St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301 Parish Vision Statement: We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit: Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community. Parish Office: School Office: Religious Education Office: Latino Ministry: St. Vincent DePaul Society: Founded 1791 636-946-1893 636-946-2713 636-946-2916 636-946-1893 636-925-1616 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] leave a message after the recording Pastoral Staff: Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected] Father Bob Menner, Associate Pastor: [email protected] Father Don Schramm, Senior Associate: [email protected] Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon Deacon Fred Haehnel, Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon in Training Mrs. Silvina Baez, Latino Ministry Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager Ms. Becky Sanchez, Office Secretary Mrs. Ann Hoffman, School Principal Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir Mr. Juan Saldana, Hispanic Choir Mr. Sam Plummer, Youth Ministry Mr. Ron Weisar, Parish Council Chairperson Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Schedule of Holy Mass Saturday: 8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. in Spanish EASTER SUNDAY Sacrament of Baptism: Arrangements made after parental instruction. Call the parish office for more information. Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact the parish office six months prior to wedding to begin preparations Weekdays: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm Parish Office Business Hours Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m. Parish Hall Rental: Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym) Peggy at 636-946-1893 (café) [email protected] OUR WARM WELCOME TO ALL! We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon. Name________________________________________________ Cell/Phone Number_______________________________ Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________ ___ Please make the above changes to my parish record ___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith ___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon ___ ___ ___ Interested in information about annulments/validation Information on having my children baptized Please pray for: __________________________________ An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! A BLESSED EASTER TO OUR ENTIRE BORROMEO FAMILY Jesus is Alive in us, His Church Family Booklets for the Easter Season “5 Minutes with the Word” Let us all sing out—ALLELUIA (Praise the Lord!) - for raising us up from sin and selfishness over and over again and for filling us with abundant new life and hope! I have seen some awesome miracles of Jesus working in and through our SCB Parish Family: Youth Ministry leading such prayerful Live Stations of the Cross RCIA—12 new (born again) members of our Catholic Family who were attracted by people in our parish CRHP—Christ Renews His Parish weekend retreats Bible Sharing Groups—82 SCB members renewed in faith and connectedness Fish Fries—so many helping and enjoying each other while dining Funerals and Resurrection Choir and luncheons People with serious illness being prayed for SCB St. Vincent de Paul Society and Soup Kitchen helping 100+ each week Our own Mini-Vinnies donating over 11,000 hours of volunteer time to raise awareness and help others So many fixing things around our property for free Many young people growing in prayer and love while preparing for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Weddings, Baptisms Rice Bowl donations changing lives of whole families around the world Our excellent School and PSR learning to love and serve Everyone lifting up one another by our beautiful singing and praying and ministering and decorating at Masses Our mixed cultures coming together in greater unity and understanding ETC—these are only some of what I have thanked Jesus for these past few weeks. THANK YOU for being living WITNESSES to Jesus being truly alive in us and our world. Our Borromeo Family is where so many feel at home and help each other grow in Jesus’ Love and Life.’ Help yourself to these excellent reflections on the Bible Readings at Mass each day till Pentecost, June 8. The Easter Season is just as important as Lent in our spiritual growth and blossoming. Hola! Hello! Bilingual Faith and Life Sharing Jesus’ Priestly Prayer at the Last Supper: “I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe.” (John 17: 20-21) Daily I give thanks to our Lord for sending me here to grow with you here at Borromeo. And I also thank our Lord and Father Rich Tillman for our Latino ministry here. And I also give thanks to all of you who have welcomed and worked to bring together all our sisters/brothers in Christ, Anglo and Latino, long-time and recent immigrants to America, here as one Borromeo Family. I can feel Jesus’ love glowing and growing in us when we worship/work together at Fish Fries, Parish Mission, Mission Trip, Picnic, Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, Holy Week, Unity Day, and especially CRHP. However I sometimes find it difficult to get to really know many in our parish, Anglo or Latino, on a more personal level. We chat and are friendly but I would like to hear and share more with you. And I find this especially awkward with Latinos since I do not speak Spanish. Some misinterpret this as they do not really care about them, which of course we do, but just are not sure how to better connect. So, our Borromeo Parish Unity Committee has come up with a new program to come together casually and share a bit about ourselves, our lives, families, thoughts, experiences, and faith. This is called “Hola! Hello!” and will take place the first four Thursdays of May. I hope and pray you will each join us and see where our Lord leads us