Wheeling daily intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va. : 1865).(Wheeling
Wheeling daily intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va. : 1865).(Wheeling
' volume xlix-num-rtcp kq ,., ' i -_' ^ heeling. w. ya., saturday. october 20. 1900 :.-.liiii; applause. LABORING MAN HITCH BETWEEN : reading: OPERATORS AND MAKES APPEAL 5 FOR MR. ELKINS THE STRIKERS.: , pt,t" SURGING MASS ! OF HUMANITY IN CAPITAL CITY the depot to see him off. MOST EVENTFUL la the History of tho Campaign Was RooBevelt'e Trip * Through This times his sentences were lost in One special feature of the meeting wan a party of about 20 former Democrats, who carried a banner "We are 75 to U 60 and In addition grant a 10 cent Increase In wakes, neither will Lehigh Valley, bo |I "Suppose we should cut off }1 25 from of powder, that would about 6 per cent of the miners' If ages. then, we should give the le cost 10 CENT^'rWEB?. thousand acres laden' with delicious fruit-greets the eyo of the traveller. The happy agriculturist Is now converting these products Into gold dollars of standard va)ue throughout tho world, and later on'his orders-for the luxuries and necessaries required to bring to himself and, family will bo sent to eastern merchants. Why should ho want a change? their officials tell *le. Democrats No More." They figured qujte prominently In tho parade, and caused much comment. Mr. State. HINTON, EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY IN repro:nt THE GREAT WEST. er le o.,,mr.. price t wo cents. { r°&j®. . . = . 3hlo River railroad at 8 a. m. on a npotrain. A large crowd gathered at 3lol 'j contentment Roosevelt and party left at 9:15 for W. Va., Oct. 19..Governor XTliners 10 per cent more In wages, the Washington. The crowd which nttend. ^Roosevelt and hie party cloned their ed the meeting wan the largest that n;al advance to them would be 16 per the to Next ever Their tour of West Virginia to-night, after And Congressman Dayton.Takes attended a; political meeting at Latter Demand That in Addition to c<?nt. This we can never kJIow. Respects Jo Par ^n-.ero Want and Famlno Existed Find Steady Employment. this place. < the of "United >ne of the longest Journeys In the Vice President West Virginia Republican Associa^ 10 Per Cent Advance the Coat of ^ "The plan Is to nx ono pries for In conaequenco of thoso prosperous Under Democratic Eelgn, Plenty * from on *1 also the 10 Turned Out. trip. Starting Parkersburg and cent BO, pay per States.Everybody tion at Storm. the skilled and unskilled Must be Eeduced. "Washington Powder by conditions, «ud Happiness Now Prevail. 1.ub upper umu in mo morning, no mnao NT age advance In wages, but the of the west ttnds steady < i Jpceches at different points along the ti In powder must bo considered as a at remunerative wages, in many 3hIo river, notably at Point Pleasant irt of the 10 per cent Increase. We arc Senator ElkJns Shows That Only 500 lutvuD (uuiifi vuu laiivuj'B, ind Huntington. From the latter place Jtlng In good faith and the miners 1 4) of His Charleston Speech Coplos and builders aro refusing contracts, le started up tho Great Kanawha siiouM do likewise, as.they will receive Were Mailed, and That Postage For can undertake no more and say they a 10 per cent advance, part of It being making speeches along the wjiy work before tho snow flies. Ever Witnessed In Kanawha Valley. ind going across the river at Charles- Devoted Days to Their Cause.Basest Samo Was Paid. Labor Leaders Believe the Coal Men tlic saving to them in the lower price D Bepubllcan Doctrines. labor want a change? The miners la on to witness a great demonstration ut to th» Intelligencer. Dlupatch Special Torchlight Procession at Night ot powder. of to Give in.Proto Vote "Will be Kansas Sure for he state to and make an Ingratitude Obliged Against capltul tho mineral-bearing states and ELKINS, W. Va., Oct. 19..Ever since Reception at Huntington. "The Reading company has never of some length at the wigwam. duction of Coal Going Down. of a Bailroad.Qraring Belt. from Alaska to Mexico, fpo busy Them.Vigorously Applauded. the Republican state convention at He was accompanied from Huntington clrnrged more than J1 60 for powder." with the Democrats pick and drill In day and night the Knnawha valley by Charleston, have hrough Atkinson and staff and state shifts, receiving wages satisfactory to In circulating the story that Senator Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. ' to tho Special Oct. 19..As far as a Staff and Dispatch Intclllpencer. committee. Pa., (From HAZLETON, Correspondent) a'large reception themselves and their unions, and havo has sent his speech made at that CHARLESTON ,W. Va., Oct. 19.. From Charleston the special train ON BOARD TRAIN NO. 5. A. F. & constant and unlnterruptefl WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 10..Mr. Elklns convention through the malls without the United Mine Workers' officials arc This was the greatest day In the history across tho mountains, 13. D. Simmering, a representative directly iJMU IWViXjttU/VU, NJliAU JUi'JJlvJY, at a standstill in matters are concerned 3 a sense. All Fowler Tribute two to rhe They ore tho consumers day* that Governor Roosevelt ishop Pays High of Charleston.In political postage for the same. man, came voluntarily to-nlglit paying the anthracite miners' contest with the lO.