J . BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL i 5, 1875. oo Miss Lilian
J . BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL i 5, 1875. oo Miss Lilian
gaa^asBffimBgagaaiaBSMBai T he Berrien County Record. ■ A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. Berrien Oountv Record. '.R M S O P A D V E R T IS IN G ' 5* PU B L ISH E D EV ER Y T H U R S D A Y , BY K IN G E R Y T ovm s & p o x * 'STcttx*. ■*3~Eifty Ceuta Jocluctod i f paid Yearly in Advance,*®. is the Price of Ni> paper eontlnneil after tlio expiration o f one year nnleee paid for. BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, l” APRIL i 5, 1875. preserved the last bouquet he had sent a part o f Cupid’s machinery for pro Miscellaneous. her, and i f he would ask her to go to tecting his own interests— and just at A P R IJj D A T S . the now opera, and a thousand other the turn Of the Street which led down T O U K N O W T O IT 1 ) 0 . to Madison Market, he- met Barbara “ifs.” Twice in the year the maple tree You keep your eyes upon the clock, Poor Barbara ! i f she could but with a basket on her arm, a scarlet Grows red beneath our northern skies ; And wish ’twould jnmp an hour or two, have heard Mr. E lsley’s eager ques shawl draped artistically about her Once when October lights the lea So th a t your pa would cease to talk tions— “Is Miss Cleve not at home ?” shoulders, and with cheeks as pink as W ith splendid flames and Tyrian dyes; And go to bed—you know you do. And once when April and the bee and Miss Angeline’s languid -reply— azaleas. First greet us with their glad surprise, And when the folks to bed havo gone, H e stopped short. “ Oh, yes, but Barbara begs to be And on the budding twig we see And left “ some one" alone with you, “Miss Cleve ! I thought you had ty excused. She has a particularly in The first faint color rise. ^ You wish the clock would stop its tongue, H . F O X teresting book which she wishes to fin phoid fe v e r !” Or you stop it—you know you do, These morning hours blend joy with grief, “ What put any such impression as ish ; and besides, she doesn’t care for That draw the fuller spring-time near, Has opened the best, cheapest and most attractive stock of He blushes deep, and looks.afraid company.” that into your head ?” she inquired, And hint the tender opening leaf, To be thus left alone with you. And pour the robin’s carol clear ; B ut your eyes tell him ne’er was maid Mr. E lsley bit his lip, and secretly cavalierly. For not the time of ripened sheaf, But could be wooed;—you know you do ! “Your sister told me so, yesterday resolved that he would not again And rainbow woods is half so dear As this, the boyhood, bright and brief, trouble himself to inquire for Miss evening.” You peep at “ some one” neath your curls, The earliest of the year. “I am surprised that you should Until with love you burn him through Cleve. ever brought to Buchanan. The attention o i the. ladies is particularly And make him hate all other giris— have taken the trouble to inquire after Yet, when he went away, he spoke In lore for him—you know* you do. called to my new “ Don’ t Tell Betsy Jane.” of the new m usical triumph at the me at all.” “And why not?” opera house. And when his arm Steals round your chair, “And for your’ life, don’t tell B et You give a smothered scream or two, “Because you Sent me no invita sy J a n e!” “I f you young ladies have not been As if you didn’t want it there, I wiil be happy to take you to-morrow tion,” Mr. Nicodemus Harding, having B ut oh, you do, you know you do 1 s f o r S u m a n “B ut I did send you an invita uttered this caution in a low, earnest evening,” he said, half hesitatingly. Tou nestle closer up to him, “ Oh, we should be delighted!” cried tion.” tone o f yoice, alighted from a Con Very stylish, at 8 0, 35, 40, 45 cts. per yard. Hew Spring Shawls, Table Your head drops on his shoulder, too, Barbara opened wide her almond- cord wagon in front of his own farm Alice. You think i t nice to have a “Jim ,” Covers, Collars and Cuds, Ladies’ Ties, Ribbons, &c. 100 more o f “ Charmed!” echoed Angie, clasp shaped eyes.. house door, and stood there for a few You naughty thing—you know you do. those beautiful trimmed Corsets at 50 cts. each. A lso Corsets at 65, “I never received it.” ing her pretty, white hands, gush moments in a brown study, watching You let him kiss your burning c h e e k / 7 5 , 1.00, 1.25, 1,50, 2,00, 2,50 each. Hamburg Embroideries, splendid “ Would you have come if you had the figure of his brother-in-law and ingly. ' Somehow your lips m et his lips, too; assortment, 0, 8 and 10 cents a yard and upwards. Hew and handsome “And if you would be good enough received it? ” lawyer, as he drove back towards the You tempt, him, sill? thing, to speak, “ Certainly I should.” You wicked flirt—you know you do. designs in Lace Curtains,, 20 cents to $1.00 per yard. to convey an invitation for me to Miss village of W ------ , whence they had “Barbara, I have almost a mind to juBt come. Cleve, as well— ” he added, somewhat And when he timidly doth press ask you another question,” began the embarrassed. “Hon’t tell B etsy Jane.” His wish to make a wife of you, W ith happy h ea rt you answer, “yes," “ Oh, of course l” said the fair dam impetuous lover, encouraged by some Now B etsy Jane was Mr. Nicode You darling girl, you know you do ! thing in the eye and voice of the young mus Harding's wife— a stirring, noble sels. 1 2 “ cents buys a good pair, worth 20 cents at other stores. A lso girl. “I wouldn’t say any thing about it to soul, who made more butter and cheese Sehoppers best b o n frame Hosiery, 35, 40, 45, 50 cts. a pair. Splendid “Ask it, then.” Barbara, dear,” said Mrs. Leeson, and took more eggs to the city market Storsr. 4-4 soft Finish B L E A C H E D COTTON 121 cts. per yard, worth 15 cts. “ You really don’t dislike me ?" when Angie told her of the invitation in the course of a season than any at other places. Always on hand a, full stock of Shirtings, Denims, Ticks, “N o ; hut I have sometimes fancied other woman for miles around. Strongs they had received. “ She has nothing From the Bridal Veil. Crashes, Oottonades, for men and boys’ wear. F o x has made a specialty of; fit to wear, and after those two new that I was disagreeable to you,” B ar healthy and hearty, she “made the Mrs. Leeson’s Step-D aughter. tarlatan dresses, I would as soon face bara answered, returning his frank housework fly,” to use her own ener a hungry lion as ask you papa for any ness with corresponding ingenuous getic expression; and therfore if Mr; ness. BY N. A. MANN. more money.” Nicodemus Harding owned his farm “Barbara, should you marry me i f that day, and was well-to-do, in fact a “Besides, said Miss Alice, who Decorating Paper, G old Leaf Paper. Large stock in new and handsome *‘I am sure she has always been ex wants Barbara Cleve tagging us about I should tell tell you how truly and rich man to hoot, it was owing in no actly like an own daughter to me," wherever we go ? I t’s enough to make how fondly I have long loved you ?” small measure to the skill, energy, patterns, at low prices. Trimmed free of cost. And Barbara’s voice was exquisite economy,and general goaheadativeness said Mrs. Leeson, plaintively. “And one think of a young ladies’ boarding ly soft and low as Bhe answered— it isn’t a bit kind o f you, Leeson, to school out for a walk !” of his B etsy Jane. What was it, then, “I believe I should.” Y es,” added Angie, “ and after all reproach me with anythin e: like neg that the ungrateful man was not to> The first wedding under Mr. Lee- tell her ? it’s only putting high notions in her lect o f duty.” “B u t why does she never come in head, for of course she cannot marry sons roof was that of his eldest step “I t would never do, n ever! ,r Sold at lowest prices. I t is to the interest ot all to visit F ox ’ s D ry the parlor, then, like the other girls?” a gentleman like Mr. E lslye.” daughter, and Alice and A ngie were thought Nicodemus to himself, shaking Goods Store before making purchases. And so poor Barbara never got her forced to he contented with the very his head. “ She’d be wanting a new asked the bald-headed father of the A ll the evening, while secondary role o f bridesmaids. family, with a puzzled a ir ; “ and why invitation. carpet, or a new silk gown, or the “A bold, pushing thing !■” said Mrs. house all painted over, or some such, A ngie and Alice sat in their opera is it that she is never fit to be seen in J O H N W E I S G E R B E R , m a n u fa c tu re r hats, trimmed with wreaths o f French L eeson /B ut now that she is out o f the nonsense. N o, the woman is the weak company ?” t l o f Lumber and L ath. Custom Sawing Planing and Matching don© to order and at reasonable prices, Mrs. Leeson put her handkerchief daisies and fresh blue silks, listening way, you will have some little chance, er vessel, and it won’t do to trust one MU1 ori South Oak str ee t, Buchanan, M ich, entranced to the strains of the new dears.” to her eyes. too- far. Their heads won’t stand TM TRS E . T . A K D E R S O N , M . D ., P L y True Love had triumphed, in spite i t ! ” prima donna, Barbara was sewing in “ That’s so like a man, Leeson ! A s L* *. fltciun and. Surgeon, Office and residence west side of Portage Street, second Iionsefrom. Front Street, Bn? if all the work of this house could go in the old disused nursery at home, of all the machination contrived So Mr. Nicodemus passed through rhatmu, Mich. Office hours $ to 10 A , M. and 2 to 4 F. II* on by machinery, and no one lift a the tears falling ever and anon upon against him. the house and out toward the barn, &T H A M I L T O N , H o o n s e d a u c t i o n e e r . finger to a ssist! M y own dear girls the endless seams of her work. with the pre-occupied air of a hen who v « » WIU attend to all cnUs promjiMjv and sell at as Cure for Laziness. “A t all events,” thought she, “he naaouabltvrnteg as any other good aiictiuneer in the. are positively- wearing themselves out has an egg to lay and don’t know ju st m m ity. Heaidence and P.O.address,Bimhauaxt.AIich. with drudgery^juBt to keep up appear has plainly shown me that he doesn’t A colored employe at Bellevue H os where she can hide from the eyes o f E D D E N ’ & G R A H A M , d e a le r s r in care for me.” ances and save expenses— ” pital was so often missed from duty mankind io the best advantage. The 1 Dry Good* and Groceries, Frout Street, Buchanan, So when she met him on the stairs that at length a diligent .search was kitchen was empty and silent as h e “W ell, well,” interrupted Mr. Lee Mich. son hurriedly:—he hated the very ap the next day, by the merest accident made, and B ill was found snugly hid went through it. B ut, o h ! if he T . B A K E R ,M i l l w r i g l i t 'a u & B u i l d pearance of a “ scene,”— I dare say in the world, a cold little how was all in a coffin in tho basement, Bleeping could have seen the buxom, good look * er of Tnrbino 'Water Wheels; warranted in power Cat SBuxiw ftttatf Xulde -Bolt Work. equal to; any other wheels Innso. Residence, Baker town. it’s all right. Only you know Barba the answer she vouchsafed tohis eager soundly. The surgeon who made the ing female who stole out of the pantry, Post Office address;, Buchanan, Mich. ra is a pretty girl, and ought to have greeting. discovery, instead of having B ill dis and silently followed him on his way “I hope your cold is better,” be charged, undertook, with the aid of to the b arn ! an equal chance with the others.” B R O S . & C O ., su o o e sso rs to S M I T H CINCINNATI 0 rovers. Central Block, Bn* 3 Smith A Sanij,,G«neral £ “She’s no relation to you,” said his said. Mrs. Harding came hack in about some other youths of the scalpel, to clianan, Mich. “ Thank you,” she answered, “it is correct his shirking habit. The next fifteen minutes, with a face red with, wife, spitefully. T . C H A R L E S H O T E L , S t. Jo se p h , “Precisely the same relation as A n nearty well.” time B ill was called for and was not suppressed laughter. S Mich., having changed; proprietors, has been noWly “You don’t know what you missed forthcoming, a descent was made on furnished throughout. The uthiost care w ill be taken tv gelins and Alice," he coolly retorted. “ Hon’t tell B etsy Jane,” she said, provide for the convenience and comfort of guestd. A She was my first: wife’s daughter by by not going with us last night,” he on the coffin department, and tbe giggling into her gingham apron. good Livery Stable in conaection w ith the House. Free D U IW L E & URBAN, Propr’s. ‘Bus to and from all trains ftiid boats. Bus line to aad her first husband, they are my sec went on, and Barbara’s cheek colored sound of screwing down a lid was “You are a very smart man, Nicode from Benton Harbor. C. A . Simokds and M. H . Smith, Proprietors. ond wife’s daughters by her first hus hotly at what slie deemed the unnec beard, accompanied by circumscribed mus, and my brother, Tim Voss is an J. M . T E R W I L L I G E R , band. I f there’s any difference in the essary insult. floundering and frightened cries from other, and a lawyer- into the bargain, O O D L A N D H O U S E , T h r e e O a k s, “ I do not regret it in the least,” she the awakened darkey. degree of consanguinity, I wish you’d W (i< n e r i\l A g e n t , D. F . BoaiiiiiRScjnJUM, Proprietor. This house has ‘Hon’t tell B etsy Jane,’ in d eed ! Two changed proprietors,.changed its name,, been thoroughly said, and passed on. be good enough to explain it.” “Poor fellow !” came to his ears in wretches ! you deserve all you’ll get repaired and refitted, and every effort wHf be made by its 4$ State St., (Chicago> present manager to earn and sxistain for it a reputation A lice Mordaunt, who had been a well known voice, “his death was pretty soon.” H e took up his hat and walked off, &a a first-class h otel. Good stables in connection/with hotel., 7-lTtf ther glad than otherwise to make standing by with a throbbing heart, sudden, though he’s disliked work for B etsy Jane said no more, but bided drew a deep inspiration of thankful good his escape. some tim e; he was probably ailing ner time, A week passed away, and Business Eirectory. ■ I f T M H . F O X , D e a l e r i n d r y g o o d ., *» Actions and Fancy Goods. Corner o f Front and “ Well, Barbara,” he said, kindly, ness that her duplicity had escaped when we thought him lazy. Hr. Joe, brother Tim’s wagon drove up again Main. Streets.BuchdnHn.&trdh. to a tall, slender, pretty girl whom he betrayal. please be so good as to pass me" that to the door, and was off to tbe village W H I T E , D r u g g i s t a n d A j>oth ecary, aonth aide o f Front S treet, Buchanan, “Hear Barbara is so odd,” she said, pall.” encountered on the stairway. “ W h a t! once more. B etsy Jane had asked in D . K I N G E R Y , a tto rn e y a t la w , Michigan. W • SolicitorIn Chancery, and Notary Pnblio. Office bringing up coals again ? This is not with an apologetic smile, as she led “Yes, make everything snug,” said vain to go. Nicodemus was bound on InRxcoBD building, Buchanan,. Mich. Particular attec, the right kind of work for you to do, him to the parlor. the person addressed,” for I suspect business-^-“ business which a woman X . M O R X E Y , s t a r f o u n d r y . A l l lion paid to collection. • kiadaotqaating*suchft8plowpoint8,augarfcettleB, “I should think so,” he replied, some awful contagion has carried B ill could not understand,” he loftily ex ch ild !” ile ig h shoes, Ac* Iron turning and jo b work done to srder. O ldm etaltakon in exch angefor w o rk . Portage “ The girls are all busy, papa,’’.said shrugging his shoulders. off. Otherwise we could use him on plained to her. So, after watching M ORTGAGE SA LE. vtreot.nearthG d ep o t. SStr Yet, in spite of all these apparent the dissecting table.” Barbara, cheerfully, “ and mamma said EFAULT havingkeen made in th e payment o f a cerher lord and master out of sight, B et tain sum; o f money secured to be paid by a certain I R D ’S ’BTJS.—G e o rg e B i r d w i l l r u n . D that the fire needed coals very badly, rebuffs, there came a card to Miss “A s it is,” joined in a third, “he sy Jane went about business that a Indenture o f Mortgage bearing date the iirst day o f Feb* his ’Bus to and from the Railroadtrains andHotels, ruary,.in the year o f onr Lord one thousand eight bun* -Cleve, tbe next week, for Miss Fer must he hurried into the ground forth woman could understand, with .a and— ” also to a n y p a r to t th e Tillage. Pare only 25 cents, in* dred and seventy*threQ, made and. executed by Wilkerson eluding baggage. Colvin and Elizabeth: Colvin, his wife, of the County of “ Then we must hire more servants,” nanda E lsley’s reception, neatly en with. Boctor, please to order the merry twinkle in her bright black Berrien and State o f Michigan, to David Rough o f sa id “I closed with those for the Misses Mor hearse.” County and State, and recorded in the office o f the Regis* -broke in Mr. Leeson, abruptly. eyes. ; c . S M I T H , M . D ., P h y s i c i a n a n d ter of-Deeds o f Baid County, on the 25th day o f February, don’t want you to he turned into a daunt. “'I-have, and it is waiting. Trot A t 4 P. M. Nicodemus returned • Surgeon. Office and Residence, third door south A. D.1S73, in Liber 7 o f Mortgages, on page 91. on which o t Galien House, Gallon, M ich. sold Mortgage there is nowclaim ed to be due and unpaid “How provoking ! ” said Angela. him out.” mere drudge.” home again, looking quite as impor at the date of this notice the. sum otfivehundrod andrwenty-six and fifty-three one hundredths dollars ($526.53), and H e went on his way with a disturb “ Of course we can’t all of us go, for tant as before. .H e tiptoed along The desperate subject, who seemed B . C H U R C H I X i I j , d e a l e r i n C l o c l t s , no so ita t law or proceedings in equity having heeninatitut* € ed countenance which would have papa won’t give us new dresses. I ’m to have done his best, concluded that through the house, B etsy Jane watch o Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, &e* Al50,repairing ed to recover the same or any part thereof—noticeia ther&> done to order. A ll work warranted. Store, third door fore hereby given, that b y virtue of a power o f sale con* borne the evidence of still-greater an Borry now I had that silk at Christ he was without the power of motion, ing him from the corner of her eye west of Ilians & Rose's store, north aide of Front. Street, tained in said Mortgage, and now become operative, and Buchanan, Mich. In pursuance o f the statute in such case madeand pro* noyance, could he have seen the pale mas.” and that his cries and struggles were the while. H e passed out into the Tided, the land described in said Mortgage, to*witr The “Hush—sh-sh !” said Mrs. Leeson, purely imaginary. face of Barbara" Cleve, as she set down north ten (10) acres o f the south-east qo&rter o f the north* R . P . K E N D A L L , P h y s io ia n a n d shed. A fragrant smell of smoke east qnarterof Section four (4), and the north ten (10). Surgeon. Office at foot o f Main street, over Smith skillfully slipping Barbara’s card into the heavy coal scuttle at the head oi came.forward to meet him— an odor “ Oh, gorra, massy ! ” came in sti acres o f the south-west quarter o f the north-east quarter Bros & Go's Grocery Store. Particular attention paid to o f section number four (4), and. the north ten (10) acres ohrunJo diseases. Bnchanan, Mich. the Btairs, placing her hand on her her pocket. “ Of course it’s quite out fled tones from his narrow sleeping of burning corn-cobs and gradually o f the south-west quarter of. the north-west quarter o£ section number three (3) all in Township number seven of the question for you all to go. Mr. apartment, “I ’s on’y nappin’— I aint curing bam. side, and gasping for breath. E P I E L D KOTTSB, B e r r i e n S p r in g e . (7) aohtb. o f range number eighteen (IS) w est, in the “I ’m so sorry you should have had E lslye certainly has shown the most neber done died, hut I shall dis yer County o f Berrien and State o f Michigan, w ill be sold at Nicodemus turned deadly pale, and T iiiaoldandfarorably known. H otel ia s till under the tnanaguinentoCMrs. DeFlold & Son, who w ill spare public auction, or vendue, a t the front, door o f the Court to life that heavy thing, dear,” said attention to Alice, and A lice must be way. Fur de iub o’ hebben, le’me ran frantically forward to find a fire no efforts to maintain a first class H otel a t the County House, in tbe village of Berrien Springs, in said County o f Berrien,. Mrs. Leeson, quite silkily. “ Why the one to go. Papa won’t grudge a o u t !” smouldering in the ash house, and a O u t ii e 7 1 h tin y o f M iiy , A .D .1 S 7 5 , at 11 o’clock In the forenoon of said day, to satisfy the didn’t you let A lice and A ngie help new dress when the dear child’s future It-was altogether in v a in ; the fune- large ham or two, covered by blankets, S . D O D D , M . D ., p i y s i o i n n & s n r - amount which shall then he due on said Mortgage, to « geon. Special attention givon: to chronic diseases. gether w ith the costs and charges o f said foreclosure and: y o u ? ” establishment is at stake.”, ral proceeded, the coffin being lifted hanging placidly there. The yell he Office first,floor o f ‘‘Record Brick.” Residence o n D a y ’s sale, and also an attorney fee* therein provided for. A lice’s face brightened, while A n and conveyed along the passage. Even gave brought B etsy Jane from the Barbara curled her lip slightly and Aven-u.e.eaBtaide, Buchanan,M ich. Dated this*2d day of February, 1875. DAVID ROUGH, Mortgagee. made no answer. gie’s fell, on the footboard being cracked by a ’h ouse instanter, to find Nicodemus E .B allinqei, A ttiy for Mortgagee, 51w3 ‘Jp M . P I iIM PTO jM, a tto rn e y & ooun“And me ?” she said, dolorously. Sweet words aad caressing move lusty kick the occupant of the coffin •grovelling before the ash-hole, weep **££* sollor atLaw,andSolicUorin Chancery, Office on south side Front Street, over Redden AGraham's Store, “I t w ill be your turn next, my had the poor satisfaction of hearing it in g and wailing: and tearing his hair, ments cost her step-mother hut little ; M O R T G A G E "SA LE? Buchanan, Berrien Co., Mich. yet, had they been sincere, Barbara dear. I f A lice marries well, she can remarked that it Was poor Btock, but and uttering y e ll after y ell of anguish EFAULT having been made in t h e payment- o f a cer B A ItX iE H G E E , ju s t i c e o f t h e p e a c e D tain snm o f moae^;secured to be p aid b y a certoinjn* would have been thankful even for assist you very materially.” ood enough for a shiftless fellow like and despair. denture of Mortgage bearing date .the 12 th day of-Decem* and. Licensed Conveyancer; Office south side Of “And Barbara?” them. “Why, bless me, Nicodemus, what’s •ill. One more kick, however, sent Front street, over Eaton &. Simmons’ Grocery Store, ber; in the year o f onr Lord one thoneand eight hundred And seventy-one, made and executed by M ary Jane Buchanan,Mich. “Papa hasn’t got the money to the'splinters flying and brought the the matter ? Are you in a fit ? Let me She had ju st completed her dreary GUdden, o f the village o f Buchan an,. Berrien County, Michigan, to Charles S.'Black, o f the same 'place. and re r A S ^ R N S T A R D E G R E E . B u c h a n - corded, in the office of the R egister of:Deeds, 'of said round of domestic duties, and dressed dress whole regiments,” said MraiLee- darkey’s feet into view. Whereupon .run for the camphor!” shrieked B et an Lodge N o.13 hold: regular meetings in Masonic County o f Berrien, on the 14th day o f December, A .D . herself in a plain merino, when Mrs. son, sharply. “Barbara need never the astonished surgeons hastened to sy Jane.” H all, first Wednesday o f each m onth,at 7}* P*M* 1S71, ot 11 o’clock A . M., in Liber. No., 4 o f Mortgages, on Mrs. H . K .M owrey, President; M r. ftOAH, Michael, ;)agd 341t 'which said Mortgage was .assigned by said Leeson came into the room, with a roll know that a card was sent to her at raise the lid. “ Camphor ! Bring arsenic! Bring Yice President; Mrs. IL F . Strong, Secretary* Charles S. Black to William S. Hastings, then o f said vilall.” of work in her hand. From that day B ill was not giyefi prussic acid'! Bring poison of some ingo o f Bacbauan, on the 21st day o f March,, A . D . 