The roots of INM can be traced to James and Charlene George. In
The roots of INM can be traced to James and Charlene George. In
The roots of INM can be traced to James and Charlene George. In 1979, Jim and Charlene began “Nail Fashions”, selling nail charms and diamonds to cosmetologists. Eight years and two name changes later, Nail Fashions evolved to become International Nail Manufacturers (INM), to meet the needs of nail technicians worldwide. INM quickly became an industry leader by providing high-quality, reasonably priced products. INM made its first big statement to the cos- metic community with the creation of Out The Door Topcoat. Over 20 years later, Out the Door Topcoat still remains the #1 selling Topcoat in the industry. Building on the strong Out The Door reputation, INM introduced Out The Door Acrylic Sculpting System, which is now used in salon’s worldwide, and has even been the choice for NailPro Competition Champions. We have added several product lines since that time to fulfill the needs to Nail Tech’s around the world, including a full one step Integrity Gel Line, 72 Amazing Colored Acrylics, and our newest product lines Nature’s Pedicure and Gelavish Gel Polish which boasts 65 of the hottest colors in the industry!! INM is currently based in Anaheim, California, and employs a diverse group of individuals who are committed to our company, our products, and our customers. We are a second generation, family run business who still believe in the principles that this company was founded on. We strive to provide great products at competitive prices, with the best customer service in the industry. T A B L E of CONTENTS 1 2-3 4 5-6 7-8 9-14 15 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-27 Top Coats Out The Door Northern Lights Treatments Base Coats Cuticle Oil Prep-Step Primers Ridge Fillers Top Coats Nail Tips & Adhesive Exact Extreme Timeless Acr ylic Sculpting Systems Out The Door Acr ylic System N.O.P. Acr ylic System Colored Acr ylic Powder Collections / Powder Paints Bright Lights, Big City Northern Lights Long Ago & Far Away Spring Fever Tropical Tutti-Frutti Gel Integrity Sculpting Gel Gelavish Gel Polish Natures Manicure / Pedicure Wrapped In Glass Nail Wrap System Nail Files Duet Panda Buffer Softeze Solo Woody ’s Filing Bits and Accessories Diamond Bits Electric Slyde Sanding Bands Brushes & Brush Cleaner Clear Handle Kolinsky Elite Pro Series Gel Brushes Sables Implements Nippers Pushers Tweezers Scissors Nail Lacquers Nail Art Accessories Glitter Dust Rhinestones Polish Removers Empty Bottles Removers Sterilizer Jars Miscellaneous top coats OUT THE DOOR / NORTHERN LIGHTS TOP COAT Norther n L i ght s w as create d b y b l e ndi ng s i l ve r and gol d hol ogr ap hi c fi l m p ar t i c l e s w i t h O UT T HE D O OR. Ap p ly o v e r any pol i sh nai l col or or na i l e nhanc e m e nt , and w at c h t he m agi c hap p e n. A s t he s i l ve r and gol d hi g h lig h t s me lt aw ay, a d azzl i ng array of c ol or ful , 3-di m e ns i onal ac c e nt s ap p e ar on t he nai l , addi ng de p t h and b r illia n c e . AMERICA’s #1 Super Fast Drying Top Coat...And for Good Reason Dries in 45 Seconds Long Wearing Shine Use With Any Polish Non-Yellowing 6 pk Display 12 pk Display 35 pk Display 0.5 oz 0.5 oz 1/8 oz 0.5 oz 2.5 oz 4 oz Refill 16 oz Refill TOP COAT T R I O S4013PK Top Coat Trio Contents 3 - 1/8 oz Top Coats, Out The Door, Northern Lights S401016 S401012 S010001S S401001 S401025 S021012 S021016 NORTHERN LIGHTS HOLOGRAM TOP COAT Silver w/Brush Gold w/Brush Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold 1 2.5 oz 2.5 oz 4 oz Refill 4 oz refill 0.5 oz 0.5 oz 6 pk 0.5 oz 6 pk 0.5 oz 12 pk 0.5 oz 12 pk 0.5 oz 35 pk 1/8 oz 35 pk 1/8 oz S40125H S40102G S02100H S02100G