February 2015 - Advent Lutheran Church
February 2015 - Advent Lutheran Church
February 2015 News for Family & Friends of Advent Lutheran Church Sunday, February 1st 4th Sunday After the Epiphany Worship & Holy Communion 8:15am Fellowship Coffee Hour 9:30am Sunday School for All Ages 9:30am Confirmation Class 9:30am Worship & Holy Communion 10:45am Sunday, February 8th 5th Sunday After the Epiphany Contemporary Worship & Holy Communion 8:15am Fellowship Coffee Hour 9:30am Sunday School for All Ages 9:30am Confirmation Class 9:30am Worship & Holy Communion 10:45am Sunday, February 15th 6th Sunday After the Epiphany Worship & Holy Communion 8:15am Fellowship Coffee Hour 9:30am Sunday School for All Ages 9:30am Confirmation Class 9:30am Worship & Holy Communion Ash Wednesday, February 18th Worship 12:00noon and 7:00pm Sunday, February 22nd 1st Sunday in Lent Worship & Holy Communion 8:15am Fellowship Coffee Hour 9:30am Sunday School for All Ages 9:30am Confirmation Class 9:30am Worship & Holy Communion 10:45am Wednesday, February 25th Lenten Supper 6:15pm Lenten Worship 7:00pm STAFF COUNCIL Rev. Jason Peterson Rev. Andrea Windsor-Peterson Pastors Mary Filpus-Luyckx President Scott Fiegen Secretary Jared Fischer Vice President Debbie Merzlak Treasurer Ginny Sweeton Director of Music/ Administrative Assistant Scott Bowers Heather Herrmann A Word from the Pastors “When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51) It seems like just yesterday we were rejoicing in the beginning of the new Christian year. We have flown through the Christmas season and are now halfway through the season of Epiphany. Looking to the calendar, Lent is quickly approaching. On Tuesday, February 17th, we will have our Mardi Gras party at 6:00pm to empty our cabinets of fatty foods and celebrate the last day before Lent begins. Mardi Gras is a wonderful time of food, fellowship, and Mardi Gras themed games. Ash Wednesday will begin the Lenten season on February 18th, and once again we will have services—noon and 7:00pm. Each Lenten season, forty days are set apart for reflection, contemplation, repentance, and much more. Each year we begin with a specific theme that helps focus our attention on the Lenten disciplines that shape us as we journey to the cross. This year’s Lenten theme is called “Facing the Cross.” When the days drew near for Jesus to leave this earth, Jesus “set his face” to Jerusalem to encounter the pain of the cross on our behalf (Luke 9:51). In the same way, in this Lenten series we set our faces on the cross of Christ that lies before us. As we face the cross during these Lenten days, we also face certain aspects in our lives which are not always in line with the cross. We come to terms with them in this series through the cross of Christ—who came to save us that we might see him face-to-face in heaven. Each Wednesday in Lent we will gather for our Lenten dinner at 6:15pm (with the exception of Ash Wednesday), followed by our special time of worship at 7:00pm As we gather together during these special services which take us from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, may we gather together in fellowship, worship, and praise. Then, as we begin the face the cross this Lenten season may we do so knowing and believing who it is that first set his face to the Cross, Jesus Christ. In Christ’s love, Pastor Jason and Pastor Andrea 2015 Lenten Schedule February 17th 6pm Mardi Gras Party February 18 12pm &7pm Ash Wednesday Services “Facing the Cross: Facing our Sins” February 25 6:15pm Dinner 7pm Worship “Facing the Cross: Facing Temptation” March 4 6:15pm Dinner 7pm Worship “Facing the Cross: Facing our Fears” March 11 6:15pm Dinner 7pm Worship “Facing the Cross: Facing our Worldliness” March 18 6:15pm Dinner 7pm Worship “Facing the Cross: Facing One Another” March 25 6:15pm Dinner 7pm Worship “Facing the Cross: Facing Suffering” April 2 7pm Maundy Thursday Worship with foot washing and a special time for those receiving 1 st Communion April 3 7pm Good Friday Tennebrae Service HELP NEEDED: Madison Heights Memory Care Community in Evans is looking for individuals to provide a time of devotion for its residents. The hope is to recruit at least 4 individuals that could volunteer once a week each month. The time of devotions is not expected to take longer than 15 minutes. The volunteer is open to use their gifts to lead this time, and the more interactive the better. You can visit the Madison Heights webpage at: http://madisonheightsevans.com/ for more information. If you have any questions or are interested in helping, please