Summer 2014 - New Hanover County Schools
Summer 2014 - New Hanover County Schools
SUMMER 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE “Have a safe and happy summer!” “I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer, full of laughter, fun and rest! We will see you on August 22, 2014 at the Back-to-School Convocation.” Dr. Tim Markley Superintendent (We hope your summer is this much fun! Pictured: Pre-K students from Williams having oh-so much fun at Ashton Farm during a field trip.) End of Year Schedule May 26 Memorial Day Holiday June 13 Last Day of Traditional School June 14 Traditional High School Graduations p.2 2014-2015 EDUCATORS OF THE YEAR Photos to come after June 10th Banquet p.3 WE NHCS! These pages are dedicated to showing the love for our dedicated and AWESOME NHCS employees! p.4 2ND ANNUAL TEACHER TROT p.6 BEST FOOT FORWARD 2014 p.11 NHCS LIVES UNITED p.12 RECENT BOARD RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEES p.13 WWAY TEACHERS OF THE WEEK p.14 EMPLOYEE NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Send your news announcements to [email protected] p.15 WAVES SURVEY p.16 THIS & THAT Employee classifieds WAVES is produced by the Public Relations Department. Please submit news to: [email protected] New Hanover County Schools WAVES Archives 2014-2015 Educators of the Year The 2014-2015 NHCS Educators of the Year will be recognized at a banquet held on June 10th, 2014. At the banquet, the Principal of the Year will be announced, as well as the high school, middle school and elementary school Teacher of the Year and the overall NHCS Teacher of the Year. Congratulations and thank you to all teachers for your hard work and dedication to students! Melissa Gillespie,2013-2014 Regional Teacher of the Year. Pictured left to right: Dr. Susan Hahn, Mrs. Marcia Kearns, Mrs. Melissa Gillespie, Dr. Rick Holliday, and Dr. Tim Markley. The 2014-2015 Overall Teacher of the Year will be provided a brand new 2014 Prius to drive, courtesy of Hendrick Toyota of Wilmington! 2 Wells Fargo is the proud sponsor of the Educator of the Year banquet. Penny Rogers Courtney Alleborn Pamela Highsmith Heather Bass Donna Davis Lyndsay Bloech Judy Creech Barbara Ussary Deborah Southerland JoAnne Kaluzny Brent Hall Maria Zimmerman Colbey Garrison Sonya Oates Kris Florea Dawn Allan Wendy Downing Bailey Oelslager Taylor Spear Dee Perry Laura Jolly Meredith Kokoski Richard Smith David Tyson Angela Royal Aimee Bunker Suzanne Meyer Molly Davis Jenifer Leeds Stephanie Blackburn Barbara Lucas Justin Merrill Emily Mason Claire Caldwell Molly Blair Rebecca Clark Sarah Veit Sean Gould Karen Marshall Wanzalla Jackson Maureen Hill Meaghan Thomas Summer 2014 Alderman Anderson Ashley Bellamy Blair Bradley Creek Carolina Beach Castle Hayne Codington College Park Eaton Forest Hills Freeman Gregory Hoggard Holly Shelter Holly Tree Howe Isaac Bear Johnson Pre-K Lake Forest Laney Mosley Murray Murrayville Myrtle Grove NHHS Noble Ogden Parsley Pine Valley Roland-Grise Snipes Sunset Park Trask Virgo Williston Willliams Wilmington Early College Winter Park Wrightsboro Wrightsville Beach WE NHCS! We would just for you to share your photos with your fellow NHCS employees! Send them to the Public Relations Department with a caption describing the photo! As a schoolwide incentive, four staff members of Anderson Elementary School dressed up as the rock band KISS for the day with a small (3 song performance) at the end of the school day. The students were promised and challenged, if they collectively raised over $6,000 then Mr. Fallon (PE and JRFH Coordinator), Mr. Mathews (Music), Mr. Bayliss (Resource), and Mr. Mullins (Asst. Principal) would dress up as members of KISS and have a “performance” at the end of the day. Anderson Elementary School raised over $14,300 for the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope For Heart! Kathyrn Penegar, 4th grade teacher at Ogden Elementary, received an Intracoastal Realty grant which she used to purchase hands-on educational supplies. 