together. I trust He will surprise us, too. Please see the article later in this bulletin and sign up! “With all humility and gentleness, and with patience, support each other in love. Take every care to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together. There is one Body, one Spirit . . . one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, and one God and Father of all, over all, through all, and within all. On each one of us God’s grace has been bestowed.” (Ephesians 4: 2-7) Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 How God is Working in our Parish Our Choir: What a Blessing! Have you ever heard a faint sound of music way off and wondered what it was? Because it caught your interest, you kept walking toward it. As it became louder, then a little louder, you started to recognize the tune. As you kept walking, you began to recognize the words. It overwhelmed you, and it caused the hairs to stand up on your arms, and goose bumps run down your spine. The music that captivated your ears and heart was a choir singing praises to God. What beautiful devotion to Him was flowing from their hearts in this symphony of music bending every knee and striking every breast with the message, “Jesus, this is for You.” Hearing this music caused something to stir within me, so I became a member of this choir. I have been introduced to beautiful and talented people, who strive to bring their music as a prayer to unlock the hearts of God’s people. Our friendships and love have bonded, and I treasure the moments we share. Through our music, God comes to us in so many unexpected ways so that we may be brought to His everlasting glory. Thank you, Jesus, for opening my ears to hear this music, for opening my mouth to sing your praises, and for opening my heart so I may love like You. In June of 2012, I was diagnosed with cancer and in December of 2013, I am now in remission. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers, thoughtfulness, phone calls and total support that helped to make my cancer remission possible. You all are now part of the support system that gives me strength. May this new year be a continuation of our song to God and the blessings that we give to one another. Thank you for your healing music that will always sing in my heart! Love, Marge We Are So Proud of our School Principal, Ann Hoffman! Congratulations on Your Award! Our Parish/School Family and the Elementary Principals’ Coordinator Council wishes to convey our sincere congratulations to Ann Hoffman on her recent achievement of having been chosen as Region 7’s candidate for the 2014 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Principal’s Award in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The individuals selected in each region have won the respect and earned the recognition not only of their school communities, but also of their colleagues. Every aspect of a school community is important, but good leadership is critical. We are so blessed to have Ann who is such a strong, faith-filled, talented and dedicated person who has the vision and skills to lead our school. Ann has done so much to raise up the academic and spiritual levels of our Catholic school. We are so proud of and grateful to her for her commitment and hard work to the growth of our young Catholic members of our Borromeo Family. How Important is Sunday? Sunday is the center of Christian time, for on Sunday we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection, and every Sunday is a miniature Easter. If Sunday is disregarded or abolished, only workdays are left in the week. Man, who was created for joy, degenerates into a workhorse and a mindless consumer. We must learn on earth how to celebrate properly, or else we will not know what to do in heaven. Heaven is an endless Sunday. Joke of the Week One Easter afternoon Jasper, a little boy, was playing outdoors. He used his mother's broom as a horse and had a wonderful time until it was getting dark. He left the broom on the back porch. His mother was cleaning up the kitchen when she realized that her broom was missing. She asked Jasper about the broom and he told her where it was. She then asked him to please go get it. Jasper informed his mother that he was afraid of the dark and didn't want to go out to get the broom. His mother smiled and said, 'The Lord is out there too, don't be afraid.' Jasper then opened the back door a little and said, 'Lord, since you're out there, please pass me the broom.' Spread the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus and His Borromeo Family! Your Brother in Jesus, Father John Please pray for our loved ones who are hospitalized or ill, including: Alleluia! Marge & Hal Davies, Manuel Fuentes, Laura Jeffries, JoAnn Borgmeyer, and for the intentions on our Borromeo Prayer Tree and in our Book of Prayers Homebound, Critically Ill or in the Hospital? If you are homebound and wish to receive the Eucharist, or receive a visit while in the hospital, please call Mary Kutchback at 946-9758 or the parish office at 946-1893. An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! ~~ Activities This Week ~~ April 21, Monday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Dan Abeling—2nd anniv. April 22, Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Harold “Joe” Pearia 8:00 a.m. Joe Hensley– 5th anniv. April 23, Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Dorothy Wehmeyer—9th anniv. 8:00 a.m. Shirley Muehlenkamp—2nd anniv. 6:30 p.m. Margaret Gruenloh April 24, Thursday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Ruth Ann Walendy—5th anniv. 8:00 a.m. Brandon Sanchez April 25, Friday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Lawrence Jacobs 8:00 a.m. Florence Kilgus April 26, Saturday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 a.m. Mary Kay Austerschmidt 5:00 p.m. Cletus Kampmann April 27, Second Sunday of Easter—Divine Mercy Sunday 7:00 a.m. Jim Brown 8:30 a.m. Andrew Wappelhorst 10:00 a.m. Our Parish Family 11:30 a.m. Betty Cave—1st anniv. 