2015 Alumni Newsletter copy(1) - Federal Semester
2015 Alumni Newsletter copy(1) - Federal Semester
SPRING 2015 ISSUE 2 F E D E R A L & G LO BA L T I M E S Connecting Federal Semester and Global Semester Alumni Since 2014 SPRING 2015 1: LETTER FROM THE ALUMNI BOARD PRESIDENT Alumni Board President Lauren Greeley welcomes readers to the program’s large and engaged alumni network 2: YOUNG ALUM SPOTLIGHT Program alumnus Aisha Hassan, analyst at HHS and MBA student, talks about what it means to be a leader and how to make the most of opportunities in the workplace 3: PROGRAMS BY THE NUMBERS Get a snapshot of where students are interning, what majors these students study, and the growing size of the alumni network 4: STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Spend a day in the life of Foreign Services Institute intern and 2015 UMD senior Coreene White FACULTY PROFILE Get to know David Galbraith, veteran of the State Department, and Global Semester instructor Letter from the Alumni Board President Lauren Greeley Dear Talented and Engaged Alumni, First of all, congratulations to all the new 2015 alumni of the Federal and Global Semester Programs! I hope that each of you found your cohort programs to be fulfilling, challenging, and unforgettable. My time with the Federal Semester Program in Homeland Security Policy was nothing short of an incredible learning experience. It was filled with countless lessons on the art of networking, the importance of both academic and workplace professionalism, and some extraordinary introductions to government service, where I've happily dedicated my first years in the workforce. I can assure you that you have just graduated from a life-changing program—one with a unique and meaningful impact that you will be hardpressed to leave behind. Thank you all so very much for your dedication to the Federal and Global Semester Program, and as always, please do not hesitate to contact me or our Board members and staff with anything that's on your mind. Hope to see you all soon! Lauren Greeley President, Federal and Global Semester Alumni Board As the President of the Federal and Global Semester Alumni Board, it is my hope that each of you found substance and value in FEDERAL AND GLOBAL SEMESTER D.C. STAFF 5: FEATURED SCHOLARS Gain a glimpse of the awards recently received by the programs’ students and alumni your respective Federal or Global Semester programs and might be willing to share some of your new-found wisdom with your fellow alumni, as well as the next class of incoming students this Fall. The Alumni Board would love to hear your feedback on ways that we can expand and truly make the most of our Alumni Network, while also giving back to the program by mentoring and guiding its new students. For starters, we would love to see all of you this summer for an Alumni gettogether to catch up, strategize, and kick off a wonderful summer season together! Please join us at Cities Restaurant and Lounge in Washington DC on July 23rd (see details on page 6!). Dr. Joan Burton Director 6: ALUMNI EVENTS & PHOTOS Learn about the programs’ alumni board and ways to get involved! 2407 MARIE MOUNT HALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Tommy Minter Student Assistant Jay Arasan Coordinator WWW.FEDERALSEMESTER.UMD.EDU Brendan Butler Graduate Assistant WWW.GLOBALSEMESTERDC.UMD.EDU FEDERAL & GLOBAL TIMES ISSUE II Aisha poses with the President SPRING 2015 Young Alumna Spotlight Aisha Hassan, Policy Analyst, HHS How have you been able to obtain employment? there is an opportunity to lead a project, make My first job out of college was a “Program Analyst” position at HHS in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. I landed an interview because of my internship position at HHS at the time. Talking with people in various government offices helped me figure out what offices I wanted to work in, and helped me narrow my job search when I was looking for new opportunities. to that challenge, accept it, and then run with How did your Federal Semester experience prepare you to take on post-graduate life? The Federal Semester’s training has been invaluable. We learn a presentation, brief a senior leader, etc., rise it. You’ll figure out how to use your subject matter expertise and apply it to that particular challenge. And, you’ll be surprised at the turn out you have. Take initiative, and work hard and smart. If you see something that can be done differently, take the initiative to draft up a briefing, flow chart, action plan, etc. on how to tackle that problem differently. “Don’t be afraid to take risks…Take initiative, work hard, and work smart.” important tangible skills (e.g. how to write a resume) and intangible skills (e.g. talking with people, navigating a few simultaneous internship opportunities ethically). I still