Major Rumayor and Lexy
Major Rumayor and Lexy
I N T E R A C T I O N S M A G A Z I N E Stories of lives improved by positive human & animal interactions. Major Rumayor and Lexy Serving Our Country at Fort Bragg Around The Country The Animals of Pet Partners Xander WINTER 2015 Thank You Pet Partners is required to file financial information with several states. Ten of those states will provide copies to their residents upon request: California: Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Therapy Animals’ in the state of California. Florida: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLLFREE, WITHIN THE STATE, 1-800-HELP-FLA. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. CH3226. Maryland: For the cost of copies and postage, Office of the Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401. Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of Pet Partners may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling 1-888-236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement. Missouri: Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Nonprofit Corporation’ in the state of Missouri. New Jersey: INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION and the percentage of contributions received by the charity during the last reporting period that were dedicated to the charitable purpose MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING 973-504-6215 and is available on the internet at REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. New York: Office of the Attorney General, Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. North Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the state. Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Nonprofit Corporation’ in North Carolina. North Dakota: Pet Partners is registered as ‘Pet Partners Therapy Animals’ in North Dakota. Pennsylvania: The official registration and financial information of Pet Partners may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Virginia: State Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PO Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. Washington: Charities Division, Office of the Secretary of State, State of Washington, Olympia, WA 98504-0422, 1-800-332-4483. West Virginia: Residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. REGISTRATION WITH A STATE AGENCY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE OR IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THAT STATE. BOARD LIST Dr. Mary Craig, DVM, MBA, Chair Lynnette Eastlake, MBA, Vice Chair Raquel Lackey, CPA, CMA, CFE, Treasurer Jackie Gunby, Secretary Jack Barron Jr. Chad Baigini Winona Burgess, DVM, CPA, MBA Stacey Evans Dr. Aubrey Fine, EdD Ryan Granard Dr. Rebecca A. Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP Diana Kiriakides Derrick Kraemer Mike Mossholder Laird Pisto Michael Sapp Dr. Philip Tedeschi, MSSW Brenda Bax, Ex-Officio and Happy Holidays p.2 HONORARY BOARD LIST Sophie Engelhard Craighead, Chair Marty Becker, DVM Nan Bush Kathy Vignos Folson Carol and Scott Glenn Linda Hackett Chandi Heffner Karen LeFrak Carolynn D. Loacker Elise B. Lufkin William McCulloch, DVM Mary Tyler Moore Victoria Newhouse Jeannie Nordstrom Annette de la Renta Jonah Shacknai Sarah W. Sweatt Irving Taylor, MD Dave Underriner Bruce Weber Andrew Weil, MD Betty White Joanne Woodward PUBLICATION CREDITS Editor: Glen Miller Contributors: Kris Betker, Dr. Aubrey Fine, SPC Taryn Hagerman, Dr. Marguerite O’Haire, Paula Scott, Maj. Christina Rumayor Graphic Design: Wolken Communica Cover Photography: Sgt. William Reinier CONTENTS Major Rumayor and Lexy 2 The Animals of Pet Parners 10 How to Help 15 The Delta Giving Society 19 Xander24 Departments Around The Country 4 Saying Goodbye 16 Honor and Memorial Donations 20 When I joined the Pet Partners team as President and CEO this past spring, I had no idea what a gift it would be. As a life-long animal lover, I knew what a difference and comfort animals can make for those who may need a little extra support. Whether it was a caring handler, a friendly lick, a gentle paw, knowing eye contact or the ability to caress fur or feathers, seeing so many Pet Partners teams in action has been a life-changing experience. From my first encounter with Bridget Seitzinger & Sage, Linda Wandrick & Muffin, and Rhonda Kuebler & Diesel – a trio of Pet Partners teams visiting a hospital in Virginia, to the dozens of evaluators I just met in October in Los Angeles at the Team Evaluator Symposium, the dedication and commitment I see from so many is astonishing. Our sincere thanks goes to the Mill River Foundation for generously supporting the Team Evaluator Symposium, a forum to discuss how Pet Partners maintains the gold standard when it comes to our work together. In 2015, the board of directors, the staff and I look forward to bringing our teams the best Pet Partners possible. Our goal is not only to improve what we do every day but enhance our offerings as the best in the world for Animal-Assisted Therapy. In early 2015, we look forward to introducing our new website to better serve teams, facilities and those who need our help. We plan to expand opportunities for more teams to serve in airports, increase outreach and advocacy for volunteers without animals, provide additional school campus stress reduction events and evaluate how Pet Partners teams can support individuals in the criminal justice system. Our curriculum is expanding and our commitment to the highest quality training and continued education is strengthening. We want our teams to have the best tools possible when it comes to serving a very diverse population that includes children, adults, people with special needs, veterans and those approaching end of life. It is an exciting time to be part of the Pet Partners movement. We are so grateful to the more 11,000 teams out there in hospitals, hospices, schools, VA Centers and wherever we are needed, every single day and one million times a year. Thank you for all that you do to touch lives and improve health. You truly make the world a better place. Catherine “Annie” Magnant President and CEO, Pet Partners Pet Partners 425.679.5500 [email protected] 1 Major Rumayor and Lexy Serving our Country at Fort Bragg Photography: Sgt. William Reinier It was a frigid North Carolina morning when Lt. Col. Lexy joined the 82nd Airborne Division Paratroopers lining up for a four-mile run. At 6 a.m. only Lexy seemed oblivious to the chill in the air. She had an advantage: under her Army combat uniform, the German Shepherd was covered in fur. Lexy is Fort Bragg’s first therapy dog. That morning, the fourlegged officer happily greeted many of the 15,000 paratroopers as they gathered to celebrate Memorial Day. Maj. Christina Rumayor, the 82nd Airborne Division’s psychiatrist and Lexy’s trainer, owner, and handler, says Animal-Assisted Therapy can play a huge role in easing the counseling process for soldiers who are experiencing stress. Rumayor and Lexy are a registered Pet Partners team. “Therapy is a hard place to walk into,” Rumayor said. “It’s very scary a lot of times, and there’s stigma attached to it. Soldiers may initially be afraid or anxious, but when they see a therapy dog there, their first thought is, ‘Well, this can’t be such a bad place.’” Relaxation is crucial to a soldier’s mental health, and Lexy has been trained to recognize and respond to elevated anxiety levels. When psychotherapy sessions bring out raw emotion, Lexy is able to fill a role that doctors can’t—providing physical reassurance. Lexy and other therapy dogs can offer a comforting touch, pat or hug in a completely appropriate way, which in turn, can help calm a patient and make it easier to focus during therapy sessions. “If Lexy notices that a person is becoming more anxious or upset, she will often move to them so they can pet her, which is extremely calming for many people,” Rumayor said. “Her purpose in the therapy sessions is very specific to what the patient needs.” Staff Sgt. Dennis Swols, Warrior Transition Unit, suffered for years with debilitating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Since joining the Army in 1998 as an infantryman, Swols deployed seven times; five of those deployments were to Iraq and Afghanistan. During a year of treatment with Rumayor and Lexy, Swols said that simply having the dog in the room has helped him put his struggles with PTSD into words during therapy. “Without a doubt Lexy has made a difference,” he said. “It’s very easy with Lexy and Maj. Rumayor.” When his doctor initially referred him to work with Lexy, Swols was openly skeptical, but it didn’t take long for Lexy’s calm disposition and attentiveness to win him over. “There is so much help out there for PTSD, and you just have to find what works for you,” he said. “Lexy was there, and she helped. It worked for me.” 2 The team has even visited the Child Development Center on base to educate young children about responsible dog care, and also to help kids who may be afraid of dogs become more comfortable around them. Rumayor saw the value in Animal-Assisted Therapy years ago, between Rumayor and Lexy spans half a decade. Lexy was one of several German Shepherd puppies Rumayor visited while stationed in Hawaii. At only eight weeks old, she was already a very curious and gentle puppy; both traits Rumayor wanted in a companion. From that day on, the pair were family. “Therapy is a hard place to walk into ... It’s very scary a lot of times, and there’s stigma attached to it. Soldiers may initially be afraid or anxious, but when they see a therapy dog there, their first thought is ‘well, this can’t be such a bad place.’” and wrote a policy in 2011 requesting to initiate the Animal-Assisted Therapy Program through Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg. At that time, Lexy was already registered through the North Carolina branch of Pet Partners as a therapy dog. In 2013, the policy passed. “Treatment with Lexy and other therapy dogs is a great ancillary treatment to give to soldiers as a way to get better,” she said. “The important part is giving great care to our paratroopers and soldiers.” Though the Fort Bragg program is relatively new, the bond However, Rumayor also saw a role for Lexy within her larger family: the Army. She was convinced Lexy could help bring encouragement, joy and a sense of normalcy for soldiers. “I think for many of them, she brings pieces of home that they miss when they live far away,” Rumayor said. “Dogs have an unconditional type of love that also brings them comfort. They don’t know what your rank is, and they don’t care.” For as hard as Lexy works to help paratroopers and soldiers cope, Rumayor makes sure she also has time to play; either with peers