02-7576 - City of London


02-7576 - City of London
Agenda Item #
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M. Kirnbauer
DECEMBER 8,2008 AT 4 3 5 P.M.
That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning and Development, the
following actions be taken with respect to the application of 1705820 Ontario Limited relating to
the properties located at 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South:
the proposed by-law attached hereto as Appendix " A BE INTRODUCED at the
Municipal Council meeting on January 19, 2009 to amend the Official Plan to add a
Specific Area Policy (Chapter IO) to permit a self-storage establishment in the Multifamily, Medium Density Residential designation; and
the proposed by-law attached hereto as Appendix " 6 ,BE INTRODUCED at the
Municipal Council meeting on January 19, 2009 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1 (in
conformity with the Official Plan, as amended in part (a) above) to change the zoning of
the subject property located at 677 Wharncliffe Road South FROM a Residential R5
Special Provision (R5-3(6)) Zone which permits townhouses and stacked townhouses at
a maximum height of 12.0 metres and a maximum density of 35 units per hectare TO a
Restricted Service Commercial Special Provision (RSC5( )) Zone to exclusively permit a
mini storage facility, and to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1 (in conformity with the Official
Plan, as amended in part (a) above) to change the zoning of the subject property located
at 679 Wharncliffe Road South FROM a compound Restricted Office/Restricted Service
Commercial (RO/RSCI/RSC3/RSC4) Zone which permits uses such as professional
offices, and a range of restricted service commercial uses such as animal clinics,
automobile rental, repair, sales and service establishments, home improvement and
furnishing stores, studios, assembly halls, clinics, emergency care establishments,
funeral homes, convenience stores, and restaurants TO a compound Restricted
OfficelRestricted Service Commercial Special Provision (RO/RSCI/RSC3/RSC4/RSC5(
)) Zone to permit a mini storage facility in addition to the existing permitted uses.
the General Manager of Planning and Development BE REQUESTED to arrange a
public participation meeting of the Planning Committee for consideration of the site .plan
for this development.
Planning staff BE DIRECTED to review mini storage land uses and determine whether
policy amendments are required to give greater clarity to where and under what criteria
such uses should be permitted.
IT BEING NOTED that the following design components will be addressed through the site
plan approval process, and that the site plan and elevations are to be substantively
consistent with the concepts provided in this report.
FaGade articulation that includes a variety of building materials and textures,
architectural features to mitigate the overall scale of the development (e.g.
projectionslrecesses, parapets, etc.), to visually enhance the development, and to
enhance the pedestrian streetscape;
Landscaping along the street frontages to visually enhance the development, and to
enhance the pedestrian environment;
Building design which addresses the street, is sympathetic to, and~supportiveof, the
adjacent residential development;
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Protection and enhancement of existing treed buffer along the entire westerly limit of
the development to facilitate a 12-metre buffer; and,
Protection of existing boundary trees along the north and south interior side yards,
using a “best efforts” approach.
IT BEING FURTHER NOTED that amendments to the Official Plan “Schedule A - Land Use”
approved by Council on March 3, 2008 under OPA 438 (City-wide 5-year review), which
erroneously designated 679 Wharncliffe Road South Mu/ti-Fami/y, Medium Density Residential,
is proposed to be amended to Auto Oriented Commercial Corridor (AOCC) under the new
Official Plan Commercial policies in a separate OPA 438 modification report which will be
brought before a public meeting of Planning Committee and Council, and subsequently
forwarded to the Minister for approval.
The purpose and effect of the proposal is to permit the development of an on-site mini storage
facility at 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South.
The current Restricted Service Commercial designation at 679 Wharncliffe Road South
allows mini storage as a permitted use.
The site is of a sufficient size, and has sufficient frontage to accommodate the proposed
mini storage use.
The mini storage use, as proposed across the two subject sites conforms to the criteria for
the adoption of Policies for Specific Areas in Chapter 10 of the Official Plan. This approach
recognizes that this proposal may be an appropriate interim dry use, while providing the
opportunity for 677 Wharncliffe Road South to be developed for residential uses at an
appropriate time in the future.
Recent site-specific mini storage developments approved and constructed throughout the
City have demonstrated that, with a high level of design, mini storage can be developed in
a compatible form, adjacent to residential uses while having minimal nuisance impacts
such as lights, noise, and hours of operation. At this particular location, the proposed
development has the potential to improve the existing streetscape through a variety of
design elements such as bringing the buildings to the street edge, faFade articulation,
providing reduced parking requirements, and establishing a naturalized, 12-metre buffer
along the westerly limit of the proposed development.
I Agent: Jack E Davis Holdings Limited
Date Application Accepted: August 25, 2008
Possible amendment to the City of London Official Plan to add a special policy to permit a
self-storage establishment (mini storage facility) in the Mu/ti-Fami/y, Medium Density
Residential designation (677 Wharncliffe Road South).
Change the Zoning By-law FROM a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3(6)) Zone which
permits townhouses and stacked townhouses at a maximum height of 12.0 metres and a
maximum density of 35 units per hectare TO a Restricted Service Commercial Special
Provision (RSC5( )) Zone to permit a mini storage facility (677 Wharncliffe Road South).
