ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 - CenterFest Arts Festival
ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 - CenterFest Arts Festival
D U R H A M A R T S C O U N C I L’ S CENTERFEST ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 FOOD VENDOR APPLICATION Due July 18th September 20th & 21st , 2014 Satisfying & Tickling the Taste Buds of Durham... Dear Prospective CenterFest Food Vendor: In order to provide each vendor with a unique presence, Durham Arts Council requires a complete menu with prices of the items you plan to sell at this year’s festival. We seek a balance of festival staples and unique food options. If you are accepted as a food vendor for CenterFest 2014, you will receive a letter of agreement listing those menu items that you are approved to sell. Quick & Tasty Details: Food vendor applications will be reviewed after the deadline of July 20th. Checks will be deposited upon receipt of application as in the past. You will receive a letter in two weeks indicating either acceptance (with more detailed information to follow in the month of August) or rejection (followed by a refund of booth fee & setup deposit). Great placement of performance areas in relation to food vendor areas Timely technical support for electrical and water related issues Offer the widest variety of food choices by avoiding duplication among accepted vendors. Ice available to vendors for purchase on site. Attractive seating areas close to food vendors. Photo by A Captured Image We look forward to receiving your application and having your business join the wide range of food offerings at Durham Arts Council’s CenterFest! 25,000 Attendees average estimated attendance, 1995 - 2013 2014 CALENDAR July 18 Deadline for application forms and all fees to be considered for CenterFest 2014. Applications may be accepted after this date on a space available basis. August 1 Vendors notified acceptance August 22 No return of booth fees after this date. FESTIVAL DATES & HOURS Friday, September 19 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Vendor set-up Saturday, September 20 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Festival Hours Sunday, September 21 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Festival Hours SEPTEMBER 20 & 21, 2014 z HISTORIC DOWNTOWN DURHAM DURHAM ARTS COUNCIL’S CENTERFEST ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 FOOD VENDOR GUIDELINES CenterFest 2014 Durham Arts Council 120 Morris Street Durham, NC 27701 For more information, contact: CenterFest Office 919.560.2722 [email protected] REGULATIONS: REFUNDS: SECURITY All fees are deposited upon receipt. If you All vehicles MUST be removed from the All food vendors, restaurants, individuals, and non-prot groups may apply as food vendors. Food vendors may set up booths between 8 - 11 pm on Friday, 9/19 and Saturday, 9/20 between 6 - 8 am. By 9 am Saturday, all vehicles must be o-site. All menu items and prices are subject to 2014, we will return booth fees in full. If you 20 and by 10 am on Sunday Sept 21. Vendors may carry items to their booths no later than August 22, 2014. There will be no refunds past this date. The Security/Setup deposit will be refunded by mail following Uniformed security, Centerfest sta Changes in menu items will require prior Failure to properly clean As required by law, all vendors will be County Health Dept. and will be issued a permit for their temporary food establishment. No food can be prepared for BOOTH SPACE: sale at your temporary food establishment Booth spaces are 10’x (10’, 15’, 20’ or 30’) before your booth has been inspected and issued a permit. Vendor may apply for more than one space; is vendors with a current mobile food your truck permit. booth/trailer size exceeds the booth space Water under pressure will be provided to size, you must apply for the next sized booth or your booth. You will need to provide a dish washing sink, a receptacle for the removal Vendors must contain all equipment, supplies of waste water, and a minimum of 20 feet and storage within their space. Nothing may be hung on trees. Booths must be of sound to the water system. not Durham Arts Council has contracted with obstruct others. No campers, RVs or tailers an outside v to supply all are allowed on site except during loading and lemonade, lemon-based drinks, and tea unloading. Electricity will be provided only if drinks. Food Vendors at CenterFest MAY water, tea, lemonade, lemon-based smoothies or any other lemon frozen products. lemon based frozen smoothies. Payment of a “Smoothie Premium,” i the booth space fee, is required to sell smoothies. be considered. Food may only be sold from the assigned vending booth spot. Vendors must abide by all applicable Vendors are encouraged to make their result in forfeiture of your $50.00 security deposit. Proper disposal of waste is required. The area will be inspected by the city prior to, one per booth). The Fire Marshall will inspect all booths. Ice will be available for sale / delivery. - All fees must be paid in advance in order to Centerfest 2014 and must be in the form of a check, money order, or credit card. hours. However, because only limited security will be available overnight Friday and Saturday, you are strongly encouraged to remove valuable property and lock down vending areas. Durham Arts Council damage to any signage, product, display equipment or property of any vendor. RAINOUT PROCEDURE: Centerfest is a “rain or shine” event; no rain dates! Food vendors should be