-r-Te&torday, in Chicago, I of tho products of tholfi*tp#t ipent in touring this state have been In refutation of these false tho President.An Exponent of c, [as., Oct. farms, and they Kanawha unci adjoining counties the before the West at tho most eventful In.the xllcd of imong Virginia was new In Republican. There headquarters tho history nothing operators. uro setting all they can consume. So to have turned out to do honor tf the the letter and affidavit following Doctrine. Sound Republican campaign. Governor Roosavc.lt Association, and took the boys by are national committee, and p tho situation to-day and President why should they want a chango? to Theodore Roosevelt. People poured jasses next Into Maryland and thence storm given out to the public: CHICAGO, Oct. 19..This evening the n a ffcwie of political activity by an earnest appeal In behalf still refused to talk. his own state, after having crosscd Even the waiter girls la the dlnhifl The Affidavit. into Charleston this morning by the nto of Rev. Fowler, Buffalo, Ight Bishop Senator and KIklns in a presidential campaign. he was expressed jj continent Iteprc-se'ntaUvo Much equalled lakes the westward along disappointment who a few years ago served the train stations, load, by thousands, by State of West Virginia, great assemblage In md returning by a circuitous route Dayton, of the Second West Virginia Under tho supervision of that veteran tho transient guests in because an early le Y., spoke to aunder this In region to-day of loads, by private conveyances, on hrough ss. of calico, County the Randolph, Auditorium auspices the middle stAtcrs and the Ohio llstrlct. Mr. Simmering spoke from Hon. C. rganlaer, Henry Hedges, of and looked the picture offrowwy Personally appeared before mc, the ending of the strike was prevented by le Marquette Club, on "Lincoln and horseback, on muleback and on foot, /alley. ^ despair and 0 that the and chairman of personal undersigned, In for the declaring What M notary for two knowledge, of public hlo, reason the The speakers' grievance. spok«» bureau, bishop powder [cKlnley." dlscontnt, now perform their duties goon the city presented a most Price of Coal Still Advancing, senator and Sir. Dayton had Introduced the county of Randolph, John Jordan, will be done with this question Is dlfll- h(>urs, holding the closa attention of his tlle work of electing the next President In snow-whlto gowns, gaily sight, with the marching being ftrst duly Bworn, stated: jarers. At limes the applause was a tul Vlco President goes bravely PHILADELPHI A Pa.. Oct. ll>..The md advocated, without solicitation, a who, on, and That since June of this year he has cult to forecast and It is believed the emendous. , with colored ribbons, and on foot and on horseback, flags 1 11 io bill to a class word grant annual leave to been employed as clerk. In Senator "apathy" Has been expunged United Mine Workers' officials have Valley Coal Company to-day Bishop Fowler said In part: smile at the tired and hungry Hying, banners floating, bands playing, Lehigh sent out circulars to the trade quoting Df mechanics, numbering thousands, In Washington, and that not definitely decided wnat they will ofilce ft talk under om the "I am here to the lhvlted Republican The dictionary. Why should they want a chango emblems fluttering, and over all and <Jlty coal prices f.o.b. at tho mines. The some time In the month of July, after ispices of the Marquette club upon annex and all the employed on government work, who the .unless it is a change from slnglo above the magnificent and prolonged 1price of all'sizes Is advanced 50 cents bad Charleston, W. Va., convention, he <1°.Some of the strike leaders say the v*o providential men, Lincoln and Mc- af udltorlum never rooms were before beer, favored. crowded with ( and >ver the The eager circular. aire was directed July Mr. figures C. ^ N. names blessedness to the joys of the marital by In Livingstone, lnley. In coupling these cheering and yelling that greeted the is follows: Lump, J2.50; broken, $2.Tr»; Besides, he said, he had known private secretary to Mr. Elklns, to union officials are not authorized by the thlis order we are following the logical e|athusiastic politicians of all degrees, state? different delegations as they came ( :gg, 53.00: stove, $3.25; chestnut, 53.25: send flvo out hundred of his to from from faith, T to devote to copies der, knowledge ho amount of Elklns bu*iness dispatched is No, tho men and women of this days legislation Charleston speech, Scranton convention to decide the pow« ehoutlng Into town. ] pea, 51.75; buckwheat, 31.25. lat which \vn know to that which wo _< giving to this affiant for the worklngmen, remaining during at the time a .list of addresses to der grievance and that another conven- illeve. All men honor Lincoln to-dny. Imost incredible. During the half country freely realise and Wonderful Demonstration. " in the chairman's sessions our I remained of until bo to evening Congress of will tion minors which the necessary should mailed. Bpecch be He 11 honor to-mor^ men will the difference between the dark McKlnley It was a gala day, and It was a hot fl no less than a score of spellbinders In order that he lose no also told this affiant to find out the dispose of the question. rc »w." mlghl of days adversity, now happily past. time In the old town In day time. The of Dostairo It would tnkf* for / s nmmory of Commercial Conditions, w ere