implement many of the skills I learned during the program in my current work situations. Overall, the program helped me learn how to think strategically about what internships and job positions I wanted to pursue, and why I wanted to pursue them. What advice would you give to young professionals? Don’t be afraid to take risks. I’ve learned that ABOUT AISHA From your perspective, what does it take to be a young leader? h Have confidence in yourself and your capabilities. Often, I talk with individuals who are smart, work hard, and analytical in their approach to problem solving and decisionmaking. However, they lack the confidence to GRADUATION YEAR: 2011 MAJOR: Community Health FEDERAL SEMESTER CONCENTRATION: Health Policy INTERNSHIP SITE: National Institute of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases CURRENT OCCUPATION Policy Analyst at HHS, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Division of Health System MBA Student, UMD What’s something you wish you had known five years ago? propose new projects or volunteer to lead I wish I had known the importance of initiatives for their offices. It is important to building a personal brand beyond the have faith in your abilities. Knowing when to day-to-day work environment. This ask for help is also imperative in being a includes publishing journal articles, leader. Early on in any organization, you blog posts, etc. that bolster content should identify the skills and expertise of building and helping to establish those on your team and elsewhere in the credentials as a subject matter expert organization. Request help from those in particular areas. I’m now beginning individuals who have skills and expertise that to explore opportunities for publishing will bolster the success for your project. various literature pieces. we need to give ourselves more credit – if 2407 MARIE MOUNT HALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND WWW.FEDERALSEMESTER.UMD.EDU WWW.GLOBALSEMESTERDC.UMD.EDU FEDERAL & GLOBAL TIMES ISSUE II SPRING 2015 P ROG RA MS B Y T H E NUMBERS A quantitative breakdown of the Federal Semester and Global Semester programs, 2006-present Popular Student Majors 10.3% 4.5% 5.7% FEDERAL & GLOBAL SEMESTER NETWORK 30.2% 7.5% 7.7% 8.2% 590+ 13.5% 12.5% Program Alumni and Current Students Government & Politics: 30.2% Arts & Humanities: 12.5% Criminology & Criminal Justice: 7.7% Economics: 5.7% Other: 10.3% Hard Sciences: 13.5% Environmental Studies: 8.2% Health-Related Fields: 7.5% Business: 4.5% 09 Top Agency Placements 150+ Different Internship Locations Number of Students 80 4 64 Program Staff & Assistants 48 32 16 75 67 51 33 31 17 0 Department of Homeland Security Congress Department of Health and Human Services State Department (12 students in 2014-15!) Environmental Protection Agency Department of Energy 2407 MARIE MOUNT HALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND WWW.FEDERALSEMESTER.UMD.EDU WWW.GLOBALSEMESTERDC.UMD.EDU FEDERAL & GLOBAL TIMES ISSUE II SPRING 2015 2 0 15 St u de n t S po t lig h t : U.S. Department of Stat e In tern Coreen e W hite Major: Chinese Graduating Class: 2015 Internship Location: Foreign Services Institute, School of Languages What is your office’s mission? What has been the most helpful aspect of the Global Semester I am working in the East Asian and Pacific Languages Office. This office works to make sure that Foreign Service Officers (though there are others, such as spouses) obtain the language skills needed to effectively do their jobs overseas. I specifically work with the Lao and Thai section. program for you? What’s something most people don’t know about interning at the Foreign Services Institute? As an intern, you have a lot of access to the same resources staff does. I was able to get a free subscription to Mango Languages through State. Also, there is a library that you have access to— the computers there have access to paid subscriptions such as Foreign Policy Magazine. What has been the most rewarding part of your internship? The Global Semester program has really great staff that is really willing to help you. One thing I found particularly helpful was the Partnership for Public Service’s information session on USAJOBS. I can honestly say I’ve really mastered the site now. What do you think makes the Global Semester program unique? What makes the Global Semester program unique is that it brings together a lot of like-minded people who have similar goals. I really think it is especially unique in that it helps people who have maybe never gotten federal/NGO/think tank experience, and promotes their self-development in a way that allows them to get that experience. The most rewarding part of my internship has been the sense that I am actually helping the office’s mission. I’ve also been able to practice Chinese with the