BeritaBoustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad


BeritaBoustead - Boustead Holdings Berhad
For internal
April - June 2014
Boustead Plantations lists on
Main Market of Bursa Malaysia
pg 4 & 5
BHIC participates in DSA 2014
pg 3
UAC inks MOU with CIDB Holdings
pg 6
Boustead sertai Karnival Kerjaya
Belia BN 2014
pg 10
Farewell to Raja Dato’ Abdul Aziz
and Mr. Gunendran
pg 15
BHIC participates in DSA 2014
Deputy Chairman/
Group Managing
Director's message
oustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad (BHIC) recently
participated in the 14th Defence Services Asia Exhibition &
Conference (DSA 2014), one of the top five defence and security
shows in the world. The event was held at the Putra World Trade
Centre from 14 to 17 April 2014.
Over 300 delegates from more than 50 countries attended
the exhibition, including top Government officials and foreign
Dear fellow Bousteadians,
As we reach the halfway mark of 2014, there are
positive developments underway for the Group.
Most notably, we successfully completed the
prospectus launch and subsequent listing
of our plantation arm, Boustead Plantations
Berhad, on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia.
With this significant corporate event, we will
be able to unlock the value of our plantation
assets and move forward on our growth path.
Despite the challenging economic landscape,
most of our Divisions contributed positively to
the Group for our first quarter. This was led by
our Plantation Division, which delivered strong
profits supported by higher crude palm oil
prices. I am optimistic that our other Divisions
will be able to improve in the latter half of 2014.
Talent has always been a key growth driver
for our Group. With this in mind, we recently
participated in the BN Youth Job Fair 2014, a
platform for over 400 established companies
ranging from Government-Linked Companies
to multi-national firms to offer career
opportunities to fresh graduates and young job
seekers. It was certainly a successful event, and
we will continue to take steps to strengthen our
talent pool.
Meanwhile, the Group continues to give back
to the community, including collaborating
with Pharmaniaga on its Skuad Operasi Sihat
1Malaysia (SOS 1M) programme, which aims
to enhance health education and awareness
among the general public. I am delighted
to learn that many Bousteadians have
volunteered as SOS 1M team members. This is
also in support of the Government’s aspiration
to promote volunteerism amongst Malaysians.
As we push through to the second half of the
year, I would like to extend my appreciation to all
Bousteadians for their steadfast commitment
to achieving our objectives. Let us all strive to
strengthen this resolve as we move forward.
Last but not least, I would like to wish 'selamat
berpuasa' to our Muslim Bousteadians.
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin
Perutusan Timbalan Pengerusi/
Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan
BHIC’s pavilion attracted many dignitaries from the Government
and corporate sectors as well as overseas. Among notable visitors
were Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul
Halim Mu`adzam Shah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Badlishah; Deputy
Prime Minister, YAB Tan Sri Dato' Hj. Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin;
Defence Minister, YB Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and
his Deputy Minister, YB Datuk Abd Rahim Bakri.
Staf Boustead yang dihargai,
Beberapa perkembangan positif dapat dilihat sedang berlaku
dalam Kumpulan tatkala kita tiba di pertengahan tahun 2014 ini.
Perkembangan paling ketara adalah apabila kita selesai melancarkan
prospektus dengan jayanya dan seterusnya menyenaraikan bahagian
perladangan kita iaitu Boustead Plantations Berhad di Pasaran Utama
Bursa Malaysia. Dengan adanya acara korporat penting ini, kita
dapat meningkatkan nilai aset perladangan dan seterusnya maju ke
hadapan mengikut aliran pertumbuhan kita.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin signs the guestbook while visiting BHIC's pavilion
BHIC’s tagline for the event, ‘Supporting Defence
Assets’ Reliability’, signifies the Group’s capabilities
and partnership approach. The exhibition showcased
the Group’s strengths in the maintenance,
repair and overhaul (MRO) segment, supported
by ILS Management and complemented by its
manufacturing capabilities. The exhibition was
targeted at ministers, senior officials and Government
staff, shipping companies, oil and gas companies
and other foreign officials.
Meskipun persekitaran ekonomi mencabar, kebanyakan Bahagian
kita telah menyumbang secara positif kepada Kumpulan pada suku
pertama tahun ini. Bahagian Perladangan telah mendahului dengan
keuntungan kukuh hasil harga minyak sawit mentah yang lebih
tinggi. Saya yakin Bahagian-bahagian yang lain dapat menunjukkan
kemajuan pada separuh kedua tahun ini.
Bakat sentiasa menjadi nadi penggerak bagi pertumbuhan Kumpulan.
