Motel Trogir
Motel Trogir
Motel Trogir: It is not future that always comes after MOTEL TROGIR: Nije uvijek budućnost to što dolazi MOTEL TROGIR: it is not future that always comes after Urednici / Editors: Nataša Bodrožić, Saša Šimpraga 2014 This publication was produced in the frame of the project SPACES – Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries, funded by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. This publication reflects the views of the authors only. The European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 6 Motel Trogir: proizvodnja javnosti Motel Trogir: the creation of a public Nataša Bodrožić, Saša Šimpraga 20 Motel i magistrala The motel and the Adriatic highway Melita Čavlović 40 Između ceste i mora Between the road and the sea Lidija Butković Mićin 62 Duh djela The spirit of an artwork Sandra Uskoković 99 Framing structures of the collective memory Idis Turato Levan Asabashvili Ruben Arevshatyan Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair Maroje Mrduljaš Silva Kalčić Izgrađen u vrijeme kada je karakter trogirskog turizma bio naglašeno tranzitan, Motel je mišljen paralelno s izgradnjom Jadranske magistrale (otvoren je dan nakon nje), i to kao jedan od “performativnih” elemenata koji bi se uklapali u tadašnju utopističku viziju ove ceste (za)mišljene i kao dugometražni film koji će se “prikazivati putnicima na ekranu njihovog automobilskog stakla” 1. 7 6 Motel Trogir izgrađen je 1965. godine po projektu arhitekta Ivana Vitića na zapadnom ulazu u grad Trogir i danas označava jednu od njegovih neuralgičnih točaka, budući da već godinama stoji devastiran uslijed neriješenih vlasničkih odnosa. Motel Trogir, foto: Ludwig Kittinger (2014) Motel Trogir, photo by Ludwig Kittinger (2014) Motel Trogir: proizvodnja javnosti Motel Trogir: the creation of a public Nataša Bodrožić, Saša Šimpraga Motel Trogir was built in 1965 at the western entrance to the city of Trogir, according to the design of the architect Ivan Vitić, representing today one of its most neuralgic points, having endured years of devastation due to unresolved property relations. Built during a period of markedly transit tourism in Trogir, the construction of the Motel had been planned in parallel to that of the Adriatic Highway (it was opened for business a day after the opening of the Highway), as one of the “performative” elements which would fit into the then Utopian vision of the Highway conceived as a feature film unfolding “on the passengers’ windscreens” 1. Motel je, uopće, iznimka u tipologiji jadranskog turizma, a postoje mišljenja da je ideja takve građevine u jugoslavensko socijalističko društvo stigla posredstvom američkih filmova. Strategija propadanja Upravo je veličina parcele, a u manjoj mjeri sama arhitektura relativno maloga motela, uvjetovala povećani interes za vlasništvo nad njime, a uvidom u stanje objekta danas može se spekulirati i o svojevrsnim strategijama propadanja kako bi se parcela “oslobodila” ili otvorila za neku novu izgradnju. The Trogir motel, one of the three Vitić’s motels on the Adriatic coast, consists of several characteristic buildings arranged inside a clear and comprehensible orthogonal system: the main building is connected to the walkway by means of two annexes, while in the southern part of the lot, adjacent to the shoreline, there are six characteristic bungalows/ pavilions that could be reached by car because they each had their own parking spot. A prominent characteristic of the location is that the motel was built on a large lot, which was possible due to the fact that there had not yet been much construction on the coast at the time. Today, a lot of such proportions, as well as the spatial structure i.e. the indentedness with an incorporated “void” between the buildings, is almost unimaginable, when considering construction in the area of Central Dalmatia, if not that of the entire Croatian coast. Therefore, the value of the motel lies not only in its architecture, but also in the inbuilt space with which it forms a unity. The strategy of decay The size of the lot and, to a lesser degree, the architecture of the relatively small motel, caused a raised interest in obtaining ownership over it, while the present state of the object may lead to speculation on a possible planned Građanske inicijative 9 Osobita katakteristika lokacije je što je motel isto tako izgrađen na velikoj parceli koja je dijelom uvjetovana činjenicom da u to vrijeme još nije bilo velike izgradnje na obali. Danas je takva veličina parcele, organizacija prostora, razvedenost s inkorporiranom “prazninom” između njih, gotovo nezamisliva u promišljanju prostora srednje Dalmacije, ali i hrvatske obale uopće. Utoliko vrijednost motela nije samo u njegovoj arhitekturi, već i u njegovom neizgrađenom prostoru s kojim čini cjelinu. Generally speaking, the motel was an exception in the typology of tourism on the Adriatic, and opinions have been voiced that an idea of such a building had entered Yugoslav socialist society by way of American movies. 8 Trogirski motel, jedan od tri Vitićeva motela na jadranskoj obali, sastoji se od nekoliko karakterističnih zgrada razmještenih unutar jasnog i preglednog ortogonalnog sustava: glavna zgrada spojena je šetnicom s dvije depandanse, dok se na južnom dijelu parcele, u neposrednoj blizini morske obale, prostire šest karakterističnih bungalova/paviljona do kojih se moglo stići automobilima, budući da su imali po jedno parkirno mjesto. Iz nevedenog, Vitićev Motel u Trogiru2 složen je slučaj urušavanja, prije svega jedne društvene i prostorne paradigme, koji u sebi ujedinjuje nekoliko elemenata: problematičnu privatizaciju nekadašnje društvene imovine početkom devedesetih, nepostojanje artikulirane (građanske) platforme (u lokalnim okvirima) koja bi postavila pitanje rekonceptualizacije dominantnog političkog diskursa uključujući i pitanje prostornih politika te posljedično, propadanje i nebrigu za arhitektonsko nasljeđe moderne arhitekture. Početkom 2013. godine grupa građana okupljena oko udruge za suvremene umjetničke prakse – Slobodne veze, pridružuje se pojedinačnim nastojanjima da se Motel, kao vrijedni primjer arhitekture, zaštiti, te pokreće snažnu medijsku kampanju, podržanu od strane stručne, ali i šire kulturne javnosti. Potpora kampanji za zaštitu očitovala se i u nizu vrlo brzo pristiglih stručnih mišljenja brojnih poznavatelja djela Ivana Vitića iz Hrvatske, ali i međunarodna podrška u vidu potpore otvaranju pitanja zaštite moderne arhitekture sredine 20. stoljeća, aktualnog kako u Europi tako i na postsovjetskom istoku. U relativno kratkom vremenu, Vitićeva arhitektura postala je tema mainstream medija, a kampanja za Motel TROGIR dobila nastavak u nizu stručnih tura za javnost s ciljem reaktualizacije njegovog opusa, u prvom redu kroz njegova ostvarenja u Zagrebu kao što su Kockica (zgrada bivšeg CK SKH na Prisavlju) i Pionirskog grada (danas Grad mladih). strategy of decay aimed at “freeing up” the lot or opening it for new construction. It is evident from the above stated that Vitić’s Motel in Trogir2 is a complex case of collapse, primarily that of a social and spatial paradigm, which incorporates several elements: a problematic process of the privatization of formerly public property at the beginning of the 1990s, the non-existence of an articulate (civic) platform (in local terms) which would raise the subject of reconceptualising the dominant political discourse, including the issue of spatial policies and consequently, the decay of the architectural legacy of modern architecture and neglect of it. Civic initiatives At the beginning of 2013, a group of citizens gathered around Loose Associations, an association for contemporary artistic practices, joined the attempts if individuals arguing for placing the Motel under protection as a valuable architectural work, launching a strong media campaign supported by the professional community, as well as the wider cultural community. Support for the campaign was also reflected in expert opinions promptly received from numerous Croatian connoisseurs of Ivan Vitić’s work, as well as in international support to broaching the subject of the conservation of mid-20th century modern architecture, a current issue both in Europe and the post-Soviet East. In a relatively short period of time, Vitić’s architecture has become a mainstream media topic, and the Motel TROGIR campaign continued through a series A view on Kockica (The Cube) building during the guided tour, photo by Igor Duda (2014) 11 10 Projekt/kampanja Motel TROGIR predstavlja rijedak primjer građanskog angažmana u kontekstu problematiziranja prezervacije pomalo stigmatizirane arhitekture socijalističkog modernizma u Hrvatskoj. Građani na krovu Kockice, foto: Petra Vidović (2014) Citizens on the roof top of Kockica building, photo by Petra Vidović (2014) Pogled na Vitićevu Kockicu za vrijeme stručnog vodstva, foto: Igor Duda (2014) U slučaju Kockice bile su to ujedno prve ture toga objekta otvorene za širu javnost, a polučile su ogromni interes. Kampanji Motela TROGIR unazad nekoliko godina prethodila je inicijativa umjetničke skupine Bacači sjenki nazvana “Vitić pleše”3 koju je 2004. započeo umjetnik Boris Bakal. Njihov projekt bio je usmjeren na podizanje svijesti o vrijednosti i potrebi obnove takozvanog Šarenog nebodera u zagrebačkoj Laginjinoj ulici, također djelu arhitekta Vitića. Svakako još treba spomenuti i međunarodni projekt “Nedovršene modernizacije”4 voditelja Vladimira Kulića i Maroja Mrduljaša, kao neizostavan prilog kontekstualiziranju i kanoniziranju jugoslavenskog dijela moderne prošlosti, predstavljajući karakteristične arhitektonske i urbanističke prakse iz socijalističkog razdoblja u odnosu na društveni kontekst u kojem su nastale i njihove posljedice u urbanom tkivu današnjice. Kampanja za zaštitu Kampanja za zaštitu Motela TROGIR odvijala se kroz nekoliko faza: okupljanje radnog tima, povezivanje sa stručnjacima i prikupljanje stručnih mišljenja o potrebi zaštite Motela, informiranje putem niza medijskih platformi, uz ekstenzivno korištenje društvenih mreža (Motel TROGIR blog, Facebook), javna rasprava o stanju Motela u gradu Trogiru (studeni 2013.), stručna obrada kroz niz tekstova of professionally guided tours for the public with the aim of reaffirming his opus, primarily through his works in Zagreb such as the Kockica (the “Cube” – formerly the headquarters of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia) and the Pioneer City (today City of Youth). In the case of Kockica, these were the first tours of the building open to the broader public and there was a huge amount of interest in them. The Motel TROGIR project/campaign presents a rare example of civic engagement in the context of problematising the conservation of the somewhat stigmatized Socialist Modernist architecture in Croatia. A few years back, The Motel TROGIR campaign had been preceded by the “Vitić Dances” initiative of the Shadow Casters art group3, launched by artist Boris Bakal in 2004. Their project was aimed at raising awareness of the value and necessity of the renovation of the so-called Multi-Coloured Skyscraper in Laginjina Street in Zagreb, also an architectural work by Vitić. The international project entitled “Unfinished modernizations”4 led by Vladimir Kulić and Maroje Mrduljaš also deserves to be mentioned, as it is an essential contribution to the contextualization and canonization of the Yugoslav part of modern history, representing the characteristic architectural and urbandevelopment practices of the Socialist period in relation to the social context they arose from and their impact on the urban fabric of today. Kockica, kongresna dvorana, foto: Petra Vidović (2014) Kockica, congress hall, during the guided tour, photo by Petra Vidović (2014) 13 12 The purpose of the campaign in its initial phase was to inform the local and wider public, the Trogir city authorities and even the potential owners about the unquestionable architectural and cultural value of the Vitić’s motel and its local importance as one of the rare examples of modern architecture in the city. One of the project goals was to enter Motel Trogir into the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia, thus ensuring that the Motel and its surrounding area are treated as a single monument unit whose renovation would have to be carried out according to the principles of the conservation profession, i.e. the original architectural plan, by preserving the required radius of the complex and the existing spatial relations. Generally speaking, the intention of the project was the evaluation and popularization of that specific part of Vitić’s opus, as well as, Kod problematizacije motela svakako se ne radi samo o estetskoj kanonizaciji, već i društvenoj afirmaciji moderne, njenih dosega i vrijednosti, a u kontekstu ostvarene arhitekture i njenog značenja danas. Priča o Vitićevim motelima priča je o socijalističkom modernizmu, tj. njegovoj prostornoj manifestaciji koja je ostavila ikonička djela hrvatske arhitekture i bitno utjecala na razvoj ne samo arhitekture Ivan Vitić: The West Germany exhibition pavillion at the Zagreb Fair (realized in 1957) Paralelno uz formalnu zaštitu objekta, na primjeru Motela Trogir htjeli smo potaknuti i širu raspravu o javnom prostoru, ali i afirmirati poziciju “podruštvljavanja”, nasuprot onoj privatizacije. Naime, “složenost procesa koji diktiraju organizaciju i upravljanje našim gradovima mora biti ne samo sustavno raspravljana, The Motel TROGIR conservation campaign went through several phases: the gathering of a working team, connecting with experts and obtaining expert opinions on the necessity of the conservation of the Motel, informing the public through social networks (the Motel TROGIR blog, Facebook), a public debate on the state of the Motel held in the city of Trogir (November 2013), expert analysis through a series of papers (first published in the Zarez bi-monthly publication at the end of 2013), international networking and wider contextualization, i.e. cooperation with similar initiatives in the region and in Eastern Europe, professional guided tours for the general public and lectures by visiting international experts. Ivan Vitić: Izložbeni paviljon Zapadne Njemačke, Zagrebački velesajam (izveden 1957. godine) Važnost za lokalnu zajednicu Conservation campaign 15 Namjera kampanje u početnoj fazi bila je informirati lokalnu i širu javnost, gradsku vlast Trogira, pa i potencijalne vlasnike o neupitnoj arhitektonskoj te kulturnoj vrijednosti Vitićevog motela i njegovog lokalnog značaja kao jednog od rijetkih primjera moderne arhitekture u gradu. Jedan od ciljeva projekta bio je upisati Motel Trogir u registar kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske s trajnim statusom, a time također osigurati da se Motel i pripadajuće područje tretira kao jedinstvena spomenička cjelina čija bi obnova trebala poštovati načela konzervatorske struke, tj. originalno arhitektonsko rješenje i to kroz osiguranje nužnog radijusa objekta i postojećih prostornih odnosa. Uopće, namjera projekta bila je valorizacija i popularizacija tog specifičnog dijela Vitićevog opusa, te možda najvažnije – otvaranje perspektive za njegovu budućnost u kontekstu grada. Kao (ne)izravna posljedica kampanje, Motel je dobio trajnu službenu zaštitu u prosincu 2013. već više no ikad dijeljena i otvorena među proširenim poljem sudionika”5. Utoliko projekt nije bio samo pokušaj skretanja pažnje i formalne trajne zaštite jedne izuzetne zgrade ili zgrada, već i “protagonist”/generator rasprave o prostornom djelovanju u lokalnoj sredini, trogirskoj svakodnevici, tj. životu njegovih građana, nadajući se da takav projekt u svojoj proširenoj verziji ima mogućnost doprinijeti emancipaciji marginaliziranih glasova, kritičkog mišljenja i prakse s dugoročnom posljedicom većeg interesa za sudjelovanje u procesima od važnosti za lokalnu zajednicu, od prostornih politika nadalje. 