1872, A G L E H O T E L , B e r r i e n S p r in g s . and said assignment recorded in the office o f the Register Miss A lice Mordaunt went to the- to napping, and the doctors declared kind— poison—poison—poison!” N ic “ So inconvenient,” Bhe said, with a (near the Court House) having changed proprietors, oi Deeds aforesaid, on the 15th day o f January,-A. D. has boennewly furnished throughout. The utmost care 1S75, at 1}4 o’clock P i M., in Liber No. 13 o f Mortgages, odemus yelled, frantically. “Woman, sigh.” “Papa is so anxious to have reception, in a dress ’ of silver jgreei^ they had never effected a more remark w ill be taken to provide, lor th e convenience and com* on page, 583, on which- said Mortgage there is claimed to his new shuts finished and done up crape, looped up with knots of wild* sable cure. you’ve ruined m e ! Twelve thousand fort o f guests* -A good: stable i n connection w ith the be due aod unpaid at tbe date' o f this notice the sum o f H otel. OnsREEDjProprietor. eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars; ($888.00), and ne before he starts for Philadelphia and grasses, over a lovely green glace silk,i n government bonds did I put in that suit at law or proceedings in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof,—therefore, notice and when Mrs. Mordaunt inquired aft ash hole for safety just a week ago, & A .. M . S u m m i t L o d g e ; H o . 1 9 2 The m ysteries of a Hair Br&sh. I — ” F is hereby given, that, by virtue o f a power of sale contain • holds axegular m eeting every Monday evening on ed in said Mortgage, and now become operative, and in and you’ve gone and burned them up “ Give them to me,” said Barbara, er her sisters, she answered in a soft A writer in the AmericanJournal or before* th e fu ll o f the m oohjin eachm onlh. pursuance of'the Statute in such.case made and provided, H.,H* Mowiar, W .M . B . I). H a m e r , Sec. . to . cook that cursed bacon ! P oison ! the lands described in said Mortgage, being the north “I can finish (hem this afternoon, i f tone— o f Microscopy has been exploring the east quarter of. the north-east qnarter o f section number “Hear Barbara is quite ill—in fact forests of bristles "in a; hair brush poison ! poison 1 and let me go out of ’ip * £s A . M # T h e r e g u l a r c o m m u n io n -* seventeen (17),in town seven (7) south, o f range number I work hard,” * tions of Buchanan LodgoNo.,68 are held atMaaouic nineteen (19) w est, in the County o f Berrien and State o f mamma fears it will be typhoid fever surreptitiously purloined from a lady’s this dreary world.” “B ut Mr. E lsley has just called. Michigan, w ill be sold at public auction or vendue, at the H a llin this village, on Friday evening on or before the front door of. the Court House, i n the village o f Berrien “ Oh, so that was what you were To be sure A n gie and A lice are in the — and A ngie insisted on staying to toilet stand, and though’ it contained nil; 'of the moon in each month. S. A twood, W . M. Springs, in said County o f Berrien, \V. W.: Siiixn,, Sec. drawing rooim, and can entertain him nurse her.” . O u t h e l6 t h d a y o f A p r il, A . D . 1 8 7 5 , nothing which we are accustomed to not goiDg to tell B etsy Jane! Aint ot 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to satisfy theam ount w hich H * . M c I i I K , S I . D . , h -o m o o p a tliic j “Now in this the fair A lice mani regard with unqualified horror, the you ashamed of yourself, Nicodemus if— ” Shall then be dne pn.said Mortgage, together w ith the ‘^ 3 Tj9.'' Physician and Surgeon. Special attention paid to coBtS and charges of such forcclosme and sale, and also Barbara’s: cheek had reddened -a festly overdid her part; but liars ael-^ results'of his investigations.prove that H arding!” chronic diseases, Office and Residence on Fortago street; an attorney fee provided for in said Mortgage. „econd house south o f Frontstreet. WILLIAM S.. HASTINGS, dom use much discretion, and she flat there are miseries ordinarily un little. Nicodemus could not answer. H e « * _ ^ , Assignee of Mortgage. tered herself that she had managed dreamed ' of in this simple appliance lay prostrate in the ashes and howled, J . J*, Van R ipm , Attorney for Assfgneo. “Hid he. inquire for me ?” H O U S E , G a lie n , M ic h .Dated January 18th. A .D . 1875. 49wl3 “For tlie young ladies,” said Mrs. splendidly. “ Get up, and don’t be a fo o l!” said of. the toilet. There are; concealed in ‘W. 'W. D avis, Proprietor.; No pains w ill b e spared to maintain this as a first-class hotel. Every provision Mr. E lslye looked disappointed; Leeson, pursing up her lip* almostimB etsy Jane, amiably. “ I heard you the damp lint of hair brushes, unless C h a n c e r y N o t i c e . w ill ho made for the couvenienco and, comfort o f guoBts. perceptibly. “ Of course, if you want but said nothing. Charges always reasonable. C-40tf kept clean :by the use o f ‘bi-crabonate and brother Tim conspiring that day TATE OF MIOHIGAN, Second Judicial Circuit In e r y S u it pending in the Circuit Court for Iho S C h aofn cBorrien, - To him the pleasure of the evening of potassa- or carbonate of soda, many at the door, and I watched you to the to see him very much— ” in Chancery, at Berrien Springs, on S . ! B L A C K } s u c c e s so r t o C . S . & H . Coxmty the 18th day of Aarch, A. D . 1875. was gone, and not even Alice's hon living things, too small, for.’ detection ash hole and soon found out what you Barbara sat down to the work table 1 S. Black,) manufacturer PfUodatoads, Lounges; TBOftcR. Dunning, Comp’t, vs. Addle Dunning, D e ft. Tables, Stands, Ac., Buchanan «M ich. without uttering another word of re ied smiles could make up for the grave by the naked'eye, some of which we hid there. Woman is the weaker ves I t Batisfaciorily appearing that the defendant, Addle Dunning; is not a resident of this State and Is a resident eyeB and soft slow words of the absent -are;••told*-oft more- than, -suspicious; sel, no doubt, but she don’t generally monstrance. o f th e 8 rate ofO hio.on motion o fN . A . Hamilton; Solic-' "I* O . O . E .—T 3io r e g u l a r u ie e tin g a o f itor for the complainant, i t is ordered that* the said do-1 • “I dare say A lice and A ngie are Barbara. Buchanan Lodge N o . 75 are held at; their h a ll,in ch aracter,b ein g known as the-oifgi p u t twelve thousand dollars where the feodant appear and answer iho hill o f complaint filed in Buchanan, ou Tuesday ev en in g o f oach wook, at 7 this cause on or before Saturday the edghteouth day of; enough to amuse him, Bhe said quiet “.Why does she avoid .jne so ?” he: nators' o f scald; h'e"ad;:;and other dis first match: that comes handy can burn o’clock. Truhaient brethren, in, good standing are cordi September A . P . 1875, and in default thereof that the a lly invited to: attend. thought. “ Can it be that she really: eases of tbe scalp. : ■' said bill he taken as confessed by tlie said defendant,) ly . “ And after all papa’s kindness to ; it up !: Here are your bonds for ten -Da* J.M JR off. N . A O. C. A jkin , Sec. Addie Dunning, and it, is Farther ordered that within me, I should be very sorry to have dislikes me ? I f I thought so— ” . i The author concludes'his' articie by' thousand., I have kept two for my twenty days from this date the said complainant cause a B . P E N IN S tT L A R L O D G E N O . I , notice o f this order to be published In some newspaper, him lack any service which I can ren and here'a fresh stream of arrivals cut' a-, caution against, wetting the head, honesty.?’ . . Sevening; •' o f InduafrialBrotherhood,meeta every Wednesdoy pnbliahed in the said County o f Berrien, and that the said” publication be continued in said paper once in each week' der.” short the current ‘ of Mr. E lsley’s: recommending 'dry brushing instead. • Poor, .Nicodem us! H e gathered i n Granger H all, a t 7 o’clock, sharp^ J .D^PrxaxLi. p r e s.; It. A . D£ AroNT, Vice Pres.; J , S» for six weeks in succession or that he canse a copy o f this “ I am sure your gratitude is quite meditations. order to be personally served on the rmid defendant, AclH e alsp^reccommefrds. t h e - u s e ‘of a himself up out of the' ashes, and took Curtis, Sec. did Dunning, at least tw enty days before the time herein laudable, dear,” said Mrs. Leeson, - Twice during the evening Mr- ElsVi weak Solution .of "carb’olic'acid,'or .sul his bonds-^-what-was left of them. H e J 3 . VAN HIPER., Attorney and prescribedifor h er appsaranc*. JAMES H. CANFIELD, ’ sweetly. ley waltzed-with !Miss Mordaunt,-and5 phite of sodaj as ;a cletosing'-ffiaterial rather thinks ■it pays best, on the ° ^ 9 Counsellor a t Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Col Circuit Court Commissioner for Borrien Oo., Mich. lectious made anJ proceeds promptly remitted* Officehe took"her down to the refreshment !for !hair .brushes/ a Y et, while Barbara _ _ Cleve sewed _______ • 6w7 whole, to tell B etsy Jane. v ; .1 ecoud floor, Howe’s Block, Buclian&n.Alich. swiftly on, tbe work progressing al room; hut for that : she: edid not’'fee If S . T E L L E R , n a a n n f a o t x i r o r o f. a most like magic-beneath her swift lin that it had been a specially;successfa ;.'A;ba.d;teniperedman3will‘have".bad•‘-‘No sir,” , said a weary look ® Superior i article o f Concrete W ell, Cistern and: ' v gers, her mind was down in' the.’ par campaign. House Brick. A supply constantly on hand.; Buchanan, tempered "animals,land no'.one 'is-fit to: ing man lin; a* -street’car, to ’an indi-' T e a c h e r o f M u s ic . Mich. lors,-wondering ;what Mr. Ellslye, was' : . Mr. Elsley" strolled out*?for‘>an earlyf ’have animals who^doiB mot .lo ve them* viduahby his side,V“I !wouldn’t"marry MSTRTIOTION ON PIANO, O M A N . »nd M , " W I L S O N , d e n t i s t . O ffic e f i r s t saying,find' whether:,A rg iew o u ld , tell walk the' next morning— pne:of'-those) ‘ enougb'toj.make their comfort his first the best woman alive. I ^ e been a I VOOAL MUSIC.. Order* left a t reeidenoe on Jsatisfaction * door north o f th e Bank;: Charges reasonable, and Street, Buohanah; or at office o( D . A . Wagner, him how carefully she (Barbara) had strange, sudden freaks which are but . and most absorbing care. guaranteed. HrXoe.Mnrio Dealer, promptly attended to. dry .goods clerk too long for that." Poetry. o o S B B B B B S B B E Miss Lilian Wagner, S l\J- 2 VW *-» B s. wn. o 2 b ’Its! 1503 2253 3 003 3 75? 4 25$ 5 2 5 | 7 00J 9003 14 00 3 w’fefllj 175J 2 7 5 f 3 7 5 | 4253 4 75J 0 5ojj 9 00£200J17 00 4 w’ksj] 2 003 3 503 4 503 5 To] GOO3 8 SOjlO 00^14 Q0Q 20 00 B w’ksj 2 503 4 75| ii 00) 7 003 8 25'aU 00^4 00;i9 Oojj 28 00 3iao9.§ 4 00) 6 00) 7 50# 8 50^10 Q0^13'00^ 7 00,23 00fl 35 00 Ginos 3 G00;i0 00)13 00)15 00,17 O0j20'b0^G 00.33 003 CO00 9 mos.R 8 50)13 00)17 00^20 00;23 00^27 OOjpB 50n50 00) 85 00 1 yoarjlO 00>5 00,2 0 00ff4 0028 00'3300;45 00;C0 OOPOO 00 H O LM ES, yO L T IM E >5* ^ eRS 101)0150j 22<KQ2 503 3 00J 375J 525tf GOOBIB OO J. t CTFXCE—Iti“ Kecord TtrlQfc B uilding,” north aideot FreutStreot.fm ir doors eastoC M ain. 5’ g. a N UMBER 9. What is Success ? What is a successful life ? and from what standpoint are we to make that perception of our life’s campaign which we think will end in our suc cess ? To accumulate wealth is 'th e great desire of a ll; the passionate longing, the searching out for riches, the quick impulsive movement of the millions to that one aim is too apparenpfor any of us to deny i t ; and yet, is the obtaining of that much coveted boon success ? Is the most sudden turn of Fortune’s wheel, that by the merest chance of luck brings poverty to lux ury— is that success ? The attaining of wealth is undoubt edly success; but is it a successful life ? I s life our existence, our being, created after the likeness o f the Beifcy, our actual living—is it all so gross that the completion o f its pur pose is dependent on the attaining o f wealth ? I f our life’s hope for success be based on so low a grade, then his is a successful life who attains that end, irrespective o f the means used to reach it. Yet, i f not so, then are we brought hack to the question— what Is asuccessful life ? What are we to judge from when we pass the verdict of success fu l ? Success in what, andin what end? And from what beginingmust this end ing come? Must we placeifc on a moral life, and give morality its honor, if it has been sustained till death, even if the other prospects of life have been brought to a poor issue, even to pov erty ? Can a man dying in poverty, with an unstained life, he called a success? Life with him is ended, and, as we look at his emaciated form, and bring to our thoughts the agony of his suf ferings during many hours of his life, can we congratulate him on hiB successful ending ? Would it not he a mockery ? And what is success ? W e mean a complete, successful life. I f the attaining of money and dying in lux ury is not success, and the Christian in poverty is not success—what is success ? The Michigan Central—A Talk with Supt. Strong. Business Cardsotjflvo lines or Igbs, $5 per annorn. Legal n lv •‘issm ents a t statute rates. Sranstoni */ertising payable in aflrance. Yearly ad'« arising payable on demand. IMattor in columns, ton cents per lino o r oach insertion ; bt local taken for less than $1.00. Obituary I f mb—more than the announcement—w ill be charged for . tho rate o f Jive cents for each line. Advertisemc. 'A n o t accompanied w ith directions as to time, Trill b e ! isrted until forbidden, and charged tor accordingly. Double column adrcrtisemantecZiargedatrshortcolumu rates. fh ort notices o f meetings, 25 cents. Yearly adTertisors .nllowed four changes w ithout extra oharge. Farm and Household. The Wife, The most essential thing in the welfare and happiness of the man and wife is confidence between them. A nd a woman who loves, desires above all things to be trusted. She would not be ignorant o f his troubles, vexations, or his an xieties; anything is better to her than to he excluded from the confidence and innermost thoughts of the life o f one who should he hers as she is his. There are many affection ate men who confide .hut little in their wives, except such matters as relate to their domestic comforts. The grevious troubles and annoyances of business are seldom spoken o f in family circles. The mistakes which may have led them into wrong and anxiety, the dread of failure, and many other vexations are never men tioned, and no sign of it, save, perhaps, in manner, which to the wife, who is ignorant o f the trouble, is incomprehensible. The wife would gladly share the trouble and be sympathetic, and when they are met by a clouded brow and silence, her imagination begins to work and she may possibly reason that it is a personal matter— that she is no longer loved, or that he has found some one else wb.om he fancies more. A nd here begins the first domestic misery which may end dis astrously, aud probably involve two families in difficulty and trouble. A ll caused in the first place b y b is secrejtiveness where he had no secrets which h e might have shared with his wife. The hook o f the firm should be open. She is the partner ; her inter ests are at stake, ber peace and hap piness interested as much as your own. She may know nothing of banking, or speculations; but she does certainly feel every change. Shr may not be able to give counsel; I-:- ffie will, i f she be a true wife, n. . certainly sympathize and assist. A* feel the more contented in knowinj b a t she is a partner in all your aff: is. A nd will, rest assured, find some ingenious way in helping you out, and keeping the hooks of the firm as will please and reward you. A Chicago P o s t and M a il reporter recently interviewed the superintend ent of the Michigan Central Railroad, Mr. W. B . Strong, concerning the present status and future prospects of the corporation which he so ably directs. From this we gather the following statements- of Mr. Strong, Orchard Grass. as to the road and the purposes of the com pany: A s the time for sowing grass Is ap^ “ A b you are aware, business dur proaching. I wish to say a few words ing the past season has been unusally on the S’ bject. N o farmer should bad in all branches, particularly un he withou a small field o f orchard profitable for railroads ; it is not like grass, as i many respects it is supe ly, therefore, that any new plans of rior to al other grasses. I t stands improvement will be inaugurated the drougt.1, grows well in the shade, which can be deferred until a more does well in wet or poor ground, and prosperous season, without detriment is splendid io prevent worn out fields to the road, its sevices, its equipment, from washing. This grass furnishes and its connections, but improvements excellent pasture three weeks before already commenced will be pushed any other, and after close grazing, forward. Since January 1st I have ten days’ rest is sufficient to produce contracted for over 8,000 tons of another growth. M y experience is steel rails and they will be put down that cows feeding on this will produce during the Summer, and if required, I more and richer milk than on blueshall buy as much mor e. In no event grass. I t makes a very heavy sod, will the track of our road or its rolling and, when well set, remains for many stock be allowed to depreciate. years. Whatever can expedite traffic or I t is especially adapted to winter promote the comfort or safety of pas grazing, as it ramains green all the sengers will be done, even if it should season. The proper time for sowing require every dollar of our earningB. is in February or March, after wheat I t would not be true economy to per or barley. I f the field is sown in mit any deterioration to either ; and oats, sow after the harrow, and follow whatever expenditures may be neces with a light brush. The quantity of sary to prevent it the stockholders will seed necessary is twenty pounds per cheerfully consent to. Before the acre. I t produces more seed than close of the present season, I think any other grasses, and i f cut while in that fully 75 per cent, of our road will bloom makes more hay. Two crops he furnished with the steel rail-” can be cut in a season, the first in June, and the second abont the first of September. I have a lo t that was Has Ee a Call to he a Husband ? sown eighteen years ago, and speak H as he a call to he a husband who knowingly of its excellence. Give thinks more of his horse than of his it a trial, farmers, and you will never wife ?” regret it.— Cor. F arm ers'S om e Jour H a B he a call to be a husband who nal. spends six evenings out o f the week away from home, and complains be cause his wife will go Tuesday even W hat is M eant by T wo-H obse ing to prayer meeting ? P ower.— The horse of prime movers Has he a call to be a husband who is measured by horse power. W att spends $5 a week for cigars and an found that the strongest draugth occasional glass ; hut can’t afford to horses were capable of doing work take a newspaper for his family ? equivalent to raise thirty-three thous H as that man a call to he a hus and pounds one foot high per minute, band who makes delicate presents to and he took this as the unit of power other ladies and grumbles if his wife fo r the steam engine. The horse is wants a new dress-] not usually capable of doing so great Has he a call to be a husband who an amount of work. Rakine gave swears i f the one-hundredth button is twenty-six thousand foot-pounds as a missing and never speaks a word in figure for a mean of several experi commendation o f the,ninety and nine ments, and It is probable that twentywhich remain unmoy.eable ? five thousand foot-pounds is a fair Has he a call’ to be a husband who minute's average work for an animal. never buys a book or a picture to It would require five or six men to do make home attractive, and still won the work of a strong horse- W att’s ders why a woman can’t be contented estimate has become, by general con to stay at home seven days out of a sent by engineers, the standard of Week and ever singing “ There’s no power measurement for all purposes. place like home ?” — Scientific Am erican. H as he a call to be a husband who loses money by betting on elections A shes for P ear T rees.— A cor and hor8e-races,_and when he becomes respondent o f the P ra irie P arm er involved attribute it to his wife’s ex says, ashes have changed the charac travagance ? ter of the trees and fruitfulness en tirely. Instead of trees dying and Watts, in the preface of his “ W orld to Come,” s a y s : “I f the blessed God proven barren, h e now has them should at any time, in consistence healthy and fruitful, by .simply scat with His glorious and incomprehensi tering s-heR under them each spring: ble perfection, release those wretched creatures from their acute pains and Right this Way lor Tickets. long imprisonment in hell, either with The Western ticket agents on the a sigh of the utter destruction of their lines of highway leading to the sea beings of annihilation, or to put them board are fc dding high on promises to in some unknown world upon a new compete wit 1 each other in securing foot of trial, I think I ought cheer passengers for the E ast. Never a fully to accept this appointment of syren sang so sweetly as they do now.> God for the good of millions of our W itness the latest little ham : “Land fellow creatures, and add my joys and you in N ew York or Philadelphia praise to all the songs and triumphs sixteen hours ahead of any other line, of the Heavenly world in the day of sir. Finest sleeping cars apd dining such a Bivine and glorious release of cars in the world, sir. Chicken three these, prisoners.” times • a day and champaign gratis. ever know, either of the ways of Prov idence or the laws of, existence. -But that little is-, enough, ; and *exactly (enough. B utter on the plates and molasses a ll over the table.- -Conductors all o f pious, and .’.'respectable parents, and fires kept up all Bummer. Take a through ticket, sir ?” ggsssssss&sisasss: ^^T?yg^g?«r.iiss!smggg5^a~).irffiffa ...... The' Berrien" County “Record, Buchanan, ' Michigan,"’— Thursday;- ‘ •gf*6g&&ss&^ April' Treasurer—-D. Cook. ing the total vote for Governor: O fficial V o te of B errie n County, A T T E N T IO N , F A R M E R S ! Greene, Republican, 4.4,308: IngsrSupt. of Schools— Quincy A . Hassoll, Democrat, 58,785; Smith, Pro setfc. f ' , A P R I L ' E L E C T I O N , 1 8 7 5 . w . » . m x e s a v . j-CtUtorrM. hibitionist, 2,7SG. Last year the vote, Justice of the Peace—Aaron H . "C3 •' ■ “.O o;•. '^7 ■ o V K- ■ o ••:o. O' • ■ stood’: Republicans, 89,073; Demo Smith. -•ip JO , : S93 y.ooic a t oust •S’.o- o •f.Soc1.-' • 0 ?1■ ‘'IS ' ' 3/ : ' ■ n crats, 4 6 ,7 5 5 : Prohibitionists, 4,980. . MENTON. !K: : :S5T, ■1 ■ ,;P . 0 9: '■ o, !:,A F i a t“>, isis. fst^ sa & v : 'O ' -Vaj: ' ^ IW o It will be seen that the Republicans Supervisor’— L . L . Yan Camp. 'o.? ■,:B ;■ «'W WJA' . i;:F= « O ' have polled a larger vote, by over Clerk—F . D. Oongir. e • * • .© •: ' f9', •"■■W r tz x & itr s m m v & M T tw i* 4,000, than a year a g o : but the-Dem Treasurer— S. SI. Wilcox. I 129 O ID 12S 514 251 129 A 1 4 120 US 253 J3t 122 i:«inbridgy.i............. . 12S -OK— Supt. of Schools— E. L. Kingsland: Hvnton,.......;.......... . An ophii-'-t5 l .;- ve-Oiirty been given ocrats have made a still greater in nso 590 413. 177 1170 399 - 399 ISO 180 :■590 432 158 C- 130 494 117 247 -,*130 494 139 .i 117 . 240 149 Berrien..:*;.;...;.............. 97. .. 117 Justice of the Peace— A. Swisher. Bertrand ..................... . by tUc Cereal'.tl.os’ r i Site Ourrencj crease m their vote than the Republi 393 19S -—.87 -113 -400 ■87 87 113 113 19S 118 SO PnchAiian........................ 751 377 ■ 2S7 -r 90 ■ 753 2SG-•.-:287 90 90 373 29*2 .81 ETNCOKN a! s'-tn’j Ko-e;*, aa well as cans. The vote, in fact, is the largest 32 ■;G9 'V.31 200 57 '57 46 46 102 m ■ 132 Chickaming!.......:............ 10 43S t -217*-129 - *95 . 449 129 r 129 95 95 232 137 95 Supervisor- -Gcorgo Wcimer. ever polled in the State, going over cr<*- >«sf>fe Sto-rct (l i «Ct ft 347 176 91 80 342 io4 . oi 77 77 170 95 75 Clerk— Martin Weis. 273 80 102 . 85 2JU 61 • 62 80 , S7 187. SO Jaike.*;.....A.......... f uw aa! ys-os ply ...by Stafcj laws, onohuud'red thousand for thefirst time 2G3 122 , 110 < ,81 305 102 • 101 51 50 153 98 55 Lincoln..;............ ........ C. B . C H U R C H IIa l*, Treasurer— C. Whitney. • 'Sb& Irr.' t l’ ti-' l iijeti States out this in its history. Governor Ingersoll has 434 217 . -.91 ’ 434f - 91 91 120 « ,120 217 .91 126: • • No\V-lluffalO........... ...... E m b r a c e s e v e r y th in g u s u a lly fo u n d In a v illa g e 712 35( .189 ; 167 . 712' 189 1«9 167 167 [35*2 ;217 135 Has a good assortment:of. Time-Pieces. .Tewelry, iSpcCta Supt. o f Schools— B . S. Hastings: 9,4S2 majority over Greene, and a saly c-c: i*cc. k : 019 309 r.:l02 / ’20S • 620 . 102 102 ,20S 20S 30S 133 175, ' • ' ■ . : • [ g r o c e r y . ' -.