P_01_SR_MAR_07 [Converted]


P_01_SR_MAR_07 [Converted]
Schattenbaum Region ~ Porsche Club of America
Schatten Rappen'
A Hot August Night at Hooters
The highest SPF available for your Porsche.
Protect yourself from an ordinary driving experience.
Another day at the beach just got a lot more interesting.
At Princeton Porsche, we’ve got you covered.
Princeton Porsche
3333 Route 1 South
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
President: Dave Kalokitis
Ph: 973-986-5448
email: [email protected]
Vice President: John Beidler
Ph: 609-309-5113
email:[email protected]
Treasurer: Jon Schepps
Ph: 609-275-9439
email: [email protected]
In This Issue
Monthly Meeting Topics……………………………………………………..
A Call for Club Race Volunteers…………………………………………...
Schattenbaum’s Effort to Save a Tree…………………………………….
Annual Summer Picnic………………………………………………………
2009 Track Event Information……………………………………………...
Thunderbolt DE………………………………...………………………………
Section Chairs
Dealer Relations: Dan Petchel
Ph: 609-298-2277
email: [email protected]
On the Cover
Secretary: Todd Simpson
Ph: 856-577-6337
email: [email protected]
Leadership Directory…………………………………………………………. 3
Club Calendar………………………………………………………………….. 5
President’s Corner…………………………………………………………….. 6
From the Editor’s Desk………………………………………………………. 6
Petch Sez: Hi to the Family Back Home.…………………………………… 8
Swap n’ Sell…………………………………………………………………….. 13
Concours: Robert Henuset
Ph: 215-369-8067
email: [email protected]
Schatten Rappen'
Schattenbaum Region ~ Porsche Club of America
Drivers Education Chief Instructor: Pete
Ph: 609-221-3854
email: [email protected]
Drivers Education Registrar: Pete Debusmann
Ph: 609-714-9049
email: [email protected]
Goodie Store: John Beidler
Ph: 609-309-5113
email: [email protected]
Mailings / Distribution: Dan Merton
Ph: (use email)
email: [email protected]
Membership: Bobby Chopra
Ph: 609-439-9099
email: [email protected]
Newsletter Editor: Dan Merton
Ph: (use email)
email: [email protected]
Programs & Administration: John Beidler
Ph: 609-309-5113
email: [email protected]
Social Events: Claudia Debusmann
Ph: 609-714-9049
email: [email protected]
Tech Support: Dave Kalokitis
Ph: 973-986-5448
email: [email protected]
Tourmaster: David Dunigan
Ph: 609-472-4311
email: [email protected]
Track Chair: Dan Petchel
Ph: 609-298-2277
email: [email protected]
Track Safety: Kevin Marcus
Ph: 856-692-2083
email: [email protected]
Webmaster: Rob Cohen
Ph: (use email)
email: [email protected]
Schattenbaum Secretary Todd Simpson drove his vintage 911 at Thunderbolt Raceway
during the Club’s DE in July. See more photos from the July DE event on page 11.
Photo by Henry Merton
Schatten Rappen’ is the official newsletter of the Schattenbaum Region of the Porsche
Club of America (“the Club”). Articles published herein are the opinions of the authors and
not necessarily of the Club. The Editor reserves the right to edit all materials prior to
publication. The Club, its officers, contributors and the Editor do not accept legal
responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made in this publication.
Porsche®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG.
Schatten Rappen’ is published monthly (Jan. – Nov.). The deadline for submissions is the
1 of the preceding month. Please contact the Editor for advertising rates. Advertisements
in this newsletter do not constitute an endorsement by the Club or its officers.
Copyright© 2009 by Schattenbaum Region, PCA
August Meeting Topic:
Cruise Night
WHAT: Monthly Meeting
WHEN: Wed. Aug.19th 6:30 PM
WHERE: Washington Crossing Park / Hooters
Come join us at for a summer cruise from Washington Crossing Park on
the Delaware River to Hooters in Mercer Mall. We’ll enjoy a short, but scenic
ride along the back roads of Mercer County to end up at Hooters for wings
and a beverage. Wash the car, grab your sweetie and join us! We’ll meet in
the parking lot of Washington Crossing Park at 6:30pm.
Directions to Washington Crossing Park:
From 295: Take the Scotch road exit past Merrill Lynch to RT.546. At the
light take a left and go to the 2 light. Go straight through the light, cross
over the canal bridge and veer right. The parking lot is on the left.
From RT.29 North: At the light at the junction of RT.546 turn left cross over
canal bridge and veer right. The parking lot is on the left.
