Volume 90+91 Index
Volume 90+91 Index
SUPPLEME~ T TO " TRE ENGINEER," JANUARY 18, 1!.101] • • I • • • I - • VOL. XC. FRO~! JULY TO DECEl\IBER, 1900. - ' • \ • • ' ~anhalt: OFFICE FOR PUBLICATION AND ADVERTISEMENTS, 33, NORFOLK STREET, STRAND, \V.C. ' .. ~----------------------·-------------------------~----------- • Surl'LEME!'\T ro "'filE ENOlNEElt" OF JANUARY 18, 1901. r ..• • • I • • , • - • INDEX. V.:>L. XC. • ~i&t of £lnmrs. A AM ERlCAN, (Central) Ship Cana'11, 405, 509, 5~o. otiO Engineering Offices, Tho WollmanSeaver Offices, 374 (16in. ) Guo, 'fhc New, 899 1sthmuP, Map of the Central, 405 Steam Mot or Wag"l>n, 121, 122, 123, 147 Trachon Engine Trains for Russio, 318, 315 Warships at Se~, Coa ling, 85, 86 Ashley's Pump, 587 Athena , a.s., H.epai r of t he Tail Shaft of tho, 864 Atlan t io Cit y Flyers, New Locomotives for the, 461 B BAUER, Mr. J ohn, p, rtnble Forge, 301 Belleville Boiler Making Machinery, 643 Biotrix Nicolet et Cie., Engino, Paris .Exhibition, 284 Bilbao and Ferbr ogge, Jetty Constr uction a t, 434 Birch, Mr. J. Gran t, 116 Birmingham OasworkP, S,_ltley, Four-lift GM· h older at, Mr. H. Hack (Supplrotertt, lJtccmbcr 21st, 1900), 563, 607, 628, 629, 630 Bir mingham W elsh Wa t er Scheme, 362, 368 Blackheat h and Greenwich Electric Light Station, 206, 207, 208 BoUinckx, M. H., Compound Corliss Engines, Paris Exhibition, 356, 357 Boraig, A., Express Locomotive, Paris Exhibition (St1pplrmrnt, ptembr1· itlt, 1900) Borsig Locomotive with Schmidt's Superheater, 233 Bon;ig, A., T riple-expansion Engine, Paris Exhibition ( upplrmrnt , J ul!I 20tlt, 1900, 50, 61, 61 ) Bouhey Usinee, Machme Tools (• U]Jpleme~tl, Ro1:tmbe~·, 231-d, 1900) B radford W ater Supply New W or kJ, 270, 271, 274, 275 Britannia Company, Boiler F lue Dr illing Machine, 65, 620 B romley BrotborP, T riple-oxpan.&ion Hor izontal Eogino (Suppltmmt, .Yo~~mber 16th, 1900), 484, 485 Browne, Capt. Cba.s. Orde, 263 Burry Por t and Gwendraeth Valley RAilway, Saddle-t ank Locomot ive, 525 Borton, C. W., Machi ne Tools (St•pplcm~ut, lYort111bcr 23rd, 1900) 0 C AlL En11.ino, 106, 107 Cammell Armour Plate, Test or, 117 Canadian, Engines of the s.s., 160 Capo Boar Lighthouse, 132, 133 Lovi Ligbthoueo, 134 Capel Motor Carriage, The, 113 Carr, Mr. R. A., Saddle Tank L1comot ivo, 525 Cent ral London Railway, Yard Locomotive, H uulet En~ne Company (SuppltTilent, A 11!)Uit 3rd, 1900), 108 Central Marino Engine Works, Saperbcat ors, s.s. faohd owno and I uchmarlo, 696, 597 Cbouanard, E'orgos do Vulcain, Paris, Macbino Tools ( ~tppltr~unt, N ownber 23rd, 1900) City and South London Electrio Railway, Compound Horizontal Engines, Cole, Marobont, and Morley, 346, 347, 348 City a nd South London Electric Railway Gene· ration t!\tion and Generator, 346, 348 Colo, Marchent, and Morloy, City nod South London Electrio Railway, Uorizontal Engine, 316, 317, 3 18 Colmant Maison, Machine Tools (Sup]'ltnttnt, No ftTitbtr 23r<l, 1900) Compagnie G6n6rale Eleotrique, Nancy, 500 Horae-power Oonerator, 567 Conradeon, Semi-automatic Tu r ret Lathe, 620 Continental and British Macbino ~l.'ools ICC Sttppl•m~nt, Xocember 23t cl, 1900 C16acb d'OunMnt Lighthouse. 311 ~reuy, Ar moured Cruiser, 369 Cridl nand Kinch's Automatic Coupling, 895 Crlluley B:os. 'a 350 Horae-powe r Gas Engine, 68 Crowden's Appantua fo r Drawing Corvoa, 834 Cruse Controllable Superheater Comp3ny, Super· boater and Separator, 443 D D !: A~ Smith, and <:rae•, Rha{t Lltbe (Su} • pfatt;nt, ·'·o~'Cmbrr !:3tcl1 1900) - Jlln.stratian.s. D<1moor Atolio ra, Macbino Tool.s (Supplement, N orembe~· 23:-d, 1900) Devizes Look Kennot and A von Canal, 5W Donkin, Mr. Bryan. Woes Hovoaler for Studying Condensat ion in Steam Cylinders, 423, 447 Doran and 'l'aggar t, Enwno Indicator , 516 Dover llarbour Board , P ortable Salvage Plant, Merryweather and Sone, Limited, 571 E ELECTRIC Li~bting Boards, Limited, New System of Lighting, 414 Emp ress Found ry, Manobester, 674 Essex, H. M.S. Cruiser, 861, 366 Erste Brunner Masohinen F abrik Gesellschaft, H orizontal Compound St eam Engine, 536, 537 Escher, Wyss, and Co., 1000 Horse-power Tandem Compound Engine, P a ris Elthibition, 583, 584, 585 Esoher, Wysa, and Co., 300 Uorse-p:>wer Vert ical Eogine, 586 F FAIRFIELD Sbipbuildiog and Engineering Com pany, Twin-eorew T roopship Hardjnge. 169 Fellows' Gear Shapor, Pa ris Exhibition, 204, 205 F oster and Co., Ltmitod, W orks of, 245 Fowler and Co., John, H orizontal Cr oss Comp ound Engine, Leeds T ramways, 588, 589 F rance, Express Locomotive, Easte rn Railwa y of, M. Salomon, P aris Exhibition (Supplement, J uly 6tlt), 13, 28, 29 Light Railways in, Bridge at Alais, Narr ow Gauge Tank Engine, Station Arrangements, 52, 53 L'lcomotivo Practice in, .M. E. Sauvage, 19, 20 F rench Cr uiser Klobor, Triple·expansion Engines of the, 638 Railways, Metro Gauge Locomotive11 for, Soci~t~ Suisse pour Ia. Construction do Locomotives et de Maobines, 181 J JAPAN, Urnga Dotk, 437, 438 430 Japnnoto Armou red <.:ruiser Adsumn, 172 Japa nese Battleship Mikaea, 282 Jonnin~troo Point, Stoel F rame LiRhtbt>U&o, 299 Jooos, Mr. J ohn, Inspection Cbambor Cover, 338 K K ENDALL an d Gen t, Macbino Toolr, Par is Exhibition, 236, 237, 288 Kolben Alternator, 1000 llorse-power, Paris E xhibition, 34, 35 K rupp's Modified W elin Breooh Screw, 248 L Paris Exhibit ion, Eloc.trical Eogincoriog, 34, 384, 385, 458, 4o9, 513, 562, 567, 608, 609 E lectricit y Generating P lant, (;nllowaysLi mitedand Malhor a nd Plat t, 88, 92 Four-cylinder Compound Loco· motive, Southern Italian RnilwayP, 81 Lighthouse Exhibit, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 311, 358, 359 Machine Toole, 186, 187, 204, 205, 236, 237 Primo Movers at, 79, 106, 107, 154, 155, 156, 234, 254, 310, 356, 484, 485, 583, 584, 585, 586 Ver tioal Compound Condenting E ngine, Soc. Alsaoionne d e Constr uctions, M~ca niquea (Svppltm.tnt, November ~1ul, 1900), 431 LAB MEYER Dynamo, Paria Exhibition, 458 W a r Material at t he, 210, 211 Lang , Ganz, and Co. , Horizont al Compound W ood -working lt!aob inery, Tboa. Eo~ne and Dynamo, :no (Suppltlntnt, &ptember Robinson and Sons, 339 281/t, 1900) H eavy Motor Car T rials in, 390 Lal Poiseante, Hopper Dredger, W m. Simons a nd Par is-O rleans Railway, F our-cylinder Compound Co., 230, 231, 240 Expreas Locomotive, de Glehn Syst em, M. Leeds T ram way Generat ing P lant, 588, 589, 592 Solaor oup, 157 Leitch, J., P itchometere, 518 Pedley's Ettber -sido Brake, 617 Lewis Bolt, 898 P hiladelphia and Reading R ailway, Cargo Conl'lle Viorge, F rance, Lighthouse Lant ern, 181, veyors, B rown H oisting Machine and Convey132, 138 ing Company, 612 Loewe and Co., Lud wig. Machine Toole (Supple- Pickles and Son, John, Block Sawing Machine ment, NovtmiJer 23rd, 1900) and Sharpener, 17 Loewe a nd Co's Works, Bertin , 88, 109 Pittsburgh Eight-coupled Locomotive, 142 Lombard Gerin Trolley, 269 Pollock, Furnace-mouth Drillillg Machine, 446 London Bridge, W idening of, 613, 614 Pollock, Messrs. J. and Co., F lange Drilling and South-W estern Railway, Locomotive Attachment, 562 Saloon, 316 Port Dundu, E lectricity Worlu, Glasgow, 260, ~teamers leaving Ma rgate, 1819, 432 261, 262, 266 Lugansk Locomotive W orks, 8, 9, 10, 12 Premier Gas Engine Compilny, 250 H on e-power Gas Engine, 493, 494 M McGOW A N, Mr. Rogers, Radial Drill, 476 Mci nnes-Dobbie I nd icator, 502 Madison, N. J ., Pla t e -girder F ootbridge , 539 :hiallook, Mr. A., A.Pparatua for Me!IBuring Tractive Force, Resl8tanco and Accelerat ion of Trains, 323 Malt Mill-lane Bridge, 257 Massey, B. and S., T ire IIammer for Railway W heels, 300 Mather and Plntt, Tho Ridgway A ut omatic Sewage Distributor, 501 Mavor and Coulson, Elootrio Rotnry Oil Pump, 16 Mississippi Railway Rivor Bridge, Swiog Bridge Gearing, 378 Mont St. Olair Lighthouse, 133 Monte Hor moso, Arg entino Coast, Lighthou!*', 185 Mumford, Mr. A. G., Ve rtical Compound Surfacecondensing Engines, U.M. Dockyard, Chatham, 69 R R ATHMI NES Electricity Supply W orks, 244 Reavell and Co., Limited, and Lawrence Scott and Co., Limited, Combined Eogino and G Dyna mo, 472, 473, 474 GALLOW A YS Limited and Mather and Platt, Reinocker, J . E., .Uachine Tools (Suppltmtnt Compound Corliss En~nos, 92 Norember 23rd, 1900) Gan-z et Cie., Maobmo Toole (Supplanent, Reno I nclined Elovator, Tbo, 136 November 23rd, 1900) Riekie, Mr. John, Compound Six-coupled Eogino, Ganz et Cia., Tur bine with Hyd raulic Relay 55, 56, 57 Governor, 80, 81 Ridgway Aut omatic Sowago Distri but or, Ma ther 11 Garrard Manufacturing Comp:1ny, The F reeand Platt, 501 wheel " Bicycle, 66 Robey and Co. . Elec tr ic Light E ngine, Paria Ger man Armourod Cruiser Pricz Hein rich, 292, Exhibition, 296, 297 298 Robey, Messrs., Valvo of I nternal Combust ion Battlesh ip~, Wittolsblch and Fiirst BisE ngine, 49 marck, 646 Robinson and Son's, W ood-working Maobinery, Navy, P rotection of Tail-shafts, 6 Paris E xhibit ion, 339 Tbird-clnss Cr uiser Amazona, 435 Root., Mr. J. D., on the Valves of I nternal ComGloucester Electricity Supply Works, 93 bUlltion Engines, 4!l Great Nor thern lbilway, New Line at Notting· Rowan, Mr. W. B., Por trait, 243 bam, 165, 171, 218, 219, 220, 257, 258, 259 Russian Cr uiser Bayo.n, 211, 214 Greenwich and Blaokbel!.th Electricity Works, Firat-olaas Battleships, Borodino Class, Engines and Dynamos, 60 542, 643 N Gwynne and Co., P umping Engines, U raga D:ok, Reinforcements for China, tho P oltavo, NANCY Elect ric Rook D r ill, Paris Exhibition, 438 tho Sevnstopol, and t he Gromovoi, 642 562 Warship Novtk, 486 Nancy, 500 llorso-powor, 567 N apior's Steeple Engine, 309 H Newall a nd Son, Limited, R. S. , Mic rometer Wiro Gauge, 221 HARBU RG Compnoy, P rotection of Tail Shaft s as Now Taite·Howard P neumatio Tool Company, in the German Navy, 6 Limited, P neumatic Labou r-saving Tools, 446 Hautmont, Forges ot Fonderios de, Maobine SALT LEY Gasbolder11, (Sup~:ltmtnt, Dtmnl~er 21•t, Now York, Watersheds near, 460 Tools (Suppltmlnt, Nol'tltlbtr 23rd, 1900) 1900), 568, 607, 628, IS29, 630 Now Zealand Government Railway&, Locomotives, Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co., Limited, s.e. Canadian, Schmid~'e Superheater, Borsig L'oomot ive, fitted Mr. li'. T. Rother ham, 468 160, 161 with, 233 Nicaraguan Conal, Proposed Ronto, 605 Heenan and l'"roude! Twin-cell DO$trnctor, 540 Schneider a nd Co. , T riple-expansion Enginea of Niobolaon 'l'ool Compan y Tho Jos. C., Combined llelios-Actien Geee lsobaft, 3000 Horse · power 1 the F renoh Cr uiser Kleber, 638 Steam Ilammer a nd Ohvor, 95 Altsr nator, Paris Exhibition, 158, 159 Soulfor t nod Fookodoy, M11chino Tools (Supplt· Nor th of F ranco, ~'ou r-cylinder Compound Loco· llerbert, Mr. l!:dward 0., Automatic Cutting-up 11wtt , .No ~'t1nber Z1rd, 1900) motivo, M M. Du Bousquet et do Olebn (Sup· Machine, 6~ Sells, Mr. Cbas. , 1166 7Jlement, Dectmbt~· 7th, 1900), 288, 289 H erbert, Limitod, Alf., Maobino Tools (Supple· Siberia and Nor th China, Map of, 119 Nottingham, Cave D wellings, 166 ment, Xovt1nber 23rd, 1900) Siberian Railway, Building the B ridge acrOM the Hill's Wagon CouplinA'1 690 Yeniesoi, 4 Hind ley Railway Accident, The, 146 Simons a nd Co., Wm. , La Puiasant o, IIopper Holmes-Ciatworthy's Elootricnlly·driven Printers' Dredger 230, 231, 240 Machinery, 41, 42 Sin~tle Cyo\o Company, Now Motor Bicycle, 547 0 Hotobkiss Ordnance at tho Paris Exhibition, 210, Sm1tb and Co 1 William, Combined Engints a nd OPENSIIA. W, Armour r :ate T rials at, 335 211 Dynamo, Pans Exhibition, 384, 385 Husson'a Safety Acetylene Syndicate, Hand -Cod Smith and Coventry, Machine Tool~, Pari~ Acetylene Generator, 223 Exhibition, 186, 187, 188, 189 • Soci6t6 Fran~aise de Constructions M6oaniquot, Compound Engino1 106, 107 p Sec. Suisse, Win lortbu r, Compound and Simple Locomotive• ( SlllllJlt· PAN HARD and Levaes~; r, 12 H orse-power Motor I men.t, No~:tmbtr 30th 1 Carriage, 39 1900) I LLINOIS Central Railway Company, Railway Panama Canal, Plan of tho, ond Part Scotion Eleotrio Looomotlve. (St•pplrmcnl, Octobc1· 26th, 1900), 405, 456, 461, Dynamometer Cars, 196, Hl7 Pnrie .E~htbltioo, 317 465, 609, 520 Indian Troopship Ilordingo, 169 s • - INDEX. lV So l. t)uiuo, \\ intorthur, Tr,\'n"nv l .oc >mnl ,.f', Lyon· Ncuville I ires, ~11 S>u\l;).Eaatern and Chatham Railway, Sis· coupled Goods Looomohve, Mr. ll. S. Wain. wricht , 370, 37l, (66 Soutbero .Railway 'of Italy. Loccmotive, Po~ria Es ... ibitioo ( '' pplffllntll, tklobtr 6tlt. and 19th, 190)1, 833, :S96 S u bern Italian Railway Works, Fl, rence, Forr. C) hnder Compound Lo~omoti ,f' 1 8 1 Fu ~ton Heat.b P.>t.tery, Boi'er Esvtosioo, 597 Suuc Li&bt.bou e, 133 T T ~ Y LOR and Ch&llen, Limited, Guillotine 5henr. iog Machine, 143 T•ylor and Challen, Limihd, Screw Preea for Strikinll' Gold Medal•, 142 Tbsmes P.aaenger Stonmho11t Sorvioe, 286, 309, 634, 635, 636 Po~ssoo ({er Steamboat Service, Gentle· man'11 Blrgo abou t 1820 and Steam· bo:.t Citi:ttm A, 1846, 286 P.188eoger Stoambol\t Service, Nnpier's S:eeplo En~r ine, ~OJ Steamora, 1813·1 17, 184, 185 Th'> rnycroft'll Steam Tipping Wagon , 31 Tbury eriu Power T ransmission, lsovorda, and Ueooa, and Vbaus·de·Fondll, 613. 5H T<"rquay, Recording Watte Water Me~er, tOO Turuey Stosm Trap, Tbe, {17 To& E NO INUR, I NDU 8\JPPLr.r.rr.NT, J ~'~l'AhY 1 , I Gaugo, Micrometer Wire, R. S. Newall and Son, 0 Limited, 221 ORDNANCE, Hotcbkiu, Paris Exhibition, 210, CANALS, Central Amerioln !:)hip , 405, 509, 520, G~ar·ab aper, Fellow's, Paria E:~.hibition, 204 , 205 211 660, 605 Generating Plant, Leeds Tramway, 588, 559, 592 Dl v:ne L?ck, Kenoet and Avon, 550 Generator, 500 Horse·power1 Comp1gnie 06n6rale p P.an of the Pnonma, and Part S11otion E lectrique Nanoy, 567 Pll'CllOMEl'ERS, J. Leith, 518 of (SIIppltm•nt, u·tolm· 2611., 1900). Girders, Old, 408 40j, 45S, 461, 465, 509, 520 OlaPii Revealer for Stud ying Conden.o1tion in Port rait of Mr. J. Grnot Birch, 116 Capt. Chas. Orde Browne, 263 C.1ve D weUin(o!P1 Nottingham, 165 Steam Cylinders, Mr. Bryo.n Donkio, 4i3, 417 Mr. W. B. Rowan, 243 Croliog Americ;1o Warships at ~)3, 85, 88 G uo1 American 1610. 1 399 Mr. Charles Sella, 566 Cooveyora, Car50, The Brown Hoisting r.h ~hin > Primo Movers at t he Paris :Exhibition, 79, 106, and Conve} ing Company, 612 107, 154, 155, 158, 254, 310, 356, 484, 485, 583, Couplings, Autom'\tic, Cridlan nod Kiraca'a, 3! b H Coupling, R ill's Wagon, 090 581, 685, 586 UA MMER and Oliver, Combined Steam, The Printers' Machinery, Electrically.driveo, 41 , 42 Cruiser, Armoured, Cressy, Section of, 869 Joe, C, Nicholson Tool Company, 95 Pump, Ashley's, 587 C11tling-up Machine, Aut?ma'ic1 Mr. E. G. Pnmp, Electric Rotary Oil, Mavor and Coulson, Herbert, 63 16 0 I D INDICATOR, Doran and Taggart, IHO Mcl onea·Dobbie, 502 [n•pection.cha.mber (;over, Mr. John .Jonoa, 338 D E3T RUCTOR, T"in·Cell, Heenan nnd ~·roode, 5 l0 Distilling P:nnt for Ioe F11otory, Hal Wil\iam11, 647. 648 J D..>Jk, Uragn, Japan, 437, 438, 439 Dovetailing Machine, Young's, P11ris Exbibili..> n, J E l'r\' C.>nstruct iou nt Bilbao nod %.obruggo, 338 434 Drawing CurVPI', c.owden'cl Apparatus fur, 331 Dr;ll, Elttctric Rock, 'l'he Nancy Company, Paris Exhibition, 562 L Floe, Mr. Jobn Pollock, 4i6 Pneumatic, 'l'bo Whitelaw P11ton•., 4 J6 LA T lJ E, 'fhe Coaradson Semi-automatic Turr&t., Radial, Mr. Rljler3 McGown, 476 620 Drilling Attachment, Flange, Messrs. J. Pollock Threo·spindle, 599 11od Co., 562 Lighthouse, Cape Bear, 132, 133 Machine, Boiler Fluo, Bri!anoia Com· Cape Levi, 131 p1ny, 620 Crt!.llb d'Ouessant., :l11 Machine, Radial, Smith and Coventry, E!!ttineering at the Paris E1h1~iLion, UGANDA R1ilway, 3:36, 33i, 312, 387, 391, 40J, L1mited, Paris l!:xhibit.ioo, 189 415 358, :359 Dynamo, L'ha:eyer, Paris E1bibition, 458 Eshibit at tho Paris Exhibition, 131, Uo{anda Ra'lway, ~hp and Pro61e of, 336, 337 United S~tea B.1ttleship Georgia, 49~ 132,133, I 3J, 135, 138, :m, 35 Steel Frame, J enniogtroo !'oint, Uraga D.x:k, Jap1n, 437, 433, 439 299 E Suroc, 133 ELECTRIC En~ioe eri na nt. tho Pllris E1hihilion, Lil(bt Railways in F rance, Bridge at Aloia, Narrow·gauge Tank Engino, nnd Stntion 34, 35, 385, 41 9, 458, 513, 562, 567 Arrangements, 52, 53 V APOU R Prevontor C.>mptln y, E'ec~rio \'arour Light Stn' ion, 206, 207, :>.OS Locomobile, Four·eented Carriage, 476 Preveoter, 398 Light ing, Now &ystero of, 414 Vauolain Express L:>c:>motive, 461 1\hcbines, Gramme, l)aris E xhibition, Locomotives for tho Atlo.ntio City Flyen, 'fbo Vauclain Express, 461 Vereinigt e MMohioen Fabrilc Au~sbarg u. 60S Borsig, fitted with ~~hmidt's Maaohioenblugesellsch\ft1 i500 H?rae·po:ver Macbin9s, Parsons, Path. E.r.hibilioo, Superheater, 233 Vertical Triplo·oxpaosion Engine ( Sttppltmmt, 609 Compound and Simplo, Soc. SuiEso A li!JU$l 2 1th, 1900) Rock D:ill, Tho Nancy Comp1ny, Pc1ris Winterthur ( Stt ppltment, Xti t'CIIl· \'i :kt.rt, Sons, and Maxim, War Material at the Eshibition, 632 b.l' 30tJ., 1900) P4ri' Eshibition, 2!S3, 283, 28 ,, 285 Transmission, Tbary System of, l\u iJ CJmpouod Six-c,upled, Mr. Jobn Exhibition, 513, 514 Riekie, 55, 56, 57 E:eotricaUy·driven Ptioter1o' Machinery, Holmes· E;ght·couplod, Pittsburgh Com· Clatworthy 's, 41, 42 paoy, 142 Electricity Goner Jting Plnnt, Gallo'RayP, Limited, El(ctric, Soc. Suisso. Winterthur, and Mather and Platt, Limited, 88, W ALLASEY Urban Diatrio~ Coaooil Chemical Paris l!:xhibition, 317 92 F1re Eogioe, 321 Esprees, A Borsig, Poria Exhibi· Supply Workr, Gloucester, 93 Weatherburo, .M r. R?bt., Causes of R1pid Wear tioo (Supplemt11l, "''JIItmher 7tJ,, Supply Work11, R1thmino•, 2H and Tear of Fire· bona of Locomotives, 630 • 1900) Ele,-ator, Th' R1oo Inclined , 136 Welio Breech Screw, Krupp'e Modi6ed, 2 l8 Etpress, E . .P.ailway of France, M. E:tginf', Biet!is, Ntcolet ct. Cte., Paris Exhib!· Wellington F.>andry. Lincoln, 215 S;1lomoo, Paris Esbibition (Sup· lion, 236, 237, 238 We~terfield , Great E1stero B>iler Esplo~oi?o a•, plcments, J ul!J61A ctnd 13 It, 1900) C-iil Compound, 105, 10i 314, 411 28, 29 Chemical Fire, Urban District Council, Wh tel~w Pooumatic Drill, 416 Four. cylinder Compound, M~l. Wallasey, 324 Wtlliams. B .. l, D •tilling Plnnt fl)r l ea Facb ry, Du .Bousquet and de Clobn Compound Corlis~, M. H. Bo!Hnckx, 617, 6!8 (Supplement, ]Jtctmber 7t!t, 19CO) Paris Exhibition, :J56, 357 Wolff, llerr Rudolf, Pl)rtahle Engines, Paris Four-cylinder Compound !';sprelll', Comp?aod Uoriz>ntal, City of London Exhibition, 79 , 80, at0 1\I. de Glehn Systom, M. Sola· E 'ectrio Railway, Cole, l lnrchent, and Wolaeley Motor (;ar, The Two·ae;lted, 421 croup, 157 Morley, 346, 347, 348 Wolseloy Sheep.sheariog Machine Comp1oy 1 Oil Four-cylindor Compound, S. Italian Vompound Somi·portablo, llorr R. Wolf, E >gino for Motor Car, 420, 1122 Rail ways, 84 J>,u ia Exhibitinn, :3!0 French, 1\I. E. Sauvago on, 19, 20 anti Dynamo, Combined, Reavoll ann Goods, South.Eo.stern Railway, Mr. Co , Limited, and Laurence Scott and H . S. Wainwright, 466 CJ .. Limited, 472, 473, 474 Metre·gaoge for French H.ailways, and Dynamo, Comb'ned, Willom Smit YOU NG'S D.>vot•iling Machiot-, Paria Exbibi· 181 and Co., Paris Exhibition, 381, 3 5 tion, :333 New Zealand Government Rail· and Dynamos, Greenwich and B!aclthenth ways, Mr. F. T. Rotberham, 476 I EleJtricity Works, 60 Northern of Franc3, l\1. Du Bosquet, and Dynamo, llorlz>otal Compound, 288, 289 L1ng, Gao..:, and Co. (Suppl,.,nmt S tddle · tank, Burry Port and Stpttmber 28th, 1900), 310 Gwendraeth Valley Railway, Mr. Electric Light, Robey and Co., Paris l<.. A. Carr, 625 Exhibition, 296, 297 Saloon, London and Sout.h.Weatern Gas (250 llorae·power), Premier Gas Railway, 316 Enll'ine Company, 493, 494 Sis·coapled Espress, S. R'lil way Gas (350 Horse·power) Crouley Bros., of Italy. Pari3 Exhibition (Sltoplt· 68 mtnl1. O.:tobtr 5t!t FJr.ci 19tlt, 1900), Horiz mtal Compound , Budap3sth L<lnll 333, :396 (Suppltm~llt. &p'enwtr 28th, 1900). 310 Six · couphd Goods, S. E. and Horizontal Vompound Steam, E rato $nbjcct c:etnttn. Chat.bam R1ilway, Mr. ll. S. Brunner 1\Jaschinen·Fabrik Gesell· Wainwrillht, :no, ;3i1 echaft, 536, 537 Tram.vay, Soo. Suisse, Winterthur, Horiz?ntal Cross Compound, John A 5H Fowler and Co., 588, 5811 Worke, Logao&k, 8, !l, 10, 12 ACCIDENT, Hindley Railway, 146 N Jpier'e St.eeple Engioo, 'fhamea Steam· Yard, Central London H.ailwav Acet.vleoe Generator, Husson's H!lnd· fed , 223 boat Service, 309 (Supplement, A l't/ll&t 31'd, 1900) Air Compreaeor, O•cillatio,r, New Taite· Howard Oil for Motor C.1r, The Wolseley Sheep 108 Poeumstic Tool Company, Limited, 4i6 Shearing Company, 420, 4i2 • A:ternator, 2000·Kilowatt Polyphase, Electricitats "Portable, Herr Rudotr Wotr, 79, 80 Act.ieo Geaellachaft, Frankfort-on· P1.1moing, Gwynno and Co., UragaDock, the-Maine, Paris Exhibition, 459 438 3000 Horse·power, Helios Actien M of tbe a.s. Canadian, 160 Gesellscbaft, Paris Exhibition, 15fl, ( 1000 Horao·powor), 'J'aodom Compound, MACHINE Tools for tba C.>nsLructio::1 of Belle· 159 EJchor, Wyss, and Co., 583, 584, 585 ville Boilera, 613 Armour Plate, Test of Cammell, 117 Triple·exp11nsion, A Borai~, Paris Ex- l\lnchine Tools, Continental nod Brit ish {M S •Jl· Triala at Opoosbaw, 335 hibition (SIIJ'Jiltment, Jt•fy20th, 1900), plcnunt, Xo,·emiJcl' 2;3Hl, 1900) 50, 51 , 61 Triple . expansion Uori~:>ot.al, Bromley Machine Tools, Paris E&hibit.ton, 1S6, 187, 108, 18!l, 204, 205 Bros., Paris Exhibition (St•pplunent, Machine B 'l'oo1a, Smith nnd Coventry, 1/mited, ,\'orcmber 16th, 1900), 481, 485 Paris Eshibition, 186, 187, 188, 189 BE\' EL Wheel Pi&ner, Smith and Coventry, (300 Horso· power), Vertical, Escher, Machine Tool W ork~>, L?ewe and Co., Berlin, 83, Limited. Po~ris Exhibition, 186, 1lSi, 188 W yEs, and Co. , 58d 1(19 Bicycle T h'.l " Freo·wheel," Garra rd Manufac· Vertical Compound Surface·condeo&ing, Map of the Central American Isthmus. 405 ' turing Company, 66 Her Mtjesty'e Dockyard, Cbatbam, Map and Profile of Ugnnda Railway, 336, 337 A New Motor, Singer Cycle Company, Mr. A. G. Mumford, 69 Map of the Route of the Nicaragua Canal, 605 547 Eogioeerio~ Offices, The Wellmo.n·Seaver, Cleve· Map or Siberia and .North China, 119 Boiler .Explosion, Satto:1 Heath Pottery, 597 land, Ohio, 374 Measuring Tractive Force, Reaistaoce, Accelcra· at Westerfield, Great Eastern, tioo of 'fraiM, Apparatus for, Mr. A. 1\lallock, 314, 411 323 Flue·drilling .Machine, Britlnnia Com· Micrometer Wire G logo, N ewallaod Hon, L:mitod, F pany, 65, ti20 R. s., 221 Makinll' Machinery, BeUeville, 64:1 F I RE·BOXE3 of L?comotives, Flaws in, 630 Mikasa, Japanese, 282 Bolt, Lewil, 398. . . . Forge, Por table, Mr. J ohn Bauer, f01 Milling Machines, Smith and CJventry, Limi ted, B >ring Mill, Sm1th and Coventry, Ltmtled, Pans Foundry, Manchester, Tbe Empress, 574 Paris Exhibition, 1S9 Eahib:tion, 18!! Wellington, 245 Motor Cn 'fria~e, l'ar is, 390 Blttle. filling and Corking Maol.aine, [6j Motor Car, 'rwo·aeated, WolselPy Sbeep·shear:og Brake, Pedley'11 Etther·llde, 617 Company, 421 B ref1ch Screw, K ro pp's Modi6ed WeHo, 248 Motor Carriagt-, Cnpel, 113 Bridge, Foot, Madiaon, N.J., 639 G Motor (;arriasre, 12 Horse·power, Panbard and London, 'fbe Widening of, 613, 614 Le,-aqllor, ~ 9 OASHOLOEJR nt Birmingham GasworkA, Sattley, Malt Mill L~ne, 267 Four·lift, Mr. H. Ilaok (Suppltt!Lmt, Daro1bo· t.l otor Wagon, American Steam, 121, 122, 1 2~, over the Yenistei, Siberian R1il wa ,., 4 117 !olllt, 11>00), 563, 607, 628, 620, 630 b,Y .E!ectricity, Workinl' Swing, 3; a u v w X- Y- Z 19(1.-{VoL. X C) R RA l LWA Y Accidont, Hindley, 146 (;ity of London Electtio, Generating 1:\tatioo , E~gines, and Generator, 316, 347, 348 Bridge over the Yenisaei, 4 Gre11t Northern, New t~ioo at Not· tingbam, 165, 171, 218, 219, :l~O, 257' 258, 259 Rolling Stock , Dyoao..ometor Car11 lllinois Central Railwny, 1P6, 197 t.:gaods, 336, 337, 34:!,387, 391,409, 415 s SAL\"AGE Piant, Portable, Dover Uarbour B Jard, Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 571 Sawing Machine, Paving Block, J ohn Pkkles and Son, 17 Screw Prou for Striking (;old Meda1s, 'fay lor and Cballen, Limited, 142 Sewage Distributor, Ridgwny Au tomatic, 1\l ct.are. .Mather and Platt, 501 Shaft s, Method of Voating '!'ail, German Navy, 6 Shearing Machine, Guillot me, Taylor and Chall,o, Limited, 143 Shi p s:- B.lttleships, British : Removed from t he Effective List, 398 Battle&hips, Foreign:Germnn, Wit.telsbach nod F\in,t Bismarck, 646 R:~s~ian , Borodioo Class, 542, 543 Novik, 486 Reinforcements for China, 642 Uuited StateP, Georgia, 49~ C'ruisore, Brhil,b :Essex, 361, 366 Cruisers, Foreign :Frencb, K'<!'Jer, 'fr iple·expao~ic- n Ecgines of, 6:18 Go>rman, Amazoof', 435 Prinz Heinricb, 292, 299 J <~plnese, A<iauma, 172 Ru~eian, B!lyan, 211, 214 Morcantile Po1sseoger and others: · BritishCanadian, llnwlhorn, Lettie, and Co., Limited, 160, 161 Gentleman's Barge abuut 1&20, 286 Thames Passenger Steam boat Ser· vice, 184, 185, 309, 6341 635, 636 Twin·screw Troopship, Hardinga, 169 Mercnntile Passenger and others:ForeignH opper Dred~er, La Puis1an ~e, 230, 2311 240 Shtioo, London·road, Great Northern Rl\ilway, Nottingham, 259 Steam Hammer and Oliver, Combined, 'fhe J os. C. Nicholson Tool Company, 1!5 Motor Wagon, American, 121, 122, 123, 147 '1'1pping Wagon, Tbornycroh's, 34 Trap, The Tooley, 97 'uperbe!lter, Schmidt's, 233 s.s. Jochdouoe and lochmarlo, Central Marine Engine Works, 596, 597 and 81p1rator, The Cruse Comr any, 443 T TA I I. Shaft of the a. a. At!Jtnl, Ro>pai r or tho, 3o j Tire Hammer for Railway Wheel,., B. and S. Massey, 300 To'>l,, Pneuma tic Labour· saving, Taite· Howard Pneumatic Tool Company, Limited, 446 Trains, Apparatus for Measuring Tractive Forco, Reaistaoco, Acceleration of, Mr. A. Mallock, 323 Traio3 for Ru~sio, Amer:can Traction Engine, :313, 315 Trolley, Lombard Gerio, 269 Turbine wit h Hydraulic Relay Governor, Gnrz and Co, W, 81 T urbineP, Paris E&bibilion, 25-1, 255 v \' A lJ,: E:i of Internal Combustion Engicot, Mr. Jas. IJ. Roob on, 49 \'a p:>ur Preveoter for Windows, Electric, 398 \ 'iaduct, Gas Works Sidi ng, Great. Northern R.1ilwny, Nottingham, ~58 w WAR Material at. the Paris Exhibition, 210 211 War Material at the Paris Exhibition, ViokeN, SonP, and Mnim, 282, 283, 284, 285 Wnsto Water Meter, Recordi ng, Torquay, GOO Watersheds ncar New York, ~l a p of, 460 Water Sopply, Birmingham W~;;lsb, 362, 363 Water Supply, New Works, Bradford, 2i0, 271, 274, 2i 5 Wire Gauge Micrometer, R. S. Newall and S:lD, Limited, 221 Woodworking Maobinerr , Paris Exhibition, Tbo•. Robinson and SonP, 33g • v INDEX. Tn b otllna, t Nnu !!uPl'UMI!fr, J 411r '1> v 1:-, 1901.-(Vot.. ).(' • -i.s ttll an tons. • • • ·~II" • • ' • -. • A ABBOTT and Co. , Limited, Report for tbe lost Financial Year, ( 200) Acc idents, Fires, Boller Explosions, &c.: Balloon, Count 7.!ppelin'~, 318 Boiler l!:xplosion s, 498 in t ho Yenr, Persons Killed and Injured by, (~~1 ) 1899, in Oerm any, (379) Locomotive, at We~oterfic ld, 314, 411, 413, 498 Lyon!', ( 467) Phenomena of, 4!l6 near St IIolen !I, 615, (491) Sutton lleath P ottory, 597 Sydenbnm, (260) 'l'ube Explosion, Bollovilie, on board t ho .Matine, (GH) Burating of Main from Lnko Yyrn wy , (163) o f Main Steam P1~0 m ~ ngine h ouse, Clydnch \ale Collieri es, (491 ) Colliery Flooded, Cymmer, (452), (480) E xplollion, Orent Central Railway Companies' Gaswork11, (87) Great We!tero Railway Colliery, (124) Fnll of R oof, Stank I roo Mine!l, (33) Fire , Hnndyside's Br itannia }'oundr y, Derby, (491) Messrs. Nash and Sons S pade and Shovel Work!', (604) Oldbu ry Carriage W orks, (lH} W ost T oxteth D ock, Liverpool, (33) Halli woll, Mr. J .• Killeu through Falling down a Pit Shaft, (137) H oboken Disaste r, Loss Sust ained by tho ~ortb Oermao Lloyd, (163) llorso Killed by a Telephone W ire, (608) f.nnd slip, Cornwall, (G19) Powell Duffryo Colliery, (163) Ihil way Accideots- ! tt Hail way R oof, Eogineeriog Works, Sterling Boiler Com pany, Limited, 119 Whitwell's Ironworks, Thcr oaby, (62) AD~N, Scheme of Public Wbarves . a nd 'l'idal Basins, Govern ment of Bombay refuse t o Sanction it, ( 114 ) Admi ral~y Committee on Naval Doi' ors, 134 Admiralty !::!urvey11, Heceot, 136 A\i:ial Expe riment, An, 96 Sbip!t, 139 'l'orpedo<s, 67 Agricultural Implement.'!, Opening for , io A!