echoes - Woodland Christian Church
echoes - Woodland Christian Church
ECHOES Monthly Newsletter of Woodland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) January 2015 Martin Luther King Service Sunday, January 18 @ 6:00 pm Central Christian Church The community is invited to a special interfaith worship service to celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Sunday, January 18 at 6:00 pm. Rev. Dr. Frank A. Thomas, one of America’s more renowned pastors, scholars, and thought leaders on preaching and worship, is the keynote speaker. He currently serves as Professor of Homiletics and Director of the Academy of Preaching and Celebration at Christian Theological Seminary of Indianapolis, Indiana. As always, a choir comprised of more than 20 congregations will lead us in song. Please join us as we consider Dr. King’s message of justice and peace from the past, how it informs our present, and how it shall shape our future. Lunch and Learn Sunday, January 25 New to Woodland and want to learn more? Or, know of someone that would like the opportunity to learn more about Woodland? Plan to attend the “Lunch and Learn” on January 25 with Rev. Dalene Vasbinder. We will provide lunch in the Fellowship Hall following worship. This is a special opportunity to sit down and engage Dalene, along with a small number of other members of Woodland Christian Church in an informal capacity. Ask questions, get to know some members, and gain a better understanding of the culture here at Woodland. Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, January 23. For questions and to R.S.V.P., please e-mail Rachael Deel at [email protected]. Mother to Mother Donation and Thank You! Mother to Mother gave Woodland a donation of $250.00 with the following thank you: “Mother to Mother of Lexington is so grateful for the years that we were able to occupy space at your church. We would have had a very tough time making it financially if it had not been for your generosity. Please accept this donation on behalf of our members. The board members and the mothers of our organization wish we could do more of a contribution. Everyone at Woodland Christian Church was wonderful to us. Thank you.” Sincerely, Donna Davidson Board Member On behalf of Mother to Mother Staff Thank You! “The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” – Henry Ward Beecher Each of us would like to thank you for our staff Christmas gift. Your generosity was overwhelming and your thought of us is appreciated. - Dalene, Kathryn, Joanna, Kathy, Mollie, Linda, and Ron WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT WOODLAND ` 2 JANUARY WORSHIP NOTES JANUARY 11 ‘Baptism of the Lord’ Sunday Scriptures: Genesis 1:1-5 Mark 1:4-11 Sermon: “Call & Response” Rev. Dalene Vasbinder preaching JANUARY 18 Martin Luther King Weekend Scriptures: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 John 1:43-51 Sermon: “Announcing God’s Good News” Rev. Dalene Vasbinder Preaching JANUARY 25 Scriptures: Psalm 67 Mark 1:14-20 Rev. Dalene Vasbinder preaching A Note from Dalene We as a church, and most likely as individuals as well, have just finished one of the busiest times of our year, that holiday/’holy days’ time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. We have just a few weeks to catch our collective breath before entering in to the days of Lent (early this year) and Easter. Before looking forward, I would like to look back and express my gratitude. “It takes a village” so the saying goes. For us to be so involved as we were these past months, I would say, “it takes a church.” Thank you, church, for all you were involved in during the month of December. Thank you for stepping up, as you always do, to provide gifts for foster kids, to provide hats, underwear, gloves and socks for the homeless. Thank you for being involved in each of our Advent services, in the Christmas pageant, in the Christmas luncheon. Thank you for the many ministries that continued to happen during this busy time: Sunday School, Board business, JOY gatherings, Wednesday evening Bible study, and so much more! I am always reluctant to name specific individuals for fear that I will leave someone out. Putting those fears aside . . . A special thanks to Janet Brumfield for coordinating our Advent services and decorating the sanctuary, Donna Redmon for taking charge of ordering all of our beautiful poinsettias, Kathryn Welch Perry for her above and beyond work with our children and youth to bring us an extraordinary Christmas pageant and Mark Barker for assisting Kathryn, Jackie Diachun for coordinating all of our special Advent favors we received each Sunday (clay, candles, bells, hearts), Ken McCullough for writing our opening scripture readings/skits for each Sunday, Steve Johnson and Mark Barker for stepping in while Joanna was about the very important task of having a baby, Steve and Scotty Coon for hosting our Christmas luncheon. 