2012_Vernois News - Mount Vernon Township High School
2012_Vernois News - Mount Vernon Township High School
VERNOIS NEWS Volume 90 - Issue 6 VERNOIS NEWS CELEBRATES THE CLASS OF 2015 January 2012 Freshmen lunch offers benefits, problems VERNOIS NEWS photo/Paisley Stewart FRESHMEN LUNCH: For three years, Freshmen Academy has been a huge part...p.3 To Inform, Educate, Enlighten and Entertain “Superintendent” sounds like an important…p.2 On December 31, 2011, a massive crowd...p.8 1090739 words, 3363 pages, 199 chapter...p.10 The Red Hot Chili Peppers, one of the greatest...p.16 Page 2, News BEAT VERNOIS NEWS VERNOIS NEWS is a free monthly publication produced by students and staff of Mount Vernon Township High School. HOW TO REACH THE VERNOIS PUBLICATIONS OFFICE VERNOIS NEWS is located in Room 122H/123H on the campus of Mount Vernon Township High School, 320 South 7th Street, Mount Vernon, Illinois, 62864. Inquiries regarding advertising and other questions may be directed to VERNOIS NEWS by calling 618.246.5826 or 618.246.5827. Calls will be taken 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday during the school year. Newsroom: 618.246.5826 Mr. VanZandt’s Classroom: 618.246.5827 MVTHS Administration Dr. Michael E. Smith, Superintendent Mr. Wes Olson, Principal Ms. Joyce Dalton, Assistant Principal Ms. Julie Holmes, Assistant Principal Mr. Rob Knutson, Assistant Principal Mr. Doug Creel, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Mr. Rob Pipher, Director of Curriculum Mrs. Shirilyn Holt, Board Secretary Mrs. Angela Brentlinger, Business Manager VERNOIS NEWS Management Hannah Piercy, Editor in Chief Paisley Stewart, Managing Editor Jessi Clark, News Editor Michael Jones, A&E Editor Maggie Aaron, Opinions Editor Collin Young, Sports Editor Alyssa Burge, Staff Rance Cummings, Staff Shannon Docherty, Staff Brendan Hill, Staff Taylor Roberts, Staff Makayla Smith, Staff Trace Turner, Staff Falyn VanDyke, Staff Aryn Wiggins, Staff Mr. Jamey VanZandt, Adviser Mrs. Karen Hamilton, Print Shop Director Nelson Crunk, Print Shop Co-Op Technician Writing for Publication II: Period 4 Freshman Academy continues at MV By Kaitlyn Boss The third year of Freshman Academy Is underway at MV. This program benefits freshman students in several ways and has to be very successful over the years. “Freshman Academy is a perfect fit for our district where 13 different grade schools feed into our high school,” explained Ms. Julie Holmes. The freshman academy officers are in charge of organizing events and competitions for the freshman students at MV. “This year we have had contests each week for the best attendance. The team that wins gets to go to lunch 5 minutes early on Thursday,” mentioned Mrs. Tammy Hendricks. “Team S has won five weeks out of the ten we have had.” These officers are also in charge of the monthly Ram O Gram, Federal grant reporting, general help for freshman and the Family Partnership Association. “We are currently working on an Academy mission statement, a handbook and end of the year activities,” claimed Holmes. The benefits of Freshman Academy steadily increase each year. “Compared to previous years we have seen a steady increase in regard to attendance, tardiness, discipline and grades,” expressed Holmes. “Currently, freshmen have the highest attendance rate.” What our superintendent really does By Taylor Roberts Continued from page 1 position with in a school. But what do superintendents really do? “The job of a superintendent is to daily review and evaluate the school’s financial condition, approve purchases, personnel management, engage in improvement planning, monitor progress toward district goals, and act as the direct liaison between activities of the district and the Board of Education and community,” stated Dr. Mike Smith, Superintendent. The superintendent covers many areas of responsibility in the school. And what does the administrative assistant do? Mrs. Shirilyn Holt stated “Maintain attendance records on teachers and staff, act as local election authority for all school like a lot of different jobs to do, but these are only a few of her responsibilities. Both Smith and Holt thoroughly enjoy their jobs. But they enjoy them for different reasons. “I enjoy the ability to work with other administrators, teachers, staff, students, and community to establish and maintain a quality high school program. Also, I enjoy seeing recognizable progress being made by students and teachers,” commented Dr. Smith. Though Dr. Smith cherishes his job because of the progress being made, Mrs. Holt enjoys the excitement involved in her job. “I enjoy coming to work each day and enjoy working with Dr. Smith. There is never a dull moment at this job,” added Mrs. Holt. Attendance Office welcomes new semester By Makayla Smith It serves as a hawk eyes and central point for the school. Led by Ms. Joyce Dalton, it punishes Avery Barton, Kaitlyn Boss, Ashton Boyer, wrong doings and knows where students are. The Attendance Office oversees school areas like discipline, PBIS, and of course, attendance Shelbi Clark, Rance Cummings, Brendan Hill, Katrina Ledbetter, Samantha Marshall, Kristen The office is your go-to if you have mess up attendance, or you’re in trouble. Minor, Joshua Myers, Trace Turner Janisa “The class with the highest attendance will have a hop at the end of January. Ninety five perQuinn, Taylor Roberts, Makayla Smith, Falyn cent is the minimum requirement.,” explained Ms. Dalton. VanDyke This semester, the Attendance Office hopes for great behavior, great attendance, and great test scores. They also want to make sure students know they need documentation and approval by the Assistant Principle and the Attendance Office for all family emergency calls. The attendance office staff consist of; Ms. Joyce Dalton, Ms. Nancy Deaton, Mrs. Jan Neibert, Mrs. Tricia Reeves, and Mrs. Laura Simmons. For anyone who doesn't know which office is the Attendance office then you can find it in the lobby of H room 127. VERNOIS NEWS By Hannah Piercy News EDITOR IN CHIEF Continued from page 1 of MV. The freshmen class is separated into four teams, R, A, M, S, where students share their core classes with their fellow teammates. Select teachers teach the freshmen classes and assist students in the transition from grade school to high school. Through Freshmen Academy, students are able to experience the freedom of high school, with the support of core teachers and their fellow teammates. A unique aspect of Freshmen Academy is the separate freshman lunch. The freshmen eat lunch at 12:30, after the upperclassmen, in the cafeteria. All freshmen are required to stay on campus for their closed-campus lunch. “I don‟t personally like the separate freshmen lunch because I can‟t be with all my friends,” explained Ashley Henry, 15‟. Although freshmen don‟t have the freedom to leave campus dur- Sweetheart stirs up student excitement By Kaitlyn Boss VERNOIS NEWS Have you started thinking of who you will ask? How you will ask? If not, now us the time to start planning for the 2012 Sweetheart Dance at MV. This year‟s dance will be held on February 18 from 8 pm to 11 pm in Changnon Gym. The theme is “Alice in Wonderland.” “The theme was chosen by a majority vote of Hi-Tri members and it offers so much opportunity for fun,” Mrs. Carol Hutchison explained. Students can use their imaginations and come dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland. “Everyone should want to go to the dance to hang out with their friends, dance their hearts out, and just have fun!” Natalie Hensley, „15, exclaimed. Students can purchase tickets for the dance starting February 6 to February 10. Tickets will be sold before and after school in the library. “This year, everyone should at least plan on going to Sweetheart. It‟s super fun, and seniors...it‟s one of our last dances,” Bethany Allen, „12, expressed, The members of Hi-Tri have been working hard since before Christmas break in order to make this year‟s dance as successful as possible. “I‟m really excited for the dance. It‟s really good bonding time for me and the other girls,” Allen stated. “It‟s the biggest project that Hi-Tri does.” Freshman Hi-Tri members get to experience being a part of the Sweetheart Dance preparations for the first time. Hensley commented, “So far I like it a lot. It‟s really cool to get to know different girls who I normally wouldn‟t see due to different schedules.” There are also other events set up by Hi-Tri members planned to happen before the dance. “Hi-Tri Council members have decided to have a „Twisted Tea Party‟ prior to the dance,” Hutchison explained. “Students who purchase dance tickets will receive an invitation to the tea party with more information at that time.” MV students may also begin voting for class kings and queens starting early February. The winners will be crowned at the dance. News, Page 3 ing lunch, Alex O‟Neal, 15‟, believes the separate freshman lunch is a quick way to make friends. Henry also added, “It‟s an opportunity to get to know other freshmen.” With our high school having such a small cafeteria, it is impossible for all of our freshmen to fit, therefore, teachers open the lounge for students to eat