>ia Minor, (293) Machinery and Implomont.s in Smyrna, (33) Machinery, P opularity of American, (291) Machinery Wanted in Chile, (291) Work, Applicat ion of Electric Power to, ( 13i) Air Compressor, Tbe New F isher Au xilia ry, 376 o~cillating, 446 Means of Renewing, Discovered by Two Frenchmen, (239) Alcohol, I ad us trial Use of, Tho French Gove rn· mont Endeavours t o Promote. (50 ) Algeria, Copper and ,'ilver Ores 1-'ound in, ( 13i) A lgeria, l\lioeral Oil in, (13i ) Alkali Act, Cement Works and the, 170 A lloying CMt I ron with Aluminium, 118 Alloys Employed in tbe Gold a nd Silver Coinage of t h e ltealm, (365) Al manacs nod Calendars, 690, 651 Al uminium, Alloying Cast I ron with, 118 on Ca rbon in Cast I ron, JnOooooe of, Messrs. Melland nod Waldron, 308 Cookin~r Yessels a nd Fuel Economy, (519) and Copper, Fut uro of, 166 Patents, 623 American Armour P late, 516 Cement, 326 Competition in Iron Circles, (250) Engineering Offices, 374 Engineers in G reat Britain, W or k Secured by, by P ublication of Open Contracts in United States Trade J ouroala, (604) Machine ry for t he Far E\I.St, ( 18G) Steel Trade, Tbe, 139 Tariff and the Iron Trade, Tho, 38 W ork.a Practice, 445 Am munit!on-•te Esplosivu Appointments and Res ignations : Bowles, Naval Constructor F. T ., Appointmer.t, (691) C.1a: pboll, Mr. Cbns., Appoi ntment, (22) Cawthrn, Mr., Appointment, (253) Claydon, Mr. IT. W., 378 Command or -in·Chief at P or tsmouth, Appe;intment for tbe Post of, (11) Dick, Mr. F. W., l.ia Appointment nnd Succe! · eo r, (160) H olland, Mr. Richard Orovos, Elected Mtut er Cutler, ( 149), (249) Hornung, .Mr. Cbaa., Rlai,c{natioo. (304) Loon, Mr. J. P., Appointment, (378) Macaulay, Mr. John, (33) McCauley, Mr. J ., App<~rntmeot, (160) Mny, Capt . 11. J .. Appointment, \!61 P ut.ldio, Mr. J. Dick, Appointment, (50S) flaw on, ?olr. J . , Appointmen t, (531) K n y, Mr, Ar•p .iotment, (30 1) lteovo,, Mr. 0. B, Appointmon~, (611\) ft Jthorbnm , Mr. T. ~'., A p proi n' moot. ( ~~3~) l::lw Jn~oa Cor p:~ rntinn J.~ OJt r icr\l ( ' •Jnmauc·, App ln'ment of i\lr. C1wt Lr.t, ('":3) Apt>olntmonts and lteslgniltlons (roll/) : T bomM, Mr. F red. 0., Resignat ion, (304) T riohnm. Mr. J. S., Appointment, (304) Young, 1\lr. F rank W., Appoi ntment , (87) ARDWICK Engineering Company, "Compnct" L'\unoh Machinery fnr America nod !or Steam Y nohts, (73) Argentino, Exportation of Wheat, (163) Arfleotine Hepublio, Cultivation and Export of Wbeat from tho, ( 105) Armour 's Plant, Boiler I nstnl!ntioo at, 161 Armour: Brow n and Co.'a. John, (21) Cammell's, 4in. K. N. C. 'l'osts of, 117 K rupp, for ·ru rkish Ironclads, ( 137) Openshaw W orks, Extension of, (36) Openshaw W orks, P lato T r ial, (30) Plat e, A mor ican , 646 Plate C<>ntraot Qttostion, Tbo U.S , {213) P int o '!'rials, 334 R ussino, Testod at t ho Betblohom Steel C.,m . pnny's Proving Ground, ( 137) Tenders for, nsked by tho Ordnance R 1ronu of t bo United States Nnvy D~pnrtment, 67 Ter ni, 7 Plates, A merican, fo r n.ussian B .lttlesbips, 301 A RMSTRO ' 0, Lord, 630 Armstrong, Profcasot· Ceo. Fred, 623 Armstrong, Whitworth. and Co. , • Limitul, Divide nd, 1900, .June 30lb, (304) A rtistio Accu racy, 4P9 Ashton-in-Maketfield, Electric Energ y Supply for, (4113) Aspatria nod H omo Cultrnm Urban and Wiltten Ru ral Distri cts W ater Su pply Sohemo, (440) Asphalt Pavemfnts in Mmnenpolit>, Cost of Cleaning, ( 190) Asphalt Pavemen ts in Brooklyn, Ruin of tb o, Dispute between tbo Gas Compnnios and tbo R!lilway Comp11nios respect ing, (31b) Assiout Bnrrngo Work~, Bre1ch in tbo, (87) Balloon1 Novel E xperimen t s t o bo Carried Out by J. ?.1 . Bacon from n, (87) Balloon, Trial T rip with Cllunt Zeppelin's N avigable, (11 ) Bur, Prof. Arch., On th e Riae of the Mechanical ArtA, (5il) Bar R olling Mill, a Lo.rgo, (!310) B.1rrow Hematite S teel Compnn y'd W orkP, Stop· page of, (467 ) Water Supply, 392, (619) Ba uer Forge, Tbe, 301 Bo.uormaon, P rof. H., Iron and Steel a t the Paris Exhi bi tion , 1900, 2 6, 376, 423, 448 Belfast Harbou r Commissioners and tbe Glasgow Docks, 376 Belgian Metal Mnrkot, (190) Boll, Sir I . L., on Un ited StatoR Co mpetiti, n, 669 Bolloislo Experiments, 18, 32, 193, 261, 489 Belleville Boilors-st t Boilord Belt Pulley, Test of n, 604 Saddle, Mr. C. T . P owell, (10) Sur face-hardened Carry ing, nossendalo B .;~lt· ing Company, (225) P bwoix Sewn Cotton Duck, (219) B~ngal , Coal in, (141) Bon~ral P ig Iron, Price of, in Australia nod Cbion, (637) Bernoger·Slio~rl Apparatus for Pu rifying F eedwater , (291 ) Berthelot, M., On tho B oili ng Points of Zinc and Cad mium, ( 190) Bet hnnl Green Free Librar y, (619) Bevel Wbeel Cutting, 21~ Bicycle, T he" !-' reo-wheel," G6 i n Siam, Demand for, (365) for t he South African l•'orces, P rot est n~eainet th o Wnr-o Uloo !::!pecificntior, (591) and Steel B.11l Trodo in lhvnrin, Decline of, (137) Trade in Mos~ow, American t'. British, (512) Bilbao and z .,ebruego, J~tty Con,truction a t , 43-l Association for the Advancem e n t of Bllls: S c ie n ce, American: Fly-wheel ~::~.plo~ions, Mr . C. II. Manning on, (G2) A ssociation , Arne l'lcan Ra ilway Master M echanics' : Power Transmission by Sho.ftiog v. E!ectrici ty, 146, 173 Relati ve Advantages of Electricity nod Sbartin~.t for Driving for Railway Shops, Conclusions orrived at by tho Ccmmittoo Appointed to Consider, (87) Water io 1.. ocomoti \•e Boilers, Statistics of tbo Elfoct of llnrd nod Soft, ( LO) A ssociation, Central T echnical College, Old Students': 328 A ssocia tion of C leansing Superintendents of Great Britain : Motors for Street W ater ing and Du.s t H.emoval, Cosh of, Mr. E. Shrapnel Smith on , 276 Association, Cold Storage and l eo : Producti on of Distilled Water for I ce·m!lking P lants, lint WillinmP, 647 A ssociation or Engineer s, Birmingh a m: Engineer and t he E conomical D~volopmont of Manufactories, 'fbo, by W. Arnold, 223 Assoc iation or Engineers, Manch ester : Election of President and oth er Otnoera, 601 E lec tr ic Traction Sobomo, 1\fancbest or, D:eous· sion on tho A ppointment of no Exper t fllr, 601 Engines, Triple nod Quad r uple·expansion, R c· lative Efficiency of, Mr. A. L. Mellan by, 661 Fly-wheels. Mr. Archibald Shup, 436 Paris Exhibition : Its L~sons and S<~ggea! i ona for Eo(lineora, 399, 477 S\ llabW! for the Winter Se1sion, (361 ) Vi~it to Hayer and Poncook's Lccomotive W orkt, Oortoo, 401 Viait t o tb a White Star Lioor Oceanic, 99 Ass ociation, N ational Free Labour : E llployment of Militiamen ~ith Permanent Work, 369 Association, Self- propelled n-ame: Ad dress by M. G. F oroatier , ( t 91) Ass ociatio n or Waterworks neers, Britis h : •• I t .,( ,. J ·~ )' . •.• ' ~· Boilers (rootlinu, cl) ! Water-t ube, for the New Cruisers En coun te r and Challenger, (440) i n Warshipq, V st.a of tbe P rincipal Types, 26, 27, !i6 BOLT, Le wis, 398 Bolt nod Nut Company, La nnr kebir e, Largo Addit ions to their Wor ks, (608) Bombay Water Supply, (M 4) Boring Machine, Cylinder, Soci<l 6 Alsaoionra" (iv. Suppltm••tl, -.\'ouem!Jer 23rtl, 1900) Loco. Cylinder, Demoor (ti. S uppltment, Xoumbtr 23rd, 1900) Sculfort et F <>ckedoy (xi. Supplement, NOt'tllibtl' 23rcl, 1900) Mill, Ilori:c:ootal, Smith and Coventry, Li mited, 189 B 11t.Uing Machine, Aeriited Liquid, 565 Boubey, Usinea, Paris. Machine Tools (Supple· ment, November 23o·cl, 1900) "Bowling" Iron, Evideoco as to the W orld· r•· oowned, (318) Bowo , Mr. Wm., ( 114 ) Boyer, Porouuive Riveter , 446 Bradford Water Supply Works, Mr. Wat.so::1 on, 269, 270, 271, 274 Bra1!'6J for Electr ic Cranes, 538 Breech Slrew, K rupv's Modifi ed Wolin, 243 Briar -root Jndustry, T be, (114) Bricks made from Wast e Ilenps of S t. Helen' (llas3 Work•, (318) Bridges, Railway, and other: Alais, Light R,ilwny, 52 Building, Amer ican 11. Briti:th, (63i ) Canadian Pacific R.1ilwny over the Red River, (611 ) Cantilever for t he Canadian Government, (253) S tren~Ztheoiog the Niaga ra, 6i6 }'oot , Madison, New Jersey, Pinto Girder, 639 Nowcaetle, a t the Side of the Bykor l!ridgo, (293) Over the Spree, 874 Orent Norther n Ra:l way over tho Canal l!ar,in, Nottingham, 219, 220 Malt Mill L1no, 267, Cardiff R:~il wny Company's, (624) ])u blin Electric Lighting, Rej 3oted, ~0 E ast London Water Company, (62) Electric Power, 6, W, (33) F rench, for Na val D~foncss and R!I·Org ar.isa· 268 tion of tho Fleet, ( 11 ) llank-Tu, Rebuildinll of, (440) L ·mdon Cou nty Council'~. for Uaing E :ectric:ty Heavy Draw, New York Uentral Rail way, (72) on tboir Traru Lines, (87) L:~mbeth, Re-building of, Recom mended b y tb~t London County Council's, for a Tunnel under London County Cooocil, (620) tho Thames, (62) Lancashire nnd Yorkshire Railway. Coctract and South . Western Line u nder t he Reported t o have been Socur od, (250) Solent, (591) r_.,odoo, Widening of, (392), Gl 3 W ater Sltpplv, 688 New, over t he Thames at L'lmbot b, 414 Metropolis, Electric It dlways Cor, (58i ) Newcastle, Widening of Bykor, (562) Moselle Canal, 14 Ottawa River , (86) Neath Harbour, (33) Siberian Railway, Across t he Yeoi ;soi, 4 Priva t e, (608) S~one Arob Railwayt... U.S.A., 67 Railway noll Canal T raffic Amendment, (33) Swing, Work ing by .t!ilectricity, 3i 3 Rbeidol Light Railway, (83) Sydney Harbour, ( 17) Sheffield District Railway Company's, (11 ) T raneporter over t he Manchester Ship Canal South Wales Electric Power Distribution, (33) nod the Meraey, (591 ) Stockport, Water Su pply, (637) Tyne Harbour Mouth, Aerial Suspension, at, BT NO BAM, Mr. Cbns. H enr y, (351) (619), (629) Bir mingham Uasworks, lloldora a t tbe, 661, 663, Uganda Riilway, American Contracts to Su pply 607, 628, 629 (Suppltmmt, l Jftx mllfr 21&t, 1900) Thirty-fou r, 595 Birmingham Technical School, Eo~eioeeriog De· W arden, nea r Newcastle, New Suspension, (11) pnrtment of, t o be Reorganised, (392) Birmingha m Wol9h W ater Scheme, 'l'he, 362, BRISTOL Quaye, 418 Britannia R!pids, Ottawa, U tilisat ion of, (614) 363 Blnokpool, Volcanic Stono Son W alls , 146 Blast l~uroaces, Coni Consumption in, and H ow Brit ish Association : it is affeoted by ?.1oistu re in tbe Air, (318) Brad ford, Now Water Supply Works, Mr. Watson , 269, 270, 271, 274 Furnace Smelting by Water On~>_, 163 Coalfields and Iron Ore Dap~sits of Shansi and Board of Trade E ducntiou, South Ke o~iogtoo, U onao, Mr. J . G. H. Olass, 329 279 Combination Integrating Wattmeter and MaxiBoilers: Dlom D emand Indicator, Mr. T. Barker , 272 Admiral ty Committee on Naval Boilers, Tbe, Compressed Air, E xperiments on t.be R'l -heatiog of, Mr. W. G. Walker , 326 134 CJst of Power by Steam, Water , and Ga.s, Mr. B Jlleville, 36, 39, 442 J. B. C. Kershaw, 269, 290 in t be Britiah Navy, (6 41 ) in tbe Japanese Navy, 642 DJnamos nt tho Paris Exhibition, Profeuor S. b!aobioo T.1ola for the Coostr uotion Thomson on t he Lar!le, 272 Expanrlod Mota! in Concr eto, U,o of, Mr. A. of1 643 T. Wnl mialoy, 269 E~:plosions, Bo1ler-1te undor Accid ents Phenomena of, 496, 498 Geneutin~r Stations, Desictn aoj T.'lcaUon of, Select Committee on, (62), 110 Mr. A . H. Oibblnga, 272 Leader oo, 192 F lnntrlld F lue, Hawkosley, Wild, and Co. , (303) lthobino S bop,, Coostroct i.m of, Mr. E. Kitloo Jo'lue Drilling MBobioe, 66, 620 Clark, 290 l nor uatatlon of L'>comotlve, Peculiarity in t he, Maooho&tcr and Liver pool P roposed Expreu r-n 6-ll of L.,o>motivo, S:nlo L.,oaeoed by tho Mon Hail sy~tom, Papua hy Sir H. Constantly Chang ing tho Water, Preece a nd Mr. F. J. B ehr 269 ( j l4 ) Measu rement of tho Tractive F orce, Raaittance, in Preventing, Mr. Reis'e P lltent, and Ao:eleratlon of TraiM, Mr. A. lttallock , 323 (137) I net nllat.ion at Armou r '• P lant, 1{11 Mechanical Sciooco, Sect ion B, Lilt of Papere l\'foscow Local Makera v. Lnncnshiro, (519) t o llo road before, 188 Pb oto~rophy in Textile D n ignin&', U se of, Navy, 67, l:l4 Niclou~se, 96, 118, Hu, 413 P r of. ll11aumont, 290 Hol(ibtrntion and I napootiool R op >rt of tho Prosidon t inl Ad d t•uJ, Mr. Joaoph Lnrmnr , 235, 243, 272 So~lect Committee on, anC1 Draughts Sub· mitted, (62) Refo8e DiapoJal, Mr. MoTnggart on Ilou!l, Scale in Locomotive, Observations made on t t e 2a9 Central Argentine and on tbe Great Weatero Screw 0 mges, RJp~rt on, 3CO Screw '~bread s U!lod in Uuo a nd Cyole Con· Railway11, (644) Sti rlio~ B oiler Company'• Show of M->dels, at ruct.ton and for SJrewa subJect t o Yibra· ( 110) tion , by Mr. 0. P . Clemente, 302 Tubular, "Experiment!! with, for tho Oermnn Sitting of tho Gene ral Committee, Jnnovati ms Navy, (365) d ecided upon Oronts made at R radford, 290 Water · tube, .B.\bcock an d Wilcox, DJmand for, !:.itel\m , W et and Dry, nod n New Form r-f (62) Calorimeter for Measuring it, Prof. J. G.>Od· mnn, 290 Exper iments on t ho Il yac: nth , T rno llve l~'<>rco, R >Sistnnce, nnri Aocel ra li 10 4 16 of '!'rains, Meaturomont of, Mr. A. llbllock, Mr. G..aoboo'.t M11nnrnndum on , 269 6 1, 70, 89, 184 in M er<~hant Ship1, 26S Tr,,mwny CJn<~tructivn, Mr. W . D.lWIO:l co R"c>::t 2:2 0:1 the Mm~rva, ·r ri '''• ('11 S) w. En&'l· Prog ramme of Winter s~saion, (5.U ) W ait' of Wnto~, Relationship between Cost o ' , God tbnt of Detection and Preventi?n of, Mr. A . J . J enkin,, 7, 43 Assouan 0.1m, Progresa or, (611 ) Astronom y, Annual for Students, (480) All!lntio Record, The, 186 Attrnotioo, 341 Aoaten, Mr. Stanley , (804) Australi1n I ron Manufacture, 372 Ayadalegate E . t1te for Sale, ( 126) B BAl N and Co.'a Concerns in West Cumborlanu Acquired bv the Moss B.1y Iron and Steol Cllmpaoy, (G91) R 1kau Boycot t, J npan 'l'he, ( 15) B1lanoe W beele, Novoll\lotbod of C.Jnstru'.l t io r (82) B...lo.ta Driving B •It, A, P fJ i ) - • - Vl INDEX. To• B NOIN&&ll, I NDKX Bol'PLIVKWT, J ANOAnY 18, 1901.-(VoL. X\... ) Docks (.-.,.lti•l•'" l): V.>nden!ntion on Windows, Preventing, 398 Coal (ro•1li.111 l): BRITISH Tra1lo and Manufacturer.~, 118 Gibrall.llr , Mnltn, ~nd H ongkong, Progress of Consuls and E'lgineering, 113 Bengal, (1<11 ) Bront.e Forging, A lArgo, 600 the Oovernmont s, (87) . . B1lls, lh tlway Companies', 1C6 Bronze, Sw luloria, 426 Glasgow, Bolfnst H arbour Commt3Stonora :mel Contracts: Brown· Boveri·P.&rsons Syndicate, Order roceived Brisbane, (365) tho, 376 Blrry Graving Dock, Me88re. Price and Will,, from the Frankfort Corporation by the, (87) British, t o the Netherlands, (163) Ooole, 295, 4,3 Cambrian, for French lt1ilways, (304) Brnoton and Trier's Stone·drosaing Maobino, 446 (65) . B~~r;J Griffin Chilled Iron and Steel Company's Grimsby, Burley Sewage, Carr Bottom R1aervoir, (190) Canada, 813 U artlepool's, North. Etntern R:Ltlwny C.>m· New Works at Burow let to Orad well and Carboniaod at tho Manchester Oa.sworks, Can· Borton, C. W., Machine Toole ( upplrwn.t, pany'e Plans t o Improve. (479) Co , Limited, (21) X ur..ulb;r 23,x/, 190)) no\ and, (163) Havana, Floo.ting, (62), (HH), (293) CJal, Tho R!Lilway Company's (289), 570, 595 Cochrane, Mr., On the High Prioe of, 827 Busboy H ouao Granted to the R 'lyal Sooiety H ull, Proposed New, (62) De Berguo and Co.'s, (149) Conciliation Board, Scotch, (114) . . (611) Leith, (508) Government, Japan, 576 Consnmption in Blast F urnaces, and bow tt 18 Bute, The Marqui3 of, 862 Llanelly, (402), (42a), 433 Greenock and Port Glasgow Tramways Com· affected by Moisture in the Air, (318) Morsey, Financial Statement, (392) pany to Dick Kerr and Co., Limited, (467) Consumption, A Cruiser's, (91) Newport Extensi;m, ('22), (30~ ) f,·mg Newton Reservoir, Mr. John Soatt, ( ~riO} Contracts, The Railway, (2a9), 570, 595 New York Navy Yard, l:;t:>ne and Con'Jrete Munioipnl Contract Scandal Manchester, (4t8) Cottera Electric, ( 163) CABLE fro~ the Az,res to Naw York, (114), Dry, (13i) 1 Open Prompt Publication of, by United States D3livon ng, at s~a. 84, 85 S11.n Francisco, Dry, (291), (299) (137) T~de J ournale, and Consequences, (504) Dividends Daolarod by S > me of tbo Sheffield Gorm'\n·Amerioan, New York to the Simons Bay, Dry, (163) Steel Work for Southport Pier Company placed Colliery Companies, 2<!5 South Brooklyn, ImmeMe F loating Dry, (83) Azlros, (114) with Mo!sre. liandyside, (123) Dust, FirinR: with (Freitag's Method), ( 1CO) Pactfic, (508) Swansea, 206, (416), 426) Uoion Switch and Signal Company, U.S. A., for Enormous Profits made by Colliery Owners, (21) Trieste, .Balance Floating Doole, (114), (190) Cl\blevams, Anglo·03rman, 570 S:>uth Africll, 145 Exports, American, (114), 29! , (331), 366 (668) Caird, Mr. Robert, Presidential Address, 443 U raga, J apan I. 437, 439, (477) War-office, R9forms in connection with, (33) of, from Grimsby, during week ended Calamine Mioes in Algeria, (137) W orkington, :!06 CO~VERSIO~S. Walker, Maynard, and Co. October 12th, (392) Calcium Carbide, Bleaching Powder, and Electro· of, from Newcastle, 1\.S.W., (392) Warner and Co., 425 lytio Copper, Annual Produc· Famine, Another, Ciroular to Lancashire and Convayors, Cargo, 'fhe Brown Hoisting Macbino Doc kyard Notes : tion of, (416) Albntross, Destroyer, t o bo Commissioned for and Conveying Company, 612, 614 Yorkshire Coalowners, (62) as a D11oxidaot in F oundry France, I mport of British, into, and ita Copper. 295, 604 the Instructional Flotilla, 218 Practice, (467) · and Aluminium, Future of, 166 Albemarle, Battleship, 611 . . Destination, (62) Industry in Norway and Swe· Amorio!ln Cruisers, .R9construct1on of, 232 Future Stores of, in Germany, North Amertca Consumption, 78 . . . den, (291)1 {366), (637) Navy Board Look R>und for a Do· Gold and Silver Reflnerles 1n the U n1ted and North China, Dr. Frech on, (318) Industry in United States, (291) fonce against Sabmarines, 462 S~~tes, Electrolytic, (611 ) German Foreign Trado in, from January to M~nufacture of, ( 187) Navy No more Destroyers or Tor· Natal, Discovery of, ( 114) August, (403) and Portland Cement W ork.s at Nor way, 'l'urn-ou t ot the Ri.iros Mines, podo Boats for the, ~2 Germany, Crisis in tho Tendo, 268 Lnuffen, (491) Gla!s, Mr. G. II., Oa Sbansi and 11 man, 329 Ampllion, Square·rig~red Mast ~med, 65 (163} P owor Necees:uy to Produce, Oro, An Entire Moonbio containing 5 Amphion, Tbo, to lbplace tho Leander on tho Grimsby, Export from ( 190) (508) High P rices of, Mr. Coohrnoe on, 327 Australian St11.tion, 837 por cent. of, (408) Calculator, Pocket, 321, :HO, 36i , 888, 475, 517 Argentina All O rder.~ for Ships and Guns to bo Homestead Colliery, Oatput Inc.rusio.g, (45). P roduction, Germany, (318) Calcutta, Coal Gasworks Flooded, (616) Sent to Gormany, Report to this Effect, 388 Production, United States, (83) Hungarian Mountains, Extens1ve F teld 1>18· Callipers, Graduated, (617) . Smelting Plant at Nacosari, Mnico, (318) Arilldne, H. M.S., Tho Truth about her" Narrow covered, (467), (514) • Calorific Value of tho Average Llndon Domesttc I mports into China in 1899 and 1898, (63,) Supply, T~~ World's, 364, ~94 E;oapa" 193 . Refuse, (239) and Tin Fthn~rs oonvorted mto Bron:t> by of into Italy, Diminishing, c.w.og to the Austrian Naval ProJ ~cts, 261 C~mmell Armour Pinto Testa, 117 'use of Water Power for Generating Bn.llard, Commander, His .Essay on I deal War· Pressure, (624) Camphor Production, Formosa, (365) ships An Officer's Comments on, 18 Corea, Mineral Wealth of, (467) . E lectricity, (416) Canadian Mail Ser vicea, ( 190) Cork, Udo of, in Isolating Vibration' and Notse B11.rr a~d Stroud Trllnsmitterll, The, 624 India, English, in1 442 Canadian Mineral D.,velopments, 813 Battleship' of Last Yoar's Programme, Names Indian, (253), (591 ) . . of Machines, (611 ) Canals: J apan Pcoduotion aod Export, 176, (291), (637) Cornish ?.'Lining, Revival of, Moettog tn connoc· of t he Now, 442 Baltic and Black Sea, 322 Kent Coslfield, Belgian and French Syndicate, DJlleisl~, Armoor of, and the Globe Naval tion with, (691 ) .Baltic and North ~ea, 55 Correspondent's Ignoran~e. 565 and the, (87), (137) Corni~h Tin-mining, 172 . . Cent ral Americlln Ship Canals, 405, 455, 464, 111 anchester Corp:>rl\tion G l8works, Proj.,ct for Corrosion of Pip' by the Earth, CJolgard1e P1pe Experiments, 18J. 82, 193, 4 9 465, 609, 620.1. &60, 605, {611 ), 627 (Supple· PhotograJ>h of, ~61 Buying a Coal Mine (253) Line, (318) numt, Octob.r <::6tl1, 1900) Belleville Boilers tn tho Recent Maoanvr091 Corrosion of Soft Steel and Wrou"ht Iron Michigan, (637) • DAnube-Save, (691) Mills Stopped for Want of, (190) Reduced by Addition of Copper, (637) 193 Darien, Shjp, 122 Mioiog Companies, Increased Profits Earned Corsica, Do'once of, (427) Ships with, 6H Grand Junction, 65 Cotton Arti6ci!Ll 1 Process for the Manufacture of, Tube, Bursting of a, 641 by, {508) H ungary, Two New, (508) and Scotch Boilers and tho Fool they New South Wales, (365} ' ( 11) Kennet and Avon, 550, 573, 69:> I mport to Manchester, U~efulness of the New Zealand, 145, (365), (400) Burn, 91 Kiel, (511 ) Nottinghamshire D1strict Output, (392) Ship Cnnal, (239) . Ships and the Cylindrical·boilered L'eds and Liverpool, Bursting of tho E:nbank· Spionio~ Compa!ltes. in tho R 'lyton _D1s· Ships do rin~t tho Maoanvres, 134 Pas de Calais, (591) ment (11 ), 55 triot Stop the1r M1lls for a Fort01ght, Peat v. Coal in Sweden, 205 Bolnbow's Guns, The, 65 Locks, Btgh·lift, 105 " Poor Manufacturer's" Complaints of High B1lge Keels F.tted to French Coast-defence (57) Manchester, Ship, (33), 239, 253, 822, (440), Spmning nnd Weaving in P.>rtugal, (218) Price (21) Ships, 337 691 Blake, 'f o b3 put into Commission as a Trans· Price of, 141, 216 Counterbracing Girders, 80 Moselle, Bill to Authorise its Construction, 14 Crane Messrs. W m. DJxford nod Sons (553) of Locomotive, 14 port, 388 Nicarag ua, (508), 606, 616 of Nag~ki and Po ~hontas, (611 ) Cran~, Brakes for Eleotriu, 638 . Blenheim durint:t the ManaHvres, The, 135 North Sea, to Amsterdam, Extensions and Electric Paid by Manchester Gas Corp:>ratioo, v. H ydraulic, The Clyde Nav:· Bluej:Lckets as Stokers,, 641 . . Improvements, (213) gation, Trustees Compsrison of, (611) (62) British Cruisers, Admll'al Str J. liopktna on North Sea and B'lltic, Traffic through, (11 ), 65, F lo1ting, in South Staffordshi re Advanced, (190) for Lifting 80 Tons, New l::!outh the Speed of, 565 (114), (365), (467), (508) of, on Taff Vale Railway and Effect on Wales, (201) Bullfinch, The Destroyer, Trials of, 193 P~na0!1.8, 405, 455, 464, 465, 509, 620, (611 ) Rooeipta, (163), (217) Crank Shafts Built, 25 Bunkers, Ihlf Empty, Valuable Experience (Suppl~n t, October 26th, 1900) Pulverised, as Fuel on the Illinois Central, Crewe 1\lr. Webb'a Presentation of a. Loving with, G11ined by the Manro~vres, 118 Suez, (365 ), (611 ) Cup to the Mayor and Corp~ration o~, (611 ) (478) Channel Fleet, The, 489, 547 . Worcester to Birmingham, Project for Improve· Rhodesia, (508) Cridland and Kirsoh's Automat1c Coupbng, 3!15 Chinese Destroyer Captured at Tllku And gtvon ment of, 225 .Rise of One Penny per Ton, Calculated on the Crowden's App11ratus for Drawing Carves of to the French, Re·naming of tho, 287, 337 M' also Harboora and Waterways Pretent Output, What it Represents for Motion, 834 Clydebnnk Destroyers ana Short, Fat Fun· the Coalownera, (491} Cruse Controllable Superheater and Separator, CAPE Colony, Value of Exports from, (5H ) nels, 193 in Price of, owing to Increase in Miners' (Jardiff Intercepting Sowerago Scheme Carried, A, 443, 476 Coal, A~ericau 11. Gorman in t he matter of Wages, (318) (554) Caba, .Mining in, (137) . Pro:iuctng Smoke, 287 in Prico of, on Scottish R!lilways, (892) Cobillo, Lieut. ·Colonel L., On the Cl:em1cal Cardiff Municipal Buildings, Propoeed Delay, Coal Consumption of the O:ean, tho Renown, Ritohie, Mr., On Tho Export of, to Foreign (137) Phenomena of Puddling, (552) &c., 287 Countries, (62) (87) Curve of Equilibrium or Line of 'l'hrust in Arched C.1rgo Conveyors, Philadelphia and Reading Rail· Coaling Average of tho Furious and the ArrJ· Rue&ia, Step' to Prevent a Famine io, (865) way, 612, 614 Ribs, Method of Calculating t bo, Mr. Cha.s. gant, 232 S!lanahi and Honan, Mr. J . G. II. Glass on, 329 Cnnegie, Mr., Presentation of 36 Jb. T·rail to, Lean, 110, 111 Average of one of t he Crnisers n. ~ Sheffield, Colliery Develo~ment near, 426 (426) Cutting Steel at 160ft. per Minute, 282 Portsmouth, 193 "Slump " in Derbyshire Foretold, (163) Cuttiog.op Machine, Automatic, Mr. E. G. Projects, 844 of the Channel Fleet, Highest Average Smoke Abatement Society, President's Letter Steel for England, 321, (378) Herbert, 68 made by the Repulse, 287 to t he Tima on the Loss to Londoners by the Cycle Constrnotion, Steel in , (16) Catalogues, 23, 47J. 67, 101, 124, 194, 220, 251, Point to be Coastructod at P.>rts· Present Mode of .Burning Coal, (276) Exports, English and American, 424 314, 852, 402, 4<::7, 463, 481, 607, 680, 654, 608, mouth , 218 South Wales, 'l'he Position in, 540, 5511 lndnstry, Depression of, (62) 651 11 Commander, R N.," Tbo Army and Xtu·y Spain, Mines Development, (365) Celluloee Esport from Norway, (213) Shows The, 647 (lu:rltt on a Letter Signed, 18 Spitzbergen Coa16elde, (544) Cycling Club1a Competition, Catford, (291) Cement, American, 826 11 Confidential Books," Disappearance of, and Staithe, American, (652) Export, German, (163) Cycling in Smyrna, Spread of, (62) consequent Action of t be Admiralty, 412 Stations in the Red So!l, Germ11.ny and Russia, Cyclists nnd Cycle Makou, Competition interest · I ndustry in the United States, (291) " Confi(lential" Volume of Photo.;raphs of 623 Slag, Analysia of, 218 · to (253) . . Foreign Warships, The, 412 Strike in France, (491 ) Testing, 162 Cylinder Pr.:>portton.s for Compt-und and Tr1ple· Conqueror and Hero in tho Manrouvres, Thoir Tar Derivative Fuchsine, Tho, ( 116) Teetiog by the ?t!odnlos of Rupture for exp:msion Engines, 97 Presence causes Comment, 66 Trade with Bull Port, The, 166 T ransverae Strain, by J ohn Paterson, Cramp's Yard, Philadelphia, Fire at, and C.>n· North of En~land, Minora' Wages 127 sequencJ~, 32 Advanced 126 per cent., (46) Works and the Alkali Act, 170 Cre~y. 'fhe Armoured Cruiser, 822, 8371 369, The Scottish, 212 Works, Portland, (4CO) 383, 5i7 0 Warwickshire Outpnt, Mr. W. H. Stokes on, Census of Greater New York, (190) Cressy Class, Diss~tisfactiou of Naval Officers 73 Chemical Pulp Trade of Norway, (:H8) DAIRY Show, 190:>, 445 with tho, 322, 647 Washing Machinery, American, (98) Cherbonnier, M. A., P tates for Welding Pieces of Dam, Concrete, Cbl\udibro Falls, Q1ebeo, (630) Craisers and Bat~eship l, The Argua.ent ro· Welsh for the Navy, St:>rage Ground in Ports· I ron or S teel, (3J) Stool and Concreto, Denver, 98 sp~cting. 218 mouth Harbour, ('213) Chester, Sewage Purification Boheme, (318) The Waohusett, on the N 1ahua River, Cruisers, Tbe Huge Four·funnelhd, at Ports· Yorkshire and Dorham Oa91 Mr. G. Liveeey on Choater6eld and Midland Counties Institution of (3 19) mouth, What is to become of t hem, 388 the Relative Values of, (239) Eogioeers, Proposed Ch'loge of Name, (293) Cruiser-::m I mproved Drake, Rumour ocncorn· Trade, (64), 216, 217, 316, (892), 419, D.n is, Captain Lewis, Cop Nut Block for P t .:>· Chevalet DetartariBer, The, 217 p ellera, (33) iog an lmmen,o, 419 497, 670, 694 Chicago, Disadvantages under which Manufao· Dickeson, S1r Hichard, (892) D.,layed Ships, 647 turers Work, (253) COFFEE Machinery, American, (3 19) Dickson, Mr. Geo. Workman, 4 Dastroyer Hunter Repaired, The, 18 Cbilian Exportation of Nitrates, (137) Coke, Dcaulphurisation of, 229, 3:l2 Distilling Plant for Ice Factory, 647 Dastroyor Viper, a 36-Knotter, 232 (;hilian Trade Mark lAws Revised, (<::13) for Steam · raising Purposes, ~ncashire Doan, Smith, and Grace, Maohioe Tools (Supple· Dovonport Instructional 1r1otilla, Ohnngo3 in, (Jhimney Oases at Barrow Steel Works, Appa· Steam Motor Company use, (33) ment, .Novtmbtr 23rd, 1900) ratus to Purify, (163) 388 Colliers for Chinese Service, Rep1iring American, De!atb·rato and 'l'emperature, Curves of, The for Powt~r Stations, American, 652 New Building Slip at, (440) 142 Weekly. Mr. W. H. Dines on. , (519) Stack in Oloucestershire, The H ighest, Toga, Accidents to the, 388 Wages, 145 D.>eriog H arvesting Compnny'll, Self· moving (66) Di1dem Class Cruisers, Comments on the, 388 Colliery, Bwlifa, R 9cord Dividend Declared by, Mowing Maohino, (230) and Ventilating Shaft for the Tower The Water-tube Boiler C·) mmisaion 452 Demoor, Ateliers, Bruasols, Maohino Toole (Sup· Works, Leeds, New Combined, 622 and tho, (4.12) J~ittleton, (148) pltmtnt, .