2013 Winter Newsletter
2013 Winter Newsletter
WBC NEWS WINTER 2013 Regarding Jim... It started with odd verses resonating unexpectedly last April. Not just one, but a number of verses, having a distinctive and personal “from God for me at this time” ring in the reading. Then there were comments. Simple statements made by others in the flow of a Godward conversation. Again, a distinctive and personal “from God for me at this time” stirring within. There were also sermons and messages heard on-line or via radio. Speakers who had no personal connect but whose words had a very personal “from God for me at this time” ring in the hearing of them. It happened enough that Jim went to his trusty yellow pad in order to track them. Verses and comments noted and pondered. They did not seem to relate to anything that was “right now” for him - and yet they had an urgent “pay attention, this is for you” feel to them. Through the summer and on into the fall the “soundings” continued. Then came the recurrent pain, followed, eventually, by a visit to the emergency room and finally the doctors diagnosis. Cancer. Aggressive and incurable. Suddenly the notes on the yellow pad made sense. Like a missing puzzle piece the doctor’s words brought everything together. Bold letters: “This will be a life change”. Equally bold letters: “I am with you”. Strange time to be filled with peace - but peace is exactly what filled Jim’s soul. Even with regular testing, the disease had flared undetected yet it did not catch him unprepared. In fact, instead of groping with the common questions that arise at such moments, Jim found himself gripping answers that had already been given - before the questions were asked. among us with a simple Godward attentiveness. As a result he has lived and served among us as one who hears God. We have been blessed. Blessed by the example of Godward attentiveness Jim has set. Blessed, even more, by the Godgiven words of grace given him and passed on to us in all sorts of varied circumstances and conditions. Blessed, most of all, by seeing God answer to his attentiveness in a way that gives witness to the wonder and reality of Jesus among us. Difficult news: Jim has retired. As of January 1, Jim retired from our pastoral staff. After working beside Jim this long, it is hard to type those words. But he cannot walk the cancer road that God has called him to walk with his family and still carry the weight of pastoral responsibility. God has told him that clearly. We are beginning to look for the person God has prepared to fill Jim’s key position on our pastoral staff. It will look like a typical hire process. Applications and resumes. Interviews and reference checks. Ultimately decision and placement. The goal is to have the position filled in February. It is not a typical hire process. This is a pastoral placement in a family of faith. That is not easy. We will need to keep praying the process forward at each step. The good news: Jim will continue to live and serve among us with that simple Godward attentiveness so long as God gives him the health and strength to do so. Stephen Ministry, Community Group, or friend to friend, we will still enjoy his presence as the Lord allows. However long that is, cherish it and enter into it in the same Godward way that Jim does. There is rich grace to be found among those who hear God in the simplicity of attentiveness. I tell the story because it reflects what it has been like to have Jim on our Pastoral Staff these past 16 years. Jim has consistently lived and served MAKING DISCIPLES AS WE… W O R S H I P TO G E T H E R . IN THIS ISSUE Adult Ministries Winter Course Line-up p. 2 Extended Ministries Supported Missionaries p. 3 Youth Ministries Youth Ministry Update p. 4 Music Ministries A Week in the Musical Life of WBC p. 6 Children’s Ministries Fall Event Recap p. 8 Resource Past and Present Plans p. 10 Valley Blessing Thanksgiving Recap p. 11 WBC Life in Pictures p. 12 AND MORE! ~Larry Kroon, Senior Pastor L E A R N TO G E T H E R . S E RV E TO G E T H E R . ADULT MINISTRIES Winter & Spring 2013 Adult Ministry Course Line-up Adult Studies: • Sunday Mornings, Ongoing 11:15-12:30pm Pastor John Rm. 204 Adult Sunday School: We are currently studying our way through 1 Samuel and plan to continue into 2 Samuel in the months to come. Feel free to join us at any time. • Sunday Evenings, Resumes January 5th 6:30-8:30pm Pastor John Gillespie’s GAP (college and career age): “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the GAP.” Ezekiel 22:30 Please join us this year as we enjoy food, fellowship and an in-depth look at Deutoronomy. Contact John @ 376-2176 for more information. • Tuesday Evenings, Begins January 7th 7:00-8:30pm Joe Kirkwood Rm. 204 I Corinthians 13: How is your relationship with the Lord, family members and friends? 