3 NHCS Occupational Therapy Department was recognized for outstanding service and dedication to the Occupational Therapy Assistant Clinical Fieldwork program of CFCC. Accepting the award on behalf of the OT Department is Cindy Hancock, MS, OTR/L, NHCS Lead for OT/PT Services. Summer 2014 2nd Annual Teacher Trot 5k and Fun Run Anderson Elementary School won the award for “Most Spirited.” Codington’s Couch to 5K team participants include: Misty Britt, Kristy Carter, Meghan Bennett, Peggy McSteen, Katelynn Ashley, Lisa Klingensmith, Diane Snow, Kristi Lowell, Lauren Kefalonitis, Catherine Imperial, Kara Lilly, and Jenny Walters. (Not pictured: Lateisha Dowd and Diane Fowler.) Codington won the award for “Team Participation” at the race for having the largest team. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Gold Level Hendrick Toyota of Wilmington Omega Sports Ashton Farm The Forest Hills’ team shows off their FHGES pride. Supporting Sponsors- Barnes & Noble at Mayfaire; Costco; Eddie Bauer; Franklin Bread Company; Fresh Market; J.H. Honeycutt Produce; No Regrets Athletics; Port City Java; Trader Joe’s The Murrayville team flexes their muscles after the race. 4 Summer 2014 Are you registered to vote? If not, go to for more information on registration. The NC voter registration deadline is 25 days before Election Day. You will be eligible to vote in an upcoming election as long as your application is received or postmarked by the deadline. The Holly Tree Elementary PTA surprised the staff by providing the "Catch" food truck for lunch in honor of Staff Appreciation Week. Staff members got to choose a taco with chicken, fish, pork, beef, shrimp or a vegetarian taco. The head chef of Catch restaurant, Keith Rhodes, appeared on the television show, Top Chef, and was on-site preparing food for everyone. LOVABLE LINKS The teachers and staff at Trask Middle School wore matching Light it up Blue shirts on April 2 for Autism Awareness. It’s All About Perspective A Rare Glimpse Epic Stay-cay The staff at Forest Hills showed off their star quality at the 2nd Annual Talent Show. 5 Summer 2014 Best Foot Forward 2014 Best Foot Forward was a huge success this year, as it is every year. The show could not go on without these spectacular and hard working NHCS employees: PRODUCERS: Georgeann Haas, Supervisor of Art Education, and Valita Quattlebaum, Chief Communications Officer TECHNICAL DIRECTORS: Sheila Bron, teacher assistant at Alderman, and Paige MacGovern, theater teacher at NHHS ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: Johannes Bron SPECIAL THANKS: Dave Spencer, Director of School Safety, and Julia LaBombard, Supplemental Services Supervisor SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND CHOREOGRAPHERS Laney Adventure Ensemble: Director- Melody Bryan; Choreographer-Mary Beth Henderson Laney Dancers: Director- Margaret Carr Roland-Grise: Director- Jennifer Mueske Ashley: Director- Jennifer Sugerik Howe Pre-K: Directors- Bailey Oelslager and Beth Peddle Snipes: Director- Christa Faison Gregory: Director- Richard Gemach Bellamy: Director- Emily Propst Ogden: Director- Lynne Stemke Parsley: Director- Robyn Avery Carolina Beach: Director- Heather Kurtz Holly Shelter: Director- Jeremy Milligan Forest Hills: Director- Jazzmone Sutton; Choreographer- Sarah Graves Murrayville: Director-Eduardo Somech; Choreographer-Jackie Brinson Hoggard: Director- Benjamin Horrell New Hanover: Directors- Paige MacGovern and Xavier Carteret; Choreographer- Olivia Williams Castle Hayne: Director- Catherine Charles; Choreographer- Megan Fede 6 Summer 2014 As part of their Teacher Appreciation week and in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, Snipes Academy had a fiesta after school. “Passion is simply pain that has been harnessed and focused.” -Unknown Amelia Siebold of Bradley Creek was awarded a $1,000 grant from PPD for Bradley Creek’s Family Literacy Task Force Start-Up. As part of our School Improvement Plan, the Task Force will address the literacy deficits at home for our K-2 