Real Facts - Bank Austria
Real Facts - Bank Austria
APRIL 2007 Real Facts Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia A Practical Guide to Legal and Regulatory Issues Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji Praktični vodnik po zakonih in predpisih B A N K A U S T R I A C R E D I T A N S T A L T R E A L E S T A T E I N F O R M A T I O N S Awards: 2005 and 2006 Bank Austria Creditanstalt has received the “Award for Excellence in International Real Estate in Austria” by Euromoney, The British financial magazine. Imprint: Publisher and copyright holder: Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, 1030 Vienna, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13, 1010 Vienna, Am Hof 2,, e-mail: [email protected] Edited by: Bank Austria Creditanstalt Real Estate department; Bank Austria Creditanstalt Public Relations department Responsible for the content: CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz and CMS Cameron McKenna Printed by: Ueberreuter Graphics: Horvath Grafik Design Publications service: tel.: +43 (0) 505 05, ext. 56148 (answering machine), fax: +43 (0) 505 05, ext. 56945, e-mail: [email protected] April 2007 Disclaimer: Despite careful research and the use of reliable sources, Bank Austria Creditanstalt and CMS cannot assume liability for the completeness or accuracy of the information given herein. This publication does not constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer. 2 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia A Practical Guide to Legal and Regulatory Issues Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 3 Contents Full Range of Real Estate Services................................................................................................................................................................................................5 1. Ownership and Other Issues in Real Estate ........................................................................................................................................................................6 1.1. Parties – Who can own real estate?................................................................................................................................................................................6 1.2. Ownership – What types of ownership are there? .......................................................................................................................................................6 1.3. Landlord and tenancy law – What are the key features?.............................................................................................................................................7 1.4. Restitution claims – What claims can be brought against a real estate owner? ......................................................................................................8 2. Procedure of a Real Estate Transaction................................................................................................................................................................................8 2.1. Procedure – What are the steps in a sale and purchase transaction?........................................................................................................................8 2.2. Other common contract terms – What other provisions does a real estate sale contract commonly contain?....................................................9 2.3. Brokers – What is the broker’s role? ...............................................................................................................................................................................9 2.4. Property under construction – How can the purchaser be protected? .....................................................................................................................10 2.5. Registration and notarisation of real estate – What are the basic requirements? .................................................................................................10 3. Permits, Planning and Environment ..................................................................................................................................................................................12 3.1. Permit – What permits are required for the use and occupation of real estate? ...................................................................................................12 3.2. Zoning and planning law – What are the basic principles? .......................................................................................................................................12 3.3. Environmental – What are the common environmental issues? ..............................................................................................................................13 4. Finance, Taxes and Insurance ..............................................................................................................................................................................................13 4.1. Financing – How is a real estate transaction financed? .............................................................................................................................................13 4.2. Security over real estate – How is security over real estate created and protected? ............................................................................................13 4.3. Taxes – What are they and who pays them?...............................................................................................................................................................14 4.4. Fees – What are they and who pays them? ................................................................................................................................................................15 4.5. Subsidy and promotion – What kind of promotion measures for the purchase or development of real estate are there? .............................15 4.6. Insurance – What insurance will the parties effect and when does the insurance risk pass to the purchaser? ................................................15 Contacts ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 All information is available in Slovenian ........................................................................................................................................................................17 – 30 Your Gate to Central and Eastern Europe..................................................................................................................................................................................31 4 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 Full Range of Real Estate Services Dear entrepreneurs, Bank Austria Creditanstalt is UniCredit Group’s gateway to the East. If you have any questions, our real estate specialists in the Inter- As such, we can offer our customers the largest and densest bank national Real Estate Finance department, Bank Austria Credit- network in Central and Eastern Europe, consisting of more than anstalt’s competence centre for international cross-border 3,000 branches and offices. Some 65,000 employees already customers, and their colleagues at the local network banks will serve 25 million customers in 17 countries in the region. be happy to assist you in reaching the most profitable decisions. As the leading provider of real estate financing in Austria and in We hope that you find this guide helpful and informative! Central and Eastern Europe, Bank Austria Creditanstalt offers you a comprehensive range of real-estate-related services, from proj- Sincerely, ect financing through property valuation all the way to portfolio management. In addition to the nationwide BA-CA sales network in Austria, one of your key benefits as a customer is access to the growth markets of Central, Eastern and South East Europe through our area specialists. In order to provide you with an ideal basis for assessing and Regina Prehofer Reinhard Madlencnik completing cross-border real estate transactions and to give you Head of Corporates Division Bank Austria Creditanstalt Head of Real Estate Bank Austria Creditanstalt a clear overview of the pertinent legal and general conditions in the countries of this region, Bank Austria Creditanstalt has teamed up with one of the most respected law offices in Europe, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, to prepare and regularly update this brochure for you. This guide covers the most important legal regulations governing real estate transactions, and also provides information on acquiring property ownership and on other relevant topics. Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 5 Ownership and Other Issues in Real Estate 1. Ownership and Other Issues in Real Estate Parties – Who can own real estate? 1.1. 1.2.1. Building right According to the provisions of the Slovenian Constitution (Official The Real-Estate Code (OJ RS No. 87/2002) stipulates that, if such Journal of the Republic of Slovenia Nos. 33/91, 42/97, 66/200, a right is established in his favour, the owner of the building can 24/2003, 69/2004) and the Real-Estate Code (OJ RS No. differ from the owner of the land on which the building is situated; 87/2002); the state, municipalities, individuals and legal entities constituting an exception from the superficies solo cedit principle. can acquire and hold title to real estate in Slovenia as well as The duration of this building right is limited to a maximum of limited rights in rem. 99 years. After the expiration of the said period, the ownership of the building is transferred to the owner of the land. Under Slovenian law, limited rights in rem are servitude, mortgage, encumbrance, land-debt and building right. The real estate The party holding the building right has ownership over the of the state and municipalities is divided into two categories: building and the right of usufruct of the land. public property and private property. The land owner is entitled to compensation for granting the 1.1.1. Restrictions relating to land transactions (e.g. purchase by foreigners) building right. To comply with the EU legislation, Article 68 of the Slovene Con- The building right is established with a valid contract pertaining to stitution was changed on 14th of July 1997 in order to allow for- the obligation to establish the building right and containing a per- eign citizens to acquire ownership of real estate in the Republic mission clause followed by registration in the relevant land register. of Slovenia by inheritance or purchase under reciprocity condi- Buildings on land owned by a third party tions and other conditions determined by domestic law and 1.2.2. ratified by international agreements. In accordance with the In Slovenia, buildings may be built on land owned by a third Reciprocity Act (OJ RS No. 9/1999), reciprocity is determined in a party only if the building right is established on such land. special procedure, which results in an administrative decision. Reciprocity is assumed at inheritance. 