at a doggy daycare, or with some of the paratroopers during base visits. “I make sure she gets time to just be a regular dog,” Rumayor said. “She loves to work, but she also loves to play tug or chase the ball.” According to Rumayor, Lexy inspires a positive attitude both inside and outside the treatment environment; coaxing smiles out of everyone she meets. Her tail wags equally for everyone, whether a private or a general, and that alone can be a powerful tool. And since Lexy’s arrival at Fort Bragg, more soldiers have felt comfortable coming into the behavioral health clinic, and they are also more likely to continue and to comply with treatment, which is crucial for success. And Rumayor says many actually enjoy coming into the clinic, now that Lexythe-morale-booster is on the team. Thanks to Lexy’s success, Fort Bragg is hoping to expand the therapy dog program in their behavioral health clinics throughout the base. And on a broader scale, the Army is working to support and standardize therapy dog use throughout the military as it continues to gain momentum and prove beneficial in the lives of soldiers and veterans as well as their families. Lexy shows her support for her fellow soldiers in countless ways, whether quiet companionship or by offering a kind face to talk to. But on that brisk spring morning earlier this year – when gearing up for a four-mile footrace required a little extra motivation – Lt. Col. Lexy was the go-to boost the troopers needed. Running at the crack of dawn is a whole lot easier with a Lexy-induced smile on your face. Special thanks to Maj. Christina Rumayor, and SPC Taryn Hagerman for this article. 3 AROUND THE COUNTRY PET PARTNERS TEAMS AT WORK Northeast Elin MacKinnon and Nemo Steuben, Maine Nemo is a five-year-old Golden Retriever who visits the Henry D. Moore Library in Steuben, Maine each week. He and his partner Elin are a newly registered Pet Partners team and volunteer through Silent Sidekicks, Maine’s first Animal-Assisted Therapy organization. When six-year-old Ciara comes to read to Nemo each week at the library, Nemo recognizes her as she approaches, thumping his tail loudly on the floor. Ciara spends a few minutes greeting and patting, brushing or hugging Nemo, then gets down to business and reads her book from beginning to end. Sometimes she pats Nemo as she reads. Ciara loves to tell stories about her adventures with her dog, but one day announced: “I tried to read to my dog Ariel, but no matter what I do, she will not sit still and listen – like Nemo does.” She also likes to share what she imagines Nemo is thinking, and one day after showing him a picture of himself, she said, “he thinks he’s much more handsome in real life!” Midwest Jennifer Smith and Mr. Mini Cooper Deephaven, Minnesota “I kept my promise today. I feel proud in that, but a bit heartbroken too, all at the same time.” That’s how Jennifer Smith began to tell her story about her therapy rabbit Mr. Mini Cooper and a favorite patient. The first day Jennifer took Mr. Mini to visit patients in the Minnesota Masonic Home, she felt an instant connection with Margery, a red-haired 94-year-old woman with a smile that lit up around her oxygen tube. Mr. Mini and Margery sat together through the afternoon. She said she was such an animal lover and missed having animals in her life. She kept 4 saying she wanted to take the bunny back to her room. She said she loved him. There was truly a bond formed that day. Margery looked very sad when the interaction had to end, but she told Jennifer, “I will work hard not to be sad if you promise to bring him back to see me at least one more time.” Jennifer promised without hesitation. The next time Jennifer took Mr. Mini to the home, she made sure to remind the director how important it was for them to visit with Margery. Unfortunately Margery had taken a turn for the worse, but the director said she wanted Jennifer to know how special the visit with Mr. Mini was and she spoke of it many times. Although the patient was dying, the director asked Jennifer to take Mr. Mini to her. Margery was struggling for every breath and Jennifer worried that one of those breaths would be her last. “Margery, it’s me and Mr. Mini,” Jennifer said. “We promised we would come back to see you one more time, and here we are.” She laid Mr. Mini on his pet bed next to Margery in her bed. Jennifer took Margery’s hand and helped her stroke Mr. Mini’s head. As if he understood his role, the rabbit moved closer so her hand could reach him more easily. Jennifer said she stroked the woman’s beautiful red hair and said, “Goodbye, Margery. I am so thankful we came back today to see you. I am thankful this was the day we chose,” as tears ran down her face. Stephanie Olson and Houdini Peewaukie, Wisconsin At Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, the Volunteer Services Department receives numerous patient requests for therapy dog visits. The program offers positive therapeutic experiences to help minimize stress in the hospital environment, provide distraction from illness and hospital procedures, and assist in scheduled physical therapy visits. Pet Partners team Stephanie Olson and her therapy dog Houdini have been with the program since 2010, giving countless hours of volunteer time to help comfort patients and families at the hospital. Stephanie spoke about one particularly memorable experience. “Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin is an amazing place to receive pediatric care, but it is not home,” she said. “If you have ever had to stay in a hospital, you know that going home is a priority.” The team had been asked to visit a young boy in a wheelchair but their schedule kept them otherwise engaged until after he was discharged. Stephanie then learned the boy had happily waited past his discharge time just to visit with Houdini. And after 30 minutes with the dog, the boy was still not interested in going home. “That says it all,” said Stephanie. “What child wouldn’t be eager to go home, see friends and family and play with their own toys?” Jean Martell and Colby Maple Grove, Minnesota Jean Martell received a request to take her therapy dog Colby to see a hospice patient. The woman was so pleased and spent a lot of time petting Colby and talking to him. She shared stories about dogs she’d had in her lifetime and said she was a true dog lover, but that it had been a couple of years since she had been able to spend time with a dog. Colby wanted to lie down on the floor near the woman’s bed and she said that was fine; she just enjoyed watching him. She also wanted her grandson to meet Colby, so the team returned two days later. During that visit, the patient asked that Colby be placed on the bed with her; she was thrilled and put her arms around him in a big hug. They snuggled together for quite some time. The woman made soft noises as she held him and told Jean, “I’m purring!” After visiting a few more times, Jean learned of the woman’s passing when the patient’s daughter contacted her to ask the team to attend the wake. “The whole family greeted us with smiles and petted Colby, saying how much we had meant to their mom,” Jean said. On display with all of the family photos was a picture of the woman with Colby. “It was so heartwarming and satisfying to be able to fulfill this wish for this wonderful woman,” she said. Penny Sorenson and Auggie Muskegon, Michigan time to warm up to him. Some of Sarah’s students have a tough time writing, sitting and listening to stories being read. However with Auggie present, everyone either sat at the table or on the floor by Auggie to listen to a story. One particular student who occasionally screams during class did not scream for the entire time Auggie was in the classroom. Another boy usually refuses to follow directions, but while holding the leash with Penny he collected his work, put it into his backpack and continued to smile while walking to and waiting for the bus. Sarah said this is not a small accomplishment for a child with his challenges, concluding, “Transitions can be a difficult time in my classroom, but with Auggie, I saw the joy that was displayed by my students beginning to form their relationship. I’m hoping that we can continue with ‘Team Auggie’ once a week for the next school year.” KC Arnold and Daisy Ocean Springs, Mississippi Daisy and Kathleen “KC” Arnold visit a local hospital, local public libraries and a clinic that specializes in diabetes. The clinic – where they recently started treating children with diabetes aged three and up – is where they have had the greatest impact. Daisy’s role is to help children accept the use of different devices needed to treat their illness. The children use play devices (such as insulin pumps without needles) to practice insulin injections. Riley, a fouryear-old girl who was diagnosed with diabetes about six months ago, was introduced to Daisy on the first visit. The option of insulin pump therapy was discussed, but the idea of a device was a bit scary for Riley, so they used Daisy to practice putting on an insulin pump. Riley looked up and said if Daisy can wear an insulin pump then she could do it too. Now Riley comes to the clinic for her “Daisy” appointments. Diabetes is a tough disease but Daisy’s small role always puts a smile on a four-year-old little girl’s face. “It was amazing to watch Auggie and my students working together in my classroom. My students and I enjoyed team Auggie’s visit very much. Thank you for all your help in making our school day so special.” This was the note Penny Sorenson received after their first visit to Sarah Volker’s special education class for students on the autism spectrum disorder in grades K-2. All of her students interacted with Auggie at their own pace; some were excited and all smiles when they petted Auggie, while others took their 5 Southeast Dina Garland and Cloie Black Mountain, North Carolina Even though Cloie, a Wirehaired Fox Terrier, does not speak English, she is helping elementary students in speech therapy articulate more clearly. Teamed with speech language pathologists Beth Eckstein and Cortney Pauly, Cloie and her owner Dina Garland get to show off their tricks and agility maneuvers each week at Black Mountain Primary School. During most sessions, the children get to choose one of a dozen tricks for Cloie to perform – such as ‘twirl’ or ‘bow’ – and then have to say it in a sentence. The commands contain sounds the students are working to pronounce correctly, such as ‘s’ in sit, ‘tr’ in treat, ‘ch’ in fetch, and ‘z’ in puzzle. Five students in kindergarten and first grade have been working with Cloie each Friday during speech therapy. At first, several of the students were difficult to understand, but after