dfb pharmaceutical
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English Edition No. 1-2009 EWOS integrated sea lice programme - Feed as a tool in the management of sea lice 1 EWOS integrated sea lice programme - Feed as a tool in the management of sea lice Electron microscope photos of sea lice. (© Simon Wadsworth) Spotlight is an occasional, international publication from EWOS to discuss, in some depth, topical issues relating to fish feed. EWOS is a leading and trusted supplier of aquafeed for the international aquaculture industry. We produce fish feed in all four of the world’s major salmon farming regions: Norway; Chile; Canada; and Scotland. Find out more about EWOS and download resources at: www.ewos.com 2 English Edition No. 1-2009 e Page 1. Summary a. EWOS IN FEED ANTI SEA LICE PORTFOLIO 2. Background 3. Significance of sea lice a. Economic impacts b. Health and welfare c. Possible vectors of contagious diseases d. Environmental impacts 4. Sea lice biology a. Sea lice species, life cycle and stage development b. Reservoir c. Biological spreading patterns 5. Sea lice control programs a. Sea lice monitoring 6. Sea lice treatment a. Treatments, mode of action and restrictions on use i. Cleaner fish ii. Pharmaceuticals iii. Disease b. Integrated pest management c. Ideal salmon life cycle sea lice treatment scheme d. Pharmaceuticals, use, misuse and resistance patterns I. Norway II. Chile iIi. Ireland IV. UK v. Canada vI. Faeroes 7. Strategies to avoid sea lice resistance development 8. Effective husbandry and treatment practice 9. Anti stress properties of dietary nucleotides, EWOS boost a. Sea lice infestation and treatment stress 10. Anti sea lice properties of dietary nucleotide, EWOS boost 11. New EWOS anti sea lice drug and bioactive compounds a. EWOS releeze® and EWOS Dfb medicated pellet b. EWOS additional bioactive compounds 12. EWOS Integrated Sea Lice Program 13. List of references 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 13 13 13 14 14 13 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 3 Summary Infestations with the marine copepods Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus sp are difficult to avoid within netpen based salmonid production. Consequently a core aim of EWOS is to secure the access of in-feed anti-sea lice drugs and supportive compounds to the industry. The current launching of an EWOS diflubenzuron-based oral chitin synthesis inhibitor of sea lice in Chile and Norway is a significant contribution. With its existing product Slice® (or its generic emamectin equivalent), EWOS has two different anti-sea lice medicated pellets in the market. These veterinary drugs together with EWOS additional bioactive compounds form the EWOS in-feed anti-sea lice portfolio. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of EWOS to present ideal rotating treatment schemes of sea lice to the industry, including bath treatments. This will maintain a prolonged shelf life of all compounds and prevent the development of resistance. Establishing an EWOS integrated sea lice programme is a challenge both for EWOS Innovation and the EWOS operating companies. However, as control of sea lice is an absolute necessity to the entire salmon industry, EWOS’s goal is to be a competent partner and participant to help ameliorate this issue in the future. EWOS IN-FEED ANTI-SEA LICE PORTFOLIO Prescription drugs • EWOS slice® and EWOS emamectin generic - Emamectinbenzoate, a sea lice neurotransmission inhibitor with 10 weeks prolonged efficacy against all species and stages of lice species of lice: duration of effect identical to duration of treatment; 14 days Feed additives • EWOS boost - Nucleotide mix, anti stress and sea lice properties Emerging products Feed additives with anti sea lice properties; - Within EWOS Innovation research is being conducted on both naturally derived and pharmaceutical molecules for their efficacy against sea lice; either in combination or as a single substance • EWOS releeze® and EWOS Dfb - Diflubenzuron, a sea lice chitin synthesis inhibitor effective against moulting stages of all Background The sea lice issue within the salmon aquaculture industry worldwide is a serious, complex and dynamic issue with a series of industrial, biological, political, social and environmental questions surrounding it. Control of sea lice is critical to the future sustainability of the salmon farming industry. The significance of the sea lice issue and its sub-issues varies from region to region. EWOS, as a global supplier to the salmon industry, is fully involved in all aspects of the topic to improve knowledge and assist customers in challenging the problem of sea lice infestation. Significance of sea lice The general significance of the sea lice challenge and its implications for the sustainability of the salmon farming industry can be subdivided into four 4 main areas; - as a direct challenge to the economic sustainability of the industry - as a direct threat to farmed salmon health and welfare - as a possible vector of contagious diseases - as an environmental challenge related to migrating wild salmon smolts and to the impact on benthic fauna beneath operations when anti-sea lice drugs are used. Economic Impacts: Johnson et al. (2004) reviewed the economic impact of parasitic copepods in marine aquaculture and concluded that the average annual cost of sea lice infestations in salmonid aquaculture exceeds US$ 100 mill. In Chile, it has been estimated for 2007 that Caligus rogercresseyi infestation of salmon represented a total loss of US$ 222 mill, which included performance impacts and treatment costs, which translate to 0.33 US$/kg of salmon produced (Bustos, 2007). The 2007 figure for Chilean sea licerelated costs