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M. Kirnbauer
Change the Zoning By-law FROM a compound Restricted OfficeIRestricted Service
Commercial (RO/RSCI/RSC3/RSC4) Zone which permits uses such as professional offices,
and a range of restricted service commercial uses such as animal clinics, automobile rental,
repair, sales and service establishments, home improvement and furnishing stores, studios,
assembly halls, clinics, emergency care establishments, funeral homes, convenience stores,
and restaurants TO a compound Restricted OfficelRestricted Service Commercial Special
Provision (ROIRSCIIRSC3/RSC4IRSC5( )) Zone to permit a mini storage facility in addition
to the existing permitted uses (679 Wharncliffe Road South)
Current Land Use
Vacant land zoned and designated for residential (677 Wharncliffe Road South)and
restricted service commercial uses (679 Wharncliffe Road South)
- 677 Wharncliffe Road South -Approximately 10.0 metres
- 679 Wharncliffe Road South -Approximately 60.0 metres
- 677 Wharncliffe Road South (accessIdriveway to Wharncliffe Road South) Approximately 98.0 metres
- 677 Wharncliffe Road South (rear portion) - Approximately 92.0 metres
- 679 Wharncliffe Road South -Approximately 98.0 metres
- 677 Wharncliffe Road South - Approximately 1.I4 hectares (2.80 acres)
- 679 Wharncliffe Road South -Approximately 0.58 hectares (1.45 acres)
677 Wharncliffe Road South - Flag-shaped
- 679 Wharncliffe Road South -rectangular
North - Car dealership, residential townhouse developments
South -Car wash, gas station, co-operative housing
East Insert land use of property to the east
West - Single-detached dwellings, co-operative housing
Restricted Service Commercial (679 Wharncliffe Road South)
Multi-family, Medium Density Residential (677 Wharncliffe Road South)
EXISTING ZONING: (refer to map)
Compound Restricted OfficelRestricted Service Commercial (ROIRSClIRSC3lRSC4)
Zone (679 Wharncliffe Road South)
Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3(6)) Zone (677 Wharncliffe Road South)
Subject lands: 611 and 619 Wharncliffe Road South
When the current Official Plan was adopted by Municipal Council in 1989, the lands municipally
known as 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South were designated Restricted Service
Commercial. When the Z.-1 Zoning By-law came into force in 1993, a compound Restricted
Service CommerciaVRestricted Office (RSCIIRSCZIRSC4IRO) Zone was applied to implement
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the land use policies of the Official Plan and reflect the uses previously permitted under the
former CP By-law.
In 1996, an Official Plan amendment and rezoning application was filed with the City (02-5256)
for the lands municipally known as 677 Wharncliffe Road South to re-designate the lands from
Restricted Service Commercial to Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential, and rezone the
CommerciallRestricted Office
(RSClIRSC2IRSCWRO) Zone to a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3(6)) Zone to permit
townhouses with a minimum lot frontage of 10.0 metres. Both amendments were approved by
Abutting lands to the north: 639,645,661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South
In 2005 the City received a by-law amendment application for 675 Wharncliffe Road South (Z6981), to rezone the land from a Residential R9 Zone to a Restricted Service Commercial Zone
(RSCI/RSC2/RSC3/RSC4) to permit an automobile sales and service establishment on the
subject site. At the time the applicant submitted the application (2-6981) for review, the lands
located at 661 and 675 were designated Restricted Service Commercial; however, they were
zoned to permit high density residential development.
Throughout the application process, the City and the applicant discussed a land use planning
approach for this area. The discussions between the City and the applicant included the land
municipally known as 639, 645, 661, 675, and 677 Wharncliffe Road South; specifically the
possibility for these lands to develop for residential uses in a more comprehensive way.
The City evaluated the proposed zoning change based on existing policies, neighbourhood,
departmental and agency concerns, and after additional discussions with the City, the applicant
agreed to amend their application to rezone only the front portion of their client's land for
restricted service commercial uses, leaving the high density residential zone on the rear portion
of the property. This was due to significant concerns with respect to permitting automotive uses
directly adjacent to the low density residential development to the west, and as a result of
further analysis, the extension of automotive uses to the rear property line was not deemed to
be appropriate at that time. The applicant further amended their application form to include a
proposal to rezone the front portion of 661 Wharncliffe Road South to apply the same restricted
service commercial zones as 675 Wharncliffe Road South. In addition, the application form was
amended to include a proposal to rezone 639 and 645 Wharncliffe Road South to add a
Residential R5 (R5-7) Zone to the existing Residential R9 (R9-7.H48) Zone, which would permit
cluster townhouses and stacked townhouses in addition to permitted uses under the existing
high density residential zone.
In 2006, the City opened a concurrent Official Plan amendmentlZoning By-law amendment
application (02-71 16) to change the Official Plan designation on the westerly portion of 661 and
675 Wharncliffe Road South from Restricted Service Commercial to Multi-Family, High Density
Residential. The City also recommended that the zoning on the westerly portions of 661 and
675 Wharncliffe Road South be amended to add a Residential R5 (R5-7) Zone to permit
townhouses and stacked townhouses in addition to the existing high density residential uses
permitted at that time. All amendments were subsequently approved by Council, including a
requirement for a public site plan review process for the lands located at 639, 645, 661, and 675
Wharncliffe Road South.