S40100H S40100G S40116H S40116G S40112H S40112G S010008S S010009S INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS 1.800.541.9838 nail treatments NAIL TOTAL LO O K S P R O -T E C H RIDGEFREE Ultra Gloss Top Coat, this rose tinted blend of acrylic resins delivers a durable, high gloss finish so shiny that the nails give off that “Slippery when wet” shine... after drying. Natural Nail strengthener Protech your nails with INM’s Natural Nail strengthener! Pro-Tech strengthener is a product designed to shield and defend your nails from attack, har m, or injury. “Get Off To A Smooth Start” This rich, creamy, protein enriched nail treatment for mulation has been effectively designed to fill in all ridges and imper fections of the sur face of the nail, insuring a smooth, even nail finish. W E T ECLIPSE Non-Yellowing UV Blocking Top Coat Total Eclipse is an optical enhancer that protects nails from the yellowing effects of ultra violet rays, while bringing out the natural look of the nail bed and white of the free edge. The per fect top coat for French Manicures. 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz 1/8 oz TREATMENTS S024016 S401008 S024001 S023999 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz S033004N6 S401010N S033004N 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz S401106 S401110 S401100 P I N K 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz S033001N6 S401005N S033001N RIDGEFREE CLEAR MILKY B O N D SOLEIL “Get Off To A Smooth Start” This rich, creamy, protein enriched nail treatment for mulation has been effectively designed to fill in all ridges and imper fections of the sur face of the nail, insuring a smooth, even nail finish. “Polish Lasts Longer, Nails Get Stronger And Smoother” This clear, fast drying bonding base coat lengthens the life of nail color by for ming a molecular bond between the nail plate and the polish layer, while also helping to protect the nail against splitting or cracking. “Polish Lasts Longer, Nails Get Stronger And Smoother” A thicker opaque colored bonding base coat that smooths out small imper fections on the surface of the nail as it also helps to protect the nail, and lengthen the life of the nail color. Heat cured Top coat Soleil is an acrylic blend that dries All polish layers in just 3 minutes leaving a durable, long wearing, high gloss shine. Simply use your table lamp. *UV light is not required 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz 6 pk Display 2.5 oz 0.5 oz WH ITE S033002N6 S401004N S033002N B O N D INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS S033008N6 S401011N S033008N S033007N6 S401006N S033007N 6 pk Display 0.5 oz S423016 S423012 1.800.541.9838 2 nail treatments NAIL TREATMENTS S AV Y O U R N A I L S microbiological solution An extremely effective aid for the treatment and prevention of Fungus, mold, and other bacterial nail infections. Sav Your Nails can do exactly what its name implies...Sav Your Nails! Client satisfaction is guaranteed. 6 pk Display 1.25 oz S422006 S422012 S TO P- I T ONL PRIMER An ideal prep treatment for acrylics, fiberglass and nails. It’s the pefect nail sur face cleanser and dehydrator. INM’s Prep Step also helps with the adhesion of nail polish applications. 6 pk Display 0.5 oz 0.5 oz S23C0016 S23C001 ph7 A must have item for all nail technicians, Stop-It is guaranteed to instantly soothe the discomfort associated with nail primer and/ or glue bur n, without inter fering with the nail service progress. A MMA-free primer used to promote adhesion to the natural nail. it is much safer for the natural nails then acidic primer without sacrificing per for mance. Ph7 is low in odor and does not bur n the natural nails or cuticles. Works per fectly with all gels and acrylic systems. 