is more than double corresponding global costs of 2004. However, in contrast to 2004 global figures and the 2007 Chilean figures, performance and downgrade costs are less of an issue today, especially in Ireland, the UK, Canada and Norway due to mandatory treatments triggered by low sea lice counts. In the Norwegian salmon aquaculture industry two main types of expenses are related to sea lice; direct treatment costs and losses due to an increased FCR, calculated as 0.5% increase on average FCR of total biomass produced within one fiscal year. In 2007 Slice® oral and pyrethroid bath treatment costs were 86.5 mill and 33.7 mill NOK, respectively. The estimated increased FCR on total production equals a value of 47 mill NOK, which gives a total sea lice connected expenditure in Norway in 2007 of 167.2 mill NOK (US$ 23.5 mill). However, in contrast the Norwegian sea lice related costs are only 10% compared to the Chilean equivalent. English Edition No. 1-2009 For Canada the economic impact is solely related to the cost of Slice® treatments. In 2007, the cost of treatment in British Columbia, Canada, was estimated at 3 mill CAN dollar (US$ 2,8 mill). Health and Welfare: Sea lice infestations that are not properly treated cause tremendous skin lesions, disturbance of the osmotic balance, secondary infections in wounds and ultimately death of the fish. This was considered the usual disease event in infested fish in the early days of the industry before the introduction of effective pharmaceuticals. Chilean aquaculture operations in certain geographical areas have recently been periodically fallowed because of the reduced effect of drugs used, and the subsequent reappearance of severe clinical problems due to sea lice The significant stress to salmon caused by sea lice infestation, as well as the treatments used (at increasing frequency due to the improving resistance of sea lice to previously effective pharmaceuticals) highlights the obvious welfare implications the industry faces. The establishment of a sea lice control programme will act as an important element within the context of a larger aquaculture industry welfare programme. Possible vectors of contagious disease It is documented that sea lice might harbour pathogenic bacteria and viruses, like Aeromonas salmonicida (furunculosis), Piscirickettsia salmonis (SRS), Infectious Salmon Anaemia virus (ISAv) and Pancreas Disease virus (PDv). Even intracellular parasites, Microsporidia sp, which cause disease in salmonid fish are transmitted by sea lice, as shown in a recent paper published by Nylund et al. (2009). The role of sea lice as a vector for these agents should not be underestimated, especially in areas where the infectious pressure of viruses is high and where skin and gill lesions caused by sea lice are recorded clinically. The question is if the lice act merely as a passive mechanical vector of viruses or also as a biological vector, ie do viruses replicate within the lice? If so, this would create a much more serious scenario. Already Microsporidia sp have been shown to propagate within the louse (Nylund et al., 2009). 5 Enviromental Impacts Sea lice have been the main political issue for some time in Norway, Scotland and Canada due to the threat they are believed to create to migrating wild salmon. There is a strong assumption that a direct relationship exists between sea lice infestation of farmed stock and infestation rate (and mortality due to sea lice) on their wild counterparts in such areas. This (unconfirmed) negative relationship of farmed salmon acting as a reservoir of lice that infects wild stocks, espesially migrating smolts resulted in the Norwegian legislation for the control of sea lice; 6 mandatory delousing campaigns within the industry. The protection of wild salmon stocks is currently the primary objective of sea lice legislation in Norway. In Canada a long lasting political discussion is taking place on the significance of sea lice infestation levels encountered in cultured salmon and the survival rates of migrating wild pacific salmon stocks. Average sea lice infestation rates are low within Canadian West coast operations. Consequently, there is no evidence to suggest a connection between sea lice numbers on farmed salmon and a reduction of recurring wild salmon. In spite of this, strong demands have been raised towards the industry in relation to the eradication of certain wild pacific salmon smolts because of sea lice. However, such claims should be regarded within the scope of domestic competing industries, such as angling, general tourist activity, and pacific salmon wild catch operations. The main focus regarding possible negative effects on anti-sea lice drugs has historically been on chitin synthesis inhibitors. Although bath anti-sea lice English Edition No. 1-2009 treatments have an obvious direct, but short-lived toxic effect on life in the water column close to the treated pen, focus has been on the effect of chitin synthesis inhibitors due to the possible impact on benthic fauna in sediments beneath farms, especially on animals with a chitin exoskeleton. However, following a review by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) of the comprehensive ecotoxicological documentation package for the registration of the various chitin synthesis inhibitors in the market, it was concluded that the use of these compounds is extensively documented and those used are considered environmentally safe. Similarly, the environmental impact of Slice® (emamectin) was deemed safe following a lengthy study by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA). In terms of food safety there have been no issues related to the use of sea lice drugs. For all compounds used there