2008 Official Plan Review: 671,675,677,679, and 689 Wharncliffe Road South
On March 3, 2008, Municipal Council approved amendments to the Official Plan (OPA 438 Official Plan 5-year review) which had the effect of re-designating the easterly portion of the
lands located at 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South from Restricted Service Commercial to
Multi-Family, High Density Residential and the easterly portion of the lands located at 677, 679,
and 689 from Restricted Service Commercial to Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential. This
amendment was later determined to be a technical mapping error. This error was made during
the application of new designations/amendments to "Schedule A" of the Official Plan to reflect a
new Commercial policy framework, as a result of the Official Plan 5-year review. The City
drafted a technical amendment to correct this and assigned the correct commercial designation
to these lands - Auto Oriented Commercial Corridor (AOCC). The Official Plan amendments
that comprise OPA 438 are currently with the Minister for review. When the City receives the
amendments from the Province, they will prepare a report that will address the technical
amendments described herein, as well as all other amendments requested by the Minister. The
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City will bring this report to a public meeting of Planning Committee and Council for review and
approval, and subsequently foward to the Minister for review.
Sub.ject Site: 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Rd S
Applicant: 1705820 Ontario Ltd. (Agent: JackDavis)
File Number: 0 2 7 5 7 6
Planner: Margaret Kirnbauer
Created By: Margaret Kirnbauer
Date: 2008-09-29
Scale: 1:2500
Corporation oithe City of London
Prepared By: Planning and Development
Subject Site
Assessment Parcels
Address Numbers
oowNmwN AREA
October 20,2008
1MO rn
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M. Kirnbauer
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'roposed Mini Storage Development: 2-D East Elevation (fronting Wharncliffe Road
South Buildings A and I)
Wharncliffe Road South Buildings A and I)
EnQineerinaand Environmental Services
The Environmental and Engineering Services Department (EESD)offers the following
comments with respect to the above application.
A joint access to serve this site and/or properties to the north and south will be discussed in
greater detail through the site plan approval stage.
If the proposed development is to have a basement, the owner is advised to provide
basement flooding protection from any possible backflow in the sanitary system.
. The Reid Municipal Drain crosses the subject site in two locations from north to south. The
developer will be required to accommodate these flows into the internal drainage system for
the proposed development.
M. Kirnbauer
The subject lands are located in the Thames River Central Area Watershed. The Owner's
professional engineer must ensure that the post development storm water runoff does not
exceed the stormwater runoff under pre-development conditions.
Engineering analysis, satisfactory to the City Engineer, may be required by the Owner's
professional engineer to determine the extent of external waterworks that may be required.
These, among other ispes may be addressed in greater detail through future applications for
development such as consent to sever, site plan and subdivision approvals.
No objection.
Ministw of Municipal Affairs and Housing
The policies of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) apply to the Official Plan
amendment and rezoning application at 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South. Section 3(5) of
the Planning Act requires land use decisions to be consistent with the Provincial Policy
London Hvdro
No objection.
Hardcopy Notice Mailed: September 3, 2008
Living in the City: September 6, 2008
4 Telephone
Nature of Liaison:
Possible amendment to the City of London Official Plan to add a special policy to permit a
self-storage establishment (mini storage facility) in the Multi-Family, Medium Density
Residential designation (677 Wharncliffe Road South).
Change the Zoning By-law FROM a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3(6)) Zone which
permits townhouses and stacked townhouses at a maximum height of 12.0 metres and a
maximum density of 35 units per hectare TO a Restricted Service Commercial Special
Provision (RSC5( )) Zone to permit a mini storage facility (677 Wharncliffe Road South).
Change the Zoning By-law FROM a compound Restricted Office/Restricted Service
Commercial (ROIRSCIIRSC3IRSC4) Zone which permits uses such as professional offices,
and a range of restricted service commercial uses such as animal clinics, automobile rental,
repair, sales and service establishments, home improvement and furnishing stores, studios,
assembly halls, clinics, emergency care establishments, funeral homes, convenience stores,
and restaurants TO a compound Restricted OfficelRestricted Service Commercial Special
Provision (RO/RSCI/RSC3/RSC4/RSC5( )) Zone to permit a mini storage facility in addition
to the existing permitted uses (679 Wharncliffe Road South).
The City may also consider an amendment to the Official Plan to re-designate the lands
FROM Multi-Family Medium Density Residential TO Restricted Service Commercial.
M. Kirnbauer
Hardcopy Notice Mailed: September 3, 2008
Living in the City: September 6, 2008
4 Telephone
’ublic Responses:
Opposition expressed; neighbouring residents do not want to see the removal of the
indigenous trees.
Concerns about the impact of this use adjacent to residential development on Gordor
Avenue to the west (noise, lights, hours of usage).