and allow students to go outdoors when they are finished. “I spend my lunch time in the cafeteria with my friends that I went to grade school with,” stated Kayley Scott „15. Even though a closed campus may not be an ideal lunch for freshmen, there are still some aspects that they‟ll miss about their separate lunch. Scott expressed, “What I‟ll miss most about freshmen lunch, is the time. I heard from upperclassmen that they always have to rush if they go off campus. However, I am very excited that I‟ll get the opportunity to go off campus with my upperclassmen friends next year.” Freshmen Spotlight Sam Storment Do you play any sports? Yes, I play baseball. What do you like most about freshman year? What I like most is finally having classes with my friends from other schools. What is your favorite class and why? My favorite class is world geography because I have friends in that class. I am interested in that class, and Gamber is a pretty good teacher. Have you made any new friends? Are you still friends will other students from grade school? I have made many new friends during high school, and I am still friends with some of my grade school friends. Do you enjoy Freshman Academy? I do not enjoy Freshman Academy. Eating the same lunch in the cramped cafeteria every day gets very old. What extracurricular activities do you participate in, or wish to participate in? I currently only do baseball, but next year I am doing baseball, soccer, and Student Council. Has your personality changed since you have gotten into high school? My personality has changed little since I‟ve gotten into high school. I am a little less shy, but I still need to break out of my shell. What do you like better about high school than grade school? I like how we get more freedom at lunch and we also get to see friends from other schools that we never got to see before. Is there anything you want to accomplish in your four years of high school? I want to go to state in baseball and become valedictorian. VERNOIS NEWS … HAVE YOU READ IT? Page 4, Feature Feature VERNOIS NEWS MV students adjust to new semester By Taylor Roberts VERNOIS STAFF On January 3, MV students started second semester with fresh minds kicking off the new year. How are students coping with the new schedule? “I like change. I am always up for something different,” explained Makenzie Goodheart, „15. Other people don‟t enjoy changing things at all. Some like sticking to a routine. “I feel change can cause stress more often than excitement,” added Jake Morgan, „12. Everyone has a different opinion on why they like one semester over the other one. “I like all of my hard classes being at the end of the day,” stated Haley Myers, „14. Others like the social side of their schedules. “I love having classes with my boyfriend!” exclaimed Goodheart. When one thinks about their daily schedules, most look forward to their favorite class. One often wonders what interesting things they will encounter in that certain class. “My favorite class is 3D Drawing/Animation with Hatfield. I have NYC celebrates New Year’s Eve By Shelbi Clark VERNOIS NEWS Continued from page 1 of excited individuals gathered in Times Square in Manhattan, New York. New Year‟s Eve is one of New York City‟s largest celebrations. What did MV students do to begin a new year? “My family and I watched the ball drop on television. We have watched it every year since I was born,” stated Kristin Wetzel, „12. Some would rather a more local celebration. “I think Mt. Vernon should throw a huge celebration in front of the Times Square Mall and have local bands play. It would be our version of Times Square in Manhattan,” expressed Wetzel. Quite a few people believe that New York goes a little overboard on the lights, confetti, music, performances, and decorations, but others beg to differ. “They go all out because they are excited, [and] they should be,” explained Cheyenne Youngblood, „12. Some are content with celebrating at home, but having the choice of celebrating with anyone in the world can be an interesting thought. “I think hanging out with anyone who preforms at Times Square would be really amazing,” claimed Jenna Covalt, „12. “[But] if I had to choose, I would have thrown a huge celebration with my friends. That would be my ideal celebration.” “I would [like to] go to South Carolina and spend the first of the new year on the beach. That would be the best [way] in my opinion,” expressed Youngblood. The New Year‟s Eve ball is a New York tradition that has been around since 1907. The bustling energy has increased ever since then, and it doesn‟t any signs of slowing down. “It‟s crazy how after all of these...New Year‟s Eve in New York celebrations, every year the city manages to make it bigger and better,” commented Youngblood. always been fascinated by designing 3D models for games,” confided Morgan. While quite a few students are intrigued by design and architectural classes, some are interested in social studies classes. “World history was my favorite,” Myers admitted. But how do MV students select their favorite class? What makes that class better than the rest? “I pick the class that I look forward to going to everyday,” stated Goodheart. “The one that interests me the most usually wins the vote,” commented Morgan. Though everyone has a favorite class, everyone is required to attend all the classes on his or her schedule. Overall, do MV students think that the schedule changes are a good idea, or simply a hassle? “I think schedules should change, but only slightly. Students often become confused and stressed during change, so changes should only be made when necessary,” commented Morgan. “Once you get used to your schedule, it changes,” complained Goodheart. Myers added, “I do think it should change because you get tired of doing the same thing.” High school students keep Christian faith By Kirsten Minor VERNOIS NEWS High school can be a tough place. Students are confronted every day by peer pressure and bad influences. High school can be a constant competition for popularity. How do Christian students keep their faith with all of the chaos at school? A lot of students find it hard to be a good, true Christian in high school. “With all of my peers, pressures and such, it does get really hard to be a good Christian,” stated Devon Riley, „12. Many Christian students feel like they can‟t talk about their faith at school because they‟ll get made fun of or their friends might think less of them. Others don‟t care that they may be judged for it; they spread God‟s word with no shame or fear at all. “I talk about Jesus all of the time. I talk [about him] with my non-Christian friends way more than fellow Christians. It makes for an interesting conversation,” stated Kelsey Richardson, „12. Some teenagers are ashamed to share their faith and sometimes hide it . But not Sadie Schnautz, „14, who explained, “I want people to respect me for my faith. God isn‟t something to be shy about.” Peer pressure normally affects teenagers the most because they want acceptance. So, they do things out of the regular to make others like them. “I do mean things when I‟m with my friends sometimes. Once I put a bunch of sticky notes all over Ashton Boyer‟s car. It‟s not something I‟d do by myself. My friends encouraged me to do it,” mentioned Riley. Some Christians are called names like “Goody-2-Shoes” or “idiotic” for believing in a God that isn‟t visible. Despite all of the name calling and judgment of Christians, so many continue to proclaim their love for God. Why? For some, their faith in God is too strong to be changed by words or pressure. “I love God despite others‟ opinions because he loves us no matter what…” thought David Wininger, „15. Feature, Page 5 VERNOIS NEWS Senioritis affects some By Falyn VanDyke VERNOIS STAFF Second semester offers many different emotions for seniors. Not only is it the end of their high school career, but they have to say good bye to lifelong friends before they leave for college. In the last few months of the year, senioritis starts to show. Laziness sets in, students begin to slack, and homework gets ignored. “When I was a junior I didn't think it was going to be as bad as everyone said, but it is,” commented Annalee Schuettee, „12. Moving from junior to a senior students underestimate the powers of the infamous senioritis. “Senioritis has already started before senior year rolled around,” mentioned Ariana Moffit, „12. They‟ve differed from what they were first semester. “I knew I needed to keep my grades up and make sure I hung out with all my old friends before the year ended,” explained Makayla Winkler, „12. “I‟m more focused on finding scholarships now. I spend time Mary Morgan ‘15 finding a college last semester,” added Moffit, „12. Students involved in sports would even say that school work comes second to sports, but even sports have been moved from top priority to last. “With football season over, I‟ve has more time to focus on school work. Academics first, athletics second,” stated Daniel Morrison, „12. For most students, one wouldn't believe homework would be a huge priority, but for these seniors it is. “I definitely set aside specific nights just to study and do