Inquiry-based Science Teaching (IBST) in
Inquiry-based Science Teaching (IBST) in
Inquiry-based Science Teaching (IBST) in Biology Education in Upper Secondary School Exploring the impact of technology - supported IBST on students’ learning in ecology and environmental science Majken Korsager, Department of Teacher Education and School Development, University of Oslo, Norway Supervisor: Doris Jorde The aim of introducing technology-supported IBST into the biology education, is to support students in making sense of their own observations, learning to use evidence to support their scientific claims and get a deeper understanding of ecology and environmental issues. KEY FOCUS AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS The focus of my PhD work is to investigate the impact of technology supported inquiry-based science teaching (IBST), when learning ecology and environmental science in the upper secondary school. • What is the impact of IBST on student learning? Keywords: knowledge about ecological and environmental issues, understanding of scientific inquiry and NOS, inquiry skills. • What is the impact of IBST on student interest in, and motivation for, engaging in ecology and environmental issues? Keywords: interest for learning about and motivation for engaging in ecology and environmental issues. DESIGN Norwegian and Swedish upper secondary students and their teachers are followed in two case studies; the GCE Project & the ECO Project. The teachers implement IBST when teaching about ecology and environmental science. Each project lasts for 4 - 6 weeks and is conducted 2-3 times , with different participants. During the lessons students collaborate in groups, where they gather, analyze, discuss and interpret their own findings (1st hand knowledge) in relation to the information they collect from the literature (2nd hand knowledge). The focus of IBST teaching is on supporting the students while conducting fieldwork, interpreting their own collected data, finding and using evidence to support their scientific claims and developing their knowledge about ecology and environmental issues. Study I: The Global Climate Exchange (GCE) Project The GCE project is a science project that aims to engage students from China, Canada, Norway and Sweden in online, interactive discussions about the science of global climate change. The project is an example of how to conduct IBST using international collaboration supported by ICT. Study II: The ECO Project The ECO project aims to engage students in peers collaboration exploring ecological and environmental issues doing fieldwork, using ICT to communicate and debate their findings. The ECO project is an example of how to conduct IBST in traditional fieldwork supported by technology and ICT. DATA MATERIAL (1) Pre- and post-questionnaires , inclusive open comments(students & teachers) (2) Field notes (3) Pre- and post-interviews (students & teachers) (4) Students written texts (5) Video- and audio-recordings (students & teachers) ANALYSIS Mixed-method design. • Impact on student learning: levels of explanations in the written text will be analyzed. The content in each text will be classified using a 5-step scale (table 1). • Impact on student interest and motivation: level of interest and usefulness of activities will be analyzed using a 5-step scale (IMI, Ryan & Grolnick, 1986), together with students’ comments and field notes. • Implications for science teaching: Classification of teacher-student dialogue will be analyzed using an analyzing instrument (in prep.), together with teachers’ comments and field notes. Table 1: levels of explanations in the written text, classified according to use of 1st & 2nd hand knowledge and level of relationship between ecological components. Level 1 2 3 4 • What is the implication of implementing IBST for science teaching? Keywords: characteristic of the teachers’ work in and out of the classroom, benefits and implications. 5 Title Explanatory level Student describes own observations, measurements or Descriptive: describes/reproduces second Description of hand information. phenomena or Keywords: describing, naming, issue defining, identifying, listing, locating, recalling Student describes and interprets the direct Direct: relationship between Description components in own and observations, measurements interpretation using second hand information. of direct Keywords: ecological Interpreting, paraphrasing, relationship classifying, comparing, summarizing, explaining, converting Student describes and interprets indirect relationships Indirect: between components in own Description observations and and measurements using second interpretation hand information. of indirect Keywords: Applying, ecological implementing, carrying out, relationships using, executing, applying, calculating, practicing, demonstrating Student interprets complex ecological relationships in own observations and Complex: measurements using second Description hand information. and Keywords: Comparing, interpretation organizing, deconstructing, of complex interrogating, finding ecological relationships, analyzing, relationships contrasting, deducing, differentiating, distinguishing, inferring Student interpret more complex and subtle ecological relationships in own observations and measurements using second Subtle: hand information. Interpretation Keywords: Evaluating, checking, of complex hypothesising, critiquing, and subtle experimenting, judging, ecological composing, creating, designing, relationships formulating, producing, rearranging Example from students’ written text ECO PROJECT Forest investigation Observations in a deciduous forest. STRATUM: (1) Tree layer: willow, maple (2) Field Layer: juniper bush (3) Shrub layer: raspberry, bracken(4)Bottom layer: anemones, Ground-elder, moss, grass. pH: 7, temperature in air: 15C (shadow), 24C (sun). Forest investigation Food chain in deciduous habitat: Leaves (producer) - Ants (Consumer) - Yellowhammer (2nd level consumer) - Pygmy Owl (3rd level consumer). Nutrition pyramid: only 10% of the energy is transferred from each trophic level to the next level. Example from students’ written text GCE PROJECT Issue : Acid rain Acid Rain is rain with a pH lower than normal, usually 5.6. Acid rain is formed through the release of various chemical compounds into the atmosphere (including CO2, SO2, NOx) which then react with water, oxygen, and oxidants in the atmosphere to form acidic compounds. This chemical reaction produces sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and other such acids Issue: Deforestation