Agent for Subaru stated there was a comprehensive land review done two years ago (Z6981lOZ-7116) that included the lands that are the subject of this application, as well as
lands to the north (currently designated and zoned for multi-family, high density
residential development). The collection of these lands would form a contiguous parcel
and it was intended that they would develop for residential uses. If the City recommends
approval of the mini storage application, Subaru would like their lands to be re-evaluatec
and rezoned as part of this application to permit automotive uses that extend the full
depth of the Subaru property, as the mini storage development will decrease the ability
of these lands to develop for residential uses.
Existing Official Plan Designation and Zoning By-law
The current Official Plan Designations on the subject properties are Restricted Service
Commercial (679 Wharncliffe Road South) and Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential (677
Wharncliffe Road South). The current zoning for 679 Wharncliffe Road South is a compound
Restricted OfficelRestricted Service Commercial (ROIRSClIRSC3IRSC4) Zone which permits
uses such as professional offices, and a range of restricted service commercial uses such as
animal clinics, automobile rental, repair, sales and service establishments, home improvement
and furnishing stores, studios, assembly halls, clinics, emergency care establishments, funeral
homes, convenience stores, and restaurants. The current zoning on 677 Wharncliffe Road
South is a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3(6)) Zone which permits townhouses and
stacked townhouses
Applicant’s Proposal
The applicant submitted a proposal to develop an indoor mini storage facility, consisting of 9
structures, on the lands located at 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South. The total amount of
floor area proposed in the 9 structures is approximately 8428m2(96,691 ft’),
To accommodate this development, the applicant is requesting an amendment to the Official
Plan to add a Specific Area Policy (Chapter I O ) to allow mini storage as a permitted use in
Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential designation. The applicant is further proposing a
zoning by-law amendment to replace the existing residential zoning on 677 Wharncliffe Road
South with a Restricted Service Commercial Special Provision RSC5( ) Zone to permit mini
storage as the only use, and a zoning amendment to add a Restricted Service Commercial
Special Provision RSC5( ) Zone to 679 Wharncliffe Road South in addition to the existing
restricted service commercial uses.
The agent for the applicant stated in previous discussions that the proposed use is less intrusive
with respect to height, density, activity, traffic, impact and compatibility compared to the
permitted uses in the existing Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3( )) Zone, which permits
townhouses and stacked townhouses.
Character of the surrounding neighbourhood
This particular cross section of Wharncliffe Road South is characterized by a mix of residential
and commercial uses. On the west side of Wharncliffe Road South, west of this development
there are single detached dwellings on lots with 20-metre frontages. To the north there are two
infill cluster townhouse condominium developments and a sizeable piece of land designated for
high density residential development and zoned for either cluster townhouses, cluster stacked
townhouses, or a higher form of development, such as an apartment building. Immediately north
of the subject site, fronting Wharncliffe Road South there are two parcels - 661 and 675
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Character of neighbouring properties in the vicinity of the proposed development
lnfill development
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Wharncliffe Road South - that permit a variety of restricted service commercial uses on the east
portion of the properties. A zoning and Official Plan amendment application (Applicant: Probart
Motors Limited) was submitted for 675 Wharncliffe Road South and subsequently approved by
Council on July 24, 2006, to permit a range of commercial uses, including an automobile
sales and service establishment (Subaru). A development agreement has been registered for
the lands located at 603 and 609 Wharncliffe Road South (south-west of Highview Avenue West
and Wharncliffe Road South), to develop these lands for two 7-storey seniors' apartment
buildings. To the south of the proposed development there is a car wash, gas station,
cooperative housing and neighbourhood shopping centre. On the east side of Wharncliffe Road
South, east of this development, there are several automotive dealerships (652 - 730
Wharcnliffe Road South, inclusive). Together, these dealerships have approximately 400 metres
of contiguous frontage on Wharncliffe Road South. Immediately north of 652 Wharncliffe Road
South, there is a cluster townhouse condominium development that is characteristic of the
residential cluster developments on the west side of Wharncliffe Road South. Further north of
the cluster development, there are a variety of automotive uses and a neighbourhood shopping
Is the proposed development appropriate, and compatible with surrounding land uses?
Self-storage establishments are generally viewed by the City as an industrial or restricted
service commercial use, falling into the definition of "warehouse establishment" in the 2.-1
Zoning By-law. Older mini storage developments, located in industrial parts of the City, have
historically been constructed with little or no regard for urban design and architectural detail, and
as a result contribute little to the public realm. Characterized by large front and side yard
setbacks andlor buildings that are out of scale with respect to surrounding developments, these
developments fail to define the street edge and create public spaces. Recent Official Plan policy
amendments have placed a greater emphasis on how development contributes to the public
realm, and how to encourage the creation of public spaces through the implementation of urban
design principles and guidelines.