three months they have all made improvements in their speech and language. For example, Cara, a kindergartener working on her ‘l’ sound, told the speech therapist after a session, “Cloie has curly hair like me.” Cara correctly produced three ‘ls’ without being reminded about tongue placement. Speech therapists are always looking for creative ways to get kids to practice their speech and language targets. Cloie and Dina provide a fun, playful environment where the students are highly motivated to say, “Speak, Cloie, Speak!” over and over until Cloie, and they, get it right. Donna Lawrence and Susie High Point, North Carolina The American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards honor “ordinary” dogs who do extraordinary things. Pet Partners is proud to announce that the 2014 Top Hero Dog winner is Susie, a registered Pet Partners therapy team with her handler Donna Lawrence of High Point, North Carolina. Susie was just a puppy when she endured a horrible abusive situation; she was beaten, set on fire and left for dead. Fortunately, she was rescued by a local animal shelter and treated for her wounds. Meanwhile, Donna herself was recovering from her own near-death experience from a dog attack that left her 6 incapable of having children. After Donna adopted Susie they formed a close bond that helped them both to heal. Donna was instrumental in passing “Susie’s Law” in North Carolina, legislation which gives harsher penalties to those who are convicted of animal abuse. The team’s story inspires the people they visit to never lose hope, no matter how unbearable their current situation. Pet Partners Teams at Operation Purple Camp Nashville, Tennessee David Boehner and Bear McGregor, Texas Rebecca Davis and Oliver Hammond, Louisiana An endless supply of hugs and kisses awaits Oliver as he enters Maddie’s speech and language therapy session. “Hey baby,” she says to the large Golden Retriever as she leads the way to their special reading time together. Maddie participates in an AnimalAssisted Therapy program offered at the Southeastern Louisiana University Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. Oliver and his handler, Rebecca Davis, an Associate Professor/ Audiologist at the university, work in collaboration with Holly Smith, Speech-Language Pathologist/Clinical Instructor, and her student clinicians, to incorporate Animal-Assisted Therapy into Maddie’s speech and language intervention. Maddie, an outgoing and energetic nine-year-old, has Down syndrome which has caused her to have significant communication and literacy delays. Her speech is difficult to understand and her ability to comprehend and produce language also is affected. It is typical to utilize books and literacy activities during speech therapy sessions, as many children with communication delays are at risk for literacy disorders. Additionally, books are used to target various language skills, such as vocabulary, problem solving, and language comprehension. Before working with Oliver, Maddie was resistant to literacy activities during her speech therapy sessions. Reading with Oliver has dramatically increased her motivation to read, leading to improved communication and literacy skills. Oliver visits her hour-long sessions for 15-20 minutes, during which Maddie reads a story to Oliver using a book that has been modified using pictures/ symbols to support her reading. She associates reading with Oliver and practices the book with her clinician between his visits to her sessions. Once Maddie has finished the book, she is rewarded with an opportunity to give commands to Oliver. He gladly performs tricks for her, such as “sit,” “shake” and “high five” in return for treats. Maddie and Oliver have developed a bond and both benefit from their time together: While Oliver helps motivate Maddie to read, she showers him with love and affection. Southwest Operation Purple Camp is part of a program offered by the National Military Family Association. Families of wounded military personnel enjoy free residential camps that strive to help kids deal with the stress that result from their parents’ active military duty. The camps are held in various locations across the country and Pet Partners therapy animal teams are always asked to participate. Camps were held two separate weekends in October at the YMCA Camp in Nashville and seven teams volunteered. Pictured left to right are Nicole Gallegos with Johnny (Laguna Vista, TX), Jenyfer Lindahl with Alexis (Gallatin, TN), and Dianne Klepin with Darcy (Heath, TX). Also attending were Linda Gregg & Lan, Rebecca Troutt & Jesse, Cheryl Sague & Kinsey, and Debbie Ament de Nunez & Tashi. The teams were on hand to greet families upon arrival and petting the dogs was the perfect icebreaker. One young girl was quite shy and sat apart from the other children. All the kids at camp are experiencing difficult situations with their parents’ deployment, but this girl was even more despondent because her parent had passed away. Within a short time Jenyfer’s dog Alexis had her smiling and talking about her pets. Soon, the little girl was interacting with the other teams and introducing the incoming families to the dogs. The Camp gives the children an opportunity to spend quiet, quality time with their families, but it also allows them the space to just be a kid. The Pet Partners teams helped as a soothing, comforting, non-judgmental presence. The American Kennel Club has recognized AKC registered therapy dogs since 2011 (www.akc. org/akctherapydog). Titles are specific to the number of visits the team has completed. A great number of dogs registered with Pet Partners have already earned titles, but Pet Partners is very proud to announce that Bear, a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon teamed with David Boehner, became the very first to win the highest level of honor with a gold medal on July 1—AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished (THDD). To earn the title, the team must have completed a minimum of 400 visits. David and Bear have visiting access to virtually all departments in Baylor Scott & White Hospital, including the emergency room and all children’s areas. They also visit the rehabilitation department where Bear demonstrates the use of the treadmill, inspiring many patients to “give it a try.” During one visit when Bear was on the treadmill, David heard an elderly woman nursing a broken hip remark, “If he can do it, so can I.” The next morning, with assistance, the patient took her first steps on the treadmill. Pet Partners congratulates David and Bear for this high honor and their dedication! Suzanne Powell and Handsome Harley Alamo Heights, Texas Suzanne Powell and Handsome Harley the Poodle mix volunteer for the San Antonio International Airport (SAT) “Pups and Planes” program designed to de-stress anxious passengers. SAT is only the fifth airport to have a visiting animal program and it was recently presented with an award from the Airport Council International North America. Suzanne reports, “We have met more than 400 travelers from all over the United States and at least four foreign countries; all with amazing stories to share. All encounters have been positive – whether spoken or seen in the faces of grandparents, parents and children, military personnel on the move, and even travelers who said, ‘No thanks’ to meeting Harley and then changed their minds once they saw his interaction with 7 others.” One of Suzanne’s most memorable encounters was meeting Amanda, a pretty 17-year-old girl using a wheelchair. She chatted with Amanda, her mother and sister while they waited for their luggage in the baggage section. Amanda’s constant smile was contagious. Suzanne enjoys her volunteer work very much and says of her airport visits, “I know of no better way to share what Harley has to give to so many people at one time.” comfort and happiness is easy,” Kathy said. “Having seen firsthand the difference our dogs have made for the youth here at the shelter is what it is all about.” A shelter graduate also spoke during the event to honor the Wootens, sharing her memories from visits with Rodrigo seven years ago. The 22-year-old woman said she still saves his trading card. Pet Partners Evaluator Symposium San Pedro, CA West Janey Frazier and Honey Bee Placerville, California Janey Frazier and Honey Bee, a Dachshund/Chihuahua mix, regularly visit several skilled nursing facilities in the Placerville, CA area. In addition, they are assigned specific patients by the local hospice organization. Recently the team was asked to visit a hospice patient who was not doing well. The hospice group felt the woman, a life-long dog lover, might benefit from a visit from Honey Bee. She was drifting in and out of sleep when they arrived, so Janey placed Honey Bee on a small blanket next to her. Honey Bee seemed to sense the situation because she immediately lay down and put her head on the woman’s thigh. They stayed for nearly an hour while Janey occasionally sang soft songs and Honey Bee remained completely still by the woman’s side. Two days later, the hospice contacted Janey to say the woman had passed away and that her children were comforted when they heard a gentle little dog had been with their mother near the end of her journey. Kathy and Chuck Wooten and Rodrigo Huntington Beach, California The Wootens were presented with the Inspirational Award this summer for their service at the Huntington Beach Youth Shelter. Elsa Greenfield, Executive Director, said, “Kathy and Chuck Wooten and Rodrigo have been a critical part of helping our youngsters feel at home here. They have steadfastly visited every two weeks for eight years.” Several other Pet Partners teams also visit the facility and Kathy is responsible for coordinating the visits and making sure the children have positive interactions with the animals. She also helps teach the youngsters how to properly care for their own animals. “Sharing our dogs with those that need 8 On October 11 – 12, 2014 Pet Partners hosted a Team Evaluator Symposium in San Pedro, California to collaborate with licensed evaluators across the country, sharing ideas and input that identified common best practices and challenges. The recommendations for strategic action will help guide Pet Partners’ direction for the upcoming year, refining and enhancing our currently recognized gold standard Therapy Animal Program. The productive meeting resulted in many ideas from our hard-working evaluators in the field, including recommendations for additional continuing education, suggestions for improvements in evaluation procedures, and enthusiasm for plans to encourage and enable more frequent communication between all volunteer groups. The event was generously