. Altar & Rosary Mother/Daughter Banquet Mark your calendar to join us on Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 1:00 p.m., in Bales Hall for our annual Mother/Daughter Banquet. All women of the parish and their guests are invited. Agenda: Luncheon and Installation of Officers for 2012-2013. Please bring a dish to pass as designated by last name. A thru G: Meat dish M thru R: Salad H thru L: Vegetable S thru Z: Dessert Keep Us Informed! Have you changed your name, address, or phone number ( or have changed to a cell phone only. Are you or someone you know in the hospital or homebound? If you answer yes to any one of these questions, then please call our parish office at 815-6250640. It is vital that we keep the census updated and minister to your spiritual needs. St. Vincent DePaul Help those in our community who are having a tough time. We are accepting non-perishable food items and paper products during the week, at our parish center office, from 9:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. From the Editor Summer is approaching quickly, I need any news you may want included in future bulletins, please submit the articles early. I appreciate your help. Donna St. Mary School Projects Blooming Sale: St. Mary School has partnered with Selmi’s for a spring fundraiser. Join us on Thursday, May 10 from 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. in the church parking lot to purchase a variety of hanging baskets and flats of annuals on sale for $20 each. A percentage of sales are being donated back to St. Mary’s School. Please note the date is the Thursday before Mother’s Day. Walk-A-Thon: Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, parishionersJoin the St. Mary’s students as they walk for pledges in the church parking lot on the morning of Friday, May 11. All pledges go to St. Mary’s School. Diocesan Stewardship Pledges If you were unable to make your pledge this weekend, you may do so next weekend at Mass or you can drop it off at the Parish Office, Monday-Friday, 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Collection Report-Fiscal Year April 28-29, 2012 Description Weekly Required Amount $15,819.00 Envelope Collection $11,201.50 Loose Collection $ 1,071.11 Children's Collection $ 28.85 Total Collection $12,301.46 Over (Short) of Required $(3,517.54) Description Required Amount Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Over (Short) of Required Year To Date $696,036.00 $498,604.04 $ 38,429.88 $ 797.51 $537,831.43 $(158,204.57) Members Contributing 291 New Consolidated Loan Total $102,761.39 Observer Bill: $ 0.00 Tithe: Our 8.5% tithe of $1,045.62, for April 29 has been given to Newman Catholic Student Center, DeKalb. This week’s 8.5% tithe will be given to the Gianna’s House. Next week’s tithe will be given to the Feed our Children Program. Liturgical Schedules Lectors Saturday, May 12 5:00 pm Michelle Decker, Jean McCue Sunday, May 13 7:00 am Jim Say 8:30 am Bert Davis, Kelly Keaschall 10:00 am Jane Olson, Mary Francque Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, May 12 5:00 pm Deacon, Dorothy Miller, Howard Craft, Donna Adams, Larry Adams Sunday, May 13 7:00 am Tim Downie, Joel Downie, Lori Downie 8:30 am Deacon, Beth Summers, Terri Lawrence, Sally Kellen, Matt Beck 10:00 am Ann Stroup, Brianna Henson, Jeannie Ramos, Julie Jacobs, Judy Vasquez Altar Servers Saturday, May 12 5:00 pm Alvaro Hernandez, Karter Decker, Breck Tschosik Sunday, May 13 7:00 am Longinos Ambriz 8:30 am Quentin Larson, Michael Healy, Paul Marruffo 10:00 am Tomas Valdez, Spencer Mauch, Victor Francque Bearing the Fruits from God In the television show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” there is a wild card called “lifeline,” in other words, a line of life. It seems like a threat: if it is cut or if it doesn’t work, death will this case, you lose the game and any possible winnings that came with it. It is a matter of having someone to lean on if our own strength (knowledge) fails us. There are people who would prefer to go it alone, leaning on their own talents and strength, so that later they can say they did it all by themselves. Perhaps this is possible in the material life, although in reality it is quite rare that anyone can be entirely self-sufficient. We all want to succeed, to achieve