Untitled - Tistory
Untitled - Tistory
gW'r.rylffiW A. Wide Field lntognifier S ports View Finder M. Self Erecting & Closing Hood E. Film W inding Knob L . D ep t h o f Field Scole C. Stud Jor Co rrying Stro p D. Shutter Speed Indicotor - E. Co ble R e fe o s e S o c k e t K. Focusing tens Mounis J. Flosh Terminof (aSl) Dio phrogm Stop lrd.) F.Shutter C o c k i n gt # & R e l e o s eI Lever I G. Reor Cotch & Lock H. Tripod Figure I www.orphancameras.com Socket The RICOHFLEX comero ment, mode with greot specificotions. lt corefully your comero. over the being ground lenses ore the cleoning, brush it lightly The instru- to exociing be hondled the heort of The protective cop should be kept Should brush or wipe ond fine instrumeni deserves. lenses whenever used. precision o should therefore with the core which o The is core the comero lens surfoce is not require with o fine comels hoir it gently with speciol lens tissue. following oulline operoting procedure for indicotes picture the toking essentiol with the RICOHFLEX. '* You hove ot your commond s comero which is c o p o b l e o f t h e f i n e s t p h o t o g r o p h y ; t h e r e s u l t sw i l l i I be limited only by your interest in developing your skill os o photogropher. t I -l - LOADING THE CAMERA Using 12O size film : Pfoce the comero with the lens down ond turn the cqfch (,q, fig . 2) in the direction of the orrow fhus permifting the hinged bock to be swung open. Now grosp the film winding knob (4, fig. I ), pull it out from fhe body of the comerq ond give it o slight turn counterclockwise. This hold the knob out in fhe disengoged position. Liff the film coge (fig. 3) completely the comero film body. in the lower (4, fig.3) the po per over ond drow out of Ploce o roll of #12O size ond oftoch the to pered film chomber the two rollers the slit in end to fhe foke-up spool (1, fig.3). Reploce the film coge into the comero body ond releose the film winding knob with o slight turn clockwise. Be sure thot the knob the foke-up engoges film is being turned. until dow. the the film counter window turn the film winding number I You ore now f irst picture. comero os the bock the thot knob ond is lock the cotch. Roise the protective slide covering Figure 2 comero ond Close the ond spool tronsported is seen in the reody to toke The protective slid e winyour should cover the film window ot oll times except when odvoncing on the bock of the knob I I the film. Figure 3 The Film Coge 2 www.orphancameras.com UNLOADING After the twelfth picture hos been token until fhe entire protecfive cqmero os before poper turn the film winding is on the toke-up qnd remoye fhe film coge. spoof. open knob the Seol fhe roll of film ond remove it from the coge by releosing the pressure of the flot spring on the lefi end of the spoot. Ploce the em pty spoot i n the toke-up position ond relood with fresh ftlm. FOCUSING open the hood by simpry rifting upword on the bqck porf of the hood thus oilowing if fo spring into the erect position. when the protective lens cop is removed, fhe imoge moy be seen on fhe ground gloss os you rook into the hood. You will notice thot the ground gtoss hos four thin block lines engroved on it; the smoil cenfrol oreo is the fierd covered when using the RICOHKIN 35mm odoprer. When using l2O size ftlm fhe entire ground gross shows the picture creo. The clority of the imoge moy be seen on rhe gloss ond is od justed by slowly rototing either lens fo the reft or right untir the imoge oppeors ot- cleor os possible. lt is olwoys odvisoble to use fhe wide fierd mognifier (A, fig. I ) to obfoin criticol focus. Before ground closing Figure 1 mognifier the hood be to its originol sure fo ford bock fhe posifion. A "Depth of Fierd score" is engroved 6n fop of the upper lens ond is seen from obove os fwo scolesof numbers corresponding to the I sfops on the dio phro gm. After the lens hos Wilw:l!:3h#tuq RICOHFI.EX