1.1.2. Acquisition of real estate by foreigners 1.2.3. Condominium ownership (owner-occupied apartments) According to the Real-Estate Code, the condominium owner Following the accession of Slovenia to full EU membership, holds the exclusive ownership of a single real estate unit and (1st co-ownership of the common areas of the building, correspond- of May 2004), EU citizens and legal entities are able to acquire real estate without any restrictions. ing to the size of the unit in question. Owners must conclude a contract determining their mutual relationship. If the building 1.2. Ownership – What types of ownership are there? has more than eight units and more than two condominium owners, a building manager must be appointed. Owners also The following types of ownership exist in Slovenia: have the obligation to participate in the mandatory reserve fund • Condominium ownership; for maintenance and improvement costs. • Co-ownership; • Joint ownership. The owner may freely dispose of his ownership of the single unit only together with the corresponding part of the common 6 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 areas. However, when the building has less than five units and The Housing Act regulates lease agreements for non-profit hous- two or more condominium owners, the other owners have the ing, profit housing, company-leased apartments and purpose- pre-emption right. oriented lease apartments. Each single real estate unit in the building is registered in the Lease agreements can be concluded for an indefinite or definite land register as a separate property and thus represents a sepa- time period. rate property. Unless otherwise provided for in the rent agreement, the lessee 1.2.4. Ownership in fractional undivided shares (”Co-ownership“) may, without listing his reasons, terminate the lease pursuant to a 90-day notice. The lessor may terminate the lease for breach The Real-Estate Code recognises co-ownership, whereby more as specified by the law or reasons provided for in the rent than one person owns the real estate (they hold an ideal share agreement, but with no less than 90-days notice to the lessee. in it, determined as a fraction of the entire property). Co-owners have the right to joint administration of the property. Decisions The rent for profit, company-leased and purpose-oriented housing concerning regular maintenance require the consent of owners, is determined freely. However, there is a limit; namely the rent who constitute more than half of the value of the property, must not exceed the average market rent in the municipality con- while all other operations require the consent of all co-owners. cerned, with respect to the housing category by more than 50 %. Co-owners have the pre-emption right. Revenues from the rent are taxable income to the extent of 60 % The Real-Estate Code also recognises joint ownership of real es- of the rent. tate without the shares of joint owners being determined. In this case, title to the property can only be transferred with the con- The owner of the property must report the lease agreement to sent and participation of all of the title-owners. The same ap- the appropriate tax authority and register the lease agreement plies to use and responsibility for obligations (namely joint and with the administrative unit (within 30 days). several use, joint and several debt). The lessee may sub-lease part of the apartment with a sub-leasAny of the co-owners or joint owners may at any given mo- ing agreement after obtaining the written approval of the prop- ment, except at an inconvenient time, request partition of the erty owner. undivided real estate. The Housing Act determines that change of ownership does not 1.3. Landlord and tenancy law – What are the key features? affect the existing lease agreements. The new landlord enters into the rights and obligations of the lessor. For reasons of Acts regulating this particular field are: greater legal certainty and publicity, the lessee may demand • Obligation Code (OJ RS No. 83/2001); that the lease agreement is entered into the land register. • Commercial Buildings and Business Premises Act (OJ RS Nos. 18/74, 34/88, 32/2000, 102/2002); • Housing Act (OJ RS Nos. 69/2003, 18/2004). The Commercial Buildings and Business Premises Act contains provisions on the lease/rent of commercial buildings and business premises. 1.3.1. Renting apartments/plots The Obligation Code regulates the general terms of lease agree- The lessee may use the business premises only for the purposes ments, stipulating that the lessor is obliged to deliver the partic- determined in the contract. ular object, while the lessee is obliged to pay the rent. During the lease, the lessor is also responsible for maintenance and A lease agreement contracted for an indefinite period terminates repair costs. The lessee must use the object according to the with the expiration of the termination notice, which cannot be lease agreement. shorter than one year. The lease agreement must be terminated through court procedure. Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 7 Procedure of a Real Estate Transaction A lease agreement concluded for a definite time period cannot should have been closed in 2005, but there are still some pend- be terminated before the expiration of the contractual period. ing procedures for restitution of ownership. 1.4. 1.4.1. Restitution claims – What claims can be brought against a real estate owner? Restitution of nationalised property 1.4.2. Restitution Pursuant to the Obligation Code, when an agreement is recognised as null and void or is invalidated, each party shall return to The ownership of the majority of nationalised real estate has al- the other party all gains received on the grounds of the agree- ready been restored to its rightful owners on the basis of the ment. Invalidation can be invoked one year after the party to Denationalisation Act (OJ RS Nos. 27I/1991-I, 31/1993, 49/1997, the agreement has learned of the invalidation reason (relative 87/1997, 65/1998, 67/1998, 66/2000, some issues were further limitation), but no later than three years (absolute limitation) clarified by the Constitutional Court). As planned by the Slove- after the conclusion of the agreement. nian Government in the process of joining the EU, most matters 2. Procedure of a Real Estate Transaction 2.1. 2.1.1. Procedure – What are the steps in a sale and purchase transaction? Steps in sale and purchase transaction • Contract: All agreements for transfer or establishment of own- the property being sold, 3. lessee of the property being sold, 4. another farmer, 5. farming organisation or an individual farmer who would use the property for a farming and/or economic activity, 6. Farmland and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia. ership of real estate or limited rights in rem of real estate • Payment of tax (VAT or land transfer tax). must be executed in written form and must contain a permis- • Notarisation of the signature on the permission clause. sion clause to allow entry into the land register. The permis- • Entry into the land register upon application for registration, sion clause is an explicit and unconditional statement of the which is subject to payment of a court fee. transferor, stating his consent to land register entry. The signature on the permission clause must be notarised. • Location information: The information is released by the competent local authority and is subject to payment of a special Parties to the agreement freely negotiate and determine the purchase price, which must be paid in SIT, although the sum may be expressed in a foreign currency. administrative fee (the amount varies with the purpose and the local community). There are special rules and procedures governing the acquisition • If the local community holds the pre-emption right on the of real estate arising from execution, bankruptcy and similar pro- property, one must obtain the municipality’s confirmation of cedures (Execution and Insurance of Claims Act; OJ RS Nos. waving this right, which is also subject to a payment of a 51/98, 75/2002, 16/2004; Compulsory Settlement, Bankruptcy special administrative fee. and Liquidation Act, OJ RS 67/93, 39/97, 52/99). • Pursuant to The Farmland Act (OJ RS Nos. 59/1996, 58/2002, 67/2002, 36/2003), sales of farmlands, farms and forests re- The share deal. According to the Commercial Companies Act (OJ RS quire authorisation from the administration unit where the Nos. 30/1993, 29/1994, 82/1994, 20/1998, 32/1998, 37/1998, property (or its prevailing part) is located. 84/1998, 6/1999, 45/2001, 57/2004, 63/2004, 139/2004), the • Concerning the sales of farmlands, farms and forests, pre-emp- 8 real estate may also be acquired through a share deal, where real tion right can be invoked by the beneficiaries in the following estate represents contribution in kind. However, the contributions order: 1. co-owner, 2. owner of the property that borders with in cash must represent 1/3 of the company’s capital. Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 There are no compulsory rules in Slovenian law regarding the such as title to real estate, rights in rem, etc. Notary deeds must preclusion of company representatives in conclusion of agreements be drafted in compliance with the statutory provisions of the No- by which the company acquires real estate or for the conclusion of tary Act (OJ RS Nos. 13/1994, 48/1994, 82/1994, 73/2004, a legally binding loan agreement and other related documents. 98/2005) in order to be valid documents. However, such limitations are freely agreeable in the articles of association of the respective company. The procurator of the compa- For some transactions the agreement has to be in the form of a ny is limited in the conclusion of agreements by which he would notary deed, but for a real estate sale contract only the signa- dispose or encumber real estate owned by the company. ture of the seller has to be certified by the notary. Real estate due diligence A document, containing the permission clause and ground for It is recommended that prior to purchase, the buyer exercises a requiring ownership or rights in rem, can only be confirmed by certain level of diligence verifying the following facts about the the notary if drafted by a notary or a lawyer. targeted real estate: • The seller holds a free and clear, valid and marketable owner- It should be noted, however, that a notary deed is merely an ship title. The seller is also registered as the owner of the real evidentiary document and despite its strong evidentiary power estate in the land register. In order to avoid any risk of re- (which can only be defeated in a court procedure) is not capable scinding the transaction, the buyer shall verify that the seller of creating title where the title does not exist. Therefore, it is and his predecessors have been valid owners of the respec- always important for the transferee to perform a detailed title- tive real estate. history research to the maximum possible extent, making sure • There are no registered mortgages, encumbrances and other liens relating to the targeted real estate. Once registered, the transferor and his predecessors hold (or have held) free and clear title to the real estate subject of the title transfer. these rights may be enforced against the new owner of the Involvement of a trustee for payments real estate if the transaction has been accomplished and exe- 2.2.3. cuted with the land register. In Slovenia, the notary can act as depositary for the purchase • There are no registered court actions, rental agreements or any other obligation rights in favour of a third party. • Whether the data from the land register and the cadastral agreement, which is transmitted to the buyer after the latter gives evidence of payment or otherwise guarantees payment (e.g. bank guarantee). register are matching (in case of inconsistencies a boundary dispute is possible). 2.3. Brokers – What is the broker’s role? Real estate brokers act as intermediaries between the seller and the 2.2. Other common contract terms – What other provisions does a real estate sale contract commonly contain? buyer. Their responsibilities and rights are determined by the Obligation Code and the Real Estate Brokerage Act (OJ RS No. 42/2003). Transfer of ownership and limited rights can be effectuated by The buyer or the seller may hire a real estate broker. Pursuant to purchase agreement, swap agreement or donation agreement a brokerage agreement, the broker engages to find a person for and some other less commonly used forms of agreement. conclusion of a particular real estate contract, whereas the mandator is obliged to pay the broker an arranged fee if the 2.2.1. Form of contract (”intabulation clause“) contract is eventually concluded. The highest brokerage fee A written form of contract is necessary for the real estate pur- allowed by the law amounts to 4 % of the contract price; in prac- chase contract to be valid. The contract must contain a permis- tice brokers often divide their fee between the two parties. sion clause (also referred to as the ”intabulation clause“). Brokers appointed by either the buyer or the seller assist the 2.2.2. Notary documents appointing party in the real estate due diligence and in the con- The notary deed represents an official evidentiary document cer- clusion of the deal, including possible risks and circumstances tified by a notary public and evidencing the existence of facts related to the transfer. Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 9 Procedure of a Real Estate Transaction 2.4. 2.4.1. Property under construction – How can the purchaser be protected? Provisions on the protection of purchasers of buildings, flats or business premises to be built or to be thoroughly renovated seller’s responsibility for hidden mistakes, insurance of conditions for the buyer’s land register entry, bank guarantee, etc. 2.5. Pursuant to the Construction Act (OJ RS Nos. 110/2002, Registration and notarisation of real estate – What are the basic requirements? 58/2003), the investor must ensure suitable construction super- The land cadastre and building cadastre are the most important vision prior to commencement of the work. Supervision of the records on land and buildings and together with the land regis- construction works is performed by a licensed supervisor ter they form the complete real estate records in the Republic of appointed by the investor; the supervisor may be the project Slovenia. Both cadastres are regulated by the Act on Registration designer or another contractor who is not working on the con- of Real Estate, National Border and Land units (OJ RS No. 52/ struction in question. 2000). The land cadastre is a list of all land properties in the Republic of Slovenia; it is divided into land communities and lots. The investor, project designer, contractor, supervisor and project The building cadastre records all buildings or building units in documentation auditor are liable towards third parties for Slovenia. Pursuant to the elaboration of a certified geodesist the suffered direct damages arising from their work and/or their real estate can be entered into the cadastre. contracted duties. Before the start of building activities the aforementioned entities must conclude suitable insurance agree- Ownership title and other real estate rights are evidenced in the ments which would cover the damage suffered by investors or land register, regulated by the Land Register Act (OJ RS No. 58/ third parties in the course of such activities. 2003). The land register is a public book, based on a collection of documents, which evidence the rights and facts included The Construction Act provides for the supervision of a construction therein. Entry of ownership or other real estate rights is possible inspector, who, among other responsibilities, is empowered to if such rights result from a document which serves as a basis for supervise whether the construction is carried out in accordance such entry and includes the explicit permission clause. No entry with the building permit and whether the buildings are constructed into the land register can be realised without the payment of properly and in compliance with other requirements of the Act. VAT or land transfer tax. The Housing Act includes provisions protecting the buyer in the 2.5.1. case of purchase of a single unit within a multi-apartment build- ing, being sold prior to the building completion, and when a down-payment of more than 10 % is required. Formal requirements Pertaining to the registration in the land register Procedure for land register entry is effected: • by request of an interested party to commence the entry; The Obligation Code includes provisions referring particularly to a • ex officio in cases provided for by the law. construction contract. The main protection is given to the investor, who is able to monitor the work and control the quantity Entry application must include: and the proper use of materials. The investor’s written consent is • indication of the court; needed in case of a change of building plans; the possibility of • information about the applicant; rescission is envisaged in a number of circumstances, etc. • description of the immovable property and particularities of The contractor and project designer are liable towards any • identification of documents upon which the application for the applied entry; acquiring party for possible defects concerning the stability of construction for 10 years after delivery. entry is based; • application including the identification number of the property which is to be affected by the entry and the particularities of The Protection of Buyers of Apartments in Single-Apartment Buildings Act (OJ RS No. 18/2004) contains special provisions on protection of consumers when purchasing an apartment, e.g. the 10 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 entry proposed; • signature of the applicant. The following shall be attached to the application: Entry of title is a main entry, showing acquisition or cessation of • the documentary evidence, certifying the legal facts and a certain right. rights being registered; • power of attorney, if the application is deposited by a representative • documentation on land transfer tax or VAT payment. Preliminary note of title is a main entry constituting or expressing the acquisition or cessation of a certain right which only holds the effect if the preliminary note is properly justified. Preliminary note of title is justified by applying for the entry of title. The application for registration shall be addressed to the local Deadline for justification is set according to the right affected. court in the territory where the real estate in situated. Note in the land register is a main entry constituting entry or Language deletion of legal facts for which the law proscribes registration The procedure is carried out in Slovenian. Documents in a for- with the land register. These legal facts are personal status, eign language must be translated. order, claim recall, mortgage suit, dispute, execution, direct executability of notary deed, bankruptcy, forbidden alienation or Land register in general There is a unified and centralised land register in place in Slovenia. encumbrance, extraordinary appeal, public good, expropriation procedure, and extra-mortgage. It is managed in an electronic format by the Supreme Court of Slovenia. However, a number of manually registered files are Auxiliary note is a supplementary entry, which: still not completely synchronised with the electronic form and • either notes the change of information about the property or condominium ownership data is not entered in full. its right-holder when the land register is not the main register for the particular information; Principles governing the land register are: • or notes the relationship between different register entries. • Principle of public availability: The land register is a public register accessible by the general public. Special features of the land register • Principle of registration: Constitutive effect, third-party effect. Maximum/Credit Mortgage is registered with the mention of • Principle of trust: Everyone can rely on the entries in the Land maximum mortgage. The maximum warrant sum is also en- Register being complete and correct in good faith. Bona fide tered. Maximum mortgage entry is used when the complete acquirer enjoys protection. sum of future and conditional claims is not known and the high- • Principle of rank or priority: Land register applications will be est sum still warranted by the property is determined. dealt with in the order in which they are received. Joint/Simultaneous Mortgage is an institute when one claim is The file of each property contains three sheets: ensured with mortgages on several different properties. In prac- • Sheet A: description of property; tice, this occurs when a single property does not suffice to cover • Sheet B: ownership rights; the entire sum of the claim. • Sheet C: limited rights as well as other rights designated by law. Land debt is entered on the basis of a unilateral legal transaction All documents which form a basis for the entry constitute collec- of the owner constituting such a debt; or based upon a unilateral tion of documents, all subjected to the principle of public avail- transaction of a mortgage creditor changing the mortgage into a ability. land debt. The court managing the land register issues a land letter to the applicant and this letter serves as an execution title. There are four possible forms of entering information into the Land letter is a transferable negotiable instrument, with which land register: entry of title, preliminary note of title, note in the the land debt can be transferred. land register, auxiliary note. Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 11 Permits, Planning and Environment 3. Permits, Planning and Environment 3.1. Permit – What permits are required for the use and occupation of real estate? Construction is regulated by two main acts: Construction of a new building, reconstruction, substitutive construction or demolition may begin after the building permit becomes final. • The Spatial Planning Act (SPA, OJ RS Nos. 110/2002, 41/2004, 45/2004, 47/2004) determines the category of objects and The validity of the building permit ceases if the investor fails to locations where the construction or expropriation may be car- commence work: ried out in public interest. • within three years after the permit becomes legally effective • The Construction Act. in case of a complex construction; • within two years after the permit becomes legally effective in The SPA regulates three categories of spatial planning acts both on the national and the local levels. An individual use of land must be conducted in accordance with: case of a less complex construction; • within one year after the permit becomes legally effective in case of a simple construction or change of use. • The Strategy of Spatial Development of Slovenia and The Strategy of Spatial Development of Local Community • The Spatial Order of Slovenia and The Spatial Order of Local Community The administration authority may extend the validity of such a permit pursuant to the investor’s application, but not more than twice and not for more than two years altogether. • The National and Local Site Development Plan The use of the construction can commence after obtaining the 3.1.1. Procedure with public authorities for building permit and necessary documents use permit, which is issued after a successful technical control. Fees Use of land is determined by the applicable administration unit 3.1.2. in the territory of construction. The act allowing the construction The fees include: administrative fee for the issuance of the build- is the building permit which must comply with the aforemen- ing permit, allotted in accordance with the Administrative Fees tioned spatial planning acts. Act (OJ RS Nos. 8/2000, 44/2000, 81/2000, 42/2002, 18/2004, 91/2005) and municipal fee, allotted in accordance with the For a simple building, when the investor acquires the location Construction Land Act (OJ RS Nos. 44/1997, 67/2002). information prior to commencement of construction, the building permit is not needed if the building’s size, method of construc- Administrative taxes and other charges vary depending on the tion, use and border-lines comply with applicable regulations. categorisation of the construction, building and land. The investor must state the information about the plot number 3.2. and cadastre community of the land as well as the category of Zoning and planning law – What are the basic principles? the building in his application for a building permit. The applica- According to the Spatial Planning Act, such planning is deter- tion must be accompanied by: mined with national and local spatial acts. • a project for acquisition of a building permit, • other relevant documents if so required by law in order to provide 3.2.1. Zoning special protection in the public interest (e.g. report on environ- Land in the Republic of Slovenia is divided into the following mental implications pursuant to the Environment Protection Act). categories: farmland, forest, construction