May 2015 - Westminster Village
May 2015 - Westminster Village
2741 N Salisbury St. • West Lafayette, IN 47906 • (765) 463-7546 Westminster Village Directors Executive Director Vicki Gregory Nursing Director Melissa Clendenning Health Facility Ben Blankenship Administrator Marketing Director Dawn Walker Controller Pat Miller Human Resources Director Todd Payne Administrative Services Stacey Johnson Director Health & Wellness Jordan Morrow Director Dining Services Director Rickey Kerr Plant Operations Director Mick Dalton Important Phone Numbers Concierge Desk After-Hours Emergency Village Mart Village Salon 463-7546 337-4966 464-5153 464-8896 Concierge Desk Hours Every Day 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Main Dining Room Hours Lunch: 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Dinner: 4 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Village Pub Hours Sunday–Saturday ..........11 a.m.–8 p.m. The Pavilion Cafe Hours Breakfast: 7 a.m.–11 a.m. Open: 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Questions About This Issue? Contact Jane Hahn IL Life Enrichment Coordinator at (765) 464-5116, [email protected] May 2015 My Favorite Time of Year Like many others, spring is my favorite time of the year. While I am excited that the days are beginning to grow longer and warmer, the grass and trees begin to come back to life and the flowers begin to bloom, my favorite part of spring is sitting at the ballpark and hearing those wonderful words that follow our National Anthem, “Play Ball!” For our family, spring begins the exciting season of softball. Most of our evenings and weekends are spent supporting our oldest daughter as a Harrison Raider, cheering our 10-year-old at the recreation park, or catching a Purdue game. As spring ball ends, we start travel softball, which brings many exciting journeys. This summer we will travel to Ohio, Atlanta, Colorado and hopefully finish in California. Regardless of where we travel, I am so blessed to enjoy this special time with my husband and two daughters. I appreciate every moment, every trip and every game as I have come to realize they grow up way too fast! Happy Spring and Play Ball! - Stacey Johnson 2 Sue Ritter March 23 Donna Kunz March 26 Dorothy Wilcox April 2 Fresh Sealed Salads Thanks to fresh produce in grocery stores and farmers’ markets, salads are a go-to meal this time of year. Use a canning jar to prepare a salad that won’t be soggy by lunchtime. Pour the dressing in first, and then add heavier vegetables and toppings, saving the lightweight greens for last. When you’re ready to eat, just empty the jar into a bowl and stir. With the lid sealed tightly, the salad will stay fresh in the fridge for several days. It’s Time for Senior Games The 29th annual Senior Games will be held June 8-12. Hosted and planned by Area IV Agency, the Senior Games are intended for men and women 55 years of age and older who live in Benton, Carroll, Clinton, Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Warren and White counties. The games kick off on June 8 with opening ceremonies. The festivities include a torch lighting, a McDonald’s breakfast and a keynote address by local columnist John Norberg. Throughout the week, seniors can compete in a variety of different events (see box to right for a list of events) to win medals. The week wraps up with closing ceremonies at The Trails banquet facility. A delicious home-cooked meal will be served, special awards presented and the torch will be extinguished. The Senior Games encourage physical activity, social wellness, healthy competition and a healthy lifestyle among all seniors. And, with such a variety of events available, there is something for everyone. Westminster wants residents to participate in this fun event, so all registration fees will be covered by the Village. Transportation will also be provided to many of the events. Registration forms, with additional event details, will be placed in resident