Trees are very important factors when trying to combat global warming. By absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, they clean the air. However, if these trees are cut down, the carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere. Forest investigation The soil in a deciduous forest is called luvisol and consists largely of regular litter, between the undisturbed litter (humus) and mineral soil. The podsol soil however, which is found in a coniferous forest soil is clearly divided into layers (see diagram). This is because the soil is acidic and therefore less suitable for decomposers. The forest we examined was a mixed forest (deciduous and coniferous) and we found both types of soils in the profile. The pH we measured was around 7 (neutral) suggesting that the luvisol dominated in this area. Issue: Changing acidity (pH) of waterways Forest investigation In the deciduous forest we measured pH 7,5 suggesting that the soil is nearly neutral. This causes many decomposers to thrive and their quick work leads to a very fertile soil, the luvisol. The leafs from deciduous trees even allow the sun's rays to reach the ground to some extent and reflect the sunlight in the different strata of the forest. The combination of the fertile soil and good light conditions creates a productive environment which is favorable to vegetation on the ground, leading to diverse vegetation and the great biodiversity we observed. Issue: Rising sea levels Water investigation The phosphorus and the level of nitrate we measured were quite high. This indicates that the pond is eutrophicated. A high level of nutrients in the water causes algae blooming, leading to hypoxia. The cause of this is that we give the plants too much fertilizer and bottom animals consume large amounts of oxygen. We can solve this problem by reducing emissions of these hazardous gases and provide less manure to fields, rivers and streams as well. All the pollution is not necessarily caused by the nearby village, this may be related to emissions and pollution from major cities in Sweden or even from other the countries all around the world. Discussion about “what is global in climate change” Majken Korsager Department of Teacher Education and School Development University of Oslo, Postboks 1099 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway Email: [email protected] Phone: +47 22854154 Low pH are directly toxic to fish. In addition, low pH cause chronic stress leads to lower body weight and smaller size and makes fish less able to compete for food and habitat. At pH 5, most fish eggs cannot hatch leading to fish populations are reduced or lost. Rising sea levels can cause places of very low elevation to be covered by water. Melting icebergs and snow globally adds to the total water of the ocean. A place in the Americas that has been and can further be effected by the rising sea levels is New Orleans in the United States because it has an elevation below sea level. Ice and snow melting in the ocean not only raises sea levels, it also causes us to lose our precious fresh water. Water in the ocean is salty while water in ice and snow is not. When ice and snow melt into the ocean, they become salty as well making them unusable as drinking water. When the climate changes in one part of the world, it is possible that this could lead to the melting of permafrost in this part of the world. When this happens, the massive amounts of carbon locked up within the permafrost is released into the atmosphere as carbon compounds and greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases do not simply remain in the atmosphere directly above the part of the world where the permafrost melted. Of course, these gases spread out over the atmosphere of the entire Earth, causing and increasing climate change in other parts of the world as well. Thus, climate change in one part of the world directly affects climate change in the rest of the world, as everything in the Earth is like a cycle of life and everything, no matter where it is in the planet, is directly connected to everything else. There is nothing except distance which separates one part of the world from the rest of the world and climate change can easily overcome that distance. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS (ECO project only) • Student learning Figure 1: Distribution of explanatory level (table 1) in the written text. Explanatory level sorted by level % coverage in text INTRODUCTION Ecologist often face major challenges because of the multidisciplinary nature of ecology. This biological subject area has also been found to be one of the most challenging for students to understand (D'AVANZO, 2003; Munson, 1994). The challenge for science teachers is to present the structured and systematic nature of ecology, while at the same time, explain that the dynamic processes of doing science also contain a degree of creativity and hidden interpretation. 70,00 60,00 50,00 40,00G1 30,00 20,00G2 10,00G3 0,00 G4 G5 14,70 22,38 11,77 46,93 4,39 33,87 12,81 7,77 37,41 8,14 28,80 29,44 13,52 22,37 5,75 16,47 Level1 63,712 Level 14,293 Level 5,654 Level 0,005 Level 19,15 50,11 12,01 19,08 0,00 Explanatory level • Student motivation & interest Figure 2: Scores from questionnaire on claims about the activities in terms of experienced interest and usefulness. Impact from Activities I would describe this activity as very interesting Teachers lecturing Reporting findings I think this activity helped me to understand the subject content better fieldwork Analyzes of data 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 Average score on a 5-step scale 1=Not at all true, 2=Somewhat true, 3=Neutral, 4=Fairly true, 5=Very true DISCUSSION The explanatory level 2; description and interpretation of direct ecological relationship, was used most often (fig. 1). However, all students used at least level 4; description and interpretation of complex ecological relationships, in their explanations. These findings show that all students managed to interpret their own findings in relation to 2nd hand knowledge. It also indicates that students developed a deep understanding of complex relationships between ecological and environmental issues through inquiry related activities. The results from the motivation questionnaire show that students score above average for experiencing activities as interesting and useful to understand the subject content better (fig. 2). Doing fieldwork and analyzing data scored the highest in both categories. The teacher also report high levels of interest among the students.