1 Corinthians 13 teaches how to successfully grow in the relationships God has placed in your unique world. Contact Joe Kirkwood at 373-7977 for more information. Men’s Bible Studies: • Sunday Mornings, Begins January 5th 11:15-12:30pm Loren Kroon Sports Complex Men’s Connection: The men of WBC meet weekly for discussion and prayer to encourage one another. • Tuesday Mornings, Begins January 7th 8:00-9:30am Pastor Joel Rm. B11 Men’s Bible Study: Join us as we continue to study the book of Psalms. Each week we will read, discuss, and sing a psalm, and pray for one another. • Wednesday Evenings, Begins January 8th 7:00-8:30pm Mark Doner & Pastor Larry CoffeeHouse Men’s Bible Study: The coffee is on at 6:30pm. The study begins at 7:00. • Thursday Morning, Ongoing 6:00-7:30am John Doak CoffeeHouse Men’s Thursday Morning Breakfast: Come to the church coffee house at 6:00am to help cook and fellowship, eat at 6:30am and spend time in the Word and prayer before we hit the day ahead. We shoot to end around 7:30am but you can split whenever work calls. Bring a few bucks to help costs as you are able. PAGE 2 Women’s Bible Studies: • Tuesday Mornings, Begins January 7th 10:00-12:00pm Sarah Brown CoffeeHouse 10:00-12:00pm Merry Doner Rm. 204 • Wednesday Evenings, Begins January 8th 7:00-8:30pm Nikki Toll Rm. B03 Women’s Bible Study: ”What do we do with the prophets? These were real men in historical situations with God-given messages for the people of Israel. But that was THEN... a long time ago “THEN”! Why are their words important to read now? What are we NOW meant to understand about God and his people? Indeed, what do we do with the prophets? Childcare is available upon request, sign up in the foyer. Starting Point: • Sunday, February 9, February 23, and March 9, 2014 1:00-2:30pm Rm. B03 Starting Point: Starting Point is designed to be an on-ramp into the various aspects of congregational life. Through the three sessions of Starting Point we will relationally coach you through the process you want to begin (whether that’s joining community groups, pursuing church membership, getting baptized, or something else). We’ll do that in a low-key, relational setting where we can get to know one another, typically over a meal. The bottom line is that if you want to move deeper into church life, Starting Point is where you want to go. Sign Up at the Welcome Desk, in the foyer. Other Ministries: PrimeTimers: A Senior Adult Ministry for men and women at or near retirement whose purpose is to fellowship, support, and encourage one another. Primetimers meet on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00am. Call Mel @ 376-7719 for more info. Defend: WBC Adoption and Foster Care Ministry whose purpose is to connect and support adoptive and foster care families with workshops, training, and meetings. Call Amanda Bacon @ 373-0081 for more information. Stephen Ministry: Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Call 376-2176 for more information Perspectives: Experience God’s heart for all peoples and encounter the momentum of the World Christian Movement. Begins January 14th, from 6:30-9:00pm in room B03 and ends April 29th. College credit is available, please visit the table in the foyer for more info. WINTER 2013 ADULT MINISTRIES CONT. Benevolent Ministry “Thank you,” to all who were able to join the Benevolent Ministry meetings that were announced at our annual pie social. We met three different times with people who are interested in offering their time, talents, and resources in response to those in need. I realize that there are more of you out there who would love to pass on the grace and blessings you have received from God. May this article be that opportunity. First some background. For quite a few years we have been taking a benevolent offering on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. It seems fitting at that time of year, when we are most focused on giving thanks for what God has done, that we remember those around us in need. Through the years the WBC pastors (chiefly Pastor Jim) have administered the offering while helping those in need in our church and community. Since coming on staff, I (Pastor John) have been Pastor Jim’s back-up. I have learned much from Pastor Jim and pray that God will guide me well as we continue to respond to needs. Help. I’ll take all the help I can get. As you pray for our church, please remember that we do minister to those in need. Pray that this ministry will “Meet the basic needs of people as we disciple them God-ward,” our stated purpose. Pray