~Yot:ember 23rd, 1900) Chin Kiang, Trade of, (87) Drako, R11.pid Progress of, 6H Wages 1\nd Pro6~s in South WaloP, 3 13 D Jrby Sewerage Scheme, (318) Cbina'a Trade, (11 ) EJiipso to bo Re.fitted, 287 Calmant, Maison, Paris, l'lla~ hine Tools, Svppl~· D~sulphuriaation of Coko, 229 Chromium, Carbon Steel, High, 884 Return of the Cruisor, 232 mtnt, Nortmber 23rd, 1000 City and Guilds of L?ndon Central Technical Colne Street Improvements, Gasworks Extensions, D,.,tar tariaer, The Chevalet, 247 E;onomy at tho Royal Dockyards, 412 College, 379 Docks: &c., Loan Sanctioned for, ( 137) l~leotra's Funnele, 'l'be, 193 Cle:1ning A~pbalt P•vementa, Cost of (190) Amsterdam, Floating Grn.viog, ( l 90) Jo~loctric Hoists for tho Navy, 135 Colorado, States which Produce the Procious Cleansing Sur.erintendents of Great Britain, Oon· lrietale, (87) E'swick and tho British Naval Officer, 347 Avonmouth, (440} terence o 1 (293) Colwyn Bay Sowerage Schome, (263) B1ltic Ports, Number of Docks in, to bo In· Turbine Destroyer Cobra tJ be Cleve!and Iron Mmiog Company, Fiftieth Aoni· Commercial information Bureau in Germany, 194 orensed, (467} Attachot.l t o Portsmouth, nnd hor versary of ih Orllanisation, (114) Travellers in Switzerland, Activity of l3 m y, New Oraving, (137), (392) Cruise thither, 65, 91 Clyde Defences, (427) Oerman as againet English, (611) Bermuda, Now Floating Dry, for, (87) Encounter, Second·olass Cruiser, (410), 442 Coal: Treaty with Germany, Tho New, 419 Bristol, Development &homos, 5b, ~06, (H6), E1sn, Machinery of the, 232 American, for France, (365), (558) Com pre~~aed Air, On the Re-heating of, by Mr. 418, (602) Europa., Trials at Spithead, 837 American Ga,, for London (Ja.sworks (213) W. 0. Walker, 326 Bute, Uardiff, Sir W. T. Lowis Retiro11 from Report as to bor being Re·boilerod, Anthra:.~ito, Shipment from Pbiladelphia to Concrete, Uso of Expanded Metal in, Mr. A. T. 412 the Post of M ana~ing Dir ector, (602) Cromtadt, (251) Clydebank, Now, (32) Walmisloy, 269 F llrmidable, Tho, 193, 462, ~89, 6i0 Austria'• Steps to Check Rite in Prfcee, (637) D.lr·OS·Salnam, New Flo11.tiog, for, (87) Condoll!ation in Steam Engine Cylindera, Obser· i''ronch B~ttleship Caravano, A " Naval Pookot · Average Price of, at t ho Pit'• Mouth, 18119, Dover, ( 491) vation on an Improved Glass b:>ok Craft," 442 (491) Revealer for Studying, Mr. B. Oarston, 206 Bnttleahip St. L?uia, A'!cident t:>, 388 Belgian MCLrket, ( l H ) Gatos for, Mr. lo' . K. Poach, 58!) D mkin, 410, 421, 447 Channel 1-' leet, Composition of tho, 388 c • To~: ENOtNl:m, hn>tx SUl'PLE>UNT, J \'IOAnv Doc kyal'd Notes (co.ttinuttl) : Frc!\cb Channel 'Fleet, A Peesi miat'~t Yiew of the Light Division of tho, 337 Cr uiser laly, Woodwork to be Roplacod by Iron, 388 C rutSor Montcalm, 489 Destroyer F ram6J, Tbo Lost, 172 D uvnstntion, Reoonstr uotion of, 517 F loats, lll·O rganiaation of tho, M7 Gunboats, C.>oyte and Phl666:on, 617 Henri 1 . , T ho, 261 Ironclad H oche, her Now Ri~, 322 Marceau l<' ttted with N tclau'JSO Boilers, 489 Rog_uin, Ueoonstruction of, .. 201 Nnvnl Pro~ramme, Tho L\test, 369 Neptune, Reconstruction of, 647 Submarine Farfadet Complete, 338 Torpedo B:>at Wrooked, 232 Torpedo B .>at Audaoieux, Trials, 439 Funnols of Clydebank Destroyers, The, 193 Furious, Coaling Average of t ho Cruiser, 232 Ge\derland, The, 419 GJrman Cons~ Dafence Ship llo.gan, 462 Cruisers, New, 261 Ironchds of the C, D, E, F, G, o.nd ll, Group, The Now, 419 Kaiser B-lrbarosso. and Ko. iJer Karl der Grosse, Funnels of the, 419 System of R3ducing all Warships to n Common Denomination, 665 G<~rmo.ny Acqui reJ a Coo.ling Statio:1 in t he R3d Sea, 388 Gib raltar, Bre&.kdown of tho, 91 Glatton, in Dock a t Por tsmouth, 610 Glor y, T ho, Refuses to Steer, 6~4 Greek Ironola1s Spetso'i a nd Hydra, Two Military Masts, 419 Gun Shield, Now Form of, 462 Guns at Dover, Tho Now, 412 Havock, Destroyer, Ac::idont to anJ R9con· struction of, 237, 610 Hogue, L1u nch of t he Armoured Cruiser, 172 H olland, Mr., his New Sabmarin3 BJat, 521 llood as Port-guard Ship at Pembroke, The, 419 Hopkins, Admiral Sir J., on tho Training of Bluej~ckets as Stokers, 611 H otbam, Admiral Sir C. 1!'., Commander in· Chief at Por tsmouth, 282 II yacinth, Ornisor, Water-tube B >iler '! 'rials of, 287 Fitted for W ireleas Tulo· graphy, 388 ]d,al Warships for the British Navy, Major 1-'ield'l! Essay on, 337 Jnllexible, Roconetraotion and Arm1ment of, 32, 610 I nvincible, Tbe, 647 Invincible, Fate of the, 388, 647 I ron D uke, The, to become a '! 'raining Ship for s~okeroJ, 337 lsis, H.M. Cruiser, Average Speed of, to Hongkong, 198 Italia n Cruiser Varese, Tho, 610 Dest royer Dnrd o, 52-1 F our-funnelled Destroyers, Al terations, 18 Ironclads Projected, New, 261 Lepanto, As to whotbor abo is a Cruiser or a Battleship, 218 New Type of Warship, M. Caniberti'~ Do>ignq Approved, 524 Project of Naval Construction for 19011U12, 587 J acksvn System of Wireles3 Telegraphy v. tho Ma rconi, 185 J ane Naval War Game adopted by the United States Coast Artillery, 610 J npanese B::~ttloship Asabi, Grounding of, and the Cause, 232 Hatausi, 524, 665 .Mikasa, 21, 225, 249, 282, 462. 489 Cruiler Adsuma,.Tho, 172 at E lswick, 2i:l2 l dZ'Imo nearly Completed, 232 Yakumo, Departure for Japan of, and Changes in Uisposition of her Guos, 32 Ynyeyama t o bo fitted witb Niclausse Boilers, 624 D <!slroyor Niji, Engiues Salved, 624 li•gh Explosive Sbolls adopted by the, tHO • Jwate, Ci65 l\likasa, J.<:spected at Port~mouth, 524 }>rojccts, 610 Tor pedo Boat Niji, Groundi ng of, 3~9 T "in-scrow Ship Katsu ragi, Di~ste r t o, 624 Yakumo, a Gu man Edition of t bo A!ama Class, 610 Ko'lt, Now A rmourod Ccuieer, Progress ef tho, 193 Limo in Wo.tor-tubo BJilel'!l, The Admirally's Stringent Ord ore on t ho Usc of, 419 London, Her Masts U P-• 459. Lyddite Sholl, 9 2in., Es periments with, 261 May, Captain II. J., his Ap pointment, 261 Mediterranean Fleet, The, 869, 647 Missing Rivets in t.he Bulkheads of Dockya rdbuilt SbifS, 442 Models of ~hips as Toys, 665 Naval Engineon, Value of H eredity in, 611 Ex ports, the Daily .Mail, t he /Jaif.'l Expru1, and the l'ull Mall Oauttt, 641 Manoouvres, 65, 118, 186, 193 Mnnwuvres, Captain Vlgnot on our, 887 Navy and Mr. Watts of Elswick, Tho, 547 Ni~tcr Torpodo Gunbo:t.t to bo lh·ongincd and .Ro-boilered1 337 No rmand B?ale r for Futoro RIU6ian Cruison, 261 Norwoginn Oovornmont and tho JA n~ Naval ' · War Game, 647 C Obsolete Ship Cronde, Tho, 218 ' Ocoan, Coal Vonenmption of t ho, 287 "OIJ Navy," Death o f tho, 218 ' O.bor n, Staff-Capt&in, LJtter concoroiog P.ymoutb S ound, 687 Po.tndora Cruiaor Trials of, 611 "Pleas for Modornte Damonsions," Another l!:pido:x~io of, 687 P o>mono, Bleyobon ion Boil or •, 6 Jl l '11rtsmooth Doetroyora P.U.Otod Bll\ck1 388 • INDEX. 18, 1901.--(Vot. X<') Dockyard N otes (corlli•ll~<•l) : Portsmouth Dockyard, Roofs Pulled DJwn and Replaced, 587 Dockyard, Widening of Caisson, Leather and Co., 489 .Princo of Wales, Tbe, 587, 610, 6H Prosorpino, 'l'born ycroft Hoilors, 641 Q teen and l'rince of Wales, Now B::~ttlosbips, Tho, 687, 610, 641 H3s erve Squadron, Projected Cr uise of, 322 Rssults of the 788-Milo R'\ce of the Meditor· ranonn Fleet in Juno, 287 R 9venge and tho Ilood to bo Ro-nrmed, 218 Ravonuo Cutters, t hoir Possible Uso in W nr, Discussions aud Soggcations on tho Subject in t ho U nited States. 287 Rig, Advantlges of a U niform, 232 Royl\1 Yaoht, Tho New, 172 R ussi!In D:1 ~tieship Admiral Boutakoff, her Adventurous C11reer, 624,587 Anot her New, 135 K ni1.1 Suwaroff, A New, 218 Poltava Le1ves for t he Far E ast, her Crew, I 65, 462, 624, 547 R oLvisnn D.,!ayed, 32 Bognt¥r1 419 Borodano Class, 665 Coast Defenct~ Admiral Boutakoff, Altered Again 587 Cr uiEor Boyarin, S88 Gromovoi, 462, 547 Nakimolf, Change in her Rig, 32 Normand Boilers Adopted for, 261 to bo Built on t he Black S!a, 610 Ironclad S9Vnstopol, Defect in her Armou r, 261; her Crew, 62<1 ; hor Destination, 462, 489, 6<17 to bo Constructed at Nicolaieff, 624 Under Orders for China, 388, 462 Kniaz Potemkin To.vitchky, 419 Pacific Squadron, Composition of the, 624 Pallada Design, Changes in the, 419, 517 T orpedo Cr uiser Novik, 261, 419 Destroyers 0Jsetr, Kefal, and Lassos, 624 Ruthven, Mr. I. R, on the Value of .Heredity in Naval Engineers, 6H Saagull out for Trials, 610 Shields, Gun, 462 Ships Mobilised this Yenr, and Ships Fit.tod for Wireless Teleg raphy, 82 Ski pjack, The Speed of, 837 Sloops (Twin-screws), •rwo New, to bo L'\id Down at Shoorncss, 369 Spain, .Remova l of Foremast~~, 666 Spar tiato T rials, 489 524, 610 Speed of Warabip:,s, Y acht upon the, 322 S tokel'!l in the I talian Nnvy, 172 Sulhn t o be Used ns a DepG ~ Ship for Torpedoes at the Manoouvrcs, 32 S wedish T orpodo Cruiser Psilnnder, Official Trial of, 193 T em per ley T rnn8porters in Government Collie r~, Who is Rosponsible for t he, 136 'l'ran· porters to havo tho l:lpecial 'l\~m perloy Eogine, 65 Thornyocoft Boilers, The Proserpine, 641 Dest royer, Items ,., tho Nowcst, 118 Destroyers havo Large Exposed R-.ddors, Tbe Newer, 61\ Torpedo Boats Sent to the Mediterranean, 287 .I:Joats, Sunk, 282 Flotilla Commissioned for the Manccuvrcs, 18 Tur bine Destroyers for tho Japanese Navy, 18 Turk ish Fleets, "Oversig hts, " 462 Uniform Rig, Advantages of a, 232 United S tates Battleships of tho New J ersoy f/pe, D.1sig ns for tho New, Le Cruisers, 'l' be Now, 261, 419 VruiserP1 Reconstruction of, ~32 Tho Now Yo rk, WhD.t is the Length of her Belt, 419 Submarines, Names of tho New, 218, 322 Vindictive, Fuel Burnod in a Week by tho, 91 v, pcr, a 35 Knotter, Tbe, 232 "', , bor Machinery Oponon, 419 Wa raior a nd Ruby, lt'ato of tho, 388, 442 Wator-tubo Bailo r Commission, Tbe, (442) Whitehead "Cup 'l'eam," Tbe Naval, 18 Winches, Power of, 193 Wireless T olegrnpby for t ho British Navy, Tho Marconi Syst em adopted, 218 • T ho Jackson Syetom v. t ho Marconi, 136 Ship3 Fitted with, 32, 889, 641 DONKl N, Mr. Bryan, on an Improved Glau Revoa\or for S tudying Condensation in Steam Engine Cylinders, 410, 423, 417, 477 Doran a nd Taggart's Engine Jndicator, 510 Dowlaia Ironworks, Acquisition of, and Ama'ga· mation with the P"tant Nut and Dolt Com· p1ny, (33) Drainage t:Jystem Wanted at Valparaiso, (213) Drainage of the Western Valloya, Wales, (U ll ) Drowinp: Vurvos of Motion, Crowden's Appara tus for, 331 Dredging ou t he Lower Dniopor, (114) D redging, Suction, Port of Odteod, HJ4 Dredgol'!l, 11 ydraulic, for Now York, ( 400) Drill, .l<'luo, Mr. J. Pollock , 446 Nancy E lectr ic Rock, G62 Pneumatic, Whitelaw's Patent, 446 R!ldial, Mr. R~ftOrB McGown, 476 Drilling Attachment, Flnngo, J. Pollock and Co, 662 Drilling Machine, Sculfor t ot Fookedoy (xi. S upple· ment, Novw~bet· 2~rd, 190l)) Smith and Covontry, Limited, 189 B Jilcr fo'loo, 65, 6:.!1) .. V ll Drilling Mncbioe, Radial, Boubey (iii., Supple- llll ectrlc (rontiow td) : Supply, Glasgow, Port D u ndas W or ks, 269, ment, Novtmbtl' 23rd, 1900) Radial, Cbouana rd (iv., v., ,c;up· 260, 261, 26Z, 266 pltml'nt, X ortmbtr 23o·d, 19CO) OlaBjlOW, St. Andrew'a Croal Station, Driving Bolt, A Balata, (467) . 316 Du1tdce Ad.:ertiw·, Second Centur y of Publicatson, Maine, 295, 299 R~thmines Works, 244, 245, 246 (544) Schemes, Scotland, (213)1 (416) Dynnmos-src Blootrio Stations in Germa ny, Public, (I90), Dynamometer Ca r, A Now, Prof. L. P. Bracken· ridgo, fi02 (213) . . 'l.'bury System o f Ttan.sm188son, Paris Exbibi· tion, 513 Traction, Mr. Binyon on, (38) I ts JnOoenco upon biagnelic Obeer va· • t iona at Kew and Greenwich, Meeting nt the Board of Trade with E reference to, (440) EARLY Birds i n Reality Cold Stored 1 Axe not Trou bles in connection with the Cen· tho, (253) tral London Railway, (544 ) E1rthquake, B:t.ngor, (114) Tramcars, Life Guard for, Wilson and Ben nett's, Education and Trade, 639 (361) E lder, Mrs., her Oift to the "Borough of Govan, Vapou r Preventcr for W indows, 898 (416) W or ks, Hackney, (416) Moreoombo, and Bare, (190) Electric: Paisley, Mr. J. B. Wbyte'a Report, (440) Alternator~! and Engines for Sheffield, (467) Alter nator for t he F rankfort Corporation, Electric Lig ht: Brown-Boveri-Panons 8yndicate, (87) Alternator, 3000 Horse-power, Belios Action Ayr, (365) Blackbeath and Greenwich Company's C.lntral G esellschaft, Pa ris Exhibition, 168, 169 . Station, 69, 60, 206, 207, 264 Applinnces for Uso on Farms, A Bavanan Boston, (416) Company, (519) Crewe, {a3) C.tb!o, Gdrman-American, New York to the D ublin, (20), (119) A ~> res, (114), (137) Dudley, (376), (467) Coni-cutting Plant, (163) Engine, CJmpound, Paris Exhibition, Robey Coil, A Giant, (187) . Combination Into~trating Watt Motor nod Maxaand Co. , Limited, 296, 297 mu m Damand Indicator, Mr. T. Barker, 272 En~tineering, Forcil(o and Engliah, No!!. I., II , li [ ' 183, 381, 483 Crnnes, Brakes for, 638 Cranes on the North-East Coast, Tbo Firat, Inc"odeacent .L:lmps, Wrede and Jnngblatt, (213) (150) Installations, F aulty, Fires Caused by, The Dynamo, Direct-cur rent, Electricilii~s Action Gesellschaft (formerly Labmoyer ), German Fire I naurance Companies and, (544) Paris Exhi bition, 468 Kans:~.s City, Uso of 200-Kilowatt Rotar y Con· lligh-specd, L!lurenco Scott ani vortera as Alter nating · current Generatou, Co., Limited , 472, 473 (416) at tho Paris Exhibition, The L'lrge, Lamps for Dogs in Portugal, {114) Prof. S. Thomson on, 272 Leod8, 190 Slow-epeod S team, 188 Newp?rt, Mon., {402) Now System of, 414 Earth Returns, 522 E lectrolytic Copper, Gold, and Silver He fineries Oban, (440) in tho U nited States, (611) Manchester, Effoot of Tbundol'!ltorm on, (2~9 ) Engineering, Prof. John Perry on, 494, 522, Poplar, (365) fo r R!lilway Carriages, 30 627, 651 Foreign and English, 183 Rome, Popolarity of, {239) at Paris Exhibitions, 31, 35, 36, St. Katharine's Uocke, (467 ) 385, 468, 513, 562, 608 Sheffi eld, (450), (467) Works, Alloa, on tbc 1•'o>r tb, New, Shoroditoh, Aooonnts of tho Joint Elect rio (467) Lighting o.nd Refuse Destructor at, (491), Engineers from tho War, 616 611 Engines and D ynamos, Smit and Co., Wm., Stockton, (637) Pllris Exhibition, 384 Wolverhampton, (463) F oreig n and English Practice in Elootrio and Electricity: Technical Ind ustry, 381, 483, 557 Generating Plant at the A rm our Mont Pack· Applied to Fox and Badg er Ru.n ting in iog EJtablishment, Chicago, l 1ortuga l, (114 ) (239) Car tridges Discharged by, (187) Galloway's Limited , and v. Compre~sed Air as Mot ivo Power for Street Mather and Platt, Limited, Railway, Berne, (213) P11ris Exhibition, 88, 92 Gonorntion and })ust Destr uction W orks, Loods Tram way, 589, 692 B~rmondeoy, (440) Stationa, Design and L'cation of, Gloucostor Supp)y Works, 93 Mr. A. 11. Gabbings, 272 Ileating and Vookiog by, 518 Generator, 500 H orae-power, Nancy, Paris E xLooms Worked bf, St. Etienne, (213) hibition, 562, 567 Mis-statements wath H.3gard to, on tbe UnderG ramme Machines at tho Paris Exhibition, 608 g round Railway, 570 H oists for the Navy, 134 Printing Machinery, Driving by, 41, 42 528 1 Hydro-olootric I ndustries in Spain, Increasing Relative Advantages of Alternate and ContinuNumber of, (11) ous C urrent for a General Supply of, (62) Indicating Ship's L )g, American, (213) Sawing and Cutting by, (591) Industry in Ger many, Capitallnveated in, (114), Uso of, in I taly for Industrial Purposes, In· (392) creasing, (416) and T echnical Industry, Foreign and Uso of, in Mexico, (318) English Practice in, 183, 381, 483 W orking Swing Bridges by, 373 L:>comotion, Mr. W. Lnngdon on, (560), 570, Elevator, The Reno Inclined, 136 672, 599, (616), 620 Empress Foundry, Manchester, 671, 574 Lor ry, Electrically-propelled, (637) L'>comotives- sec Rnihvay Locomotives Engineering, Englneere. Engine&: Machine for Registeri ng Compositions on t ho ENot!'iBERI:SO :Piano, (253) Machiner y, Swiss Imports in, (544 ) Admiralty, H3, 264 O.ioillations and Electric Waves, Prof. J. A. Congress, Clln~~ow, 1901, lnt.ornational, 524 Fleming, 570 C•>nsol~ and, (118) Paraons, Steam Turbo D ynamos, 608 Bloctric, see Eleotrio Plant for Gold Dredging, Victoria, Australia, E lectric, P rofos3or J ohn P erry on, 49 i , 622, (519) 527, 551 Po)ypbase Alternator, Electricitil~ Action E xperience in Relation to, Mr. T. A. B. Gesellschaft (formerly Lahmoyor), Paris Var ver on, (602) Exhibition, 458, 459 Firms in tho North, Amalgamation of Throe P .>wor Applied to Ag ricultural W ork, (137) Leading, 451 Bills, 6, 30 Laboratories at Liverpool, Tho Walker (9) .l!'oroished by Waterfalls in S weden, Lighthouse, at tho Pct.ris Exhibition, 13i, 1a2, U tilis.ltion of, for Railways, (223) 133, 134, 185, 188, 311, 358 Gas, and L1rge Gas Engines fo r Central Mechanical, English and American Meth:>d•, Stat.iolll'1 Mr. li. A. Humphry on, 609, 215 618 Method and Organisation in, Mr. Wils:>n Plan~, St. Lawronco, 676 llartnell1 403 S tation, Brndford, ( ll) at tho Paris Exhibition, 34, 35, 86, 3S5, 168, Chimneys for, Now York, 513 (662), (691) and Surveying, Act to R9golato the Prac~ioe E~onomy obtainable in Largo, of. in A merion, ( 11) Kansas City, (442) I n Wales, Sir W. 1!. P reece, 502 P ower Station, Manchester, l!:ffect of a Offices, American, 374 T bundel'!ltorm at, {289) ENOlNBBRS: Poplar, {366) • Power Station, Stockton, {637) American, in Berlin, 109, 112 S yndtcate, Yorksh ire, (519) C.>nsulting, 698 T ransmiasio:J, Loa Angeles, {190) The, and the Economical Development of by Shafting ··trllt81 146, Mannfactoriee, by W. Arnold, 223 178 Bnglish, Sent as Apprentices t o Pittsburgh, Tbury System of, Paris (619) Exhibition, 613 Ex perionooe of Tien-Tsin, An, 222 in the Tyrol, U Lilisntion Mocbanical, T raining of, 293, 822, 340, 843, of o. Waterfall, (611 ) 388, 413, 444, 474 P rinters' Machinery, Holmea-Ciatwortby, 41, Naval, Concession, to, 196 42, 628 Naval, Vnluo of H eredity in, (641 ) Rnilwaya-sre R!lilwar.a, Electric and tho Trad e Reviva l, American, 221 Rbumkorp Coil, T ho Largest, (137) F rom t.bo War, Electric, (616) R isk, l•'iro Insuranco, 2'1.7 Wbnt is o. Civil. Mr. F. J . Rownn on, (571) Rock Drill, Nancy, Paris Exhibition, 662 United Statoe Navy, 469 Hotnry Oil Pump. Mavor and Coulson's, 16 ENGINES: Sanlt St. Marie, E 'octro·Chomical I ndustry at, Ameri04n Traction Trains for Huesia, 813, (239) 316 Steering Gou, An, (289) Stoves for Cooking in No w Yor k P lat~, ( 190) Auxiliary, in tho Navy, (519) BicLrix Nicolot ot Cio., ~33 Stroot C," s, House Romoved by. (4·10) Sopply, Mr. W. A. Chnmon on, (551) Borsig, ( ttpplement, J ul:J 20tlt1 1000), 60, 511 C.>mp1ny a nt\ tho V catry, Tbo Me~ ro 61 Jlllitan, 397 .D(cnkdo ;v s, 820 • ••• Vlll INDEX. - Engineering, Engineers, Engines : E NOlNES (contii~Ut<l) : Cartridges Di'lcharged by no Electric Spark, C11il ot Cie.'s, 106 Uentra\ S tations, On Power, Ga.s and Large Oas, Mr. H. A . Humphrey, 609, 618 Chemical Fire, 824 Comp, und Corliss, Mr. H. Bol\inckx, 356, 357 Corlias, P.u is E1.hibition, 88, 92 Electric Light, Robey and Co., Paria E%bibition, 296, 297 and lloriz:mtal, City and South L ond on .Railway, Cole, Mar· obent, and Morley, Limited, 346, 347, 348 P aria E~:hibition, 88, 92, 106, 107 C r~pelle et Uarauds, 106 Cylinders, Condenaation in, Glass Revealer for Studying, Mr. B. Donkin on, 410 P r opor tions for Compound o.nd Triple-expo.nsion, 97 E ight-coupled Minero.l, Crewe, (650) Ferranti, A Dynamo, 619 l<~ renoh Cruiser Kleber, Schneider and Co., 638, 641 Oas, 350 Herse-p:;,we r, Crossley B ros., Limited, 68 for Cent ral Stations, Mr. H. A. Humphrey on, 609, 61S, 644 M. H ubert on t heir Superior E conomy as Blowi ng Engines, (253) Market for , in Greece, (62) and Oil nt tho Paris Exhibition, 360, 406, 487, 533, 549 (250 llorso-p ower ) Premier Gas Engine Company, Limited, 493 and Vo.lves of, 96 lligb·sp eed, Reavell _and Co. , Limit ed, 472, 474 High-speed, Wellington Foundry, Lincoln, 245 Horizonto.l Compound, Ganz and Lang (Sup· plmunl, September 2!!11L, 1900), 310 Horizontal Comp ou nd Condensing (300 H orsepower, SociGtG Alsacienn'l d e Constructions MGca niqnes, 429 Horizontal Compound Steam, Erste Brunner .Maachinen F abrik, Paris Es..hibition, Aus· trio.n Section, 536 Horizontal Cross Compound, Tramway, John Fowler and Co., Limited, 588, 589 Iloriz.,nt al and Vertical, Escher , WyM, and Co., Paris Exhibition, 583, 584, 585, 586 Indicator, The D oran and T aggart, 516 Mill, Swias, for Moscow, (619) Oil, for Motor Cars, The Wolseley, 420, 421, 422 Naval, 160, 469, 495, 517, 545, 548, 573, 593, 698, 618, 644, 645 Explosives and Ammunition: Aiirial Torpedoes, 67 • N e w Theor y of the S team, W. H. Northcott, 413 Portable, R. W olf, P aris Exhibition, 79 Prime .Movere a t the Paris Exhi bition (Sup- plement, A ugu1t 24lh, 1900), 51, 52, 79, 106, 179, 536 P roportions of .Model Steam, (195) P umping, Boston Waterworks, 302 G wynne and Co., U raga D .:>ck, Japan, 438 Triple-expansion, An Eoonomical, {425) Room Ar tificers for the Navy, (608) Room I nstruction at Davonp ort, {5U7) Semi-portable, Herr R. Wolf, 310 Steam, New Theory of, 367, 413 Steam, Fire, Mr. W. A . Ranch on its Origin, 436 S.S. Canadian's, 160 Strai~ht-line, Letter from John E. Sweet, 499 I Test of Steam, 241 T raction, Sapper Summoned at Salisbury for Driving, (213) T r iple-expansion, A. Borsig (Supplement, J uly 20th, 1900), 50, 61, G1 T riple-expansion H orizontal , Bromley Bros., Paria Exhihition (Supplernent, Nootmbn· 16t!t, 1900 ). 483, 485 T riple and Quadruple-expansion, Compara· tiv'l Efficiency of, Mr. A. L. Mellanby, 551 Tlt rbine Steam (Leader on), 417 V " lves of Uas, 96 Valves of Internal Combustion, 11fr. J . D. Root.a on, 49 Vertical Comp ound Condensing, GOO Horaep ower, Soci~tG Alsacienne de Conatructiona M6can iquea (Sup· (137) Export of, to China Prohibited by GJvornment, (190) Gun-cotton Stor es Struck by Lightnin g, (190) Report on, 86 Smokeless Powder for the U nited S !ates Army nod Navy, (291) S ubstitute for D ynamite and SmokeleS!J Pvwder , t he Discharg e of which is Bffected by E lec· trioity, (137) Whitehead. Torpedo F ired for a Test , (81) Tu !lNotNnA, l NDu SUPPL£M'ENT, J ANOAttv 18, 1!101.-(VoL. XC.) Gas (<·ont i,wtd) ; Harbours and Waterways (contirwcd) Vghting-, High- pressure I ncand oscent, 397 I ncandescent Mantle, Serious Trouble wit h, (637) Liquid Carboni c Acid, Manufacture of, in W Urtemberg, (491) Motors in Greece, Market for, (62) Natural, Amerioo.n Manufactur ers, (263) Decr ease in the Fuel Value of, (491) 0 il, for Lighting Trains, 324 South por t, 364. Price of, in London, (33), 65, 471 Smelting by Water, 163 Supply of .the Metropolis, N os. I., I I., 2, 25, (33) 410, 423, 447, 477 Gold Coinage Produced at the R oyal Mint, (46) Dredging, New Zealand, (478) in Finmarken, Discovery of, (213) in t he Leao-1'ong P eninsular , {114 ) and Platinum, Rural District, (591) Production, Cor ea, (637) J apanese, 192 N e w South WaleP, for .August and Oct ober, {263), (467) Russia, (637) (508) V ictoria, (591) Peat, (263) W est Australia, (213) Question in Sweden, 205 Gosoben, Mr. , 321 Fullers' Earth, F lorida, (163) at Bay, on the Question of the Furnace, Complete Combustion, A merican, 562 Ter rible and t he .Hermes, 13 Mouth-drilling 1\fo.obioe, Mr . J. Pollock, His Memorandum on Wntor · t ube 446 Boilers, 64, 70, (73) out of Blast , (467) Graphite and Aspbalte, Cuba, (137) in Bn.varia and Ceylon, (163) as a Boiler Scale P reventative (349) Greenock, Public Library for, Mr. A. Carnegie's Gift, (291) Greenwell, Mr. Goo. C., (467) G r~enwicb Time in Spain and t ho Dalearic GAtNS BOROUG.EI New B oring for Water, (23) Islands, (163) Galat z, Timber Tade of , (416) Ganz et Cie., Budapest, Machine Tools (Supple· Grinding Machine, Kend all and Gent , 236 Guatemo.la , National Revenue of, (163) ment, /{()Vember 23rd, 1900) Gutta·percha, Substitute for, (163) Friction of W ire Rope on Pulleys, 446 F ruit from Jamaica, (490) F ocb sine, T ho Coal-tar Derivative, Origin of t ho Name, (416) Foe! Gases, N otes on, 355 Liquid, 374 Mr. Edwin L. L . Ordo on, 575 Natural Gae, An I deal, (253) Oil for the Thames Fire Brigade S lieamer, G pltment, N ()Vtm/Jtr 2nd, 1900), Gas: 429, 481 Compound Surface Condensing , H.l\1. Dockyard, Chatham, Mr. A. G . Mumford, 69 T riple-expansion, 2500 H orse-power ( Suppltmmt, A V!JIIIt 24th, 1900), V ereinigte Maschinenfabrik Angabu rg und Ma.!cbinenbau Gnell· achaft, Nur nberg, 179 ENGLISH Relations with Italy, 141 Entrenched Poaitiona, The Attack of, 166 E rratnm, Mr. Robt. B oby in Mistake for William Boby, (570) Exhlbltlons: Brewers', (390), 412 Boilding Tr adea, An Interesting Feature of, (519) Cycle Sh ows, The Stanley Club'•, and the Nation al, 547 Da iry, 1900, 3i3, 445 Engineering and Shipbuilding, Modele, Drawi ng&, &c., Connected with, t o be held at Glaa~ow, (365) Essex Manufactn r ers', (471) Gas Appliances. at the .Royal Aqua ri um, (602) Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, The Scotch, Conversazione, (365), 497 N a val o.nd Military, at the Cryet.'\1 Palace, (366) Pan-American, in Buffalo, 1901, (491), (622) Paris-&te Paris P etersburg, Rail way, (239) Russian Industries in R iga, (195) EX PLOSIONS, Boiler, Select Committee on, 90 lt'ly -w beel, (62) a.t tb e Oreat Central Railway Com· paoy's Gasw.~rk ~, :::ILl field, (&7) - 1u al!o Ac uJon~d Acetylene, Bavaria, for Lighting Fact ories and Railway Stations, (291) Buenoe Ayree, (508) Calcutta, (616) Congr e11, ))u ,.eldorf, 872 E llerbek, 414 Flame, Temperature of, (467) Generator~, 86, 228 in Germ any, (163), (256), 491, 581, (637) St. Miobael'a, 821, 864 Headligbte for L ocomotive•, United 8 tatea, (619) llluminatlng P ower of, (289) Liquefaction of, (591) Mnimum Temperature of Flame, (289) New P urifying Material in tho making of, (62) Mr . E. L. Nichola on the Efficiency of, (611) Apparatus t o Punfy Chimney Gases, (163) Burners, Sogg's, on Southwark B ridge, (619) Coal, Illuminating Power of Incandescent, 626 Explosion, Great Central Rail wa y Comp:my's Gasworks, Sheffield, (87) Fuel, Notea on, 365 Gla.sg:;,w and Incandescent, (846) Holders a t t he Bir mingham Gasworks (S upple- ment, December- 2l8t, 1900), 561, 568, 607, 628, 629 Hygie nic Value of, 192 Illuminating, from Sewage Sludge, 445, 517, 573 Incandescent, Sir F. Mappin on tho Advantag es of, 268 Industry in Ma nchester and Salford District, S:r Wm. ll. Ba iley on, 277) H HAESLER P neumatic T oole, 446 Hammer Bnd Oliver Combined, St eam, J. C. Niobolaon Tool Company, 95 Tire, B. and H. Massey, 800 Harbours and Waterways: Algerian H arbours, I mprovement of, (137) A!ltwerp Harbour Works, (187) Baltic and Black Sen Canal1 822 Baltic and North Sea Canal 66 .Beira, Improvement of tho Port, (384) Bilbao and Z 3ebrugge, Jetty Conetruotion at, 484 Bristol, 55, 206 416, 418 Bristol Channel P orta t o Birmingham!. I mprove· m ent of the Waterway from, (6o2), (564), (637) Budafeeth, Proposed Commercial Harbour near, (59 ) Canal Ilanlage, 433 Central American Ship Canals (Supplemmt, October 26tiL, 190~, 405, 455, 464, 465, 509, 520, 560, 605, (611 • 627 Ceylon, Extenaion, xpenditure, (190) Uho.nnel Ports, Statisttcs showing Prosperity of, (124) Chica~o Drainage C:m nl, 484 Danlz'&', (611 ) lJa nube an!ll~hine, Improvement of the Water Communication between, (137) D evizos Lock, K onnet and Avon Ci.\nal, 550, 573, 699 Dover H arbour , Outl!ly {491) 571 Freemantle Harbour, Austral ia, 55 Galvest on, 434 German , 362 Ooole, 295, 4!33 Grand Junction Canal, 55 Kberson to be made a Port for Ocean Steamei'a 1 (114) Kiol, New H arbour Projected, (298) Leeds and Liverpool Canal, (11), 55 Llanelly, {402), (426), 483, (554) Manchester Ship Can~!, 33, 239,253, 322, {410) !i91 W ater , B last Fur nace Smelting by, 153 Provosal t o Lay Down Plo.nt for P rod uction of, at Darli ngton, and R at epayers' Opposition, (491) F U se of, in Ma nchester, (163) FACTORI E 3 Started in H ungary, 1899, (137) W est Bromwioh N ew P lan t, 225 Factory Inapec\ or as Advertising A~rent, The, 195 Wel&bach Burners from Gasworks, New System Falmouth, Drainage Schemes for , (114) of W orld ng, (392) Falmouth Water Suppl y, (318), (416) W ood, P e tersburg , South Australia, t o be Fan E fficiency, 388, 413, 444 1 498, 549, 573, 599, Lighted by, (392) 619 Works, B oston, 313 F ellows' Gear Sbaper, 201 W orks, Viad uct, Nottingham, 218 Ferguson Fire-kindler, 'fhe, (69) Ferro-silicon, G. G. Blackwell, Sons, and Co.'s OA1'HMANN A i.irial Torped o Gun, 191 0 .1uge, Micrometer W ire, 220 Production of .High-percentage, (508) Fibroleum Prepa red from Cuttings of Skin , (163) Gan r- cutting Machines, Bevel Gear Cutters , B oubey (iii. , Supplement, Filtration, Mr. Jas . Manserg b on, 462, 470 Noi!ernbt?· 23rd, 1900) Fire-boxes on Locomot ives, Cnuses of Rapid Machinery , Bevel Gear Cutter, W ear and Tear of, 630 Monnerot (ix., x. Figs. 23, 24 Fires-so• under Accidents :Supplt?nent, NovemiJet 231·d,l900) Fire Engine, Cbemical, 324. Machines, Bevel Oeo.r Shaper, Preven tion Committeo, British, Winter P roColmant (viii., Supplement, g ramme, 414 .N&ver~~be1· 23rcl, 1900) Engi ne, Origin of the Steam, 436 Machinery, Gear Miller , Calmant Engines, Mot ors for, (467) (viii., Fip:. 