Sehubungan itu, baru-baru ini kita telah mengambil bahagian dalam
Karnival Kerjaya Belia BN 2014, iaitu satu platform di mana lebih
400 syarikat terkemuka yang terdiri daripada Syarikat Berkaitan
Kerajaan (GLC) serta firma-firma multi-nasional telah menawarkan
peluang pekerjaan kepada para graduan baharu dan belia yang
mencari pekerjaan. Acara ini telah berlangsung dengan jayanya dan
kita akan terus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan lagi
kumpulan bakat kita.
Dalam pada itu, Kumpulan terus memberi balik kepada masyarakat
seperti mengadakan kerjasama dengan Pharmaniaga melalui
program Skuad Operasi Sihat 1Malaysia (SOS 1M) yang bertujuan
untuk meningkatkan pendidikan dan kesedaran mengenai kesihatan
di kalangan masyarakat umum. Saya gembira apabila mendapat tahu
bahawa ramai staf Boustead telah menawarkan diri dengan sukarela
untuk menjadi ahli skuad SOS 1M ini. Ianya bersesuaian dengan
aspirasi kerajaan untuk mengalakkan semangat kesukarelawanan di
kalangan rakyat Malaysia.
Ketika kita memasuki separuh kedua tahun ini, saya ingin merakamkan
penghargaan kepada semua staf Boustead atas komitmen teguh
mereka dalam mencapai objektif-objektif kita. Marilah kita semua
berusaha untuk mengukuhkan azam sambil maju ke hadapan.
Akhir kata, selamat berpuasa kepada staf Boustead yang beragama
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin
The BHIC team poses for a group photo with Executive Deputy Chairman/Managing Director,
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ahmad Ramli Hj. Mohd Nor
signs contract
with Mindef
HIC AeroServices Sdn. Bhd. (BHIC
AeroServices), achieved another milestone
with the signing of a contract valued at
RM220 million with the Ministry of Defence
Malaysia (Mindef) to provide maintenance
services and supply spare parts for the Royal
Malaysian Air Force EC725 helicopters, for a
period of three years.
The contract was signed during DSA 2014
on 16 April 2014. BHIC AeroServices was
represented by its Chairman, YBhg. Tan
Sri Dato’ Sri Azizan Ariffin and CEO, Major
Zulhikam Abidin (R) while the Government
of Malaysia was represented by Mindef's
Major Zulhikam (left) shakes hands with Dato’ Sri Dr. Hj. Ismail (right). Looking on are
Tan Sri Dato' Sri Azizan (far left) and Dato' Seri Hishammuddin (far right)
Secretary General, YBhg. Dato’
Sri Dr. Hj. Ismail Hj. Ahmad and
Mindef's Deputy Secretary General
(Development), YBhg. Dato’ Dr.
Rothiah Hj. Omar.
The signing was witnessed by
Defence Minister, YB Dato' Seri
Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and
his Deputy Minister, YB Datuk Abd
Rahim Bakri, as well as the Chief of
the Armed Forces, YBhg. Gen. Tan Sri
Dato’ Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin.
The contract strengthens the
position of BHIC AeroServices as
the leading helicopter MRO Centre
in the country.
Boustead Plantations lists on Main Market of Bursa Malaysia
16 June 2014
Prospectus launch
Tan Sri Lodin
delivering his
speech at the
prospectus launch
27 May 2014
Final meeting before balloting begins
Tan Sri Lodin initiates the balloting of successful applicants which is done electronically
26 June 2014
All eyes are on the Boustead Plantations’ prospectus, just unveiled by Tan Sri Ghazali
t was a significant milestone for
the Boustead Group, as Boustead
Plantations) celebrated the launch of
its prospectus on 27 May 2014 at The
Royale Chulan Damansara.
The event saw over 200 guests in
attendance, including Board members of
the Boustead Group and Affin Holdings,
senior management staff, bankers as
well as media representatives.
It was a grand celebration as the room
was decorated with high ceiling drapes
featuring projected photographs of
Boustead Plantations’ oil palm estates
and mills, transforming the room
into an enchanted forest. This was
complemented with the use of warm
lighting creating a welcoming ambiance.
The ceremony kicked off with welcome
remarks by Affin Investment Bank
Berhad's Managing Director, Pn.
Maimoonah Hussain, followed by a
speech by Boustead Plantations’ Vice
Chairman, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri
Lodin Wok Kamaruddin.
Tan Sri Lodin said, “Today’s prospectus
launch is an important step for the listing
of Boustead Plantations Berhad, as part
of our long-term strategy to unlock value
for our plantation assets. The listing of
our plantation business will provide us
with the resources and economies of
scale to expand our business further, as
well as providing greater opportunities
to drive the sustainable growth of the
Boustead Group. As we move forward
with this most important endeavour, we
are optimistic that this IPO will do well
when we list it on Bursa Malaysia.”
Tan Sri Ghazali flipping through the prospectus. With him are En. Fahmy,
Mr. Daniel, Pn. Maimoonah, Tan Sri Anwar and Tan Sri Lodin (left-right)
The event continued with a video
presentation on Boustead Plantations,
which gave a glimpse of its journey thus
far and its aspirations for the future.
