Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin


Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna
– Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
2 0 1 4
Table of contents
Statement of the Environmental Verifier ................................................................................................................................................................3
Goal and Scope of the Statement ..............................................................................................................................................................................3
Preface ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Description of the Company ........................................................................................................................................................................................5
Integrated Management System ...............................................................................................................................................................................8
Impact of the Power Plant on the Natural Environment ................................................................................................................................. 10
Environmantal Objectives and Tasks ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Protection of Atmospheric Air ................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Water Pollution Control ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Soil Contamination Control ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Waste And Combustion By-Products Management ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Protection Against Noise .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Ionizing Radiation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Main Environmental Performance Indexes in 2012 ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Fulfilling Legal Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
3rd edition, May 2015
Drawn up by:
Adam Wojdat
Environmental Verifier’s Declaration
on Verification and Validation Activities
Management Systems Certification Bureau of the Polish Register of Shipping, environmental verifier registration number
EMAS PCA nr PL-V-0006 accredited for the scope 35 (NACE
code) hereby declares to have verified whether the sites) or the
whole organization as indicated in the updated environmental
statement of the organization: TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka
Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin, ul. Pokoju 14,
42-504 Będzin, EMAS registration number: PL 2.24-014-47
meet all requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009
on the voluntary participation by organizations in a Community
eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS).
By signing this declaration, we declare that:
verification and validation were carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the regulation (EC) no
results of the verification and validation confirm that there is no evidence of non-compliance with the applicable
environmental requirements relating to the environment,
data and information included in the updated environmental statement reflect a reliable, credible and correct
image of all the organizations’ activities, within the scope
mentioned in the environmental statement.
This document is not equivalent to EMAS registration. EMAS
registration can only be granted by a Competent Body under
Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009. This document shall not be
used as a stand-alone piece of public communication.
Done in Gdańsk, on June 11, 2015
Jacek Papiński
Director of Certification Department PRS S.A.
Goal and Scope
of the Statement
The goal of the hereby Environmental Statement is to avail
all interested parties with information on achievements and
effects of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant regarding natural environment protection and to
present undertakings aimed at continuous improvement
concerning natural environment protection issues.
The Statement contains characteristics of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant emphasizing
areas of plant operations connected with Environmental Management System, description of significant environmental
aspects, environmental goals set, and current operational indexes as well as other data regarding plant activities related
to its impact on the natural environment.
Pursuant to EMAS Regulation the Statement shall be updated on yearly basis.
Dear Readers
Energy is an indispensable product required for everyday
life of every human being, company as well as an institution.
Nonetheless, energy generation process is not without effect on the natural environment. Discussions held in Europe
regarding tightening of the CO2 emission requirements and
promoting low-emission energy sources indicate that environment protection issues become a priority for the energy
sector. TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna has been preparing for the change insisting in the permanent shutdown of
all 120 MW power units. EU Directive on industrial emissions
which will come into force in 2016 stipulates more stringent
environment protection standards – in particular those concerning sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust emissions.
Installations which are to be put out of operation do not meet
such requirements. However, modernization of them with regard to ecological norms would not be cost-effective as the
units’ life cycles are coming to an end.
Therefore, TAURON Polska Energia and Polskie Inwestycje
Rozwojowe (Polish Investments for Development) signed an
agreement on the financing of the 413 MW power unit construction in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin on March 20, 2014. It will constitute one
of TAURON Group’s biggest investment projects in Silesia and
one of the biggest projects of its type executed currently in
Poland. Information on further development concerning the
project will be included in future editions of the Environmen-
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
tal Statement. The hereby third edition of the Environmental
Statement includes most important data regarding natural
environment protection issues in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin.
Jan Rogóż
Managing Director of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
Description of the company
In 1995, Łagisza Power Plant was transformed from stateowned company into a sole shareholder company of the State
Treasury under the name Elektrownia Łagisza Spółka Akcyjna. Together with four other power plants, on May 24, 2000
Elektrownia Łagisza Spółka Akcyjna signed a founding act of
Południowy Koncern Energetyczny Spółka Akcyjna (PKE S.A.).
In 2001, Południowy Koncern Energetyczny comprised eight
power plants and combined heat and power plants. In May
2007, PKE S.A. became a part of TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
Group. In September 2011, Południowy Koncern Energetyczny changed its name into TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. Centralization process entailed transfer of managing competences
to the head office. It concerned, among others, management
of resources allocated for repairs, modernizations and investments as well as fuel purchase issues, personnel training
and electrical energy trade. Nonetheless, main aspects related to environmental management remained the Division’s
(power plant’s) responsibility.
Beginnings of the plant reach back to the interwar period
when the guidelines regarding the regional power system
were drawn up. Nonetheless, it was not until after the World
War II when the idea concerning erection of the power plant
took shape.
Located in the mining protection area, partly developed land
was not built-up and adjoined Czarna Przemsza River. There
were two undisputable advantages of such a location namely vicinity of Zagłębie Region coal mines where the coal
was to be delivered from and significant number of potential
consumers of electrical energy in the industrialized region.