land, etc. on the basis of different laws. The building permit is issued either for the entire object or its relevant part. 12 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 3.2.2. Local development plan regulates different measures of protection, monitoring actions, Local development (spatial) plans determine location conditions economic and financial instruments of protection, public services for different projects to obtain the building permit, particularly and other environment-related issues. bearing in mind the purpose, location, function, size and design of the construction. For the construction of buildings which might have a negative impact on the environment, the investor must conclude an analy- 3.3. Environmental – What are the common environmental issues? sis of the environmental effects and obtain the environmental consent of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. The Environment Protection Act (OJ RS No. 41/2004) determines the basic principles of national environmental protection. It also 4. Finance, Taxes and Insurance 4.1. Financing – How is a real estate transaction financed? The legal transaction establishing a mortgage may be concluded in the form of a notary deed with direct enforceability. This char- Real estate loans, provided by different banks under different acteristic of a notary document is noted in the land register and conditions, are one of the primary instruments for financing the also affects the new owner of the mortgaged property. acquisition of real estate in Slovenia. A statutory mortgage comes into effect immediately after the 4.1.1. Mortgage bonds conditions proscribed in the statute are fulfilled. Mortgage bonds are not a valid instrument in Slovenia. The relevant law is currently in parliamentary procedure. A mortgage based upon a court ruling takes effect after being entered into the land register. 4.2. 4.2.1. Security over real estate – How is security over real estate created and protected? Mortgages Mortgages may be established only on immovable property and More than one mortgage can exist on the same property. In this case, the creditors are repaid in the order in which they are entered into the land register. based upon legal transaction, statute or court ruling. Unless agreed otherwise, the mortgage transfers jointly with the 4.2.2. Types of mortgages In order for a mortgage based upon a legal transaction to be valid, transfer of the claim. The transfer comes into effect after being entered into the land register. it must be registered with the respective land register. The entry is based upon an application which, among other things, includes: If the claim is not repaid in the set time period, the creditor may • mention of the mortgage creditor and warranted claim debtor sue for the sale of the mortgaged property. as well as the mortgagor if the latter is not the same person as the debtor of the claim; The mortgage terminates with deregistration from the land • legal grounds; register. Deregistration may be applied for: • land register specification of the real estate that is the subject • If the debtor pays the claim; of the mortgage; • the sum and expiration date of the secured claim. • If the claim terminates; • If the mortgage creditor waives the mortgage; Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 13 Finance, Taxes and Insurance • If the same person becomes the owner of the property and the mortgage creditor of the same property; (income tax scale). Income tax is paid based on which of the five categories the income falls into (e.g. if net 2005 tax basis is more • If the mortgage terminates after a certain deadline; than SIT 10,330,000 – approximately EUR 43,117, the income falls • If the mortgaged property is sold with the intention of repay- into the fifth category, for which the 50 % tax rate applies). ment of the secured claim. The transfer of real estate is taxable as profit from the capital if The mortgage also terminates in 10 years after the claim could alienated prior to the expiration of ten years from the day it was have been repaid. acquired. An over-mortgage is a lien on the claim, secured with a mort- Income tax is not paid for profit from the capital, gained at the gage. A mortgage creditor can establish the over-mortgage for transfer of the apartment or residential house (with no more the benefit of a third party without the consent of a mortgagor. than two apartments with the pertaining land) if the taxpayer had registered his permanent residence and has been actually 4.2.3. Legal situation of securities in case of insolvency living there for the last three years. In the event that the property owner becomes bankrupt, the The tax base is the difference between the value of the capital mortgage creditor has the right to preferential satisfaction from at the transfer and value of the capital at the acquisition. the value of the pledged property according to the Compulsory Value added tax Settlement, Bankruptcy and Liquidation Act. Even though the 4.3.3. pledged property is part of the bankrupt’s estate, it constitutes a Value added tax is governed by the Value Added Tax Act (OJ RS special estate. Once the creditors who are entitled to preferential No. 108/05). satisfaction (mortgage creditors) have been satisfied, any remaining estate will be assigned to the common bankrupt’s estate. Every person who performs an independent activity is a VAT taxpayer. Persons should be registered as taxpayers if their turnover 4.3. 4.3.1. Taxes – What are they and who pays them? Land transfer tax (transfer tax) in the preceding year exceeds or is likely to exceed the set limit (e.g. SIT 5,000,000 for the year 2005). The land transfer tax is regulated by the Land Transfer Tax Act VAT should be paid from the transfer of buildings and land on (OJ RS No. 57/99, 67/02) and is due at every onerous transfer of which they are built, realised prior to the first time someone ownership on real estate, including exchange of real estate. The moves in and/or use, or in case the transaction was made be- person liable for taxation is always the seller of the real estate. fore the expiration of two years from the first use and/or the first time someone moves in. Land transfer tax amounts to 2 % of the purchase price of the estate. However, the taxpayer may agree with the buyer of the real esThe transfer of real estate from which VAT was paid is not con- tate (taxpayer as well) to charge VAT at the prescribed rate. sidered as a real estate transfer for which transfer tax is due. It is also not necessary to pay transfer tax in the case of transfer of The VAT rate depends on the type of the building, or object of the real estate on the basis of a donation agreement, but in transaction. such a case the payment of tax on heritage and gifts is required (Citizens’ Tax Act, OJ SRS No. 36/88, OJ RS No. 48/90, 7/93). Property tax is governed by the Citizens’ Tax Act and is paid by physical persons (owner or beneficiary) who own buildings, 4.3.2. Income tax Income tax is governed by the Income Tax Act (OJ RS No. parts of buildings, apartments and garages, as well as areas for rest and/or recreation. 54/2004, 80/2004, 139/2004, 53/2005, 115/2005). All revenues of physical persons are subject to taxation. The revenues are sub- The tax basis for property tax is the value of the building or rest ject to different degrees of taxation depending on tax categories or recreation area. 14 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 The tax base for property tax for the possession of buildings is 34/1988, 1/1990, RS, No. 48/1990, 14/1991, 38/1996, reduced by the amount corresponding to the value of 160 m2 of 20/1998, 99/2002) setting the duty in points, the value of the residential premises on the condition that the owner or his close point being SIT 19. It is necessary to pay 100 points – SIT 1,900 family members or beneficiary has resided permanently on the (approximately EUR 8) for a note in the land register. For the premises in the year prior to the year for which the tax is assessed. entry of title and preliminary note of ownership the amount of 0.5 % of the real estate value should be paid, but not more than The property tax rate depends of the value of the estate. 1,000 points – SIT 19,000 (about EUR 80). For the entry of title and preliminary note of other rights in the land register a fee of The first owner of a new residential building and/or apartments 500 points – SIT 9,500 (about EUR 40) should be paid. The Act and garages is exempt from property tax for a period of 10 years. also prescribes the exemptions of duty payments. The tax exemption also applies for renovated and repaired houses Notary fees or apartments and garages if the value increased by more than 4.4.2. 50 % because of such repair or renovation. Pursuant to the Notary Tariff (OJ RS Nos. 37/2001, 2/2002, 71/2003, 84/2005), notary fees for certification of a signature The Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Slovenia should col- on the ownership transfer contract in real estate are determined lect the real estate data to be entered into the real estate register with respect to the value of the real estate. by the end of 2006. On the basis of this register, real estate tax will be introduced and its payment will commence in 2007. Real estate The charges for drawing up a notary deed depend on the value tax will replace the tax on possession of buildings, as determined of the transaction as well. in the Citizens’ Tax Act, as well as the indemnity for use of the construction land as determined in the Construction Land Act. 4.3.4. 4.5. Withholding tax Subsidy and promotion – What kind of promotion measures for the purchase or development of real estate are there? This area is governed by the ratified conventions on avoidance The National Saving Scheme Act with its provisions enables of double taxation. Slovene citizens long-term saving with the right to low-interest long-term bank loans. The procedural matters are governed by the new Tax Procedure Act (OJ RS No. 54/04). 4.4. 4.4.1. Fees – What are they and who pays them? Registration fees Administrative fees are governed by the Administrative Fees Act 4.5.1. Grants and development measures in the field of housing The Housing Act contains provisions about renting non-profit apartments. 4.6. (OJ RS Nos. 8/2000, 44/2000, 81/2000, 42/2002, 18/2004, 91/2005) setting the duty in points, the value of the point cur- Insurance – What insurance will the parties effect and when does the insurance risk pass to the purchaser? Transfer of risk rently being SIT 17. For example: it is necessary to pay an admin- 4.6.1. istrative fee for an application to issue location information Transfer of the ownership and the risk to the purchaser is effec- (amount of the fee depending on the purpose (type) of location tuated by the execution of the purchase agreement, or the swap information); for an application to issue a certificate for (non)en- or donation agreement, in the form and with the content forcement of a municipality’s pre-emption right; for a building required by the law. permit (amount depending on the value of the building), for a use Insurance permit; for an extract from the electronic land register and for a 4.6.2. copy of a cadastral plan (depending on the number of pages). The risks which are covered by the insurance depend on the respective policy. Court fees for the land registry procedure are governed by the Court Fees Act (OJ SRS, No. 30/1978, 36/1983, 46/1986, Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 15 Contacts Contacts Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Slovenia Real Estate and Project Finance Tanja Turk Šmartinska 140, SI-1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 5876 808 CMS is the alliance of major independent European law firms providing clients with a full range of legal and tax services based on a thorough understanding of their business. Operating in 47 fax: +386 1 5876 665 e-mail: [email protected] business centres around the world, CMS has over 575 partners, more than 2,000 legal and tax advisers and a total complement of over 3,800 staff. Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Austria Marjana Šnuderl law office is cooperating with CMS Bureau Fran- Real Estate Finance, for cross border activities: cis Lefebvre in CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz. Teresa Dreo Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13, A-1030 Wien tel.: +43(0)5 05 05 55333 Please contact: Marjana Šnuderl Rimska 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana fax: +43(0)5 05 05 55108 e-mail: [email protected] tel.: +368 1 426 93 54 fax: +368 1 425 15 30 or e-mail: [email protected] Gabor Somogyi Dr. Katarina Zajc Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13, A-1030 Wien Rimska 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana tel.: +43(0)5 05 05 55175 tel.: +386 1 251 15 08 fax: +43(0)5 05 05 57985 fax: +386 1 251 15 08 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] The following other countries have been featured in this series • Austria • Bulgaria • Croatia • Czech Republic • Hungary • Poland • Romania • Russia • Serbia • Slovakia • Turkey • Ukraine All country brochures are available in two versions (English and the respective language of the country or in German only) and can be downloaded from the BA-CA web site ( under Corporate Customers – Financing – Real Estate. 16 Commercial Real Estate in Slovenia, April 2007 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji Praktični vodnik po zakonih in predpisih Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 17 Kazalo Vse informacije so v angleščini.............................................................................................................................................................................................3 – 16 Celovita ponudba nepremičninskih storitev ...........................................................................................................................................................................19 1. Lastninska pravica in druga upravičenja .........................................................................................................................................................................20 1.1. Stranke – kdo je lahko lastnik nepremičnine?.............................................................................................................................................................20 1.2. Lastnina – katere oblike lastništva obstajajo?.............................................................................................................................................................20 1.3. Najemna razmerja – glavne značilnosti? .....................................................................................................................................................................21 1.4. Odškodninski zahtevki – zahtevki zoper lastnika nepremičnine...............................................................................................................................21 2. Postopek prodaje nepremičnine.........................................................................................................................................................................................22 2.1. Postopek – kako potekajo posamezni koraki pri prodaji in nakupu nepremičnine? ..............................................................................................22 2.2. Druga pogosta določila pogodb – katere druge določbe navadno vsebuje pogodba o prodaji nepremičnine? ................................................23 2.3. Nepremičninski posredniki – kakšno vlogo ima nepremičninski posrednik? ..........................................................................................................23 2.4. Stavbe v gradnji – kakšno varstvo ima kupec? ...........................................................................................................................................................23 2.5. Postopek za registracijo in overitve nepremičnine – kaj so osnovne zahteve?......................................................................................................24 3. Dovoljenja, načrtovanje in okolje ......................................................................................................................................................................................26 3.1. Dovoljenja – kakšna dovoljenja so potrebna za uporabo in posest nepremičnin?.................................................................................................26 3.2. Urejanje prostora in prostorsko načrtovanje – kaj so osnovna načela? ...................................................................................................................26 3.3. Okolje – kaj so skupna okoljska vprašanja?.................................................................................................................................................................27 4. Financiranje, davki in zavarovanja.....................................................................................................................................................................................27 4.1. Financiranje – kako se financira prenos nepremičnine? ............................................................................................................................................27 4.2. Zavarovanje terjatev v povezavi z nepremičninami – kako je ustanovljena in zavarovana zastavna pravica na nepremičnino? ...................27 4.3. Davki – vrste in kdo jih plača.........................................................................................................................................................................................28 4.4. Takse – vrste in kdo jih plača.........................................................................................................................................................................................29 4.5. Pomoč in promocija – kakšne vrste promocijskih ukrepov za nakup ali razvoj na področju nepremičnin obstajajo? ......................................29 4.6. Zavarovanje – kakšno zavarovanje je omogočeno strankam in kdaj se tveganje prenese na kupca? ................................................................29 Kontakt ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Your Gate to Central and Eastern Europe..................................................................................................................................................................................31 18 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 Celovita ponudba nepremičninskih storitev Spoštovana podjetnica, spoštovani podjetnik! Bank Austria Creditanstalt v sklopu UniCredit Group predstavlja Če imate dodatna vprašanja, vam bodo strokovnjaki za nepre- stičišče poslovanja na vzhodnoevropskem tržišču. Svojim mičnine iz našega središča za mednarodne stranke Real Estate strankam lahko zato ponudimo največjo in najtesnejšo bančno Finance oziroma njihovi sodelavci v poslovalnicah mreže omrežje v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi. V 17 državah tega območja Bank Austria Creditanstalt z veseljem pomagali pri odločitvah. imamo več kot 3000 podružnic. V njih deluje 65 tisoč zaposlenih, ki skrbijo za skoraj 25 milijonov strank. Želimo vam prijetno in zanimivo branje! Bank Austria Creditanstalt vam kot vodilna banka na področju financiranja nepremičnin v Avstriji ter Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi ponuja obsežno ponudbo storitev na nepremičninskem področju: od financiranja projektov in ocene vrednosti nepremičnin do upravljanja portfelja. Poleg poslovne mreže, s katero BA-CA pokriva celotno območje Avstrije, vam naši strokovnjaki omogočajo dostop do vseh rastočih trgov držav Srednje, Vzhodne Regina Prehofer Reinhard Madlencnik in Jugovzhodne Evrope. Head of Corporates Division Bank Austria Creditanstalt Head of Real Estate Bank Austria Creditanstalt Ker vam želimo ponuditi popolno storitev za čezmejne nepremičninske posle in pregledno predstaviti ustrezne zakonske in splošne pogoje v državah te regije, smo v sodelovanju z ugledno evropsko odvetniško pisarno CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz za vas pripravili to brošuro, ki jo redno posodabljamo z najnovejšimi podatki. V brošuri so predstavljeni bistveni zakonski predpisi, ki veljajo za nepremičninske transakcije, ter informacije o nakupu lastnine in drugih povezanih temah. Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 19 Lastninska pravica in druga upravičenja 1. Lastninska pravica in druga upravičenja 1.1. Stranke – kdo je lahko lastnik nepremičnine? 1.2.1. Stavbna pravica V skladu s Stvarnopravnim zakonikom (Ur. l. RS, št. 87/2002) je V skladu z določbami Ustave Republike Slovenije (Ur. l. RS, št. lahko lastnik stavbe druga oseba, kot pa je lastnik zemljišča, na ka- 33/91, 42/97, 66/2000, 24/2003, 69/2004) in Stvarnopravnega terem ta stavba stoji, če je na tem zemljišču ustanovljena stavbna zakonika (Ur. l. RS, št. 87/2002), lahko država, občine, posamez- pravica, kar je izjema od načela superficies solo cedit. Po zakonu je niki in pravne osebe pridobijo lastninsko pravico in druge stvarne trajanje stavbne pravice omejeno na največ 99 let. Ko stavbna pravice (in rem) na nepremičninah. pravica ugasne, preide lastništvo stavbe na lastnika zemljišča. Omejene stvarne pravice (in rem) na nepremičninah v skladu s Imetnik stavbne pravice ima v času trajanja stavbne pravice slovensko zakonodajo so služnost, zastavna pravica, stvarno pravico uporabljati in uživati zemljišče. breme, zemljiški dolg in stavbna pravica. Nepremičnine države in lokalnih skupnosti so delno v funkciji zasebne lastnine in Lastnik zemljišča, na katerem je ustanovljena stavbna pravica, je delno v funkciji javnega dobra. upravičen do ustreznega nadomestila. 1.1.1. Omejitve prometa z nepremičninami (npr. lastništvo tujcev) Zaradi obveze uskladitve slovenske zakonodaje s pravom Evropske Za nastanek stavbne pravice se zahteva veljavna pogodba, iz katere izhajata obveznost ustanoviti stavbno pravico ter dovoljenje in vpis v zemljiško knjigo. skupnosti je bil 14. julija 1997 spremenjen 68. člen Ustave RS. Ta sedaj dovoljuje pridobitev lastninske pravice tujcem na 1.2.2. nepremičninah z dedovanjem ali z nakupom pod pogoji vzajem- Stavbe, zgrajene na zemljišču, ki je v lasti tretje osebe nosti in pod pod drugimi pogoji, ki jih določa slovenska zakono- Etažni lastnik je v Sloveniji je dovoljeno graditi na zemlji tretje osebe daja in ratificirane mednarodne pogodbe. V skladu z Zakonom o le, če je bila na takem zemljišču ustanovljena stavbna pravica. ugotavljanju vzajemnosti (Ur. l. RS, št. 9/1999), se pogoj vza- Etažna lastnina jemnosti ugotovi v postopku za ugotavljanje vzajemnosti, na 1.2.3. podlagi katerega je izdana odločba o obstoju vzajemnosti. Pri V skladu s Stvarnopravnim zakonikom lastnik posameznega dela dedovanju se vzajemnost domneva. zgradbe in solastnik skupnih delov glede na delež, ki ga v celotni zgradbi predstavlja njegov posamezni del. Vsi etažni lastniki morajo Nakup nepremičnin s strani tujcev med seboj skleniti pogodbo, ki ureja njihova medsebojna razmerja. Po vstopu Slovenije v EU (1. maja 2004) lahko državljani EU in Če ima nepremičnina več kot dva etažna lastnika in več kot osem pravne osebe s sedežem v EU kupujejo nepremičnine brez posameznih delov, morajo lastniki določiti upravnika. Poleg tega omejitev. morajo lastniki tudi prispevati v obvezni rezervni sklad, ki je na- 1.1.2. menjen stroškom vzdrževanja in izboljševanja nepremičnine. 1.2. Lastnina – katere oblike lastništva obstajajo? Lastnik posameznega dela zgradbe lahko z njim prosto razpolaga Oblike lastništva v Sloveniji so: in ga odtuji le skupaj s solastniškim delom na skupnih delih. Če • etažna lastnina, ima nepremičnina v etažni lastnini dva ali več etažnih lastnikov • solastnina, in nima več kot pet posameznih delov, imajo pri prodaji drugi • skupna lastnina. etažni lastniki predkupno pravico. Vsak posamezni del zgradbe v etažni lastnini je v zemljiški knjigi vpisan kot poseben vložek in predstavlja ločeno nepremičnino. 