assigned to duty, and whole opportunity to further their Interests. amount and the bright sun of prosperity that Want Flat 10 Per Cent Raise. each speech, and after this affiant parade was the greatest clvlp demon- Faced Senators Hanna and Prve Yes- Pointing dl of to the portraits of the senator came telegrams pouring in from each day greets the vision of dwellers He gave a brief summary of comthe amount required; gave A prominent official of the United strallon ever seen here; there were erclal conditions existing- In the Unl- tl le army of orators in the field, telling md Mr. Dayton which grace the walls hint the money with which to pay the Mine Workers said to-night that the thousands In It. After the parade hod terday in Their Journey in Nebrasid States In 1896. Forty per cent of .1le results of their meetings and ar- on the shores of the Atlantic, and sheds This postage. nfflant further states the club Mr. said room, Simmering its comforting rays on all the hosts he only rent out (500) Ave hundred men throughout the anthracite coal tlle railroads were In the hands passed through the principal streets It ka."Unique Campaign Banners. In but forcible language that that tho land to the far-off Pacific one quarter of twenty million n inging details of their itinerary, of said speeches, and he paid the cost- field are Insistent on a fiat 10 per cent cc halted on Kanawha street until the arI NORFOLK, Neb.. Oct. 19..Southward Lhc homely D two had done more to promote tho ago on same, and no speech was sent boring men were Idle and one-tenth isaeminating Eepublican Doctrines. coast. No change! No change! Increase without the powder reduction rival of Governor Roosevelt, on a spe- throug'x the eastern counties of Nemillions more on working out twenty otherwise than of the man than All over the west these well informed svell-bclng laoorlt.g postage prepaid to and Prosperity" Is tho clal train at 3 o'clock. Then the lm- 'jraska, Senator* Hanna and Fryo time or wages. Our annul the b?st of his knowledge and belief. being considered in figuring out the their campaign work to-day. A Mr. Bryan could do In a Sift' time. of the people, and on November had diminished to $200,000,000; our a'id eloquent speakers aio disseminating There were only 10,000 speeches printed, percentage of advance. When he was p< mense procession of shouting men, on Tho strenuous was before them. Basest tl 12 doctrines of programme to had been reduced If 189G Ingratitude. b* ink Republicanism. C and their mandate deposltB from which there is no 7,GOO were distributed at the asked what the United Mine Workers foot and on horseback, moved up Cap- !It rising and a running "It will bo the basest of ingratitude," requiredofearly convention; 2,000 or thereabouts would do if the presidents refused to 97,000,000. Business failures hud into as a campaign of education, this year appeal, will be duly executed. T. N. N. ltod street to the wjgivam, the sides of schedule from 10,000 under Harrison, eased lould prove a year of 45 miles an ho;:r with ho said, "If the minors and mechanics sent to Elklns, W. Va., by express, for graduation, he said the from their recede Farm torn as lta stand, 15 ,000 under Cleveland. which had been down, products to go through the mall, which speeches at Sioux City, Iown, Wake- af "West Virginia fall to vote for the this 500 ainant sent out, postage prepaid, as contest would continue until they were w ere not worth raising and farmers w ith the great number of masterful was inadequate by many leld, Wayne, Winslde and Hosklns and c<mid not pay Interest on their mort- rriinds now engaged In exposing the stated. JOHN JERDONE. forced to make the concession. to accommodate the surging mass Norfolk, Nebraska. Transferring at return of Mr. Elkins and Mr. Dayton above Sworn to. before mc this 15th dav of This official further said that he felt iges. Merchants were helpless, fac- ja dogmas of free trade and free o£ humanity that was anxious to hear :hat point to the Ur.lon Pacific, stops to the halls of Congress." irles were closed, furnaces were cold, Attended by Largo Numbers of He urged the members to go home October, 1900. vere scheduled at Madison. Senator confident that the men could afford to m Ines shut down. This had been sl Iver, and the many other dangerous Roosevelt. N. I. HALL. [SEAL.] Friends and with for- aiid destructive policies cf modern stand Idle longer than the mining com- b« ought about by competition Public. "When the building had been filled, Mien's home: Humphrey, Platte Cen- 1md work and vote for bolh of them, to Notary trade. free labor ci by gn 0< is no for cheap there excuse an Cleveland Mr. Livingstone's Statement. thousands surged aad packed on tho :er, Columbus, Schuyler, North Bend, the end that the friends or labor shall panlcM could. He said that in certain to As U Prophecy. in Wahoo and an meetBryan's citizen receive an doubt as to Fremont, evening endorsement remaining emphatic I am quite familiar with the facts parts of the region several mines are Simple, But outside, anxious to catch a glimpse of ng at Lincoln, the home of W. J. said that Fowler cast vote h ow to his so that It The will con Continuing, Bishop In above speaker was'applauded the of statament Mr. showing signs of caving in because the speaker, or a word now and then. 1896 Bryan prophesied that Republi- tI to a continuation of existing lbute from