alumni association - Catholic High School
alumni association - Catholic High School
Mark Your Calendar and Plan to Join Us January 31 - Catholic Schools Week Mass with St. Edward School February 1- Alumni Career Day, Faculty v. Seniors Basketball Game February 9, 2013 Panther Baseball Hit-A-Thon February 15, 2013 Panther Backers Shrimp Boil March 2013 Speech Night, TBD March 1, 2013 Streva Relays March 16, 2013- Dancing with the Stars…Panther Style Season II For Tickets, please contact Assistant Director of Development, Jenny Minvielle at 376-6950, or [email protected] March 15-16, 2013 Bayou Blowout Softball Tournament March 23-24, 2013 Alumni Basketball Tournament June 9, 2013 Mount Carmel Academy Alumnae Banquet August 2013 Panther Backers Softball Tournament, CHS Big Red Classic Golf Tournament, TBD October 26, 2013 - CHS Athletics Sporting Clay Shoot Classes ending in “3” or “8”, will be celebrating during 2013. Please contact the Alumni Relations Office with information at 337-256-5383 or [email protected] [email protected] Send in your $30 dues & receive the Panther Pause STAY CONNECTED! Catholic-High-NewIberia-La-AlumniAssociation St. Peter’s College • Mt. Carmel Academy • Catholic High School ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 2013 Alumni Newsletter W What an amazing year it has been at Catholic High School in 2012! We experienced another fabulous Catholic Schools Week, a blockbuster fundraiser, “Dancing with the Stars…Panther Style”, a new set of alumni in our graduating class and a fall that was filled with lots of sporting events, spiritual masses, and great academic accomplishments by our students. In addition to all of these great events, our Catholic High School band played for the first time at our Homecoming football game!!! This was a historical event and one that we look forward to seeing at many events to come. The CHS Development office is also excited to announce a new, part-time addition to our team! Mrs. Kathy Nicholson Breaux is working as a Development Program Assistant and specializing in coordinating alumni events for our school. We feel that Kathy is such a great addition to our team and we look forward to seeing our alumni events grow through the years. One of our main focuses this year as a Development/ Alumni team is to increase our alumni database and have the most current information on you as possible. We will be executing this via our first ever Phone-AThon with all of our graduating classes. During this phone-a-thon, representatives from each graduating class will be contacting every alum to get updated information and to request a donation for our CHS Endowment Fund. Since tuition alone does not cover our costs, we feel that we will be able to contribute to the school’s needs through this special annual event. By contributing to CHS today, you will honor the commitment and sacrifice that your parents made for you to receive a Catholic education. A great way to stay in touch with us and learn about all of the exciting events happening is through the Catholic-High-New-Iberia-La-Alumni-Association Facebook page. We are constantly updating this NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY The non-discriminatory policy of Catholic High is one that makes no discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or gender in the administration of education policies, application of admission, extracurricular and athletic activities. page to keep you informed of new events and activities at CHS! We will continue to post reunion information, homecoming activities, and other exciting happenings. During the 2013 school year, we will be honoring classes ending in 3 and 8, so be sure to contact us with your special reunion plans. If you would like to receive a hard copy of our Panther Pause at your home, we encourage you to please fill out the form in this newsletter and send it back with your $30 dues to the Alumni Association. It is only through these dues that we are able to host alumni events like banquets, socials, satellite visits, alumni basketball tournaments, and many others for the Alumni Association. We truly thank you for your support of Catholic High School and for keeping us the successful school that it is today! As always, we want to stay connected with you to let you know all of the great things happening at CHS today! If you or someone you know is not on our email list, please email us at [email protected] and give us your updated information. We hope to see you soon, so like us on Facebook and send us your updated information! We always love to hear from our graduates. Jerry Reynolds Development Director Jenny Indest Minvielle (CHS 1997) Assistant