Then came the highlight of the day, the
official launch of the prospectus which
was unveiled by Boustead Plantations’
Chairman, YBhg. Gen. Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd
Ghazali Hj. Che Mat (R); LTAT’s Chairman,
YBhg. Laksamana Tan Sri Dato’ Sri
Mohd Anwar Hj. Mohd Nor (R) and
Tan Sri Lodin. Accompanying them on
stage were Boustead Holdings Berhad’s
Group Finance Director,
Mr. Daniel Ebinesan;
Boustead Plantations’
Chief Executive Officer,
En. Fahmy Ismail and
Pn. Maimoonah.
Tan Sri Lodin and other guests viewing the share price movement of Boustead Plantations after the listing ceremony
oustead Plantations Berhad is now a public listed company. Chairman, YBhg. Gen.
Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ghazali Hj. Che Mat (R) initiated the listing when he hit the gong at
9.00 a.m. on 26 June 2014 at Bursa Malaysia.
At the opening bell, Boustead Plantations, trading under stock name BPLANT surged to
RM1.66 or six sen above its offer price of RM1.60, hitting a high of RM1.69 within minutes
of trading. The shares ended at RM1.63, valuing the company at about RM2.61 billion.
The event concluded
with a press conference
and a delightful lunch.
Guests registering at the counter
Guests mingle with each other while waiting for the ceremony to begin
Guests and attendees at the listing ceremony
Big day... Tan Sri Ghazali striking the gong to mark
the listing of Boustead Plantations on Bursa Malaysia
UAC inks MOU with CIDB Holdings
by UAC's CEO/Managing Director, YBhg.
Datuk Koo Hock Fee and CIDB Holdings' Chief
Executive, Sr. Abdul Latif Hitam and witnessed
by Minister of Works Malaysia, YB Datuk Hj.
Fadillah Hj. Yusof; CIDB Malaysia's Chairman,
YBhg. Tan Sri Dr. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali; Chief
Executive, YBhg. Dato' Sri Ir. Dr. Judin Abdul
Karim as well as other senior officers of CIDB
Holdings and the Ministry of Works Malaysia.
A strong contingent from UAC, led by COO, Mr.
BT Gan was also present.
Group photo in front of The Royale Bintang Penang hotel
MOU signing between UAC and CIDB Holdings
n 29 April 2014, UAC Berhad (UAC) signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with CIDB Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (CIDB Holdings),
a unit of Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB
Malaysia). The primary purpose of the MOU is the sharing and exchanging
of information and expertise on industrialised building systems (IBS) for
wall construction. One of
the terms of the MOU is for
UAC to provide training for
the students of Akademi
Binaan Malaysia in the
construction of UAC’s
UCO SolidWall System and
UCO SolidPanel System.
Datuk Koo (left) exchanging the MOU agreement
with Sr. Abdul Latif Hitam (right)
ceremony was held in
Graduation Ceremony of
Akademi Binaan Malaysia
2014. The MOU was signed
"Can you spot the only thorn among the roses?"
Mr. BT Gan (right) speaking to a participant at the MOU signing event.
Looking on is Field Sales Manager, System, Mr. Eddie Choo
The UCO SolidWall System and the UCO
SolidPanel System are IBS wall systems
developed by the R&D unit of UAC at its factory
in Ipoh, Perak. These two systems are now
widely accepted and used in Malaysia and the
UCO SolidWall System is exported to overseas
countries as far as South Africa. These IBS
non load bearing wall systems are fast to
install at site requiring lower manpower with
higher quality finishing. They are light weight
and have physical properties superior to most
traditional walls.
Industrial Division Conference 2014
he four building materials companies
in the Industrial Division comprising
UAC Berhad (UAC), Johan Ceramics
Berhad (Johan Ceramics), Boustead
Sissons Paints Sdn. Bhd. (Boustead
Sissons Paints) and Boustead Building
Materials Sdn. Bhd. (Boustead Building
Materials), held its Conference 2014
from 9 to 12 May at the newly opened
The Royale Bintang Penang. This
conference was held in conjunction
with UAC Biennial Conference 2014.
A total of 240 participants from the
four companies attended the four-day
conference, themed 'Creating Value
Through Strengths in Diversity.'
UAC's CEO/Managing Director,
YBhg. Datuk Koo Hock Fee, who
is also the Divisional Director,
Industrial Division of Boustead
Holdings Berhad thanked Tan Sri
Lodin in his welcome address for his
presence to grace the conference.
The conference was declared open
by YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin
Wok Kamaruddin following his
keynote address.
