February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:32 PM Page 1 FREE February is African-American History Month A Time to be Proud <> A Time to Learn A Time to Discover <> A Time to Remember A page in Black History: Many Thanks to our Forefathers, 92 years ago The Date Was June 1, 1921, "BLACK WALLSTREET" Friday, February 8, 2013 The name fittingly given to one of the most affluent All-BLACK Communities in America, was bombed from the air and Burned to the ground by mobs of envious Whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving Black Business District in northern Tulsa lay smoldering -- a model Community destroyed and a major African-American economic movement resoundingly defused. The Night's Carnage left some 3,000 African Americans Dead and over 600 Successful Businesses Lost. Among these were 21 Churches, 21 Restaurants, 30 Grocery Stores and 2 Movie Theaters, plus A Hospital, A Bank, a Post Office, Libraries, Schools, Law Offices, a half dozen Private Airplanes and even A Bus System. As could have been expected, the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with Ranking City Officials and many other Sympathizers. The best description of BLACK WALLSTREET, or Little Africa as it was also known, would be to compare it to a mini - Bev- erly Hills. It was the golden door of the BLACK Community during the early 1900's, and it proved that African Americans could create a successful infrastructure. That's What BLACK WALLSTREET, Was All About. The Dollar circulated 36 to 100 Times, sometimes taking a year for currency to leave the Community. Now a Dollar leaves the BLACK Community in 15-minutes. As Far As Resources,There were Ph.D.'s residing in Little Africa, BLACK Attorneys and Doctors. One Doctor was Dr. Berry who owned the Bus System. His average income was $500 a Day, a hefty pocket change in 1910. It was a time when the entire State of Oklahoma had only 2 Airports, yet 6 BLACKS, Owned their own Planes. It was a very Fascinating Community. The mainstay of the Community was to educate every child. Nepotism was the one word they Believed in. And that's what we need to get back to.The main thoroughfare wasGreenwood Avenue, and it was intersected by Archer and Pine Streets. From the First Letters in each of those Three Names you get G.A.P. And that's where the Black Wall Street renowned R and B Music Group The GAP Band got its name. They're From Tulsa. BLACK WALLSTREET was a prime example of the typical, BLACK Community in America that did businesses, but it was in an unusual location. You See, At The Time, Oklahoma was set aside to be a BLACK and Indian State . There were over 28 BLACK Townships there. One third of the People who traveled in the terrifying "Trail of Tears" along side the Indians between 1830 and 1842 were BLACK People. The Citizens of this proposed Indian and BLACK State Chose A BLACK Governor, A Treasurer from Kansas named McDade. But the Ku Klux Klan said that if he assumed Office that they would Kill Him within 48 hours. A lot of BLACKS owned Farmland, and many of them had gone into the Oil Business. The Community was so tight and Wealthy because they traded Dollars hand-to-hand, and because they were dependent upon one another as a result of the Jim Crow Laws. It was not unusual that if a Resident's Home accidentally Burned down, it could be rebuilt within a few weeks by Neighbors. This was the type of scenario that was going on Day-to-Day on BLACK WALLSTREET. When BLACKs intermarried into the Indian Culture, some of them received their promised '40 Acres and A Mule' and with that came what- ever Oil was later found on the Properties. On BLACK WALLSTREET, A lot of Global Business was conducted, The Community flourished from the Early 1900's until June 1, 1921.. That's when the Largest Massacre of Nonmilitary Americans in the History of this Country took place, and it was lead by The KU KLUX KLAN. Imagine walking out of your front door and seeing 1,500 Homes being Burned. It must have been amazing. Survivors we interviewed think that the whole thing was planned because during the time that all of this was going on; White Families with their children stood around the borders of their Community and watched The Massacre. The looting and everything -- much in the same manner they would watch a Lynching. The Riots weren't caused by anything Black or White. It was caused by jealousy. A lot of White Folks had come back from World War I and they were poor. When they looked over into The BLACK Communities and realized that BLACK Men who Fought in The War had come, Home Heroes that helped trigger the destruction. It cost the BLACK Community everything, and not a single dime of restitution--No InsurBlack Wall Street, Page 5 Weekly Prime Time TV Guide Inside SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:32 PM Page 2 Blondell, Thomasine and Arlene Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary thera martin milling 2 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 This past week the local news coming out of our hometown has had some of us spinning our heads. First of all it was the City Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown story that grabbed my attention last week. It became public information that the distinguished Councilwoman made a mistake in judgment and used some campaign funds for personal business. Some are saying she should resign from her position as a Councilperson. Some are saying she could possibly face some legal action in court. Some predict that even if there’s not legal action taken in court, Blondell Reynolds Brown will never win re-election. All that remains to be seen. What I can say for Blondell Reynolds Brown is this: When you Google her name on the internet a long list of really impressive news articles come up about her, before January of 2013. Blondell Reynolds Brown has accomplished some pretty impressive things during her tenure as a Philadelphia City Councilwoman. There’s the Fund for Children: She persuaded the Phillies and Eagles, along with Mayor John F. Street, during the sports stadium negotiations, to establish this fund requiring each team to contribute $1 million annually for 30 years. There’s Menu Labeling: Requiring chain restaurants to provide menu labeling with nutritional and calorie information. There’s the Department of Parks and Recreation Merger. Councilwoman Reynolds Brown worked with Council President Darrell Clarke to overhaul Philadelphia’s Parks and Recreation system, merging Fairmount Park with the Department of Recreation creating increased efficiency and savings. There’s the Lead Paint Disclosure and Certification: Requireing landlords to have a certified technician conduct a dust-wipe test when property built before 1978 is turned over to a new tenant, all designed to protect children. Blondell Reynolds Brown worked timelessly on the Curfew issue: Equipped police officers with a new and stronger curfew law to complement the opening of 11 citywide curfew centers. She pushed for Green Buildings: Requireing city buildings and renovations to reach a high substantiality standard. She fought hard for Percent for Art: which secured increased funding for the arts in the City’s budget and fought for the integrity of the “Percent for Art” program. She fought for Equal-Benefits, requiring companies that contract with the city for more than $250,000 to provide domestic-partner benefits to their employees. She fought for Pension Forfeiture which requires any city employee convicted of sexual abuse of a minor to forfeit his or her city pension. Blondell Reynolds Brown has also fought for Women on SCOOP U.S.A. o I want the convenience of receiving every week at my home or business o 26 weeks - Only $20.00 o 52 weeks - Only $35.00 Call (215) 232-5974 Fax (215) 236-2945 Mail Scoop U.S.A. P.O. Box 14013 Philadelphia, PA 19122 In Person 942 N. Watts St. Philadelphia, PA 19123 New Renew Total $------- Form Of Payment: q CHECK q MONEY ORDER or Credit Card Card # ______________________________________________ Expiration Date _______ Code _______ Name on Card (print)________________________________ Signature____________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________ Check your ad weekly for accuracy. SCOOP U.S.A. is only responsible for the first time your ad appears. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify us of any errors prior to the next issue. NO REFUNDS SCOOP U.S.A. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REjECT OR EDIT ANy AD Boards: Advancing female entrepreneurship opportunities and leveling the playing field on business and governmental contracts. She is also responsible for helping to found “Women making A Difference” an event that happens annually where the Councilwoman and her Women making A Difference committee select and Councilwoman Blondell honor some outstandReynolds ing local women. They host workshops of finances and our money and how to grow it and bring in outstanding motivational speakers. Board of Ethics executive director J. Shane Creamer, Jr. shared the following in a statement about Blondell Reynolds Brown: On January 28, 2013, the Board of Ethics approved a settlement agreement involving the Friends of Blondell Reynolds Brown and the Hon. Blondell Reynolds Brown. The agreement resolves violations of the campaign finance law by Councilwoman Reynolds Brown and Friends of Blondell Reynolds Brown for: a) making material misstatements and omissions in campaign finance reports filed with the Board (Phila. Code § 20-1006(4)); b) accepting excess contributions (Phila. Code § 201002(12)); and c) failing to properly deposit contributions (Phila. Code § 20-1003). The agreement also resolves violations by Councilwoman Reynolds Brown for accepting prohibited gifts (Phila. Code § 20-604) and failing to disclose transactions on her 2010 and 2011 Statements of Financial Interests, as required by Phila. Code § 20-610. Some people have a short memory and only remember what’s in front of them today or tomorrow, but I gently suggest if you Google the name Blondell Reynolds Brown, you will see a bevy of positive news stories on great work she’s done since being elected a council person. Then a day later, last week, the news story broke about nine Philadelphia traffic court judges being indicted by the Feds. That is definitely not good news for them. The one name in that news story that I know must be cleared, is the name of Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge Thomasine Tynes. For Traffic Court President full disclosure purJudge Thomasine Tynes poses I will acknowledge that Judge Tynes is one of my dearest friends. I have known Judge Tynes since I was twenty one years old and over the years, I watched her go from being a successful business woman, to becoming an elected Traffic Court Judge, and then being appointed its first Woman and first African American President Judge of Traffic Court. (I later learned it was only a ceremonial title, none-the-less I was very proud of Judge Tynes being appointed President Judge of Traffic Court). The Thomasine Tynes I know would not fix anyone’s ticket or allow anyone else to “make her” fix someone’s tickets, I don’t care who you were. I can think back on times when I unwittingly would invite the Judge, (Tynes) to a political announcement, or a political fundraiser and she was always very clear. “No Thera, as a sitting Judge I’m not allowed to attend political fund raisers or to contribute to political campaigns”, etc., etc. Everything I know of Judge Tynes ,she was always a stickler for following all the rules of the law. As a radio talk show host from WDAS AM/FM, to 1340AM/WHAT, to 900AM WURD, I always welcomed Judge Thomasine Tynes to be a guest on my talk shows. Why? Because whenever she was my guest, my show would be hotter than hot. It seemed like everybody in the city had questions about their own personal traffic court issues and SCOOP U.S.A. Mailing address: P.O. BOX 14013 - Phila., PA 19122 Offices & Shop: 942 N. Watts St. Phila. PA 19123 (215) 232-5974 Fax: (215) 236-2945 e-mail: call for ext. # R. Sonny Driver: Publisher / Editor Judge Tynes would entertain all those calls, doling out wise advice about traffic court. And, if she was unclear of an answer on something, she would admit it, live on the radio, take that callers name and phone number and promise to follow-up with them, to get them the right answer about their traffic court question. Judge Thomasine Tynes has always conducted herself is such a way that she has been extremely visible in the community during her tenure, to talk traffic court issues. She has never ducked from the public or been inaccessible. At least on three occasions over all the years that Judge Tynes was a Traffic Court Judge, I called her when I had 2 or 3 parking tickets to pay, and I was coming to Traffic Court to fight a ticket or simply to pay for several tickets. I’m the kind of person that if I ever have to go to court, I have questions and I want to know what to expect. So I would call Judge Tynes or if I ran into her somewhere, I would ask her a question, just so I’d know what to expect. The one thing she would always tell me was, “Thera bring some money with you so you can be prepared to pay your entire bill, or to at least make payment arrangements. But you will have to bring money with you .” I never asked Judge Tynes to “make tickets go away” or to do anything that would put her integrity in question. Also, for the record, I never stood before Judge Tynes on the few occasions I’ve had to go there. I always had another Judge. For the record. For anyone who might have tried to get Judge Tynes “to fix a ticket for them”, I can just hear Judge Tynes saying “No”! Judge Thomasine Tynes has always carried herself with great dignity and distinction all of the years I have known her. Whether in her courtroom or at a non-profit event at some banquet hall, she’s always the distinguished judge. In her courtroom, I observed her several times as she sat on the bench, in past years. She took being a Traffic Court Judge very seriously. She did not Lord over the defendants that came before her. In fact, she talked to them in a very human way. In some cases, she was indeed motherly on the bench, in a good way. There was this one young man, about twenty years old and he was live-stopped with his grandmother’s car, which he did not have her permission to even be driving. When Judge Tynes heard his testimony and heard the Grandmother’s testimony, she read that young man the riot act for putting his grandmother in such a position. She very nicely told that young man off and told him he needed to pay for his own tickets and not expect his Grandmother to clean up his mess. Tynes was at her very best that day in her courtroom. That’s the Judge Tynes I know. No disrespect to the Feds, but there’s gotta be a mistake on the Judge Thomasine Tynes indictment. Fixing tickets? Not her. And then the story that was the final gut-kicker for me this past week came out on Saturday, February 2, 2013. That was the announcement of the unexpected passing of former Philadelphia Public Schools CEO, Dr. Arlene Ackerman of pancreatic cancer. PanFormer Phila. School creatic Cancer is a fast killer. I so regret her transiDistrict CEO, tion. I just loved me some Dr. Arlene Ackerman Dr. Arlene Ackerman and I am very saddened by her death. My condolences to her family. I think that Dr. Ackerman was exactly the dose of medicine that the Philadelphia public schools so desperately needed. I think that there were a few men in this town who were uncomfortable around her and they decided to do her in. I know for fact that Dr. Arlene Ackerman was a woman who really cared about our children and them getting the best education possible. On a number of occasions when I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Ackerman, she told about being a woman of Faith and her love for God. She said that everything she did, she did for Him and being in charge of the future of all the children in the public schools, she did not take it lightly. Unfortunately she was hindered in her progress by a few men who were scared of her brilliance and power, and perhaps a few jealous women were a part of See “Thera” page 12 Dedicated to the Community People Volume 53 - Number 4 Published every Friday by R.E. Driver Jr. Associates with a Controlled Circulation of over 90,000 readership. Copies are distributed each Friday in Philadelphia, PA and suburbs, Chester, PA, Camden, NJ and Wilmington, Delaware to people and customers in Shopping Malls, Beauty Shops, Restaurants, Night Clubs, Hotels, Theatres, Office Buildings and many other business establishments where there is a high volume of people of all ages. Mail Subscription: $35.00 per year. Unsolicited manuscripts and photos are welcomed but will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. SCOOP U.S.A. is a city-wide, community newspaper with a broad range of news and information. Display Advertising Deadline is 5:00 p.m. Monday. Call office for rates and information. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or unsolicited manuscripts. The comments made by the columnists of SCOOP U.S.A. are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper or of its staff. BACK ISSUES OF SCOOP USA - wwwscoopusanewspaper.com SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:32 PM Page 3 Our turn to say No More Right Now ChildWatch Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary marian wright edelman This is an important conversation for our children, for our communities, for Democrats and Republicans. Speaking is difficult but I need to say something important. Violence is a big problem. Too many children are dying. Too many children. We must do something. It will be hard. But the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you. Statement of former Representative Gabrielle Giffords to the Senate Judiciary Committee, January 30th, 2013 At the January 30th Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence, former Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the survivor of a gunshot to the head, gave us our marching orders. The United States stands alone in the world in our tolerance of gun violence but in the wake of the devastating Newtown murders, a powerful outcry of ordinary Americans across the country is saying no more. This time we want our collective heartbreak and outrage to be followed by real change. How have people in other countries responded after a gun massacre or mass shooting? Australia and Great Britain provide two examples. In 1996, 35 people were killed and 23 others were wounded by a gunman at the Port Arthur tourist site in Tasmania, Australia, in one of the largest massacres ever committed by a single shooter. Within twelve days of the shooting, spurred by strong public support, the Australian federal and state governments agreed to the historic National Firearms Agreement (NFA), which banned semi-automatic and pump action rifles and shotguns and required registration of all firearms, strict standards for gun licenses, and a permit for each gun purchase subject to a 28-day waiting period. The NFA also prohibited private sales, regulated ammunition sales, and required licensees to receive firearm safety training and to store firearms safely. To get banned rifles and shotguns off the streets, the federal government bought back or accepted turn-ins of over one million guns which were then destroyed. The National Firearms Agreement was supported by a coalition of groups from across the political spectrum including women’s organizations, seniors, religious lead- Great-Phil yschools.org launches awareness campaign to help parents evaluate school options In anticipation of major changes to Philadelphia’s school system this year, the Philadelphia School Partnership has increased efforts to raise awareness about a free resource for parents, caregivers and students -- GreatPhillySchools.org. The website and new corresponding print guides provide a comprehensive resource for Philadelphia families to evaluate and compare over 400 K-12 schools in the city, including ratings and information about district, charter, Catholic and private schools. GreatPhillySchools.org was created through a collaboration of several nonprofit partners led by the Philadelphia School Partnership (PSP) and the Urban Affairs Coalition. "The initial response to GreatPhillySchools has been tremendous, but for this effort to be successful, we must reach the parents and caregivers who most need this information, especially in light of so many proposed changes," said Mark Gleason, Executive Director of the Philadelphia School Partnership. "GreatPhillySchools.org is designed to help families evaluate school options by providing information and ratings on many factors, including academics, col- lege enrollment, attendance, and safety." PSP is working with dozens of partners throughout the city to increase awareness in lowincome communities, including the Freedom Rings Partnership (KEYSPOTS), libraries, community and recreation centers, nonprofits and service agencies, faithbased organizations, early childhood centers and more. In addition, over 40,000 print guides will be distributed throughout the city in January and February. The two editions – the Elementary and Middle School Guide and the High School Guide – contain essentially the same information as the website. “Because many low-income families do not have ready access to the internet, we are using a grassroots strategy to reach parents and caregivers in neighborhoods across Philadelphia,” said Gleason. “That effort includes working with community partners to distribute print guides across the city.” Since the site launched in October 2012, nearly 20,000 people have visited GreatPhillySchools.org. PSP has also launched an advertising campaign through a mix of television, radio, and online advertising. In partnership See “GreatPhilly” page 13 SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 - ers, police, parents, human rights organizations and schools, all demanding stronger gun violence laws in Australia. In the 18 years before the NFA there were 13 mass shootings in Australia. In the 16 years since, Australia has not had a single mass shooting. Rates of overall gun deaths, gun homicides, and gun suicides, which were declining prior to the NFA, started declining twice as fast after the reforms. Just weeks before the Port Arthur massacre in Australia, 16 five- and six-year-olds and their teacher were killed in a devastating school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland. After those murders the public outcry in Great Britain was very similar to the one we are seeing in the U.S. right now. The shooter owned his guns legally and the outrage over his crime started a public campaign for tighter gun control culminating in a petition being handed to the government with over 700,000 signatures. A 1987 mass shooting by a man who killed 16 people and wounded 15 others had already led Great Britain to ban semi-automatic and pump action rifles and shotguns. This time, eleven months after the Dunblane murders, Great Britain passed the Firearm (Amendment) Act of 1997 instituting tighter controls over handguns. Soon after, the country went a step further and prohibited all handguns in civilian hands. The government also instituted firearm amnesties across the country resulting in the surrender of thousands of firearms and rounds of ammunition. After Great Britain acted, gun-related crimes continued to rise for a while, following a trend that began earlier in the decade. Experts said it was inevitable that criminals were not going to surrender their illegal handguns and it took time to reduce the pool of illegal handguns after the ban and see declines in gun-related crimes. But after peaking in 2003 and 2004, the total number of firearm offenses has fallen every year since. In 2009, nearly 67 percent of U.S. homicides were committed with guns while in Great Britain the number was only 6.6 percent. In 2010, 27 people were killed by gun homicide in the United Kingdom, which includes both Great Britain and Northern Ireland and has a population of more than 62 million people. In California and Texas, with a similar combined population of 62 million people, there were 3 2,255 gun homicides. What a difference guns make. Some will argue that other factors contribute to the lower gun violence rates in Australia, Great Britain, and similar countries beyond their strong gun control legislation. Others note that the United States is a very different place, with entrenched attitudes equating guns with personal freedom, tens of millions more people, and tens of millions more guns, and we may never be able to expect the same success reducing the number of gun murders to near zero. These points may have some merit but are not reasons to dismiss anything other countries may be getting right in favor of continuing to do nothing new here. In both Australia and Great Britain extraordinary tragedies pushed a groundswell of citizens to stand up and say no more and elected officials to follow through with significant action. If Americans had said no more after Columbine, there may never have been a Virginia Tech. If we had said no more after Virginia Tech, there may never have been a Tucson. If we had said no more after Tucson, there may never have been an Aurora. If we had said no more after Aurora, there may never have been a Newtown, and maybe some of the more than 31,000 other American gun deaths that occur each year could have been prevented. President Obama was correct when he said at the interfaith prayer vigil at Newtown High School that “no single law—no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society. But that can’t be an excuse for inaction. Surely, we can do better than this. If there is even one step we can take to save another child, or another parent, or another town, from the grief that has visited Tucson, and Aurora, and Oak Creek, and Newtown, and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that—then surely we have an obligation to try.” Let’s heed Gabby Giffords’ moving testimony to be bold, to be courageous, and to act now for our children’s sake. Marian Wright Edelman is a lifelong advocate for disadvantaged Americans and is the President of CDF. Under her leadership, CDF has become the nation's strongest voice for children and families. SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:32 PM Page 4 Black History is World History Part I Black History Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary 4 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 junious r. stanton As we celebrate Black History Month let us be open minded enough to realize we have the power and duty to expand the celebration of ourselves and our legacy to three hundred and sixty-five days a year! Why should we limit ourselves to focusing on our rich traditions and awesome contributions to human history during the shortest month of the year? Yes, I know Carter G. Woodson chose February to celebrate Negro History Week in honor of Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln but human culture, learning and growth are not static; nothing says we cannot expand our consciousness and our knowledge base of ourselves. Black history is world history as our great researchers and scholars like Drusilla Dunjee Houston, W.E.B. Dubois, Ivan Van Sertima, Cheikh Anta Diop, Wayne B. Chandler. O.K. Owusu and Runoko Rashidi and others have abundantly and irrefutably proven. The fact is, in the pre-literate ancient world most humans were dark pigmented. Over thousands of years their physical stature and phenotype changed often due to mutation, isolation and inbreeding. The people Western anthropologists call Negritos or Pygmies, were the original inhabitants of vast swaths of Africa and subsequently dispersed across the planet within a wide climatic belt similar to their original homeland in the interior of Africa. They left Africa migrated into Asia and beyond. We find their descendants as far away as Southeast Asia, the Pacific in Australia, New Guinea the Phillipines, Hawaii, and Malaysia. These ancient Black people left no great stone monuments along the Nile Valley but the Blacks who came after them revered them. These diminutive people were small in stature but huge in organizational skills, they set the foundation for human governance, cooperation and even spirituality. They gave the world the concept of an unseen all encompassing SPIRIT and the values of living in harmony with it and all creation. “The achievements of the Nile Valley people stood on the foundation of thousands of years of observation of the stars, moon, sun and other natural phenomenon by interior Africans. From these early Africans in the interior we see one of the earliest known prototypes of the God-man called Bes, which predates Heru (GreekHorus) and Ausar (Greek-Osiris) who in turn predate the biblical Jesus by thousands of years. The physical characteristics of Bes reflect the short stature of these Know Your History, If You Do Not Know Where You Come From, You cannot and will not Know where you can go!!! FRIDAY • FEBRUARY 8, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS Entertainment (CC) ABC Jeopardy! (CC) early Africans who were ancestors of the modern day Twa peoples. In the papyrus of Hunefer the people of the Nile Valley were quite clear about their origins, ‘We came from the beginning of the Nile where the God Hapi dwells, at the foothills of the mountain of the Moon.’ There are two mountains whose names both mean 'mountain of the moon' - Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, whose river contributes to the Blue Nile, and Rwenzori Mountain in Uganda, which is the source of the White Nile. Civilization flowed down the river Nile, which starts from the White Nile and Blue Nile in Uganda and Ethiopia, flowing north to Egypt. The River Nile stretching for 4,000 miles was a huge cultural highway that facilitated the movement of people and natural resources and the exchange of information and goods.” Egypt In Africa by Tyehimba http://www.rastaspeaks.com/tyehimba/2005/1503.html From Africa these early humans dispersed throughout the world. “There were three major waves of migration of quite different ancient people who came to the Australian continent from Southeast Asia. More than 40,000 years ago, when sea levels were much lower and Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania comprised one landmass, called Sahul, the first to arrive were a slightly-built people of pygmoid stature with dark skin and very frizzy hair. They were Negritos (named after the Spanish ‘little negro’), and they provided the initial population for the whole of this Greater Australia. About 20,000 years ago, a second type of people arrived from Asia. These newcomers, called Murrayians, were comparatively lightly skinned, wavy-haired, stocky in build, with a lot of body hair. They drove the Negritos before them until the latter retreated to the highlands of New Guinea, the rainforests of North Queensland and to then ice-capped Tasmania. The Murrayians became the dominant population on the east coast of Australia, and the open grasslands and parklands of the south and west of the continent. Then, about 15,000 years ago, a third wave of hunter-gatherers arrived. They were comparatively tall, straighthaired and dark skinned, with very little body hair. Named Carpentarians, they colonised northern and central Australia.” The extinction of the Australian pygmies Keith Windschuttle and Tim Gilli Quadran June 2002 http://www.sydneyline.com/Pygmies%20Extinction.ht m Western anthropologists also use the term Negrillo and it is often used interchangeably with the term Negrito to distinguish where they resided. “The following studies authenticates from whence the Negrito migrates and the authenticity of both Cheikh Diop's and Frances Wesling's research of 40 years ago. According to the Associated Press, scientists from the University of Padua in Italy examined hereditary material in cells found that modern humans followed a migration wave from Africa to Asia thousands of years ago after an earlier exodus to the Mediterranean and Greece. Blood samples of people from east Africa and India showed close genetic similarities indicating a common African ancestor. The Italian study was reported in the December 1998 issue of the Journal Nature Genetics…Negroid Pygmies migrated into See “World History” page 14 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 omg! Insider (CC) The Job: The Palm (CC) CSI: NY: Seth and Apep Blue Bloods: Men in (CC) Black (CC) Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing Malibu Country Shark Tank (CC) 11 PM 11:30 Eyewitness Late Show News (CC) 20/20 Investigative report- Action ing on world news. News Jimmy Kimmel Rock Center with Brian NBC 10 Williams (CC) News (CC) The Tonight Show NBC Extra (CC) Access Hol- Dateline NBC (CC) lywood PBS Business BBC World Washington Friday Arts Shakespeare Uncovered: Shakespeare Uncovered: First (CC) News Week David Tennant Trevor Nunn (CC) Tavis Smiley (CC) Big Bang Theory Monk: Mr. Monk and the Monk: Mr. Monk Is UFO (CC) Someone Else (CC) 30 Rock (CC) 30 Rock (CC) FOX TMZ (CC) The Simpsons Touch: Event Horizon/Closer Martin and Jake must FOX 29 Special search for Amelia in Los Angeles. (CC) News at 10 TMZ (CC) Inside Edition (CC) TBN It’s Super- Potter Scenes Touch (CC) (CC) Report MYN Big Bang Theory natural! Hal Lindsey Harvest (CC) with Manna-fest Praise the Lord Interviews and musical perfor(CC) mances. (CC) CW Family Feud Family Feud Nikita: Brave New World The Carrie Diaries: (CC) (CC) ION Cold Case: Superstar (CC) DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN Fright Night (CC) Cold Case: Willkommen Cold Case: Beautiful (CC) Little Fool (CC) News Seinfeld: Hamptons King of Queens King of Queens Cold Case: Death Penalty: Flashpoint: No Kind of Final Appeal (CC) Life (CC) Duck DyDuck DySouthie Southie Southie Southie Duck DyDuck Dynasty (CC) nasty (CC) nasty (CC) nasty (CC) Rules (CC) Rules (CC) Rules (CC) Rules (CC) ComicView ComicView Coach Carter aac (2005, Drama) Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Ri’chard. (CC) (CC) Coach jeopardizes a winning season. rsx Gold Rush: The Night Gold Rush: Bedrock Bering Sea Gold: No Gold Rush: Bedrock Shift (CC) Blowout (CC) Snivelin (CC) Blowout (CC) Dog with a Good Luck A.N.T. Farm Jessie (CC) The Game Plan aac (2007, Comedy) Dwayne Johnson. A quarterback discovers he is a father. Blog Charlie (CC) NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Miami Heat from AmericanAirlines Arena z{| Utah Jazz z{| Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Teen Trouble: Brandi Teen Trouble: Chelsea (CC) (CC) Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred a (2011, Comedy) See Dad Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends Friends: All Fred Figglehorn encounters a vampire. Run (CC) Haste Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy Valentine’s Day aa (2010, Romance) Kathy Bates. Love is de- Are We (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) termined, sought and ignored. rsx (CC) There Yet? Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed, Borrowed, Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Million-dollar jewelry. (CC) Dress Dress New New Dress Dress Dress Dress Characters Unite Law & Order: Special Suits: He’s Back (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Poison Victims Unit: Head Victims Unit ab How Met How Met WGN News at Nine (CC) America’s Funniest America’s Funniest How Met How Met Home Videos af Mother Mother Mother Mother Home Videos af Duck Dynasty (CC) 106 & Park Amateurs compete in rap battles. Gold Rush: The Merger (CC) Good Luck Charlie: All Fall Down (CC) (6:00) Sports NBA CountCenter down Hoarders (CC) Duck Dy- A&E nasty (CC) BET (CC) News at 10 Friends (CC) Compiled by Adelaide Abdur-Rahman AQUARIUS - january 20 - February 18 Aquarius – The Sweetheart Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality. Amethyst is the stone for the month of February In the Middle Ages Amethyst was thought to encourage celibacy, and as a result became important in the ornamentation of churches. Amethyst, according to Leonardo Da Vinci, is able to increase intelligence and dissolve evil thoughts. Catherine the great was very fond of amethysts. They adorn the British Crown Jewels and were coveted by Egyptian royalty. Rosaries in Tibet are often made from amethyst, a gemstone considered to be sacred to Buddha. Ancient Greeks believed amethyst would protect against drunkenness (“amethystas” is a greek word meaning “not drunken”) and therefore carved wine goblets from it. Amethyst is believed to purify the mind, increase tranquility and alleviate anxiety. February 8th It is easy for you to absorb a universal knowledge without much effort because of you keen memory. You are very practical and not inclined to take things for granted in you home, business or in love. You are capable of a deep and lasting love but hesitate to accept others at their apparent worth. 1831 Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler, first African American woman to become a physician in the US is born. 1887 Elijah McCoy is awarded patent 357,491 for a lubricator. 1898 O’Connor and Turner are awarded patent 598,572 for an alarm for coast containing vessels. 1898 Alvin L. Rickman is awarded patent Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler 598,816 for a rubberized shoe to act as covering to prevent feet from getting wet. This was a forerunner of modern rubbers. 