3 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS 6 pk Display 0.5 oz S238950 PREMIUM ACIDLESS P R I M E R S203006 S203001 NAIL DEHYDRATOR Raspberry scented and extremely effective, this time tested for mula provides the strongest bond possible between the natural nail plate and acrylic enhancements. the instant relief to soothe nail primer burn 6 pk Display 1.25 oz PREP STEP CUTICLE OIL S23C0026 S23C002 Our Premium cuticle Oil penetrates nails and skin from the inside out. Your nails will reap the benefits of our natural blend of Aloe vera and Almond Oil, while you enjoy the aroma of its soothing almond scent. 4 oz 2.5 oz 0.5 oz 1/8 oz S021004 S401007 S194012 S194018 1.800.541.9838 nail treatments NAIL TREATMENTS EXACT FRENCH TIPS WHITE E X A C T F R E N C H T I P S N AT U R A L EXACT FRENCH TIPS CLEAR 50 pk #0-9 20 pk Asst. 100 pk Asst. 500 pk Asst. 50 pk #0-9 20 pk Asst. 100 pk Asst. 500 pk Asst. 50 pk #0-9 20 pk Asst. 100 pk Asst. 500 pk Asst. S239801-10 S239813 S239811 S239812 239814-23 239826 239824 239825 S239827-36 S239839 S239837 S239838 EXTREME TIPS WHITE T I M E L E S S T I P S N AT U R A L TIMELESS TIPS CLEAR 50 pk #1-10 20 pk Asst. 100 pk Asst. 500 pk Asst. 50 pk #0-9 20 pk Asst. 100 pk Asst. 500 pk Asst. 50 pk #0-9 20 pk Asst. 100 pk Asst. 500 pk Asst. S239879-88 S239891 S239889 S239890 S239840-49 S239852 S239850 S239851 S239853-62 S239865 S239863 S239864 Out The Door Nail Glue 24pk Display Single 3gm INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS S239003 S239004 1.800.541.9838 4 gels G E L AV I S H G E L P O L I S H S Y T E M Gel avi sh Gel Pol i sh i s a t r ue L ED and UV c ure d ge l p ol i s h s ys t e m , w hi c h ut i l i ze s b ot h p at e nt e d an d p a t e n t p e n d in g Etch-It technol ogy. Our system boas t s a t hi n, s e l f-l e ve l i ng, l ow odor p ol i s h t hat c ure s i n s e c onds w i t h e x c e lle n t 100gt a d h e s io n . The mi rror- l i ke, hi gh gl oss , dur ab l e fi ni s h w on’ t c hi p or p e e l , w or k s e q ual l y as w e l l on b ot h nat ur al n a ils a n d a rt if ic ia l nai l enhancem ent s and unl i k e s om e ot he r s , w i l l c ove r i n one c oat ! T he Ge l avi s h nai l w i l l not l os e it s ric h , h ig h - g lo s s d eep f i ni sh, and w hen you’ re re ady, re m ove s i n m i nut e s . A dor n your fi nge r and t oe nai l s w i t h our r i c h , v iv id c o lo rs a n d experi ence true 14 day d ur ab i l i t y w i t h our e as y t o us e ge l p ol i s h s ys t e m . 8pk 25pk S249126 S249127 6-Oval Gel Brush PRIME-IT P R E P- I T Gelavish “Prime-it” is an acid free, low odor, non-bur ning gentle primer, specially for mulated to increase the gel polish adhesion to the ultimate extreme. “Primeit” should be used if your client is pre-disposed to lifting or popping due to oily or miss-shaped nail beds. Because extreme adhesion will occur, removal time (soaking) may increase Gelavish “Prep-it” is a hydrophobic prep solution specially formulated to remove oils, cleanse and dehydrate the natural nail, allowing for maximum sur face adhesion. Prep-it is a mandatory step in the Gelavish Gel Polish procedure to be applied prior to Dual It or Prime-it (if used) in both nail applications (Natural and Artificial enhancements). 0.5 oz 0.5 oz File-It 100/180gt Gelavish files, Etch-it & File-it are manufactured “in-house” by IAM, our Abrasives company, well known in the industry for high quality & long lasting files. “Etch-it” is a per fect tool for prepping and can also be utilized to shape and finish the nail. Its sanitizable coated foam, contours to the shape of the nail and is gentle on both cuticles and fingers. “File-it”, designed for removal of the product, can be utilized to shape and finish as well. Its unique design provides greater nail sur face contact, allows for faster, more efficient filing, and is both washable and long lasting. 