homework assignments. It‟s worked great so far,” noted Winkler, „12. “I try to stay ahead of the game and study in the little free time I have,” claimed Schuettee, „12. Some students are even lucky enough not to be too phased by senioritis. “I don't think I‟m struggling with senioritis, to be honest. If anything I‟d like to have another year here. As much as everyone says they hate Mt. Vernon and the high school, it‟s my home. I‟m going to miss it,” expressed Morrison, „12. Well, it‟s just like any other school, just a lot more walking! It was a bit confusing at the beginning of the year, but I got t he hang of it after about a week or two. The best part of my day is always hanging out and talking to my friends. Freshmen begin driving By Makayla Smith VERNOIS STAFF Their hearts pound, their sweaty palms grip the steering wheel, their minds race. They‟re freshmen, and they are driving for the first time. For a lucky few, waiting has been eliminated to start Driver‟s Ed. Learning they‟re going to be getting behind the wheel as a freshman can make butterflies flutter in their stomachs. “I was overjoyed!” Miriam Hester, ‟15, exclaimed. Karli Verheyen, ‟15, laughed, “It makes me feel old.” “I felt scared and excited at the same time,” Dava Smith, ‟15, declared. For some MV freshmen, getting a permit will mean added responsibilities. “I‟ll be responsible for driving to town and to church on the weekends,” Hester noted. Mallory McMahan, ‟15, added, “I have to be careful, drive safe, and not violate any of the rules because I don‟t want to lose my permit.” Of course, before they get behind the wheel, they have to learn the basics. “Currently in class we are Mrs. Laura Woods Spanish learning about laws for driving, how to drive, and being safe while diving,” explained Madalina Overstreet, ‟15. “The class is fun and getting to drive is fun,” commented Verheyen. McMahan added, “I love the class and getting to drive makes it that much better!” There is an area that‟s stressed heavily in Driver‟s Ed: safety. “I hope to become a safe driver,” Smith admitted. But the freedom of driving comes with a price. Starting January 1, Illinois enacted stricter laws for teenage drivers. Among the many changes are things like curfews being shortened by an hour, teens will have to keep a driving learner‟s permit for nine months instead of three, and teens with a graduated driver‟s license will have to drive violation-free for six months by the time they‟re eighteen before they can become eligible for an unrestricted license. “Personally, I think no matter how aggravating the laws may be to other people, the laws are for our benefit and it helps keep everyone safe,” Overstreet commented. In my high school, there were stricter rules about dress. Even though our classrooms were not air-conditioned, we were not allowed to wear shorts ever. We also could not wear sweat pants. We had 2 or 3 security guards who patrolled the halls and stopped students who were in the halls during class time. We were not allowed to wear coats or carry backpacks to class. Page 6, News What’s Jumpin’ Jessi? By Jessi Clark NEWS EDITOR Prom Answers At Last Though it‟s only January, prom is underway. The junior prom committee has been working hard to fundraise for the memorable night we are all looking forward to. Questions have been raised as to where prom is located this year and what is planned for the night. The theme of the 2012 prom is “A Night Under the Stars.” The dance will be held on April 28. Prom will be a little different this year than it has been in the previous years. Instead of the Holiday Inn Hotel, prom will be located on 42nd Street where the new Logan Street Baptist Church is to be being built. Prom will be held under the pavilion in a type of rental tent. No, that does not mean it will be outside. The tent will be enclosed. It will include windows, a wooden dance floor, and heating/air conditioning. The prom tent will have plenty of room for coronation and the dance itself. There will be separate areas for both events. Bathrooms will be installed for usage as well. As for parking, mandatory valet parking will be available. Juniors, you still have a chance to be on prom committee. The next meeting is February 8 in Mrs. Tieffel‟s room, 208 H. Remember, it‟s your prom too. VERNOIS NEWS GOP candidates vie for top spots By Jessi Clark VERNOIS NEWS Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul? Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum? The final four candidates for the 2012 presidential election have been debating and campaigning throughout the country. These four are the only left out of the eleven candidates for the Republican party. There have been three chances these Republican candidates to show voter enthusiasm. This includes two primaries and one caucus. The Iowa Caucus took place on January 3. According to www.usatoday.com, Rick Santorum stole the lead with 24.6% of the votes. Mitt Romney came in with a close second of 24.5% Following the Iowa Caucus was the New Hamp- shire Primary on January 10. Mitt Romney came in first place with 39.3% of votes while Ron Paul placed second with 22.9% votes. Last but definitely not least, the South Carolina Primary was on January 21. Newt Gingrich locked in first place with 40.4% votes over Mitt Romney with 27.8% votes. The voting session will take place in the Florida primary on January 31. As for the Democrat party candidate, the incumbent President Barack Obama will be running for his second term. President Obama spoke on January 24 in his third State of the Union address. Some say, that was the beginning on his campaign for his second term as president. The 57th presidential election will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Student Council prepares for midwinter coffeehouse By Brendan Hill VERNOIS STAFF Coffeehouses have become a popular event at MV. The midwinter coffeehouse will occur on February 15. “The coffeehouse is a place where students can come and eat, hang out, enjoy music, poetry, sketches, and fun and exciting people,” stated Olivia Ashby, „15. Food is provided to all who come to coffeehouse. “The MV Student Council usually prepares for the coffeehouse by calling local food places such as Subway and Buffalo Wild Wings to donate food. Other Student Council members provide the drinks and a variety of other things like chips and cookies,” Ashby added. The coffeehouse is usually held in 119H. “We bring chairs and couches into 119H so everyone can have a place to sit, hang out, and relax,” Ashby explained. The Student Council meets up in order to prepare for the event. “We have a committee for the coffeehouse and they have meetings where they plan out the coffeehouse,” commented Trey Riley, „15. The attendance to the coffeehouse has grown since it has become popular. “I‟m not really sure on the exact umer of students that attend, but at the last coffeehouse I think we had over 100 people,” exclaimed Felicia Wagner, „15. The coffeehouse is a place where students can show off their talent. “At the last coffeehouse I attended, I preformed a song,” admitted Wagner. Many people enjoy the coffeehouse. “I didn‟t really know what the coffeehouse was until I attended one and it was so much fun! There was good food and a lot of great performances. I plan on going to all of the future ones,” expressed Shayln Koch, „15. The coffeehouse is an opportunity for all MV students to come together and have a great time. VERNOIS NEWS Editorial VERNOIS NEWS A VERNOIS PUBLICATIONS GROUP Newspaper Editorial Board: Hannah Piercy, Editor in Chief Paisley Stewart, Managing Editor Mr. Jamey VanZandt, Adviser Vernois Views 2012 Equals New Beginning MV embarks on a new semester, a new year, and new beginnings. As 2012 continues into late January, we leave 2011 behind with only the good memories. With the commencement of a new year, people tend to reflect upon the past as well as considering the future. For most, resolutions mean giving up something, but how about resolving to do something meaningful instead. The new year is a new start; set goals and accomplish the dreams you have. Resolutions are seen as cliché, but they do not have to be the traditional “I want to lose weight” or “spend more time with friends”. Resolving to accomplish these are great, but go above and take the opportunity to make improvements to your life and those around you. 2012 may just be another year, but it symbolizes so much more. For freshmen, it is realizing they have survived the first semester of high school. They are reassured in their navigation and management of high school. Sophomores can remember the time they have spent so far at MV, realizing they have almost reached the midway point of their secondary education, and observing how they have matured in these past years. More than ever, juniors shift their attention to college and future endeavors. They are experiencing what is known as the hardest year of their academic lives and are preparing for what is to come. As for seniors, they see the finish line. They are almost at the conclusion of the race, and ready to be. With the best part of their four years completed, they are prepared to make the most out of these