1899 (Alonzo) Lonnie Johnson, singer (Tomorrow Night), guitarist and songwriter is born in New Orleans, LA. 1924 Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher, the first African American woman to attend an all white school in the south is born in Chickasha, OK. 1924 Joe Black Major League Baseball player and the first African American pitcher to win a world series game is born in Plainfield, NJ. 1947 Josephine Bakhita, born a slave, became a Roman Catholic nun and declared a saint in 2000 dies in Schio, Veneto Italy. 1948 Ron Tyson singer with the new Temptations, is born in Philadelphia, PA. 1965 Ray Brown, Negro League Baseball player dies in Dayton, OH. 1968 Samuel Hammond, Jr., Henry E. Smith, South Carolina State University students and Delano H. Middleton a high school student are fatally shot when police fire on demonstrator in Orangeburg, SC 1968 Gary Coleman, actor (Different Strokes) is born in Zion, IL. 1970 Alonzo Harding Morning, National Basketball Association player is born in Chesapeake, VA. 1990 Cassius Marcellus Clay, Sr., father of Muhammad Ali (boxer) dies in Louisville, KY. 1991 Aris T. Allen first African American chair of the Maryland Republican Party dies n Annapolis, MD. 1996 Mercer Ellington, bandleader and son of Duke Ellington, dies. 2002 William Draffen, singer and founding member of Bloodstone (Natural High) dies. 2005 Jimmy ‘Oscar’ Smith, organist dies in Scottsdale, AZ. February 9th Both the strongest and the weakest physically are born in this month. All have great possibilities, which, in some, attain high spiritual order. Study yourself and find your inclinations; then practice and apply yourself to them faithfully. You are loyal to your friends and constant in your love. 1900 Walter Sylvester ‘Big Un’ Page, jazz multi-instrumentalist and bandleader is born in Gallatin, MO. 1902 Blanche Dorothea Calloway, singer and bandleader (sister of Cab Calloway) is born in Rochester, NY. See “Black History” page 15 SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:32 PM Page 5 Black Wall Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 - 5 Continued from Front Page ance Claims--has been awarded the victims to this day. Nonetheless, they rebuilt. We estimate 1,500 to 3,000 People were Killed and we know that a lot of them were Buried in Mass Graves all around the City. Some were thrown into the river. As a matter of fact, at 21st Street and Yale Avenue, where there now stands a Sears Parking Lot, that corner used to be a Coal Mine. They threw a lot of the Bodies into the Shafts. Unmarked Graves TULSA, Oklahoma (CNN) Beulah Smith and Kenny Booker, Two Elderly Oklahomans, Lived through one of the Worst Race Riots in U.S.. History, a rarely mentioned 1921 Tulsa Blood Bath that officially took Thousands of African-American Lives. The Tulsa Race Riot Commission, formed two years ago to determine exactly what happened, will consider next week the Controversial Issue of what, if any, Reparations should be paid to the Known Survivors of the Riot, A Group of less than 100 that includes Beulah Smith, now 92, and Kenny Booker, 86. 'The Gun Went Off, The Riot Was On' On the Night of May 31,1921, mobs called for the lynching of Dick Rowland,A Black Man who shined shoes, after hearing reports that on the previous day he had assaulted Sarah Page,A white woman, in the elevator she operated in a downtown building. Congressman Fattah urges college students and families: get ready to file your Education Tax Credit WASHINGTON D.C., Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA-02), principal sponsor for The American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), urges college students and their families to start gathering documents on their college expenses for 2012 so they can file for this important tax credit designed to make higher education more affordable. The AOTC, introduced and adopted as part of President Obama’s recovery program in 2009, provides up to $2,500 per year as a refundable tax credit for tuition, textbooks, fees and other higher education expenses for working families, low and middle income students. “The American Opportunity Tax Credit has helped put college education within the reach of millions of students who would otherwise face significant financial hardship,” said Fattah, a leader in Congress for educational opportunity and equity. “I am pleased that the strides we have made toward increasing college affordability will continue.” In its first year the AOTC assisted 12.5 million students with tax credits totaling $14 billion for meeting their college expenses, with similar benefits in ensuing years. That record of success led Congress to extend the credit for an additional five years – until 2017 - as part of the so-called “fiscal cliff” legislation approved earlier this month. A Local Newspaper, had printed a Fabricated Story that Rowland tried to Rape Page. In An Editorial, the same newspaper said a Hanging was Planned for that Night. As Groups of both Blacks and Whites converged on the Tulsa Courthouse, a White Man in the Crowd Confronted an armed Black Man,A War Veteran, who had joined with other Blacks to protect Rowland. A Fabricated Newspaper Story Triggered The Violent Riots that left Hundreds, if not Thousands, Dead. Comm. Member Eddie Faye Gates told CNN what happened next. "This White Man," she said, Asked The Black Man, "What Are You Doing With This Gun?" "I'm going to use it if I have to," the Black Man said, according to Gates, "and (the White Man) said, 'No, you're not. Give it to me,' and he tried to take it. The gun went off, the White Man was Dead, The Riot Was On." Truckloads of Whites Set Fires and Shot Blacks on sight. When the smoke lifted the Next Day, more than 1,400 Homes and Businesses in Tulsa's Greenwood District, a prosperous area known as the " Black Wall Street," lay in ruins. Today, only a single block of the Original Buildings remains standing in the area. Experts now estimate that at least 3,000, Died. 'We're in a heck of a lot of trouble' Beulah Smith was 14 yrs. old the Night of the Riot. A Neighbor named Frenchie came pounding on her family's door in a Tulsa neighborhood known as "Little Africa " that also went up in flames. "Get your families out of here because SATURDAY • FEBRUARY 9, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 they're, Killing Niggers Uptown," she remembers Frenchie saying. "We hid in the weeds in the Hog Pen," Smith told CNN. People in a Mob that came to Kenny Booker's house asked, "Nigger, Do You Have A Gun?" he told CNN. Booker, then a teen-ager, hid with his family in their attic until the home was torched. "When we got downstairs, things were burning. My sister asked me, 'Kenny, is the World on Fire?' I said, 'I don't know, but we're in a heck of a lot of trouble, baby." Another Riot Survivor, Ruth Avery, who was 7 at the time, gives an account matched by others who told of bombs dropped from small airplanes passing overhead. The Explosive Devices may have been Dynamite or Molotov Cocktails -- Gasoline-Filled Bottles set afire and thrown as grenades. "They'd throw it down and when it'd hit, it would burst into flames," Avery said. Only A single block remains of the 1,400 Homes and Businesses that made up the area known as the ' Black Wall Street '. Unmarked Graves many of the Survivors "mentioned Bodies were stacked like cord wood, says Richard Warner of the Tulsa Historical Society. In its search for the facts,The Commission has literally been trying to dig up the truth. Two Headstones at Tulsa's Oaklawn Cemetery indicate that riot victims are buried there. In an effort to determine how many, archeological experts in May used ground-piercing radar and other equipment to test the soil in a search for Unmarked Graves. The test picked up indications that hundreds, of people have been buried in an area just outside the cemetery. Something To Motivate Us All. Please Share. 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 CBS Entertainment Tonight NCIS: Los Angeles: The The GRAMMY’s Will Go 48 Hours: Koula (CC) (CC) ABC FYI Philly Watchers (CC) On the Red Be My ValCarpet entine Charlie Brown 11:30 On (CC) Despicable Me aaac (2010, Comedy) Steve Carell. A master thief plans his next big heist. Action News News 11:35pm NBC 10 News (CC) Sat. Night Live NBC Access Hollywood (CC) American Ninja Warrior: Chicago Fire: Under the Saturday Night Live Best of Northeast 11 PM Eyewitness Criminal News Minds Knife (CC) (CC) The Spirit of St. Louis aaa (1957, Adventure) James Stewart. Aviator tries to cross the Atlantic. Rick Steves’ Oscar Hammerstein II - Out of My (CC) Dreams (CC) Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Two and Half Men News at 10 Friends (CC) Cheaters (CC) FOX TMZ (CC) Cops ab (CC) Cops ab (CC) The Following: The Poet’s Fire (CC) FOX 29 News at 10 Hell’s Kitchen: 17 Chefs Compete (CC) TBN Precious Memories In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley (CC) Hour of Power (CC) Billy Graham Crusades Love Begins aac (2011, Drama) Wes Brown. PBS The Lawrence Welk Show: Love Songs MYN Two and Half Men Big Bang Theory (CC) Two and Half Men CW Family Feud Family Feud Law & Order: Criminal In- Law & Order: Criminal In- News (CC) (CC) ION House: Don’t Ever Change (CC) DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN tent: The Healer House: No More Mr. Nice Guy (CC) House: Living the Dream psych: There Might Be (CC) Blood (CC) Engagement: Kids Engagement (CC) psych: Talk Derby to Me (CC) Flipping Vegas: Haunted Flipping Vegas: Condo Flipping Vegas: Chop Flipping Vegas: Pay It For- Flipping Vegas: Stink From Hell (CC) House (CC) ward House (CC) House (CC) (5:30) 35 & Ticking ac Woman Thou Art Loosed: On the Seventh Day a (2012, Love & Basketball aac (2000, Ro(2011) Tamala Jones. Drama) Parents search for kidnapped daughter. rsx (CC) mance) Omar Epps. rsx (CC) Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Jessie (CC) Jessie: 101 A.N.T. Farm Jessie (CC) Phineas and Shake It Up! A.N.T. Farm Jessie (CC) Austin & A.N.T. Farm Lizards (CC) Ferb (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) College Basketball College GameDay College Basketball Louisville Cardinals at Notre SportsCenter from Pittsburgh vs Cincinnati Dame Fighting Irish z{| Bristol, Conn. The Family That Preys c Twist of Faith (2013, Drama) Toni Braxton. Jewish Betty and Coretta (2013, Drama) Angela Bassett. (2008) Kathy Bates. singer befriends Christian widow. pqw Widows develop life-long friendships. pqw Sponge Sponge Marvin Supah To Be Announced The Nanny The Nanny Friends Friends: The Bob Bob Marvin Ninjas (CC) Unagi King of Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang King of the Nerds: Queens (CC) Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Supernerds (CC) Untold Stories of the Untold Stories of the Untold Stories of the Untold Stories of the Untold Stories of the E.R.: Frat Boy Blues E.R.: Delusional Bride E.R.: Diagnose Me! E.R.: Meltdown (CC) E.R.: Delusional Bride (6:00) The Back-Up Plan aa (2010, Couples Retreat aa (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Jason Couples Retreat aa Comedy) Jennifer Lopez. rsx Bateman. An island resort’s guests are surprised. rsx (2009) Vince Vaughn. (CC) America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest WGN News at Nine (CC) Bones: The Soccer Mom Home Videos af Home Videos af Home Videos af in the Mini-Van A&E House (CC) BET Seinfeld: The Cafe tent: Major Case SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 6 Call all Indie Artists--Supreme Gospel CD Compilation 6 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 sherri y. johnson Supreme Gospel Entertainment and its partners are currently reviewing song submissions for its upcoming CD Compilation project. This project will be diverse in nature as it will represent various genres of Gospel and inspirational music. From praise and worship, spoken word, contemporary to quartet there will be something for everyone to enjoy. The goal of the Supreme Gospel Compilation is to give independent artists a viable outlet to share their music on a broader scale. Music programmers from around the country will have immediate access to each song and will have the option to begin featuring it on their respective shows. The Supreme Gospel promo team will be hard at work distributing the compilation project at different national events for maximum exposure including the Gospel Music Workshop of America Board Meeting and Convention, Radio One music events, Essence Music Festival and numerous others. All artists will be represented through different marketing options from e-blasts, street promotions, radio, retail and event promotions. The deadline to submit a song for consideration is February 22, 2013. Artists must submit a mp3 to [email protected]. All songs must be timed coded and copyrighted before it will be considered for inclusion. The review team will listen to each song carefully and make its determination as to which ones will be placed on this first project. Other promotional services will be made available to artists to as well. LaRose jazz Club 5531Germantown Ave. Phila In Philly The Only MONDAy jAZZ MATINEE Monday 6 to 10 p.m. with TONy WILLIAMS and Guests Club available for Parties, Show, Banquets, etc. For more information:Verna Edwards - 215-248-4415 LaRose Club - 215-844-5818, Bob Jones - 215-219-8045 Free Parking in the rear of the Club SUNDAY • FEBRUARY 10, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM Notification responses will be emailed to participants within seven business days of receipt of music. Supreme Gospel is looking for high quality and unique, ear catchy music with a message of love, hope and Good News that will positively change this world. For more information call 215.843.3355. Like us on Facebook: Supreme Gospel Entertainment and follow us on Twitter: @supremegospel. Upcoming Event: Alpha Course is coming to True Light Fellowship Church on March 1, 2013 at 6:30pm. This free and informal 10-week course is a platform for people to come, eat, fellowship and learn practical answers to questions people may ask about faith. To be a part of the best free and empowering course in the city call 215.548.5053 or log onto www.truelightfellowship.org. Until the next column, remain encouraged!! DETROIT PARTY BUS MOTOWN ± HITS VILLE USA AUGUST 30 ± SEPTEMBER 2, 2013 JAZZ FESTIVAL WEEKEND PACKAGE INCLUDES: Ƈ5281'75,3'(/8;(02725&2$&+3+,/$72'( TROIT Ƈ-DAYS- 3 NIGHTS DELUXE CASINO HOTEL (5-STAR DIAMOND RATE) ƇSS3(5'$<&$6,125(:$5'3/$< Ƈ%8))(7%5($.)$67'$,/<$7+27(/ Ƈ-WELL DINNER (WHITE NIGHT) DJ MUSIC & DANCING Ƈ&203/,0(17$5<67$5%8&.6&2))(($1'%277/(' WATER IN ROOMS Ƈ'$,/<75$163257$7,2172-$==6+2:6 ʕRoundtrip Transportation²Phila to NY Ƈ+263,7$/,7<68,7(6:,7+5()5(6+0(176a&2&. ~ DJ MUSIC TAILS ʕOrchestra Seating 2:00 p.m. Show Ƈ*$0(6-PRIZES-PAJAMA NIGHT± SPA Ƈ0,1,72852)'(752,7:,7+$'0,66,21727+( ʕGames²Fun²Prizes AFRO AMERICAN MUSEUM Ƈ)5((/,9(1,*+7&/8%(17(57$,10(17 ʕSoul Food Dinner Served Enroute A GROUP OF 25 (1) GUESS GOES FREE PER PERSONCOST ʕ6KRSSLQJDW0DF\¶VRQWK6WUHHW TRIPLE - $679.00pp QUAD - $669.00pp ʕ0RWKHU¶V'D\*LIW)RU$OO7KH0RWKHUV DOUBLE $699.00pp. SINGLE - $899.00 ʕRefreshments on the return trip back home ALL DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AN IMMEDIATE $150.00pp WILL CONFIRM YOUR RESERVATION PAYMENT PLAN OF $75.00 A MONTH &RVWV3HU3HUVRQ«««« FINAL BALANCE DUE BY JUNE 29, 2013 STRESS FREE TRAVEL 5119 PINE STREET PHILA, PA. 19143 215-476-0983 9:30 www.stressfreetravelinc 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 The 55th Annual GRAMMY Awards LL Cool J returns to host music’s biggest night in Los Angeles. (CC) Eyewitness News ABC America’s Funniest Once Upon a Time: Tiny Revenge: Union (CC) (CC) Action News News 11:35pm (:38) Sports Final Revenge for Real: The Miami Millionaire NBC Dateline NBC (CC) Betty White’s Birthday (CC) Saturday Night Live: Saturday Night Live in the ‘80s: Lost and Found (CC) NBC 10 News (CC) PBS The Lawrence Welk Masterpiece: Downton Abbey III (CC) Masterpiece: Downton Abbey III Big changes impact the manor house. (CC) Austin City Limits: The Magnetic Zeroes The First Family The First Family Mr. Box Of- Mr. Box Of- News at 10 Friends fice (CC) fice 30 Rock (CC) 30 Rock: Madness The Simpsons Bob’s Bur- Family Guy American gers (CC) Dad! The Simpsons TMZ (CC) Show: Love Songs MYN Two and Half Men Big Bang Theory FOX Bob’s Bur- Cleveland gers TBN Leading Way (CC) CW How Met Mother Show The Blessed Joel Osteen Kerry Believers Life (CC) Shook (CC) Voice How Met Mother ION Monk: Mr. Monk and the End, Part 1 (CC) BET DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN Creflo Dollar (CC) FOX 29 (:36) FOX 29 News at 10 Sports One Night with the King (2006, Drama) Tiffany Dupont. Young girl faces difficult decision. CSI: Miami: Meltdown (CC) Criminal Minds: Extreme Aggressor (CC) News Seinfeld: The Cafe King of Queens King of Queens Monk: Mr. Monk and the End, Part 2 (CC) Law & Order: Criminal In- Law & Order: Criminal In- Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Magnificat tent: Silver Lining tent: Inert Dwarf Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Husbands 2nd Gener- Apollo Live: Faith Evans Queen: Love & Basketball aac (2000, Romance) Omar Epps, Sanaa Part 3 Lathan. Players follow their hoop dreams to USC. rsx (CC) ations (CC) Dual Survival: Into the Dual Survival: Trouble in Dual Survival: The Dual Survival: Twin Dual Survival: The Frying Pan (CC) Paradise (CC) Green Hell (CC) Peaks (CC) Green Hell (CC) Austin & Austin & Good Luck Good Luck Austin & Austin & Gravity Falls Austin & Jessie: Got- Shake It Up! Charlie Charlie Ally (CC) Ally (CC) Ally (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) cha Day (CC) SportsCenter from Bristol, Conn. (6:00) SportsCenter from NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Brooklyn Nets from Bristol, Conn. Barclays Center z{| Movie Twist of Faith (2013, Drama) Toni Braxton. Jewish (:02) Movie singer befriends Christian widow. pqw Sponge Sponge See Dad Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny: Friends: Yeti Friends Kibbutz (CC) (CC) Bob Bob Run She’s the (6:00) Father of the Bride, The Wedding Date aa (2005, Com- (:45) The Wedding Date aa (2005, Comedy) A edy) Debra Messing. rsx (CC) woman rents a boyfriend for a wedding. rsx Man aac Part II aa (1995) Gypsy Sisters: Highway Here Comes Honey Boo Here Comes Honey Boo Gypsy Sisters: Highway Gypsy Sisters: The Boo: Thanksgiving Boo: Christmas to Hell Queen of All Cons to Hell It’s Complicated aaa NCIS: Agent Afloat (CC) NCIS: Silver War (CC) NCIS: Under Covers ab NCIS: Boxed In (CC) (CC) (2009) Meryl Streep. (CC) How Met How Met News (CC) (:40) Instant 30 Rock ab 30 Rock: Bloopers af How Met How Met How Met Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Replay Studio 6H Storage A&E Wars (CC) Top CDs & DVDs 1. Rick Ross ....... “God Forgives, I Don’t” ...... (DefJam) 2. Nas .......................... “Life Is Good” ..................... (DefJam) 3. R. Kelly ..................... “Write Me Back” .................. (RCA) 4. Nora Jones ............ “Little Broken Heart” ....... (Blue Note) 5. Chris Brown ........................ “Fortune” .................... (RCA) 6. Whitney Houston .... Whitney ... The Greatest Hits (RCA) 7. Kindred The Family Soul .... “Love Has No Recession” (Shanachie) 8. Anthony Hamilton .......... “Back to Love” ......... (RCA) 9. Meek Mill/DJ Drama ... “Dream Chasers” ... (Maybach) 10. 2 Chainz ....... “Based on a T.R.U. Story........ (DefJam) 11. Common ..... “The Dreamer, The Believer” ....... (WB) 12. Usher ................ “Looking 4 Myself” ................ (RCA) 13. Sparkle .................. “Soundtrack” ..................... (RCA) 14. Drake .................... “Take Care” .................. (UniRepu) 15. Jill Scott ............. “Light of the Sun” ................... (WB) 16. Tyrese ............... Open Invitation .................. (Voltron) 17. Mary J. Blige ............. “My Life II” ................. (Geffen) 18. Rihanna ............ “Talk That Talk” ................ (DefJam) 19. Carl Thomas ................. “Conquerer” ................ (Verve) 20. Ledisi ....................... “Pieces of Me” ................ (Verve) 21. Johnny Gill ............... “Still Winning” .............. (Notifi) 22. Adele ............................ “21” ...................... (Columbia) 23. Eric Benet ............... “The One” .......... (Jordan House) 24. Young Jeezy .... “TM 103: Hustler Ambition” ... (DefJam) 25. Joe ....... “The Good, The Bad, The Sexy” ........ (Kerd) Top Gospel CDS & DVDS Don’t Worry, Be Happy Stay in the Loop with SCOOP USA ALL PAYMENTS PAYABLE TO: CBS 60 Minutes (CC) Home Videos (CC) CD Spotlight Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary 1. Andre Crouch .................. “Journey” ................ (RPM) 2. William McDonald .................... “Aris” ........... (Verity) 3. Darryl McFadden ...... “Alive”“20th Anniversary Live” 4. Mary Mary ............ “Go Get It” ................... (Columbia) 5. Williams Malcolm ........... “Spectacular” .......... (Verity) 6. Yolanda Adams ........... “Becomming” ............... (Verity) 7. Isiah Thomas .............. “I Dare You” .................. (Light) 8. J. Moss ................ “The Other Side” ............. (PAJAM) 9. Shekinan Glory Ministry ..... “How Deeply” .......... (ND) 10. SmokieNorful ........... “Once in a Lifetime” ...... (EMI) 11. Deitrick Haddon ... “Church on the Moon” .... (Verity) 12. Maurette Clark Brown ..... Sound of Victory ........ (ND) 13. Lisa Brooks .............. Hidden Treasures .............. (ND) 14. The Williams Bros. Sr. ..... “Phila”“I’m Free”... (TWB) 15. Isaac Arree ... “Uncommon Me” .............“In The Middle” (Soverign) 16. Tamika Patton ....... More Than Faithful ................ ( ) 17. Keith Pringle ................. “Nothing Too Hard For God” (Platform) 18. Donald Lawrence .................. “YRM” .............. (Verity) 19. James Fortune & Fiya ............ “Identity” .......... (Light) 20. Lynda Randle ... “Til The Storm Passes By” ... (Verity) 21. Kirk Franklin .. “Hello Fear” ...“I Smile” .. (Fo Yo Soul) 22. Missippi Mass Choir ...“Then Sings My Soul” ... (Malaco) WEBB’S DEPARTMENT STORE 2152 Ridge Avenue “WE’RE STILL OPEN” Large Selection of Stereo Needles and Cartridges WEBB’S DEPARTMENT STORE has some of the Nicest Customers in the world. Would you like to be one of them? Open Every Day of the Year SPECIAL: 10 CASSETTES FOR $10 Must buy 10 SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 7 The 21st Annual African American Children’s Book Fair PhillyBeat Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary Entertainment Editor Yanina Carter Real Talk with Will Smith and Sister Souljah took place last Saturday February 2nd at The Temple Performing Arts Center Broad and Pollock. Hundreds came out to talk about family and community issues. Will, was also seen at the 76ers basketball game along with his partner, Charlie Mack. Good to have Will back home for a visit. Last week was the beginning of the new sitcom filmed right here in Philadelphia, called, "Do No Harm" on NBC at 10pm. It seems like everyone is getting a shot at acting locally, I heard Jerry Wells, formerly of WDAS was an extra on the show. He was seen in the background dressed like a doctor in scrubs. The sitcom is the story of a doctor who has two personalities. At 8:30 p.m. he become his alter ego who is destine to make the doctor’s life a mess. I liked it check it out. Throughout the month of February, the National Constitution Center is paying tribute to the extraordinary achievements made by African Americans throughout history as they strived to become recognized as an integral part of “We the People.” On February 3, visitors enjoyed free access to the museum, including the Center’s main exhibition The Story of We the People, the awardwinning multimedia presentation Freedom Rising, and the iconic Signers’ Hall, as well as the feature exhibition American Spirits: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. Guests were in awe over the interactive programs, rare artifacts, and more as part of the Center’s African American History Month Celebration. Artifacts highlighting important moments in African American history include a copy of the first printing of the Dred Scott Decision from 1857; a rare printing of the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln; and the pen used by President Lyndon B. Johnson’s to sign the Voting Rights Act. The 21st Annual African American Children's Book Fair will be held this Saturday, February 9, 2013, 1:003:00PM, Community College of Philadelphia, 17th Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA. The event is free and opened to the public. The Book Fair started out on a cold frosty day at John Wanamaker Department Store. Sounds like the beginning of a novel. But today is it one of the oldest and largest single day events for African American Children's Books in the region. On average over 3,500 people attend the event each year. With a reported double digit illiteracy rate in the region, our success is due to the fact that we offer the best and the brightest from the multi-cultural literary community; books that enlighten enrich and empower the young citizens in our community. Parents, caregivers, and educators from the tri-state SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, Friday, February 8, 2013 - 7 area are very supportive of the event because they understand that children who read make more responsible decisions about their lifestyles. Over 21 nationally known bestselling authors/illustrators will participate. Many have won the American Library Association Coretta Scott King award. Some of the confirmed participants are James Ransome, Lesa ClineRansome, Deborah Gregory, Eric Velasquez, Shadra Strickland, David Miller, Elizabeth Zunon, Marilyn Nelson, Alice Randall, Caroline Randall Williams, Jabari Asim, Regina Brooks, Floyd Cooper, Nancy Devard, Glennette Tilly Turner, David Miller, Kekla Magoo, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perovich, Renee Watson and Jerry Craft. These authors/illustrators have written some of the best books of our generation. The afternoon is packed with activities that promote the power and joy of reading. Authors and illustrators will make presentations from their books. The Literary Row distributes book related promotional materials free of charges. Our Educator’s book-giveaway distributes brand new books to teachers and librarian to use in their classrooms. The Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection, Temple University Libraries cordially is holding an Author's Talk & Book Signing for the publication: “Envisioning Emancipation: Black Americans and the End of Slavery(Temple University Press, 2012)” by Deborah Willis and Barbara Krauthamer. The book is garnering rave reviews and copious attention from the likes of Publishers Weekly and The New York Times. In their pioneering book, the authors have amassed 150 photographs-some never before published-from the antebellum days of the 1850s through the New Deal era of the 1930s. The authors vividly display the seismic impact of emancipation on African Americans born before and after the Proclamation, providing a perspective on freedom and slavery and a way to understand the photos as documents of engagement, action, struggle, and aspiration. The event will be February 8, 2013 at 3:00 p.m., held in Mitten Hall, Great Court -- 913 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 adjacent to Sullivan Hall REELBLACK PRESENTS the award-winning film "Greencastle" as part of its Dinner and Movie series. The film be shown on Friday, February 15, 2013 at 7pm. At Cafe Mills, Greene and Upsal Streets. ADMISSION IS FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A MEAL (approx $12). Actor/writer/director Koran Dunbar will also be on hand to interview for the Reelblack TV show. SPACE IS LIMITED. Greencastle is the sleeper hit of 2012, receiving several awards at film festivals across the country, including: Best Feature Film, Best Sound, and Best Actor for Dunbar's dramatic turn as Poitier Dunning, a single father who is left to raise his son (played by real-life son Aurelius Dunbar), in the rural setting of Greencastle, PA. Actress Nikki Estridge shows strong chops as Dunning's love interest. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents “Built To Amaze!”, at the Wells Fargo Center from Wednesday, February 13 through Sunday, February 17. This year’s show is expected to be as amazing as previous years. But this year the crowd will be entertained during its pre opening by a young lady who is happy to have this opportunity. Twenty-six-year-old Ashley Vargas will be dazzling the crowd prior to the show with her outgoing, multi-talented ability. Ashley Vargas was destined to be in show business. An avid figure skater when she was younger, Ashley envisioned herself becoming either an ice skater with Disney On Ice or a New York City Rockette, but she never imagined that her love of performing would lead her to The Greatest Show On Earth!®. “I stopped skating when I got into horses, and started travelling. I was seeing a guy friend whom I travelled along with his family doing horse tricks and performing for the Italian Circus in Italy.” It was from this experience that landed Ashley the opportunity to work with Ringling Bros. doing a horse act. “The experience was great and apparently I made a good impression because I was called me back to host the pre show (an hour before the circus begin). “My job is to get the crowd pumped up and ready for a night of entertainment show.” What makes Ashley’s job so exception is the position is usually held by a gentlemen or clowns. But with the help and training for the Ringmaster Andre McClain, Ashley can’t go wrong. Ashley said, “As a kid I never thought that I would be in a circus. I always loved the circus but never knew how anyone would get into it. And with the help of my family, friends and mentors they helped me to make this transition. This is a little girls dream come true and I am enjoying it, I am happy about the path that I chose.” Even though Ashley is not skating in the show she is busy doing a lot of other things horse tricks, stunts and having fun. There are a lot of venues that I am able to utilize with the company from doing also voiceovers to circus acts. It is the best,” she said. There are 110 performers in the show which travels to 17 countries. There are 90 different animals and great performers from Russia and all over. It is like a big family, we have barbecues and we learn about different cultures and we go to different cities from Morocco, France See “Book Fair” page 9 Pyramid STEM Showcase Educating and Empowering the African American Community Saturday, February 16, 2013 12 noon - 5:00 p.m. Zion Community Center 3601 N. Broad Street Philadelphia,PA Hands-on Exhibits NASA Spece Shuttle Exhibit Black Inventiions & History Exhibits Educatoinal Session Information Tables ~ Vendors Giveaways and Family Fun!! Live Performance by LAK The Hip Hop Educator 2:00 p.m. UNIVERSAL PICTURES PRESENTS IN ASSOCIATION WITH RELATIVITY MEDIA A BLUEGRASS FILMS/AGGREGATE FILMS PRODUCTION A SETH GORDON FILM “MUSICIDENTITY THIEF” JASON BATEMAN MELISSA MCCARTHY JON FAVREAUPRODUCED AMANDA PEET TIP ‘T.I.’ HARRIS GENESIS RODRIGUEZ MORRISTORYS CHESTNUT JOHN CHO ROBERT PATRISCREENPLAY CK ERIC STONESTREET EXECUTIVE BY CHRISTOPHER LENNERTZ PRODUCERS PETER MORGAN DAN KOLSRUD BY SCOTT STUBER JASON BATEMAN PAMELA ABDY BY JERRY EETEN AND CRAI G MAZIN BY CRAI G MAZIN DIRECTED BY SETH GORDON A UNIVERSAL PICTURE SOUNDTRACK ON BACK LOT MUSIC AND LALA RECORDS © 2012 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THEATERS AND SHOWTIMES SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 8 Al Breland celebrates 99 years Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary 8 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 Mr. Al Breland, recently celebrated his 99th Birthday at LaRose Jazz Club surrounded by family and friends among the smooth sounds of the Tony Williams Jazz Quartet. Top picture (left to right) Mr. R. Sonny Driver, Publisher, SCOOP USA; Mr. Al Breland and Dr. LaRose. Bottom picture: a group of ninety-somethings who came out to enjoy the festivities: (Seated) (left to right) Grace Stevenson-95; Regina Young Jones -96; and Carolyn Merrill - 98. (Standing) Albert Brealand-99yr.; Thelma Giles-91yr.; and George Giles-94yr. Albert is looking forward to celebrating his 100th birthday with everyone. LaRose Jazz Club: (seated) Grace Stevenson-95yrs., Regina Young Jones-96yrs., Caroline Merrill-98yrs., standin Albert Brealand-99 rs. Thelma Giles-91 rs. Geor e Giles-94 rs. You can help us bring missing kids home Courtney Ross Both photos shown are of Courtney From: Allentown, PA DOB: 6/24/1996 Age: 16 Years Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Sex: Female Race: Black Height: 5’3” Weight: 120 lbs. Date Missing: 4/21/12 If you have information, please contact the Philadelphia Police Department in Pennsylvania at 1 (215) 685-3258 Don’t Worry, Be Happy Stay in the Loop with SCOOP USA The 1926 Foundation and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Omega Omega Chapter presented An Afternoon of Elegance, Style & Glamour Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show. This fantastic yearly event was held at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel. Over 800 beautiful, stylish and glamorous women attended. This annual event helps Omega Omega Chapter in awarding over $500.000 in scholarships and grants to students and community organizations at their Annual Day of Sharing and provides service to all mankind. Pictured here L-R: Kathleen Lacey, event chair, Lorina Marshal Blake, president AKA, Sorority, Inc. Omega Omega Chapter and Crystal Photo Credit: Martin Regusters Lacey event chair. Philly Kicks Off National Peace Tour by Maurice Henderson The "Peace" National Tour officially kicks off in the Philadelphia area during February 2013 and will also be launched during the Winter-Spring 2013 season in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and other locales within the MidAtlantic region, Northeast Corridor and Tri-State area. West Philly's Nation Conscious Rapper and Neo-Soul Recording Artist 'Popauce' convened the kick-off of the "Peace" tour with an appearance in Cumberland County New Jersey during King Holiday Weekend and at St. Gabriel Hall in Audubon, Pennsylvania on Saturday, February 2nd. Premiering his new album "Disadvantage Minority", Popauce will be joined on tour with other prominent and local personalities such as spoken word artist and authors Cleous Young, Thierry Lundy, Dr. Neal Hall, Anitra Jones, rapper Shorty-Roc and Keith Mungin, producer of Walk Down Entertainment. Other organizations scheduled to participate or facilitate events and activities on the tour include Bridging Worlds, Mountain of Miracles, the Adelphia Company Records and Repertory Touring Company, the Hip Hop Business School for the Arts and Humanities, the Association of African-American Young Entrepreneurs and the House of Umoja, which will provide film showings and books about their historical approach to youth/gang violence and also issue a forthcoming magazine publication promoting the theme "Blessed Are the Peacemakers." The "Peace" National Tour has been scheduled for programming, presen- tations and performances at schools, libraries, social agencies, churches, theaters, arts institutions, recreation and OST programs. The goal of the tour is to encourage violence and crime prevention through the humanities and the arts and to promote civics literacy and cultural enterprise. Partial funding for organizations or groups to host Tour events at their facilities or locales have been provided by Community Change - National Support Agency, which was cofounded by Leslie Miles, contributing writer with One Step Away, a local homeless newspaper. Upcoming school, OST and educational institution performances will include the staged adaptations of "Save the Children", "Ain't I Kool", "To be Young, Black and Gifted with Rap," "Peace in the Streets", "Addicted", "Oh God Please Send Me a Do Right Man," and "PeaceN-Da-Hood." The current schedule of bookings include Saturday, February 9th for IDAAY's Adolescent Violence Reduction Program at Temple University, Friday, February 15th at the Midtown Scholars Bookstore in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Saturday, February 23rd at the Presbyterian Church, Thursday, March 21st at the Polytech High School in Baltimore, Maryland and Friday, March 22 at the Landis School in Vineland, New Jersey with Wednesdays, April 17th & May 8th evening performances at the Rotunda on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. Organizations and especially schools or OST programs can schedule the "Peace" Tour at their host site or facility by contacting (215) 254-9314 or Leslie Miles at (267) 4446528. Groups, Institutions, Centers or Agencies can also join the tour and gain access to the "Give Back" Campaign founded by Xavier Lewis, finalist on "America's Got Talent". Maurice Henderson is the winner of the Rosa Parks Award for Teaching Tolerance and has been nominated for the International Peace Prize. He has taught for Temple University's PASCEP since 1985 and can be reached at mauricebrianhenderson@ yahoo.com or (267) 2300317 SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 9 Shelly Williams receives Will Smith Award Book Fair Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 - 9 Continued from page 7 SCOOP’s own Shelly Williams was honored with the Will Smith Award at Philadelphia's premiere Hip Hop event presented by Urban Celebrity Magazine and AllFlamerz.. The 2012 Award show was held at the legendary Theater of Living arts (atTLAPhilly) on South. St. Pictured standing in support with Shelly Williams (center) are Roc Star P, Carol Petra (@carolsfaces) Vince, Michael McArthur and the legendary Tuff Crew member L.A. Kid. to Brazil, Argentina and Cuba. It is a true educational experience. Raised in Tampa, Florida, Ashley and her parents, Sandi and Hermes, along with her younger brother, Nicholas, made it a tradition to attend performances of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey®. Ashley had always loved the circus; she was particularly fond of the flying trapeze and the animals. Her attraction and love of animals is what eventually led Ashley to becoming a circus performer herself. Gaining the horses trust and learning how to properly care for them was the first thing Ashley had to learn in order to be able to work with the horses. Practicing for several hours a day, she slowly worked her way into the act performing graceful moves on top of galloping horses In 2011, Ashley and the troupe briefly filled in for an act during Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents ZING ZANG ZOOM, Gold Edition. “I believe in learning about life through experiences. I love the challenge of trying new things and I thoroughly enjoy being around animals. It’s an amazing feeling to work so closely with an animal that also puts trust in you,” explains Ashley. Ashley is excited to be a part of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents Built To Amaze!SM in her new role as the Preshow Host and animal presenter. Well That’s the Philly Beat, listen in this Sunday, Feb. 10, 9 p.m. on WURD 900 AM for the New World View with David Barnes and cohost Yanina Carter and Que Rainey when, Marvin Gaye’s sister calls in to talk about he new play, “My Brother Marvin”. & ' ( () * + , ( . 