20 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 1.2.4. „Solastnina“ Stvarnopravni zakonik pozna solastnino, pri kateri ima več oseb krajši od 90 dni, zaradi zakonske kršitve ali razlogov, ki izhajajo iz najemne pogodbe. solastninsko pravico na nerazdeljeni stvari in je delež vsake izmed njih določen v sorazmerju s celoto (idealni delež). Solast- Najemnina za službena, tržna in namenska najemna stanovanja se niki imajo pravico skupno upravljati nepremičnino v solastnini. Za oblikuje prosto. Omejitev je oderuška najemnina, to je najemnina, redno v zdrževanje je potrebno soglasje solastnikov, katerih idealni ki za več kot 50 % presega povprečno tržno najemnino v občini. deleži sestavljajo več kot polovico njene vrednosti, za druge posle pa je potrebno soglasje vseh solastnikov. Pri prodaji imajo 60 % najemnine predstavlja davčno osnovo za odmero dohodnine. solastniki predkupno pravico. Lastnik stanovanja mora prijaviti oddajo stanovanja pri prisStvarnopravni zakonik določa, da ima več oseb na nerazdeljeni tojnem davčnem organu in registrirati najemno pogodbo pri pris- nepremičnini skupno lastnino, kadar njihovi deleži niso določeni. tojni upravni enoti v 30 dneh od sklenitve najemne pogodbe. V tem primeru se lahko lastništvo prenese le s soglasjem in sodelovanjem vseh lastnikov. Enako lastniki skupno uporabljajo Najemnik lahko odda del stanovanja v podnajem s sklenitvijo pod- nepremičnino in solidarno odgovarjajo za obveznosti, ki nastanejo najemne pogodbe, če se s tem pisno strinja lastnik stanovanja. v zvezi s skupno nepremičnino. Stanovanjski zakon določa, da sprememba lastnika stanovanja Vsak skupni lastnik in solastnik ima vedno pravico zahtevati deli- ne vpliva na obstoječa najemna razmerja. Vsakokratni pridobitelj tev skupne lastnine, razen v neprimernem času. lastninske pravice na stanovanju vstopi v pravni položaj najemodajalca. Najemnik pa lahko zaradi večje varnosti in publicitete 1.3. Najemna razmerja – glavne značilnosti? zahteva vpis najemnega razmerja v zemljiško knjigo. To pravno področje urejajo trije zakoni: • Obligacijski zakonik (Ur. l. RS, št. 83/2001); Zakon o poslovnih stavbah in poslovnih prostorih ureja • Zakon o poslovnih stavbah in poslovnih prostorih (Ur. l. RS, št. oddajo/najem poslovnih stavb in prostorov. 18/74, 34/88, 32/2000, 102/2002); • Stanovanjski zakon (SZ-1, Ur. l. RS, št. 69/2003, 18/2004). Najemnik ima pravico uporabljati poslovne prostore le za namene, določene v pogodbi. 1.3.1. Najem stanovanj/parcel Obligacijski zakonik ureja najemno pogodbo na splošno in določa, Najemna pogodba, sklenjena za nedoločen čas, preneha z odpo- da se najemodajalec zavezuje, da bo najemniku izročil določeno vedjo in potekom odpovednega roka, ki ne sme biti krajši od enega stvar v rabo, ta pa se zavezuje, da mu bo za to plačeval določeno leta. Pogodba o najemu poslovnih prostorov se odpoveduje sodno. najemnino. Obveznost najemodajalca so tudi stroški vzdrževanja in popravil med najemom. Obveznost najemnika je uporaba Najemna pogodba, sklenjena za določen čas, preneha s pote- nepremičnine v skladu z najemno pogodbo. kom pogodbeno dogovorjenega časa. Stanovanjski zakon ureja najemna razmerja, sklenjena za nepro- 1.4. fitna stanovanja, tržna najemna stanovanja, službena najemna stanovanja in namenska najemna stanovanja. 1.4.1. Odškodninski zahtevki – zahtevki zoper lastnika nepremičnine Vračanje nacionaliziranega premoženja Večina nacionaliziranega premoženja je že bila povrnjena zakoNajemna pogodba je lahko sklenjena za določen ali nedoločen čas. nitim lastnikom na podlagi Zakona o denacionalizaciji (Ur. l. RS, št. 271/1991-I, 31/1993, 49/1997, 87/1997, 65/1998, 67/1998, Če ni dogovorjeno drugače, lahko najemnik odpove najemno po- 66/2000, dodatne odločbe s tega področja pa je izdalo tudi Us- godbo, ne da bi za to navajal razloge, če o tem pisno obvesti tavno sodišče). Slovenska vlada si je v okviru pridruževanja EU lastnika, z 90-dnevnim rokom. Lastnik stanovanja pa lahko od- prizadevala zaključiti vse zadeve, a tudi v letu 2005 vsi postopki pove najemno pogodbo z odpovednim rokom, ki ne sme biti še niso bili zaključeni. Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 21 Postopek prodaje nepremičnine 1.4.2. Restitutio je mogoče zahtevati eno leto po tem, ko je pogodbena stranka Obligacijski zakonik določa, da mora na podlagi pogodbe, ki je izvedela za razlog razveljavitve (relativni zastaralni rok), vendar spoznana za nično ali neveljavno, vsaka stranka vrniti drugi najpozneje v treh letih od sklenitve pogodbe (absolutni stranki ves dobiček, pridobljen s pogodbo. Razveljavitev pogodbe zastaralni rok). 2. Postopek prodaje nepremičnine Postopek – kako potekajo posamezni koraki pri prodaji in nakupu nepremičnine? Posamezni koraki pri prodaji in nakupu nepremičnine • Vpis v zemljiško knjigo na podlagi vloženega predloga za vpis, • Pogodba, na podlagi katere se prenaša ali ustanavlja lastninska mičnino, ki mora biti plačana v SIT, njena višina pa je lahko 2.1. 2.1.1. pravica ali druga stvarna pravica na nepremičnini, mora biti za katerega je treba plačati sodno takso. Stranki v skladu z dogovorom določita višino kupnine za nepreizražena tudi v tuji valuti. sklenjena v pisni obliki in vsebovati dovoljenje za vpis v zemljiško knjigo. To dovoljenje je nedvoumna in brezpogojna izjava tistega, Posebna pravila veljajo tudi za pridobitev lastninske pravice na čigar pravica se prenaša, da dovoljuje vpis v zemljiško knjigo. nepremičninah v postopkih izvršbe, stečaja in podobnih postop- Podpis na zemljiškoknjižnem dovoljenju mora biti overjen. • Lokacijska informacija, ki jo izda pristojni občinski upravni organ na zahtevo prosilca proti plačilu upravne takse (njena kih (Zakon o izvršbi in zavarovanju, Ur. l. RS, št. 51/98, 75/2002, 16/2004; Zakon o prisilni poravnavi, stečaju in likvidaciji (Ur. l. RS, št. 67/93, 39/97, 52/99). višina je odvisna od posamezne občine in namena, za katerega se lokacijska informacija izdaja). Na podlagi Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (Ur. l. RS, št. • Če ima občina predkupno pravico, je treba pridobiti tudi 30/1993, 29/1994, 82/1994, 20/1998, 32/1998, 37/1998, potrdilo občine, da ta na nepremičnini ne uveljavlja predkup- 84/1998, 6/1999, 45/2001, 57/2004, 63/2004, 139/2004) se ne pravice. Za potrdilo je treba plačati upravno takso. nepremičnina lahko pridobi kot vplačilo stvarnega vložka v os- • Za promet s kmetijskimi zemljišči, gozdovi in kmetijami mora na podlagi Zakona o kmetijskih zemljiščih (Ur. l. RS, št. novni kapital družbe. Vendar pa mora biti vsaj tretjina osnovnega kapitala vplačana v denarju. 59/1996, 58/2002, 67/2002, 36/2003) pravni posel odobriti upravna enota, na območju katere leži nepremičnina oziroma V slovenskem pravu ne obstajajo obvezni predpisi, ki bi se na- njen pretežni del. našali na prepoved sklepanja pogodb v zvezi z nakupom ali na- • Pri nakupu kmetijskega zemljišča, gozda ali kmetije lahko jemom nepremičnin (in podobnih dokumentov) s strani zastop- uveljavljajo predkupno pravico predkupni upravičenci v nas- nikov družbe. Vendar pa se take omejitve lahko določijo z Aktom lednjem vrstnem redu: 1. solastnik; 2. kmet, katerega o ustanovitvi družbe. Prokurist ne more odsvajati ali obremenje- zemljišče, ki ga ima v lasti, meji na zemljišče, ki je naprodaj; vati nepremičnin brez posebnega pooblastila. 3. zakupnik zemljišča, ki je naprodaj; 4. drug kmet; 5. kmetijska organizacija ali samostojni podjetnik posameznik, ki Skrben pregled pred nakupom nepremičnine zemljišče ali kmetijo potrebujeta za opravljanje kmetijske Priporočljivo je, da kupec pred nakupom nepremičnine opravi in/ali gospodarske dejavnosti; 6. Sklad kmetijskih zemljišč in natančen in skrben pregled naslednjih dejstev: gozdov Republike Slovenije. • Preveriti mora obstoj nedvomljive, jasne, dokazljive in veljav- • Plačilo davka (DDV ali davka na promet nepremičnin). ne prodajalčeve lastninske pravice na nepremičnini, ki je vpi- • Overovitev podpisa na zemljiškoknjižnem dovoljenju pri notarju. sana v zemljiško knjigo. Da bi se kupec izognil razveljavitvi 22 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 pravnega posla, mora preveriti, da so bili prodajalčevi predniki preveri zgodovino lastništva nepremičnine in ugotovi, ali so imeli zakoniti nosilci pravnega naslova. prodajalčevi pravni predniki zakonito in nedvomno lastninsko pra- • Preveriti mora, da nepremičnina ni obremenjena s hipoteko, vico. stvarnim bremenom ali drugo omejitvijo lastninske pravice. Hramba prodajne pogodne pri notarju Slovensko pravo stvarne pravice po tem, ko so te vpisane v 2.2.3. zemljiško knjigo, priznava nasproti vsem lastnikom, katerih V slovenski praksi lahko notar hrani prodajno pogodbo. Listino o lastninska pravica je v zemljiško knjigo vpisana pozneje. prenosu nepremičnine notar izroči kupcu šele, ko kupec prinese • Preveriti mora, da ni zaznambe tožbe, najemnega razmerja ali zaznambe druge obligacijske pravice na nepremičnini v korist dokazilo o plačilu ali drugo zavarovanje za plačilo kupnine (npr. bančno garancijo). tretje osebe. • Preveriti je treba skladnost podatkov iz zemljiške knjige s po- 2.3. datki iz zemljiškega katastra, saj kupcu v primeru neskladja lahko grozi mejni spor. Nepremičninski posredniki – kakšno vlogo ima nepremičninski posrednik? Nepremičninski posredniki delujejo le kot posredniki med kupcem in prodajalcem Njihove pravice in obveznosti urejata Obligacijski Druga pogosta določila pogodb – katere druge določbe navadno vsebuje pogodba o prodaji nepremičnine? zakonik (Ur. l. RS, št. 83/2001) in Zakon o nepremičninskem po- Prenos lastninske pravice na nepremičnini in omejenih stvarnih pra- Tako kupec kot prodajalec lahko naročita storitev posredovanja vic je lahko v obliki prodajne pogodbe, menjalne in darilne pogodbe nepremičninskega posrednika. S posredniško pogodbo se pos- ter drugih pogodb, ki pa se v praksi manj pogosto uporabljajo. rednik zavezuje, da si bo prizadeval najti in spraviti v stik z na- 2.2. sredovanju (Ur. l. RS, št. 42/2003). ročiteljem osebo, ki se bo z njim pogajala za sklenitev določene 2.2.1. Oblika pogodbe („intabulacijska klavzula“) pogodbe, naročitelj pa se zavezuje, da mu bo za to dal določeno plačilo, če bo pogodba sklenjena. Najvišje dovoljeno plačilo za Za veljavnost pogodbe o prodaji nepremičnine je obvezna pisna ob- posredovanje sme znašati 4 % od pogodbene cene, vendar v lika. Poleg tega mora prodajna pogodba vsebovati zemljiškoknjižno praksi nepremičninski posredniki razdelijo plačilo provizije tako, dovoljenje (imenovano tudi „intabulacijska klavzula“). da odpade plačilo pol na kupca in pol na prodajalca in drugih okoliščinah, povezanih s prenosom. 2.2.2. Notarske listine Notarske listine so javne listine, ki dokazujejo obstoj določenih Nepremičninski posrednik mora naročitelja pri prometu z nepre- pravic in dejstev, npr. lastninske pravice, stvarne pravice. Notarske mičninami na primeren način seznaniti o vseh okoliščinah, po- listine so javne listine, če so sestavljene v skladu z določbami membnih za sklenitev pogodbe ter tveganjih. Zakona o notariatu (Ur. l. RS, št. 13/1994, 48/1994, 82/1994, 73/2004, 98/2005). 