The Messenger VA L E N C I A U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H Issue 234 February 2011 From Project Nicaragua Below: Building of the new high school begins. Notes from Nicaragua: Day 1 recap….great team, all are well and send their love and prayers to all of you and thank you for your notes...reconnected with families in Chacocente...great to see they are growing more crops and have more livestock...put Miracle Offering dollars to work as we continued to build a high school...humbling gratitude from Chacocente families...sharing dreams...God is good...bueno noche from Masaya! - John This was an amazing day. The kids were awesome this a.m. Helped build a wall after lunch :) Michelle Team Members: John Shaver, Rahel Yoo, Deb Manahan, John Adam, Chelsea Ghasserani, Barry Pontius, Brian Young, David and Nancy Neill, Michelle Andrews, Kellie Wood, Taylor Wood, Catherine Stebbins, Kathleen Rutherford, Renato Romero, Jan Broneer, Rigo Rosales, Damian Jones, Mike Nibarger, and Brently Young. Excerpts from letters…. Dear John and our brothers and sisters in Christ in Valencia UMC, Dear Valencia United Methodist Church, On behalf of the Board of Directors of Project Chacocente, I want to extend our deepest appreciation and incredible gratitude for all you have done for the project this year! Thank you so much for the generous donations you have made and for the incredible gift of the matching grants program. Throughout the year, we were able to tell people that their money was doubled, exciting and energizing them to do more for the families. Let me say now, that YOUR money was doubled also! Thank you so much for financing our Thanksgiving dinner party. Without your support, our event would not have been possible. Thank you for supporting the vision to reach out to the probation camps. I want you to know how much we appreciate the volunteers from your church who came to serve our minors. We know that God has called us to care for our brothers and sisters in poverty and had clearly told us to share our wealth. You have taught us even more in your generosity...not only have you shared your abundance but you have also taken the time to meet the families, to work with them side by side and to open your hearts in love to them. These young ladies are our future. The love and support that they received from your members will affect them for eternity. The love of God was truly demonstrated through you. I have received so many thanks and expressions of appreciation from the minors and staff members here at Camp Scott, especially the new staff who have never before attended our dinner parties. We love you, brothers and sisters in Christ at Valencia United Methodist Church. May God continue to enlarge His blessings in your lives. You have been blessed to be a blessing! And you have been blessed to be an inspiration to so many throughout this country and Central America. We appreciate your walking with us on this path...with our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua as we strive to eradicate poverty in their lives and to develop a model for ending poverty throughout the world. In Christ’s name, In His Service, Mary C. Anderson President, Project Chacocente USA Board of Directors Chaplain Linda Howell 1 The Messenger Off the Blocks with Pastor John Dear Church Family, I’m writing to you from one of the homes in Chacocente. (I'll try and find internet later.) It has been an inspiring and powerful first few days with our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua. I continue to be astounded by the way you share with others, and it is great to put the Miracle Offering to work as we join with the community to build a high school to continue to further the dreams of the children in Project Chacocente and surrounding areas. community; and we took time to listen to what God had planned for our future. 2. Take time each day to use your personal journal and pray for our church family. This year we will again embark on a 40 day journey; and I’m excited to share that the journey will incorporate “The Hole In Our Gospel.” 