prepared to vendor’s needs, and the requirements of inclement weather or vendors’ decision not to NEW! VENDOR REGISTRATION As of 2014 North Carolina has a mandatory vendors must supply DAC with thier NC " #$%%&&& % % on/index.html APPLICATION CHECKLIS Enclose image of your set up. included Enclose check or money order for booth fee (see schedule) and other rental fees, payable to: Durham Arts Council, Inc. OR pay via Visa or MasterCard. Once accepted, you will be required to provide proof of current liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.00; Durham Arts Council, and the City of Durham must be added **Please note that anyone found in Mail to: CenterFest 2014 Durham Arts Council 120 Morris Street Durham, NC 27701 forfeit their booth space and all fees. 919-560-7800. SEPTEMBER 20 & 21, 2014 t HISTORIC DOWNTOWN DURHAM t CENTERFEST.DURHAMARTS.ORG FOOD VENDOR APPLICATION SCREENING: All applicants will be screened by the CenterFest 2014 Food Vendor Committee for participation. Primary factors considered for acceptance are menu choice, previous years’ participation, and timeliness of application return. Secondary factors include variety and appeal of product, presentation of unit, and prior compliance with festival regulations. The screening process, electrical requirements, and date of application will be determinants of booth location. Name Business Name Address Phone 1 City Phone 2 State (if applicable) Zip Code Website Address Which year(s) has your organization participated in CenterFest? 20____ 20____ 20____ 20____ 20____ First Time Applicant ____ Food Booth Description Application Due July 18, 2014 Email Address In order to better identify food vendors’ booths in the Events Schedule, please give a brief description (six words or less) of the type of menu to be featured. Proposed Menu and Prices Using a seperate sheet of paper, TYPE a proposed menu of 2 - 8 items with prices that you wish to sell. regarding menu items and prices (i.e. Home Style fries or French Fries, sm. $1.75, lg. $3.00 as opposed to simply “Fries”). Please remember that no drinks may be sold by food vendors except Fruit Smoothies, which requires a separate fee. Food vendors MAY NOT SELL bottled beverages, water, tea, lemonade, lemon-based smoothies or any other lemon frozen products. Type of Permit: Temproary Food Establishment: May perpare food on sit only after inspection by Durham County Health Dept. and after isuance of TFE permit. Food Tuck Permit: Must leave site over night and return to home base for food prep. Must submit copty of Food Truck Permit with CenterFest Application. You will be responsible for the Rules Governing the Sanitation of Restaurants and Other Foodhandling Establishments 15A NCAC 18A 2600 in order to receive a permit from Durham Co. on the Morning of Saturday September 21. Temporary Food Establishment guildelines may be found on the Durham Co. website Electrical Needs: Total No. of Outlets: List all electrical equipment you will be using for cooking/cooling and preparation of food. Only vendors requesting electrical hook-ups will be able to utilize electrical equipment. No electrical hook-ups will be available from any downtown buildings. Food trucks must use electrical hook ups instead of generators. Type of Equipment Watts Amps Please enclose an image of your concession unit and give dimensions below. Fee Schedule Please consider my business for CenterFest 2014. I’ve enclosed the following fees: $60 Electrical Fee $ $300 Smoothie Premium $ $50 Cleaning Deposit $ 50.00 (Mandatory) Food Vendor Rates $375 (10 x 10) Space $550 (10 x 15) Space $725 (10 x 20) Space $1050 (10 x 30) Space $ $ $ $ $25.00 Non-refundable $ 25.00 Application Fee Total enclosed $ : To pay by credit card: Visa MasterCard Name on Card: _________________________ Card Number __________________________ Expiration Date (mm/yyyy): ______________ Address associated with card: Street:________________________________ City:___________ State:______ Zip:_______ OFFICE USE ONLY Date received Type Booth Fee Electrical Other Length _______________ Width ________________ Height _________________ General release: The Undersigned does hereby release, forever discharge, and hold harmless Durham Arts Council and the City of Durham from all manner of actions, suits, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever from any loss or damage to property of the Undersigned while in possession or supervision of the festival, its agents, representatives, or employees. If selected as a CenterFest food vendor, I agree to sell only the items approved by the CenterFest Committee and to provide proof of current liability insurance with Durham Arts Council and the City of Durham as additional insureds (within 14 days of receiving contract to participate). I hereby affirm that I have read all instructions and information in the CenterFest 2014 application form for participation as a food vendor and will abide by the festival rules. Signature Date SEPTEMBER 20 & 21, 2014 t HISTORIC DOWNTOWN DURHAM t CENTERFEST.DURHAMARTS.ORG DURHAM ARTS COUNCIL’S CENTERFEST ARTS FESTIVAL 2014 Durham Arts Council 120 Morris Street Durham, NC 27701 Additional applications available for download at FOOD VENDOR APPLICATIONS DUE JULY 18 th Photo by A Captured Image Photography Photo by Michael Zirkle Photography SEPTEMBER 20 & 21, 2014 t HISTORIC DOWNTOWN DURHAM t CENTERFEST.DURHAMARTS.ORG
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except Fruit Smoothies, which requires a separate fee. Food vendors MAY NOT