ELLs. Bradley Creek will begin sending themed literacy bags home with the lowest-performing, lowest proficiency students that will build literacy skills for the entire family. Themed bags are centered around Science and Social Studies concepts and will contain manipulatives, fiction and nonfiction texts, books on cd or Tag Readers, bilingual vocabulary-building games, phonemic awareness and phonics activites, math activities, puzzles, links to online resources, etc. Bradley Creek plans to launch the “Themed Bag Initiative” at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. Ogden PTA won a $4000 grant from the NFL Play 60 organization. $2,000 goes to the nutrition / breakfast program at the school where the staff will get a new POS laptop, coolers and other items needed to promote healthy eating. The other $2,000 will go to promote a walking program with a 5k celebration. Pictured: Patty the Peach with the new “Breakfast on the Go’ machine, part of the new breakfast program funded by the grant. 7 Summer 2014 Snipes Academy of Arts & Design staff and their families rallied to cheer on the survivors and friends in the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure 5K. At Rachel Freeman School of Engineering staff members dressed in blue in support of Autism Awareness Month. Free, Confidential Counseling Available for all NHCS employees Ann Giers Foltrauer, CSAC 910-515-6214 [email protected] 4105 Fraternity Ct Wilmington, NC 28413 Jennifer Leeds 4th grade teacher received an Intracoastal Realty grant in March which she used to buy books and other supplies. 8 Ms. Absi, Media Center Coordinator at Ashley High School, participated in the National Library Legislative Day in Washington, DC and spoke with our Congressmen about the importance of libraries for students and adults. Pictured in the photo (left to right) are Harriet Smith, Chair of the State Library and member of the New Hanover County Public Library Advisory Board; Cal Shepherd, North Carolina's State Librarian; Barbara Stripling, President of the American Library Association; Dale Cousins, President of the North Carolina Library Association and Joann Absi, President of the North Carolina School Library Media Association. Summer 2014 Student/Teacher/Military discount: 10% off total purchase Thanks to Gary Yankowski, janitor at Blair, for planting irises to spruce up the landscape at the school. All of the Blair staff work hard to make the school an inviting and clean environment. Products include: Luggage/Backpacks/Travel Ware/ Outerwear/ Apparel And Introducing Kids Outerwear-- Fleece/Down/ Rainwear (sizes 5-14) in store *some exclusions apply *only two adcodes per transaction. Angela Sawyer of Bradley Creek was awarded a $150 grant from Intracoastal Realty to purchase games that develop higher-order, non-verbal thinking skills for English Language Learners. Angela did an Action Research Project for her Master's Degree exploring the underrepresentation of ELLs in AIG programs. She identified this as an important issue at Bradley Creek and is collaborating with our AIG teacher to address it. The games from her grant will nurture logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving skills in an effort to further develop the gifted potential of our ESL students. 9 Summer 2014 Sheila Wilkes, Debbie Duna and Carolyn McLamb dressed up to celebrate Fat Tuesday. No monkey bread, but doughnuts will do. Donald Cummings, Supervisor of Supplemental Services, and Emma Jackson, Director of Federal Programs, go out to support Mary C. Williams on an outing to Royal Palms for Student Led Conferences. “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.” ― Stephen R. Covey The staff and students at Murrayville Elementary raised over $5,800 for this year's New Hanover County Relay for Life. This achievement earned their team gold level status for the second year in a row! Several staff members were honored during this time as cancer survivors or caregivers of cancer patients. The team held several staff cook-offs, spirit days, a pie the staff event, two parents-night-out events, and had footprint sales to raise funds for this great cause. 