Development Director Kathy Nicholson Breaux (MCA 1984) Development Program Assistant Sharon Hebert LeBlanc (MCA 1968) Alumni Relations Director 1301 deLaSalle Drive New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 337-256-5383 • Find us on Facebook at: Catholic-High-New-Iberia-La-Alumni-Association SPC / MCA / CHS Alumni Association 1301 deLaSalle Drive New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 New Iberia, LA Permit No. 248 PAID NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage MT CARMEL BANQUET As 2012 quickly comes to a close we are very thankful here at Catholic High for all of our blessings and one of those very special is the continued success of our annual Mt. Carmel Academy banquet. Despite horrific rain, wind, and hail; on June 10th, 2012; over 270 alums and 25 faculty members gathered at the Cade Community Center for the largest banquet ever! It’s hard to believe that just five years ago we were only averaging 90 to 100 attendees. Honored classes for this year’s banquet were: the 25th anniversary class of 1987, the 50th anniversary class of 1962 and the 75th anniversary class of 1937. The oldest living graduates in attendance from the class of 1936 were Flo Johnson and Ruth Pratt. Mrs. Eugenie Segura (MCA 72’) Catholic High School Assistant Principal presented a powerpoint presentation reflecting the history of MCA through music from the 1800’s to 1988 with a brief presentation regarding the many MCA traditions which remain and are fostered within our Catholic High School family today. The highlight of the afternoon was the musical selections of three choirs of MCA girls. The 1940’s through 1960’s were represented by 20 ladies who sang oldies but goldies of Irish and spiritual medley’s followed by a special tribute performed by five of the sisters from the famous Wilton Hebert family. To close the program, the 1970 thru 1980’s choir group captured the memories of days gone by and concluded with a rousing, standing ovation medley from the musical-Sister Act. If you are interested in assisting us in any facet of the alumnae banquet, please contact us in the Alumni Relations Office at 256-5383. Please mark your calendars now for our 2013 Alumnae Banquet to be held on Sunday, June 9th at the Cade Community Center. This banquet will be dedicated to our beloved Sisters of Carmel. 2013 marks the 25th anniversary of the closing of the school and we have a special dedication planned in their honor so please mark your calendars, save the date and plan to share with us on this very special day! ALUMNI STEERING In order to further engage our SPC, MCA, and CHS alumni in our school today, we have formed an Alumni Steering Committee. Under the leadership of Principal Ray Simon, Assistant Director of Development, Jenny Minvielle, Alumni Relations Director, Sharon Leblanc, and Development Program Assistant, Kathy Nicholson Breaux, this committee will be an integral part of alumni activities and events going forward. Some of the events that will be spearheaded by this group will be an Alumni Career Day that will take place on Friday, February 1st to culminate Catholic Schools week and an annual Phone-A-Thon that will take place later in the year to engage our alumni to give back to the school that gave them so much through the years. The members of this committee include, Michael Manes (CHS 1965), Armond Schwing (CHS 1983), Chris Bigler (CHS 1991), Susan Terrell Crochet (CHS 1988), Mark Musso (CHS 1978), Mary Kay Lipari Snellgrove (CHS 1990), Richard Romero (CHS 1976), Tim Leblanc (CHS 1985), Martha Escurieux Girouard (MCA 1981), Ray Simon (CHS 1965), Sharon Hebert Leblanc (CHS 1968), Jenny Indest Minvielle (CHS 1997), Kathy Nicholson Breaux (MCA 1984), Sheila Molbert (MCA 1972), and Melissa Dworaczyk, mother of 3 CHS graduates and current CHS parent. ALUMNI CAREER DAY Our first Alumni Career Day will be held on Friday, February 1st at Catholic High School and will showcase many alumni from St. Peters’ College, Mt. Carmel Academy, and Catholic High School. These individuals will share their experiences about their specific field and work environment with our high school students in small groups. We are excited to have all of these alumni back on campus and for them to share their life experiences with our current CHS students as they make a very important choice as their high school years come to a close. ST. PETER’S COLLEGE REUNION On Thursday, September 13th; our Catholic High School Family welcomed our St. Peter’s College Alums. The graduates attended our bi-monthly all school mass as our honored guests. The mass introduction included a brief power point presentation of slides of SPC which was opened in 1918 