is an established maximum residue limit (mrl) according to relevant EU legislation, based on extensive metabolic and toxicological data from the target animal, salmon. Sea lice continue to hinder both cultured and wild salmon in numerous countries across the world. It is a very real threat to the future aquaculture production of the affected species. With the development of effective sea lice vaccines, and the breeding of genetically resistant stock currently distant goals, the industry must adapt and fully utilise the currently available options; good management, treatment(s), and proposed control programmes such as this. 7 Sea lice biology A profound understanding of sea lice biology, potential reservoirs, life cycle, biological requirements, epidemiology etc are required in order to be able to establish effective anti-sea lice strategic programmes. A lot of scientific knowledge has been compiled in recent years, but some important data are still missing. Sea lice species, life cycle and stage development Within salmon aquaculture, there are basically two main variants of sea lice, Lepeoptheirus salmonis and Caligus sp. The first is a distinct uniform species, whilst the latter is a heterogeneous biological genus covering a large group of species and subspecies with individual distinct features. The biology of these two species or groups is different; the Figure 1 Lepeophtheirus salmonis life cycle 8 8 main difference being the fact that Lepeoptheirus salmonis is a salmonid species specific parasite and Caligus sp are not; they are a parasite with no fish host species preference. Although Caligus sp are encountered in monitoring programmes, Lepeoptheirus salmonis represents the main sea lice challenge in Norway, the UK and Canada. In Chile, Caligus rogercresseyi is the sea lice species of importance. The life cycle of the two species present within salmon aquaculture are depicted in Figures 1 and 2. Since preadult moulting stages are not present in Caligus rogercresseyi, the duration of the Caligus rogercresseyi cycle itself is shorter compared to the Lepeoptheirus salmonis equivalent at equal water temperature. This gives a narrower window for EWOS diflubenzuron (chitin synthesis inhibitor) treatment. Further to the known sea lice species in salmonid fish, marine fish have their own specially adapted lice, like Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi in halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Caligus curtus in cod (Gadus morhua), both with their own life cycle and environmental and biological requirements. Since sea lice drugs have various modes of action and are effective towards different stages of sea lice, knowledge on development patterns among various lice are crucial. Stage development and water temperature in Lepeoptheirus salmonis is shown in Figure 3. Water salinity is a further factor influencing louse development significantly. English Edition No. 1-2009 Figure 3 Approximate development time for sea lice (L. salmonis) at various temperatures Adult, female 17OC Adult, male 10OC Preadult 2, female 7OC Preadult 2, male Preadult Chalimus 4 Chalimus 3 Chalimus 2 Chalimus 1 Copepodit 0 1 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks 8 weeks 9 weeks 10 weeks Approximate development phase from Chalimus 3 until Adult, male stage at 10 C after 20 days O Figure 2 Caligus rogercresseyi life cycle Male Nauplius I Nauplius II Gravid female Copepodid Chalimus I Adults (motile stage) Chalimus II Chalimus IV Chalimus III > 9 > Reservoir Lepeoptheirus salmonis, being a species specific parasite, makes the establishment and implementation of parasite control programmes feasible. This is because there is basically an industrial control of the parasite reservoir; farmed salmon. Since farmed salmon in Norway, the UK and Chile constitutes the major part of the total salmon at sea, such reservoir control is possible. Unfortunately, farmed salmon escapees represent an uncontrollable reservoir of all types of sea lice. The Canadian situation is different. Here, large migrating salmon stocks represent major parasite reservoirs or at least an equal reservoir to that of farmed stocks. The wild salmon louse reservoir is uncontrollable and will therefore have significant impacts on established, or establishing programmes within the Canadian industry. The basic prerequisites for establishing a sea lice control programme in Canada is therefore different compared to other regions or countries. The Chilean situation was previously thought to share similarities with the Canadian industry, where Caligus rogercresseyi is a non-species specific parasite with an uncontrollable reservoir outside the salmon farming operations, ie in wild marine fish. However, investigations carried out during the fallowing programme at specific sites indicate that farmed salmon seem to have emerged as the major host and reservoir of Caligus rogercresseyi. This is probably due to the fact that abundant numbers of salmon, present in high densities per sea site, serve as a convenient and permanent host to the parasites, leaving the parasite with no requirement to change host for feeding or mating. This change in host pattern among Caligus rogercresseyi now means there is a better basis (and reason) for the establishment of an effective sea lice control programme in Chile. Biological spreading patterns A second biological feature of importance is the spreading patterns of sea lice between farms and geographical locations and also between fish within farms. Lepeoptheirus salmonis spread between sites via the planktonic and parasitic infective stages, nauplii and copepodites (Figure 1), which use oceanic and tidal currents in order to shift location. For a sea lice programme