STAR April 2014 - Bethlehem Covenant Church


STAR April 2014 - Bethlehem Covenant Church
April 2014
April 2013
Issue 359
The Quantity and Quality of Revitalization
Most of my free-time lately has been invested in my
doctoral studies at Luther Seminary. I am studying
the Congregational Vitality Pathway, the Covenant’s
revitalization materials that we have followed at
Bethlehem Covenant Church. My research project
aims to benefit the congregation, conference, and
denomination as we all try to figure out how churches experience new life in Christ. I am just over 200
pages in my dissertation. Now, I must finish my research project. I’m writing to ask for your help to
complete the final step.
Even Jesus did ministry research. A large crowd followed Jesus to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus tells his disciples to feed the hungry people.
Someone does a quick head count and discovers that
there are five thousand people. Philip crunches the
numbers and gives a quantitative analysis of the situation. “Six months’ wages would not buy enough
bread for each of them to get a little” (John 6:7). Andrew does an in depth qualitative interview with a
little boy to discover the contents of his lunchbox.
“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and
two fish. But what are they among so many people?” (John 6:9). The numbers tell one story but the
qualitative data tell another. Jesus commanded everyone to sit down while he broke bread and gave
thanks. Everyone ate until they were stuffed. John
concludes the story by giving an accounting of the
leftovers. “So they gathered them up, and from the
fragments of the five barley loaves, left by those who
had eaten, they filled twelve baskets” (John 6:13).
When we participate in the purposes of God the outcome baffles our mundane expectations.
We can’t possibly understand the feeding of the five
thousand without the quantitative and qualitative data. Our knowledge is enhanced by combining statistical data and the reminiscences of the participants.
The biblical rationale for using this method is that
God wants us to pay attention to what he is doing in
the world. Combining quantitative and qualitative
data is an effective way to evaluate both the scope of
the matter and our own response to God’s blessings.
In October and November of 2013 I convened three
focus groups to discuss the Congregational Vitality
Pathway at Bethlehem Covenant Church. The conversation was extraordinarily helpful for my doctoral
studies. The participants helped me understand how
the revitalization effort has been received by the congregation. I used those qualitative conversations to
create a quantitative survey for the rest of the church.
This month I will be conducting a survey of active
members to discern the impact of the Congregational
Vitality Pathway at Bethlehem Covenant Church.
Any member who attends worship at least five times
a year will be, for the purposes of this study, defined
as an “active member.” I will randomly select just
over half of the congregation to participate in the
study. If you find an envelope in your church mailbox on April 6th please fill in the survey and quickly
return it to the office. The questionnaire only takes
about seven minutes to complete. If you haven’t
picked up the survey by Easter (April 20th) the questionnaire will be sent to your home. In that case,
please fill out the form and send it back to church in
the self-addressed stamped envelope. You do not
have to participate, but please take the time to do
so. Every returned survey makes the research stronger.
Thanks for all your support during my studies. The
marathon is almost over. I just need some help taking
the final steps.
Holy Week April 13-20
Palm Sunday, April 13
Festive Worship with Palms
8:30 am Contemporary Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
11:00am Classic Worship
Wednesday, April 16
No Confirmation
No Wednesday Activities
Maundy Thursday, April 17
7:00pm Worship
Remembrance of The Last Supper
Fellowship Hall
Good Friday, April 18
7:00pm Worship
Remembrance of The Crucifixion
Easter Sunday, April 20
8:30am Contemporary Worship
9:30am Easter Brunch
(Fundraiser for Sr. High)
10:00am Children’s Easter activities
11:00am Classic Worship
Sunday Nursery Volunteer Schedule
Our nursery staff will be present at each
service with the volunteer.
Contemporary Worship (8:30am)
April 6
Chris & Maya Simon
April 13
Lynette Clausen
April 20
Easter! TBD
April 27
Nancy Lindquist
Sunday School (9:45am)
April 6
Sara Christiansen
April 13
Amy Eikenbary-Barber
April 20
Easter Brunch for all ages
April 27
Liz Compton
Classic Worship (11am)
April 6
Cheryl Hunstock
April 13
Mary Jones-Morris
April 20
Easter! TBD
April 27
Ruth Johnson
Arrival time is prior to the scheduled starting time of
classes or worship (as shown above).