14 (prvi put objavljenih u časopisu “Zarez” koncem 2013.), međunarodno povezivanje i širu kontekstualizaciju, odnosno suradnju sa sličnim inicijativama u regiji i istočnoj Europi, stručne ture za najširu javnost te gostovanja međunarodnih stručnjaka. what is probably most important – the opening up of a perspective for its future in the context of the city. As an (in)direct consequence of the campaign, the Motel was placed under permanent official protection in December 2013. Importance for the local community Parallel to obtaining the complex’s official protection, we wanted to use the Motel Trogir example to start a wider debate on public space, as well as affirm the position of “socialization”, as opposed to privatization. Namely, the “complexity of the processes which dictate the organization and administration of our cities should be not only subject 1 Melita Čavlović prema članku Jadranska magistrala, “Čovjek i prostor“, Zagreb, IV(68): 2 (19 (1957) 2 Originalni naziv Vitićevog trogirskog motela bio je Motel Sljeme 3 Vidjeti više na službenom blogu Bacača sjenki: (studeni 2014) 4 Riječ je o višegodišnjem istraživačkom projektu, koji je pokrenulo Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata u suradnji s Oris - kućom arhitekture (Zagreb), Muzejem za arhitekturu i dizajn (Ljubljana), Umjetničkom galerijom Maribor (Maribor), Društvom arhitekata Beograda i Koalicijom za održivi razvoj (Skopje) 2012. Uz voditelje projekta Maroja Mrduljaša s Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i Vladimira Kulića s Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta Florida Atlantic, u projektu je sudjelovalo više od 30 istraživača s prostora bivše Jugoslavije 5 Luciano Basauri u članku ”Sezona urbanizma” objavljenog na: hr/arhiva/hrvatska-arhitektura-danas-promjenaparadigme~18/sezona-urbanizma~2/ In problematising the motel, the question at hand is certainly not only one of aesthetic canonization, but also of the social affirmation of modernity, its achievements and its lasting value, all in the context architectural accomplishments and their present significance. The story of Vitić’s motels is a story of Socialist Modernism, i.e. its spatial manifestation which produced iconic works of Croatian architecture and crucially influenced the development of architecture, not only in Croatia and Yugoslavia. By marking the cultural landscape, it also left a testimony of a moment of social history of which the architect Ivan Vitić was certainly and important protagonist, recognized today as one of the most prominent Croatian architects of the 20th century. As structures do not have a purpose in themselves, a renovation process which would not venture further than reconstructing their walls would merely put off decay. The point of renovation is the creation of content, and through it, the creation of a public. In the words of Željka Čorak, the past is interesting to us only inasmuch as it is contemporary, so the question isn’t simply what the Motel means per se, but what it means and might mean for the people, the society and the city where it is located. 1 Melita Čavlović, according to the article entitled Jadranska magistrala (Adriatic Highway), “Čovjek i prostor“, Zagreb, IV(68): 2 (19 (1957)) 2 The original name of Vitić’s motel in Trogir was Motel Sljeme. 17 Kako objekti sami sebi nisu svrha, obnova koja ne bi imala zadaću širu od obnove zidova ne bi imala puno smisla već samo odgodila propadanje. Smisao obnove proizvodnja je sadržaja, a time i javnosti. Ili, riječima Željke Čorak, prošlost nas zanima samo u svojoj suvremenosti, pa pitanje nije samo što Motel znači sam po sebi, već što on znači i može biti za ljude, društvo i grad u kojem se nalazi. to systematic debate, but, more than ever, divided amongst and open to an extensive number of participants” 5. In this regard, the project wasn’t just an attempt to call attention to and secure permanent formal protection of a singular exceptional building or complex of buildings, but also a “protagonist”/generator of debate on physical planning in a local community, everyday life in Trogir, i.e. the lives of its inhabitants, with hope that such a project, in its wider scope, might contribute to the emancipation of marginalized voices and critical thinking and practice, with the long-term effect of raising interest for participation in the processes of importance for the local community, whether related to spatial politics or other themes. 16 u Hrvatskoj i Jugoslaviji. Obilježivši kulturni krajolik, ona je ujedno ostavila svjedočanstvo o društvenom trenutku čega je jedan od bitnih protagonista svakako bio i arhitekt Ivan Vitić, danas jedan od najistaknutijih hrvatskih arhitekata 20. stoljeća. 3 More at the Bacači sjenki offical blog: http:// (November 2014). 4 It is a multi-annual research project initiated by the Croatian Association of Architects in cooperation with the Oris House of Architecture (Zagreb), the Museum of Architecture and Design (Ljubljana), the Maribor Art Galery (Maribor), the Belgrade Association of Architects and the Coalition for Sustainable Development (Skopje) in 2012. Apart from project leaders Maroje Mrduljaš from the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture and Vladimir Kulić from the Florida Atlantic University School of Architecture, more than 30 researchers from the area of former Yugoslavia participated in the project. 5 Luciano Basauri in the article entitled ”Sezona urbanizma” (Season of urban planning) published on: Okupljanje građana na platou Kockice za vrijeme stručnog vodstva (2014) Citizens gathering at the plateau of the Kockica building, public guided tour (2014) 19 18 Gradnja Jadranske magistrale, od pripremnih radnji 1955. do otvorenja 1965. godine, zauvijek je izmijenila prostor hrvatskog priobalja. Već iduća godina kroz časopise “Turističke novine“ ili “Turizam“, bilježi više nego udvostručenje broja turista koji su novom prometnicom posjetili obalu; turizma koji će od tada pa na dalje ostati glavni zamašnjak razvoju obale. Cesta se prostirala prirodnim resursima bogatim obalnim prostorom, a putovanja kroz krajobraz su prezentirana kao serija izmjenjujućih vizualnih podražaja, koja su se konzumirala prolaskom kroz prirodne ljepote ili obalne gradove i manja mjesta. Jadranska magistrala, arhivska fotografija The Adriatic Highway, archive photo 21 20 The motel and the Adriatic highway Motel i magistrala MELITA ČAVLOVIĆ The construction of the Adriatic Highway, from preparatory activities in 1955 until its opening in 1965, forever changed the Croatian coastal area. The following year, the Turističke novosti and Turizam magazines reported that the number of tourists which had used the new road to visit the coastline more than doubled; ever since, tourism would remain the main driving force of the development of the coastline. The road stretched along a coastal area abundant in natural resources, while journeys through the landscape were presented as a succession of visual stimuli, consumed while passing through the natural beauties or coastal cities and small towns. If we take into consideration that the two popular objects of desire at that time were the car and the television set, the expectations according to which “the highway should accumulate, in its entire length, distinctive contents, so as to create a kind of a ‘continuing’ city.” 1, along with the ones that from the “psychological and aesthetic standpoint, the Adriatic Highway should be designed as a feature-length film to be presented on the screen of the car window, for the travellers’ maximum enjoyment during the journey”, are not in the least surprising.2 SERIJA MOTELA (1967), “Sljeme”, The Journal of the Workers Collective of the Agricultural-Industrial Plant Sljeme-Zagreb (1967.), “Sljeme“ List radnog kolektiva poljoprivrednoindustrijskog kombinata Sljeme-Zagreb 22 The Motel Sljeme in Biograd in 1964, archive photo Motel “Sljeme” u Biogradu, 1964., arhivska fotografija Obalna cesta je prvi puta dotadašnje fragmente prometnica povezala u putanju, koja je oblikovala i poseban fenomen automobilskih karavana, kojima je iskustvo tranzita, prezentirano kao istinsko iskustvo putovanja. Automobil je bio statusni predmet i simbol slobode, pa se na obitelji koje su posjedovale automobil gledalo kao na one koje gaje moderne nazore. Arhitektura ih je samo trebala udomiti u novom tipu, onom motela. Osim prenoćišta, za motele je uobičajena bila ponuda i auto-servisa, benzinske stanice, restorana, auto-kampa itd. Cijene su u motelima bile osjetno niže nego u sličnim objektima te vrste, a sličnost i ujednačenost motela u sustavu ponude, garantirao je i razinu pružanja usluge posjetiocu. 23 Ako se uzme u obzir da su dva popularna objekta želje toga vremena bili automobil i televizor, nimalo ne iznenađuju očekivanja kojima je “magistrala uz sebe trebala akumulirati u čitavoj svojoj dužini prostiranja sadržaje, ne bi li se stvorio svojevrsni “kontinuirani“ grad.“ 1 I ona da sa “psihološkog i estetskog stanovišta Jadransku cestu treba oblikovati kao jedan dugometražni film, koji će biti prikazivan putnicima na ekranu automobilskog stakla, u kojemu će oni za čitavo vrijeme vožnje savršeno uživati.“ 2 Godine 1965. poljoprivredni industrijski kombinat “Sljeme“ otvorio je istovremeno motele u Trogiru, Biogradu i Rijeci. Uz motele, “Sljeme“ je posjedovalo i sedam “ekspres-restorana“ koji su nudili vlastite proizvode, a cijenom bili među najjeftinijima u zemlji. Ne iznenađuje investicija “Sljemena“ u lanac motela. Uzor pojavi treba tražiti u upravo i geografski bliskoj Italiji, gdje su uz Autostrade, prehrambeno industrijske kompanije, uobičajeno podizale motele kako bi osigurale prodaju svojih proizvoda (npr. Motta, Pavesini, itd.). Te su kompanije poslovale po nižim cijenama, te uz motele su gradile i druge vrste ugostiteljskih, trgovačkih i servisnih zgrada, kao što su “snack-barovi“, autokampovi, servisne i benzinske stanice. Njihova isplativost nije počivala na njihovom individualnom rentabilitetu, već upravo na postojanju tog lanca motela, koje su uglavnom koristili strani turisti, dok prosječan broj zadržavanja u njima nije bio duži od svega jednoga dana. For the first time, the coast connected what were previously fragments of various roads into a single route which has also given rise to the unique phenomenon of car caravans, presenting the experience of transit as the true experience of traveling. The car was a status symbol and a symbol of freedom, which is why the families which owned one were considered modern in their views. All architecture had to do was provide a new type of home for them, namely, the motel. Apart from overnight stay, the motels usually offered car-service centres, petrol stations, restaurants, caravan camping sites etc. The prices in motels were considerably lower than those in similar facilities, while the similarity and uniformity of motels whose services were offered within this system also guaranteed an adequate level of service for their guests. A SERIES OF MOTELS In 1965, the Sljeme agricultural industrial combine simultaneously opened motels in Trogir, Biograd and Rijeka. Apart from the motels, Sljeme also owned seven “snack-bars” which offered their own products, at prices which were among the lowest in in the country. Sljeme’s investment in the chain of motels is not surprising. The model for this phenomenon is to be found in neighbouring Italy, where food industry companies usually built motels along the Autostrade, in order to ensure the sale of their products (e.g. Motta, Pavesini, etc.). These companies operated at lower prices and, apart from motels, built other types of catering, commercial and service 25 24 “Sljeme” - List radnog kolektiva, br. 8, kolovoz 1967. godine Sljeme - The Journal of the Workers Collective, number 8, August 1967 Ivan Vitić, rođeni Šibenčanin i autor motela, ujedno je i sam vozio Alfu Romeo i bio gorljivi i temperamentan ljubitelj vožnje i potvrđeni ljubitelj automobilizma. Svoj prvi projekt koji će postati predložak za tip, izradio je 1962. godine za investitora u Trstu. Za potrebe kombinata “Sljeme“, korišten je tršćanski projekt, premda bitno smanjenog opsega i broja različitih elemenata. Od cjelokupnog sljemenskog programa izgradnje motela povjerenih Vitiću (njih pet: u Umagu, Primoštenu, Biogradu, Rijeci i Trogiru) izvedeno je njih tri, iako je “Sljeme“ još posjedovalo motele primjerice u Karlobagu i Delnicama. Vitićev riječki motel je 1965. godine nagrađen republičkom i federalnom Borbinom nagradom za najviše postignuće u arhitekturi Jugoslavije. Sljedeće godine Vitić će izvesti još jedan motel, koji pripada istom tipu, a taj je manje poznat motel “Košuta“ kod Kragujevca u Srbiji. Cjelokupni lanac motela projektiran je kao sklop sačinjen od nekolicine volumetrijski jasno definiranih elemenata, koji su međusobno povezani pješačkim trijemovima, a neki isključivo cestama, odnosno postavljeni slobodno u prostor čineći tako složenu prostornu kompoziciju. Ključna urbanistička odrednica tipa je izuzetno mala izgrađenost u odnosu na veličinu parcele, mišljene kao parkovno dovršene cjeline, što je bitno naglasiti budući da je kod nas rubna izgrađenost parcele, iz današnje perspektive očekivane razine rentabilnosti turističkih investicija, postala uobičajena praksa. Ovako definiran složeni tip permutira raspored, broj i međusoban odnos elemenata ovisno o datostima pojedine lokacije, poput veličine parcele i topografije. Tako će biogradski slučaj buildings, such as snack-bars, caravan camping sites, service and petrol stations. Their profitability was not based on their individual rentability, but on the existence of a chain of motels, mostly occupied by foreign tourists and with an average length of stay not longer than one day. Ivan Vitić, a native of Šibenik and the creator of the motel, also drove an Alpha Romeo and was an ardent and temperamental lover of driving, as well as a renowned car racing enthusiast. He designed his first project, which will become the blueprint for a type, in 1962 for an investor in Trieste. The Trieste project was used for the purposes of the Sljeme combine, although it was significantly reduced in terms of scope and number of different elements. Three motels within the entire Sljeme programme of motel construction entrusted to Vitić (including five motels: in Umag, Primošten, Biograd, Rijeka and Trogir) were built, although Sljeme also has owned motels in, for example, Karlobag and Delnice. In 1965, Vitić’s Rijeka motel was presented with the republic and federal award of the Borba newspaper for the highest achievement of Yugoslav architecture. Next year, Vitić constructed another motel of the same type, the lesser-known Košuta motel near Kragujevac, Serbia. The entire motel chain has been designed as a complex composed of several volumetrically clearly defined elements, connected to each other by pedestrian decks, or in some cases, only by roads, that is, positioned freely in space, thus creating a complex spatial composition. Karakteristična kompozicija pročelja glavne motelske zgrade, Trogir Typical composition of the facade of the main motel building, Trogir 27 26 29 28 Aerial photo of the town of Trogir with a view partly showing the motel and its relationship to the landscape CEREMONIJA PARKIRANJA A view on the Trogir waterfront with architect Šegvić’s building, archive photo Pogled na trogirsku rivu sa Šegvićevom zgradom, arhivska fotografija Moderna arhitektura nije bila novost u gradu Trogiru. Već su na zapadnom dijelu starog dijela grada, praznine nastale Izvod iz katastra Trogira The Land Register extract Zračni snimak Trogira s djelomičnim prikazom motela i njegovog odnosa prema pejzažu biti zrcalna slika urbanističke situacije trogirskog motela, s paviljonima orijentiranim na sjeverozapad, a ne na jug s pogledom na borovu šumu kao kod trogirskog slučaja. Zanimljivo je da najavljivani i u Rijeci, samostalni paviljoni tamo nikad nisu izgrađeni, dok Kragujevac jedini posjeduje čak deset izgrađenih, od uobičajenih šest samostalnih dvoetažnih paviljona. Utoliko možemo govoriti o specifičnostima svake pojedine realizacije. Potrebu brze gradnje tipa, koji je u tu svrhu projektiran polumontažno, odnosno brzog povrata investicije potvrđuje i činjenica da su sva tri motela izgrađena iste 1965., dok je za realizaciju cjelokupnog programa ponestalo financijskih sredstava. Glavna je zgrada trebala raditi duž cijele godine, te je postojala namjera se da se moteli opreme i centralnim grijanjem, kako bi se osigurao njihov kontinuirani rad. The key physical-planning characteristic of this type is the exceptionally small scale of development with respect to the size of the land plot, which was envisioned as a unit complete with a park. This calls for attention, considering that in our country, from today’s standpoint of the expected level of profitability of tourist investments, boundary development of the land plot has become standard practice. A complex type defined in this manner involves permutations of the arrangement, number and interrelation of elements, depending on the given conditions of a particular location, such as the size of the land plot and the topography. Therefore, in the case of Biograd, we are presented with a mirror image of the physicalplanning situation of the Trogir motel, with its pavilions oriented towards the northwest and not the south, overlooking the pine forest, as in the case of Trogir. Do svih zgrada se individualno pristupalo osobnim automobilima, a upravo je njima dano prvenstvo, budući da je vanjski prirodni okoliš artikuliran i prema radijusima automobilskog kretanja. Paviljoni su osobiti. Ostavljeni su izvan sustava pješačkih šetnica s predviđenim parkirališnim mjestima između pojedinih jedinica. U Rijeci je automobilski protokol nalagao da ulaskom u motelski sklop, gost automobilom ceremonijalno prolazi ispod glavne motelske zgrade – koja bi se na taj način ekspresivno naginjala iznad njega – nastavljajući svoju vožnju do mjesta parkiranja. Mjestima su dani pogledi na more, ravnopravni onima koje bi posjedovali paviljoni. Kako paviljoni u riječkom slučaju nisu izgrađeni, trogirski sklop je utoliko vrjedniji, budući da su kod njega ostvareni paviljoni, položeni THE PARKING CEREMONY Modern architecture was no novelty in the city of Trogir. The gaps on the western side of the old part of the city, caused by the bombing during the Second World War, were filled by a residential complex of three buildings by architect Berislav Kalogjera and one building by architect Neven Šegvić. Kalogjera positioned the buildings with the intention of recovering the urban feature of denseness, in terms of the existing lost building stock, and therefore provided all houses with a distinctive stone facade. Modern architecture was not a part of the usual postcard folklore and the tourists discontentedly Otvorenje Jadranske magistrale Opening of the Adriatic Highway Trogirski motel se sastoji od nekoliko karakterističnih zgrada razmještenih unutar jasnog i preglednog ortogonalnog sustava. Glavna je zgrada recepcije s restoranom i njegovom vanjskom natkrivenom terasom. Na prvi se kat – na kojem su spavaće sobe – uspinjalo vanjskim čeličnim stubištem. Terasa je njezinog prizemnog restorana vanjskom šetnicom povezana s jednokatnom depandansom, koja je u komunikacijskoj vezi s još jednom, no ovoga puta Interestingly, although the construction of stand-alone pavilions was announced in Rijeka, they were never built there, while in Kragujevac alone there are as much as ten of them, even though the usual number is six stand-alone two-storey pavilions. With this in mind, one can talk about the specific characteristics of each realised project. The need for a speedy erection of buildings of a specific type, designed as semi-prefabricated for that purpose, that is, for a fast return on investment, is further confirmed by the fact that all three motels were built the same year, 1965, whereas the realization of the entire programme required financial resources which were by then already exhausted. The main building was to be open all year round and there was also the intention to equip the motels with central heating, in order to ensure their continued operation. 