mailboxes in early May. Additional copies are available at the Concierge desk. To participate in the 2015 Senior Games, fill out a registration form and return it to the Concierge Desk by May 26. Contact Jane Hahn in Life Enrichment or Jordan Morrow in Wellness with any questions. Senior Game Events • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Croquet Billiards Miniature golf Bowling Nature walk Line dancing lessons Track (one mile predicted walk) Horseshoes Cornhole Euchre Pickleball Shuffleboard Skee ball Table tennis Darts Bocce ball 3 Wellness May Is All About Her In honor of Mother’s Day, May is a month dedicated to “All About Her!” The Mother’s Day Tea is Friday, May 8. Guest speaker, Nancy Gabin, will present “Every Picture Tells a Story: Making Purdue Women’s History Visible.” Nancy teaches at Purdue and specializes in women’s and gender history. There will also be special giveaway drawings, including an item from Chico’s! On May 12, there will be an Aveda presentation about the benefits of using natural and organic beauty products. Rubia Flower Market is coming to do a flower arranging workshop and presentation on May 18. Those interested in creating an arrangement should contact IL Life Enrichment. On May 22, Merle Norman will offer mini makeovers and moisture masks. Finally, our annual Chico’s Fashion Show is May 27 featuring special dessert items and more giveaways. **Note: Don’t worry, Westminster men! You will get your month in June and you are also still invited to these events! Keeping Fit Spiritual There is no better time to try one of the Village fitness programs. Fitness Center in the Lower Level Open 24 Hours a Day ~~~ Stretchercise Mondays and Fridays, 10 a.m. Golden Zumba Mondays, 3:30 p.m. Ballroom Dancing Mondays, 6 p.m. BoilerFit Tuesdays, 11 a.m. Balance Class Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m. Line Dancing First and third Tuesday of the month, 1:30 p.m. Brain Boot Camp Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Yoga Wednesdays, 2:30 p.m. Cancelled 5/27 Tai Chi Exercises Thursdays, 1 p.m. Joy in the Morning Bible Study Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-Courtyard Chapel Resident Prayer & Share Thursdays, 10 a.m.-Courtyard Chapel Bible Study Thursdays, 2:30 p.m.-Cardinal Scripture Sharing for Women Fridays, 10:45 a.m.-A4 Lounge Catholic Services Mass, Saturdays, 4 p.m.-Firefly Communion, Wed., 5/6, 10 a.m.-CYC Rosary, Mon., 5/25, 11 a.m.-CYC Episcopal Communion Tuesday, 5/19, 1:30 p.m.-CYC Protestant Communion Wednesday, 5/20, 2:30 p.m.-CYC Vespers - Sundays, 4 p.m.-Firefly May 3: Rev. Bonnie Shoaf Visiting Pastor May 10: Rev. Jeff Cover Central Presbyterian May 17: Rev. David Comstock Central Presbyterian May 24: Rev. Anella McFee Covenant Presbyterian May 31: TBA Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Wellness Nurse Kathy Coffman Phone Number (765) 464-5108 Wellness Director Jordan Morrow ~~~ Family Medicine Dr. Dodt Wed., May 6 1:30 p.m. ~~~ Audiologist Lafayette Hearing Appointments Thurs., May 7 9 a.m.–Noon ~~~ Podiatrist Dr. Baumgartner Thurs., May 21 8:30 a.m. ~~~ Medication Drop-Off Wed., May 13 8 a.m.–4 p.m. ~~~ Grief & Bereavement Group Wed., May 20 1 p.m. ~~~ Parkinson’s Support Group Thurs., May 21 5 p.m. May 2015 Sunday Happy Birthday 1 2 3 3 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 13 20 21 21 21 22 24 24 26 26 28 29 30 30 Wayne Townsend Hank Wadsworth Ted Reser Helen Townsend Mary Moore Bob Jones Jane Nichols Dolores Wilkes Francis Yarnall Bonita Andrews Thelma Hoyt Jean Remo Lola Huggins Jean Cooper Paul Gronendyke Catherine Jewett William Heath Marge Carr Robert Hurst Marilyn Kendrick Margaret Hicks Helen Crane Mary Lou Mead Don Bartholomew Clara MacDonald Elsie Edmondson Faye Groves Ruth Anderson Ronald Bollock Monday C4 C-4 Conference C Cardinal Room CYC Courtyard Chapel FF Firefly Room LL Lower Level MH Mendelsohn Hall TT Tulip Tree Room VS Village Square WC Wellness Center WH Whitsel Hall Name Tag Week Check for changes or cancellations posted on Channel 91, the kiosk, event flyers, weekly highlights and/or on the daily announcements. 