2015 began with cold weather, but the warmth of this community continues! ` 3 FOR ALL AGES AT WOODLAND! Join us on Sunday Mornings before worship for study/discussion/fellowship on our faith! We have classes for all ages and all are welcome! Infants – Preschool: Nursery attendants will be available beginning at 9:30 am. Elementary – High School: This year we are again using the lectionary-based curriculum “Feasting on the Word.” Each Sunday, the material introduces biblical stories in a creative way with age appropriate learning activities. In addition, the scriptures used in Sunday school will be the same ones used in worship, tying the two together in a very intentional way. Join together at 9:30 am in the Youth Room for the Opening, with singing of camp songs and reading of the day’s scripture! Following the opening time, individual classes will go to their assigned rooms. Teachers for January are: Kindergarten – 5th grade: Janice James Youth: Dave Carr Who said Sunday school ends at childhood? At Woodland, we have two very dynamic adult classes: The Hayes Farish class uses the study material “The Present Word.” Through the exploration of biblical text, adult study groups are invited into a deepened relationship with God. The Present Word engages participants in an experiential style of learning – connecting faith and life. Discussion and activities encourage participants to live out their faith in their individual and congregational activities. All are welcome! January: “Learning to Pray” (John 17:6-21, Hebrews 4:14 & 5:10, and James 5:13-18) The Seekers Class uses a variety of study material, rotating every 4-6 weeks with lively discussion. All are welcome! “Try Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes!” A few years ago, the Seekers class watched and reflected on the series “30 Days.” It was such a favorite, the class decided to view it again for the first six (or eight) weeks of the New Year. 30 Days is a reality TV show created and hosted by Morgan Spurlock. In each episode, Spurlock, or some other person or group of people, spends 30 days immersing themselves in a particular lifestyle with which they are unfamiliar (e.g. working for minimum wage, being in prison, a Christian living as a Muslim, etc.), while discussing related social issues. As in Spurlock’s film, Super Size Me, there are a number of rules unique to each situation, which must be followed during each such experiment. In addition to the “related social issues,” the class will discuss “faith issues” that come up for them during the episodes. The class begins each Sunday at 9:30 am in the library. ` 4 FINANCIAL UPDATE September 30, 2014 We have completed the first half of our fiscal year (July – December 2014) and a financial update is in order. In a nutshell, here are the numbers: Total Revenue (including one-time $136,079 annual events such as the arts festival and a portion of the Woodland Foundation gift) Revenue Notes: Giving on Pledges is 3.5% ($4,523) below budget General fund receipts is 10.8% ($4,102) above budget Total Expenses $111,715 Expense Notes: Due to rewriting insurance policies and the fact that budgeted mortar and air conditioning repairs ($9,500) have not taken place, expenses are currently 7.4% under budget. Summary – Please stand by. My financial update after March 31, 2015 should give us a much clearer perspective on the year’s financial outcome. - Conley Salyer Financial Secretary OPEN CIRCLE Open Circle will not meet again until Wednesday, March 4. Watch for announcements about program in the March ECHOES. - Jackie Diachun JOY GROUP JOY is staying home in January, but we will gather at noon in the Fellowship Hall at church on January 14 to make plans for what we want to do and where we want to go in 2015. Bring a brown bag lunch or let Jackie Diachun know if you would like to order a sandwich box lunch from Missy’s Pies, Etc. for $7.00. Order by Tuesday, January 13. - Jackie Diachun YOUTH On behalf of the youth of Woodland, I would like to say Thank You for all of the support you’ve shown us over the last few months. We have done very well on our fundraisers and are preparing for our trip to Nicaragua in March thanks to your generosity. Be on the lookout for a few more opportunities to help and hear from our youth, including a dinner and silent auction in February. I am so grateful for a church family that is so loving and supportive of our youth. Thank you! – Rev. Kathryn Welch Perry Youth Schedule January 11: Youth and Parent’s Meeting for Nicaragua Trip January 18: No Youth Group – Kathryn on vacation January 25: Youth Group following worship 2015 Summer Camp Dates Thank of warm activities to help you get through the cold and snowy days of winter. Below are the 2015 Summer Camp dates for Wakon’ Da-Ho. NOTE: These dates could change. May 2-31: C/Cow (18-29 years old) June 5-7: Mini Camp (3rd grade) June 8-13: CYF1 (9th-12th grade) June 14-20: Eighter’s (8th grade) June 16-23: CYF Seminar (9th-12th grade) June 22-26: Junior 1 (4th-5th grade) June 26-28: 101 camp A (1st-2nd grade) June 29-July 4: CYF 2 (9th-12th grade) July 6-11: Chi-Rho 1 (6th-8th grade) July 13-18: Chi-Rho 2 (6th-8th grade) July 24-26: 101 camp B (1st-2nd grade) Click here for parent information, camp registration forms, and counselor registration forms as they become available. WORSHIP & WONDER AND CHIDLREN’S CHURCH We always have room and need more volunteers for these very important children’s ministries in our church. See Kathryn Perry if you would like to volunteer. ` 5 OUTREACH by Mark Johnson GREEN CHALICE Angel Tree The Angel Tree for foster kids was a huge success A few 2015 Green thanks to all of you! Your generosity is Resolutions to consider: demonstrated time and again with the outreach activities we do during the year and I want to thank everyone for opening your hearts when called up. 1. Recycle old/broken electronics at the Versailles Road E-Waste Center. (Check Best Buy recyclable bin for items they take.) H.U.G.S. With the cold weather this time of year, it is important for us to think about our homeless friends who need our help. We were very generous with our donations in December, but the need is greater than ever, so we will resume our H.U.G.S. outreach campaign on January 18 and conclude on January 25. 