fruits in life, to be able to say in the end that we did something good or important. The issue is to ask ourselves several questions: Why? For what? What is the final objective we seek with our actions? For whom or who is it going to favor? And, most important of all, what strength do I count on? The answers to all these questions will provide us, in a way, the measure by which we will bear fruit...or not. But above all else, it has to do with thinking about whom we will count on to achieve these fruits. it is only on our own strength, things will go wrong. To rely too much on ourselves-or too little-leads to barrenness without remedy. When someone relies too much on their own strength, he or she will irremediably see how everything collapses, just like a tower of cards. It looked good, but it was unstable. The other day, my three-year-old nephew also had a very tall tower of Lego blocks and he assured very seriously.“It is pretty, but it is unstable.” At that precise moment, the tower collapsed. It had its moment of glory, but collapsed because it was not located on a solid foundation. Perhaps we have had experiences like this: to do, triumph, have successes, and then arrive at a point where everything collapses and we are left with a shadow of who we once were. There is no life left. It would be good then to ask ourselves what was beneath or on the side of each achievement: was it just confidence on our own strength? There we would have the answer as to why things happened the way they did. In the same manner, whenever there is something that has provided good fruit, something that has been beneficial to others, that has resulted in grace, blessing, and good toward another, we could ask ourselves what, or better yet, who was behind it. Here too we will find the response: there can only be real life when Christ is present. In today’s gospel emphasis is placed on the same thing: who is united to the true vine; whomever does not have their foundation resting on something solid (and something truly solid that gives life can only be God), will not only sink, but will wither and die. Because Christ is not only the foundation, he is the substance, and the all. “For you can do nothing without me.” For Reflection To what do I aspire? What fruits do I consider are being asked of me? Who do I lean on? How do I maintain my relationship with God alive so that it can bear fruits? Live Well - Be Well A perfect class for people with chronic conditions such as: Arthritis, Heart Disease, Asthma, Lund Disease, Emphysema, Stroke, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, and all others. Learn how to manage symptoms. This class will be held here in the Parish Center, if we can get enough persons interstested. For further information, please call CGH Community Servies 815-625-0400 ext. 5425. or call the Parish Center Office at 815-625-0640. Helpers of God’s Most Precious Children This is a weekly prayer group that meets after 8:30 Mass every Thursday, in the chapel to pray for the end of abortions and for those who are ill. Mass Intentions What is a Mass Intention? A Mass Intention is when you have a Mass said for someone who has passed away or for something that is very important example: wedding anniversary, birthday. Please call or stop by the Parish Office to have a Mass said. Weekday Masses are available as well as some weekend masses. Plan ahead and call us at 815-625 -0640 5 Domingo del Pascua Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640 Página de Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Horario de Oficinas Nuestro horario para la oficinas del centro parroquial lunes a jueves es 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ministros para el fin de semana del 13 de Mayo Lectores: Gabriel Ocampo, Roman Moreno Ministro de Eucaristia: Juan Castaneda, Janie Atilano, Jesus Villa, Longinos Ambriz, Elisa Cisneros Monaguillos: Victoria Arrezola, Jakelyn Arrezola, Rosa Ibarra Acomodadores: Juan Trujillo, Ramiro Estrada, Juan Herrera, Gonzalo Lemus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo Las platicas serán el 5 de Mayo de las 2:00pm a las 4:00pm, en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor de no traer sus niños. Unicamente para los papas y padrinos. Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia Si usted quiere presenter su niño o niña en el templo, unicamente las presentaciones serán el cuarto domingo del mes durante la misa o despues de misa. Matrimonios y Quinceañeras: Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote. Confesiones: Sábados de 4:00 a 4:30 pm, o por cita en la oficina del Padre. Adoracion Acompáñenos en la oración al Santísimo Sacramento todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. RVirgen de Guadalupe El rosario será el día 12 de Mayo, a la 6:00 p.m., en la casa de Sr. y Sra. Reginaldo Gomez, 710 W. 9th St., Sterling, IL. Dar Los Frutos de Diós En el programa de television “¿Quién quiere ser millonario?” hay un comodín que se llama “lifeline,”es decir, línea de vida. Parece una amenaza: si se corta o si no funciona, sobreviene la muerte...en este caso, el fracaso en el concurso y la pérdida de las posiles ganancias. Se trata de que hay que tener alguien en quien apoyarse si las propias fuerzas (conocimientos) fallan. Hay personas que preferirían hacerlo solas, apoyarse en sus propios talentos y fuerzas y luego poder decir que lo hicieron ellos todos, solitos. Quizá eso sea posible en la vida material humana, aunque en realidad es bastante poco frecuente que alguien pueda ser totalmente autosuficiente. Todas queremos tener éxito, lograr frutos en la vida poder decir al final de ella que hicimos, algo bueno, o importante. El asunto es hacerse algunas preguntas: ¿por qué? ¿para qué?¿cuál es el objetivo final que perseguimos en nuestras acciones? ¿para quién, o va a quien va a favorecer? Y, lo más importante de todo, ¿con qué fuerzas cuento? Las respuestas a todas estas preguntas nos darán, en cierto modo la medida en que daremos frutos...o no. Pero sobre todo, se trata de pensar a quién estamos unidos para lograr esos frutos. Si es solamente en nuestra propia fuerza, la cosa va a ir mal. Confiar mucho en uno mismo-como confiar demasiado poco-lleva a la esterilidad sin remedio. Cuando alguien se fía mucho de sus propias fuerzas, acaba irremediablemente por ver cómo se le desmorona todo, como si fuera una torre de naipes. Lucía bien, pero era inestable. Mi sobrinito de tres años me lo dijo el otro día también: tenia una torre de legos muy ala y aseguró muy serio: es bonita, pero es inestable. Al instante, la torre se vino abajo. Tuvo su momento de gloria, pero se cayó, porque no estaba asentada sobre nada sólido. Quizá hayamos tenido experiencias de esto: hacer, triunfar, tener éxitos y luego llegar a un punto donde todo se derrumba y parecemos la sombra de quienes éramos. No hay vida. Entonces sería bueno preguntarse qué había debajo o al lado de cada logro: ¿solamente la confianza en nuestra propia fuerza? Ahí tendríamos la respuesta de por qué ocurrieron las cosas así. De la misma manera, siempre que algo ha sido un buen fruto, algo que ha hecho bien a otros, que ha resultado en gracia, bendición y bien para otros, podríamos preguntarnos que, o mejor dicho, quién estaba detrás. Ahí también encontraremos la respuesta: sólo hay verdadera vida cuando está presente Cristo. En el evangelio de hoy se insiste sobre lo mismo: quien no está unido a la vid verdadera, quien no tiene su base en algo sólido (y alago verdaderamente sólido, que da vida, sólo puede ser Dios) no sólo se hundirá, sino que se secará y morirá. Porque Cristo no es solo la base, sino la savia y el todo. “Sin mí, ustedes no pueden hacer nada.” : Para La Reflexión ¿A qué aspiro? ¿Qué bien traería eso? ¿Qué frutos pienso que se me piden? ¿En quién me apoyo? ¿Cómo mantengo mi relación con Dios vida, para que pueda dar frutos. Calendario Semanal Rosario de la Virgen de Guadalupe Peanut Butter y Jelly El rosario será el día 12 de Mayo, a la 6:00 p.m., en la casa de Sr. y Sra. Reginaldo Gomez, 710 W. 9th St., Sterling, IL. Si gusta podría donar frascos de crema de cacahuete y de uva, para los que reciben lonches gratis durante el verano. Puede traer sus frascos al Centro Parroquial. Día Memorial Escuela de Biblia Vacación El Lunes 28 de Mayo, se celebra Día Memorial, que es el día en que se recuerda y se hace honor los fuerzas armadas y a los soldados caídos en guerras pasadas. Celebramos una misa especial en nuestro cementerio (Calvary) a las 8:30 a.m. En caso que llueva, la misa será en la iglesia. Todos estamos invitados a participar. Recuerde está fecha. Oficina