for the Benevolent Ministries Team as we meet to discuss this ministry, as we respond to needs, and as we seek to enlist people like you to partner with us in ministry. The point of the December meetings and this article is to make you aware of benevolent ministries and enlist your help. Often, but not always, the need can be met with contact, prayer, and financial resources. Thus, the offering… However, there are many situations where money is not the main need or answer. Many situations of need require hands-on involvement. We have moved a family while Dad was deployed, we have built a wheelchair ramp, we have conducted financial and employment counseling, we have delivered meals, and the list goes on. (By “we,” I mean YOU the people of WBC.) Some needs are typical. Most are not. So, if you have read this far and God is leading you to offer yourself, time, talents, and resources to the Benevolent Ministry of WBC your next step follows: email me at [email protected] and give me your name, contact info, and a list of what you are willing to make available. Think outside the box. Needs include, but are not limited to, respite care, hauling, digging, feeding, clothing, etc… God only knows how your offering will be used. Please understand that when you offer yourself you are not obligating yourself to every call that comes your way. We as a benevolent team will work with the people in need and bring in your resources as required. When we call, a “not available just now” is a fair answer. A gentleman once said to me, “Call if I can help…” Later when I did call he was on a beach 2500 miles away. I called someone else that day. That is ok. In the story of the Good Samaritan Jesus asked the lawyer; “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?’ He said, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘You go, and do likewise.’” Luke 10:36, 37 (ESV) ~John Doak, Adult Ministries Pastor WOMEN’S MINISTRY Dear Women of WBC! As we look back on 2013 it is with gratitude to God! He has blessed us in Christ! Women’s Ministry introduced the heart of our purpose: Making disciples! How will we do this? Answer: By Growing, Nurturing, Extending and Reviving through our relationships with each other as we loyally follow Jesus. It is in knowledge of Him that we, as women, are knitted and woven together in love. (Colossians 2:2,3) Through rich Bible study together in the book of Hebrews we did Grow! Through establishing groups of women who serve others and connect through similar cares and situations we Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. did Nurture! Through ministry to Young Lives at Burchell and through 2013 Valley Blessing we did Extend! Through our November 8th “Come Together” event we did Revive! Looking forward to 2014 we fully anticipate that we will see the excellence of our God together. We invite you to join us in the coming year! There will be many opportunities to follow Jesus together. New Bible studies begin in January! Nurture and Extend will continue to develop. Watch for news of our next Revive event in March! ~Merry Doner, Women’s Discipleship Director PAGE 3 YOUTH MINISTRIES Youth Ministry Update WBC FamilyI’d like to take this opportunity to catch you up on the most recent events in WBC’s youth ministry. This past fall we held our annual high school fall retreat at Victory Bible Camp. The theme this year was “Medieval.” Needless to say, there were some really good costumes, some great games, awesome air-band performances, and… possibly a prank or two. Our large and small group discussions that weekend were on dying to ourselves and being kingdom focused. It was a great time spent with Jesus. As for middle school, we held our annual Novemberfest, an exciting evening for middle school age youth and their families to come together and enjoy fun challenges, great food, (including the best homemade corndogs in Alaska), face painting, game booths (my favorite was frozen turkey bowling), and the most popular challenge; Gladiator Jousting in a blow-up rink. I also enjoyed the opportunity of meeting families. As we come out of the Christmas break we will be hosting our winter guys lock-in on WBC’s campus January 24-25. I’m looking forward to hanging out with the guys, spending some time in the word, and possibly participating in a game of intense mafia. We are also planning a father/daughter banquet in February and a middle school H2Oasis trip in March. To top off the year we will put on our annual chili cook-off and auction (Refer to the calendar on the right for more details). As a team of leaders, our ultimate goal is to plant seeds of truth that the Lord will water into a great knowledge of Christ. We