31 Historijat Motela Sljeme, arhitekta Ivana Vitića smještenom izvan granica povijesnog grada, neodvojiv je od historijata magistrale. Potvrda tome je i sam čin otvorenja magistrale i paralelna manifestacija otvorenja motela – dan nakon toga – koje su se obje dogodile upravo u Trogiru. Karakter trogirskog turizma je do tada bio naglašeno tranzitan, te je prosječan boravak posjetioca u Trogiru bio najviše pet do šest dana. Kroz njega je nakon toga u vrijeme ljetne turističke sezone dnevno prolazilo gotovo 160 redovitih autobusnih linija i više od pet tisuća motornih vozila u pravcu od sjevera prema jugu. drugačije oblikovanom dvokatnom depandansom. Južno od svega su postavljeni samostalni paviljoni. 30 bombardiranjem nakon Drugog svjetskog rata ispunjene stambenim kompleksom od tri građevine arhitekta Berislava Kalogjere i jedne arhitekta Nevena Šegvića. Kalogjera je zgrade postavio s intencijom rekuperiranja urbanih obilježja gustoće, prema postojećem izgubljenom građevnom fondu, dajući svim kućama karakteristična kamena oplošja. Moderna arhitektura nije bila dio uobičajenog folklora razglednica, a turisti su nezadovoljno komentirali nepotrebno oskvrnjenje obilježja srednjovjekovnog grada. commented on the unnecessary debasement of the medieval city features. The history of Motel Sljeme, designed by architect Ivan Vitić and located outside of the historical city boundaries, is inseparable from the history of the highway. A confirmation of this is the opening of the highway and the concurrent opening of the motel – on the following day – both of which happened in Trogir. Till then, tourism in Trogir had been of a markedly transit character, the average length of stay of its visitors being no more than five to six days. After the mentioned events, during the summer The facade of the main motel building featured in the 1967 catalog of the Vitić Architectural Bureau Prikaz pročelja glavne motelske zgrade u Trogiru iz kataloga Vitićevog biroa za 1967. godinu prostorija što je primjerice bilo kod restorana. U slučajevima kada bi zidovi djelomice zahvaćali javne, a djelomično privatne prostorije soba, u svojim vertikalnim ekstenzijama u gornje spavaće traktove, redovito bi bili žbukani sa svoje unutarnje, intimne strane sobe. Tako bi sobe na gornjim katovima ponekad imale žbukane, a ponekad kamene vanjske strane zidova, a sve vođeno vanjskom kompozicijom pročelja. Izbor podnih materijala jednako je tako bio kodiran. Hodnici ispred soba su primjerice na prvom katu opločeni istim materijalom kao i prizemna ulazna niša ili vanjske natkrivene šetnice. Podni materijal sustava šetnica putem vanjskih čeličnih stuba naznačio je i javni karakter hodnika ispred soba. Oni doista i pripadaju obitelji vanjskih šetnica, budući da su kao i one natkrivene ali ujedno i izložene vanjskim atmosferskim prilikama. The Trogir motel consists of several distinctive buildings placed within a definite and clear orthogonal system. The main building is the reception building, with a restaurant and its external roofed terrace. The first floor – on which bedrooms are located – was accessible by an external steel stairway. The terrace of its ground-floor restaurant is connected to a single-storey annex by means of an outdoor walkway, which is in a communication link with another, though differently shaped, two-story 33 tourist season, close to 160 regular bus lines and more than five thousand motor vehicles passed through it every day in the direction from the north to the south. 32 u smjeru juga s pogledima kroz vjetrobranska stakla honorirani pogledom na borovu šumu. Pročelja glavne zgrade vješta su kompozicijska igra, koju čine kameni paravani, tamni čelični prozorski otvori, bijela žbukana platna i ponekad “praznine“ nastale potpunim ukidanjem zidnog platna. Izbor konstruktivnog sistema glavne zgrade – a kojeg čine vitki čelični stupovi koji nose čelične traverze i tanke betonske ploče – omogućio je igru otvorima na pročeljima intrigantnijom. Naime, karakteristično se ponavljaju horizontalni uski prozorski prorezi u dužini ispod betonske ploče, koji nagovještaju nenosivu ulogu kamenog ziđa ispod njega. U trogirskom slučaju korištena je verzija “kiklopskog“ načina zidanja lomljenog kamena. Kod spomenutih zidova kamen je korišten dosljedno u okolnostima kada je zid izložen vanjskim vizurama. On je isto tako prenesen u interijer, kada je njime postojala intencija dodatnog naglašavanja javnog karaktera Sustav vanjskih šetnica danas nam je dvostruko zanimljiv. One jesu odgovor na potrebu da gosti prilikom ulaska i izlaska iz vozila budu natkriveni, no istovremeno daju važnost samoj stazi i poticanju kretanja i susretanja pješaka distancirajući parkirana vozila od ulazaka u sobe ili usmjeravajući i manevrirajući pješačko kretanje između dviju točaka kroz uređeni okoliš. Nanizani paviljoni na jugu nudili su komforniji smještaj za obitelji na svoje dvije etaže. One su se mogle u svojim automobilima dovesti tik do ulaza u paviljon i parkirati pored njega. Identičan je ritam ponavljanja paviljonskih kamenih zabatnih zidova, tako da između dva kamena zida jednom je stambena jedinica, a jednom parkirališno mjesto za obiteljski automobil. annex. The stand-alone pavilions have been placed south of all the structures. All of the buildings could be reached by personal automobiles, which were given priority by having the natural surroundings articulated according to automobile movement radiuses as well. The pavilions are distinct. They’ve been excluded from the system of pedestrian walkways and provided with parking spots between individual units. The automobile protocol in Rijeka dictated that, by entering the motel circuit, guests would ceremonially pass in front of the main motel building – towering expressively above them – on their way to their parking spot. The spots had a view to the sea, on par with that of the pavilions. As the pavilions in Rijeka were not built, the Trogir circuit is all the more valuable, seeing how it’s pavilions were built, oriented towards the south and, along with windshield views, honored by the view to the pine forest. The main building facades represent an artful play with the composition and are composed of stone screens, dark steel window apertures, white plaster canvases and sometimes “gaps” created by completely forgoing the wall canvas. The choice of the construction system for the main building - which is made up of lean steel pillars and slim concrete slabs - has enabled the aperture play on the facade to be all the more intriguing. Namely, narrow window slits characteristically appear in succession below the concrete slab and along its length, and accentuate the non-supporting role of the wall below it. In the case of Trogir, a version of “cyclopean” masonry technique was applied to the quarry stone. The stone is TRAŽENJE NOVE NAMJENE A display showing carefully managed pedestrian and automobile communication through the plot of the motel in Trogir Prikaz pažljivog vođenja pješačkih i automobilskih komunikacija kroz parcelu trogirskog motela 35 34 Početak sedamdesetih najavio je prodaju motela kao i dovršetak gradnje obližnjeg hotela “Medena“ deseterostruko većeg kapaciteta od motela, kao i dodatnih auto kampova. Daljnjem progresivnom razvoju turističke infrastrukture na području Trogira nije više bio potreban toliko specifičan dokument određenog vremena i njegove kulture opredmećen u onome što se pokazalo kao ne toliko profitabilnoj tipologiji motelske izgradnje. Utoliko je motel postepeno gubio na atraktivnosti. Trogirski motel u odnosu na Vitićev sustav pokazuje pripadnost istom tipološkom predlošku, no nije identičan niti sa jednim od njih. Usporedimo li samo taj već često puta spominjani kameni zid, treba uvesti distinkciju. Naime iako je u sva tri motelske slučaja korišten zid, u Rijeci je to kameni zid od pločasto lomljenog kamena s prekinutom horizontalnom reškom, Biograd ima zid od grubog lomljenog kamena, a Trogir posjeduje “kiklopsko“ ziđe od lomljenog kamena. Osim toga kod Kragujevca u Srbiji u kojemu je Vitić izveo motel “Košuta“, koji pripada istom tipološkom sustavu, umjesto kamena posegnuo je za opekom kao vanjskom membranom, na mjestima na kojima je taj zid kod nas izveden u kamenu. Zadrške o vrednovanju pojedinih dijelova sustava i njihovoj međusobnoj zamjenjivosti trebalo bi odbaciti. Današnje stanje zapuštenosti i devastiranosti motelskog sklopa rezultat je višestruko nepovoljnih okolnosti. Kako je magistrala oko trogirskog područja s vremenom postala gotovo kontinuirano izgrađen teritorij s ponudom različitih restorana i consistently used in the aforementioned walls in circumstances where they are exposed to outside view. This carries over to the interior, when there was an intention to put additional emphasis the public nature of the rooms, such as in the case of the restaurant. In the cases where the walls would partially touch the public, and partially the private compartments of the rooms, in their vertical extensions into the upper sleeping tracts, they would regularly be plastered on the inner, private side of the room. Thus, the upper-floor rooms would sometimes have plastered and sometimes stone outer walls, all directed by the outside composition of the facade. The choice of the natural materials was also coded. The hallways in front of the rooms on the first floor had, for example, been tiled with the same material as the ground-floor entrance niche or the outdoor roofed walkways. The walkway system floor material included outer steel steps to put emphasis on the public nature of the hallways in front of the rooms. They do, in fact, belong to the outdoor walkway system, seeing that they are both covered yet, at the same time, exposed to the outside atmospheric conditions. The outdoor walkway system is interesting today for two main reasons. It is the answer to the need for guests to be covered while entering and exiting the vehicles, but adds importance to the path itself at the same time, directing pedestrian movement and mingling by distancing parked vehicles from room entrances or directing and maneuvering pedestrian movement between points in a designed exterior environment. 1 ***(1957.), Jadranska magistrala, “Čovjek i prostor“, Zagreb, IV(68): 2 2 Isto. A row of two-storey pavilions to the south offered more comfortable lodging for families. Families could drive right next to a pavilion entrance in their automobiles and park right beside it. The pattern of stone on gable walls is always the same, so a lodging unit between two walls is always followed by a single parking spot for a family car. The early 1970s heralded the motel sale, as well as the completion of construction works on the nearby Medena hotel , which had ten times as much capacity as the motel did, as well additional car camping sites. The further progress of tourist infrastructure development in Trogir saw no need for such a specific document of a particular time and its cultural embodiment in what turned out to be not the most profitable typology of motel design. Therefore, the motel gradually lost its appeal. The Trogir motel exhibits typology characteristics related to those found in the buildings of the Vitić system, but is not identical to any of them. If we are to compare the aforementioned stone walls, a distinction should be made. Namely, even though all three motels make use of the wall, in Rijeka it’s a stone wall made with quarry stone slabs, in Biograd it’s rough quarry stone and Trogir has “cyclopean” masonry style quarry stone. Also, near Kragujevac in Serbia, where Vitić built the Košuta motel which belongs to the same typology system, instead of stone, he used bricks as the outer wall membrane in places where he would use stone in the South of Croatia. 37 SEARCHING FOR A NEW USE 36 odmarališta, atraktivnost motela je time jenjavala. Njegova parcela iako u vrijeme izgrađenosti izvan obuhvata grada, širenjem gradskog teritorija dobivala je sve više na vrijednosti. Za pretpostaviti je da će daljnje odugovlačenje neizvjesne pozicije samo progresivno narušavati njegovo autentično stanje, budući da mu je izgrađenost nedovoljna za svaku iole ozbiljniju namjeru oživljavanja turističke namjene. Njegovu vrijednost treba prepoznati u organizaciji parcele, specifičnostima arhitektonskih volumena, potencijalnom krajobraznom bogatstvu i identitetskom obilježju kamenih zidova. Razina propadanja građevnih elemenata, nije ireverzibilna, a za pretpostaviti je da je unutarnje uređenje bilo standardno, to jest kataloški odabrano. Svaka buduća obnova trebala bi ići u smjeru njegove prenamjene u širokom rasponu kulturnih i edukacijskih programa naglašeno javne orijentacije, koje bi sklop u svojim prostorijama svakako mogao objeručke udomiti. Reservations regarding evaluation of the particular parts of the system and their interchangeability should be discarded. The present state of neglect and devastation of the motel circuit is a result of multiple unfavorable conditions. As the highway around the Trogir area had, with time, become an almost continually developed area with an array of restaurants and accommodation facilities, the appeal of the motel waned. Its land plot, although outside of the city limits at the time of construction, had risen in value as the city expanded. It’s safe to assume that delaying the resolution of the current uncertain situation will only progressively worsen its authentic condition, as its stage of development is insufficient for any serious attempts of reviving its use in tourism. Its value should be recognized in the land plot organisation, architectural volume specifics, potential landscape value and the strong identity of its stone walls. The state of decay of its construction elements is not irreversible, and it’s safe to assume that the elements of its interior decoration were standard, which is to say chosen from a catalog. Any effort at renovating it should aim to convert it for use in anything within a wide array of cultural or educational programmes of prominently public character, which the complex could certainly suitably accommodate in its rooms. 1 ***(1957.), Jadranska magistrala, “Čovjek i prostor“, Zagreb, IV(68): 2 2 Ibid. Motel Trogir, detalj, foto: Marko Salapura (2013) Motel Trogir, detail, photo by Marko Salapura (2013) 39 38 “Arh. Ivan Vitić lapidarnim arhitektonskim rečnikom rešava jedan vrlo osetljiv problem naše Jadranske magistrale. Pokušajem da se tipiziranim projektom koji se sastoji od samostalnih jedinica okupljenih oko jezgra, a koje slobodno raspoređuje i prilagođava prema zadanim lokacijama i veličini posete, postignuta su arhitektonska rešenja velike vrednosti.” “Borba”, Beograd, 20. 2. 