10, Supplt?llt nt, H ose, 263 Nocem~Jt?· 23td, 1900) Kindler, The Ferguson, (69) Machiner y, Helical and Straight Insurance and E'octrioal Risk, 2ZJ Gear Miller, Bouhoy (ii., S uppleat the Oldbury Carriage Works, (114) 1tlt nt, Noccmbe•· 231'(l, 1900) Testa, 95 Firing with Coal Duet, Freitag's Method of, 100 Gear Shaper, Fellow, 204 Geological Sur vey, The U nited States, 197 Flue Drilling Machine, Boiler, 66 German Custom.s Dues, Revision of, 165 Flying Machine, Zeppelin's, (87) Gebrauchsmuat er, can an Englishman F ly- wheels, Mr. Archibald Sharp on, 436 bold a V alid, 864, 388, 518 E fficiency of,'l 13 Imperial P ost and Teleg raph Adminiatra· ExJ;>losions and Ad vantages of Woodtion, Receipts o~ (239) rim med Wheels, Mr . C. H. Manning Import to Italy, {014) on, (62) T reat y, P roposed N ew, 64G For eign and English P ractice, 381, 483, 557 Forei~n Competition in Tools, &c., Trust Form ed Girder, Tbe Braced, in Building Construction, 622 in Westphalia to Fight, (163) Counterbraoing, 80 Forge, Portable, Mr. J. Bauer , 301 Dept h of, 163 For ges et Fonderies de H autmont , Machine O!d, 408 Tools (• upplement, November 23?·d, 1900) Weighing 70 Tons, Lifting of a, (443) Forges de Vulcan, Par is, Chouanard, Machine Gla!gow, City Refuse Collection and lJispoaal, 'l'ools (Supplement, ~Yovember 23rtl, 1900) (293) Forman, Mr. Jaa. Richa rdson, 89 Facilities for Technical Ed ucation, Foster and Co., Limited, Wm., Wellington 369 F oundry , 245 Lectures Descriptive of Corporation F oundry, Lincoln, Wm. F ost er and Co., Limited, Schemes, {491) 245 Water Supply, 631 Manchester, The Empress, 571, 574 F r ee Trade as Opposed t o Fair Tratie, R uinoUJ! Glass, Mr. J. G. B., Coalfields and Iron Ore Dep osits of Sbansi and Honan, 329 Effect of, (804) · Olass .Revealor for Studying Condensation in French Ma rine, The, 37 S team Engine Cylinders, Mr. Bryan Donkin, Scheme for E xploiting the Kent Coalfield, 87, 137 Dovor H ar bour, P or table !:lllvage Plant for, Commis9ionera' Prosp eoti ve ?riet"aey, Tbe, 206 Mersey, Annual R eport on the State of t he, (11) N ew York Harbour Im provements, 162 N ew York llarbour, Shipping Piers in, 143 Nor th Sea an d Baltic Canal, 55 Ouse, 'l'be, 55 Pllnama Canal, Plan of (SI'J~Ilemm~ 0.-t~fm· 26tk, 1900), 405, 455, 46<1, 460J, 509, OJ20, (6 11 ) R~m :ukable Old Waterway, A, 550, 673, 599 Rosario, Harbour Works, Projected, (365) Scbevenin~, (519) Simo:ls B1y, New P ort and Dry Dock at, (163) Sw.m9ea, 206, (491) Sydney, Harbour •rrust for tho Wbarvas in, (400) Tbames, T be, 433 V ladivost ok, (467) Welsh Coast, P rojected U arbour on t ho, (150) Wintlau, llarb ou r Improvements at, (112) W orkington D ock, 206 see also Canals HARROWING, Mr. R <1 lmt, (304) Hartman Pig Iron-casting Machine, 622 H askinised 1'imber, Experiments with on Indian Stat e Railway, (239) Ilasselmann, 1\lr. F r it1: 1 Wood Pteservativo, 108 Hawick, Public Libr ary and Rsading Room, Mr. A. Carnegie's Gift, (392) llead, W r ightson , and Co., Limiterl, Incroa~e t btir Capital, (22) Healey, Mr. B. D. , on tbe Di3p osal of Town Rsfuse, 192 llenley , Sewage Scheme, ( 190) Heating and Cooking by E lectricity, (518) H eating of R ailway Carriages, 103 Henderaon, Mr. John M. , (440) Hengst's SaDuloria Bronzs, 426 Her bert, Limited, Alfred, Machine T Jols (Su]Jp le· ment, Notember 23,·d, 1!100) Herschmann, Mr. Ar thur, on the Automobile W agon for Heavy Duty, 96 Heywood, Refuse Destructor Buildiog3 and Plant, (291) Hig h -pressu res for Killing Bact eria , E xrerimenti at the West Virginia Agrioultura Experimental Station, 504 High Temperatures, New Method of Producing, Mr. E. Lange on, 308 H olmes-Ciatwortby System Electrically -driven Printers' Machinery, 41 Holmfirtb Sewerage Schemes, (467) Hose Armour, (619) H otel near Waterloo Railway Station, Erect ion of an American, (265) H ousiog of the Working Classes, Conferen ce, (82) Hughes Gold Medal, The, (163) Humphrey, Mr. H. A., Oo P ower, Ga!l1 and Large Gas Engines for Centra l Stations , 609, 618, 644 Hungary, 1899, Factories Started in, (137) Hunga ry, W orkmen's Acciden t Insurance Scheme, 137 Hunt, Mr. R. W., Iron and Steel Rails in Amer ica, 6, 40 Buntin~ton, Mr. Collis P., 168 llusson s Acetylene Generator, 223 Hydraulic Embankmen t bet ween Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach, (400) " H ydraulicians," (50!!) I ICE-HANDLING Machinery, A merican, 552 l eo-making Plants, Production of Distilled Water for, 647 I nd ia-rubber Export f rom Brazil, (163) Exports from French Guinea, (637) Gooue, Specifications for, 611 Peru, (637) I ndian In k, 212 Indicator, Tbe Mcinnes-Dobbie, 502 Indicator, Engine, The Doran and T~ggart, 516 Iudigo Production in Java, (163) Ingham, Mr., On Detection of Waste in the Water Supply of T owns, 498 600 Inepection Chamber Cover, Mr. John J ones, (888) Institute, Cyole Englneera' : Steel in Cycle Construction, Mr . D. Flatbor, (15) Institute of Engineer•, South Wales : Drums and Polleys, Discussion on tho Rolative P osi tiona of , (74) Pumping at t he E lliott Collieries, Mr. Hann on Deep, (74) Institute, Iron and Steel: Presidential Address of Sir Wm. Roberts· Austen, 285, 301 325 Aluminium in Carbon in Cast Iron, Influence of, Messrs. Melland and Waldron, 308 American S tandard Specifications and Methode of Testing Iron and Steel, Mr. A. L. Colby, 308 Autumn .M eeting, Paris, Programme of Open in ~ and Addre£s of the President, 146, (254), 285, 301 Excursions to Hayan~e, St. Chamond 831 Iligh Temperatures, New Methods of' Producing, Mr. E. F. Lange, 308 I ron Industry in Franco, 1888 to 1898, Mr . U , Pinget, 285 and Phosphorus, Mr. Stead, 286 and Steel at t he Universal Exhibition, Mr. 11. Bauerman, 286, 376, 423, 448 P apers taken as Road, 309 Rolling Mills, Su~gestions for tho Improvement of, Mr. L?uis Katona, 308 • Tug E!>tltNnk, l l'fOtx StrPPt&U&NT, J ANUARY 18, 1001.-{Vot.. ~d.) INDEX. Institute of Marine Engineers: Institution of Mec hanical Eng ineers (I'Ortl i olll t tl) : Heredity in Naval Bngineors, On the Valno of, Mr. J. R. Ituthvou, (641) Electric Vehicles. Mr. J . S. Warner, 540 Error in Report, (514 ). (.i22), 660 Institute of Mining Engineers : Pirat Monthly Croneral Meeting, (352) American : L:~oomotive Practice in Franco, Hecent, M. Ed. Signal Device for Minos, Mr. C. S. llerzig, 4GO Sauvage, 8 United States Geological Survey in Uolation to •' Long Cecil" Desoribod, 3 the Mineral Resourues of tho Country, Mr. Power, Gas, and Lnrgo Gas Engines for Ccmtral C. D. Walcott, 197 Stations, Mr. l::l. A. Humphrey, 609, 618, 6H Institute, Sanitary: 11!\ilway Wa~tons, On t bo Capacity of, as llousiog of tho Working Classes, Conforonco to Affecting tho Cost of 'l'ransport, Mr. 'l'win· Consider, (8:2) barrow, 514, 522, (650) Institute o f Sanitary Engineers: Institution of Mlnlng nnd MetalElootion of Members, 800 lurgy: Institute: Stafl'ords hlre Iro n n nd Appointment of Mr. C. M. Dermid as Secretary, Steel: 436 Chemical P honomoM of Puddling, l.ieut. -Ccl. h ' on: L. Uubillo, ( 552) Aotion of Free ('arbonio Acid in Wator 0 :1, Institute, Vlctorla: Herr 0. Kriibnke, (87) Coni Reserves at the Close of the Nineteenth with Aluminium, Alloying Cast, 118 Century, Prof. Edwnrd Hull on Our, 94 American, 577 Bengal Pig, (637) Instltutlon, Blrkbec k : Canadian, (2~6 ) Winter Session, P rogrnmmo, (2, 7) Conciliation Board, Tho Scotch Manufactured, (114 ) Ins titution, Chesterfie l d a nd Mldlnnd in ll' ranoe, Production of Pig nod Malleable, Counties: (554) Proposed Change of N:\me, (2fl3) Industry in Franca, 1888 to 18!l8, l'l'lll. Pingot, 285 Instltutlon of Clvll Engineers : of the United States, Great Dopros· Roooption at the Guildhall, 31 ion of, (62) Prosidentinl Address by Mr. Mnnsergh on F il· l'll:lgnetio Properties of, Jncroased hy tho t ration. •162, 470 Addition of Silicon to, (239) Awards, (352) Maoufacturo, Australian, 3i2 n ock Gntes, Mr. J..'. K. Peach, 589 Mnnufacturod, Solos du ring the 'l'wo Months Leader on, 4i0 ending Oct ober 8Lst, 1900, (!>53) ~ignalling on tho Liverpool Overhend Rlilwsy, Oro Carrying on Lnko Superior, Now Itocords Mr. S. B. Cottrell, 621 ronde, 519, (637) Outlyin11; Siding Connections, Mr. Daposits and Coalfields of Shansi and A. W. Szlumper, 621 Honan, )\f r. J. G. H. Glass, 329 the Waterloo and City Railway, Exports nt Lnle from Gellivara Mines, (564) Mr. A. W. Szlumper, 621 Output in Canada, Pig, (392) P roduction in the Bilbao Distriot, (11) Institut ion of Clvll Eng ineers: Glasand Phosphorus, Mr. Stead on, 286 gow Association of Students of : Prices, .May and June, 100 Civil Eagineed What is a, Mr. F. J. Rowan, and tho Glasgow Warrant Market, Mr. (571 ) C. McLaren on, (11 ) Introductory Address, Prof. Arch. R.ur, (571) Production in the Ural District, (190) and Stool, American Exports of Leading Institution of Draug hts men, Brlt ls b Articles of, (818) ManchesteY' Branch : American Imports of, (318) E:tcursion to Liverpool, (94) American Standard SpecificaL:notypo Company's Works Visited, (26) tions and Methods of •resting, Mr. Albert Ludd Colby, 808 Institution of Electric Engineers: Goods from America, (426) Annual Dinner, (448) I mport Duties in Germany, The In1ugural Address of the President, Prof. Ja11. (~uestion of, 165 Perry, en E'octrio Eoginooring, 494, 622, 5:27, Profi ts, 368 ()51 Swedish, (163) Circular respecting Grant to Students to Visit Trade of tho United States, 504 Paris Exhibition, (68) Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1900, First Meeting, 369 286, 376, 4231 448 Invitation to Members of the American Tosli· Universal F,xhtbition, Mr. H. tate and Arraogemonts for their Stay in Bauerman on, 286 London, (66) Works at Port Talbot, New, (236) .Mono R\\llway from Liverpool to Manchester, Trade, The American ·rariff and tho, 38 Mr. Behr on his Proposed, 617 Trades, Falling off in the Midland, (253) Students' Grants, ( 142) IRONWORKS near Bolton, Now, (190) ~ubj9ot for Discussion at tho Joint Meeting in Vale of White llorso, Purchased by Paris of tho American and English Institu- Ironworks, L ord Wantage, (253) tions, (62) Italians Employed in Wiirtemberjl, (491) Sunday '! 'rip on the Thames, A Briton on tho 1tllian Export to Germany, :~nd German Import Proposed, 96 to ltaly, (544 ) · Supersession of tho Stoam by tho Electric Loco· Italy, English R9htbns with, 141 motive. Mr. W. E. L!Logdon, 506, (550), 6i0, 572, 599, 61 5, 620 Institution of Electric Engineers, Glasgow Section: J Presidential A-idre3s of L1rd Kel vin, 651 .b:loctricity Supply, Mr. W. A. Cbamen, 551 JAMES Watt Anniversary Lecture, Professor A. Gray On "Tho Tides," (365) Institu t io n of Engineers, Cleve la n d : Japan, Meteorology in, (141 ) Election of 1\lr. W. 11. Panton ns President, J apanese Gold, 192 (451) Jnrrow, The Grit Nuisance in Connection wiLh tho Palmer Company's Steel Works, (163) Ins titution of Engin eers nnd Nnvnl Joffcock, Mr. Thomas, 136 Arc hitects, Hull a nd Dlstrlct: Add reEs of tho Now Secretary, Mr. H. Dun- Jefferies, Mr. J. R., 278 Jenkins, 1\Ir. A. J., On Waste of Water, Cost of kerley, 506 Datoctioo and Prevention, 43 Institution of Engin eer s a nd Shlp- Jetty Construction at Bilbao and Zeobrugge, bullders, E ast Coast: 434 Stress Produced in n Connecting-rod by its Joint-stock Companies in Russia, ( 10) Motion, Mr. C. H. Junes, ( 116} Jones, Mr. J ohn, Inspection Cht\m bsr Cov~r, (338) Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, North-East Const : President, Mr. Henry Withy, Elected, (440) K Liquid Fuel, Mr. E. L. Otdo, 675 Institution of Engineers and Shlp- KENDALL and Gent, Machine 'rools, 2S6, 237 Kershaw, Mr. J. B. C., On the Coat of Power by bullders ln Scotland : Steam, Water. and Gae, 269, 290 Conversaziono and Exhibition of Mo:lole and King, Dr. J. T., 666 Drawings, (365), 497 Kites, Tcnotion by, 198 Opening Meeting, (402) Pre~idential Address of Dr. Robert Cnird, 413, Klinger and OJ., Isolating Stoam Vnlve, 528 Krobnke, Herr 0., On the Destructive Action on 624 I ron of Free Carbonio Aotion in Water, (87) Institution of Junior Engineers: K rupp's Modi6ed Wolin Breech Screw, 248 Krupp, Herr von, Title Conferred on, (440) Annual General Meoling1 453 Bell, Sir Lowthian, Prestdont, ( 402) MetallurllY of Tin, Mr. J. H. Davy James, 621 Summer E xcursion, (175) Vi.ait to tho Allhusen Works of the United L Alkali Company, 248 Durham College of Soionce, Engineer- Labour Questions, Strikes , nnd Tra.do Dis putes: ing Department, 248 Elswick Works, 248 Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants the Generating Station of tho Central Support the North-Eastern Men's DJmand f<'r Advance in Wn~res, 378 L'lndon Railway, Shophord'a Bush, 125 Baglan Engineering C"mpany'a Works, Wages Newcastle and District Electric Light· Advance, ~26) ing Company 248 B Jard of ' ado Labour Department, Ssptember a a October-November Reports, Sunaorland Docks and Hylton Colliery, 248 (392), (494). (611) Brassworkors' Wages, (45), 1161 424 Sw11o and Hunter's Sbip and Floating Dock-building Yards, 248 Burnley, Stoppnjle of Miners at, (190) Tyno Tmprovoment Commissioners' Charleroi Glasa W orkers, (805) Workr, 248 Chicago, Scarcity of Ilands in, (253) Uoalownors' Association o.nd Miners' FederaInstit ution of Mec hanical Engineers: tion, Arrangement on tho Wages Question Uonden,Sation in Stot\m E 1gino Cylindor1, hatweon, 145, 149 Uoservation on an I mp rovod Gla~s Hevoalor Coal Strike, ~·ears of Another, (7'.1) for Studying, Mr. H. Donkin, 410, 423, 447, in Franco, (491 ), (61:10) 477 At Resolven (h lliery, (250) .Ehotrio Traction, P.,lypbaso, Prof. (), A. Tra Jas Conciliation Jhard and tho ScJtch Varus· Wilf.oJ, 4 .Miners, (12 I) ' 1.( Labour Questions, Strikes, and Trade Leaders (ru~tlirwf<l) : Disputes (ro r&til11ted) : American Coal in Europa, 29 1 Shipbuilding Developments, 418 Colliers' W'1es, (146), (149) Steel Trade, The, 139 Dis putes in September, and Number of WorkTnriff and t he I ron Trade, The, 38 people Involved, (392) Attraction, 34 ~ Dowlnis Collier!!' Str1ke, 100 Automatic Stokera, 63 DuO'r5n Works, Morriston, Advance Demand ed, Boiler Explosions, Phenomena of, 496 (250) at St. H elena, 615 Durham Miners' Applic~tion for Advance in Select Committee on, 90, 217 Wages, (137) Briatol Quays, 418 Emergency Signalmen and Objections of the Cheap Power, 38 Men, (491) C Jal, American,~. in Europe, 29 1 Eooployment Returns Issued by Trade Unions, Price of, :dO ((>29) Trade Crisis, German, 268 Enginemen Connected with Northumberland Coaling Stations in the Hod Sea, German and Vollierios, Advance of Wagos .Requested by, Russian, 522 (114), ( 1 2~) Colliery Wag es and P rofits in South Wales, 343 E3ton Miners, 'l'hrontenod Htriko, (200) Copper Supplies, 394 Factories and Workshops, Report for 1899 of, Education and Trade, 689 (7) Eleotrio Earth Retu rns, 622 Factory and W orksbopa Act, Sootion 40, t o ba Locomotion, Mr. W. L!lngdon on, fi70 Applied t o Factories and Workshops in which Locomotives, 6Hi P ens o.ro Made, (87) Supply Mains, 295 l~oderation Meetings, Po)ntypridd, 1CO Engine Breakdowns, 320 Friction on the Tall' Vale Railway, (163), 194 Eng ines, Turbine Steam, 417 Great Western, Midland, and London and Engineers, Naval, 469, 495, 545, 593 North-Western Engine Drivers and F iremen, Eagioeera in the United States .s-avy. 469. 495 Meeting at Neath, (~65) English and American Methods, (Mechanical Hamburg Dock T_.~abouro rs' Strike (318) Engineering), 215 J ron Plato Trade Society and Midland Counties Entrenched Positions, Attack of, 165 'l'rade Federation, Operatives Ask for Ad· F renob Marino, The, 37 vance, (249) French Naval Reforms, 521 Ironworkers' \Vuges, (318) Gas, Price of N ortb London, 470 Labour Troubles, 262, 2Y8, 322, 337, 373, 3 9, Gatbmann Ai.irial Torpedo Guo, 191 412, 436, 46t3, 48fl, 525, 650, 566, !i96, 610, German Coal Trade Crisis, Tbe, 268 641 German Customs Duos, Revision of, 165 L'\w and Trades Unions, Tho, 523 Goods Traflb, Conduct of, (Largo Wagons in Middlesbrougll Dookors' Dispute Ended, (124) United States), 216 Miners' Wag11s, (123), (12<J) Goschon, Mr., at. Bay, 13 Minora' Wagos in South Wales, 559 Gosohen, Mr., his Memorandum, 64, 89,217 National Free Labour Association, Arrange· Inland Navigation in Germany, 14 moots for the Employment of Militiamen, Institution of Civil Engineers, 4i0 369 Iron and Stool Profits, 368 Newcastle Br11nch of tbo Amalgamated Society Locomotives. Compound, 29-1 of Engineers and tho Advance of , Wages Locomotive Explosion at Wester fiel d, 393 Demand, (62) London Streets, 546 Northumberland Colliery MocbanicP, Wnges Loree, Mr. L. F., his History of the G:>ods Questions, (190) Wagon and Freight Car, 216 Overtime Suspended on Account of the Heat, Machinery of Fighting Sbips, 115 (62) Machinery, Manufacture of, 441 Pembroke Dockyard, 'l'roasury Scheme for Matter, Modern Viaws of, 140 Compensation for I nquiry Accepted, (253), Mechanical Eogineers. Training of, 293, 343 (298) Morcier- and After, 616 Penrhyn Slate Quarries Closerl, (544) Motor Cars, 14 R!\ilway Conciliation Board, Proposed, 321 Naval Eoginoors, 469, 495 M5, 593 Employ6J Mooting at Neath, (265) Engineers, United States, 469, 495 Labour, 242 Officers and Warships, 640 and Other Strikes, 298, 340, (611) Suggestions, 594 Scottish Manufactured Iron Trade, Conciliation Navy, Tbe, 441 and Arbitration Board, H.eduotion in Wages, North·Britieh Railway Accident, Tho, 267 (544) P enalties, 116 Sliding Scale Committee, Important Meeting, Picketting, Injunctions against, 241 12th November, (506) Rail way Lnbour, 242 Stevedores, Strike of, 100 !:ipeods, 191, 471 Stoppage of Barrow Hematite Steel Works and U npunctuaiity, 319 Damping Down of Askam Works, (467) Wa~ons, 522 Strike of Guards, North-Eastern Railway, (611 ), Rifle .Ranges, Tho Provision of, 90 (624) Science and tho Manufacturer, 496 and Lock-outs of 1899, 564 Screw Gauges, 319 of Mineral Guards, Tyno Dock, (602), Shipbuilding in America, Cost of, 59! (624) Simplicity and Complication, 368 Suggestion for the Prevention of, 340 Smoke, Prevention of, 639 Swnnson. Docks, Strike for One Halfpenny p:>r Speed in the Nnvy, 89 Hour, (87) Sloam Engine, Now Theory of the, 367 Taff Vale H.!l.ilway Stl'iko, 163, 194, 200, 238, Steam JacKets Useful ~ Are, 470 241 'l'est of Steam Engines, A, 241 Tin-plato Trade Unions and tho Search for New United States Armour-phlte Question, Tho Markets, 14 242 Trade Disputes in November, (637) Competition, 418 'rrade Unions in 189!l, 617, 637 Competition, Sir I. L. Bell on Unsteadiness of Workmen and its Results, Mr. 669 I. Wnrd, of the Shipbuilding Firm of Wm. Water Supply, A Question of, 394 Denny and Bros., on the, (491 ) Water-tube Boilurs in Merchant Ship!', 268 Wages to be Paid to the Steel Millmen at the Consott Works, (11 ) Welsh Colliers' Agitu.tioo, (124) Sub-Leaders : Admiralty Boiler Committee, Selection of Mr. LANCASTER and Tonge, Limited, Method lor J. I nglis, 217 Supporting tho Piston-rod, 377 Aluminium Patents, 523 Lnn~don, l'llr. W., on tbe l::lupersession of the American Bridge Work for the Uganda R ailSteam by tho Electric Locomotive, (506), 550, way, 595 670, 672, 699, (61 !i ), 620 Railroad Construction, 116 Larmer, Mr. Joseph, Prosicl cntial Address, 235, Steel Ship Plates, Rejection of, 623 2·J3, 2i2 Anglo-German Cablegrams, 6i0 L~t.bo, Bnoking off Loewo (vii., viii., St~.ppltment, Atlantic Record, The, 269 Noven1bel' 23rd, 1900) Boilers, Belleville, 39, 442 Backing off Reineck or (vi. Supplt1Mn t, Brass workers' Wages,' ll6 Novem1Je,·23rd 1900, Figs. 17, 18, 19) British Association, Tho, 192 Drake. Domoor (ii., Supplement, J.Yu,·cm~cr Machinery A broad, 369 23rcl, 1900) R11ilway Orders in t he U oited Statea, Crank Sbaft, Dean, Smith, and Graco (siv. 1 Sir H. Vincent on, 516, 665 Fig. 28 and d rawings, S uppltmMt, Carnegie Projects, 844 i\'ocem1Jc1· 23rd, 1900) Carne~io Steel for England, 321 Horizontal, Bouhoy (iii., S uppltntent, Clyde Shipbuilding, 845 No~cn~1Je1· 23rd, 1900) Coal Bills, Railway Companiea' . 166 Horiz:lntal, Soci6t6 Alsacienne (iv., Supple· Coalfield, Development of the Yorklbirt', 6i 111cnt, N ow nbc1· 281·d, 1900) Coal in I ndia, English, 442 s~rew-cutting, Domoor (i., Supplemmt, Price of, 141 Ko rcmbu 281·d~.-1900) Prices of Locomotive, 15 Sowi-automatio ·l·urrot, 620 Trade with Hull Port, The, 166 ~ Taper Screwing Attaohment to, llorbort Trade, Yorkahire, 419, 497, 694 (ltii. , Figs. 26, 27, and Drawinga, SuppleYorkshire Steam, ond the Tlllf Vale ment, Novcmbel' 28n l, 1900) Strike, 217 Throe-spindle, 599 Commeroinl Treaty with G~rm any, The Now Tbroe·spindlo, De moor (ii. , Fig. 3, Supple· 419 ' ment, Novembel' 28rd, 1900) Copper, 295 Triplo-aotion Chuokin~, Brockie (xv., SupE!ectricity on tho Underground R~ilway, 6i0 plement, November 281·d, 1900) Gos Lighting, Incandescent, 268 for Turning Granito, 876 German Treaty, Proposed New, 646 Turret, SociGtG Alsacionno ( iv., Fig. 8, Germnn Shipbuilding Capabilitiea, 192 Sul)}Jlcment, November 2S1·d, 1900) Ola•gow's Facilities for Tcchnioal EJucati Jn 12in. Gap. Roinevkor (vi.,~. Fig. 11, Supple· 369 I mcnt, J.Yo~:cmbe1· 281·d, 11100) Glasgow Trclmways, 91 Wheel, Hautmont (xli. , Supplcmml, Gosch en, Mr., 821 J.YownbcJ· 281-cl, 1900) Jnplneso Gold, 192 L:luncb Machinery, Ardwiok Engineering Com· J ubi! eo of the Submnrine CablE', 217 pany, (73) L1w and Trade Unions, 523 Launches and Trial Trips, 23, 40, 67, 101, 1'25, LongLboniog Voasols, 192 151, 169, liO, 201, 212, 251, 279, 805, 329,379, l.ocomotives, Cleaning, 442 403, '127. 453, 480, 607, 631, 665, 603, 625, 661 Lmdon Wator Supply, 497. llt6 Lllw, l'lJr. lly., 321 Machinery, Ol?onings for, 844 Llw and Trndos Unions, Tbo, 528 Machinery Sbtpments. 39 Load I ndustry of North Cardigtln&bire, Revival Mechanical Plight, 192 in, (74) M iaes Draionp:o, (J 1 L ead ers: P.J ~th olos fo ~ Pnssen~ter Ship'!, E lltlrg<>d, 110 Admiralty Engincer:ng, 63 Hntlway Aoctdent at llindlt'y, 216 Ai.irial Ships, 139 Coal Contraots, The, 670, 595 Aluminium and Coppor, ll\1tu ro of, 166 Companies' Coal Bil P, 160 Amorio1n Armour Plato, M6 Conciliation BoarJ, Propo: ed, 821 • X I NDEX. S ub-Leaders (Nnt:. l) : lhilway in the Balkall!, 523 ~peed", 4il Ruuia, ~ orlheru Railway of 6~3 Hu!llli~ in the R ed S.la C.i3 ' Has~ian Navy, Tbo, 3!i5 lit. Mich ael's Acetylene Inablla.lion Tho 821 Sultan's G nn~, l'be, l!l ' ' 'l 'olegrapbio O<>m munication with S.)uthorn and Butern Asia, 305 'l' in· plates, 49i 'l'in·plato Tr•do Unionsnnd the Search for Now Mllrkets, 14 Tube Tra le, Tho, 166 Turbino· prop:llled Channel Steamere 91 United States Senat e and the Nicara'gua Can:t.l 616 ' Y orkahi.ro Coa'owners and tho Locomotivo Cvn· tract8, 570, 595 York.ahiro Co~l Trade, Tbe, 419, 497, 59 1 LE~N •. Mr. Ch~s. Calculatio.: the Curve of Equi· hbnum or LIDo of Thru9t i n Arched Rtbs 110 111 ' ' Lectu r~ on R~i~way Management, (480) L~da IJo rporatton, System of CJ\)ecting Tra~ Fares, (~93) L'eds Sewage, Treat ment of, 232 Le&'al lnteillgen ce : Tho Crown 11. A Bye.law P.wed by a Local Author ity, (213) W hit ehead 11. Ramsden, Taylor, and Co. ( Work· man's Property in h is Invention ), 121 L 9tt e r a to t h e Edltol": A cotylooo Gas Generators, W. Doman 3u A~~iralty E~gineoring, Royal Navy, 20 1 Aunal Expenment, W. E. I., 96 AuriJl! Torpedoes, Louis G:Lt hmann, 67 Alloytng CIUt Iron with Aluminium, Wm. H. iddlo, 118 Am~ri.can Works Practice, Wm. C. llogg, 445 Art1st1c Accuracy, Ar thur Rif(ll, 499 Atlantic City Flyers, Crowe, 57:3 Belleville Boiler, Tbo, A. R K. S., 86 B evel·wbeel Planers, J obn R ichardson, 212 B lackheath and Greenwich E lectric O.morating Station, Reginald P. Wilson, 264 Boiler .Explosions, J . C., 499 B oilers in the N avy, S.Jporintonding Eogino3r, 67 Briti.eb Exhibits st P.uis, W iilans and Robin· aon, Limited, 86 Trade and Manufacturers, Fair Trado, 118 Cement 1'eating, Cbas. Lionel Smith, 162 Chevalet Detartariser, The, Wm. Boby, 2i7 Colliers' W nges, F. B. Saunders, 145 Copp3r Supply, The World's, Reginald Enock, 3tH Cooplinga, Autollatic R1i lway Wago::t, T. A. Brockelbank, 445 Craok Sbarts, B am, J . Brady, jao., 95 D.1iry Show, 1900, Edw. C. B .ackatono, 4 15 D l8ulphurisation of Cokg, W. A. Jookin, 322 .Knginoa, 0.1a and Oil, at tho P aris Exhibition, l!dw. C. Blackstone, 549 Engine, The Str aigh t Line, John E. Swaet, 499 Engineers, Con.anhing, W. H. Thornhery, ~98 Ea~tlish and American Railways, C. M. Wa~eJ, 619 English "· American Tools, Francia H. Crit~ll, !>19 Factory Inapeot or as Advertising Agent, T he, Fred. Miller, 195 Fan EfJicioncy, Brattice, 388; W. A. Ornnger, 413, 498, 573, 619 i P . W ., 444, 549, 599, 619 F.,rranti Eng ine and Dyoam<', •rost of a, N. Applebee, 1.1 19 F ly·wheols, Efficiency of, Vo:v.,:x, 41!3 }' reach l'b ilways, how th ey I mpedo tho D JVO· lop ment of tbe Country, Ilorus, 195 Oaa from Sewngo, W. Naylor , 517 G.1.11 fro:n Sludge, Eiw. A. Harman, 573 Garman Gabrauchsmuster 1 <'an a n Engli-.hman H old a Valid, C. P .A., 388; Fell nod James, 51 ; H . & W. Pntaky, 3M Good• Traffic, Cond cct of, J. D . Twinberrow, 2 17 Groat E 111torn Sabur b:Ln Exte:leions, S oares· hrook,388 Ileatinz 11ailwny Carriages, C. A. Brantsen, 212 II >Pp 9r Drodger, L"l P aissan to, W ..nor R Jbt . Ktnipplo, 2tS4 ; Walter Brow n for Willilm Simon and ().,,, Ltd., 322 l tlumin1ting 0~ from Sew.1go SlaJge, Elw. A . U armao, 445 I odia.n Ink, A. E. S , 212 1natitution of Ele~:tric E:1gio3era, A Briton, 96 L 1tho.a, Tbree·spindle, C. P., 699 L>velling Staff, J. Gould, 619 J,,.elliog Staff, 0. W. Hardm1n, 69J Vghting of St. Michael's, Thorn and H oddlo A cetyle:lo CJmpany, Limited, 8G 1 L?comotives, Cleaning, A R3ador, filS Locomotive Engines a t tho Paris E1hibition R. v. H elmhoH:t, 18 Llcomotive Explosion a t Welterfield, L ?co. B>ilor Make r, 413 L'lbrioation, Question in, O=ean Tramp, 445 Mach ine Tools, English and American, J. S. V. Bickford, 195 ~lachine 1'oals, E oglish and American, Wm. B. Pinching, 247 Moc_h~ni!:al Enginoe~ Training o f, J. S. V. Dtckord, 474 ; T . .li. B. ,338; Cnt:lpult, 388; Employe r, 340; A. M. I. .M. E., 444, 474; Oo· l?o~er, 340; P oJ!pet Head, 322; Robert li. S:ntt h, 444; C. E. Wolff, 413 Mint, A Year 's W ork at the, E. 0 . King, 217 Motor Trial, Tho 1000 Milos, Parchnser , 67 Nator e of Matter, 'fhe, Q, 195 N a val Engineers, Chief Engineer, 573, 698, 615; D.~m Spiro Spero, 618; Enginoor, 618 ; F id· loy liouse, 517, 598; Fleet Engineer, 618; J. H olley, 508; lllorcantilo Chief, 518; Navnl Encumbrance, 518, 6M; Naval Engineer, 615; Ooo of tho Nnval Engioeors, 6H ; It N., 548; l:>tl nd Bye, 644; Weary Ono, 673 New Znland VJal, J. Watson, 115 Nicbos.o B"ilers, G. d e Gr ave Solis, 118 Niclauaso Bailers, W illans and .Robin son, Limi· t ed, 96, 145 N orth of F ranco R ,i)way, Eloctric A rrange· m eat on, 8-'foty , 415 Novilc, Tbe J ohn J. Tho r nycroH and Co., 5 19 1 Oil 0.11 Liguting, E 1rly, W . D. Paley, 361 Tus lliNOINMR, hmn Lettet"s to the Editor (('v•tl •l«c<i}: Lighthou se at Jenoingtrea Point, Stool Frame, 299 Patents in Pretoria, t:1w. Evans a nd Co., 578 L'lntern, L'ile Yierga, France, 131, Putent<J and 'l'rado Mcnks in t he Ornnge River 132, 135, 138 Colony, Wm. H . T,tylor, 310 North Davon,'A Now, (78) Pitchometers, J. Leitch, 517 Pocket Caloulator , Professor Smith's, Ily. Laa, Lighting, Early Oil Oas, 36 1 364; C. N. Piokworth, :388; Robt. H. Smitb, Lighting of St. Michael's, 861 840 ; J. 11. Steward, 388, bl7 ,· Your Critic Linotype Machines, (20) 475 l Lint .Bl!lnlt for Boa Wo.ils, 140 Portholes, A. A. C. Davio3, 162 L:quid Ai r, B lowing up Wrecks by Use of, (d2) P oY"e r, Choap, Jobn S. V. Bickford, 67 lo~aotory, Los Angelos. (190) Pnroe Movers nt t he Paris Exhibition, Alf. How to Obtain an Exact 1dea as t o, (416) Towler, 499 • P roportions of Model Steam Engino.a Tho, ~J r. Cnl Liud0 on the Us3s and Pro· Anxious, 195 ' duction of, (54) Pumps, Centrifugal , Jos. Bernays, (99 K'!oping, (:33) Rails, Acid 11. BIUic, Lowthian Bell, 413 Fuel, 374 .Railway an1 Other Laboar, W. E. Buck, 298, 3 10 Literature: N.n.