12pk 50pk Gelavish “Dual-it” Base & Top Coat is a thin, low odor, self-leveling soak-off treatment gel. Its unique for mulation will not chip or peel, cures to a durable, hard, tacky finish (Base), that also, when cured and wiped clean of the tacky residue, leaves a crystal clear protective finish (Top). Because of our unique product, “Dual-it” (Base & Top Coat together) you will save time & money wasted on the extra treatment, when you do a Gelavish Gel Polish nail 11 Gelavish 6-Oval Gel Brush has a synthetic filament delivery system, made from a high quality nylon fiber that is rolled and cut especially for the consistency of our “Build-it” base gel. The oval shape allows for both level application and excellent control. Our per fectly balanced wood handle promotes a smooth even delivery. S249131 S249132 D U A L- I T 0.5 oz S249135 GEL WIPES Gelavish Gel Polish Wipes, are made from the highest quality 100% cellulose fibers, and will not bleed. Our long lasting (10 nails per) wipes will not smear, are acetone resistant & super absorbent. 50pk 100pk S249118 S249119 S249101 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS S249107 S249105 REMOVE-IT WIPE-IT Gelavish “Remove-it” is a lightly scented Gel Polish Remover with Lanolin, for mulated to quickly & gently remove the Gel Polish as the Lanolin soothes and protects the skin, preventing the tissue from drying out. Gelavish “Wipe-it” is a lightly scented Gel Cleanser, formulated to easilyremove the “tacky” layer that remains after the “Dual-it” (Top) has cured. “Wipe-it” is a gentle cleansing solution that will not disturb the protective seal. 4 oz 16 oz S249115 S249116 4 oz 16 oz S249109 S249110 1.800.541.9838 gels G E L AV I S H G E L P O L I S H S Y T E M GEL POLISH Gelavish “Cure” L E D L A M P Gelavish is a low odor, self-leveling Gel Polish that adheres to the nail with a thin, durable, highgloss luster. Because of superior adhesive qualities, Gelavish will not chip or peel, and with nor mal application, lasts a full fourteen days. The use of Prime-it with application will extend the wear time, and can last up to twice as long. Our extensive compliment of lavish shades will ador n your nails in deep pools of color. Gelavish goes on in seconds with LED, minutes with UV and soaks off in 4 - 5 minutes, one third the average industry time. 0.5 oz 110v 220v S249136 S249137 The Gelavish “Moods” Kit was created so the Nail-Tech would have all the necessary items needed to apply, and remove our Gelavish Gel Polish on their Natural or Artificial Nail Sur faces. Along with being convenient, there is a substantial savings when compared to buying each item by itself. The “Moods” kit is the simplest, most cost effective way to get started doing beautiful Gelavish Gel Polish Nails. INM’s Gelavish Cure LED Lamp was designed with help of a professional Nail Tech, then constructed with solid state components, is UL approved and has been tested and certified to meet global standards. The Cure Lamp was designed with client comfort in mind, our five finger (Full Hand) sliding hand rest allows for zero tension, as every nail is cured evenly with 160 degree lightwave angle. The Zero Tension hand tray is easily removed to become pedicure ready. S249001-065 Original Color Devious S249026 Enhance-it Effect S249001M - 065M Kit Includes: 1 Gel Polish (Customers Choice) 1 “Dual-It” Base/Top Coat 1 “Prep-It” Gel Prep 1 “Wipe-It” Cleanser 4oz. 1 “Remove-It” Remover 4oz. Gold 1 “Etch-It” 100gt Foam File 1 “File-It” 100/180gt Nail File 1 50pk Wipes Purple Bronze Blue Silver Majestic S249016 Purple Bronze Blue Silver Gold Enraged S249007 Purple Bronze Blue Silver Gold ENHANCE-IT Original Color Devious S249026 Enhance-it is a clear Gel Polish tint, with colored mica glitter, that when applied to Gelavish, mystically transfor ms and alters each color in different and stunning ways. Enhance-It, can also be applied directly over Dual-it to produce a subtle, but brilliant glitter nail. Either way you choose to ador n your nail, Enhance-it will alter the finish with beautiful enhancing effects. Enhance-it comes in Blue, Silver, Gold, Bronze, and Purple. Gold S249094 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS Bronze S249093 Blue S249090 Purple S249092 MINI KIT MOODS KIT Silver S249091 The Gelavish “Mini” kit was created so the Nail-Tech could replenish the two most used products (Dual-It & Prep-It) along with a new color together at a reduced cost. It is also the perfect kit for the Tech on the go. S249001Mini - 065Mini Kit Includes: 1 Gel Polish (Customers Choice) 1 “Dual-It” Base/Top Coat 1 “Prep-It” Gel Prep Enhance-it Effect Purple Bronze Blue Silver Gold Majestic S249016 Purple Bronze Blue Silver Gold Enraged S249007 Purple Bronze Blue Silver Gold 1.800.541.9838 12 gels G E L AV I S H G E L P O L I S H S Y S T E M Imagination S249001 Spoiled S249002 Fantastic S249003 Complicated S249004 Wanted S249005 Brilliance S249006 Enraged S249007 Fierce S249008 (O) (C) (O) (C) (C) (S/F) (C) (S/F) Pampered S249009 Vivid S249010 Dramatic S249011 Grounded S249012 Unruly S249013 Traumatized S249014 Troubled S249015 Majestic S249016 (F) (C) (S/F) (S/F) (C) (S) (S/F) (S) Enlightened S249017 Envious S249018 Rebellious S249019 Whimsical S249020 Scandalous S249021 Delirious S249022 Toasted S249023 Mysterious S249024 (S/F) (C/S) (C) (C) (S) (C) (C) (C) Innocence S249025 Devious S249026 Melancholy S249027 Joyful S249028 Eccentric S249029 Delighted S249030 Enchanted S249031 Desired S249032 (C) (C) (S) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) Delicate S249033 Gentle S249034 Charming S249035 Mature S249036 Obnoxious S249037 Hushed S249038 Modern S249039 Elegant S249040 (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) Stable S249041 Energetic S249042 Flashy S249043 Invincible S249044 Jaded S249045 Sinful S249046 Cynical S249047 Difficult S249048 (C) (F) (F) (F) (F) (C) (C) (C) Sincere S249049 Vivacious S249050 Exotic S249051 Mystic S249052 Dainty S249053 Naive S249054 Wise S249055 Vengeful S249056 (F) (S/F) (S/F) (S/F) (C/S) (C) (S/F) (C) Chaotic S249057 Devoted S249058 Diligent S249059 Sassy S249060 Blinding S249061 Adventurous S249062 Hypnotic S249063 Shocking S249064 (S/F) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (O) Daring S249065 O - Opalescent F - Frost C - Cream S - Shimmer C/S - Cream/Shimmer S/F - Shimmer/Frost * Color may vary due to printing process (C) INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS 1.800.541.9838 14 nature’s mani/pedi NATURE’S M A N I / P E D I MANI / PEDI INM’s “Nature’s Ped i cure” i s c om p r i s e d of 100% al l nat ur al , gr ade A i ngre di e nt s . V i t am i ns , m i ne r al s , and e s s e n t ia l oi l s, taken f rom pl ants t hat have b e e n us e d t o e x t r ac t , c l e ans e , he al and re juve nat e for t hous ands of y e a rs . U s e “Nature’s Ped i cure” and once agai n e x p e r i e nc e t he fe e t of your yout h. RETAIL KIT DELUXE KIT with Accessories kit includes: Penitrate Soak Exfoliate scrub Detoxify Mask Intense Lotion CUTICLEan Cuticle Remover inm Cuticle oil Pro-Tech O.T.D. Top Coat Orangewood Sticks Pedi Paddle Softeze 180 gt Softeze 280 gt Fingernail Clipper Straight Toe Nail Clipper Toe Seperators PENETRATE S2 oz O 8.5 oz 8.5 oz 8.5 oz 8.5 oz 1 oz 0.5 oz 0.5 oz 0.5 oz 5 pk 8.5 oz 64 oz S239962 kit includes: Penitrate Soak Exfoliate Scrub Detoxify mask Intense Lotion S239960 