5:00 p.m. Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life Easter Sunday, April 20 2nd Collection for St. Vincent de Paul 10% dedicated to Birthright Donuts/fellowship in the café after all Masses Confirmation Class Mass at 8:30am Latino Youth lock-in, gym, until noon Monday, April 21 Eucharistic Adoration, 8:30am—6:30pm Closing Benediction 6:30pm W-CRHP1, Bl. John XXIII Room, 6:00pm St. Vincent de Paul, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm Tuesday, April 22 RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm Wednesday, April 23 Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am—noon Bridges, Bicentennial Room, 5:00pm Thursday, April 24 Confirmation (welcome Bishop Hermann!), 7:30pm Friday, April 25 Event in gym this evening Saturday, April 26 Women’s Fellowship, church office, 6:00am First Communion, 10:00am Sunday, April 27 Youth/Family Mass at 5:00pm YOUTH AND FAMILY MASS 5:00pm Sunday, April 27 CONFIRMATION on April 24! Please come and support our 8th graders as they continue their journey into our church! Sacrament of Confirmation, April 24 Sacrament of First Communion, April 26 Cinco de Mayo Celebration, May 3 Golf Tournament, May 16 During the past six weeks, our parish community has prayed, fasted and given alms with a special focus on the poorest members of our global community. Our lives were touched by stories from Kenya, Guatemala, the Philippines, Malawi, Haiti, and the United States. Through our Lenten prayers and donations, we have touched the lives of millions of people served by Catholic Relief Services, our representative to the poorest communities in the world. Please return your Rice Bowl through the collection or to the church office. Thank you for your generosity! Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 Servers, 8am Weekdays Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, April 21/22/23 Anna Gerstenkorn, Amy Edmondson, Jayme Bergman Thursday/Friday, April 24/25 Paul Myers, Nathan Burke, Danny Newman Saturday, April 26 Elizabeth Brueggemann, Emma Brueggemann Ministry List, April 26/27 (Greeters needed for 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 Masses) Saturday, April 26 5:00pm L/C: Tom & Joyce Schneider Steve Deters EM: Cathy Carey, Genny Glosier, Anna Lee Schulte, Helene Schuetz (Host) Carol Pappas, Pete Mihelich Serv: Mallory Murray, Meaghan Booth, Jacob Williams Ush: Larry Ohlms, Jerry Kopp, Dick & Elaine Rufkahr GB: Sandy Garrett & Family Sunday, April 27 7:00am L/C: Bill Cartwright Mary Baronovic EM: Bob Baronovic, Jim & Deby Yates Serv: Mitchell Booher, John Fink Ush: Jim Eisenbath, Cathy Herrod, Charles Weber, John Weber GB: Sharon Hensley 8:30am Linda Beeson Children’s Choir Kevin Tollefson, Jeanette Cleary, Francis Fessler Lori Wiseman (Host) Lu McElroy, Jim Garrigan Serv: Patrick Koester, Aaron Klemme, Quinn Gallagher Ush: Elmer Dill, Dan Dziedzic, Tim Meyer, Charlie Schroeder GB: Gerdes Family April 5/6 Contributions General Contributions: Loose: Matching Gifts: TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Capital Improvements: Regina Cleri: $21,170.25 1,167.04 2,465.00 $24,802.29 $354.00 $140.00 THANK YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others. “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2 Do you put God first in all things? Possessions, money, power, ego can easily become gods to many of us. Do a quick check of what is important to you. Is God at the very top of the list? If not, your priorities need to be readjusted. Don’t let earthly things become your god. We pray that we put God first in everything and not let earthly possessions become gods to us. Shopping list for April 26/27: chicken or salmon, applesauce, yams, sugar, jello, dish liquid, and for the Mini-Vinnies: 15 oz. peaches L/C: EM: 10:00am Cindy Haehnel Choir Kathy Anderson, Dorothy Williams, Colleen Harmon, Marion Engelhorn (Host) Pam Montgomery, Roland Faubert Serv: Thomas Johnson, Nathan Burke, Kyle Crow Ush: Pat Akers, George Black, Greg Grotegeers, Gary Stiens GB: Jim & Marilyn Dwyer L/C: EM: 11:30am Hermila Murillo, Rosa Martinez el coro Misael Alvarado, Richard Veit, Judith O’Connor, Steve Cave (Host) Ampelia V., Toni Hernandez Serv: Lilia Fuentes, Isaias Alvarado, Arely Aragon Ush: Jeff Kozich, Carlos Chica, Francisco Plaza, Leobardo Aguilar GB: Pre-Confirmation Children Gr: Adolfo & Gaby Quiroz L/C: EM: Saturday, May 3, 2014 6:00—10:00pm in the gym Enjoy authentic Mexican food, drinks, and music. Basket raffles, piñatas and Mexican dancing from our own Parish Folklorico troupe. Join us for our 5:00pm Mass to kick it off! Go to for more info. Pope Francis ...has some amazingly inspiring and practical homilies every day. You can read all and watch some on (the official Vatican Network). Praise God the Holy Spirit for speaking through our Holy Father. An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! Welcome to the Fullness of the Faith and our Borromeo Family at the Easter Vigil Those Welcomed to the Catholic Church by their Profession of Faith: Ashley Jacobs * Heather Locker * Grant Locker Carson Locker * Brady Locker * Cole Looney * Karen Reeves Those Receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation Jason Nikodym * Steve Penn * Christina Schneider * Bonnie Warner Those Receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation Heather Locker * Jeff Locker * Cole Looney * Karen Reeves Those receiving the Sacrament of Baptism: Brianna Davis * London Locker * Kyle St. Gemme Dear Parishioners: Happy Easter! Praise God for His Son Jesus Christ who died and rose for us! On behalf of all of the faculty and staff of St. Charles Borromeo School, I wish you the blessings of the Resurrection! God bless, Mrs. Hoffman We welcome to our Borromeo family