[ Niles City—ht Ward.... . clos. &e.; cheap. ' Special attention given to repairing Justiceof the Peace-—H . P. Hourse. Niles City—2dWard......... . 451 f 2-« "ft.?3 •V136 V+i-i 93 93 120 129 221 022 99 Wonden; Ancient and Marino Time-Pieces A ll worit in clear majority of only 6,684. The it. A lls*: 433 1 217 5 4 S 0 72 72 his line done with neatnesss aud dispalcli;n.nd warreitted. ■ N iles C ity— 3d W ard.,.../...... 143 143 103 54. 217 NII.ES. .. : /!20fl ft? ,85 vote for Congressmen indicates that 410 » 110 ;Scoro w ith O; IT; Rea, north side o f Front Street, Buchan Nile. C ity:— (th W ard.... . 4 lC 80 S6 119 119 201 97 idT of the United anil eilser '350 , 145 700 an, Mich 205 205 O ronoko........ * ..... ' 700 145 145 205 347 . 145 202 Supervisor— Wni. B . Davis. the Republican, party in the State is • • * . 2 2 b 152 .. 452 76 151 452 1 1 5 1 75 State?, plvU'f'v tx-.avptfrom taxation 75 Pipestone)...................... . 151 OS Jloyftltou........... ........ . 290 148 75 • 73 290 75 75 73 75 34G 73 73 Clerk— J. H . Young. / , iby or iHV-lev d r r -’, » r municipal, or stronger than shown by the vote on 19] > --m ,75 ' 20 191 7( j b ‘ 20 20 Sodua.;...... 90 76 20 Treasurer— E . P . E ly. . ■ S24 *412 * .306 ■ 10G S2J ’ 300 ‘ 306 100 . 10U the Gubernatorial ticket- The Demo St. Joseph....,.*............... 291 118 Iflocetl cu tlton tv/' 434 358 137 139 55i ’.13S 13< 33fl 339v 409 Throe O aks...;......... 277 134 14i Supt. of Schools—R . W. Ray. 4SO 24C 175 05 . ASi IK 17C 70 70 241 174 Watorvliet ..................... 07 The wt>?d ‘('b’ig rtJOR'issnbsequent- crats have gained one Congressman, 355 135 47 360 , 133 133 47 ,47 • TSO 142 3S Justice o f the Peace,—M. W. Smith* Weesaw,........................ but: the .vote o f the State shows a ily detrne-I— . ■ Total Vote...*...*.......*—. 115S4 5631 3447 2506 11836 ‘ 3372 , iiiirj 25-io 2545 ’5940 •3059 =2281 srt.ES cm*. Democratic majority of only 3,434. 941 Majorities..... *....... 1378 : t ; S27 ■ 829 ..". ‘'I'bo vri-N * oH;*at&>u to other scMayor—Wm£ Graves. ensitv o f the i 1 i.\<i States shall be Recorder— W. J. Gilbert. A bill was introduced into the B rit politician" is, and I think i f all the Number 4 Chilled, Ceutre-DrAfc Plow............... *.$.12 50. E e ltl^ moan . si oortidcates o f Treasurer—W . J. Edwards. A n d tr ill b e soldi lo w e r tlinn’ 'jioods .w.erb.ieyer Ntnnber 20f Chilled, Centre Draft Blow;..**.. ...... 1 3 .0 0 ish Parliament last week to enable politicians in tho co.untry wore “ wiry Bank attorney, o ite r e d iu tills viJiaRe to ' Number.30 /Chilled j Cehtro-Draft P l o w , * . l i t . 0.0 a _ f W m . A . Reddick. unmarried women to vote in Parlia politicians/* it would be hotter for the. Snpervtsors j J < p _ HowletL Nn*i»brr -10., Chilled, Cen.tr’e-Draft X-L Of). eo«non.s. « iuswl States suites, Treasa; , Everybody uses Groceries and ought interest of suftqring humanity. yv jiot'!..-', IvacI iw I notes. certificates mentary elections. The reason for T H I S TS w i t h ; Justice of the Peace— J". H . Rich making a distinction between married Again, your correspondent charges to know where to get the most c*> n.'J1. i’*‘kl'» or drafts for ardson.: and unmarried women is not given,and rae with"being in the interests of the EXTE A. P 0 IN I AND .GEEYIS. ^ i by ’. r vj-oa authorized PIPESTONE. we could not possibly assign any. The Democrats, and he inquires, “ How is ofjveri < / the l'’-ite l States, stamps, \Vo havo tho Iargost variety of " ’ Supervisor— J. H . Conkling bill was defeated by only 35 majority. it that; he has become so interested in, We wish to say to the public gener T h a n k in g our fr ie n d s for p a s t fu ro r s V e b o w ::i ami other .fopte-sentouvos ©f'ysltte* of Clerk—W. L . H o jn e. „ , the Democratic party ?” in fo r m th e m th a t w e a re b e tt e r a b le to s e r v e ally that we are, as heretofore, de ■whatever ilev.oits'uu'i ‘Rj which have Treasurer— Anson Lewis. th em in o u r p r e se n t ca p a ci£ jT th a n e v e r b e fo r e , Well,my friend,let me tell you about termined to keep everything usually Parson Brownlow is preparing a re Leer, er m sy I > h .-ned under any a n d o ffer -r e a so n a b le in d u c e m e n ts th e m ..and Supt. of Schools— John Clark. ply to the speech recently delivered in this. I can assure you that so far as found in a first; class Grocery and’ a ll othei's? g iv e B s tlleii-p a & O h a g e,. ‘ i . a e t o f Crm^r.,*?/’ • Ever .uffered in: this Market* Justice of the Peace— Theo. Clark. Congress by Andrew Johnson. A . J. I am concerned, there has been no [Bakery. I f the Jh ehd -n uf the Comptroller has fallen into pretty rough hands, ST. JOSEPH. AVI) WILE, SELI. great change. I am to-day, in princihe a correct one (an d it seems likely to and his speech will be sharply critiSupervisor— A.. H . Morrison. plc, just what I have been ever since TE AS'A SPECIALTY. Cheaper than the Cheapest;; , to he sustained.) all Greenbacks, 3Ta- critised. *' Clerk-—J. W. Brewer. I became old enough to exercise the; having during the last year proven H tionat Bank n. tcs and fractional enrTreasurer— J. Wallace. MONTAGUE&LANEON. elective franchise.: M y first vote was that the ready-pay system is the best, C om e am i s e e ns, .ami, e x a m in e o u r s to c k . 3 renev in the hands of individuals and Justices of the Peace — Hiram Niles, Aprib iS75. 0w3> E fg r F ir s t’ d o o r e a s t o f R e d d e n & G raham ’s cast for Polk and Dallas, in 1844, and The Democrats of Connecticut are O .E .W o o d s4 C o . ancl being the only concern in Berrien S to r e , so u th s id e o f F r o n t. S tre'et, lln c h a iia n , responsible for the defeat of Jo. Haw Brown, O. D. Rector, II. W. Guern X voted no other ticket but the straight County that adheres strictly to-the :. i . o tf Having pnr pnrehasedthostock of Manhood: H ow L ost, H ow.Restored. J lie h . t ley, one of the most influential and sey, H . Robbins. Democratic ticket until, 1860. During plan of* Just published, a now edition o f 2 > iv I fh o rity /’ The^e constitute the bulk of active members of the last Congress SODTJS. the campaign of that year and subse .C iilv c r w e lU s C e le b r a t e d E s iia y Supervisor—F . E . King. I what; has heretofore been assessed as 'and also for placing in office “back r on the radical cure (witliout uiedicine)*of quently, I became satisfied that to S permatohruiba or Seminal" Weakness, I and wo might say therefore Clerk— Ohas. Hoyne. I “ isQ aey/ Involuntary Soininal Bosaos’, I mpotence, Mental and save the .country the Administration pay Barnum.” Pliybical Incapacity, Impedimenta to. Marriago, e tc .; of J A M E S SM ITH , would: refippctrnlly: .ftiinomK.e.l.o * that ‘‘money1' erases to be taxable Treasurer— Josephus Fisher. must be sustained. I t was not because We can not and w ill not be undersold also, Consumption, E pilepsy and Eits,, induced by solfcitizens or nuchummand surrounding.country "ih^t the indulgonco or sexual extravagance, &Ci rate and local purposes, property; ia n i o proparod J o supply tlicmvith by any one., Our Lunch Room is being Hon. Ben. Wade refuses to be a I had changed my principles. I be JB^Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents; clear iudefining the limit candidate for Governor of Ohio. His The law is The ce'.obratcd author, in this admirable R^say, clearly lieved the salvation of the country fitted, and, during Ice Cream and Soda domoustrates, from o thirty yonrs’ successful practice, Home Correspondence. o f the exemption as language can reason is that he “has no voice.” A was above party. Tho Administra Water time we, shall, as usual, have: that the alarming consequences o f selirabuse may bo rad ically curod without the. dangerous use ol Internal medimake it, am iss definite as that creating person should not ho made Governor April 12, 1875. tion and party in power did many the best ill town. ciuo or the application.of tho knife; pointing out a mode M E D I C iM E S , of cure at ouco.siuiple, certain and enectual, by means of the exemption itself. Greenbacks, R a ■without any voice in the matter. E ditors R ecord :— You are aware things which I could not approve, but which overy euftoror, no rnattor what hi9 condition may tional Bank notes, and fractional, bo, may euro himself,cheaply, privately, and radically. DYE STUFFS,PEHEUMBHIES that for six or seven years past, du the-times were critical, the peril great £gg,.Tbis Lecture should.bo in tho^handa.of qvoryfyoutli currency, as every body knows, are all aud overy man iu the laud." — the: Ship of State was in danger o f ring which time, you have been ac Produce, Bread, Gakes, P ies, Wooden BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Toilet Articles, Bent under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any address,; “ issued under authority of the United quainted with me, I have seldom spo being stranded, and the only way to and Willow Ware, Pork, Lard, Hams, post-paid, on receipt ot; six cents or two post stamps. A ud in fact every thing usually kept in the Droi? trade* Address the Publishers, The following are the members o f ken through the columns of the R ec save the country was: to hold up the P rates/’ an 1 r,o such can be taxable and they propo^o tof-ell thorn CtlAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., Dried Beef,:Salt, Flour, Stoneware, the new Board of Supervisors, elected under municipal lew. Tf they are “ ob I. was Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, &c., &c. B e f2 ly l] 127 Bowerr. New York; PoBt Office Box, 458G. ord, and never but once, in reply to hands of the Administration. A T P R I C K S ' T Z Jf& T W I J .l v ligation? of the United States,” they on Monday of last week. Those any remarks or insinuations of any no less;a Democrat then than in 1844. : sure to come: and see us and you will A d m i n is t r a t r ix S a le , ■ S U IT P J J R C M A S 1 3 I J S . clearly fall within th e prohibition, marked * were members of the Board correspondent: A s a general, rule,the I would do the same thing to-day if go away pleased and come again, I n th e' m a tte r o f th e e s t a te o f B e n ja m in F . 49r~Call aud see them, aud give .lino u trial.*-?* „. less said in reply to personal attacks circumstances required it. And had This is it ttuEsiicm that is of great last y e a r : * B r o a d w e ll, d e c e a s e d . Teas: will be sold lower than.the same Dou’t forget tlio plnco—At Ibe old Ftand ol Jauies importance at present,, and i f the '"Buchanan—L. P . Alexander, Rep.* the better.. N o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n th a t I sh a ll s e ll a t Smith north side of frout Street, Uucbauau, Mich. it not been for the thousands of Dem; quality can .be bought anywhere east p u b lic a n c lio n , to th e h ig h e s t .b id d er; o n T nes-. opinion referred to above is a correct V* Bertrand— W. D . Badger, Bern? B u t in your issue of April 8th, I ocrats, as well as Republicans, who of Now York City. Cur motto will d a y , th e I S th d a y o f R a y , A . D . 1 S 7 5 , a t tw o "Will-ho- "put in operation "just as one, our Supervisors should make their •"•-Bainbridge—Juan M. Guy, Rep.* o ’c lo c k in th e a fte r n o o n , a t th e p r e m isesj in notice a squib from your Berrien Cen embarked in the glorious enterprise of be discovered in capitals above. early as 'the weather will admit. assessments accordingly, and drop V Benton— S. M. Van Camp, Rep> th e V illa g e o f B u c h a n a n , in th o C o u n ty o f tre correspondent, to which, witEyour saving the: country, and of putting "With all- the old plow and point Call at the old stand, 53 Front B e r r ie n , in th e .S ta te :o f M ichigan', p u r s u a n t to '-Berrie.n— Israel P . H utton, Rep; j| **money’’ from their list. permission, I wish to make, a brief re- down the Rebellion, our condition to ■Steeefcj Buchananj Mich., and sec lic e n s e a n d n u th o r ity g r a n te d to m e on th e patterns and several, new ones. D o Chickaming— A . L . Drew, Ind.* e ig h t e e n t h d a y o f M ay, A . D . IS'i-I, b y .the P r o day would he lamentable; indeed. No ply. not .suppose I have nothing you Galien— S . A . Dennison, Rep.* b a t e C om t o f K e n t C o u n ty , M ic h ig a n , all o f th e The paragraph to which, I refer is, party of politicians could have, done e s t a te ; r ig h t, title and in t e r e s t o f th e sa id d e want, hut com evand see. I f I have ■ —'H agar— H . H . Sheldon, Rep. this work., , It. required the patriots of os'follows: c e a s e d of; in and to th e -r e a l e s t a te s itu a te d and A t the recent session of Congress •-''Lake— Wm. Williams, Rep. ■pROBATEOltDER.—S tut o o f M ichigan ,Couutyo(Bor* not I will get it for you as cheap as all parties, and to them the glory be b e in g in th e C o u n ty o f B e r r ie n , in th e S t a te o f I feel, hke saying something in regard to Sen 1 rlon, sa.—A t a session o f tho Probate Gourtfor the an act was passed to throw certain —''Lincoln—-A. D . Brown, Rep.* ator Derrick’s position- How is it that he lias longs of subduing .the most, gigantic OountyofBerriun,ho1(lou at tho Probate O/Uco. iu the M ic h ig a n , k n o w n an d d e s c r ib e d a s fo llo w s to- a n y one. A u jd hiu g from a harrow rlUngo o f Borrieu Springs, on Tuesday, tlioISili dny of . w it : A l l th e fo llo w in g d e s c r ib e d p a r o e l o f Indian lends in Michigan open to — Hew Buffalo— Geo. Wcimer, Dem .* become so interested in tho’ivelfare of the Denif in tho year ouo thousand eight hundred nud tooth— iron or steel— to a horse rebellion of modern times. And in all Aiirili la n d s itu a te d on t h e n o r th -w e st q u a rter o f t h e ocratic party ? DuriDg the fall campaign hasovonty-fivo. settlem ent and sale. — H iles—W. B . Davis,, Dem. s o u th -e a s t q u a rter o f s e c tio n tw e n ty -s ix (SB); rake, su lk y plow or grain drill. Present, BaniolChnpmau J u d g o o fP ro b a to . probability there'will not bo a similarYv~e have received a circular issued ' Wiles City-—Win. A . Reddick, Rep. was not in the interest of said party; was not a I n the mutter of. tho E state o f Davis F. Ifurlbutt, in to w n sh ip s e v e n (7 ) s o u th o f ra n g b ’-eigh teen ; politician in any sense of the word, but his let attempt to overthrow this Government; deceased. from the General Land Office explain Gall, at m y new works, corner ot ter to the Democrat shows that he is in the1 in in all coming time. ( I S ) w e st, in th e C o u n ty o f B cr r io iii and S ta te “ — J. P . Hewlett, Rep.* On readiug a n d n iin g tb o p o titio n ,d u ly v erified .of M e t a l i c a n d Casket Coffins, o f J f ic h ig a n , to -w it : R o ts-n u m b e r e d n in e (9 ) CHrolino J . 1'rame, praying for the probato and allowance in g tli; provisions o f the law, but it t . Qronoko— Zacbariah Fisher,-Dem* ' terest of the Democrats- His. conduct, previ P ortage and F ront Sts., or address Bcady-inado,constantly on hand,or m*d*>tr> ic o .-t ' Now, I am ready, as always, to ad of on instrument in writing purporting to be tho.last a n d te n (1 0 ) in R o ss & -a lo x a u d c r ’s s e c o n d ad ous to his election, shows him to be a.politician, too It. gthly for insertion in this ehortnotico. w ill and testament of;Baid deceased, and that administra Pipestone— J. H . Gonkling, Rep.* d itio n to th e V illa g e o f B u c h a n a n ; r e s e r v in g of the wiry kind.. Those bogus tickets he' cir mit that practically speaking I am a tion on said estate may be granted to herself. B . T . M O R L E Y , weeks paper. The provision of the h o w e v e r ; fr o m 'lo t ■num hcr.ninc ( 9 ) four ( I ) r o d s culated through the: country were anything but Royalton— Henry AshofF, Dem.* * Thereupon it is orderod, that Monday, the 30th day o f I? act- is briefly stated ns follow s: honorable. Now for him to come out and talk Democrat. B ut I do not mean by May n ext, at l l o’clock iu tho forenoon, bo assign-- fr o n t au d fifte e n (1 5 ) .ro d s.h a ck , b e in g is ix t y (CO) H B A —-Sodus—F . F . K ing, Rep.* Buchanan, Mich. forth© hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at, r o d s o i l from th e s o u th s id e o f sa id l o t n n m b er nbput corruption and dishonesty, it seems to me this that I will act with that party, od Jornishedto all ordering, aud strlct.it.t.eusloM***1'*^ Tho act first provides for the issue —i St. Joseph—A . H . Morrison, Rep. law of said deccnsed, and a ll other persons interested digging.andlocatlngwhor«vl«9lr«d out of place; This act was anything but com "right or wrong. The mere name of in said estate, are required to appear a t a session n in e . t * * o f land patents to Three Hundred and B a t e d Jlfarch 3 0 , A . B .. 18 7 3 . mendable to him. When a man deprives an Democrat, I care less about than I do ofsaidCourt,then to be holdouattheProbateOffice.inthe Three Oaks— Peter Strehle, Rep. villago o f Berrieu Springs,audshow causcfi f any there bo, J U L I A C. B R O A D W E L L , , Twenty Otvowa and Chippewa In di - Weesaw— Ebonezer Morley, Dem.* elector of his rights, he is committing a fraud those enduring, principles without; why the pray or o f the petitioner should not bo granted. 7 w7 A d m in is tr a tr ix . Berries' Cextre. ' A nddtis farther ordered,that said petitioner g iv e notice ans ; ct.rr w lieli th e remainder o f the —-Watervliet— S. P. Mevrifleld, R ep.11 unpardonable. M O N E T TO X O A N to tHo persons iD terestedin said e sta te ,o f th e pemloncy which no party can, stand. I am not Linds t.-'-'i x alunhle for pine timber , *.of said^ petition, and the hearing thereof, by-causing a Your correspondent makes, three The new Board will stand 15 R e TN SUMS TO SUIT, on approve*! real «st«** ‘"‘rnfi*? copy of.* this Order to bo- published in tho; wedded to the namej hut: from present X fromthree to five yoawv w iil ho open to Eottloaenc under the publicans, 6 Democrats and 1 Inde charges against me. In replying to . Berrien County Record a newspaper printed and circu in said County o f Berrien, for three successive Homestead act, and the lands w ill be pendent, a Republican gain o f three. them 1 wish to reverse the order in appearances, I believe there is more; to lated w eeks p roviousto sa id d a y ofhoaring. ALSO, REAL ESTATE AGENT. N E W S P A P E R. -JZ . S .] D A N IE L CHAPMAN, in the market for sale- The lands lie which they are given, and notice, in hope for from the stand taken by the ' [L ■IBMSWS iiK I H M tS . • A true c o p y . 9w4 * J ud oeof Probate* OiRfi»>;(U) ft P; Ali'ran'l'i'’, ??««}' ’h*'1-i' *V ia the Marquette, Traverse City, and the first place, the most important o f Liberals and. Democrats than from the Republican party. Other persons,, ELECTION RETUSKS. Ionia land office tlisaicts. Under the tho three. «* f equally honest, think differently, and TWELpm AaViYUAL Below we give the result of the Uome-sicad tier. CJdolors and sailors In referring to the election last fall, & * whatever party leaders may do or say To The P u b lic . have tT . e bench: of the Homestead: election in the several townships in lie charges me with circulating “ bogus f hereafter, the .people are not going to law tv p ly b g to them. After- one this county. tickets.” * * c i r r O F PREMIUMS We receive advertisements for insertion in anyNowa- x ■ be led so much by party as by princi AVe wish to call the attention o f the people o f Dayton B E R R IE N . year, the rem ak/ng lands w ill be paper,published.in tlio Uuited.States.. • , How I suppose he refers to the tick and vicinity to onr:now and elegant stock of Advertisers.shouldsend for our li3ts Mid rates before 1 TO SmSCKWEXS OPTfiE Supervisor— Israel P . Hutton. cold. S e ttlo r c’ready on the lands ets having the names of all the R e ple. The feeling and conviction that closing contracts for Advertising.. Estimates furnished on application. Clerk— Henry S. Robinson. m ust make p ro a s within ninety days publican nominees on them, except we should go for party is losing its Seudfor our AdverlisersvRefereuce Book. FRONT STICKKT, Treasurer— H enry Hess. from March 3d last. Indians who that of the person who was nominated hold upon the people, and the party ■ ■A N D that recognizes this' fact is sure m-the H . H . C H A N D L E R & GO., Supt. of Schools— W. P . Harmon have iU 7m «uU'Q settlements and improve-, B U C H A N A N , M IC H . for Republican Senator. Well, sup H. II, Chandler s» a r A in s o if s t „ Justice of the Peace— Robert S m eats in. the Marquette district, on pose this was so. Is there anything end to win. ; B O O T S * S H O E S W. a.BDEi, Fi H . D e r r i c k . section ten, o f township forty-seven Lingrell. new in this, or, in other words, do not ' : 'CniCACSO, iT.ti. ,.I). M .X ord, }■ JUST RECEIVED. ORONOKO. north, range two east, and section both parties practice th e same thing ? ^.The'.gTeat. increase in our trade during the Inst few 1IV/.K i ’ji KE PEACE yesrs; has inadb itiimperatiyely. necessary to increase our Supervisor'—Zacbariah Fisher twenty-four, of township forty-seven BUCHANAN PRICES CURRENT. In this instance, referred to, the Dem stock.in these leading lines. This -wo have accordingly done, so thatyve aranoiv prepared to offer the best and Clerk— L . B . Marquissee. north, range three west, arc permitted ocrats were not responsible for it. OornoUdivery Wednesday morningf o r the. Record, heaviest, assortment.' ol‘' these goods oVer brought to this J. N . B U C H A M A 74 5 APRIL 21st, 1875. market, and. . Treasurer—A . Kephart. to enter eighty acres each, at Mar KZ27YOJf<& VIjS1CENT-,Dealerxin Qro6erictand 2*ro‘ Those tickets: were printed at the in DK.OyBRIN visions,Froti£S6rectiRuchana.n*Mich. ■■ ?- * Supt. of Schools— D . H . Reiter. quette, at the mimimum price of one stance of certain Republicans. Some . Tkestjigufti represent the prices paid t y &edUri,\imUu AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY v T ul Justices of the Peace—Burns H el- of these gentlemen, whose sound R e otherwise specified. dollar and a quarter an aero, entries R E D D E R ,' mick and Jas. M. Watson. COMPETITION. to bo rnr.de before March 3d, 1878. publicanism has never been doubted, TTlioat, white, per bushel........... 1. 00@1 08 '90@100 Subscribe! Subscribe! W heat,.rod, per bushel.............. . PROPRIETOR. Every variety of sfcfle and quality will be foundwell B E R T R A N D ., ✓ said they would like to use these tick Tlour, white, per barrel, selling.............;;•...;* 0 50 represented., 'This vicinity has. long felt the want of a STREET SPRINKLER SUPPLIES, ' 6 00 firet.class stock of Boots and Shoes. /This; want wehave COUPIiIXGS, HOSK, TA1TES, HbBOWS, OO0SB Keeps as good rig3,andchhtgi-SJ'e Supervisor— W. D. Badger. J ets among some of their friends who, Flour, red, per barrel^ 8ollIng.ii.i....-«....... .... 600 . now effectually supphed, hnd will convince any one:who .lij p m u f lt D u o iia is im . 1 C lO T er. Seed, perbuahel.......i....«,....i;...i..; "... NE0KS; . .... ■ Clerk— Peter Women. 300 iwilL;fayorps-with [a^^cdlhthat iipur price it was thought, were: willing to vote Timothy Soedj per1bu8hol.....i.i..;...;..i.vi....... than REASO NABLE R A TES Buckwheat, per bushel............. ...... . ..... i oo those of any bther'Housoy- Every line' of trade -Will bo. S u it has again been brought against Treasurer— Samuel Messenger.. for the Liberal and Democratic nomi Corn, new, per bushel.......... •\60 .foundtihushally1full and attractive.' TTe give onr cus-; d(» H a r m o n . F o u r t s & 1 8 4 S'. W a t o r - S t . j As any establishment in’t.lieGonuti , 20t C H I C A G O . ' " \ 40 tomers. the benefit of an exclusive;cash system,, thereby Oata, per b u s h ..... “B oss” Tweed fer £6,000,000. H e was Supt. of Schools—L uos Holmes Subscription Price $2.50 nee for Senator, but unwilling to vote Bran, per ton, Belling.......................... ....... ‘ 18100, ..avoidingall baddebrs and long credits, w*hichfactpYohe 5 50 will iiitisfy/.any onb. that onr’s hlithe place to' buy cheap*. arrested on "Wednesday o f last week, New and secondhand Machines always Onlm nd* » » Justice of the Peace— S. Iv. Wilson. for any other except a straight Repub Fork, lire, perhundred..................... 7;oo Ourlarge asiprtmoht^pffgoqds;'^cqihprisessomanyvarieties-. Pork,dressed, per hundred.................. ...... Year. and his hail set at £3,000,000. This T H R E E O A K S. :10 that it ‘.wouldbohtterly impossible to give, prices here. Porkj iness, perpound....*..’;.....:........;.... .... • lican., C h ic a g o E x p o s itio n I ii iild in g . . 