2.4. Za nekatere transakcije mora biti pogodba v obliki notarskega 2.4.1. zapisa, vendar mora biti pri prodajni pogodbi nepremičnine overjen samo podpis prodajalca. Stavbe v gradnji – kakšno varstvo ima kupec? Določbe o varstvu kupcev stavb, stanovanj ali poslovnih prostorov, ki bodo zgrajeni ali prenovljeni Na podlagi Zakona o graditvi objektov (ZGO-1, Ur. l. RS, št. Listino, ki vsebuje zemljiškoknjižno dovoljenje, in razlog za prido- 110/2002, 58/2003) mora investitor še pred začetkom pripravljal- bitev lastninske ali druge stvarne pravice na nepremičnini, sme nih del na gradbišču zagotoviti gradbeni nadzor. Gradbeni nadzor notar potrditi samo, če jo sestavi notar ali odvetnik. opravi pooblaščeni nadzornik, ki ga imenuje investitor; lahko je projektant ali izvajalec, ki ne izvaja gradnje na istem objektu. Treba je poudariti, da so notarske listine samo dokaz o obstoju določenih pravic (domnevo resničnosti je mogoče ovreči le v sod- Investitor, projektant, ki je izdelal projektno dokumentacijo, izva- nem postopku), in se z njimi ne ustanavljajo in pridobivajo nove jalec gradnje, nadzornik nad gradnjo in revizor projektne doku- pravice. Zato je vedno pomembno, da pridobitelj pravic vestno mentacije odgovarjajo za neposredno škodo, ki nastane tretjim Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 23 Postopek prodaje nepremičnine osebam ter izvira iz njihovega dela in/ali njihovih pogodbenih Lastninska pravica in druge pravice na nepremičnini se vpisujejo obveznosti. Pred začetkom opravljanja dejavnosti morajo zavaro- v zemljiško knjigo, ki jo ureja Zakon o zemljiški knjigi (Ur. l. RS, vati in imeti ves čas svojega poslovanja zavarovano svojo odgo- št. 58/2003). To je javna knjiga, zasnovana na zbirki listin, ki vornost za škodo, ki bi utegnila nastati investitorjem in tretjim dokazujejo v njej vpisana dejstva in pravice. Vpis lastninske in osebam v zvezi z opravljanjem njihove dejavnosti. drugih pravic na nepremičnini v korist določene osebe je mogoč, če to izhaja iz listine, ki je podlaga za njen vpis, in ta listina Z ZGO-1 je predviden inšpekcijski nadzor gradbenega inšpektorja, vsebuje nedvoumno zemljiškoknjižno dovoljenje. Za vpis v ki je med drugim pristojen tudi za nadzor, ali se gradnja izvaja zemljiško knjigo je treba priložiti potrdilo o plačilu davka na skladno z izdanim gradbenim dovoljenjem ter ali se objekti gra- promet nepremičnin ali DDV. dijo ustrezno in v skladu z zahtevami ZGO-1. 2.5.1. Formalne zahteve Vpis v zemljiško knjigo SZ-1 vsebuje določbe o varovanju kupcev, kadar investitor začne prodajati posamezne dele večstanovanjske stavbe že pred nje- Postopek za vpis v zemljiško knjigo se začne: nim dokončanjem in je bilo dogovorjeno, da mora kupec plačati • na predlog osebe, ki ima interes, da se opravi vpis v zemljiško več kot 10 % celotne kupnine. knjigo; • po uradni dolžnosti v primerih, določenih z zakonom. Obligacijski zakonik v posebnem delu vsebuje določbe, ki se nanašajo na gradbeno pogodbo. Nabolj zaščiten je investitor, ker Zemljiškoknjižni predlog vsebuje: mu je omogočen stalen nadzor nad deli ter kontrola nad količino in • navedbo sodišča; kakovostjo uporabljenega materiala. Investitor mora podati pisno • podatke o predlagatelju; soglasje v primeru odmika od pogodbenih del; pravica do odstopa • oznako nepremičnine in podrobnosti predlaganega vpisa; od pogodbe je izrecno predvidena v več primerih itd. • navedbo listin, ki so podlaga za zahtevani vpis; • zahtevek za vpis z navedbo identifikacijske številke nepre- Izvajalec in projektant odgovarjata pridobitelju gradnje za morebitne napake v zvezi s stabilnostjo gradnje če se take napake pokažejo mičnine, za katero naj se vpis opravi, ter podrobnosti predlaganega vpisa; v desetih letih od izročitve in prevzema del. • podpis predlagatelja. Zakon o varstvu kupcev stanovanj in enostanovanjskih stavb K predlogu je treba predložiti: (Ur. l. R, št. 18/2004) vsebuje določbe o varstvu potrošnikov pri • listine, ki dokazujejo dejstva in pravice, predlagane za vpis; nakupu stanovanj, npr. določbe o odgovornosti prodajalca za • pooblastilo, če je predlog vložen po pooblaščencu; skrite napake, o zagotovitvi pogojev za vknjižbo lastninske pravice • dokazilo o plačilu davka na promet nepremičnin ali DDV. v korist kupca, o bančni garanciji itd. Predlog se vloži na okrajno sodišče, na območju katerega leži 2.5. Postopek za registracijo in overitve nepremičnine – kaj so osnovne zahteve? nepremičnina, na katero se vpis nanaša. Jezik Zemljiški kataster in kataster stavb sta temeljni evidenci podatkov o zemljiščih in stavbah ter v povezavi z zemljiško knjigo predstavljata Postopek poteka v slovenskem jeziku, za listine v tujem jeziku se celotno evidenco nepremičnin v Republiki Sloveniji. Ureja ju Zakon zahteva overjen prevod. o evidentiranju nepremičnin, državne meje in prostorskih enot Splošno o zemljiški knjigi (Ur. l. RS, št. 52/2000). Zemljiški kataster je popis vseh zemljišč v Republiki Sloveniji; razdeljena so na katastrske občine in parcele. V Sloveniji obstaja poenotena in centralizirana zemljiška knjiga, Kataster stavb pa evidentira vse stavbe in dele stavb v Republiki ki jo v elektronski obliki vodi Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije. Sloveniji. Na podlagi elaborata, ki ga sestavi pooblaščeni geodet, Vendar predvsem nepremičnine v etažni lastnini niso v celoti je nepremičnino mogoče vpisati v kataster stavb. evidentirane, prav tako pa še niso vsi ročno vodeni zemljiškoknjižni vložki usklajeni z elektronsko zemljiško knjigo. 24 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 Temeljna načela: neposredne izvršljivosti notarskega zapisa, stečaja, prepovedi • Načelo javnosti: Vsi vpisi v zemljiški knjigi so javno dostopni. odtujitve in obremenitve, izrednega pravnega sredstva, javnega • Načelo vpisa: od trenutka, ko je določena pravica ali dejstvo dobra, razlastitvenega postopka, nadhipoteke. vpisano v zemljiško knjigo, se šteje, da je vsakomur znano. • Načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo: Kdor v pravnem prometu pošteno ravna in se zanese na podatke iz zemljiške knjige, zaradi tega ne sme trpeti škodljivih posledic. • Načelo vrstnega reda: Zemljiškoknjižno sodišče odloča o vpisih po vrstnem redu, v katerem je sodišče prejelo predlog za vpis. Poočitev je pomožni vpis, s katerim se lahko: • vpiše sprememba podatka glede nepremičnine oziroma imetnika pravice na nepremičnini, ki se vpisuje v zemljiško knjigo, kadar zemljiška knjiga ni glavni register za ta podatek, ali • označijo povezave med posameznimi vpisi v zemljiški knjigi. Posebne lastnosti zemljiške knjige Zemljiškoknjižni vložek je sestavljen iz treh listov: • list A vsebuje opis nepremičnine; Maksimalna ali kreditna hipoteka se vpiše z označbo, da gre za • list B vsebuje imetnika lastninske pravice na nepremičnini; maksimalno hipoteko. Vpiše se tudi podatek o najvišjem znesku, • list C vsebuje omejene stvarne pravice in druge pravice, do- do katerega za zavarovanje jamči nepremičnina. Maksimalna ločene z zakonom. hipoteka se uporabi, ko višina bodočih in pogojnih terjatev ni znana. ter se določi najvišji znesek, do katerega so terjatve Vse listine, ki so bile podlaga za vpis, sestavljajo zbirko listin, za zavarovane. katero velja načelo javnosti. O skupni ali simultani hipoteki govorimo, ko je mogoče obstoječo V zemljiški knjigi so možne štiri vrste vpisov: vknjižba, terjatev zavarovati s hipoteko na več nepremičninah. To se v predznamba, zaznamba in poočitev. praksi zgodi takrat, ko vrednost ene nepremičnine ne daje ustreznega realnega jamstva za poplačilo terjatve. Vknjižba je glavni vpis, s katerim se doseže oziroma izkaže pridobitev oziroma prenehanje neke pravice. Zemljiški dolg se vknjiži na podlagi enostranskega pravnega posla lastnika o ustanovitvi zemljiškega dolga ali na podlagi Predznamba je glavni vpis, s katerim se doseže oziroma izkaže enostranskega pravnega posla hipotekarnega upnika o spre- pridobitev oziroma prenehanje pravice, ki se vpisuje v zemljiško membi hipoteke v zemljiški dolg. Sodišče, ki vodi zemljiško knji- knjigo, in ki učinkuje, če je predznamba upravičena. Predznamba go glede obremenjene nepremičnine, ustanovitelju izstavi pravice se opraviči tako, da se predlaga vknjižba te pravice. Rok zemljiško pismo, ki predstavlja izvršilni naslov za zemljiški dolg. za opravičitev predznambe je določen glede na predlagano Zemljiško pismo je prenosljiv vrednostni dokument, s katerim se pravico za predznambo. prenaša zemljiški dolg. Zaznamba je glavni vpis, s katerim se opravi vpis oziroma izbris pravnih dejstev, za katere zakon določa, da se vpisujejo v zemljiško knjigo. Poznamo zaznambo osebnih stanj, vrstnega reda, odpoklica terjatve, hipotekarne tožbe, spora, izvršbe, Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 25 Dovoljenja, načrtovanje in okolje 3. Dovoljenja, načrtovanje in okolje 3.1. Dovoljenja – kakšna dovoljenja so potrebna za uporabo in posest nepremičnin? Gradnja novega objekta, rekonstrukcija, nadomestna gradnja in odstranitev objekta se lahko začnejo na podlagi pravnomočnega gradbenega dovoljenja. Gradnjo objektov urejata dva temeljna zakona: • Zakon o urejanju prostora (ZUreP-1, Ur. l. RS, št. 110/2002, Gradbeno dovoljenje preneha veljati, če investitor ne začne 41/2004, 45/2004, 47/2004), ki določa, kaj in kje se lahko graditi: gradi, ter razlastitev v javnem interesu. • v primeru zahtevnega objekta: v treh letih po njegovi pravno- • Zakon o graditvi objektov (ZGO-1). močnosti; • v primeru manj zahtevnega objekta: v dveh letih po njegovi ZUreP-1 ureja tri kategorije prostorskih aktov, ki so pripravljeni na državni in tudi lokalni ravni in v skladu s katerimi mora biti opravljen vsak konkreten poseg v prostor: pravnomočnosti; • v primeru spremembe namembnosti in enostavnega objekta: v enem letu po njegovi pravnomočnosti. • Strategija prostorskega razvoja Slovenije in Strategija prostorskega razvoja občine; Pristojni upravni organ lahko na zahtevo investitorja podaljša • Prostorski red Slovenije in Prostorski red občine; veljavnost takega dovoljenja, vendar največ dvakrat in skupaj • Državni in Občinski lokacijski načrt. največ za dve leti. 3.1.1. Postopek pred pristojnimi javnimi organi glede pridobitve gradbenega dovoljenja in drugih potrebnih dokumentov Pogoj za začetek gradnje objekta je uporabno dovoljenje, ki se izda po uspešno opravljenem tehničnem pregledu. Prispevki in takse Uporabo zemljišča dovoli pristojna upravna enota, na območju 3.1.2. katere se bo gradilo, z gradbenim dovoljenjem, ki mora biti v Treba je plačati upravno takso za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja, ki skladu z zgoraj naštetimi akti. je odmerjena v skladu z Zakonom o upravnih taksah (Ur. l. RS, št. 8/2000, 44/2000, 81/2000, 42/2002, 18/2004, 91/2005), in ko- Vendar pa ni treba pridobiti gradbenega dovoljenja za enostavni munalni prispevek, odmerjen v skladu z Zakonom o stavbnih objekt, če investitor pred začetkom gradnje pridobi lokacijsko in- zemljiščih (Ur. l. RS, št. 44/1997, 67/2002). formacijo, če je njegova velikost, način gradnje in rabe ter odmik od meje sosednjih zemljišč v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi. Upravne takse in drugi prispevki so odvisni od vrste gradnje, objekta in zemljišča. Investitor mora v zahtevi za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja navesti podatke o parcelni številiki in katastrski občini zemljišča ter po- 3.2. datke o vrsti objekta. Zahtevi mora priložiti: Urejanje prostora in prostorsko načrtovanje – kaj so osnovna načela? • projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, V skladu z ZUreP-1 se prostorske ureditve določajo in načrtujejo z • druge listine, če poseben zakon tako zahteva zaradi zagotovitve državnimi in občinskimi prostorskimi akti. posebnega varstva v javnem interesu (npr. obveznost poročila o vplivih na okolje po Zakonu o varstvu okolja). 3.2.1. Kategorizacija zemljišč Zemljišča v Republiki Sloveniji se na podlagi različnih zakonov Gradbeno dovoljenje se izda za celoten objekt ali pa za njegov samostojni del. 26 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 delijo na: kmetijska zemljišča, gozd, stavbna zemljišča, idr. 3.2.2. Občinski lokacijski načrt spremljanja, ekonomske in finančne instrumente varstva okolja, Z občinskim lokacijskim načrtom se določijo lokacijski pogoji za javne službe varstva okolja in druga z varstvom okolja povezana pripravo projektov za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, z upošte- vprašanja. vanjem namena, lege, funkcije, velikosti in oblikovanja objektov. ZVO-1 za objekte z negativnimi vplivi na okolje predpisuje, da 3.3. Okolje – kaj so skupna okoljska vprašanja? mora investitor analizo o vplivih na okolje in pridobiti okoljevarstveno soglasje, ki ga izda minister za okolje in prostor. Zakon o varstvu okolja (ZVO-1, Ur. l. RS, št. 41/2004) določa temeljna načela varstva okolja, ukrepe varstva okolja, ukrepe 4. Financiranje, davki in zavarovanja 4.1. Financiranje – kako se financira prenos nepremičnine? Posojila za nepremičnine, ki jih ponujajo različne banke pod raz- • zemljiškoknjižno označbo nepremičnine, na kateri se ustanavlja hipoteka; • višino in zapadlost zavarovane terjatve. ličnimi pogoji, so eden izmed glavnih virov financiranja nakupa nepremičnin v Republiki Sloveniji. Pravni posel o ustanovitvi hipoteke je lahko sklenjen v obliki neposredno izvršljivega notarskega zapisa. Neposredna izvršljivost 4.1.1. Hipotekarne obveznice notarskega zapisa se zaznamuje v zemljiški knjigi in učinkuje Hipotekarna obveznica v Sloveniji še ni veljaven vrednostni tudi proti vsakemu poznejšemu pridobitelju lastninske pravice na papir, saj je Zakon o hipotekarni in komunalni obveznici še v fazi zastavljeni nepremičnini. sprejemanja v Državnem zboru RS. Zakonita hipoteka nastane v trenutku, ko so izpolnjeni pogoji, 4.2. 