-FI~eurcK In Urnckcts refer to Dvok.s llccci vcd und tihort Notices. R:lilway Sharohold erund Automatic Couplings, T. A. Brocklobanlc, 67 Acetylene, Hand·book for the Student and Rail way Speeds, C. L., 822; Nor man D . Manufacturer, by Vivian B. Lewes, with 228 Macdonald, 26 1, 3<10; W . S.M., 888; Sharo· Illustrations, (134), 281 holder, 861 ; Clement E. Stratton, 298; Ja.s Air, Water, and Food, from a Sanitary StandTylor, 322;. lly. WooHord, 322 point, by Ellen II. Richards and Alp heus G. Repairing a r ail Shaft at Sea, C. E. Stromeyor, W oodman, (273), (8 J5) 361 Alter nating Cu rrents, Elements of, by F ranklin n :ekio Compound Lo~omotivo, Henry v. Arun· and Williamson, 167 del, 118,212 ; Rldix, 118 I John Riekie, 217 ; American lnatitute of Arc hi ~ech QUArterly J. D. Twinberrow, 96, 162, 264 Balletin, April 1st to July 1st, 1900, ComShips. Ancient and Modern, R. R. , 212 piled and Edited by Glonn Brown, (2P5) Ship R!!sistance and tho S trenm Line Theory, Astrnl Gravitation in Natural Phenomeo9, Marat on Niles, 111 E;.says in Illostration of the Action of, W. L. SJaring F light, Noto on, lloratio S. Green· Jordan, (384) hough, 499 Atlas, W orld·wide, of Modern Geogr aphy, S .e!lm Rollers, U pkeop of, R obt. P ilillips, 413 Political and Physical, witb Introduction by T raps, Gso. T. Pardoe, 145 JohnS. Ke1tie, W . and A. K . Johnson, (471) Turbines, Alfred Cotton, 475 Australian Municipal Pocket -book of E1gineer · Tarbioo3, Cha.s. A. Parson~. 444 iog for the Use of L1ymen, Compiled by J. Sto3l R1ils, Lilo o f, E. E. Russell Tratman. 195 H. Cardew, (369) Strikes, Su~gestion for the Provention of, R. D. Automobiles and Motor Cycles, llorseless Summer field, 310 Vehicles, by G. D. lliscox, 315 Sabmarine Bonts, F. G. Towell, 247 I'Automobile sur Route, Manuel Th!Soriqoe et Superheater and Separator, II. Cruse, 4i5 Pratique de, by GGra rrl LlvOrjlfle, 315 Supersession of the Steam by the ElocLric B.t.cterial Treatment of Sew.tgo, Ihnd·book for L1comotive, W. L'\ogdon. 599 Councillors, Eng ineers, nod Surveyors, by Target Book, Tho, llandy Man, 578 Geo. Thudihum, (15) T!leodolitos and their Fnilure, W. J., 599 Banker, How to Vbooso Yen·, Manual for 'l'heory of the Steam Eogino, A New, W. II. Customer-3 and Iav~ntoril, llonry Warr en, Northcott, 413 {471) Tramways, Cornelius E . Cardow, 162 Bnnkor, llow to DJal with Your, by Ihnry 'l'cial D.~ta of H. M.S. Diadem, Robert Mansel, Warren, (15) 145 Bi>ard of Trade, Labo:1r Doputment, Report Typhoid and F lies, Attilio Cerutti , 499 by Mr. Wilson Fox, (217) Valves of Ou Engines, 0. Hives Dawson, 96 BJard of Education, Report of tho, 1893-1900, Valves of Gas Engines, J. D. R:>ots, 96 (558) Ventil'ltion of Drawing Offices, J. Stephen, 518 B Jtlermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, and Mast. \'entilation and Heating;, Alf. J. Afleo, 599; makers, Practical Treatise for tho Use of, I., Eiw. A. llarman, 645; Wm. Ingham, 444, J ., ani EI. Haddon, (595) 549; R Gordon Mackay, 619: J. A. McLaren, Bouclier et los MIS.boJes Nouvelles de P e rce· 573 ; OJ. Wheolor, 549 mont des Souterraios, pa r R en6 Philippe, Victoril Nyann, General, R.E., 619 ( 134 ). 407 Wagon Couplings, J. L. Cridland, ()18 BriJge-boilding, II undred Yonrs of Oor mlln, W agon Cou pliogs, Snfoty, 573 by Georg C. Mehrtens. 28 1, 888 Was~e of Water a.nd ih Prevention, An Assist· British Association of Waterworks Engineera, ant, 264; Distribution , 96, 145, 212; A. J. 'fransactions of, Vol. v., (58) Jenkios, 162; W. de N or man ville, 118; Building Construction and Drawiog, by C. F. Superi ntendent, 414 ; H. S., 44, 145 Mitchell, assisted by G. A. Mitchell, (295) Water, Molecular Constitution of, Jas. C. C.tlcalus for Engineering Students, Elementary Richa rdson, 599 Treatise on tbe, by John Graham, (.J71) Supply, D elta, 573; Distributbn, 4~9, CMe·Law of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 549 i B. A. W. E ., 619; R. C. Fcnto, 1897, R. .M. 1\linton·Stenhou~o, {512) M9 ; R. Harding and Son, 499 ; R Cbl\rloroi, Assoc. dos Mi\i tros de Forjles de, Gordon Mackay, 475 ; H. P. May· Rappor t Glin6cal sur Ia Situation de l'[odus· bury, 517; R. R, 445 trio M€tallurgiquo on, 1899, Waterway, An Old, Tyoth D. Bonnsall, 573 Chemins de Fer de !'Ouest, Mat6riol ot Trac· Waterway, A Remnrkable Old, W. B. Paley, tion: Notice su r le M'\t uriol Jes Obj3ta et los 599 DJssios Present!Sa l'Exp ositi m Uaiveraelle Wire Rope on Pulleys, Friction of, T . R. K., de 1900, (134) 415 China and the Present Crisis, by Joseph Wal· Wood Preservative, Now, M. do H. D uval, 14s t on 167 Coal Mining, Elementary Toxt-b:>ok on , Robt. L etters f l"om o u t' own Cot'l'esp o nP eel, (558) dent s: Coal Mining, Practical, Manual for Managers, America, Engineering Notes from, 44, 72, 98, Colliery Engin~era, and others, by Goo. L. 122, 148, 174, 2'21, 278, 302, 326, 849, 876, Kerr , (430) 400, 478, 501, 552, 576, 622 Commutation, Theory of, C. C. Hawkins, (512) Coppar, A Century of, Part II., Expansion of America, Notes from, 47, 74,101 , 150, 176, 200, tbe l ndu9try, Cost of Extraction, Uses of tho 226, 247, 279, 304, 403, 427, 452, 481 , 506, Metal, Distribution of Oces, &c., Nicol Brown 530, 554, 578, 625, 651 and Cbas. CJrbett Turnbull, (658) Australia, Notos from, 201, 400, 478, 55G Cotton 1 Gen. Sir Arthur, his Life and Work, by hts Daughter, Lady H opo, (471 ), 695 England, N or th of, 21, 46, 78, 100, 12 1, 149, Cycle En~neers' IDBtitu~o, Proceedings of the, 175, 199, 225, 249, 277, 303, 328, 351, 377, Vol. i , 1899, (15) 401, 425, 451, 479, 505, 529, 553, 577, 601, D >uglass, Sir James Nicholas, Life of, by Thos. 623, 650 Wtlliams, (134), 182 Germany, 23. 47, 75, 101, 125, 151, 176, 201, Dyn1mics, Treatise on Elementary : D~aling 227, 251, 279, 30[1, 329, 353. 379, 403, 426, with Relative Motion Mninly in •rwo Dimeo· 452, 480, 507, 530, 554, 579, 608, 624, 650 sion.a, H. A. R 'berts, (595) E:1ux Pot:lbles et Iodustriellos, H>cherche des, Iron, Coal, and General Traies of Birming· par Henri B .:>Ursault, 91 bam, Wolverbampton, and other Districts, Electric Ganeratord, by II. F. Parshall and H. 21, 451 7'1., 99, 122, 148, 174, 198, 2~5. 248, 1\1. Hobar t (217) 277, <102, 327, 350, 376, 400, 424, 450, 478, Lighting and 'rrac~ion W ork in Opera· 50!, 528, 552, 677, 600, 023, 649 tion or Projected in Great BritAin J apan, 45, 576 and Irelnnd, Directory nnd S:atistics L :mcasbire, 21, 45, 78, 99, 122, 149, 174, 199, of, 1900·1001, llazall, Wats:>n, and 225, 249, 277, 808, 327, 351, 377, 400. 42 1, Viney, Limited, (512) 450, 478, 504, 528, 552, 577, 601, 623, 6i9 Motors to Machine Driving, Applicl· tiou of, by Aud row Stewar t, (168), Newpor t llarbou r Commissionora' Weekly (182) T rade Roport.s, 22, 44, 74, 100, 124, 151, 176, Wi ring Tables, by Perron Maycock, 200, 226, 278, 30~. 828, 402, 426, 480, 606, (408) 530, 55~, 5i8, 602, 621 Electricity, Tbe ABC of, Wm. H. Meadow· SJotland, 22, 46, 74, 12~ 150, li6, 200, 226, croft, (3 15) 250, 2i8, 80 I, 352, 37~S, 402, 425, 451, 479, E lectricity and Magnetism, Elementary Ques· tOS, 523, 553, 578, 602, 624, 650 tions, campiled by tl1agnua MacLean and E. W . .Marchant, (369) Sheffield, 21, 45, 73, 99, 122, 149, 175, 199, Employers' Liability Aot, 1880, anrl the W ork· 225, 249, 277, 303, 827, 351. 377. 401. 425, moo's Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900, 451, 479, 505, 529, 653, 577, 101, 623, 6<19 AI f. H. Ruejl'g, (641) -4 Wales and Adjoinint;t Counties, 22, 46, 74, 100, EoRinoa, Ull$, Oil, and Air , A Toxt ·bJok on, by ] 21, 150, 176, 200, 226, 250, 278, 301, 32i, Bryan Donkin, (295), 659 352, 378, 402, 426, 452, 480, 606, 630 l 551, EngioO!', High·speed Steam, by W. Norris and 578, 602, 624, 650 B en. H . .Morgan , (217) LEVELLI~ G St1ff, 699, 619 Eogino and Macbino Details, Sketches of, by r~!!Wis Bolt, A, 398 Wallaco Bentley, (105) EJgioo Tests, E:nbracing the RJsulta of 100 Life-goard fo r Electric Tramcars, W ilson and BonnoLt's, (351) }'eed·water Teats and other I nvestigations Life·saviog Appliances at t he Paris Exhibition, on various kinds or Stolm Engines, Oeo. K . 421 Barrus, (471) Light, Comparison of Qualities of Rays given off Ea~neering and Ar.:hi ~ecturo, Law of 0 .>era· by D.fferen t Sourcos or, 172 ttons Preliminary to Construction in, by J. L=ght, Velocity of, Determined by M. Porrotin, Ca!l3an W nit, (331) (544) En~tinoering, Caemistry of tbe ?lbt>rials of, L'gbth?use on tbo Bw R?ok, N ow, (285) Ihnd·book for Engineering Students, by A. Eogioeori og nt t he Paris E xhi'Jitioo, llumboldt Suton, (331) E tginoora' G~z3tto, A•lDU!ll for 1901, ( 171) 311 a BoPPLtlCr.NT, JA'iOARV 18, 1001.-(VoL. XC.) Literature (ront;,wul) : Engineer Pookot·book for 1901, The Practic1l, (595) E ogineor P.>ckot-book, The Practic1l, lor 1901, Tbe Technical Publishing Company, Limited, (171 ) Eve ry Man's Own L:twyor, by A Barrister, {041) Explosivos1 Two:~ty-fourth Annual Report of H . M.'s 1nspeotors of, for 1900, (58) !'Exposition Univorselle de 1900, Revue Technique do, par un Comit6 d'Ingonieurs, d 'Arcbitectes, de Pcofesseura et do Constr ue· tours, ( 471 ) Fnrnham and it8 Surroundings, Written and Illustrated by Gordon Ilomo, wi~h Introduc. tion by Edna Lyall, (105) Field Work and I nstr uments, ArLhur Thos. Walmisley, 512 Fighting l:>hips, aU the World's, Cosmopolitan Naval Annual, by Fred T. Jane, (217) Filtration of P o.bli:l Water SupplioJ, by A ile II 11:on, (59) Flamo, Electricity and t he Cam 3ra ; M , n' Progress from the First Kiodling of Fire tJ the Wiralou Telegraphy and Pbotogrnphy of Colour , by Oeo. lies, {408) Fteet, Our, To-day, and its Dnelopm3nt durin~ the L1't Hsli·csntury, by Capt. S. Eardley WI.! mot 217 F.>otpaths, their ~Iainte:lanoe, ConJtruction, and Cost, by A. 'l'aylor Allen, (182) F <>u ndry Praotic!, Modorn, J oh n Sbarp, (471 ), 610 F "wlor, Sir J ohn , The Lifo of, by Tb:>s. Mackay, (384) F owler's Moobanical Engineers' Yoar -book for 1901, (658), (595) Fr.mch·Kngliah Military Technical D ictionary, No. 21, Part II£. , Palau App3ndix, bf Cor oelius do Witt Wilcox, (295) G.n Engine Con9tructi:>n: A Practical Treatise, by H. V. A. Parsell, j1n., and A. J. Weed, ( 105) G1•works Direct:>r y a'ld Statistics, 1900 1, Haz>ll, Wntson, and \'iney, Limited, (512) H J.:nll's Annual for 1901: Cyclop:o:lic Hooord of Moo and Topic> of the D 1y, (595) Hel\t 1 What is, and What is Electricity 1 Frod. llovo nden, (535) Horseless Vehicles, Automobiles, Motor Cycles -Operated by Steam, Hyd rocarbon, Electric, and Pneumatic Motors, by G. D. Hiscox, {105) House Drainage and Sanitary Fitmenta, by Gernrd J. G. Jensen, ( 15) Injectors: Their Theory, Constr uction, nod Working, W. W. F. Pullen, (38i ) Institution of Civil E:~gi neera, Bxcarpt Mi nut>s of Proceedings, Vol. cxi., Part If., (168) I DBtitutioo of Civil Engineers, Excerpt Miaute1 of Proceediogs of, Vol. cxli., Session 1899· 1900, Part III., (369) Institution of Civil E 1ginoers, Er;cer pt Min utcn of Pcoceedin$'s of,:Vol. cxliii., Pnrt IV., (595) I nventor's Advts3r, or F. very 111a.a's 0 NO Pnton' Agont, by R9gin.1.ld Haidea, (217} I ons ot l'Eloctrolyse, L!l. T!le:>rio d es, Aug. Hollard, (512) Iron and :::!teal, Str nclaral : Text -book for Architects, Eagiaeera, Baild!!rd, and Science Studen ts, W. T. Twelvetr aes, (558) L!l.nd Surveying nod L<.~velling, A. 'l'. W~lmis· loy, (612) L"lw and Praotic3 R31ating to L9ttera Patent for I nventions, by R. W. Wallace, (16 ) L1wa of Industrial Prvp.nty and Copyr ight in the Library of the Post-offi Je, S.lbJ >Ct List or, (641) L1wyore and their Cliont.s, Practio1l Guide for the Latter, (595) L9ad Stor11ge Ba.ttery : History, Theory, Con · struction, and U.1e, D o3mond G. F itZJOr.\ld, (408), (585) L)ao's H?yal Navy List, No. 91 (58) Locomotive of 1'o·day, The, (383) Lubrication and L'.lbricant~, by L!!onard Ar.!h· butt and R. Mountfort D"oloy, 430 Macd onald's E ogliJh Dictionary and Gazltteor, 1POO Edition, (91) Magnetic Induotion io Iron and other Me tals, by J. A. Ewing, 217 Magnetism and Electricity, Preliminary Prnc· tical, by John Henderson, (~45) Mathematical, Drawing, and Measuring Inatr u· moots: Constr uction, Udes, Qualities, &J. , by W. F. Stanley, (273) Mochanical Traction i n War for R:>rld Trans· port, Lieut. -Col. Olfried L1yriz, Translated by R B. Marston, (512) Mechanical World, '! 'be P ocket D iary and Yolr·hook for 1901, E:nmott and Co., \408) Mechanics, Principle3 of, E lementary E1posi· tiou for Studen ts of P hysics, Feed. Slate, Part I., (595) Mechanics of Solid3, E~omentary, by W . T . .A. E :nptage, (369) .Men of Note in :Finance and Commerce, EJited by II. Bass3tt, wi~h which is incor porated Men of Office, Biographica l Business Diroc· tory, (369) " Melbourne Argus," Tables of the Aust ralasian Mails for 1901, (6H) Meh.l P late Work, Practical, Edited by 'Paul N. lluluck, (273) Minos of tho Transvaal, H. R. Mabson, 91 Motor Vohiolea and Motors, their Dasign, Con · str uctiou and Working by Stenm, Oil, and Electricity, by W. Wor by Beaumon t, (809) Nnturnl Philosophy, Exercises in, with Indi· cation.a how to Answer them, Mag nus Maolean, (471) Navy Department for 1898, Annu1l Repor ts of tho, Roport of the So:lretary of the Navy, (471) Newspnper List, llandy, C. and E. L!l.y t :>n, ( 105) Norfolk Water ways, Guide to the Navigable Water ways or t be Norfo!k Broad Distriot, by II. R do Salis, (15) Optical Tables and D.1ta for the Use of Optioiall!, Silvanus P. Thompson, (471) 0 7or the Alp3 on a B ioyole, by Eliz!l.beth R:>bins P0nnoll, (168) Paper ?lhkin:t, Toxt.book of, by C. F. Cr oss and E. J. B .luu, (295) Patent L1w, L1w and Prac t loo R:~la.ting t o L ettora p,, tont for Iov.mtim, by R lgor W 11\ln:ll o.n 1 J oh'l Drll':le W illi\m,on, 407 Taa BMOnfua, h roax 8tTPPnMDT, J ,~UARV lS, 1001.-{VoL. XC.) Literature (rMti.wul): P•tent' for Invention~, Epitome of the Lnw and Proctico connected with, together with n Heprint of tho P~tent Acts of 18~3. 1..85, 1886, . by Jnmoa and J. Il. Johnson, (i73) P~voment.s and Pnving MateriaiP 1 Stroot, by 0. W. Tillson and Wiley nnd Sons, (38J) P,mroso's Pictorial Annual : Tbo Prooesa Yoar· book, 1900, 559 Periodical Literature, Cont ontl, Subject IndJX t:>, A. 0otgreave, (65 ) Periyar Project, History of tho, compiled by A. T. MI\Cltenzie (273), 471 PIBgue, Climatic Conditions necessary for the Propa~ation and Spre:ld of, by .Baldwin Latham, (273) Pocket Comp!lnion, containing Uaeful Informa· tion and 'l'ables appertaining to tho Use of Steel, as Manufactured by Carnegie Steel Company, by F. TI. Kindt, (1 2) Ports Modernos, Los, par C. de Cordemoy, (38!) Progress of Invention in tho Nineteenth Century, Edw. W. Byen, (471), (512) Pumping Mnohinory, Ily. Davey, li34 Pumping Machinery, Principlos, Construction, and Application of, by Hy. Davey, (296 ~ Pumps and Pumping .Machinery, by F red. Colyer, \535) Railed H.oads: Manual for L:>cal Boards, D:striot Officere, &c., intended chiefly for tho Madras Presidency, F. J. E. Spring (471) Rail road Construction, Theory and Praollce : Text·book for thu Use ofStadeot.s in Colle~es and Technical Schools, by Walker Lor10g W ebb, 104 R ail way Congress, B tllltin of the Intorn'll, Vol. xiv., No. 5, (5 >) R1ilway Dilry and Official Directory, 1901, (595) R11lway Offi)ials, Universal Directory of, 1900, Compiled by S. R. Blundstone, (105) R!lilway Runs in Three Continents, J. T. Burton·Aio:rander, (595) Reclamation of L!lnds from Tidal Waters, by Alexander Beaz3ley, 58 Rivetage dos Charpantes l\I6~11iques des Navires et des Chaudi~res, Trait6l Thcbrique et Pratique du, G. l\Iaugas, (595) Road Making and Maintenance: Practical Treatise for Enp:ineors, Surveyors, &o., by Thos. Aitken, ( 430) Royal Agricultural So:)iety of EnglandJ J ournal of the, Third Series, Vol. xi., Part I1. No. 42, 30th Juno, 1900, (15) H?yal Agriooltural Society of En~land, Journal of, Vol. xi., P11rt Ill. No. 43, (345) Royal Navy List Diary and Naval lland-book for 1901, (535) H.oyal Uoitod Service I nstitution, Vol. xliv., 91 ::!Jbilfbantechnischen Gesellschaft J ahrbuoh dor, Erster B1nd, 168 S~a Story, a Veotury of our. Walter Jeffery, with Portrait of Nelson, (512) Sewage and ~be Bacterial Purification of Sewage, by S.lm R1doal, (16), 58 S >llfage, B:1cterial 'freatment of, by Ge:>. Thudiohum, (16) SJworap;o E n8iooer's Note-book, The, Al bort Wollheim, (471) Ships, Ancient aod Modorn, Part I., W ooden S ' iling Ships, by Geo. C. V. Holmes (168), 212 . ' SJuth Africa, Should I Succeed in, by a Successful Colonist, (345) S~ndard Piece R!ltes of Wages and Sliding Scales in the United Kingdom, Report on, (134) S ~oam E ngine Indicator, by Carl H. Peabody, 16 S ~eol Bridges, Specific!ltion for (l'aken from "De J>ontibus"), I. A. L. Waddell, (64 1) Steel R'lils through Use on R:1ilwayst.. Report of the Committee appointed by the .t:Soard of Trode t o Inqui re into the Lots of Strength in, 26 St rMSos and Strain.s, their Calculation and th:1t of thoir Resistances, by Formulro and Graphic .Methods, F red. Rich. Farrow, (471), 635 Structural Iron and Steel, 'l'o~xt-book for Archi· toots, EngineercJ, Builders, and Science Students, W. ~. Twelvetree111 (471) Surveying with the Tacbeometor, Praotic1l Manual for the Use of Civil and Military Engineers and Suneyo~, by Noil Kennedy, ( 105) ' "l'arjlot BJok," No. 1, Fronce, 535 Tea Machinery and 'l'ea Factories, by A. I. Wallia Taylor, (16) Technical Words and Phrases, Elglish·Fronch and F rench-English Dictionary, J. A. Stand· ring and C. A. Tbimm, (51:Z) Technological Examinatio ns, Progumme of, Euminations Department, Exhibition-road (182) J Tbermodynamik, Technische, Von D. Gustav Fenner (408) 'l'ypograp\lic Surveying, I ncluding Geographic, Explorat'lry, and Military Mapping, by Hor· bort M. W1lson, 167 Tro"Dwaya, Omnibuses, and Electric Railwaye, D11ncan'a Manual of, ( 168) Uoited States Naval Institate, Proceedings of, (58) U&.,ful Arts and H1ndiorafts, Vol. ii., EJited by II. S. Wnrd, (471) Useful Arte and B and1crafte, Planned by Chas. Godfrey Leland, (·108) \Voges and H our s of L1bour in tbe United Kingdom in 1899, Report on Cbangoa in ltates of, with Statistical T~bloa, Eyre and Spott.iswoodo, (369) Wages in tho United Kingdom in 1900 with Vom pnrative Tables, R eport on tho Sta~dard Timo I't:ltea of, Eyre and Spottiawoode (315) Wa~e rworks Directory a nd ~t.atiatics, 1900, Ro· v1 ed to Anguat, 190:>, Gaslforke Directory and Statistice, 1900-1901, Revised to August 1000, (17J ) I Waterworks Distribution : Practical Guide to tho Laying out of SystcmJ of Diatribo~inl£ Maine for Supply of Wo.ter to Cities and Towne, ,J. A . .McPherson, (635) W ook-ends in D1oltens' Land, Bij?u Hand book for tho Cyclist and Rambler, (512) Who's Who 1 1901, Annual Biograohical Die· tionary, (6H) · W orkshop .Matbomatica, in Two P~ rta, by 1-' rank CMtlo, (295) • INDEX. Lltero.tut•e (r<Mti.• u ,l) : Metropolitan Elcctrio Supply (;)mplny, The, 397 Yaohtqman, Manuol Prati1ue du, (38 ~ ) Yenr-book or the 8 Jienti0c ani l.9o.rned Sooie- Metropolitan Water Supply, ·'' Wnter Sopply t.ios of Uroat Britain and lrelnnd, Compiled Mica in Gorman E1st Africa, Discovery of, (508) Micrometer WiroJ Onugo, 220 from Otllciall:lources, (16) Milling Machine, Hrnith and Coventry, Limited, LlVImPOOL Wntor Supply, 6!> 189 Locks, lligh·lift Canal, 105 Radial Prill and VerLical, Looomotivos- .m Rnilwo.y Locomotives (Por••itJII , 'II filii• Ill'' ill :\·o,·rmf, I' Lodge, D r. 0., Modern Views of Matter, 140 i3rd1 l!J~O) :1.37 Loewe and Co.'s W orks, Berli n, Baoking·off Mill, B u R olling, (310) ' • Lathe (Suppltmmt, Novembu 23rcl, 1900, viii.), Mills, Holling. Huggestions for their Improvement, 82, 83, 109, 112 Mr. Lcuis Katon'\1 308 London, Port of, 1'ho Administration of, (644) .Milton Forge and Engincoriog C.>mplny, Limited, L:mdon Streets, 546 (200) Streets, Cleansing and Sea venging of, Mineral Oil in Algorb, ( 137 ~ (11) Oil Production in Jndia, (637) Water S.tpply (253), (365), (<167), 476, Products of Now SJuth Wales, Value 497, 499, 517, tH6 of, (163) Water Supply and Sewage T reatment, Products of tho United s •ateP, 617 (365) Resou rces of tho United States, 197 Longridgo1 0 aptain 0. C., Blast Furnace Smelt· Mineralogical Return~, Now Sllutb Wo.lee, (503) ing by \V a tor Gas, 153 Miners' Federation of Groat Britain, Annual ConLorry, Electrioally·propolled, (637) f erenco, ( 402) Los Angeles, B)iler Capacity io, (190) Minora' Provident Society, ~uartorly Report, 278 Low Moor and Bowling Works, D1spute as to Mines Drainage, 64 which Start ed l•'trs , (318) Mines, Signal Device for, 450 Lubrication, Q•testion in, 445 Mining in Algeria, (137) Lugansk and the llartmann Machine Company'" Mining in Cornwall, A Revival of, Meeting to L?Cooaotive Works, 8, 9, 10, 12 c.,nsider, (611) in Cuba, (137) Dopartmont at Bangor Univeraity C Jllege, Proposed, ( 426) Iltetory, Lnndmnrk in American, (114) M Machinery in Chilo, Demand for, (2 13) Mint, A Yenr's W ork nt tbc, 209, 247 MACHI NE Shops, Construction of, Mr. E. K. Morgan, Mr. Dnvid, 39 ClMk on, 290 Morton, Mr. And rew H omo, A Miller Pd zo Tl)ols, Combined Steam llnmmor Awarded to, (213) and Oliver, !l5 Continental and British ( uppl~ntmt, J.Yo~:e 111 ber Motor Vehicles: 4!8rcl, 1900) Accidents t o, (265), (318) • En~rlisb '1.'. American, 195, Autocars Declared for Tantlon io Franc l, 2 17, 549 (318) PMis Exhibition, 186, 187 A•1tomobile Clnb of Groat Britain,~ Trials of, 1 ._, 1 9 Organised by, 360, 4b2 Maohinery, Rritittb, Abroad, 369 Club's 'l'ria's and Projected Rrtn of Fighting Ships, The, 103, 115 from Paris t o Berlin, (4)1 31, into Russia t:itl Riga, Import of, (190) (440), ( 489) Manufacture of, 441 in t he Froncb Army, (137) Openings for, 3<1:1 lndostry in tho United States and Shipments, 39 in Frnnce (416) Wagon for Heavy Duty. Arthu r M.\cnn:r. ToOLS (Supj)ltmmt, .Yow ubtr 23rJ, Herachmann, 96. 120, 121. 147 1900) :Automobilism up to Date, Mr. Shrapnel Smith, Backed·off Cutter, Reinecker, vii. , viii., Fig. 16 (617) Bolt -turniog i\h chine, Ddmoor, ii., 1-'ig. 4 Bicycle, A Now, !)47 Drill and Tool Grindor, Demoor, ii. Cap:~l's Motor Carriage. 113 H ~ad stock SJotion, Soc:IS ~ Alsacienne, iv., Carriage Propelled by Liquicl Air, (61 1) Fig. 9 Cars as Tram way F eeders, 436 He~dstock L\the, Donn, S ..ailh, and Grace, Congress in Paris, 58 XIV., XV. Docauvi!le Carria~es at tho Crystal PalacJ1 He1dstock Section, "Roinockor, vi., 12 Peformo.nces of, (608) Hob, R eineokor, v1., 1 1 D:scussion on Professor Ilole ·S~aw's, Paper on, ltsv?rsiog Motion, Soulfort and Fockedoy, xi., 14 D1agram D ust Cart, Tenders Invited for n, ( H O) Vertic:1l Turret, SJc:clc A1sacienne, iv., 10 Electric, Card of Electric Stations in France Withdrawiog Device, Deruo:>r, i., Diagram where Electro-mobiles can bo Ch'lrged, (41 6) Withd rawing Device, Loewe, vii. Electrically-propelled, Cap1city of B1tteli.s for, Worm·wheol R obbing Machine, Reineckor, vi., (637) 13, 15 Ensrine11ring Works, Pueblo, '.l!ifornia. Motor Vehicle for Conveying Workmen to, (392) Mclonos-D:>bbi3 Iodic.1tor, The, 602 Familiarisation of Horses with, (26) Maclean, Sir Andrew, 617 Furious Driving at BJornomouth, Drivers .Magnetic Fiold of Electric Tramways, PrJf. A. Summoned, (213) W. Ruckor on tho, 641 F11rious Driving, M. Caron Sentenced, (114) M\\gnetio Observations, Rojrnlati:ms with Refer· H eavy, Superiority of French, (416) once to tho Etfeot of E lectric 'l'raotion on (440) I llenriod , Trial witb, (440) Uighway for, in America, P rojected, (11) Magnifying Glosses for the Navy, (491) Imported into this Country, (2G5) Maio at Cole Brook, Burst ing of a, (163) L:1ncasbiro Steam Motor Company's Steam Mallock, Mr. A. , On tho Measurement of the Wagon, Coke F uel, (33) Tractive Force, &c. , of Trains, 323 Locomobile, Foar·seated Carriage, 476 Manchester Corporation, Proj )Ct for Buying a Locomobile of I mportance for tho Spiri t IcCJal Mine to Supply the Gasworks dustry, A German, (318) with Fool, (253) Manuracture in Paris in Five Years, (318) Municipal Contract S~andal, ( H8) Motors, Mr. J. S. Warnor on, (640) Sewage Disposal. (62), (2 17) for Fire Enstines, (467) Water Supply, (33) for Street Watering and Dust Removal Mansel, R abt., Mechanical Theory of Ste:1mship Mr. E. Shrapnell Smith on, 276 ' Propulsion, 179 \ Vagons, Kent Fruit Groword' AssociaMansergb, Mr. J as., Presidential Add ress on tho tion nnd, (519) Futration of Wator, 462, 471 ~l owing Machia9, Paris .l!:xbibitioo, (239) Maps : Munich Street!~, Consular Report on t he Autooar 'fraffic, (114 ), (440) Central American Isthmus, 405 Oil .l!:ogino for, 420 New York, Watersheds neo.r, 460 Operated by Explosion Engines in America Nicaragua Canal, Map of the Prop:>sc:i R)uto Master Patent which Covers all, (33) ' 605 ' Panhard-Lev~sor Motlr CarriBge, 39 Panama C,mtll (. ttppl~'''~''t t, Octo!,,,. 261/t ISOO) P.uis Ji:Jthi uitio~ 54, 53, 1:!0, 229, 263 •'iberia and North (;hino., 119 ' P.t.ria Trials of .11eavy, 389 Ugo.nda Rail way, 336 Petroleum Co1ns for, (265) MARCONI'$ Wirelcs1 Telegraphic Apparatus on Petroleum, Spirit, and Alcohol, Relative \'alues View at the Essex Exh ibition (508) of, ns Motive Agent for, ( HO) Marconi's Wiroloes Telegraph Comp~ny R lmo, Opening for E oglish·nndo, (239) Apparatus, Oompletod for the Admirnlty !Spoed Regulations undor Coosidorat ioo, (11 ) (63/ ) I Stoam Car Driven by M. L. Seq~ollot, 1'bo Marconi's Wireless Tolegrnph Sy6tem, Tho JackPrince of Wales' 'l'rip on, (318) son Syatom v., 135 Carriage, Offered to tho United States Marine Notes. Amorioon, (802) War Dep utment, (637) Marloid, a Sobsti tuto for Velluloid (163) Motor C.t.rriage, American, 4i6 Mathematics, ProfoeJor J>o~rry on the Teaching of Truck for the Adams Express CJmpBny, J 151 120, 121 M9.tL.er and P!at.t. Limited, The Ridgway DisS~utt~art, for Street Traffic, (541 ) tributor!. an A1d to Sew1ge Puri.fication, 601 'l'bornycroft's Steam T1pping Wagon, 31 Matthews1 .1\lr. Tbos., New Works at Pendleton 1000·miles Trial, 67 Salford, (123) ' 1'1res to the Steering Wboele, Jmp:>rt!lnce of Matter, Modern Views of, 110 Securing tho, ( 416) Matter, Nature of, 195 Tri11.ls of E lrc~rio, Organised by the Auto· M ~xim, Mr. IIiram, On M()oh'lni~al Fiight 19' mobile Vlub of Great Britain, 462 Mechanical Flight, 192 ' ~ Tri>yoles, Improvement in, by tbo Da D:on ~1echanical 'l'beory of l:l ~oamship Pr.>pule'oo by l•'i rm, (44.0) Hobt. Mansel, 179 ' for War Purposes in l''r.t.nco, (201) Mdvil!e, Rear·Admiral G. W., Machinery of tho Wolsoloy Car, The, 421 UmtJd States Navy Arm<Jured Cruisers 103 115 I I MUMl\IY Cloth and tho Mnnohostor BuJcr (114) M uoich Sowers, The, (13i) ' ~lorci n - and Arter, 61U Mersey, Annual Hopor t on the Sbto of t ho (11) I Metals, D.lfuaion of, by Pre~u ro, (621) and biotal Ooodtt l rnported into Chris· tiania in 1899, ( 163) and Minerals in Cuba, ( 13i) N Mele?rology in Jo.p1n, ( 111) Metn o Syst.em, Adoption of, by tho British NAILS. Cut, (4) Trador 10 Itnly, Absolutely In1i•ponsablo Nails, Vu!cnnite or E bonitr, (87) 140 I Natal, Trado Statistics. (544) Metric:\! System of Woigh '" and M lasurca to bo Naval Arohitoot ure, ..&1tbotlo Principles of a07 Introduced in RU88in, ( ltii} 429 455 XL Na\'al Engineer Appointment.a, 21, 32, 66, 118, 176, 194, 261, 287, 313, 315, 369, 396, 436, 41i6, 503, 541, 590, 633 Engineers, 195, 251, 469, 4!l5, 517, 615, 648, 67 3, 693, 698, 618, 641, 616 Admiralty Scheme for I m· proving Pay of. 25 1 Concossions to, 195 Officers, Instruction of Junior, 48 1 nod Warships, 640 Suggestions, 594 'l'arget Hook, The, 573 Navy, Tbe- tu Ships Nevada, Gold Production in, (291) Nowport Sheet Jronworks of J ohn Lysaght, Limited, 327 Newspopera and Periodicals Published in Pdris, (190) Nowspapors Printed in Ono Year throughout the World, (163) Now York, P opulation of, (190) Now York Wnter Supply, 458 Niogarn Falla Power Plant, Extension of, 326 Nicl<ol Production. New ProceSR, (213) Nickel Steel f'>r Locomotive Forgingtt, Employ• mont of, (114) Nickel S!cel, Ht~cales:lent Point of, (213) .1\ile Irrigation Work@, (611) Nitrates, Chilian Exportation of, (137) to Jt~urope, Shipments of, ( 163) • ' 0 Obit u a r y: Armstrong, Lord (with P"rtJt\it), 630 Armstrong, Prof. Goo. Fred, 623 Arthur, Mr. Joh n Fred, (393) Austen, Mr. Stanley, (304) Bingham, Mr. Chu. Henry, (351) Diroh, Mr. J ohn Grant (witb P.~rlrait), (114), 116 Bown, 1\lr. W m. , (114) Brown, Capt. Cbas. Orde ( wilh Portrait), 253 Bat3, Marquis of, 362 Crossley, Mr. J ohn, (393) Duideon, Mr. Alfred , (l91) Dickeson, Sir Richard, (:392) D!ol:son, Mr. Goo. Workman, 4 F orman, Mr. J as. R, 39 Greenwell, Mr. Geo. C., (467) Halliwell, Mr. J., (137) Harrill, Mr. E 1w.• (215) Harrowing, .Mr. Robt., (304) H enderson, Mr. J ohn M., (14'1) Huntington, Mr. Collis P., 168 Jetrcock, Mr. Thos., 136 (278) Jefpor, Mr. Chas., (619), (629), (60~) King, Dr. J. T., 666 L-1.w, Mr. Hy., 821 Maclean, Sir And rew, 51 7 Morgan, Mr. David, 39 Morgan, M:r. J ohn (116) Olander, Mr. Edmund, ( 436) Ord, Mr. J. R., (190) Rowan, 1\Ir. W. H.. (with P.>rtrnil), 2 13 Sells, Mr. Chu. (with Portrait ), 6o6 Smith, Mr. llamilton. 