through the Sacrament of Baptism: Adalynn Louise Keene daughter of Joseph and Brandi (Fischbach) Keene Killian Michael Orrico Marriage in Christ has been promised between: Heidi Strayhorn and Joseph Day Kayleigh Broeckling and Tim Kossakowski son of Michael and Erin (Eagan) Orrico Charles Allen Blair son of Nicholas and Kelcey (Thornbrough) Blair Myra Elizabeth Soles Claire Lauren Soles daughters of Jeramiah and Rachel (Thomasson) Soles BORROMEO PRAYER TREE: 928-2970 or [email protected] Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 Bilingual Faith and Life Sharing FOR OUR BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY Translators will be available every night A weekly gathering in May is designed and facilitated to offer opportunities to grow in God’s love through understanding and fellowship. You may have noticed that Latinos and Anglos in our parish have been coming together more often in recent years, for events like CRHP retreats, the Parish Mission, the Mission Trip, fish fries, Holy Week services, Cinco de Mayo, and Unity Day. But sometimes it’s hard for us to really get to know one another, especially when we speak different languages. “Hola! Hello!” will give us the opportunity, on four Thursdays in May, to get together for prayer, food, and conversation about our lives and our faith. The conversation will be in small groups, and each group will have a translator. Please pray for the success of “Hola! Hello!’ and please consider taking part in it. All are Welcome! Babysitting Available! Light Supper Served Nightly! Dates: Time: Location: Compartiendo la fe y la vida Para nuestra familia parroquial de Borromeo Habrá traductores disponibles cada noche Una reunión seminal esta diseñada y se facilitara ofreciendo oportunidades para crecer en al Amor de Dios a través de la solidaridad y comprensión. Habrá notado que latinos y anglos han estado juntándose más seguido en los últimos años, para eventos como CRHP, la Misión, el viaje Misionero a México, Fish Fries, celebraciones de Semana Santa, 5 de mayo y Día de la Unidad. Pero algunas veces es realmente difícil conocernos más unos a los otros, especialmente cuando hablamos distintos idiomas. ¡Hola! ¡Hello! Nos dará esa oportunidad, en los primeros cuatro jueves de mayo, juntarnos para orar, comer y conversar acerca de nuestras vidas y nuestra fe. Las conversaciones serán en pequeños grupos y cada grupo tendrá un traductor. Por favor oren para el éxito de ¡Hola! ¡Hello! Y por favor consideren ser parte del mismo. ¡Todos están bienvenidos! ¡Habrá cuidado de niños! ¡Tendremos bocadillos cada noche! May 1, 8, 15, 22 6:30—8:00pm Bicentennial Room “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~~John 13:35 To sign up or for more information, please contact: Mary Harrison—636-949-8268, [email protected], Silvina Baez—636-946-1893, [email protected] Brenda Galloy—636-219-6767 [email protected]. Fechas: Hora: Lugar: 1, 8, 15 y 22 de mayo 6:30pm a 8pm Salón Bicentenario “Si se aman los unos a los otros, todo el mundo se dará cuenta de que son discípulos míos.” ~~Jn 13,35 Para anotarse o mas información por favor llame a: Silvina Báez—636-946-1893 [email protected] Bilingual Faith and Life Sharing - Compartiendo la fe y la vida I plan to attend - Participare Name/Nombre: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Telefono: ____________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! PARROQUIA SAN CHARLES BORROMEO MINISTERIO HISPANO Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598 * [email protected] INTERPRETACION— Llámenos al 314-842-0062 Terapia en español confidencial Jesús López 636-219-2405 Pláticas para Bautismo INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PARA ABRIL DEL 2014 General: Para que los gobernantes promuevan el cuidado de la creación y la justa distribución de los bienes y recursos naturales. Misional: Para que el Señor Resucitado llene de esperanza el Corazón de quienes sufren el dolor y la enfermedad. “Poned la mira en las cosas de arriba, no en las de la tierra.” Colosenses 3:2 ¿Usted pone a Dios primero ante todas las cosas? Las posesiones, el dinero, el poder o el ego pueden convertirse fácilmente en dioses para muchos de nosotros. Haga una revisión rápida de los que es importante para usted. ¿Esta Dios al comienzo de la lista? Si no, debe reajustar sus prioridades. No deje que las cosas de la tierra se conviertan en su dios. Oramos para que pongamos a Dios primero que todo y no dejemos que las posesiones terrenales se conviertan en dioses para nosotros. ¿Sabías Que? María es conocida como la “Nueva Eva” pues así como de una mujer nos vino el pecado, de una mujer nos vino la Redención. Dicha denominación se hizo conocida a través de San Jerónimo en el ano 419. Las pláticas para Bautismo son el 1º y 2º domingo de cada mes de 9.30-11am, se pide puntualidad. Son necesarias las dos clases para padres y padrinos, debido a la importancia de esta preparación se pide que en lo posible no se traigan niños, por consideración y respeto a los demás participantes, ya que pueden distraer la atención. Para confirmar su asistencia por favor llame a la oficina parroquial 636-946-1893. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16; Mt 28:8-15 Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33; Jn 20:11-18 Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105; Lc 24:13-35 Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8; Lc 24:35-48 Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118; Jn 21:1-14 Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118; Mc 16:9-15 Hch 2:42-47; Sal 118; 1 Pe 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31 April 20 11:30am L/C: Ampelia V., Carlos Quiroz el coro EM: Dionisia Zamudio, Guadalupe Damian, Misael Alvarado, Bernardo Silverio (Host) Maria Barretos, Maria Fuentes Serv: Karen & Uriel Zamudio, Roman Barcenas Ush: Jeff Kozich, Ramon Sandoval, Rafael Fuentes, Diego Damian GB: Group 4 Christ Gr: Carlos & Olivia Chica Parroquia San Carlos Borromeo los invita a celebrar 5 de mayo, el sábado 3 de mayo del 2014. La celebración es de 6pm a 10pm en el Gimnasio. Disfrute autentica comida mexicana, bebidas, y música. Habrá rifa de canastas, piñatas y bailes folkloricos mexicanos de nuestro Grupo Folklorico Parroquial. Acompañenos a la misa de las 5pm para comenzar. Visite para más información Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 ¡Hola! Hello! Compartiendo la fe y la vida La oración sacerdotal de Jesús en la Ultima Cena: “No te ruego solamente por estos, sino también por los que han de creer en mí al oír el mensaje de ellos. Te pido que todos ellos estén unidos; que como tú, Padre, estás en mí y yo en ti, también ellos estén en nosotros, para que el mundo crea que me enviaste.” (Jn. 17, 20-21). A diario le doy gracias a Dios por enviarme aquí a crecer junto a ustedes en Borromeo, también agradezco al Padre Rich Tillman por nuestro Ministerio Hispano. También les doy gracias a ustedes que han dado la bienvenida y trabajado para unir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, anglos y latinos, los inmigrantes recién llegados y los que tienen más tiempo, como la familia de Borromeo. Puedo sentir a Jesús brillar y crecer en nosotros cuando adoramos y trabajamos juntos en los Fish Fries, la Misión Parroquial, la Misión a México, el Picnic, 5 de mayo, Semana Santa, Día de la Unidad y especialmente CRHP. Sin embargo, a veces encuentro que es difícil conocer realmente algunos en nuestra parroquia, anglos y latinos, a un nivel más profundo. Hablamos y somos amables pero me gustaría compartir más contigo. Encuentro esto especialmente difícil con los latinos porque no hablo español. Algunos malinterpretan esto como que no me importan, por supuesto que me importa, pero no sé de qué manera comunicarme mejor. Por eso, nuestro Comité de Unidad de Borromeo ha traído un nuevo programa para juntarnos casualmente y podamos compartir más de nosotros, nuestras vidas, familias, pensamientos, experiencias y fe. Esto se llama ¡Hola! ¡Hello! y tendrá lugar los cuatro primeros jueves de mayo. Espero y oro para que cada uno de ustedes vengan y vean a donde el Señor nos lleva juntos. Confío que también nos sorprenderá. Por favor oren y regístrense en la página del boletín. “Sean humildes y amables; tengan paciencia y sopórtense unos a otros con amor; procuren mantener la unidad que proviene del Espíritu Santo, por medio de la paz que une a todos. Hay un solo cuerpo y un solo Espíritu, así como Dios los ha llamado a una sola esperanza. Hay un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo bautismo; hay un solo Dios y Padre de todos, que está sobre todos, actúa por medio de todos y está en todos. Pero cada uno de nosotros ha recibido los dones que Cristo le ha querido dar. (Efesios 4, 2-7) Padre Juan Por tu Matrimonio Atrévete a apagar el televisor, que destruye el dialogo conyugal. Busquen hacer algo juntos, que les divierta, que les ayude a revivir su amor: salir a bailar, comer, caminar. Un pensamiento “La humildad, pues, nos perfecciona en lo que mira a Dios, y la mansedumbre en lo que toca al prójimo.” Durante las últimas seis semanas, nuestra comunidad parroquial ha rezado, ayunado y dado donativos con un enfoque especial en los miembros más pobres de nuestra comunidad global. Nuestra vida fue inspirada por las historias de personas de Kenia, Guatemala, Filipinas, Malawi, Haití, y los Estados Unidos. Por medio de nuestras oraciones y donativos de Cuaresma, hemos mejorado las vidas de millones de personas ayudadas por Catholic Relief Services, representante ante las comunidades más pobres en el mundo. Por favor devuelva su Plato de Arroz en la colección o la oficina de la parroquia. Gracias por su generosidad. ~~San Francisco de Sales An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: Readings of the Week Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16; Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33; Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105; Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8; Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118; Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 2:42-47; Ps 118; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31 Gospel Reflection Many women and men followed Jesus from the beginning of his ministry, heard his teaching, and witnessed his healing actions. Jesus’ crucifixion and death destroyed their hope that he was the messiah. Easter blows the minds of Jesus’ followers. They experience Jesus risen and alive. These disciples become eyewitnesses of Jesus’ new life. Mary Magdalene brings the beloved disciple and Peter to see that Jesus’ tomb is empty. The beloved disciple sees the empty tomb and immediately believes Jesus is risen. Mary Magdalene can’t stand to leave Jesus’ tomb with his body missing; she hears the risen Jesus speak her name and believes. Mary Magdalene becomes the apostle to Jesus’ other friends. She announces to the whole community: “I have seen the Lord.” Peter and the whole community of Jesus’ followers pray together, still afraid and locked together in a room. Jesus comes and gives them peace and forgiveness. They believe and become his witnesses. Thomas doubts that Jesus is risen until he sees and touches Jesus for himself and believes. Jesus’ friends become witnesses that God raised up Jesus to new life. Today it is our turn to be witnesses to Jesus’ new life. What have you seen in your life that leads you to believe in God’s power to raise the dead? What good news of Jesus have you heard or shared lately? Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice. It is then that we are truly Easter people! By your donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them Easter hope and joy. For more information, call Joyce Cain at 636-448-2021. Please pray for our expectant moms: Cassie, Jessica (May) Jennifer (June) Jessica, Ashley (August) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let us pray: in thanksgiving for the gift of human life. May we experience the joy of the Resurrection and praise our Lord for every human person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Birthright of St. Charles pleased to announce that we offer Saturday hours. Please call 636-724-1200 for an appointment. Birthright is an alternative to abortion and offering real hope to anyone facing a crisis pregnancy. We do pregnancy testing, professional counseling and practical help to anyone in need. As always, all of our services are free and confidential. We are located at 205 N. 5th in St. Charles. Walks ins available. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “God is the source of life; thanks to His breath, man has life. God’s breath sustains the entire journey of our life on earth.” ~~Pope Francis, Holy Mass for Evangelium Vitae Day, 2013 This and other CDs are in the narthex Please use the envelopes provided for your donation In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Christianity in the Third millennium. Parishioner Comments: “An amazing explanation of Islam and Christianity!” ~~Cheryl—Vernon, NJ It was a respectful and clear presentation of the challenges that exist between our beliefs as Catholics and the beliefs of Muslims.” ~~Thomas, FL Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 Congratulations to Kathy Reiner for being the April Mark Your Calendar— Our Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School June 9—13, 2014 8:45am to noon Monday - Thursday and until 1pm on Friday! Kids of all ages will experience the unique, wonderful, one of a kind, extraordinary love of Jesus! Volunteers from 7th grade to 77 years young are needed. Quilt of the Month winner. You’ll be able to see her picture with her quilt on the Sodality website in a couple of weeks. Many thanks to our great quilters for making this happen. Ladies Sodality Annual Church Tour on Tuesday, May 6. We will be going to First Presbyterian church and St. Peter & Paul church in Alton, IL with lunch at Josephine’s. We are hoping to add another church to the tour. Cost is $40 per person and not limited to ladies and Ladies Sodality. Anyone can join us. Reservations must be in by April 28th. Call Barb at 636-947-3939. First come, first served on the reservations. Ladies Sodality May meeting which will be the Living Rosary and catered dinner on May 13. Cost is $10 per person. Call Barb at 636-947-3939 to make your reservation. Anyone with a birthday in May be sure to attend to get your birthday gift. Eleventh Annual Priest and Religious Appreciation Banquet Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at The Columns Banquet Center in St. Charles 6pm Doors open and Registration, 7pm Dinner “The Calling of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis)” Keynote Speaker: Fr. Chris Collins, SJ SLU Theological Studies Faculty Master of Ceremonies: Zip Rzeppa Catholic Author, Former Sportscaster Reservations required: tickets $45 each. Tables of ten. All proceeds support Serra Club Vocation Programs. For tickets call: Geoff Waldron at 636-928-6409 or Tom Lacey at 636-447-0363 or Hubert Krieger at 636-441-1460 Sponsored by the Serra Club of St. Charles. Please pray for our troops WO Michael Sakalauski (US Army), serving in Afghanistan (brother of Heather Willie) Jorge Lozoya (US Army), stationed at Davenport Army Base (son-in-law of Becky Sanchez) Matthew Ervin (US Navy), started boot camp July 2013 (grandnephew of Ivy Hall) Brent Schulze (US Army), serving in Fort Drum, NY (son-in-law of Steve Cave) MM3 Paul J. Robben (US Navy), attending NNPT School, Goose Creek, SC (son of David & Betty Robben) SPC Molly Jasper (US National Guard), deployed to Afghanistan (granddaughter of Jim & Ann Garrigan) SR Brooke Georges (US Navy), training at Ft. Sam Houston, TX (granddaughter of Jim & Jane Lammert) Bernardo Silverio Jr. (US Air Force), stationed at Scott Air Force Base (son of Bernardo and Nereida Silverio) Kenneth Rufkahr (US Army), stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska (grandson of John Rufkahr) If anyone in the parish would like prayers for their loved one in the military, please contact the church office at 946-1893. We will be happy to list their name in the bulletin. An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! We congratulate Areli Aragon for her winning essay on Stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal. Areli is a graduate of St. Charles Borromeo School and now attends Duchesne High School. Imagine a world without God, without disciples, without the Church. How will life be? It will be different from what it is now. People will have no reason to live and no reason to exist. People won’t have the chance to feel the love of God, the love of a grand family. And that is why The Annual Catholic Appeal is important not only to me but to everyone. Before this, I didn’t really know what the Annual Catholic Appeal was, or what it stood for. Then I did a little research, and was amazed of what the Appeal did to everyone. It didn’t matter if you are Catholic, or if you are a nonCatholic, the Appeal will be there to help you. Everyone is made in the image and likeness of God, and the Appeal shows this by helping everyone, regardless of race, religion, status, etc. That’s what makes the Appeal so incredible. Many people donate to the Appeal and without those generous human beings, the Appeal will not exist. This year the Appeal received $14.2 million dollars from this generous people. Amazing how a group of people can come together and do magnificent works through Christ. John Federer, chairman of this year’s Appeal states that, “The Appeal is so important because it builds up Christ’s church