After the official opening of the
conference and a group photography
session, the participants proceeded
The second part of the team building
exercise continued the following day,
ending on a high point with each team
painting two pieces of square canvas
according to a colour guide. At the
conclusion of the colouring session,
the canvas pieces were mounted on a
wall like a giant jigsaw puzzle to form
a complete picture in line with the
conference theme. Many were surprise
to see how their handiwork combined
with those of other teams, all come
together to make a whole picture.
Team painting in progress
Tan Sri Lodin giving his keynote address
before declaring the conference open
The conference was officially opened
by Boustead Holdings Berhad's
Deputy Chairman/Group Managing
Director, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin
Wok Kamaruddin, on the morning of
10 May. A warm welcome was extended
to Tan Sri Lodin by the participants as
he was ushered into the ballroom of
The Royale Bintang Penang.
Team building and bonding exercise
to a series of presentations by each
of the four companies to gain better
understanding of the products and
services of the respective companies.
The team building exercise began after
lunch and ended late in the afternoon.
The participants were divided into 25
teams and had to undergo a series of
bonding exercises, fostering teamwork
and inter-personal communication.
"Yeay …. We are the best!"
Boustead Building Materials' Senior General Manager, Mr. Chew
Chik Soo (left), leading the crooners in singing the night away
The conference ended on the final day with
workshops and discussions on achieving
closer collaboration between the four
companies in the areas of production, R&D
and marketing and sales.
It was not all work at the conference. At the
end of the first day, participants had the
opportunity to unwind and let their hair down
at the conference dinner held at the hotel
ballroom. The conference dinner was a time
Celebrating Mother’s Day
of getting to know new colleagues within the
Division and also to renew acquaintances
with old friends. There was much joviality
and camaraderie with participants moving
freely to interact and capture the moments
on mobile phones. Many participated in the
karaoke session and even took to group
dancing on stage. New singing and dancing
talents were discovered that night.
It was a memorable conference held at the
brand new The Royale Bintang Penang,
a hotel built to blend the old and the new
seamlessly into one truly unique hotel
at the Penang World Heritage site. The
hotel was built using many of the building
materials produced by the companies in
the Industrial Division. These included
the IBS UCO SolidWall System and fibre
cement flat sheets of UAC, Johan tiles from
Johan Ceramics and decorative paints from
Boustead Sissons Paints.
"We're done!"
Datuk Koo putting on the last piece
of the canvas to complete the mural
Boustead Properties' Teambuilding in Hong Kong & Shenzhen (1 - 5 May 2014)
A group photo in front
of a central landmark
of Paris, Louvre
Museum at Window of
the World, Shenzhen
A quick group photo
before heading to
A ‘Face Changes’
show from
Hong Kong
Tourism Board
Amazing view of
Hong Kong skyline as
seen from Victoria Peak
Beautiful views of the Hong
Kong skyline at Victoria
Harbour and The Peak
pon our arrival at Hong Kong
International Airport at 4.30 p.m.,
we were greeted by local tour guides
and transferred to Hong Kong Island
by coach and had our dinner at the
Islamic Canteen. We made a quick
stop at Victoria Bay, situated between
Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
Peninsula. We enjoyed spectacular
views of Hong Kong’s skyline and
skyscrapers, including iconic buildings
such as the Bank of China and HSBC
Building. After visiting Victoria Peak
in the evening, we then split up into
two groups, with one group visiting
Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum and
the other group heading to the Sky
Terrace of The Peak. There are multilevels of shops and restaurants at
the top. We reached the Sky Terrace
to view the skyline of Hong Kong,
enjoying the enchanting night scenery
despite the freezing rain and strong
Oriental Costume Show, with exciting
choreography and beautiful women adorned
in intricate traditional costumes. It was a
nice place to walk around and learn about
the history and diverse cultures of China.
Day 1
Fulfilling a childhood fantasy!
We started our morning with
a light breakfast at Penta
Hotel, Kowloon. It was an exciting
day for us as we headed over to Hong
Kong Disneyland to visit the ‘Magic
Kingdom.’ The rides and attractions
were fun activities, and the fireworks
at the end of the day were well worth
the wait. The Disney parade and
Day 2
"We’re happy
kiddos at Hong
Kong Disneyland!"
Happily being
first let me take a
selfie or wefie?"
"Who says
Disneyland is only
for kids?"
shows were truly unforgettable; it was like living
a dream. The shopping is all fairly standard,
featuring lots of great Disney characters like
Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Winnie the Pooh,
Buzz Lightyear and many others. We spent
easily half a day exploring the rides, taking
photographs and having lunch. Overall, it was
an enjoyable experience - a childhood fantasy
come to life!