accomplish this through building relationships with the students during small groups, instructing with the Word, events, and having fun. This year we have been adventuring through the Gospel of John. It has been a great study and glance into the life of Jesus and the message with which he was sent to deliver to the world. So far in this study we have looked at the humility, boldness, claims, miracles, truths and grace that Jesus possessed. We are looking forward to finishing this Gospel strong and continuing to turn hearts Godward through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the Lord would bless the work of our hands and the heart of our kids at WBC. WEEKLY YOUTH SCHEDULE PAGE 4 High School Youth Group (Crossfire) Wednesday Nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm Rm B03 Pray also for the teens, that they would be spurred on to give witness to the reality of Jesus in their daily lives. Blessing to you for the glory of Christ Jesus, ~Josh O’Donnell, Youth Pastor STUDENT CALENDAR High School (Crossfire) January 12 - S.A.L.T. 2nd Semester Start-up January 24 & 25- Guys Lock-in March 12- No Youth Group March 30 - Chili Cookoff April 12 - Mother/Daughter Easter Tea May 10- Bondservant Workday May 17- Bondservant Workday May 18 - Senior Sunday May 21- Youth Group Ends May 24- Bondservant Workday May 31 - Bondservant Workday June 15-20 - Gulkana (Freshmen Summer Trip) July 6-13 - G.R.I.M.E (Sophomore Summer Trip) July 9-18 - Beyond Malibu (Junior Summer Trip) Middle School (Crosswalk) Febuary 7 - Father Daughter Banquet March 1 - H2Oasis March 11 - No Youth Group April 12 - Mother/Daughter Easter Tea May 18 - Sunday School Ends May 20 - Youth Group Ends Leaders May 18th - Volunteer Potluck Middle School Youth Group (Crosswalk) Tuesday Nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm Auditorium Middle School Sunday School 11:15am - 12:15pm Annex WINTER 2013 YOUTH MINISTRIES CONT. Middle School November Fest. & High School Fall Retreat 2013 Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. PAGE 5 MUSIC MINISTRIES A Week in the Musical Life of WBC Tuesday Morning, early: My Tuesday morning Bible study group has been working through the Psalms this year. Each week we conclude our study of that week’s psalm by singing it. If there is a contemporary musical setting that we all know, we sing that, otherwise we use a metrical translation of the psalm and a familiar hymn tune. If you walk past B11 at 7:45am on a Tuesday, you’ll hear anywhere from three to eight low, morning voices singing through a psalm. Tuesday Morning, a little later: A lot of preschoolers and homeschoolers come with their moms for Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible studies. The kids all have Bible lessons, too, but first they gather for a song time. My wife Naomi plays the ukulele, Becky Winter plays the bass guitar, Heidi Doner the piano, and I get to do lots of motions with the kids. Right now two of their favorite songs are “I’m in the Lord’s Army” and “Montaña”, a setting of Matthew 17:20 that we learned from our sister church in Mexico (we sing it in English). Wednesday Evening: In B03, the Youth band gathers to rehearse and then lead their peers in worship. Depending on the Wednesday, the instrumentation can really vary. The first Wednesday of the month is acoustic night with ukuleles, acoustic guitars, bass guitar, and cajón (a Peruvian box drum). On the other weeks you may hear a string section with two violins and two cellos or driving electric guitar. The beautiful baby grand piano gets a lot of use as does the drum set. One Wednesday I came downstairs and heard Thomas and Jessica Doak playing “Everlasting God” on a seven foot marimba hand-made by Hal Grindle. Meanwhile up in the coffeehouse, the Wednesday Evening Men’s Bible Study band is rocking out with Phil Evans on vocals, Josh Heffner on lead guitar, Taft Tracy on rhythm guitar, Jess Lederman on keys, Mike Kelly on bass guitar, and Igor Galakhov on cajón. In the sanctuary, the WBC bluegrass band is rehearsing. This past semester we enjoyed working on some new songs that are actually old songs, such as “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” from the classic 19th century American hymn book Southern Harmony and Musical Companion . Southern Harmony is famous for being the first to publish John Newton’s hymn text “Amazing Grace” with the American folk melody “New Britain”, a pairing of words and music that has now become the most recorded song in the world. Thursday Evening: On Thursday evenings our other Sunday morning worship teams rehearse. Depending on the Thursday and which team is practicing, you may hear Dale Tumey and