Bike and Scooter Week


Bike and Scooter Week
Bike and Scooter Week
This week students are learning bike and scooter safety.
Puketapu School Newsletter
Term 1 – Week 4 - 25 February 2015
Kia ora koutou. Nga mihi nui ki te whanau o te kura Puketapu.
Hello to parents and caregivers.
We have had some really hot weather and a little bit of rain too. Crazy
weather but of course it doesn’t stop us doing anything.
With all this sunshine we have to remember: Hats! Hats! Hats!
Form good habits. Remember “Hats on outside, hats off inside.” Don’t forget to pack a hat in every school bag,
every day.
Great use is being made of the swimming pool… there is only one way to improve swimming! It was great to see
parents of our younger students here today to watch their children in the pool showing the skills that they have
Scooter and Bike Skills Week. Thanks to everyone for having the right equipment for the riders and scooters.
The fundamental skills and safety tips are very important for our tamariki and we hope they will be imbedded in
their thinking for ongoing use of scooting and cycling. We want to see our scooter and bike racks full every day!
Puketapu Triathlon is this Friday. We will be starting with the Year 3 and 4’s at 1:30pm. We use the field and
the pool. Triathletes must have a bike and wear a helmet and shoes on the bike ride. That is part of triathlon.
They run, bike then swim. It is a whanau competition. Most will be competing as individuals but there is provision
for team entry or both.
Next week is the Bike Bus. We hope many of you can join us as we try to take out the World Record...
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Mike Johnson
Have you seen our shiny new fence?
A fence is being put up
along Dillon Drive because
of the increased traffic and
in preparation for our new
Junior Playground.
Triathlon Time!
The Puketapu Triathlon is this Friday 27
February 1:30pm start. Athletes run
around the paddock, cycle on the
paddock and swim in our pool. The main
focus is on participation. To complete,
and then to be competitive is the
purpose of this event. Come along to
support our athletes.
We start at 1.30 with the Year 2/3/4s then
work up to Year 8s
Reminder: Triathletes must have a bike
and wear a helmet and shoes on the bike
If you are shopping at the
Warehouse in Bell Block, drop a
token (or a few!) into the fundraising
box. Big thanks to the Warehouse for
helping us fundraise for a new junior
playground. It’s going to be awesome!
Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth
“Life is not holding a good hand. Life is playing a
poor hand well.”
- Danish Proverb
The Bike Bus is coming!
Next Friday 6 March is the day we try to break the World Record for the highest
number of bikes in a Bike Bus. We have got to get 880 bikes to break the record…
Last year we got close… this year we are hoping to smash it!
So, we are looking to get as many riders and adults as we can muster.
Riders will assemble on our quad at 11:30am. We will travel along Dillon Drive,
Mangati Rd, Parklands Rd, Smeaton Rd and Glamis Ave . We will
meet Bell Block School riders at the car park on the bottom of
Ellesmere Drive. Then on to our ‘Bus Stop’ at the junction at the end
of Ellesmere Drive on the walkway where we will pick up all the other
schools. The Bike Bus then travels down to the Cycle Park and
around the top section of the criterium track. Should be fun!
Tamariki must ride a bike and be confident of riding the distance.
Practice this weekend if necessary. Helmets and shoes absolutely
essential. The return to Puketapu will be via the walkway to the boxing rink, up
across Mangati Rd through the back of Northpoint Church and across the school
We encourage everyone that can ride a bike (not a kick bike) to participate.
Can we get 200 riders to join the bus?
The Gala is coming…
Saturday 28 March
For our grocery raffle, this week we
are looking for:
Anything in a packet
Soup, chips, gravy, Raro, rice, pasta…
anything in a packet.
Congratulations to all our award
winners. Well done!
Whakamanatia Awards
Rihanna Dellow
Luke Sowman
| Tel: 06 755 0973
| Email: [email protected]
Tyah Taiawa-McKay
Sahkyla Graham
(No Duffy Awards last week - lots next week!)
| TXT 027 951 9297
Puketapu School Newsletter
Sports Corner…
Inline Hockey
Puketapu played Marfell - A 1-1 draw
Indoor Netball
Crazy Coconutz beat Norfolk 19-5
Minions lost to Highlands 0-26
Too much rain to complete games this week, but good play.