1966. “Through the use of a lapidary architectural vocabulary, architect Ivan Vitić solves an extremely delicate issue pertaining to our Adriatic Highway. The attempt involving the use of a standardised project consisting of standalone units assembled around the centre, freely arranged and modified according to default location and the number of guests, has achieved great architectural value.” Borba, Beograd, 20th February 1966 The Borba front page with the article about the awarded motel designed by Ivan Vitić, near Rijeka Naslovnica “Borbe” s člankom o nagrađenom Vitićevom riječkom motelu 41 40 Between the road and the sea Izmedu ceste i mora Lidija Butković Mićin Owing to Borba’s large printing run, the photo of Vitić’s motel taken from the low angle, which emphasises the expressiveness of the “floating” structure of the complex’s central building, became, at least for a day, a visual representation of the social modernisation in thousands of Yugoslav homes. A comfortable and affordable stay at the “motor-hotel”, conveniently located beside a busy tourist route, with one’s own means of transport for getting to know the homeland according to one’s own interest and pace, is at the heart of the alluring vision of adventure, leisure and freedom implicit in the illustrations of Vitić’s motel on the pages of the daily press. Fortunately, all this was within reach of the domestic, average worker 43 Fotografija Vitićeva motela snimljena iz donjeg rakursa koji naglašava ekspresivnost “lebdeće“ konstrukcije centralne zgrade kompleksa, zahvaljujući tiražnosti “Borbe” postala je, barem na jedan dan, vizualnim reprezentom društvene modernizacije u tisućama jugoslavenskih domova. Komforno i povoljno odsjedanje u “motor-hotelu“ priručno smještenom uz frekventnu turističku rutu, i to sa vlastitim prijevoznim sredstvom za upoznavanje domovine prema individualnom interesu i tempu, u srži je primamljive vizije avanture, dokolice i slobode implicitno prisutne u ilustracijama Vitićeva motela na stranicama dnevnog tiska. Nasreću, sve to nije bilo izvan domašaja domaćih, prosječnih radničkih obitelji čije su životne navike već podrazumijevale kraće ili duže izlete i putovanja izvan mjesta boravka, a sve više su prolazile i iskustvo This was the explanation provided by the panel of judges who presented architect Ivan Vitić with the Borba federal award for the Sljeme motel project in Preluk near Rijeka, which started the tradition of this respectable annual event. Among the protagonists of the domestic architectural scene, the acknowledgment of the Belgrade daily paper Borba for best architectural achievement in Yugoslavia held the status of an Oscar Award or a Nobel Prize. Although we cannot fully grasp, even from a time distance, the reasons for the longevity and success of the Borba model of award, they probably lie in the sincere desire for promoting modern achievements in the field of architecture through an influential public medium, which suited everyone: the journalistic ego, the flattered “starchitects” and the propaganda of the political system.1 kupnje prvog automobila.2 Nagrada riječkom motelu posredno je obilježila i nedavni dovršetak posljednjih kilometara Jadranske magistrale, ključne investicije u prometnu infrastrukturu šezdesetih godina koja je hrvatsku obalu od Dragonje i Buja, preko Pule, Rijeke, Zadra, Šibenika, Splita do Dubrovnika učinila još privlačnijom inozemnim gostima koji su od 1966. godine preuzeli primat po broju noćenja signalizirajući okretanje cjelokupne jugoslavenske turističke privrede deviznoj zaradi.3 42 Ovim riječima je ocjenjivački sud obrazložio dodjeljivanje savezne nagrade Borba arhitektu Ivanu Vitiću za projekt motela “Sljeme” na Preluku kraj Rijeke čime je započela tradicija te ugledne godišnje manifestacije. Priznanje beogradskih dnevnih novina Borba za najbolje arhitektonsko ostvarenje u Jugoslaviji uživala je status Oskara ili Nobela među protagonistima domaće arhitektonske scene. Premda niti sa vremenske distance ne možemo do kraja prosuditi razloge dugovječnosti i uspješnosti modela Borbine nagrade, vjerojatno su počivali u iskrenoj težnji za promocijom suvremenih realizacija na polju arhitekture putem utjecajnog javnog medija što je odgovaralo svima: i novinarskom egu i polaskanim “starhitektima“ i propagandi političkog sustava.1 U turističkom boomu poslijeratnih godina Rijeci je pripala uloga tranzitnog središta zapadne Hrvatske što je posljedično transformiralo grad kako na fizičkoj, tako i na identitetskoj razini. Dalekovidnim potezom riječke općine već je na prijelazu 1940-ih u 1950-te godine izgrađena nova Autostrada Narodnog fronta (1955. preimenovana u Bulevar Marksa i Engelsa, danas potez Zvonimirova-Liburnijska) koja je zaobišla zapadnu industrijsku zonu od Mlake do Kantride, nudeći alternativnu trasu za javni i osobni prijevoz na pravcu OpatijaVolosko-Rijeka. Nova gradska kucavica, do trasiranja riječke zaobilaznice 1980-ih godina i dionica Jadranske magistrale kroz Rijeku, bila je aranžirana za scenični pogled iz “automobilske“ perspektive na obnovljena i proširena industrijska postrojenja duž obalnog pojasa te buduća moderna stambena naselja na sjevernim padinama, testamente društvenog prosperiteta i demonstrativnog “upisivanja“ novog poretka u matricu grada. Neposredno uz Autostradu će niknuti i impozantni višestambeni soliteri (arhitekti J. Uhlik, Šilović, Franković i Bunetta), među kojima i prvi poslijeratni neboderi (Kocmut) te reprezentativno families whose living habits had already included shorter or longer trips and travels outside of their place of residence, and an increasing number of them had undergone the experience of buying the first car.2 The award presented to the Rijeka motel also indirectly marked the recent completion of the last kilometres of the Adriatic Highway, a key investment in the transport infrastructure of the sixties, which made the Croatia coastline, from Dragonja and Buje, across Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Šibenik and Split to Dubrovnik, even more attractive to foreign guests, whose number in the share of overnight stays had become predominant as of 1966, signalling a turn of the entire Yugoslav tourist income towards foreigncurrency earnings.3 In the post-war tourist boom, Rijeka assumed the role of the transit centre of western Croatia, which consequently transformed the city on a physical level, as well as on the level of identity. At the transition of the 1940s into the 1950s, owing to the long-sighted move of the Rijeka municipality, the new Autostrada of the People’s Front (renamed in 1955 into the Marx and Engels Boulevard; today it is the Zvonimirova-Liburnijska section) was constructed, bypassing the western industrial zone from Mlaka to Kantrida and providing an alternative route for public and private transport in the OpatijaVolosko-Rijeka direction. Until the marking of the Rijeka bypass road in the 1980s, the Zvonimirova-Liburnijska served as the section of the Adriatic Highway which ran through Rijeka. This new city artery was organised to provide a scenic view, from the “automobile” perspective, of the reconstructed and extended industrial Mikrolokacija Pavlovca ili Kuka gdje će mesni kombinat “Sljeme” osigurati vlasništvo nad parcelama za motelski 45 Motel u Preluku, kraj Rijeke, zračna perspektiva The motel in Preluk, near Rijeka, aerial view DRAGOCJENI KILOMETRI PRIOBALJA facilities along the coastal area, as well as the future modern housing estates on the northern slopes, as a testament of social prosperity and the demonstrative “inscription” of the new order in the city’s matrix. Directly beside the Autostrada, impressive tall apartment houses (by architects J. Uhlik, Šilović, Franković and Bunetta) sprang up, among which the first post-war skyscrapers (Kocmut) and the representative Novi List headquarters (Höllander and Franković), turning the Autostrada into a kind of a postcard of socialist Rijeka4. During the fifties, in the centre of the city, the reconstruction of the 470 meters long Yugoslav Navy Quay (today’s Waterfront), a city artery which connects the bus and maritime passenger transport terminals, was under way. The vicinity of the Old Town, as a relevant tourist destination, as well as the compliancy with the high aesthetic standards of a passenger port, justified the logistically demanding solution of the reconstruction of traffic corridors of the Istria and the Croatian Littoral Urban-Planning Institute (Kolacio and Sila) and the investment in the paving of the coastal area, light fixtures, modern pavilion – booking office, steel flag columns and the holm oak alley5. Both examples expresses the desire to design the experience of the city skyline for visitors which experience Rijeka through the windscreens of their cars or from the decks of ships, therefore, en route towards their final destination. In the 1960s, there were direct investments in Rijeka’s tourist capacities: the adaptation of the Jadran hotel was under way (Emili), a seven-storey annex to the Bonavia hotel was being constructed (LučićFrančić-Sulowsky), while in the peripheral 44 sjedište “Novog lista” (Höllander i Franković), prometnuvši ju u svojevrsnu razglednicu socijalističke Rijeke.4 U središtu grada tijekom pedesetih godina odvijala se rekonstrukcija 470 metara dugačke Obale jugoslavenske mornarice (danas Riva), gradske arterije koja povezuje terminale autobusnog i pomorskog putničkog prometa. Blizina Starog grada kao turistički značajnog odredišta te zadovoljenje viših estetskih standarda putničke luke, opravdavali su logistički zahtjevno rješenje rekonstrukcije prometnih koridora Urbanističkog instituta za Istru i Hrvatsko primorje (Kolacio i Sila) i ulaganje u novo popločenje obalnog pojasa, rasvjetna tijela, moderni paviljonbiljetarnicu, čelične stupove za zastave i drvored primorske crnike.5 Oba primjera iskazuju htijenje da se doživljaj gradskih vizura dizajnira za posjetitelje koji Rijeku doživljavaju kroz vjetrobrane automobila ili sa palube brodova, dakle, kao usputnu stanicu prema svojoj finalnoj destinaciji. Rijeka će 1960-ih godina osjetiti i direktnije investicije u turističke kapacitete: vrši se adaptacija hotela “Jadran” (Emili), podiže se sedmerokatni aneks hotela “Bonavia” (Lučić-Frančić-Sulowsky), a na rubnom području gradskog perimetra grade se moteli “Primorje” u uvali Žurkovo (Marinović) i naše “Sljeme” na Preluku. Istovremeno će monumentalni kubus Bregovčevog hotela “Ambasador” izmijeniti siluetu Opatije, a uvalu Scott kraj Kraljevice oplemeniti hotelsko naselje Igora Emilija. The Pavlovac or Kuk micro-location, where the Sljeme meat combine will secure ownership over land plots for the motel facility,6 is a transit zone located on the municipal boundary between Rijeka and Opatija, separated from the coastline of the Preluk bay by the defile of an abandoned quarry. The post-war urban-development plan, the so-called Directive Regulatory Basis of the RijekaSušak cities from 1948, and its and successive strategic documents marked the area from Volosko to Kantrida as a recreational-bathing reserve of the city, and it could be assumed that further industrialization of the region will not encompass these precious kilometres of the coastal area. The ground configuration was relatively unfavourable for construction, due to a rather narrow strip of available even ground along the road and the dropping terrain towards the afforested edge of the defile. An excellent architect like Vitić knew how to turn these disadvantages into advantages: the differences in elevation were compensated by a system of supporting concrete walls covered by roughly crushed stone, whereas the tracts of 47 THE PRECIOUS KILOMETERS OF THE COASTAL AREA konstrukcije, stijene su građene od siporexa, stropovi od armiranog betona (ostali objekti su montažni od siporexa uz nužni dodatak serklaža). Uvučeni suteren rezerviran je za urede direktora i ekonoma motela, a izbačeni dvoetažni volumen oslonjen na četiri nosača udomljuje recepciju, snack-bar, restoran, prostore za dnevni boravak korisnika motela, pogon kuhinje te još petnaest spavaćih soba. Istočni krak motela završava manjim objektom prodavaonice nužnih artikala i suvenira sa kioskom, a na zapadnom prilazu trebala se nalaziti benzinska stanica sa auto-praonicom, no od toga se naposljetku odustalo. Vitićevo rezoniranje u pogledu organizacije motelskih funkcija lako je slijediti: sa magistralne ceste kompleks se “reklamira“ svojim ugostiteljskim i trgovačkim sadržajima koji su na raspolaganju i tranzitnim putnicima (dućan, restoran za brzu okrjepu, točiona goriva), a smještajni su kapaciteti i radna “utroba“ motela pomaknuti iznad i ispod prizemne zone – na katu centralne Motel “Sljeme” u Preluku, kraj Rijeke, 1965, arhivska fotografija The Motel Sljeme in Preluk, near Rijeka, in 1965, archive photo region of the city perimeter, the Primorje motel was being built in the Žurkovo bay (Marinović) and the Sljeme motel was being built in Preluk. At the same time, the monumental cube of Bregovac’s Ambassador hotel was to change the silhouette of Opatija, while the Scott bay by Kraljevica was to be refined by Igor Emili’s hotel compound. 46 objekt6, prolazna je zona smještena na općinskoj granici Rijeke i Opatije, odvojena od obale prelučkog zaljeva usjekom napuštenog kamenoloma. Predio od Voloska do Kantride prvim je poslijeratnim urbanističkim planom, tzv. Direktivnom regulacijskom osnovom gradova Rijeka-Sušak iz 1948. godine te sukcesivnim strateškim dokumentima, markiran kao rekreativno-kupališni rezervat grada te se moglo pretpostaviti da daljnja industrijalizacija regije neće zahvatiti ove dragocjene kilometre priobalja. Konfiguracija terena bila je relativno nepovoljna za izgradnju zbog dosta uskog raspoloživog ravnog tla uz samu cestu i strmog pada zemljišta prema pošumljenoj ivici klanca. Vrstan arhitekt poput Vitića znat će kako ove nedostatke pretvoriti u prednosti: visinske razlike kompenziraju se sistemom potpornih betonskih zidova obloženih grubo lomljenim kamenom, a traktovi motelskog sklopa i sami bivaju “podzidani“ ispod razine prilazne ceste. Na zapadnoj strani polaže se uzdužni volumen od dvanaest dvokrevetnih soba sa prilazom preko natkrivene galerije, a krovna ploha služit će i kao terasa restorana, zaštićena od buke parkirališta i prometnice suhozidom od kamena lomljenca u cementnom mortu. Projektom je bila predviđena i pergola željezne konstrukcije, što je uz motiv suhozida trebalo stvoriti intimno, primorsko okruženje za ugodni boravak na otvorenom gostiju i posjetioca motela. U podrumskoj etaži i niskom prizemlju istočnog krila grupirane su funkcije servisno-gospodarskog karaktera: skladišta namirnica, rashladne komore, gruba priprema hrane, praone i glačaone rublja, blagovaonica i sanitarne prostorije osoblja te kotlovnica. Centralni paviljon motela čelične je skeletne the motel complex were themselves “reinforced” under the level of the access road. On the western side extended a longitudinal volume of twelve double rooms with the entrance across a roofed gallery, while the roof surface also served as the terrace of a restaurant, protected from the noise of the car park and the road by a drystone wall made of crushed stone in cement mortar. The project also envisaged a pergola of iron structure, which, along with the drystone wall motive, was to create intimate, coastal surroundings for a pleasant stay in the open of the motel’s guests and visitors. The following facilities of a service and economic character are grouped on the basement level and low ground floor of the eastern wing: pantries, cooling Memorandum motela “Sljeme” u Preluku, kraj Rijeke Letter-head of the Motel Sljeme in Preluk, near Rijeka Restoran je zasigurno bio najjači adut motela tijekom zimskih mjeseci – zidna stijena u potpunosti rastvorena ostakljenim plohama uokvirenim tankim aluminijskim profilima, pružala je prekrasan vidik na Volosko i Učku, svakako opravdavajući investiciju poduzeća “Sljeme” u ovu građevinski zahtjevniju lokaciju. Smisao za čitanje topografskih osobitosti i naglašavanje najboljih odlika zadanog ambijenta opća je karakteristika Vitićeva opusa te ne začuđuje da su sva tri motela – riječki, trogirski i biogradski, premda dijele zajedničke elemente, po slobodnoj kombinatorici tipiziranih jedinica i dodatnim prilagodbama programa lokalnim uvjetima zapravo dosta individualna ostvarenja. Uočili su to i članovi žirija nagrade Borba u ranije citiranom obrazloženju te iako je tom prilikom riječki motel nominalno izdvojen kao “predvodnik“ serije, honoriran je cjelokupni Vitićev pristup projektnom zadatku. Moteli su također po mnogočemu i amblematsko djelo autorove zrele karijere jer sintetiziraju neke od prepoznatljivih odlika njegova arhitektonskog jezika, poput inzistiranja na apstraktnoj čistoći stereometrijskih 49 PRILAGOĐAVANJE OBJEKTIVNIM OKOLNOSTIMA chambers, the food pre-preparation area, laundries and ironing rooms, the dining hall and sanitary facilities for the staff and the boiler room. The central pavilion of the motel is of a steel skeletal structure, the walls are made from Siporex, the ceilings are made from reinforced concrete (the other facilities are prefabricated, made from Siporex with the necessary addition of ring beams). The drawn-in basement is intended for the offices of the motel director and business manager, while the ejected splitlevel volume supported by four supports contains the reception desk, snack-bar, restaurant, living room for the users of the motel’s services, a kitchen facility and another fifteen bedrooms. The eastern arm of the motel is completed by a small shop with essential commodities and souvenirs accompanied by a kiosk, while a petrol station with a carwash was to be located at the western entrance, but this idea was ultimately abandoned. Vitić’s reasoning with respect to the organisation of motel functions is easy to follow: from the main road, the complex is “advertised” through catering and commercial facilities available to transit passengers as well (the shop, the snack-bar, the petrol station), while the accommodation capacities and the operational “insides” of the motel have been moved above and under the ground-floor area – on the floor of the