Steve Everhart trading licks on saxophone and electric guitar or our string quartet working out their parts or Tanya Galakhov teaching the team one of her original compositions. Thursday evening is a key time of musical preparation and of prayer for our Sunday morning services. Saturday Morning: On Saturday mornings, the Men’s Bible Study Band rehearses. Taft Tracy’s electric guitar and Phil Evans crooning vocals fill the coffee house. Sunday Morning: At 8:00am, the worship team gathers to pray with the set-up and coffee house crew. We then run through all the music for the morning, working out any final musical details, adjusting the monitors, checking the lyric slides, etc. We spend a focused hour working through the mechanics so that when the service begins we can focus on our Lord and enjoy joining the congregation in worship of Him. In B03 at 8:30, the Fishing Crew worship team gathers to do what the team upstairs is also doing: pray, rehearse, work out the mechanics, and then lead in worship of our glorious God. 9:30 in the Grow Zone: as the sanctuary and B03 are filled with people praising God, Cody Buzby goes around to the pre-school class rooms and leads the kids in songs of praise. Thomas and Jessica Doak also lead a song time in their pre-school class room. Cathy Winter makes the Grow Zone rounds during the second service. “My God Is So Big” is a favorite with these young worshippers. At 11:15, as again the sanctuary and B03 are filled with people PAGE 6 WINTER 2013 MUSIC MINISTRIES CONT. praising God and the Grow Zone is again extolling the greatness of our God, in the annex Alyssa Foss is also leading our middle-schoolers in worship. Sunday Afternoon: Before Christmas and Easter, our choir gathers at 1:00pm on Sunday afternoons to work through quite a bit of music. It is an enjoyable challenge for all of us in the choir to learn our various parts and then work at putting them all together with the goal of exalting Jesus and encouraging his people. Thanks to Maggie Chapman for leading and rehearsing us this past Christmas season. Sunday Evening: At Awana, Dave and Laura Horning lead in an enthusiastic time of worship with musical support from their son Ryan on drums and Kiara Fleckenstein and Cody Buzby on guitar. Any Given Day: Thus far I have tried to give a glimpse of some of the music that happens on-site each week, but just as we as a church are not confined to our facility, so neither is our song. Each week’s worship leaders spend time at home singing and planning the various services. Some of the community groups have a time of sung worship in the homes where they meet. Most Sundays I give away sheet music to people in our congregation who take the songs home to play and sing. Each week WBC’s musical life extends well beyond this building. One of the more powerful times of worship I had the privilege of being part of last month was in an Adult Critical Care room at Providence Hospital where the Doner family was singing “Be Still, O My Soul (Psalm 46)”. ~Joel Stamoolis, Worship Pastor WORSHIP LEADER PROFILE: Steve Everhart How long have you been involved in the Worship Ministry at WBC and how did you get started? I started getting involved in the Worship Ministry at WBC by sitting in with Paul and Karen Schindler a few times. I took over the team when they left back in the 90s. A couple of years later I started leading worship for the youth. Within a year or so l needed to cut back on my commitments so I stepped away from leading Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. the Sunday morning team to concentrate more on Youth worship. Connie Stahle took over leadership of the team and I stayed on as a guitarist and backup singer. Not long ago Connie and I figured out that we'd been leading worship together for about 17 years. What instruments do you play? Growing up I really wanted to play the drums but my parents wanted me to take up something more classical, so, after about two or three piano lessons from my mom, I selected the trumpet. Two years after that we moved back to Alaska and we sold my trumpet and to my parents' chagrin my oldest brother gave me his old Stella Harmony guitar. These days I mostly play guitar but I am trying to learn to play the bass. Whenever I can, I indulge my inner drummer with my Djembe and other assorted percussion instruments. I have a dream of someday doing a solo on the egg shaker. Do you have a favorite verse or passage related to worship? 