6 5, !, 2 #, $ %! 01 "0 Omega Omega Chapter Celebrates the Founding of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alfie Polit with (second from the right) with many of his friends and guests who attended his birthday celebration. Alfie sends many thanks to all who supported and attended his party. - $ ! & * ./ ) ' $ ( ( $ 1 /01 % $ "- & ' # *) $ '( $+ , - , $ $ 23 4 5 $ ) (, ! $$ . ! " Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first Greek letter organization for African American college educated women, was founded on the campus of Howard University on January 15, 1908. Omega Omega Founders’ Day weekend began with a program co-chaired by former president, Sherilynn Kimble and Sherry Hopkins, rededication ceremony and a wreath laying ceremony at the grave sites of Founder Ethel Hedgeman Lyle and the first president of Omega Omega and Ruth Wright Hayre, 7th president and former president of the Philadelphia School board. The weekend ended at the Overbrook Presbyterian Church where Omega Omega worshipped together and presented the congregation with a donation for the church’s preschool program. Pictured are the 2013 officers where Lorina Marshall Blake serves as president (seated center), Carol Parkinson Hall serves as 1st vice president( seated left center) and Charlene Collins serves as 2nd vice president ( seated right center) Omega Omega, chartered in 1926 hosted its Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon on February 2, 2013. The proceeds from this event help to support local community programs that are aligned with our international program initiatives. Omega Omega will also sponsor its Annual Black College Tour from March 24-28, 2013 please visit www.akaomegaomegachapMartin Regusters photo ter.net for full details about the two aforementioned events. Reach One, Teach One Let’s save the children SCOOP U.S.A. ! "#!$% SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 10 Down Black History Memory Lane Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary Toby Rich 10 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 This week’s rap from the Mayor of Girard Avenue, Toby Rich takes us down Black History Memory Lane. Let’s see how far we have come from the first year that the month of February was graced with the honor of being Black History Month. Well, we do have an African American President. That is something that I did not believe I would see in my lifetime. You see, I still remember the white only rest rooms, water fountains and being restricted to the balcony in the movie theatre. Recently I had a speaking engagement on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the young folks could not really believe what I was telling them. It was just too much for them to bear when I told them that my aunt saw a black person hanging from a tree and that the song “Strange Fruit” sung by Ms. Billie Holiday was about lynching. At that point, I realized that our young folks do respect us. It’s just that it is hard for them to believe that anybody could be that mean to someone only because of the color of their skin. It’s hard for some white folks to believe because they really don’t understand why things were the way they were. It was a different time. Think about it? What do you think that someone living in 1930, 40, 50 or 60 would think about a young man wearing their pants down so that you could see their underwear or a phone with no wires or a computer? There are so many things today that would be hard to accept in our past. But most importantly, what would people like Martin Luther King, Jr., TILLMAN’S BOUTIQUE THRIFT STORE 4942 N. Broad St. Phila. 215-455-3978 NEW & USED OPEN Monday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm Malcolm X and Emmit Till think about today’s young folks taking something like voting for granted after everything they suffered through? I know that folks get sick and tired of hearing about the past and what happened and how folks suffered but history is a teaching that helps you prevent the past from happening again. There was good and bad on both sides because not all white folks were bad and for sure not all black folks were good. Let’s all remember one thing – right is right and wrong is wrong no matter who you are. So for at least this Black History Month, let’s make a promise to stay away from what is wrong. For some reason I cannot get the job site to come up so you will have to wait until next week or go to the site yourself – www.indeed.com. I will keep on trying because I know that anybody that wants to work will want to look for a job to be able to take charge of your financial life. As for entertainment, a play about being a Bully is going on at the Martin Luther King Center from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. at 22nd and Cecil B. Moore. The Philadelphia Association of Former Gang Members and Friends recommends this play as something that one should see for many reasons. So if you have the time, go and be entertained. Also for your entertainment, the Summersville Fathers and Mothers Committee will have an event at Treasures in March but for exact information call Count at 215873-6000; Old Head – 267-339-2515; Screw 215-8814397; Sherman 267-679-0620 and Grant 267-581-2301. I don’t know if you may remember, but these are folks that some from the community that State Rep. Mr. David P. Richardson was from and they wear that badge with a lot of honor. In the sixties, people like David Richardson and Mother Falaka Fattah along with her husband David helped to bring gang war to an end in Philly. No more gang war in 1974. These were the people that gave us hope and ideas that those in a gang could do other things and that we all could become productive parts of American society and help out with City Community politics. And while we are speaking about people that help out communities, many of my readers would like to know what happened to Brother Michael Baisden? Why is he no longer heard on the radio in Philly? Some seem to think that Mr. Baisden was cut loose because of Mr. Butterball’s passing. Let’s hope not. Let’s find out the truth. Come on Philly, put your people power to work -- especially for someone that was really about helping people. With love honor and respect from your Mayor of Girard Avenue, Toby Rich. Peace. The Philadelphia Bar Association will offer free legal advice to residents of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties on Wednesday, February 20, between 5 and 8 p.m. Members of the public can access the service by calling the Association’s LegalLine P.M. hotline at (215) 238-6333. Area residents seeking confidential legal advice will be able to speak for free with a volunteer attorney from the Philadelphia Bar Association. Attor- gram -- the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) -- which provides lawyer referrals to area residents. Staff attorneys take calls from the general public and refer callers to attorneys in private practice for a 30minute consultation, for which the attorney agrees to charge a drastically re- Free Legal Advice offered by Bar Association AL-jAy Insurance Agency, Inc. WEST PHILA. OFFICE 5236 Walnut St. (215) 476-7590 “We Insure Your Need, Without the Greed” Henry jackson General Manager > > > > > Driver’s Licenses Fire and Theft Collision Home Motor Cycles > > > > Learner’s Permits Registration Renewals Business Notary Public neys are available to offer information about any aspect of the law including family law, landlord-tenant, workers’ compensation and employment law, among other topics. LegalLine P.M. is a public service sponsored by the Young Lawyers Division of the Philadelphia Bar Association, providing residents with free, quick and accurate legal advice during convenient evening hours. LegalLine P.M. is offered on the third Wednesday of every month from 5 to 8 p.m. The program has existed for nearly 20 years, allowing volunteer attorneys to help thousands of callers through direct service or by referring them to an appropriate source. In addition, during regular work hours, the Philadelphia Bar Association offers another pro- JOHN’S Beauty Salon 2526 W. Allegheny 215-225-9700 We will be happy to advise you about the new auto insurance rules. Stop in! OFFICE HOURS: 10:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Daily 10:00 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Saturday MONDAY • FEBRUARY 11, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS Entertainment (CC) ABC Jeopardy! (CC) Engagement (CC) 9 PM 2 Broke Girls (CC) 9:30 Mike & Molly (CC) omg! Insider (CC) How Met Mother Wheel of Fortune The Bachelor 17 Six ladies connect in the Caribbean. (CC) 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Hawaii Five-0: Kekoa (CC) Eyewitness Late Show News (CC) Castle: Reality Star Struck (CC) Action News Jimmy Kimmel NBC 10 News (CC) The Tonight Show NBC Extra (CC) Access Hol- The Biggest Loser: Challenge America: Tough lywood Love The teams dissolve for final eight. (CC) Deception: Don’t Be a Dummy (CC) PBS Business BBC World Antiques Roadshow: News Boston (CC) Market Warriors: Antiquing in Chantilly, Va Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide (CC) Big Bang Theory Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Blood Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Night News at 10 Friends (CC) 30 Rock: Reunion 30 Rock (CC) The Simpsons Bones: The Shot in the Dark (CC) The Following: Mad Love (CC) FOX 29 News at 10 TMZ (CC) Inside Edition (CC) Kingdom Connect Praise the Lord Interviews and musical performances. (CC) Report MYN Big Bang Theory FOX TMZ (CC) TBN Grace Max Potter Lucado Scenes Touch (CC) (CC) On the Edge Jesse Duplantis CW Family Feud Family Feud The Carrie Diaries: Dan- 90210: #realness (CC) (CC) (CC) ION Criminal Minds: Lessons Learned (CC) DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN Criminal Minds: Sex, Birth, Death (CC) Seinfeld: Stock Tip King of Queens King of Queens Criminal Minds: Profiler, Criminal Minds: No Way Criminal Minds: The Big Profiled (CC) Out (CC) Game (CC) Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Madea’s Family Reunion a (2006, Comedy) Tyler BET Honors 2013 BET hosts a celebration of black BET Takes Hollywood Perry. Reunion interrupted by family drama. culture and honors notable celebrities. (CC) Fast N’ Loud: Double Fast N’ Loud: Apache; Fast N’ Loud: Apache; Jesse James Outlaw Fast N’ Loud: Apache; Trouble Galaxie (CC) Road to Chopper Road to Chopper Garage (CC) Road to Chopper Austin & Jessie (CC) Jessie: 101 Jessie (CC) Jessie (CC) Good Luck Charlie: All Good Luck Jessie (CC) Good Luck Ally (CC) Lizards Fall Down (CC) Charlie Charlie College Basketball Kansas State Wildcats at SportsCenter from College Basketball Marquette Golden Eagles at Georgetown Hoyas z{| Kansas Jayhawks from Allen Fieldhouse z{| Bristol, Conn. The Houstons Remem- Twist of Faith (2013, Drama) Toni Braxton. Jewish The The The The Houstons Houstons Houstons Houstons ber Whitney (CC) singer befriends Christian widow. pqw Drake & Drake & Full House Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends Friends (CC) (CC) Josh Josh Seinfeld Seinfeld: Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Conan (CC) (CC) Seven (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Final The Cake Cake Boss: Next Great Cake Boss: Next Great Cake Boss: Next Great Baker (CC) Baker: Finale (CC) showdown in Las Vegas. (CC) Boss Baker: Finale (CC) NCIS: The Curse (CC) WWE Monday Night Raw NCIS: Los Angeles: The Job (CC) America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest WGN News at Nine (CC) America’s Funniest Home Videos af Home Videos af Home Videos af Home Videos af Shipping A&E Wars BET gerous Territory News duced fee of $30. If callers do not need an attorney or cannot afford one, they will be directed to a legal service organization, agency or other resource for assistance. LRIS is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., by calling (215) 2386333. * 763-0286 *763-0287 FAX 763-5958 LOTTERY 236-8281 GIRARD AVENUE CHECK CASHING 1356 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19123 Checks Cashed - Money Orders - Direct Deposit Utility Bills Paid - Septa Passes - Septa Tokens Photostat Copies - Money Access - Rapid Refunds Fax Service - Notary Public - Mail Boxes - Money Gram OPEN: Mon. Tues. Wed. 8 am- 5 pm Thurs. & Fri. 8 am - 6 pm Sat. 8 am - 2 pm Don’s Doo Shop 2200 N. 15th St. (15th & Susquehanna Ave) (215) 978-4060 HAIR CUT SPECIALS FOR STUDENTS!!! Wash N’ Curl Weave Caps Invisible Part Waves Sewing Weave Sexy Wed. Sewing Natural Ponytail Blended N Weave Wax Curl Long Caps Halp Caps Relaxer, Cut, Curl DON’S TICKET CENTER Now on Sale LOVE & ROMANCE CONCERT featuring HOWARD HEWETT Friday, February 15 Call 215-978-4060 Philadelphia Hair Co. 5805 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 842-0550 SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 11 Celebrating Dr. Danyl S. Patterson, ESQ Word on the Street Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary shelly williams What’s up my urban people its Shelly Shell with the Word on the Street! Our Successful Single of the week is Attorney Patterson who received her Bachelor’s Degree from LaSalle University, with high honors, and went on to earn her Juris Doctorate at Villanova University School of Law. Always having a thirst for knowledge and a drive to be the best in her field, Ms. Patterson sought and received an LL.M. (Legal Masters) from the James E. Beasley School of Law at Temple University in Advanced Trial Advocacy, where she joined the select ranks of less than 10,000 attorneys in the nation to have achieved such a degree. We know her as Danyl S. Patterson a co host of the hit Col. Charles Young Post 682 159 E. Sharpnack St. Phila. 215-844-9894 Throw Back Thursday (Every Thursday) with Sam & VEE ~ 6 to 10 p.m. ~ Special Mixed Drinks & Fun Kitchen open Wednesday & Friday 6pm until. Monday Nite - Big Screen Night “ALL SPORTS” Wed. HAPPy HOUR 7 to 10 pm Music by joe Bones Fri. HAPPy HOUR 6 to 8 pm Sat. HAPPy HOUR 5 to 7 pm LADIES NITE Last Friday of the Month 6 to 9 p.m Have your Next Affair at the POSTReasonable Rates Robert Jones, Commander ENJOY GOOD EATING 215-438-6793 The Rib Crib 6333 Germantown Avenue ~ Phila. OPEN PIT BAR-B-QUE RIBS CHOPPED BAR-B-QUE - CHICKEN Grilled BBQ wings, Corn on the cobCombo Platters Open Thur., Fri. Sat. 11a.m. to 11 p.m. SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 - 11 maintain resources directed at children, seniors, business development and community. Those boards are Haddington-Cobbs Creek CDC, ACHIEVEability and most recently, Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC). Ms. Patterson’s commitment to continuing to grow a thriving inner-city business community has lead to partnerships with local churches, civic organizations and businesses and she maintains a thriving small business law legal practice, which includes identification and creation of applicable legal entities (corporations, limited liability corporations and partnerships), grant-writing services, and working on capital campaigns to raise money for business ventures, and resolution of IRS issues for small business. In 2006, Ms. Patterson founded the Patterson Law Dr. Danyl S. Patterson of Patterson Law Firm, LLC Firm, LLC, a general practice law firm that focuses talk show Single On A Saturday Night and until this day on personal injury and small business development, we have not been told what the S. stands for but we have while assisting clients with personal legal needs. Alour own adjectives Sexy, Smart, Sophisticated and Special . Danyl “All of that” Patterson adds a certain sparkle though, Ms. Patterson has tried numerous cases to verdict, and received substantial seven-figure verdicts for to everything she does. On Saturday, February 2, 2013 her clients, she still believes that even the smallest cases Danyl celebrated her birthday with a gathering of many deserve Five-Star treatment, such that every client is the friends and family. She succeeds in bringing together most important client, and every case is her firm’s people from all walks of life in such a way that puts biggest case. smiles on the faces of many. If you would like to contact Ms. Patterson to discuss Danyl S. Patterson, Esquire is an example of a child potential representation, please call (215) 472-1833 or raised by a village. As an attorney she has dedicated her email info@pattersonlegal. legal career to providing legal assistance to individuals Thank you for your time and I look forward to chatting and communities typically overlooked and abused by in with you next week you have just been