the start to tho flnlsh. He Is Jerdone, who acted In the capacity of there are not men on hand to keep them (Escorted to the Wigwam, Spcclal Dispatch to tho Intolllgenccr. in success would mean four years C( jnditions of mall clerk under me and by my To-morrow's programme, the lt\st 1 member of the United Order of prosperity a't home and CHARLES TOWN, W. timbered. m ore of such conditions nnd he outlined properly On my return from Charleston, Vtu. Oct. 19.. Promptly nt 3 o'clock Governor lay of Senator Hanna's trip, includes abroad. The great state of The funeral of the late "William Lyne Mechanics, which Is allied with where I attended the convention, I clstlng commercial conditions to show Pirestige special train reached Charleston, jut eight speeches, the last at Omaha the Federation Tendccy to Influence Operators, lat these predictions had failed., Kansas, through which I am now turned over to Mr. Jerdone about COO of Labor. Wilson, president of Washington and from Huntington, and ho and his party n the evening. He added that the cost of Taking up the subject of expansion he ,r furnishes an illustration of the The association was also addressed c'oplrfi of the speech delivered by Lee University, who died Wednesday Sioux Cltv was the last stop to-day. were met at the train by a reception the properties while In Idleness and srild, in part: at the convention, and Elklns, industrial have .G. S. J. changes that by Thomas .and I Henry American in nnd tho.crowd was ^lossr-.. "As a bvllever history, [t was about 7:30 morning, atrtook place conunJt:ec oi distinguished citizens, and him'with the money with"which losses incurred during a m an It Is Republican ot:curreJ in" the past tliree years. Block, the latter a German, well known to purchase postage stamps for mailing other-monetary expansionist. hero ut noon to-day. -The party wua immediately escorted to tne wig- nade up mostly of worklngmrn with to (j octrlne and Democratic practice. Ex- sc familiar with the history of west In the Sacond West Virginia district. them. I also furnished Mr. Jerdone with the strike would have a tendency by spcclal train. When the train warn by the famous Elklns Marching Lhelr dinner palls on their arms. Saxon Ufa. When of law of in favor the influence anslon In making a. list, which he followed In mailing the p operators railroads will remember n that under Goth made telling A Peculiar Banner. spccchcs. arrived at the station there were fully e accepted individual nccurrtaumty titClub, In charge of CapL E. E. Hood and speeches. conoesslons. b tl le Cleveland administration of the intervention many without to God. this a In At Winslde, little hamlfct tho 2,500 people, who had gathered from a detachment of thii Kana\vha Rough connection. I wish also to When it was suggested to him that ectly f any man, then God pave Himself re- tlicse trans-continental highways state that Senator Elklns does not of tho corn country, Senator the town and all sections of the county Riders, In charge of Capt. John A. mldBt a break in the ranks of u ance, and sent him about the job of , be there might or financial reverses that supervise direct in threatened to pay their last respects to their any way llanna saw the following banner as he dlsThayer. the operators would s ubdulng and saving the world, and He "Ileir corporate existence. the the strikers before of the mailing documents at public cn out the platform: "Populist his disposal. The distribution is made weaken, he expressed the utmost con- » out nnd at it. The effort to sweep He met with a continual and tremen- stepped tingulsneu ueaa townsman. Prevented by Writ of Prohibition farmers.Beware! chain to children is more your ocean Succumb. of the nek the tide Compelled under After the remains were viewed by a my direction, In compliance with fldenco in the loyalty of the men in the tious ovation along the entire route to t, to win than the men who stake yourselves or put 'em under the bed to Intermediate Courts Irom requests which come to him from The A. F. & S. Fe road, with Its the wigwam. Tens of thousands cheer- .Mark large number of people, the funeral entire region. ti heir success fighting expanston; f«.ir te Hanna is In town." In the state. Anybody Naturalization to with its mileage, penetrating Issuing Papers stnrtcdl for Edge Hill cemetery, ed him to tho echo. The parado moved not merely H are McKinley fighting the extent of the correspondence "Oh, I am not so dangerous as nil Notwithstanding the confidence of the liey where his remains were interred in hia and other work In connection with the labor leaders In this ability to hold the nd the Rough Rider and the American m agniflcent systems some of the under the auspices of Col. N. S. Burlew, that," said he, laughing. Foreigners. the realso are hut lighting they e£ and most eople, agricultural departments to which Senator Elklns men together there is a belief s; productive family lot. The funeral procession assisted by thirty-five nldes. Hon. "Take your hat ofT, Mark, and let us Spoclal Dispatch to the Intclllgencer. listless force running through all ujjcs * his personal attention, would In tlie United States, was com- was headed by over one hundred .William Seymour Edwards presided see," shouted the crowd.Vhlch cheered GRAFTON, W. Vn., Oct. 19..Judge givesthat of natural selection, it would not be for prevalent hero that a break will come 0 f