by the Christian Brothers order. Cam Degravelle (SPC 57’) and Donald Poche (SPC 56’) served as gift bearers of SPC memorabilia during the offetory procession. Following the celebration of the Eucharist , a reception was held for grads and guests in the Cheryl Burguieres Memorial library where alums enjoyed a memorabilia display and power point presentation of “ This is CHS”. Special thanks to Mr. Paul Schwing for also sharing his private collection of SPC photos. Br Martin Fennerty,FSC., accompanied the grads on keyboard with an old time rendition of the SPC College Fight Song- Hurrah! Hurrah! The members of our founding boys school continue to serve our CHS community with visible reminders of our rich roots and traditions. Our Catholic High Family celebrates their past as we enrich our present and empower our future. We look forward to hosting this event annually in the fall of each year. HOMECOMING This year’s homecoming proved to be, yet again, a memorable one. Our students’ theme for this year’s homecoming week was themed after the movie, The Wizard of Oz, and they declared that “We’re off to Beat the Wolf Pack!”. So with a week filled with activities all carrying this theme, the students had special dress days and they participated in many fun activities during this week. Everyone had a blast at the homecoming parade, but the major hit was our two 2012 Alumni Celebrities, Kelly Patout-Romero (CHS 1997) and Sheriff Michael Neustrom (CHS 1965)! They were driven by Kelly’s husband, Bart Romero (CHS 1997) in a fancy jeep that they led the way as the first car in the parade! On Friday night, the Mighty Panther football team went on to shut out West St. Mary with a final score of 51-0 to clinch the Class 2A District Championship! At halftime of the game, we welcomed back the 2011 Homecoming queen, Miss Kelsey Viator who was escorted by Mr. Ted Haik (CHS 1962) and then named Miss Helana Smith as the 2012 Homecoming Queen! Many reunions were celebrated this weekend in the downtown New Iberia area. The week was topped off with a post-game gathering at Clementine’s to announce the 2013 cast of “Dancing with the Stars…Panther Style”! A good time was enjoyed by all to celebrate this exciting week. 2012 Obituaries “Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them” When we learn of the death of an alumna or alumnus, we place their names in a special prayer intention book in our chapel. Each week during chapel Mass, and at other times throughout the week; students remember the deceased and their families in prayer. We ask that you join us in praying for the following alumni and faculty who have died during the past year. * Indicates CHS Golden Endowees Dr. Ronald Labbe’ SPC 1952 Lucille Babineaux Joynt MCA 1940 * Laura Borel Belanger MCA Faculty * Dr. Vernon Voorhies SPC 1941 Paul Landry Jr. SPC 1942 Robert “Bobby” Lejeune Sr. SPC 1941 Aline Kerr Bernard MCA 1947 Barbara Ber Hebert MCA 1953 Helen Scelfo MCA Past Teacher Marie Harry Charpentier MCA 1947 Nick Barrilleaux CHS 2004 Gary Reed CHS 1962 * Edwin Ashy SPC 1939 Seth Sumrall SPC 1953 * Gateson Segura SPC1948 Paul Doerle SPC 1943 Carl Armentor Jr. CHS 1969 John Mire Sr. SPC 1951 John Migues CHS 1973 Beryl Boutte Freeman MCA 1941 David Louis Sr CHS 1975 Diane Laperouse Angers MCA 1958 Glenn Gray CHS 1961 * Deacon Kenneth Waguespack Sr. MCA Faculty Sr. Virginia “Ginger” deGravelle MCA 1957 Catherine Broussard Blanchard MCA 1967 Dorothy Mae Walters Moreau MCA 1945 Michael “Slim” Viator CHS 1968 * Leonide “Teenie” Manes MCA Faculty St. Peter’s College • Mt. Carmel Academy • Catholic High School 2013 ALUMNI MEMBERSHIP FORM 1301 deLaSalle Drive • New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 • 337-256-5383 • Find us on Facebook at: Catholic-High-New-Iberia-La-Alumni-Association Name: Email: Address: City, State, Zip Graduated From (circle one) SPC MCA CHS Graduation Year: (circle one) SPC MCA CHS Graduation Year: (circle one) SPC MCA CHS Graduation Year: Name: Email: Address: City, State, Zip Graduated From Name: Email: Address: City, State, Zip Graduated From Payment/Gift Options Dues paid ($30.00 per person) Mt. Carmel Banquet Fee ($25.00 per person) Christian Brothers Retirement Fund: Sisters of Mt. Carmel: 2013 Annual Giving Campaign: TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: Method of Payment Check No#: Cash/Money Order Credit Card (VISA or MasterCard only Type of card (circle one): VISA MasterCard Card Number: Expiration Date: Name on Credit Card: Day Contact Phone # For more information about Planned Giving and CHS Endowment opportunities, please contact the Development Office at 337-256-5383
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