‘The World at Your Feet’ and Property
Nite ‘Fashionista’ 2014
After breakfast at the hotel, we checked
out and transferred to Shenzhen by coach. We
then had our lunch at a Muslim Hotel Restaurant
before proceeding to the Window of the World, a
fantastic replica park in Guangdong, Shenzhen
featuring vivid replicas of the world’s wonders,
historical heritage sites and famous scenic
Day 3
We enjoy a colourful
spot at Splendid China
Folk Culture Village
attractions. In a few hours, we managed
to visit many world famous monuments
from different countries such as the Eiffel
Tower, the Great Sphnix of Giza, Niagara
Falls, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Taj
Mahal and many more. China's skills to
imitate and recreate are well-known, but
this was simply amazing. It was really an
enriching place to spend the day at.
After this, we checked in at the Century
Plaza Hotel to freshen up and get ready
for our gala dinner, called Property Nite
‘Fashionista’ 2014. The dinner was held
at Zhong Fa Muslim Restaurant and
started at 6.30 p.m. All staff were divided
into five groups with various themes:
Retro, Bollywood, Oriental Chinese, Hip
Hop and the Great Gatsby. The highlight
of the night was the Group Performance
according to each group theme. We
appointed two tour guides as the judges.
It was impressive that every group was
sporting and showed off their talents.
Congratulations to the Retro Team for
winning the Best Group Performance,
followed by the Oriental Chinese Team
and Hip Hop Team. There was also a lucky
draw session, a special ‘Face Changes’
Best Group
Performance the Retro Team
show from the Hong Kong Tourism Board
and the ‘Gegar’ award. We all certainly had
a blast that night.
A wonderful miniature of cultural
and historical spots of China
On the fourth day of our trip,
we visited another must-see place in
Shenzhen, the Splendid China Folk Culture
Village that features scaled down replicas
of China's famed historical buildings, such
as the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden
City and Potala Palace, to name a few. It
also has wonderful scenes and depictions
of folk customs, surrounded by beautiful
Day 4
We then went to the Impression Theatre
which hosted a live performance of the
2nd place - A hilarious act
and short drama by the
Oriental Chinese Team
Fun ‘knock off’ shopping at the ‘fake market’
A trip to Shenzhen is not complete without
shopping at Luohu/Lo Wu Commercial
Centre. The market is five storeys high
and sells a wide range of items, including
imitation designer handbags, watches,
clothes, toys, electronic gadgets and much
more. It is a good place for shoppers to show
off their bargaining skills.
Goodbye Hong Kong & Shenzhen
Our final morning in Shenzhen
began with breakfast at the hotel,
before we checked out and headed back to
Hong Kong International Airport. It was great
to have the opportunity to spend time with
all our colleagues. Although it was tiring due
to the tight schedules, it was an enjoyable
team building trip. We would like to take this
opportunity to convey our sincere thanks
to the Management for this retreat, and we
look forward to more exciting team building
trips in the future.
Day 5
3rd place - the Hip
Hop Team wins the
Best Performance
Nottingham MyResearch introduces a tax
efficient way to invest in R&D
Boustead sertai Karnival Kerjaya Belia BN 2014
recently hosted a reception
themed ‘Tax Efficient Ways to Invest
in R&D’, aimed at senior managers,
public officials, researchers and
The event was jointly organised
by the British High Commission in
Malaysia, the Malaysian Investment
Development Authority, the British
Malaysian Chamber of Commerce
and Nottingham MyResearch.
Antara belia yang mengunjungi 'booth' pameran Boustead untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut
oustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead) serta beberapa anak syarikatnya
telah mengambil bahagian pada Karnival Kerjaya Belia BN 2014 (BN
Youth Job Fair 2014) bersempena Hari Belia 2014 yang berlangsung dari
23 hingga 25 Mei 2014 di Dataran Putrajaya. Seramai 38,000 pengunjung
telah direkodkan hadir selama berlangsungnya karnival tersebut yang
menawarkan lebih 20,000 peluang perkerjaan daripada 400 buah
syarikat yang terlibat.
Majlis tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, YAB
Tan Sri Dato' Hj. Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin. Beliau serta Menteri Belia dan
Sukan, YB Khairy Jamaluddin turut meluangkan masa melawat 'booth'
pameran Boustead dan syarikat-syarikat yang mengambil bahagian.
Pengurus Besar Perancangan Korporat, Boustead Holdings Berhad,
En. Fahmy Ismail menerima plak daripada Tan Sri Muhyiddin
atas penyertaan Boustead pada karnival tersebut
Vice Provost (Research and
Knowledge Transfer) and CEO
Professor Graham Kendall said,
"Nottingham MyResearch is a
tax efficient way to invest in R&D,
allowing industry partners to
access University expertise, not
just from our Malaysia campus
but also from our other campuses
in the UK and Ningbo, China. We
provide a one stop shop to offer
our partners tax advice, proposal
development, project management,
assistance with paperwork and
business development and growth
through R&D investments.”