nature, the force P< God's eterfis Mr. Hanna complied. also of the John W» Raw son Camp of are fighting ever the meeting at the wigwam. a nd Prosperity John H. Holt, of Grafton, to-day issued him to look after matters ofpossible they this kind. sooner or later. Strikers seeking relief to elevate tin races. di tions, and went Into the hands of a Confederate veterans, and the ivas debated for Ave minutes. I know the facts as stated by Mr. The i temporary writ of prohibition, A Republican Year. from the United Mine Workers are be- n al purpose to be Our Blood. in I the true. rc am farmers cheer(cclver. informed To-day, composing by an Expansion audience was as follows: and prohibiting the The town Is chuck full of a seething eel until the COLIN" H. LIVINGSTONE. coming restless with each succeeding tram was rar rrom the in our his- of Hclal of the road, It Is Impossible to The S«rrlc*3 Simplo. court of Marlon county from "Expansion is in our blood, mass of hearty, healthy, well fed, well day. our destiny, jj. xndle the traffic for lack of It is our t< in religion. 3ry, and naturalization papers One hundred and twenty students of clothed and happy humanity, all being At Norfolk, Neb., the streetn were Production Growing Smaller. "To call expansion imperialism is ei- al The road Is facilities. absolutely the oath of citizenship to or the the evidences of prosperity and con- packed for blocks arounil the speaker's both. No Washington and Lep University, foolish or insincere, The production of coal Judged by the ^ tier could cc ingasted with loaded tralna, ajid over under comranrvl of Mr. John Randolph tentment in every feature of their coun- stand. The wind, wns blowing almost epartment of the government made from this Is could region, thousand cars of was made shipments Congress ot le have The freight by u surp supreme power. application Being Played by the tenaneea. Truly, this la a Republican i gale, but clouds of dust filled the air Tucker, Jr.; the p*n-befc.rers, G. Leon senate could not unU. N. Arnett, E. M. Showalter and growing smaller. Yesterday the Ha- n ot do it. The President, along the line, waiting to be Mooro, John M. and Samuel Howell, W» Threo Votes for One in year, and calamity is sitting in the ind Senator Hanna's voice at times S. F. Morgan, of Fairmont, and the least of all, m 13 ertnke it. The the zlelon division of Lehigh Valley to their destination. oved The Said he: Ho under rras almost Inaudible. is C. Frazier, John T. Colson, N. H. was signed and sworn to by \V. resist the people. to Carry the Legislature. slough of despond. This great coal company, which taps nearly all the ould B. Arnett and L. C. Powell and A. tie law always. He Is able only to ex*-*- in of the road have increased over H. C. Washington and General Win. means a gain of no less than 500 "Willing to Mnko Any Sacrifice. Speclnl Dispatch to thft Intelligencer. colllorlcs In thin region, hauled ninety- c uto the will of the people. The only 55 ,000,009 In the past year, and the ' Fleming. P. the faculty of tho votes to the Republican ticket In this "I have heard that you havb a canCralghlll; W. Oct. 19.. six cars of coal, against an average P osslble emperor is me absolute power PARKER8BURG, Va., Nice Question. for the future is promising. Legal ty; the board of trustees, and than The state Republican committee has dally above the supreme county. To-night there was a torchlight Ildate for the presidency living In your cars before n bove Congress, of about S00 shipment With this visible evidence that the Is raised A nice legal question very above the President,.77,000.000 the carriages containing the member® received Information that the procession, fireworks and speaking at 13tate and that he has' got It bad.so the strike. Thl* la the lowest shipment p ourt. oducts of Kansas aro finding a eople. pi of his family, relatives and friends. the wJgwam by Hon. Romeo H. Freer, bad that he Is willing to sacrifice all jy the writ as to the jurisdiction of a are offering three votes for made In any one day since the strike "If McKinlcy Is elected he will con- ai market, and bringing rich returns At tho cemetery the sen-Ices were Hon. Daniel J. Ryan, of Ohio; Hon. P. the material Interests of this country :ourt 01 iimueu jurisdiction 10 jnini Holt and Davis for one vote for the began. A labor demonstration will he tl nuo the protective tariff. He will tc the farmers, who can doubt they will simple and solemn. The burial servlco B. Laird, Hon. David Healey and n order that he may attain the height latural'.zatlon papers. The question legislative ticket, their purpose being to held In Pottsvlllc next the gold standard: hi- will keep our rc in 1' floating have never been raised Tuesday, ambition. to vote for a change? :>f his Now, my friend?, would fuse probably our over all territory, prewas read by Rev. Thomas A. Johnson, Others. defeat Senator Elklns for re-election to which President Mitchell will partlcl- ag Kansas a Republican State. you are not called upon to exercise the ;>ut for tho abuse of the Jurisdiction the senate. Plsrving our national honor; he will hold pastor of the Baptist church at They an* notifying the by this court. ae United States up to the front as a prerogatives of your votes to satisfy nade pate. tl on Kansas into Count the swinging Marlon machine In The Democratic Va., but now of Hagerstown, Md. leaders In every county to look