12,00 But we ask one and.all to,.call ohtia and examine goods CoraM'eii1,:"bolted, per hundred, selling...,, Supervisor— Peter Strehle. jf suit i s brought to recover m oney paid Now, was there any fraud in this ? Plaster, per barrel, selling;*........... ....... 1 75 snd.prices,v*ahd be convinced of;theftruth’bf ■ ‘what wo tamo, per ton......,,*-...,*...... ........ . Z...1200@14 00 say.. mw : *. out under tka Board o f A udit o f 1870. Clerk— W. H . Breece. Is it to be supposed for a moment that Hay, Hay, marsh, por ton..;.;.;;.;................... 8 00@800 .Mr. 3Tonrig, happily, has so far recovered his health as O l ’ I JtXTE i ’A I J f T I S f O S , Salt, lino,, perbarrol, selling..... ......... .... 2 00 to be able to take his old p lace.a^ in behind th e counter, Tweed is now serving his sentence on Treasurer— H . H. Chamberlain. Less tlian Tiro idoiUlss to Elapse Be these, men used these tickets with the Salt, coarso, per barrol, Belling....... . 2 50 where he w ill regnlaHy be foundattending to the wants C o m n i o u c i n g A I o i i d a j j A p r i l 5 , 1 8 7 5 ;conviction o f having paid out some o f Supt. of Schools—P . B . Parry. .... 200 of. his old customers. *.Oo'me and see hihi w hile ' intent to deceive, or as a fraud upon Beane, per. buahol.... ......... ........ ; ‘ tore (Jur Annual Distribution. • ^50 works 'b y :.illustriou3' Foreign^ andAnrarican^ari^ ood.lS inch, per cord.... ........... . 1 75; jTroni IlMoltino. Art' Galleries J:' X>hiIadelphia;;;aiid th^Gfaiy this money, and his conviction ■on Justice o f the Peace— John M. K.: their fellow voters ? I do not believe W 3 00^ Wood, 4 feet, percord..................... ;..... jery* of Jo h n Snedecor, Ndw Y orkv ;No one/w ithin 300 perpound..:.......................... . ...; , * 20 THE. STOCK IS NEW AND FULL. these, charges will ho an easy matter. Hilton. p DC Chicago slipuld fail,- to ‘seb^lusJ'^niis^X^exhihir. that half a dozen persons voted the Batter,, 10 . Thanking yon for past, favors, and soiicitiug a/contlnti- jniiles Eggs, perdozen;....;...........;...*....*.;...... li'lv s t - e ia s a w D P m u ily H T e-.vsi>ni)er, m u l .... 14 Lnrdipor pound....... H A L IE N . -tibn, ..... ' ■_'■ ’ ' "r'' " - V ^ ' Tweed is hound to pass the remainder ticket under any misapprehension. Tallow, perpound.......'.;.....;;......,....... ■ S I io n K l i>o: in * U v e r j y I f o t i s e h o K J . anco of’tbe.sanie in the future, w e remain 5@e Eating House anti iCO C H I C A G O E X P O S I T I O N 'B U I L D I N G Supervisor— S. A . Dennison. -Jr They understood whom they were vo Honey, per pound. o f h is davs “ where th e dogs won’t bite . Most Repoctfally. Yonrs, . . . . *.., - 18, ■ : ‘ ' :NOfl7^ EXHIBITION‘ . : Potatoes,'per buebel.............. .... 80@ 1 00 him.” Clerk:—Alex: Emery. . JACOB YODiVG & SOiV; . .' ting for, did! i t willingly and of their GreenApples, per bushel.............. 00@G0 : Cream Saloon. TheSuperbPai>*tings bvSelo’us. opL*^ k‘ . A S r S n b s v .r i b e - n t i O n c c w i t l i A m y o r O n Dried Apples, per pound............... . 0tv4 'Treasurer-—Benton Sterns ' . .^r DAYTON,•.MICH. own choice, and hence there was .no D . J e r u s a l e m , A n o i e n t ] a n d ^ . M o d e r n . . .» 'A n i .l i o r l z o i l A s r e s i is , o i ; S c m I , l ( j r t ' i r f l u l a i ried Poaches, pared, perpound.... ...... :::: - 7ls These paintings have createdl tho-most extravagant^ j> 3 e [C o h y - T«> • ... ."*1 DriedPeaches, uupared, per'poond...*..... .... ■ ■7 Supt: of Schools— Timothy Smith. fraud. The Black H ills excitem ent has re MISS MARY A R T H U R admiration wborevor thoy’-bave ’been exhibited** hotlUnv Chickens, perpoond............ ;..... .......I.;... " ’ England and..Amerio»rand.bAvo been lauded by tho^rosa^- ; Sustice of the Peace—A lex. Emory, vived th e mining interest in th e South ' W i¥ L H ’ :B U R I C . ** Again, what i s the difference be Cranberries,’'per quart............. ;... / r:12X : NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO.’S AS fittod ap rooms In Dunbar*** Drh'k, «ocnmi«1oo and by those \vho h*ve traveled, in tlio Holy Land. Hun 8 O O Brick, ’per,thousand, selling..........A...... Cwl t" - * A X.ai'iie<l :St;, Wost[ l>e(i'Oi(. east of the Baiik, wher»*tihe Inien*!* i W EESAW . ern. States. A t present some six or tween a straight ticket with an exccp dreds o f objects o f tho'’greatest, intorest.'to stndonts^oCtho ; •5(2)6 Hides, green, per pound...;.............*.......; j fJnawi ADd lop m .... r10@12 f t i i i n r i A r r n r )» East aro contained iq each picture.^ ' 1-, Sw4c . . ides, dry, perponnd........ Supervisor— Ebenezer P . Morley. tional ticket printed on it, and a H eight good stamp mills are constantly pelts............ ................................ .... 4 20@40 % ackerel, No. 2, porpound, solling.......*..at work in Georgia alone. T he work Clerk— W illiston W. Kempton. str a ig h t . ticket with an exceptional M WhitePish, perpound,''selling..''.,....... ■£ ! ! - ' S The" B K I I.T JA IV T ST JC C E SS of. this O r n m » Treasurer— Andrew J. Horris. is principally done with a pam, and name, pasted over another name upon B a v i u g ; T i m e - S a v i n g T K K E S H E K v ub imL A P IE E E & B R O W S ’, . - iU M IV .E R S iV L Supt;, o f Schools:—Alvin Morley. those engaged in the work usually it ? Both o f these things were done 2)recedented: in ethe annals of F»rin‘ .Machinery.. •In a ! ■* . ., • ■ ■ . Special Notices; ..brief period it. bos become .’w i d e l y k n o w n 1 and Justices of the Peace— Ebenezer P . last fall and this spring, and done 'by: make from §8 to £8 per day. Ho for n r E I V , as tlie.“ L > lA ftX « G tunes are made instantly, hut the re- Morley and Daniel Holmes. Republicans as well as Democrats. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. ^F TUlfI XR YE CS HE SOTTAGB aXtjlS i C H l ^ T£ . i , ' ,A?n>:i>ciii:nS’7^ turns are sure and pay reasonably W A T E R V L IE T . ■ And I have reason to believe that this Tlio n»o?t reliiiiilo'roiiiedy.evVr'onered to thoso'sun^rlng Supervisor—E. P . Merrifield: : with dills ii'oublekoniniii[, ) id.danger:pT’ iidiHeiiser l Tabonlinwell, Georgia will export this year is quite a general.practice'in this: :and N andhfter Monday, Nov.l 6; 1874,all trains on th© •Diamonds, W atch es, Clocks, tornnlly it gives tone r© (rJi<> mucous,• iiuim^ranes.-*and . over £309,000 worth o f copper and Qlerk—Ed. R. Havens. -■MichiganOontralBailroad stopping at-Bnchanan other States, by both parties. 'So much l’7i TKO^VARK, SPKCTACfilSS, A-c., fir. oaVnd' s t© a IftiLiJUiy naMbninli. the di*m:i, -jt -parts uffucleil -t j r ^tprea willloavo as follows: r . . • , iron. Treasurer— Ohas. Kennicott. for “ bogus tickets.” TRAINS WJiSTWABD. • y.Vm'; \ i y caturrrhs ’ Itfj|dvt*V,'rJjk Supt, of Schools— J. S . Valentine. Again, your correspondent calls me Kalamazoo Accom., (d aily except Sunday).........C:45 A“.M learb it* m en is by (fyitig:Ttv'< WA^i HES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY Justices of the Peace—Elias R. a “ wiry politician,” or “ a politician T he M ethodist Churches o f Phila i B Y A ll! Tght (dolly ~ NEATLY REFArRED. i; • • ‘T R A IN SB A ST W A R D .. . .......... delphia closed then’ doors recently be Welsh. George A . Ray, and Sawyer of the wiry kind.” "Whether the wri • V a n S c i r u c k j S U iT C f is o ir •& 'R c sd V -V M ail ,(d a ily ,e x ce p t Sundays,)............ .8:42 A . M W o. 7 0 M a i n S t , , - ■_ K l t B S . H I G H , Ball. cause o f a dissatisfaction among the ter of this charge means to place the Kalamazoo Accoui. (daily oxcopt Sunday)......7:05 P . M \ ‘*5w4 . - O l i i c n g o vV H oIesi11 J ' c n l s . ;. '. Tlio otily r6liablp,Gift.ifiuii'ibiiti6B;fa; the Coniitrjj. Express, (except Sunday)......... ....................11:27 A. M CHICKAMING. members in reference to the ministers emphasis on the “ wiry” or on the , Day Night Express, (except Baturday and Sunday) 12:20 A/M switches cfhls Michigan City ,FroigUt...‘:......'.....12:50 P. M. Supervisor— A . L . Drew. assigned to them by -the Conference. “ politician,” I am at a loss to -tell ■Way FroiRlit.,."..............A. M PILES, A N D F IST U L A --' .. H»subscriber would announce to Hie ladies oflJu* $ ’6 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 ' G R A I i r i R A l S E R S ; R f i F U S £ to submit-to the: Clerk— F . E . Sawyer. And as to the application of this term ,*Krie‘and North;Shore Freight (viaiAirLlne)...10;S5 p.M. ;|w T his practice o f delegating th e author » ^^Cured without pain.^->NO'pay/untii'oiirediU ? .T ichanauFandvicinity tlmt sheds prepftred*:lo;maunfaC' a8tefnl;and imperfect work,.of other' Thrcshera, when, torenatural ba)rinto8witc1ioH,.natural-cn|lS,'fic., :ii- ' jposted ion the superiority of this o.hej for •'saving‘ / ■ ' f M i f c n E T L ^ ^ .WiiMadiapmS't^tCliic Treasurer— Ohas. G, Sherrill -■ ■ .If‘V A L U A B L E G IF T S ’ ! or phrase t'o me or the course I have ity to a few o f selecting ministers to ;|:liOUrs;:9 , grain ,* saving.tfzne, and doing fast, thorough and econom ’* ’ ro, BE DISTRIBUTED IN, Supt. o f Schools— Victor H . Thom pursued, I leave the reader to - .judge. CHICAGO & MICH. L. SHORE R. '.R; ^ical work. ' f preside ovor different congregations A* ' MOST REASONABLE PRICES. ' ; .T H K E S H E R M B N B I N D • UCTf .highly advan-; has existed much longer than many as. * :Wm., E.\ Savage^. & !Bro!s • List. I was not aware that?I-'had used -any / tagediis to;[run. a machlne^that has no “Beaters,Vi. ^Pick. ^•. : • vAlso, that she . - D .- B I j N E ’S V ’L . .or8,,, ©^“Apron^* that handlea Damp.Grain,lo n g Straw,, N .and after; M onday, Jan. 10, 1874,Strain© will ru m ; artifice, or cunning to; accomplish my predicted it would. I t has been sub • Justicp o f the Peace—William A H /rlC illfe V N S T A T E lttfi^'JC U KEf* ,'OR/ ;172tf REGIJL^li: / ■Headings, Flax* Timothy;. M illett and afi.sucli • difficult asfollows: ' .• // ' iT l< - J l E B N U , C U R E . r ’ | . . , . . . .* Desires to" Purchase H air, grain and soedn; with E N T I R E E A S E A N O E E - . ends: Ilhave not attended a [political ! •■.■ • L1AVJ8 hit? borriio— mitted' to< rather reluctantly in many Keith. 5',.Union tIoteli,BIock; Jackson;'-il/ich. -HOaVn.* . / . . • -FJKCTIVKJCJESS. , Cioans to perfection; saves the for which she will pay $2.25 per ounce forbnir SOinclio Tlio only INSTITUTION inthe Western States. anUjnay ’ 7 . -10:50 A .M .^farmer his tbrcsh bill by extra raving o f grain f makes LAKE. o f our1large cities, and there is evi Convention or- Caucus since- I have Mail......’. long and $5 25 per onneo for Imir3-Mnchos long. ilCxtmr ____ 6:20 P. M raol'“Eitterioga;?*. . requires' X F S S : T H A N O N E - ’ well ho said jn this country,- devoted; exclusively; to' the* Accommodation...'.........,.*..;...*...;.' .p rice’[w ill -he paid for gray liRir'bf goodlougth. jiopnvft 2lanagemaii, ^Ti eainient ?audvCUItE. ofj IUJPTUKEUor .Supervisor— Win. Williams: been in the State until last week, Night Bxpressl...... ............................... J2:50 iA‘:M:r iF L A X F ' tho usual B elts/ Boxos,’_Journals, and Gears; HEKNIAl .TboJSxcelsior.'Elastic Tmss> manufactnrord a tdently a growing: desire to have ifcabolover Day-Alliniis .Grocery and Bakery, 'south Hide o To boi-Dravra iMonday,> May *3rd 1875. f-1' Mixed.............:...;.;....;;...*.......6 :1 0 A .M . «oaaier_'managed ;vlos8 repairs; ono .that grain^ raisers - the Cure; is'conceded.by the.multitudes'rising tbem'to b ef FTontStroet. Clerk— Oliver P., Miller: •when I stepped into the Republican . G~randRapids LiAvas ished, jSO that each church or congre •:i ou1k-] ^prefer to employ nod w a i t i'o r , e v e n a t s u l v a i t c e i l superior to nil others/in-point of- comfort^ conyenionco,, ■ 6T. j o s ir a —aonra. : 7tr -. itmn, »f 13^ ■ T.wo=Grautl Capitals of f . , . ,1:40 A. M I p r l c e s , while other machines aro “out o r jobs.” , ■'.] . and practical, support' Doscriptivel;ciccuCars B6nfe-','frco ■ ' Treasurer— Albert Denoe. gation can chose i t s own pastor. Caucus1of this village; - 1 have never- Night Exproas...................... . 0.-O2 A .M F o u r s i z e s m a d e ' w i t h 6 , 8 , 1 $ a n d 1 2 •to all? ^Address with stampi!1 ■ pU O B A T E -.O IlD ililt;— -Stato.ot M iclilgnn,-1 C om ity ( Accom m odation ............... ............... i-v*-r J* Supt'. of Schools— Jeremiah Nodim. put m yself forward as a candidate for Mall....:...............1.— . 8:35 P .M h o r s e ^ N o n n t c d ” P o w e r s , a ls o a s p c c iftlJ;<:Borrion,-ss.—At a session of tlio'Pxobato Court lor ...... • a . d b l a ^a y e t t e a n g B a Lu ; M rj). _ C:20P. M. t y o f S e i m r a t o r s M a lo n e ,” e x p r e s s l y >f o r : :.Box422. the Goupty>ofDerrion,boldttnAt tho ProbatoOfficeiiiitba •*.?■**?•: •v-'.8w4/vy v i’/i^ciCfionJ jUich|. Justices • of the Peace— Solomon -political honors of: any kind.; I knew Grand Rapids Mixed...;..;;..;......*..;.*.......'. The Republicans in Rhode Island -Two Prizes$i;009’l) - ' 'V't/'? S T E A M P O W E R , a n d 'to , jn a ic U 'o t lic r village ofDerricn Spriuge, on :Satimhiy; tho ;27th.day or H o r s e p o w e r s , c March,: in tho y.oar one tliouHaud oight Imiidrml ami. nothing of the: intention of my friendB r were not united at the recent election Maudlin and Charles Lord. O f X H O S E M U I L D I h O .— Throe ; ariicloB -I,C o m m is s io n e r s ’ N o t ic e : . \ I f interested in grain raising, ror ‘threshings write .for B Ovonty-fivG. agree to furnish at Lowest- BottomriPrices: 'French‘s T ^Illustrated Circulara^(s«ni! .free,) witli' fu ll particniarB of ProsontjDaniol Chapman,Judgo of Prohatai' B U C H A N A N . in offering my name to the Convention: rnHR undersigned, bavizigboon appointedby.the Judge for Governor and Lieutenant Gover and American Glass, all sizeSv’doublo and^ single' thick T 'sizes; styles: prices; terms, etc.;.: ^ 4 - . . . '/for i > In .tlio:. matter -of Lho-ostalu of Nullmn Hatfield, X o.fP robato for. the C ounty of.BeiTien, C b rn m lM ioh erai store ^fronts, dwolling^ vpicturcs^i&c.v Gll kinds' Of nor. I n the- Triangular contest, Mr. • Supervisor— L. P . Alexander Ono.llorso nnd. Duggyu/witli Silver M onntad. ‘Ilnrnffes,* that nominated mo, nor ■anything of on the.Estato of'WilUamsS.Pierce,’’ofsaid.-County/dedeceased: ( . N I C H O E S ; S H E P A R D «£ CO.", *'StainedVnd.Figured Glass. I also gnarauteo. the boBt- ■ ..vf.’.t v. v-J/v-'. -^worth$G00. ^J ; l nofice‘.is hereby;^vea,rthat they will ineet at the; \96ovr4ew9 ■made Sash jn.-the'Stated . Glass rcady. sot-—Froncli -or.*' ^ ■Onol?t«fl-TonedJtosowoodIPlauoi^worlli.SfifiO! T .; . . .Onroading and-filing the petition^duly verified, ;O Clerk— W. E . Plimpton. tf H azard, candidate of the bolting R e the acts o f that: Convention until it ceasod, 'Battle '^u 7t, ::Micfafdn» Emily llatfield, praying for the prolmtO:»nrt.al.lou,nnCM;ri office of-1. H.DnnnlngiVin the ;Vlllagelof-NewTroy, on r American-r-and warfant safe homo 'at ^niv nBlr,,aucl a ll/ ’ A *T on tfam ny^Sew ingM achines,•_w ortlf$100.4’ »!cliI : tm .inBtrnm entin writing pnn^riiug, to b o. thujiist-nlit Treasurer— B . F. Fisk. ^ Saturday, the 27th day of February, 1875; on : Saturday; publicans, received a majority of 400 had adjourned. Upon being apprised vkindsoti Show CaseSf.Wbite.Metal.and.Walnutr'SShd:-.'iu^‘ Three Gold1"Witftftes'jiTid Chains, worUi '5& Q0'Jiach! and tosl&ment'of>said docowwl. ami llmt *<lminislrn(ioii tho 27th day of March;1875; and on Thursday -the 15th Send for prices * “ ^ %,■ >i2yirfifl!Gold'iTwiertcaji,(ZruniirigWfltches'fo maybe granted to Milton.Uatficlil and William Hut* Supt. of Schools— R. II: Rogers: over th e regular nominee, and the of my nomination I refused at first to day of July,1875*i; 'All persons havingclaims against said' t Administrator’s Sale. . • Jyour 'orders. * E .* P . K A R L , 1 1 .Tefl’e’r M iir A v t * .. .'‘IT on -f/ad ip fiftG d ld /iT iin tin gT lV ^ ^ , •U eld^.' : ........ •, are hereby^hotlhodto prMent.:Ihem!forexa]nina- r ln . the ;rdattbr Cpf^the-Eifato/of;^ j-.; !8w4j;, :fe; ' C ^ Democratic candidate had 3,000 less Justice of the Peace, full term— L. let my name stand as th e . nominee of ^Estate 800^Qold^and Silver I^ever M unting W atcU cs, (in all)* -uTlidreupon it is ordered,Abut Monduy, fh<i2dlhdny^‘f fionandadjustment*.\Six;moQths from(Januar^15^1875/ « ' . r » . deceased. * w 14 I • •-,! . ; J^ tooj^ 7r/7-o 7 n $20 to $300 each.' ,y , April next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon,l*e assigned are Allowed^bylhO' Court 'to creditors .of said;'estate to ■f’KTOXfOEjfs’' liereljy vgivon1 thafc.I w ill sell at ^pnblic" ■that Convention, until I was assured prosonttheir votes than either. A clear majority P . Alexander. old OlmmaTSihfi wnio, Jowolry, &cJAc forthe hearingotsaid petition*andtlmHlMi)w.-]i InwvUf claims.. , ' u V ■ AVERILL CHEMICAL P A IN T.^±;,^. f G iJN auction, "to the^highest ;bidder; oiiL.Saturdajr,'Aprll’- !'paiiitiagAyosfty'Usenootk'e^ HHld(loccasod,andaIIotherporaoufi interustediusaidestate, J tV . ; ^ G 5 ^ i 13?/d isV /:iif■ > ? ? ' i jt.isto [ .C O .'O 0 0 ' . » Now Troy, Jan. 23d, 1875,; .. : u * :/ -■ ' •'•V Justice of the'Peace, to fill vacan- by my friends that tbere.was.no prob is necessary to- a choice, and there bellOth, A^3).'i875i at* oho u'clockuinithe afternoon,\at the'1 ilotigori^^a'hdigiybia-'mpchjiuerjfl^^ requiredtoappearavasession ofwaidGomi, ilien toho ” • * L .H .D H N N IN G ,’) *-J.GJnN2S WAXUi'D TO SELL VHK* 7S\ to whom are lioldbn;at the Probate: Office, in the village of ;Ben:ieii>. ability of m y election. They told me r * ing, therefore, no: election, the House cy— John.T. Beckwith. W. A . KBITH^r *>Cca)xilMloa«rwj i preinis eo:i h’orein-vhieh tioh od,-: "pursu^ahtl^p/a'licprico^and) in^the markot./ Itiis sold hyfthtl^allon/i^iiily: -for imiiiW' i ]Zkberal0}eiiiiuni:iiwillbw * ■ : ‘ ' Springs, audshowcause, if aio thcio be,-ali^ Lh< piajor ? ;authorityr^ahted^,to'me'(* , o h^^^fche-pth.T day o f June,--AWDij filw. . ^ 1 ,TWM. BPOONRB. tJ # , lt . diato application, put. nip in packages- to; nso. bohd:foi\ ^S V cfcgi s1$ ;V Y*SlCa»^; ^x7.?5v .7V<: f5-$Yo; j of tho petitioner 3 : B A IN B R ID G E . ' that I need make" no pledges^as'fo the o f RepreSentatives w illh ave to name shouldnot bu gramed1: And it Is lr.!l874, by, the'Brohato Couf t:[of0Qrri6h''.OountyilMichigati'! tamplocard.and;price Hflt toi • - ; 7- : •• therorderedi that said.’petitioner ^ give notlcoii) thnpom \ the following described,real estate,' to*wit:? X ot nine[(9); Supervisor— Juan M. Guy. / A O ip .colai^ cp ^ n tH ini^ g'ii’lfull liE t oyA *i^b«^rt^l^cr!ptibii:: ■ ! , ".j . ; « O O T I C i '« f T * A » T / course I would pursue.in case I was th e ■Governor* The. balance ’ o f .the; aonaintorostedInsaid'.estate, oi .thependiimy ol Haici por iBldckjtwo (2}i hots'Boveh (7) and eigh|:;:(8)/Block;;twelve'! 4 tiL O f, t^ b ^ n u C n u p r.of d n A W iiigjiH iid . otliar l'lforiu'vtlon'ih' r r-ffcition.nud.tho Lenring.thereoi,: .b y:cau singsj*;-cf»py,ot tbij) ( fl 2 h ih:tho*villagoToC Now^Troy,‘Berrien, County, Michi.. . ■ : » • ■ ■ j • • • .i : * ■ : * . • < v ” • Clerk— Merritt Matraw< . elected. That, in'a word, I need make: j 11111$ subscriber offers r o r » » ie ‘ hts farm ofX52 acre* Jgon* . / .* r " Republican tic k e t is- elected, by the t'erorico to theDistrib\^tion,-winhe'Heiit/to nviyvVitih'fii’dor^ order, to bo pubhsluMl in t.h« Berrien: County: Record* "a ' ; -r &B0RGJB PIERC15, now spnperprintud anil circulated’-m ^ raid Count)’of l*#»rX situated In* Qreonr BuBh> ( Ohtkaming;Township; *oa> | > * . 'I-C2wT--' *'1 v -.‘V = 1 A'dminiBtrator o f said Estato. ’ Treasurer— Ohas. Weber,. no canvass, but: that nr^friends would largest, majority -Over- given in the S I AY-'AISoX'-Ultii, lake shovel-T he location f is a very desirable one, 'and la rionffor throe «nccHhHiv« -weeks praviom* (q eidiiday t.f C L A S S AND.. P A IW T I ^Onico^NxculBibivlhiililaig, *?Tho abovo Tsalorislheroby; postponod V-nntil-'Saturday, O or..K ftC o’ .t:D onaw orni. Supt.-> of Schools—LeRoy* R u ssell.' attend to it. - I t is known that I ’made ono o f tho best' fruit farms, in th e .County. ’There are ?I April " ........* " lUwS) C/.VCJi\.\ylTI O . boaridg. '/ v ■ , n -. ' : ; S ta te, and the vote Was the heaviest,, 24th; 1875; at 3 o’clock P.M.*. ^ '' ” v ; WnOLESALTE' AND r A A I t .T_. 1,000fr n ittr o esxn ow p n ’.th©Dl*ce;*abbut 80 acre fL.8.*| DaNIKL Cir.\r>JAN, ,-.'f:.GEORQE ‘PIERCE/Administrator.11'-1*: r/Window.QlMS^PlatoTGlras,^ ^Cut,i ShiinQd’ftndv'Knamolofl * fH ... Ju stico/of the Peace— A . S'uther-, no speeches, but attended to my busi over / “Nrf 4tit 7v4 ifA. t.rn«oo|if.) Improved; good house and* good other'buildings on tbl f :> except one, ever polled in Rhode G la s s.'F r e n c h U u d iC lc r in iiii^ I iO q V : i n g f G l n s s w ill's e ll, th ew h o lep lo ce -o r ^ a p e rtfto e w j f liTCWFEO^ltayo j nil un’iuVPI)X»'i lionl'or,\vliii-li y ~-i J \ J land. • • i ■ ness 'during the; ca,mpaign:L Howj 'if 1premises;*, , nrohasers.^'The'-premises'are o n ly /l^ ^ m ile s Wctfw' itJuiteil:. WA l Cll l O. ■ilcBiro’a Patont;-^eillier iu tli«,Uult Island. l i r r p g Tako -.the • MiciiWAX' : 1 ^ ' ......... vSlatg^op.aiiy.rproi^ni ........................— ......... co.ij....... my ?;, ^1'heu ....... Huucl.Ui w.1aU) Itid> I. . G IR L S <&-B dn'pursning this, course I acted- the: Sepot on -th e ’0 .< 4 «M ;X .^ 0.B ;R .^P rlcesrrand<.term ^ X ' o C k f t i U X l X l i K l F armer and -kooppoat-. HAGAR.. , ' » •*Ol. yfecliaiiicH 2Jif«CliauicurT nul-Ih'vcu TnVOntoraU lVim’-A RO (u> iiTlU (AllI ijvT Eralyrenlvi iiuori.copyot -Tub Little,Peoplh/' irS ^Lperyeai-and 10c; ■«0t' aud Av“N sB ciiT ou; lIlie reasonable.vFor fo il particulars c a ll a t rtbe premlsea sr od^> Tim best market reports. > !A! livo agricultural papor.; -liablo Patent Agency-ia.JUichlgnn;; :37AV::Congress St«, postage. ":12Dgravragrtd euchbubscriber. . AgeulN'withlvd. part of-a “w iry politician ” < all right:. address thesubaoriber at Sawyer P *O.'.Berrlen Oo:, S u p o rv ia q r^ H M . Sheldon, - / w H early complete returns'’from -the bt.bveryBchdol. Big pay for work. UonNSTONS&Gjbbokb a A lw s a le SOearw—» f o o d ll» b w # ilo l,' * " :./.r .fev^ V v' ft.' * ' t Bam. now glad-lb know.yrhat -a //w ir y ,?rr -< z i F THOS/s; >SPBAGHB^Presi^hWt Detroit.’';''^ it f ’It - »' GJoxm'eetiouS election make .the follow: ^ Clerk— Gv'SUAudrews: ;: tt- ^ **^4 ‘ v, J-Mi v vU-jtw HecowL • Whole No. votes,i STORE! SMITH & SON O L IV E R ’ S South Bend Qliilled . Centre-Draft. ■ BT.0 O K -F R E S H , W ELL SELECTED, GROCERIES DOWN FOR CASH Agricultural Tools AND T CASH DOWN PURE- DRUGS, FOR, GROCERIES, FO U N D R Y KINY0N & VINCENT. S $ -2 0 , 0 0 0 ' IN GREENBACKS! A d v e r tis ii* DRY lilT G R T , Sale anfl Feei Stale. GOODS COffiMIRCIAL ADVEHT-ISE-R J STREET SPRINKLERS SPRING EXHIBITION H Manufacturing Jewelers CATIREHCOBE. O G iF T E N T E R P ffiS f ! ? T O GIFT; ENTERPRISE, r,000 EACH IN CASH! F a r m f o r S a le ; I 0 Y 'gjjftaffiffffc wss Berrien The Berrien County Record THURSDAY MORNING, A PR IL 15,1875, To Advertisers, The “ Record” is the best AdvertisingMedium, in South--western Michigan, hav ing the largest Circulation o f a n y otherpaper in this; part o f the State, W e learn from the H ighway Com missioner that, the job of grading down Moccasin H ill will be let next Tues day in tho; forenoon. T he discipline o f our State prison is being investigated by a Committee appointed by the Legislature for that purpose. A rem s. Geo, P , Rowell & Co., 41 P ark Row, N. Y„. S. M. P e ttiig ill, 87 Park Row, N. Y., and Rowell & Cliesman, St. Louis, Missouri, are our authorized agents to contract for-advertis ing, a t our low est rates, for th e columns of th e B krr( rx Cocsty R kcoro. rrr- Buchanan Church Directory. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. A , J , JtrssKix, Pastor. Services- begin, prom ptly a t 10J o’clock, and close a t 12 M. sharp. Sabbath: School commences a t 12.10, ends a t 1 P . M. E vening service begins a t 6 } j-^-nlciock, closes, a t 74, to b e usually followed by s. social service o f 4U minutes, P rayer meeting Thm-sday evening. A lt week, day evening ser vices begin a t 7 o’clock and close a t S.15. F arm ers ' are earnestly requested to contribute articles on agricultural topics for publication in tho RECORD, O ur neighbor, Mr; George Church ill^ is building a very nice barn on bis lot; on D ay’s Avenue., I t will be quite a valuable improvement to his prem ises. County Our readers will not fail to b'otice F ox’s new advertisement on tlie first page of this issue. H e is offering special inducements to customers thi spring, "■ I t is reported that many of our most distinguished scholars are in favor of reconstructing our mode of spelling. It would be a good work i f orthography could be reduced to some perfect system. A t present good spelling is principally a tost o f memory. P e r s o n a e .