urbanized. Speplace systems. cial thanks to Susan Bolden of Q’s Hair Boutique 5815 Ms. Patterson works primarily in the field of personal N. Broad Street. UX Live every Friday open to all artists injury, with a focus on catastrophic loss cases, to include, to perform. To see more on these events watch Single On medical malpractice, products liability and design defect A Saturday Night Every Wednesday at 10:30pm on Comcases. However, because of the special concerns of many cast 66 and Verizon 29. Would love to hear from you who have been the most grievously burdened by the syscontact me at 215 843-1984, www.facebook.com/urbanxtem, she developed expertise in family law, estate law, pressions or [email protected]. and real estate law, as she believes in servicing the client holistically, so that the resolution of one issue doesn’t mean the resurgence of another. Personally, Ms. Patterson has shown a commitment to the communities that raised her, and she has donated countless hours to community development and civic projects to include, urban planning and development, serving on local school committees, working to assess and address urban blight, and to improve our educational prospects for Philadelphia students. Similarly, Ms. Patterson serves on various non-profit boards of directors to Y ou are not in the LOOP, if you are not in the SCOOP TUESDAY • FEBRUARY 12, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS Entertainment (CC) ABC Jeopardy! (CC) Service with Smile for BAR & HOME PICK-UP & DELIVERy 222-3332 COLD BEER and SODAS 11 PM 11:30 Eyewitness Late Show News (CC) Wheel of Fortune The Taste: Daring Pairings (CC) ABC News: President Obama’s State of the Union Address (CC) Modern Family Action News Jimmy Kimmel The Tonight Show PBS Business BBC World Frontline: Cliffhanger News (CC) Newsline (CC) Tavis Smiley (CC) 30 Rock (CC) 30 Rock (CC) The PBS NewsHour: 2013 State of the Union Address (CC) Big Bang Theory College Basketball Villanova Wildcats at Cincinnati News at 10 Friends Bearcats from Fifth Third Arena z{| (CC) FOX TMZ (CC) The Simpsons Raising Hope (CC) TBN Way of Potter Scenes Touch (CC) (CC) Master New Girl: Models FOX News Special: State of the Un- FOX 29 TMZ (CC) ion Address (CC) News at 10 Joyce Destined to BreakMeyer (CC) Reign through CW Family Feud Family Feud When in Rome aa (2010, Romance) Kristen Bell. (CC) (CC) ION Criminal Minds: Open Season (CC) Storage Storage Wars (CC) 106 & Park (CC) BET DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TLC USA WGN A woman is pursued by suitors. rsx Criminal Minds: A Fam- Criminal Minds: I Love ily Affair (CC) You, Tommy Brown Inside Edition (CC) Praise the Lord Interviews and musical performances. (CC) News Seinfeld: Airport King of Queens King of Queens Criminal Minds: Divining Flashpoint: Run to Me Rod (CC) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Southie Southie Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Rules (CC) Rules (CC) 2nd Gener- 2nd Gener- Husbands Husbands Husbands 2nd Generations ations (CC) (CC) (CC) ations Dual Survival: The Dual Survival: Twin Dual Survival: Meltdown Africa: Making of Africa Green Hell (CC) Peaks (CC) (CC) (CC) Austin & Jessie (CC) Good Luck Sky High aac (2005, Family) Teens Phineas and Good Luck Ally (CC) Charlie attend a school for superheroes. Ferb Charlie College Basketball Kentucky Wildcats at Florida College Basketball Michigan Wolverines at Gators from O’Connell Center z{| Michigan State Spartans z{| Dance Moms: Revenge of Dance Moms: Boys Are Dance Moms: Rotten to the Core Double Replacements Cuties, (CC) Facing Cathy’s all-boy team. (CC) Divas (CC) Drake & Drake & Full House Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Josh Josh Seinfeld: Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Package (CC) Theory Theory Theory Theory Town (CC) Theory Starter Wives Confiden- The Sisterhood: MayStarter Wives ConfiGypsy Sisters: Blood is tial: Take the Heat hem in Miami (CC) dential (CC) Thicker than Bling Law & Order: Special The 137th Westminster Kennel Club Show At the Westminster Kennel Club Victims Unit: Web Dog Show, winners compete to be Best in Show. America’s Funniest How Met How Met How Met How Met WGN News at Nine (CC) Home Videos af Mother Mother Mother Mother A&E Wars (CC) TBS IKE 10:30 Mike & Molly (CC) NBC 10 News (CC) Theory 4142 LANCASTER AVE. 10 PM CBS News Special: State of the Union Address (CC) Access Hol- Betty Betty NBC News Special: State of the Union Address lywood White’s (CC) White’s (CC) President Obama addresses Congress. MYN Big Bang BEVERAGE 9:30 NCIS: Los Angeles: Endgame (CC) NBC Extra (CC) Report OCEA N 9 PM omg! Insider (CC) Southie Southie Rules (CC) Rules (CC) Husbands 2nd Gener(CC) ations Dual Survival: Meltdown (CC) A.N.T. Farm Jessie (CC) (CC) SportsCenter from Bristol, Conn. Double Double Divas (CC) Divas (CC) Friends Friends (CC) (CC) Conan (CC) Starter Wives Confidential (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ab America’s Funniest Home Videos af SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 12 Health News 10 Foods That Can Enhance Your Skin and Hair and 5 Anti-Aging Foods to Firm Up Your Skin Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary 12 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 claudelle evans You eat a healthy diet regularly choosing natural foods, so why not follow suit with your beauty routine? Many foods that are healthy to eat also offer powerful benefits for your skin and hair and they've found their way into a wide variety of beauty products. "A lot of chemicals can cause irritation, while natural ingredients tend to be absorbed well and contain actual antioxidants and enzymes in their purest, most potent form," says Deborah Longwill, MD, a dermatologist at the Miami Center for Dermatology. Check out these natural ingredients that can aid your beauty regimen. Turmeric This fragrant herb, most commonly used in Indian curries, is also prized for its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric has long been used to treat eczema and is known to speed wound healing. Recent research suggests that turmeric may also help firm aging skin and it's the star ingredient in some natural skin creams. A rich golden yellow, turmeric is also used as a fabric dye, but don't worry the hue won't transfer to your skin. Oatmeal The buzz about this popular breakfast food usually focuses on its cholesterol-lowering effects, though if you stop there, you're selling this "superfood" short. Oatmeal can also soothe rashes and irritations caused by poisonous plants, such as poison ivy and oak, as well as pain and itching caused by chicken pox and sunburn, Simply sprinkle some dry oatmeal into a lukewarm bath and soak for 10 minutes. Because of its grainy texture, oatmeal is also ideal for gentle skin exfoliation: Mix with warm water, apply to your face with circular motions, let dry for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off. Olive Oil Olive oil has been revered for centuries as a natural moisturizer, and with good reason. “Olive oil is ultrahydrating,” says Dr. Longwill. It creates a barrier that protects dry skin and is particularly helpful for people who have psoriasis or eczema. Use it straight from the bottle yes, the same olive oil you use to make healthy salad dressings to slather on after a shower. Or try it as a homemade hair treatment for split ends. “Hair follicles absorb olive oil nicely,” says Longwill. You can find olive oil in numerous skin and hair care products, including soaps, facial washes, moisturizers, shampoos, and conditioners. Honey Known as nature’s sweetener, honey is also Mother Nature’s antiseptic it has been proven to help speed the healing of wounds and superficial burns. Because it kills bacteria, Longwill recommends products that contain WEDNESDAY • FEBRUARY 13, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM CBS Entertainment (CC) ABC Jeopardy! (CC) honey to her patients with acne. In addition, honey is an effective skin moisturizer. Look for honey in lip balms, soaps, and moisturizers, among other skin care products Pumpkin “As we progress into our forties, fifties, and beyond, our skin cells turn over less frequently, causing a duller appearance,” says Longwill. That’s where pumpkin can help. It contains an enzyme that gently peels away dead skin, speeding the production of new cells. In addition, pumpkin is rich in essential fatty acids, which hydrate the skin, and the antioxidant vitamins A and C, which fight free radicals that can age skin. Look for pumpkin products in facial and body peels and in treatments for the hair and scalp. Salmon While you would never apply salmon directly to your face or body, cold-water fish like salmon contain DMAE, short for dimethylaminoethanol, a compound that helps rejuvenate skin. You can get the benefits of DMAE by eating cold-water fish or by applying it to your skin by means of creams and moisturizers, says Longwill. Products that contain DMAE are thought to help firm skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Seaweed Seaweed is a popular skin care ingredient across the globe, especially in Japan and France. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and is thought to have a host of cosmetic benefits, including reducing inflammation and irritation, cleansing, firming, and softening. Because seaweed is also thought to help improve circulation, it’s a key ingredient in many cellulite-reducing creams and is used in detoxifying body wraps at spas. Several varieties of seaweed are used in skin care products Green Tea The many health benefits of drinking green tea are widely known it can help reduce cholesterol and may protect against certain cancers and glaucoma. When applied to your skin, green tea is a potent antioxidant that helps skin retain moisture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, says Longwill. Look for green tea in facial and body washes, masks, and moisturizers. For a refreshing treat, apply green tea bags dampened with cold water to your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Aloe Aloe, which is instantly cooling and soothing, has been used medicinally for years to heal light burns, including those caused by the sun and certain chemicals. Its gel provides a barrier that protects against irritants and bacteria, and it hydrates and reduces inflammation, says Longwill. For the most potent burn relief. Break a piece straight from a plant and squeeze the gel directly onto the burn. Moisturizers and other products that contain aloe are generally nonirritating, so they are a good choice for 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 omg! Insider (CC) Survivor: Caramoan-Fans vs. Favorites Players begin the game and set up camp. (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Inves- Eyewitness Late Show tigation: Exile (CC) News (CC) Wheel of Fortune The Middle The Neigh- Modern (CC) bors Family Nashville: There’ll Be No Teardrops Tonight Action News Jimmy Kimmel Chicago Fire: Nazdarovya! (CC) NBC 10 News (CC) The Tonight Show Tavis Smiley (CC) Suburgatory (CC) NBC Extra (CC) Access Hol- Whitney: lywood Snapped PBS Business BBC World Nature: Cold Warriors: News Wolves and Buffalo NOVA: Earth from Space Life-sustaining forces & more examined. (CC) Newsline (CC) Big Bang Theory Numb3rs: In Plain Sight (CC) Numb3rs: Toxin Chemist tampers with meds. 30 Rock: Flu 30 Rock Shot (CC) The Simpsons American Idol: Hollywood Round, Part 3 Fever hits FOX 29 News at 10 the stage. (CC) Report MYN Big Bang Theory FOX TMZ (CC) TBN Billy Graham Crusades Scenes (CC) Guys with Kids Turning Point (CC) CW Family Feud Family Feud Arrow: The Odyssey (CC) (CC) (CC) ION (5:00) Sleepers aac (1996, WWE Main Event Drama) Brad Pitt. DISC DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN News at 10 Friends (CC) TMZ (CC) Inside Edition (CC) Destined to End of Age Praise the Lord Interviews and musical perforReign (CC) mances. (CC) Supernatural: Trial and Error (CC) News Seinfeld (CC) King of Queens The Kingdom aaa (2007, Thriller) Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper. FBI team tries to capture terrorist. not King of Queens Entrapment aaa Duck DyDuck DyBarter Kings: For Sail. Will Barter Kings: First Duck DyDuck DyComes Love (CC) nasty (CC) nasty (CC) nasty (CC) nasty (CC) Consider Trade Beauty Shop aa (2005, Comedy) Queen Latifah. A BET Honors 2013 BET hosts a celebration of black hairstylist opens her own salon. rsx (CC) culture and honors notable celebrities. Moonshiners: Hat in Moonshiners: Last Shiner Moonshiners: Secret Moonshiners: Secret Moonshiners: Secret Hand (CC) Standing (CC) Summit, Part 1 (CC) Summit, Part 2 (CC) Summit, Part 1 (CC) Jessie (CC) Shake It Up! Dog with a Good Luck Austin & Good Luck Austin & Jessie (CC) A.N.T. Farm Austin & Ally (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) Blog Charlie Ally (CC) Charlie College Basketball: Teams TBA from TBA z{| College Basketball North Carolina Tar Heels at SportsCenter from Duke Blue Devils z{| Bristol, Conn. Bride Wars aa (2009, Comedy) Kate Hudson. An (6:00) My Best Friend’s Made of Honor aac (2008, Comedy) Patrick Wedding aac (1997) Dempsey. A man realizes he loves his best friend. error turns friends into bridezillas. pqv (CC) Drake & Drake & Full House Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends Friends (CC) (CC) Josh Josh Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (CC) Seinfeld: Seinfeld: Family Guy Big Bang Fatigues The Doll (CC) Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Hoarding: Buried Alive: My Strange My Strange Hoarding: Buried Alive: Hoarding: Buried Alive: Hoarding: Buried Alive: As Bad as it Gets This is Unreal (CC) My Kids (CC) Add. Add. My Kids (CC) NCIS: Child’s Play (CC) NCIS: Up in Smoke (CC) Necessary Roughness: CSI: Crime Scene InvesNCIS: My Other Left tigation: 4 x 4 (CC) Foot af (CC) Regret Me Not (CC) EngageEngageWGN News at Nine (CC) America’s Funniest EngageAmerica’s Funniest Engagement (CC) ment (CC) Home Videos af ment: Kids ment (CC) Home Videos af Duck Dynasty (CC) 106 & Park (CC) Duck Dy- A&E nasty (CC) BET Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (CC) people with sensitive skin. Acai The benefits of this trendy berry are not just hype. Acai berries, found in the Amazon jungle, contain a high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. When this superfood is added to moisturizers, it may help neutralize oxidative stress and protect skin against signs of sun damage. In addition, acai is known to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and to even out skin tone. Here's to the best interest in your health. Thera Continued from page 2 Dr. Ackerman’s too short tenure in Philadelphia. I was a part of a committee of people that met to try and fight to keep Dr. Ackerman in Philadelphia. Unfortunately I think it was too little, too late to help her. On her way out of Philadelphia, yes Dr. Ackerman fought to be paid according to her level of expertise and for all that she brought to education in Philly. She wanted to be compensated just like the white men who held the position (most recently), before her. I personally stood by Dr. Ackerman’s decision to fight for proper and equal compensation upon her unasked for “retirement”. Some said she was wrong for asking for all the money she asked for. I feel she was right. I know Philadelphia public schools are struggling financially right now and have been in a bad financial state for years before Dr. Arlene Ackerman ever came to Philly. By principle, yes she should have gotten the same compensation deal that Paul Vallas and other former CEO’s receive. I am so sorry that she is gone and again, my condolences to the family. Dr. Ackerman was also my sister in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. SHARON HILL DIXON’S LOUNGE 1401 Hook Road Sharon Hill, PA 610-461-2462 Jesse, Manager 40th BIRTHDAy BASH for Double Trouble Twins DWAyNA -and- DUANA Friday, February 15 - 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Dixon’s presents their Annual MARDI GRAS PARTy Saturday, February 16 - 7 p.m. until Welcome to Dress Mardi Gras Food ~ Music and Beads CAMDEN, N.J. CDS * TAPES * MOVIES * KANGOL HATS Marlton Records & Electronics 286 Marlton Avenue Camden, N.j. 08105 (856) . . 