(Left-right): Dr. Angelina Yee, Director (Industry Collaboration and Operations) of Nottingham MyResearch, Professor Graham
Kendall, Mr. Ray Kyles, Pn. Noor Aieda Ahmad, Tan Sri Mustafa Mansur, Mr. Tony Collingridge OBE and Tn. Hj. Sharudin
In his welcome speech, Acting British
High Commissioner, Mr. Ray Kyles
said Nottingham MyResearch was a
timely initiative to support Malaysia’s
move towards R&D and Innovation,
as well as to showcase British
Among attendees of the event were Director
of UK Trade and Investment, Mr. Tony
Collingridge OBE; Deputy Director of UK Trade
and Investment, Mr. Stephen Hill; Chairman
of Nottingham MyResearch, YBhg. Tan Sri
Mustafa Mansur and Director of Nottingham
MyResearch, Tn. Hj. Sharudin Jaffar.
BHIC’s Legal Department is ALB
Malaysia Law Awards 2014 finalist
Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
sian Legal Business (ALB), a Thomson
Reuters publication, held its first ALB
Malaysia Law Awards 2014 at the Westin
Kuala Lumpur hotel on 27 March.
The ALB Law Awards series is wellestablished across Asia as the most
important event in the legal industry. This
is the first year it has been held for the
Malaysian legal fraternity.
Pharmaniaga Berhad
A shareholder posing a question
at the company's AGM
Heavy Industries
Corporation Berhad
Executive Deputy Chairman/Managing Director,
YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ahmad Ramli Hj. Mohd Nor (middle)
and Chairman, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Lodin
Wok Kamaruddin (right), flipping through the company’s
Annual Report. Looking on is Defence and
Security Director, En. Anuar Murad (left)
Holdings Berhad
Deputy Chairman/Group Managing Director,
YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin
addressing the shareholders at the company’s AGM
Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation
Berhad (BHIC) Group Legal Department
was shortlisted as one of the finalists
in the ‘In-House Team of The Year’
category whilst its employee, Pn. Razida
Abdul Razak was nominated as the ‘InHouse Lawyer of the Year.’
BHIC is honoured by these nominations
for its Legal Department, which is a boost
to its corporate image.
Pn. Razida (left) poses with her two colleagues
at the ALB Law Awards ceremony
Group Human Capital Man agement departmental trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
demonstration at
Phuong Nam Centre
Sampan ride
at the Mekong
War Remnants
Nice view of the
Notre Dame
Magnificent facade
of the Central
Post Office
Yasmin and Mawar
enjoying fresh
coconut juice
At the
Reunification Palace
Group photo
with the
statue of
Ho Chi Minh
oustead Holdings Berhad’s Group
Human Capital Management (GHCM)
team recently took some time off from
their busy schedule for a departmental
trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in May
The trip was organised as part of the
Department’s efforts to continue to
All ready for the
boat ride to
An Khanh
Getting ready to
board the Saigon
Dinner Cruise
promote and foster close working
relationship between the team members
and allow them to get to know each
other better outside the formal office
A host of interesting and fun activities
were planned during the trip. These
included a tour of the city where the team
Our bodyguards,
Azahar and
visited the city’s famous historical sites
and buildings such as the Opera House,
City Hall, Cathedral of Notre Dame and
the Central Post Office. To fully appreciate
what the city had to offer, the GHCM team
also took the opportunity to stroll down
on foot, along the city’s famous Dong
Khoi Street and admired what was left of
the French colonial architecture.
The GHCM team also toured the historical
Reunification Palace where the team’s
knowledgeable tour guide shared with
them Vietnam’s long history. Also in
the team’s itinerary was a visit to the
War Remnants Museum, a particularly
unforgettable visit as the team learned
more about the painful history and the
aftermaths of the Vietnam War.
It was also an educational and
informative visit for the team when they
paid a visit to a local craft centre, the
Phuong Nam Lacquerware Centre. A
tour of the centre provided the GHCM
team with a better appreciation of the
skills, creativity and patience required
to produce the intricate and beautiful
lacquer products.
The team took the opportunity to travel
to the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City
where they visited My Tho, an area in
Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. From My Tho,
the team enjoyed a boat ride along the
Mekong River where they experienced
up-close, beautiful sights of traditional
stilt houses, fruit plantations and
fishing villages along the river bank.
The team also had the opportunity to
sample the local honey tea, tropical fruits
and coconut candy produced by the
locals. Another highlight of the team’s
trip to the Mekong Delta was the ride on
hand-rowed sampans along the natural
During their stay in Ho Chi Minh City, the
GHCM team also managed to squeeze in
some time to experience shopping at the
Ben Thanh Market, a popular local market
selling a variety of products ranging from
souvenirs, handicrafts, kitchenware,
shoes and fabric to Vietnamese snacks
and food products.
The team also took the opportunity to
sample Vietnam’s delicious local coffee,
locally known as ca phe su ada as well as
Vietnam’s famous beef noodle, or better
known as Pho.