10 The Lazy Pirate Restaurant at Carolina Beach offers 50% off to all NHCS faculty and staff on most Wednesdays. The Lazy Pirate also supports NHCS bands. Summer 2014 NHCS Lives United Hoggard raised money using the classic “Pie-your-teacherin-the-face” technique as one way to raise almost $3000 and the win “Best Performing School” award from the United Way! Wanda Seed is the Hoggard UW Coordinator. The 2013 United Way Campaign was a huge success! We had 3 schools and 4 departments with 100% participation, earning them Fuzzy Peach frozen yogurt. Thank you again to everyone who donated during the campaign. NHCS employees prove everyday that they have what it takes to Be a G.I.V.E.R. (Give back. Invest in the future. Value your brother. Encourage one another. Reach more.) 2013 United Way Campaign Results The Human Resources and Finance Departments combined forces to hold a family-style chili cook-off to raise money. Valita Quattlebaum, Director of Public Relations, accepted the United Way awards for the district. NHCS won 6 awards, including the “School District Leader for the Cape Fear Area” for the third year in a row. Thank you to all of the generous NHCS donors! 11 Schools and departments with 100% participation earned Fuzzy Peach frozen yogurt serves to them by Senior Staff. Pictured, Dr. Holliday serves the staff at Holly Tree Elementary. Alderman, Murrayville, Child Nutrition, Facilities Planning, Testing/Accountability, and Transportation, also earned Fuzzy Peach. Summer 2014 Recent Board Recognized Employees The new and renewed National Board Certified teachers were recognized at the April 1, 2014 Regular Board Meeting. Before the Meeting, the teachers were treated to a reception. Christina Morrison and Jamie Hardy of Bradley Creek received the Board Heroes Award for their actions that went above and beyond the call of duty to save the life of a student. Pictured: Principal Jayne Kiker, Christina Morrison, and Assistant Principal Jennifer Carey; Jamie Hardy was unable to attend. To find out more about the Board Heroes Award and to make a nomination, visit the Public Relations Department page and click Heroes Award Nomination under the Forms tab. The Cape Fear Chordsmen presented the district’s Choral Department with a $1600 donation in support of choral music education. Georgeann Haas, the supervisor of Art Education, accepted the check on behalf of the Arts Department. 12 Five schools were recognized for their excellence in executing the PBIS program: Gregory Elementary, Pine Valley Elementary, Rachel Freeman Elementary, Sunset Park Elementary, and Wrightsboro Elementary. Murray Middle School (pictured) and Roland-Grise Middle School were recognized for their efforts to conserve energy at their schools. Summer 2014 WWAY Teachers of the Week (Everyone knows NHCS teachers are incredible!) Did you or someone you know win WWAY’s Teacher of the Week award since the last WAVES edition but don’t see the photo here? Please be sure to send the picture with a caption to [email protected] for inclusion in the web rotation and in the next edition of WAVES! Catrina Page, ESL teacher for Sunset Park Elementary and Alderman Elementary. Ms. Kimberly Holland, a kindergarten teacher at Gregory Elementary. Beverly Ladd, 2nd grade teacher at Pine Valley Elementary. Bambi Rivenbark, Autistic Liaison for Anderson Elementary. Isaac Bear Early College High School's IT Academy instructor, Sheila Sokolinsky was nominated by several students who wrote letters of recommendations about her. Jessica Marks, math teacher at New Hanover High School. 