65 Swan, .Mr. J ohn G., (660) Vaugh\n, Mr. T bos., (578) Wilson, Mr. J as., 86 W ilaou, Mr. W. J. , (190) OIL Deposits in F letching Wells, (646) Fuel for Fire Driga1e Vessel on toe Thames (j08) ' Apparatus on s.s. Kbodoung, Burmah, 614 Gas Lighting, 364 L'gbting System in Wiirtomborg, A Now, 648 P roduction in California, (213) Reduction in the Price of Amerio:ln Pale, (t67) Olander, Mr. EJmuod, ( -l!l6) Orde, Mr. E. L., On L'quid l<~osl, 576 Or>dnance: American 16io. Oun, The New, 399 Artillery, Forty-two 4 7 Guns for tho Yiok:>rs1 ' Sons, and Maxim, (508), (677) Disnppoariog GunP, in America, t o be Rsplaced by F1xod Mountiogs, (392) Dl)vor, New 46 Calbros 9·2in. Coast, 442 Gfl.thmann Auriol 'f orpodo Gun, 191 Kinogno.n Arsenal, 7 " Lon.g Cecil," Do ll~ora Company, 3 Machme Gun, Centrafugal Quick-fi ring, Mr. J. Judge. (29J) for the H 1ueebold Cavalry (33) Paris Ethibition, 210, 282, 332 ' Q.1ick-6 ring Siege Guns for Chinn, 112 6an., at Sen, Nota'Jie Improvement io tho U-10 of, (318) Sultan's Guns, The, 15 Supplied to England by a German Firm (591) ' Tbunderer's Disabled :l9-Tun, ( 191 ) United States Navy, T rial of too 40 Calib·o 12in., (611 ) • Viokors, Sons, and Maxim, 1900·1901 252·285 (649) I I V•okorB' Guns for the Mikasa, (225), 282 ORE-HANDLI NG Macliinery ( lCO) Overtime at the R<>yal Smal:-~rmJ Factory Suspension of, (62) ' Owens Collcgo1 Manchester, Oponi nJ of New Physical Laooratory, (11) p PAC IFIC Cable, Projected, (fi08) Packing of l l orchandiae for tbe 'J.'ropics 191 P~lmera' Shipbuildin~tand Iron Company Limited ' Dividend for 1900, Juno 30th 301 ' Palmore' Shipbuilding and Iron Comp.my, O:dore SJoured by, (226) Pan1ma C.1nal, 405, 455, 46j1 465 P11psr from 'l'urf, (253) from Waste Hulls of Cotton Seed (5 14) ' Used in Norway, (137) Paris Exhlbltlon: Automobiles at, 54, 68, 130, 229, 253 Awards Boetowod, Number of 2 15 ' lltllanco Shoot of, (611) ~olgi an !:>Jotion, l' rimo Movere M U. Dul· hncklr, 356 ' · •• X tl - INDEX. Patents, S e lected Ame l'lc an (c<Miouc ctl) : P &l'l8 E x hlblt.lon (···~~ti •••"•"): Boraig l-ocomotive with Schmidt'11 Hururbentor Burner, Incandescent \'apour, L. S. Pfonlz, (Swpplt,.ellt, $,-p!cu.b-r itlr, 1900), 2;3:3 2t Bn titb E~thibits at, 1, 36 Calcining Furn.tlce, ~. Hughes, 354 British Yiaitora to, French \'iew Concerning, Carbon anJ Globe Ilolder for Arc Lamps, A. (213) llolliger, 10~ Clau 19, Names of lhe Members of tho Jury Carburettor for Petroleum or other Engines, A. in, 2 and L. Lamibro, 404 Cr6polle et Garand's Corliss Engines, 106 Casting Apparatus, D. T. CrJxton, 76 Cutting Steel at 150ft. per Minute, Blthlohom Chuck, Sm1t b and Coventry, 652 Steel C<lmpaoy, 232 Compressed Air, Ro·hentiog, 'I'. A. Edison, 60<1 E lectric Engineering at, 34, 35, 36, 3 5, 4 58, Comprossing Air, E. Oobbo, 5 0 513, 062, 667, GOR Co~~'2g Meaus for, Explosive Engine!, W. It ea, Engineering at, Kolbon 1000 Ilorso· power Alternator, 3J, 85, 86 Corrogilted B 1rs, W. Macit'jewaki, 233 280 Locomotiva, Roci(ot(i Suisso, WinterCupolas. A. E 1dio, 152 ' thur, 816, 817 Cutter B.1rs, Compound, Bradford and Ashton, 253 Electricity Generating Plant, Galloway~. Limited, and Mather and Platt, Limited, SS, 92 Cutting Gear Whoola, II. Bi l~ rnm, 454 Eod of tb .., 490, ( 491) Disintegrati ng Machines, G. H. Pond, 280 ~ngi oes, B1otri~t :Nicolet et Cie., 233 Dredgin~ Bucket, C. 11. Smith, 40 l Borsig Trit~lo·oxpansion (Suppft ,lttllt, Electric Furnnce, A. II. Vowles, 652 J ul,l/ 20th), 51, 62, 6L Electric Furnnco, U. Lelouz, 330 Engine, Qaq, Multiplo-cylindor, R. A. Fishbie, Compound, 88, 92, 106, 107, 151, 356 C<>rliss, M. H. Uollinckx, 482 356 lligh·speed, A. F. Scott, 76 Electric Light, Robey and Operating and Governing, C. Rob:nson, Co., 296, 297 454 Oaa and Oil, 360, 406, 457, 583, 5-19, Rotary, P . T. Porldoe, 152 (559) Starting Device, C. S. Strong, 102 llori.t:ootal C<>mpound and Vertical Steam, B. II. Collings, 380 Compound, Socit! .u Alllacienno do Evaporating Apparatus, E. J. Duffd, 580 Constructions M~canique~ (S·•P· Excavator, 0. Hetle~~aetor, 48 pltmtn.t, Xoa·mb.r 2•tcl, 1900), 429, I. P. Lambing, 228 431 Expansion Compon~~ating Device for Stoam H oriz>ntal and Vertical, E •ciHir, Cy liodors, E. Konig, 604 Wyes, and Co., 683, 681, 685, E splosivo Engine, C. H. Dnellenbacb, 253 Fesding Comminuted F uel to Locomotives, .J, 686, 587 11ungarian State, 166 F . Bay, 632 Portabh, R. Wolf, 79 Feod Rolla for' Rolling Mills, D. D. Lewis, 3('6 F.aed-wator Iloator and Auxiliary Condenser, Werk-Nurnberg, Paria E~tbibiti nn F. M. Wheeler, 126 (Supplnntnt, A vgu1t 24th, 1900), 179 Flanging Tubes, F. W. Barthel&, 482 E1gli..b Agricultural Engines, 1 Flue Construction for Steam Carriages, R. C. Electric Manufactures, 1 Mudge, 62U Machine Tools, 1, 186, 187 Forgings, llandling, J. Laoz, 380 Mechanical Section, 1 Steam Eogioes, 1 Fuel Supply of Engines, Regulating, R. Diesel, Textile Indostriee, 1 280 Fire, P recaution against, 169 F ltrnnco, Calcium Carbide, Zimmermann and Prenner, \162 F roo Day at, (467) }~rench R~~oilway Employl!l Requost to tho Cbargi n~ Appnratus, B:ast, J. Kennedy, 76 Compaoioa for Leave to Visit, (22) near Sbaper, Fellows', 20! Feeding, '1'. Morrison, 228 Gramme Machines at, 608 Oro-roasting, J. C. Toller, 76 Helio11 Exhibit, 8000 H orse-power Alternator, Gear·cottiog Mncbino, J. Summer, 451 H atchet, Metallic, J. R. Payson, jun., 428 158, 169 Iron and Steel at the, Prof. H . Bauerman on, Ilydraulic Elevator, E. H. Evans, 354 Ingot Edracling, Morgan and Taylor. 482 286, 876, 423, 418 I ojector, Double-tube, K J. Young, 2i LesaoDJ of the, 399, 477, 590 Joints for Pipes, Floxiblo, A. Leitelt, jun., 252 Life-eaviog Appliances at, 421 J ournal-box, P. Brown, 76 Lil{bthouss, Engineering, 131, 132, 133, 13~ , Key-seating Machine, A. D. Catlio, 428 185, 188,311, 35S Lamp, Spirit lncandoscent, K. Lehmann, 162 Loc>motive, Borsig , with Schmidt's Sopor· Locomotive Eogine, A. Mallet, 508 beater, Russian State R~il way, Mill, Cane, 0 . B. Stillman, 482 {Suppinnent, .Stpttmher 7tl., Mining Machine, A. Ochtinsky, 152 1900), 233 Motors, Gas or Petroleum, J. nambaud, 306 Electric, Sccictu Suisso, Winter· Motor Vehicles, }' . E. and C. 0. Stanley, 656 lhur, 316, 317 Nut Locka, Marshall and Loucks, 45! Engine, with Auxiliary Driving Ordonnce, Charging, D.lwson and Horne, 252, Axle, Krauss and Co., 18 330 Exbibita at Vinconne11, Mr. Rous· Ordnance, Supplying Chuges to Turret or B.lr· Marten (Suppltllltnl. Dtl"tuil~<t bette Guns, Dawson and Horne, 626 7tlt, 1900), 25t:i, 288, fJj7 Ore Crusher, T. Smith, 428 Four · cylinder Compound, No. Packing and Puppet Vnlvos for Air Com· 26·1I, MM. do Bousquet and do pressors, kc. , 1\J. Bulkley, 280 Gleba, Chemin de Fer du Puviog Brick, A. C. Stich 24 Nord (Suppltl•ltlll, DectmlJu Pdat, 'l'reatin~~:, A. Rom, G26 7tlt, 1900), M7 Pig Ejector, White and Semple, 102 Four · cylmder Compound, E. Piston Valves, W. Buckley, 306 R l il way of F ranco ( Supplemtn/8, Pneumatic llammor, C. H. Johnson, 401 J uly 6tJ, and 13th, 1900), 2, 28, Power Transmission, A. Lumia, 354 29 Projectiles for Ordnanco, II. S. Maxim, 76 Four-cylinder Compound, Signor P rojectiles, Securini Cnps to, 0. Hartmann, H. Plancbor, No. 8701, 8. 152 R!!.ilways of Italy (Suppltmtntl, Pomp Ejector, C. A. Dryer, 48 Octobtr 5th ancl 19th, HOO), 84, Pumping Engine, C. L. Heisler, 854 3331 396, 432 R\\il Chair or Support, G. F. Dawdnoy, 48 Machine ToolB, 1, 186, 187, 20-t, 236, 237 Ramming Cbargors of Guns, Apparatus for, Machinery Pavilion Bought by Mather and Dawson and IJorne, 306 Platt, (611) Reaming and Boring 'I'ool, W. Cnnningbam, P .r.raona' Steam Turbo Dynamos, 60S 202 P rime Movers (Supplement, Stpton/,o· 28th, R~ frigerators, SLorago and Circulation Tank for, 1900), 61, 52. 711, 106, 107, 154, 165, l!i6, 179, J . J. Bailey, 10:2 23 1, 25 ~. 310, 355, 429, 483, 499, 683 Riveting Maobino, C. II. Johnson, 580 Soc:6~6 Alsacionne de Constructions .Moc:l· Shaping Metal Objects by Means of Fluid Pros· niquoa, Horizontal and Vertical Compound sure, G. Huber, 102 Enginea (SupplttMnt, .N(J.:,mbtr 2ncl, 1900), Smoke Consumer aod Steam Oenorator, Bishop 429, 431 and llugho~, 178 S xi6 6 Fran~ lise de Constrootioos Mt1.:1oiques, Steel, Optn-benrth, Apparatus for ManufacF.nl(ine and Dynamo Coupled-direct, 106, turing, S. T. and C. ll. Wellman, 21 107 Steam Turbine, Ring of Blndes, P.trsoos, St :m etica of Number of Visitors, (315) Stoney, and Fullngar, 428 St >ne-dreaeing Machine, Brunt on nod Trier's, Steel Producing, E. M. Johnson, 854 446 Stuffing-box for Ammonia Compressors, F. A. 'Ibury System of E:ectrio Ttanamiuloo, Chaux Fisher, 632 de Fonda and Loole, 618 Suction Pipes for Dredges, Mouthpiece for, A. T11rbinee, 80, 81, 264 W. Robmson, 656 •t urbine with H ydraulic Relay Governor, Gnr.z Tampiog In, trument, F. Sheppard, 202 and Co., 80, 81 Telegraphy, Wire or Space-, I. Kit.see, 5:32 War Material at, 210, 282, 832, 382 Thresbl.og Machine, Thomas and Coldwell, 404 Wood -working Machinery, 888, 8S9 Tiloa, F. Furoeee, 830 Tool for Cutting Mortites, I. Schurman, 126 P ARIS Drainage and Water Supply, 682 Tool for Reaming out and Trimmiog Pipe&, J. Paria Water Supply, 88 McDermott, 126 Patent Act Amendment, Canadian, (1H ) Tmck-sanding Ddvico, J. H. Walters, 652 Lswa, Inqui ry at the Board of Trade, 'l'rning Device for Crook Pins, J. Culver, 178 (416) Twisting Woodon Rode into Rope Form, A. II. Law, Practical Lectures on, fiO! Ordway 76 In Pretoria, 678 Valv(', B.1lanced, II. Lentz, 178 for Esplosion Motors, A. do Dlon ntd Paten tal, Selected Amel'lcan: G. Douton, 24 Air Compressors, E. M. L. Deval, 152 Gear, G. B. Eddy, 680 Air Compreuo r and Cooler, 0. P. Oatorg ron, Gear, Spring Tension Device for, L. G. 626 Walburn, 626 Alarm for Boilers, Low-water, L. ?tf oyer, 454 for Locomotives, Relief, S. M. Vauclain, Apparatu.a for Taking and Reproducing Ani· 532 mated Scenee and Sounds, A. Baron, 608 Stenm-aotunled, F. M. Metcall, 76 Au Sieve, T. Jobnaon, 280 Vice, V. J. McDonnell, 6!>2 Hearing for CentriCug&l Machine•, C. A. Water Gate, B . A . Joke, 656 Mathey, 152 Winch H end, S. Mattson, 306 Bo.ler, N. P. Town, 428 Worm Gearing, C. M. J ones, 682 Mnrine, II. Lawson, 48 PATENT3 and Trade Marks in tho Orange River Rteam, C. W, Cox, 102 Colony, 3JO ~team , C. D. Mosher, 651) P11teot 1 Wbat is " (nfringomoot " of a, 92 B >sh-pl,.te, Kerr and Browo..! 228 P11teraon, Mr. John, To, ting Cement by t l o Bridge Lift, F. !A Pointe, 5a2 Modulos of Ruptura for Transverse Strain, ltriquette' for Testing P orp?Eol, Making, ":. 127 Miller, j un., 508 Tuz n NOI!Itl:B, hroa 8 tlPPU:liEN'I', J A OAR\" h , 1S01.-{Vot.. XC.) Railway A cciden ts (•·"••liow•") : Patriotic Counterblast, A, (614) Paving Blook S:lwiog Machine, J. Pickles and Indian Railway,, 1899, (318) Son, 17 Japan, Ilokuyetau Line, Oil-burning Locomo· Paving, New Wocd for Street, 466 tive on Fire, (46) Peat v. Coal in Sweden, Tbo Qooetion of, 2J5 Kent Uouse Station, near Pengo, (190) Peat Fuel, (137), 328, (467) L'\ncasbiro and Yorkshi re R1ilway, near 'Arfg· Penny PosL1p:o, New Zealand, (190) houeo, (5 14) Perpetual Motion, Australian Claims to bavo L\ncaster and Yorkshire lhil way, near S1nd· Discovered, (440) bills, Rop:»rt to Board of Trade, (525) Perry, Prof., on tho 'l'eaobing of Mnthematics, 151 L11ocaater Station, Gradient South or, (644) Perry, P rof. John, Presidential Add ress on Elec· Locomotive Boiler Explosion, Westerfield, 314, t rical Engineering, 494, 522, 627, 551 411 , 41 3 Petroleum in Algeria and Cuba, (137) London, Brighton, and S:>utb c . nst, J:Clr Deposits, Fletching, (tS<t6) Bnttersea Station. ( 190) Uasolino or Pontano, Proportion of London and North· Western. Amberswood .J unc· . Vnpour of, which Air cnn Take Up, tion and at Stand on Bridge, (87 ). {291 ) ; (519) Hindley, near Wigan, 146; Il ulwoll Ststion, I ndustry, Houmanian, (892) (L63); Liverpool and Crowe. (114 ), Remark· in Norway and Sweden, No Local Rs· able Escape, ( ll ); Stafford, Darnal{ea Awarded finery in Sweden, (!il9) to a Pnasonf(er by Dublin Ju ry, (611) Phosphates Occurring in A lgoria, (163) L:>ndon and South -Western, Colh~ion, Water· Phosphoric Limestone as Substitute for Puddler'd lao Station, {~39) Tap, (425) Manchester Gentrnl, Throsllo Nest, (213) Photo-bacterin, Illumination uy I (611 ) North British, near Cbarin~ Cross Station, Photography in Textile Designing, Use of, Prof. Olugow, Board of Trade Hoport on, 267 Deaumoot, 290 Offenbach, near Frankfort-on-Main, (491) Piccadilly, Widening of, (365) Russin, Colliaioo near P levna, (190) Pior Construction, Steel, Now York, 224 R118!ia during 1893, 1895, 1896, {13i) Kilindini, Uganda Railwny, 342 Stberian Railway, Derailments on, (!>Ill) Pior11 in Now York Harbour, Shipping, 143 Slou~b, (467), (519) Pig Iron Casting Machine, Tho Hartman, 6Z2 Sud Expro81'1 between B.1yonne and D.lX, Mr. Production in tho United St~tcs, De· R?us-Marton on, 515 crease of, (213) Switzerlnod, between Sierra aod Orouchon, Pipe Corro•ion by tho E1rtb, (818) (31 ) New Kind of Wooden, {691) Trolley Car, at Tacoma, Washington, (11 ) Piston-rod, Method for Snpporting, 3i7 United Kingdom, Returns of, during t bG First Pitchometcrs, J. Leitch, 618 'fbre o Months of 1900, (416) Planing Machines, Bouhoy (iii. Su?Jpl.ntwl, U oited States, Derailment at J ookinto"K n, P.t., Not'rm~tl' 23rcl, 1900) (62) Scutrort ot Fockedoy (xi. U oited Stato11, 1\fny, Juno, Augost, September, S uppltmtlll, Noam~u 22,'tl, October, {6Z), (218), (416), (4tS7), (591) 1900) Year's, A, :SOrt Plnno-milliog Machine, Kendal and G.>nt, 235 Railways, B r itis h , Colon ial, n n d Platinum in North America, 627 India n : Ploughs, American, Prejudice for tboir L'gbt· ness overcome (410) Africa, Cape, 256, (W ) DJnblo·diac fo r Cuba in Domnnd, (30) African, Capo to Cairo, Extension, (!iO ) Pneumatic L!P.bour-saving Tools, 446 AUl>Tit.\LIAN: Riveting, Advantages and Disadvan· L'>ng Run from Adelaide to Sydney, 633 tagos of, (611 ) Now South Wales, (201 ). (239), (51J5), 597 Tools in Rail way Shops, 66G Q•toenslo.nd , He port upon the Goneral Work · Tube Systems for Mails, United ing, (467) States, (218) S.>utborn, 438 Pocket Calculator, Prof. Smith's, 821, 840, 3G l, Tasmanian, Report for 1898, 1899, ( 100) 888, 476, 517 \'1ctorian, (265), 575 Pollock's Floe Drill, 446 Boira, (5 ) Population of Berlin, (611 ) Dalfnst and Nortboro Counties, Traffic and Portholes for Passenger Ships, Eolnrgod, 110 Mileage, (187) Portland Cement WorkP,· Pennsylvania, (400) Birmingham, Coventrv, and Leicester, Scheme Post-office Work for Year ended March 31st, for Connecting, (31 ) 1900, (190) Caledonian, Ilalf-yearly Report, (291) Potato Machinery Wanted in Cnnac.Jn, (611 ) Can!ldian, Orand Trunk, (114 ), ( lti3), ("213), Po~atoea Planted and. Barvested by Macbmes in (392) tho United States, (253) Croat Northern, Contract wiLb the Powder Magazines from Lightning, Protection of, Leyland S.S. Line, (611) {190) Linos Owned by Government. (591) Powell, Mr. C. T., B~lt Saddle, (10) P.tcific, Put Run on the, (508) Power, Cheap, 38, 67 Yukon District, ( 11 ) by Steam, Water, and Gns, Cost of, Mr. Canterbury to W hitstable, UnH}UO Eoglisb, 141 J. B. C. Kershaw, 269, 290 Cape, 256, (50S) Preece, Sir W. H., On Engineering in Wales, 502 Cardiff, Sir W. T. Lewis, I'II:lnagiog Director, J>roservntive, New Wood, 108, 145 {Gn> Press for Striking Gold Modale, 142, 143 Centro) London (Suppltmtlll, . I '',1111&1 3Hl, 1!100), Primo Movers at tho Paris Exhibition, 151, 155, {87). 103, ( 11 l ), (2 13), (~9!S), 156 {365 ). 467 Printer&' Machinery, ElectricBIIy-drivon, 41 Average Running Speed, {t6i) Printing Presses, ~lectrically-d riven, 41, 42, 528 r'iratSix Weeks' Rocoipts, (:29!S) PropellerP, Cap Nut Block for, (33) Advantages of, as R egu d11 Prot etJtion of Iodostrial Property, (559) Ozone, (366) Puddlers' Tap, Substitute for, (425) Cbemulpo and Soonl, (62) Puddling, Chemical Phenomena of, Liout. -Col. L. Cheshire Lines, New l~?lling Stock for t ho Cubillo on, (552) Manchester and I..ivorp:>ol Express Sor\•ic('1 Pulleys, Friction of Wiro Rope on, 445 ( 163) Pulley, Test of a Belt, 501 Cheater and IIolybead, J ubilee of, SSG Pumps, Centrifugal, 599 Connol Perry nod Ballacbulisb, 'l'bo, 48S Electric Rotary Oil, Mnvor and Coulsoo, Crewe to Liverp:>ol Line, E tteosions, (31S) 16 Devon and Somerset, P urchaee or, by tbo Ureat New 'l'ype of, Ashloy's Patent, 557 Western, (291) Rotary, American, 22~ English and American, 619 in Smyrna, Ao1ericnn P referred, (a3) l<' urness Rnilwny, 1hlf·yearly Report, (190) Pumping Machinery, South Staffordshire Mines Glasgow and South-Western and Midland, N w Drainage Commissioners, 377 Corridor Trnin, (<t ) Plant, Dry Dock, San Francisco, 326 Glasgow and South-Western and Midlancl, Total Receipts of, for Six Monlbs, (291) Gold Coast, 209 Grent Cdntral, Doubling of n Section of tho Main Line, (365) Luggoge R!ltel', (3:3) No more Locomotives from QUEDRACB O Wood, '1'bo Most Profitable in America, ( 440) Paraguay, (291) Gre!t E.&otorn, Dividends LlSt Year and tbia, Qaeetions for Students, A Few, 295 (8i) Qoicluilver, Great Falling·cff in the World's ExteD&ions, SS8, (5 t4 ) Supply, (253) Lu~gage Rates, {:38) Grant Norttcrn, l11tchin t o Canvey Jaland Ex· t eos!on Scheme, (467) Improved Services in Prospect, (213) R L'len V nlley Edonsioni (86(,) New Line at Nott ogbAm RADrA L Drill•, see Drills nnd Dtilling (lllu,trated), 164, 170, 171 , Railway : ~18, 219, 256 Railway Acc ide nts: Great Western, Ely \'alley, Service of TrainP, (519) Amberawood Junction, (8i ), 81 4 Caledonian, Anderalon Croae Ste1tion, (213) Now Itouto to Weymouth, 616 Stourbridge to bo Made tho Caledonian Railway, Motberwell Station, (38) Centre of the Signal Works Central London Rsilway, Flret Fntll Accident, 366 for tho West Midland Dis· Choisy-le-Roi, (491) trict , (611) City and South London Railway, Breaking Ster t to Westbury Edooaion, (291) Dowu of tho Armaturo of t h? Locomotive, (190) Boll, Darnsloy, and \V ~at Riding Junction, Deatba and Inj uries while Couplin~ and UnExtensions Projected, (611) coupling Vehicles during the Firat Three India, Not Return on the Capital Coat of, Rail· Months of 1900, (416) ways Open Last Yoar in, (87) Indian, Automatic Vacuum Brnkee on, (190) Great Eastern, Locomotivo Explosion at Wes· Dougal-Central & tension, (366) terfield, 898 N ortbern nt Kin(l'a Cross, Firo in the Deogal and North-Western, Ball-youly Goods Yard, (239) Report, (608) Northern, Knebworth Stntion, Collision, Bombay1 Baroda, and Central, Recoo· struotton of its Metre-gauge Lines at (289) Western, Caused by a Dull, (87) Delhi, (392) Western En~Jino, Lagging tho Builer of a, British and Indian, Coni Consumption Catcbea F1re, 365 on, (440) Greenock, Inch Oroen, noar, Col. Yorke's Ro· Ceylon, Elootrio Traotion Soggostod port, 365 nnd Opposed, (365 ll mdloy, near Wigan, 140, 216 Ct~yl o n, Milonge and Earnings, (519) I llinoia Central, Train Robbed, ( L37) DarjeeliD{!'·llimalayan, Traffic Ir h r· India, Caoaed by Wind, (62) r u pt~d , (163) Q The Esoui&U, I Non I!VPPLF.»&IIT, J \!ll'A1lY 1~, 1001.-(Vos.. XC.) I N DEX. • •• R a ilwa y Loc omot ive• (contlnutd) : R a ilways, Brltls h, Colo nial a nd R a ilwa y s, Electric (•·onlilllltll) : Railways, For e ig n (ronti1wed): Indian (rollli111•ul) : Oreat Central, No More American, for tht, London Under~round, 6i0 Sumatr!l 1 A R1ck R1il way, (611) (110) L}udhurst to Lyndhurst-road Station, fitll Sweden, <.htbonburg to the Norwegian Frontier, Eunin~ta in April, May, and June, (163) H eavie'lt in the World for the Pittsburgh, Manchester and Liverpool Expres•, 269, (291) E 1st, Half-yearly Report , (lo3) ( \37) Beuemer, and L'lko Erie Railway, (11 ) Manhattan, Elevated, ( 11 ), (239) (50 ), (637) l:)w1s1, Juugfrau Line at a St.andst ill. (265) Hyderabad-Godaverr, (62), ( l!JO) Heavy, 11, 122 278, P91 ), 622 Metropolitan and District, ( 112), (519), (687) NalionaliFaLion of, (611 ), (491) Insufficiency of Rlllhng S~ock on, (!192) Hoavy Go">da, Pittsburgh Works, 622 Naples t o R•Jme, (491) Simplon Tllnnol and the lntorcs!a of Mad rns Railwav, Co.pit.al and Revenue lllinoie Ceotrnl ltr1ilway, 100, for, (637) New York Stato, botwoen Al bany and 1ludson, J:t~ ranco, Tbo ( 41 2) Account!!, (62) Lancashire and Yorkl.bire, Power of tho Ne•, (338) Trnns-Cn• pian, Lino \vaabed Away, (l 90) Midl!\nd and Great Jnrlian P~niosula, ( 11 ) Port Madoc to Bedgellort.. (291) Transvaal. (137), (36G) Amalgamation of, (365) Landq•urt -D.1vos Railway, 181 Porto Hico Projected, (168) Turkish, Iledjaz, 491 MileaQ'e of New, on t.he Metre Gauge, Light Railway, Narrow-szauge Tank, fi2 Ru!aio, Winnit ~ 1, (291 ) \loit.ecl States ue Amoricar , North (190) Lightiog tho .ft' iroe of, (6P) Saalburg to H '> mburg, Ext.en11ion to Frankfort, \'ul d 'A'>:tn, Ext! nsiou to St. D:dier, ( 191) ~11leege Open Cor Traffic on March 31st, Motre Gauge, for French Rti' wayll. 180, 1E1 (H O) 1900, (8i ) Midland Rnil way Compnny '11 Now F . JUr-ooupkd St. J otm'11, N ewlouudlnod, (169) R a ilways, Lig h t: N. W. , Wear of 100 lb. Stool Raila, Express, (865) Victoria S :at.iou and Putuoy, ( Uill), (G10) ( \63) Act, 1806. (262) Mountain, Now Type of, (146) Pesha wur to the K h) ber, ( 11 ) H a llways, Foreign: Algeria, (137) New 7.ealand, American, ror, :.!91 Simla-Kalka, (541 ) Applications for Ordors Authorising Cons~ruc· Algeria, (lSi) Now :lealaud Govern ment ltailwaya, Mr. F. T. South Indian .Miloago Open, (62) t10n of, (5!))) American, Ceutri fu~al, (378) Rothorh'lm, 46R, 472 I roland, Belfnf>t and Nortboi'O Counlies, (137) American Construction, 116 Agcmtino lt~publio, ( l3i) Number of. on the Siberian R1ilway, last Sum· Cork and Ros1laro, Oporatiom at t be Blackburn and Burnloy (36!i) America, Inter-Oceanic, ll ond uros, (7) 1 ruer, (39~) Wo~ ford End, ( l!ll ) C mtorbury and fl erno Bny, ( 421) Americo , Cent ral, Guntomalo., Now Sloopcrd Number of, Owr.ed hy the Midl&nd, tho North. M idlt~ud Grent WORtorn, Coal Con· Commission, .M.r. It, H . Scotlor on tho Work of Needed, (\ 37) East oro, ond tho J,ondon and Nortb-Western, tracts Cor 1000, 1899, 18!l8, (239) tho, 10 Aa:erkan, Norlh, Atchison, Topeka, and R mtl Averago llltlcogo and Avo•nge Eun:nga pu, Midland Great Western !;ystem Amal Cornmiati•mc rs, l)dtcs for tho lfolding of Local r~:, (IOO) ( . !l:j cnmated with Great ~outhcrn and Inquirio, hy, (ti4!) C( ntrol of New Joraoy, F:stro 0.1 8.JrniPg in Calif.>rnie, (J92) Wostern, (239) J+'iromcn During t bo II cat, Crowo, ( 191 ) Oil l''uol for, in United States, (l!)(i) Waterford and '!'ramoro, Hingle L'oo, ( 163) D<>rby and Asbbourne, (591) 011Pn S~acks inst.ood of Diamond Uocs on tho (63i) Franoo, 52, 180 Cbicago and Alton, Colou rs lJ nioo Paoi fie',., ( II ) Kent Railway Arrangements, Grnvo Di~tm tis Goolo and Mtmhland Extension Scbome, ( 116) of Fixed Signal Lo.mp1, 0 der~ for, Baoked by NcileoP, R ~id , and Co., f..ICt.ion with, Uonference nod Meeting, (.3!J:Z) (tiJi) ( 191 ) Dll'Os and Uo., aod !:)harpe, Htew.ut, and Uu. , L'uc.tshiro nod Yorkthire, Dividends Ln<~t \'oar Goolo and Mar.<hland and Isle of Ax holme, and Chi ~ago and East Jllinoi11, ( 121\) and t hi11, ( i) Mr. T. A. LawOf>' Table of Haxey t.o Tick bill, ( 191) !'uris Exhibition (. 'npplrn111111, ./11l1t f th, 1?1/1, W idening of t.bo, Hydo and Dukinfield, (29J) Uigb speori 'frains, ( 140) ,-.·,., ,/rmllfl" itlt, /Jrl"tltdlrr itlt, 19C.O), :.!, 3, 18, (239) I•olnnd, Working of tho Twenl r ·ono, (81e) Cbicogo l!:lovated, ( 7~) ~~~. 29, 23'3. ~56, 288, 316, a t7, 2;n, ·132, 557 Liverpool and Mnoche&tor, ::iovontielh Anni· 1\ iid ormiustor and !.lewd lc y. ( 8i ), ( 116) 'hicllgo and North-Woslorn, P..u tongor, (11 ) {1!l l) vorsary of tho Opening, 812 Now Round-bouao at Ulin· KinRtclcro nod W gholere, ("2J8) Par'orwance, Ub 1cll.ifo and N1>rt h · Western Liverp1>ol Overhead, Half-yearly lb port, (16J) ton, ( 163) Kingston, (8i ) lt•ilway, (<!7f.) , (l{il ) London. Brighton, anrl South Contt, Div1dend11 Lyndh urat and Lyndhurst· road S!ntion (591 ) Groat Northern, Wa~b ington, Phtsbnrgb W~>I ks, 64!:t l, ut Year and this, (8i) Orders for, Confi rmed by the BJnrd of 'fnl'io, A Groat Tunnel, 397 Practice in FrnncG, M. El. Sauvage on Recent, London and 1-:Jinburfth Exprcsres, Result. of (13), (163), 467, 611 Grosa and Net Earnings 3, 1!) tbe Running or tbe, (60 ) l'vrt Mad oc to BJddgellcrl {2!l1) during Six Months of 19\.10, Rio'do Compou!:d, (Letters on, !l8, 118. 2 12, London and North-Western, lluddc r~fiold t o H.beidol, (83) (266) 246, 26<1 ) Loeds Extension, (291) Rhonddn Vatloy, (467) M1leogo Boilt du ring S:x Roger&' Works, (.H5), (318) L:mdon and Nortb· Western, Trains Allowed t ~> Months of 1900, (265) Scottor, Mr., At tbo Paris Coogrcu on, (31~ ) Saddle Tank, .Hurry Port nod OwcndrJeth P.lss Athorslone at Ordinary Speed, ( 163) Now York C~ ntral and H od · Surrey, (213) Val!ey Railway, Mr. R. A. Uarr, 625 1-:mdou and South-Western, Fast St!rvico to aon River, Fast Run, ( 13i) S Nan~cn, ( 46;) Schenect-ady Ergbt-wboel Passenger , ( 191) Devouport, (11 ); Graviog Dock. 800ft. long, Number of Emplo)6J on, Wales, Gtamorgan, (611 ) l:icbeuectad y, 'l'en for the G nernment ot Cape (5H ); Improvement in T>me Kept, (591); and L'\ugbtoo. (<151) ( 190) C.louy, (5Hl) Line Projected under tho Holent, (591) Tttvat Vt,lley Lmo, (611 ) Penna y Ivanian Ex t.en6iona, S b3rian lt~ilway, 239 Lymiogtou to Sway, with a Tunnol unaer tho Witney and An:lovorsford, ( llb) (87) Sioglc-whet l Express for the Great Cen~ ral, Soleut, (619) P1ttsburgh and W1slern Gorton Work11, (637) Mary port and Carlisle R Iii way Com pan) 'ci Railway, l:i~tr yearly Kl· R a ilway L ocom oti ves: Six·conpled Expros•, Southern R lilwayof ItAly. Half-yearly Rsp:>rt, 7 per cent. Divtdend, American, (99), 122, ( 137), (lit), (278) (291 ), port, (608) l:)ignor H. Plancher ( upp'tmtll'll, (;ctob,r Cth (190) Tt> xaa, Iowa, MiSilissippi, & 3. 1 (~18 ) , 437, 4111, 619, o22 (ltld 19t!t, 1900), 84, aa3, 396, 432 Manchester and Liverpool Proposed Express on A~lantic City Flyers, 460, 461 New Lines, (62) Sooi6!6 Suisse pour Ia Construction de Looo· tbe Mono-rail Systea;, Papora by Sir W. H. .Hnldwiu Works, Electric Maohino Shop DrivTotal Capitalluvostod, ( 190) motives et do Machines, 180, 181 Preece and Mr. F. J. lh hr, 2tl!l, (291) 'l'otnl Length of New, {ll2) ing, (174) Soutb·El8teru and Chatham, Twenty Now l\lerrybont Minora!, Acquired by t he NorthBeyer and P eaccck't'. New South Wales, 400 Total Single-track Ahlcogo Fi r~t- class Expresses for, (392) Eastern R.lilwny C.1mpany, (304) .H.Jrsig, with l::>cbmid~'s Superheater (Supple· in 1899, (190) Superression of the Steam by t.be Electric, Mr. Motropolit.an District, Eloctr1city as 1\lolivo American, South, Cbi!o, (213) ment , Stptcmber 7th, 1900), 233 W. IAngdoo, (550), 570, 572, f>99, (o15), 620 Power on, (114) Brunig Ratlway, 181 Uruguay , (!i91 ) Ten-coupled Four-cylinder Compound American Metropolitan District, Extension to WhiteAnalria, New Line between Uorman y and Buildmg in Germany, (114) Goods, 437 chapel and Bow, 78, (114) Cast Stool Bolsters for, 33 Trieste, 635 United l:itale3, Complaints of tho Firemen in Midland, Extensions, Skognosa to Lincoln, (5H ) (;loaning, 441, 618 Au>tria, Vienna M&tropolitnn, (213) Uounection with t be Ude of Heavier, (114) Midland, Half-yearly Report, (163) A us~ro- Hung:nrian Stato Railway Company, Compound, 3, 55, 56, 67. 84, 96, llS, 15i, 162, United States, June, 1829. ( 190) New Z3aland, 398, (440), (478) Electric Plaut in their Locomotive \V orks, 21 ~. 246, 217, 26t, 288, 289, 29t, \'nnclaln Express Compounds (Four oylinder) Nnrth British, The Luggage Question on tho, 5tl, 557 (Sttppfemtnl$, tJctobu· 5tiJ, (63i) or tho " Atlantic" Type for tho Atlantic C•ty (365) 12th . •Yot"tlldJI r 3CI/,, 1)'<' mbu· 7111, B.. lkans, 623 Flyers, 4eO, 461 N ~>rth · El&lern, Brauch Lino to Eaglescliffo, Buenos Ayres nod Pac tic, Report. of tho Work1900) Vinclnnos-sce Paris Exhibition (553) Express, Four-cylinder, Chemin de ing of for 1 89~ · 1 200, (3!l2) Vladikavkns Rail way, (416) Dtsolntms any Idea of Racing Bulgarian, (218), ( 110) .l'' er du Nord, M. M. Boequot, and Water Uoed by, on t he South of Austrian to E iinburgh, ('>91) do Glehn, 288, 289 Central Asiatic Branch Line lo Bokharn, (508) Railways, (63i) Lines takPn over by, (291 ), Four·cyliuder. Soutb Italian R:>.ilChina, 3l Witwaterc1raud Uold llt:nes, (416) (·304), (J78) way, Pdris gxhibition, 8 1 Korea, So ' nl· Wiju, Contract Secured WorkP, LtJgauek and tbo Hartlllann lllachino N.,w ]).x:k lJoutemplat.od at. R;okie 'o~, 65, 56, 57, 96, 118, 162, by French .Engineers, ( 440) Company's, 8, 9, 10, 12 II ull, (61) 212, 247, 264 Shantun~t Lino, (114) Works, Mnrcinollo, Belgium, New, (143) Ro. arrangement of Om Jos, and Simple, Soc"6 (i Suisse, Winter'I'uku to Yaing·Teun, Line under Ru~iau Yard, Centml London Railway, Huos·et En. (602) th ur, 641 u•;,,ppt~,,.,tl, .