2 Samuel 6:14 “And David danced before the LORD with all his might...” I love King David's passion for the Lord and the ways he expressed that passion through worship. He was not afraid to look foolish in the eyes of man. What are some of your favorite worship songs and why? Lyrically, I prefer songs where God is the primary intended audience, where worshipers are singing to Him. “Shout to the Lord”, “We Fall Down”, Strong Tower” (Kutless), “You Are My King”, “Better Is One Day,” and “It Is You” are among my favorites. Musically, I find myself drawn to songs with fun and interesting guitar parts for some reason. “Everlasting God”, “Grace,” and “You're Worthy of My Praise” are among my favorites. I would have to say that Chris Tomlin is my favorite modern worship composer. What do you find most challenging about leading worship? Not getting to sleep in on Sunday mornings. Okay, seriously the most challenging part is keeping the message of each song fresh even if we've played it a hundred times. As part of the worship team my goal should be to draw the congregation into worship while turning their attention away from me and toward God. I often find that hardest to do when I'm enjoying myself or enjoying a song the most. What do you enjoy most about leading worship? I really enjoy the fellowship of the band, whether its taking off between services to a coffee shop or getting our groove on during a song where we're together and really tight. Leading worship is most rewarding when the congregation is with us, responding to the song and joining in with enthusiasm. PAGE 7 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Mid-Week Ministry We’ve had some amazing changes this school year. One of the biggest and most exciting would be in the Mid-Week Ministry. We started with Answers in Genesis for the older kids and BOZ for the younger. With the help of Cindi Dupuis and Linda Churchill teaching our large group lesson and Joel’s Mid-Week Worship Team’s dedication, our kids are doing some amazing things. We get to witness 2 & 3 year olds praying for their parents…and a few stuffed animals. A 3 year old stood up in front of a large group and said his memory verse word for word! This is awesome! You took a part in all of this too. The take home sheets are being done. Hopefully the family time is well worth it and you’re enjoying it too. Your positive feedback has been such an encouragement. Thank you! 5 days of VBS—essentially a week of our precious Alaskan summer-- is a lot to give. Thus, we’re looking into the possibility of changing VBS to be in August and to shorten it to 3 days instead of 5. With moving it later in the summer, we will have less time to recover from it so we’re hoping by shortening the event we will make it a better fit. In addition, we will be better able to connect kids to Sunday school and disciple them there. We welcome your feedback on this and desire most for God to be glorified in all that we do with our kids. Feedback or questions can be emailed to Tonya at [email protected]. ~Tonya Jones, Assitant Children’s Ministry Director FISHING Crew FISHing Crew has had some changes too. This year we implemented an incentive program for our grade school kids. They’re bringing their Bibles, learning their verses, and bringing friends! We love this. The bigger prizes that they’re winning encourage family time and togetherness. We’re focusing on the attributes of God in 1st -3rd grade. The 4th & 5th graders are about to begin learning how to do inductive Bible study. GrowZone GrowZone continues their adventure through Bible stories. Our little ones learn the basics which we build on each year through Children’s Ministry. Our team this year is super creative and work really hard to make the stories come alive to the kids. VBS VBS changes for 2014. It is our desire that VBS complement our Sunday school curriculum, reach out to children with the Gospel and use volunteer time well. We took a long look at how our present VBS matches those goals. With much rewriting, the content of our last VBS dovetailed nicely with our Sunday school curriculum. As far as reaching out to children with the Gospel, I am happy to report that there were kids who did accept Christ! Yay! However, because it was at the end of the school year, we had no way to follow up with them until FISHing Crew started again several months later. As for our volunteers, they were fabulous and they gave sacrificially of their time and energy to make a great week of VBS. However, PAGE 8 Rwanda Offering Project This past school year, our kids prayerfully chose to focus their offering money towards Tim and Jessica Brubaker’s ministry in Rwanda. After some dialogue back and forth, Tim came up with two great ways we could bless the pastors in training at the Bible college: study Bibles and t-shirts emblazoned with the school logo for each pastor. We saved up our offering money all year and sent it