final months. Vernois News encourages all MV students to set new goals and expectations for the new year. 2012 can be anything you want it to be, so make the most of this new year. Editorial, Page 7 Staff Comment on the New Year “This year I want to pass all of my classes with an A or B … hopefully!” -Falyn VanDyke “This year I want to be healthier and be as nice as I can to other people.” -Shannon Docherty “I hope the new year brings great new memories, friendships, and experiences. I hope 2012 will continue to be an awesome year.” -Brendan Hill “I like how a new year motivates people to make better decisions. Hopefully they will continue to make those better decisions.” -Makayla Smith “I hope I can make the best of the little time I have left here at MV and to have no regrets.” -Rance Cummings “I want to get my head back on straight with my goals and I also want a stronger relationship with God.” -Michael Jones “Take 2012 as an opportunity to find and create yourself … after all that is what high school is all about. Explore your taste and interest to rediscover your passion. Life is what you make it, so begin with making this year great.” -Paisley Stewart “My goal for 2012 is to be a better person and nicer to everyone.” -Collin Young I graduated from MV in 1993. Everyone had to take the semester exams, but if we met the attendance requirements we got an extra 10 pts on it. Mrs. Mr. Ryan Robinson I went to a smaller high school, so many things were different. Often, the upperclassmen befriended the freshmen. Kiley Docherty In high school, girls weren’t allowed to wear slacks and guys couldn’t wear jeans. Mrs. “High school is just one baby step into the life you will or have planned to create. It holds all of the challenges that turn into experiences, holds a tiny portion of answers to your questions, and gives you the freedom to start to become someone great or someone who wished to have become even greater. High school contains a spell that either changes you for better or worse. It’s just up to you if you decide to overcome that spell by becoming great and looking back at the baby steps you learned to accomplish into a steady walk.” -Madalina Overstreet Debbie Nelson I see myself with good grades and on a path to college … maybe even graduating early. Catarina Bell A Rockin’ Ram with good grades preparing to become an adult and live on my own. Haley Lamke I see myself taking advanced classes or even some college courses if I get all of my credits for high school. Ashtyn Cornett Get involved. Meet new people. Study now. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Mrs. Terry Black Don’t buy any elevator tickets. Mr. David Kassner Ms. Tami Lovin Stay in school. Work hard. Try to learn as much as you can. Get involved in activities. Have fun! As a senior, I hope I’m involved in everything and have good grades to get into a good college. I want my senior year to be something to remember. Shayln Koch Hopefully, ranked in basketball and on my way to a good college. Bryce Hunter I see myself as accomplished, because I have set a goal to be in every Operetta there is while I’m in high school. Caleb Vaughn I would like to get better grades, become more social, and become more independent. Felicia Wagner Getting a great education and hopefully I’ll go to some great college after that. Become a bowling star or get over my fear of speaking in front of a crowd. Danielle Venters I want to figure out who I am and what I want to do with the rest of my life Brooke Lacey Davarr Davis I would like to become more involved, work hard, and try to make a good future. I will hopefully be captain of the state-bound Mt. Vernon Rams football team Autumn Long Graham Henken I’m a member of band, student council, and I am one of the four Ram mascots. Samuel Simpson I really never have free time because of basketball practice and games. Anthony Ross I text my friends, hang out with friends, spend time with the family, and go to church. Samantha Riddle I joined the wrestling team, FFA, and plan to try out for the tennis team. Dalton Barnes I am in student council, FBLA, and am in Tech Crew for our school plays and productions. Olivia Ashby I am involved in basketball, StuCo, Football, and baseball. Dylan Reeves Page 10, Columns Columns VERNOIS NEWS Senioritis: downfall of senior year Alis Volat Propriis By Hannah Piercy EDITOR IN CHIEF An epidemic that has plagued America for years, continues to affect lives all across the U.S. The symptoms show up every year. Seniors are overwhelmed with extracurricular activities, jobs, scholarships, and a social life. Homework is soon placed on the back burner and isn’t thought about until it’s too late. The diagnosis? Senioritis. Senioritis is easy to catch but it’s so hard to shake. Like every other year, a senior begins the school year with goals of straight A’s and zero tardies. Their energy level is at it’s peak: ready to work, ready to change, and ready to be the kings of the school. To our dismay, that superficial energy quickly runs dry and the expectations for a senior become overwhelming. Is too much expected from a high school senior? I believe so. Senior year should be a time of transition from a teenager to a young adult; however, it’s more of a chaotic change. As a senior, I know the difficulties of keeping up with a job, my extracurricular activities, church, grades, and family; it isn’t an easy task. We are expected to fill out scholarship applications, apply to the right colleges, and chose a career all while keeping a straight “A” report card. Unfortunately, with so many responsibilities, we lack the time to give one hundred percent to all of our activities. We are the varsity players on our sports teams. We are the head officers of our clubs. We are the leaders of this school. Not only is it our responsibility to promote our high school and do our school work, but we must plan for the rest of our lives. The excitement that develops from an uncharted future often distracts us from the task at hand; therefore we see another case of senioritis flare. It would behoove us to take control of senioritis and hold out for a little while longer. This is it seniors! Let’s make it the best of the best! We have 114 more days to be high school seniors. Although we may feel overwhelmed, bored, and ready to leave, let’s hold on and enjoy the ride together! Is too much expected from a high school senior? Harry Potter proves beneficial to life can get more sleep or catch up on our favorite T.V shows; reading for pleasure is usually the first to go. MANAGING The extent of our reading becomes thirty-five minutes in EngEDITOR lish class, latest Facebook statuses, or the small bits that are encompassed into homework. 1090739 words, 3363 pages, 199 chapters, 17 hours This is a sad reality in my opinion. and 14 minutes, 8 movies, Engaging in literature is extremely 7 books, and 1 story. beneficial. For the past several It is proven that reading, if even for a short years our generation has period of time a day, can drastically raise embraced the magic that is Harry Potter. ACT and state testing scores. As a child I remember reading each Not only does reading have academic book, anxiously attending the movies, waitbenefits but social and personal as well. ing in line at midnight to be in the first The many wise words of Dumbledore round of people who got to hold the newest stick in my head as lessons. addition to the series into my hand, and “Its our choices, Harry, that show what finally finishing the books with more than a we truly are, far more than our abilities.”, tinge of sadness. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forTheme parks have miles of land dediget to live”, and “It takes a great deal of cated to it, teenagers carry around fake (I bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a mean “real”) wands, and it is not uncomVERNOIS NEWS graphic/http://nicegirlstv.com great deal more to stand up to your friends.” mon to speak in Harry Potter lingo. The iconic trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend their I am not saying to read Harry Potter, I I personally follow the one and only time studying magic at Hogwarts. The actors brought to am saying however to read something. life J.K Rowling's Novels. Lord Voldermort on twitter. Try a new genera if you have yet to While this might seem like a lot of find you literary interest. fuss over something that is purely fiction I have never viewed as it as Between horror, fantasy, sci-fi, realistic fiction, romance, and that. so many others out there, I promise there are novels for everyone. You see, I am convinced that sometimes you have to escape I found the magic of reading at a young age beginning at Numinto fantasy to know reality. ber 4 Privet Drive and ending at Hogwarts; I hope everyone can find As high schools we find ourselves immersed in a busy schedule the magic and benefits of literature for themselves as well. of school, work, and extracurricular, we cut out activities so that we Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da By Paisley Stewart VERNOIS NEWS Columns Columns, Page 11 Boyer dares to dream I Dare You to Move By Ashton Boyer VERNOIS NEWS Dr. Laura