Investors could also avail themselves of some indispensable facilities i.e. the side-track, warehouses and 110 kV and
220kV switching stations. The location of Łagisza Power
Plant was finally approved by the Investment Project Assessment Committee of the Mining and Power Sector Ministry
on January 17, 1958. Soon after that Biuro Projektów Energetycznych – Energoprojekt (The Engineering, Procurement
and Construction Office Energoprojekt) based in Katowice
commenced design works. Preparatory works carried out
by the general contractor Śląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy
Elektrowni i Przemysłu in Katowice were initiated in October
1958. Board of directors of Łagisza Power plant was appointed by the Ministry of Mining and Power Sector on December 31, 1958. The first phase of the power plant construction
was commenced in March 1960. Basic units were imported
from abroad. They were mainly delivered by British companies: Babcock & Wilcox (boilers) and AEI Metropolitan Wickers
(turbine sets).
boilers WP – 70 (2 x 81.4 MWt) and a heat station 2 x 28
MWt. At present, the water boilers are out of operation and
the heat generation is carried out mainly by means of two
heat exchangers UP – 10 in power units no 6 and 7 of the
capacity 2 x 126 MWt.
Power unit no 3 (in January 1998) and power unit no 4 (in
March 2009) were permanently shut down due to considerable wear and tear caused by long-term operation. In case of
power units no 1 and 2, pursuant to the regulations with regard to emission standards emitted by installations, requests
for derogation were submitted with the deadline of December 31, 2015 yet their operational hours, starting from January 1, 2008 could not exceed 20,000 hours. Since the maximum operational time was used up there was a necessity of
shutting the units down before December 31, 2015. By virtue
of decision issued by the President of the Energy Regulatory
Office of April 8, 2013 the above mentioned units are deleted from the register. Within the framework of repowering
program a decision was made on September 201 concerning
the construction of 460 MWe supercritical power unit in Łagisza Power Plant. The boiler part was delivered by Foster
Wheeler and the turbine with the cooling system by Alstom
Power. Construction of the power unit was commenced in January 2006 and completed in 2009. It is the first supercritical
power unit with circulating fluidized-bed boiler in the world.
Currently, the power unit is the cutting-edge facility of the
type and the fluidized-bed boiler is the biggest boiler in the
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. Division Łagisza Power plant is
located in Będzin, ul. Pokoju 14 in the northern part of the
The company surroundings:
northern side – behind ul. Energetyczna there is land
owned by the local parish, small companies and Energomontaż Południe S.A. company,
eastern side – industrial estate (manufacturing company
southern side – scattered single and multi-family housing,
western side – behind ul. Pokoju industrial estate and
scattered single and multi-family housing.
First power unit was put into operation on May 8, 1963 and
the second on September 28, 1963, cumulative capacity of
the two units amounted to 250 MW. Further five power units,
120 MW each, were successively put into operation from
April 1967 to December 1970. The heating part of the plant
was constructed from 1982 to 1989. It comprised two water
Hard coal in the form of fine coal grain size 10-0 mm is also
fired in the fluidized-bed boiler (power unit no 10). Maximum
demand of the basic fuel amounts to 186.8 Mg/h. Light-up
fuel in case of the fluidized-bed boiler is light oil of the net calorific value minimum 43MJ/kg and the sulphur content below
0.31%. Annual demand for the light oil totals 2.5 thousand Mg.
Basic facilities of 120 MWe power units
(units no 5, 6, 7)
• Boiler type OP-380 k
• Turbine type TK-120
• Generator type TGH-120
• 150 MVA apparent power bock transformer (unit 5) and
130 MVA apparent power bock transformer (units 6, 7)
Basic facilities of 460 MWe power unit
Map showing location of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
(source: Google Maps)
• BF type circulating fluidized-bed boiler-1300
• 28K460 turbine
• 50WT23E-104 generator 460 MWe active power
• 570 MVA apparent power block transformer
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant
– basic technical data:
Installed capacity – 820 MWe
3 x 120 MWe + 460 MWe = 820 MWe
• Power unit no 5 – 120 MWe
• Power unit no 6 – 120 MWe
• Power unit no 7 – 120 MWe
• Power unit no 10 – 460 MWe
Electrical energy generation efficiency equals 36 % for 120
MW power units and 45 % for 460 MW power unit.
Installed thermal capacity 343.4 MWt
• Power unit no 5 – 37.4 MWt
• Power unit no 6 – 153 MWt
• Power unit no 7 – 153 MWt
Hard coal in the form of fine coal grain size 10-0 mm is used as
basic fuel in OP 380 k boilers (power units no 5, 6 and 7). Coal
consumption in case of boiler maximum load amounts to 65.2
Mg/h. Heavy oil – mazout, of the net calorific value equaling >
41 MJ / kg and density of 0.99 Mg/m3 and the sulphur content
of < 1.35 %, is used as a light-up fuel. Annual consumption of
heavy oil totals 2.4 thousand Mg.
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
In 2012, the installation – 460 MW power unit in TAURON
Wytwarzanie S.A. Division Łagisza Power Plant was picked to
be included in the Reference Document BREF concerning the
Best Available Technique (BAT) for large combustion plants
(LCP). BREF Document informs appropriate decision-makers
what can be available technically and economically for the industry in order to improve matters regarding natural environment protection. Pursuant to environment protection requirements and due to technical conditions, taking into account
economic aspects, shutdown of power unit no 5 is scheduled for 2015 as it will no longer meet BAT requirements. The
Plant monitors the works of UE Commission related to sector reference documents as defined in Appendix 4, point C to
EMAS Regulation. So far there has been no reference documents published for the power sector.
Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Natural Environment of April 22, 2011 on emission standards from installations (Journal of Laws 11.95.558) with reference to nitrogen oxides, boilers no 6 and 7 in TAURON Wytwarzanie
S.A. Division Łagisza Power Plant will be under derogation
from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. The following
permanent shutdowns are scheduled:
• Power unit no 5 – year 2015
• Power unit no 6 – year 2017
• Power unit no 7 – year 2017
Integrated Management System
Care for the natural environment has been one of the most
crucial criteria related to the plant operation since the beginning of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power
Plant existence. High ecological awareness of the plant managers and personnel was the ground-work of the decision
regarding the implementation of the Integrated Management System in accordance to norm PN-EN ISO 14001. The
objective of the Integrated Management System implementation is to improve the efficiency of management relating
to all the aspects of the plant operations connected to the
natural environment protection in a broad sense. Integrated
Management System very clearly arranges activities related
to generation and service operations with respect to natural environment protection requirements. It also enables to
achieve economic growth of the company with simultaneous
reduction of the negative impact on the natural environment.
Implementation process of the Environmental Management
System called for training of the personnel, appointment of
the internal auditors, development and implementation of
system documentation and commencement of verification of
the aforementioned activities in the form of internal audits.
Implementation of the Environmental Management System
was completed in 2002 with a certificate issued by the Polish
Center for Testing and Certification (Polskie Centrum Badań i
Basic elements of the Environmental Management System:
Identification and supervision of significant environmental impacts (significant environmental aspects),
Identification and compliance with legal requirements in
Setting objectives and priorities concerning the operation
aiming at the improvement of the environmental impacts,
Monitoring emissions to the environment with the use
of reliable and verified control and measurement instruments,
Raising employees’ awareness and competences by means of trainings,
Assignation of responsibility to employees executing
works which may be of significant impact on the environment,
Verification of the system operation efficiency by means
of internal audits,
Undertaking corrective actions in case of irregularities
and preventive actions in order to avoid the occurrence of
Identification of potential environmental hazards and
preventive actions aimed at avoidance of failures,
Execution of periodical inspections concerning management so as to assess the efficiency of the system,
Information flow regarding environmental impact.
The next stage was implementation and certification of the
Integrated Management System of Quality, Environment and
Occupational Health and Safety according to norms PN-EN
ISO 9001, PN-EN ISO 14001, PN-N-18001 carried out in
2007 by Bureau Veritas Certification.
What is more, there is one chemical laboratory in TAURON
Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant which implemented, certified and maintains the system in accordance
with norm PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025
Integrated Management System in TAURON Wytwarzanie
S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant increases efficiency of
the organization and effectiveness related to the resource
management, it minimizes and optimizes costs, defines tasks, competences and responsibilities of the employees and
their readiness to meet the clients’ requirements in a clear
manner. Implementation of the system facilitates meeting
legal requirements regarding environment protection and
work safety. It ensures immediate adjustment of the internal regulations to changes taking place in the legal system
in force.
Pursuing good image of the Company and reliability increase
among the contractors the next step made in 2012 was to
adapt the Environmental Management System to the requirements of EU regulation – EMAS. The above mentioned
system was certified in June 2013 on the basis of an earlier
audit and the environmental verifier statement issued by the
Polish Register of Shipping on verification and validation activities.
Quality, Environment Protection and Work Safety Policy
Pursuant to the directions stipulated in TAURON Group Generation Area Development Strategy we shall make every effort to achieve the
leading position on Polish market through construction of new generation capacity, reduction of operational costs simultaneously meeting
natural environment protection requirements.
Our strategic goals concerning quality are:
• construction of new generation capacity in coal, gas and biomass firing and co-firing technologies.
• improvement of generation efficiency and availability level with regard to existing generation units.
• provision of generated electrical energy and heat in line with the requirements of the Clients.
Our strategic goals concerning natural environment are:
• reduction of environmental burden by means of investment projects regarding pollutants emission reduction especially NOx.
• CO2 emission reduction per MWh mainly by appropriate share of electrical energy generated from biomass firing and co-firing.
Our goal concerning work safety is:
• provision of high level working conditions inclusive of prevention regarding accidents at work and occupational diseases, elimination or
reduction of conditions hazardous to health, identification and elimination of potentially accidental events.
The Company Management also obliges to:
• meet requirements and obligations resulting from the regulations in force and other requirements particularly those concerning environment
protection and work safety as well as the contracts signed.
• pursue information policy so as to ensure understanding of al undertakings of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. which be of impact to the environment,
• raise awareness and responsibility as well as involvement of the employees with regard to quality, environment and OH&S,
• communicate the hereby policy to all employees and persons working for TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.,
• provide proper resources and means to enable execution of the hereby policy,
• continuously improve activities in aid of environment protection, pollution prevention and prevention of potential environmental hazards and
industrial failures,
• pursue sustainable development taking into accounts needs of all interested parties.
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. Management Board declares to undertake actions aiming at execution of the hereby policy and to inspire all
employees of the company to do the same.
Katowice, May 15, 2013
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
Impact of the Power Plant on the Natural Environment
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant
impacts natural environment in a direct manner resulting
from the company ongoing operation and in indirect manner
related to services provided for the power plant by external
companies. Therefore, the plant operation entails direct and
indirect environmental aspects.
Environmental aspects are identified and assessed by the
heads of particular organizational units in accordance to a relevant procedure. During identification, the following aspects
are taken into account: normal operation conditions, start-up
or failure conditions, past and future operations. Environment Protection Department carries out final verification of
environmental aspects. The plant list of significant environmental aspects is approved by the Integrated Management
System Officer appointed by the plant Managing Director.
Direct significant environmental aspects are listed below:
emissions to the atmosphere: gases, dusts, noise, odor,
discharges of wastewater,
contamination of soil – leakage or scatter,
generation of wastes,
consumption of raw materials and natural resources inclusive of water and energy,
other issues related to local environment and community
e.g. complains filed by local communities.