2. Invest in rechargeable batteries. Outreach 4. Become involved in the Green Chalice team! See me at church or contact me at [email protected]. The start of a new year brings more opportunities for our church to make a difference in the community. I would like your input on opportunities for us to help or to be voice for good in Lexington. If you have thoughts on Outreach at Woodland, please let me know in person or via e-mail at [email protected]. 3. Add Kentucky-made/grown products to your shopping list. (Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil, Dixie Cups/Plates, and Post-It-Notes are a few nationally known brands made in Kentucky.) Kroger stores have a special display of Kentucky products including soaps, lotions, sausage, and popcorn. NOTE: The bin for broken strings of Christmas lights will be available one more week (next to the Recycle Center). Happy New Year! - June Salyer WOODLAND DIRECTORY - Did you have a name change? - Do you have a new addition to your family? - Do you have a new address? - Do you have new home phone and/or cell number? - Do you have a new e-address? If you can answer “yes” at least one of these questions, please contact the church office at 859266-3416 or at [email protected] and let Linda know. She is in the process of updating Woodland’s Directory. Inclement (BAD) Weather Policy If Fayette County Schools are closed, events at Woodland are cancelled for the same day (may not include church office hours). For Sunday morning, Dalene will post to Facebook or you may call the church office for a recorded message. ` 6 WHO’S IN THE PEWS! Linda Clark by Jackie Diachun Linda Clark, our office manager since February 2013, is not in a pew on Sunday but is very important to our worship as she prepares our bulletins. She does many other tasks for us and is the face and voice of Woodland Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Linda’s husband of 22 years is Randall. Her son, Corey Stacy, lives in Nicholasville. She has two stepsons: Kristopher Clark (Stacey) and three granddaughters live in McKinney, Kentucky and Jesse Clark (Courtney) and one granddaughter live in Berea, Kentucky. Her parents and two brothers and their families live in Lexington and her sister and her family live in Garrard County. Linda graduated from Tates Creek High School. For 21 years she worked for United Way of the Bluegrass, retiring in 2005. She has attended many classes and seminars to gain knowledge for her jobs. She enjoys the challenge of learning new things. Working part-time at Woodland gives the feeling of being semi-retired, which “is a wonderful feeling.” Pennsylvania is where Linda was born and lived until IBM transferred her Dad to Lexington in 1967. As a young child, Linda’s family was members of the Southampton Dutch Reformed Church; then moved membership to the Lutheran church. Upon moving to Lexington, Linda and her family became members of Faith Lutheran Church where she was confirmed and married. She and Randall love to travel on long and short trips. Florida is a favorite destination as are the Smokys (sometimes for a day trip). They enjoy heading out on a Saturday morning to check out garage sales and to the amusement of their friends they end up on an all day trip around Kentucky. Linda also enjoys cooking, puzzles, reading, and having special time with family and friends. Linda says we are “a beautiful church.” She also says she has made new friends that she will cherish. “As an outsider looking in, I see many people caring for each other, laughing together, enjoying activities together . . . this is what it is all about.” Thank you Linda Birthday Cupcakes will follow worship Sunday, January 4 Come and join us as we sing “Happy Birthday” to: Joanna Manring-Davis, 1/2 Beth Siesel, 1/3 Gerry Hann, 1/5 Michelle Armstrong, 1/6 Kirk Chiles, 1/8 Garrett Blake, 1/8 Marty Bryant, 1/11 Paul Ladd, 1/13 Susan Hatch, 1/16 Patrick Armstrong, 1/20 Annaliese Taylor, 1/20 Dan Barnes, 1/22 Chris Blake, 1/24 Bernice Coleman, 1/24 Evelyn Ladd, 1/29 Hattie Reeves, 1/31 Get ready to SOAR July 18-22, 2015! But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31, New International Version The Disciples’ General Assembly will be July 18-22, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. Registration is now open! Register today and take advantage of early registration by going to For more information, feel free to scan the CRCode at the right.
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