central building, on the low ground floors of the motel wings and in the annex positioned somewhat more to the south than the other buildings. This singlestorey pavilion with another twenty-four rooms was used only in the summer season, when the larger tourist inflow had been predictably larger, while only 48 zgrade, niskom prizemlju motelskih krila te u depandansi pozicioniranoj nešto južnije od ostalih građevina. Taj jednokatni paviljon sa još dvadeset i četiri sobe koristio se isključivo u ljetnoj sezoni kad je očekivano bio veći priljev turista, a jedino je glavna zgrada bila opremljena za cjelogodišnji rad jer je sprovedeno centralno grijanje preko sistema cijevi i podzemnih rezervoara za tekuće gorivo. Idejni projekt motela u Preluku Preliminary project for the motel in Preluk, near Rijeka 51 50 Motel u Preluku, tlocrt The motel in Preluk, the ground plan 53 52 Memorandum motela “Sljeme” u Preluku, kraj Rijeke Letter-head of the Motel Sljeme in Preluk, near Rijeka “Sljemena” na limenoj ploči koji, međutim, nije postavljen. the main building was equipped for yearround operation, since central heating through pipe systems and underground liquid fuel reservoirs had been installed. The restaurant was undoubtedly the motel’s stronger asset during the winter months – the wall rock fully opened with glass panes framed by thin aluminium profiles offered a beautiful view of Volosko and Učka, definitely justifying the decision of the Sljeme company to invest in this location, regardless of its demanding nature when it comes to construction. A talent for taking in the 55 ADAPTATION TO OBJECTIVE CIRCUMSTANCES 54 formi, baratanja vokabularom primorskog idioma (dalmatinske bunje, posmične drvene žaluzine) ili fino odgojenoj intuiciji za ravnotežu i ritam oblikovanih površina. Visoku kvalitetu realiziranog arhitektonskog prostora na primjeru riječkog motela pratilo je i pažljivo osmišljavanje okoliša, od spomenutih podzida, preko elegantnih rasvjetnih tijela serijske proizvodnje, do zasađenog ukrasnog bilja. Vitiću je posebice bilo stalo da se maksimalno zadrži postojeća vegetacija, odnosno da se krajobrazno uređenje prilagođava zatečenoj situaciji, a ne obratno, što govori u prilog senzibilitetu arhitekta za vrijednosti prirodnog krajolika. Motelski kompleks je bio premrežen kolnim komunikacijama te dovoljnim brojem parkirnih mjesta potičući tako “samoposluživanje“ korisnika prilikom useljenja soba, bez asistencije motelskog osoblja. Projekt je predvidio još jedan nezaobilazni, ikonički detalj “motelskog iskustva“: osvijetljeni čelični reklamni stup uz prilaznu cestu sa zaštitnim znakom Na kraju treba spomenuti kako je realizacija motela naišla je na nepredviđene poteškoće što je, nažalost, rezultiralo redukcijom početnog programa gradnje. Nakon što je “Sljemenu” propisno odobrena uža lokacija početkom 1964. godine, izvedba je direktnom pogodbom povjerena GP “Jadranu” jer je investitor priželjkivao otvorenje motela već tijekom te turističke sezone. Procjena nije uzela u obzir administrativne zavrzlame koje će ubrzo uslijediti zbog brzopletog početka radova prije nego je izdana sva potrebna dokumentacija. Nije riječ o nikakvom izvanrednom slučaju – u razdoblju intenzivne urbanizacije šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina događalo se da birokracija kaska za hektičkim tempom izgradnje ili da ulagači post factum rješavaju papirologiju. Međutim, kod motela je problem nastao u samoj dispoziciji građevina duž priključka na magistralnu prometnicu koji je, po mišljenju nadležnih odjela lokalne samouprave, prejudicirao buduće rješenje prometnog čvora Pavlovac te se tražila obustava radova do ishodovanja suglasnosti kompetentnih republičkih tijela. Položaj benzinske crpke bio je naročito sporan radi sigurnosti prometa, a kako je bilo prekasno mijenjati projekt, kompromisno je otpala njena izgradnja. Troškovi energetske infrastrukture (nova trafostanica, sustav centralnog grijanja, propan-butanska stanica za kuhinjske štednjake), kao i poslovično kašnjenje građevinskih radova koji su okončani tek u lipnju 1965. godine uz brojne primjedbe komisije za tehnički pregled, izgleda da su dodatno iscrpili strpljenje i financijske mogućnosti “Sljemena” te je sklop ostao surrounding topography and bringing out the best features of a given environment are the general characteristics of Vitić’s opus, so it’s not a surprise that all three motels – in Rijeka, Trogir and Biograd, even though the standardised elements are common to all of them, are still quite individually distinct creations when it comes to the arrangement of the standardised units and the adaptations applied to the program with local conditions in mind. This has been noted by the members of the Borba award committee in the explanation quoted earlier, and despite them singling out the motel in Rijeka as a nominal “leader” of the series, Vitić’s general approach to the whole project had earned high praise. The motels are also, in many ways, emblematic of their author’s mature career period, since they synthesize some of the notable qualities of his architectural expression, such as insisting on the abstract purity of stereometric forms, the excellent grasp of the coastal idiom (Dalmatian wells, wooden blinds) or fine intuition for the balance and rhythm of the shaped surfaces. The high quality of realised architectural space in the case of the Rijeka motel was accompanied by a careful consideration of landscaping, which included the aforementioned lower walls, elegant serial luminaires and arranged decorative plants. Vitić took great care to keep the existing vegetation as intact as possible, to adapt artificial landscaping to the previously existing situation and not the other way around, which illustrates his sensibilities as an architect towards the qualities of the natural landscape. The motel complex was transected with pavement communication and an adequate supply zakinut za seriju weekend-kućica (katnih bungalova) kakvi su izvedeni, primjerice, u trogirskoj verziji motela. Motel u Preluku, suvremeno stanje, fotografija: Lidija Butković Mićin (2013) The motel in Preluk, present condition, photo by Lidija Butković Mićin (2013) Finally, it should be noted that the realisation of the motels ran into unforeseen difficulties which, unfortunately, resulted in a reduction of the initial construction plans. After Sljeme was formally granted the basic location in early 1964, GP Jadran was awarded the construction contract by negotiated procedure, as the investor hoped to see the motel open in time for that year’s vacation season. The estimate did not take into account the administrative conundrums which would soon ensue, due to construction having started before all the necessary papers have been issued. It was not an extraordinary case – during the intensive urbanization period of the sixties and seventies, the bureaucracy often couldn’t keep up with the hectic construction tempo and investors often sorted out paperwork post festum. In the case of the motel, however, the problem arouse due to the arrangement of the buildings towards the highway which had, according to the local officials, prejudiced the future development of the Pavlovac traffic junction, so a suspension was demanded until the relevant state bodies could issue their approval. The location of the fuelling station had been particularly contested because of traffic safety issues, and since it was too late to alter 57 Riječki motel danas je, grubo rečeno, ruševina u vlasništvu Hrvatske gospodarske komore. Gledajući objekt otuđenog namještaja, počupanih instalacija, razbijenih prozora, prepiljenih metalnih ograda i vratiju, teško je prisjetiti se optimizma kasnih šezdesetih godina kada su uz pročelje motela tutnjale motociklističke utrke Svjetskog prvenstva na jednoj od najboljih staza bivše Jugoslavije, a Zdravko Bregovac u podnožju padine osmislio urbanistički plan sportskog centra i auto-kampa Preluk. Motel nema formalni status nepokretnog kulturnog dobra Republike Hrvatske te je potencijalno ranjiv na intervencije budućih investitora. Područni Konzervatorski odjel Ministarstva kulture pokazao je svojevremeno inicijativu, no nisu poduzeti konkretni koraci, čak niti u vidu izdavanja rješenja o preventivnoj zaštiti. U posljednje vrijeme aktualiziran je prijedlog HGK-Županijske komore Rijeka za revitalizaciju kompleksa u kongresno-edukacijski centar prema idejnom projektu arhitektonskog ureda Randić-Turato koji, barem načelno, poštuje integritet i oblikovne vrijednosti Vitićevog ostvarenja.7 Treba li, međutim, HGK-u (ili privatnom partneru) vjerovati na riječ kada i ako dođe do izvedbe projekta ili bi službe Ministarstva kulture trebale na vrijeme odraditi svoj dio posla? Realna opasnost postoji jer su trenutačna razmišljanja oko budućnosti bivšeg motela prožeta neskrivenim apetitima za kapitaliziranjem njegove izvanredne lokacije putem of parking spaces, encouraging guests towards “self-service” when moving into rooms, and eliminating the need for assistance from the motel staff. The project envisioned one more unavoidable, iconic detail of the “motel experience”: a well lit steel billboard near the access road with the Sljeme logo on a tin board, but this was not put up. 56 BEZ FORMALNE ZAŠTITE Modernisations – Between Utopia and Pragmatism, (ur.) Maroje Mrduljaš, Vladimir Kulić, Zagreb, 2012, 372-391. 2 Igor Duda, U potrazi za blagostanjem: o povijesti dokolice i potrošačkog društva u Hrvatskoj 1950-ih i 1960-ih, Zagreb, 2005, 97, 102, 130. 3 Igor Duda (bilj. 2), 119. 4 HR DARI, JU 112, Narodni odbor općine Zamet 1955.1962., kut 103., Ing. Cvetko Premuš: Zašto gradimo Autostradu Beogradski trg – Kantrida, u: Riječki list, Rijeka, (1)1947, br. 107, str. 3., IVAN BAN, Stambena izgradnja Rijeke, u: Čovjek i prostor, 6(1959), 85, Zdenko Kolacio, Stambeni tornjevi u slici grada, u: Čovjek i prostor, 6(1959), 82. 5 HR DARI, JU 169, Građevinski arhiv Skupštine općina Rijeka 1945.-1990., jedinica 959, 1462, 1536 i 1615, ZDENKO KOLACIO, Obala Jugoslavenske mornarice u Rijeci, u: Čovjek i prostor, (9)1962, 113. 6 Općina Rijeka maksimalno je izašla u susret investitoru: Sljeme je imenovano organom upravljanja nad česticama u društvenom vlasništvu, a za ostatak zemljišta je proveden postupak eksproprijacije. Arhitektonski nacrti motela, kao i popratna dokumentacija (dozvole i sl.), pohranjeni su u Državnom arhivu u Rijeci - HR DARI, JU 169, jedinica 2163 i mapa 175 (jed. 8533). 7 T. T., Susret Komadina – Vidošević. Bivši hotel Panorama hitno privesti svrsi, u: “Novi list”, Rijeka, 2. 10. 2013., Alenka Juričić, Prema postojećem idejnom rješenju hotel Panorama trebao bi postati moderan edukacijski centar, u: “Novi list”, Rijeka, 13. 5. 2008. 8 Termin prema: Luciano Bassauri, Dafne Berc, Maroje Mrduljaš, Dinko Peračić, Miranda Veljačić, Constructing an Affordable Arcadia, u: Unfinished modernisations (bilj. 1) NO FORMAL PROTECTION The Rijeka motel today is, frankly, a ruin under the ownership of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. Seeing the object with its furniture displaced, its installations plucked out, its windows broken, its metal fences and doors filed off, it’s difficult to recall the optimism of the late sixties when its facade looked upon the roaring World Championship in motorcycle racing run on one of the greatest runways of the former Yugoslavia, for which Zdravko Bregovac came up with the urban plan for a sports centre and Preluk Motor Camp at the foot of the mountain. The Motel doesn’t have the formal status of a Republic of Croatia real-estate cultural property and is potentially vulnerable to interventions from future investors. The Regional Conservation Office at the Ministry of Culture had shown some initiative in previous times, but no concrete measures were undertaken, 59 1 Ines Tolić, The Borba for Architecture, u: Unfinished the project, its construction was halted as a compromise. The expenses related to the energy supply infrastructure (a new substation, central heating system, gas station for the kitchen stoves), as well as the proverbial delays in construction works which only came to a close in 1965 and prompted many complaints from the technical review commission, seem to have additionally exhausted the patience and financial capabilities of Sljeme, which meant that the complex ended up being built without an envisioned series of weekend houses (storey bungalows) such as those which had been made for the Trogir version of the motel. 58 novih, ekskluzivnih sadržaja, potpuno na liniji sličnih planova Grada Rijeke da se na mjestu dotrajalog auto-kampa Preluk podignu luksuzni hoteli i nautička marina. U svakom slučaju, nepovratno su prošla vremena “priuštive Arkadije“8 za radničku klasu koja je zasluženi godišnji odmor mogla provesti za volanom fiće zaustavivši se na noć-dvije u modernom motelu osmišljenom za crtaćim stolom vrhunskog arhitekta. not even in the form of issuing a formal document guaranteeing preventative conservation. Recently, a proposal has been brought up by the County Chamber of Commerce in Rijeka concerning the potential revitalization of the complex as a congressional and educational centre according to the plan submitted by the Randić-Turato architectural office which, at least in spirit, respects the integrity and the designed values of Vitić’s work.7 However, should the HGK (or a private contractor) be trusted to keep their word when, if it comes to realising the project, or should the offices of the Ministry of Culture do their part of the work on time? The danger is real, because the current considerations about the future of the former motel are loaded with unabashed appetites for capitalizing on its outstanding location through new, exclusive facilities, wholly in line with similar plans of the City of Rijeka to develop a luxury hotel and a nautical marina in place of the run-down Preluk auto-camp. In any case, the times of an “affordable Arcadia” 8 for the working class which could spend their welldeserved vacation behind the wheel of a Fiat, stopping only for a night or two in a modern motel developed at the drawing board of a top-of-the-line architect, are long gone. 1 Ines Tolić, The Borba for Architecture, in: Unfinished Modernisations – Between Utopia and Pragmatism, edited by Maroje Mrduljaš and Vladimir Kulić, Zagreb, 2012, p. 372-391 2 Igor Duda, U potrazi za blagostanjem: o povijesti dokolice i potrošačkog društva u Hrvatskoj 1950-ih i 1960-ih, Zagreb, 2005, p. 97, 102, 130 3 Igor Duda (note 2), p. 119 4 HR DARI, JU 112, The People’s Committee – Municipality of Zamet 1955-1962., kut 103., Ing. Cvetko Premuš: Zašto gradimo Autostradu Beogradski trg – Kantrida, in: Riječki list, Rijeka, (1)1947, No. 107, p. 3., Ivan Ban, Stambena izgradnja Rijeke, in: Čovjek i prostor, 6(1959), 85, Zdenko Kolacio, Stambeni tornjevi u slici grada, in: Čovjek i prostor, 6(1959), p. 82. 5 HR DARI, JU 169, Building Archive of the Rijeka Assembly of Municipalities 1945.-1990., units 959, 1462, 1536 and 1615, Zdenko Kolacio, Obala Jugoslavenske mornarice u Rijeci, in: Čovjek i prostor, (9)1962, p. 113 6 The Rijeka Municipality invested all efforts in assisting the investor: Sljeme has been appointed the management body of plots in public ownership, while expropriation procedure has been conducted for the rest of the land. The architectural blueprints of the motel, as well as the accompanying documentation (permits etc.), are stored in the Rijeka National Archives - HR DARI, JU 169, unit 2163 and file 175 (unit 8533). 