1 - Sportel Awards
1 - Sportel Awards
1 MONACO: A SPORTS DESTINATION LIKE NO OTHER An independent sovereign state, the Principality of Monaco is a leading loca8on for business and development. As a result of the efforts of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, a member of the IOC and a keen sports enthusiast, Monaco plays an important role in the world of sport. With its prime seFng and pres8ge, Monaco is an interna8onal city-‐state that has a reputa8on for excellence which is also reflected by SPORTEL. © Monte-‐Carlo Société des Bains de Mer/ Philip Ducap Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I © GP_Charly Gallo/Centre de Presse I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 WHAT IS SPORTEL? SPORTEL, the World Sports Content Media Conven8on, is placed under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and the Patronage of the Interna8onal Olympic CommiUe. Over 25 years, SPORTEL has received an interna8onal reputa8on as the sport industry’s top conven8on. Held annually in the Principality of Monaco, SPORTEL is a plaYorm that offers interna8onal sports media, decision-‐makers, experts and sports personali8es the opportunity to come together, every year in October. Alejandro Agag, CEO, FORMULA E OPERATIONS LTD. during the launch presentaCon of FIA Formula E Championship at SPORTELMonaco. Gary Payton SPORTEL is: • The most influen>al business conven>on for the sports media industry. Market leaders of the global sports media, commerce and event sectors meet at SPORTEL to determine the future of sports content, new media and technology. Taking part of SPORTEL : broadcasters, networks, interna8onal sports federa8ons, sports marke8ng agencies, produc8on companies, event organisers, distributors, right owners, satellite providers, technology providers and new media en88es. • An Interna>onal Symposium in partnership with the Interna8onal Olympic CommiUee, with conferences exploring the sports content market and sports-‐related issues, and press conferences for the launching of interna8onal sports events. • The Golden Podium Awards, SPORTEL annual Awards Show, aUended by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Honorary President of SPORTEL. The best sports TV sequences and the best illustrated sports books of the year are disclosed during that pres8gious Show to an audience including many Olympic champions and interna8onally acclaimed sports stars. Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 4 THE GOLDEN PODIUM COMPETITION Created in 1991, the Golden Podium Compe>>on rewards the world most beau>ful sports images of the year. The compe88on covers sports footage broadcasted over the previous year. A Jury of high-‐profile sports and media personali8es selects the best sports footage of the year, that crea8vely bring out the emo8on of historical sports achievements, and the beauty of sports images. The Interna8onal Olympic CommiUee (IOC) supports the Golden Podium Awards since its incep8on and sponsors the ‘Grand Prize’ of the Compe88on, awarding the sequence that best conveys the olympic values. The 2015 categories: • Best Slow Mo>on, supported by FNOSC – prize money: 3,500 € granted to the winning director Rewards the best sport slow mo8on highligh8ng the emo8on of the moment. • Best Trailer Prize, supported by AS Monaco FC – prize: 2 VIP Hospitality Cckets for a ‘Ligue 1’ game hosted in Monaco Rewards the best trailer or teaser promo8ng sports in general, one sport in par8cular, one sport TV show, or one sport event. • Discovery Prize, supported by UUU – prize money: 2,000 € granted to the winning director Rewards the best short film in sports (topic, documentary, biopic) or interview, allowing to discover one sport or one sports personality. • Innova>on Prize, supported by PuressenCel – prize money: 2,000 € granted to the winning director Rewards a sequence that makes the headlines and shows an outstanding innova8on in its produc8on, image, format, or other. • Chris>an Blachas Prize for the Best Interna>onal Adver>sing Film of the Year, supported by FORM&YOU Rewards the crea8vity of an adver8sing film whose scenario involves sport. • ‘L’Equipe 21’ Public Prize – prize money: 2,000 € granted to the winning director Rewards the best sequence voted online by L’Equipe.fr website users. • The Best Sports Sequence of the Year Rewards the most remarkable sport sequence of the year, a strong image which will remain unforgeUable in the History of Sports. • Peace and Sport Documentary Prize Rewards a filmmaker who, through a video clip or a movie, emphasizes the posi8ve role of sport in peace promo8on. • Interna>onal Olympic CommiYee Grand Prize – IOC Prize – prize money: 3,500 € granted to the winning director Rewards the sequence that best conveys the Olympic values advocated by the IOC. Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 GOLDEN PODIUM AWARDS 2014 WINNERS Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 THE SPORTEL BOOK AWARDS SPORTEL rewards the best illustrated sports books of the year. The SPORTEL Book Awards selects interna8onally the best 2 books containing the most stunning illustra8ons of sport and showcasing the emo8on behind spor8ng endeavours. ● Two partners sponsor the Compe88on and reward the winning authors: The French Na8onal Olympic and The Monaco Olympic Sports CommiUee Prize CommiUee Prize 1,500 € for the laureate 3,000 € for the laureate ● The 2014 winning authors: ‘Sailing’, Onne Van der Wal, Rizzoli USA In 2014, SPORTEL launched the Best Autobiography of (USA) the year wriUen by a sports celebrity: the ‘SPORTEL Special Prize -‐ Autobiography’. Monaco Olympic CommiUee Prize The Prize was awarded to the l e ge n d a r y M i ke Tys o n fo r h i s ‘Surf, Skate & Snow, contre-‐cultures’, autobiography “Undisputed Truth” Christophe Perez, Courtes et Longues Edi8ons (France) French Na8onal Olympic and Sports CommiUee Prize (Ed. Blue Rider Press) 2014 entries: 48 books -‐ 32 publishers -‐ 6 countries -‐ 18 sports Denis Masseglia, Christophe Perez (laureate), Adriana Karembeu, Kevin Rolland Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I Mike Tyson receiving his Award at the 2014 Awards Ceremony I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 THE AWARDS CEREMONY The SPORTEL Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 13 October 2015, under the Honorary Presidency of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Olympic champions and interna8onal sports stars. The laureates of the SPORTEL Book Awards and of the Golden Podium Awards will receive their trophy on stage during the Ceremony. An event broadcasted on a L’Equipe21 TV channel. The must-‐aYend event for sport fans! The house ar8st DJ Marc VEDO will heat up the aoer-‐party at Jimmy’z Monte-‐Carlo, the most emblema8c place of Monaco nightlife. Louise Ekland, Yannick Agnel and Alexander Vinokourov Dr Thomas Bach, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Marion Bartoli, Teddy Riner, Cheick Kongo Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I DJ Boy George performed at Jimmy’z for SPORTEL 25th Anniversary I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 THEY CAME TO SPORTEL ! Athle>cs: Sergey Bubka, Sebas8an Coe, Marie-‐José Perec, Eunice Barber, Stéphane Diagana, Hicham El Guerrouj, Frank Fredericks, Romain Mesnil, Chris8ne Arron, Muriel Hur>s, Paula Radclife, Merlene OYey, Guy Drut, Wilson Kipketer, Charmaine Crooks Basketball: Nicolas Batum, Gary Payton, Goran Dragic Handball: Jérôme Fernandez, Claude Onesta, Nikola Karaba>c, Jackson Richardson, Joel Delplanque, Mariama Signaté, Daniel Constan>ni, Valérie Nicolas Swimming: Alexander Popov, Laure Manaudou, Philippe Lucas, Yannick Agnel, Alain Bernard, Sophie Kamoun, Fabien Gilot, Frédérick Bousquet, Camille Lacourt,Chris8ne Caron, Camille Muffat Tony Estanguet, Fabien Lefèvre, Sébas8en Vieilledent Inline ska>ng: Taig Khris Combat sports: Rugby: Canoeing & Kayaking: Mike Tyson, Teddy Riner, David Douillet, Wanderlei Silva, Shane Mosley, Lucie Décosse, Luke Campbell, Gévrise Emane, Gwladys Epangue, Pascal Gen>l, Anthony Joshua, Cheick Kongo, Jean-‐Marc Mormeck, Khedafi Djelkhir, Daouda Sow, Loïc Pietri, Brian Rogers, Jack Samui, Brahim Asloum, Jake LaMoYa, Lennox Lewis Jonah Lomu, Bernard Lapasset, Bernard Laporte, Yoann Huget, Yann Delaigue, Cédric Desbrosse, Jo Maso, Jean Gachassin, Vincent Moscato, Serge