underwritten by the Mill River Foundation. Sue Grundfest and Love Dog Adventures Las Vegas, Nevada Sue Grundfest began visiting Casa del Sol two years ago with her poodle Kirby (now deceased). This group home for multiply challenged youth now has several therapy animal teams visiting the home regularly. Sue manages Love Dog Adventures, a Pet Partners Community Partner in Las Vegas, Nevada. One young girl at Casa del Sol at first stayed in her room on a mattress on the floor. She did not want to be touched and every aspect of her life depended upon people touching her — to eat, bathe and dress. Through great patience and identifying the right dogs and handlers, this young girl has learned to “be gentle.” She has learned the joy of a soft caress not only of a furry friend but a human friend. She has learned to look into a person’s eyes with clarity and understanding. She has learned how to laugh and communicate through her body what she is feeling. She has learned to be calm and patient and loving. She has learned to love. Rich Schad & Emma Louisville, Colorado Emma the Golden Retriever lay on the bed of a cancer patient; a gentleman who was nearing the end of his life. Emma’s tail wagged gently and she stared lovingly at the man as he scratched behind her ears. Pet Partners therapy animals are the lubricant for conversation, and this patient opened up to Emma, to Emma’s handler Rich Schad, and to his family in his hospital room. “We think we have so much time in the beginning and then we’re thrown off course by the diagnosis. Then there was the planning of what comes next. Will there be surgery, will there be chemo, and how will that fit into my days that used to be filled with stuff? I just did what I had to do, to give life another day. You know what I mean Emma?” He looked at Emma while he spoke, and Emma appeared to nod her head. Holding Emma’s head in his two gnarled hands, he laughed with his lungs and throat, Emma with her eyes and tail. His family members sat silently crying while he continued. “Darn it, something changed — cancer made a move and I was caught off guard. I need more time. I hardly felt the pressure to talk about my life; the lives I shared, to my kids growing up, all those new little ones, and most of all, have those talks with my soul mate.” He sobbed violently into Emma’s fur and Emma nuzzled him back while Rich tried to keep the tears at bay. There are many lessons to be gained from volunteering with a therapy animal and on that day Rich was reminded that time is slipping by for each of us every day. We should all keep in mind the things that are important to us and remember to share the details of our journey with our loved ones. Phyllis O’Boyle and Kaylee Waldport, Oregon Kaylee the Havanese has been working with her handler Phyllis O’Boyle for three years. They regularly visit an assisted living home, spending time with residents. One charming lady in her late 90s had always been fond of Kaylee; cuddling with the dog and making sure everyone had a chance to pet her. She was all smiles throughout every visit. Then one day the woman stopped coming down to the community room for social hour. She had suffered a stroke, and Phyllis thought they would not be seeing her again. But the following week, the staff brought her down in a wheelchair. The woman did not look or act the same, but Kaylee recognized her and coaxed Phyllis to take her over to her friend. She sniffed her and then settled down in her lap. The woman no longer was able to cuddle with the dog, but did some rough patting. Kaylee sat quietly and then reached up and gave the woman a sweet kiss on the cheek. The woman then smiled for the first time and spoke the name of a dog she had owned in her past. In broken language, the woman told Kaylee how much she had missed her all these years. “It touched my heart how much she missed her dog and how calm she became with Kaylee’s response,” Phyllis said. “It also touched my heart that Kaylee knew her even though she had changed in appearance and demeanor. Kaylee knew her friend.” Lisa Stagner and Boise Las Vegas, Nevada An effective Animal-Assisted Therapy program requires considerable attention to the matches that are made: the match between handler and animal, the match between facility and program, the match between client and animal, the match between human therapist, handler and animal, and the match between need and skill set. At first, a very small dog was paired with one particular child for a private session at the Children’s Therapy Center in Las Vegas, NV. The child had very little mobility and was not very verbal. But little Petey the Poodle was just not up for the job. The child was then introduced to a Golden Retriever named Boise with his handler Lisa Stagner, creating the perfect therapy partnership. Boise learned new skills to work with the child, such as lying on a swing and serving as a human pillow. The young boy soon learned to trust his new friend and was so motivated that his therapy sessions just flew by, with achievement after achievement. “I can lift my head to see Boise.” “I can stretch all the way out to lean on Boise.” “I can open my hands all the way out to stroke Boise.” “I can laugh and giggle and smile and show emotion because I love Boise.” Boise is now a constant member of the therapy team and works with this child weekly. The boy now looks forward to his therapy sessions, even if they are painful or stretch his mind and body further than he ever imagined. 9 The Animals of Pet Partners Animal-assisted interventions and more specifically animal-assisted activities have seen a tremendous growth in the past couple of decades. Public interest in animal-assisted interactions seems to have been an additional impetus for the growth that is being witnessed. Personally (Aubrey) my early involvement in the field began using a variety of species of animals including small and large birds in my work with children. That was actually about 40 years ago when these animals were my pet partners even before I began incorporating dogs. Today we see close to 10,000 registered Pet Partners teams that utilize dogs. On the other hand all of the other species registered by Pet Partners don’t account for even one tenth of that total. That doesn’t imply that dogs are better therapy animals, but only that they are the most widely employed. We both appreciate the position that many species could be utilized in therapeutic interactions, if they possess certain traits that make them desirable and safe to interact with humans. It is ironic that different people seem to not only be attracted to certain animals, but they also seem more curious in interacting with specific species. Irv Robbins was correct in saying that “Not everyone likes all our flavors, but each flavor is someone’s favorite.” The same is true about our therapy animals. In discussing how to select various therapy animals, it is critical to point out that there are certain expectations that all therapy animals need to demonstrate in general. There are three variables that we strongly suggest for all of the species that we will be discussing. They are as follows: 1.Without question, the most important behavior in a good therapy animal is based on a personality trait we could call being affiliative to people. In essence, these are animals that when they see a person are extremely receptive and responsive. 2.The animals must have early socialization with humans. These early experiences will help them become very comfortable with human interaction. 3.The animals must demonstrate consistent behavior that will allow the handler to feel confident about the animal’s interaction with people. All therapy animals should also be screened periodically by a veterinarian for health checks. The following briefly describes and orients you to what traits you should expect to see in any of the nine species of therapy animals that Pet Partners registers. 10 DOGS 9,912 in service Kathleen Duffy with her therapy Sheltie Windy visiting residents at Christa Shores Assisted Living Community in Silverdale, WA, photo by Mary Burlingame As noted earlier, dogs are the most utilized therapy animals. There are numerous behaviors that would be expected from a dog who was part of a therapy team. In general these dogs need to have a good temperament style and enjoy human interaction and touch. They need to be extremely social and friendly but need to respond in a gentle and calm manner. Therapy dogs who visit a variety of settings must be able to handle unusual sights, sounds, and smells. The dogs need to be obedient and be able to regain self-control after being excited. They also need to be able to be attentive to their handler and not demonstrate anxiety in novel situations. Like other animals used in therapy, these dogs need to be able to feel comfortable being petted, and interacted with. CATS 198 in service Bev Oakes’ therapy cat Junior comforts hospital patient Andrew Lee in San Antonio, TX Cats can be tremendous visiting therapy animals. There are several variables that should be considered. Cats should be comfortable with being handled and held. Some of the desired behaviors should be the cat appears relaxed with body handling and being appropriately touched all over. The cat should be comfortable being groomed, pet, picked up, and gently held. The also should be relaxed wearing a harness and leash. Since these cats will be transported to various locations they need to be comfortable and relaxed during car rides and at ease in new environments (when visiting new locations). The following behaviors identify what individuals should expect to see in a relaxed cat: slow blinks or closed eyes, slow, gentle tail sway or the tail may be still, relaxed ears, positioned forward, relaxed body, good appetite, and relaxed and comfortable meeting other cats, dogs, and strangers. EQUINES 202 in service Marsha Craig’s miniature therapy horse Lily made a tough day a little better for patient Luis Fernando da Silva Batemarque at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, MA, photo by Chitose Suzuki, reprinted with permission from the Boston Herald Horses are gorgeous, graceful and loving beings that can be wonderful registered therapy animals. It is suggested that horses used in therapy should be between 6-15 years of age. Older horses typically have been exposed to things that younger horses may not have experienced. Unfortunately younger horses may be more guarded to the uncertain behaviors found within the human world. For children, miniature horses or ponies are better choices because they are less threatening in size. Miniature horses make great therapy companions and are often used on hospital visits. Horses should possess a certain temperament style to be a selected for therapy. Overall, they must be calm, stand quietly when being groomed, and react positively to human interaction. A viable horse must be trustworthy while being lead through novel environments. They must not bite, kick, buck, pace, or crib. A horse that is used in therapy should accept hands around their mouth as well as being touched all over the body. 11 RABBITS 78 in service Young Pet Partners handler Lillian Pringle shares the affection of her rabbit Peanut with Levert Avery at the Breath of Life Adult Day Service in Brainerd, MN Rabbits have long been a favorite pet due to their soft fur, big eyes, and enchanting hop. They are very similar to guinea pigs in terms of their diet and care requirements. One notable difference is that cradling a rabbit or restraining them will lead to kicking, so should be avoided. Instead, rabbits should be allowed to rest comfortably on a person’s lap while being fed vegetables or petted. They also require time and space to frolic and explore, which can provide a wonderful venue for observation and discussion. Rabbits with a fear of humans are not suitable as therapy animals. One sign of a rabbit that may be well suited to therapy is that they approach and will eat from the hand of a human. Early socialization with different humans can enhance suitability to therapy. 