Schlessinger once said, “When you dare to dream, dare to follow that dream, dare to suffer through the pain, sacrifice, selfdoubts, and friction from the world.” Remember when we were kids, when we used to constantly dream? We used to dream big, never thinking about the impossibility that might stop us in our tracks. Often we dreamed about things that lined up with our passions and desires, things that we really enjoyed. As we grew older, adults began to bring us down to so-called reality. We were told it couldn't happen. We were told we weren't good enough or that we weren't smart enough. That so-called reality dashed our hopes and dreams. In the process, we began to live lives devoid of hope and began to settle for average and status-quo. We not only lost our dreams, but in the process, we forgot how to dream. What if one could do anything they wished? Absolutely anything no matter how unrealistic it seemed. What would you try to do? What if we began to think that nothing was impossible and lived life to the fullest? What if we didn't try to put limits on ourselves or our ability to learn something? What if we begin to not feel failure? How would life look differently? For me, I want to make a difference in the world. Me, a single person, I'm a nobody by the world’s standards. But, I am starting to believe that I can make a difference. I'm starting to believe that the world isn't as big as I thought it was. I'm starting to dare to do things I have never done before. I'm beginning to take “impossible” our of my dictionary. I’m daring to dream again. A vision that calls you to action, that puts you in your unstoppable state of defying every odd that’s against you. The greatest leaders know only the standards set by their dreams of what is truly possible, and the best time to start dreaming big is now. No matter where you are in life, it is never too early to broaden your vision of what's possible. Big dreams are where it all starts, from your earliest dreams of becoming an astronaut or a baseball player, to your dreams of going to college, writing a book, or owning your dream car, if you do not dream of it first, you will never actualize it isn't your life. You see, no one in this world has ever created or accomplished anything without first seeing it in their mind. The greatest achievers in human history have been those with the biggest and boldest goals and dreams. Life as know it wouldn't be what it is today without those individuals. But each of us can be one of those people who shape the destiny of the world. Though dreams, goals, and desires we have the power to create something just as extraordinary as the greatest leaders in the world. Through dreams, through imagination, the mission and vision will come as soon as you release your perceived limitations and allow your Making decisions changes lives Brendan’s Breakdown By Brendan Hill VERNOIS NEWS Decisions. We make them every day. Whether it’s a small as what you eat in the morning or something as big as what you would like to do with your life. These decisions may be very difficult to make sometimes. As the New Year began I started to think back on the previous year about how many decisions I had to make. Everyone makes millions and millions of decisions throughout a year. For students they make many decisions in high school. They make them in school everyday. They make the decision on whether or not they should take their schoolwork seriously or just get by. High school is the time where most students start learning to make most decisions. It’s a time where they make the choice to be successful or not. Will students get involved and stay on top of their work at school or will they slack off and make bad choices? It’s their decision. Students always make decisions on what people they hang around. Our friends have a big impact on us and we decide we want to be friends. This is a big decision that is made by teens as they enter high school. It was definitely a decision I had to make. Friends influence our decisions we make. They could help us to make the right decision or turn us on the wrong path. Dating and relationships are also major choices that are made in life. Who students want to be with is a big decision made my students all the time. Each of these decisions will lead to a consequence. We are always making decisions, so we need to learn how to make responsible and careful choices. Sometimes we wonder whether we are making the right choices. There are times when we will make the wrong decisions. If we remain positive we will learn from these mistakes. When a tough decision comes along, students should try to realize how this choice will affect their life and if it is truly the right thing to do. “There are times we will make the wrong decision. If we remain positive we will learn from these mistakes.” Page 12, Columns VERNOIS NEWS Smith shares saga of some new kittens Our neighbors have been out of the house a lot for various reasons, so they hadn’t noticed that the kittens were gone yet. When VERNOIS STAFF they returned, we let them take the kittens back to their house, since they were rightfully theirs. No protection from mice. Little meows. Noises outside. Then, the kittens were back on our porch. I think the neighbors These can only mean one thing: our neighbor’s kittens have takfinally realized the kittens preferred life at my house. en residence on my porch. Our neighbors had to leave again with I love kittens. Cats in general, really. So house issues, so we watched over their kittens, when the kittens showed up at our doorstep, feeding and petting them. my family was ready to feed them. Then, they got in. So we let them stay in a However, I don’t think we knew at the while and out then put them out. time they were our neighbor’s. Then we let them stay inside longer, and Our neighbor wanted the kittens to be they started to cuddle with us. The kittens mice eaters, so they didn’t feed them. But would get on my lap and snuggle and climb me they were really little and really young, so until I gave them attention and petted them. I they needed to be fed. They weren’t ready didn’t mind, though. They’re adorable. for mice chasing and eating. And then, we named them. Their names And once someone gives a cat some food, are Maria and Marissa. the cat knows where to go when he or she is So I guess the kittens are kind of ours now. hungry. I think our neighbors realize the kittens are So, of course, the two sister kittens stayed VERNOIS NEWS photo/Makayla Smith attached to us, as we are to them. on our porch. They enjoyed napping on the Smith displays her new kittens, Maria and MarisMaria and Marissa are currently outdoor kitrocking chairs. sa. The kittens have grown to love the Smith tens, but they come in every day. They’ve alBut my mom was adamant that we weren’t family. ready learned to use the litter box, apparently. about to let two more kittens stay in our My mom may still give in and let them stay inhouse, since we already have three cats. We got two of our three side all the time, but I have my doubts. I’m fine with the arrangeindoor cats in about the same way: they’re here, they’re kittens, ment we have now, though. they don’t have their momma nearby, and they’re adorable. Also, And besides who can resist the crazy cuteness of their kitten they need food. faces? Makayla’s Musings By Makayla Smith Roberts begins planning for future But should people really push back looking at colleges? Even though it seems far away now, it is going to be here sooner than some think. VERNOIS STAFF The future is a mystery to everyone, no one is sure what will hapImagine handing a stack of college applications to a group of four- pen or what will stand in the way of how you plan for your future to teen and fifteen year olds. These are the people whose biggest issue be. But, you should at least know what you want you r future to be is who they are going to sit by at lunch. like. During the last month, some of the I personally think that planning for freshman classes have been trying to set college can never come too early. Even up a plan for the rest of their lives. The though I still have three years, I want to classes were instructed to write down explore all of my options before it’s too their goals for after high school. In some late. classes they even had to explain how I do not want to be stuck in the sticky they planned to accomplish these goals. situation of trying to go see ten different A lot of answers for the freshmen colleges on opposite sides of the country included, “I haven’t thought much about all in one year. college,” or maybe an answer such as, “I The future is a big deal, it is when have a hard time thinking about tomorwe, as high school students, will become row's homework, and college doesn’t adults and will be set on our way to be really cross my mind”. out on our own. It isn’t a joke and Another common answer is “I think I shouldn’t be taken very lightly. will just stay here and go to Rend Lake”. Allowing lots of time for planning Personally, that is not my plan for after such as a big event in our lives is a wonhigh school. derful idea. I don’t want to go off to college not knowing what I After