language instructors in the office. Fa c u l t y P r o f i l e : D av i d G a l b r a i t h U.S. Department of State; U.S. Diplomacy and Policymaking Instructor What is your current job, and how did you arrive there? I'm a U.S. Foreign Service Officer. Right now, I'm studying Burmese in advance of an assignment as a political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon. To say how I arrived here might be a bit like peeling an onion, but perhaps the shortest answer is that after I finished graduate school I looked for a job that combined serving my country with the opportunity to live in and learn about other cultures, and I chose the Foreign Service. How, in your opinion, does the Federal/Global Semester program prepare students for a career in public service? In many ways. The internship is a great way to explore public service; I hope that my class and other seminars gave students a broad perspective on opportunities for public service, inside What was your first professional job? government and outside; and the program's focus on networking I worked as a consultant for two small environmental consulting is a great asset. companies shortly after finishing my undergraduate degree in biology. We helped our clients find ways to better manage their How did you find teaching at the University of Maryland? environmental impacts. Some of my work was in Mexico and Well, to be honest, I didn't know what to expect, as this was my Peru, and that experience led me to study international first significant experience at a large state school. It was great. economics in graduate school. The students were engaged, came to class prepared, and put a lot of effort into improving their writing. I look forward to What advice do you have for young professionals today? keeping in touch with them and the Federal/Global Semester Try things out, learn from your experiences, always do the best you can, but don't feel like you need to find exactly the right job or sector right away. 2407 MARIE MOUNT HALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND program. WWW.FEDERALSEMESTER.UMD.EDU WWW.GLOBALSEMESTERDC.UMD.EDU FEDERAL & GLOBAL TIMES ISSUE II SPRING 2015 F E AT U R E D S C H O L A R S Sampling of Awards Recently Received by Students and Alumni L au ra G ar vie C ri tic al L an gu ag e Sc h ola rs hi p Malang, Indonesia S a r a h B r ow n D a v i d L . B o re n S c h o l a r s h i p Meknes, Morocco Emily Snider Er ne s t F. Holli ng s S c hol ar s h ip C a m To r r e o n R a n g e l I n t e r n a t i o n a l A ff a i r s F e l l o w s h i p l Aar on Bh att R a n g e l S u m m e r E n r i c h m e n t P ro g r a m l S h a n e Fa l c i n e l l i Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Erin Hylton Marshall Scholarship l S a r a h a n n Ye h U S F orei gn S e r vi ce In t er n shi p P rogr am Nathan Hurwitz l P re si d e nt ia l M an a ge me nt F el l ow Mohammad Zia T r uman Scholarship 2407 MARIE MOUNT HALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND WWW.FEDERALSEMESTER.UMD.EDU WWW.GLOBALSEMESTERDC.UMD.EDU FEDERAL & GLOBAL TIMES ISSUE II SPRING 2015 A LU M N I I NFO R MAT IO N A listing of upcoming events, ways to get involved, and other relevant information for alumni ! FEDERAL & GLOBAL SEMESTER ALUMNI HAPPY HOUR Join us for a summer gathering to network, catch up with friends, meet new alumni, and engage with program staff! When: Thursday, July 23, 6-8 p.m. Where: Cities Restaurant 919 19th Street, Washington DC 20006 Light buffet and appetizers will be provided! Please RSVP as soon as possible and contact Tommy Minter at [email protected] with any questions FEDERAL AND GLOBAL FELLOWS ALUMNI BOARD Lauren Greeley, Amy D’Avella, Jennifer Kulp SRA International; Board President World Resources Institute ICF International Mae McIver, NASA Contractor Joel Cohen, WAYS TO GET INVOLVED: • Join the Alumni Board! Contact [email protected] for more information. Joanna Luu BAE Systems Facebook Scott Schill, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Nikita Kandpal, Obsidian Analysis, Inc. Dan DeSantis, PotomacWave Consulting Jessica Preusch HRSA 2407 MARIE MOUNT HALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND The Federal Semester alumni board aims to foster the connections we built in Federal and Global Semester. We have three main goals: to connect alumni, to participate in networking and social events, and to provide opportunities to mentor current students. We all took a great deal from this program and look forward to making it and this network all that they can be! WWW.FEDERALSEMESTER.UMD.EDU • Nominate your seminar instructor for a newsletter profile! Email [email protected] • Send news, ideas, suggestions, and opportunities for our next issue to [email protected] . Newsletter Editor: Brendan Butler WWW.GLOBALSEMESTERDC.UMD.EDU