For more info or if you get lost that night call John Beidler’s cell phone:
Editor’s note: The vintage postcards shown here indicate the importance of
the automobile in the early 20 century.
Left: “You won’t go too far with me will you?”
Below: A Redwood stump used as a garage.
September Meeting Topic:
Garage Makeovers and Upgrades
WHAT: Monthly Meeting
WHEN: Wed. Sept. 16th @ 6:30pm
WHERE: Bung’s Tavern
Have you ever longed for one of those big
garages with custom cabinets, a flashy painted
floor and other up-grades you see in the
magazines? Are you thinking about renovating
your garage or installing a lift? If so then you
won’t want to miss our September meeting.
Hunter Door Service from Maple Shade
(www.hunterdoor.com) has generously agreed
to sponsor this special event. A Hunter
representative will discuss their products including garage door rebuilds to accommodate vertical lifts and carriage house
doors. We also anticipate having reps from other local garage-specialty vendors including a hydraulic lift installer and a
garage organization company. Several topics will be discussed including floor epoxies, jackshaft openers and cabinetry.
There will be ample time for Q & A's afterward so come prepared to ask the experts about your specific garage situation
or challenges.
As an added plus, Hunter will provide a door prize of a parking assist laser system for one lucky attendee and there
may be more surprises. We’ll gather at 6:30 and the presentations will begin at 7:00. We’ll meet you at Bung’s on
Wednesday September 16 !
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is our tentative calendar of events for 2009. Please
check the website and future issues of Schatten Rappen’ for up-dates.
9 (Sun)
19 (Wed)
28-30 (Fri – Sun)
12 (Sat)
16 (Wed)
28 – 29 (Mon – Tue)
12 (Mon)
18 (Sun)
7 – 8 (Sat – Sun)
18 (Wed)
5 (Sat)
Event (* monthly meeting)
Family Picnic
* Cruise night
Club Race/Advanced DE
Mercer Park
? Hooters, Lawrenceville
Tech Event
* Garage Up-dates and Modifications
Watkins Glen
*Slide night
Lightning / Thunderbolt
Holiday Party
Come join the fun!
Volunteer for our 2nd annual Club Race @ NJMP on September 28-30
How would you like to see some great Porsche Racing up close at one of the country’s premier racetracks? You’ll also be
able to attend a BBQ on Friday evening and an Awards Banquet Saturday evening sponsored by Princeton Porsche. And
did I mention you get a cool Schattenbaum Club Race Commemorative Polo Shirt and its all free?
Volunteer and you will~
? Watch Porsche Club Racing at Thunderbolt Raceway
? Attend our Awards Banquet, Sponsored By Princeton Porsche
? Receive a complimentary BBQ on Friday night
? Get a Schattenbaum Club Race Polo Shirt
Interested? Contact Michael Griffiths: [email protected]
A Home Within a Home
Well, here we are in the heat (literally) of summer. I
hope by now you’ve logged many miles on your Porsche
and participated in at least a few Club events.
In July, I finally got back on the track at our Drivers Ed
event at Thunderbolt. It felt great to get back up-to-speed
and I was really happy I picked Thunderbolt to drive. I’d
describe it as a South Jersey version of my personal
favorite track - Watkins Glen – the only thing lacking being
the extreme elevation changes we all love.
Since NJMP is so close and doesn’t require a stayover, my son Henry asked if he could join me. Although he
and the rest of my family have attended a few DEs, this
was the first time Henry spent the whole time at a track
event. Once he got past the early morning wake-up call
and the early AM rain delays, he started to enjoy the track
atmosphere and activities. He was particularly surprised at
the number of non-Porsches in attendance. I explained
that “other” car enthusiasts like to drive on the track too.
On our drive home (before he fell asleep) Henry was
already asking when the next track event was scheduled.
You can see Henry’s short story and photos from NJMP
on page 11.
Henry’s involvement in Porsches dates to before I
actually owned one. He and I spent several months
searching for “the right 911” to buy. Many Saturday
mornings I would put three-year old Henry in his car seat,
load the backpack with snacks and juice boxes and off we
would go. His primary concern was that the car we bought
had to have a “whale tail”. Our search took us as far north
as Allentown, PA, as far south as Delaware, west to
Chester County and out the Jersey shore before I finally
found a car practically in Dan Petchel’s neighborhood
(remarkably one that was not owned by Dan!).
I can’t say for sure whether those travels influenced
Henry’s interest in Porsches but I suspect they did. He still
has a keen eye for Porsches – with and without whale
tails. I think I’ve got a young Porsche fanatic on my hands
– and I’m not complaining.