The ten collieries of the Lehigh coal u orld power; secure the open door for the ambition of nny man, but you are :ounty hay for tho past ten years been to per- R epubllcan column with a plurality of Tho prayer made by Rev. Dr. A- C. and help the and Gospel, rade out the for consider own :alled upon to your traders, and advising them and navigation company situated In etunte civilization, thus hastening the illy 25,000 over the Demo-Popullst to the illegul naturalization -cnortlng Hopkins, pastor of tho Presbyterian the Interests of your families, if aliens through the medium of this to be on their guard. It Is also said that the Panther creek valley are still in op- m^ nd of heathenism ajid the Given by Cabell Republicans to tho interests cket. The free silver heresy no long church, waa one of the most touching of your countrymen and :ourt to supply all deficiencies In the McGraw, who was here from Saturday The state troops are located tl of the world." eratlon. the in afflicts granger element; of the to fact, first." Democratic Crowd county Ever irour poll over heard here, and brought tears to Roosevelt.Largest country : until last night, has diverted all money there and matters remain quiet. them to carry the county. is not entertained even by persons of the eyes of many. Rev. R. S. Seen in Huntington at a Political A half hour's stop was made at collected for a campaign fund Into the to Overcomo. Here Senator Frye made his first Large Majority ipalred mentality. rector of tho Second Bplacopal Meeting. legislative channel. Employes Invited to Eeturn. speech of the day, covering briefly Recently, two sheriffs of Kansas church, pronounced the benediction. They have recently discovered that Bpeclal Dlnpatch to the Intelligencer. '7ao the Purposo of a Former the same ground as In his Lhey have n Republican majority of Oct. 19..The on each Pn.. met a WILKES13AP.TIE, rnntles train, in having The oholr, composed of members of all DOVENER AND CALDWELL HUNTINGTON, W. Va. .Oct. 19..The of yesterday. Senator of tlie Multi-Miilionaire. Lehigh Valley and a few olher coal S00 In this county to overcome, large a supposed lunatic whom they the church choirs of the town, sans Roosevelt special train arrived here on speeches then urged the voters to forpet past lenrly for Criminal Designs. in the Wyoming valley Arrested Did Wli're conducting to the insane asylum at "Lead, Kindly Effective several have companies Work ind been in for days Braxton Countime at 12:15 to-day. \ Light." and "Asleep In party affiliations and to remember that In Italians from the mines by tho notices at their. collieries to-day, {n CHICAGO, Oct. 19..S. I. Morris was q ssawatomle. The officers seated Jesus." The floral offering* were most Tho party was met #by the reception present conditions under the ty.Urccted by Largo Crowds. lozen, many of whom have not been for an alleged this evening their which Invite to reai rrested they employes anu icir unrortunate cnarges logetner, beautiful, and wcro sweet tributes te committee, and escorted to the stand, < administration arc of n the United States more than six to Bpcclal Dispatch to the Intelllsencer. upon the life of John W. Gates, tey soon engaged In conversation. twelve month*, und crowding the court SUTTON, W. Vn,, Oct. 19.-Capt. P. turn to work at a 10 per cent Increase in tc the high Christian character of tho j? &t Fifth avenue and Ninth street, where ' prosperity. the same to hold good until f:ic-presldent of the American Steel & ooin and court records with at wages, are you going?" asked the distinguished statesman. them "Where 13. Dovener and W. G. they, with Governor Roosevelt, Caldwell spoke When searched at ^Tire Company. Lhe rate of ubout thirty per day. Dllelnncc TToiiasn m«. rst demented man. NOT FOR SALE at Falls Mills, on tho 18th; at Sutton April 1, 1901. Few of the strikers went ^ 10 police station, two large revolvers the magnificent parade, which In Protests of No Avail. near the collieries to read tho notices. "To Ossawatomle," says No. 2. Out of respect to Mr. Wilson, all tho on the 15th, and tho former at r.umbers was tho largest ever seen In w ero found concealed in his pockets. of the Postal Control [s tho of and the them all citizens All the furnishing tho good newspapers for?" "What protests business houses of the town suspended the city, after which ho addressed over on the Ifth Inst. Mr. Caldwell asserted that Morris also had Information deRlred. Up to noon nono d( It 1p upon the life of W. J. and Commercial Cable ittorneys to prevent this corrupt "Going Into the 'sylum." during tha funeral eervloes. ^giong tha made short talks with good effect. 