Indirect significant environmental aspects identified in the
Power Plant are listed below:
dust emission and generation of wastes related to the
operation of external companies working on the power
plant premises,
leakages of chemical substances, oils and liquids related
to transport of wastes, materials and substances (including the hazardous ones),
generation of wastes related to repair and maintenance
work carried out for and on behalf the Power Plant.
Aspect is considered significant if at least one of the below
listed conditions is met:
there is a possibility to control a given aspect,
aspect is subject to legal requirements i.e. decision of the
local authorities or internal regulation,
aspect results from the environmental policy,
aspect can be of significant impact on natural environment in case of failure.
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant
exercises constant supervision of all environmental aspects
in the form of operational control and monitoring and strives
for successive reduction of the aforementioned aspect.
List of environmental goals and tasks
executed in 2014 in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power
Objective: Reduction of negative impact on natural environment.
Task no 1: Modernization of the fuel cut-off unit in the coal
bunkers on power unit no 10 aiming at the elimination of coal
spontaneous combustion resulting in fuel losses as well as
uncontrolled emission of pollutants to the atmosphere.
Task no 2: Modernization of wagon tippler no 2 including
construction of simplified power hydraulics installation which
will result in ten-time reduction of hydraulic oil consumption compared to presently operated wagon tippler which
is equipped with installation of the capacity amounting to
400 liters. Considerable reduction of risk related to possible
contamination of soil during potential seepage of hazardous
Task no 3: Modernization of rotary heater on power unit no
10 aiming at improvement of the unit efficiency, reduction of
electrical energy consumption for auxiliary needs and improvement of the unit’s overhaul efficiency.
objectives and tasks
List of environmental goals and tasks
scheduled for execution in 2015
in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant:
Objective: Reduction of negative impact on natural environment.
Task no 1: routine maintenance of thermal insulation mounted in OP 380 K boilers aiming at reduction of heat losses
which lower the efficiency of power unit’s steam-water cycle.
In addition to ongoing compliance with legal regulations and
achievement of high operational indexes, TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant sets and most importantly reaches further goals and environmental tasks.
Continuous improvement obliges us to develop environmental objectives and tasks on annual basis. Objectives and tasks
set result from the stipulated strategic objectives of the company and mainly concern reduction of the natural resources
consumption, consumption of energy for auxiliary needs, reduction of emission, noise, and segregation of wastes as well
as creation of pro-ecological image of the Company. Environmental results are determined and measured based on the
completed and ongoing investment tasks.
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
Task no 2: repair works of 460 MW power unit ash removal,
deslagging and sorbent systems aiming at the reduction of
the so-called secondary dusting.
Task no 3: general overhauls of mill systems EM 70 and
6K75-E aiming at the improvement of installation efficiency.
Task no 4: repairs of main and preliminary feed water pumps,
torque converter, cooling water pumps, condensate pumps,
oil pumps of turbines no 5, 6 and 7 aiming at general efficiency improvement of the power unit’s steam-water circuits.
Protection of atmospheric air
Atmospheric air protection facilities used in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant fuel combustion installation ensure meeting emission standards regarding dust,
sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. OP 380k boilers are equipped with de-dusting facilities, namely electrostatic precipitators of the de-dusting efficiency amounting to over 99%. Boiler
in power units no 5, 6 and 7 are equipped with semi-dry flue
gas desulphurizing installation. There are OFA nozzles mounted on all working boilers and on boilers no 6 and 7, low-NOx
burners are assembled. Ash, sorbent and product from FGD
installation tanks are equipped with cloth filters.
• automation of the combustion process,
Coal combustion in fluidized bed (power unit no 10) to which
sorbent is added in the form of limestone sand guarantees sulphur dioxide emission reduction by 90-95% compared
to emissions from a conventional boiler. Nitrogen emission
reduction is executed by means of the so-called phase combustion and a possibility of firing coal at a lower temperature
when compared to conventional boilers and adding sorbent in
the form of ammonium hydroxide to the boiler chamber. Dedusting is done thanks to application of a highly effective dedusting facility – electrostatic precipitator which guarantees
final concentration of dust amounting to 30 mg/Nm³.
Carbon dioxide emission against electrical energy generation from 2010 to 2014
* [mg/Nm³] – as per m³ of dry flue gases in the contractual
terms i.e. at the pressure of 101.3 kPa and temperature 273 K
with the oxygen content of 6% for coal and 3% for heating oil.
Other emission reduction methods of gaseous and dust pollutants applied in the plant are:
co-generation – increase of the fuel efficiency,
execution of the combustion process in such a way to ensure complete (under 5% of unburnt coal in fly ash) and
perfect combustion (reducing carbon oxide emission),
• modernization of mill units.
Pursuant to the decision of the Marshal of Silesian Voivodeship granting TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza
Power Plant a permit to participate in the allowances trade,
generation installations involved in carbon dioxide emission
are subject to monitoring. In 2013, DNV carried out an audit
regarding monitoring system and CO2 accounting which was
successfully completed.
El. en. generation
Total emission CO2
4 198 022
3 850 487
4 076 227
3 831 563
3 958 191
3 546 545
3 417 193
3 025 406
2 849 679
2 496 824
Variable CO2 emission values are directly connected with the
energy generation process in TAURON Wytwarzanie – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin.
Dust emission against electrical
energy generation from 2013 to 2014
permissible volume
There are three air-conditioning units in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant containing over 3 kg
of cooling medium.