When you slipped with a
wrench and busted your
knuckles, your hands were so
cold, you would not bleed…
By Dave Kalokitis
Many of us spend a lot of time
in our garages. It’s a great place to bond with your car. As
a teenager, I spent all my free time working on cars in
some pretty bad conditions. I had two car buddies, Jeff
and Rick. We worked on everything. Engines,
transmissions, brakes, you name it. Long before the three
of us were old enough to drive, we were working on cars.
Jeff always seemed to find a car that needed work. Jeff’s
parents had a few old cars as their daily drivers and we
always had reason to take them apart.
Working conditions were tough. We seemed to spend all
winter in an unheated garage, in the dark, huddled over a
hot trouble light. When you slipped with a wrench and
busted your knuckles, your hands were so cold, you would
not bleed. Of course when you went in the house and
washed up, the bleeding would start. Seemed like there
was nothing you could do to keep warm.
I got away from working on cars once I started college. I
would still do oil changes and tune ups, but nothing that
forced me into long cold nights in the garage. About 10
years ago, I discovered the Porsche club, the track, and
the car hobby again. My first Porsche, a 1986 944, arrived
with a blown clutch and whole list of repair needs. And it
was winter. I tried an electric heater. It was too small to
make any difference. I tried a kerosene heater - still too
small to make much of a difference.
I have a friend that has a hot tub in his garage. Now to
me, this seems like a waste of space in a perfectly good
garage, but to each his own. I noticed a small heater,
hung from the ceiling. Nice. I learned it was a gas fired
space heater and would warm up the whole garage in
about 30 minutes in the dead of winter. Really nice. It
didn’t take me long to decide this was exactly
what I needed. I installed a similar heater
about 7 years ago. Now I have a home within
a home. This has been the single biggest
improvement I made to my garage working
Why am I telling you this? We are planning
a Club meeting in the near future with the
topic of garage improvements. We expect to
have some guest speakers discussing various
improvements members can do to their
garages. Things like new insulated sectional
doors, tool cabinets and the like. More details
to come.
How are you going to stay warm this winter?
Henry (age 6) in the fall of 2002.
Schattenbaum’s Effort to Save a Tree
As most members know, “Schattenbaum” is
the USPS doesn’t already jam enough junk mail in
German for “Shade Tree” and most trees are green
your mailbox to make you happy) that’s OK- you
right? Well then, it only make sense that
can still opt-in to receive the printed newsletter
Schattenbaum Region PCA should jump on the “Go
(albeit a black-and-white copy and maybe a
Green” movement and do our part to save the
slimmed down version in some cases). Instructions
environment, conserve energy, reduce our carbon
to continue receiving the printed newsletter will be
footprint and generally contribute to a better world.
provided on http://www.schattenbaum.org . Just log
It is with these issues in mind (as well as to save
on and make the request and you’ll continue to
a considerable portion of our limited funds) that the
receive print versions of Schatten Rappen’. An
Board has decided
alternate method
To begin receiving Schatten Rappen’ in COLOR
to transition
of receiving
Schatten Rappen’
printed versions
by email DO NOTHING!
to an electronic
will be
format which will be sent
announced in the June issue.
to our membership via
If you are willing to join
the Club’s Green Initiative
Now hold-on…before
simply DO NOTHING!
you run off to find a pen
We’ve already got your email
and paper to write the
address (assuming you
Editor and / or the rest of
provided one when you
the Board members a nasty
joined PCA or renewed your
complaint letter let’s go
membership) and you will
over a few considerations:
begin receiving the new eIn addition to the
newsletter beginning with
benefits of saving a few
the July ’09 issue.
tress, leaving our
If you need to up-date
grandchildren a better
your email address, or to
planet and reducing the
make sure we have your
cost of publishing the
correct email address, please
newsletter, delivering
log on to www.pca.org and
Schatten Rappen’ to you
update your information
the “my
mail (email) offers a few other important
tab. The Board is encouraging all members to give
advantages that simply cannot be offered to you in
it a try for a few months. If you decide that you
its existing, print format: Namely, we can include
simply cannot live without the printed newsletter
color photographs and graphics and a whole lot
you’ll have the option to go back to receiving
more information without any increase in
printed copies.
publishing costs.
This is an important and potentially highly
Furthermore, those old copies of Schatten
beneficial change in Schattenbaum’s endeavor to
Rappen’ won’t be lying all over your living room
provide it’s membership with cutting-edge
(or behind the toilet) so we’re helping you eliminate
communications. Undoubtedly, just as in all new
clutter and reducing fire hazards too!
ventures, there will be a few hiccups during the
So here is the plan: If you are one of the two or
transition so please be patient.
three members who don’t have an internet
We welcome your ideas to improve either the
connection, email address or even a computer (or
content or delivery of our new e-newsletter.