13,000 people. of tho companies posting tho notices HiHlgns ballot box were of no the the "What for?" of Kansas upon manager to prominent other general people who attended tha fu* he could not engagements, Enthusiasm Unbounded. until thin evening the wholesome go to Frametown, but returned to had received any applloatlon for work, c Ity &. Southern railroad, whom Morris, "They say I'm crazy." noral were: The meeting was the greatest ever NEW YORK, Oct. 19..Vice President wall, of a writ of prohibition was to this emedy The block Is had enticed now the city by stumbling Is on?" powit alleged, "What did crazy Wheeling. you go Captain Dovener was at his Ex-President Cleveland and ox-Cotk and General Manager W. II. Baker, of ipplled for and grunted. he!d here, and the enthusiasm was l>PMr find i... der question. m wi / ciiiri.il> u leans of a telegram purporting to have "Religion. Now, where are you the Postal Telegraph Company, made pressman Isadore Straus3, of Now Yorir will b»* now no further repetl- Bpeeches, dwelling particularly TtiQre this The Vice Presidential on the b< sen signed by Gates, but which he on the of the n of :lon outrage Mr. Cleveland arrived last night vrtti part statement the to-day: following business Interests of the country wan cheered oy surging crowds all hiImself had sent. Manager Urlnison Compelled to Shut Down. "To Ossawatomle," says No. L Mr. Strauss, and to-day ho waa grcoteC "Persistent rumors ara In clreulntlon Marlon county Democracy. , th" way from the depot to the place of comparing: the present prosperous Pacific hotel Grand at the ni rrived Oct. SHENANDOAH. 19..The condition to Pa., that of the depressed "What for?" , by a largo crowd, who called to pti. refcnrdlns; a pending combination of the iking, over Ave squares. in accordance with the condition of bunlnops nnd bankruptcy Cambridge oolllery resumed operations "They say I am crazy, too." their respects. Ho and Mr. Wilsoa the His speech consisted of a scathing Postal Telrpmph-Cahle Compajiy, made in the telegram. He failed under a Democratic administration. to-day under a ni tho emCnblc Company, the promise-to Commrrclal did on?" "And what you go crazy were Intimate friends, and ho Bcemo<l Large and enthusiastic crowds greeted » And Mr. Gates in his ofllcc In the Arraignment of the Democratic party Union Telegraph Company and the tho 10 that cent advance him ployes per at all "Frev silver." the much distressed at his death. Mr. places. After a end Mr- i»-.. very hasty building ookory ui/Hii.lor iniBmiinuBCmctU D>* American Bell Telephone Company, of ]Feature of the Roosevelt Meeting at would and be granted the sliding scale m the two men decided that "Oh, pshaw," said the other, "you Cleveland drove to Harper's F>aTry this the former and fatae prophecies by the America. Officers of the Postal Hlnton -was Twenty Former abolished. About 9 o'clock a committee ^:orr!» originated the scheme, both « in't get Into th# 'sylum. You ain't afternoon, and returned lie me. Tho fu» xwocmc juurnay umcero Elected. Company and the latter, and so clearly were his Carrying a Banner With the Special Dispatch of mine workers waited on D. R. James, hiiVlng received threatening letters cr azy. You ora oaly a natural born neral party also returned to Ledngtoiv Cable Company deny *.o the Intelligencer. prenented that at every point he that either company Is Above Inscription. K»l." PARKER8DURG, W. Va., Oct. 19.. the senior member of the Arm owning fr om him.was Va., this afternoon. Was greeted with deafening applause. any such combination, and state Jp^clnl Df«i>fitr.h to the Intelllcencer The Rtockholders of tho Fairmont & the colliery and admonished him to captured near the offices Y»t many persons dalmlng to be sane Morris that the control of the Postal In the Steel Illinois W. Oct. Company 19.-<3ovfrnor the ol HJNTON, Va., Electric make no further effort to Clarksburg work until Railway Company Movement of Steamships. ' Company nnd th5 ra en a«d patriots will vot« for Bryan Thieves Follow Roosevelt. 1RooHcvelt'a npeclal train urrlved hero met hero yesterday and elected the Cable Company Is not for sole." th» men at all the collieries decided to 11 ookery building. lie was formerly In alid free stiver. HAVRE.Arrived: La Touralno, front Bper.lnl Dlnputch to the Intolllccncer. » tit 7:30 this evening, anil vrnx met nt director*: J. N. Camden. Sprlgjr return tn wnrlr In n Hrulv Xfr Tnmoo tf10 employ of Gate?, and malntulns Does Not Thrive. J knti-Expanslon I'AHKRHSBURO, W. Va., Oct. 19.. the latter owes him $50,000. I.he depot by a reception commlttco of D. Camden, Inane D. Davis, NO VERDICT NAPLES.Arrived: Ems, from Not* promised the commlttce to stop vrork lat Thieves following the Roosevelt party The anti-expansion issue does not York. iibout one hundred locnl Republican.* A. It. Fleming, Tenants of the Ilookery are said to J. A. Qt noon. made heavy hauls hero yesterday, and 3lvcn Out in the Youtsey Casa. )t thin county. The party consisted Flcklngcr, Monongah;Fairmont; the west. the out here In The well prisoner making tl: irlve overheard hi ivo Herbert R. ,J»Rt night, und dozens of empty Weather Forecast for To-Day. f)f Mr. RoosevHt, Hon. Vf. H. Edwardfl, Preston, lialtlniore; E. R. Bacon, of 11ireats to kill Mr. Gates and the two p, joplu say we want all the foreign Prisoner's Condition Improved. THE POWDER QUESTION micn refrained from going to luncheon were found In the streets and urkets we can get. \sc want to iced For Ohio, fair Saturday and.