Through recent applications and subsequent approvals by City Council, there appears to be a
demand for mini storage facilities within the City. More recently, self-storage establishments
have been locating in commercial areas, near or adjacent to residential uses to provide for easy
access to nearby residents/businesses, and in some instances to provide a buffer between
residential uses and more intensive industrial or commercial uses; however, it should be noted
that all future development applications to allow mini storage in zones not currently permitted in
M. Kirnbauer
the Z.-I Zoning By-law will need to be evaluated on a site-specific basis to ensure that
appropriate land uses are established through a comprehensive review process. When deemed
appropriate to locate mini storage adjacent to sensitive land uses, the necessary studies and a
high level of urban design will be a critical factor in ensuring a "good fit" within mixed-use
residential, commercial, industrial and institutional neighbourhoods. If located adjacent to
residential uses, the design of the self-storage establishment should be sympathetic to the
character of the existing neighbourhood and provide appropriate site-specific buffers from
surrounding land uses, in addition to incorporating high quality design elements.
Wharncliffe Road South is a major transportation corridor, with dedicated left turn lanes located
at the cross-section of this development. The proposed use is not likely to result in a significant
increase in traffic on Wharncliffe Road South, as the proposed mini storage use is expected to
be less intensive than what could currently be developed on the front portion of this site such as
professional offices, and a range of restricted service commercial uses such as animal clinics,
automobile rental, repair, sales and service establishments, home improvement and furnishing
stores, studios, assembly halls, clinics, emergency care establishments, funeral homes,
convenience stores, and restaurants.
This section of Wharncliffe Road South is characterized by a mix of residential and commercial
uses. The size and shape of the parcel can accommodate the proposed use (approximately
1.72 hectares, rectangular in shape). There are currently no vacant, readily available parcels of
land in the immediate vicinity that are zoned or designated to allow the proposed use, and as
such this could potentially provide an amenity to the existing commercial/residentialuses in the
The applicant is proposing a series of 9 structures, resulting in 50% coverage of the site. The
applicant has worked with the City throughout the application process to prepare and submit a
plan that best utilizes the land for the proposed purpose, while taking into account the
integration of the proposed land use with surrounding lands. A re-naturalization plan for the
buffer along the full extent of the westerly limit of the subject property between the proposed
development and the existing low density residential development has been submitted;
amendments to this plan may be required as part of the site plan approval stage. The
implementation of the findings of the accepted tree preservation/re-naturalization plan for the
12-metre buffer along the west property line will be addressed at the site plan approval stage.
The City has also requested that consideration be given to retaining as many border trees as
possible, along the south and north interior side yards to naturally buffer the proposed use from
the existing residential development to the south, and the future high density residential
development to the north.
Urban Design
A variety of urban design elements have been addressed and implemented through the
submission of revised concept plans and elevation drawings. The special provision zone has
been written such that a minimum of 70% of the building frontage along Wharncliffe Road South
be within 3.0 metres of the road allowance to balance the scale of the development with the
public right-of-way and add to the public realm. Architectural details have been addressed
through the use of a variety of building materials, recesseslprojections, height variations, etc.
Parking requirements have been reduced from 43 spaces to 7 spaces, and have been oriented
in a way such that the parking area does not overly detract from the public realm. An attempt
has been made to minimize the entrance width and spacing between buildings to ensure that
the development frames the street edge, creating an improved pedestrian realm. Significant
provisions have been made to provide a natural buffer to the west of this development and
along the north and south interior side yards. As a result of these provisions and the fact that
mini storage is typically a lower-impact use when compared to alternative commercial uses, the
lot coverage has been increased beyond what is permitted in the RSC5 zone variation,
recognizing the potential for these lands to be developed in a slightly more intensive way
without compromising the character of the existing neighbourhood through over-intensification
of the proposed use.
Through the use of a special provision zone, and the submission of revised concept plans, the
applicant has demonstrated that the subject site can be developed in a form that is functional,
compatible, and sympathetic to existing and future abutting land uses: it being noted that, at
some point in the future the rear portion of this property (677 Wharncliffe Road South) may redevelop independently for residential uses, or comprehensively with the residential land to the
M. Kirnbauer
What is the most efficient use of this land from a servicing perspective?
The proposed development is a "dry use", meaning that the development will not connect to
sanitary or water services. The applicant is required to ensure that post-development
stormwater runoff flow rates do not exceed pre-development runoff rates. As such, the proposed
development is not anticipated to have a significant impact on servicing in this area.
Provincial policies state that land use should be directed to achieve efficient development and
land use patterns that minimize land consumption and servicing costs. Provincial policies further
state that land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on a range of uses and
opportunities for intensification and redevelopment, and that Planning authorities shall identify
and promote opportunities for intensification, taking into account the availability of existing or
planned infrastructure. Official Plan policies direct the expansion of residential development into
appropriate areas according to the availability of municipal services, soil conditions,
environmental constraints, etc., and in a form which can be integrated with established land use
patterns in a manner that makes efficient use of land and services. The proposed development
is located on a sizeable area of land, on a major transportation corridor, with servicing
infrastructure currently in place on Wharncliffe Road South and Gordon Avenue, in close
proximity to open space (Highland Woods), and on land zoned and designated for residential
development (677 Wharncliffe Road South).
To recognize the potential for this area to develop for residential uses at a future date, it is
recommended that the Multi-Family, Medium Density designation remain on the lands
municipally known as 677 Wharncliffe Road South, and a Chapter 10 Official Plan policy
("Policies for Specific Areas") be utilized to permit the proposed mini storage facility in the MultiFamily, Medium Density Residential designation.