3. Don’t miss worship. We’ll be teaching every weekend, with messages related to what you study in your group. (If you’re away on business or traveling, you can catch the messages on the web at This book has inspired many to live in new and exciting ways. 4. Participate in the other exciting Together we’ll learn the answer to excursions to serve during this journey! one of the most penetrating This journey is one that is exciting, questions we could ever be asked: challenging and full of great I believe God is again going to “What does God expect of us?” use this time of spiritual growth in opportunities! As I think about the life of VUMC, we have a similar ways we cannot even imagine! I To fully benefit from the event that will be happening in look forward with great transforming power of this 40 just a few weeks. A few years anticipation to journey with you Days adventure, I hope you will ago we joined together for participate in four spiritual areas: and watch our God-given dreams gain momentum to take us to what 40 Days of Community. Great things happened during that time 1. Be involved in a small group! God has in store for us! in our church family; dreams Watch for more information in the bulletin and on the patio between Grace and Peace, John began to come together; we became more cohesive as a faith worship hours. Dear Church Family, I just wanted to say thank you for Senior Luncheon to me. God bless each and everyone of Saturday, February 12th Fellowship Hall 11:30 a.m. the beautiful card—it meant a lot you & may your new year be filled with many blessings, Special Music by the Sounds of Joy Kami Owens 2 Issue 234 2011 VUMC Women’s Retreat Take a Trip around the World to Explore God’s World of Wonder March 11-13, 2011 -- Canyon Creek Wishing you could get away for a mini-vacation? We’ve got just your ticket! Wonder Full World is an unforgettable travel-themed retreat for the women of VUMC. It includes worship, Bible study, and time for laughter as well as time for quiet reflection. At Wonder Full World we’ll “travel” to each of the seven continents. While there, we’ll explore wonders of a woman’s heart, such as “I wonder if I matter to God” and “I wonder where God is when life is hard.” We’ll find the answer to each of these questions and discover more of God’s amazing love for us. The 2011 Women’s Retreat will be held March 11-13, 2011 at Canyon Creek, above Lake Hughes. The Retreat starts with dinner on Friday night and ends at noon on Sunday. The price is just $225, which includes two nights lodging, five meals (dinner Friday through breakfast Sunday), a VUMC retreat t-shirt, and all program materials! A $50 deposit is due when you register. Scholarships are available, so please let us know if you are in need of assistance with the registration fee, or if you are able to provide a contribution to assist with this year’s scholarship fund. Take time to relax, to make new friends, to worship, and to explore God’s wondrous love. We hope you’ll join us at Wonder Full World! Contact Robin Dal Soglio ([email protected]), Melissa Solomon ([email protected]) or Kellie ([email protected]) for more information, or stop by our table at Church on Sundays to learn more and register. Registration ends February 6th. Winter Shelter The SCV Winter Shelter has experienced high volume this year due to inclement weather. In December, VUMC unpaid servants experienced sharing God’s love through helping out with meals and security. The next week that we will be responsible for staffing the winter shelter is Sunday morning, February 27, through Saturday night, March 5th. We will need morning hosts, dinner for 40-50 people and night-time security patrol for each of these dates. Please sign up after worship if you would like to be an unpaid servant for this ministry. Sign-ups begin on Sunday, February 6th. One of the groups of unpaid servants from VUMC who helped at the Homeless Shelter during VUMC Week in December and found it fun and rewarding. From left to right: Marilyn McDonald, Paula Miller, Mindy Cope, Joann Fetterolf, Michael Park, and Mike Doggett 3 The Messenger YOUTH HAPS….The REFRESH Ministry Love God—Love Others—Serve—Repeat by Pastor Joseph Yoo 40 Days of Prayer Every day, starting January 10, at 4 p.m. I'll be in prayer for 40 days. Here are the things that I'll be praying for (in the following order): I have realized that there are many things that need to be done for our youth ministry (and our church, in general). I don't mean that in a bad way, at all. Just that there's a lot of dreaming, thinking and doing that we can do as young people of this church. Often times, my gut reaction is to think of something and go for it, without much planning. Sometimes, it goes very well. Often times, it falls through, mainly because of lack of planning. How easy it is to forget to take everything to Jesus in prayer. It's something that's been instilled in me since I was a kid. 1. Valencia United Methodist Church - that we continue to seek God's will and God's alone 2. The staff and leaders of VUMC - for strength, courage and wisdom to continue on doing their ministry, and faithfulness to God. 3. For the youth - that God will become less of an idea and more of a reality and priority in their lives 4. For the youth ministry - to be effective in making disciples of Christ 5. For youth leaders - that more people will step up in their faith to help mold and disciple the