to work effectively, knowledge on local and regional hydrographic patterns is therefore essential. Preadult and adult Lepeoptheirus salmonis move from host to host within and between cages for feeding and mating purposes, which serves as a possible vector for the distribution of contagious agents within sites. Infectivity or spreading patterns among Caligus sp is different to those of Lepeoptheirus salmonis. In Caligus sp both adult and larval challimus stages are infective. Movement using the marine current pathway allows relocation between wild fish hosts and caged salmon. Caligus sp will remain on a salmon host over time providing there is a plentiful supply of food and energy, and the salmon provides a suitable environment for the reproductive stages of the louse. Given suitable conditions, even Caligus sp. will adapt and develop a fish host preference. Sea lice control programs A model sea lice programme consists of regular sea lice monitoring and rotational treatment schemes. Such schemes include the use of more compounds (biological and pharmaceutical) that are biosecured by correct treatment and management practices, ie coordination and the synchronisation of treatments. It is also important to test the treatment efficacy, monitor drug use and conduct bioassay surveillance (Figure 4). The deployment of rotational schemes is crucial for the control of drug resistant sea lice. Sea lice monitoring The fundamental prerequisite of any control programme for sea lice within aquaculture operations, or any treatment against sea lice, is the establishment of monitoring programmes giving information on: - type or species of sea lice - stages of the various lice - infestation patterns, focal infestations or prolonged and ongoing chronic events - water temperature and salinity - any other disease or technical events which could influence infestation rates Water salinity is a further significant factor influencing louse development 10 10 Figure 4 Sealice treatments - biosecurity English Edition No. 1-2009 Good treatment and husbandry practices 3 Rotational treatment schemes, 2 Drug biassay surveillance 4 Pre- and post treatment monitoring 1 + 5 EWOS has, for many years, developed and issued sea lice monitoring schemes for the industry. Within the Norwegian official sea lice control programme, such monitoring is mandatory every fourteenth day during the summer months. The remainder of the year is monitored monthly. Results have to be reported to the responsible authority, and sea lice levels are assessed on location by the authorities. Sea lice counts above fixed levels will trigger a mandatory delousing action. Date: Site: Cage.: Monitoring scheme for Sea lice (L. Salmonis) Accomplished by: (sign.) SEA LICE Fish no. Non-mortile Chamilus I-IV Mortile Preadult I-II Adult * male Adult female Coligus sp. with (+) / without (-) eggstrings 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 In the UK, the Code of Good Practice for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture recommends weekly lice monitoring throughout the year. The implementation of Area Management Agreements is also encouraged to coordinate strategic treatments to keep lice levels at a minimum. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‘19 20 Total: Average: Comments (Sea temp., weather conditions, other diseases). > © Copyright EWOS AS EWOS SEA LICE SCHEME NO. 3 - 2009 © 11 Table 1. Sea lice infestation levels triggering site treatment in different salmon farming areas > Country Lice species Infestation levels Norway Lepeoptheirus salmonis • >0.5 adult female lice or >3 motile lice per fish independent of time of the year • >0.1 lice per fish any stage during mandatory delousing campaigns in Western Norway, December 2008/January 2009 Faeroes Lepeoptheirus salmonis No fixed levels established UK Lepeoptheirus salmonis Feb to June inclusive: 0.5 adult female lice per fish (recommended in Code of Good Practice) July to Jan inclusive: 1.0 adult female lice per fish (recommended in Code of Good Practice) Ireland Lepeoptheirus salmonis Spring: >0.3 to 0.5 egg bearing female lice per fish or high numbers of motile lice Other seasons: >2.0 egg bearing female lice per fish Canada Lepeoptheirus salmonis British Columbia: >3 motile lice per fish during the whole year New Brunswick: >2 adult lice per fish, whole year Nova Scotia: no provincial threshold established Chile Caligus rogercresseyi If >6 but <10 motile adults and gravid females per fish in the area and ≥6 on site, treatment is organised by private company with The second prerequisite within a functioning control programme will be the availability of anti-sea lice treatments; biological means, anti-sea lice drugs and supportive natural components. For various reasons the availability of such commodities differs within different regions (Table 2). Sea lice treatment The treatment of sea lice should be adapted to the epidemiology and life cycle of the sea lice present on site. The listed range of treatments below is available for use with specified regional restrictions. 1) Biological treatment - wrasse, cleaner fish 2) Pharmaceutical treatment - Oral treatment - emamectinbenzoate/Slice® - chitin synthesis inhibitors, EWOS releeze® and EWOS Dfb - Bath treatments - pyrethroids, AlfamaxTM, EXCISTM, BetamaxTM - organophosphates, Salmosan® - H202 3) Additive in-feed compounds - nucleotides - others; immune stimulants, anti- sea lice settlement compounds Table 2. Availability of anti sea-lice treatments in different salmon farming areas. 