Cerrada La oficina estará cerrada el Lunes, 28 de Mayo para el día Memorial. Día: 10-14 de Junio 2012 Escuela de Biblia Vacación será en la escuela de San Andres, Rock Falls, desde 5:30-8:15 p.m., con cena. Niños de 4 años hasta niños en grado 8 están invitados. Para mas información habla con Janie 1-815-626-5735. Por Favor! Es muy importante que su familia esté registrada en nuestra iglesia de Santa María. Favor de llamar a Janie al 6250640 ext. 43 o 626-5735. P a r i s h D i r e c t o r y St. Mary School/Escuela Santa Maria Phone/Teléfono ........................................................... (815) 625-2253 Principal/Director: Mr. Tom DePasquale Directorio Parroquial Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm /Friday 9am-1pm Lunes-Jueves 9am-4pm/ Viernes 9am-1pm Phone/Teléfono: 815-625-0640 • Fax: 815-625-1684 Weekend Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas English/Inglés Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm • Sunday/Domingo 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am Spanish/Español Sunday/Domingo (En la Iglesia) 11:30 am Rectory/Rectoria Phone/Teléfono.............................................................. 815-625-0640 Weekday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas—Capilla Monday - Friday 8:30-chapel/Lunes y Viernes 8:30 am -Capilla All the masses are in English./Todos las Misas son en Ingles. Pastoral Staff/Personal Parroquial Pastor/Párroco, Fr. Don Ahles .................................................. ext. 11 Associate Pastor/Párroco Asociado, Fr. Juan Ayala ……..…ext. 12 Deacons/Diaconos: John Kellen, James Lopez, Larry Zitkus .. ext. 26 Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial, Donna Blum ............ ext. 13 Business Manager/Contador, Marilyn McBride ....................... ext. 25 Pastoral Associate, Jane Olson ............................................... ext. 20 Ministry to the Sick and Shut-in/Visitas a Enfermos, Sally Kellen Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano, Janie Atilano ..626-5735/625-0640 ext. 43 Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Mon-Thurs/9am-4pm/Fri.9am-1pm Lunes-Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm/Viernes 9:00am1pm Phone/Teléfono.............................................................. 815-625-6688 Director/Directora, Gerry Williamson………...…………………...ext.44 Secretary/Secretaria, Dianne Williamson…...……………………ext.14 Two (2) years of religious education are required before a child can receive Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. / Para recibir la Primera Comunión o Confirmación, los niños deben completar 2 años de doctrina. The Sacraments/Los Sacramentos Reconciliation/Reconciliación Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:30pm Communal Penance Services in Advent & Lent. Baptism/Bautismo Please call the parish office for the arrangements. Held on the First Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Center four months prior to the birth. / Los bautismos son el tercer Domingo de cada mes. Llama al Centro Parroquial cuatro meses antes de nacimiento. Marriage/Matrimonio Couples should contact the parish priest at least 6 months in advance. Arrangements can not be made on the phone. Persons must be at least 19 years old. / Las parejas deben comunicarse con el sacerdote, al menos con 6 meses de anticipación. Las fechas no se arreglan por teléfono. Las personas deben tener al menos 19 años de edad Office/Officina Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. All major brands in stock Deje que Community State Bank le abra las puertas a la casa de sus sueños Para mas información comunicate con una de nuestras representantes bilingües Cuenta de cheques • Cuenta de ahorros • Certificados de depósito • IRA’s • Prestamos para automóviles • Prestamos para la compra de casa • Y mucho más Moore tires, Inc. 2411 E. Rt. 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 Nursery & Landscaping Empowering People With Disabilities. 