on earth” (St. Louis Review). The Annual Catholic Appeal does build up the Church, it makes us come together as a community for a common cause, to help others who are in need of our love. The volunteers from the Annual Catholic Appeal don’t volunteer because they expect something in return. They do it so they can share the love of God with others. Whenever I volunteer for Vacation Bible School, the best part was seeing children’s face light up. And you know in your heart that they feel God and they feel the love in the atmosphere. And you also feel the love of God in your heart, and know that God is present. The volunteers all throughout the world help build up the Kingdom of God here on earth. In their website, the Annual Catholic Appeal says that they open the door of faith to others. Our contribution of the Appeal “helps others meet Jesus Christ, have the opportunity to experience His loving Grace, know His mercy and rest in peace.” How awesome is that? To have the opportunity to bring others closer to God. It is very important to bring others to happiness. Through the Annual Catholic Appeal not only do we help others but we bring them to life. We bring them hope, the hope for a better life as believers of God. And that is why the Annual Catholic Appeal is important, without it many people will go on living with no purpose. Plus, many wouldn’t have the chance to experience a love so powerful and beyond words in their hearts. What is stewardship? In the MerriamWebster dictionary, stewardship is defined as the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something. My definition of stewardship is quite different. For me stewardship is leading others to God. God called us to be stewards, to love one another as He has loved us. Stewardship is loving others and helping them find the love of our God. Helping those who are lost to get back on the right path, the path of mercy. Helping those who need comfort, and giving them a shoulder to lean on. As Archbishop Robert J. Carlson says, “Taking stewardship seriously means giving thanks to God through prayer, participation and joyful generosity.” How do I practice stewardship in my life? I am a sixteen year old girl with not much to give, but I do have one thing that I can give that is more important that “stuff.” I have my heart, my love to give to others. And even though I don’t have money to give to the poor, I can pray for them. That is what I do, I pray for those who need prayers. I love doing random acts of kindness. I love smiling to people because sometimes they smile back. When you have the chance to make a difference in someone’s life, take it. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just a simple smile can lighten anyone’s day. I also get very involved in my parish because that is how my mom raised me. She raised me to help others because she knows how it feels to go hungry. She tells me stories of how she didn’t have anything to eat and when she did, she gave it to us. I don’t want others to go hungry, and I want to help in any way I can. The Annual Catholic Appeal makes a difference in the lives of many. They live the corporal works of mercy, they follow God’s footsteps. They feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. Their actions of faith impact all of us, not just those who receive help or grant help. The Appeal helps fund the Steubenville Retreat. I have never been to the Steubenville Retreat but I have heard from many people that it was an awesome experience. My friend told me that she cried when she was there, and she still cried when she got home. And the way she talked about it made me want to attend Steubenville this year. The Appeal also helps children who can’t afford a Catholic education receive a Catholic education. Now, nothing is impossible. I remember when I was a kid, my mom couldn’t afford to send me to a Catholic School. So, St. Charles Borromeo was out of the question, but then we received help from our parish, and I was able to go to an amazing school. I think it is incredible how more kids are getting the chance that I had. In total, I think what the Annual Catholic Appeal does can’t be described in words. The Annual Catholic Appeal is very important to everyone. The Appeal helps the retired priests, the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the lost, and everyone who needs a helping hand. People come together and help the Appeal in funding organizations that help others in need. The Annual Catholic Appeal is an infinite help. The Appeal impacts us all to strive to be better Christians. And through the Annual Catholic Appeal everyone will know “we are Christians by our love.” The Appeal is a call to generosity, to come together for love, but most important for Christ, our savior. A world without God is nothing, and the Appeal brings us closer to God, to our family. Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 BUILD MY CHURCH Next Weekend, April 26/27 The Hands of Christ on Earth If you look at a person’s hands, they tell a story. A farmer’s hands reveal the hard work of his labor. The hands of a nurse are gentle and comforting. With the gestures of his hands and the words of the Mass, a priest consecrates the bread and wine. The hands of Christ reveal the suffering He endured. We are the hands of Christ on earth. Shortly after his election, His Holiness Pope Francis called on Catholics worldwide, with St. Francis as an example, “to build up the Church…With [every] movement in our lives, let us build!” Your Support Your sacrificial gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal provides the tools to fulfill Christ’s command, to Build My Church. Your generosity supports Catholic education, youth programs and retreats, marriage preparation, the education and formation of our priests and deacons, while establishing many other channels of grace. Building the Church is a