AS239965 K S239966 S239967 2 2 2 2 oz oz oz oz NATURE’S P E DI 80/80 grit Paddle Single Refill 5 pk Refill PAD D L E S239984 S2399845 S2399846 EXFOLIATE S C R U B 2 oz 8.5 oz 34 oz S239969 S239970 S239971 DETOXIFY M A S K 2 oz 8.5 oz 37 oz PRO KIT kit includes: Penetrate Soak Exfoliate Scrub Detoxify Mask Intense Lotion CUTICLEan Cuticle Remover 15 S239973 S239974 S239975 S239961 8.5 oz 8.5 oz 8.5 oz 8.5 oz 1 oz INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS INTENSE L O T I O N 2 oz 8.5 oz 64 oz S239977 S239978 S239979 C U T I C L E a n C U T I C L E 1 oz 4 oz R E M O V E R S239981 S239982 1.800.541.9838 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS 1.800.541.9838 16 wrapped in glass WRAPPED N A I L W R A P S Y S T E M IN GLASS The Wrapped i n Gl ass Nai l Wr ap S ys t e m c ons i s t s of p roduc t s for m ul at e d w i t h i ngre di e nt s of t he hi g h e s t q u a lit y . These product s have bee n de s i gne d t o p roduc e s t rong, l i ght w e i ght nat ur al l ook i ng nai l s t hat are n o n - p o ro u s a n d moi st ure- resi stant. The re s ul t s are b e aut i ful , aw ard-w i nni ng nai l s w i t h a “ gl as s -l i k e ” s ur fac e t hat c a n b e w o r n w it h o r w i thout nai l pol i sh or nai l t i p s . WRAPPED IN GLASS TRIAL KIT Fiberglass / Silk EXTENDER NOZZLES RESINS 10 pk 5 pk Builder Resin Brush-On Resin Resin S213300 S213010 S213005 0.5 oz 0.5 oz 0.5 oz 1 oz S213314 S213310 S213304 S213305 A C T I VATO R W.I.G. Activator w/Pump W.I.G. Resin W.I.G. Builder Resin Self-Adhesive Fiberglass Self-Adhesive Silk Extended Nozzle Timeless Natural Tips (1) Duet File 1 fl oz 0.5 fl oz 0.5 fl oz 1 Yard 1 Yard 1 pc 20 pk 180 / 180 Brush-On w/ Spray Pump Refill WRAPPED 0.5 oz 2 oz 8 oz IN GLASS PRO KIT SELF-ADHESIVE FIBERGLASS SELF-ADHESIVE SILK S213315 S213307 S213308 W .I.G. P U M P O N LY S213301 S213301S S213014 Self-Adhesive Wrap W.I.G. Activator w/Pump W.I.G. Resin W.I.G. Builder Resin Softeze Nail Buffer Stork Scissors Silver Extended Nozzles Exact Clear Tips Exact Natural Tips Exact White Tips Self-Adhesive Fiberglass/Silk 17 2 fl oz e 1 fl oz e 0.5 fl oz 180 Grit-Medium 5 pk 20 pk 20 pk 20 pk 2 Yards INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS Fiberglass Wrap 2 pk 1x36 2 pk 1x36 Silk Wrap S213302 S213303 1.800.541.9838 files and buf fers NAIL FILES AND BUFFERS DUET SS HO LO APERS SOFTEZE Durabl e Washabl e Versati l e D ue t P ro f e ssion al N ail Bu f fer s are m ad e f o m a sa n it iz a b le a b r siv e coa ted f oam that co nt o u r s t o th e sh ap e of th e nai l . gent l e o n f in g e r s a n d cu ticles, th is u n ique desi gn p ro v id e s gre ater n ail su r face contact , and a l l o ws f o r f a ster, more ef ficien t f i l i ng, and b uf f in g p ro c ess with satin smoot h resul t s. Buffer/Finisher Duet 100/180 B/C Duet 180/240 P/C 6 pk 15pk 6 pk 15pk S239081 S239082 S239084 S239085 Shaper/Finisher 8 pk 25pk 8 pk 25pk 8 pk 25pk S239091 S239092 S239101 S239102 S239111 S239112 Mirror Finish Shiner 8pk 25pk S239943 S239944 Duet 240/280 P/C Duet 180/180 B/C Duet 100/100 G/C 100/100 G/C 150/150 B/C 180/180 Pur/C 240/240 P/C 12 pk 50pk 12 pk 50pk 12 pk 50pk 12 pk 50pk S239931 S239932 S239934 S239935 S239937 S239938 S239940 S239941 WOODY’S Professional Nail Buffers The per fect tool for the prepping, shaping, finishing and refining of acrylics, gels, wraps or natural nails. Fine 280 Medium 180 Coarse 100 24 pk 24 pk 24 pk SSWC11PB28024 SSWC11PB18024 SSWC11PB10024 PA N D A B U F F E R S Wood center stands up to pressure High quality abrasives, foam, and an extra thick maple center, combine to add strength and durability to this updated version of the classic wood file. The added rigidity also allows for faster sur face and edge shaping with less