3602 E. Lincolnway 815-625-1800 815-626-4422 Going on Vacation? Going To Work? Residential • Commercial • Industrial Recycling & Waste Services 625-1000 ©2012 Locally owned and managed For information on advertising, please call our church representative GAFFEY HOME NURSING & HOSPICE, INC. Allied Waste Service of Dixon (815) 625-7863 TTY your business should be here! We are the NANNY for your 4 legged child Find us on FACEBOOK for more info The Pet Nanny of Sterling 815-230-1898 Fully Insured Serving the community for over 30 years (815) 625-7860 Voice 3210 East Lincolnway, Sterling 815-625-4300 1801 1st Ave, Rock Falls 815-625-1110 en contacto contigo 1-800 HOMECARETM 3408 E. 23rd Street Sterling 815-626-3467 815-284-3467 Mon-Fri 8a.m.-4:30p.m. Ray Williams at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2576 Email: [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL Ray Williams 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM Se Habla Español St. Mary Church Sterling, IL B 4C 01-0240 03-23-2012 16:40:38 Funeral Homes, Inc. With Facilities In Rock Falls • Sterling Prophetstown Milledgeville Fulton Sexton’s Lawn Service Residential • Commercial • Farm Courteous & Conscientious John Widolff 815-438-4402 • Residential Snow Removal • Fall Clean-up • Gutters Cleaned • Gutter Guard Installed • Bush & Hedge Trimming • Mowing & Trimming Quality Service Since 1995 Free Estimate FURR EXCAvating, Inc. Complete Line of Excavating Residential • Commercial Furr’s Septic Maintenance 815-626-6195 Phone 625-5318 1-815-625-5279 Frank’s Small Engine Repair Frank Thayer - Owner 30 Years Experience 4-Cycle Engine Certified Mechanic Mon-Fri 8-5-Sat 7-12 405 Ash Ave., Sterling, IL 61081 (corner of Ash Ave. & IL Rt. 2) 815-622-9999 Lunch & Dinner Open Daily 218 Locust 625-7969 United Electric Industrial-Residential-Commercial Farm Wiring - Fire Alarms 1412 W. Rt. 30, Rock Falls 626-2211 *All Season* Construction OCTOPUS BRUSHLESS CAR WASH Custom Siding • Windows • All Doors - Aluminum, Steel, Wood • Soffit • Fascia • Seamless Gutters • Downspouts • Roofing Many Hands to Serve You Family Owned & Operated • 25 Years Experience Licensed • Bonded • Insured 815-590-2231 AL J. DIETERLE DECORATING Pumping • Repair • Installation Service & Parts on Lawn & Garden Equipment Overnight Chain Saw Sharpening Toro & Echo Equipment KELLY’S SHELL Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 Sun. 8am-1pm 407 E. 3rd St. Where the world goes to look good. Johnson Oil 2900 N. Locust St. • Sterling Call 815-625-6525 for great values on refurbished products. Shell Stations In Sterling - Rock Falls James S. Ferris, D.D.S. ~Emphasizing a family tradition of dental care~ 2000 N. Locust, Ste B Sterling 1514 W. 4th Street sterling, il 61081 815/625-5949 (815)625-6842 electrical contractors - 24 hr. service Lite Construction Larry L. Ybarra Financial Representative 1811 E 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081 815 626 8772 Office 630-896-7220 815 625 1238 fax 815 535 1231 cell [email protected] 4 W. Third St. • Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 622-5000 The Pharmacy That’s All About Your HealthSM Simental’s Lawn Care Carnes Frescas cortadas al gusto Productos Mexicanos Pan fresco-Musica • Restaurant supplies 1219 W. 4th. Sterling, IL 60181 Tel: 815-626-9011 Fax: 815-626-9109 [email protected] Home of the $15.95 Oil Change 815-631-1076 in this location joel m. downie, p.c. Certified Public Accountant & Consultant Joel M. Downie, CPA breck loos Parishioner Parishioner Sterling napa dixon napa 218 W. 3rd St. 713 N. Galena Sterling, IL 61081Dixon, IL 61021 907 West Route 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 625-8800 (815) 625-3300 Wholesalers of Anheuser-Busch Beers FAX (815) 625-3479 (815) 284-3301 FAX (815) 288-7754 Heritage Woods of Sterling An Affordable Assisted Lifestyle Community for the Older Adult 2205 Oak Grove Ave., Sterling Ph: (815) 625-7045 your business, grand opening, or special event for 1 or 2 months! Call Ray Williams at 800-950-9952 ext. 2576 or email [email protected] McCue Tax & Accounting Teresa M. McCue E.A. for information on a spotlight ad Owner 302 1st Ave., Suite 510, Sterling, IL 61081 Bus: 622-0308 Spotlight Free Estimates, Seniors 10% off 4 Out Our Complete Inventory Dan Simental, Parish member at Res: 626-0755 Parish Member ©2012 FOR AD INFO CALL Ray Williams 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM St. Mary Church Sterling, IL A 4C 01-0240 03-23-2012 16:40:38
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Pastoral Staff/Personal Parroquial
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