3 Name Tag Week 4:00 Vespers-FF Rev. Bonnie Shoaf, Visiting Pastor 7:00 Sunday Night Movie ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ Tune in to Channel 91 Happy Mother’s Day! 10 4:00 Vespers-FF Rev. Jeff Cover, Central Presbyterian Church 7:00 Sunday Night Movie ‘War & Peace’ Tune in to Channel 91 17 4:00 Vespers-FF Rev. David Comstock, Central Presbyterian Church 7:00 Sunday Night Movie ‘The Help’ Tune in to Channel 91 Welc me New Residents Gary & Milta Bennett Chuck & Betty Brown Donna DeFouw Sharon Helmerick Rolly & Betty Penix Gil & Mary Satterly Tuesday 24/31 24th 4:00 Vespers-FF Rev. Anella McFee, Covenant Presbyterian 7:00 Sunday Night Movie ‘I Love Lucy’ Tune in to CH 91 ----------31st 4:00 Vespers-FF TBA 7:00 Sunday Night Movie ‘All About Eve’ Tune in to CH 91 4 Name Tag Week 5 11:00 BoilerFit-FF 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 11:00 ‘Joy in the Morning’ 12:00 Popcorn-VS 1:00 Movie ‘How to Train Your 1:00 Monday Movie ‘Rear Dragon’ -CH 91 Window’-FF 2:30 2nd Annual Reception 1:00 Bazaar Committee-C for Residents by Westminster 3:30 Golden Zumba-VS Foundation-WH 6:00 Ballroom Dance Class-VS 1:30 Line Dance-VS 7:00 Hazelnuts String 1:30 Writing Interest-C4 Band-WH 2:30 Balance Class (Cancelled) 2:45 Cookies & Milk-CY Floor Meetings 11 Floor Meetings 12 9:00 Cottage ‘A’ Meeting-C 9:00 Landscape Committee-C 11:00 BoilerFit-FF 9:30 Depart Lunch at 11:00 ‘Joy in the Morning’-CYC Cheesecake Factory 11:00 Life Enrich. Planning-C 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 1:00 ‘War & Peace’-CH91 10:30 Vespers Committee-C 2:00 Aveda Natural Products 12:00 Popcorn-VS Presentation-FF 1:00 Monday Movie ‘Mother 1:00 Resident Open Art-C4 Teresa’ (Documentary)-FF 1:00 Shining Up-VS 3:30 Golden Zumba-VS 2:30 Balance Class-TT 6:00 Ballroom Dance Class-VS 2:45 Cookies & Milk-CY 18 19 9:30 Hosting Group-TT 9:30 Resident Council-C 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 11:00 BoilerFit-FF 12:00 Popcorn-VS 11:00 ‘Joy in the Morning’-CYC 1:00 Flower Arranging 1:00 Movie ‘The Help’ CH91 Workshop With Rubia Flower 1:30 Episcopal Market-VS Communion-CYC 1:00 Monday Movie ‘Mrs. 1:30 Line Dance-VS Doubtfire’-FF 1:30 Writing Interest-C4 3:30 Golden Zumba-VS 2:30 Balance Class-C 6:00 Ballroom Dance Class-VS 2:45 Cookies & Milk-CY Memorial Day 25 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 11:00 Catholic Rosary-CYC 12:00 Popcorn-VS 1:00 Monday Movie ‘Twelve O’ Clock High’-FF 3:00 National Moment of Silence 3:30 Golden Zumba-VS 6:00 Ballroom Dance Class-VS 7:00 Depart Lafayette Citizens Band: Memorial Day Concert 10:00 All Resident 26 Meeting-WH 11:00 BoilerFit-FF 11:00 ‘Joy in the Morning’ Bible Study-CYC 11:00 Depart NICHES Land Trust (Box Lunch Provided) 1:00 Movie ‘I Love Lucy’ Tune Into Channel 91 2:00 Columbian Park Zoo-TT 2:30 Balance Class-FF 2:45 Cookies & Milk-CY Westminster Village Event Calendar Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 9:00-Noon Flea Market-LL 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 10:45 Scripture for Women-A4 1:30 Village Voices-VS 2:30 Kentucky Derby Social-MH 7:00 Euchre-VS Name Tag Week 6 Name Tag Week 7 9:00 Lafayette Hearing-WC 9-11 WL Public Library-VS 9:00 Depart Grocery Shopping 10:00 Brain Boot Camp-C 9:00 Backpacking-VS 10:00 Catholic 10:00 Resident Prayer-CYC Communion-CYC 1:00 Tai Chi-TT 1:00 Poker Games-VS 2:00 Open Bridge-VS 1:30 Realities of Life Topic: 2:30 Bible Study-C Ethical Issues-FF 3:00 Knit & Crochet 1:30 Dr. Dodt-WC Group-MH 2:30 Yoga-FF 7:00 Village Voices: National Day of Prayer Program-WH 13 14 8-4 Medication Drop-Off-WC 10:00 Brain Boot Camp-FF 10:00 Cottage ‘C’ Meeting-TT 1:00 Poker Games-VS 1:00 Depart Walmart & Meijer 2:30 Yoga-FF 7:00 Purdue Glee Club-WH 20 9-11 WL Public Library-VS 10:00 Brain Boot Camp-FF 1:00 Poker Games-VS 1:00 Grief & Bereavement Support Group-CYC 2:30 Yoga-TT 2:30 Protestant Communion-CYC 7:00 Dubikovsky Piano Recital-TT/FF 27 10:00 Brain Boot Camp-FF 10:30 Hospitality Committee-C 1:00 Poker Games-VS 1:00 Chico’s Fashion Show-WH 1:00 Depart Tippecanoe Mall 2:30 Yoga-(Cancelled) 7:00 BUMMs Musical Performance-WH 9:00 Depart Grocery Shopping 9:00 Backpacking-VS 10:00 Resident Prayer-CYC 10:00 Presentation: Indiana Canine Assistant Network-FF 1:00 Tai Chi-FF 2:00 Open Bridge-VS 2:30 Bible Study-C 21 8:30 Podiatrist Appointments-WC 9:00 Backpacking-VS 10:00 Resident Prayer-CYC 1:00 Tai Chi-FF 1:00 Food Committee-C 2:00 Open Bridge-VS 2:30 Bible Study-C 3:00 Knit & Crochet Group-MH 5:00 Parkinson’s Support-FF 9:00 Depart Grocery Shopping28 10:00 Resident Prayer-CYC 10:00 Speaker: Fred Whitford on Agriculture Extension-FF 10:30 History Committee-C 1:00 Tai Chi-FF 1:00 Depart Shopping Outing: SAS Shoes & Merle Norman 2:00 Open Bridge-VS 2:30 Bible Study-C 7:00 Depart Lafayette Citizens Band Name Tag Week 2 9:30 SMArt-VS 1:00 Bingo-VS 4:00 Catholic Mass-FF 8 Name Tag Week 9:00-Noon Flea Market-LL 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 10:45 Scripture for Women-A4 1:00 Mother’s Day Tea-WH 1:30 Village Voices-VS 7:00 Euchre-VS 7:00 Depart Civic Theatre 1:00 Bingo-VS 4:00 Catholic Mass-FF 15 9:00-Noon Flea Market-LL 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 10:45 Scripture for Women-A4 11:30 CityBus-MH 1:30 Village Voices-VS 7:00 Euchre & Board Games-VS 16 9:30 SMArt-VS 1:00 Bingo-VS 4:00 Catholic Mass-FF 22 9:00-Noon Flea Market-LL 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 10:45 Scripture for Women-A4 1:00 Merle Norman Demonstration-TT 1:30 Village Voices-VS 3:00 Meet the Conductor-C 7:00 Euchre-VS 29 9:00-Noon Flea Market-LL 10:00 Stretchercise-FF/TT 10:45 Scripture for Women-A4 1:30 Village Voices-VS 3:00 Book Club-A3 7:00 Euchre-VS 9 23 10:00 Saturday Morning at Westminster-TT/FF 1:00 Bingo-VS 4:00 Catholic Mass-FF 7:00 Depart LSO 30 10:00-11:30 Art With Rachel: Sgraffito-VS 1:00 Bingo-VS 4:00 Catholic Mass-FF 6 Thank You! Dick Jaeger Gus Nyberg NICHES Land Trust Pastor Anella McFee Signature Organizing Services Danielle Gaylord Westminster Foundation Board Don Nead Bill Walthour Stacey Connaughton Purdue Peace Project Dublin Guitar Quartet Lafayette Symphony Orchestra Maestro David Handel Treece’s Restaurant Flour Mill Bakery Rob Eyman Trish Maxwell LARA Wellness Fair Vendors Westminster Volunteers Dr. David Schmidt The Groove Catz Waste Management Dave Bangert Journal & Courier Dr. Huffer Rev. Marshall Martin Howard Kellman Walt Dalsimer plays “The Dating Game.” One Size Fits All Performance One Size Fits All, the local improvisation group, performed for residents on March 30. Improvisation is a form of live theatre in which the plot, characters and dialogue of a game, scene or story are made up in the moment. Often improv groups ask for audience suggestions and participation. One Size Fits All is the longest running comedy show in the history of Tippecanoe County. Several Westminster residents participated in One Size Fits All’s skits, including Walt Dalsimer, Nancy Nyberg, and DeDee Knaus. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine! Nancy Nyberg participates in a skit regarding Paul Revere’s ride. Dedee Knaus plays “Telephone.” Upcoming Events to Look Forward to in May Residents have several events to look forward to in May. Westminster’s very own Village Voices perform on May 7 to celebrate the International Day of Prayer. Other musical performances this month include the Hazelnuts String Band, Purdue Glee Club, Nadya Dubikovsky students, and a performance by the Brookston United Methodist Men singers (BUMMs). Other events include an informational presentation by the Indiana Canine Assistant Network (ICAN) on May 14. This is the group that provided Cindy Wolaver with her assistance dog, Yash. Come learn about what ICAN does and how they train their assistance dogs. Columbian Park Zoo will be back on May 26. Fred Whitford will be here on May 28 to present “A Photo Tour of the Legacy of Purdue Agricultural Extension.” As a Clinical Engagement Professor and the Coordinator of the Purdue Pesticide Program, Fred focuses on botany and plant pathology at Purdue. 