I graduate, I want to go to college far away from here and want to do with my life. get used to the idea of living on my own. After high school, I want So the question remains when is the right time to start planning to be getting closer to being fully independent. for life after high school? I think it is never too early to set goals and When I tell people that I have already been on college tours, they start exploring what is out there and to have an idea of what the look at me like I am a crazy person. In fact, I am only 15 years old future could be. and college is still about three and a half years away. Taylor’s Tales By Taylor Roberts “I don’t want to go off to college not knowing what I want to do with my life.” VERNOIS NEWS Opinions Aaron urges change Mag’s Tags By Maggie Aaron OPINIONS EDITOR Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and petition. There are the basic freedoms which all American citizens are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. However, just because these rights are inherently given to us and are almost certainly never going to go away, does not mean that we should abuse them. Some people, especially around this campus, seem to think that freedom of speech means that they can say whatever they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want, and that it is acceptable. What happened to common courtesy towards others, and the cliché we all learned at a young age: if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. While that expression is simple enough for a younger audience to understand, the meaning should not be overlooked by those whose age exceeds what we consider “young”. The freedoms we have been given, were given for a serious reason, no so that they can be abused. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing and it allows us to be able to express reasonable matters. However, wasting our breath talking about meaningless and immature matters such as the disagreement between Mt. Vernon and Woodlawn students does not seem like the best use of the right. I’ve heard numerous opinions about it, I’ve seen written insults and empty threats and somehow, when James Madison drafted the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which later became the Bill of Rights, I don’t think he had a pointless rivalry between two small Illinois town in mind. I solution to that is up the maturity level, don't dwell on pointless comments, and be all -around kinder people. Freedom of religion enable us to practice whatever religion we so choose, without a higher authority telling us we can’t. Therefore, I believe that making fun of other student’s religious backgrounds on campus infringes upon that right. Discrimination is wrong in any form, but discrimination based on beliefs it exactly what was trying to be avoided when the right was created. I ask, MV, that we stay away from that cliché high school image of some students being put down because they are different in these beliefs. On campus there are numerous instances where our rights are tested, and when they are abused. Compared to what was thought of when those rights were drawn up, todays citizen’s do not appreciate them and take them for granted. Minor favors warmer temps Minor Meenes By Kirsten Minor VERNOIS STAFF Winter is officially here. I’ve heard so many people hope for snow. However, I hate the cold. Along with hating the cold, I also hate snow. I dread the days when it snows. Cold weather is miserable. I always have to be bundled up in a bunch of layers of clothing and I end up looking like a marshmallow. It very uncomfortable. I hate having to wear a massive amount of clothing, I feel that most comfortable in a short sleeve shirt and some pants. Beside having to bundle up, there is shivering. I don’t really enjoy when my body feels like its having mini convulsion because its freezing cold. It is bothersome. Then, driving anywhere is a struggle. The windows of the car frost up after being left out in the cold all night. So, to be able to see out of your window you have to scrape them, which is a huge time consumer, but if you don’t clear them it’s obviously very dangerous. The roads are slick and icy, making it so much easier to get into an accident. If you drive anything like me, you’re completely awful anyways, and this makes it so much worse. Even without all of the hazards and things, the cold is just unpleasant. I stay cooped up in my house all season, because I don't want to deal with the weather. Gladly, this winter hasn’t been too bad so far. It has been warmer than many past winters. On some days it almost feels like early spring. I was really happy that it hadn’t snowed for so long, then on January 12, it did. Sad day that was. Snow is all right around Christmas time, I feel like it helps bring out the Christmas spirit, but anytime other than then thought I cant stand. I’ll just pray that the weather doesn’t get too dreadfully bad. Opinions, Page 13 What’s your opinion MV? “I believe that evidence is shown through science and that the latest weather phenomenon is true...” -Nathanial Groh, ‘13, on global warning “I love having the word of God permanently on my body, and it’s actually helped me share the gospel several times...” -Kelsey Richardson, ‘12, on Christians with tattoos. “I hate that movie…” -Aaron Neibert, ‘13, on Twilight “Life is way too short to waste energy on things that won’t matter in the future...” -Lanie Conner, ‘13, on unnecessary drama “People shouldn’t care as much about their own opinions as much as His because in the end its His judgment that matters…” -Brent Flota, ‘12, on God “I’m never going on a cruise because of this…” -Cole Chauncey, ‘13, on The Costa Concordia Disaster “What’s with all the vampires? Why don’t they make more about mummies or something?” -Mrs. Teresa Black on Current Films “I dislike unhappy people who make other people unhappy…” -Reis Barnfield on Happiness Page 14, Opinions VERNOIS NEWS Lend that helping hand, MV Guest Opinion By Mackenzie Reever VERNOIS NEWS I wonder if anyone ever thinks about how much food they eat in one day, compared to how much food starving families eat worldwide eat. One major issue and concern I have is world hunger. One day I would like to help starving families all around the world through world hunger organizations. Knowing that I helped at least one family would make me feel like a better person. Trying to understand how so many people are starving in the world is difficult because there is so much food around us. Unfortunately, a lot of food is wasted. I think many people, including myself, take food and everything else they have granted sometimes. Everyone should take at least one opportunity to help someone in need. Being involved in a world hunger organization would be a great experience for anyone and could make people appreciate everything they have. Millions of children and adults die each year from hunger. If everyone took the time and money to donate to world hunger organizations, at least once a month or year, the number of starving families would slowly decrease. Something as simple as buying food for someone out on the streets would even make a difference. Most people in starving countries live in poverty. They don't have much technology to other things to help them with their daily routines. Families have to do everything on their own, and with no food or energy; daily life must be a struggle for them. Think about how much you have, and sacrifice some time to help others. Eventually, we can stop world hunger and change the world for the better. “Think about how much you have, and sacrifice some to help others.” Never give up, MV Not Bossin’ Just Sayin’ By Kaitlyn Boss VERNOIS NEWS January 1 marks that first day of the New Year. For many , it is also the first day they finally decide to make some changes in their lives, otherwise known as resolutions. The month of January is quickly approaching its last days until next year. Most of the people who made these resolutions have probably given up or forgotten by now. I feel as though many people decide to make resolution for the New Year, but are only doing so because many others do. These followers are not truly dedicated to making changes in their lives and so they do not follow through. Once they mess up during the year, they can’t wait until the next to repeat that empty process. I have made these “New Year’s resolutions” in the past and I never really felt accomplished. To me, it does not make a whole lot of sense to wait until a certain day to finally decide to change for the better. Now, when I feel the need to change something I do not wait until a certain day to begin. I get inspired to change and motivate to do so on my own time. If you are one of those people who are slacking on their resolutions, re motivate yourself and try again. Who cares that we are already a couple weeks into 2012? Just because you’ve reached a new start to a new year does not guarantee success without effort. To be truly successful with change you must inspire yourself. So whether your resolution was to lose weight, improve your grades or spend more time with your family, do not wait for the next New Year if you mess up. Anytime is a good time to start over. Recipe of the Month Cheddar Biscuits Ingredients: 1 pack buttermilk biscuit mix 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 1/2 cup milk 2 tbsp. butter 1 tbsp. oregano 3/4 tsp garlic salt Directions: 1. Preheat over to 400 degrees. Spray cooking sheet with non-stick spray. 