Is it appropriate to apply a Chapter 10 Policy Policies for Specific Areas?
The recommended Official Plan amendment conforms to the criteria for the adoption of
Policies for Specific Areas in Chapter 10 of the Official Plan, as the change is land use is
site specific, is appropriate given the mix of uses in the area, and is located in an area
where maintaining the existing land use designation is appropriate.
Compatibility and Project Design
Planning Impact Analysis and Urban Design policies must be addressed for all applications for
policies for Specific Areas. The appropriate Planning Impact Analysis criteria to apply are
dependent on the potential impacts of the proposed development on surrounding land use
designations. The primary concerns relating to the proposed application are compatibility with
surrounding land uses and the implementation of high standards of design to ensure that this
development contributes positively to the public realm while being sympathetic and
complementary to abutting land use designations.
Should the proposed re-zoning and Official Plan amendments be recommended by Planning
Committee and Council, the following items should be addressed at the Site Plan Approval
Tree preservation and re-naturalization;
Landscaping along the street frontage to visually enhance the development, soften
the interface between the proposed development and Wharncliffe Road South, and
to enhance the pedestrian environment;
The design and positioning of new buildings should minimize the loss of privacy for
adjacent residential properties;
The location of light standards such that they minimize impact on adjacent land use
FaCade articulation, including a variety of building materials and textures and
architectural features to mitigate the overall scale of the development
(projections/recesses, parapets, etc.), to visually enhance the development, and to
enhance the pedestrian streetscape; and,
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Building design which addresses the street, is sympathetic to, and supportive of, the
adjacent residential development.
The following items will be addressed through the use of the Restricted Service Commercial
Special Provision (RSC5( )) Zone:
70% of the building frontage along Wharncliffe Road South must have a front yard
setback of no greater than 3.0 metres from the edge of the road allowance to ensure
a positive building-street interface and an appropriate pedestrian scale is achieved at
this cross-section of Wharncliffe Road South.
minimum rear yard setback of 12.0 metres (39 feet) to ensure an adequate buffer
between the proposed development and the abutting low density residential
development to the west. This area will be re-naturalized along the entire westerly
property line.
A maximum coverage of 50% to acknowledge that, given the efforts of the applicant
to ensure provisions for design and adequate buffering and screening, this
development can be designed in a slightly more intensive form without
the character of the neighbourhood, and compatibility with the surrounding land uses.
reduction in off-street parking requirements to reduce the visual presence of large
parking areas and recognize that most individuals will utilize this site by parking internal
to the development, typically in front of their storage unit.
No requirement for loading spaces, as this is not a typical warehouse establishment,
which would require space for large trucks to load and unload shipments of goods.
Reduced interior side yard setbacks of 2.0 metres adjacent to abutting commercial
zones only, to recognize that there are no anticipated negative impacts from the mini
storage use adjacent to the gas station or automotive dealership.
Concerns relating to loss of trees
Through the application review process, opposition to the proposed development was
expressed by a neighbouring property owner on Belmont Drive, relating to potential tree loss
that would occur if this proposal was permitted to proceed.
While there are a significant number of trees located at 677 Wharncliffe Road South, they are
not identified on Schedule B as a significant natural heritage feature, and as such an
Environmental Impact Study is not required, nor is there a policy requirement to retain these
trees from a natural heritage perspective; however, the applicant has demonstrated cooperation
through the submission of revised concept plans and a re-naturalization plan, to implement a
pian to retain and re-naturalize a 12-metre buffer along the entire westerly property limit.
Through discussions with the applicant, a common interest was revealed with respect to tree
preservation and re-naturalization on this site. This will be further addressed at the site plan
approval stage.
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M. Kirnbauer
Concerns relating to privacy, noise, lights and hours of use
Through the application review process, concerns were expressed from residents on Gordon
Avenue relating to the proposed use; specifically, hours of operation, on-site activity, noise, and
lights. In previous discussions with the City, the applicant has stated that there would be on-site
surveillance cameras and the units would not be heated or have internal lighting. Further, this
development would be gated and have specified hours of operation. While this is anticipated to
be a relatively low-impact use, noise and lighting will be addressed at the site plan approval
stage and mitigated through the use of existingladditional vegetation (12-metre buffer), fencing
and the careful organization and layout of buildings, driveways, and external light standards.
Should a public site plan process be required?
Council resolved that public site plan was required for 639, 645, 661, and 675 Wharncliffe Road
South to ensure issues associated with noise attenuation, lighting, tree retention, and fencing
were addressed. During the review process for these lands (2-6981 and 02-71 16), residents in
the area requested that the requirement for a public site plan continue for any new zoning that is
applied in the area.
As per Official Plan policies, Council may require public notification and a public meeting at the
site plan approval stage in connection with proposals where holding provisions in the Zoning Bylaw stipulate that public notification and public meetings will be,required to address location,
massing and conceptual design of new development that may significantly affect the character
of the surrounding area. It is believed that adequate design issues have been addressed and
will be implemented as part of this re-zoning (through the application of the special provision
zone) and site plan approval process. The applicant has stated that the development will have
limited access, storage units will not be heated or lit, and the development will contain security
cameras. Noise attenuation will be provided through the retention of existing vegetation and
fencing, as required. Public concerns relating to light, noise and hours of usage, were identified
through the re-zoning and Official Plan amendment application process. These items will be
addressed through a public site plan process and meeting at Planning Committee.