Volunteer online via our website, by signing the book
on the kiosk or by calling or emailing Pastor Derek.
Help is always needed and appreciated.
Sunday Treats
12 Noon
April 6
Ruth Johnson
Becky Ramgren
April 13
Rhonda Isaacs
Pat Koontz
April 20
Easter Brunch
Not Assigned
April 27
Congregational Meeting/Muffin Luck
Becky Anderson
If changes become necessary, please don’t forget to let the church office know. Thank you.
Would You Like To Be Refreshed?
Check out our own church library! It has been freshened recently so you can find things easily. Over
75 additional books have been processed in the last few months. Thank you to those who contributed
good books, among them our own authors, Linda Solie—”Take Care of your Emotions,” Phil Johnson—”Funny Stuff in the Bible,” Jay Phelan’s book on eschatology (the end times). In the Biography Section there is a good book, “Blown for God” (behind the iron curtain of Scientology) and
“God’s Call” by Brother Andrew, God’s smuggler. There are probably a dozen or more new fiction
books donated by Shirley Norman.
Grace provided the popular Swedish mystery writers, Mankell and Sjowall/Wahloo books, of which
there are at least ten. There are many new inspirational books such as “Experiencing God” by
Blackaby & King (how to live the full adventure of knowing and doing the will of God). There are
books about history and cultures; Thomas Cahill wrote “Sailing the Wine Dark Sea” (why the Greeks
matter) which is a great book. We have some important authors not to mention 37 refreshed
(popular!) Value Tales books for children. “I Want to Enjoy My Children” by Brandt/Skinner and
“Parenting with Scripture” by Durbin—both look like special books for parenting. Another great secret is that we have at least ten good DVDs. Take time to read our books. We have some of the best;
they might be life-changing or at least refreshing
Muffins, Coffee,
Reports and Election
Sunday, April 27th at 9:30am
Retiring council members have been busy
working to recruit persons to serve on the
Council as Commission Leaders. These
names will be presented for approval at the
Congregational Meeting the last Sunday in
Commission Reports will be ready to distribute that Sunday as well. These reports
will be available to everyone and can be
mailed to you if you call the office and
make your request known. If you are new
since last April, this is the document that
will introduce you to the inner workings of
Bethlehem and will give you an idea of who
does what.
Please plan to attend this important meeting
during the Sunday School hour.
The Library Police are Policing
We want to find a red,
hard-cover book,
published in 1935.
It is gone but not forgotten:
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the
Evangelical Covenant Church in America
Good detective work seems to indicate that one
of us has re-homed this book against Library
Policy and sound judgment.
So our fearsome police are looking for you—
whoever and wherever you might be. All the
usual penalties will be suspended if you will
simply bring the book into the church office.
We really would like to have this one returned
to us. Take a duster to your book shelves this
spring and find our book—please.
A Good Story
I’m not quick to admit it because there’s a perception out there that people who are cultured or intelligent
shouldn’t like television, but the truth is that I love good TV. Some will say that over the last 10 years
we’ve entered a new “Golden Age” of television drama. One of the trends of TV over the last decade has
been the return of serial television, shows with an unfolding plot that occurs in sequence, spanning many
episodes (as opposed to “episodic” TV shows where the plot is introduced and resolved in 60 minutes or
less). Serial TV has made way for stories that are large in scope and addictive in nature. It may not seem
very highbrow, but as a parent of two young kids, its a lot easier to squeeze in an hour of TV here or there
than to get out to concerts, plays, or movies with any kind of frequency.