on to the Brubakers in June right about the time the pastors would be graduating. In Tim’s words, “everyone was TREMENDOUSLY excited and grateful” to receive their gifts. The first picture shows the pastors in their new shirts. The second picture is of the study Bible in their native language. It has been a great joy to the kids at WBC to reach all the way from Alaska to Rwanda with our prayers and gifts for these young pastors who are working so hard to become ministers of God’s Word. ~Linda Anderson, Children’s Ministry Director WINTER 2013 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES CONT. Children’s Ministry in Pictures Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. PAGE 9 RESOURCE Fall: A Look Over Our Shoulder There are few times in the year that force me to deliberately stop and look back. The start of the New Year by far is the greatest of these times. I find it hard for me to stop, take my eyes off of the course long enough to enjoy what has happened in the wake of life. The crazy thing is that in these times of reflection I often see with the greatest clarity the evident hand of God in our lives! This Fall the Resource Office and support team was working to help launch a new community group structure, implement video functionality of our Sunday service, start the deployment of a new congregational communication tool (The City), add additional functionality to our growing kitchen, start the planning process for a classroom expansion, and maintain consistent support of our ministries and pastors. I am happy to report that we have seen the Lord raise up over 30 leaders of community groups, a fully implemented video of our Sunday sermon available through our web site, an initial integration of almost 300 people in our family of faith using our common communication tool (The City), a completed first draft of possible classroom expansion options from the architect, and a maintaining of staff and pastoral support that has weathered one of the biggest hits to our team with the retirement of a key staff member, Jim Eller, due to his fight against cancer. It is only when I look back that I am thankful the Lord gives us a lamp unto our feet to go forward. While I see the hand of the Lord in hindsight it is an act of grace that He leads us forward with what is needed for the work of today. While I cannot see the detail of the road ahead, I as always have a plan, knowing fully that man makes the plan and God determines the outcome. With that, lets look to the good toil for this winter as we watch the days grow longer… Winter: Watching the Days Grow Longer While I celebrate the progress made, it is not with a check in my spirit to the work that is still ahead and the desire to continue to move these projects forward. Let me walk you through some of the toil that lays before us. Community Groups: While we had a good start to our launch of community groups with a solid leader group we turn the corner to the work and prayer of raising up new leaders to grow our coverage of community groups. We have people PAGE 10 that desire to plug into community, but we need more leaders. This is a tension that we knew would come as we focus on quality leaders, trusting the Lord that as he provides them more groups will start thus covering more of our family of faith. If you are reading this, please do two things… first pray for more leaders and secondly consider if the Lord is answering our prayers for leaders by you becoming a leader :) If you desire to engage in this please contact Larry Kroon at 376-2176. We will work with you to equip you for the role of leading a community group. Common Communication (The City): Over this fall, we have deployed a common communication tool to all of our ministries, service groups, community group leaders, Elders, Staff, Worship Teams, Children’s Ministry, and any functional area of Wasilla Bible Church that could be served well with a tool for communication. We are continuing to learn how best this tool can work in our context and are now preparing to launch the tool to the whole congregation. By the end of February we will be ready to open this tool to everyone in Wasilla Bible Church. Our core desire is to have a functional common communication tool to help our family of faith communicate well as we grow. If you are reading this and you are not on The City and do not want to wait until February, please feel free to contact me at 376-2176 and I will help get you set up. We are encouraged with how this tool is allowing us to communicate more effectively in various groups and look forward to the benefits of better communication with the whole of our family as we work to get everyone on the same