12 BIRDS 29 in service Dan Lee’s therapy Macaw Buddy being read to by a third grade student in Mesa, AZ Birds are beautiful creatures and can make wonderful therapy companions. I (Aubrey) began using birds in therapy sessions about 30 years ago. Birds that are young and socialized early may make strong candidates as therapy birds. Birds that are hand fed seem to be more comfortable interacting with individuals. An ideal bird would be one that doesn’t startle easily and appears to enjoy human companionship. The selected bird has to be pretty steady and will not likely get startled. Introduce the bird slowly to therapy, and make sure that bird doesn’t seem to experience anxiety. Birds that like to be handled are preferable but it is suggested that the handler be in control of all interactions for the safety of the bird and the client. Those individuals that are considering birds need to appreciate that birds who get a great deal of attention early in their lives will expect and need to receive similar attention as they age. Cockatiels, small parrots, and lovebirds make good candidates (e.g. dusky conures). Some cockatoos make viable candidates but one needs to be cautious of excessive screeching. Strong training is necessary for birds to work in therapeutic settings especially because they have to wear a harness and a leash. GUINEA PIGS 22 in service PIGS 6 in service Niki Vettel and her therapy guinea pig Ralphie help clients at the Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Center in Boston, MA Donna Latella’s therapy pig Penelope affectionately greets an admirer at an adult day center in Guilford, CT Guinea pigs are small, furry critters from the rodent family. They are commonly confused with hamsters, but are differentiated by the fact that they do not have a tail and they are diurnal (waking during the day). They are a popular choice for children and school classrooms due to their small size and endearing demeanor. They make adorable squeaks when they want food and are known for “popcorn,” or hopping happily around when they are in a good mood. Guinea pigs are social creatures and therefore should always live with a pal to provide environmental enrichment. They are prey animals and can be skittish if they are not socialized to humans from a young age. Children can learn about empathy with guinea pigs by learning how to best approach and handle them. Guinea pigs will not eat unless they feel safe and secure, which can be an excellent signal to children that they are engaging in an appropriate and effective manner with the animal. Always have snacks on hand for a guinea pig, such as grass or carrots. Another suggested activity is sitting and gently cradling the guinea pig close to one’s chest and taking deep breaths. A child can monitor the speed of the guinea pig’s heart rate in addition to his or her own, as a biofeedback mechanism to reinforce relaxation. Guinea pigs who have not been socialized or who demonstrate extreme fear of humans should not be used as therapy animals. When selecting a guinea pig for therapy, it is advisable to socialize the animal to humans from birth, or to look for the following characteristics: does not tend to hide when humans approach, will eat while being held, may fall asleep while being held or shows relaxed (not wide open) eyes. There has been a proliferation of pot-bellied pigs as companion animals in recent years. If cared for appropriately, a pig can provide a wonderful therapy animal partner. They are smart, trainable, clean, and affectionate. They may be a suitable choice for clients who are allergic to cats and dogs. However, pigs require specialized enrichment and care. Without appropriate space and activities, pigs may become food aggressive or destructive. These behaviors can be minimized by ensuring appropriate spaces for digging and natural behavior outdoors, as well as positive reinforcement for desired behaviors indoors. The choice to include a pig should be approached with careful consideration of these needs as well as their size (average 125 pounds) and lifespan (roughly 12-18 years). They are a rewarding commitment for those who can provide appropriate care. 13 LLAMAS/ALPACAS 21 in service RATS 2 in service HOW TO HELP Make a Donation Pet Partners relies on donations made by individuals, foundations, corporations and thousands of volunteers to provide program services. Demand for our services is much greater than we can provide and your support will help those waiting for us to reach them. Join as a member by donating $50 or more and receive our publication Pet Partners Interactions magazine and other membership benefits. Or consider making a gift in honor or memory of a pet, family member or friend. Ways To Make A Donation 1.Online at 2.By phone by calling 425.679.5517 3.By mail to 875 124th Ave NE #101, Bellevue, WA 98005 Niki Kuklenski’s therapy llama Cayetano elicits a smile from Seth and Margaret Jane Gerou in Bellevue, WA, photo by Dani Weiss Vicki Altman’s therapy rat Chippie is cuddled by Georgiana Contento, a resident at one of the facilities Vicki and Chippie visit in Lenexa, KS. Llamas and alpacas are unconventional therapy animal choices, but ones that have brought joy and comfort to many individuals. Llamas loom large at nearly six feet tall and between 300 and 450 pounds. Alpacas grow to roughly half that size. Training and socialization are essential to facilitate successful interactions in therapeutic settings. The use of a halter and lead will enable smooth facility visits. Integrated food rewards allow clients to experience positive interactions with these unique creatures. Carefully monitoring the safety and security of the animal is essential to preventing fearful behaviors such as spitting. Common therapy activities include feeding, grooming, leading, and engaged observation. Rats tend to be an underrated and often overlooked choice for a therapy animal. They are incredibly smart and social. Once socialized with humans, rats will eagerly climb on a client’s shoulders and provide comforting companionship. Their intelligence makes them an excellent candidate for creative enrichment activities such as mazes and games. They even enjoy being gently tickled and once accustomed to it will follow a person’s hand around to receive this fun interaction. To enhance therapeutic outcomes for the human and the animal, ensure that rats are provided with thoughtful and varied environmental enrichment such as toys, tunnels, and climbing opportunities. The efficacy of animal-assisted interventions is very dependent on the partnership between the handler and the therapy animal. Decisions need to be made on how to select the most viable candidates for involvement. It is also critical that the animal’s welfare is strongly taken into consideration, so that the experience is equally beneficial and safe. When all of these factors are taken into consideration, the outcomes can enrich the lives of many who are touched. 14 Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Kateena Jones and Robin Kilcoyn for their assistance in gathering information about horses and cats. Dr. Aubrey Fine is on the faculty of California State Polytechnic University where he is a professor in the College of Education and Integrative Studies and is a member of the Pet Partners board. His newest book, “Our Faithful Companions” has just been published by Alpine Publications. Dr. Marguerite O’Haire is an Assistant Professor of Human-Animal Interaction at Purdue University. 4.Select Pet Partners as the recipient of your workplace giving Recurring gifts are an easy way to make a big impact. Your love for animals is second nature. Now, supporting Pet Partners can be just as automatic. Creating a recurring gift is convenient, customizable, and environmentally friendly. Most important, recurring gifts ensure a steady source of support for Pet Partners, enabling us to continue providing the highest standard of human-animal interactions to improve the physical, emotional and psychological lives of those we serve. Pet Partners relies on corporate sponsors who help make our mission possible. Companies interested in becoming members of our Caring Company program please visit You can also help by conducting your own grassroots fundraising event or ask about our Peer-to-Peer online fundraising opportunity. You may also become a member of our Caring Community, a national group of supporters who have made provisions in their estate planning to support the work of Pet Partners. Email [email protected] or call 425.679.5502 for details. WHAT’S NEW Volunteering With Your Pet Webinar Tuesday, January 20, 6:00 p.m. PST Have you ever considered volunteering as a therapy animal team? Pet Partners invites prospective volunteers to attend a one-hour informational webinar (online interactive presentation) to learn about our Therapy Animal Program. Led by experienced volunteer Susan Tiss with the assistance of Pet Partners staff, this session will cover the process for becoming a registered therapy animal team with your pet. Registration information: www.petpartners. org/VolunteeringWebinar A second webinar will be held Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. PST Coming in 2015 Volunteering with Your Pet (Jan/Feb and fall) Volunteering with Your Llama (spring) And many more to come. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or visit our website, 15 Saying Goodbye. The deep bond between Judi Young and her Australian Shepherd Jackson formed the moment she saw him as a puppy in 1998. The day after his adoption, Jackson made his first therapy visit to Judi’s mother who was near death – comfort that was also essential for Judi. Through the next several years Jackson’s affection helped Judi through other difficult times including her father and her brother’s passing. Jackson was an energetic and happy dog who competed in agility trials and flyball, but his greatest skill was providing encouragement and comfort to patients at the University of North Carolina Hospitals and UNC students before exams. Judi described their last day together: “…he was getting weaker, but Jackson gave it his all to travel to visit relatives. During this trip he was not doing well and I decided it was time to go home early. When we arrived I placed him on his favorite bed and thanked him for giving me one more gift - to get us home together. I thanked him for giving me so much and he passed peacefully.” Judi’s experience as a Pet Partners handler proved to her the power of animal-assisted interactions to assist with healings. Her mother and Jackson’s memories gave her the strength to continue her volunteer service — she has just completed the requirements to become a licensed team evaluator. We thank our therapy animals who touched many lives during their years of service. Retired between April 16, 2014 - September 15, 2014 ALUMNI AGNES, Terrier Mix, Kay Zollner, OR ANNIE, Golden Retriever, Deanna M. Tuley, CO BABE, Golden Retriever, Jennifer Donner, NM BAILEY, Golden Retriever, Amy McCullough, CO BALOO, Newfoundland, Pamela L. Kroll, WI BANDI, Golden Retriever, Rita J. Hartman, AZ BARKLEY, Bullmastiff, Barbara Dietz, AZ BARNEY, Golden Retriever, Carol M. Rosen, CN BAYLOR, Chow Chow Mix, Sharon Leebl, AZ BELLA, Boxer, Brenda Reed, OR BELLA, Labrador Retriever, Karen A. Gibson, NC BELLA, Australian Shepherd, Vivian B. Aiello, FL BLUE, Great Dane, Leah L. LaGrone, AL BOONE, Border Collie, Susan Orr, OR CAESAR, Labradoodle, Susan Pedrosa, NY CEASAR, Golden Retriever, Marianne Hamilton, IA CHACO, Australian Shepherd, Mandy Bell, CO CHAMBORD, Golden Retriever, Colin Ladd, CN CHIP, Chocolate Lab, Barbara Boyd, AZ DAPHNE, Bichon Frise, Ann Jenkins, TX DUSTY, Golden Retriever, Diane Smith-Faughn, TX FAWN, Greyhound, R. Philip Johnson, FL FRED, Doberman Mix, Patricia F. Pratt, NE GLENN, Border Collie, Susan Orr, OR GUMBO, Greyhound, Joan S. Speckin, CA GYPSY ROSE, Shih Tzu, Kathy L. Cross, AL HARLOW, Golden Retriever, Charles and Michael Richardson, WA HEIDI, Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie), Linda David, CA HULA, Labrador Retriever, Tina Jones, CO JELLY, Golden Retriever, Elle Kahler, CO JERRY, Golden Retriever, Dean Robbins, NH JETTA, Labrador Retriever Mix, Christine A. Spaetzel, OH KATIE, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Anne M. Przybyla, CO KIKI, French Bulldog, Marilyn M. Edwards, OH LADDIE, Rough Collie, Brooke Kowalski, TN LEGEND, Golden Retriever, Jeanne Ladd, CN LUCY, Brittany, Emily Ragsdale, NC LUG NUT, Pitbull, Laura Goodhue, AZ LUNA, Pitbull, Heather Jenkins Brazzell, VA MAX, Chinese Crested, Catherine Varidel, GA MAX, Border Collie, Susan Orr, OR MICKEY, Havanese, Nancy Stone, NY MISSY, Labrador Retriever Mix, Chris Monahan, CA MISSY, Golden Retriever, Terri Rafter, IL MISSY, Golden Retriever, Barbara M. Lindberg, TX MISTY, Standard Poodle, Marianne Mitchell, AZ MOKI, Border Collie Mix, Chuck Simon, CA MOLLY, Great Pyrenees, Linda J. Anderson, WA MOOSE, Bernese Mountain Dog, Katrina Zabinska, WA MUFFIN, Yellow Lab, Linda L. Wandrick, VA MURPHY, Golden Retriever, Dave Hill, AZ NATALIE, Shetland Sheepdog, Wendy Waddick, IL NEMO, Newfoundland, Susan D. Marino, MA NORM II, Labrador/Golden Retriever Mix, Sue Ellen Choate, IL ORVILLE, Golden Retriever, Michael Galuskin, NY OWEN, Newfoundland, Alison J. Berlin, MA PACO, Black Labrador Retriever, Jane Tomlinson, CA POGO, Poodle, Fran Rudy, CA POKEY, Jack Russell Terrier, Chris A. Doyle, MA PONY, Golden Retriever, Edward P. Allen, RI POPS, Pug, Peggy Mattingly, AZ PUNKY, Golden Retriever, Lynn Huizinga, CA RANGER, Rough Collie, Terry Tauber, IL REILLY, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlotte Champ, NY RHODI, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Lynn L. Winston, AZ RILEY, Terrier Cross, Diane McGuire, AZ ROSIE, Basset Hound, Beth Fuller, AL RUBY, Golden Retriever, Caitlin Smith, OR RUDY, Golden Retriever, James R. Peters, OR RUNZA, Greyhound, Mino Fuller, CO SADIE, Basset Hound, Debbi Y. Martin, TN SAGE, Golden Retriever, Bruce Aronson, MT SAMSON, Standard Poodle, Diana Pate, TX SASHA, Maltese, Joni Vernars, CA SHEENA, German Shepherd, Robin Ratner, AZ SHEENA, Yellow Lab, Teddi A. Berger, NY SHERMAN, Sheltie, Linda M. Stutz, OH SKIPPY, Golden Retriever, Anne Adley, WA SPICE, Golden Retriever, Jeanne Ladd, CN TOMMY, Golden Retriever, Janet Bayless, CO TYLER, German Shepherd, Kristi Hanna, TX WALLY, Shepherd Mix, Shirley Atwood, CN WHISPER, English Setter, Naomi B. Vizena, MI WILLOW, Mastiff Mix, Kathie A. Young, CO WINNIE, Labrador Retriever, Catherine Ward, NE WRIGLEY, Golden Retriever Mix, Patricia F. Pratt, NE ZINDEL, Labrador/Golden Retreiver Mix, Nicholas C. Contes, CA Divinity lived in a cage for her first nine years, working as a puppy-mill breeder; having countless litters of puppies. Divinity was 9-1/2 years old when Richard Lema adopted her, and at that time, she did not even know how to walk on a leash. Teaching Divinity to learn to live in freedom required several months that first year. However, only 10 months after her adoption, Divinity not only completed her Canine Good Citizen training, she had also passed the evaluation to become a Pet Partners therapy dog. Wherever she went, Divinity’s aura of serenity attracted many people who enjoyed petting and talking to Richard’s “little lady.” Retirement came in 2012, and a life of being spoiled by her dad. After her retirement Divinity, through her blog, became a champion for senior pet adoption, campaigned for discounts for senior pets and became an advocate for handicapped pets. Sadly, five months after her 14th birthday, Divinity’s veterinarian diagnosed her with terminal cancer. She fought bravely, but lost her final battle on September 10, 2014. 16 April 16, 2014 - September 15, 2014 PASSED AWAY AMIGO, Labrador Retriever, Suzanne Staid, LA AUGGIE, German Shepherd, Laurie L. Angel, GA AUSSIE, Australian Shepherd, Kathy Kroening, AZ BANDIT, Golden Retriever, Susan Cucuz, OH BENTLEY, English Bulldog, Pat Miya, WA BONNIE, Shetland Sheepdog, Becky Z. Jankowski, IL BUDDY, Miniature Horse, Diane McGuire, AZ BUSTER, Rottweiler, Dave Smith, FL CASSIE, Bichon Frise, Keith & Claudette Adkins, CA CINDY LOU, Standard Poodle, Tara G. McLaughlin, VA CLARK, Bullmastiff, Rhea B. Bateman, OH DAISY, Golden Retriever, Amy Stallings, NY DIVINITY, Cairn Terrier, Richard Lema, MN DYLAN, Golden Retriever, Lori Hall, AZ EDDIE, Yorkshire Terrier, Christine Stephansen, MN FIONA, Brussels Griffon, Julie D. Krogh, Kansas FITZ, Bernese Mountain Dog, Brad & Dawn Puck, OH FRANK, Golden Retriever Mix, Deborah Zigler, IN FREEDOM, Australian Kelpie, Sharon M. Alexander, TX ISABELLA, Australian Shepherd, Mary Gaines, ID JACK RABBIT, Doberman, Andrea B. Zack, CA JAJCA, Standard Poodle, Linda Lester, OH JAKE, Cocker Spaniel Mix, Patti L. Struchynski, ND KENDALL, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Gretchen DeMoss, OR LIL, Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix, Jeanette Templeton, VA LUCKY, Labrador Retriever, Kathryn Ozimek, WA MADELINE REY, Pitbull Mix, Barbara Rey, IL MAURY, Domestic Short-Hair Cat, Mandy Nicholson, NV MIKE, Australian Shepherd, Melannie Layne, AL MOLLY, Cairn Terrier, Darlene Gosnell, IN OLIVER, Cairn Terrier, Naomi B. Vizena, MI PEYTON, Bernese Mountain Dog, Paul Sawyer, OH PILOT, Border Collie Mix, Katherine Gigandet, CA RILEY, Labradoodle, Jane Taylor, FL SANDY, Wheaten Terrier, Marla Hacker, OR SAVVY, Briard, Holly L. Dundore, MN SCOOTER, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Joyce Rivas, PA SCOOTER, Papillon, Diane McGuire, AZ SCOTCH, Border Collie Mix, Diane McGuire, AZ SHADOW, Labrador, Laurie L. Angel, GA SIMON, Domestic Short Hair Feline, Diana Richett, Lakewood, CO SONJA, Standard Poodle, Marian Twitchell, ID SUNSHINE, Boston Terrier, Shellie K. Pinner, NJ TITUS, Chocolate Labrador Retriever, CindyKay W. Graham, FL TYD, Schipperke, Shirley Sullivan, TX QUINN, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, LuAnn S. Rogers, OH RAINBOW, Greyhound, Sharon L. Fricke, KS RALPHIE, Pitbull mix, Marc Garland, OH RIZZO, Golden Retriever, Janet R. Morganm OH ROCKY, German Shepherd, Stuart Davidson, ME ROCKY, Labrador Retriever, Everett and Linda Lyon, VT ROSIE, Scottish Terrier, Ruth H. Hodos, CA ROSIE, Golden Retriever, Sara Rostand, CA ROXIE, English Bulldog, Scott J. Franklin, NY ROXIE, Golden Retriever, Cynthia Bennetts, CA RUBY, West Highland White Terrier, Patricia H. Quillen, VA RUDY, Golden Retriever, Jo M. Lepse, KS RUSTY, Sheltie, Barbara Schoof, AZ SADIE, Mastiff, Victoria Soares, CA SADIE, Labrador Retriever, Ann Ganger, IL SAMMY, Australian Shepherd, Sue E. Reid, WI SANDY, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Patricia Williams, WA SARAH, Labrador Retriever Mix, Wendy Panikker, CT SASHA, Samoyed, David Kettering, MN SAVANNAH, Domestic Rat, Vicki L. Altman, KS SCHNOZ, Fox Terrier, Keirsten Rain, NY SNOOPY, Miniature Schnauzer, Charles Brown, SC SOPHIE, Akita, Alena Picha, LA SOPHIE, Shepherd Mix, Whitney Mason, WA SPREE, Great Dane, Claire Burke, MT SUNDANCE, Golden Retriever, Diana Salla, OH TAREK, Great Pyrenees, Sarah Wylly, TX TEDDY BEAR, Yorkshire Terrier, Sheila Marie Anderson, FL TESS, Shetland Sheepdog, Robert Daliege, AZ TIKVA, Keeshond, Cindy L. Ehlers, OR TOBY, Golden Retriever, Deb Jansky, WI TWEED, Border Terrier, Gayle H. Tilles, CA VAREKAI, Yellow Labrador Retriever, Caitlin Smith, OR WIFI, Australian Cattle Dog, Noreen R. Yoshida-Peer, CA ZEKEY, Cockatoo, Susan Crane, PA ZOE, Golden Retriever, Ellen G. Emert, CT ZUZU, Siberian Husky, Elizabeth Friend-Ennis, NY 17 Pet Partners Caring Community Pet Partners wishes to thank the following families who have made provisions in their estate planning for Pet Partners. We appreciate their support that will make their love last forever. Willmetta & Charles Allen * Dr. Robert Anderson * Anonymous Dr. Donna Baer Grace & Larry Ballentine Bernard Baron * Valerie & Richard Beck Sally Becker * Barbara & David Bell Marie Bickel * Nancy & William Biery Frances Bleick * Margaret Bott * Helen Boyd Florence Burkholder Dr. Leo Bustad * Marite Butners Helen Caradonna * Dr. Betty Carmack Dr. Craig & Ronda Carter Dr. Gary & Mary Lynn Champion Dr. Aphrodite Clamar Cohen Sheila Cohen Fred Cole II * Eugenia Colman * Melody Cook Deborah Morgan Couples * Sophie & Derek Craighead Dr. Merry Crimi Dr. Roy & Lydia Cruzen Janna De Lue Karl Denniss * Stephanie Denniss * Barbara Dimock * The Dogfather (James Schwartz) Virginia Louis Doris * Lt. Cmdr. Constance Dorn Dr. D’Ann Downey Trudy Doyle * Jon & Lynnette Eastlake Karen Edwards Dr. Joan Engel Lillian Thomas Jones Eure * Janet Fisher Dr. Robert & Catherine Franklin Ann Fuller * Harold Galbraith Nora Gallaher Gilbert Glass Carol Gonnella Charles Granoski Jr. Jane Marie Griffin * Katharine & Goody Harding Barbara Harris Dr. James Harris Todd Hendricks Mary Hill Linda Hines Cheryl Hovanick Robin Huckeba Gladine Hudoff * Jennifer Jarpe Joan & Bill Jensen Chuck Granoski Chuck Granoski and Buddy “I have always had a commitment to social responsibility and have chosen to do so in the human-animal bond field to assist those who do the important day-to-day work in this field. The positive health benefits people and their pets receive from the human-animal interaction is invaluable to a society and there remains a significant unmet need for additional such services in the world. These are just two of the reasons I decided to become involved with the work of Pet Partners. 