Intergy EHR - New Lab Order Process Summer 2015.pages


Intergy EHR - New Lab Order Process Summer 2015.pages
 Intergy EHR -­‐ New Lab Order Process
When the “Complete” button is clicked from a Lab Order Task, the following new Lab Requisition Process will display. This is a more user-­‐friendly and Elexible tool. The new requisition is a 3-­‐Step Process after the lab and bill type is chosen. • First, choose the required Lab for the order from the drop-­‐down arrow. • Click on the “Bill Type” drop-­‐down arrow and, if necessary, change to “Client”, “Patient”, or “Third Party”. August 2015 1 Intergy EHR -­‐ New Lab Order Process
• Next, if necessary, click on the “Client ID” drop-­‐down arrow and choose the desired Lab Account. Step 1: Diagnosis – Select the Diagnosis for a Test • Normally, you will select a diagnosis from the “Assessments” category. • Multiple diagnoses can be associated with one test, if necessary. The primary Dx is always the Eirst Dx listed. To select another Dx to be the primary, click on the preferred Dx. To remove a Dx, click on the small “x” to the right of the diagnosis. August 2015 2 Intergy EHR -­‐ New Lab Order Process
Step 2: Tests – Select the Test to associate with the Diagnosis • Test Groups will display from the previous version of the Lab Requisition tool. • NOTE: Test Groups can be associated with a speciEic Lab account number for convenience. August 2015 3 Intergy EHR -­‐ New Lab Order Process
• NOTE: If an individual Test is a component of a Test Set, it will have a letter “P”. • You can search for a Test…and when found, you can add it to a Shared Favorites list by right-­‐clicking it. • Left-­‐click on a Test to move it to the right window-­‐pane under “SELECTED TESTS”. NOTE: a yellow triangle means that an ABN is associated with the test. NOTE: a question mark means there will be questions associated with the test. • REPEAT THESE STEPS as necessary to add all Diagnosis/Test combinations to this window. August 2015 4 Intergy EHR -­‐ New Lab Order Process
Step 3: Directions • Click the “Future Order” box if the lab specimen will be collected at a lab’s PSC (patient service center). If the specimen is collected at your ofEice, then do not check this box. • If the specimen is collected in the ofEice, click on the “Specimen Collected” box. Today’s date and current time will default. • Click the lower right “Next” button to proceed. NOTE: If an ABN (Advance BeneEiciary Notice) is required, a pop-­‐up window will display. Click the “Patient has signed (or is present and will sign) ABN” box and then the “Proceed” button. August 2015 5 Intergy EHR -­‐ New Lab Order Process
Step 4 -­‐ Ask at Order Entry • If Order Entry Questions are required, they will display next. • Click “Next” in the lower right corner after answering the question(s) to proceed. • The Lab Requisition will then display. Based on your ofEice protocol, you will print specimen labels and choose either “Print” or “Print and Send”. • NOTE: If an ABN was associated with the Requisition, it will display at the bottom of the requisition (use the down arrow). For an online video demonstration, go to:
August 2015 6 

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