Pursuant to the stipulations of the Act of April 20, 2004 (Journal of Laws no 121 item 1263) on substances depleting
the ozone layer, TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant carried out ongoing control concerning the
above mentioned units in the form of permanent servicing
Water pollution control
SOx emission against electrical
energy generation from 2013 to 2014
NOx emission against electrical
energy generation from 2013 to 2014
emission volume
executed by an external company. The company has all necessary qualifications confirmed by relevant documents and
certificates regarding: repairs and technical services of the
cooling facilities and installation containing controlled substances and trade of such substances. No accidents or failures have been recorded as confirmed by complete post control documentation.
Impact of the power plant on the surface water can be recorded with respect to quantity and quality. In the power plant,
water is used during electrical energy generation processes
to generate steam (steam-water cycle) and to cool water
(cooling system, condensers). Steam-water cycle needs to be
filled with high quality water and cooling system needs significant amount of raw water. Water used to cool condensers
gives out great volumes of heat to the atmosphere.
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant
has got modernized water management based on the cutting edge membrane technologies. Application of membrane
technologies enables multiple utilization of water taken from
the natural environment. Most important water pollution
control issues impacting protection of surface and underground water located in the direct vicinity of the power plant are
presented below.
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
Water treatment for boiler circulation
Demineralized water for the purpose of boiler circulation
make-up is made from technological wastewater. Main source of demineralization plant supply are blowdowns from
the power plant cooling system and treated technological
wastewater. Stream of blowdowns from the cooling system
undergoes preliminary filtration process, then it is directed
to the storage tank and then, pumped by initial pumps and
process pumps, it is fed to three microfiltration units of efficiency amounting to 70-90 m³/h each. Preliminary treated
technological wastewater undergoes ultrafiltration process
in three units of efficiency amounting to 77 m³/h each. Both
streams i.e. microfiltration permeate and ultrafiltration permeate are mixed in the storage tank from which they are fed
to three reverse osmosis units. Water demineralization plant
is equipped with three reverse osmosis units of efficiency
amounting to 50 m³/h and one unit of efficiency equaling 75
m³/h. Therefore, the plant can produce maximum 225 m³/h
of demineralized water. Final cleansing of the water is done
in ion exchange units. The treated water meets all quality
requirements. Application of membrane techniques enabled
utilization of wastewater for the production of demineralized
water but what is more caused significant reduction of the
wastewater generated during water treatment process. Microfiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes
require periodical chemical cleansing nonetheless the volume
and concentration of chemicals used for this purpose are incomparably small regarding the volume and concentration of
chemicals in the post-regeneration wastewater generated in
the traditional water treatment plants.
Household wastewater treatment plant
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant
has got own mechanical and biological household wastewater treatment plant. Household wastewater directed to the
treatment plant comes from: the Power Plant site, partially
from Łagisza district and it is also transported by means of
septic tanker trucks from neighboring sites. After treatment,
wastewater is not directed to the surface tank. The entire
volume of treated wastewater is fed back to the production
of process water in the Power Plant, namely, for the decarbonation process i.e. for the production of water making
up the cooling system. The mechanical part of the plant is
composed of mechanical screens and grit separator. Biological part is based on the so-called activated sludge method.
Constant aeration and ensuring appropriate conditions in the
aeration chambers enable thriving of bacteria and microorganisms constituting the so-called activated sludge. Such
microorganisms facilitate decomposition of the wastewater
organic matter into simple mineral compounds. After partial
mineralization of the organic substance, wastewaters together with the activated sludge are fed to secondary sediment
tanks. In the final sediment tanks wastewater is separated
from the activated sludge due to sedimentation process. Treated wastewater is directed to cleansed wastewater tank
from which it is pumped to the power plant. Activated sludge
is pumped to aerobic digestion chambers and then into the
sludge centrifuge. Dehydrated sludge is fired in the power
boilers. Wastewater treatment plant capacity amounts to
4,000 m³/h. Hydrogen sulphite (H2S) is one of the substances present in the municipal wastewater which is characteristic for its intense and unpleasant odor. In October 2013,
H2S concentration in the sewer directing the wastewater to
the treatment plant was measured in cooperation with company from Gliwice – Węglostal. The measurements showed
significant abrupt increase of the hydrogen sulphite concentration during unloading of the septic tanker trucks which deliver sewage from the domestic cesspits. Having analyzed al
available methods of reducing hydrogen sulphite content in
the wastewater a decision was made to use product called
FERROX®C1. This preparation is highly effective and does
not interfere with other technological lines in the wastewater treatment plant. The method allows precise dosing of the
chemicals only to the sewage from the septic tanker trucks
which contain significant amount of H2S which amount for
circa 40 % of the total treated wastewater. Application of metering pump operated only during the unloading of the tanker
truck considerable decreases the amount of chemicals used.
Measurements carried out after start-up and optimization of
the dosing process showed reduction of H2S content to the
volumes where no odor nuisance is present.
Stormwater treatment plant
Stormwater from the Power Plant site is directed to effluent
pretreatment plant comprising of sedimentation tank, lamella and coalescence oil separator. Wastewater treated from
suspensions and oil contaminants is directed to nearby Psary
Process wastewater treatment plant
Treatment of process wastewater is carried out in two stages. Pretreatment is based on traditional coagulation and
sedimentation techniques but the fundamental treatment of
process wastewater from suspensions and colloidal substances takes place on ultrafiltration membranes. Such a solution
guarantees that the treated water is characterized by appropriate physical and chemical parameters so that the water can
be directed to the reverse osmosis membranes (the aforementioned demineralization process). TAURON Wytwarzanie
S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant applies the vacuum ultrafiltration system which means that pretreated wastewater is
sucked, not pumped, by capillary ultrafiltration membranes. Liquefied wastewater sediments are directed to filtration press
where the sediments are mechanically dehydrated. Further
treatment of the sediments is identical as in case of household
wastewater treatment plant. Discharge of treated wastewater
(ø 800 collector outlet) to receiving water (Czarna Przemsza
River) is done on the 38th kilometer below the back-up water
intake for the Water Conditioning Plant in Będzin.