next generation Christians 6. Your prayer requests 7. My personal and family prayer requests. Let me tell you something about my dad. He's a prayer warrior, even by Korean standards. I've told my anglo friends about the things that my dad does and they just can't comprehend it. If you add all the days my dad fasted in his life time, it would come out to about 365 days. He has gone on four different 40 day fasts in his life time. That's 40 days without food. Four times I've witnessed his legs become as skinny as my forearm. My dad modeled, and continues to model, the importance of prayer. My dad's answer to everything has been, first seek God in prayer. It has worked for our family for as long as I can remember. He continues to get up at 4 a.m. everyday to head out to his church to pray. There have been a couple of times last year when I went to bed at 4 a.m. But as 2010 ended, there was something tugging at my heart and spirit, telling me I needed to do something. Of course, the initial reaction to this tugging was to completely ignore it. But, as the year drew closer and closer to the end, the feeling was getting bigger and louder, even. If you have a prayer request, email it to me or leave a note in my box. If you want to remain completely anonymous, just drop off the prayer request in my box without your name on it. By the time that you get to read this in the newsletter, I may already be more than half-way done. But please don't hesitate to shoot me a prayer request. In fact, don't ever hesitate to ask either myself or Pastor John to pray for you. But, know that as I go through all of our prayer requests, my ultimate prayer is that we align our will with God and that God's will ultimately be done. Let's continue to find ways to open ourselves and let God do amazing things through us. Books In Our Library While I won't be able to go on a 40 day fast, I feel that 40 days of prayer will be a great way to start 2011, the year I have deemed My Year of Obedience. Why am I sharing this with you? First and foremost, to hold myself accountable to get through these 40 days. And secondly, to ask for your prayer requests. And thirdly, for you to join me. The Power of a Whisper by Bill Hybels Faith, Hope, and Luck ~ DVD & Small Group Study by Andy Stanley The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard 4 Kids’ Worship Leaders and Assistants Needed Bible Bucks Store The Bible Bucks Store will be open on Sunday, January 30th following both worship hours in Room 5. Parents, please be sure to accompany your children to the store to help them shop. We are looking for several adults who are willing to serve once or twice a month in one of our two Kids’ Worship groups as a leader or as an assistant. Easy-to-use lesson materials and supplies are provided. If you love kids, this is a great place for you to serve. You’ll have lots of fun sharing God’s love with our kids. Please contact [email protected] for more information. Sunday School Themes For February 9:00 Sunday School Themes 2s & 3s: Pre-K & Kindergarten: 1st & 2nd Grades: 3rd & 4th Grades: 5th & 6th Grades: Jesus Loves Us Jesus’ Parables Families Jesus’ Parables Money and Time 10:30 Kids’ Worship Theme Jesus’ Parables Valencia United Methodist Church Vision Statement We are a community of faith where lives are continuously transformed through Jesus Christ. Mission Statement Our Church exists to: Invite people Nurture them with Christ’s love and the Word of God Send them out to serve others Our Core Values: Worship—Public and private Small Groups—Building relationships Service—Using God-given gifts 5 The Messenger Habit Sunday on February 6th! Support our Pioneer Clubs Program by having lunch or dinner at the Habit (located in Granary Square). Just present your Sunday bulletin to the cashier when you place your order and a portion of your total bill will be returned in support of our children’s program. Get the Habit! Cindy Marks, Consultant Quality Products, Personalized Service & 24/7 Shopping 661.360.9626 [email protected] This Spot could be yours! Luxury senior apartments for adults, ages 55 and better! ON SITE ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR RESIDENT PLANTING GARDEN CLUBHOUSE AND LIBRARY FITNESS CENTER Newsletter Sponsors STATE OF THE ART COMPUTER FACILITIES BEAUTY SALON Interested in becoming a newsletter sponsor? Your PET PARK sponsorship helps pay for paper, ink, and mailing costs while letting readers know about your EXERCISE CLASSES BINGO AND SOCIAL EVENTS 12 HELPFUL EMPLOYEES HEATED POOL AND SPA FREQUENT PARTIES AND FIELD TRIPS OUTDOOR PATIO AREAS PRIVATE BUS AND CAR, FREE products and services. For more information, contact Catherine in the church office at 255-1301 or email, [email protected]. Amazing Move-In