—-We notice by the Niles papers that our friend and former townsman, Mr. G. W. Blish, has open ed a jewelry store in that city.“ W ill” is a good fellow and deserving o f the success which he is almost sure to meet with in any business in which may be come engaged. Record, an, Buchanan, I t used to beour-rule, when the sub scription was allowed to run from year to year, to give the paper for $2, (the price when paid’in advance,) if sub scribers would pay in. advance as far as in arrears. This was a good thing for us when a paper was in arrears three or four years. The reason why we cannot adopt such a rule at pres ent is because h o paper is allowed to run more than ono year before it is discontinued. To allow §3 to pay for two years at the expiration of the first year, would be giving no advantage whatever to the subscribers who pay yearly in advance. W e have had to explain this so often of late that we refer to it in this place. Our terms are clearly stated and easily understood, $1.50 in advance or §2 when not in advance. No paper sent outside the county unless paid i n . advance, after the 7th of May next. Thursday, ’ N ew Carpets an3 nice styles ,of "Wall Paper, at Redden & Graham’s. • F or S ale .— The undersigned has About 25 tons of Marsh H ay which he will sell at a reasonable price. H ay is .of-the first quality and situated at head of Cranberry Meadow, in Lake township’; 9 tf C. P letcher. A ll -kinds of Stationery and Fan cy Goods kept at the Corner Stoie, A . L. H ayes & S on. M rs ,-- D unning will return from Chicago Thursday or Friday o f this week with new styles and new goods. N ew G oods, N ew S tyles J ust R eceived .— Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, April - 15, • 1875. rjR O S IS T . .IOSEPIT. April 10, 1875. E ditors R ecord :— It lias been my good fortune to furnish you what we call bits of news, atul having a good opportunity to make observations, it may give your many readers pleasure to receive a little news from this place. The municipal election created a considerable excitement, more espe cially the office of Supervisor. The result was that Our old friend, Hon, A . H . Morrison, was elected, receiv ing a majority o f 116 over his com petitor, Mr. Higman. The boys from your place are keep ing a very excellent hotel. They re ceive a good patronage, and you may be sure that everything is done for the comfort of their numerous guests. After having a friendly shake with Charlie, and,a “good morning! ” from Miron, it makes you feel wonderfully well after undergoing the fatigues of a trip. When you next make us a visit, stop at the St. Charles. Fishing has begun, and now we enjoy a good meal of fresh white fish. The peach crop will prove to be al most an entire failure. Other fruits will yield a fair crop, with the excep tion of blackberries and raspberries. Weather is delightful. grudge, carried out such a purpose last Tuesday and brought up in Jus tice Alward’s Court. Being given a few moments to procure witnesses, he jumped the city and is still at liberty. ........In the case on trial at Jacksr ; this week, of the Air Line Railroad Co. vs. Michael Herkimer, to recover a subscription of five hundred u to that company, the plaintiffs, after a threo days trial asked leave to with draw a jury, pay the costs and discon tinue the case. We will publish next week the full statement of the matter, it having been received too late for this issue......... Justice Alward fined John Clemens §10 and costs for drunkenness, T uesday; the whole amounting to $16. Clemens was arraigned upon the charge of resist ing an officer, blit, upon his promise to leave town, sentence was suspend ed, ...... A mass convention to take into consideration the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of the late Dr. S, Richardson, was held at the office of C. M. Alward, on Saturday afternoon last. A . M. Lapierre was called to the chair and C. M. Alward chosen as Secretary. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the people’s respect for the disceased as a man, a physician, a neighbor, and a public benefactor. The chair appointed a committee of five, with authority to increase their number, if practicable, to solicit their subscriptions of $1 each for said object. Meeting ad journed to meet at the same place, Saturday afternoon, April 10. New Advertisements. SHARP’S RIFLE CO., STaunfaciitrerB o f Patent Breech-loading, Jlfllitary, Sunn ing, and Croeilmore Rifles. pXli<e S 5 « st i u tl.sff Oi*Wl. Winner at International and nearly all other •ncipal matches a t Crcedinoor (See CffiCialRecord > ‘D'tivg .Rifles, * $30 to Admoor liijlcs, with Elevationsfo r lflOO^d’s., $90 cC*$12 *, lend for •Uhistnitcd Catalogue, umorva.vd Office, J3. O. "WESCOTT. TIaktforp, Conn. President. STOP THAT aGUGHr JPROF. IIAjftll.TQU’S . MEDICATED COUGH CANDY.’ Made from extracts prepared in Vacuo. A certain, ami effective remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Those who try, always use it, cure.their Colds, and avoid Con sumption and an early grave, price only 10 cents, One million sold annually, and sold everywhere. T. B . SLINGERLAND, Proprietor, Rome, N ;T . A D V J G R T I S I 5 G : CSiCA2>: Goods Systematic.— Jewelery, Linen Collars and Cuffs, jlx All persons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion o f advertisements, should Neckties, and a splendid assortment send 2 5 e c u i s to Geo. P. Rowell A Co., 41 Park RowNew York, for their PAMPHLET-BOOK, (ninety-seventh N o oats have been sown yet, we be of Ladies’ Underwear. Real Hair edition^ containing lis t o f over [2000 newspapers and «s, timates, showing the cost. Advertisements taken for lieve, and but very little plowing done. Switches and Curls, also spring style leading papers in many States at a tremendous reduction I t is now time that oats were in the of Domestic Paper Patterns, and all from publishers* rates. Get id e book. ground. U ntil further notice, meetings will the novelties in, the Millinery line at A " W E E li to Agents to sell an article salca'h? L fJf ote as ilour; Profits immense. Package free. Copper ore of a superior richness he held regularly at the Old Advent Mrs. C. Egbert’s, Niles, second door Address BUCKEYE M’FGr CO., Marion, Ohio. * D on’t be in too much haste to don has been found between this village Church every Sabbath afternoon at west of P latt’s Hardware Store. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH, ^ O f i A ■^.^ONTII to Agents everywhere. Address your summer clothing. I t may be sev and the river. F u ll investigation has 3 o’clock. 8 pt3 EXCELSIOR M’F'G CO., Buchanan, Mich. D. M ath w v so x , ra s to r. Services a t 10J- A. eral weeks yet before we have contin not yet been made to ascertain wheth M. and 7 P . 41. Sabbath School a t 12:25 P . N ew G oods in everything at H , J, ® C o Q 3 0 A per day at home. Terms free. Address M. P rayer mectiug W ednesday evening at 7} ued pleasant weather. IP U ^ Geo. Stinsox & Co., Portland, Me. er it can be found^ihDpa-yihg—quan.tiA N ovel . B arometer .— One who Howe’s. Don’t buy a thing until you o’clock. ties. lYoAverTshown two specimens IT;a&Jriod it, says a cup of coffee 5s & see them; AI7EEK guaranteed to Male and Fe male Agents, in their locality. Costs PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. P ersonal .— Mr. D . S. McDonald that^wgre on test proven to be 90 per ar (^barometer. Allow the su NOTHING- to try it, particulars free. Go TO Redden & Graham’s if you IV. W. W e l l s , Pastor, Services a t lOJ A, left for Rochester on Thursday last to qent. copper. P.f O. VICKERY & CO,, Augusta, Me. gar tq drop to the bottom of the cup, want to buy Table Linens, Napkins, M. an d 7 P. M. Sabbath, School after morning (l nsYCHOJiAXCT OR SOTIX. CHARMINe.” How service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening a t purchase fruit trees for his spring deand waich the bubbles arise without Crashes, Towels,Linen Handkerchiefs, Ju either s<£c may fascinate and gain the love and af 71 o’clock, fections of anyparsonthey choose, instantly. This art T raveler . . ing the coffee. I f the bubbles &c. In fact, all hinds of white T here is serious talk at Buchanan all can possess, iree^by mail, for 25 cents; together with OLD ADVENT CHURCH. a Marriage Gaide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to of building a narrow guage railway collect in the middle, the weather will are sold cheap by them. Ladle?, etc. 1*000,00n sold, A queer boolc. Address T. R ecord one year for §1.50 in ad from that point to connect with the be fine. I f they adhere to the cup, J . W. K. Lister, Pastor;- Meeting every TO I ’A T iratA S T E K S . IYUjLIAM & CO., Pubs., Philadelphia. N ew S tock of Boots and Shoes Sunday a t 101 o’clock a, m, vance. To subscribers within t!he Lake Shore and Michigan Southern. fbiyning a ring, it w ill be rainy. If G entlemen :— Once more the peo CHRISTIAN CHURCH, county, who pay at the expiration pf Whether the connection is proposed the bubbles separate without assuming and a full line of Ladies’ Slippers just ple of Buchanan have met and made received at G. W. N oble ’ s . W m. L ir o s k u ., Pastor. Service Sunday the year, § 2 , \ to be made in this city or at some oth riny fixed position,changeable weather choice of the men whom they wish to morning xt 101 o’clock. Sabbath School 3 Tiie best and cheapest Black Alpacas take charge of the public highways o ’c Iock P. M, P rayer m eeting Thursday even, er point, we are unable to learn— may be expected. Terms o f Advertising arc offered for newspapers in the ing at 7j o’clock, ' in the county at F o x ’s, also ladies’ for one year, twenty-one of you to ~ B en d D a ily Tribune. T ownship Superintendents \ o f State of ROBATE ORDER.—State o f Michigan, County ofBer* ties in handsome styles. UNITED BRETHREN. CHURCH. Schools can obtain blanks to be usec^ H on. I saac P . M arston has been take charge of so many road districts, PTien, sa.—A t a session o f the Probate Court for the County o f Besrien, holden at the Probate Office in the J . V. T ervlixorr, P astor, Services: every in- giving notice o f the time and place appointed by the Governor Justice of E xtra copies of the R ecord can and the undersigned to take general village o f Berrien Springs, on Monday, the 29th day o f ^ M -R > T rH r-Iy ^ .ofrSo'ut1 alternate Sabbath morning-,; at lOj- o’clock. March, in tho year one thousand eight hundred and of the examination of teachers, by the Supreme Oourt to fill vacancy un be had at the news depot of J. H. Roe, charge of the whole. eeventy-fivo. . * Send for list of papers, and sclieduio of rates. Address P rayer m eeting every Thursday evening. burgh, j^ & q jfre n e 'v in g h is subscripPresent, Daniel Chapman, Judge o f Probate. calling at this office; This is an important trust, second tf tipn-for another year says: ‘’Continue til his election can be declared by the in Union Block. I n the matter o f tho estate o f Lawrence S. Kiefer, GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, only to that of. the public schools, and deceased. tfie R ecord to my address another Board o f Canvassers. H e took his G o l d 1.15}. N otice.:— The only place in the we shall all be held to a strict account On reading a n d fllin g th e petition, duly verified, o f KO. 41 BARK ROW, NEWYORK, To R ent . — A large house situated year. I t makes welcome visits to us, seat at Lansing yesterday. Lavina Brander, praying that administration on said county to get your Solid Jewelry o f our doings. There are about fifty- estate may be granted to some suitable person. Refer To E ditor or this Taper . P otatoes $1.20. near the business part of this village. and is as good as a letter from home Thereupon i t is orderedthatM onday, th e 26th day ot made to order,is at Lapiere &Brown’s, seven and a half miles of roads for us April n ext, at 11 o’clock in tho forenoon, bo assigned Th e ‘settlement with the Treasurer Good barn on the premises. W ill be each, week.” for the hearing o fs a id petition, and th at th e heirs Niles, Mich. 14tf L iving — below par. . to look after, in this township, outside atia w o i aaiddeceasedandallotherpersons interestedfn Harness Makers, Boot Makers, of this township shows a balance in bis rented for one year. Inquire at this onrt Plenty of Straw Hats, wide brims, the Village corporation. Nature was saidestatd,arerequiredtoappearatasessionofsaidC office. then to he liolden a t the Probate Office, in the village Manufacturers & Builders, N ow is the time of the year to set hands o f §2,600 and a few cents over. at of Berrien Springs, and show cause, i f any there he, why ( W as it a su jar snow ? L. P. & G. W. F o x ’s. pretty rough with us in marking out the The amount belonging to the school w ill find all kinds of prayer o f the petitionorehould not he granted. And out shade trees. We trust that the it is further ordered, th a t said Petitioner give notice ^ --------.— — *<»■*---------the places where many o f these high fund of this district is a little upward LEATHER AND RUBBER GOODS, S ome genuine grasshoppers have usual interest will be tsken in this to the persons interested in said estate, o f the pen H. J. H owe’ s 90 cts. and §1.25 I W hose log chain is it l BELTIHG AND BUILDING MATERIALS, dency o f said petition, and the hearing thereof, by been, sent from Kansas to Mr. Bryant work this spring. There is no one of $2,400. W e will publish a fuller Teas beats them all. See i f .they ways should run ; steep hills and causing a copy o f th is order to he published in the swamps come in for a liberal share; Berrien County Record, a newspaper printed and cir At J. S. Tuttle’s, Miles, Mich. statement as soon as it can be fur don’t. of this village. They are safely impris thing that adds more to the culatod in said County o f Berrien, for three successive L isten to the mocking bird. beds of sand are quite plenty. I f weeks previous oned in a glass vial, and are on, exhi and attraction of our village than the nished us. to said day of hearing. [L .S J H . J. H owe is sole agent for Rob~ DANIEL CHAPMAN, these steep hills were properly graded bition at W hite’s drug; store. A truecopr 7w4 Judge o f JPj'obate. nice ornamental shade trees. erts1 Razor S teel Scissors and Para down, crossways made comfortably A ll should go and bear Russell W e take the following from an ex bola Needles, only 10 cents a paper, I H S U R A N C E passable, and sand beds suitably cov n ext Monday night. change and it will be good reading MORTGAGE SALE. S now S torm .:—-The last snow storm L ecture .— The lecture at the M. for some of the business men of this the price of pommon needles. Every ered with clay or coarse gravel, and Default'haying been made in the payment of of the season, occurred here on last “ T he year o f jubilee has come,” E. Church, on Monday evening last, village : one must try them. the roads generally made good, the a certain sum of money secured to be paid by Buchanan. M ichigan. Monday evening. I t fell in heavy a certain Indenture of Mortgage, bearing date by Mr. Russell, of Detroit, under the vide the Tennesseeans concert. real estate in the township would be the “ We understand that several per N ew C lothing received at L. P. & ninth day of October, in the year of our flakes and covered the ground to the D. A. "WAGNER auspices of the Grand Lodge of Good sons— business men of this c i t y - G. W . F o x ’s, also a full stock of worth one-quarter more than it is now- Lord oiie thousand eight hundred and sixtyp EPRESENTSthefollowmgreliableandfir s t CIass No 1 you can’t pay your highway depth of several inches. Templars of the State, was well at have lately been sending to other Gent’s Silk Hats, spring styles. Most of you, gentlemen, understand eight, made and executed by Davis F. H urlbutt Xu EireInsurance Oompanies, and is preparedtoIssue ta x in work this year. and Mary H urlbutt, his Wife, of Berrien county policiestherein: tended considering the inclemency o f places to have their job work done, working roads as well or better than and Aesets^Jan.l, State of Michigan, of the first part, and i&TNA, of Hartford M essrs. S m ith & B arlett have S ugars , Teas, Coffees and Spices at m yself; but some of you may not Frederick the weather, and the lecture is pro because they thought they were 1874,....................................... .$59521,019 17. Evans, of Mount Lebanon, Co CO. 03? NORTH AAfERICA,Phila... $,050,536 T he market; is now well supplied opened a new meat market on Main nounced one of the best ever delivered prices as low as the lowest, and f u l l lave had much experience. To such lumbia county and^ :State of New York of the INS. UNDERWRITERS’ AGENCY, NewYork.. 2,335,439 making a few cents by the opperation. s&eefc, first door north of the Bank. Rersonedesiringlusursiice wiildowell toconsnltthe with fresh fish. second part, and re’oorded in the office of the in our village on the subject of Tem Of course, it is every person’s right weight guaranteed, at I will venture a few suggestions. First, We wish these gentlemen success in Register of Deeds in and for the County of dnbscribor, at his office in Buchanan, “Old Record S mith B ros . &• Co. Building.” thirddoornorthof the bank, upstairs, oradperance. M r. Russell will deliver his to have work done at the cheapest when you undertake to repair a bad B errien and State of Michigan, in Liber WE of dress Rimby letter, aa thocompanies he reprenest^are C leaning yards and making garden their business. second lecture in this place on Monday rates. No one doubts this; but these bla D ried Beef, Bacon, Hams, Shoul place in the road, try, as far as possi Mortgages, on pages 312 ana 313, which. Mort ■*r*Rksio*rEas Able.ho&crsbloandO,w-iiw A WA'3NaSv has been duly assigned to tho undersigned hare been in order the present week. evening of next week, at the Oak same individuals expect the papers o f ders, Mess Pork and Lard, at ble, to make a finished job of it. Of gage by an assignment in writing bearing date the P ersonal .— Mrs. Dann is spending street chapel. L et all interested in; course no bad places may be neglect tenth (10th) day of December, A . D. 1S6S, ex S mith B ros. & Co. the city to notice gratuitously, every B. T . B A B B IT T ’S a few days with friends in this village. the cause of temperance turn out. Y oung ladies are busy picking out ed, but if only one bad place be made ecuted by the said ^Frederick W . Evans, and move they make, forgetting that F or S ale .— A Five. Horse Engine She is on her way from Onarga, 111., recorded in the office of said Register o f Deeds, their spring hats, paper, ink, &c., cost money. The and Boiler, nearly new, ip complete really good in each district every year,, in Liber W of Mortgages, on page 182, on Pure Ooiicsiitratcd Fotasli to join her husband at Atlanta, Ga., D ied .— W e learn with sorrow that prices for job printing in this city they will amount to a great many in a which Mortgage there is claimed to be due and Of donble the Strength o f auy other running order. Inquire of C oOLIDQE’ s majority in this county where they expect to make their home Mr- Fred. P. Warren, of Three Oaks, are very reasonable, and when per a few years. Second, in Using tbe unpaid a t the date of this notice the sum of S A P O S U B S T A N C E . S penoee & W illard . hundred and twenty-three and sixty-one the inventor of what our best scientists sons show such a want of apprecia I have recently perfected a new method o f packing my for Circuit Judge is 1,378. Good in the future. scraper, have an eye always to lessen five one-hundredths dollars (8523.G1), and to recov Rotash, or Lye, And Am now packing It only In Balia, the Buchanan, March 11, 1875— 13 pronounce the most ingenuous calcu t io n of favors, they certainly cannot ing the grads. Carry the dirt from er, said siim no suit a t Jaw or proceedings in coating o f which w ill saponify, an d docs not Injure tho enough. T wenty persons at work for Morris lating machine ever invented, died at Soap It is packed in boxes containing 24 and 4$ lb. one S pencer & W illard are now offer the high places and deposit it where chancery have been instituted. Notice Is there lb. Balls, and in no other way. Directions in English expect gratuitous notices or extensive & Curtis in the manufacture of the his home in that village on Friday’ ot fore hereby given th a t by virtue of a power of and German for making hard and soft eeap w ith this ing furniture at greatly reduced prices. it is low. Every foot of grade lessened sale contained in said Mortgage, now become 1“ Lxsli accompanying each package. ‘puffs.’ ” W e publish elsewhere the members “Excelsior Carpet Stretcher,” with 5 They have a large stock and good is a permanent benefit. Third, duly operative, and in pursuance of the statute in o f the new Board of Supervisors in bauds assisting; Mr. Carlisle in mak last week. It is to be regretted that B . T . B A B B IT T , 64 t o S4 W a s h in g to n S t., H". Y . the machine was not perfected in all such case made and provided, the premises full. L and Office B usiness.— During assortment of Bureaus, Stands, Ta notify every man on your list when described therein, tOwit: The east part of the ing the paper packing boxes. The its parts before its inventor breathed Tay to ’Weadih; i f you desire it, is asplain as the and Where you want him to work and north-west quarter of section thirty (36) in t \arkct?—FkayEiTR. Company intends to turn out 6,000 his last. It is so intricate as to he, the month of March there were 45 bles, Chairs, Bedsteads, &c., &c. what tools to bring; otherwise the law township seven (7) south of range seventeen OTES W A S T E D to canvae3 in Berrien and P ersonal. — Rev. Mr. Copland per week. Homestead entries at the United They will give as go<5d bargains as * Counties for the new book, ‘‘S U C C E S S X X perhaps, beyond the comprehension States Land Office, at Traverse City, can be bad in the County. Go and will hold you responsible for the (17) west, containing eighty-three and twenty- att made a flying visit to our town on or five one-hundredths of an acre (83 25-100), will and understanding of any person or ®hia country has money fer evamount. Twenty-four hours verbal be sold at public auction or vendue, ^T uesday last. A s fast as- the colored troops re covering 5,387 20-100 acres; 28 see them. / M> ery body, money in ffrade, in & persons’ O n t l i e 3 d d a y o f J u l y , A . n . 1 8 7 5 , notice is sufficient. I know very well axn ____ the M ill,in Mines, on the Rami, treat tho festive “ Uctaroon” fill up final proofs, covering 8,477 21-100 D irectory .— W e have recently set B-2 in the Garden,IaWheat,in. Corn, a t one o’clock in th e afternoon, a t the front tbe condition of all the roads in the va in Stock, in Poultry- This book acres; cash entries to the amount of up a directory of the principal busi door of the Court House, in the village of Ber A monument is to be erected at the, gap to snatch the loose, collaterals *AVi t m E^cws BusinesB Men, EarmG rand C o n c e r t . — The Musical §412.86, covering 93 72-100 acres. township now. I shall be around rien Springs, in the County of Berrien, to sat _V_I H tK from, the pleasure seeking masses— K I 6r3» Workingmen, Young Men ness of this village, in a form the size N iles in memory o f the late Dr. •UJ* — 1 * * * 1 and W om en, all may get, saxe, isfy the amount which shall then be due on among you tbe first of November, and Convention, under the direction of Jubilee Singers and Minstrels. — Eagle. Richardson o f that city. of one side of a common letter sheet. said Mortgage, together with the costs of lore- loan anduse it. Justthe bookneeded, andwill sell fast. Prof. S. Straub, of Chicago, will shall note all the improvements that A ddress for circulars and term s. J . €?. SicCXJJttt'X’ closure and sale, and an attorney fee therein & We have several sheets of letter pa (Successors to ZieglorA McCurdy,) ISO West have been made. While I shall hold close with a Grand Concert, at Col provided for. E on.rth St. , C iucionnti, O ; Fifth A x-eune & Adams St., F a r m e r s will no doubt see the new G eorge H . J erome, of Niles, one per with this directory printed on I llinois has passed; a law permit Chicago, IU,; G20OliveSt, It Lotus, Me. D ated Buchanan, March 29, 1S75. you to a 8trictaccount of all the means lins & Weaver’s Hall, next Friday of the F ish Commissioners of this one s i d e . I f you want to write letters tin g women to act as Notaries Public advertisement of Montague & Landon N . B,—The People’s S tandard E dekon op the H olt EDWARD BOWLER and B ible, published b y n s is the finest, cheapest and best. elsewhere in this issue; These gentle evening, April 16th. The class num State, has addressed the following to your friends, and give them a list o f I shall put in your hands, I expect to in that State. BENJAMIN GATES, Agents make fr o m £ 5 0 to.