Simon, Denis Charvet, Cédric SouleYe, Thierry Lacroix, Dan Luger, Mathieu Blin, Gonzalo Quesada Skiing: Christopher Froome, Alberto Contador, Philippe Gilbert, Eddy Merckx, Filippo Pozzato, Alexandre Vinokourov, Richard Virenque Motorsports: Cycling: Football: Pelé, Michel Pla>ni, Ronaldinho, Eric Cantona, Jean-‐Pierre Papin, Mia Hamm, Didier Deschamps, Osvaldo Ardiles, Raí de Oliveira, Antonin Panenka, Jean-‐Marie Pfaff, Nakata Hidetoshi, Hakan Sukur, Roger Milla, Lothar MaYhäus, Franco Baresi, Guy Lacombe, Claudio Ranieri, Carlos Valderrama, Bixente Lizarazu, Claude Puel, Sonia Bompastor, Jérémy Toulalan, Gérard Houllier, Marco Simone, Valère Germain, Chu-‐Young Park, David Trezeguet, Didier Deschamps, Patrick Viera, Emmanuel Pe>t, Guy Roux, Vikash Dhorasoo Gymnas>cs: Nadia Comăneci, Hamilton Sabot, Isabelle Severino, Catalina Ponor, Jury Chechi Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I Anja Pärson, Sandra Laoura, Kevin Rolland, Pernilla Wiberg, Edgar Grospiron, Carole Mon>llet Jean Todt, Patrick Tambay, Daniel Elena, Juha Kankkunen, Ari Vatanen, Stefano Colek, Troy Corser, Jacky Ickx, Thierry Boutsen, Emanuele Pirro, Johnny Herbert, Jean-‐Pierre Beltoise Tennis: Marion Bartoli, Mary Pierce, Ta8ana Golovin, Ilie Nastase, Henri Leconte Sailing: Florence Arthaud, Samantha Davies, Philippe Monnet, Loïck Peyron, Mike Birch, Stéphane Peyron Volleyball: Victoria Ravva I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 A UNIQUE SPORTS MEDIA EVENT 246 journalists 210 interviews 598 press coverage +45% followers +2,500 tweets +450,000 views TV COVERAGE Euronews, Eurosport, L’Equipe 21, Itélé, Infosport, Canal +, BFM TV, beIN SPORTS, Motors TV, D8, Yahoo News Interna8onal, Enfusion, Monaco Info, SNTV… RADIO COVERAGE Two live RMC SPORT broadcasts: Moscato Show (500,000 listeners), and registered shows : BFM Business, Radio France, RTL, NRJ Network, Radio Monaco, NRJ PRINT AND ONLINE PRESS COVERAGE • Interna>onal: SportBusiness (UK), Sportspro (UK), SPORTCAL (UK), Inside the Games (UK), Isportconnect, Inside the workd Football (UK), Seen Sport Magazine (UK), Host City (UK) , Around the Rings (USA), Sportsfeatures (USA), Video Age (USA), Variety (USA), SVG (USA), Fox News.com (USA), Eurosport.com, Euronews.com,, Señal Internacional (Argen8na), TodoTVNews (Uruguay), Chinese Olympic commiYee (China), Medien bulle>n (Germany), GazzeYa Dello Sport (Italy), MonteCarloin (Italy), San Remo News (Italy), MonteCarloNews (Italy), R-‐SPORT (Russia) , El periodico (Spain), Futbol desde Francia (Spain) • Na>onal: L‘Équipe, l'Evénemen8el, France Infos, , Agence France Presse, WRC, sport 365, Sonovision, Livres Hebdo, La LeYre du Sport, la LeUre de l’Audiovisuel, Sport.fr, Yahoo News Interna8onal, Sponsoring.fr, FrancsJeux.com, Sport stratégies, Média +, Mediakwest, France Net Infos, the Kantar Media NewsleYer, Eurodata, Ecran Total, Point de vue, Fast Sport, Aujourd’hui en France. • Local: Nice Ma>n, Var Ma8n, Monaco Ma>n, Corse Ma8n, La GazeYe de Monaco, Monaco Hebdo, Code Sport, l’Observateur de Monaco, ASM FC News, Actu Foot 06, Monaco infos, Visit Monaco, Web>me Media, Nice Premium, Grimaldi Forum NewsleYer, LeUre Économique PACA, Monaco Life, L’Avenir Côte d'Azur, Le Pe>t Niçois, Le Cannois, Monaco Channel, Le Podcast Journal. Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 SPORTEL AWARDS PARTNERS Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 SPORTEL PARTNERS Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 SPORTEL PARTNERS Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 MEDIA PARTNERS Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15 Under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco and the Patronage of the Interna8onal Olympic CommiUee HONORARY COMMITTEE H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco Dr. Thomas BACH, President, IOC MANAGEMENT Laurent Puons Chief Execu8ve Officer Amparo Di Fede General Manager [email protected] AWARDS CONTACT Fabienne Poggi Protocol & Awards Manager [email protected] +377 93 10 40 55 @sportel_awards SPORTELTV sportelawards Fabienne Poggi, Protocol & Awards Manager I I I [email protected] #!!SPAW15
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