\"urrm llrl" Uon trot, (865) gino C.:> mpany (Supp 'emenl, I I UJ. 3rd,1200), 108 Hunuin~ Powers to Ejinburgb :JCI/,, 1900) Tient•in and P.:kin, Double Lino, (265) and Leith will bo Applied Compounding M. de Globn'd Letter on his Par. R a llway N e w s, Va rious: Chiueso Lines, The Construction of, (611) for by. (50S) ticular Metbod of, 288 Cuba, .l\lileage, and R ~duotion of Duti~ts, (13i) Acetylene GM llolldligh1.8 on the Atchison, North London, Tralfic R'turos and l\lileage, Contracts Piaced with Glasgow Builders, ImTopeka, and S.mt.a ~-6 R1ilway, (519) Fr.mce, Nortb of, Electric Connection with the (lSi ) Train by which Signalmen portant, (416) Auria!, to Newport, .l\lou., 17 Yorkshi re lJoalowner~, and tho, 570 Nurth Stnffordbbire and Mid -Derbyshire, Pro· could Stop Trains, 4~6 Am \ lgamated Society of H1ilway Servant •, Denver and Rio Grande Railway, with Novel .Mr. Unwin's Case, (644) j&eted, {467 ) Seven llours from L:>Ddou Pontypridd, A Loop Line Opened at, (508) Anniversary, Memorable, 312 t~ Pdris, (467) mt.ing (33) Rhodetia, Salisbury and Gwelo Line, (392) E •gbt-coupled, Pittsburgh Worktt, 142 Tl'sta of the Permanent Automatic Couplings, Cridland and Kirs: b'" Eltclrio, 316, 317, 615 Scottif>h Caledonian, (291) Way, (611) 395 ' Electric, L!i Socil.ftu Sui£se, Winterthur, Paris Glafgo w and South· Western and Mid· Paris-O. leans, (;bas. Rous-:llarten, 157 Bury Railwaymeu, Con: ossioue to the, (8i) land, (1), (291) Paris Underground, ( 7), (137) Exhibition, 316, 317 Bonuses to Emplo) ~~on Russian Railways, (3~) Rise in Pr1ce of Fuel, (.392) E'lglisb Passenger, Fif ty-four Yeart~' Service, French, H ow they lmpode the Development of Brake Shoes, Friction of, Mr. R. A. Smart ou the, (491) Sea ham and Sunderland Passenger and lii in oral the Country, 195 1 Re-fitted with Larger Boilers and Line, Transfer to t.be N orth·Eastern, (291), German, R eceipts of, aiooe August, 1599, (318) Brake!', Vacuum, Soutb·Eutern and Chatham Cylinders, (467) (23) ' (30 ~ ) Germany, ~armeu - E berfold · Vohwinkel 8116· Etbaust Pipe for, Mr. J. J o:Jeb' Invention, ~oulh E '8lern and Chatham and D.Jver, Ex· p3nsiou, (H6 ) • Brakes, Vacuum and other Automatic, on ten1-ions Projected, (591); Grievances against, G11ld C.Jast, 2111 (637) British Railways, (190), (289), (265) Exbib1ts at Vincennes, Mr. Roul Morton oo (419), (4tH); Mileage, (114 ); New Holing Greece, Athens to P.r6, (315) Brandon Bridge Company, Limited, of l\lotbe rtho (SUIIJiltiiWII , lJccemlJu 7th, 1900), 266, :itock, (;J9:t) ; Dividends I~lst. Year and this, ond Tbo81'nly, (66o) ~oll , Contract Secured by the, (230) (8i) Jtali ~ n. •renders Invited, (6:t) ~~ 1 f\57 Bndges for Lonoasbiro and Yorkshire Railway Exported from tho United S~ntes, (.318) \V11.lenin&r, Order for, (239) ' Soutbport nod Cheshire Line11, Extenf>ion, (541 ) Japan, Amount Invested tn, and Total bhloage Kxpres•, (Supplemu1ts, J tdy 6th, l Jt/1, {).:llllitl' of Railwaya in, (611 ), (6Ji ) Houtb· Western New Worka, 1ri Bridges, R..1ilwny -s~e Hridgos, R!lilway, and bth, 1!ltll, l!JOO), 2, 28, 29, t, 09, other UJZnnda (with Map), (213), (239), 3:6, 3!2, 385, Ilnkorlato, (.ne) 11 157, 288, 289, 3aa, (J66), 392, 396, Orders for J:ttut road Material to Eng· 337, 391, 409, 410, 415, 491, 6\l!i Brighton in Sixty Minutes," The Loudon 432, 460, 461, (637) United Kingdom, Mileage Worked in 1893, laud and tho United Sl.atet~, ( 36f1) Brighton, and Sooth Coast R'\ilway, 400 ' E 1stern Railway ot J<' ron~e, Four· Java, Ironware and Iron Piping, 'l'ender11 fn. British R1il wa y Odera in tho United Stales 189 ' (239) y lind or l' .Jmp"lund ( ~up]lfmtents c 546 ' vited by t.bo Not borhmds Colonial Ministry, Traffic Retur0.8 for l~l•t. J11 l!t 6tlt, 13th, HlOO). 2, :.!~, 2!l You, (lSi) Calais-Moditorranean Express, Tho, ('lOO) ( 114 ) Poonsyl vc~.nin Railway, (!l9) Capital of the Hailways of tho Un1t.ed K "ng · Vacuum Automatic Drakos Moxie~>, (J1S), (591) H.ussino State RC\ilwny•, {IS:Ji) on, {l!JO), (239), (265) a om, Total Nominal, ( 114) Norwegian, New L1oo Proposed between Nor~ix-co upled, l:iignor 11. J' lancher Carriage of CyoloP, 345 way and Sweden, (591 ) Wale~, Tho CnmbriaJl to Abory•twnb, (lli) (Suppltmml.~. (ktof, r5tlt, 19th, 1200), Poland , New Lines l'roposod, (:i!ll) Cardiff, {602) C.!ntrifugal Rail ways, linitod SlBleP 622 R JUm\\nta, Miloogo and Jt3vcnuo, \416) Talf Vale, Hevonuo, Prico Paid for 333, aou Cool Bills of Railway ' Jmp:tnios, 1St! For~uson 'o~ Firo·kindlo r for, (dfl) Coal ContrnolP, (,{)5 Coal, &:~. (163) Hus ian, !i90 F1nland f:i .ate H11il wayll, A mon oan, lor, ( 137) S~r• ke, ( 163), 221 Hussio., Akkerman lo OJosea, (318) C?n.ciliat.ion Bonrd, Proposed, 34!1 Firo·boxes of, Mr. H. Woalhorburo on ~ono W ctot. Cou~ Cumpaoy's A~colo ratod SorvicoP, Branch Line from Plevna, \ 163) 1>1\'1denda D11olarcd by Various Englibb Rail Uauso of t.hoir R1pid Woar nod Tear , 630 (511 ) Jt'ourLb Cla!s for Workmen, (5\Jb) -ways this Yoar, (8i) F.>rgin~~;s io Amor1ca, Employment of Nickel Wbit.et·hapel and Bow, i 8, (114) Kertcb to Tbeodoaia, (6:i7) Dynamometer Car for Automatically Recording !;Leo! for, (114) Kberaoo New Line , (508) Yorkshire Dales with the Nnrtb-EaateruSyst.em, Dolfects in Permanent Way, 502 Kberaou with Nlkolatev, .Proposed L:n3 l:t'.>ur·oouplod Exproas, Midland Railway, (365) Connection or, (519) ~m~lo} eJ !or Service in ~outb .Africa, (538) to Connect, (365) J:t' o ur·cyhnder Uompounri American 0 Joda, from Skipton to Grusington, Engme Dnver Deserts bts E:~g t no en a J ourney to P.>rtlnnd, ( 11 ) (33) 1\ iolf to Slobm and KiofT to Cbornikolf 'fou-couplod, 437 ; Coemiu do J:t' er du Nord, and Brianak, (508) J\l M. Du Bosquet t\Dd do Glcbo (St•JIJ>lullrul, New Linos Projected in Don Valley, Exhibition, !;t. .Potorsburg, (2£13) }h .. mlur 7tlt, l llOO), 66i; E.1stcrn Rtu lway of Mileage of Workmg Jhilwa) S and .i"Mt l~unp, ~:JO, {!>OS) (637) under Con truction, (62) !<'ranee (-"•'J>plrm•lll&, Jttfy611t, 131/•, 1!l00), 2, J<'ut Hun on the Canadian Po~ ci 6c, (5C ) R allways, Electric: ~ , 29; Sou~bo rn Rail wily of ltely (Sttppf,.. Northern of, 523 t~!nano'al_StatisUos of British Ratlwa) s, (582) tnrnll, (J.:Iobrr fitlt , 19tA, 1900), 8 ~. 3a3, ::196, North, Neert of R1ilways io, ( 191) Belgium, Brou elt and Antwerp, ( 11) 1' 1remeo m tho mtcd State!!, Com pla1ots uf 432 ; Vauolaiu for tbo Atlaotio City l~lyers, t.be1 (114 ) Odoesa to Petersburg, (318) Berlin and Zohlondorf, (190) 11 460, 461 ; Diaouaaion on, at the logtitutiou of Port Arthur, ( 103) Brouela to Antwerp, (440) !o'lytog ootaman ," Lord Balronr'e Dtoi..ion aa Mecha nical Engineers, 3 ; Exprese, i'drie· Siberian, 4, tS2, 110, 239, (36fi), 369, to the T• m in~ of, (51!"1) Central Loudon (81'f1Pitn"llf, A ''!1"·•1 3rd, 1900), Orleans R1ilway, M. do Glt>bn'e l:iyatem, (39:t). (!>05) ( 7),108, ( llJ ), ( 1:.!5), (508) {544 ) Ft iJtion of .Hrako Sboe!', lllr. It A. Smart en M. H~>lncroup, 1!>7 ; in lland at Urowo, (265) Buildtnl( tho Bridge across the, ( 491 ) Charing Cro.,, .t!;ueton and I Jamr,tead, (.;!l!) French (St~ppfrm•nl,,, .f,•l!t etlt, 1311•), :!, 3, 18, t ho ) enissei, 4 Grand Trunk R1ilway, Mr. 0, B. Reovee C•ly and Sooth London, 3Jti, 347 lb Proapecl.8, 369, and Mr. 28, 29 Appointed Genfral Manager (612) Oermally, lncruMe in Number of, (,91 ) Mark l::)~irrup on, (606) Gorman, (114), 213 Great Jo;1stern, Jlford to Livcrpovl·&treet, Gretlt E1stern R1ilway Comp~oy's ~Joklot of Uormao and l!:ngliab in Belgium, 213 Tran8 Bliklll Oponed, (62) Now Continonl.al Toors, (8:3) Underground, (365) noorle, (2!}1), 364, 370, 3il , 466, 622 Two New Stale J,lno,., ( 167) H •If-yearly Heporta, l\taryport nod Cl\rlit~l o K irlrlo rmin~~tor nnrl Hewrlloy, (2!l1) Oooc.le, l:)outh-Enetorn and Chatham, Mr. 11. S. South Pacitio Systom, Control of, tlocu retl by a Liverpool and Mancuostor, Uveruv\d Ellpro••, Company, J:t'urnoss Railway Com1 any1 Now Wainwrieht, 364, 370, 871, 466 l:iJ ndicato, (410), ( J60) li >uth Wal?l! Ro.llwnyP, ( 100). (:.!39) ( Bill), (5H ) Er\~ 1ailway, • • XIV R&ll111J'Q New.. Various (conliRutd): INDEX. Railway Rolllng Stock : Hulrinieed Timbw Eaperimented with on Indian Stat e Railway, (239) Highland Ibilway, Mr. Yarrow's R'ltiro:nont and Snoceeeor, (611) Ili.story at the Leicester Mneeum, 151 lncruatation of Boilere, P revention of, on Auetrian and Russian Railways, (2i5) I ndia-r ubber Goode, Tbe Railway Companies and tho Mannfacturors of, 511 Iron Passing through Lancashire Porte, Edra Ubargo on, Imposed by tho Rt~oilway Oom· pani0t1, 401 Italian lhilways, Tenders to bo lnvitod for, (114) Jeapor, l\lr. Chas., G.10er:\l Ooodti Manager of th o North·E:LBtern, (519) Kont Fruit-g rowers' Association, Project for .l<'or ward~ Produce by Motor Wagons t o L',ndon, (519) Lectures on .R!ldway Management~ (480) "Lloyd's Bonds," (508) L?ndon and North· Western, Snperannuation Fond Society, Prosperous Uondition of, (365) Long Distance Rona, 230, 633 Luggage R1.tos on British Railwaye, (83), (111) Macaulay, Mr. John, Appointment (d3) Metropolitan R1il w.1y U Jmplny's Dtvidend, (114) Mtleago Opon in Great Britain and Ireland and tho United Statoe, (33) Movinl> Stairways for tho Manhattan Elevated Stattons, (114) Non-plying Lines in Victoria, Mileage of, (265) North of Franco, Sevon Ilours from London to Paris, ( 467) Oil Fuel for Locomotives in S>uthern States of North America, (190) Par:s Exhibition, Passenger Traffi: with tho 011ntinont Caueed by, (87) Petroleum Consumption by L 1comotives, R:>umanian State Railways, (519) P neumatic Tools in Hail way Shops, 666 P ointe Worked by E lectricity, Special System of, Int r oduced at a Petersburg Station, (508) Punctuality, Greater on tho London a nd South· Western, (591) R1co to Scotland in 1848, 16 Ratea for Carriage or Coke to tho Weat Coast, Railway Companies that have Inoroaeod, (611 ) Rates for Hire of Railway Companies' W ngons Raison, (11) R1to3, Luglr.lgo, (33), (114) Roturne, 1899, British, (416) Runnings of tho Lllndon a nd Edinburgh Expres.aes, (CiO ) Runa, Faet a nd Long 1 230, 508, 638 Shareholder~~ and Automatic Couplings, 67 Shunting Pole wit h E !ectric lt.lmp and Battory, (637) Signalling, E lectric and Other, Mr. A. W. ::Mumper and Mr. S. B. Cotterell on, 621 Signalmen, Emergency, Rumoured Creation of a Claae of, by the L'\ncasbire and Yor kshire R'lilway Company, (491) Smoke Coneumption by Locomotives, Devico for, (519) Si)uth·E:LBtern andChatham Railway, Grievances ag ainst, (419 ), (467) Speeia, 191, 261, :.!91:!, 322, 3 10, 364, 888, 470 Station, 1-mdon·road, N otti ngham, Great Northern, 259 Station, Sonthwiok Junction, P rojected I m· provements, (248) S~ation Shops, Average, in America a nd Here, (62\ Stntistice, Eoglish, 698 Track-laying Apparatus for the Union Pacific Railway, (11 ) Trans-Siberian, Cheap Fares on, (365) Transvaal and Orange R iver Colonies, R lilway Clerks Asked for, (365) Tunnel, Cochen, on tbo Cobleoz-Trior Line, The Longest in Ger many, (491) T unnel from Gibralta r to Tangiers, M. Berlior's Plan tor, (467) Underg round Traffic, and Average Stops on, (33), (62) United States Railways, E1rniogs in tho Firat Half of 1900, as Compared witb Two Previous Y ears, (33) Unponotuality, 319, (419), (467) Vibration Doe to Traffic on the Central London Railway, (508) Winter Service to tho Riviera, (460) Aehbury Company, Important Orders Seoured by, (21) Brake, Etther-eide, 617 Brown, Marshalls, and Co., for South African Field F'orces, (123) Corridor D ining Trains on Ea't Coast Rout e t o Scotland, by Chas. Roue-Marten, 112 Corridor T rain, Glasgow nod South- Western and Midland (4) Coup~inga, Wagon, Mr. Hill, 690 895, 618, 573, 590 Automatic, T. A. Brockel· bank, 446 Cridland and Kirach,395,518 Dynamometer Cars, Amorioan, 196 E lectric Lighting for, 30 J..' roight Cars, Capacity of, 625 Goods Traffic, Conduct of, 247 Wagona, American, for France, (221), 247 of Fifty Tons C&pa1:ity in the U nited States, (174), 247 Heatin$' of, 103, 212 I ns~ffi cton~y of, on Indian Railways, (392) Itahan R!lotlways, Tenders to be Invited for (114) I J ava S~ato R:lilways, Tenders I nvited by the Dutch Government, (544) I.Qoomotivo Sllloon for the L?ndon and North· W e11torn, 316 Nagasaki, English and Amer ican for, (637) Natal, Largo Orders for, (149) Now, for Indian Rl\ilwaye, (239) Now, for the .Manchester and Liverp ool Ex. press Service of tho Cheshire Lines, (163) Russi:l, Four th-class Carriages for Workmen, (508) S:>uth Africa, (149), (544) So~th·Eastorn and Chatham, 1500 New Ca r· r1ages, (392) Steel Wagon, Weight of American 50-Ton, (137) Stephenson and Co., Limited, R obt. , Now W orks a t Darlington, (62) Tondora to be Invited for, by the Italian Southern Railway Company, (62) Traction Eogino Trains for Russia, American, 313, 315 Trans-Baikal Railway, (234) Vladikavkas Railway, (416) Wagons, Oo t ho Capacity of, ae Affecting the Cost of Tra nsport, Mr. Twinberrow on, 514, 522, 526 Wagons for tho Rand Mines, Reported Order for, 300, 303 Wanted on Siberian and I ndian Lines, (392) Wheels, Invention for Reducing Noise, (318) Wheels, Uneven Flange Wear of Railway, and its Cause, ( 11) Witwatersrand Gold Mino!l, (416) RAINFALL of the British Isles, l\!r. H. ?i'Iellish on the, 641 .Rathmines Electricity Supply W orks, 244, 2!5, 246 Rays given off by Different Sour ces of Light, Comparison of Qualities of, 172 Refuse .Uestruction and Steam Raising, 539 Destr uctor a nd Electric Lighting Under. taking, Shoreditoh, Accounts of the, (491 ) Destructor for tbe Strand, 462 Disposal, House, Mr. McTaggart on, 269 of T own, 192 Worke, Syracuse, New York, 564 Reinee:kor, J. E., Gablen tz-Chemnitz, Machine Toole (Suppl<1nent, Not·emoc1' 23rd, 1900) Reis, Mr. A., P atent Mixture for P r aventing I n· orustation in Boilers, (137) Removal of Brick-lined Stool Chimney, Newark, Now Jersey, (467) Removal of Bouse by Electric Street Cars, (440) Reno Inclined Elevator, The, 136 Repai ring a Tail Shaft at Sea, 364 Reservoir I mprovement Spot Pond, Bost on, 98 Reservoirs at Walshaw Dean, F irat Sod Cut, (291) Ribble Joint Committee, Meeting of tho, and Mr. Naylor's Report, (253) Rico Cleaning and Milling Machinery for Brazil, Demand for, (114) Richardson, Mr. J osopb, Freedom of Stockton-on Tees to be Conferred on, (121 ) Richardson, Wostjrarth, and Co, Limited, The Now Firm, (479) Ridgway Distributor, The, 501 Rifle, New Automatic, 426 Hang s nt Ponders End, P r oposed, (114) Ra.llways, Permane n t Way : R1.nges, Position of, 90 Acid v. Basic Hails, Lowthian B~ll on, 413 Riveter, Boyer Percussive, 446 Amer ican, for Ireland, (416) R iveting, Pneumatic, 89 againgt Hand, (611 ) A merican, for the TorkJSh Uovernment, (864) Roberta·Austen, Sir Wm., Bis Addr ess at the Creeping of R1i ls, Best Method to Prevent, Opening of the Autumn Mootin~r of tho Iron (611) and Steel I nstitute, Paris, 235, 801, 325 Demand for, for Electric Roads in Canada, (318) Robinson and SJn, Limited, Thomae, Wood· Dynamometer Car fcJr Recording D efects on, working Machinery, Paris Exhibition, 339 P r of. L. P. Breckenridge, 502 Rontgen Rays, Restoration of liair by, (519) Edgar Thomson l;teel Works, New Process for Roof, Rapid Erection of a Steel ( Kanea.s City), 148 R olling, (544) Roots, Mr. J . D., Valves of I nternal Combus tion E.xohanging Old for New, at a Profit, (318) E ngines, 49 Exported from United States, (318) Roue-Marten, Mr. Chas., On tho Locomotive F oreign, for British Railways, 516, 565 E~hibih at Vincennes (St!pJflent.r 'lt, Dcc~>mbct· Hoav1er, on Suburban and Main Liuos, (304) 7th, 1900), 256, 288, 557 Iron and Steel, in America, .Mr. R. W. Hunt, Royal Agric ultural Society : 5, 40, 94 Rep:>rted Perm\nent Showgronnd of tho, (11), Lose of Strength in Steel through Use, Repor t (114 ) of t he Committee to I nquire into, 26, (33) Preeentation to Mr. Carnegie of a Section of an Royal Inst itution : Original31Jlb. T RLil, (426) Arrangements before ElSter, 620 Ptico of, Rednced in tho 'United States, (392) Monthly Meetings and P r ogramme of Christ· Sleepers on Guatemala. Railwaye, Wear of mas and other Lectures, (47&), (578), (600) Wooden, (1~7) S~eel for tho Capo Government, Contract& Royal Meteorol ogical Societ y: Booked by the Carnegie Steel Com. R1infall of tho British hies, Mr. H. Mellish on pany, (291) tho Seasonal, 641 for the Great Eastern from tho Carnegie WoS~kly Daa.th-rate and Tt.lmperature Curves, Company, (591 ) Mr. W. II. Dines, (519) Raile, 100lb., on tbo North-Western of Royal Soc iety : India, Favourable Repor t, (163) Adjudication of Medals, (H5) Raile, Life of, 77, 106 Sleeper~~ on tho ITuntiogdon and BroadBushey Hou~o Granted to, by the Queen for a Top Railway, United States. (174) National Physical IJib rar y, (611) United States, Production, (365) liughes, Prof. D. E., Jlis Boquest t o tbo Society for West Anetralian Government, Order and tho Object t o which it is to be Devoted, Booked by Ebbw Vn le Comp!l.ny, (54J), (168) Russia, .6Ioane of Communication in, 590 (554) T-Rail, Mr. Guest's 86lb., (426) Russian Navy, The, 395 T este of, between Par is and Calais, The Russia in the Red Sea, 528 ~ ort4 of f ranco, (611 ) }lUBaiao ~oinforcements for China, 611 1 642 t Tu& BMotnla, I NDU BuPPUlUNT, s ST. MICllAEL'S Acetylene Installation, The, 821 Salvage Plant for Dover Harbou r, Portable, 571 Sault St. Marie, Centre of Electro-chemical Induetry at, (239) St~ouvago, M., On Locomotive P ractice in F ranco, 3 19 Sawdust B riquetto1 for Fuel in Austria, (611) Sawing Machine, Paving B lock, 17 Sawyer, The "Absent -minded," (411) Schuoron, Mr. Van dor, Suction Dredging at Ostond Port, 191 Science a nd the Manufacturer, 496 Scotch Steelworks and the Fair Holiday Period, (87) Scotter, Mr. R. II., Work of the Light Hailway Commission, 10 Screw Gauges, 319 Ganges, Report on, 300 P reas and Squaring Shears, Taylor and Cballen, Limited, 142, 143 Threads used in Gas and Cycle Construction and for Screws Subject to Vibra· tion, Mr. 0. P. Clemente, 302 Screwing Apparatus, &c., Mr. J. H. W iddowson's, Improvements in, 249 Scr ewing Machine, Duplex, Kendall and Gent, 238 Soulrort ot Fockedey, lllaubeugo, Machine Tools (St!j>plemenl, Noamlm· 23t·d, 1900) Sella, Mr. Cbas., with Portrait, 566 Sewage, Gas from, 445, 517, 573 Leeds, 232 Purification, Mechanical Aida to, 501 Schemes, Burley, H ealey, and Tamworth, (190) Scheme 1 Vera Cr uz, ( 591 ) Sludge, Illuminating Gas from, 4i5, 517, 573 System nt Petersb urg, Competitive Plans for, (633) Treated at tho Sewage W orks of tbe London Countx Council, (365) Works, Sutton, {348) Seymour, Major Lewis L., 17 Shafting v. Electricity, Power Transmission by, 146, 147, 173 Shafts, Built Crank, 95 Coating Tail, 6, (33) of Nickel anti Carbon Steel Made Under the Hydraulic Press, (440) Protecting Largo, Gor man Method, (33) Sheffield Corporation's Proposal to Form a W or ks ConstructiOn Department, (291) Ships: • Battleships Britis h : Albemarle, The (641 ) Ariadne, 293, (337) BAlloisle Experiments, 'l' he, 18, 32, 96, 193, 261, 489, 56j to be Fitted with Sections of Modern A rmour, (253), 489 her Engines to be put into W orking Order, (892) CampOTdown Fitted for Wireless Telegraphy, 32 Europa, Tbe, 337, 442 Formidable, 193, 462, 489, 610 Glory Fitted with Wireless 'l'eleg raphy, and Leaves for China, (644) Glory, Sing ular Mishap to, (519), 524 Hood, .Re-armament of, with Quick· fi rers, Trial of her .Machinery, 218, (491) Implacable, (541) I n flexible, Toe ()onstruction of the, 32, 610 I nflexible, The 4·7io. Quick-firers, 32 Invincible, The, 888, 547 London, 489 L-:mg, Range Firing by, (365) Majestic Fitted for Wireles s 'folegrapby, 32 Majestic in tho Gunnery Trials, Performance of, (318) Names of the Now, (467) Ocean, Coal Consumption of, 287 P rince of Waloa, Tbe, 442, 587, 610, (611), (641) Queen, 'l'he, 442, 587 610 Homovod from tho Effective List, 398 Hovonge, Re-armament of, with Quick· fi rers, 218 Vestal Steam Trials, (190) 'l'erriblo, Speed of, 1a Thundorer, (475), 480 Warrior, The, 388, 442 Battles hips, Fol'elgn: Amoric&n, Coaling at Sea, 84, 85 F rench, D6vastation, 547 Henri IV., 261 Jauro~uiberry, 542 Marceau, 489 Neptune, 547 Requin, 261 St. Louis, 388 German, to be Fitted with W ireless Telegraphic Apparatus, (83) Ger man, Witte!sbaoh and FUrst Bis· marck, 646 Italian, Now, P rojected, 261, 587 Japanese Asahi, 232 Japan, Cbihaya, Launched, (45) J apanese, Hatsuse, 232, 524, 665 Japanese, Iwato, 565 Japan, Mikatn, (21 ), (225), 232, (2!9), 282, 462, 489 Japan, Nikasi, (123) Japanese, Ya.kumo, 610 Russian, (151) Admiral Butakoff, 524 Alexander II., (151) ..American Plates for tho New, (301) Another Now One, 13! B orodioo Class, f.42, 543, 565 Five Now, t o be Built in America, (467 ) Gromovoi, 641, U42 Kniaz Suworow, 218 t.o bo Supplied with B elleville Boilers without Economisera, (508) Pacific Fleet, 641, 642 Poltava, 65, 888, 547; 641, 642 Rotvizan, 32, (416), o42 JANUARY 18, Ships: Battleships, Foreign 1001.-(Vot. XO (contin~~tcl) : Ruaeian, Sevastopol, 261, 462, 489, 547, 641, 642 Tsarovitch, 542 United States Alabama, Mr. W. Ca pps on the Ventilation of, (440) Five Now, (137), 148 Georgia, 487, 4\12 Kentucky, h er Final Trial Trip, (87) of the Now J orsoy 'l'ypo, 18 Rhode Island, 487 Virginia, 487 Wisconsin, Shafts Forg od from Fluid Compressed Nickel Steel, (440) Cruisers, British: Arrogant, Coaling Average of, 232 Bedford, of tbe E >sox Class, 361 Berwick, H 2 Blake, The, 388 Blenheim, during tho Manmuvres, 13!1 Cornwall, 442 Cressy, The, 322, 387, 369, 388, 547 (620) Cumberland, 442 Diadem, 32, 145, 388, 442 D onegal, 442 E clipse, 232, 287 Encounter, (!i44 ) Bncountor, Belleville Boilers Ordered for, (416) Essex, F our of her Class, 361, 366 Europa, her Coal Consumption: Paid o(f, (91 ), ~416) F our F irst-cla.ss Armoured, Speoifica. tiona to be Issued for, (253) Furious, Second-class, T rial of, (213), 232 Hermes, (Second · cla.fs High-speed ), Breakdown of, 13, (519) HighOyer, 232 Hogue, First-class, (21), (123), (149), 172, (175) Hyacinth, 287, 388, (416), 445, (467), (508), 619 I sis, Average Speed of, 193 Kent, 193, 361 Lancaster, 442 Long-range Firing by, (365) Minerva, T rial of Water-tube B oilers on, (318) Monmouth, of the Essex Class, 861 New Armoured, Names, 435, (462), (467) Pandora, Trials, (611 ), (641 ) Ringarooma, Torpedo Lost by, (33) Seagull, 610 Spar tiato, 489, (519), 62!, (635) Suffolk, 442 Undaunted, Projected Alterations, (3f2) Cl'ulsel's, Fol'elgn : American, Atlanta and Boston, 232 Austrian, " E" and Szigetvar, 26 1 F rench, I aly, 388 K '6ber, Engines of, 638, 641 Montcalm, 489 Two New, (62) German, Amaz)ne, Third -class, (365), 435 "0," " T hetis," '' N ympho," and " Niobe" 261 I Prinz Heinrich, 292, 297 Jap1neso, Adsuma, 172 Idzomo, 232 I wa to, 232, 565 Y akumo, 32, 610 Yayeyma, 524 Russian, Admiral Nakhimoff, 32 Bayao, 211 Bogatyr, 291, 419 Boya rin, 388 Gromovoi, 462, 54 7 New, (253), (610) Nor mand B oiler to be Adopted for Futuro, 261 Novik, 261, 419, 486, 549 Pallada, (419), 547 Vari~, Shafts Forged from Flu1d Compressed Carbon Stool, (410) Spanish, Cataluna, (491 ) Swedish, Psilander ,193 tTnitod States, Machinery for tho, by Rear -Admiral G. W. Melville, 103, 115 Now, (137), 261 Tenders Invited for Six Armoured, (392) Torpedo Craft, Gunboats, &c. Bl'ltlah: Bullfinch, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 193, (416) Clydebank D estroyers, Funnels of, 198 Cobra., Elswick Turbine Destroyer, 65, 91 D evenport Instructional Flotilla, Tho, 388 E spi6gle, T win-screw War Sloop, Launched, (691 ) Gunboats, Order for Two Shallowdraught, Placed with Yarrow and Co., (298) Gunboat& at Portsmouth, Experimental, (392) Havook, The Reconstructed, 610 Hunter, Destroyer, Repaired, 18 Hydraulic Power Mountings for t ho Experimental Gunboats at Portsmouth, (392) Leo, Twin·scrow Torpedo Boat Destroyer, (440) Niger ·r orpedo Gunboat, Tho, (337) Opossum, D estroyer, 388 Skipjack T orp edo Gunboat, Tho, (337) Speed of Torpedo Boat Dest royere, American Journal on tho, (148) Speed well, 'l'orpedo Gunboat, 'frial of tho, Serious Disaster Averted, (365) Spitfire, Destroyer, Now Gun-mounting Trial, (87) Sprig htly, Thirty-knot T orpedo Dt· stroyor, Launch of, (318) Thrasher, Torpedo .Ueetroyer to be Docked for Repairs, (253) • Ta.& J:souo:u, hmu 817Pl'L&.K0."1', J Asa,\1\Y l S, 1001.-(VoL. XC,) Ships: Torpedo Crart, Gunboats, &o. Brltlah 'roMittu(d) : Tig er, Torpedo B oat Destroyer, Accident to Stokers, (519) Torpedo Flotilla Commissioned for t ho 'Mar rouvros, 18 Viper, Tor pedo Boat Destroyer , (62), 68, (190), 282, (239), 419 \'ixen, Torpedo Bont, (21) Torpedo Craft, Gunboats, &c., Foreign: Ships: Mercantile, Passenger, and Foreig n (ro,tliltl•c<l) : Russian INDEX. Shipping Accidents (rontllllttd) : other, I cebr eaker, E rmak, Recon· str ucted, (291), (804), (451 ) Icebreakers for Port Arthur, Two Now ( 467) Mercantile Marine, The, (818) Sailing Vossols with Auxiliary Power , American, (478) Six-masted Schoonor1 First of that R ig, 1.'\unched in Amertoa, (218) Suez Canal Company, Slorn-woll Hopper Dredger, La Poiesante, 168, 230, 231, 26t, a22 'l'ransat lantio Freight Service, 1\I r. And rew Carnegie's New, (416) Wbito 8 Lar Liner Oceanic, (99), (318) Whito Star Liner Suevic, Launched, (691) H oboken Disaster, North Ger man Lloyd's Losses, (163) Japanese Katsurogi, D isast er off t ho Chinese Coast to the, 524 Japanese T orpedo Boat Niji, Grounding of, 3d9, 524 Manx Qoeen, Mail Steamer, (508) Mutino, Bursting of Belleville B oiler Tube, (6<11) Ooean Liner Delayed by o. 11 B urnt Pit~ t on," (253) Ocoanlo, Accident t o tho, (318) 'l'hundoror, Ba ttleship, (476 ), 480 'l'igor 1 Torp edo Boat I>~stroyor, Aooidont to Stokers, (619) American Submnrine Boats, 247 French Destroyer Fram6e, 172 Submarine Farfadet. E 8 Submari no Gustave Zu:M, ( liO) 'forpedo Boat Audacieux, 489 Shipping N e w s, Various: Tor pedo Bouot • \'tllaumcz Aiirial Ships, 13ll, (392) W reeked, 232 American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, T ho, Italian Destroyer D-'rdo, 5:H S hipbuilding , British and Colonial, Jnpnnese, 18 Shipping , Condition of, (554) Navnl and Mercan t ile : Jnpanoso, To rpedo Boat N1ji, Grounding Antwerp Shipping Retur ns, (98), (163) of the, 369, 521 American Stool Ship Plates, Rojoolion of, Con· Antwerp and Rotterdam Hetur111 for tho First l~ussian Dest royers Skat and KMnlka, signmont to Glasgow Explained, 523 (603) l:lalf of 1900, (163) Kit, and Dolphin, 547 Caroe~e Stool Plates for ~cotoh Shipbuilders, Bolio ville Boilers , Ships with, (641) Russian, Five New Torpedo "B:ntq, (253) (591) Boston, U.S.A. , 1899, Totnl Number of Foreign United StateP, llollnnd, Mr., his New Clyde, 18, (114), (250), 345, 438, (452), (558) Vessels which Entored, (137) Submarine Boat, 239, Naval Works on the, 105 British Admiralty and Barr and Stroud 329, (519), 524 and Now Naval Contracts Tho, 435 Transmitters, 524 Lnunoh of a 111 vsterioua Denn y nod Brothers, Wm. , Dumbar too, .Mr. J . British, to tho B altic, Decrease in, (168) Submarino B oat, (253) Ward on tho Unsteadiness of Workmen and British Tonnage, Second -band, Price Paid by Monitor Ar kansns, (644) its Results, (419) our Foreign Competitors for, (33) Pnrtially-submergod TorDundee, 412 Canada and the Sou thorn P or ts of Jamaica, P r opedo Boat on tbo "BerEnglish Builders, Tonnage Launched in Juno jected Service botweoo, (87) ge r System, (5H) and May tbis Year and Cutlo U nion Line, Orders 'Placed with Barclt\y, Last (33l Cur le, and Co., (544) Mercantile, P assenger , a nd oth e r , Ton nage nunohed in SepChr istinnia and I<'oreign Countries, 174 Brltls h: tember and October, (467) Coaling Competition at Borehaven amongst Ancient and Modern Ships, (16 ), (212) English for tho Ton Months of this Yot~ r, 1900, Ships of the Navy, (491) Atlantic Record, 'fho, 185 269 (488) Compagnie Ma ritime do Ia Seine's Direct Uoods Balmorol High-11peed Paddle Passong or Fair field Shipyard, Recent Extensions at, 161 Service between Paris and London , (33) Steamor , 56 Pair6eld Shtpynrd Management, Mr. R. SampEngines, Auxiliary, in tho Navy , (519) Channel Steamers, Turbine-pr.