^SO per m on th6ellln git w ith bers 150 pupils and include the best be held to an equally strict account men are enterprising and accommoda Assignees. other books, without extra expense.' 4w9 letter to the Detroit Free P ress, with the business men of Buchanan, and a E. Bai.lkxgkk, A tt’y for Assignees. 7w-13 ting business men, and have estab talent of the place. The programme the request that the State papers also short sketch of the village, procure for the liberal supply the people have OUR Legislature will continue, in lished a trade in general hardware,sec is one of rare merit and includes WORCESTER'S placed in mine. some of these sheets which we sell at /session, a few days beyond the 1st of ond, to no other firm in Berrien coun Choruses, Glees, Quartette, Duetts, give it an insertion: Mortgage Sale. D . F isk , Commissioner. H D T"PC « Every mail brings me letters beg the low price of 65 cents per hundred. M ay next. and Solos. Also Prof. Straub will ging cans of fish to stock the inland Default having been made iu the payment of P . S .—-I Shall be in town the 2d ty________________ sing his thrilling description song; lakes of the State. I am glad to H enry ’ s Carbolic S alve is so well and 4th Saturdays in each month, in a certain sum of money secured to be paid by The snow, the snow, the beautiful snow, an indenture of Mortgage made and executed “ Saved A lone,” and “ The Pensive known that it is only necessary to cau the afternoon. “ U ncle J ake ” W eaver has again D. F . T hat fell in. flakes n o t long ago. by Nathaniel B. Collins and Caroline G- Collins, receive such letters, as they evince his wife, and Philander M. W eaver andDerinda W ere blankets like—in size and form. been “ up north, this time accompanied Old Piano.” The entertainment will a prevading interest in the fish ques tion against imitations... I t requires Weaver, his wife, all of the County of Berrien, And grasshopper like—in furious' storm by his fair-haired daughter “H ’rette.” be such that no one can afford to tion, but as much of my time, is a careful admixture of the" carbolic and State of Michigan of the first part-, to A. The County PressThey brought home maple sugar in lose. L et everybody attend. A d necessarily employed in planting 'fish acid with other ingredients, to pro P. Ross, Cashier of the First National Bank at SOUTH R end is called the Brooklyn every pocket, and sighed because their mission 25 cents and 15 cents. Buchanan, in tbe County and State aforesaid, and other indispensible work, I confess duce a salvo.that may bo relied upon. and bearing date the thirtieth-day of December, o f Indiana on account of the recent pockets were not larger and more nu to an inability to keep up witb my ; The ‘genuine only guaranteed. See T he N iles Republican says : in the year of our Lord one thousand eight exposures o f crime in that city. that it bears the signature and private merous. The swearing of the English army hundred and seventy-three, and recorded in the T he benefits o f advertising are be fish propagandist correspondents. I ing made manifest every day. A gen feel compelled under the cirumstances proprietary, stamp of John F . Henry. in Flanders wasn’t a circumstance to office of the Register of Deeds of the County C. S . B lack is absent on a tour of Vienna, 18’7 3 — Medal of Merit-. Sold by all druggists and dealers. the profanity indulged in by the Teu of Berrien, in said State, on the oth day of B u s i n e s s is reported good with our tleman left a notice on our table Sun to call in the aid of the “ types.” January, A. D. 1S7I, a t lA o’clock P . M., in pleasure and: inspection, through the merchants. Buchanan is enjoying a day night for insertion in our paper J ohn F . H enry , Curran & Co., Pro tons* of this City on the evening of Liber No. 6 of Mortgages, on page 601, on Please, then, make your types “ Y iexna, A ttst&ia , August 2,1873. Eastern cities and states. . *sI t gives m e greatpleasure to reporc that the Medal o f larger trade than ever before. I t is the next day, stating that he had lost s a y :— There are this season no prietors, 8 and 9 College Place, New the election........-The Rev. P. Wer- which said Mortgage there is claimed to be due Merit lists been awarded to yoac firm in consideration o f and unpaid at tbe date of this foreclosure the York. 2 heim,' of the German Lutheran sum of four hundred and seventy-eight dollars tbe publication o f the series o f Worcester’s Dictionaries, “ A p r il showers bring forth M ay to the credit of our merchants to state a small Bum, of money. The simple act whitefish for the inland lakes. Our aud in my judgment i t m a n honor well deserved.” JOHN D . BH1LBRICK, Oppression after eating, headache, Ohurch, having resigned his pastorate and filty cents, aDd no suit-at law or proceed flowers,” and we aye-getting anxious the fact that they now have cus o f leaving the notice accomplished the this year’s supply, running up into XT.3. Commissionor to the Yienua Exhibition, tomers who until recently were never desired end for on. returning home he the millions, are already planted in nervious debility, are the effects of in this City, will preach his farewell ings in equity having been instituted to recov about it. er said sum or any part thereof, notice is there-, in the habit of trading in this village. found the lost shekels in his other vest the big waters that hound the Penin indigestion. One, or two at most, sermon on Sunday morning n e x t...... fore hereby given th a t by virtue of a power of “ W O S & O E i T E I ? ," pocket.— -Elkhart D a ily Observer. Sheriff Weimer, on Monday last, took sale contained in said Mortgage and now become sula-. The unprecedented severity of o f Parsons’ pugative Pills will give I t is about time for the B . B . C. to THEAUTEOHIXT OP operative and in pursuance of the Statute in JSYEJZETT, SUiGSTER, the two forgers, Rev. J. F . Ross and QUINCE R1VJ2S, winter, blocking railroads and ob immediate relief, organize for sore shins and broken T he 56th anniversary o f the estab such case made a.nd provided, the lands des MIZES, WIETZCRZOFy MARSH, ALAiOTi Aaron Roy, to the State prison. structing all lines of intercommunica Johnson's Anodyne Liniment may le g s. AGJSSIZ, irZLZARD, 3Z0ZMES, ZOJXGEELZQW, lishment o f the Order of Odd Fellow cribed in said Mortgage, situate in the County E ntertainment .— A ll who atten AZEXJjrZEE, BETAZ'T, IRVUZG, ship occurs on the 26th inst. The oc ded the concert at Collins & Weaver’s tion, and the snow and ice-bound be administered to children with per- These two criminals were donations of Berrien and State of Michigan, to-w it: Lots W2XRT, FELTON, HOPKINS, D id anyone, o f this place attend the casion will doubtless he appropriately Hall, Tuesday evening last, given by condition of the inland waters of the perfeefc success,' in cases of croup, from Van Buren and'Cass counties. numbers two (2) and three (3) in N, B. Collins’ TBE IT. 8. SENATE. AND TBE V.S. BOUSE OF addition to the village of Buchanan, in said 2ZEP21ESENTATIVES. Firem en's Convention, at B attle celebrated by members o f the Order the Tennessee Jubilee Singers, were State, has rendered the deposit of whooping-cough; influenza, and almost . . . . . . Daring’-the excitement on the County, will be sold a t public auction or vendue, W orcester’s Q uarto Dictionary, Illustrated. Price, $10.0G at the front door of the Court House in the streets on .last Monday|evening on re Creek ? i f so, please report. throughout the State. well repaid for their time and must whitefish in the inland lakes impracti any of the diseases to which they are u Universal andCriticalDictionary. *» 4.37 T illage of Berrien Springs, in said County of ceip t-o f: election news from the dif cable, if not impossible. Hence the to AcademicDictionary* 2.25 liable. have been convinced that they were *r Comprebensivo •** Illustrated “ 1.80 P ortage street bridge has been ferent wards, just as the hoys were Berrien, Fish Board or dered them planted in lots O il t b e 2 il <lny o f .T illy . A . 1>. 1ST5, l e t t e r s 'f r o m ; J> rn g;g:ijsls. “ Elemontary “ “ 1,15 T here have been several cases of contributing, in a small way, to a to satisfy the amount whi<Sh shall then he duo **■ Primary ** Illustrated, ** 0.62 'jYOpaired, and the approaches to it of three or four hundred thousand in There is no ease of Dyspepsia that gathering boxes to have their part of On. said Mortgage,' together with the costs of *■ Pocket Dictionary, Illustrated, Price: Tuck, small pox in Michigan City and La- worthy and, noble purpose. I t was gilt edges, $1.00; Plexible, $ .S5; GJoth, che fun, and when the attention of improved b y filling the street wider. the Detroit river and the large bor such foreclosure and sale provided for iu said Green’s Augu*t_ Flower:will not cure. porte this spring. E very precaution such an entertainment as people liv the ’clerks ;as naturally attracted to dering lakes. I t is hoped that anoth Mortgage. ’ W O R C E ST E R 'S D IG TIO N A R IES arc forsalo by bookCome to the Drug Store of O. E. Woods ing in tbe N orth rarely have the ROliorsgfnorally. and by Dated A p r il 6 ,1 8 7 5 . O uk virtuous (?) loafers are turn is being made to prevent the disease the front of the store, some adroit er season may be more mild and favor • & Co. and inquire about it. Tf you suffer B R E W ] S B . £z T H .E S X O N , opportunity or privilege of attend cA. B. ROSS, PCSUSHERS. in g righ t into day by visiting hay from spreading, and no new cases are able so that tbe work of fish planting from Costivenesa, Sick Headache, Sour thief entered Reed & Post’s back Cashier of 1st National Bank of Buchanan, IJofton. ing. The Bongs consisted o f . slave reported within the past week. stacks. Stomach, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, door and was opperating on the: safe. Mortgagee. in the inland waters of the State songs, spiritual hymns and plan / , J. J. Van-Bipkk, Att’y for Mortgagee. or.derangemeUt ot the Stomach or Liver, Fortunately he was discovered, and tation; melodies, which - are taught may be resumed and extended. try it. .Two bfc ' three ' dos’es.ivjll relieve compelled to flee without b o o ty ....... f M r . H ermance has gene to Alba M r . Cheney has removed, his Barby the old Aunties in the lowly eabins you. ( .M O S T G A G E S A I .E , ■^ n y N . Y ., to visit old friends and in bar Shop to the first floor of the build John Clemens", whose name is not.. Business Locals. o f the South. The class is laboring for Boschee’a German Syrup is now sold in unknown to. ' the o.o,iirt reports of KF "'ULT b.»vi,ng bft*n n'n-'aru lbo 5 >f -i certroduce the Eureka Carpet Stretcher. ing next east of this office. The rooms .jiiiiO n!‘ uiptiuy uorurrrt ro1bn pMd-iy itulonthe education of their race at home D fc’jpiMiirtiuge, every town and city in the United States, are being put in suitable condition and and should be liberally patronized hbaring ditto T he largest and finest assortment W e have not less, i.liau fiye. hundred letters these columns, put himself outside o f ture„ot ber, iiLibo v; ur Of Onr .Lord oiu t-igiu- hfiudml N eat people begin to clean their we have no doubt but the change will wherever they go. Be»>yulv*»'Ue, nmrtound ox ecu tud li^ Gn-e.rtii i‘ (Uiddou of Ladies and Gent’s Sachels ever from ,Druggiafs,..'s'aying;it is th e ’pest, medi too much “ tightning fluid” on Satur mill nrtd >lary Jaiift Gliddersi o f the q* jn door yards, vegetarians think of gar prove beneficial to Mr. Cheney. brought to Buchanan are now for sale cine they_ ever soil for Consumption, day, .and .concluded to .clean out. the tlln Oomiiy cf. Korricu niXi .State of Ajicliig-n fo Cha'»os S. Bla k . hldiJ of tlie'sume. place, aud leoorded in the town. H e brought up in the cala den making. Throat or Lung disease. Sample bottles of office of'the. Uogistdr of,, beeds.of said ikmnty of Berrien-, T he ; election o f Henry H . Cool- at G. II. Rea’s Harness Shop. llo'l ‘cv’ery one of you w hoareout o f paying orrplnyinQuL the 14th day o f December, A D. 1S71. at 11 o’clock A D aniel P ratt was sentenced, both 10 cents each. Regular size 75 cents. boose, after ineffectually resisting, the on * ' Talk about agencies l .lust send for one o f . M., in Liber •+ "of. Mortgages, on page -340 whi h sh1«1 N otice. — Tho undersigned has -Also', for sale' officers-. -Being taken "before Esquire T he first boat of the season arrived Monday last, by Judge Brown, to two id geto the Circuit Judgeship of this N ew Buffalo by A. Mortgage was duly osaigued by.suid; .Charles S Bl»ck to William 3. Hastings, then of said village of BuchanaDj, 1 3 U N G A N :’ S ; and Cass counties, and by a majority moved his Barber Shop to first door Bennett: Alward that official" fined him §16 for on the.21st.day of March, A. D. 1872, and'recordod in the, at S t. Joseph on Monday last from years and six months of hard labor that approaches two thousand, is a PATENT east of. R ecord Office Building, oppo office o f said Register of Deeds on the 75th day’of Jaiiuassault,' and agreed to release him. Chicago. at the State Prison, for sendii T o C o n s u m p tiv e s . ary, A .D .1875,.at;ll* O’c l o c k i n Liber 13 o f Merit •from ' the charge of resisting officers gages,.;on page 583,“ on .which said Mortgage there is through the mail postal cards on grand trium ph,"hot only for Judge site Dunbar House, where he hopes Adjustable Folding Rustic The advertiser, a - retired physician to be due and-ubpaid at the date" o f this notice,A n exchange states that hemp JS which was written indecent; language, Goolidge and tbe Republican party, to m eetall of his old customers and as having providently .discovered,. while a on condition that he' -would :leave claimed tho sum o f one thousand isix hundred and slity^fiyo -'dol lars, .($1,665.00); and no ;suit a t la w ;or. proceedings in but; for the right: The defeat would many new ones as may be in need of good for felons, but in. this State they Medical Missionary in. Southern Asia, a town..___The Presbyterian "Church equity having been fnsfituted to .recoror .tuo samo or'any have'been a shame and disgrace. The bis services. part thereof—notice 'is. therefore hereby given, that by are simply allowed to run. was crowded full on Thursday last, S everal persons doing business in; very Bimpie''vegatable.' remedy for. the virtue of a power, of sale coritainedin saidMortgago, and peculiar and questionable tactics of ■ A . D . Cheney. now become operative and in pui^nance of-tiie Statute speedy . and perpaanenti -cure..of ‘Oonsump on the occasion of the funeral of Dr. in this place have spoken to us about Wholesale Term«, Ac., to Ageuts, which will be furnished such'cMemade "and provided,*the; lands' described in the opposition'fell short of its mark, promptly* No mistake, itisT hh’ lion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh,-and-’all Richardson.; The- many virtues and said Mortgage, being.alT those pieces or parcels -.of land "Wil l those occuping alleys in this omitting their names in- the business E strayed .— From this, village, on situate in the County.of Berrien and. State o f Michigan, ; and; recoiled upon its inventors. The manly qualities* of 'the deceased -were throat and-lung affections,— alsoa ■ posi Most Convenient and Saleable village please clean them out, and directory published in last week’s pa and beginning a t the,north-east corner pf the north-west ) complete rout of. the M uzzy force was” Tuesday of last week, one white cow, tive and'radical■.■•specificjof ■Nervous'Tde- . happily referred to by- Dr. Eddy, and quarter o f section,number 'seventeen (17) in town-seven Invention Ever Brought thus avoid sickness and unsavory per. I t was not intentional The mis south, of range nineteen (19), west, thence, t unning an* eye-opener to them, and if they three years old, and giving milk at bilityjvPr.ematuy.cDecay,.‘and:all Nervous ' in a manner to; bring: a ■flood of '.tears (7) . Before the Public. w est on the section line twenty. fzO) rods to .the middle o odors. takes cannot now be rectified. the time she left. Said .cow is white the old Troy road, .thence south fliten (15)‘ ‘degress and , don’t profit by the lesson it is their, Complaints', feels 'it ; hisi- duty to - make, it from the loving friends' of the depart-- thirty Made in as liglft a manner us possiblo, firm, (adjustable (30) minutes east nineteen and one-half (19W) rods all over, and is of good size. A suita known to His .sufferinK.Iellowk from. &low sewing chair to a standing-position. Every own fault.— Niles Republican!. along middle o f said, road,' thepce ,south, alpng.'sQ(a‘,rpf.d 'convenience ed- physician. The floral decorations thirty-two for ^ressm'aki&gattachod. ‘Thfiteponsable to On Saturday last, 10th inst, O’Leaaud four one-hundredths (32 4-100) rods, thence ble reward will be given; for any infor P ersonal .— Capt. Richards, Super , by this -motive, -he -will ^cheerfully send were beautiful and -in good taste east sixteen (16) rods, thencohorth fifty' and forty-four M ill ers. I n i a c t i t i s ‘ \ / *ry, of Chicago, walked 100 miles in 23 intendent of the Zinc Collar Pad Co., mation that will lead to her recovery /•(free o f charge) ’to. all. who .desire, it, the. ono-hundfedths (5.0 4A-100) rods, to place o f begimdng, -u .L ours and 52 minutes, and, won P eterson ’ s magazine is the best i —^EAT FAVORITE W ITH A L L containing five acres and fifty*two rods; also, the.norfh■ ' H . E . B radley . |receipt for-preparing, and full 'directionji enough^aud .not- -too^-muolii;!-: . wost*quartor of tho north-east. Quarter of.section seven was brought: down th e latter part of and cheapest lady’s book published.. Pa* * La\ 0 '°ts, UopyL^ls, Draftsmen, Editors, etc.,-use §1\000. teen (17)j in town seven (7).soutb, o f range nioetecu (39) , ‘for”successfully nisisg, • this providentially this teblo, end aro delighted With it. last week with a very severe attack; of I t contains yearly 1,000 pages, 12 : : April, 1 4 ,1 8 7 5 . west, in said Countyof Berrien, excepting live acres and desired reibectr; L-THble. who/ wish to -avail, T he N iles Democrat sa y s: fifty-two rods out o f the south-west corner of said,north* Cholera Morbus, and his life was, des colored patterns, "14 steel plates, 12 T he best Alpacas in town of coun quar ter, being in a square form aud heretofore decdod We.learn that-a number of young la- west themselyesy 'ofi’JthqUehefi ts' oUjhis ■discov T he Supervisor o f Bainbridge, Mr, paired o f for a few days; H e is able y E. J , Dicks and wife to A . J . Hawkins, w ill bo sold at •Gra ery without cost; team do;:sb,by:re.turn mail, dies,.ha.v‘e -.lately .’ organized . "a. society bpublic mammoth colored, fashions, and 900 ty for th e money, at Redden auction or vendue, at the frontdoor of the Conrt J . M. Guy, was elected this year by to sit up now, and is convalescent. ample Table, cased, Whitcwood, $*1.00; W alnut " House,"in.the villago.of Berrien Springs,’. In said County wood engravings— all for two dol hams-. gjby addressing’, j . ; -. - -■i .. ■stA -;T5 v.‘ called the “U; T: G.”;Whether the cabr .ofBerrion, * lend immedintoly. Address 9 ju st one majority. That was a pretty ' Oil tlio 1 6 th d a y o f A p r il , A . I>. 1875, lars a ye a r . The Btories are all ••• •• ’ ’’-DBjyGHAKLEsB;-M abSHALB,. I alistic name "adopted has. any, reference even race. P lants ! P lants !— I wish to say at 11.o'clock in .the'forenoon, to aatibfy the amountwhich l& V J N C A N & M H i I i lE i a , Do .not fail to read K inyon & Vin •from the best writers, and in 1875 “• iJ’* I n -..H!V')v‘.ff4iNiagara;:Street',.:' :to matrimony wel are n o t - a d v i s e d .: shall.then be duo -on said Mortgage,' together with tho costs and charges iof such foreclosure and sale, and al60. cent's new advertisement in this week’s there will be .given five original to the people of Buchanan and vicini; Sole Manufacturers andJPal&iices, A little daughter of" Dr. J. B.Glenn an attorney fee provided for iu said Mortgage. . -. ty that I have .«v large stock of/all T he musical convention will con issue; Their motto is “ Groceries ■: v • • WILLIAM S. HASTING3, copy RIGHT novelettes in addition to came near losing her life, a. few,days . . V *. j p. -Assignee ofjMortgago. .. ■ rVeb. 17. "1S75; .........., . E n c I i a n n i . . 3 K c l i f e » M. kinds of Plants that.i are ldokitijg clude with a grand concert at Collins, down for cash and cash down; for. X J « V an R iper, Attorney for Assignee.. • . 100 or more short stories, Peterson’s ago, by drinking a,portion pf. solderDaloa Janjiarj lSth.A.J>:.1876. 49wl3 fine and d o jn g * 'w e lj.i,I a m mak& W eaver’s Hall, on Friday evening groceries.” F a r .Ciir/ m *,<8 f o r S a le . Magazine, for beauty of illustrations ; ing.fluid,-which..containedvnitric acid;’ of this week. ing a specialty .of getting .my F lin ts' TO C O N S U M P T IV E S . G j 'Jhe.iinderaIgnedhiU :ftfarniT ofll4 and genuine worth stands unrivaled. U wres.Tor^Ealoi'uB^id.’ Iknri . ii,;situated' Fortunately it was /discovered - soon;: The advv liser^having- be.cn- permanently cured o f that hardy and slialLb'e’in. market with ERRORS OF YOUTH. on the west side o f tHeuS.t.jJoieph Biv*7 O ur readers living in Dayton and Peterson's M agazine and R ecord one dread dhiea,^. Consumption,-by'a Bimpic remedy, is anx_ e r , on theroadlM digg-from ‘Buchanan* GENTLEMAN w ho Bnfforbd fpryoars from Nervous ionB to njakoflniowh to*his’ follow-Sufferers tho means u i A subscription paper is being cir vicinity will see something in the year to subscribers within the county them-at proper tifee.> ; t V ' / •*- » Berrien^SpringSj'.and, ijcfireThlleB Debility, ;A .. Premature*Decay, Hnd^aU- thd^offocts of euro.' To r*l wbo»de6lre’4 t* ho-'VHl send a copy n fjh o ^w ais fs’ a Yed.-Hi.'.:. i l l ‘.GrannyjiiHacklyj t north [ of.Buchanan.; 'ThereJare ninety-three^acrM ira: “ H ;) H : K in y o n : lyoutKful indiscretion.win, lorYtlio^ake-of-BUjreringhu- 1 preecriptiohiuslid, ((freeof ffiiargo). with tho circclirTf culated to have the streets sprinkled advertisement o f J. Young & Son, in for §3.00, invariable in advance, out-, fproTed. ^The'owner.hM lost*h^sVife/and beingdesirous, j A^CJiyii j. ’jmanity,' send free to all wliomeed it,' -lhq/Tecipe aii'd di ' for,prepnpr^ftcd'p6tag.;thAgamG' which they Will uno o from and after the 1st day of ' May another column, which* will be to rtd n g to’ hiB hom V ih 'O h icago'w illiell'thelandat* rect eon’fon making.the simple-remedy by-which h"e”wj so n s ’CDJiE 'iv'i: OoKsnwrasdw,^ A sthma,. BnoNCi.tTis, M en ’ s &,DoY8’ifiherBuitS’'nheap forj !( ofretu side , the county 15 c e n ts‘ extra for abargain^ oh ^ii»y[tennB'.^,Enquii:ov,l6 f "JACOB ,*HAnN“,‘v iRights-^bill;* ^gayeHKini’fqnvp^^ ; ^'DarU% wifchingdhttThrt*scription "will please auurepa icuredi. Sufferers wiahlng.to'profit b y tiie hdvertisoris o: next. ; | Buchanan; Mlch.:; ororth b* uhderaismed'on thei'premisee.1 perienco can do.so by-addressing in perfect confide&'co. V * R ev. E . A . "WILSONJ 7 *■ * their interest. ' cash at "i if:. “ /Vf /'/E stes!; postage. - - .... *•*"wo t ilC H IM I! U P -T A B L B S . , . IfilfKSM IJIlM ffl!.. '■ V ■* .- . * i tX.* : :v ^ ...... •46jl ,*:;'*’* >JOHN:'Bj OGDEN, 42 Oodar fi^New.-Vvrk. a - — -*M * B m B Bai g w M L S B t ^ a ^ S ii The Sunday Reading. 