7 T. T., Komadina – Vidošević meeting. Bivši hotel Panorama hitno privesti svrsi, in: Novi list, Rijeka, 2/ 10/2013, Alenka Juričić, Prema postojećem idejnom rješenju hotel Panorama trebao bi postati moderan edukacijski centar, in: Novi list, Rijeka, 13/5/2008 8 Term according to: Luciano Bassauri, Dafne Berc, Maroje Mrduljaš, Dinko Peračić, Miranda Veljačić, Constructing an Affordable Arcadia, in: Unfinished modernisations (note 1) Motel u Preluku, aktualno stanje, fotografija: Lidija Butković- Mićin (2013) The motel in Preluk, current state, photo by Lidija Butković- Mićin (2013) 61 60 Motel Trogir, detalj, foto: Duška Boban (2013) Motel Trogir, detail, photo by Duška Boban (2013) 62 63 Predmet analize bilo kojeg arhitektonskog opusa nije (i ne smije biti sama) građevina, već intelektualna polazišta vezana uz građevinu u društvenom okruženju: grad, društvo, kulturna povijest, stanovnik, naručitelj i naposljetku, indirektno i sam arhitekt. The spirit of an artwork Duh djela Sandra Uskoković When considering any architectural opus, the subject of analysis is not (and should never be) a particular structure itself, but rather the intellectual starting point from which the structure is envisioned within its social surroundings: the city, society, cultural heritage, the residents, the client and ultimately, the architect in an indirect manner. The history of architecture has, until modern times, manifested itself as an evolution of the level of awareness and considerations given to space, the consciousness of the spiritual essence of spaces made by us and intended for us, as well as of considerations of works which were always inspired by the most common function of living. There is no such thing as a divide between traditional and modern architecture, there is only good architecture and bad architecture, living architecture and dead architecture. Consciousness and cognition on the part of architects regarding the fact that buildings do not “live” an isolated “life”, but that they are a part of an economic, social and physical environment, increased greatly during the 1960s with the development of “urban awareness” about every building being “responsible” for its relations with its immediate surroundings. Post-war tourism in this period was a notable source of income on the Adriatic coast, but also a significant determining factor in landscaping and efforts to raise the standards of urban living. Through changing space, tourism-related construction had also transferred and interpreted its values, which created an opportunity to affirm the culture it was contributing to. Unfortunately, the shaping of the Adriatic seaside and landscape did not always show creative attributes which would synthetisize the previously existing values, and the most negative treatment of the space in question had manifested in a type of tourism-related construction marked 65 Svijest i spoznaja arhitekata da građevine ne “žive“ izolirano, već da su dio ekonomske, društvene i fizičke okoline, naglo je porasla tijekom 1960ih godina kad se javila nova “urbana svijest“ o tome da je svaka građevina “odgovorna“ za odnos s neposrednim ambijentom. Poslijeratni turizam je u navedenom periodu bio značajan čimbenik privređivanja na Jadranskoj obali, no i značajna determinanta oblikovanja prostora, kao i podizanja razine urbanog življenja stanovništva. Turistička je izgradnja naime oblikujući prostor ujedno i prenosila te tumačila njegove vrijednosti, čime je doprinosila i mogućnosti afirmiranja kulture. Nažalost, oblikovanje jadranskog prostora i krajolika nije uvijek nosilo kreativne značajke koje bi sintetizirale zatečene vrijednosti prostora pri čemu se najnegativniji oblik djelovanja prema istom prostoru odrazio u tipu tradicionalne turističke izgradnje koju je obilježavala disproporcioniranost i glomaznost volumena. Navedeni tip izgradnje potvrdio se kao vrsta agresije prema krajoliku umjesto iskaza ideje rasta i ritmizacije, koje jadranski prostor zahtijeva. The paradigm of the anthropocentric vision 64 Povijest arhitekture nam se sve do novog vremena zapravo otkriva kao razvoj svijesti i mišljenja o prostoru i u prostoru, svijesti o duhovnom biću prostora stvaranog od nas i za nas, o djelu koje je uvijek poticala najobičnija funkcija življenja. Ne postoji tradicionalna ili moderna arhitektura, postoji samo dobra i loša, živa i mrtva arhitektura. Arhitekt Ivan Vitić je u poslijeratnom razdoblju na području hotelske izgradnje ostvario nekoliko iznimno značajnih arhitektonskih ostvarenja i to paviljonskog modela hotela. Na pejsažno osjetljivom položaju, Vitić je uspio postaviti građevine koja su pridonijele osnovnoj fizionomiji tradicionalnog ambijenta, a da pri tome nije pravio ustupke prema prošlosti. Motelski kompleks u Trogiru je osmislio kao slikovito “naselje“ malih građevina, humanih proporcija i funkcija, gotovo urbanistički povezanih u cjelinu, a u skladu sa zatečenom pejsažnom tradicijom. S morfološkog aspekta, Vitićeva hotelska arhitektura je krajnje humanizirana i prilagođena ambijentu, o čemu najbolje svjedoči projekt odmarališta u Baškoj Vodi (1962.) gdje interpretira strukturu dalmatinskog sela, tradicionalnih graditeljskih vrijednosti, u razdoblju kada su se po Jadranskoj obali još gradili masivni kubusi hotela. Oblikovanje i smještaj trogirskih motela omogućavaju doživljaj neposrednog ambijenta prirode Motel Trogir, bungalovi, detalj, foto: Duška Boban (2013) Motel Trogir, bungalows, detail, photo by Duška Boban (2013) Paradigma antropocentričnog vizionarstva by disproportionality and bulky volume. This type of construction has proven to be a form of aggression towards the landscape instead of an expression of the idea of growth and rhythmicity demanded by the Adriatic space. In the post-war period, the architect Ivan Vitić realized several outstandingly notable works of architecture designed according to the pavilion hotel model. Working in a sensitive location with respect to landscaping, Vitić managed to erect buildings that contributed to the basic makeup of the traditional environment, while avoiding any unnecessary concessions to the past. He envisioned the motel complex in Trogir as a picturesque “settlement” of small Motel Trogir, foto: Duška Boban (2013) Motel TRogir. Photo by Duška Boban (2013) 67 66 Vitić je naglašavao reprezentaciju društvenog i komunalnog života, oblikujući građevine koje su više od zadovoljenja funkcionalne potrebe. U želji da prevaziđe stilističke konvencije, on je umjesto imitativnih struktura koje su se tad gradile, krenuo u potragu za skrivenim strukturama, koja je za polazište zapravo imala estetsku motivaciju, no uključujući i ideju utilitarnosti i reprezentacije. Kod Vitića je definiranje stila bila borba da se dade značenje realnosti koje je utjelovljeno u kulturnoj tradiciji, stvarajući pri tome arhitekturu na čijim su se površinama izražavale reprezentacije ideja, te refleksivna realnost koja The architecture of the post-war period to which the Vitić hotels belong has unfortunately not yet attained historical status and is not yet perceived as an integral part of the core cultural heritage. His works in the field of tourism construction are a paradigmatic testament of an anthropocentric vision, as opposed to the main direction and tendencies of post-war tourist construction which had been dominated by the disproportionate and insensitive volume of the tourist facilities relating aggressively to the landscape. Vitić’s individualistic approach towards the landscape brought a new, added benefit 69 Arhitektura poslijeratnog razdoblja kojem pripadaju Vitićevi hoteli nažalost još nije postala povijesno pamćenje, svojina cjelovitog duhovnog i kulturološkog obzorja. Vitićeva ostvarenja na području turističke izgradnje paradigmatsko su svjedočanstvo antropocentričnog vizionarstva, s obzirom na glavni smjer i tendencije poslijeratne turističke izgradnje u kojoj su prevladavali disproporcionalni i nesenzibilni volumeni turističkih objekata, agresivno se odnoseći prema krajoliku. Vitićev individualistički odnos prema krajoliku je donio novu, dodatnu vrijednost prostoru, prenoseći i tumačeći vrijednosti zatečenog prostora i krajolika, na krajnje senzibilan način. buildings, tailored to meet the guests’ needs with respect to proportions and function, which form a unit almost in the sense of urban planning, while also complying with the tenements of the local landscaping tradition. As for its morphology, Vitić’s hotel architecture is wholly humanized and adapted to its environment. The best example would be the Baška Voda resort (1962.) where he interprets the structure of a Dalmatian village and traditional builders’ values at a time when massive hotel cubes were still being built on the Adriatic coast. The shape and placement of the Trogir motels enables experiencing the natural environment directly and creates a contact with nature and the sea. The intimate scale of human proportions and functions contributed to a more imaginative and more humane conceptualisation of the hotel architecture in question, and it is considered to be among the loveliest and most attractive motel complexes on the Adriatic coast. poštuje vlastite unutarnje zakone. Uloga takve arhitekture nije isključivo bila da mijenja svijet, već da ga i predstavlja, te služi sustavu oblikovanja društva, što izdvaja Vitića od većine tadašnjih suvremenika koji su često “dogmatično“ prihvaćali apsolutne vrijednosti moderne arhitekture. 68 ostvaren kroz paviljonsku izgradnju, koji prate konfiguraciju terena i uspostavljaju kontakt s prirodom i morem. Intimno mjerilo ljudskih proporcija i funkcija pridonijelo je slikovitom i humanijem osmišljavanju ove hotelske arhitekture, koja se smatra među privlačnijima i ljepšim motelskim kompleksima na Jadranskoj obali. Arhitekti su oduvijek – kako u prošlosti tako i danas – htjeli postati dijelom velike Povijesti Arhitekture, pri čemu su umjesto uvažavanja specifičnog konteksta kao bitnog izvora inspiracije, često ignorirali vizualne odrednice koje oblikuju kontekst unutar kojeg nastaje nova izgradnja. Vitićeva djela svjedoče da je moguće biti dijelom Povijesti Arhitekture, a da pri tom arhitektov “narcistički” ego ne nameće arhitektonska ostvarenja koja isključivo privlače pozornost na sebe, već da uvažava i obogaćuje postojeći, neposredni ambijent tj. kontekst u kojem stvara. Paradoks “modernog kulturnog dobra“ Kao što moderna arhitektura predstavlja izazov u filozofskom i teoretskom smislu zbog svoga evolucijskog pristupa samoj ideji umjetničkog djela, tako i njezino tehničko ustrojstvo predstavlja poseban izazov pri obnovi, i to uglavnom zbog kratkotrajnog vijeka građevnog materijala tih građevina. Pitanje njihove restauracije postavlja dodatan izazov u smislu kako nešto obnoviti dugotrajnim materijalima kad je sama bit tih građevina počivala upravo na njihovoj ne-povijesnosti, tj. njihovoj funkcionalnosti, iskoristivosti. to space, transferring and interpreting the qualities of the existing space and landscape in a very emphatic way. Vitić had stressed the representation of the social and communal life while shaping the buildings to be more than a contractual fulfilment of functional needs. Wishing to overcome stylistic conventions, he eschewed the imitative structures of the period in favour of a search for hidden structures with aesthetics as the primary motivation, but including also the concepts of utilitarity and representation. In his work, defining the style was a struggle to give meaning to a reality grounded in cultural tradition, while creating architecture with surfaces which reflect the representation of ideas and a reflexive reality adhering to its own inner laws. The role of such architecture was not only to change the world, but to also represent it, to serve the system which shaped society, which sets Vitić apart from most of his contemporaries, who often took the absolutes of modern architecture at face value and adopted them in a rather “dogmatic” fashion. Architects have always – in times past, as well as today – wanted to become part of the great History of Architecture, which often led them to ignore the visual determinants that shape the context of new construction, instead of acknowledging that specific context as an important source of inspiration. The works of Vitić attest that it is possible for an architect to become a part of the History of Architecture without his “narcissistic” ego imposing architectural oeuvres that primarily draw attention to themselves, but rather by acknowledging Ivan Vitić: bivši Dom JNA u Komiži iz 1961, otok Vis, arhivska fotografija) Ivan Vitić: House of the Yugoslav People’s Army (1961), Island of Vis, archive photo 71 70 Vitićev motel u Biogradu, arhivska fotografija Ivan Vitić’s motel in Biograd, archive photo Naime, začetnici modernog pokreta su zagovarali prenamjenu ili rušenje nakon što se građevina “istroši”. Dakle, teoretski i filozofski gledano, obnova i očuvanje moderne arhitekture suprotni su principima njezinih začetnika. Nadalje, pitanje restauracije originalnih modernih materijala je otežano uslijed nedostupnosti istih jer je riječ o industrijskim proizvodima koji nisu bili namijenjeni kao dugoročni proizvod na tržistu, a i sama građevna industrija se korijenito promijenila tijekom zadnjih 50 godina. Prenamjena, koja se sastoji od ponovnog osmišljavanja živućih funkcija i namjene napuštene građevine, je jedna od najparadoksalnijih, najsmionijih i najtežih oblika valorizacije arhitekture. Naime, s jedne strane takvim se činom spašava građevina od stanja napuštenosti i propadanja, no s druge ga se strane izlaže svim mogućim modifikacijama integriteta i autentičnosti koje nova funkcija zahtijeva. Uzimajući u obzir “kratak” vijek trajanja modernih materijala i građevnih sustava, nužno je autentične vrijednosti iznalaziti i u duhu djela, a ne samo u fizičkim materijalima od kojih je djelo napravljeno. Zaštita moderne arhitekture je relativno nova tema, no treba je početi promatrati kao doprinos kvaliteti, prepoznatljivosti i različitosti povijesnog ambijenta. Pitanje je onda gdje nalazimo vrijednosti te nove arhitekture? Je li to u idejama povijesti arhitekture ili u njihovu starenju zajedno s cjelokupnom povijesnom arhitekturom? Činjenica je da je moderna arhitektura zapravo povijest ideja i zbog toga je problematika valorizacije i očuvanja ove arhitekture još složenija. and enhancing the existing, immediate environment, the context within which the work is being created. The “modern cultural property” paradox Just as modern architecture poses a challenge in a philosophical and theoretical sense due to its evolutionary approach to the very idea of what an artwork is, so does its technical organization present a challenge when it comes to restoration, mostly because of the generally short lifespan of the building materials involved. The question of their restoration poses an additional challenge when it comes to answering the question of how to renew something using longer-lasting materials when the very essence of the buildings in question lies in their non-historicity, their functionality and usability. The originators of the modern movement were in favour of conversion or demolition once a building had “run its course”. Therefore, from the perspective of theory and philosophy, restoring and preserving modern architecture stands in opposition to their principles. Furthermore, the question of restoring the original modern materials is made more difficult due to their unavailability, as they were not produced with long-term market availability in mind, while the construction industry itself changed thoroughly in the past fifty years. Conversion, which would consist of deciding upon new living functions and uses for an abandoned building is at No, pitanje je kako danas pratiti ideje kao što je “forma slijedi funkciju” kad moderne građevine gube svoju originalnu funkciju? Kako valorizirati tehnologije koje su nekad bile inovativne i avangardne, ali su trenutno istrošene, tj. iscrpljene? Paradoks “modernog kulturnog dobra“ obuhvaća mnoge složene nedoumice po pitanju “promjene i kontinuiteta”. Edukacija javnosti, ali i profesije, osviješteni investitori, kao i stvaranje senzibilnog konteksta, predstavljaju izglednije razloge za podizanje općih standarda kvalitetne zaštite i obnove. Naposlijetku, bolje razumijevanje intelektualnog i povijesnog aspekta moderne arhitekture može pridonijeti boljem očuvanju i osviještenosti o potrebi zaštite. Any process of identifying, acknowledging or evaluation “changes” architecture and influences its definition or the way we perceive it. Whether it’s a mental process (an application of ideas and concepts) or a physical one (the methods of renovation and restoration), both equally change our perception of architecture. Compared to the conservation and restoration efforts related to earlier historical architecture, the motive of conservation when it comes to modern architecture isn’t grounded in nostalgia, Ivan Vitić: Habitation Unit in Laginjina street in Zagreb, photo by Ludwig Kittinger (2014) Ivan Vitić: stambeni sklop “Laginjina”, Zagreb, fotografija: Ludwig Kittinger (2014) 73 U usporedbi sa zaštitom i obnovom ranije povijesne arhitekture, motiv očuvanja moderne arhitekture ne počiva u nostalgiji, već u značaju principa ove arhitekture. Stoga, postojanje samog objekta ne smije nikad zasjeniti motiv njegova nastanka. Svrha očuvanja i zaštite moderne arhitekture nije i ne smije biti u samom činu obnove/restauracije, već u modusima valorizacije kako bi se osigurali temelji za njenu budućnost. the same time one of the hardest, most daring and most paradoxical forms of architecture evaluation. On the one hand, this would save the building from abandonment and decay, on the other it subjects it to all possible modifications of its integrity and authenticity to meet the demands of the new function. Taking into account the “short” lifespan of modern materials and construction systems, it is necessary to find authentic qualities in the spirit of the work, and not only in the physical materials with which it was made. Conservation of modern architecture is a relatively new topic, but we should start considering it as a contribution to the quality, recognition and diversity of the historical environment. The question then is what do we decide upon as the essential qualities of this architecture? Are they among the ideas from the history of architecture or in their aging along with the entirety of historical architecture? It is undeniable that modern architecture is in fact a history of ideas, which makes the topic of its evaluation and conservation all the more complex. 