Over the last months we’ve been going through John’s Gospel in a kind of “serial” fashion. Each week, the
story of Jesus Christ has unfolded and the drama of salvation has been playing out before us in our Bible
Studies, Sunday Schools, and in our Sunday Worship. We are approaching the climax of the Gospel Story:
the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, traditionally called Christ’s Passion. In her essay “The Greatest Drama Ever Staged,” novelist Dorothy Sayers describes the Christian story this way, “So that is the outline of the official story – the tale of the time when God was the underdog and got beaten, when He submitted to the conditions He had laid down and became a man like the men He had made, the men He had made
broke him and killed Him. This is the dogma we find so dull – this terrifying drama of which God is the
victim and hero.”
For most of Christian History, theologians have tried to reduce the Gospel to a series of propositions about
God and humanity. The Gospel has been treated like a science that can be deduced, formalized, and systematized. The problem with such a treatment is that very little of the Bible is written in a systematized theological way. The Bible is a narrative, and the more we read and hear that narrative, the more it will shape
our lives. We read the story, we tell the story, and we live the story.
Once again, we’ll be telling this all important chapter of the story at Palm Sunday this year with our annual
reader’s theater of the Passion. We’ll have two services at 8:30 and 11am to enact Jesus' triumphal entry
into Jerusalem and a dramatic retelling of events that would lead to his death. If you are interested in being
a reader for the Story of the Passion, please let me know (rehearsal will be Wednesday, April 9th at
7:30pm. The story continues at 7pm on Maundy Thursday, as we remember his final meal with his disciples with communion and hand washing. At 7pm on Good Friday we will have a “Tenebrae” service,
where light and shadow will be used alongside scripture readings of Jesus’ final hours on earth. Then, the
great celebration of resurrection takes place at both 8:30 and 11am Easter Sunday.
Many people without church homes will be looking for a place to celebrate Easter this year. I encourage
you to invite your friends to come and experience this greatest drama ever staged. May the story of God’s
love in Christ transform our lives and the lives of our neighbors, to live the adventure of death and life that
is better than anything on TV.
Pastor Matt
Adult Sunday School on April 6th
Laura Diamond
Rhonda Isaacs
Peter Eikenbary-Barber
James Danquah
Jim Swanson
Norm Morris
Tim Nelson
Marilyn Erickson
Shanan Tolzin
Helen Larson
Chloe May
Magdalene May
Jami Nordenstam
Matt Bergstrom
Charles Howland
Andrew Karpenko
Ardelle Lundheim
John Housenga
Hirut May
Richard Johnson
Kevin Legler
Judy Peterson
Kent Palmquist
Susan Hawkinson
David Swanson
Max Carlson
Forrest Dahl
Evelyn Swanson
Anne Malachway
Jena Bates
Larry Benson
Karna Sjoberg
Mark Swanson
Rebecca Chileen
Jared Baker
Paul Johnson
Priscilla Thoreen
Steve Balogh
Don’t miss this extraordinary Sunday School session! You’ll
have the privilege of “listening in” as Linda Leonard and an
interpreter enjoy a cup of tea with a Bhutanese elder who has
lived in India, Bhutan, Nepal, and now Minneapolis. Fluent in
many languages (but not yet in English), this amazing and
influential grandfather will tell his fascinating story of a lifelong journey to America.
Hosted by Andy Reeher and Linda Leonard
9:45 a.m.
Community Room
Please note that this is the only Adult Sunday School Class
during the month of April for the following reasons:
April 13
April 20
April 27
Preparation for Palm Sunday pageant
Easter Sunday Brunch at 9:30am
Congregational Meeting at 9:30am
Our classes will meet for three Sundays in May with the final
session on May 18th which is Confirmation Sunday.
Easter Offerings
We have a “triune” opportunity.
Call the church office to order flowers to decorate the sanctuary on Easter morning. Affordable options are available.
The flowers are yours to take home following worship.
There are also pink forms available in the bulletins for ordering. The deadline is Friday A pril 11th.
Designate a donation to Community Emergency Services.
When we gather cash, those dollars go much further than
what we can do through our limited purchasing power at the
grocery stores. (Also see the pink form in the bulletin.)
Consider an extra offering for Easter Sunday, April 20th—
just a bit beyond your tithe or usual contribution.