>pellod, 91 son , (446) Engine -r oom Artificers Serving in tbe Channel <..'Inn Line, New Steamers for the, (440) Inohdouno and Inohmarlo, Superheat ers Squc.dron, Admiralty Regulations respeoting Clyde nnd Palatial Steam Yachts, The, Fitted to, 597, (606) the Drafting of, 494 255 Laird Brothers, Limited , Work of tht' Year Engineers in tho United States Navy, 469, 495 Dover-Calais Service, New Twin-scrow 1900, (64!l) Foreign Shipbuilders Continue to Eolist British Stenmor tho Canterbury, (611) Lloyd's Register of Shipping Tonnage onder Hands, (62) lndian T win-screw T roopship Rardinge, Const.r uotion in tho United Kingdom, Juno French Naval Reforms, 521 1-'air fiold Compnny, 169 30th and September 30tb, (62) French Navy, Increase of tho, 581 !roland Steamship Sold to a " hoffiold Navy List for November, 'l'ho, Does Britannia Gorman Joint-Stock Shipping Companiee, G11ntloman." (190) Rule tho W aves 1 524 Capital or, (392) McMillan and Sons, A Now Steamer for Naval Architecture, JE3thotio Principles of, Corman Steamship Floot, Increase of tho, (137) tbo Clan Line, (440) 307, 429, 465 Greek Fleet, Propuaal of tho Greek P r eas with Nor t h or En$tland District, Orders for Now Merchant Navies of the World, Not Reference to, (62) Register Tonnage of, (519) Steamers, (200) Japan, T enth in tho List of Ma ritime Katione, Ship Dovolopmen t, (587) Orders Booked by Elder, D empster, and Co., (54 4) Ships, W nter-tubo ~oilers in, Swan and Hunter, R. Craggs and Sons, J apanoso, 104 268 W. 0. Armstrong, Whitwor th, and Co., and J apanese Navy, Bollevillo Boilers in tho, 542 Racing Cutter for tho Germ an Emp,ror, ot bor N or tbern lo'irms, (451) Jnly, 157 Mr. G. L . Wateoo, (554) Portholes, Question of EolnrgoJ, 140, 162 Lnko Shipping Dovolopmonts, 168, (63i) Returns for tho Yonr, (637) Royal Yacht, Tho, 172, (190), (213), (392), Steamers, Amer ican, (44) Scheme, Exten.s ive, (392) (491) Stoamera1 American, Iron Oro Cargoes Steamship Canadian, R. and W. HawScotoh Buil:lore, Tonnage Launched in Juno Carried by, (519) . thorn, Lealie, nod Co., Ltd., 161 and August, May, Soptombor, and October, Machine ry of lt'igbting ShipP, R9ar -Admtral Talus, Ropairs t o the Ship, (395) (38), (253), (467) Melville on tho, 103, 115 '!'barnes Pauongor Steamboat Service, Steamboats botwoon Richmond nod Ramsgate, Morino Notes, American, (44), (72) 105, 184, 286, 309, 357, 432, (401) 634 1823-1831, 286 Masts Ordered at Portsmouth, High, (163) Troopship Hardiogo, The Indian, (551) Sunderland, November, (544) Mechnnical Theor y of Stoamsbip Propulsion, V ostal, H. M. Sloop, Special Tr ials, 310, Tonnage u nder Constr uction in tho U nited by Rober t Mnnsel, 179 (519) Kingdom on 30th September, (392) Naval Engineers, 517, 545, 548, 593, 598, 618 Wooden, for tho Marino Biologicall:ita· Warships u nder Construction on Juno 30th in the United States Navy, and September 30th, (62), (392) tion at Millport, Isle of Combrao, R. 469, 495 :McAlister and Co , (382) Warships a nd their Machinery Building in Value of Heredity in, (641 ) Eogland, P rogress of, 632 Yachts, Clyde and Palatial Steam, 255 Officers and Warships, 640 Wear Builders, Output for tho Yoar, (33) Suggestions, 59! Mercantile, Passenger, and other, Navy, Tbo, 441 . . Shipbuilding , Foreign, Nava l, and Foreign: List for November, Tb9, D oes Brttanmn Mercantlle: Ai r Ship, Count Zeppelin's, (892) Rule tho Waves 1 524 American, Cost of, 594 Magnifyin~t Glasses to bo Introduced into American • Hawaiian Steamabtp Com l>evolopments, 418 pany, Formation of the, the {491) . Firma, (l!OO) (137) Russian Ironclad t o be Construoted at NtcoYacht Defender, Contract Placed laielf, 521 Marine Notes, (122) with Herreshofa, 523 Pacific Squadron, Com~o! i tion of, 52~ PMien~~;er Steamer, The Continental, 457 Reinforcements for Chma, 641, 642 Hartford, 376 Cramp's Yard, Pbilndelpbia, Hands Employed, Screw nod Toil S haft of the Border Knight Atlantic City Flyor11, The, (573) (263) Sorvioo1 1'wo Ocean 1'ramp Replaced at Sea 1 (125) . . Franco, Naval Construction in, 3e3 Shipping Subsidy Bill, ))iscusston on tho, tn the Steamers for the, 302 French Projoots, ( 11) Speed Records, 'l'he, 185, (239) Sonnto at Washington, (508) F rench Yard, Forges ot Chao tiers de In Speed Records Across tho Atlantic, (239) Carnegie C<>m p~ny, Lake Steamers bl uditerrnnth , Torpedo Destroyers for H.ussia, Tonnngo Entered at Ports in tbo United King· Secured for tho Atlantic Winter Trade, 524 dom durin~t tho Soven Months ond· (30J), (365) German, Activity io, 192, (291) ing July 30th, 1900 and ~899, (163) Castle Union Lino, Cargo Steamers for llolland, 1\lr., bta Now ~ubmnrino B.>at, 52 1 of all tho Merchant Navtos ot tho South African Trndo, (544) Italian .M:orcantilo Mar ino, Tbo, (54!) World, (5111) Continental Merchant l'larmc, Progress Now Typo of Warship, According to of Steamers owned in Groat Britnin of, 636 1\f. Cnniber ti'a Desig ns , 524 and otbor Countries, (510\ Cur 's Yacht Stnndurt, E~onomisors to 1899, 1900, (611) 'l'raOio nt Genoa, (392) bo R emoved, (608) Lsngthening Vessels in Ge rmany, 192 at Hamburg, (4lll), (392) Drodgor L'l Puifllanto, 'l'bo Stern-well Melville, Rear-Admiral, Oo tho 1\laohinery of Maritime, between II am burg nod tho Hopper, 168, 230, 231, 261, 32'2 Fighting Shipr, 103, 115 Rhine, (416) Emerald, 'J.'rial of, in Sydney liarboor , Nicolnioff on tho Black Sea, 524 Uoitod States Navy lo.:itimatos, (544) 39~ aval Constructor F. T. N or way (137) F rench Lino Twin-scre w Steamship Ln Russinn Naval Estimates for 1901, (:178) Bowles to be Appointed Lorraine, AvorBg o Spood, (163) Shafte, Protection of Tail, MotbuJ iu Usc in Chiof Constructor or tho, Oormno Mercantile Marino, J>rogross of, German y, 6 (591) 63tl Vessels Fitted with Wnter Spanish Projects, (591 ) Gorman South P olo Expedition, Sbip tubD Boilers, 26, 56 Stonmors Plying on tho Great Amer ican L:lkea, being Built at Kiel for the, 321 \'ossols L1unchod in June and May this Year Innovations in tho Construction of, ( Ll ), 376 Germany, Scoamors of o. Capacity over and Previous Years in BogT rioete, Impor tant Contracts in Jland at tbo, 10,000 tone, (392) .Estabilimento, Tocoico, (440) land (33) Ilamborg - American Liner Au~tueta VicTurkish Government, Contract with K r upp's, in Juno and May tbia Y ear toria, Automatic Telephone Pay Staand Previous Years in (187) tion on tbo, ( 440) ; Line, Capacity of • United ' tatee, Naval Construction in the, 526 Scotland, (33) Steamers of, (12!1); Liners Chartered in November bY. English Navy Depar tment's Contract, for T ran11port to China, (87); Liner (137) Shipbuilders, (591) . Deutecbland Breaks t ho H.ocord, 91, New Works, San Francisco, 445 in November by~ootoh Shlp· 185, ( L90), (239); Lin er Lauocbod at A Record Output, (318) buildors, (508) StettiD, (:.!91(; Liners, L"ad·line~~ to be in tho United 1\.ingdom this Returns, July, August, SepMarked on, 519); Lioo, A New StoamYear and Previous Years, tember, Ootobor, 1900, (491 ) sbip Ordered L?nger than the Oceanic, (33) Tonnage, (62) (318) in tho United Kingdom in Vladivostok, Construction of Two Yarde, (46;) .Japanese, 10·1 tbo Firat Elovon Months of Vulcan Hhipbuilding Company's Mooting at Jopaooso Tra111port, S•muki .Mari, (71 ) t bie Year and Last, (508) Bremen, Capital to be Rnieod, (190), (291) Li~tbtship for Swedish P1lot Servtco, Lost, &c., Lloyd's Quarterly ltoturn tor W ood, in America, 261 N ovel Stoam, (213) Yards on tho Continent , Now, (291) Three Months ending December 3ht, MerchBnt Nnviee or tho Wor ld, Net Register 'l'onooge of, (51P) 1899, (213) Shipping Accidents: Statistical '!'ablos of, Compiled by Norddoutaoher Lloyd's Losses in Con· Lloyd's Hog iator (H) nection with tbo Hoboken Di83.8tor, American Line r St. Poul, Seriou~t, ( 167) Tot.'\lly Lost, Condemned, &o., Lloyd'• (163); Stumers Chartered for Trans· Border Kniffht, Rep lacing her Sorow and Tail Register of, (239) pJrt. to Chinn, (87 ); Stenmon~, Kai11or Shaft nt !;ea, (125) Wbilo Star Line Company's Pamphlet, "l''rom Wilhelm I[. and Kronprin~ W1lhelm, Gibraltar , Brcnkdown of tho, 91 tbo lo'irat Oceanic t o tbo l:iocond," 185, 190, (;WI), (36~ ); l:itoamor W ttto· Glory, Singular Mishap t o tuo Now Battluhip, (33) kind, l,engtlJoned and Roflttotl, 11; (!iHl) Steamer t o 'fouch at Plympotb Twin·aorow Htenmor Nuou 'l'ung nroat Wostorn Moil St eamer l box Roiaod, (87) November Noxt, (33) Launched, (87) ll :~ rbour Jo'iro in Now York;_ nod tbo Question Wirolosa Telegraphy, Ships fitted with, 82, Oceanic Hteamehip Company, Sl\n f'ran· of Enlarged Portholes for ;:;hipe, 14.~J. 162 cisco and Sydney, (•100) (611 ) Havock, Accidoot t o tho Destroyer, 'uJ7 A~:~~an XV • Siberia, Area and P opulation, (619) Signal D evice for Minea, Mr. C. S. H e rzig, 450 Simon, Mr., Invention for Sending a Type-written Message by Telephone, (318) Simona a nd Co.J lloppor Drodgor La Pui.esante, 168, 230, 231, 240, 264 Simplicity and Complication, 368 Simplon T unnel a nd t ho Interest& of F ran ce, The, 412 Slag Cement, Analysis of t ho Finished , 218 Slag Cement, R oad ?Ifado of, (416) Slipways, American, 174 Smelting of Or o, Direct, (44) Smelting by Water GaP, Blast Fur nace, 158 Smith nncl Coventry, Limited, Bevel Wheel !)bo/>or , 1 6, 187, 188 1\lr. 1 nmilton, 65 Mr. Shrapnel, On t he Costs of Motors for Street Cleansing, 276 Prof. H. H., Training for Competition with tho World, 349 S mithfield Club Show, (549) Smoke Abatement, (32) Nuisance, llanlago Contrac tor Summoned for Causing, (440) Prevention, 446, 639 Smyrna, Pumps and Agricultural Machiner y in, 33 Snake Story, Tbo Latest , (11 ) Soaring Flight, N oto on, 499 • Societ y, Aeronautical: Flying Maobino, Mr. P. T. Alexander on Count Zeppelin's, (8i ) Societe Alsacle nne de Constructions Mecanlques, Bel fort: Machine Tools (Supplrmrlll, ..,\·urr.ub(r 23rd 1900) Society of Arts : Electric 0Jcillations a nd Electr ic Waves, Prof. J. A. Fleming, 670 Openine Mooting and Arrangements for tho Moot10gs before Christmas, (<l99), (530) Society, Bath and West and Southern Counties: Dat os of Show, 1901, (11) Society, Boilermaker&' and Iron and S teel Shipbuilders': M.>nthly Report, Tho Council Complain of Membora L?eing Time th rough Drinking and Neglecting their W ork, (392) Quar ter ly Report, ( 191) Society of Clvll Engineers, American : Iron and Stool R~ils in America, Mr. R. W . H unt, 5 Officinl n ')OOption io Grolt Gaorge-stroDl, Westmiostor, President Sir Douglas Fox, 5 Yiait to Ludwig Loewe a nd Co.'s Workt1 1 Berlin, 82, 83 Society, Clvll gineers•: a nd Mechanical En- Annual Diunor, 10 Stoam Engine Valves, Prof. R. II. Smith on, GOO Training for Competition with tho World, President ial Address, P ro f. R. Il. Smith, 349, 600 Society of Engineers, The Amalgamated: F orty-seventh Annual Meeting, Elootion of Council nod Officers, P r emiums for Papers, &c., 621 Annual Dinner , (572), (600) Jubilee, Celebration of its, (78), (530) Lodge in Sheffield, Another, (22~) London District Committee's Acticn with Regnrd to Raising t he Minimum Rates of tho Trade, (~13) Monthly Report nod Appointed of Mr. J . Auderson, (424 ), (425) Quarterly ltopor t , 199 Society, Glasgow University neering: Engi- Automobilism up to Dato, 1\lr. Shrapnel S !llitb, (617) Eogineoring Experience in Relation to Rosoarcb, Mr. 1'. A. B. Carver, (602) Visit to tho Works Qf Alloy and McLellan, (535) Society, Glasgow a nd W est of Scotland Tec hnical College Scientific: Operung Mooting, 3P7 Puper by Mr. H. D. Jackson, On tho Organisation of a WorkEhop, (499) Society, Manchester Geological : Election or President, Mr. 0. C. l!roon woll, and R epor t, (377) Geogological F'outuros of Vict oria, Australia, Mr. Ju. Stirling on, (317) Siberian Railway, Mr. Mark Stirrup on tho Groat, (505) Society of Mechanical Engineers, The American: Automobile Wagon for Heavy Duty, Arlhur Horschomann, 90, 120, 121 Cylinder P ropo rtions for Compound and Tripleoxfansion Engines, Mr. B. C. Ball, !l7 Tota .Membership, 218 Society of Model Engineers, The : Annual General Mcoling nod Converaaziooo, Dates of, 501 Engine of bis Now Model 'l'or podo Doat DJ· • scribed by Mr. IIast iogll, (06) Glollgow Branch, (535) Groat Easter n T rains and Times, Mr. C. E. Oxbrow, 287 Si>.th Monthly Mooting, (254) VU~it to tho Sout.hwark nnd Vauxhall Water. works Pumping Station, (81) Society, Miners' Provident: Quorlor ly Report, 2i8 Soc iety, National Lecture : .. h Lectures on 8ritish lnduetrioP, (114) ~- ~ . ~., • INDEX. %Vl l!loolety, Phyelcal: ?tlaanetio Field of E lectric T ram ways, Prof. A. W. Rucker, 641 Soolety of Railway Sel'vants, Amalgamated: Bell, Mr.,, E lected 1\l.P. for Darby, Maddison, Mr., ReJected for Shellield, (:l65) S upport the North·EMtern Men for Advance tn Wages, (378) SO U r H WOLD Sewage Extensions, [ 2 1 S peed Controller , Consolidated, 212 Spongee, Artificial, P rocess for Making ( 440) Spraying Machine for the Vine, A No~, (137) Staitba Coal, American, 552 Stairwa;va, Moving, for t he Manhattan Elevated S tahODP, ( 11 1) S team R.,llers, Upkeep of, 413 Traps, 145 T rap, T he T unley, 97 Turbines, 441, 475 Valve, liolating, 528 W et and Dry, and a New Form of Ca lori· meter fo: Measuring it , Prof. J. Good· man, 290 S teel, Ame~can, Increasing ArTivals of, (554) Arnen cao, from L1ke E rio, for Avonmouth ( 191) I lhlls, American l'lllchi ne for Making Spherical, ( 11 ) Cclllting Plant, American, ( 14) Chaine, Weld less, S:l7 a nd Concrete Fa ctory Const r uction, P itts· burg h, 327 Cutting 1\t 160ft. per Minute, ~32 in Cycle Const r uction, Mr. D. Flat ber on, (15) H1gh Chromium and Low Car bon, 384 H otel, near Wa terloo R ailway S tl\tion, American, (255) in I ndia, Manufacture of Cast, over 2000 Years old, (11 ) and Iron Exp.,r ts from t he Uoited States (163) ' Ne w Tool, (217) -making P rocess, The Talbot Continuous, (527) Manufacture, Pro~ r2ss in, 15 Output, France, (554) Output, United ~tates, by the Basic and t he Acid Process, (365) P lates and Angle Steel for Scotch Shi p· builders, Carnegie, (591) Progress in the Sout hern !:itates, (589) Roof, R1pid Erection of a ( K!lnsas IJity), . 148 S!lip P lates delive rt d to W orkman, Clark, a nd Co. , Rojecti m of American, (523), (603) S b•p Plates, ReJ :ction of American Con· sig nment to Gla s ~ow, expla ined, 523 into S wa nsea, Sir J . Jenkins on the Effect of American impor tation of, (491) T rade, American, 139 Vistluct Const r uction, Ne w York, 327 Works, J a panese Go vernment's, 357 S tephenson and Co., Limited , Messrs , New Engineerinll Works at Darlington, (46) S terilisat ion, Water a nd Sewa~e. 437 S teveneon and Bros., Belts, (249) S tirling Boile r Company's Show of ~!?del!', (4.10) S tockport Water S upply, (4<10) Stokers, Automatic, 63 Stone-dresain~ Machine, Brunt on a nd Trier's, H6 St rather n's Weld less Steel Chains, 537 S tream·Line T heory, Ship Resistance and t he, 141 S t rc)6t Cleansing and Wa tering, Costs of Motors for, 276 Street Wideni ng in London, Cost of, (33) Strowe-er Automatjc Telephone Exchange of Chicago, Automatic S wi tch Puroha8ed by t he Germa n Government, (239) Students, A Few Questions for, 295 Subway, Pedestria n Traffic t hrough t he Mansion House, (416) Sugar Refi neries, Ja pa n, (637) S ulphu r Mines in Chili, Company Formed t o Work the, (392) S ulphur Ore Work 'I in Russia, at Dugbestan, (291 ) Superheater and Separator, A Controlla ble, 443, 475 Superheater~, s.s. I nchdoune and I nchmarlo, 597, (606) Supplements: Sydney H a rbour Collieries, Extension W orka, (291) H arbour Trust, (400) Symone, Mr. G. J., Memorial to, (5 10) T TALBOT Continuous S teel Process Limited Com· pany, 'l'lle, (527) :ram wor th Sewage Schemes, (190) ram wor th W o.t er works F.xtension Scheme (114) Taps with Metric Scre w Threads. (249) ' TJ.ylor a nd Challen, Limited, Scre w P ress and Squaring Shears, 142, 143 Technical Education Boa rd o£ the London County Council, 'r otal E xpenditure o£ the, ( :l91 ) Schools in Argentine, (865) T raining in Ger many to include One Yea r in a Works hop, (818) Technological Work of t he Board of Education, The, (508) Telegraph Line, F rench Congo, (318) Telegraphic Communica tion with Sout h and Eas t Asia, 395 T elejlraphy, W ireless, 32, 33, (83), (114}, (213), 218, 318, 329, (416); between l'or tsmouth and Por tland, (213); Cr uiser Diadem, 32 ; Experiments between Ilfracombe and the Welsh Co!ls t, (114 ); Ger man Warships t o be F it ted wit h, (83); Marconi's System Adopted for t he British Navy, 218 ; P rof. Baum's Experiments with his System, (318) · Mr. Ritchie and , (33) Tele phone Competition in R assia, Important, 148 Decision, I mportant t o Users of, (544) Lines from Ger many, (114) Pay Station, Automatic, on an Atlantic Liner, (440) Service in Gua temala, 162 System in Indiana, A Cheap a nd Novel, (163) Transmission of Type-written Message by, (318) To:~lescope, A New La'Ne, (402) Telescopes, The World s La rgest, 314 Tempera ture of t hEI F ree Air, Dr. Uer~esell's Paper on the, (87) Tempering Tools, F rench Plan for, (87) Teoby Wate r Supply, (557) T ender's: rt"if)fJ.;: rn"rtiW ron TIIF: r•l\01'1\llifOR~ IH 11\'fl.lll:\' German, Accidents and Brakes on, 263 Glasgow, 91 Gloucester, (392) Grea t Orme's H ead, A Mounta in, (265) )(ertch, in Yenikale, (637) Kingston Valo to Esber, Opposed by t he Duke of Cam bridge, (11) Lake District, (265), (201). (467) Lancaster to Morecambe, (137) L~eda, Collection of Fares, (293) Corporation Elect ric 'l' ra mwa ya Gene· ra ting S~ation, N ew- Engines and Boiler-bouse, (291) Tra mway Pla nt, o88, 589, 592 Liver pool, (163), (239) Locomotive, Lyons·~ enville Lines, Soci~ t6 Suisse, Winterthur, 541 London, Camber well Green to Vauxhall, Electric, (<140) County Council's Bill, (87) ; Schemes for, (402), (544) j Appoint an Eleo· t rical Engineer, \611) Extensions, 118 P rof. Kenned y's Underg round Con· d uit System Approved for, (508) Madrid, (114) Magnetic Field of Electric, Prof. A. W. Rucker on, (6H ) Maidstone District, (291), (400) Manchestor, (44.0), (544), (601), (611 ) Morecambe, (190) Moscow, E lect ric, (519) Munich, (213) New South Wales, 597 Yew York, 117, (318) Nor wich, (137) Oldham, (137), (392) Oran in Algeria, (137) Paris Congress, Mr. l:;cotte r on t he Dist inction between Light Railways a nd, (318) Paris and Subu rbs, (190) Poltawa, (291) P ower Consumption of Electric Tram Cars, Mr. A. H. Binyon on, (33) Preston, (239) Rhyl, (318) Richmond to Acton , Kew Observator y Officials' Opposition to, (508) Scotch, Por t G:asgow t hrough Greenock, (467) Sheffield, (137), (440), (467) Shepherd's Bush to Acton, (508) Sout h Lancashire, (519) Steel Rails, Life of, 77 Sunderland, (137), (163), (265) Surrey, (265) S wa nsea, Elect ric, (22) Sydney Nor th S hore, Comparison a.a bet ween Cable and Elect ric W or king, (478) T ra mway Construction, Rooent, Mr. W. Da wson on, 272 United St~tea, Brooklyn a nd Rockaway Beach, (400) Vera Cr uz, (591) Wrexham, (137) TROLLEY, 'l'he Lomba rd Ceria, 269 '! 'rust Formed in Germa ny by 1\l anufactu rera of First -class 'l'ools and I ron a nd Steel Goods, (163) '! '·squa re Club, 504 T ube Trade, The, 166 T unley Steam T rap, '!' be, 97, 145 T unnel, Gibraltar to 'l'angiers, Proj~ct for, (467) Great, (397) Simplon, P rog ress of, (365) Thames, Proposed and Authorised, (31), (62) Turbine-propelled Channel Steamers, 91 T ur bines, Steam, 444, 475 T urf, Pa per Made out of, (253) 'l' orf Works in Russia, (253) T win berrow, Mr.. On the Cap acity of Railway Wagons as Affecting t he Cost of Transport, b14, 622, 526 Tyne Improvement Commissioners, 299 T ynemouth Water Supply, (416) Type-written Messages Transmitted by Telephone, (31 8) Typhoid a nd F lies, 499 u - 18, 1001.-(VOL. XC.) Tramways, Electl'lc and otbel' (rontintted ): Volc1nic Stone Se1 Wall9, 146 Ar mour, Ordnance Bureau of the United States Na vy Depar tment Asks for, 67 Cruisers, Stx Armoured, United Stat es Invites, (392) Ha rbour at Scheveniogen, Tbe Netherlands Gover nment Invites, (519) Ironwar e and Iron Piping for S tate Rail wa ys in Ja va, Netherlands Colonial Minist ry I nvite, (114) Motor D ust Car t, L.,ndon, (440) P ort at Simons Bay, Sir John Jackson's Accepted for New, (163) Water-tube Boilers for the Challenge r and E ncounter, Devenport Dockya rd Invited by t he Ad miralty, (440) T HEODOLITE S and their Fa ilure, 599 'l'hermometer in Gar many, The Centig ra de in, (213) • T hom ycroft'e Steam Tipping Wagon, 31 Thunderstorm at Ma nchester, its E ffect on t he E lectric Light and Power Station, (239) Tides, Lect ure on, t o be_Delivered at Greenock, (365) Timber, Haskinised, E xperiments wi th , on I ndian Railway, (239) P reser ving, (<140) T ra de, Dantzig, (230) Trade, Galatz, (416) Trade, White Sea, (491) Tin Mining, Cornish, 172 P lates, 497 Plate Works Oll'ered for Sale, South Wales, (5!ll) Plating not a Poisonous Trade, Dr. Legge Declares, ( 163) Tire H ammer for Railwa y Wheels, Ne w F orm of, 300 Tools, English 11. American, 549 Machine, Continental a nd British-sec Supplement, N ovember 23rd, 1900 Pneumatic Labo ur·saving , 446 UNION Switch and Sig nal Company, Contract S teel, New, (247) Secured by, (145) T raction by Kites, 193 a nd Technical Schools, T ractive Force, Resistance and Acceleration of United States Colleges Munificent Gifts to, (291) Traina, Mr. A. Mallock on the Measurement Competit ion, 418 of, 269, 323 Ex ports for the Fiscal Year End· T rade and Business Announcements, 231 46, 74, ing June 30th, (11 ~ 101, 125, 176, 226, 279, 305, 329, 353, Geological Sur vey, 'I be, 197 379, 427, 453, 480, 507, 531, 555, 579, Population of, (440) 603, 625, 651 Senate a nd Nicarag ua Canal, 616 of Chin Kia ng, Report on the, (8i) University College, Liver pool, (:&90) Trade-mark Case, J a pan, Another, (45) rraini n~ for Competition with the World, P rof. R. H. Smith, 349 Training of Mecha nical Engineers (sr,. E ngineers) E Jg'ne anrl Dynamo, Horizontal Compound, L. ~ng a nd Ganz and Co. , PJ.ris Exhibition, September 28th , 1900 Triple·expaneion, A. Borsig, Paris ExLi· bition, Jul y 20th, 1900 TripJe.expansion H orizontal, Bromley Brothe rs, Moscow, Pa ris Exhibition, • November 16th, 1900 Vertica l Compound, 600 Horae-power, Soc16t6 Alsacienne de Constructions Mlioa niques, November 2nd, 1900 2500 Vertical T riple·expansion, Verein· igte Masobinen Fabrik A ugsburg und Maa<:hinenbau Gesellschaft, N urn· ' Tra mways, Electric, a nd othel': berg , August 24th, 1900 Astracha n, (163) Gasholders at Saltley, Four· lift, Mr. II. H ack, Australian, (400), 491 December 2h t, 1900 Ba t h and Environs, (114) Locomotive, Compound Express, E&8tern Rail· Beckenbam to tbo Crystal Pa lace and Croydon, way of France, July 6th and J uly 13th, 1900 Proposed, (591) Locomoti ves, Compound a nd Simple, Soci6.6 BJiton, Bad Condition of t he LineP, (61 l) S uiase, Winterthur, November 30th. 1900 Brad ford , 272 Locomotive, E xpress, Prusaia n State R ail ways, Buenos Ayres, (637) Herr A. Borsig, September 7th, Cardew, Cornelius IJ.'s Letter'F·Ieaded , 162 1900 Cars Operated by Compressed Air in New Yor k Four-cylinder Compound, Chemin and Chicago, (1337) de F er d u Nord, .MM. du Bos· Castleford, Electric, (440) q uet et de Glehn, December 7th, Chester, (365) 1000 Chicago, Under~round •'ystom, (174) S ix·ooupled Ex press, Southern Der by E lectric, (440) Railway o£ I taly, Sig. Henry Dudley a nd Sed ~ley, (114) Plancher, Paris Exhibition, OctoD undee, Electric, A P rotection Guard for the ber 5th and 19th, 1900 Cara, (440) Machine Toole, Some Continental a nd Britiah, Dur ham County, (265) November 23rd, 1900 Edinburgh, Por t<>bolfo Section, New Ca ble Pa nama Canal, P lan of the, October 26th, 1900 Power Station, (440) S WA N, Mr. J ohn G., (650) Folkestone, (318) ~ wit29rland, Total Imports into, (611 ) Frankfor t, (137) 8 ydney, Cleansing of t he City, (201) 0 Til~ E !IO I NKE!t, I NDEX S UI'I'LEMENT, J A"\ ARY v VALPARAISO, Drainn.ge System Neoded, (213) Valparaiso, Io' onndries at, (239) Valves, Gas Engine, 96 Inter nal Combustion E ngine. ,19 Isola ting Steam, Hiobard Klinger and Co., 528 and Valve Gearing, Prof. R. II. Smith on, 600 Vapour Preventer Company, Electric Vapour Pre· venter, 398 Va ug han, Mr. T hos ..,(578) Ventilation, 4i4, 475 Ventilation o£ Dra wing·offices, 518 Vent ilation a nd Heating, 44t1, 475, 5<19, 573, 590, 619, 6<15 Viaduct Gasworks, Nottingham, 218 Vulcanite or E bonit e Nai!P, (87) Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, War Material, Paris Exhibition, 282 Victoria Nyanza, The, 619 Vincent, Sir Howard, his Strictures on t he Great Easter n Railway Directors for Ordering .Rails Abroad, 6<16, 565 Vulc1n Ivonwor k9 for Sale, (426) w WALCOTT, Mr. C. D. , T ho United f;Latos Ceo. logical Survey, 197 Wa lker Engineering Laboratories, Liver pool, (9) Walker, Ma ynard, and Co., Limited, L1u nch of t he Fir m of, (553) Wa r Materia l, Paris Exhibition, 210, 211, 282, 285, 332, 382 War-office, Contractors t o the, Circular sent to (33) ' Wa rd, L9onard, Sys tem of Driving P rinting Machinery by Elect ricit y, 528 Was te Gases from Blast Furnaces in Ger many, Utilisa tion of, (114 ) Waste of Water a nd its Prevention, 145, 162, 212, 26 1 Waste in Wa ter Supply of Towns, Recording Meter for Detection of, 498, 500 Watches, Output of, in Switzerland, (591) Wa tch T rade in T urkey. Impet us to the, (33) Wa~er, GainsborouJZh, Now Boring for, (28) Gauge, Reflex, Aluminium, R. Klinger and Co. , (508) in Locomotive Boilers, Effects of Ha rd and Soft in, (10) Meters Int roduced in Bombay, (37~) Molecular Constitution of, 599 P ower, Otta wa's, ( 491) and Sewa,lle SterilisatiOn, 437 Water Supply, 445, 475, 499, 517, 5i9, 573, 619 of Chica go, (467). 576 East London Water Company's Bill, (52) Glasgow, C>31 India, (508) Liver pool, 69 LondonJ (253), (365), 467, 475, 497, 499, 1>17, 5!!8, (591), 616 Metropolitan, (ii3), ( 137), (467), 497 New York, 458 Paris, 83 P enzance, (611 ) Question of, 394, 499 Stockpor t, (637) Tenby, (611) Towns, Recording ?lfeter for Detention of Waste in t he, 498, 500 Tunnels o£ Cbtcago, 576 Water Waste of, Cost of Detention a nd Proven· tion, Mr. A. J. Jenkins on, 7, 43 Wator Waste a nd its Prevention, 95, 96, 118, 145, 162, 212, 264, 444 Weatber b11rn, Mr. Robt., On the Causes of the Wear a nd Tear of Fire·boxes o£ Locomotives, 630 Weights and Measures Act, Boa rd of T rade's Report on t heir Proceedings under t he, (591 ) Welding Experiments, M. Spring's, (624) Welding and Tempering Compound, Mr. Melvin C. Dean's Patent, (467) Weldless Steel Chain l>atents, 537 Welding 'l'wo Pieces of Iron or Steel, Plates for, (33) Welin Breech Screw, Krupp's Modified , 248 Wellington Foundry, Lincoln, 245 Wheat Export for Bahia Blanca, (163) Wheatley Kirk, Price, and Co., J ubilee of t he Fir m of, (11) W heel Cut t ting, Bevel, 212 Whitehead Torpedo Fired for a Test, (87) Whitela w Pneumatic Drill, <146 Whitworth Scholarships and Exhi bitions, 231 Williams, Hal, on the Production of Dist illed Water for Ice-making Plant s, 647 Wilson and Bennet t 's Life-guard for E!ect rio Tramcara, (351) Wilson, Mr. Robt. , on Glasgow's Water Supply, (531) Wire Gau~~;e Micrometer, 220 W ireless Telegraphy for the Admiralty. (637) a t I nishtrahull, Nor th I re· land, (611) T he Marconi System adopted for t he British Navy, 218 between P ortsmouth and Portland, (213) Ships F itted with, 82, 83, 218, 388, 544 se" also Telegra phy, Wireless Wohler's Laws , On, 203 W.:>od, Fireproofing and Preserving, (440) Preservative, A New, 108, 145 for Street Paving, A New, 466 W orking Machinery, P"ris Exhibition,338, 339 W orkm e n's Compensation A c t : Ba ll, Wm., 11. Bolsover Colliery Compan y, 162 Falconer, Andrew, v. London and Glasgow Engineering and I ron Shipbuilding Company, Limited, 512 Ferg uson 11. Green, 575 Hathaway v. Arg us P rinting Company, Limited, 576 La w, J as., v. Craven Brothers, 436 Pattinson and Son 1'. S tevenson, 32 Raine 1•••Johnson, 146 Reynolds, Alf. , v. Cravens, Limi ted, 512 Wor kmen's Compensation a nd Em ployer~;' Lin· bilit y Acts, 159 Wor kmen's P roperty in his Invention, A, 112 WUrtemberg, Italians E mployed in t be Ma~u· factories, ( 491) X - Y- ·Z XYLOSOTE, 108 Yorkshire Coal •rrade- ·'"" Coal T rade, York&hi re Youn~·s Dovetailing Maobino, Paris Exhibition, 338 Zeppelin's F lying l\1a.ohine, (8i ), (318), (6 11 ) Z:no ond Cadmium, Boiling P o10ts of, (190) A'I' 'fll& O~'f'Wfl Of' CI&OI\(18 lU:V.EUU!, ORA\'9TOKJ.:·rLAC&, F&'I'TtR·LAN8 1 E. C., AND PUOLl!jJIED OV H IM AT T il E O•'l'ICfl o~· " 'IIIE &NUINJ>SR 1 " 331 !IOJU'O LK•STRIII '{ b.I'II.~ND1 IN Tll.b. I'A IIJIIII 01' ll f, (.LIUU>Nl' IJ.\NI<.d, IN 'rU t: CUUNTV VY ) IIDLII.&SilX.-HIIJJA\' 1 J,\NCAIIV 18, 1!101. Wllt'rE 1