Games this week:
Inline Hockey, Thursday 26 Feb:
Puketapu v Fitzroy Flames, 7.00pm
Indoor Netball, Friday 27 Feb:
Crazy Coconutz 5.15pm, Minions 5.10pm
Cricket, Saturday 28 Feb
Gold v SJB Bulldogs at Hickford Park
Green v Welbourn Braves at Puketapu
Allstars v Welbourn Challengers, at Puketapu
Play hard, play fair and thank your coach.
Don’t forget to bring
your sun hat to school
every day.
Netball Trials for Year 6-8 : Thursday 26 February @ 3.30pm. Bring
shoes, drink bottle and awesome attitude. Interested coaches/umpires
to attend. Competition start date: ANZAC day 25/4/15 – first Saturday
after Easter break.
Urgently required: Netball coaches and umpires for
Year 6-8 (Intermediate section).
We will not be able to field Y6-Y8 teams if we can not
provide a registered umpire.
To become ‘registered’ an umpire is to attend the two
registration modules and sit and pass the online centre theory
test. If you are able to help, we can make the arrangements.
Contact Vanessa or Paula for more info.
Last call to register for football…
Registrations are due in by Monday 2 March
Years 1-5: Want to play Netball?
Make sure your name is on the list. See Mrs Baylis or Mrs
Martin. Teams are being formed now, so don’t miss out.
Keep your eyes open... It’s almost time to start
collecting Yummy Fruit stickers again.
This Thursday there will be a
Bike Fix opportunity down at the Cycle Park 3:30pm
to 6:30pm. Sausage sizzle and demonstration is
Sports Meeting
Calling all coaches, potential coaches,
team managers or helpers from any sport.
Come to our Sports Meeting on Tuesday 3
March at 6.00pm in the Staff Room. This is
an informal gathering to make sure we are
all working together to get the best
outcome across all sports at Puketapu.
Page 2
Dates for your Diary:
23-27 Feb:
Thur 26 Feb:
Bike Wise Week
Kauri Camp Meeting (6pm)
Board of Trustees Mtg (7.30pm)
Fri 27 Feb:
Wed 4 Mar:
Fri 6 Mar:
Mon 9 Mar:
Puketapu Triathlon
Totara Swim Spectacular (Y3/4)
Bike Bus World Record attempt
Taranaki Anniversary
Wed 11 Mar:
Thur 12 Mar:
Fri 13 Mar:
Senior Swim Sports (Y5-8)
Noho Marae (Year 7/8)
Muru Raupatu Marae visit
Monday 16 Mar:
Thur 19 Mar:
Sat 28 Mar:
Wed 1 April:
Leaders Day at Vertical Horizon
Interschool Swimming Sports (BBK)
Gala Day
Weetbix Tryathlon
Thur 2 April:
Last Day of Term 1
Marae Visit: On Friday 13 March the whole school will be
visiting our local Marae, Muru Raupatu.
Families are welcome to join us.
Donations for the hangi will be needed (chicken, meat,
kumara, potato, pumpkin) and can be dropped off at the
school office.
Cost: $3 per student ($5 each for Year 7/8 students)
Thank you to everyone who has paid school fees or has set up
an automatic payment. It really helps the whole school.
Statements for everything owing or billed to date will be
coming out soon. If you have any questions or want to discuss
these, please call Paula in the school office. Thanks!
This week’s Thursday special: Butter Chicken & Rice $4
Reminder: Please children’s hair regularly for
signs of headlice… at least weekly. One of the
cheapest and most effective ways to get rid of
them: Apply lots of conditioner to dry hair. Leave
for at least twenty minutes. Comb through with fine tooth
comb. Wash hair. Repeat process daily for two weeks. Check
every head in the family to help us stop them coming back.
Stay up to date with what’s on at school with our
new free Calendar App for your phone.
Download “Parent Teacher Calendar” then select
“Puketapu School”. Red dots tell you what’s on when.
Don’t forget: Our Kickstart Breakfast Club
serves free breakfasts at school in the hall every
Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.00-8.45am.
(No breakfast served after 8.45 so don’t be late!)
Sore Throat? Be Alert!
We have had cases of strep throat at school. Strep throat is
contagious and usually requires antibiotics to treat it. If your
child has a sore throat, you may need to visit your doctor.