contact Anita Fiedler at 706-869-3725. Church & Community Activities Book Club This month’s book is “Miscarriage of Justice” by Kip Gayden. Jan Lemke will lead our discussion & Ulrike Beck will be our gracious hostess. Join us Monday, February 23rd at 7:30pm for fun & fellowship! Fellowship Coffee Hour Volunteers are needed to host our fellowship coffee hours on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Coffee is provided; just bring some donuts, pastries, fruit, etc. No need to provide a full breakfast buffet! Come enjoy coffee & fellowship! Sign up on the poster in the Narthex or call the church office if you’d like to sign up! Flowers, Candles & Missionary Support New Flower Chart for 2015 has been posted. The following donations are welcome to bless our sanctuary: our arrangement changes ‘seasonally’ in our sanctuary. The cost is $20 weekly. The eternal light burning above the lectern (where lessons are read) is given in memory or in honor of a loved one. The cost is $30 for the entire month for Eternal Candles. Our ELCA missionary, Rev. Michael Parker, is serving in Egypt. If you would like to support our missionaries, you may contribute $25 each Sunday. Your support of global missions is a blessing! A separate ‘sign up chart’ is posted to the left of the flower chart. Service Ministry News You are invited to join the Service Ministry in helping to collect items to help others: Box tops for education; pop top tabs for McDonald house; eyeglasses (reading or prescription) for Gap to give to the poor and/or homeless; and don’t forget the plastic grocery bats (we use between 300400 bags a week at Gap). Please drop off any of these items at the table in the back hall. The Gap “Item of the Month” for February is toothpaste. Men’s Retreat March 20-21 at Points West Fort Gordon Recreation Area on the lake. Sign up in the Narthex if you would be interested in attending. More information to come. Assisting Minister Training Saturday, February 21 from 10am to 11am. Anyone interested in serving as an Assisting Minister in worship is welcome to attend. Cutting Day for the Lydia Project We need men, women, and youth to help cut fabric for tote bags for The Lydia Project on Saturday, February 14th from noon to 2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. You may come at any time and leave when you must. The Lydia Project gives away over 300 tote bags every month to women who are dealing with cancer. The fabric we cut will be utilized immediately to make the necessary totes available. Please pray about how you can become part of this ministry. Hope to see you on February 14th. Be a sweetheart…..show your love by cutting some fabric! Prayer Ministry Pray for Healing & Provision: Dee Alderson, Faye Hoops, Marge Rahn, Edgar Bollinger, Ruth Neumann, Ericka Blanchard, Maitland Van Nostrand, Ann Furlong, Michael Tokarska, Art Suprek, Tania Hayes, Ron Ricklefs, Scott Fiegen, Lisa Cheek, Diane Abel, Sheree Cartee, Karen Hamilton,Virginia Reedstrom, Lisa Stodola, Donovan Smith Pray for Our Deployed Military: Peggy Martin, Aaron Hanes-Dodd, Kristofer Nichols Advent’s Youth Ministry February Events: February 1st—Souper Bowl of Caring February 11th—Catch the Spirit Valentine’s Dinner and fundraiser, 6:15pm February 15th—Youth Event—Noon to 2:00—bring a snack to share Mark your calendars for Winter Jam 2015… 10 bands for only $10! Thursday, February 12th at the James Brown Arena. What a special Valentine from God to hear some amazing Christian music & speakers! Welcome New Members! On Sunday, January 25th, we were thrilled to welcome 6 new families into the Advent church family: Rhett & Nancy Bickley, Erin, Sam & Jackson Taylor, Fran Bryant, Renee Blanchette, Bob & Teresa Holm, and Jim & Debra Brown. Thrivent News Thrivent Financial is currently accepting applications for Associate Members. Thrivent is a strong, stable Fortune 500 organization offering life and health insurance, annuities, investment products and financial planning. As a membership organization of Christians, they want to help members feel confident and content as they embark on a journey to a secure financial future. They also offer lots of ways for members to connect with one another to have fun, learn, and give back. Thrivent members: Participate in outreach events through the local Thrivent chapter Be part of a Thrivent Action Team to lend a hand and generate local support Get together with other local members through social acrivities Learn about the economy through their free Financial Insights online newsletter, their quarterly publication, Thrivent