541-1818 Rap & Reggae Music Gifts and Novelties As little as this space brings big $$$$$$$$ results to your business Yes! we are open during our remodling to make a new look for you UPtown Barber Shop 801 Fairview St. Camden, N.J. TOM at your service (856) 576-0914 - For the Natural, Suave Look! Barber Chair Available SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:33 PM Page 13 Let’s celebrate our Heritage Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary C H E S T E R , PA rev. dr. wm. rocky brown, 3rd Black History Month is a time when we as African Americans tell who we are as individuals and as a race of people. It was founded by the great historian Carter G. Woodson as a week long celebration, it now takes in the whole month of February and it is my hope and prayer that we will not limit the celebration of our history to one month because we make history everyday. It is a time men we give our children knowledge of their past. It is a time when we celebrate our achievements in a country which has tried to keep us from achieving. It is a time when we present ourselves to the world, so that humanity will know and can see what God has done in the past, what he is doing in the present and what he will do in the future to liberate us, His people, in this land which caused our fore parents to sing: "Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child!" h P If you think that we are free, you better think again. God has told us that we shall be free and this I believe. Sane folks feel we shall never be free, but the Word of God, the Spirit of Truth and the pages of History say, "That's a lie that cannot stand." As long as God gives us strength we should keep on striving and as President John F. Kennedy said, "We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, and oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty." Through the years, Mother America, has tried to tell us that we are nobody. But through the power of the Holy Spirit our eyes were opened and we realized that Everybody is Somebody because we are all made by God and stamped with dignity and worth. You see, God never did and never will make junk. We too have helped to build America. We too sing, "God Bless America." Yes, we too believe that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." We want complete freedom in America, like everyone else. Sometimes our efforts seem in vain because we have in the past and still today go through unearned bloody sweat and tears. But we must always remember as Fredrick Douglass told us, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without Chester Senior Centers’ Beyond Basic Computer Class Do you know a little about computers? Well, take your skills to the next level! Senior Community Services’ Chester Senior Center will hold Beyond Basic Computer Classes, February 19, 21, 26, 28, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, at 721 Hayes Street, Chester, PA. The workshop will offer participants the chance to learn more about Windows, creating labels and mailings, using Gold Room Restaurant and Bar 520 Edgemont Avenue Chester, PA w 610-872-8899 LADIES NITE EVERy WEDNESDAy HAPPy HOUR 7 to 9 p.m. FREE BUFFETT ~ 50/50 DRAWINGS Drink Specials $2.25 ~ $2.00 Beer Brought to you by Realize Entertainment 25 & Older to get in Monday 9 p.m. until BALLOON NITE with DR. B Wednesday REGGAE NITE 9 p.m. until with DJ ACE Come join the DJ LADY T Sunday 9 pm to 1:30 am playing Oldies but Goodies the Control panel, using clip art and other creative tools, systems clean up, maintenance, and more! Also ask specific questions to meet your needs. Use the center computer lab or feel free to bring your laptop or I-Pad, wireless access is available. Classes are $35 for members and $40 for non-members. For further information, call (610) 497-3550. Chester Senior Center is one of the four Nationally Accredited senior centers in southeastern Delaware County operated by Senior Community Services (SCS). SCS, based in Folsom, is a non-profit agency that also provides in-home support services for homebound elderly. SCS works in partnership with the Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA) and is a United Way Agency. Continued from page 3 with Comcast, PSP produced two television commercials that began airing this week. GreatPhillySchools.org presents ratings and information to help parents, caregivers and students to search and compare over 400 public and private schools. Each school is assigned 1-to-10 ratings – top-performing schools earn a rating of 10 – in up to five categories and in overall quality. The site also includes descriptive information for each school, including mission, accreditations, admissions policy, and special programs, such as music, arts, sports and language offerings. PSP is actively seeking partners in this outreach campaign and encourages potential partners to contact [email protected] to get involved. GreatPhillySchools.org will be updated on an ongoing basis as users continue to submit feedback on their experience and as additional content and newer data becomes available. GreatPhillySchools.org works on any device with internet access, including mobile phones. who move out of failing schools to better-quality school options, and it judges school quality on the basis of student academic outcomes. PSP works closely with Mayor Michael Nutter, state Secretary of Education Ronald Tomalis, the School Reform Commission, charter school leadership, and the Archdiocese to implement the Great School Compact. The Compact represents a collective commitment to transform or replace the worst-performing schools in the city, representing nearly 50,000 students, by 2016-17. Learn more at www.philaschoolpartnership.org Great Philly BOOTS & BONNETS Concord & Bethel Rd - Chester, PA -(610) 485-8350 Friday, February 8 - 9 p.m. until BIRTHDAy PARTy -for- KE-KE Saturday, February 9 - 3 to 9 p.m. ~ Triple BIRTHDAy BASH -for- STAN THE MAN, PAULA & KAREN OPEN MIC NIGHT Thursday, February 21 $2.00 Drink Specials ~ Bottom Shelf Only FRIDAy NITE ~ HAPPy HOUR 6 to 8 p.m. $2.00 Corona Specials ~ Drinks $1.50 ~ Bottom Shelf Only Dj SATURDAy NITE 9 p.m. until FRIDAy & SATURDAy DISCO NO COVER CHARGE WEDNESDAy Nite Special ~ 7 to 10 p.m. $2.00 Bottom Shelf and $2.00 Beer ~ Top Shelf $3.00 KITCHEN OPEN Mon. - Wed. 4 pm to midnite: Thurs. - Sun. 4 pm to 2 a.m. good southern cooked, delicious foods for lunch and dinner such as ribs, hot dogs, hamburgers and fish sandwiches. Weekly specials that include mac and cheese, fresh cooked cabbage, greens and our delicious ! fried, baked and rotisserie chicken ... and now we have CAJUN CRABS!! CRABS AMPLE PARKING and SECURITy BOOK YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY HERE - NO CHARGE - Call 610-485-8350 When you book a Party we will provide CAKE and CHAMPAGNE!! SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 - 13 plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lighting. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did and never will . . . Men may not get all they pay for in this world, but they must certainly pay for all they get." With this in mind let us forever push forward and never give up. "For the race doesn't go to the swift nor the battle to the battle to the strong but to he who endures until the end." And endure we must. For we owe this to our ancestors, ourselves but most of all we owe this to our children. Yes, our struggle has been rough and it will always be rough because there is nothing free about freedom. But if we keep the faith we shall see that our labor is not in vain. For I don't believe the Lord God Almighty has brought us this far to leave us. You see, I've come to realization that we must go through the Wilderness in order to reach the "Promised Land." And the Promised Land we shall see because one day God allowed Martin Luther King, Jr. to go to the mountain top. While he was there he looked over and saw the Promised Land and told us, "I might not get there with you, but we as people will get to the Promised Land! I don't know about you, but deep in my heart, I still believe we shall overcome. So with Hope let us celebrate our culture and history and always remember, People without knowledge of their past are like trees without roots. "PRINCE HALL DECIDED TO JOIN, SO THAT BLACK MASONRY WOULD BE BORN. RICHARD ALLEN WAS CALLED TO PREACH, SO THAT BOOKER T. WOULD ONE DAY TEACH. AND BOOKER T. DECIDED TO TEACH, SO THAT ROSA PARKS WOULD TAKE A SEAT. AND ROSA PARKS TOOK A SEAT, SO THAT FANNIE LOU HAMMER WOULD TAKE A STAND. AND FANNIE LOU HAMMER TOOK A STAND, SO THAT MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. WOULD TAKE A MARCH. AND MARTIN TOOK A MARCH, SO THAT JESSE JACKSON WOULD TAKE A RUN. AND JESSE TOOK A RUN SO THAT BARACK OBAMA WOULD WIN AND KEEP HOPE ALIVE. SO LET A NEW GENERATION OF OUR PEOPLE RISE AND TAKE CONITROL.” W.R.B., 3rd 501Bar This is Rev. Dr. WM. Rocky Brown, 3rd asking you to: PLEASE JOIN TODAY, TO CHANGE TOMORROW!! Look for the GRAND OPENING of the 501 SPORTS BAR -andCHILLER’S GRILLE 501 E. 7th St. Chester, PA 610- 872-4230 MADISON GRILL 301 E. 12th Street Chester, PA 610-874-7662 Open 7 am Mon.- Sat. / Sunday 11am SMOKING PERMITTED HAPPy HOUR MONDAy & THURSDAy 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. SPECIAL DISCOUNT GAME TIME is PARTy TIME Watch your team win or lose B & E’s Tavern 3rd & Highland 610 497-5257 Monday & Tuesday COMPLIMENTARy FOOD for Customers during HAPPy HOUR 9 to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday HAPPy HOUR 9 to 4 p.m. Sunday ~ BREAKFAST in the Morning SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:34 PM Page 14 New to Electronic Payments? Social security 14 - SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 patrick l. robinson, sr. Beginning March 1, with few exceptions, all federal benefits, including Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, are to be paid electronically. That’s according to a rule from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. For years, Social Security has stressed the convenience, security, and safety of getting benefit payments electronically, offering peace of mind that your payment will arrive on time, even in the event of natural disasters or being away from home when the check is in the mail. Electronic payments (direct deposit or Direct Express) are not only the best way to receive federal benefit payments — for most people, starting in March, they are the only way. The truth is, for most people getting monthly benefits, this isn’t re- G INN ’ S Restaurant & Bar 700 W. 2nd Street, Chester, PA Corner of Rt. 291 & Kerlin Street 610-876-5448 - Bar 610-876-5457 - Kitchen WE HAVE An ATM INSIDE BAR yOU MUST SHOW ID WHEN ENTERING GINN’S - NO ID, NO ENTRy NEW POLICy: yOU MUST BE 25 OR OLDER TO ENTER GINN’S ON THURS, FRI, SAT, & SUN. AFTER 9PM If you want to have a Birthday Party yOU MUST BE 25 yEARS OR OLDER Or a Club Matinee. CALL 610-876-3292 LEAVE A MESSAGE ON ANSWER MACHINE BLINKy WILL CALL yOU BACK NO GUNS ALLOWED AT GINN’S Monday Night Specials Tuesday Nights ~ $2.00 Tuesday Wednesday Nights Buy 1 double shot ~ Get 1 single shot Thursday Nights ~ Buy 2 double shots Get 1 single shot HAPPy HOUR 7 a.m. til 10 a.m. MONDAy thru FRIDAy - Bottom & Middle Shelf $2.00 Domestic Beer $2.00 SUNDAy NFL SPECIALS COORS (1) PINT CANS $2.00 / BUDWEISER PLATINUM $1.00 LANDSHARK BEER $1.00 CLASS OF 1983 MATINEE Saturday, February 23 - 3 to 9 p.m. AFTER-WORK PARTy hosted by ANGEL & NEICEy Friday, March 22 ~ 3 to 9 p.m. Taste and Tease Pisces BIRTHDAy PARTy -for - OCTAVIA Saturday, March 23 ~ 9 p.m. until Our Staff Serving: Ashley, Bebe, Katrice, Rose, Michele, Nakia, Sue, Sheedah, Yolonda, Yvonne 5 House DJ: DJ Freeze / DJ Bang / Bangout Music Kitchen Staff Angie, Monte & Juice Security Staff -Dayton, Jack, Steve and Durrell th Street Bar Manager Blinky 302 W. 5th St. Chester, PA Home of the Real Oldies But Goodies Thursdays 6 to 10 pm Smooth Jazz HAPPY HOUR Every Friday 5 to 8 pm also Classic Old School with DJ Kool Solomo’s Mystery Bag Nite Best R&B & Classic Soul Must be 30 years & older ID required Monday Nite Football Special 10 Buffalo Wings ~ $4.00 CHEF jEFF in the KITCHEN ~ FRIDAy, SATURDAy & SUNDAy 6 p.m. ti midnite C H E S T E R , PA ally a change at all. That’s because more than 9 out of ten individuals who receive benefits from Social Security already receive payments electronically. If you get your payments the old-fashioned way and electronic payments are new to you, here are some things you may want to know about your future payments. Electronic payments are safer: there’s no risk of checks being lost or stolen; Electronic payments are easy and reliable: there’s no need to wait for the mail or go to the bank to cash a check; Electronic payments World History Continued from page 4 Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and Thailand, Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Korea, Japan) followed by Australoid and Melanesian Negritos and Papuans. Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and most of the islands of the Pacific developed their own isolated cultures and native beliefs but were not affected by literate civilization until the arrival of sailing vessels in the 16th Century. Pygmies from Africa are referred to as ‘Negrillos.’ Pygmies who live in South East Asia, New Guinea and The Philippines are referred to as ‘Negritos.’” http://www.stewartsynopsis.com/Synopsis%206.htm Our African ancestors populated the planet at a time when Caucasians didn’t even exist! When Caucasians finally emerged they were insignificant in the flow of human history except as barbaric wanderers and invaders. Now Europeans, the Johnny Come Lately of humanity have distorted, colonized and monopolized world historiography to the point they claim no one but them has contributed to human progress!? The truth is much of what they claim they’ve done they actually plagiarized and stole from Africans, Asians and other indigenous people, except for their incessant invasion, pillage and plunder! We are in a monumental war for our psyches and truth. Our enemies thrive on falsehoods and lies. We are the only ones responsible for decolonizing our minds, freeing ourselves from mental slavery and ending our oppression. TO think one who lies to himself about himself would tell our truth is foolish, so do not depend on Europeans to tell our story. This is why Black History Month (year century) is so important! With the Internet there is no excuse for ignorance. In 1995 I met a brother named O.K. Owusu who had just created an astonishing, fully documented, fact based chart displaying every continent on the planet and tracked human development and progress on each land Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary are good for the environment: they save paper and eliminate transportation costs; and finally; Electronic payments save taxpayers money to the tune of $120 million per year: there are no costs for postage, paper, and printing; and Electronic payments could save you money on check-cashing and bank fees. Please visit www.GoDirect.org today to learn more about getting your Social Security and SSI payments the safe, easy, inexpensive, and green way — electronically. And rest assured that on payment delivery day, you won’t have to wait for your money; your money is already in the bank and ready for you to use. CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE SERVICES, WWW.SOCIALSECURITY.GOV mass from prehistoric antiquity to the present. Origins: Timechart of World Civilizations A Holistic Worldview of Cultures and Civilizations is probably the best teaching tool I’ve see anywhere, even better than videos because this chart shows it from a panoramic global perspective. You can purchase this great educational product Online via Amazon.com. I don’t know what happened to brother Owusu, his company Cultural Eye Productions was out of Baltimore Maryland. Do yourself a huge favor go onto Amazon and purchase this chart and see it for yourself before they go completely out of print. The ISBN number is: 0-9640908-0-5. Celebrate Black History everyday all year long! Sorry, you are not in the LOOP, if you are not in the SCOOP THURSDAY • FEBRUARY 14, 2013 Evening 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 CBS Entertainment (CC) ABC Jeopardy! (CC) omg! Insider (CC) Big Bang Theory Two and Half Men Wheel of Fortune Zero Hour: Strike (CC) 9 PM PEOPLE’S CHOICE 7OPEN DAyS 531 Avenue of the States Chester, PA w 484-886-6138 A WEEK ALL SEASON’S FA S H I O N S CHI LDR EN’ S, WOM EN’S & MEN ’S CLOTH ES AND SHO ES ABDEL’S BARBER SHOP Open from 7 to 7 - 7 Days a Week WE WILL PICK yOU UP FOR HAIRCUTS Walk in or Appointments Charles Horsey Post 300 AMERICAN LEGION 1101 W. 7th Street Chester, 610-872-2751 OPEN MONDAy thru SUNDAy Wednesday OLDIES BUT GOODIES with Dj Siddeen Thursday - LADIES NITE with Discount Drinks and Gifts for all the Ladies Friday- AFTERWORK PARTy Members must have membership card with them all the time to drink. Everyone must be 30 years old 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Person of Interest: Booked Solid (CC) Elementary: Details (CC) Eyewitness Late Show News (CC) Grey’s Anatomy: Hard Bargain (CC) Scandal: Whiskey Tango Action Foxtrot (CC) News Jimmy Kimmel NBC Extra (CC) Access Hol- Community Parks Rec- The Office lywood (CC) reation (CC) PBS Business BBC World The This Old House News Hour (CC) Antiques Roadshow: Boston (CC) On Canvas: Xerox Rochester Jazz Asia Festival: Grace Kelly Tavis Smiley (CC) Big Bang Theory White Collar: As You Were (CC) White Collar: On the Fence (CC) News at 10 Friends (CC) 30 Rock (CC) 30 Rock: Pilot (CC) FOX TMZ (CC) The Simpsons American Idol: Hollywood Glee: I Do Will and FOX 29 News at 10 Round, Part 4 Emma’s wedding; reunite. TMZ (CC) Inside Edition (CC) TBN Always Potter Scenes Touch (CC) (CC) Report MYN Big Bang Theory Good New Joel Osteen Destined to Brian (CC) Reign Houston CW Family Feud Family Feud The Vampire Diaries: (CC) (CC) ION Without a Trace: More Than This (CC) DISN ESPN LIFE NICK TBS TLC USA WGN NBC 10 News (CC) The Tonight Show Praise the Lord Interviews and musical performances. (CC) Beauty and the Beast: Trust No One (CC) News Down the Rabbit Hole Without a Trace: Shattered (CC) Without a Trace: Requiem (CC) Criminal Minds: Legacy Criminal Minds: No Way, (CC) Pt. II Evilution (CC) The First 48: Night Shift; The First 48: Blood Red; Deadly Moves (CC) 106 & Park (CC) Husbands 2nd GenerBET (CC) ations Jungle Gold (CC) Moonshiners (CC) Seinfeld (CC) King of Queens King of Queens The First 48: Blood on The First 48: After the First The First 48: Killer Debt; the Streets (CC) 48: Woods (CC) House of Rage (CC) BET Takes Hollywood Getting Played ac (2005, Comedy) Tichina Arnold. (CC) Women film each other seducing man. (CC) Moonshiners: Tickle’s Property Wars (CC) Moonshiners: Tickle’s Guide to Love (CC) Guide to Love (CC) Austin & Jessie (CC) WALL-E aaac (2008, Science Fic- Phineas and A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Jessie: A A.N.T. Farm Ally (CC) tion) Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight. nou Ferb (CC) Charlie Doll’s Out (CC) College Basketball: Teams TBA from TBA z{| College Basketball: Teams TBA from TBA z{| SportsCenter from Bristol, Conn. To Be Announced (CC) Project Runway: Surprise Project Runway: The Ultimate Hard Double To Be Announced (CC) Me af (CC) and Soft af (CC) Divas (CC) Drake & Drake & Ninja Tur- Gotta See Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends Friends Josh Josh tles This! (CC) (CC) Seinfeld: Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang King of the Nerds: High Conan (CC) Checks (CC) (CC) (CC) Theory Theory IQ’s (CC) DC Cupcakes: County Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Wear: Tina Say Yes Say Yes Fair (CC) Dress Dress Dress Dress Yothers (CC) Dress Dress Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Suits: Normandy (CC) Necessary Roughness: Victims Unit: Stalked Victims Unit: Closure Victims Unit ab Regret Me Not (CC) America’s Funniest How Met How Met How Met How Met WGN News at Nine (CC) America’s Funniest Home Videos af Mother Mother Mother Mother Home Videos af A&E Mobbed (CC) DISC 1600 Penn Do No Harm: Me Likey (CC) (CC) SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:34 PM Page 15 Black history Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary Continued from page 4 1906 Paul Lawrence Dunbar, poet (Ode to Ethiopia) dies in Dayton, OH. 1907 Charles Alfred Anderson, “Father of Black Aviation” and Tuskegee Air Man is born in Bryn Mawr, PA. 1927 Richard A. Long, historian and author (Black Americana) is born in Philadelphia, PA. 1943 Barbara Lewis, singer (Hello Stranger) is born in Salem, MI. 1944 Alice Walker, author (The Color Purple) is born in Eatonton, GA. 1947 Major Harris, singer (Love Won’t Let Me Wait) is born in Richmond, VA. 1951 Dennis ‘Dee Tee’ Thomas, musician with Kool & the Gang is born in Jersey City, NJ 1953 Gary Franks, the first African American Congressman from Connecticut is born in WaterAlice Walker bury, CT. 1954 Christopher Paul Gardner, motivational speaker is born in Milwaukee, WI. 1960 I.O. Carter is awarded a patent for a nursery chair. 