72 Svaki proces prepoznavanja, uvažavanja ili valorizacije, “mijenja“ arhitekturu i utječe na njenu definiciju tj. fizički oblik ili naše poimanje o njoj. Bilo da je riječ o mentalnom procesu (primjena ideja i koncepata) ili fizičkom (metode obnove, restauracije), oba podjednako preoblikuju našu percepciju arhitekture. but in the importance of the principles it reflects and represents. Therefore, the existence of the object itself should never come before the motive of its creation. The purpose of preservation and conservation of modern architecture isn’t and shouldn’t be restricted only to the act of restoration, but also in the modes of evaluation so that the foundations of its future can be secured. However, the question today is how to keep track of ideas such as “form follows function” now that modern buildings are losing their original functions? How to evaluate technologies which used to be innovative and avant-garde once, but are now outdated? The paradox of the “modern cultural property” contains many complex concerns when it comes to “change and continuity”. Raising public awareness as well as awareness within the profession, having well informed investors as well as creating a relatable context, these present more likely prospects for raising the general standards of quality in the field of conservation and restoration. In the end, a better understanding of the intellectual and historical aspects of modern architecture can contribute to better preservation and a raising of awareness about the need for conservation. Motel Trogir, detalj, fotografija: Marina Slunjski (2013) Motel Trogir, detail, photo by Marina Slunjski (2013) 75 74 It is not future that always comes after 77 76 79 78 81 80 83 82 85 84 87 86 89 88 91 90 93 92 95 94 97 96 99 98 Framing structures of the collective memory IDIS TURATO arhitekt / architect, Rijeka, Hrvatska / Croatia Arhitektura pasivne agresije 101 100 The architecture of passive aggression Ovo je kratka priča o 30 godina intenzivnog razvoja, i 20 godina pasivne agresije nad turističkom arhitekturom Kvarnera. Priča je nastala u jednom danu, potaknuta prvenstveno inicijativom udruge Slobodnih veza, i kao konceptualni okvir za podršku njihovoj akciji Projekt Motel Trogir. Temeljena je na jasnim, ali vrlo osobnim slikama prošlog vremena kao memorije djeteta iz porodice arhitekata, osobnog poznanstva se nekim od vinovnika turističke arhitekture kvarnerskog područja 70-ih godina dvadesetog stoljeća, te proživljenog iskustva kao prakticirajući arhitekt vremena tranzicije. U početku smo živjeli, i strpljivo gradili sustav koji je suštinski sadržavao i živopisno oslikavao sve elemente suvremenosti i progresa globalnog turizma. Bili smo pioniri i graditelji nove svjetske mreže, a arhitekti Vitić, Magaš, Emili, Bregovac, i Čičin Šain snažno su oblikovali arhitekturu kvarnerskog turizma. Godinama smo strpljivo, promišljeno i strastveno razvijali različite inventivne tipologije koje i danas odišu suvremenošću i kvalitetom. Arhitekt kao protagonist novih mogućnosti, pokretač i kreator novih ideja u turizmu bio je svima na usluzi i potreban. Izvedene su stotine građevina, realiziran bogat i slojevit okvir turističke infrastrukture kao kvalitetna podloga, ulog za buduće vrijeme i generacije. Jedan od takvih snažnih This is a short story of 30 years of intensive development and 20 years of passive aggression against the tourist architecture of Kvarner. The story was created in a single day, inspired by the Loose Associations initiative, as a conceptual framework for the support to their Motel Trogir Project action. It is based on clear, yet very personal images of past times as the memory of a child from a family of architects, personal acquaintance with some of the originators of the Kvarner area tourist architecture of the 1970s, as well as on my own experience as a practising architect in the period of transition. In the beginning we lived and patiently built a system which essentially contained and vividly reflected all the elements of the contemporaneity and progress of global tourism. We were pioneers and builders of a new global network, while the architects Vitić, Magaš, Emili, Bregovac and Čičin Šain decisively shaped the architecture of Kvarner tourism. For years, we patiently, studiously and passionately developed different inventive typologies which still today emanate contemporaneity and high quality. As a protagonist of new possibilities, as well as the initiator and creator of new ideas in tourism, the architect was at everyone’s service and indispensable. Hundreds of buildings were constructed and an opulent and stratified framework of tourist infrastructure was realised as a highquality foundation and contribution temelja turističke arhitekture bio je lanac Motela Sljeme arhitekta Ivana Vitića, promišljenih, projektiranih i razmještenih od Trsta, Umaga, preko Opatije, do Biograda, i Trogira. Ponekad, u nekim slučajevima i rijetkim iznimkama, kada je argumentacija At one moment – and to this day I do not know who talked us into it exactly – we gullibly assumed that all of that had to be called into question. I should mention that I remember that we hadn’t thought this idea through well and carefully enough. On the contrary, rather than having thought it through, we heedlessly entered a peculiar state of euphoria and a time in which we, with pleasure, unseen fervor and laconic argumentation on the absolute necessity of transition and change, ruined and destroyed all that which took us so long to create. It was a time of active and unstoppable aggression against everything. The arguments were strongly compelling, and in many cases, many places and for many people, decidedly deadly. Like an easy-listening turbo-folk tune, the rhythm of the claims about a different brand of tourism got under our skin. The perverse allure of “certified” tourist standards, global experiences and a better life which is guaranteed to go hand in hand with star-based categorisation muddled everyone’s vision. With its consultant’s persuasion, this alluring offer was supposed to lead us into a state of secure tourist prosperity, to a place where we “belonged all along”. Everyone’s words were full of someone else’s wisdom, assessments and experience, none of which was verified or understood and, most of all, nobody truly had any idea 103 for future times and generations. One of such strong foundations of tourist architecture was the Sljeme motel chain by architect Ivan Vitić, well-planned, designed and arranged along the roads from Trieste through Umag, Opatija and Biograd to Trogir. 102 U jednom trenu, još dan-danas ne znam tko nas je točno na to nagovorio, ali znam da smo lakovjerno povjerovali da bi sve trebalo dovesti u pitanje. Važno je napomenuti da pamtim kako o toj ideji nismo dobro i trezveno razmislili. Dapače, ne da nismo razmislili, bezglavo smo ušli u čudno stanje euforije i vrijeme kada smo sa zadovoljstvom, neviđenim žarom i lakonskom argumentacijom o sve potrebnoj tranziciji, promjeni, porušili i uništili sve što smo dugo stvarali. Bilo je to vrijeme aktivne i nezaustavljive agresije nad svime. Argumentacija je bila snažno zavodljiva, za mnoge slučajeve, mjesta, i ljude uvjerljivo ubojita. Poput kakve lake turbo-folk pjesme, ritam teza o drugačijem turizmu uvukao se svima pod kožu. Perverzna zavodljivost “provjerenih” turističkih standarda, svjetskih iskustava, te boljeg života koji sigurno dolazi u paketu sa zvjezdanom kategorizacijom svima su zamutili bistar pogled. Ta lakovjerna ponuda, savjetnički uvjerljivo trebala nas je uvesti u stanje sigurnog turističkog blagostanja, mjesto gdje smo, eto svi “oduvijek pripadali”. Svima su usta bila puna nekih tuđih znanja, procjena i iskustava koja iskreno nitko nije provjerio, razumio, a još manje točno znao što su i kamo nas vode. Niti jednog jedinog trenutka nismo staloženo sagledali svoja vlastita iskustva, osvrnuli se na svoje dosege i ažurirali nakupljeno znanje koje se godinama taložilo. stručnosti bila toliko jasna da bi trebalo nastaviti na vlastitim, već izgrađenim temeljima, stvari bi samo jednostavno zapele i stale. Nemoguće bi bilo išta pokrenuti. Argument uvijek i predvidivo isti. Standardi, norme, pravila ili trendovi u današnjem svjetskom turizmu ne mogu se uklapati u postojeće okvire. Razbacivalo se građevinskom argumentacijom o optimalnoj veličini i cijeni hotela po sobi. Znanstveno se elaboriralo o potrebnom, očekivanom, idealnom broju noćenja, broju ljudi, broju soba, broju brojeva. Konzultantski se uvjerljivo dokazivalo veličinu ulaganja, vrijeme vraćanja, te pripadajuće pluseve i minuse. Sve bi se to na kraju serviralo i ukrasilo marketinškom demagogijom, preciznom instant manipulacijom koja obavezno ide u ovom paklenozavodljivom paketu. Uspjeli smo sami sebe uvjeriti da se ova nametnuta, tuđa istina dešava upravo nama na našem “Mediteranu kakav je nekad bio”. U tim trenucima sad već zabrinjavajuće i bespomoćne nevjerice, svjedočili smo prepoznatljivom nizu argumentiranih i demagoški neoborivih teza o sreći turizma koja nam se jasno i otvoreno nudi, a mi je eto jednostavno nećemo i ne želimo prihvatiti. I na kraju, posljednja faza. U slučajevima daljnjeg argumentiranog definiranja vlastitog, i logičnog puta razvoja, te neprihvaćanja ovakvih teze nastao bi tajac, muk, nedešavanje, pasivno agresivni interval. Pasivno agresivno stanje koje bi trošilo sve oko sebe, energiju, ljude, mogući posao, rad, a na kraju vrijeme i konkretnu kuću. Dobro i unaprijed planirano stanje, određeno isprojektirano vrijeme za učinkovitu i djelotvornu pasivnu agresiju, devastaciju konkretne what it was about or where it would lead us. We didn’t take a single moment to calmly reflect on our own experiences, take a look at our own achievements and systematize the layers of accumulated knowledge which we had been piling up for years. Sometimes, in some rare, exceptional cases, when expert opinion was very clear on the fact that we should keep building up on our own existing foundations, things would just grind to a halt. It was impossible to get anything going. The argument was always, predictably, the same. Standards, norms, rules or trends in today’s world of tourism can’t be made to fit within the existing framework. Architectural arguments on the optimal size and the per-room price of hotels were also employed in abundance. Scientific elaborations were made on the required, expected and ideal number of bookings, ideal number of customers, number of rooms, number of numbers. The scope of investment, return periods and the accompanying pros and cons were demonstrated with a consultant’s persuasiveness. In the end, it would all be presented adorned with heavy marketing demagogy, targeted instant manipulation which goes with any such devilishlyenticing deal. We managed to convince ourselves that this forced, foreign truth is happening to us in our “Mediterranean as it once was”. In those moments of an ever more worrying and helpless disbelief, we witnessed the characteristic series of well presented and “irrefutable” demagogic claims of happiness through tourism offering itself to us openly, while we stubbornly refuse to accept it for no good reason. The text was originally published on Idis Turato’s blog at: 105 Tekst je izvorno objavljen na blogu Idisa Turata: In the end, there was the final phase. Further attempts of defining a solid and logical progress path for ourselves and not accepting the theses we were being provided with would result in silence, a quiet, a passive-aggressive interval, not an action but inaction. The passiveaggressive state which would take its toll on everything around us – energy, people, potential work done, labour, and ultimately, time and any particular house. A solid and accounted for state, a well defined time frame for effective passive aggression, the devastation of a particular house, falling apart and dissipating in its own neglect. All of this could be the subsumed under the final argument of the consultants for an inevitable, new project. It was easy prey and a final argument for tearing down, legalization and investment, the demagogue’s terms we hear so often lately. Like an abandoned ship, an unworked field, an untended orchard, an abandoned child, things and houses quickly waste away. They die in the end. So too has the Sljeme motel near Opatija, the work of the architect Ivan Vitić, wasted away forever. 104 kuće, koja se urušava, i nestaje u vlastitoj nebrizi. Konačni argument konzultanata za neizbježan, novi projekt. Lak plijen i konačni argument za rušenje, legalizaciju, i investiciju, demagoške termine koje često slušamo u posljednje vrijeme. Poput napuštenog broda, nepokošenog polja, neobrađenog voćnjaka, napuštenog djeteta, stvari i kuće brzo propadaju. Na kraju umiru. Tako je umro i zauvijek propao motel Sljeme pored Opatije arhitekta Ivana Vitića. Levan Asabashvili arhitekt / architect, UrbanReactor, Tbilisi, Gruzija / Georgia 107 106 U postsovjetskim i postsocijalističkim zemljama, izgrađeni prostori iz razdoblja Moderne, svojom unutarnjom logikom raspolaganja zemljištem, funkcionalnošću, prostornom organizacijom, odnosom prema materijalu i estetskim kvalitetama – u svojoj cjelovitosti, artefakti su kulture planiranja koju je pokretao društveni ideal. Svjedoci su to političke ekonomije koja je imala drugačije temelje i aspiracije od ove današnje. Utoliko su ovi prostori materijalizirani napori nekadašnjih ideala. To je činjenica, bez obzira na to koliko se ti ideali činili naivnima, nezrelima ili netočnima iz današnje kritičke perspektive. Upravo zahvaljujući spomenutim osobinama, ti se prostori danas ne uklapaju u trenutačnu logiku proizvodnje prostora. U svojoj cjelovitosti, oni su abnormalne greške u urbanističkoj imaginaciji novih upravitelja, developera i poduzetnika. Upravo zato, svjesno ili nesvjesno, oni su meta napada, na svaki mogući način. U svojoj knjizi “Doktrina šoka” Naomi Klein opisuje važnost očuvanja kolektivnog sjećanja iz razloga učinkovitog otpora šok terapiji slobodnog tržišta i njegovim posljedicama. Izgrađeni prostori iz razdoblja moderne strukturni su okviri koji čine neizostavni dio našeg kolektivnog sjećanja, a njihovo uništenje znači nestajanje ovih struktura i gubitak epistemološki različitog prostornog znanja. Zbog svega navedenog, pitanje njihove adekvatne evaluacije i zaštite, prvenstveno je političko pitanje. In post-Soviet and post-Socialist countries, Modernist-built spaces, with their intrinsic land-use patterns, functionality, spatial organization, modes of material assemblage and aesthetic qualities – are, in their entirety, the artefacts of a planning culture with a social ideal as its generative core. They are the witnesses of a political economy with different foundations and aspirations than that of today. These spaces are materialized efforts of past ideals. It is a fact, regardless of how plain, immature or inaccurate these ideals and efforts could seem to the critical observer retrospectively. Due to these properties, such spaces turn out to be inadmissible in the current logic of the production of space. In their entirety, they are abnormal errors in the urban imagination of the new administrators, real estate developers and entrepreneurs. That is why, consciously or unconsciously, they are the objects of attack in every possible way. In her book “The Shock Doctrine”, Naomi Klein described the importance of retaining collective memory in order to achieve effective resistance to the free-market shock therapy and its consequences. Since Modernist-built spaces are the framing structures of a substantial part of our collective memory, their destruction implies the disappearance of these structures and the loss of spatial knowledge with a different epistemological background. Therefore, the question of their adequate evaluation and protection is primarily a political affair. Ruben Arevshatyan The problem of preservation of the late modernist architecture in the post socialist societies year after year is becoming more and more urgent issue. Brilliant examples of the modernist architecture from 1960s up to 80s that are being destroyed or corrupted beyond recognition in the neoliberal reality within this past decade gave a ground for the active public discourses around various subjects like public space, history rereading and in fine reconsideration of the aesthetics of those buildings. One of the key subjects of those discourses is the focus on the philosophical aspect of that architecture that was deriving from particular ideological principles as well as the specific sociopolitical, economical and cultural setups specific for each context. And one thing is clear that the philosophy of that architecture is diametrically opposing to the philosophy of neoliberal architecture. So it makes clear that the problems related to that architecture are going beyond just the question of preservation of cultural heritage but through that architecture it’s possible to address once again to the pure concepts of other forms of social organization and to understand the logic of transformative processes of the collective consciousness in the neoliberal context. 