theonlytwinlensreflexcamera in its class thatoffersyousomuch forsolittle 35mrnRlC0HKltl BACKinsronrry reprocer r2ofirm coge. lt occepts stondord 35mm cortridger, loker full double fr om e neg oti v e3 or l r onr por enc i er , rc- quir er no r ewinding. with 35mm 8c m foc ur l ength, w hen ur ed size, pr ov i des pl eor i ng per s pec ti v e for por lr oits, m oder ote shots. www.orphancameras.com te l ephoto effec t for di s tanc o been focused, the distonce from the comero to the subiect is indicoted by the number opposite the cenfer mork (A) on the Depth of Field Scqle. The depth of field, or the oreo of shorp focus in front of ond beyond the focus is dependent exomple: l0 feet I:16, point qctuol of on the f stop. For wifh the comero focused of ond o dio phrqgm setting lve see on the right side of of the depth of field scole opposi?e f:I6 is .6 feet, qnd on the leff side opposite f:16 is 30 f eet, indicoting thot everything between 6 feet ond 30 feet will be in focus if we set the diophrogm lf we stop the dio phrogm ot f:I6. down to only f:8 we see thof the depth of field (ot ronge between Figure 5 shorpness) feet ond now 15 lies feef. The Depth of Field Scqle will be very useful will be necestory to keep obiects comero of Z/i in of determining vorious whot distqnces t stop from the in shorp focus. USING THE EYELEVELFINDER To permit eyelevel viewing of the subiecfi €n ouxiliory finder is built into the hcod of the new RICOHFLEX. look through the mqgnifying lens ot the reor of the hood with one €ye, while observing the subiect with the other eye. The eye looking through the mognifier sees two thin white outlines. The lorge squore outfine shows the limits of the field, when l2O ftlm is used; the smqll rectongulor outline shows the fteld covered by 35mm film, used in the RICOHKIN ADAPTER. With q little proctice, occurote eyelevel ftnding becomessimple ond ro pid. When phofogro phing light conditions, when shooting sport 6 subiects, when stonding in o crowd cnd hoving to hold the comero obove the crowd these ond mony contour-type composing o greot ofher occosions moke eyelevel help for successful twin lens picfure foking. SETTINGTHE SHUTTER The shutter is of the rim set type ond the speed is selecfed by rotoiing the rim (D, Fig. l)ot the bose of the lower tens so thot the desired speed is opposife the block triongle on the upper leff porf of ihe rim. The shutter must be "set" before eoch picfure is token ond this is done by lifring the shuiter lever(F, Fig. l)slightly upwords until it clicks. The necessity for selting lhe shutter before eoch piciure will serve os o reminder fo wind the film for the nexf exposure. The covenient design of the RICOHFLEX shutter combines the setting ond tripping lever in one unit. After the shutter hos been "set" with the upword movemenf, the piclure wifh q steody downword is token movement of by releosing ihe shulter the shutter lever. For time exposures, the shutter is set ol "B" ond the releose is held down for the desired length of exposure. SETTINGTHE DIAPHRAGM The diophrogm on the is set on the scole on the side of the shutter housing lower lens. The best determine whot needed for ony enclosed with obtoined f volue lever (A, Fig, 5). An diophrogm by is seen in the combinolion lighf condition. every corefully roll of opening on the exposure meter is recommended to of shutter speed A bosic film following ond guide excellenl ond f for stop is exposure is results con the recommendotion of be such o chqrt or exposure colculotor. TAKING FLASH PICTURES The RICOHFLEX shutter is. internolly synchronized qnd outomoticolly fires the floshbulb of fhe some time the shutter is releosed. www.orphancameras.com The shutter moy be set of ony speed setting when using clqss F lomps such os SM or SF. When using closs M bulbs the shutter should be set ot either t lZSldr'or t /SOttr second only. Proper exposure is determined by reference