spiritual endeavor to strengthen faith through service to the poor, those who are homeless and hungry, the sick and those imprisoned by poverty in its many forms. How the ACA directly benefited St. Charles Borromeo in 2013: Elementary Teachers Professional Growth Fund: $2,755 Tuition Subsidy for Paul VI Institute” $855 Women from SCB attended the Catholic Women for Christ Conference sponsored by the Office of Laity and Family Life Men from SCB attended the Catholic Men for Christ Conference sponsored by the Office of Laity and Family Life Parishioners attended an Evangelization Workshop hosted by the Office of Laity and Family Life Couples from SCB participated in Today and All the Days of Your Life classes through the Office of Laity and Family Life Right Start Student and Parent classes were conducted for SCB School and PSR by the Respect Life Apostolate In 2013, the Total Benefits for St. Charles Borromeo: $3,610 “It is in giving that we receive” The Appeal is a truly concrete way we can help bring others to Jesus Christ and build His Church. “Pray with me to ask Jesus Christ to change our hearts. ‘Lord bend my heart according to Your will and not to the love of gain’ (Ps 119). Invite Him into your life through sacrament and sacrifice. Join me in this great and noble effort…to Build the Church.” – Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord, A Pastoral Letter on Evangelization, 14 The 2014 Financial Goal Is $13 Million Approximately 91 cents of every dollar raised goes back into the community in the form of direct services. Pray about how you can help! The Appeal will begin soon. Start praying now for wisdom in determining how YOU can help Jesus “Build My Church.” An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish! Check Out Our New Website Borromeo recently launched a beautiful redesigned website at, and we invite you to check it out! Here are some of the biggest new features: A search bar that allows you to find information quickly A bulletin library that organizes by date but also allows you to search by keyword A highly customizable home page to feature our latest Parish news, upcoming events, and photographs Detailed information on and instructions for Sacraments Well organized information on all the Parish Ministries and Organizations All kinds of resources and important information from the Director of Religious Education An online Staff Directory with photos and contact information Helpful links and resources We are still writing text for some pages, and there are undoubtedly still a few holes from when the old contact was moved over. But for the most part, the new site is complete. We invite all Parish members to visit the new site and let us know of any areas that need attention. We especially extend this proofing invitation to anyone who serves as a lead for a Ministry or Organization. If you have suggested edits, or have new information that should be added to the site, please submit those changes using the “Contact Us” page, selecting “Content Update” under the “Area of Inquiry” field. This form will also allow you to attach and submit photos for adding to the site. We offer our thanks to parishioners Rob Iver, Dee Gerstenkorn and staff Ronda Mahach for their expertise and long hours of work in creating this beautiful new website We also thank Mike VanBoening, Ken Lewis, Jason Kulma and Scot McCullough who served on the consulting team that got this project off the ground. The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all of you who supported our school dinners this past fall and winter. With your support this year we raised $10.057 which will be divided to our three school for a total of $3352 each. Over the past 9 years we have raised a total of $91,000 for our schools. We sincerely thank you for your support. K of C 823 Parish-Owners, not Parishioners “Do we have enough volunteers at Borromeo?” “How can we get more people involved?” These are really the wrong questions for our Church Family. Through our Baptismal Vows which we recommit today, we become full-fledged beloved daughters/sons of God—sisters/brothers to all. We are full members of God’s family –not volunteers. Every member of any family is important and has to do their share. We are Parish-owners—not merely a customer shopping around for the best deal. I’m An Owner: Mass will be prayerfully life-giving . . . if I am. Borromeo will warmly welcome . . . if I do. Borromeo will grow spiritually . . . if I do. Borromeo will generously support anyone in need . . . if I do. Borromeo will bring others to Jesus . . . if I do. Borromeo will participate in all events . . . if I do. I thank you and Jesus Christ for making our Borromeo Church Family so vibrant, caring, witnessing, nourishing, praying, trusting, supportive, joyful, united in solidarity with all God’s Children—because you are! We together are the living Body, Hands, Heart, and Face of Jesus. Dr. Scott Hahn coming to St. Louis on Saturday, April 26 to be discussing: The Lamb’s Supper, Hail Holy Queen, and Evangelizing Catholics Catholic convert and theologian, Dr. Scott Hahn is the author (or editor) of over forty books, including the bestselling titles like Rome Sweet Home, Answering the New Atheism, and A Father Who Keep His Promises. An exceptionally popular speaker and teacher, Dr. Scott Hahn has delivered thousands of popular talks and academic lectures, nationally and internationally, on a wide range of topics related to Scripture, Theology and the Catholic Faith. He will be speaking at the Chaifetz Arena. Doors open 8am. Event starts at 8:30. All tickets $20, which may be purchased at the Chaifetz Box Office, TicketMaster, or send a self addressed stamped envelope to St. Elizabeth Holy Name Society, 2300 Pontoon Rd., Granite City, IL 62040 Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 An Easter Welcome from St. Charles Borromeo Parish!