Planned modernization undertakings
Demineralized water production process in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant is based on
membrane technologies i.e. microfiltration (MF) and reverse
osmosis (RO). Final water polishing is carried out in double
ion exchangers (AK). Reverse osmosis part works reliably
however microfiltration units are indicative of wear and tear
and further operation of them will require significant financial outlays (among other replacement of fittings, membranes, construction elements, the so-called feed blocks which
are patented and unique so they have to be imported from
the manufacturer which does not operate on Polish market).
In relation to the planned permanent shutdown of 120 MW
power units a potential problem concerning lack of possibility
of demineralized water production arises.
COD in industrial wastewater against permissible volumes
• storage of filtered water – in the existing raw water tank
before microfiltration;
• preliminary water heating;
• pressure driven ultrafiltration (membrane process enabling elimination of fine suspensions and colloid impurities to a larger extend than during microfiltration which
has been applied so far);
• water storage in the existing water tank after microfiltration;
• water heating to the temperature of circa 300°C before
the water is directed to the installation.
The presented installation will operate in an automated mode
taking into account variable volumes of water production and
necessity to ensure variable adjustment of installation efficiency depending on the demineralized water demand.
Suspension in industrial wastewater against
permissible volumes 2013-2014
(mg/dm )
• preliminary filtration;
permissible volume
• intake of river water (existing)and directing part of the
water stream to coagulation unit integrated with the sediment tank – coagulation and sedimentation in the mentioned unit;
Undertakings concerning underground water pollution control against contamination with leakages from units like: oil
tanks, chemicals tanks, coal storage yards, slag storage sites
are classified as the so-called passive securities. Chemical
tanks, heating oil tanks, transformer and turbine oil tanks
are located in tight concrete tanks which guarantee retention of the entire substance in case of any damage. There are
also concrete tanks built around transformers foundations to
retain potential oil leakages. Design of the coal storage yard
with profiled and hardened floor enables bottom drainage.
Stormwater flowing on the surface of coal storage sites is
taken by surrounding ditches and directed through the storm
sewer system to the industrial wastewater plant.
Due to technological reasons, the below presented modernization method appears to be the most appropriate with regards to demineralized water production unit:
Underground water pollution control
volume in wastewater
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
permissible volume
volume in wastewater
Chlorides and sulfates in industrial wastewater against
permissible volumes 2013-2014
Volume of collected wastewater against requirements
stipulated in the Integrated Permit 2013-2014
5 584 500
744 164
3 000 000
972 378
4 000 000
5 584 500
5 000 000
(mg/dm )
6 000 000
2 000 000
1 000 000
permissible volume
volume in wastewater
permissible volume
disposed wastewater
Soil contamination control
Pro-ecological undertakings regarding soil contamination
control concerned: liquidation of the wet furnace products
storage yard, placing wastes in mine workings, construction
of ash retention tank, utilization of the flue gas desulphurization installation product and construction of ash and FGD
product mixture generation facility. In addition, V-2000 m³
ash retention tank was erected in 1997 within the framework
of furnace products management. Thanks to this investment
project a significant amount of ashes is directed straight to
the retention tank. No ashes are directed to the loading site.
Tanker trucks and rail tankers can be loaded straight from
the above mentioned tank. Thus secondary dusting issues
have been avoided. A part of the furnace waste loading site
was isolated as an experimental area in relation to the commissioning of the flue gas desulphurizing installation in May
1998. Desulphurizing product is characterized with good water binding and solidifying properties. Its specific properties
allow layered storage of the product. Such a solution is not
hazardous for the natural environment even when the floor
is not tight. Underground water monitoring system has been
installed to confirm that such storage method poses no environmental threats. Piezometer system controls water on two
water-bearing levels.
Waste and combustion by-products management
Furnace waste and flue gas desulphurizing products are generated in an ongoing manner as a result of coal combustion
taking place in power boilers.
is collected by means of 16 pumps mounted before the electrostatic precipitator and then it is pneumatically transported
in the pipelines to:
Fly ash from the boilers which are not equipped with flue
gas desulphurizing installation is captured in the electrostatic precipitators. Collection, transport and storage of the fly
ash in the dry form are carried out in the air-tight pneumatic
transport system. Ash is temporarily stored in a complex of
V = 2000 m³ retention tanks and 2 x V = 350 m³ loading stations.
retention tank of the capacity amounting to V = 4000 m³,
either of two existing mixing tanks V = 280 m³ and V =
340 m³. The existing tanks – retention and mixing ones
can collect fluidized-bed boiler fly ash as they are equipped with ash dischargers and more efficient bag filters.