magazine, and participate in free workshops about how to be a good steward of your financial resources Applications are available in the Narthex. *************** Thrivent Financial Services Members Until March 2015, 2014 Choice Dollars can still be designated to Advent Lutheran Church. If you have not done this yet, please go online to www.thrivent.com. Any questions, please contact Shirley Chipman or Linda Lawrence (706-364-0685). SUN MON 1 2 Worship 8:15am Sunday School & Confirmation 9:30am Worship 10:45am 3 Handbells 6:00pm WED 4 Pastor’s Bible Study 10:00am THU 5 Choir 6:30pm FRI 6 Pastor’s Bible Study 6:30pm AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am 10 Handbells 6:00pm 11 Catch the Spirit Stephen Ministry Valentine’s Training & Dinner 6:15pm Supervision 6:30pm NO Choir SAT 7 Property Meeting 9:00am Stephen Ministry Training 6:30pm AA Group 8-9am 8 9 Worship 8:15am Sunday School & Confirmation 9:30am Worship 10:45am TUE AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am 12 13 14 Women’s Small Group 9:30am Ministry Night 6:15pm Lydia Cutting Project –Noon Valentine’s Day PASTORS’ VACATION AA Group 8-9am 15 16 OFFICE Worship 8:15am Sunday School & CLOSED NO Confirmation Handbells 6pm Worship 10:45am AA Group 8-9am 17 Pastor’s Bible Study 10:00am Stephen Ministry Training 6:30pm AA Group 8-9am 18 19 Ash Wednesday Pastor’s Bible Worship 12:noon and 7:00pm Study 6:30pm AA Group 8-9am 20 Men’s Small Group 9:00am Assisting Minister Training 10-11 Choir 7:45pm Chinese Christian Fellowship PASTORS’ VACATION AA Group 8-9am 22 23 Handbells Worship 8:15am Sunday School & 6:00pm Confirmation Book Club9:30am Worship 10:45am ”Miscarriage of Justice” 7:30pm 21 AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am 24 25 Dinner 6:15pm Worship 7:00pm Choir 7:45pm 26 AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am Council 6:30pm 27 Stephen Ministry Training & Supervision 6:30pm AA Group 8-9am AA Group 8-9am 28 Service Times February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 8:15 Lynn Reed Bobby Bisbee Karen Smith Ingrid Zamecnik 10:45 Heather Herrmann Karen Smith Mary Filpus-Luyckx Jared Fischer 8:15 Bob Holm Dee Glander Rhett Bickley Angie Hubble 10:45 Ron Ricklefs Maggie Heaney Scott Fiegen Mary Filpus-Luyckx 8:15 Maria Pravato Ingrid Zamecnik Dee Glander Pam Tipler 10:45 Carol Billings Mary Suprek Al Trappe Gayle Ricklefs 8:15 Kate Peterson / Holly Sadenwasser Shaelee Bowers / Ina Prescott Sophie Van Bladel / Max Van Bladel Stormi Hubble / Zachary Hubble 10:45 Jeff Fiegen / Nikki Fiegen Ushers 8:15 Jim Williams Art Rahn Dieter & Ulrike Beck Early: Joe Pravato 706-447-4308 Late: Steve Merzlak 706-855-8006 Bobby Bisbee Jim Plumley Joe & Maria Pravato 10:45 Mary Filpus-Luyckx Steve Merzlak Scott Fiegen Sam Jimenez Jared Fischer Rob Gulbrandson Steve Merzlak Ray Schneider 8:15 Dee Glander Angie Hubble Jane Burnette Pam Tipler Linda & Gary Lawrence Don & Mable Plueger 10:45 Julie Fillgrove Lisa Cheek Bob Perry Anita Fiedler Maggie Heaney Scott & Paris Fiegen Dale Reedstrom in memory of Jan Reedstrom Patty Williams in honor of her children’s birthdays Assisting Ministers Lectors Communion Assistants Acolytes / Crucifers Sam Taylor / Niki Whitaker Greeters Flowers Given By Karen & Billy Smith in honor of Noah’s and Billy’s birthdays Missionary Support Given By Gayle & Ron Ricklefs Hospital/Shut In Minister Patty Williams Gayle Ricklefs Danny Moran Hilda Sullivan Martha Ostendorff Visitor of Visitors Scott & Paris Fiegen Don & Mable Plueger Ron & Gayle Ricklefs Jim & Barbara Plumley Fellowship Coffee Hour Advent Women Coffee only Advent Men Coffee only Martha Ostendorff 706-736-8673 Eternal Candles Given By Altar Guild Maria Pravato 706-447-4308 *Sign up in the Narthex* Early/Saturday: Maria Pravato Late: Mary Suprek 2/1 2/1 2/3 2/4 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 Noah Smith Pam Tipler Samantha Jimenez Alice Glisson Billy Smith Christopher Hoops Bryce Boeke Daisy Morgan Andrew Studdard Chris Rasmusson Mable Plueger Francesca Furlong 2/12 2/18 2/19 2/24 2/28 2/29 Sheree Cartee Kip Hamilton Shannon Sheppard Paul Filpus-Luyckx Gayle Ricklefs Sue Barnett Jim Brown 3232 Washington Road Augusta, GA 30907 Phone: 706-860-0439 Web: adventaugusta.org Email: [email protected] DATED MATERIAL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Deadline for March Newsletter Articles: Sunday, February 15th 2/15 Greg & Karen Willis 2/23 Al & Irene Trappe 2/28 Gary & Linda Lawrence Please remember to notify the church of any changes in your family records—we’d hate to miss your birthday or anniversary!