applied pressure. Black Blue Purple Gold Zebra 100/180 grit 180/220 grit 80/180 grit 100/180 grit 100/180 grit WBLK50 WBLU50 WPUR50 WGOL50 WZEB50 Professional 3-Way Nail Shiner This 3-step natural nail shiner has an extra thick foam center that is layered with premium quality abrasive and buffing materials. Both comfortable, and easy to use. It produces a smooth as glass finish with a “Top Coat” like shine, using the natural oils in the nail bed. They come in an attractive 25 piece counter display that is guaranteed to encourage retail sales 25 pk display 5 pk Single INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS SPANDA25 SPANDA5 SPANDA 1.800.541.9838 18 drill bits and accessories F I LI NG BITS AND ACCESSORIES PRO DIAMIND B I T S MANDRELS Brass Steel 1/8’ 3/32’ INM BIT STAND SANDING B A N D S Coarse Medium Fine S145018 S145332 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 1 2 Coarse Barrel Medium Barrel Large Prepper Barrel Small Prepper Barrel Tapered Buffer Finisher Bullet Large French Fill Small French Fill Mini french fill Buffer Barrel -Xtr Fine Cotton Buffer Leather Chamois Buffer 3 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 3/32” 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S239501 S239502 S239506 S239507 S239505 S239508 S239509 S239510 S239511 S239504 S239512 S239503 S239498 E L E C T R I K S LY D E ELECTRIC FILING OIL 25 pk 50 pk 100 pk 25 pk 50 pk 100 pk 25 pk 50 pk 100 pk S142025 S142050 S142100 S143025 S143050 S143100 S144025 S144050 S144100 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS Cushions Cuticle Helps Reduce Heat Eliminates Filing Dust Use With An Electric File Electrik Slyde Electrik Slyde Electrik Slyde 1 oz 4 oz 6 pk (1oz) S239518 S239519 S239517 1.800.541.9838 20 brushe s BRUSHES BRUSHES I N M IB RN M USHES CLEAR HANDLE SABLE BRUSHES KOLINSKY BRUSHES INM Gel 4F S191003 INM 4F S064001 6F INM Finest Kolinsky Sable S16106F INM Gel 6F S191004 INM 5R S064002 6R INM Finest Kolinsky Sable S16106R Integrity Brush S239725 INM 6F S064003 8F INM Finest Kolinsky Sable S16108F Gelavish Brush S249135 INM Nail Artist S05B001 8 Oval INM Finest Kolinsky Sable S161080 INM Custom Oval S191001 INM Striper S057001 8R INM Finest Kolinsky Sable S16108R INM Primer S193004 Winba Sable 7 S059001 Winba Sable 8 S059002 ELITE PRO S E R I E S Elite Elite Elite Elite 21 Pro Pro Pro Pro Stylist Stylist II Designer Detailer 8 Oval 10 Oval 5 Oval 5 round S239125 S239124 S239120 S239126 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS BRUSH CLEANER 2oz 4oz 8oz S223002 S223004 S223008 1.800.541.9838 implements IMPLEMENTS IMPLEMENTS KITS Deluxe Implement Kit S161030 Pink Leather Implement Kit S239150 TWEEZERS C-Curve Pinching Tool S239151 Pointed Tweezers S161017 Needle Nose S161021 Slanted Tweezers S161016 PUSHERS Metal Pusher S043001 Cuti-Pusher S239152 Drill Twister Combo S162001 SCISSORS NIPPERS CUTICLE NIPPERS Stork Scissors S161009 Straight Silk Scissors S161013 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS 1/2 jaw 1/4 Jaw Acrylic Nippers S161004 S161007 S161008 TOE NAIL CLIPPERS Ergo Nippers 1/4 Jaw Straight S161012 Curved S161022 FingerNail Clipper S161011 1.800.541.9838 S239153 22 nail lacquers NAIL 23 LACQUERS INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS 1.800.541.9838 nail art NAIL ART S135927 Fuchsia Smoked Topaz S135926 S135925 Olivine S135924 Montana S135922 Blue Zircon S135923 S135921 Trumaline Hyacinth S135920 S135917 Light Rose Topaz S135916 Rose S135919 S135915 Jet Black Aquamarine S135914 Light Sapphire S135918 S135913 Sapphire Crystal S135912 S135911 Siam Light Siam S135910 Capri Blue Black Diamond S135908 Aurora Crystal S135907 S135904 Amethyst S135906 S135903 Jonquil Peridot S135902 Emerald Light Amethyst S135905 S135901 