The GHCM team's trip to Ho Chi Minh
City was indeed a fun and memorable
one. They left Ho Chi Minh City with an
amazing experience and unforgettable
memories and most importantly, the
opportunity to get to know each member
of the team better.
Farewell to Raja Dato’ Abdul Aziz
and Mr. Gunendran
The Royale Bintang news 2014
The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Shah and
DYMM Raja Permaisuri Tuanku Zara Salim
are the guests of honour at the wedding
of Cik Azura Tan Sri Lodin to En. Mohamad
Faiz Hj. Mohamad Nasir. Cik Azura is the
daughter to Boustead Holdings Berhad's
Director, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Lodin Wok
Kamaruddin and YBhg. Puan Sri Datin Seri
Norhayati Abdul Rahman. Also present are
the Prime Minister, YB Dato' Sri Najib Tun
Abdul Razak and spouse, YBhg. Datin Seri
Rosmah Mansor.
The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur
Staff band together to create a cleaner Bukit
Bintang during the Bukit Bintang Central
Gotong Royong 2014 'Cleaning and Greening'
The Royale Bintang Resort
& Spa Seremban
YAM Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin ibni Tuanku Muhriz
performs with the students from EUROSIA at
the hotel's weekly Royale Sunday Matinee.
The Royale Bintang Penang
The Royale Chulan Damansara
Indonesian songstress YBhg. Dato’ Rossa
shares a `selfie’ moment with a lucky guest
during the Secretaries Week luncheon at the
Mutiara Grand Ballroom.
The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
ohan Ceramics Berhad (Johan Ceramics) recently bid farewell
to the Company’s senior management staff, YM Raja Dato’
Abdul Aziz Raja Muda Musa and Mr. Gunendran Kanagaretnam
who had retired after putting in the best years of their career
with the Company.
Raja Dato’ Abdul Aziz, formerly the Managing Director of
Johan Ceramics retired after putting in more than 13 years
of service with the Company whilst Mr. Gunendran was with
the Company for over 23 years, most latterly as the General
Manager, Finance and Administration.
The Royale Chulan Damansara
The hotel celebrates the first birthday bash for
its staff whose birthdays fall between January
to April with a cake cutting ceremony. General
Manager, Mr. Andrew Lim is on hand to lead
the birthday bash and to thank the staff for
their efforts during the pre-opening of the
One for the album!
A cake titled 'Payung Berapit Halwa' is ready
to be presented to Seri Paduka Baginda
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul
Halim Mu`adzam Shah ibni Al-Marhum
Sultan Badlishah in conjunction with His
Majesty's birthday. General Manager,
En. Kamaruddin Baharin as well as The
Royale Chulan Damansara and The Royale
Bintang The Curve's Public Relations Manager,
Pn. Dangsuria Zainurdin is present for the
auspicious occasion.
In recognition of their contributions during their tenure with
the Company, a farewell luncheon was held in their honour on
28 April 2014 at The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur.
Tan Sri Lodin presenting tokens of appreciation to Raja Dato’ Abdul Aziz (left) and Mr. Gunendran (right)
The Royale Chulan Damansara
Tourism and Culture Minister, YB Dato’ Seri
Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz is accompanied by
General Manager, Mr. Julian Blaydes during
the launch of WarnaRasa Malaysia. This
initiative is a collaboration between Tourism
Malaysia and the hotel in conjunction with
Visit Malaysia 2014.
A press conference on Malaysia Airlines Flight
370 (MH370) is held at the hotel's lobby area.
The spokesperson is the Defence Minister,
YB Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.
He is flanked by Plantation Industries and
Commodities Deputy Minister, YB Datuk
Hamzah Zainuddin; French Aviation Accident
Investigation Bureau's President, Mr. Jean-Paul
Troadec; Joint Agency Coordination Centre
Chief, Mr. Angus Houston and Transport
Deputy Minister, YB Datuk Abd Rahim Bakri
(left to right).
The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
As tokens of appreciation for their long services and
contributions to the Company, Tan Sri Lodin presented them
with farewell gifts. Raja Dato’ Abdul Aziz and Mr. Gunendran
also had the opportunity to give their farewell speeches in
the presence of the attendees.
On behalf of the Company, we would like to wish both Raja
Dato’ Abdul Aziz and Mr. Gunendran a happy and healthy
retirement and all the best in their future endeavours!
Bidding farewell to fellow colleagues
The Affin Bank World MasterCard is unveiled
at the hotel. Present to launch the initiative
is Affin Bank Berhad's Managing Director/
Chief Executive Officer, YBhg. Dato’ Zulkiflee
Abbas Abdul Hamid and MasterCard
Malaysia and MasterCard Brunei's Country
Head, Mr. Safdar Khan.