1) Biological treatment - wrasse 2). Pharmaceutical treatment; - oral; Canada Chile Not established No biological treatment available Slice® Generic emamectinbenzoat - emamectinbenzoat - chitin synthesis inhibitors EWOS Dfb available since early 2009 Norway Established method UK Limited use Slice® Slice® EWOS releeze® available 2009 Launching of an EWOS chitin synthesis inhibitor pending Calicide Alphamax (deltamethrin) and Betamax (cypermethrin) Excis (cypermethrin) Salmosan (asamethiphoz) Salmosan (azamathifoz) EWOS boost EWOS boost - bath - pyrethroids Alphamax - organophosphates H202 - H2O2 3. Additive in feed components 12 12 - nucleotides - others EWOS boost EWOS boost Nucleotides, prebiotics and immunostimulant English Edition No. 1-2009 Mode of action and restrictions on use Factors influencing and restricting the use of available treatments can generally be listed as follows. Cleaner fish Biological treatment with wrasse is dependant on the natural occurrence of such fish in the various regions, as well as their behaviour and biology. The use of certain cleaner fish species has been a success within Norwegian aquaculture. Given the right environmental conditions certain operations in Southern Norway completely manage their sea louse situation by means of a wrasse population within the cages. However, this strategy is difficult in Northern Norway due to unfavourable conditions for the wrasse species. The absence of such fish in Canada and Chile makes a similar approach unfeasible. Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceutical treatment of sea lice is dependant on the mode of action of the drug applied. The most important feature to be aware of is towards what stages of sea lice the various compounds are effective and for how long. Slice® (emamectinbenzoate) is effective against all stages of sea lice for at least 10 weeks post-treatment, hence its wide use in the industry. In-feed diflubenzuron-based chitin synthesis inhibitors are effective against moulting stages of sea lice, but not against adult stages, and its effectiveness is limited to the treatment period,14 days. The bath treatment compounds EXCIS and Betamax (cypermethrins) and Alphamax (deltamethrin) are, in general, effective against all stages, but practically less effective against larval stages. Such pyrethroid bath treatments can leave as much as 20% of the lice population (mostly challimus stages) untreated. These survivors have displayed a delayed development of upto five or six times longer than normally developing lice. This represents a prolonged and sublevel stress on the fish. In addition, bath treatments can have a direct negative impact on host immunology, leaving fish vulnerable to (re) infection. Salmosan can be used as a bath treatment with instant results, but this compound is only effective against adult stages, and most antisea lice drugs are ineffective against adult female louse eggs. By knowing the application restrictions of the various compounds, there are some obvious application combinations which will give full effect, ie combining adulticide compounds with compounds effective against larval stages, for example bath treatments and oral chitin synthesis inhibitors. 1 kg TRANSFER -Slice Bath treatment An ideal salmon life cycle sea lice treatment scheme should include a Slice® treatment of young fish (<1 kg) during their first exposure to sea water followed by alternating bath treatments and oral chitin synthesis inhibitor treatments in larger fish Diflubenzuron Diflubenzuron Diflubenzuron until harvest. Slice® treatments can also be used on larger fish as an intermediate preventative measure – is this what is meant by ‘breaks’. Bath treatments should be applied when adult lice are present followed by oral chitin synthesis inhibitor oral Bath treatment/Slice Diflubenzuron HARVEST treatments when infestation reoccurs. Depending of the stages of louse present consecutive same compound treatments, either oral or bath, could be applied before changing the drug used. > 13 > 14 Disease In a recently published paper (Berg and Horsberg, 2008) a highly significant influence of disease outbreaks on emamectinbenzoate concentrations in plasma of Slice® treated fish is demonstrated, giving reduced effect of such Slice® treatments in diseased fish. Whether this is due to general reduced feeding or reduced uptake of nutrients and/ or pharmaceuticals in the intestine has to be elucidated. However, disease status of the fish seems to be a crucial background factor in the effectiveness of control and treatment programs. Additional to this reported patophysiological impact of disease on uptake and plasma levels of anti sea-lice drugs, disease as such will have a direct immunosuppressive effect on the host fish triggering sea lice infestation rates, a vicious circle is created. Integrated pest management Integrated pest management is an effective way to control and treat parasite infestations. The core of this approach is to have more than one active pharmaceutical available together with supportive bioactive compounds, to use each compound correctly and to apply them in a planned rotating manner through the production cycle. Other important elements within an integrated programme will be regional, coordinated and synchronised delousing campaigns, control programmes for other contagious diseases as well as regular fallowing practices of sites. Using this approach can avoid early and epidemic resistance development of drugs applied and prolong the shelf life of compounds. This will give the industry access to long lasting and predictable methods for the control of sea lice; the use of a single pharmaceutical over time is regarded as detrimental in this instance. The access to various anti-sea lice treatments and pharmaceuticals in the EWOS regions differs due to biological and legislative reasons. There are substantial differences between markets regarding the existence of sea