13 Summer 2014 Employee News & Announcements C ongratulations Y to Kiff and Laura Kinkead on the birth of their baby girl Collins Cane Kinkead on April 27, 2014. Kiff is a paraeducator at Williams Elementary. C asmin Alzer, SDA para-educator at Ogden, married Mark Bratcher March 8, 2014. S arah Carroll, teacher assistant at Eaton married Craig Sparks on May 2nd at Church of the Servant Episcopal Church in Wilmington. ongratulations to Mallory Wells of Mosley PLC on the birth of her daughter Jordyn Quinn Wells on April 17, 2014. S arah Gould, kindergarten teacher at Ogden, and her husband David welcomed the birth of baby Asher Scott Gould on March 30 at 5:50 p.m. 14 EMPLOYEE LINKS BENEFITS MONTHLY DIVERSITY MATTERS EPISODES SCHOOL CALENDARS LICENSURE INFORMATION Summer 2014 Employee News & Announcements (continued) S J usan Murphy, Special Education/EC chairperson and resource teacher since 2007 at Rachel Freeman completed her Master of Education in Special Education with a concentration in behavioral and emotional disabilities and autism certification on May 10, 2014. ill Larson, school counselor at Mosley PLC, earned her Licensure in Executive School Administration from GardnerWebb University in February 2014. NHCS Employees can save up to 20% each month with U.S. Cellular. K Visit your local U.S. Cellular store to sign up today. 1414 S. College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-8878 risty Prokop - Virtual Academy coordinator earned her Master of Education - Teaching and Learning for General Education from Liberty University May 2014. *** Have you received a new degree, gotten married, have a new addition to your family, or have any announcement you would like to share? Submit your news to [email protected] *** Already a customer? Visit to get your discount. MAKING WAVES With changes to the Public Relations Department this school year came changes to WAVES. Tell us what you think about these changes. Your responses will shape next school year’s WAVES. Thank you in advance for your time in sharing your feedback with us! Click here to take Survey 15 Summer 2014 HOUSE FOR SALE in HAMPSTEAD, NC- QUITE UNIQUE MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE IT Three (3) bedrooms; Two (2) full baths $235,000 NEGOTIABLE 910-270-1639 One acre lot, totally fenced in with an automatic opening gate, and second manual gate, totally landscaped; Concrete horseshoe driveway; Above ground pool, 22'x4' with deck; enclosed hot tub near house; Deck on either side of the four seasons room on back of the house; In ground irrigation systems; Gigantic garage with loft for storage, can place four cars, side by side, one in front of the other; Workshop; Greenhouse with running water; Storage Shed; Grape, Arbor and Fig Trees; Carport/patio; Lr, Dr, Kitchen and 12x24' four seasons room with picture windows and seperate heating/cooling system, only 3 years old; Entire house newly renovated last couple of months; Entire house laminent floors, bathrooms and kitchen ceramic tile floors; All windows are thermapane and house windows all tilt in for cleaning; On-Demand hot water heater, fairly new; Heat pump, three years old; Gas Log fireplace in LR; Gas heater in four seasons room in case of emergency; House, workshop, storage building all vinyl; Roof about 8 years old, in good condition. 2005 Buick LeSabre Custom, low mileage, leather interior, no mechanical issues, all the bells and whistles. Asking $6800 or best reasonable offer. Please call 399-3203 if interested or you can email [email protected]. 16 Tutor available for students in grades 3-12. Master’s degree in Special Ed. Areas of tutoring: reading, writing, organization, strategies for ADHD, and homework help. Contact Julia Edmonds @ (336)3911681 for more information. References available upon request. For Sale: Schwinn Elliptical machine, Model 420 Like NEW! Asking $250 (sells new for $499) Please e-mail Lisa [email protected] or call 798-8628 "Bruno Electra-Glide Stair Lift; 16 steps; excellent shape; $1200. Please call 910-791-4861 or 910-4092027" THIS & THAT Each WAVES edition includes an employees’ classifieds page, THIS & THAT. Employees may submit ads for items (for sale/rent/wanted/etc) or to promote a service. All ads should be submitted in writing to Heather Miller via fax: 910-254-4477 or email: [email protected]. Summer 2014
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