31Y K O TX U SK . RtCrUKP COB; ' 31y mother—-alie is aged now, A nd many a silver hair Is sadty parted on her brow,. Deep furrowed o’er with, cave: Oh ! she lias been so kind to me, So. loving and sincere, That I w ou ld m a k e h er h a lf forget S h e e v e r k n ew a t e a r ! Y et will mine eyes overflow with tears, Sty bosom heave a sigh, To know th a t in a few short years, 11y m other dear must die ! .For who wiii guide my manhood then, Or watch my steps In love ? Methinks I h ear her sweet voice say, “My child, thy God above l" Then will I heed my mother’s voice, Ilercounscl sweet obey. T hus m ay I so o th e h er sorrow s h ere, Thus ch eer h er la test d a y : Berrien - - Oounty A ^ I ' o v n l c u t !D isp n se .;i_ There is no disease so prevalent an: Amorfqa as dyspeusia and certainly none, which has so generally baffled and de' feated the slcill of the medical profession. The: only remedy for this: distressing com plaint is, a. pure medicated.1stimulant.; Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters,, whose essen tial principle is sound rye, is admitted by medical practitioners to- be'the only alter ativc, corrective anil restorative on which they can rely. The Bitters are the best, possible specific for flatulency, dizziness, waterbrash, irregularity of. the bowels, and all indications of confirmed dyspepsia,They do not excite, bub sooth the irritated stomach and bowels, and may be taken by persons of the most delicate organization, who;,are unpleasantly affected by the use of the-ordinary stimulants of commerce. Though their effect is most decisive, they are mild and beneficent in operation, as to be suitable to children as, well ns to adults; april. A nd when my hour of death shall come:— A s come full soou it must, May her dear angel form receive if y spirit from its d u st Small Talk, READ T H IS T W IC E . “ T U E l* E 01 * I ,ir S X E 1»G K U « contains SO Continued. Storiea, S Largo Pages, -LSCoTnmuS of Choice JliscollMieous Rosidhig Matter every1week* togotRorwitli articles from tho pona. of such 'woU-knowu writers as SrA8 BY\ OLIVER OPTIC, SYLVANDS COBB, Jr.t KISS AhCOTT, AVILG CAIUjTQN, .1. T. IRQ WBIUDG-Et MARK TWAIN, JCS^I wilt eond ‘-The Peopled Ledger” to any udUrees every wrote for onoyonr, ou trial, on rccoi(ttof only $ 1,00* kTUo PeOolo’s Iiedgot*”U an Qhlestablbheil ami reliable woolsly papor^publwheilovory Saturday, amt la very pop* ulnv throughout tho N . 13.. aud Middle Stntoa. Address, S e v e r abuse small talk. Nobody does unless be be a stranger to its: conveniences. Sm all talk is the small change of life ; there’s no getting on without it: There are times when *tia folly to he wise ; when a little non sense is very- palatable, and when se H B I U E A ^ V K . C U K I ’I S , SOylfriu N o. CODvoomfiol<lSt,,l'oston, Mess* dateness and gravity ought to he pub down stairs. A philosopher cuts a, small figure in a ball room unless he Mortgage Sale. leave-his, wisdom at home. Metaphys having; boon mado In. tho payment of ncorD EFAULT taiusaui oCroouoy secured to bo paliloy n certain In ics is as intrusive in the midst of denture of Mortgugo,' "boariug Unto tlio 13tb. day of Janagreeable prattle as a death’s head on nary, A.J>. X3T4rmauo antt.exccatcd by George Fnrtrodgo aud JauoJ?artroUgo,hltt wlfo.oC Gallon, Berriou. County, a festal hoard. W e have met -with and State of Michigan, of the drat part, to Abram Logau, HncUanaUj Borneu County, aud Stnto. o f Micbigau of men who were too lofty for small ta lk : ot tUosecoiuLpart.uud rocorded in tbo office of the Register of-Doodkiu aud forsuid Couuty- o f Berrien and State of th ey would never condescend to, play Michigan, tho2d dayo! February, 1ST4, in Liboreovon with, a ribbon or flirt a fan. They [TJoCMortgagesi ou pngo-litr, which Mortgage has boon anly asdisued: to. tliouinturaigQGd by aasigumont in. writ* were above such, trifling; in other ing.bmriag-dafo January Jlst^ 1374, executed by tho said Abram Logan, aud recorded in the office oC said Reg* words they were above making them iateroC Beotia, on the 10th day o f March* 1376, iuLiber selves agreeable, above pleasing, and 15 of Mortgages, on page44,ou which Mortgage there;Is claimed to be duo aud1unpaid at the data of this notice: above, being pleased. They were all tho sum o f ono: hnndrod. and forty-two and fiftyuluo oue-hundrc<Uhs dollars [$142.59] and to recover said wisdom, ail gravity, and all tedious sunt or nny pare: thereof no suit at law or proceedings in equity Imviiig beenTustituted^uotico; is thoreforo hereby ness, which they bestowed upon com given, that by virtue of a power, o f sale contained la said pany with more than a Dogberry’s Mortgage, and now becomo. operative, and iupnrsuauce of the btatutoln such case made and provided, the prem generosity. A man who cannot talk ises deacribod therein, to-wit r Lot number ono p I*n nnmber seven'[^7]' in George iu Biukesly plat of has no more business in society than Block tho Village of GaUou, In Section, numbor throe ^ t o w n ship numooc eight fS]: south of range number .nineteen a statue; The world is made up of tIOj west, mDorriou County and, Stato ot Michigan, will bo.sold at public auction or vendnoj: _ trifles; and he who can trifle elegant O u t U c l S t h d n y o f J i m c , A . J D 4 S7 e , ly and gracefully is'a valuable acqui at ono o’clockiu the afternoon, a t the front door of tho lfouae, in. tho village o f Berrien Springs^ iu said sition to mankind. H o is a Corinthi: Court County of Berrieni to satisfy the amount whichahall then bo duo on said Mortgage, together ■with tho costa of fore an. column, in the fabric o f society. closure aud salOj and an attorney fee thereinprovided tor* Buchanan, , Michigan, MORTGAGE SA LE. MOSB3 XeGORB,. Assiguee o f said Mortgage* U^UiLLENGEC, Attorney for Assignee. : 5wlJ X j. &c O -. W X 3. . There exists a very beautiful cus tom in Germany; On tho first day of the new year, whatever may have been the- quarrels and estrangements be tween-relatives and friends., mutua. v isits are interchanged, kindly visits are given and received— all is: forgot ten and forgiven., The N ew Testamont commands us to love our enemies; t o /ttn ‘overcome evil with g o o d h e n c e conclude that God loves his enemies — that love is the central law of his govern ment— that be will overcome, at last all evil with all good. I t is impossibl© tliat anyflaing . so natural, so. necessary; and- so univer sa l as deafb should ever have been, de signed b y .Providence as an evil to mankind.* Tho grandest and strongest of na tures are ever the calmest. A fiery restlessness-is the symbol o f frailties not,yet' outgrown. The repose of power .is’its richest phase and its clear est festimony. "Whoever is afraid o f submitting any question'to: free: discussion, 1st more in love lyith his own opinion than with truth.. Men,’s lives should he like tho days, more-heautiful’in the evening; or like the spring, aglow with promises ; and like the;-autumn, rich with golden sheaves,' where good w,orks and deeds -haveU’ipened on the field. Out o f one hundred men you run, against, you will find ninety-five "worry in g them selves into lo w spirits: and. indigestion about troubles that will never come. L et a man keep the law, any law, and^hig: pathway w ill he. strewn with satisfaction. There-is more difference an. the quality.of our pleasure than the amount.. . . Skepticism has never founded em pires, .eatafcksHedv principalities or change'd<the WorldJ^ heart. - The. great doers in history p a v e been- men- o'f faith;;. C!Phunygrams.y A good story is told of a Chicago dry goods salesman, who has the rep utation of being somewhat of a. wag. H e recently sold a hill of goods to a country customer,, who was believed to be a little shaky, and was expected to Gommit justifiable insolvency as soon as ho had disposed of his stock. A s it was the customer’s intention to pay a small part of his account in notes, which might prove worthless, the salesman— so the story goes— added here and there a little to the price of the goods, so that when the purchase of some two thousand dollars’ worth had been made; of which a ll but two or three hundred dollars wt-Ve paid in cash, there was no possibility of the firm losing anything, even should the notes go to protest. The transaction concluded, the customer besought the salesman to give him a present of some sort, and the gener ous dalesman accordingly presented him with a valuable red silk handker chief; “That won’t do,” said the custome r1;: “ give me a nice silk dress for tny wife, or something of that sort.” “ Can’t do it,” responded the sales man ; “but I ’ll tell you what I ’ll do ; I ’ll give you back j’our notes.” “N o ,” replied the customer; “ hold o d , i ’ll take the handkerchief.5'’ -T A B L E . Power Pr e s s : Dr. I Clarence Price VISITED a t 11 o'clock in the. forenoon, to satisfy the amount- w hich shall th e n bo due on said M ortgage, to g eth er w ith the- costs o f such foreclosure, a n d also an atto rn ey fee provided, for i n said-M ortgage. JO H N R E Y N O L D S, Mortgagee. J . J., Y a x R iP E H . A tty . for. Mortgagee. D ated , B uchanan, Feb. 1 0 ,1 8 7 5 . 52w l8 Mortgage Sale. J^EFAULT havingboen mado in tho paymont o f a cer tain sum ofm onoy secured to bo paid by a certain iu(Ienturo o f Mortgage bearing dato tbo twenty-seventh (27J day of January, in tbo ycar of our Lord one thousand eight lnmdrod and uovonty- four (IST-i), made and executed by Nathaniel B. Collins and Carolino C. Collins, hia wife, and Philauder M; Weaver and Derinda Weaver, his wlfe, o f tho Couuty o f Berrieu and Stato ot Michigan, to John Fcrron* of said Oonnty and Stato, and; recorded in the office o f tbo Register o f Deeds of said County, on the 28th day o f January, A .D 1S74, In Liber ten (lOVof Mortgages, on pjgq on.whfcb said Mortgage there: is now claimed to be due and unpaid a t tho dato: o f this, notice tho snm of niuo hundred and forty-five and1sixty-five one-hun dredths dollars ($945.65), and no suit at law or proceedings in equity having been instituted to recover the same or auy part theroo&^notica is therefore hereby given, that by virtae of a power o f salo contained In said Mortgage, and which has now become operative,and in pursuance o f the Statute in such case made and provided, tho lands describedin said Mortgage, to-wit: all that certain piece o f land lyin g and being in tho T illage o f Buchanan, in tho Goonty of Berrien and. State o f Michigan, known and described as- follows, to-wit ; Commencing one hundred k and: font (1041 feet sonth o f tho south-east corner ot Front and Oak streets, in tho village o f Buchanan, thence* north twenty-two (221 foot,, thence cast: sixty-two. (62) foot, thence soutk twenty-two (22)fceti thence w est sixty-two (G2) feet to the place1 o f beginning, with the. building thereon, known as. warehouse and Post-Office building, WiU he sold at public auction or vendue, a t the front door o f tho Court, Honsej .inth e village, o f Berrien Springs, in said County of Berrien, o n t h e S S t h c l a y o f J n n c , A . X>. 1 S 7 5 ,* a tlO o’clock in tbeforonoon o f said day, to satisfy tlio Amount which shall then bo duo on said Mortgage, .to gether w ith the costs; and charges o f said foreclosure and sale* Datod Buchauan, thisTOth day o f March, lS7o. 5w l3 JOHN FERREN, Mortgagee. The, Rxminqton Skwixo^MA* chine favor *Las rapid increase o f ratio of. sales than any machine on the market. noiseless, rApld, durable, with R eminston No 2 Machine tor perfect Lock Stitch manufacturing jw\t\ family uho, I t is a^Shnttle Macldne, with Automatic: Drop Teed. (roady for delivery only .sluce. Design Juno, 1874), for .rauge; perfection beautiful and construction the and variety of-work, is without very beat.’ a ’rival )U him ily or \uorks1i(>p. * GOOD AGENTS WANTED. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. liK A N C It O F F IC E S O F K EM ISrG TO jr CO M PA N IES. ILI0NjN.T, 281 & 2S3 Broadway. Now York, Arms. Madison Sq., New York, Sewing Machines. Chicago,.237 State St., S. Machines and Arms* Boston, 332 Washington St., Sewing. Machines. Cincinnati, 181 West 4tli S t . Sewing Machines/ TJtica, 129 Genossoe S tj Sowing Machines. Atlanta, Ga., DoGivo’s Opera House, Marietta Street, Sewing Machines. Washington, D. C., 521Soventh.St., Sewing Machines N E W GOODS I PRICE CORNER * village of Buchanan, in said Hamilton^ plat, o “f the County and State, together with tho boiler engine, pipes, fixed machinery, and other fixtures-of every name and MORTGAGE SALE. ' nature in aud about tho wagon factory and buildings on EFAULT bavins been made In tbe conditioua o f n suidpremises. Also tUariglit for nll time to como to uso certain indenture o f Mortgage, made and exocnted ...................... ................................ tho east two (2) rods lying, directly cast, o f the north ObarlesSinobart addMargret Einebart;bia wife, then eight (S) rods of lot number nino ( 9) ,abovo mentioned, 1byf Buchanan, Berrien County, and State o f Micbigau, to . for tho purpose qCa wagon road, and os a moans of access oJobn. Andrews, o f tbe same place, which said Mortgage to. tho above, described land; said, .lot number nino (0) bears date the. twenty-third *day of Jane,. A , D. 1S73, to. being in said-Joha llamilton’s plat oE sold- village. Also a ecu r o payment o f tbreo hundred dollars, as mention tho oast four (4)1rods o f lot number fifteen ( 15) in Bain- ed and t ho ortgage. which said Mortgage toifsaddition to thoTiUnge of Buchanan, In said Coun was duly8pecidedinsaid.M recorded in theoilice o f the R egister o f Deeds ty of Berrlon and Stato of Michigan, will be sold at public in and for tho. Couuty of Berrien and State of Michigan, auction or vendue, at:tho front door or the Court House, on the 30th day o f Juno, A .D .1S73, at one and one-half in thevillagoofBerrienSpringSiinsaidOoanty of Borrien, o’clock fu the afternooD, in Liber soven.(T) o f Mortgages, D O u t h e 2 1 s t d a y o l S I n y , A . l> . 1 S 7 5 , 2w lS MORTGAGE SALE. Default having been made In tb e payment of :v certain sum of money secured to be paid; by u n indenture of ilortgnge, made and execut ed by William J . Hall, o f theO ounty of B errien and State of Michigan, of the first part, to John Reynolds, of the County of St. Joseph, and State of Indiana, of tbe: other part,, and bearing date on the seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and re corded in tho office of tho R egister of Deeds of thei C’ouuty of Berrien, in said State, on the Sth day of. December, A. D; 1369, a t l j o’elock A Jf., in L iber Ho. 1 o f Mortgages, on. page 55, on: which said Mortgage, there is claimed to be due and. unpaid at the date of th is foreclos ure,, th e sum; of.three hundred and twenty-four dollars, (§324) and no sult a t law or proceedings iu equity having; been instituted to recover the said su m o f money or any part, th ereo fr There fore, n o ticcish ereb y given, th a t b y v irtu e o f the power o f sale contained in: said Mortgage, mow becomo operative,, a n d ’ in pursuance of the; statute in such case made and provided, the land; described: in: said Mortgage, to w it: All that, certain; piece, o r parcel of, land: situ a te d in tho County of Berrien: and State of Michigan, and known as the cast h alf (j) of the north-west, quarter, (i) of ’section six (6),. township num b er cight.(S) south of range number eighteen, ’(18) west,, will; b e sold a t public: auction or tvenduc,1. at. th e fro n t door o f th e Court H ouse, in th e village of B errien Springs, in said County of Borrien, O u t b o V t b f l a y o I M a y A . I > . 1 S 7 5 ,; a t 11 o’clock in th e forenoon of said day; to satisfy the amount which shall then bo due on said Mortgage, together w ith the costs of such foreclosure and sale, and also an. attorney fee provided for in said Mortgage. - JOHN REYNOLDS, Mortgagee.. J . J . V a x R ip e r , A ttorney for Mortgagee.. D ated Feb. 10th, 1S75. . 53wl3 *pROBATE ORDER.--Stato o f Michigan,. County of X: Berrien, 8B.—At a si— *---- *•*.-**_.* . « * - -the' eoaaion.oftheFrobftteCourt&r County of Borrien,- holdon nt «the Probato< Offlco. in th o village of Borrien Springs,: on . Tuesday, the 30th day o f March,- in tho yoar. ono. thousand: eight hundred and: seventy-five. FrcsoutyDanlel Chapman, Judge ofProbate. Iu tho vmattor. o f tho.Estato o f Oeorge L. Green, deceased;.. : On reading and filing tlio petition,, duly vorified,of William Kl*AYlilte,- Administrator on said estate, with: the wUlannexed^praying for xeasons therein set forth^tbat' he-may bo licensed and empowered- to sell the real estate in said petition.descrlbed.. on page, two hundred nnd fi(ty-three.(253) as appears by the record thereoih And whereas, thoro is claimed to he due and owing: upon said M ortgage'tho. sum o f three hundred and forty-six. dollars ($310.00) for principal aud intorest; und.no suit at law or proceeding in equity having been; commenced to recover tho.wholo or any part thereof, notice is heroby given that in pursuance o f a power o f sale in said Mortgage- contained, .the promises set forth and described in said Mortgagor w iil.be sold at pnhlio auction, totho;highesthidder,at the frontdoor o f the Court House, in the: village of Borrien; Springs, in said. County, * , -. O iit lie s is it e c u t U r t n y o f A p r i l, A .D .1 S 7 5 , at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, by the Sheriff of said C ounty;tasatisfy the, amonntdue upon said Mortgage and coats o f foreclosure;, together w ith an attorney foe o f twontydlvo. dollars covenanted for therein. Thoprom■ises'described iu said Mortgage are as follows, to-wit: Lot number ono (1) iu Block “A” iu George n . Zimmer man’s plat o f tho Village o f Galien, in Township eight (8) south of: rango nineteon (19) w eat, Berrien Couuty and Stato o f Micbigau. . . JOUlT.ANDREWS.Mortgngoe.* E .M . PLtairiox, Attorney fer Mortgagee. : Dated January llth>.A,:D;:lS7D. :4Swl3 T)ROBATE ORDER.—State o f Michigan, Oounty of JL Berrien, 83.—A t a sossion of tho Trobate Court, (or tb e County o f Berrien, holden a tth e Probate office in tho . village o f Bcrrion Springs,; on: Friday, the 12th day of* March, in tbo year ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-five# Pro3ttnt, D aniel Chapmax, J u d g e o f Probate I n the' matter o f the eatato o f John Hanover, deceased. On roading: and filing tho petition; duly verified, o f W ells Hanover; praying that lotters o f Administration, on Baid. estatem ay he granted.to William Hanover. Thereupon it: is ordered, ThatMonday, the 12th day of April next, at 11 o’clock in. the .forenoon; he assigned for thohearing o f said petition, and that the hoirs at law of said deceased, and nil other persons interested in said estate,-aro reqnired to appear at a sossion of said Cou^h then to he holdonjat th e Frohato Office, in,the T illage ot Berrien Springs; and. show cause, i f nDy -there be, why, the prayerrof tho petltioner, should not ho: granter. And iH s further ordered; that said petitioner: give notice to tlio persons intorestedin said estate, o f the pendency df said petition^ and the hearing thereof, by causing a cofiy this ordor to bo published in the Berrien County JSecord, , a newspaporj printed and circulated in said County q f h Borrien, lor throe snccessivo weeks previous to Baid day o f hearing., [L; SO * DANIEL CHAFMAN. 5w4 Judge o "Probate. ( Alttrno copy.)‘ ~ ProsentjDaniolChapmanrJudgo ofProbato. I n tho m atter o f tlio Estate o f William Morley, deceased. ’ * Ou reading and.filing th e p o titio n ,d u ly v e r ifie d ,o f Mary Morley, praying th at administration on snidestato! •maybegranted fo B arr Bontom ■ . Thereupon i t is ordered, that Tuesday, tho 13th day o f April uoxt; a t ' U o'clock in th o forenoon, be assign-odfoc th e hearing'of said petition, and th a t th e lieirs at law o f said deceased, and: a ll othor persons interested in. said.<o s ta te ,a r o required, to appear- .at -& sossion' ofsaidCourtithonto.boholdenatthoProbateO ffice,inthe yillago ofBerrien Springs;andshow-cause,if any thoro bo, w hy thoprayorof tno> petitioner' should n ot bo granted. And it i s furthororderod,that said petitioner give notice. :to the persons interested in said e sta te ,o f itho^ pondonoy v. o f said petition, and tlio hearing thereof, b y causing a copy. o f t h i s ->0rder to be published- i n : ; the Btrrien 'County Record a newspaporprintod nndcircu^latedjin^said. C ounty.of Borrien, / for^throoieuccosaive! weeks p roviou sto sa id d a y o fb ea rin g : v IJiiB.3; ; ■ DANI EL CHAPMAN;-* A tru e oo p y ., > 6w4 r , * J u d a tof Probate. ^ Thereupon i i i s ordorod th at M onday,tho lOth day of May^noxt, a t ; 11. o'clock»in +the foronoon,- be 'assigned .for tlio hearing o f said petition,'and(that. theheirsatiaW o f said deceased, and: nlLother persons interested in said In' .the> matter"; of t thq?.Estato^ of WiUIam E;^Pieifbei*; estate; are required to appear a t a session o f said: Coart, . w deceased: ^ ;i. " ■ ^ th onto be holden at thoProbato. Office. in tho villago of Berrlon SpringSjTondshoWaCanse, i f any tberobejWliy.tho I ’V pOTIOEwis hereby 'glvon. thatM . wiir.Beil Vat vpuhU6v •prayer' o f thopetitionor should not;, bo granted? And It," auction,-, to tbo highest, biddorkomtSaturflny, April* is furtheror*cfered; tliat* said petitioner givo notico toithe \{VlOth, lo t i A iD ; 1875, afiono o’clock in tho afternoon, at tho persons in teresteain said ostate, o f tho pendency ofsaidr^ premises -heroin ^mention ed, rpursuanfci ,to;a licence fand^' Administrator's ‘- Sale: A ll K in d s of PRINTING, M.OM THE NEAT B O O TS & SH O E S , MEDICINES, ■ ie i i Which wo propose to soil at' • We Imvo also a large stock of DRY J"- H I . ~T.Q R O E . S c lio o l . C L 0 .0 K - S , MAMMOTH POSTER H ooks, S t a t i o n e r y , M u s ic , P e r i o d i c a l s D aily .-and W eekly P apers, U Choice Wines&Liquors r u g : ® , A share o f the public patronage solicited. Store' iu H: J . Howo’s 8tore. Buchanan" Mich.' k d fe o l^^^Remembeivthafc everyfclimg sold is ju st as represented or money refunded 1ADIS0I HOUSE CALL A N D SEE U S BEFORE PURCHASING. While a newsboy was hanging around one of the depots yesterday a gentleman engaged him in con versa tion and inquired: , “ Do you go to school, bub ?” “Yes, sir, and I ’m in geography/’ was tbe answer. “Ah, ha ! where does tbe sun rise ?” • “ In the E ast.” “ Correct. Where does it set ?” “ In the: W est.” . . - . “ That’s right. What is the earth’s surface composed o f? ” “Land and water, sir ?” “ Right again. Is the world round or flat ?” : ‘■fLess'seejV mused the boy, sitting down on a bench, “ Well, 1 know dad and mam had a fight about that very (JIVE US A CALL Ceiiti’ally Lociiteth EIcg'aiitlyjFiiriiislica,C ltiB G E S iU O B E I U K Dayton, Mich. A rticleS s W e h a y e o n e o f th e b e st o f The OommerciaL Hotel of: the. City. E m p o r iu m Also a new an d complete line of SIinlying Geography, C IU O IIT irA T I, OH IO . Rothermel & Claire, AND of F a s h io n TEETH ONEY $XO JODN m Lamps <&Lamp Shades) OORDOM JO B B ER S! ^ O U L D respectfully announce to; the citizens of Buchanan andrviciiiity. tbatho'haa qp'eneda ’ GLOBES AUD FIXTURES, T A IL O R SH O P : Of.his.own, over Redden ■&' Braham’ A Clioice Line of- Cigars . * Store, and^is ready :to'. execute, on the shortest, 'notice, all orders in liis linei- at1tlioVery lowest prices.;- * ■■..' - AMERICAN AND PARIS FASHIONS Kegulariyrecoivedjandntall times faithfully observed.. an d Tobaccos. Garments Cut and Patterns Furnished . - P h y s ic ia n s ’ P re sc r i p t ions C a r e fu lly C o m p o u n d e d . CALL AND S I 1 . ' In any .style desired, and satisfaction guaranteed. ' . Having, had largo(.oxporience for years in the business,' I warrant all my work to bo first class. A ll I ask for. is a trial, ifeellng confidontthat I can ploaBO you and retain yourcustom* • . - * 0'6tf A n d , a la T g e r a n d b e t t e r th i n g , D r. L.-- :L. C A R M E R , D e n tis t, POWER PRESS! .All who aro in need of B U C H A N A N ; M IC H . L. P. WATER, JILZ’ IMPROVED PATENT WELLS. The surface or first flow of. w^ater;is pumped out, and^tbe^augur, pasiei tHrougb .the quicksand! and olaybed-iiltb:, gray el, wher,e :the Y e ry p u r est :and.^softest:;70f ;wat0rl?i^ obtained/and in warranted 'quantities. B y -*this’processa .well is obtained in two day0, all',waUed .up with SPENCER5 WILLAiti) Galranizcd Iron ^or .Earthen Tiling* -- whichever, is preferred? These, wells are undoubtedly the very CHEAPEST and BEST wells that caa-possibly! be made .. f.r 'JH echam $ Co.j 3. Notary ljublic,. Township ClerkJ'lnsurahce, & Collection Agency. ’ Represents a numbor o f the heading and most reliable F ir e .Insurance Companies-in .tho ^United-States.* .AU collections attended to and moneys' prompily.remifcted. Office In*Howe’s B lock ,■>south:side of.Front-gtreot, Buchanan. Mich." * . . * 21tf> . .. ^ Sole Proprietors for Berrien Co. ’ Address— ■M . <• • ' E O H A M , T T iiion P i o r , M i o l i ., o r -■W 3VC. I'. BFO O D N TER . . . W e o s a w , . IVTich. " ; F ’................ l i rv i. t *i *i* t^ •.jn.i .,.?»• T re , Tables, WardrobesjDureau 8/Book'_Caaes, 'Hat Racks' •What $dts?,Sp^ ”ii;—— — — ■ _ i H,■_« .vtf—v— Vim ,C— j.1c, ’*■ 'Picthre-Framei-and M o u ld in g ,: SCROLL SAWING DONE .TO.ORDER. ■ M Manufacturers and>Doalers in'.Par]or and.Chamber - . - ; jyarnishing,/-;Repairing?Kahd;all;;kiiidB#pf».;^bb^'i^ promptly, attended to and'work;warranted. : : •^Thirdfiobrn6rth.'1of^Bank;;Maih'8troet^Buchahan,' M ich/ .v - •' , 33fcf* ' •J - To Consumptives. r r j -h v u - i ^ ^ A f J- - i*-.