By Dan Petchel
Hi to my family back home...
We were all waiting for one of the support races to begin
at NJMP Rolex weekend at Thunderbolt. The usual crew
was hanging out in the Porsche Corral located at turn 1
with a large set of stands overlooking the corner. A golf
cart went by with four people aboard and I immediately
recognized the driver. He parked the cart walked into the
After watching the race for awhile a full course caution
came out. To the experienced race fan that means its time
to find another vantage point for a different view of the
action. The guy in the golf cart had the same idea coming
out of the stands jumping into Golf cart. I walked over to
him and stuck out my hand to say what a great driver he is
and I marvel at
his talents. I
asked if this is
the family he
always says Hi
to on TV during
interviews. He
said it was.
Many of you
may not know
much about this
driver so here
is some
Born 1960 in
California he
has competed
Cart, IMSA,
Trans-Am and
Grand-Am. He
and his wife
Judy are
children's book authors. His children's names are Lauren,
Taylor and Cameron.
He started racing go karts at the age of eight and went
on to win ten professional karting championships and has
won three Trans-Am Series Championships. In the 1990s,
he was a regular in the CART series. From 1988 to 1999,
he made 145 starts with two wins, five poles and fifteen
podiums. He is still a regular starter at NASCAR road
course races and he is often referred to as a Road Course
Ringer. Do you know who he is yet?
He has won eight American sports car championships,
two with Grand-Am (2004, 2008), to go along with
previous championships in IMSA GTO (1986, 1988),
Trans-Am Series (1987, 1994, 2003) and IMSA GT
Endurance (1986). His name is Scott Pruett.
I have seen Scott for many years at races, on TV and at
the drivers meeting which I used to crash in the old days.
He asked me what I thought of driving Thunderbolt. I said
it drives a little like a smaller version of Watkins Glen,
point and shoot. He nodded. I asked if this was a good
track for his car. He said yes and the car was very
adjustable. He asked me what kind of car I drive and what
are your lap times. I proceeded to explain. What about
Lightning he asked. I explained that Lightning was very
busy, technical and hard on the body and car with little
chance to rest.
We talked
racing a bit longer
but I could see
that his kids were
getting a little
restless. I told him
that all of my
friends and I were
diehard Porsche
enthusiasts and
fans. He gave a
little smile. I then
told him besides a
great Porsche fan
I was every as
much a Scott
Pruett fan. I
added I wish you
were driving for
us, driving a
Porsche. A quick
handshake and
he drove away.
Besides being a great driver he is equally a great
person. He was more interest in my views, my insight and
me than he was talking about himself. I dare say
something we could all learn in dealing with people.
PS. Next time you see Scott in a TV interview watch how
he squeezes in the “Hi to my family back home”.
What: Family picnic
Where: The covered pavilion in Mercer County Park WEST
When: Sunday August 9th noon – 5pm
This is a free event for members and their guests!
The Club will provide the usual BBQ fare (burgers, dogs and
brats) as well as soft drinks and German beer.
(So we have enough food and drinks!)
PLEASE call or email Claudia: [email protected] or
located alongside
Lake Mercer and
within walking
distance of the
Marina. Feel free to
bring Frisbees and
other outdoor sports /
activities equipment.
There is ample
parking and
For more information please contact Claudia:
[email protected] or 609-714-9049
Directions To Mercer County Park West
North/South via Interstate 295
Take 295 to Exit 65A, Sloan Ave., East on Sloan Ave. After the second traffic light, travel 0.7 miles to Paxson
Ave. Turn left onto Paxson and proceed 0.9 miles to intersection of Hughes Drive and entrance to Mercer County
Park . The West Picnic Area is the first left turn inside the park.
From north via US Route 1
Take US Route 1 South of Princeton to Route 533 ( Quakerbridge Road ). Make right into jug handle crossing over
Route 1 onto Route 533. Travel 2.2 miles and turn left onto Hughes Drive . Proceed on Hughes Drive 0.5 miles to
entrance on Mercer County Park on left. The West Picnic Area is the first left turn inside the park.
From south via US Route 1
Cross Toll Bridge into New Jersey on US Route 1. Take first right past the Quakerbridge Mall onto Quakerbridge
Road . Travel 2.2 miles and turn left onto Hughes Drive . Proceed on Hughes Drive for 0.5 miles to entrance of
Mercer County Park on left. The West Picnic Area is the first left turn inside the park.