lice and the salmon species farmed as well as local variations in resistance patterns of available drugs, meteorological and hydrographical conditions and the farming technology itself. Despite these existing differences, the establishment of a common approach is possible and encouraged. The prerequisites and approach will be discussed in detail. English Edition No. 1-2009 Pharmaceuticals; use, misuse and resistance patterns Norway The recent Norwegian history in the use of anti-sea lice compounds reveals facts about the expected shelf life of compounds and their correct use. From 1980 until 1995 the two organophosphates, Neguvon (metrifonate) and Nuvan (dichlorphos), were consistently used as single substances in bath treatments. Total domestic Neguvon resistance was discovered in 1987, and a similar pattern occurred for Nuvan in 1995. Salmosan (azamethiphos), a third class organophosphate for bath application, was introduced the same year (1995), but was replaced in the market by the cypermethrins, Excis and Betamax in 1997 and 1999, respectively, and Alphamax (deltamethrin) in 1998, not because of resistance but because of better technical properties and effects of the new pyrethriod class bath treatments introduced. The compound, Salmosan, is yet to show signs of domestic resistance, and its technical properties remain strong. In 1999 in-feed anti-sea lice treatments were marketed for the first time, EWOS Lepsidon® (diflubenzuron) and Skretting Ectoban® (teflubenzuron); both chitin synthesis inhibitors. These products had a relatively short time in the market, but not due to resistance development. Instead they were replaced by the broad spectrum in-feed compound, Slice® (emamectinbenzoate). The Slice® medicated pellets were, and continue to be, manufactured and marketed by both of the larger fish feed producers; EWOS and Skretting. Since 2000 two main pharmaceutical groups have been used within the Norwegian market, bath pyrethroid and oral emamectin treatments. Slice® is used for younger fish whilst bath treatments for larger growers. With a few exceptions, this treatment model has kept these drugs available and effective to date. From 1998 to 2000, before the introduction of in-feed compounds, resistance was recorded in certain areas for all the pyrethroids because of extensive single drug use. However, after restricting the use of these pyrethroids and reintroducing them after specific time periods, the drugs reverted to full efficacy, suggesting the sea lice which evolved resistant genes did not survive. During 2008, a multiple pyrethroid/ emamectin resistant area has been identified in mid-Norway, together with single farm emamectin resistant areas on the South West coast. These findings are all confirmed by the use of targeted resistance assays, an important tool in this context. In the actual sites and areas where drug resistance has been demonstrated, alternative compounds such as Salmosan and pyrethroids are being used clinically, together with a larger resistance screening programme. The current situation has shown the necessity of having more than one compound available for treatment. It is advisable to have three or more available at any one time, and to use them in a planned, and well-managed rotating system of treatments. > 15 > Faeroes The Faeroes has a similar range of pharmaceuticals to Norway (Table 2). However, to date no specific resistance patterns have been revealed. Canada In Canada only Slice® is licensed for anti-sea lice treatments, and has so far been fully effective. However, due to environmental concerns no additional drugs are licensed by national or provincial authorities. This may be a problem in the future due to the potential hazards of single compound use. In order to avoid the risk of resistance and for environmental reasons, a combination of licensed pharmaceuticals should be available. Used in the correct manner, multiple compounds should pose no/little threat to the environment, and prevent the development of resistant strains of sea lice. Ireland has experienced a similar development compared to that of Chile. Single in-feed use of one class of active compounds, iver- and emamectins for many years has resulted in a domestic situation of almost total resistance, certainly reduced efficacy. Currently there is a ban on the use of Slice® in Ireland, leaving pyrethroids (Alphamax) and organophosphates (Salmosan) in bath treatments the only viable option. 16 16 Chile The most important historic feature in Chile is the single drug application of generic emamectinbenzoate medicated pellets since early 2000. This resulted in a complete resistance towards the compound within the Chilean industry by 2007. The problem became so severe that fallowing sites in specific areas, in order to reduce sea lice pressure by removing the salmon host, became a common occurrence in certain areas. This is in addition to reports of up to 30% weight loss due to sea lice infestation at some sites; a substantial loss to the industry. Since 2007 pyrethroids, and to some extent H202 bath treatments, have been used in extensive sea lice delousing operations. However, a single drug use pattern has once again emerged with increasing resistance to the treatment(s). The use of biological resistance assays has now been introduced within the Chilean industry Ireland UK Slice®, pyrethroids and Salmosan are used within the Scottish salmon industry. In some areas, resistance against both Exis and Slice® is reported. This is in addition to a general lowered efficacy of Slice® throughout the industry, which has resulted in a reduced time interval between treatments. English Edition No. 1-2009 Strategies to avoid sea lice resistance development The fundamental