2. Put biscuit mix, cheese and milk in a bowl and mix well to form a sticky dough. 3. Using spoon, drop lumps of dough onto cookie sheets 1.5 in apart. 4. Bake for 10 minutes 5. In a bowl, melt butter and mix with oregano and garlic salt 6. When the timer goes off, take them out and brush with butter mixture and bake 5 min at 400 degrees and another 5-6 min at 350 degrees 7. Transfer onto a late and serves immediately A&E Freshmen folly on TV choices A&E, Page 15 VERNOIS NEWS However, Jersey Shore is not all that is being viewed. Many students choose to A&E EDITOR watch more productive, more mature shows. Hannah Owens, ’15, exJuice Heads, tanned bimbos, plained, “NCIS is probably one of loud obnoxious house music, and my favorite shows. It’s sort of lots of debauchery: what do all dorky, but I like trying to solve of these have in common? the case.” A certain show on MTV comes NCIS is one of those shows to mind: Jersey Shore. that actually make one’s mind MV knows this show, based work, trying to figure out clues, on the premise of following eight and how and why the crimes primadona as they try to show were committed, and there is off for the crowds on the more to this show than hooking “illustrious” Jersey Coast. up and drinking. Despite glamorizing such “I like to watch Scrubs, not scandalous and immature behavonly because it’s funny, but beior, some MV freshmen love this cause it show. some-what Taylor realistic,” Nowitzke commented ’15,said, Nicholas “Jersey Pearce. Shore is my Scrubs favorite. I has a diflike the tan ferent sort guidos.” of flow to Think it, and the about it: tan comedy is a guidos, what little higha great reaer level son to like a than just show. watching It’s not VERNOIS NEWS/hollywoodoncrack.net intoxicatbecause of The Jersey Shore cast lined up showing off their ed particular styles, the large X is appropriate here. the clever people run humor, it’s amuck. because Entertainment Opinion By Michael Jones what our society values now-adays. “I like the Jersey Shore because it’s hilarious!” exclaimed Christian Plumb, ’15. Hilariousness, but what makes this show funny? Honestly, watching a bunch of 30 year olds act like intoxicated college students isn’t funny at all. It’s actually quite said for adults to act like that. By that age, people should be functioning members of society, not partying it up on the weekends, and acting a fool. These characters that people love so much are adults, and they should act like it. What would you think about your parents acting like that? Would that be funny? Would that be something you would want to watch on television? Zac Braff, a star of the show, has a unique humor about him that is quite entertaining. Looking back on my years at MV, my tastes in entertainment choices have changed dramatically. Honestly, it comes with maturity. The drinking, and the provocativeness portrayed on shows like the Jersey Shore, will become more and more mundane until one will eventually stop watching it. But freshmen will be freshmen. They will come around, eventually. CHECK OUT SOME OF YOUR FRESHMEN CLASS’S FAVORITE MOVIES: The Help, Lion King, Mean Girls, A Cinderella Story, The Blind Side, Zombie Land, The Time Travelers Wife.. And Many more! Mike’s Soundstage What’s on my playlist? My pick for January would have to be “Colly Strings” by Manchester Orchestra. By Michael Jones A&E EDITOR I recently heard this band and I was instantly taken-aback. This song has definitely been added to my favorites list. Page 16, A & E VERNOIS NEWS Mac vs. PC: which is the better computer? By Avery Barton VERNIOS NEWS Nerds argue over the subject: which is better, Mac or PC? It can definitely be argued until the end of time, but is there a right or wrong answer? Or is it all opinion? According to apple.com, upgrading to a mac isn't just upgrading your computer. It‟s upgrading your whole computing experience. Apple.com states that a mac computer is built to be a better computer. It cannot get viruses, and it is compatible with windows and all of one‟s equipment. According to Mrs. Karen Hamilton, Macs are really easy. According to wisegeek.com, a PC is the clear winner for a variety of reasons. More games are available for the PC than for the Mac, and video card technology is constantly evolving to support the latest standards. Upgrading a PC‟s graphic card is easy with plenty of choices available from low-end cards to extremely expensive cards, including dual graphics capability (using two cards). Upgrading a Mac is not always possible, and when it is, there is limited hardware available that is typically more expensive than its equal PC counterpart. “I prefer a PC over a Mac,” stated Matt Stanley, „13. “While I think Macs are very nice, efficient, and have very high quality programs, there is a lack of diversity.” According to wisegeek.com, Mac also comes with some incredible Apple applications that many computer users would say blows default PC apps out of the water. For example, Garage Band™ is a sound studio application that not only provides all the bells and whistles of a standard digital recording studio, but also includes video music lessons. Mac is also considered to be the hands-down winner for any type of professional editing of graphic production software, establishing itself as the standard computer of the entertainment industry. Many people feel that Mac has a better graphic capability. According to Stanley, it has nothing to do with the brand of the computer, but more with the brand of the video card itself. Many people feel that the Mac computer is expensive. “I believe that Macs are expensive, but not so expensive that is should not be purchased,” Stanley continued. Although, many feel like Jagger Ellis, „14, who stated that Macs are too expensive and overrated. Sierra Harrel, „12, commented, “I think they are really nice and you can do a lot of awesome things with them.” RHCP Rocks Out in 2012 By Paisley Stewart Managing Editor By Aryn Wiggins VERNOIS NEWS Disney Studios has recently begun remaking classic animation in 3D. Old favorites such as The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast have aired so far. These renditions have brought childhood alive for the teenagers who grew up loving these movies and also showcased the titles for a new generations. My music playlist is all the way from Blake Shelton to Drake. I listen to everything, honestly. -Alexandria Richardson The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, one of the greatest funk rock bands of our time, have released (albums since their debut in 1983 and they are still going strong with a newly released album called I’m With You. With a new guitarist, some fans are skeptical about the new soundtrack but others are thinking positive about the change. “The new guitarist isn't as good as the original, he seemed to have better lifts and a better connection with the band,” stated John Michael Davis. „12. Thought the band lost one element it‟s noticeable that they compensated the loss with a lot of bass, from their RHCP “Flea.” Every trach has some sort of funky bass style which never gets old and makes the listeners say “How the…” “One of my favorite songs, “Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie”, What’s on your playlist, MV? is on their newest album. I‟m in love with it,” claimed Devon Riley, „12. Never the less, their last album, Stadium Arcadium, released in 2006, was their best-selling album, selling over 1.1 million copies within the first week and over 21 million so far. Stadium Arcadium has a total of 28 songs on 2 disc set, while “I‟m With You,” only has 14. It‟s obvious, it would be hard to compete but the band is already very good and with the loss of their guitarist it would be difficult to make improvement. “Out of the last two albums they have released, I‟d have to say that Stadium Arcadium is by far my favorite,” explained Emily Borah, „14. The band has many year ahead of them and enough time to improve the skill of their new guitarist and the true loyal fans will wait a couple years for a newer album, while in the meantime going to the RHCP exciting concerts. Rap: Waka Flocka, Lil’ Wayne, Young Jeezy, Yela Wolf, Roscoe Dash, Wiz Khalifa, and Drake. -LaMar Williams, Jr. A&E, Page 17 VERNOIS NEWS FRESHMEN TREY RILEY What instruments do you play? Guitar and ukulele Do you take lessons? I used to from Wes Lampp, but I quit 3 years ago and I’ve been playing on my own ever since. What kind of music do you play? Well… Basically anything from the softest music you can imagine to the heaviest. When did you start playing? Back in 6th grade. So that would be 2007-08 I believe. Are you in a band? Yes I am. I’m in Artificial Color with Steve Boss, Gabe Habtemariam, John Michael Davis, Brody Neal, and Lenzie Gowler. LOYD TAKES STATE Sophomore Quentin Loyd was selected to play in the IMEA All State Orchestra. Where