April 9-10: Thunderbolt-Lightning @NJMP
May 10-11: Summit Point
June 17-18: Thunderbolt-Lightning @NJMP
July 23: Thunderbolt @NJMP
Aug 28-30*: Thunderbolt @ NJMP Club Race*
Sept 28-29: Watkins Glen
Oct 12: Lightning @ NJMP
Nov 7-8: Lightning-Thunderbolt @NJMP
*Advanced drivers only (non-instructed). See fee schedule.*
--------------------------------------------THESE ARE NOT RACING OR TIMED EVENTS!---------------------------------------------------
Registration for all Schattenbaum Drivers Ed events is performed online
Go to our website for all registration information
Instructed Drivers
Uninstructed Drivers
Approved Instructors
Two-Day Events
Single-Day Events
*Aug. 28-30 DE at
NJMP Club Race
Single Day
Three Days
Requirements: Minimum age 18. Valid driver's license and current PCA card for members. Snell 2000 or newer SA or M rated helmet. Safety
inspection must be completed on all cars prior to event. See Schattenbaum Safety Inspection Checklist form for additional requirements.
Late Registrations: Within one week of the event you must contact the registrar directly via phone or email.
Cancellations: Full refund if registrar is notified at least one week prior to the event.
Contact Info: Registration: Pete Debusmann
[email protected]
Track Chair: Dan Petchel
[email protected]
Tech/Safety: Kevin Marcus
[email protected]
Registration status and Safety Inspection Forms are posted on our website at: www.schattenbaum.org
Entrance into the event is not guaranteed until you receive email confirmation from the registrar.
Porsche Club of America is a private, not-for-profit organization. It reserves the right to deny the acceptance of any Driver's Education application,
or to revoke any application previously accepted, for any reason or no reason, except that it will not deny or revoke a Driver's Education application
solely on the basis of race, creed, color, sex or national origin.
For more information visit the “Drivers Education” section on www.schattenbaum.org.
My First Drivers Ed Event at Thunderbolt / NJMP
By Henry Merton
This was my first DE event at NJMP.
It was really cool. I helped with the Tech
Inspections and learned about the
different Run Groups. I spent most of the
time taking pictures (as you can see here
and on pg. 10) and watching the cars on
track. I didn’t like the cars that were really
loud – like the old Mustang – but I had a
good time and can’t wait to go back to
the track. I’m looking forward to the Club
Race in September.
Editor’s note: Henry is my 13 year old son. Please
consider having your child share their experiences at
Club or other car-related events via an article or with
a few photos.
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For Fast Quotes Call (856) 784-3911 or Fax (856) 784-4848
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Go to www.schattenbaum.org for all the latest updates and news
From safety gear to fittings, suspension components to brakes.
All the resources, equipment and gear you need to go racing – from
autocrossing to the 24 Hours of Le Mans. With over 36,000 square
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Classified ads are free to PCA members. To place an ad please
email the Editor (Dan Merton; [email protected])
Sweet Pea - 1972 911 "RS" Track Car / Street Car Fully sorted and
evolved into an awesome lightweight longhooded performer. Completely
ready to go, it needs nothing but a new driver. Some of it's attributes are
a 3.6 Liter 993 Engine, dual oil coolers, fuel system, recently refreshed
custom 915 gear box with close ratio gear sets, racing clutch assembly,
big brakes, 3 sets of wheels and tires and much, much more. Vehicle is
currently stored and maintained at Performance Automotive in Malvern,
PA. Contact Sherwood Goldman for more details on this proven piece of
SR 8/09 3/3
history. 215.913.2644 / [email protected]
Pankaj T Dayal
[email protected]
1987 944 Turbo- red/black, decent interior, needs some mechanical
work to run, (fuel issue) no rust or body damage, great track car project,
$2850. Ed Wolff [email protected], 856-816-7321, Collingswood
Cars for sale by Dan Petchel
Call: 609.298.7040
87 911 Targa Red/Black reblt motor/G50 Looks& drives new $18,500
92 964 Blue/gray, exhaust, susp., wheels, roll bar, seats, upgrades $26k
87 944 Cup Series Race car. Full cage race car, $500 a day rent, Buy?
99 996 Black Street/Track. Performance upgrades $28,5000
93 RSA Black/Bla 74k miles $38,000.
93 RSA White/Black, one owner near perfect, 114k miles $33K
93 RSA Black/Black, non sunroof, AC, 74k miles $38,000
for all the latest up-dates
and more!
1019 Sycamore Avenue
Laurel Springs, NJ 08021

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