If this parcel develops for mini storage, how will the lands designated for residential
development, located north of the subject site (675 Wharncliffe Road South) gain access
to Wharncliffe Road South?
In 2006, during the review process for rezoning and Official Plan amendment applications Z6981 and 02-7116 (661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South), EESD identified that access to
Wharncliffe Road South for the residential component of the properties located at 639, 645, 661
and 675 Wharncliffe Road South would be through adjoining internal driveways and possibly
through lands zoned for residential development to the south. Driveways for these properties
should align with the accesses on the east side of Wharncliffe Road South to help permit the
orderly passage of vehicles turning from the two-way left turn lane on Wharncliffe Road South
into various properties on both sides of the street.
In a report to Planning Committee, dated July 17, 2006, the Planning Division also identified that
the rear portions of the lands located at 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South have the potential
to develop for residential uses, and that access to Wharncliffe Road South could also be
obtained through a mutual access arrangement between 639 and 645 Wharncliffe Road South.
The access via the subject site is not necessarily required.
A written request was received November 17,2008 to rezone the rear portions of 661 and
675 Wharncliffe Road South as part of this application. Should this request be
During the review process for re-zoning and Official Plan amendment applications 2-6981 and
02-7116 (661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South), residents from Gordon Avenue supported
residential uses as an intervening land use between the Subaru dealership and Gordon Avenue
(after expressing significant opposition to the proposal), noting that it will hopefully minimize the
noise impact from the car dealership and automotive service centre. This was deemed
appropriate by City staff, and as such the rear portions of 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South
retained a residential zone variation.
As part of the circulation and review process for the current application (02-7576), the agent for
675 Wharncliffe Road South (Greg Priamo c/o Probart Mazda) contacted the City, requesting
that the City re-evaluate his client's previous application (2-6981) concurrently with the mini
storage application, to ultimately re-zone the rear portions of 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road
South to permit automotive uses the entire depth of these properties. Mr. Priamo stated that
there was a comprehensive review of this area (639, 645, 661, 675, and 677 Wharncliffe Road
Agenda Item #
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M. Kirnbauer
South) in 200512006, and an expectation that these lands would develop for residential uses.
Mr. Priamo's client is concerned that the proposed mini storage development would eliminate
the ability for the rear portions of 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South to gain access to
Wharncliffe Road South, thereby making this land unviable for residential development. 639,
645, 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road South form a contiguous parcel approximately 2.2 hectares
in area (5.4 acres), and during the review process for 2-6981/02-7116 a potential access
location to Wharncliffe Road South was identified via lands to the north (639 and 645
Wharncliffe Road South).
It is the opinion of the Planning Division that 639, 645, and the rear portions of 661 and 675
Wharncliffe Road South can viably develop in a medium or higher density form. Further, a
request to rezone or re-designate lands within the City must undergo a public process, as per
the Ontario Planning Act requirements. As such, the request to re-zone the rear portions of 661
and 675 Wharncliffe Road South as part of this application is not deemed to be appropriate, and
was not considered as part of this report. The Owner of any abutting lands will be required to
submit a complete application package, including fees and any studies as may be identified at a
pre-consultation meeting, as per Planning Act requirements, in order to evaluate the
appropriateness of any future zoning or Official Plan amendment request.
The application for a special policy in the Official Plan and site-specific zoning to allow for a mini
storage establishment at 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South is deemed to be appropriate, as
the applicant has demonstrated through the submission of design concepts and a revised site
plan, that the development, as proposed, is compatible with and sympathetic to surrounding
land uses. The applicant has provided concepts that show adequate buffering adjacent to
sensitive land uses, and has implemented design elements and principles that meet a higher
standard of quality and urban design.
November 26, 2008
Y:\Shared\lMPLEMEN\OEVELOPMENT APPSV008 Appiications\757602 - 677 & 679 Wharncliffe Rd. S (MK)\PC Report
(December 8 2008) - 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South.doc
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M. Kirnbauer
Responses to Public Liaison Letter and Publication in “Living in the City”
Nindi Sharma
James and Deb Squire
808-127 Belmont Drive
London, ON. N6J 4J7
-Requested clarification on the application
Hannay Hassan
689 Wharncliffe Road South
London, ON. N6J 2N7
-Current owner of 677 and 679 Wharncliffe
Road South.
-He wanted to know what his options were if
the offer to purchase his property falls
through, application process, appeal rights.
-His lawyer will be submitting a letter to the
City expressing his concerns.
Greg Priamo (on behalf of Subaru)
675 Wharncliffe Road South
London, ON.N6J 2N7
-Opposing proposal, as they do.not want to
see multiple, indigenous trees destroyed.
Greg Priamo (on behalf of Subaru)
675 Wharncliffe Road South
London, ON. N6J 2N7
- follow-up to telephone conversation (see
left-hand column for an overview of the
issues raised by Mr. Priamo).