Sunday, April 27th in Fellowship Hall
12:30-1:00 pm: Lunch served by the Youth Group (donation)
1:00-2:15 pm: Seminar
Linda Solie, Bethlehem member and author of recently released, Take Charge of Y our Emotions: Seven Steps to Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Anger, will present a seminar entitled "The Marital
Intimacy Hierarchy." Drawing on her decades of counseling couples, Linda developed “The Marital
Intimacy Hierarchy” to help husbands and wives more fully enjoy each other. She will share these
very practical ideas on how couples can experience greater intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual intimacy in their marriages. Whether you are single, recently married, or have been married
for years, please join us for this seminar exploring how to foster and enjoy a healthy marriage.
Linda earned a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and is a licensed psychologist who began her
practice as a hospital staff psychologist, working with children and adults. In private practice for more
than two decades, she has provided marriage and family counseling for nearly thirty years, serving as
the primary marriage counselor for executives at a major Twin Cities corporation for seven years.
There is no cost for this seminar (except for a donation to the Youth Group for your lunch).
PLEASE DO REGISTER for the Seminar. A fairly close count will help us reproduce enough
handouts without harvesting a half-acre forest to feed our recycling bin. Clip the form below.
(Drop at Bethlehem Office)
LUNCHES: How Many? _________________
There will be a sandwich bar so that folks with dietary concerns
can control their menu. Included will be chips, beverages and fruit.
Please drop this registration form at the Bethlehem Office by APRIL 25TH
Wednesdays at Covenant Village
April 9th at 2 pm
Still Playing with Toys?
Do you have fond memories of a childhood
toy? Maybe a special cast iron truck or windup toy? Join Bob Mannella, publisher of the
book, Arcade Toys, and avid collector/buyer as
he describes and explains the differences of
toys, global influences and how toy values are
determined. Bringing a wide variety of toys
from the past, Bob will give you an inside look
of what these toys meant then and now in the
history of toys. Have an old toy that you
would like to have appraised? Bring it along
and ask Bob.
First Friday: April 4th
We will enjoy a review of Rachel Johnson’s photos from her trip to Antarctica.
Please arrive at 6:30pm.
If you have questions or need more information, please call Juli Swanson or Rhonda Isaacs.
April 23 at 2pm
Lifestyle Practices for
Maintaining your Memory
Each of us has only one brain so we need to
invest in doing what will help keep it healthy
and vibrant throughout life. In this presentation you will learn how to maintain cognitive
fitness. Learn how memory works and strategies for remembering names, information and
tasks. The speaker will be Linda Sasser, Ph.D.
She has over 25 years teaching/speaking experience in educational psychology.
If you wish to carpool, please call the office.
Bennie and Jan will pair the drivers up with
the riders if we know who is going to attend.
STAR Articles for May
Please submit to the office by
Monday, April 21
Articles for the Longfellow Messenger
are due the same day.
Preparing for Worship
Here are the Scriptures that we plan to study
during Worship in April.
April 6
Ps. 146; John 19:1-16a
April 13
John 19:16b-22; John 12:12-17
Palm Sunday —no sermon
April 20
Ps. 118:21-29; John 20:19-31
Easter Sunday
April 27
Ps. 145:13-21;
(repeat) John 20:19-31
Children’s Ministry Notes from Pastor Derek
-Parents: Registration is open for summer camp at Covenant Pines. There are camps for children going into 2nd grade and up next school year. You can register online at
or fill out a hard copy from a brochure at church. If you have any questions talk to Pastor Derek.
Scholarships are available. Bethlehem is in Group 2 of Covenant Pines session groups.
-We are in need of a Nursery Caregiver for the second slot (10:15 am – 12:15pm) on Sunday mornings.. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must pass a background check. This is a great way
to earn some extra cash and spend some quality time with Bethlehem’s youngest members. If you are
interested or know of a potential candidate please contact Pastor Derek.
-We hope your children will participate in Bethlehem’s annual Palm Procession on Palm
Sunday, April 13. The childr en will pr ocess with palms at both the 8:30 and 11:00 am services.