prerequisite to avoid resistance development and have effective drugs for long periods is to have access to and to apply more drug groups within an integrated sea lice control programme. This should be combined with biological tools like cleaner fish if possible. Secondly, treatments or single application must be carried out correctly to avoid suboptimal dosages, which is the catalyst of drug resistance development among lice. This is specifically challenging regarding bath treatments, where both existing and emerging cage technology as well as treatment practices are unfavourable. Classes of drugs, which by nature or mode of action are only effective against certain stages of lice, should be strengthened by bioactive compounds to make the applied drug(s) more complete in their action. This can be achieved in two ways; by combining classes of drugs in consecutive treatments; or, by strengthening single drugs with natural bioactive compounds which have proven anti-sea lice effects. The latter approach will be to include natural bioactive molecules in the recipes of anti-sea lice medicated pellets and to feed fish awaiting bath treatments with feeds containing such extra bioactive compounds. Industrial surveillance programmes including the monitoring of sea lice infestation before and after treatments, as well as the introduction of synchronised resistance testing of lice towards the various pharmaceuticals in use is regarded as essential (figure 4). 17 Effective husbandry and treatment practices Farmed salmon in regions with clinical problems due to sea lice, ie regions with substantial sea lice drug resistance problems, require specific husbandry practices and techniques in order to maintain control. Regional fallowing of all sites will be necessary in severe cases, whilst geographical extension of the region to fallow and consecutive restocking policies should be based on hydrographical water current models or programmes which give information on possible spreading patterns of infective louse copepodits and their epidemiological area reservoirs, ie the position of neighbouring salmon operations which might harbour louse. Another structural tool will be to switch to the application of non-resistance 18 anti-sea lice drugs applied in a concerted manner within voluntary or mandatory delousing campaigns. Such regional delousing programmes should be implemented, irrelevant to the resistance status of drugs, in order to keep the sea lice infestation pressure low. In areas where certain drugs remain effective, treatment strategies should apply. The importance of good medicine management and the compliance to recommended dosage regimes and administration procedures cannot be underestimated. Where oral treatments are used, such as Slice® or chitin synthesis inhibitors, the population biomass estimate is of paramount importance. Those using bath treatments should consider the following points for a correct and successful treatment: - control of water volume to treat, ie preferably the use of a cage closed tarpaulin or well boats - oxygenation during treatment - correct dosage (ml compound/m3) and treatment time - trained personnel In addition, it is considered essential that regional, coordinated and synchronised delousing campaigns are established, which coincide with control programmes for other contagious diseases, and fallowing practices implemented on site. English Edition No. 1-2009 Products: EWOS Oilmix; Proteinmix; OPAL; functional feeds; e-trace Anti stress properties of dietary nucleotides, EWOS boost Sea lice infestation and treatment stress micro Stress is a medical term meaning tissues, as seen during depletion and exhaustion phases of stress disruption of equilibrium or balance events (Burrells 2001a,b, Leonardi, of the normal physiology of the organism (homeostasis) by various 2003). Infections and stress tax and deplete the normal nucleotide stressful stimuli; physical, perceptive pool of the organism which can or physiological. not be counterbalanced by(EPI) the ; Powerpack Stress evolvesServices from activation EWOS(alarm) growth index (EGI); EWOS pigment index via resistance (depletion of reservoirs) organism’s normal de novo synthesis or production via the salvage to exhaustion (immune system pathway of these nucleotides. In collapse). To avoid stress is decisive this situation the nucleotides are within all aquaculture operations. regarded conditionally essential, meaning that they need to be supplied orally in a purified form A sea lice infestation represents a for direct availability to the exposed substantial stress to the infected organism. The immunostimulatory, animal. Furthermore, a sea lice immunomodulatory and cell and bath treatment is in its nature a severe multi stress event including tissue proliferative capacities of dietary nucleotides are demonstrated starvation, handling, crowding, in a series of scientifically published hypoxia and exposure to a toxic trials (Peng Li, 2006). pharmaceutical all within a short period of time. Even a presumably soft action like a Slice® pellet For further information on EWOS treatment has shown to trigger stress. boost, please refer to the more detailed product brochure. In a newly published scientific study (Olsvik, 2008) it is reported that Slice® aglonorse opal120 treatment in prebiosal salmon triggers the expression of stress coding genes in the fish due to sheer metabolisation and degrading of emamectin in the liver. Dietary nucleotides as provided boosterfeed by EWOS boost enhance the function of the immune system, as well as support the recovery and regeneration of damaged cells and boost 19 Anti sea lice properties of dietary nucleotides, EWOS boost Burrells et al. (2001c) demonstrated the following