18 Jacqueline Joseph George Keely * Marion Kline * Cristine Kossow Marguerite Lachs * Susan Lilley Carolynn Loacker Rebecca Lovejoy Barbara & Wendell Loveless Esther Lyndon Betty and Kendall Manning Dr. Bill & Janice McCulloch Dr. Michael McCulloch * Marilyn McDaniel * Leatrice Meyers * Karen Miller Dr. Queenie Mills * Wayne Minter * Louis Carl Mirabile * Marion Mitton Marilyn & David Mize Davelie & Russell Morgan Maria Myckaniuk Tom Nelson Billyanna Niland * Katharine Quinn Nolan * Jeannie & Bruce Nordstrom Lawrence Norvell Kyoko O’Neill Martha Jane Pearcy John Remer Jr. Mark Rosenblum Debbie & Robert Ross Michelle & Ed Sayres Dr. Olivia Scarse Theodore Schneider * Jacquetta Schulz * Mal Schwartz Alfred Siegel Michael Siwula Jean & Bob Sneed Carol & Mark Spisak Sandra Squires Dr. Wayne & Sharon Sternberger Stuard Estate * Walter Stugis Ingrid Sunzenauer Sarah Sweatt Dr. Gregg & Laura Takashima Anne Taubman Edith Lee Taylor * Dr. Irving Taylor Ella Mae & Doc Thomas Dr. Lorna Vanderzanden Verrill Family Trust * Eleanor Vigil Jean Vollum * Dr. William Warley Linda & Craig Wescoatt Julianne Whitcomb Woodside Estate * Dorothy Wynn * * Bequest received. Because of my 30-plus years of experience in the animal and children’s welfare fields as a board member for local, regional, and national organizations, I was recruited to serve on the Pet Partners board. I have been and continue to be very impressed with Pet Partners’ commitment to the highest standards for education and training of teams across the country. The work done by the nearly 11,000 teams in coordination with the Veterans Administration, UCLA Medical Center, Tufts University, the Mayo Clinic and many more speaks to the high caliber of our teams, training and talent. I am very proud to support the current work of Pet Partners and am providing for their future through my estate planning and the Caring Community program.” Chuck Granoski was born, raised and resides in Tacoma with his life partner Candace Cragg. They have three grown children. He has been with the Law Offices of Betzendofer & Granoski since 1974 and has been active in nonprofits all his life including the boards of the American Humane Association in Denver, the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County in Washington State and as both board member and interim CEO for Pet Partners in 2014. Introducing The Delta Giving Society Dr. Leo K. Bustad In 1977, a group of visionaries led by veterinarians Dr. Leo K. Bustad and Dr. William ‘Bill’ McCulloch along with his brother, psychiatrist Dr. Michael J. McCulloch, and a quartet of other veterinarians came to know one another as they shared their observations that pets were having a positive impact on their human clients’ health and happiness. They formed the Delta Foundation and planted the seed that would grow exponentially over nearly four decades to become Pet Partners, the nation’s largest and most prestigious nonprofit training handlers and evaluating multiple species for Animal-Assisted Interactions. Today, we are proud to introduce The Delta Giving Society. It honors Pet Partners heritage and founding in 1977 as a leader in demonstrating and promoting positive human-animal interactions while paving a healthy road to the future. Forty years later, the science behind the benefits of Animal-Assisted Interactions has become indisputable. From students and seniors to veterans and the disabled, as well as patients in recovery and those approaching end of life, the impact of these interactions is felt one million times a year. In 2014, interest in Animal-Assisted Interactions is exploding; the importance of maintaining a quality approach with rigor that supports the human-animal bond is perhaps more important than ever. To honor our visionary roots and to meet the challenges of today, we have created the Delta Giving Society to recognize those supporters who understand our work and consistently demonstrate generous support. For information contact Julie Delano, National Director of Development, 425.679.5502 or [email protected] If you are interested in learning how you can provide for Pet Partners’ future by leaving a gift through the Caring Community, contact Julie Delano, National Director of Development, 425.679.5502 or [email protected] 19 Honor and Memorial Donations Special thanks to the following donors who, by contributing to Pet Partners, remember the special spirit of an animal or person that touched their lives. In Honor of Ray Ward Lisa Dolin Colby Martell Jean Martell all volunteer rescue groups Carolyn Baird Dr. Donald Weiss Stephanie Quinby Grace Melendez Dr. Lynda Melendez George Berger Nancy Stone Dana Wilson Paula Simon Mollie & Dino Minahan Sue Minahan Linda Biel Andrea Hanlon In Honor of Pets Maddie Moosbrugger Joseph Moosbrugger Philip Favero Mariangela Monteiro Yodels Forster Jill Forster Justin Gardner Kirsten Luethy Allen & Jasmine Green Gail Stevens Bill Griffin Deborah Marchione Diane Jamieson Emily Singh JF Service Dog Training Jill Forster Michele Kennedy Terri DeLoach Jordan Marsar Emily Trovato Patty Morgan Katharine & Goody Harding Madeline & Mowgli Polen Tricia Dunne-Silvetti Steven & Spencer Spivak Jessica Yellen Al & Mary Lou Vanderwiel Jeremy & Melissa Fryer 20 Tela Batty Elizabeth Batty Donna & Derek Carrow Dorothy Myers Kathryn Rheinhart Jefferson & Phillip Twitter Crouse Dawn Crouse Buddy Disheva Zorina Disheva Maeby Ferbet Kory Ferbet Norbert Freyermuth Cynthia Hersh Toby Glaves Julie Glaves Onix & Jordon Goodman Julie Goodman Uumaa & Tanya Gracey Dorothy Gracey Chai Gunderson Andrea Gunderson Missy Hall Mary Hall Arizona Jaeger Betty Fortney Sammy Johnson Linda Johnson Jackson Moosbrugger Joseph Moosbrugger Louie Perrault Victoria Benzing Silentbob & Shorty Quinn Susan & Patrick Quinn INTERACTION WITH ANIMALS reduces blood pressure Barnabas Rittermal Elizabeth Rittermal Doggie Itty Bits Ryder Mary Ann Ryder Molly Stone Carol Stone Billie Turvey Christine Turvey Cookie Walper Maritia Walper Shylo Wiggs Laura Wiggs In Memory of Donna Bailey Jessica VanDerPoel Joe Bilek Carolyn Ellingwood Judy Brown Jacqulyn Wellenreiter Marie Brown Barbara Boulden Rosemarie Curry Ilene Robbins Sue Grundfest Sheena Berger Teddi Berger Boss & D.J. Edwards Steven Benninga Monty Gerber Dr. Nicole Gerber Hirtzel family felines Dr. Cynthia Hirtzel Bailey Lapinski Dr. Scott Gallatin Jack Macarol Dr. Scott Gallatin Marin Sanchez Joleen Pillar Delta Blocker Dr. Scott Gallatin Scruffy Engel Richard & Donna Engel Dot Gilbert Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Lady Jablonski Dr. Scott Gallatin Lucy Lay Dr. Scott Gallatin Falco Manion Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Domenica SbroccoCastellano Irene Herz Rupert Burnham Holdener Rachel Burnham Holdener Oakley Eriksen-Meier Teton County PAL Shadow Gillespie Mary & Donald Knowles Tux Jackson Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Crackers Lee Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Boo Boo Evans Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Buddy Gleaves Dr. Scott Gallatin Mina Jager Dr. Scott Gallatin Nicky Lemmenes Dr. Scott Gallatin Maddy Fahey Dr. Scott Gallatin Lady Gordon Melvin Gordon Moe Jemilo Dr. Scott Gallatin Maizey Lindsay Sugar Farley Dr. Scott Gallatin Sami Graf Dr. Scott Gallatin Odie & Shorty Jenkins Ann Jenkins Chaos Ferrer Jillian O’Donnell Kobe Granard Ryan Granard Murphy Joyce Dr. Scott Gallatin Precious Fleissner Joyce Fleissner Sebastian Green Green Bean Books, LLC Twigs Kahn-Chiossone Stephanie CalmensonGolden Hannah Crockarell Vicki Crockarell Abby Fowler Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Benjamin Griffin Kathy Teufel Rueben Cruit Neil Ross Skye Gain Denise & Jim Lilley Princess Pickachu Hamelink Deborah Hamelink Pepper Degidio Dr. Scott Gallatin Frankie Galgano Dr. Scott Gallatin Tuffy & Cody Hanck Dr. Nancy Hanck Pebbullz Delk Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Orville Galuskin Greer Griffith Quincey Harding Katharine & Goody Harding Eloise Sundberg Bonni Sundberg Thomas Turner, Jr. Frances Turner Harriet Varnadore Richard Varnadore Isabelle Wagner Dawn Crouse Allan White Sr. Annette King Janice White Gary DiGiacomo Maureen Duffy Gail O’Neill Zandra Price Marie Rodgers Robert Chalmers Carole Cook Phyllis Marie Inzunza David Unger Carlton Jeffries Steve & Laura Shumate Sally Nosanchuk Susan & Steve Belen Dwayne Barry “Rusty” Cox Angel Paws, Inc. Andrea O’Connor Lucille Beaulieu Norma Jean Cushman Pamela Hurley Catherine Peters Joan Sare Janice Damiano Rhoda Axlerod Steven Pfeiffer Sandy Ford Nick Miller Kathryn Ozimek Mark & Penny Pfeiffer Mildred Serwold Bob & Brenda Swanson Frances Jean Ennis Gretchen Snyder Ida Gilmore Tina King Bob Hall Robert Davidson Marty Harris Robert McDonald Dan Provost Lisa Callahan Dr. Robert Rauch Dr. Perry Opin Alison Wigton Meeghan Sinclair John Wellington Susan Wlezien Frances Wlezien In Memory of Pets Shalom Allison Mary Ware Polar Anderson Lois Anderson Olivia Anderson Stephanie & Mark Calmenson-Golden Nell & Tess Armstrong Lynette Armstrong Cooper Bell Dr. Stanley & Darlene Diesch Skylar Byrne Mary Ann Byrne Toto Chimera Dr. Scott Gallatin Bogey Clancy Dr. Scott Gallatin Fergie Cooper Dr. Galen Cooper Joy Corey Carla Corey Sunshine Devitt Melissa Topper A.K. DeVivo Dr. Scott Gallatin Shadow Dolce Dr. Scott Gallatin Butkus Galvin Dr. Scott Gallatin Rosie Gareau Karen Kaufman AJ Garvin Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Autumn Duitmann Dr. Scott Gallatin Hershey Gelfo Dr. Scott Gallatin Jenni Velvet Star Dunn Linda Dunn Libby Gerasch Dr. Scott Gallatin Sammy Harkins Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Bailey Kamper Dr. Scott Gallatin Minnie Marble Karunaratne Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Harley Kopczyk Dr. Scott Gallatin Laddie Kowalski Tender Paws Bear Henderson Dr. Paul McCullough Waggie Hershman Karen Kaufman Murphy Hill Dave & Theresa Hill Tovey Mariano-Wright Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital INTERACTION WITH ANIMALS lowers anxiety and stress levels Apollo Krch Dr. Scott Gallatin Lisa Callahan Pookie Hays Dr. Scott Gallatin Skylar Marciniak Dr. Scott Gallatin Megan Marier Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Meenu Kumar Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Maggie Lippert Dr. Scott Gallatin Athena Kyle-Bowlsbey Amy Castner Buster Looby Dr. Scott Gallatin Franny Martin Katharine & Goody Harding Patches Lam Dr. Scott Gallatin Otis Lowy Dr. Lois Abrams Sadie Martin Tender Paws Dakota Lange Dr. Scott Gallatin Sampson Lullo Dr. Scott Gallatin Heidi McAuliffe Dr. Scott Gallatin 21 PET PARTNERS WELCOMES NEW BOARD LEADERSHIP McD McDonald Dr. Scott Gallatin Beavis Nachel Dr. Scott Gallatin Kaylie McDonnell Dr. Scott Gallatin Chloe Nigohosian Dr. Scott Gallatin Mac McFarland Donna McFarland Penny O’Hare Dr. Scott Gallatin Boone, Glenn & Max Orr Susan & William Orr Mason Parthemore Dr. Scott Gallatin Furby Pate Dr. Scott Gallatin INTERACTION WITH ANIMALS increases a sense of community Kasey Robinson Malena Robinson Bonnie Stakenas Dr. Scott Gallatin Abby Welch Dr. Scott Gallatin Rosie Rostand Nancy Lippman Cali Staveley Elaine Staveley Dusty Whitlow Dr. Scott Gallatin Diana Ruggiero Christy Bartley Rupert Stribling Nancy Lippman Boots Wilkes Dr. Scott Gallatin Maya May Russell Julie Russell Mesa Steyszak Dr. Scott Gallatin Jake Wilmoth James Wilmoth Rufus Ryerson Marten Ryerson Zoey Swartz Linda Horbal Sanity Woods Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Magy Sager Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Hunter Takashima Donald Falk & Harold Rains Sam Sandine Dr. Scott Gallatin Suzy Terwilliger Anne Terwilliger LuLu Schmehl Dr. Scott Gallatin Snickers Timm Dr. Scott Gallatin Taz Schmid Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Bailey Tipner Dr. Scott Gallatin Midnight Schmidt Dr. Scott Gallatin Daisy Schoenecker Dr. Scott Gallatin Xander Schupek Dr. Scott Gallatin Domino McNaughten Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Misty O’Hern Dr. Scott Gallatin Angel Medel Dr. Scott Gallatin Shadow & Casper Ojermark Dr. Scott Gallatin Mowgli Polen Libby & David Estrin Ethan & Karen Lazar Fran Rivera Isabel Schornstein Tina Solomon Lucille Metke Dr. Scott Gallatin Frosty Oliver Dr. Paul McCullough Belle Putz Dr. Scott Gallatin Tootsie Meyers Dr. Scott Gallatin Eddy Olivo Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Meegs Quinn Dr. Scott Gallatin Caterina Miller Jerilyn Felton Parker Monahan Dr. Scott Gallatin Mattie Moshlak Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital 22 Olsen family dogs Thomas Olsen Nugget Olson Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Emilie Richardson James Richardson Harlow Richardson Lisa Zeiner Jerry Robbins Lynda Kelly Mo Schwartz Jase Schwartz Molly Shaheen Carol Shaheen Gracie Sherman Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Dusty Smith-Faughn Diane Smith-Faughn Drake Soderlund Dr. Scott Gallatin Roscoe Soliday Teton County PAL Redmann Stake Dr. Scott Gallatin Willow Young Laura Krowel Dr. Mary Craig has risen from Vice Chair to succeed Brenda Bax as Pet Partners Chairperson. Ms. Bax will transition into her new role as Ex-officio. She is joined by four new board members: Agnes Arkydog Zollner Carlsbad Pet Therapy Association, Inc. Katharine & Goody Harding Kay & Don Zollner Gunther Zucconi Noelle Welz Tyson Tomlinson Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Simba Trolan Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Chad Baigini, Managing Director at Harvard International Ryan Granard, Vice President of Cloud Operations at Adobe Michael Sapp, Vice President of Merchandising Solutions at PetSmart. Diana Kiriakides, Vice President of Talent Acquisition at Experian Sosa Trovato Dr. Scott Gallatin Sunset Umgelder Dr. Scott Gallatin Caesar Vaden Negola’s Ark Veterinary Hospital Molly VanValkenburg Dr. Scott Gallatin Bubba Lily Vish Dr. Scott Gallatin Pickles Vodar Dr. Scott Gallatin Dr. Mary Craig, in one of her first official duties as new Chairperson of the Pet Partners board, accepting an award from Milford, Connecticut Mayor Ben Blake and the Board of Aldermen in recognition of Pet Partners leadership in the coordination of therapy dog teams at Jonathan Law High School following the tragic murder of student Maren Sanchez in April. From left to right: Lisa Uhlan and Bennie, Mayor Ben Blake, Arlene Kaye and Emma Lee and Dr. Mary Craig Rocket Voras Dr. Scott Gallatin Rusty Vosburg Dr. Scott Gallatin 23 Xander In Klamath Falls, Oregon: He Seems To Hear What People Are Feeling Marcie and Rodney Beedy were not looking for another dog on the day Xander found them. The Oregon couple already had six Pugs and a Lab at home when Rodney came across a new resident at the Klamath Animal Shelter early last year. Up for adoption was a young fur ball of a Pug, the soft tan color of tea with milk, with a dark nose and plenty of wrinkles. But there was something different about Xander. Pugs typically have large, sensitive, expressive eyes that seem to telegraph emotion. Xander was blind, having suffered a head injury when he was younger that caused him to lose both eyes. Rodney didn’t see the dog’s limitations. What he saw instead was a loving puppy with a strong and gentle heart; a “wonder dog” destined for greatness. Rodney called his wife. “There’s something here you need to see,” he told her. Marcie wasn’t convinced she could handle the challenge of owning a blind dog. Then her heart took over. “It was love at first sight,” Marcie said. “Then I held him in my arms, and I was done. I just melted.” The young puppy – thought to be about 10 months old when he was abandoned at the shelter – eased into his new home with a little help from the 24 couple’s seven other dogs. “Right after we brought Xander home, we noticed the other dogs would take turns outside with him, helping him through the doggie door until he could handle it on his own,” Marcie said. It didn’t take long for the couple to realize Xander had a special calling. Unlike some more spirited Pugs, Xander is even-tempered and gentle. The couple knew he was a perfect candidate to be a therapy dog. They enrolled him at Double-C Dog Training (where Rodney is a certified trainer) and he passed with flying colors. Marcie says Xander was a natural at training, and performed better than most of the sighted dogs. Rodney started taking Xander to work with him, where he settled in as the school’s official greeter. Diploma in hand (or paw), Xander then aced the Pet Partners therapy dog test, and Marcie and Xander became a registered therapy animal team. Xander was about to turn tragedy into triumph. Xander began making regular visits to hospitals, nursing homes and schools, immediately bonding with everyone he met. Marcie tells the story of a woman in hospice care who had fallen in love with Xander during a visit and asked for him in her final days. Every day until she passed away, Xander would sit quietly with the woman, gently resting his head in her hands for as long as she needed him to be there. Marcie says some of Xander’s visits bring her to tears, as she watches people melt at his nuzzling touch. “This is his calling. People love him,” she says. Even though he can’t see and also has lost part of his sense of smell, Xander seems to have a sixth sense for those in need of comfort. Whether a timid child or an elderly person in pain, he always knows exactly what someone needs, and is more than willing to give. When Xander hears someone crying, absolutely nothing will stand in his way as he scurries to help. Marcie says, “He seems to hear what people are feeling.” The Pet Partners team also is committed to the Klamath County Chapter of Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project, which works to reduce bullying and school violence. And Xander is even a card-carrying member of the Sky Lakes Medical Center Guild, with his own hospital ID and an open invitation to visit. Marcie says Xander is the best dog she’s ever had, and she isn’t alone in her admiration. Her Pet Partners Pug has become a local and even international celebrity, with regular news coverage and more than 8,500 followers on his Facebook page. In fact, Xander is so good at his job, he was recently honored with an AKC Humane Fund Award for Canine Excellence. The national awards “honor five inspirational dogs that have made significant contributions to their communities and really exemplify the energy of the human-canine bond,” according to the AKC. Xander has a particular gift for relating to children; cuddling with the ones who already have a good case of puppy love and gently easing the anxiety of those who are afraid. One of a Pug’s defining features – the curled-up tail – is a never-ending source of amusement for the younger kids. “They love to straighten it out and watch it curl back up,” Marcie says. Xander also will sometimes sit right next to a child who is struggling to focus at school – quietly offering a reason to engage in class, and patiently listening as the child reads aloud to him. And his uncanny ability to connect with children may pay off in another way, with vulnerable kids who struggle to fit in with their peers. The gentle, lovable Xander – who sees with his heart if not his eyes – also carries an unspoken message: What does it mean to be different? In Xander’s case, “different” means destined for greatness. “There will never be another one like him,” Marcie says. “He is just an amazing dog.” Contributed by Kris Betker 25 875 - 124th Ave NE, Ste. 101 Bellevue, WA 98005-2531 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.71 BELLEVUE, WA Founded in 1977, Pet Partners is the leader in demonstrating and promoting positive humananimal interactions. With the highest quality training available for visiting teams, Pet Partners is the largest national nonprofit evaluating multiple species for field work. Our nearly 11,000 teams are comprised of nine different species of animals that have been studied and researched for their temperament and effectiveness in providing support to people. 26
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