Special! Call for details today! Phone: (661) 259-5501 Fax: (661) 259-2431 K Valley Oaks Village Law Offices of DONALD R. KLAHS 24700 Valley St. Santa Clarita, CA 91321 Nearest Cross Street: Lyons Ave. Donald R. Klahs, Esq. Attorney at Law 25152 Springfield Court, Ste. 100 Valencia, CA 91355 Phone: 661-287-1511 Fax: 661-287-9217 E-mail: [email protected] COMPLETE TREE CARE & REMOVAL “Rigo” “Rigo” Rigoberto Rosales Rigoberto Rosales 6 818-893-0058 818-535-0977 Upcoming Events February 2011 Sun Mon 2/6 Habit Sunday 1 Prayer 2/7 & 2/8 Hill’s Angels 2/8 Charge Conference 2/12 Senior Luncheon Tue Wed Thu 2 3 4 5 6 Habit Sunday 7 Hill’s Angels Game Night 8 Charge 14 15 Conference 9Hill’s 10 11 12 Senior Angels Game Night 16 Luncheon 17 20 21 22 23 24 Chancel Bells Tuesday 7:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. Contact Barb Hauge 259-2899 Chancel Choir Thursday 7:30 in the Sanctuary Contact Steven Applegate 284-1866 ext. 101 Contemporary Praise Band Rehearses every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Contact Paul Anderson 259-7224 19 25 26 Angel Food Distribution Women’s Retreat 3/11-3/13 Body & Soul Meets every other Wednesday 9:00 a.m. in Room 1. Contact Suzanne Bowman 513-0683 18 Angel Food Order Deadline Looking Ahead: Daylight Savings 3/13 Sat Shawl 13 Ash Wednesday 3/9 Fri 27 28 F.I.S.H. Every Thursday 6:30 p.m. in the Kitchen Sign-up on the FISH calendar posted on the wall in the kitchen Prayer and Share Women’s Prayer Group 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1. Contact Vicki Cranmer 259-2774 Men’s Bible Study Every Thursday 6:30 a.m. in Room 1 Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Maria Sears 259-4142 Men’s Ministry Breakfast Meets periodically at various locations and times. Contact Pete Brosnan 263-8991 Senior Service Ministry Plans luncheons, sends cards, provides rides, makes visitations and calls. If you can help in any of these activities, contact Ron Kari at 799-3808 or Dick & Maria Sears 259-4142 MOPS Mothers of Preschoolers meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am. Contact Michelle Jones 284-2564 7 Youth Prison Ministry Every Wednesday. Held at youth prison Training materials, and childcare are provided. Carpool departs from church at 5:30. Contact the Church Office for more information. The Messenger Published Monthly Valencia United Methodist Church 25718 McBean Parkway Valencia, CA 91355-2008 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Santa Clarita, CA Permit #67 Return Service Requested Valencia United Methodist Church 25718 McBean Parkway Valencia CA 91355-2008 Phone: 661-255-1301 Fax: 661-255-0119 Email: [email protected] February 6th—Chacocente Sunday Sermon: Mission Possible: Celebrate! Scripture: Philippians 4:13 Synopsis: Join us for a great celebration as our mission team returns from Nicaragua! February/March Sermon Series The Supporting Cast February 13th Sermon: Barnabas Scripture: Acts 4:32-37 Synopsis: One of the easiest jobs in the world is to be an armchair quarterback. We find it easier to critique rather than encourage. But Barnabas was a believer of people. His name meant Son of Encouragement. We need more people in the world like Barnabas, who was willing to encourage, inspire and love people. February 27th Sermon: Rahab the Prostitute Scripture: Joshua 2:1-24 Synopsis: Sometimes we let our past get in the way of God’s will for us. Rahab is mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy. Not only was she not an Israelite, but she was also a prostitute. James, in the New Testament, called Rahab righteous because of her actions of faith. God has a great purpose for everyone regardless of their history. February 20th Sermon: Ebed-Melech Scripture: Jeremiah 38:7-10 Synopsis: We teach our young people to always do the right thing and not to give in to peer pressure. But how are we following our teachings? Peer pressure doesn’t go away; and doing the right things does not become easier just because we are much older. Edmund Burke once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing.” EbedMelech was courageous enough to do the right thing, even if it meant going against the king and his royal officials. 8 March 6th Sermon: Aquila and Priscilla Scripture: Acts 18:1-4 Synopsis: Discipleship happens when people are willing to lead by example and willing to invest their lives into someone else. Paul did that with Aquila and Priscilla. They, in turn, did that with Apollos, who later became a vast help to Paul and Christianity. Jesus did that with the Twelve, but more closely with James, John and Peter. The goal of our church is not more church members, but more disciples of Christ, and one way we can do that is through our learning, sharing and growing within small groups.