^indayj Oct. 19..There 1md Oovenior G. \V. Atkinson, of New York. J. N. Camden vr.i* elected Ky., GEORGETOWN, acPacific hotel, Grand where, nl the warmer In eastern portion Saturday; yards during the day. The losers are will be no verdict In the Youtucy cane (~harlr*ton, Hon. M. Roach, of Pay- president and Sprlgg D. Camden, tho of and Orient, Preventing a Consummation of Deal irdlng to the telegram, they were to tj ip hungry millions variable winds, b*com)&g freali and treasurer. Thla company th» Rev. Father Hlckoy, of 8t. Xavler's »tte county, and members of the pre**, N r do not see why the descendants ot light Bstween Operators and Miners. to-night. When court met at 8:80 to-1 'who by Sunday. the for southerly Instead, met. attorneys were driven to the park, where Is organised for the purpose of building w« who braved tho perils of For western church; Hon. Homer D. Wood, of night the cane waa formally nubmltted Pennsylvania and "West PHILADELPHIA, Pa,. Oct. 19..Dr. r. Gates, with offices In the same te pioneers Atkinson introduced Mr. an electric paswnrer railway from the desolate fair Saturday and Sunday: on life county, and A. G. Glngel, of Zanes- to the Jury. The Judge told them they (3overnor fr ontler plains, Virginia, M. who A. and at II. Pnr- btilldlnif, were notified, Howe, represented they ftooscvclt to the vaet audience, Fairmont to Clarksburg. W. Va. warmer light variable wlndi* Saturday; Two thieves were caught In the could use their own pleasure about dee £ Company at the conference In mice dispatched a merscnKer to de- fc iu*ht the Indians anil settled this becoming fresh* southerly to be fully six tbouwnd people. by Sunday. hath room of Ht. Joseph's Mr. Sherman More Comfortable. Hospital, slderlng the cane to-night or to-mormw this city, between the Individual oper- te ctlve headquarters and asked Cap- »l >l#ndld domain should not have an a Short Speech. Mnde Local Temperature. ^htrc a bazaar Is In progress, where morning. They decided to tnko the to extend their trade, and ta In Colleran's assistance. When tak- p( officials the stors and the of PhlladelD. WASHINGTON. Oct. Cm Tho to the temperature their poor condition of Mr. Tluirirday an qJD*orred to-night and report Owing they were hiding for the purpose of at D too'clock rooma into the chief of detectives' offlcc, m ake the commerce of the I'aclrtc ocean by C. Schnrpf, flrtigglat, coruhr JU.irkci phla A Keadlnc, and Lehigh Vallcv cr orris Sherman waa more to-morrow morning, and 1RoomveU'ft voire, he dM not make n could apparently give no Intel- C( iual to the commerce of tho Atlantic. jvnd Fourteenth afreets. was as follows: fobbing the ladles of thr» money taken they wore n*nt to-day and tonight he la reported railroads, In upeaklnif to-day about the out with that under- enjtthy «|*ech, but he lost no time In bi ;»t the aevornl tables. ' of the nnd 7 m 3 p. a. 3? nffalr, 71 explanation west of Hanson resting eaally. jlble For nearly 100 miles standing. ( seems to have which ompnrir.j; Itepubllcan with question promises powder a. m 9 Cop. to assign any rearon for being in c,Ity there exunrts the greatest grain Youtfey'n condition to-night In better Bryan's prophssles made In 'H, and IS m rr.tG'Weather, Clear. settlement of the halted the mine thnn two Ho Joe of the revolvers. hn« Oans taken yeiiterday. Wins a Battle. )snesslon Largo Crowd at tho Depot. bell on the continent. An FRIDAY. -&trl**«. anld: without trouble, and phyn- 1 eft the audience t draw their own runMr. Gates in a multl-inllllonnlre and 81 rowing DENVER. Oct. It..Joe Oana won workers' I'ARICERSBURG, W. Oct. 15- Iclana to-dny m ;aC3 p. mf3 succession of fields of corn, wheat, 79 a. say hln temperature, pulac and (:lu*lon* aa to which was correct. 'The Independent mine owners will rP turn«?d but a short time since from from ii. "Spider* KfUev in Governor Roosevelt left Vr.( the 50,7 p. m W eighth here over tho irespiration ore normal. 2Io was cheered loudly, aiul nxacy round. ' not reduco thb prlco of powder from £ urope, whero he spent the summer. 1 hiuk oa-ta a«ld oUlor certify cavcrjiig a IT m... Weather. V&tr* wes:;rn greatest demonstration valey, power, reducon DEMOCRATIC LIE NAILED. IFRIENDS TO PROLONGED TIE-UP EXPECTED. S THE WORKMEN. « PELLBINDERS ON THE PLAINS isseminatlng; adIrcss Govrrlor ofll:«;rs persisted proseeded laboring appeared steamboat statements, extraordinary delegations territories, Iteublican wlteFscd rarer attired decorated sweetly travellers? ^ commlt»e ^ midnight, ofce, bunlea ascertained . con:!nued Charleston rcjced exjrtg *r leaving capacity thousands falidous WILSON'S FUNERAL Sympathizing Dcm:racy, Intelsent Townspeople.Ex-President Present.Services f0 related vociferously direction. Senator provided American progressive appreciate inhabiting "McKinley watchword of.reivers. J® Roosevelt's WhjQ^iould McKinloy.Story employment. Mitchell^ Senitor Brym. carpenters "LINCOLN AND M'KINLEY." Elkins' STRENUOUS PROGRAMME labor employment fcnpressive. c" *j| passig, relarkable Perms maintaining arrived . In DEMOCRATIC FRAUDS ^ personally suf;red ^ Restraining constituents knowing cerain exnsive £ "j realize rlchit roons . restraining Intcrmedlite Issung DESPERATE GAME administering foreigners. « staLlon. Attorley meeting Howard ' tnuisport:Ion acimulated Democrats Bryan, camgs outok profltjle renin J Interests, Madison. substantially Hanna Republish unprccedent»d E TO KILL GATES Coupland, Employe posted drlvng at:mpt .. reviewed Frametown, Owing asjault unbounded. candidate ..IUMW ii»<u Brlm>n, » . generally, .. propositions Western Telejraph-Cable Commercial emphatically contemplating Telegraph-Cable Commercial ^ Bourbons gr>g?" toly appolnt,ent conlltatlon, "DEMOCRATS NO MORE." ..... . following * Parkeraburg; pocketbooks aecretary Hitchto con-'t p«pern estimated j1 UnIvorsi Chrlstlanlzaion enable Telegraph Companies. "Willis, Lexington, district FINE RECEPTION members remainder Jerdone Democracy.Offering Order petition procession ^iNJ opjrtunlty It..ExPecrttary comfortable reised , nnurlnhment endps I