Present at the luncheon were the Deputy Chairman/Group
Managing Director, YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin Wok
Kamaruddin, Divisional Directors and management staff of
Boustead and Johan Ceramics.
ada 30 April 2014 yang lalu, Mutiara
dalam ucapan ringkasnya
Rini Sdn. Bhd. (Mutiara Rini) telah
kehilangan seorang kakitangannya
kenangan bersama arwah
yang berdedikasi iaitu En. Muhamad
yang dikenali sebagai
Zulkifle Ibrahim akibat kanser hati dalam
rakan sekerja dan sahabat yang kuat
Ir. Khushairi menyerahkan sumbangan kepada Pn. Aslela,
usia 50 tahun. Arwah yang merupakan
beribadat, bertanggungjawab, baik
isteri kepada Allahyarham Zulkifle (gambar kecil)
Pengurus Kanan Projek meninggalkan
budi pekerti dan mempunyai hobi
seorang isteri, Pn. Aslela Wani Mat Zain, 39 tahun yang juga
seperti menyelam skuba dan memancing.
seorang surirumah serta enam orang anak yang masih kecil
Seluruh warga pengurusan dan kakitangan Kumpulan
berusia antara 5 - 13 tahun.
Boustead turut berkongsi kesedihan dan mengucapkan
takziah kepada Pn. Aslela dan anak-anaknya. Semoga beliau
Sehubungan itu, syarikat telah menyampaikan sumbangan
sabar serta tabah menghadapi ujian dan dugaan daripada
Insurans Hayat Berkelompok (Group Term Life Insurance)
Allah S.W.T. Semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah
kepada isteri arwah baru-baru ini. Ir. Khushairi Mohd Hashim,
S.W.T. dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang soleh.
Pengurus Besar Kanan yang mewakili syarikat Mutiara Rini
Perasmian gimnasium KSB di the Curve
atu majlis perasmian bagi pembukaan sebuah
gimnasium di kompleks beli-belah the Curve telah
diadakan pada 2 April 2014. Majlis telah dirasmikan
bersama oleh Pengurus Pusat the Curve, En. Jazmi
Kamaruddin dan Presiden Kelab Sukan Boustead (KSB),
Ir. Khushairi Mohd Hashim.
Gimnasium tersebut adalah hasil usahasama di antara
pihak the Curve dengan KSB bagi merealisasikan impian
ahli-ahli KSB yang telah menyuarakan hasrat mereka
pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahun 2012 & 2013.
Pihak pengurusan the Curve telah menyediakan satu
ruang di Besmen 2, The Walk, di kompleks tersebut bagi
tujuan ini manakala pihak KSB pula telah menyediakan
peralatan gimnasium.
Pihak KSB merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada
pihak pengurusan the Curve atas usahasama gimnasium
KSB tersebut.
En. Jazmi dan Ir. Khushairi memotong riben
bagi merasmikan pembukaan gimnasium KSB
Kejohanan Futsal KSB Soccer Star 2014
Aksi menarik para pemain dan penjaga gol
Published by: Boustead Holdings Berhad (3871-H) Printed by: Pencetak Weng Fatt Sdn Bhd (19847-W)
uat kali ke-9, Kelab Sukan Boustead (KSB) sekali lagi
telah menganjurkan Kejohanan Futsal KSB Soccer
Star 2014.
Kejohanan ini telah dirasmikan oleh Naib Presiden KSB,
En. Md Aziman Abd Aziz manakala acara penyampaian hadiah
kepada para pemenang telah dilaksanakan oleh Presiden KSB,
Ir. Khushairi Mohd Hashim.
Pada tahun ini, sebanyak 9 pasukan telah menyertai
pertandingan. Bagi memeriahkan acara ini, KSB telah
menamakan pasukan mengikut pasukan yang akan
bertanding pada Piala Dunia 2014 seperti berikut:
• Colombia (UNiM)
• Argentina (Boustead Engineering)
• Ivory Coast (the Curve)
• Belgium (Boustead Credit)
Pasukan Honduras (the Curve) telah muncul
juara setelah menewaskan pasukan
Japan (Surian Tower) melalui sepakan
penalti setelah terikat 0-0. Tempat ketiga
dimenangi pula oleh pasukan Spain (BHIC).
Costa Rica (eCurve)
Spain (BHIC)
Brazil (the Curve)
Honduras (the Curve)
Japan (Surian Tower)
Pemain terbaik, M. Firdaus
Juara pasukan - Honduras (the Curve)
Tempat kedua - Japan (Surian Tower)
M. Firdaus Kasim dari pasukan Honduras
(the Curve) muncul sebagai Pemain Terbaik
pilihan pengadil manakala pasukan
Colombia (UNiM) meraih hadiah khas bagi
Penampilan Menarik.
Tempat ketiga - Spain (BHIC)

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