7 Volunteer Corner Volunteer Banquet Recognizes Westminster Residents April Newcomers’ Tea Was a Success The Newcomers’ Tea celebrated 15 of our newest residents. Talented Westminster resident Dick Jaeger played the piano and the Myth Buster’s Committee performed a wonderful skit. The Newcomers’ Tea happens a few times each year in order to welcome and introduce the newest residents to the rest of the Westminster community. Thank you to everyone who attended! Current Westminster residents with new resident, John P. Reagan. Gratitude was the sentiment of the evening as Westminster honored its fabulous volunteers on April 15. Attendees enjoyed a lovely dinner and music by the West Lafayette High School String Quartet. Guest speaker, Barbara Reif, shared encouraging thoughts on “Volunteering ... Love in Action.” Congratulations to this year’s recipients! President’s Volunteer Service Award (for logging over 500 hours) Martha Schrader Hospitality Award Margaret Williamson Helping Hands Award Faye Groves Outstanding IL Volunteer Jim May Rookie Award Martha Ward Outstanding AL Volunteer Amy Sparks Beautification Award Lou Carr Outstanding HC Volunteer Chris Avanessian Person of Action Award Dudley Herron Resident Council Award “Outside the Village” Volunteer Mary Hood Spirit of Westminster Award Harry Hirschl Lifetime Service Award LaNelle Geddes Transportation Sign Up in the Blue Book ~~~ Lunch & Shopping Cheesecake Factory & Zionsville Shops Indianapolis, IN Mon., May 11 Depart 9:30 a.m. ~~~ Shopping: SAS Shoes and Merle Norman Thurs., May 28 Depart 1 p.m. ~~~ Laf Symphony Sat., May 23 Depart 7 p.m. ~~~ Lafayette Citizens Band Mon., May 25 Thurs., May 28 Depart 7 p.m. ~~~ NICHES Land Trust Tues., May 26 Depart 11 a.m. ~~~ Marsh and Payless Every Thurs. 9 a.m. ~~~ Walmart or Meijer Wed., May 13 Depart 1 p.m. ~~~ Tippecanoe Mall Wed., May 27 Depart 1 p.m. May 2015 Assisted Living Activities Carol Paczolt leading Fit for Life in Assisted Living. Hello! We are excited to welcome Carol Paczolt to the Assisted Living family! Carol began working in Assisted Living in the middle of March. Prior to working in Assisted Living, she was an outstanding Village Caregiver. She is frequently seen smiling, laughing and spreading her positivity to all those who surround her. We have continued to enjoy our bird’s-eye view of the construction; while the weather has been ever-changing, the view is great! We reveled in spreading Easter-themed Simple Favors to our friends throughout Westminster Village. This month we listened to some mellow tunes by many excellent musicians, appreciated a drive through the countryside, and ate some delicious steak at Outback. We are looking forward to the May flowers as they begin to pop up from the ground. We wish everyone a peaceful month! Health Center Happenings Luke Wahl performs a piano recital for Health Center residents. Health Center residents were busy in April. We celebrated Easter with a social and treats. We enjoyed classic movie Fridays with films such as State Fair and My Man Godfrey. Residents and staff also spent some time cooking together. We were delighted by musical entertainers, including a piano performance by Luke Wahl, Stan the Banjo-man, Eric Foust, music and a sing-a-long with Nola. We also enjoyed music therapy with Stephen. Residents enjoyed playing a variety of musical instruments in small and large groups, and socializing with each other. Residents of the Health Center have welcomed back their beloved ducks. They are scouting the perfect location for their eggs when the time arrives. Be on the lookout for ducklings and warmer weather in the coming months.
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