To participate, please have your child in the narthex five minutes prior to the start of the
services for instructions and to receive their palm branch. On Easter Sunday, during the Sunday
school hour there will be an Easter Egg hunt and an Easter lesson / activity. Children Pre/K
grade should meet in the beginner’s classroom (NW corner of the lower level) at 10am.
1st grade and older should meet in the youth room upstairs also at 10am.
-The dates for Vacation Bible School 2014 have changed! This summer , VBS at Bethlehem
will be August 11-15 from 9:30 am – noon daily. Nor mally VBS at Bethlehem is the fir st full
week of August, however this year for several reasons we are shifting it back one week. VBS
registration will open online soon.
Youth Calendar
from David Johnson,
Director of Youth Ministries
(Postcards, phone calls and emails to the youth will follow-up as the dates approach.)
Cell 952 994-2213 ~ Email [email protected]
High School
(includes 9th grade )
Wednesdays at 6:15pm, (except April 16)
Middle School
(6th, 7th and 8th grades)
Wednesday Confirmation
6:15 to 7:30pm (except April 16)
An Invitation from Your Friends at Crosstown Covenant Church
Saturday, April 5th
9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Crosstown participants were very blessed by your gracious hospitality at our combined ministry gathering on Saturday, January 11th. It was our joy to pray with you, to learn about the background of our Bhutanese and Nepali neighbors from Pastor Ryan and Pastor Kishor, and to
share ideas for more effective outreach. In turn, the Missions Commission at Crosstown is excited to extend a special invitation for all of you to join us on Saturday, April 5th from 9:00 to
11:30 a.m. at Crosstown, located at 5540 30th Avenue South.
When we met together in January, there was a common refrain: We need to learn more about
Hinduism and ways to be better equipped to share salvation in Jesus Christ, the One True God.
Thus, we have invited Dr. Mark Anderson, a missionary with Barnabas International and an
expert in his field, to share his knowledge with us at a special seminar. Mark and his wife Sarah
hail from Wheaton, IL and travel extensively, edifying, encouraging and strengthening other
global servants in ministry. By reputation and demonstrated power, he is also in the trenches
of spiritual warfare. As we walk in the light of Christ’s love, we can be sure that the ire of the
enemy is aroused. Mark’s teaching will provide an opportunity for us to be better equipped for
effective ministry to those with a polytheistic worldview.
God has given both our congregations marvelous opportunities to serve our new friends in a
variety of ways. We are grateful to Linda Leonard for helping Crosstown make meaningful connections at our All Church Night every Wednesday. In March, several of the children from Hindu families raised their hands to express their desire to receive God’s great gift in Jesus. We are
now in the process of following up to ensure appropriate understanding for their ages. One
thing is true: hearts are being softened by His love – ours included. Please continue to pray!
Kathy Anderson, Missions Deacon
Dine With Nine
Those who signed up to attend Dine With Nine will be contacted very soon and be given a host’s name and address.
The dinners are scheduled for April 4 and 5. Please call the
church office if you signed up and have not received a
phone call with attendance information by Thursday, April
3. (The deadline to sign up was Sunday, March 30)
Wednesday Morning Plans for our Bhutanese Friends
April 16th (9:30 to Noon)
May 14th (9:30 to Noon)
We will make a mess!!! It is our understanding that the Nepalese love to dye
eggs—and that is precisely the plan.
Come to the kitchen and bring along an
apron and as many eggs as you can
hard boil and transport. We’ll do
“fancy” ones too. Bring dye and supplies. (Vinegar provided.)
Linda Leonard has asked to show a film
in the Hindi language. She is hoping that
most of us can be present with our guests
as they watch this movie unfold. It is the
Christian message in appropriate format
and the hope is that we will be present as
a very visible show of love and support—
especially when it is realized that the film
is not understandable to us.
Fun for all of us.
