Fiestas Vocabulary Mini Lesson


Fiestas Vocabulary Mini Lesson
Spanish for You! Fiestas © 2011
Lección 1
La fiesta de cumpleaños
(The Birthday Party)
la canción (the song)
la música (the music)
el cumpleañero
la piñata (the piñata)
la comida (the food)
los refrescos
(the drinks)
(the games)
la vela (the candle)
el pastel (the cake)
el regalo (the gift)
los caramelos
(the birthday person)
Mandatos (These are things we tell a person to do.)
canta = sing habla = talk abre = open
los amigos
(the friends)
los juegos
(the candy)
come = eat
Learning Your New Vocabulary
• Make flashcards for your new vocabulario and mandatos above. See
Making Flashcards page for ideas on how to do this.
• Choose an activity from the Practicing Flashcards page to begin learning
your new words.
Spanish for You! Fiestas © 2011
Using Your New Vocabulary
• Listen to these sentences as you read along. Pretend to do what you hear.
Or pause the audio after each sentence and quickly draw a picture to show
what you hear or say what it means.
(con = with)
•Abre el regalo.
•Canta la canción.
•Come la comida.
•Abre la piñata.
•Habla con los amigos.
•Canta con la música.
•Canta Feliz Cumpleaños.
•Canta con los amigos.
•Abre los regalos.
•¡Come el pastel!
(Open the present.)
(Sing the song.)
(Eat the food.)
(Open the piñata.)
(Talk with the friends.)
(Sing with the music.)
(Sing Happy Birthday.)
• Now listen to the vocabulary words you hear. See if you can say them in
English or lay out your flashcards and point to what each one is.
• Now listen to the vocabulary words you hear in English. See if you can say
them in Spanish.
• Now listen to the vocabulary words in Spanish. Write them in Spanish and
then check your spelling. See if you spelled them correctly.
Interactive Use of Vocabulary: See Curriculum Activities at for instructions for these games/activities.
• Play Memory with someone or by yourself.
• Do the Listen and Draw Activity.
• Play any other game or activity from the Curriculum Activities.
• Have fun!!
Master what you have learned.
As you follow the lesson guide you will do the self-checking worksheets for
your grade level for this new vocabulary. The worksheets for these 2
pages come with a purchase of the Spanish for You! Fiestas package.
Spanish for You! Fiestas © 2011
Making Flashcards
You can make your flashcards in different ways:
•Write the Spanish word on one side and the English on the back.
•Write the Spanish word on one side and draw or glue a picture on the back.
•Use your computer to make cool flashcards!
•Use a website that makes flashcards.
Practice ideas for flashcards
•Look at the Spanish word and guess the English word.
•Look at the English word and guess the Spanish word.
•Look at the English word and write the Spanish word.
•Look at the Spanish word and draw a picture of it.
•Quiz and time yourself. See how many you get in a certain amount of time.
•Have someone quiz you.
•Be the teacher and teach the words to someone.
•Challenge someone to see who can guess the most or the fastest.
•See if you can make sentences by putting flashcards together.
•Play charades with someone.
•Play "Spanictionary" – one person reads a flashcard, then draws it while the
other person tries to guess before a timer goes off.
•Play Hangman by laying out a group of new flashcards. Have someone
choose a word and write blanks for each letter of the word. You guess the
letters and see if you can beat the hangman.
Instructions for the games suggested can be found at, Curriculum Activities.