1972 Jason Winston George, actor (Eve) is born in Virginia Beach, VA. 1977 Woodrow ‘Buddy’ Wilson Johnson, pianist, composer (Since I Fell For You) and resident bandleader at the Savoy Ballroom in New York dies in New York, NY. 1980 (Jackiem Joyner) Lil Man Soul, saxophonist and flute player is born in Norfolk, VA. 1985 Nigel Dawes, National Hockey League player is born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 1987 Michael Bakari Jordan, actor (The Wire) is born in Santa Ana, CA. 1990 Camille Winbush, actor (The Bernie Mack Show) is born in Culver City, CA. 1991 James Cleveland, pianist, arranger, choir director and gospel singer dies. 2005 Tyrone Davis (Fettson), singer (Can I Change My Mind) dies in Chicago, IL. RESEARCH STUDIES FOR: đŏArthritis đŏ.+$*Ě/ŏ%/!/! đŏGout đŏ đŏ+3ŏ'ŏ%* R We are currently enrolling people for NO COST research studies. Qualify and receive study-related care from a local doctor and study medication. Health insurance is NOT required. February 10th Practice self-reliance and concentration and you will be successful, prosperous and happy. You make and break engagements easily, if they interfere with your convenience. You are energetic, kind, affectionate and your love will be constant. 1837 Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, Russian Black poet dies in St. Petersburg, Russia. Ethel Hedgeman Lyle 1874 Latimore and Brown are awarded patent 147,363 for water closets for railway cars. 1887 Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, founder of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is born in St. Louis, MO. 1905 (William Henry) Chick Webb, drummer and bandleader is born in Baltimore, MD. 1927 (Mary Violet) Leontyne Price, opera singer who has won 13 Grammy Awards is born in Laurel, MS. 1931 James Edward Maceo West, Inventor and acoustician (developed the foil electret microphone) is born in Prince Edward County, VA. 1932 Vivienne Malone-Mayes, fifth African American woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics is born in Waco, TX. 1937 Roberta Flack, singer and composer is born in Black Mountain, NC. 1940 Jimmy Merchant, original singer with Frankie Classifed Ads Business Opportunities BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Make Life Good. Net Over $60k Per Year. Investment Required $4,750. Huge Profits. Call 1-888-748-7383 Help Wanted "Can You Dig It?" Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3Wk Hands On Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Asst. w/National Certs. VA Benefits Eligible- 866-362-6497 Help Wanted Driver Attn CDL-A Drivers: Refrigerated positions, earn up to 47cpm with our new Your Choice Pay Plan (TM). Great Benefits & Flexible Hometime. 800-535-8714. AA/EOE. GoRoehl.com Help Wanted Driver Drivers: HIRING EXPERIENCED/INEXPERIENCED TANKER DRIVERS! Earn up to $.51 perMile! New Fleet Volvo Tractors! 1 Year OTR Exp. Req.-Tanker Training Available. Call Today: 877882-6537 www.OakleyTransport.com Help Wanted Driver Driver: Qualify for any portion of $.03/mile quarterly bonus: $.01 Safety, $.01 Production, $.01 MPG. Two raises in first year. 3-months recent experience. 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com Help Wanted Driver Drivers-CDL-A $5,000 SIGN-ON BONUS For exp'd solo OTR drivers & O/O's. Tuition reimbursement also available! New Student Pay & Lease Program. USA TRUCK 877-521-5775 www.USATruck.jobs Help Wanted Driver Drivers: CDL-A TEAM WITH TOTAL. $.50 /Mile For SCOOP U.S.A. - Friday, February 8, 2013 - 15 Lymon & the Teenagers (Why Do Fools Fall In Love) is born in New York, NY. 1955 (Lusia) Lucy Harris-Stewart, Women’s National Basketball Association player is born in Minter City, MS. 1961 Velma Middleton, vocalist dies in Sierra Leone. 1965 Leonard Irell Webster, Major League Baseball player is born in New Orleans, LA. 1968 Ryan Eugene Bowen, Major League Baseball player is born in Hanford, CA. 1978 Minnie Buckingham Harper, first African American woman to serve as a member of a state legislative body (West Virginia) dies in Winfield, WV. 1987 Devon Alexander, welterweight boxer is born in St. Louis, MO. 1992 Alex(ander Murray Palmer) Haley, author (Roots) dies In Seattle, WA. 2001 (George Holmes) Buddy Tate, saxophonist and clarinetist dies in Chandler, AZ. Know Your History, If You Do Not Know Where You Come From, You Cannot And Will Not Know Where You Can Go!!! Hazmat Teams. Solo Drivers Also Needed! 1 yr. exp. req'd. 800-942-2104 Ext. 7308 or 7307 www.TotalMS.com qualified-Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715 Help Wanted Driver GORDON TRUCKING, INC.-CDL-A Drivers Needed! Up to $3,000 SIGN ON BONUS. Refrigerated Fleet & Great Miles. Pay Incentive & Benefits! Recruiters available 7 days/wk! EOE. TeamGTI.com 866-554-7856 Land for Sale MISCELLANEOUS ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 888-220-3984. www.CenturaOnline.com MISCELLANEOUS AIRLINE CAREERS begin here-Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if Adoption or Personals ADOPT - WE PROMISE to give your baby a life filled with love and happiness. Expenses Paid. Marygrace & Eddie (888)220-2030 BEAUTIFUL ADIRONDACK CABIN 5 Acres w/ Camp: $29,900 Nicely wooded Setting. Locations include: NY's Southern Tier Adirondacks, Salmon River Region, Tug Hill Snow Country. Call for details: 1800-229-7843. Christmas & Associates Vacation Rentals OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: www.holidayoc.com AT TEND CO LLEGE ONLI NE FROM M H OME ΎDĞĚŝĐĂů͕ΎƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͕ΎƌŝŵŝŶĂů:ƵƐƟĐĞ͕Ύ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂůŝƚLJ͘ :ŽďƉůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚĂƐƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ͘ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŝĚŝĨƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚ͘^,sĂƵƚŚŽƌŝnjĞĚ͘ Call 888-220-3984 COMPENSATION UP TO $1,375 R www.CenturaOnline.com Call: 888-259-3610 or Visit: www.AcurianHealthStudies.com Your Beach Home Awaits! AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE ĞĐŽŵĞĂŶǀŝĂƟŽŶDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞdĞĐŚ͘ &ĂƉƉƌŽǀĞĚƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ͘ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůĂŝĚŝĨƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚʹ,ŽƵƐŝŶŐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ :ŽďƉůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚĂƐƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ͘ >>ǀŝĂƟŽŶ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞŽĨDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ 888-834-9715 Help Wanted WANTED Barber Hair Stylist call 215-978-4060 Drivers: Start up to $.40/mi. Home Weekly. CDL-A 6 mos. OTR exp. Req. 50 Brand New Coronado's you’ll be proud to drive! 888-406-9046 8JOETUPOFt.JMUPO, DE Single Family Energy Star Homes from $219,900* 302.645.7948 )FSPO#BZt-FXFT, DE Single Family Homes - 1/2 acre from $167,900* 302.644.9002 The Grande at Canal Pointe Rehoboth Beach, DE Elevator Condos from $219,900* 302.227.7074 Townhomes from $339,900* 302.227.1053 Sterling Crossing Rehoboth Beach, DE Villas from $234,900* 302.260.9040 Rehoboth Crossing Rehoboth Beach, DE Townhomes from $299,900* 302.260.9670 Com Fairway Village Soonin! g Ocean View, DE Townhomes from $229,900* 302.227.1053 Did your job give you Lung Cancer? If you suffer from Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer, and were exposed to asbestos on the job – even decades ago – you may be entitled to compensation (even if you were a smoker)! Contact the law firm of Weitz & Luxenberg today for a free and confidential consultation. We have won billions in verdicts and settlements, and it costs you nothing up front if we accept your case. We’re with you – every step of the way! Building Quality New Homes in 700 BROADWAY | NEW YORK, NY 10003 Delaware for 65 Years! www. www.--$)PNFT%& $)PNFT%&.c .com om *Information *Information subjec subjectt ttoo change without notic notice. e. SSee ee a ccommunity ommunity sales associa associate te ffor or full details details.. 888-411-LAWS USE YOUR SMART PHONE TO SCAN THIS CODE FOR MORE WWW.LUNGCANCERTRUSTS.COM ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Prior results do not guarantee a future outcome. If no recovery, no fees or costs are charged, unless prohibited by State Law or Rule. SCOOP February 8, 2013 2/8/13 5:34 PM Page 16 Friday, February 8, 2013 FALLEN LEAVES Brooks O’Dell O’Dell, (born Brooks O’Dell Johnson) an impassioned vocalist passed on Wednesday, January 30, 2013. He was 79. Brooks recorded a series Pinkney Roberts Mr. Fashion Plate, MC Join the family and friends of Pinkney Robert Webster, Jr. when they gather to share stories and abd cele- of singles between 1963 and 1972 for various Northern R&B and soul labels. He will forever be remembered for his powerful 1964 hit, "You Better Watch Your Step." Funeral Services will be held on Sunday, February 10 at Ebenezer Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1437 Christian Street. Viewing 9:00 a.m. Services begin at 11:00 a.m. Burial will be on Monday, February 11, 10:30 a.m. at Washington Crossing Natonal Cementary in Newton, Pennsylvania. brate his long and remarkable life on Saturday, February 9, 12 noon at the Parkside Avenue Banquet Hall, 4942 Parkside Avenue in Philadelphia, Pinkney passed away on Sunday, January 6, 2013. Hee was 94 In Lieu of Flowers or other gifts, please send donations to: Philadelphia Folklore Project, 735 S. 50th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143. For information contact Pinknet Webster, III at 215-886-1255 or [email protected] T RANSPORTATION TO PA S TATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES Restore Families provides transportation to PA State correctional facilities for families with incarcerated loved ones, plus free support programs. Call 215-235-9126 or visit IDAAY.org. ******* W OMEN ’ S WAY 10 TH A NNUAL W OMEN AND I NFLUENCE C ONFERENCE Women’s Way hosts their 10th Annual Women & Influence Conference on Saturday, February 9 from 9 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. at the Moore College of Art and Design, 20th Street and Ben Franklin Parkway. For information call 215-4853322. Women & Influence Conference is a FREE public forum that allows women to learn and voice their opinions on issues of importance to women, girls and families in our region. Sam Bennett, Executive/CEO of the Women's Campaign Fund is the morning keynote. There are morning and afternoon breakout sessions, as well as a networking lunch followed by a moderated panel discussion: Women as Political Leaders - Stories from the Front Lines. The afternoon will close with a panel discussion regarding the Media's Portrayal of Women & Leadership which will include a clip from the documentary MissRepresentation. ******* T HE PARTNERSHIP CDC/NAC S UBCOMMITTEE E LECTIONS The Partnership CDC West/Southwest NAC office will hold its Subcommittee (NAS) elections on Tuesday, February 19 at two locations. One will be held at the 18th Police District located at 55th Street and Pine St. The other voting location will be 16th Police District located at 39th Street and Lancaster Avenue. Voting times will be from 7 PM to 8 PM. Community residents, church members and COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary business owners presiding in the 19104, 19139 and a small part of 19131 zip codes and are qualified to serve on the West/Southwest NAC Subcommittee. NAS members that are elected by community residents will serves as an advisory auxiliary to the NAC office staff. For nomination applications and information please call the Partnership CDC/NAC office at 215.662.1612 Ext. 12 ******* M ARCHING TO F REEDOMLAND For 2013 the year that marks the 50th anniversary of the Historic March on Washington” FreshVisions Youth Theatre Company proudly present the annual return of one of its most highly requested productions, “Marching to Freedomland - Giants of the Civil Rights Movement” at FreshVisions home theater, The Germantown Theatre Centre, 4821 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. The production will run for nine (9) performances during three (3) weekends. Showdates and times are: Friday, February 22; March 1 and March 8 at 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, February 23, March 2 and March 9 at 3:00 p.m.; Sunday, February 24, March 3 and March 10 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets for all performances are $15.00 for adults and $12 for children 13 and under. (Note: Opening night is a special two tickets for the price of one show.) For information call 267-226-7135. ******* F REE P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT W ORKSHOPS Temple University's Office of Community Relations and the Office of Community Outreach & Hiring/Human Resources, are hosting *FREE monthly professional development workshops that are open to the local community (see attached flyer). Effectives Ways to apply for Jobs Online will be held on Thursday, February 21 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Temple University's Entertainment Center Building, 1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Room 214, Philadelphia, PA (next door to Rita's Water Ice). The workshops are FREE but interested participants are strongly advised to call in advance to confirm their attendance. Contact Andrea Swan, Office of Community Relations, 215-204-7913 or Michael Robinson, M.S., Office of Community Outreach & Hiring/Human Resources, 215-204-0677. ******* A MERICAN C HEMICAL S OCIETY O FFERS S CHOLARSHIPS FOR M INORITY C HEMICAL S CIENCE S TUDENTS The American Chemical Society (ACS) offers Renewable scholarships from $1,000 to $5,000 per year for students who want to enter the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology and teaching. Applications accepted through March 1, 2013. Apply online www.acs.org/scholars, call 1-800-227-5558 or email [email protected] GAMES PEOPLE PLAY DATE DAY Wednesday jan. 30 Thursday jan. 31 Friday Feb. 1 Saturday Feb. 2 Sunday Feb. 3 Monday Feb. 4 Tuesday Feb. 5 PA NJ DELAWARE 983 367 515 291 722 159 733 878 611 886 302 508 798 259 800 / 148 399 470 638 228 193 604 867 467 233 719 209 736 326 675 747 431 397 322 839 696 xxx 153 169 710 724 767 722 176 287 777 979 644 803 SCOOP PICK HITS Appears Every Friday Down Memory Lane Top picture: Able and willing to serve the party people at the 654 LOUNGE during those yesteryears Bottom picture: A group of lovely ladies and a gentleman showing their Hollywood smiles of enjoyment at the once famous PRINCE’S LOUNGE Note: Reproductions of all Memory Lane pictures are available. Call SCOOP USA at 215-232-5974. 651 305 472 654 329 311 A FRICAN A MERICAN H ISTORIC P RESERVATION T RAIL PROJECT PILOT K ICK OFF The African American Historic Preservation Trail project pilot, created with input from a distinguished stakeholder committee comprised of historic preservation sites and regional policy makers, is kicking off with a panel discussion, hosted by Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, on: Tuesday, February 26, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the African American Museum, 701 Arch Street. The African American Historic Preservation Trail project was conceived in November 2010 at a public participation meeting hosted by Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC). Please join in during Black History Month 2013 for a probing discussion and the public unveiling of 26 months of organizing and planning as the implementation phase of the trail pilot begins. The pilot will be used as a model for a citywide and national tour of African American Historic Preservation sites. by Judy Renay New Moon in Aquarius Sunday 2:20am E.S.T Chinese New Year starts Sunday (Fire Snake) Opportunity Knocks Monday 6:34 am to Tuesday 7:51pm E.S.T ARIES - March 21- April 19 After much hard work, success arrives in an educational, legal or publishing venture. It’s easy now to see the big picture and make long range plans. Best numbers 3 and 1. TAURUS - April 20 - May 20 It’s time to let go of old projects that didn’t fly and cut your losses. A money partner comes through. An old love comes back in your life. Magic’s about to occur! Best numbers 9 and 8. GEMINI - May 21 - june 21 A special favor from a VIP brightens the financial picture. Your talents are recognized. A transportation problem will be solved in an ingenious way. Best numbers 9 and 1. CANCER - june 22 - july 22 You operate best behind the scenes, using influence to swing deals and advise in money making operations. Avoid clashes with authority figures; keep a low profile. Best numbers 3 and 4. LEO - july 23 - August 22 It’s time to take a deep breath and practice asking for what you want. After an adequate rehearsal time go for it. You may have limited yourself by short term thinking. Best numbers 4 and 6. VIRGO - August 23 - September 22 A domestic move maybe on the agenda; your intuition is powerful, providing clues as to direction. You’ll also be intent or solving a conflict between private and public life. Best numbers 6 and 0. LIBRA - September 23 - October 22 The career actions you take are good, courageous and beneficial, if you aren’t acting in a hasty manner. Think things through; when it comes to love you have the upper hand. Best numbers 2 and 4. SCORPIO - October 23 - November 21 Ordinarily you’re as organized as anyone could get, but you could be prone to an impulsive waste of energy applied to the wrong things. Is it possible your predetermined thoughts are wrong? Best numbers 0 and 1. SAGITTARIUS - November 22 - Dececember 21 Your local area hums with activity and that Sagittarius ability to communicate gets a workout. You’ll be restless to travel, but will profit by sticking around and reaping career benefits. Best numbers 8 and 3. CAPRICORN -December 22 - january 19 There’s heavy emphasis on financial matters. Curb impulsive spending; what looks like a bargain may not be. Wait until next week to make any major money decisions. Best numbers 2 and 9. AQUARIUS - january 20 - February 18 Broad concepts you gain from expanded fields of interest will alter your thinking in vital ways. A loved one’s faith in you will be an inspiration. Best numbers 1 and 7. PISCES - February 19 - March 20 Compromise could save a lot of frustration if the problem is basically about your need to juggle career and personal interests. Somehow you have to get others to respect your needs. Best numbers 5 and 4. I R ECOGNIZE A STROLOGY A S G OD ’ S N EWS L ETTER . I’ M A MEMBER OF THE ORDER OF THE U NIVERSAL I MPRINTS . I’ VE STUDIED WITH THE R OSICRUCIAN ’ S AND A MERICAN F EDERATION OF A STROLOGERS WHICH I’ M ALSO A MEMBER . Y OU MAY CONTACT ME AT RAHMING 000@ VERIZON . NET N OW IS THE TIME TO KNOW THYSELF.
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