Power units no 5, 6 and 7 are equipped with modernized slag
transport system. Slag is collected straight from the slag trap
tanks and by means of conveyors it is directed to the truck loading site. Then it is temporarily stored in the slag tank. When
a required volume is collected, the slag is loaded onto trucks
and transported to the purchaser. Fluidized-bed boiler fly ash
Mining industry and civil engineering are main purchasers of
furnace wastes. What is more, dry ash is partially utilized as
an additive during the production of cement and also as an
ingredient of gas-concrete blocks or an additive in concrete. Other way to utilize slag and ash-slag mixtures wet furnace wastes collection is to use them in e.g. reclamation of
brownfields. Irrespective of the mentioned solutions, there is
research underway concerning commercial utilization of flue
gas desulphurization products. As a result an installation for
mixing ashes and FGD product was constructed. Utilization
of end FGD product as an additive to the sorbent in wet flue
gas desulphurization installations was commenced in 2005.
There are 5 cooling towers on TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant site. Asbestos-cement tiles
(eternite) were used to build wet deck surfaces in 3 cooling
towers. Pursuant to the ordinance of the Minister of Economy of August 5, 2012 (item 1089) an assessment is being
carried out concerning the condition and possibility of safe
exploitation of the products containing asbestos. What is
more, a list of substances hazardous for the natural environment, types, amount and location of them is made on annual
basis and sent to Natural Environment Protection Department in the Marshal Office of Silesian Voivodeship and to the
Waste Management Department in the City Hall of Będzin.
The aforementioned hazardous material will be successively utilized because of the scheduled shutdown of 120 MW
power units in 2017. Pursuant to the ordinance of the Minister of Economy of December 13, 2010, installations and
facilities containing asbestos should be cleaned by removal
of products containing asbestos or replacement of such with
asbestos-free products in a manner safe for the environment
and people by December 31, 2032.
Wastes generated during auxiliary activities are handed over
to individual business entities. TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. –
Division Łagisza Power Plant is also involved in recycling and
neutralization of wastes. Wastes are stored selectively, in
designated places on hardened surface, they are protected
against atmospheric factors and unauthorized persons. Hazardous wastes are stored in tight containers. Waste disposal is carried out in an organized successive manner avoiding
storage of larger volumes of hazardous wastes.
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
Furnace waste generated in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant from 2013 to 2014
compared to permissible levels as defined in the Integrated Permit
Limit in the permit
Volume generated
in 2013 (Mg)
Volume generated
in 2014 (Mg)
slags, bottom ashes waste code 10 01 01
135 000
43 728
26 374
fly ashes waste code 10 01 02
300 000
118 568
71 589
85 000
33 601
22 445
290 000
75 742
59 927
580 000
148 587
139 812
solid waste from limestone-gypsum desulphurizing
method waste code 10 01 05
sands from the fluidized beds (exclusive of 10 01 82)
waste code 10 01 24
mixture of fly ash and solid waste from limestonegypsum desulphurizing method
waste code 10 01 82
All hazardous wastes generated in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant in 2014
against permissible levels as defined in the Integrated Permit
Limit in the permit
packaging containing residues of or contaminated by dangerous substances
waste code 15 01 10*
metallic packaging containing a dangerous solid porous matrix (for example
asbestos), including empty pressure containers waste code 15 01 11*
absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified),
wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances
waste code 15 02 02 *
discarded equipment containing hazardous components other than those
mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12 (fluorescent lamps, thermometers, batteries) waste code 16 02 13 *
lead batteries waste code 16 06 01 *
glass, plastic and wood containing or contaminated with dangerous substances (e.g. railroad ties) waste code 17 02 04 *
Volume generated
in 2014 (Mg)
Protection against noise
Ionizing radiation
Facility modernization program carried out by TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant takes noise level
reduction into account. In such a sizeable plant it is impossible
to eliminate the phenomenon completely yet it can be reduced
to an imperceptible level. Noise emitted by the most burdensome sources has already been reduced by application of flow
through mufflers in air intake and exhaust in the compressor
room, sound-absorbing casings for forwarding pumps and sound-absorbing insulations in windows and doors of the engine
room. Executed modernization considerably reduced noise level generated at the source which does not exceed permissible
emission level norms. TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division
Łagisza Power Plant meets permissible noise emission norms
of 45 dB (A) at night and 5 dB (A) at day.
Isotopic control and measurement instruments containing closed radioactive sources CS-137, Co-60 and Am-241 are used
in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant.
They are used for the level measurement in 120 MW power
units’ electrostatic precipitator funnels, at the ash dispatch
stations – 61 pieces – for the measurement of lime slurry
density on the flue gas desulphurizing installation – 4 pieces,
for the measurement of coal stream level and weight in 460
MW power unit – 44 pieces and for the coal analysis – 1 piece.
These operations are carried out based on the permit issued by
the Chairman of the National Atomic Energy Agency. Routine
care and maintenance regarding radioactive sources is done by
persons authorized as Radiation Protection Officers (Inspektorzy Ochrony Radiologicznej IOR-1) and personnel responsible
for routine source maintenance. Other works regarding repairs, replacement or source tightness measurements are done
by external company authorized to carry out such operations.
Plant Emergency Plan in case of Radiation Event Occurrence
has been drawn up.