Light Topaz Nail Art that allows you to create fantastic s p e c i a l e f f e c t s a n d u n i q u e d e s i g n s. R h i n e s t o n e s add a touch of sparkle to any design. Rhinestones available in 25 pk or 144 pk. item Number listed are for 25 pk Rhinestones. See pricelist for information on 144 pks. (10 Gross packs also available) Nails At Heat (in a box) S065001 Marble Art Tool S501002 RHINESTONE WHEEL Full Empty INM Color Wheel S066002 S413002 S413001 G L I T T E R DUST D e s i g n ed s pe c if ic ally t o e n h an c e yo u r c lie n t s n ails. Add a little glitter dust to your acrylic powder to create expert d esi g ns tha t l a st. Black S131017 Emerald Green S131005 Royal Blue S131004 Dusty Rose S131010 Crimson S131012 Crystalina S131016 Lavender S131007 Pale Gold Golden Orange S131014 Silver Red Orange Fuchsia Copper Dark Gold S131009 Multi Color S131013 S131003 S131008 S131006 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS S131001 S131002 S131011 Shell Pink S131018 1.800.541.9838 24 polish removers P O L I S H REMOVERS 7 0 % ALCOHOL NON-SMEAR REMOVER NON-ACETONE P U R E POLISH FRESH SCENT REMOVER ACETONE THINNER 4 oz S172004N 4 oz S174004N 4 oz S175004N 4 oz S171004N 1 oz S173001N 16 oz S172016N 16 oz S174016N 16 oz S175016N 16 oz S171016N 4 oz S173004N 32 oz S172032N 32 oz S174032N 32 oz S175032N 32 oz S171032N 16 oz S173016N 128 oz S172128N 128 oz S174128N 128 oz S175128N 128 oz S171128N C O R R E C TO R PENS + TIPS EMPTY STERILLIZER J A R S BOTTLES 2 oz 4 oz 8 oz S184013 S184014 S184015 Tilt Bottle 1/2 oz S032001 Small Bottle 1/8 oz S032002 Rem. Top Pump Dispenser 4 oz 6 oz 8 oz S431004 S431006 S431008 Flip Top 25 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS Corrector Pen S242001 Corrector Tips 5 pk 10 pk 100 pk S243005 S243010 S243100 Small Jar S073001 Medium Jar S073002 Large Jar S074002 1.800.541.9838 miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MANICURE P OLISH TILTS BOWLS and BRUSHES Pumice Pads (each) Polish Tilt S481001CL All In One Polish Tilt S452003 S17A003 PRACTICE TOOLS Clear S121002 White S121004 Black S121006 Purple S121007 neon Pink S121008 Red S121009 Small S17A001 Handled Manicure Brush (Assorted Colors) S044001 Large S17L001 hand S071001 Finger-Slotted S072001 Finger-Tipped S072002 CUTICLE P U S H E R S Single S035001 5 pk S035005 12 pk S035012 100 pk S035100 Handle Chamois Buffer #AA00H Refill #AA00R Finger Rest S076001 Plastic Dropper 5pk S237001 TO E S PA C E R S Blue White Pink Stone Pusher S046001 S046002 S046004 S184009 PA D D L E S & F O OT F I L E S Plastic (Red Tip) S042001 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS White Purple Nature’s Pedi Paddle S045004 S045007 S239984 FLEXX WRAP Pink S451001 Blue S451002 1.800.541.9838 26 miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS DAPPEN DISHES NAIL FORMS Small Foil Forms 20 ct 100 ct 500 ct S051020 S051100 S051001 Medium Foil forms 20 ct 100 ct 500 ct S052020 S052100 S052001 Large Foil Forms 20 ct 100 ct 500 ct Square Foil Forms 20 ct 100 ct 500 ct Plastic Reusable Forms Singles INM Custom - Blue 500 ct Duality Forms 300 ct PORCELAIN Pink S041004 White S041006 Blue S041003 S053020 S053100 S053001 Black S041001 Floral S041009 S054020 S054100 S054500 Grey S041002 S056001 S055500 S055501 Integrity Gel Form 300ct. S239720 GLASS MASKS Ear Loop Blue Pink Green S037005 Blue S037002 Clear S037003 Swirl w/Lid S038001 S372001B S3720011 CERAMIC W/CORK Black S040001 White S040002 SLIPPERS 27 E M P T Y WA L L R A C K E M P T Y C O U N T E R D I S P L AY 12 Bottle S185001 30 Bottle S185005 36 Bottle s185002 50 Bottle S185006 60 Bottle S185003 60 Bottle S185007 90 Bottle S185004 INTERNATIONAL NAIL MANUFACTURERS Pedicure Slippers (Sewn) Pedi-Slippers 25 pk S185016 S184012 1.800.541.9838