109 Iz godine u godinu, problem očuvanja kasne moderne arhitekture bivših socijalističkih zemalja postaje sve hitnijim. Blistavi primjerci moderne umjetnosti iz razdoblja od 1960ih do 1980ih, koji bivaju uništeni ili korumpirani do neprepoznatljivosti u neoliberalnom društvu zadnjeg desetljeća, pružili su temelj za razvoj aktivnih javnih diskurza vezanih uz razne teme poput javnog prostora, ponovnog iščitavanja povijesti te temeljitog preispitivanja estetike tih građevina. Jedna od ključnih tema tog diskurza jest fokus na filozofski aspekt spomenute arhitekture koja je potekla kako iz određenih ideoloških principa tako i iz specifičnih socio-političkih, ekonomskih i kulturnih uređenja karakterističnih za svaki pojedini kontekst. Jedna stvar je jasna – filozofija te arhitekture dijametralno je suprotna filozofiji neoliberalne arhitekture. Stoga je evidentno kako problemi vezani uz tu arhitekturu sežu dalje od samog pitanja očuvanja kulturnog naslijeđa. Kroz navedenu arhitekturu moguće je iznova pristupiti čistim konceptima drugih oblika društvene organizacije te razumjeti logiku transformativnih procesa kolektivne svijesti unutar neoliberalnog konteksta. 108 umjetnik, likovni kritičar i neovisni kustos / artist, art critic and independent curator Erevan, Armenija / Yerevan, Armenia Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair 111 110 urednica knjige “The Great Moscow, that never was”, umjetnica, ko-kustosica izložbe “Sovjetski modernizam 1955-1991. Nepoznate priče”, Beč, Austrija / editor of the book “The Great Moscow, that never was”, artist, co-curator of the exhibition “Soviet Modernism 1955-1991. Unknown Stories”, Vienna, Austria: Vjerojatno zbog svoje usmjerenosti ka funkcionalizmu i svoje asketske estetike, moderna umjetnost se generalno još uvijek bori da bude prihvaćena kao “punopravna” umjetnost, kako od strane šire javnosti tako i povremeno od strane stručnjaka. Često se zaboravlja kako su najbolji primjerci ove arhitekture bili proizvod istaknutih kreativnih – kako kolektivnih tako i individualnih – te povremeno golemih financijskih resursa. Konstruirane za očekivani životni vijek od oko pedeset godina, ove građevine hitno trebaju stručan pristup i zaštitu. Nemoguće je, a također i nepotrebno, očuvati cjelokupno moderno naslijeđe. Međutim, gubitak njegovih istaknutih primjeraka bilo bi nemoguće nadomjestiti. Probably because of its orientation to functionalism and its ascetic aesthetics the modernist architecture in general is still struggling for its acceptance as “fullfledged” art by the wider public as well as now and then by the authorities. One forgets that quite often, that in its best examples this architecture was a product of distinguished creative – collective and individual – and sometimes immense financial resources. Constructed for the expected useful life of around 50 years these buildings urgently need a competent handling and protection. It´s not possible and also not necessary to save the whole modernist heritage. A loss of the prominent examples would be irreplaceable. Maroje Mrduljaš arhitekt, teoretičar arhitekture / architect, architectural theoretician, Zagreb, Hrvatska / Croatia a motel u Biogradu je preoblikovan do neprepoznatljivosti. 113 The series of motels by Ivan Vitić along the Adriatic Highway: in the close proximity of Rijeka, Biograd and Trogir there are unique examples of a specific tourism typography, products of urbanization processes pertaining to the Adriatic coast spurred by the development of mass tourism which started in the first half of the 1960s. A concise and consistent architectural language of these motels is consistent with some of the other great works by Vitić: the residential block in Laginjina Street in Zagreb or the former military barracks of the Yugoslav People’s Army in Šibenik and Komiža, with which it shares a Mondrian-inspired approach to facade composition. The rapport with the context, evident in Vitić’s use of stone, links the motels to his earlier works such as the Pioneer Town in Zagreb. In the context of the author’s opus, the motels in the series stand out as harmoniously composed micro-zone ensembles which include accommodation facilities in units separate from the main building. Each ensemble is constructed in accordance with the local features of the plots and the surrounding topography. In the Trogir case, the flat terrain steered Vitić towards a particularly precise composition of cubic and elongated forms, by which he achieved an outstanding balance between the forms and the space between them. The disposition of the accommodation facilities, whereby they alternate between “full” and “empty” in an identical rhythm, is particularly Serija Vitićevih motela vrhunski je primjer visokomodernističke arhitekture u Hrvatskoj (za motel u Rijeci Vitić je i nagrađen prvom nagradom novina Borba što je u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji bilo najprestižnije arhitektonsko priznanje) koji zaslužuje i internacionalnu valorizaciju, a svakako i prikladnu obnovu koja će biti što bliža izvornom projektu. 112 Serija motela Ivana Vitića uz jadransku magistralu: pored Rijeke, Biograda i Trogira jedinstveni su primjeri specifične turističke tipologije i rezultat su procesa urbanizacije jadranske obale pokrenutih razvojem masovnog turizma započevši od prve polovice 1960-ih. Sažet i konzistentan arhitektonski jezik motela sukladan je nekima od drugih najboljih Vitićevih projekata: stambenom bloku u Laginjinoj ulici u Zagrebu ili pak bivšim Domovima JNA u Šibeniku i u Komiži s kojima dijeli “mondrianovski“ pristup kompozicijama pročelja. Također, razgovor s kontekstom, čitljiv u korištenju kamena povezuje motele i sa ranijim radovima poput Pionirskog grada u Zagrebu. U opusu Ivana Vitića serija motela se ističu kao skladno komponirani mikrourbanistički ansambli koji uz centralnu zgradu uključuju i smještajne kapacitete u zasebnim volumenima-jedinicama. Svaki ansambl složen je lokalnim datostima parcela i topografiji. U slučaju Trogira, ravan teren usmjerio je Vitića prema vrlo preciznoj kompoziciji kubičnih i izduženih volumena gdje je postignut izvrstan balans između volumena i prostora između. Naročito dojmljiva dispozicija smještajnih jedinica u kojima se u identičnom ritmu izmjenjuju “puno“ i “prazno“. Organizacija svih prostora uzoran je primjer ekonomičnosti ali i zanimljivih prostornih međuodnosa u interijeru, kao i prijelaznih prostora između unutarnjeg i javnog poput galerija i natkrivenih prolaza. Nažalost, moteli u Rijeci i Trogiru prepušteni su propadanju, striking. The organization of all of the spaces is exemplary of economic design, but also of interesting interior spatial interrelationships, as well as of transitional spaces between the interior and exterior, such as galleries and covered passages. Unfortunately, motels in Rijeka and Trogir are left to decay, while the one in Biograd has been transformed beyond recognition. The series of Ivan Vitić’s motels is a prime example of High Modernist architecture in Croatia that deserves international evaluation, and certainly adequate reconstruction that will be as close as possible to the original design (for the motel in Rijeka, Vitić was awarded first prize by the newspaper Borba – in socialist Yugoslavia this was the most prestigious architectural award). Silva Kalčić 115 114 povjesničarka umjetnosti / art historian, Zagreb, Hrvatska / Croatia Ivan Vitić je autor ikoničkih arhitektonskih djela hrvatske moderne koji su način brandiranja i vizualne prepoznatljivosti hrvatske kulture. Posljednjih godina prepoznaje se značaj suvremene konceptualne i umjetnosti performansa, kao i kompjuterski generirane i umjetnosti u javnom prostoru koji Hrvatsku stavljaju u poziciju progresivne i inovativne sredine te umjetničkog centra, a ne provincije, od polovice 20. stoljeća. Sličnu bi potenciranu valorizaciju, koja bi bila dijelom kulturne i znanstvene politike te ekonomske (turističke) strategije zemlje, trebala imati moderna hrvatska arhitektura. Razvremenjenjem, zatvaranjem te gubitkom izvorne namjene tih objekata načinjenih od modernih materijala i tehnologijom, Vitićevi su objekti najčešće u stanju devastacije – zapuštanjem ili radikalnom adaptacijom, za što je primjer proširenje maksimirskog stadiona. Projekt motela u Trogiru je izvanredan primjer vernakularne interpretacije (u skladu s autohtonim okolišem i uz korištenje lokanog materijala a to je na kraju svakako kamen), Internacionalnog stila, istodobne s doktrinom racionalizma Ernesta Nathana Rogersa. Kulturni centar u Komiži Ivana Vitića je ove godine obnovljen nakon uspješno provedene akcije pod nazivom “Tisuću pixela za Vitića” pokrenute od strane Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata, nakladnika monografskog izdanja znanstvenostručnog časopisa “Arhitektura“ posvećenog ovom autoru (monografija, Ivan Vitić is the author of some of the iconic architectural works of Croatian Modernist architecture which are a Croatian cultural brand, as well as a part of its visual recognizability. In the second half of the 20th century, the importance of contemporary conceptual and performance art, as well as computergenerated and public space art, has turned Croatia from a backwater in these matters into a progressive and innovative artistic environment. A similar drive for recognition as a part of cultural and scientific policies, as well the national economic (tourism) strategy, should also be enabled in Croatian architecture. Being aesthetically denounced as a symbol of their time, closed down and having lost their intended function, Vitić’s buildings are most often in a state of devastation – caused either by neglect or radical adaptation, an example of which would be the expansion of the Maksimir stadium. The Trogir motel project is an outstanding example of vernacular interpretation (in accordance with the natural surroundings and with the use of local materials, which means stone in a karst environment), the International Style and the application of Ernest Nathan Rogers’ rationalist doctrine. The Komiža Cultural Center by Ivan Vitić has been restored this year after a successful action called “A Thousand Pixels for Vitić” run by the Croatian Architects Association, the Vitićev motel u Trogiru za lokalnu je sredinu jednako važan dio identiteta kao i srednjevjekovni i renesansni spomenici. publisher of the monograph issue of the interdisciplinary magazine “Architecture” dedicated to the author (the monograph, of which I was Executive Editor, was published in December 2006). However, private donations cannot be the only source of funding for the restoration of Modernist monuments, most of which are in a state of intense decay due to dilapidation and vandalism. Vitić’s motel in Trogir is important to the local society and a part of its identity as much as the medieval or renaissance monuments are. 116 čiji sam bila izvršni urednik, objavljena je u prosincu 2006. godine). No privatne donacije ne mogu biti jedini način obnove spomenika moderne, u stanju intenzivnog propadanja uslijed delapidacije i vandalizma. Motel Trogir, detalj, foto: Marko Salapura (2013) Motel Trogir, detail, photo by Marko Salapura (2013) 119 118 Motel trogir: it is not future that always comes after Citizens’ campaign for the protection of the architecture of Socialist Modernism The case of MOTEL TROGIR, Croatia 121 120 As one of the partners in the international collaborative project SPACES (20122014), funded by the EU through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme, slobodne veze / loose associations took part in a three-year endeavour of joining artists and activist communities from Tbilisi, Yerevan, Kyiv and Chisinau, in order to support their efforts at defending public goods, especially focusing on the public space problematics. In 2012, during the first SPACES public space programme in Tbilisi, the local architects’ collective Urban Reactor presented the DOCOMOMO initiative (a non-profit organization devoted to the documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modernist movement) in relation to their own activities in the local context. Since then, there has been intense collaboration and exchange between loose associations and several organizations and individuals dealing with the research of Soviet Modernism in architecture; this was also, to a great extent, the topic of the second SPACES programme “Public Talks” in Yerevan. Soon after, loose associations / slobodne veze, with a group of local experts and activists, started the campaign for the protection of MOTEL TROGIR in southern Croatia, very much developed in relation to the SPACES project protagonists’ actions, whose texts in support of the campaign are featured in this publication. At the beginning of 2013, a group of citizens gathered around the slobodne veze / loose associations platform started the campaign for formal protection of the Motel as part of the architectural heritage. At the end of 2013, wide international support and significant media coverage, along with numerous activities in the course of the campaign, led to the entry of the Motel in the Registry of Protected Cultural Goods kept by the Croatian Ministry of Culture. However, this was just a first step towards actual protection of this building. As a part of the protection campaign, extensive research was done in collaboration with several experts from the University of Rijeka and the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, along with the launch of international exchange. This bilingual booklet contains several texts sharing the experience of the citizens’ campaign for the protection of mid-20th century Modernism in Croatia, emphasizing the role of active citizenship in dealing with the questions of spatial politics. As part of the campaign, in December 2014, public space interventions will be initiated in the city of Trogir, under the title MOTEL TROGIR: IT IS NOT FUTURE THAT ALWAYS COMES AFTER. This publication will be widely disseminated in Croatia and internationally. Izvori / Sources: Tekst Melite Čavlović / Melita Čavlović’s text: ***(1965.), Jadranska magistrala, Rijeka-Split-Dubrovnik, Zajednica poduzeća za ceste SRH-Zagreb ***(1965.), Turističke novine, Organ turističkog saveza Jugoslavije, XIII (369), Zagreb *** (1967.), Katalog AB Vitić, Zagreb *** (1967.), “Sljeme“ List radnog kolektiva poljoprivredno-industrijskog kombinata Sljeme-Zagreb, V(3;8), Zagreb Duda, I. (2005.), U potrazi za blagostanjem, O povijesti dokolice i potrošačkog društva u Hrvatskoj 1950-tih i 1960-tih, Srednja Europa, Zagreb Geić, S. (1982.), Društveno ekonomske komponente razvoja turizma na području Trogira, Muzej grada, Trogir 123 122 Juras I., Uchytil, A., Štulhofer, A. (2007.), Arhitekt Ivan Vitić, Acta Architectonica, Atlas arhitekture – Arhiv arhitekta 6, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb Ilustracije uz tekst Melite Čavlović / Images credits, in the text by Melita Čavlović: *** (1967.), “Sljeme“ List radnog kolektiva poljoprivredno-industrijskog kombinata Sljeme-Zagreb, 8: 7 *** (1967.), Katalog AB Vitić, Zagreb: 7 (***1968.), The Blue Adriatic, [ur. Zdunić, D.], “Spektar“, Agencija za fotodokumentaciju, Zagreb ***(1965.), Jadranska magistrala, Rijeka-Split-Dubrovnik, Zajednica poduzeća za ceste SRH-Zagreb: 112 *** (1967.), Katalog AB Vitić, Zagreb: 8 Delalle, I. (1983.), Trogir i okolica, Turistkomerc, Zagreb Osobni arhiv autorice KOLOR FOTOGRAFIJE / COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHS FEATURED IN THE PUBLICATION, CREDITS: Duška Boban (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) Iris Meder (5) Marko Salapura (12) IMPRESSUM MOTEL TROGIR: Nije uvijek budućnost to što dolazi MOTEL TROGIR: it is not future that always comes after 125 124 2014 Izdavač / PUBLISHER: Fotografije / Photographs: Slobodne veze/Loose Associations, contemporary art practices Zagreb Duška Boban Iris Meder Igor Duda Petra Vidović Marina Slunjski Saša Šimpraga Ludwig Kittinger Lidija Butković Mićin arhivske fotografije Internet stranica / Web page: Kontakt / Contact maii: [email protected] Motel TROGIR tim / TEAM: naslovna fotografija / cover photo: Nataša Bodrožić Lidija Butković Mićin Diana Magdić Saša Šimpraga Duška Boban Urednici / Editors: Prijevod / Translation: DIZAJN / Design: Rafaela Dražić Nataša Bodrožić & Saša Šimpraga Ena Prokić Prilozi / Contributors: Korektura / Proofreading: Melita Čavlović Lidija Butković Mićin Sandra Uskoković Saša Šimpraga Nataša Bodrožić Levan Asabashvili Ruben Arevshatyan Maroje Mrduljaš Silva Kalčić Idis Turato Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair Lidija Butković Mićin This publication has been made with the support of: Zahvale / Acknowledgements: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia The European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme/SPACES project 127 126 This publication reflects the views of the authors only. The European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Ruben Arevshatyan Levan Asabashvili Tamara Bjažić Klarin Duška Boban Jelena Botteri Lana Bunjevac Melita Čavlović Rafaela Dražić Igor Duda Tadej Glažar Ana Marija Ganza Habjan Krunoslav Ivanišin Tvrtko Jakovina Silva Kalčić Ira Karlović Ana Kršinić Lozica David Kabalin Miroslav Katić (KO Trogir) Ludwig Kittinger Luka Korlaet Jelena Kulušić Tihana Ladović Dubravko Lončarić Marina Majić Ivana Meštrov Iris Meder Niko Mihaljević Maroje Mrduljaš Luka Ostojić Paola Stegić Marko Salapura Ekatarina Shapiro-Obermair Marina Slunjski Danijela Stanojević Dolores Špika Ana Šverko Idis Turato Sandra Uskoković Petra Vidović Ivan Zaninović Michael Zinganel Grad Zagreb Grad Trogir HRT Grad mladih Društvo Radovan / Muzej grada Trogira (Dunja Babić, Danka Radić) Ministarstvo kulture RH