to the chorf supplied' with the porticulor flqsh lqmps you choose fo use. A simplified guide for flosh exposures is given on the reor cover of this instruction booklet. USING THE RICOHKIN 35mm ADAPTER The RIKOHKIN 35mm ADAPTER odds the versotility of the 35mm comero to your RICOHFLEX. The RICOHKINodopter substitutesfor the film (.qge thqt is supplied with the cqmero ond is inserted in the some simple foshion. lt is necessoryto substituteo new winding knob which is supplied with the RICOHKIN. To do this, remove the screw in the center of the winding knob; reploce the knob with the RICOHKIN knob qnd reploce the center screw. This substitution is permonent qnd the new knob will occommodote 35mm film or the regulor l2O size. Insert the co rtrid g e of 35 mm film in the empfy chomber in the lower port of the RICOHKIN. The topered leod of the film is qttoched to the Figure 6 core of the empty cortridge block cortridge ond removing by slipping off the core so thqt into the slit in the core. The cortridge I one end of the the film moy is closed ond be inserted ploced in the u pper chom ber of the RICOHKIN. Mo ke sprocket holes of the film <lre properly wheels body of RICOHKIN. the Inserf in the some monner os which mechonism of outomoticolly exposure. To lronsport the body Ricohkin regulor thot ond the into film RICOHKIN meosures fhe the coge. releosed. This releoses the knob moy now be turned in o clockwise hos necessory the film, the winding the by the sprocketed comercr Ploce the Fig. 7) over fhe film qnd close the cqmero pressure plote The fronsport stop the the certoin engoged on film bock. outomqtic for eoch knob is pulled out from stop mechonism. direction until it The stops, fhus moving the film into position for the next exposure. The film counter is locofed on the winding knob. new film, tronsport before the film three times After inserf ing the toking picture. Now set fhe counter of zero by rototing the num bered ring on the counter knob until the zero is sitting opposite the orrow mork engroved The on the eyer-reody RICOHKIN exposure yields film. After the lost pictures on l8 roll or 34 on o 36 exposure the film, ond letely info the empty i n s ub d u e d film is disengoged originol cqrtridge off the foke-up roll of from the by cutting or teoring then wound toke-up cortridge o20 roll of hos been to ken, exposure the comero bock is opened light, the reference cose. is now cortridge com p- cortridge. ovoilo ble for film. BE SURE TO your The os nexf IABEL THE CARTRIDGE INDICATING THE TYPE OF FILM ENCLOSED SO THAT IT MAY BE PROPERLY. PROCESSED ;*+si-W Figure 7 g www.orphancameras.com your first d ,I i OUTDOOREXPOSUREGUIDE exposure with medium guide to proper The chort below is o simplified !l { I Plus X, Ansco P l e n o c h r o m e speed film, such os Kodok Verichrome ond ond Supreme. For moximum occurocy' however, photo- o the use of electric exposure meter is recommended. BRIGHT SUN r/50 1r/roo I- - i1_1l -2 5 | i I t'tt I r:8 I tTi""f- I r'ro-'I | :h:9e1 )ublecr CTOUDY ERIGHT t,1 :i I I ! I ,"" * { fl I I t'nr I ''' | ''''o| ''o'' I I I :n*l- *" I ',, 1o', I JI i ! Chooge the shulter speed which besl suits the subiect motfer. For moving seco;rd' The second, for overoge snopshols l/50 subiects use l/lOO corfect f For Super xx the is shown underneqlh stop opirosite the type desired shuiler speed ond of scene ond light condition existing. or superpon Press film, use lhe next stop (frll smoller f is smoller lhon f:8). FLASH EXPOSUREGUIDE when using o medium speed film such os Plus X or verichrome ond o second with {5 or o fi25 floshbulb, the correct shuiterspeed of l/50 expo3ure is determined by the distqnce between comero ohd subiecf in fhis monner: DfSTANCE in feet | 6' 9', f sroP f3t6 f:I I I I 12', f:8 15' | 20' f,6.3 I t.4 For Super XX or Superpon Press film use one stop smoller lhon indicoted. (Printed by I{OYOSHA -10- CO., LTD. ) I 't { {