April Volunteers
Ushers for 8:30 Contemporary Service
Dave and Joleen Sylvester,
Greg Alm
Ushers for 11:00 Traditional Service
Peter and Pat Koontz
Ruth Koontz
Kaarina Kotkavuori
Readers for 8:30 Contemporary Service
April 6
? Who is going to read?*
April 13
? It’s Palm Sunday!!!*
April 20
A Blessed Easter Morning*
April 27
? Someone? Anyone?*
Readers for 11:00 Traditional Service
April 6
Greg Alm
April 13
Andrea May
April 20
Happy Easter*
April 27
Jerry Erickson
Greeter during April at 8:30am Contemporary Service
Tim Lilla
Greeter during April at 11:00 am Traditional Service
Lowery Smith
* A volunteer is needed this morning *
Thinking of Volunteering?
Please use the spread sheet online to volunteer. Choose “Glimpse” and scroll down to
“Volunteering.” The dates are in the left column. We’d like to see some new names appear. Training is available.
If you have a distaste/distrust of computer science we are going to make this easier for you. Please
check the new listing/sign-up sheet posted on the atrium kiosk!!!!! You can also call the church office at 612-721-5768 for assistance.
Contact Information
[email protected]
Do you sense the change in the air? We are - along with most Minnesotans - anticipating spring’s arrival. I’m sure there will be a collective sigh from the preschool staff when they are able to announce to
the children that it’s time to go outside and every child can go directly to the door. There will be no
need for snow pants, heavy coats with the zippers too close to the knees for little ones to zipper, mittens, hats nor boots. If you have not worked with 3, 4 & 5 year olds to get ready for a winter adventure
I don’t think you can imagine the persistent practice and great deal of patience it takes to get 20 children ready for outside time!
As March wraps up, the center will be hosting an all school potluck on March 20. Each year families
come together to spend time with their child’s playmates and families. The place is always busy that
night but so much fun for our community to gather. This year we have 14 school age children performing in a talent show as well as a puppeteer who will be providing entertainment for children as they finish their meal. Our fundraiser for World Vision kicks off with a silent auction at the potluck. We’re
excited for the auction as we have a variety of donations.
Spring Break lends itself nicely to some much needed downtime at the center. Families can choose to
take the week off, change their schedule for the week, or keep things the same. The staff is also given
the option to work more hours, fewer hours, or take time off. The change in the schedules is a nice
way to put other children and staff together compared to our typical routine. The school age children
will be going to High Point Print Making, Minneapolis Institute of Art -including the Matisse exhibit-,
as well as the Great River Water Park. The preschoolers will be attending a few of their own field
trips. They will visit the Children’s Museum as well as go along with the school agers to the Great
River Water Park.
Staff will soon begin talking about Easter. We welcome your prayers as we share more about the love
that Jesus gives to each of us and the amazing plan God put in place to show that love. We pray that
the children attending BCCC experience that love while they are with us and have thoughts planted that
will keep them curious enough throughout their growing years to wonder, desire, and seek the wonderful love of Jesus.
This is the time of the year when we shift some of our focus towards summer. Summer registration
will be online again and I plan to have it open the last week of March. I’ll have the link on our website.
The staff is already preparing some guiding themes and activities for the change of pace that summer
brings. We are always looking for new field trip ideas; if you have any unique ones please pass them
on to us.
Thank You,
Bethlehem Covenant Church
3141 43rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Rev. Ryan Eikenbary-Barber
David Johnson, Dir. of Youth Ministry
Derek VanderMolen, Dir. of Children’s Ministry
Rev. Matthew Kennedy, Pastor of Worship
Tesfa Wondemagegnehu, Adult Choir Director
Dated Material: Return Service Requested
Contact the church at:
Web Address:
[email protected]
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY 9:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
THURSDAY 9:45 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
Sunday School
Classic Worship
Community activities evening
Breakfast at Bridgeman’s—2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Properties Work Day at church
Gathering for Prayer—Church Community Invited
Women’s Bible Study
Staff Meeting
Hosanna Choir, Pre-K
Hosanna Choir, K-1st grade
Alleluia Choir, Grade 2 and up
Wonderful Wednesday Meal
Kids Club
(except April 16)
(except April 16)
Adult Choir rehearsal
Sr. High Six12
(except April 16 )
Bible Encounter
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study
Walk and coffee at Mall of America