Main environmental performance indexes in 2014
2014: Annual gross generation of electrical energy – 2 849 679 MWh – B
Annual gross generation of heat – 1 066 050 GJ
2013: Annual gross generation of electrical energy – 3 417 193 MWh – B
Annual gross generation of heat – 1 419 488 GJ
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant
Total annual volume
Index in 2014
Index in 2013
Energy Efficiency indexes
Consumption of fuel chemical energy for the generation
of electrical energy
24 990 496 GJ
8 770 kJ/kWh
9 285 kJ/kWh
Electrical energy for auxiliary needs
213 891 MWh
75.1 kWh/MWh
77.7 kWh/MWh
1 285 304 Mg
451 kg/MWh
459.2 kg/MWh
Heavy heating oil consumption 120 MW power units
2351 Mg
0.83 kg/MWh
1.67 kg/MWh
Light heating oil consumption 460 MW power unit
2611 Mg
0.92 kg/MWh
0.71 kg/MWh
Sorbent volume (calcium carbonate) fed to the fluidized
53 013 Mg
18.6 kg/MWh
16.8 kg/MWh
Sorbent volume (calcium oxide) fed to the flue gas desulphurizing installation
12 775 Mg
4.48 kg/MWh
5.03 kg/MWh
Volume of sodium hydroxide used for the generation of
boiler water
50.7 Mg
0.018 kg/MWh
0.007 kg/MWh
Volume of hydrochloric acid used for the generation of
boiler water
74.4 Mg
0.026 kg/MWh
0.017 kg/MWh
7 032 024 m3
2.5 m3/MWh
2.4 m3/MWh
744 164 m3
0.26 m3/MWh
0.28 m3/MWh
320 146.90 Mg
112.3 kg/MWh
122.9 kg/MWh
Slags, bottom ashes and boiler dusts
(waste code 10 01 01)
26 373.98 Mg
9.25 kg/MWh
12.8 kg/MWh
fly ashes (waste code 10 01 02)
71 588.90 Mg
25.1 kg/MWh
34.7 kg/MWh
solid waste from limestone-gypsum desulphurizing method (waste code 10 01 05)
22 444.86 Mg
7.9 kg/MWh
9.8 kg/MWh
sands from the fluidized beds (waste code 10 01 24)
59 926.70 Mg
21 kg/MWh
22.2 kg/MWh
139 812.46 Mg
49 kg/MWh
43.5 kg/MWh
7.8 Mg
0.003 kg/MWh
0.006 kg/MWh
2 496 824 Mg
876 kg/MWh
885 kg/MWh
SO2 emission
3724 Mg
1.31 kg/MWh
1.63 kg/MWh
NOx emission
3803 Mg
1.33 kg/MWh
1.55 kg/Mwh
Dust emission
278 Mg
0.098 kg/MWh
0.107 kg/MWh
111 000 m2
0.039 m2/MWh
0.032 m2/MWh
Effective material consumption indexes
Coal consumption
Water indexes
Total water consumption for technological purposes
Volume of disposed industrial wastewater
Wastes indexes
Furnace wastes – total
mixture of fly ash and solid waste from limestone-gypsum desulphurizing method (waste code10 01 82)
Hazardous wastes
Emission indexes
Green-house gases emission in tons of CO2 equivalent ¹)
Biodiversity indexes
Built-up area 2)
index taking into account carbon dioxide emission only
total occupied area – 865 468 m2
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna – Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
The recorded fluctuations of main environmental efficiency indexes result, among others, from:
the type of main fuel combusted (coal deliveries from various producers),
variability of the generation load related to the demand
from the Polish Power System,
maintaining the required combustion parameters (sorbent),
Due to technological reasons, TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant is currently not generating electrical
energy from renewable energy sources (RES). Generation of electrical energy and heat from RES is carried out in other Divisions of
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. which are equipped with installations
dedicated to biomass co-firing.
variable atmospheric conditions (hot summers impact
the increased evaporation in cooling towers.
Fulfilling legal requirements
Fulfilling legal requirements regarding protection of the natural environment is a fundamental element of a well-functioning Environmental Management System. TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant has access
to up-to-date external and internal normative acts in force
related to the plant operations. The company drew up and
implemented a procedure concerning determining rules of
identification, recording, periodical compliance assessment
and access to legal requirements and others which are applicable in case of environmental aspects.
usufruct for Łagisza Power Plant concerning in total usufruct of the existing loading storage and temporary ash
and slag storage site inclusive of the experimental sector
of the end product of flue gas desulphurizing installation
on Power Plant premises in Będzin ul. Pokoju 14 until the
end of 2006 as amended extending the period to 2015.
Decision of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship of
December 19, 2012 number 3528/OS/2012 permitting
TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A., ul. Lwowska 23, 40-389 Katowice to emit green-house gases for combustion installations of the nominal capacity over 20 MW located in
Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin.
List of external normative acts in force in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant:
Integrated permit for the fuel combustion installation in
Łagisza Power Plant issued by the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship of November 30, 2010 number 5062/
OS/2010 as amended,
Permit issued by the Chairman of the National Atomic
Energy Agency number D – 17986 permitting the use of
control and measurement instruments containing radioactive sources.
Permit required by Water Law Act for Łagisza Power
Plant in Będzin issued by the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship in Katowice of January 30, 2015 register number 143/OS/2015,
WWE/100ZF/1883/W/DSW/2013/BGR – concession for
the generation of electrical energy.
WCC/958P/1883/W/DSW/2013/BGR – concession for
the generation of heat.
Decision of the County Office in Będzin number WA/
Będzin/7351/346/99 of December 31, 1999 extending
EMAS and environmental issues contact persons
in TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A. – Division Łagisza Power Plant
Natural environment is our common good therefore we look forward to your suggestions and we are
open to cooperate. For more information on environmental undertakings of TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
– Division Łagisza Power Plant please go to www.tauron-wytwarzanie.pl or contact:
Integrated Management System Officer
– tel. +48 32 267 1291
Natural Environment Protection Department
– tel. +48 32 267 1292
TAURON Wytwarzanie Spółka Akcyjna
– Division Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin
ul. Pokoju 14, 42-504 Będzin
tel. +48 32 26 71 000
fax: +48 32 26 71 002