is the competition? The competition is in Peoria, Illinois. What are you looking forward to most at state? I’m looking forward to meeting new people and the competition. When did you start playing your instrument? I started playing bass six years ago. How much time a week do you practice? I spend at least 45 minutes a day practicing and sometimes up to two hours. Have you been in any other music competitions? Yes, but not as important as this one. Freshmen Style Shoppe My favorite clothing stores are American Eagle and Forever 21 -Haydan Farenholtz I love my Columbia Jacket. -Rachel Kirsh My favorite clothing item has to be my Nike Air Max’s. -Trace Scarbrough Everything in my closet is American Eagle! -Austin Martin I like to stop at American Eagle. -Kaitlyn Boss I like Hibbets. -Jared Hatton I like Forever 21 because it’s relatively cheap. -Savannah Estes Page 18, Sports VERNOIS NEWS S O C C E R Name: Dalton McGowen Age: 14 Birth Date: March 24, 1997 Favorite Color: Orange When did you start Soccer: 2nd grade Favorite Food: Chicken Pot Pie Favorite Class: Food and Nutrition Memorable Moment: Soccer Riot vs. Marion What do you like most about high school: Making new friends School Activities: Soccer, Baseball, FCA C R O S S C O U N T R Y Name: Wade Xanders Age: 15 Birth Date: December 24, 1996 Favorite Color: Blue When did you start Cross Country: High school. I started going to practice over the summer of my 8th grade year Favorite Food: Seafood Favorite Class: Study Hall! Memorable Moment: Getting my first guitar What do you like most about high school: More people School Activities: Cross-country and track B A S K E T B A L L Name: Hannah Owens Age: 15 Birth Date: October 14, 1996 Favorite Color: Purple When did you start Basketball: 6th grade Favorite Food: Strawberries Favorite Class: English Memorable Moment: Beating Carbondale in overtime What do you like most about high school: All the new friends and having different classes School Activities: Volleyball, Basketball, and WYSE C H E E R L E A D I N G Name: Abbie Thomson Age: 14 Birth Date: July 9, 1997 Favorite Color: Navy When did you start Cheerleading: This year Favorite Food: Sushi Favorite Class: Art Memorable Moment: Competition-Highland What do you like most about high school: More freedom School Activities: Cheerleading, track W R E S T L I N G Name: Graham Henken Age: 15 Birth Date: October 17, 1996 Favorite Color: Orange When did you start Wrestling: This year Favorite Food: Oranges Favorite Class: English Memorable Moment: Pinning a kid in 16 seconds What do you like most about high school: I get to see all you myfriends School Activities: FCA, Wrestling, and Football F O O T B A L L Name: London Marler Age: 15 Birth Date: October 6, 1996 Favorite Color: Gray When did you start playing Football: 5th grade Favorite Food: Italian Favorite Class: Art Memorable Moment: Spending the last three months with my grandma. RIP, Nanny! What do you like most about high school: The freedom and meeting all the upper classmen School Activities: Just football VERNOIS NEWS Sports, Page 19 Regional Championship remains goal for Lady Rams By Collin Young SPORTS EDITOR Continued from page 20 Their record is currently 12 and 8. Haley Lockhart 13’ stated, “I feel we have really improved in the last year. We have won more games than the past few years I have been here. The Lady Rams have had stiff competition through out the season. Competition has been especially tough in the conference with Belleville-Althoff, Centralia and an over time thriller against Carbondale. “I think Centralia and Althoff have been our toughest games. We will have to look out for them both. Now they come to our home court, so they should be good games! Centralia is also in our regional.” mentioned Hannah Owens 15’. The Lady Rams have quite a few good memories from this season. When asked about it Kelby Kujawa 13’ replied, “Beating Carbondale in overtime and winning the Carbondale Tournament's consolation championship have to be my favorite moments this season.” A reason for the Lady Rams success this season has been their ability to stay focused in practice and work on improving their skills for their games. “ Our typical practice usually consists of 3 on 2 and layups. We also go through shooting drills and going over our next team we will be facing.”, stated Lockhart. Motivation and support has been another contributing factor to achieving success through the long basketball season. Owens stated, “I have really great coaches and team mates to give me support and keep me focused. My dad also pushes me to be my best.” Kujawa also added, “I think about how much the hard work at the beginning of the season will pay off during a tough game in the postseason.” The Lady Rams realize their weaknesses and what they need to focus on to continue their success. “We definitely need to focus on not turning the ball over and converting on offense.”, exclaimed Lockhart. The post season is approaching quickly and know that in the post season anyone has a chance. Owens replied, “We have to keep our heads on straight and go out and play our hardest every game no matter what team.” when asked about the post season. Expectations and goals are what will continue to give the rams the needed push throughout the rest of their season. “Our goals are for us to get more wins that the 2004 team (14), win the regional tournament and better ourselves as basketball players.”, mentioned Kujawa. The Lady Rams are closing in on winning their 14 games and have a chance to reach it with three weeks remaining in their regular season. They will then try to reach their desire of winning a regional championship. Kage makes huge return baskets and successful passes with loud bursts of cheers, and demonstrate a level of support that is indeed part of the game. “There is not another gym that has the atmosphere on top of you, Continued from page 20 it’s always packed, and we by far have the best student section around. They play a huge role at our home games,” added Clayton go rams, “pump it up,” go rams!” Ever notice the enthusiasm for the Reeves. game and the passion from the sidelines “The atmosphere and excited is of Changnon? something no one can match. My fellow Chaos can be defined as a state of Kage members love the team and want utter confusion or disorder; a total lack to help them in any way possible,” notof organization or order, but to stued Allen. dents at MV, Khaos is spirit, unity, and “The energy Khaos Kage brings to a family of Ram fans. the games gives me goose bumps! The “Khaos Kage is a family of complete games world not be as fun and no one crazies for Mount Vernon high school would be as pumped without it. Ram basketball,” explained Spencer I think it helps the team because it Allen. just gives us a good atmosphere to play It’s all about the excitement and in. I definitely think we play better at that kind of togetherness feeling you home,” sated Reeves. get when you’re in the Kage,” added “It’s always fun listening to all of Ariana Moffitt, ’12. the chants. It definitely makes the Behind the net, MV students show game more fun from the court,” support by cheering on the sports teams VERNIOS NEWS: Paisley Stewart claimed Payne. at home games. A group tasked with The Khaos Kage continues to cheer on our MV Boys Basketball team. The boys They get to jump, yell, and mock truly being the sixth man on the court. won the “Orange Crush” game against Marion. the opposition in support of their basSenior Clay Payne stated, “It makes ketball team. Sometimes the whole us feel like we have an extra player out there.” room turns its eye to the Khaos behind the net, and that’s when this The student section at Mount Vernon is unlike any other. FThese crazy student section shines the brightest. students sport orange and black with pride, and hoping to impact the Coach Gamber reminisced, “It still gives me chills. When the playRams from the sidelines. ers run out and during starting lineups it is pretty special. I have gone “Our purpose is to take the adrenaline from the opposing team and to games at Mt. Vernon since I can remember. My family wouldn't miss give it directly to our boys,” mentioned Brooke Moore,’12. while I was a kid. I can remember even then how amazing the crowd “We’re there to pump up the players and show overwhelming support was. Now our Kage is organized, the theme nights are great, school spirit,” admitted Moffit. and its easy to say we have the best fans around. And what is great One cant miss the section in Changnon where students remain about our fans is like the end of the fight song states “whether you standing during the game, generate extra decibels of noise, celebrate win, whether you lose, we’re with you boys were with you. By Ashton Boyer VERNOIS STAFF VERNOIS SPORTS Volume 90 - Issue 6 GO RAMS AND LADY RAMS! Women’s Basketball continues winning season January 2012 VERNOIS NEWS photo/LifeTouch LADY RAMS COMPETE: The MV Lady Rams basketball team is off to a great start this season … P. 19 To Inform, Educate, Enlighten and Entertain Name: Abbie Thomson ... P.18 Name: Dalton McGowen ... P.18 Name: Wade Xanders ... P.18 “Pump it up go Rams”, go Rams… P.19