communication channel. Staffing: As we come into the new year there are two positions that we will be working to fill. The first is Jim’s replacement and the second is a front office administrative assistant. If you are interested or know of someone who may be a good fit please stop by the Welcome desk and pick up a hire packet. We ask that you pray with us for wisdom and knowledge as we process these hires. The Lord has faithfully brought to the staff team the right people at the right time for His purpose. We look forward to this process and seeing the Lord continue to staff His church. Building Plans: Over this winter, we will be working with the Building Committee and Staff to fine tune a classroom expansion project. Our goal has been to have a good plan and initial timeline to report this coming Annual Meeting. We are currently on track to accomplish this. Our desire is to plan well so we can respond to growth in our family as the Lord adds to WINTER 2013 RESOURCE CONT. our numbers. The common thing you will hear from me is “plan proactively to respond well reactively”. Our building is a tool that we as a family want to grow in direct support of the growth of His church (People); never assuming growth but responding well to growth. This is a delicate balance that we ask for your support in prayer on. Buildings cost a lot of money and we desire to plan well so we can prepare for the needed costs in a balanced financial plan. Prayer: Stopping as We Start When you have a list sitting before you and pressure around dates and deadlines, people needing information, tasks that are not crucial but are the loudest ones talking, and a ticking clock in your office that you cannot get out of your ears it is hard to push it all aside and stop to pray. Yet that is exactly what we are called to do with confidence. While the world will look at you as wasting precious time, talking to someone you cannot see, and asking for things that are yet to be “started”, we must discipline ourselves to be obedient in this. Trusting that while we see with a lamp it is he who holds that lamp that we must trust and be in communication with. For me this is a discipline that I continue to have to work on. The press of the immediate is often louder in my ears then the call to my knees in prayer. This is something that I continue to actively work on in my life and I ask that you join me. Priority of prayer looks great on a banner in our auditorium as a core commitment, but is lived out in the quiet of our rooms with the shades closed and a heart in submission to our God. Trusting with confidence that while many are the plans, it is the will of God that will prevail. Thank you for your role in our Family of Faith. It is a joy to serve in support of you and alongside you. ~Jake Davies, Resource Manager Valley Blessing: Extending Grace As We Serve Together This past Thanksgiving we as a Family of Faith opened our home to the community and various partnering organizations and communities of faith to extend grace to families in need through the giving of food for a thanksgiving meal. Last year we committed to host the Valley Blessing at our church for two years. This first year we were happy to come together and serve just under 1000 families who needed food for a thanksgiving meal. We distributed over 40,000 lbs of food!! While the meal is the tangible take away it is the relational connect that we work to incorporate into the day. We intentionally structure the food pick up in a way that has each receiver connect with as many people as possible. From the time they walk in to the time they leave they will meet and be served by 12 people at a minimum. This connect allows for God’s grace to be extending one conversation at a time through the people of our church and the other partnering agencies, organizations, and churches. We look forward to next year and the continued opportunity to serve alongside each other and in support of those in our community. Thank you to all who served from WBC, all 100+ of you! ~Jake Davies, Resource Manager Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. PAGE 11 WBC LIFE IN PICTURES Malachi Stamoolis at the Father Son Event. The PrimeTimers enjoying their Christmas Party. A baby moose visiting WBC. Seth Collins learning about a British Enfield Mark IV at the Father Son event. The Novak ladies with Margaret Melear having fun during the Valley Blessing. PAGE 12 Claire Smith helping at the Valley Blessing. Tanya Galakhov and her daughter during one of our morning services. Our three year old classes presented thier version of the nativity during our Christmas service. Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together.