-. v'‘>- K l ^J G‘ *ENR’g Y & H O L M „ {tHe.doctoL^^Inyalida^provid^/.with^apartmohts inboard,-, . petition; and thehearing theroof, by causing a copy of this ? ^authority granted 'to me von tlio -Othyday of Jnuo, A.-DA ‘ordor to bepnblishcd, in* thor 33ERiuEN.County .Rrcosi>,'i ; l 874;by the'Probate^Coart of,iB6rrIen>Conntyi»Michigan]l!f ;6fMpdicabLlteraturb^IluflK^ uni* m nn»;UmlorsIgnedhM _ ________ . forty.K . resora.n ________________ d /w liick liew ____ lll lattehdanoe'i’fo tci^ O rea« ik . Iftia .'It. M with chaste.engravingsjrelatlngjx) theiabovp^dla^ • tho rollovdDttdosoribed following doscribedreal 03tato,vtd?wit:;jLotnlno ta newspaperiprinted and circulated lin^said- County, o f tko real oatato,;..tO;Vrit:,. Lot nino (9‘ ) 4i l f JJ- S6n:»t a. )jftrgain.;.Th0 t]»nas,liei;two“’»niiroBe;h-.U jtrated itn Berrionjifbr, fmwsucceHBivo^wooka previous to paid;day j B)ock two (2), Lota sovon (7) nhd’oIglit'(8).Block-twolvo'|\n,|Uis'sbntlii6aJt of Q.Uen'vlll>ge.V?.Ibirt*'urMiinproVi|/eu ,>•Auiiui?ami __gj and,explalniug fiTivtftlnlnp-'wiiornnvmarrvS who may marry§ ,the the impediments* impediments rot ^ oLhonring; ( 12)1.l)atkOjVUlogo orHovr..!rroyimeirton/^nW Miohi.t|f«a;>i aoodk 6n«.rMa:*ood;,,oTUgorcl^d b n /ftto p u o v i'to) marriage, their nature, cause and curo.- 'Price,25;centa^C p S aleshop on'rw eat^ sldeolD aw s. ' the officeof'Richards A^Fox^BuchanaupMich.' <*-;DAlOTB‘ C H A PM A N , . , gan. ^ .................... -GEOnaB'PIBROB, [ i . 8.) ■■‘l i ' o r price For; an4 price t«TO»,an iddrsM ‘ | fn[ plain sealed envelopo; Office hoursi16, A. M. to 8 P , M.. formerly. 4 Mm>). ,0«^ S7,:X8U-87tf| 1 ‘ Administrator pfsaid£>Ute; -2 w7‘ *8w5c ~ Judge t f t t o H f a f Snndam a U> I P . M . . - ' ' CAtrue^copy.)’ S eeds. -t -TermB.8 2 p ecy ea r;J iiE ifty 'rcen ts deducted' i f paid yoarly.in advan^e.^^Sendjfor a copy,, and th en son d y o u r frien d a c o p y . . Medical Infirmary, I ■ J : ■' Bed-Bottom B a isiw rien aiid’adjoining Counties";, ^ ,-J duco some’of thQ'followmgeffocts'rNorvouBneBs; Seminal j *’ , . .I*.)**-, .j ;. emlssionVBobility,-Dimness of :Sight,'Boiectivo Memory, i Pimples’on thVFac6ji'-PhyBical^Docay,' Aversion, talho i S E T p - . E E S T R A V K , , : . Society'of Females, CqnfuBionfof: Idoaa^LosaofSexunl-Poorer, etc., rondqring^arriago iruproper. ahd>nnhappy,'j j ’.*? ^-3Cr^^Mamirttcturerrof*anil(Doalef are ponnanontly-curod.^DiBoases peculiar towomonV.such" 1m Menorrhagia. Leucorrliea, or. WhftesjC)iIorosi5.;DiseAs-f ■MAndDiBplacemontsofthoJWonibi* Sterility,'^ otc.J^BUC-,ceesfully'troatod;* Ago*wlth*oxporiencoTcan;bo relied up-^ [ohT--Tt.isrolf-Q^dent;that'a'pHysician-.tTbatlngithousandA: ^ofc«^eypry^bar'a'cquires]groat:B^i^Ponfidpnti tVnltatidnipersonMrybrbyTottbrfreo^and invited.-“-'Oura^; fjj'f ’ E - y :ThofieBt>andcheftposiy18vor)madq;,^:Onl3^i$5jtaad:iy;ftrant— iblol casesV’Tguaranteed;: tM^icalAttondancoi’or.Advloe^mayfcaU^n^.or^a'ddroca;1 'oA^ifoiffSiip'rioriina'ritsiwniboJaokuO.wledgSdratijflrata L ik e “ Don’t you like the seeds ?” said a fellow- to his neighbor who was eating mince pie and picking those things out of the raisins, and laying them at the side o f his plate. “No, do you ?” “ Why, yes, of course; they’re good.” “Well, here, friend, you can have these, then,” said he passing over a handful, “ they look like good ones.” H@„Three Highlanders sat b y their toddy* on a rainy day, and as an Englishman was present they indulged themselves in the idiom of his coun try. One. said:’ “ This is the best whisky I never tasted any. more.” Is th e ' best_ local new spaper in"Southwestern The second said : “ So did I neither.” Michigan' There' ia no- better-m edm m than -The third concluded : “Neither do I the.R ecord,;by?which tho|eiIiym gat;a distance; can ku p w ln e vast^natu’rai ad.vantag'os of Bor- too. D R . C . A . S M I T H ’S .postage stamp. ^Office, No. . 3 1 ^ Prospect-streetxClovQ; land, OhioIV Rem'emher^that^Df. p.A.:;>Smith isvia well j known physician’ o f this city/’ and who has been longer , .located in^Oleveland than any t other physician tthus adv vertlsing, notwithstandiug anything:to ■ .the contrary,that maybe^adYertlied.t^ tsb:, f o r g o t w h ic h l i c k e d ! ” 1 ■. 1 1 I f Y / . ' - l S B l J T t l 1 ' ^ T .j ’t W ...... . _ . T87- VTiBHINGTON ;St.- ' AiPREACHERt~*OF- X THE GOSPEL,'having- cured his Ohicagpi) The T6"ngeBt!en- sonoFOonsii'mpUontiuits .wofetrstagosJaftor^boiifg^glycnL D R . A . G . 0 L 3 N gagedintho'specinltreat- hp;tb^ifyby^tlioJraoBtVpol©bvate]lA _____ __ ment. 6l^all-.;private and -. iihako knbwn:tho:cur& (w^ cJiromo^iseasosthan'aDy^other.^hyriciaiLJn.rth^rCity.' 'caseLtbithosohffiicted^tUj^tiima^'^ironcW H ei^a nr:;i^ptuFe,?.all u rin l^ CqldsvCbnsump£ibh7andjjalLdff6ctibuS;<5^ lmefcurialtaffecti6nsi‘6Lthe^throati;'skinii^ Lunga’^and w ill s6hd^,thh;Rbeip!b,4free^bf!c h ^ j :-V 1865.^ XSTABUSnxl} 1865. .treated witli' unparalleled succesBi on.the latest Bcientift.o; whOi- dosirb-it'i .if theyifwiU TorwardilhoirAiddress ^ 'I- '?■: Per the Cure of all forms of P rivate Diseascsi principles; ;Spermatoriheai:SoxualDQbiHt^ DANIEL i DEE. 176 FuUonrStrrNow^York.tfif25m6T?C " as the result;of self-abuse in ‘youths sexual :o‘irr 'A thorough.and permanentcure^of. Gonorrhcoi, Qleot, •potency, * ^ 7 U i cbM^iu*maturer-yparflror^pthei5cauBM;5.and!.which . Syphilis," Nocturnal EmiMi‘ons‘ or Self Abase, .Diurnal: . Emi83ion'a1otc>:;*'iABliort;" every, form of Sexual [Disease. : A safe.and speedy;remoyal of: obstructions to tho monthly i periods, with:or without medicine.'- A ir communications i strictly.confldontlal.^-BoardiDg and-nursing-furnished: if. '■dosirod. ^No"leUor wiU. be answered nnless it contains a D ost ’ t Than can be found'in Southern^Micliigan. We ' fire constantly ^adding new type and m aterial and are determined-* notito -dje outdone, either in price or quality,. .. ^ . And an abundance o f:it .will, do' w ell to get-Ohe of Collins & W eaver Block, h u t- I — D etroit f r e e P ress. :H as;pefma^ 'atrtBridgmhc^AH^ to priic; tico in all branches o f tho profession. JtVith a - largo ox perience, ho.^varrants bis-work toicompete with any-Don~ tistE ast or West. A .fu ll Upper or .Lower Set of^Teetli for 510; warranted to be.ortnb’vory beet material.and to give perfect satisfaction onno.charge;^ Fmo'gold' fillings at reduced rates; Call1and see. Teeth extracted with' little or h o pain. ^ Office ffir the present at^residence. * J WELLS! W ELLS!! PURE A man went into a clothing store, in Lawrence, Mass., mid bought a hat for §>3.50, le ft his old one, ami said he would pay for it when lie came hack. In h alf an hour he returned, and en tering the store met the proprietor, who was absent a t his first visit. The proprietor was glad to see the man— a neighbor of his— bat observing his new, hat, a shadow came over his face, and he said: “Where did you buy that hat ? X can sell y o u a, hat*just like that, and a good deal cheaper than what you paid for ify I knnw.” This pleased the neighbor, and hia eye twinkled, as ho asked how cheap he could sell him one. “W ell, you are a neighbor o f mine, and you shall have one for ju st §>1.75. “Y c iy wc-li” re plied the customer, “I ’ll take this one I have on, which I got here half mi hour ago, and just returned to pay for,” and he counted out $1.75, -and departed for his suburban home, satisfied with his bargain. G A.XLDR-IS OIST? S S T _ ^ .T I 0 3 S T J B R 'S r a BRUSHES'COMBS, HAND MIRRORS THE- — DEALER IN— CO O D Ss G-roceries, H otions W atcb.es, J ew elry C lie m iG a ls , D Y E -S T U F F S , ?isi B o tto m 1 P r ic e s ! SCHOO L BOOKS, ROBATEORDER.—StateofM IcliIgan.C ounty ofBerJustice of the Peace, rlen, ss.—A Probate ^Courtfor=the P i* ' - •t a sossion ' * o f tho ^ •* •' CountyofBorrion,holden a t tho Probate-Office,.in^the. village o f Berrien Springs; on Friday,: the 12th day o f MaTch, in .th o yoar one thousand-oight-hundred and seventy-five. . Berrien ■County Record A Business Transactioa. P U R E D RU G S, T o ile t L o u s W o o ls .' “Rob,” sa id . Tom, “ which 5s the most: dangerous word, to pronounce in the English language ?” “ D on’t know,” said Rob, “ unless it’s a swearing word.” . “Pooh !” said Tom, “it's shimllacl-, because you are sure to get a tumble Han ft.very largeasaortm ent o f the la te s t and between the first and last letters.” best style of type, an.) material for JOB “H a ! ha !” said Bpb. “Now I ’ve WORK, ami ia fully prepared to sie e u te in the one for you. I found it one day in b est styles known to the a rt tbe paper. Which is the longest word in the English language?” “Valetudinarianism,” said Rob, promptly. “No, s ir ; it’s smiles, because there’s a whole mile between the first and last letter.” “ Ho ! ho 1” said Tom, “ that's noth ing. I know a word " that has over t7iree: miles between its beginning and ending,” “W hat’s that ?” asked Roh, faintly. “J3e?eayw,ercclj said Torn — JFrom “JacTc-in-tlie^JP’u lp it” S t. Nicholas Ifo r A p ril. • Wo tako ibis' inotliod of thnuking onv patrons and. friends for tlioir liberal pntronugo In tbo past,, and hopo to merit aliboral slrnro of it in tbo futuro. To moot tho wants o f onrcnslomers wo havo ju st addod a largo atock of W e would .respectfully invite th e attention of the public to our new ly filled stock, com posing • PERFU M ERY —0 1 THU— Head, nerves, kidneys,-bladder, womb, and blood. Affec tions Of the urinary organs, gravel, scrofula, rheumatism catarrhv ftstbnm, broucliitis, dyspepsia, &c. Drt.Price’s reputation lias been acquired candid honest dealing aiid years of successful p ractice.' My practice, not onci. of experiment, but.founded on the laws of Nature, w ith ;jars;o f exporlence; and evidence to sustain it, does not tear down, make sick to m akew ellj no harsh treatment, no trifling, no. flattering; We know tho canse and the remedy needed, no guess wo,irk, bu t knowl edge gained.by yoars o f experience1 in the treatment of Chronic diseases oxclus.iveiyj no;encouragomont.withOiita prospect. C.mdid Jn our opinioHj reasonable in Our charges,claim not to know everything, or to cure every body, but do claim to reason and common, sense. TV< invite th« sick, no matter w hat their ailm ent, to c a ll,in vestigate before^they abandon hope, makointorrogationa and docide for thomselvos. I t w illc o s t nothing, as consultation is freo. Visits mndo regularly; • D r. V . Clarenco P rice cun:, bo consulted a t Niles, Reading’s Hotel; Saturday and Suudav, the loth and ICtli o f May.- A t Luporto; I n d , Merrill Houso, on- Sat urday and Sunday; tho 17th and 18th o f April; and Saturday and Sunday, the 12th and 13th o f .Tune. Patiouts will address all letters to Dr. V. Glarocco Prico.^Vaukegan, III , with Btnmpi REM1NGT0NN,SEWINGMACHINE'CO. ILI0N, N. Y, Addross THE THROAT, LUNGS, HEART STOMACH, LEVER. its existencet has m et with a more. o f good qualities; 1 namely: Light running, smooth, In Urn fnrAiirmn in T.Hinn hour nf o f (11/A*plnnlf 0)<Co’clock in tho forenoon, Liber nnmlmivIR number 13 O. Day's addition to said village; also lots one, two,tbree, o f M ortgages,on page 53G, ou which smdMortgage there four, five and six in the Central additionto said village, is claimod to bo due and unpaid ut tbo ilato: of this notice: also a strip|of land southjof saidlot No. one,in said Central tho sum o f Ibur’ thonsaud, throe hundred, and tw’enty^ addition, s ix feet In width; also lot six, block A, in snid eight dollars audninoty-four cents, ($4,32S;04) and no suit Day’s addition to sold village; also lo t seven and west at law or proceedings in canity having been, instituted four rods oflot; oight, block In said Day’s addition to to recover the same or an y part thereof? Therefore, saidvfilago; also lotonej. block A , Central addition to notice is horeby given, that by virtue of axiower o f sale said, village; also a piece o f land commencing thirty-eight containedin said Mortgage,, and now becomo opemtivo, feet east of tho south-west corner o f l o t number one in aud iu piursuanco o f the statuio in such cose, made and Hamilton's plat o f said village, thence north sixty-eix provided, the lands described iu said Mortgage, to-wit; ; feet. thencs coat eighteen feet, thence, sonth Bixty»six AU thoso^ certain.pieces or parcels o f land situate, lying feet, thence w est eighteen feet to place of beginning, in. and b eingin:tho couuty of Berrien and Stato o f Michi saidvillage, a ll of smd above described lands being in the gan, aud known as tlio north ton (10) feet, iu wi.dth by county of Berrien and State o f Michigan. eight (8)rods in length o f tho west oight (S) rods o f vil Terms; announced at time o f salo. lage lot number sovon (7), also tlio wost eight (8) rods o f S AMUEL FRENCH, lots uumbers eiglit. (S) aud nino (0), also lots numbers: J . J . TAN RIPER, ton (10), eleven’(11) and twolvQ (12), and the south'half Administrators. of lot1number tuirtoon CIS), all: o f saidilots being in John Dated Bncbanan; March 9 , 1S75. nt the hour o f eleven:o’clock, in. the forenoon,, to: satisfy tlio nmonnt'which shall thou, be duo on.said Mortgage, together with tho!costs and charges, of such foreclosure aud: sale, and also an attorney lea provided for in said Mortgage. Dated Buchanan;/February 25th, lS 7o* ANDREW C. DAY, T Mortira£rce8 SOLOMON KOUGETf j Morfgagces. OF family uso, in tho. tfiirdtj/ear oj possessing the] best combination D iseases C h r o n ic Remington No; 1 Machine for has sprung rapidly Into NILES J[JAS met with.unprecedented success in the treatment . of all REMINGTON O u t lie T in D a jr o fj U n y , A . S . 1 S 7 5 , 1 His Choice. B oss H at, Cap ahd Furnishing. Store J^jEFAULT having been: nmdo in tiio payment of a cer section twenty-two, in said town eight, south o f range tain sum of monoy secured to; bo- paid by a certain eighteen west, nud willalso soil at public auction or venindenduro of Mortgage,; hearing date the 10th day of duo to tho’higliest:bidder; on thepremises, i n the townDecember, iu tho year o f our Lord one thousand eight slitp o f Buchanan, Berrien county, Michigan, on the 27 th hundred and sovouty-four;. inado and executed b y the. day of April. A , D.,1S75,Zbetween the hoiurs of] tou Buclmnau Wagon; Compauy, (formerly called the Bnchau* , o’clock in tne forenoon and four o’clock^ in the afternoon, an Wagon Manufacturing Company,) qEBnchanaUj Ber theibllow ing dcscribedrealestato to-wit: Lot number rien County, Michigan, of the flrst; part,, to Andrew C« five, block thirteen, in Ross &Alexander's addition to tho Day and Solomon Rough, also’of said Couuty and State, TillogaotBuchiiiiAu; in the county o f Berrien and State ol the second part). and rocordedin tho office-of tho Reg o f M ichigan; also lotB sixteen and.seventeen in Ross k ister of Deeds of tho County of Berrien: and State of Alexander’ssccond additiontosaid v illa g e o f Buchauan; VU the tUU/MU ULVUI, A.. D^1ST4, at the WAS) Michigan^ on 22d Ulkj day u*. of UIIW December, also lo t ibnes oen in same addition; also lot twelve in A. J . J* YAN RiPX3, Att*y for Mortgagees*. P O X . j)€en JSj W o m e n 's a n d C h ild re n 's W ear. i eon w est; and the southwest fractional, quarter of said There is no art or science that is too difficult for industry to attain -to Industry makes a man understood anc valued iff all countries, and by all na tion s; it is: the philosopher’s stone that turns: almost everything into gold. v- FLOURIjTO_ m il l s . A. L. HAYES & SON. B e not ashamed to confess that you have- been in the wrong. I t is but owning what you need not be ashamet of, that you now have more sense than you had Before, more humility to ack nowledge1it, and more grace to correct it. ' 1875. G JISTQ M •M IL L , Your life is not. long enough to make MORTGAGE SALE. i t pay to cherish any ill-will or hard EFAULT having boon mado in tha conditions o f a B . certain indonturo of. Mortgage madaaud execatodby thoughts toward any one. What if E. Remingtou & Sons, Bavid"Woavor and Mary Wcavo t his wifo, of tho* County that, man has cheated you, or that o f Berrien; and1Statctof Michigan, to John Reynolds^ of Remington Sewing Itl. Co. tho Conuty of: 31; Josoph and State qf Indiana, which woman played you false*? What if this said Mortgage boars date tho. 11th day of April, ono Remington Ag’ l Co., eight:hundred and. sixty-eight, and given, to sofriend has forsaken you in your time thousand enro tho payment of aixtoQu hundred dollars with interof need, o rth a t one, having won your efitatlO por cone., according to tho conditions'of a nqtcoCovoudfttethorowith, which said Mortgage was dnlyteutmost confidence, your warmest love, cordc<Vn tho office of the Register of Boyds of said County of Berrieu aud Stato of Michigan, on the 15th day of has concluded that he prefers to con April,, A* 1); 1303, at o'clock P. M., in: Libor Y o f Mortgnges, page 237, on which, said "note and. Mort sider1,and treat you as a stranger ? L et gage there isonclaiuiod to. baduo and payable at tho date it all pass. W hat .difference will1 it of this: notice'tho som o f two thousand fiyo hundred' tiiir-i ty tiiroe dollars and thirty three cents, andno suitat’law make to yon in a few years, when you or proceedings in eatiity having been institutcil.torccover Administrator’ s Sale. tho same or any part thereof, therefore,, notice Is hereby go hence to that “undiscovered coun given, that by virtue of a:power o f sale eonhuuedin said Jn'tliQ matter o f the estate, o f Archibald ^Dunbar, de ceased. try 1” A ll who ill-treat you now will iMortgagcj and nowbocome operativo, ami in pursnenco of the statute in such caso made and provided, tho promis heroby given that b y virtue o f an order of. be more sorry for it then than you, i 3Qssot;.fort1i in said Mortgage, to Wlcr alt that certain WfOTlGE lx the ' Judge: - ‘ o f‘Brobate o f the— • o f— • in • County Borrien, picco or parcel q£ land situate, lying and Doing in the even in your disappointment and grief County of Berrien andState ot Michigan, and known-as the Stato o f Michigan, made ou tho 23d day o f February A ^D .lSrovin the matter o f tho estate o f Archibald Duntho westhalCG^D of tho north-east fourth of scctson qan be. oightuQn,;town, seven, south ofrango eighteen west, cou- bar^ deceased, the undersigned, administrators o f said es w ill sell atpublic auction or vendue to the highest A few more smiles,a few more tears, tamingidght3f accosimoro or less,, win bo sold at public tate, tho premises, in tho township o f Bertrand, in auction or veuduo, attUo front door of tho Court House : bidder,.on the County and Stato o f Michigan, ou the 26th some: pleasure, much pain, a little in tho village ofBcrrion Sptings, ip said: County of Berri day o f April,ofBerrien, A« D. 187o,hehveen the hours of ten o’clock In the forenoon, andfoar o’clock in tho afternoon, the longer hurrying through the world, en, O n t l i e 7 s .ii B a y o f M a y , A . I> . ls >^7 5 , described real estate, to-w it: The south part XI. o'clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which following some hasty greetings, and abrupt fare at of "tlie south-east fractional quarter of the north-east shall then hq duo- on said Mortgage, together With, the ijUarter, and, the east h a lf o f the- south-east fractional costa of such foreclosure and snlo and. alsoan attorney wells, and our play will be “played quarter o f sectiou number twenty-two, in town eight, fee providedvfor ia said Moitgago* ............ south of range eighteen: west, in Hie cotmty of Berrien out,” and tlieinjurer and the iujurec JOUtf REYNOLDS, Mortgagee andStateO f Michigaa;' also Uie west h a lf o f the north J*. J. VjlN Rrpi®, Att’y for Mortgagee.: will be led away, and ere long forgot • Bated east qtuirter, and tho w est half o f the south-east fractionBuchanan, Feb. 10, 1S75^ 52w l 3 ; a t quarter ot said section twenty-two; also the east half ten . I s i t worth, while to hate each , o f tbouorfch-westquarter*of said, section: twenty-two; also the west, half o f the north-west quarter o f said sec other ? tion twenty-two,in said town eight, so u th o f range eightMortgage Sale. Words, “ those fickle daughters of the earth,” are the creation of a bein that is finite, and when applied to ex plain that which is infinite, th ey-fail; for that which is made surpasses not the maker, nor can that which is im measurable by our thoughts be meas1ured by our tongues. Thursday/4? ’ April- ; I'5f _ Default, h a y in g been: m a d e in th e condi tions of a c crtain .in d en iu reo f M ortgage made-1 ’ m J C I I A N A N , M I C H ., an d executed b y D avid;W eaver,, of th e village o f D ay ton,Y u th e co uqty o f B errien, and , K IN G E R Y & M A R B L E , S late-o f M ichigan, to Jo h n R eynolds, o f the co unty o f St., Jo se p h and. S ta te of Indiana", P i'o p r ie to r s . w hich said M ortgage, bears, date the seventh day o f N ovem ber, in tlic y e a r ono thousand -The mill h a s recently undergone repairs eig h t h u n d re d an d seventy, and recorded in : and-is b e tte r able th a n fo r years p revious to the office o f th e R e g iste r o f D eeds o f B errien 1 do all kin d s o*f work, prom ptly a n d in .the county, a n d State, of M ichigan, on the 2Sth very best, condition. d a y o f March, A . D. 1STI, a t 1-i- o’clock, P . D rd e rs fo r.F lo u r, M eal, Feed,- A c :, fo r th e M., in. lib e r N o. 2 o f M ortgages, on pageM SI, w holesale and retail trade prom ptly filled. t wlijehi said Mortgage; w as given as additional { ^ " S p e c ia l a tte n tio n paid to- cu stom se cu rity to secure the pay m en t of a certain g rin d in g , n o te for sixteen h u n d red dollars* w ith inter-e st a t to n p e r cent., bearing date the 11th SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. day o f A pril, A . D. 1S6S, an d collateral w ith M ill,on Portage. Street. a certain M ortgage o f th e sam e date. A nd 19tf P . ' E . K IN N E Y Miller. w hereas; th ere is now due an d ow ing upon said note- a n d M ortgage a t the date of th is no tice the sum o f two thousand live hundred BUCHANAN thirty-three; dollars and th irty -th ree cen ts; and no s u it a t law or proceedings in equity .having--been in stitu ted to recover th e sam e o r an y p a rt thereof: Therefore,notice, is here b y given that, b y virtue of a pow er o f sale ROUGH & P E ^ sT p ROPRIETORS, contained in said M ortgage, and now becomo operative, a n d in pursuance of th e statu te in Cash P a id ior W heat, Corn, &c I f there is any m an in. this to w n o rc o u n ty t h a t ’w ants to be well Booted, well H atted su ch case; m ade an d provided, th e prem ises or Capped, Clothed and Collared,* let hinvcall a t the well stocked store of se t fo rth in said M ortgage, to-w it: A ll th a t ' certain piectf o r parcel of land lying and boCUSTOM V/0RK CAREFULLY ATin g in the south-w est q u a rte r .of,section, eight TEiSDER TO. (S}, in tow nship seven (7), south of range eighteen (IS ) w est, in the county of B errien iV e will guarantee perfect satisfaction or quit thebusinees. \Ye have a large line of a n d S tate of M ichigan, an d hounded as fol lo w s: B e g in n in g fo rty rods n o rth o f-th e south-w est corner of said section eight (8), thence ru n n in g east tw enty-nine (39) rods, T he very best in th e C ounty. W e also have the th en ce n o rth fifteen (15) rods to th e center o f the-public highw ay leading to H ill’s Cor HAS , nei£, thence in, a n o rth -w esterly direction along th e center o f said highw ay tw entyn in e (20) ro d s, th en ce in a south-w esterly In the County, Specialties, m , H ats, Caps, Fine U nderw ear, F ancy Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, direction, to the place of beginning, contain-- H osiery, &c. in g four acres, m ore or less, w ill b e sold a t U n io n B lo c k , B u c h a n a n , M ic h . . p ublic auction o r vendue a t the front door F IF T E E N Y E A R S . o f th e C ourt H o u se in th e village o f B errien Springs,.in said, county o f Berrien, BAted March ITtb, 1375., About Hating. Hate not. It is not worth while. Record, . :'4''Vr- ‘U g k .Ih e Norwich A u rora says:: “A lady walked seven miles in one *’ ; hour and forty-five minutes.” - That’s nothing. Wo have escorted one tw o. E S , ; miles in threediours and fifty minutes.,. / " .Rut shc-wasn’t in a hurry. The old ! folks bad gone to bed by that time,. [ she said. ■ . B n c lia u a n V M ic b . ; UgS^The editor of a "western 'paper says that although he is a-public man his woodpile is. not a public woodpile.;. -He wants certain persons tolet "bis wood alone, and not'be piling it on too thick. " - ...... 1 'i* * --F | lift-*--' t [ » -ii* ‘ ■■'-V ;: -r * -v ; h ;T ___, ..n. Io.wa station-agent." whowanted to use 'a'red 'lantern, b u t had1 no globes, wrote^to the^ Superintend- ' entito send hiin a-gaUon of Ted'si^nal-.oil. The latter, .however, sent him.* his discharge.. I