effects by feeding EWOS boost prior to, during, and after primary sea lice infestation events, sea lice bath treatments (cypermethrin), and ultimately the post-treatment reinfection, compared to fish fed control feeds: - - general primary infestation rate on affected fish were lowered by 25% (sea lice total counts, p<0,05) effects of bath treatments were enhanced - post treatment re-infestation rates were reduced by 30% (sea lice total counts, p<0,01) These recorded anti-sea lice effects are explained by a strengthening of the innate immune defence against attached lice. This optimised treatment approach combining EWOS boost feeding and bath treatment enhances the total anti-sea lice effect and reduces the risk of surviving resistant lice. EWOS Innovation in Colaco, Chile (an experimental station) recorded anti-sea lice effects by feeding EWOS boost after bath treatments with Alphamax. The results showed that efficacy of anti-sea lice compounds can be increased when combining them with EWOS boost, obtaining an additional average sea lice reduction of 12% with a maximum effect in adult stages (20% reduction) and minimum effect in chalimus stages (less than 7% reduction). New class of EWOS medicated pellet against sea lice EWOS releeze® and EWOS Dfb EWOS AS, Norway has recently launched a new diflubezuron based in-feed medicated pellet against sea lice for prescription use only EWOS releeze®. Diflubenzuron, the active compound, is classified as a chitin synthesis inhibitor. The drug interferes with the exoskeleton formation of the parasite and kills it. This new medicine is therefore effective against moulting stages of lice (not adult stages),and is effective throughout the duration of the feeding period; 14 days. A withdrawal period before slaughter of 105 day degrees post treatment is set by the Norwegian Medicinal 20 Authority, based on the mrl value of diflubenzuron in salmon skin/ filet established within the EU. The medicated pellet is an improved version of a similar product previously made by EWOS AS. In Chile, a similar and parallel licensing programme using a diflubenzuron based EWOS medicated pellet has been completed with a pharmaceutical industrial partner. EWOS Dfb, the Chilean EWOS diflubenzuron medicated pellets variant, has been available since early 2009. There are plans to introduce EWOS diflubezuron based in-feed medicated pellet within other EWOS markets; Canada, the UK, and Ireland. For the Scottish and Irish markets, authorisation could be granted based on the Norwegian Marketing Authorisation via the national pathway. However local documentation adjustments and amendments specifically related to environmental issues for each country must be addressed. A possible Canadian registration of a similar product will be an independent process, but all necessary medicinal and environmental documentation is available via similar registrations within other EWOS countries. English Edition No. 1-2009 EWOS additional bioactive compounds EWOS boost is the model compound within this category with its combined anti-sea lice, anti-stress and immunomodulating properties. Any medicated pellet recipe and any feed administered in conjunction with bath treatments should contain this additional natural component; nucleotides. EWOS boost strengthens the effects of anti-sea lice drugs, minimises possible resistance development against the drugs, reduces stress-related damage and generally improves the immune system of fish. EWOS Innovation is currently testing several classes of naturally derived compounds for their effectiveness in this field, ie anti-sea lice effects as single substances or in combination with other drugs or bioactive molecules. The compounds tested include glucans, immune stimulants, fatty acids and biological extracts, their mode of action or classification ranging from supporting compounds to possible medicinal substances. Some of these new compounds are tested in Chile, both in vitro and in vivo through feed trials. 21 EWOS integrated sea lice program In this document EWOS present to the industry relevant background data and a complete tool box necessary for the control of sea lice, including available drugs, additive feed compounds, and infrastructure and service elements: The EWOS Integrated Sea Lice Programme. The rationale of the programme is to provide the correct information for the application of biological, medicinal and nutritional means in order to ease the sea lice problem throughout the industry, worldwide, whether through the use of wrasse, bath and/or in-feed treatments, making more in-feed drugs available, creating a series of supporting bioactive compounds, or supplying the knowledge for controlling sea lice using a compound rotational system. The programme can be adjusted to the various markets in relation to the availability of medicinal compounds, current resistance patterns of drugs in use, environmental concerns, the possibility of using cleaner fish, and type of sea lice involved. Supporting tools will be the development of monitoring programmes for sea lice and sea lice drug resistance, as well as our contribution to the implementation of delousing campaigns within defined epidemic areas. Knowledge makes the difference - in sea lice management 22 English Edition No. 1-2009 List of references Bailey, R.J.E., Birkett, M.A., Ingvarsdóttir, A., Mordue (Luntz), A.J., Mordue, W., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., (2004). The role of semiochemicals in host location and non-host avoidance by salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) copepodids. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63, 448-456. Berg A-G.T., Horsberg T.E. (2008). 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