4.2.1. Zavarovanje terjatev v povezavi z nepremičninami – kako je ustanovljena in zavarovana zastavna pravica na nepremičnino? Hipoteka predpisani z zakonom. Hipoteka nastane na podlagi sodne odločbe z vpisom v zemljiško knjigo. Hipoteka je zastavna pravica na nepremičninah. Nastane lahko na podlagi pravnega posla, zakona ali odločbe sodišča. Na isti nepremičnini se lahko ustanovi več hipotek. Upniki se poplačajo po vrsti, kakor so vpisani v zemljiško knjigo. 4.2.2. Vrste hipotek Za pridobitev veljavne hipoteke na podlagi pravnega posla se S prenosom zavarovane terjatve se prenese tudi hipoteka, če ni zahteva vpis v zemljiško knjigo. Vpis, ki temelji na zahtevku, dogovorjeno drugače. Prenos hipoteke učinkuje šele z vpisom v med drugim, vsebuje: zemljiško knjigo. • označbo hipotekarnega upnika in dolžnika zavarovane terjatve ter zastavitelja, če ta hkrati ni dolžnik zavarovane terjatve; • pravno podlago; Če dolžnik v roku ne plača terjatve, lahko upnik s tožbo zahteva, da se zastavljena nepremičnina proda. Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 27 Financiranje, davki in zavarovanj Hipoteka preneha z izbrisom iz zemljiške knjige, v katero je vpi- plačati davek na dediščino in darila (Zakon o davkih občanov, Ur. l. sana. Izbris hipoteke se lahko zahteva: SRS, št. 36/88, Ur. l. RS, št. 48/90, 7/93). • če dolžnik plača terjatev; Dohodnina • če terjatev preneha; 4.3.2. • če se hipotekarni upnik odreče hipoteki; Dohodnino ureja Zakon o dohodnini (Ur. l. RS, št. 54/2004, • če je ista oseba postala lastnik nepremičnine in imetnik hipo- 80/2004, 139/2004, 53/2005, 115/2005). Predmet obdavčitve teke na tej nepremičnini; so vsi dohodki fizičnih oseb. Dohodki so obdavčeni različno glede • če hipoteka s potekom časa ugasne; na to, v kateri davčni razred spadajo (dohodninska lestvica). Do- • če se zastavljena nepremičnina proda za poplačilo zavarovane hodnina se plača glede na uvrstitev v enega izmed petih dohod- terjatve. ninskih razredov na dohodninski lestvici (npr. če znaša neto letna davčna osnova za leto 2005 nad 10.330.000 SIT – pribl. 43.117 Hipoteka ugasne po poteku desetih let od dneva dospelosti EUR, spadajo dohodki v zadnji, peti dohodninski razred, in so ob- zavarovane terjatve. davčeni s 50-odstotno davčno stopnjo). Nadhipoteka je zastavna pravica na terjatvi, zavarovani s hipote- Odsvojitev nepremičnine se všteva v dohodnino kot dobiček iz ko. Hipotekarni upnik lahko ustanovi nadhipoteko v korist tretje kapitala, če je bila odsvojena pred potekom desetih let od osebe brez soglasja zastavitelja. dneva, ko je bila nepremičnina pridobljena. 4.2.3. Pravna narava zavarovanj v primeru insolventnosti Dohodnina se ne plača od dobička iz kapitala, doseženega pri odsvojitvi stanovanja ali stanovanjske hiše (z največ dvema sta- V primeru uvedbe stečajnega postopka ima zastavni (hipotekarni) novanjema s pripadajočim zemljiščem), v kateri je imel zaveza- upnik pravico do posebnega poplačila iz dolžnikovega premoženja nec prijavljeno stalno prebivališče in je tam dejansko prebival v skladu z Zakonom o prisilni poravnavi, stečaju in likvidaciji, kar vsaj zadnja tri leta pred odsvojitvijo. pomeni, da ima prednost tudi pred privilegiranimi upniki, saj se njegovo poplačilo izvrši iz posebne razdelitvene mase, ki obsega Davčna osnova od dobička iz kapitala je razlika med vrednostjo kupnino za unovčeno dolžnikovo premoženje, zmanjšano le za kapitala ob odsvojitvi in vrednostjo kapitala ob pridobitvi. stroške stečajnega postopka. Šele ko so ločitveni upniki poplačani, se preostalo premoženje prenese v splošno stečajno maso. 4.3.3. Davek na dodano vrednost Davek na dodano vrednost ureja Zakon o davku na dodano 4.3. 4.3.1. Davki – vrste in kdo jih plača Davek na promet nepremičnin vrednost (Ur. l. RS, št. 108/05). Davek na promet nepremičnin ureja Zakon o davku na promet Davčni zavezanec za DDV je vsaka oseba, ki kjer koli neodvisno (sa- nepremičnin (Ur. l. RS, št. 57/99, 67/02) in se plača pri vsakem mostojno) opravlja katero koli dejavnost. Osebe se morajo registri- odplačnem prenosu lastninske pravice na nepremičnini, tudi pri rati kot zavezanci, če njihov promet v zadnjem letu presega ali bo zamenjavi ene nepremičnine za drugo nepremičnino. Zavezanec verjetno presegel določeno višino (npr. 5.000.000 SIT za leto 2005). za plačilo davka na promet nepremičnin je vedno prodajalec nepremičnine. Od prometa objektov in zemljišč, na katerih so ti postavljeni, ki je opravljen pred prvo vselitvijo oziroma uporabo, ali če je pro- Davek na promet nepremičnin se plačuje v višini 2 % od pro- met opravljen, preden potečeta dve leti od začetka prve uporabe dajne cene nepremičnine. oziroma prve vselitve, je treba obračunati in plačati DDV. Za prenos nepremičnin, od katerega bi bilo treba plačati davek na Ne glede na to pa se davčni zavezanec lahko dogovori s kupcem promet nepremičnin, se ne šteje prenos lastninske pravice na ne- nepremičnine (tudi davčnim zavezancem), da bo obračunal DDV premičninah, od katerega je bil plačan davek na dodano vrednost. po predpisani stopnji. Prav tako davka ni treba plačati v primeru prenosa nepremičnine na podlagi darilne pogodbe, vendar pa je v tem primeru obvezno 28 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 Stopnja davka je odvisna od vrste objekta, ki je predmet prometa. Davek od premoženja je urejen v Zakonu o davkih občanov in ga no dovoljenje; za redni izpisek iz elektronske zemljiške knjige in plačujejo fizične osebe (lastniki ali upravičenci ki posedujejo za kopijo katastrskega načrta (odvisno od števila listov). stavbe, dele stavb, stanovanja in garaže ter prostore za počitek oziroma rekreacijo. Sodne takse za zemljiškoknjižni postopek ureja Zakon o sodnih taksah (Ur. l. SRS, št. 30/1978, 36/1983, 46/1986, 34/1988, Osnova za davek od premoženja je vrednost stavbe oziroma pro- 1/1990, Ur. l. RS, št. 48/1990, 14/1991, 38/1996, 20/1998, stora za počitek oziroma rekreacijo. 99/2002), ki določa takso v točkah in vrednost točke 19 SIT. Tako je treba za zaznambo plačati takso 100 točk – 1.900 SIT (pribl. Osnova za davek od premoženja na posest stavb se zniža za 8 EUR). Za vknjižbo ali predznambo lastninske pravice se plača znesek, ki ustreza vrednosti 160 m2 stanovanjske površine, če je takso v višini 0,5 % od vrednosti nepremičnine, vendar ne več lastnik ali njegov ožji družinski član oziroma upravičenec v letu kot 1.000 točk – 19.000 SIT (pribl. 80 EUR). Za vknjižbo ali pred letom, za katero se davek odmerja, stalno bival v stano- predznambo drugih pravic, ki se vpisujejo v zemljiško knjigo, se vanjskih prostorih. plača taksa 500 točk – 9.500 SIT (pribl. 40 EUR). Zakon določa tudi izjeme od plačila takse. Stopnja davka od premoženja je odvisna od vrednosti premoženja. 4.4.2. Notarske takse Davka od premoženja na posest stavb so začasno oproščeni prvi Notarska pristojbina se na podlagi Notarske tarife (Ur. l. RS, št. lastniki novih stanovanjskih hiš oziroma stanovanj in garaž, in 37/2001, 2/2002, 71/2003, 84/2005) za overitev podpisa na sicer za dobo 10 let. Oprostitev se prizna tudi za popravljene in pogodbi o prenosu lastninske pravice na nepremičnini odmeri obnovljene stanovanjske hiše oziroma stanovanja in garaže, če se glede na vrednost nepremičnine. je zaradi popravila ali obnove vrednost povečala za več kot 50 %. Tudi pristojbina za sestavo notarske listine je odvisna od vredGeodetska uprava Republike Slovenije naj bi podatke o nepre- nosti predmeta. mičninah, ki se bodo vnesli v register nepremičnin, zbrala do konca leta 2006. Na podlagi tega registra se bo uvedel davek na 4.5. nepremičnine, ki naj bi ga začeli plačevati leta 2007. Davek na nepremičnine bo nadomestil davek na posest stavb, določen v Pomoč in promocija – kakšne vrste promocijskih ukrepov za nakup ali razvoj na področju nepremičnin obstajajo? Zakonu o davkih občanov, in nadomestilo za uporabo stavbnega Zakon o nacionalni varčevalni shemi omogoča državljanom zemljišča, ki je določeno v Zakonu o stavbnih zemljiščih. ugodno dolgoročno varčevanje s pravico do nizkih obrestnih in dolgoročnih bančnih stanovanjskih posojil. 4.3.4. Davčni odtegljaji To področje urejajo ratificirani sporazumi o izogibanju dvojnega 4.5.1. obdavčevanja. Posojila in razvojni ukrepi na stanovanjskem področju Stanovanjski zakon ureja najem neprofitnih stanovanj. Postopkovna vprašanja ureja novi Zakon o davčnem postopku (Ur. l. RS, št. 54/04). 4.4. 4.4.1. Takse – vrste in kdo jih plača Takse v zvezi z registracijo 4.6. 4.6.1. Zavarovanje – kakšno zavarovanje je omogočeno strankam in kdaj se tveganje prenese na kupca? Prenos tveganja Upravne takse ureja Zakon o upravnih taksah (Ur. l. RS, št. 8/2000, Prenos lastništva oziroma tveganja na kupca se izvrši s sklenitvijo 44/2000, 81/2000, 42/2002, 18/2004, 91/2005), ki določa takso kupoprodajne pogodbe oziroma menjalne ali darilne pogodbe v v točkah in vrednost točke 17 SIT. Tako je npr. treba plačati takso obliki in z vsebino, kot jo določa zakon. za vlogo za izdajo lokacijske informacije (njena višina je odvisna Zavarovanje od namena (vrste) lokacijske informacije); za vlogo za izdajo 4.6.2. potrdila o (ne)uveljavljanju predkupne pravice občine; za gradbe- Tveganja, ki jih krije zavarovanje, so odvisna od posamezne police. no dovoljenje (taksa je odvisna od vrednosti objekta); za uporab- Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 29 Kontakt Kontakt Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Sloveniji Nepremičninsko in projektno financiranje Tanja Turk Šmartinska 140, SI-1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 5876 808 CSM je zveza vodilnih neodvisnih evropskih pravnih pisarn, ki strankam zagotavlja celovito izbiro pravnih in davčnih storitev, ki temeljijo na poznavanju njihovega poslovanja. CMS deluje po faks:+386 1 5876 665 e-mail: [email protected] celem svetu v 47 poslovnih centrih. Ima več kot 575 partnerjev, več kot 2000 pravnih in davčnih svetovalcev in skupaj več kot 3800 zaposlenih. Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Avstrija Real Estate Finance, for cross border activities: Odvetniška pisarna Marjane Šnuderl sodeluje s CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre in CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz. Teresa Dreo Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13, A-1030 Wien Kontakti: tel.: +43(0)5 05 05 55333 Marjana Šnuderl faks:+43(0)5 05 05 55108 Rimska 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana e-mail: [email protected] tel.: +368 1 426 93 54 faks:+368 1 425 15 30 ali e-mail: [email protected] Gabor Somogyi Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13, A-1030 Vienna tel.: +43(0)5 05 05 55175 Dr. Katarina Zajc Rimska 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 251 15 08 faks: +43(0)5 05 05 57985 e-mail: [email protected] faks:+386 1 251 15 08 e-mail: [email protected] Brošura je bila izdana tudi za naslednje države: • Avstrija • Bolgarija • Češka • Hrvaška • Madžarska • Poljska • Romunija • Rusija • Slovaška • Srbija • Turčija • Ukrajina Brošuro za posamezno državo v angleščini/nacionalnem jeziku oziroma nemščini lahko dobite na domači strani BA-CA ( Kliknite „Corporate Customers“ – „Financing“ – „Real Estate“. 30 Poslovne nepremičnine v Sloveniji, april 2007 Your gate to Central and Eastern Europe. NERL Group Nagatinsky Office Building Long Term Financing Office Center Moscow/Russia Lender: Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG and International Moscow Bank PLC Raiffeisen Evolution via joint venture with Meshulam Levinstein d.o.o. Europe Business Center Development Financing Office Center Belgrade/Serbia Lender: Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG and HVB Bank Serbia and Montenegro A.D. 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