-Stated there was a comprehensive land
review done two years ago that included the
lands that are the subject of this application,
as well as lands to the north (refer to the
body of the report for more detail).
-The collection of these lands would form a
contiguous parcel and it was intended that
they develop for residential uses.
-Access to Wharncliffe Road South will be
an issue if 661 and 675 Wharncliffe Road
South are to develop for residential; the
recommendation to approve the mini storage
application will eliminate one of the two viable
accesses to Wharncliffe Road South.
-If the City recommends approval of the mini
storage application, Mr. Priamo would like the
Subaru lands to be re-evaluated and
rezoned, as part of this application, to permit
automotive uses that extend the full depth of
the Subaru property, as the mini storage
development will decrease the ability of these
lands to develop for residential uses (access
issues, less viable option, etc.).
Erika Dickie
676 Gordon Avenue
London, ON. N6J 2W2
-Requested more information on the
-Concerned about the impact of this use
adjacent to residential (noise, lights, hours of
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to the
The purpose of this Amendment is:
To add a policy in Section 10.1.3 of the Official Plan for the City of London to
permit a self-storage establishment in the Multi-Family, Medium Density
Residential Designation.
This Amendment applies to lands located at 677 Wharncliffe Road South in the
City of London.
A self storage establishment is not typically permitted in the Multi-Family, Medium Density
Residential Designation. Recent site-specific mini storage developments approved and
constructed throughout the City have demonstrated that, with. a high level of design, they
can be developed in a compatible form, adjacent to residential uses while having minimum
vehicular on-site traffic, as well as minimum nuisance impacts such as lights, noise, and
hours of operation. At this particular location, the proposed development has the potential
to improve the existing streetscape through a variety of design elements such as bringing
the buildings to the street edge, placing parking internal to the development, and tree
retention and re-naturalization of the westerly limit to provide a substantial buffer between
the proposed development and the existing residential development to the west,
A Specific Area Official Plan policy (Chapter IO) is required to recognize the mini storage
establishment as a permitted use in addition to the permitted uses in the Multi-Family,
Medium Density designation. This approach recognizes that this proposal may be an
appropriate interim dry use, while providing the opportunity for 677 Wharncliffe Road South
to be developed for residential uses at an appropriate time in the future.
The Official Plan for the City of London is hereby amended as follows:
Section 10.1.3 of the Official Plan for the City of London is amended by adding the
following subsection:
In the Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential designation at
677 Wharncliffe Road South, in addition to the uses permitted in
the Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential designation, a selfstorage establishment may also be permitted.
Appendix “B”
Bill NO. (number to be inserted by Clerk’s Office)
By-law No. 2.-1-09
A by-law to amend By-law No. 2.-I to
rezone an area of land located at 677 and
679 Wharncliffe Road South.
WHEREAS 1705820 Ontario Ltd. has applied to rezone an area of land located at 677 and 679
Wharncliffe Road South, as shown on the map attached to this by-law, as set out below;
AND WHEREAS upon approval of Official Plan Amendment Number (number to
office) this rezoning will conform to the Official Plan;
be inserted by CIEMS
THEREFORE the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the City of London enacts as follows:
1. Schedule “ A to By-law No. 2.-1 is amended by changing the zoning applicable to lands
located at 677 and 679 Wharncliffe Road South, as shown on the attached map
comprising part of Key Map No. 130, from a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-3(6))
compound Restricted OfficelRestricted Service
(RO/RSCI/RSC3/RSC4) Zone to a Restricted Service Commercial Special Provision
(RSC5( )) Zone and a compound Restricted OfficelRestricted Service Commercial
Special Provision (RO/RSCl/RSC3/RSC4/RSC5( )) Zone.
2. Section Number 28.4 of the Restricted Service Commercial Zone to By-law No. 2.-1 is
amended by adding the following Special Provision:
-)RSC5( 1
a) Permitted Use:
i) Self-storage establishments
b) Regulations
Front Yard Depth
A minimum of 70% of the building
frontage along Wharncliffe Road
South must have a front yard depth
of no greater than 3.0 metres (9.8
ii) Front Yard Depth
3.0 metres (9.8 feet)
iii) Rear Yard Depth
12.0 metres (39.4 feet)
iv) Lot Coverage
50 %
7 spaces
Off-street Parking
vi) Loading Space Requirements
0 spaces
vii) Yard in which Required
Parking Area is Permitted
All yards provided that no part of any
parking area, other than a driveway,
is located closer than 1.O metre (3.3
feet) to any required road allowance.
viii) Interior Side Yards
Abutting a Non-Residential Use:
2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
The inclusion in this By-law of imperial measure along with metric measure is for the purpose of
convenience only and the metric measure governs in case of any discrepancy between the two
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This By-law shall come into force and be deemed to come into force in accordance with
subsection 34(21) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, either upon the date of the
passage of this by-law or as otherwise provided by the said subsection.
PASSED in Open Council on January 19,2009,
Anne Marie DeCicco-Best
Kevin Bain
City Clerk
First Reading - January 19, 2009
Second Reading -January 19, 2009
Third Reading - January 19,2009
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