święta jadwiga santa eduviges
święta jadwiga santa eduviges
November 7, 2010 ŚWIĘTA JADWIGA SANTA EDUVIGES 2226 NORTH HOYNE AVE. • CHICAGO, IL 60647 St. Hedwig, pray for us. Św. Jadwigo, módl się za nami. Santa Eduviges, ruega por nosotros. ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO Administered by the Resurrection Fathers and Brothers. Celebrating 121 years in the Bucktown Community. 2 NOTES AND EVENTS The Parish Pastoral Council The Parish Pastoral Council is looking for volunteers from our parish to fill in three vacancy seats. PPC is one of the two councils in our parish (one is the Finance Council) which supports, helps and advises the Pastor regarding Pastoral and Spiritual projects, ministries and programs. Members meet once a month - the last Wednesday of the month- in the evening at 7:30pm at the rectory. As volunteers, we are all called upon by God, as active participants in "weaving a tapestry of community or parish service" to carry on. as well as to act on its traditional, civil and religious duties. Whatever you could give, big or small, your talent, treasure, time and effort, which is coming from your heart, is highly appreciated and valued. If you are interested to join the group, please sign up by calling the rectory at 773 486-1660 and leave your number where you could be contacted. We will set up a date for you to have meeting with our Pastor, Rev. Stanislaw Jankowski, CR. Thank you. Polish American Association The Career Center of the PAA invites you to attend a free informational session with a Polish speaking representative of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) The presentation will cover the following: * Information about Magnet, Gifted and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs offered by CPS * Application procedures and deadlines The session will take place on Tuesday, November 9, at 6:00 P.M. at the Copernicus Foundation center located at 5216 W. Lawrence. For more inf. Please call: 773 282 1122 ext. 418 Saint Helen Parish celebrates 97th Anniversary of the founding. My dear parishioners we received invitation from St. Helen parish to celebrate with them 97th Anniversary of the founding. Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski - pastor of St. Helen invite every one of us to participate in their "Anniversary Banquet", which will take place on November 21, 2010 at 3:00 P.M. in the Ukrainian Cultural Center Banquet Hall, found at 2247 W. Chicago Ave. Those who plan participate in this banquet; please make reservations up to the 10 th of November calling to parish office at 773 235-3575. We send already our parish greetings to their Ad Book. ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Use of the offertory envelopes each week lets us know that you are an active member of our Parish. This prevents misunderstandings when someone wants to be married, have a child baptized or is asked to become a Godparent. Registration also enables us to provide letters for you for tax purposes. If you are registered and not receiving your envelopes, if any identifying information in your life has changed including, if you have moved or if you would like to become a registered parishioner, please complete registration forms found in the vestibule of the Church. We are asking all of our Parishioners to please reregister, so that we can update our records. Thank you. CATECHISM CLASSES English Classes 9:15 AM - 10: 45 AM and assistance to the 11:00 AM Mass Spanish Classes 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM and assistance to the 1:00 PM Mass Adult English Classes have started. We meet every Wednesday in the convent 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Remember that the Mass in PART of the Class. For more information about Catechism classes, Baptisms, or Adult classes call Ana Flores at the Parish Offices from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION: Monday-Saturday before Mass; Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call to receive this sacrament of healing if a family member is ill or preparing for surgery. MARRIAGE: Please contact the parish office at least 6 months before the planned wedding date. BAPTISM: Please call the Parish Office. Baptism (English): 4th Sunday at 11:00 AM Mass. Preparation Class: 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM in the convent. Godparents must be married by the church or be living as single. PA R I S H I N F O R M AT I O N PARISH CALENDAR CHOIR PRACTICE: Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the Church CORO: Español: Todos los Miercoles en el sotano del convento. CHILDREN OF FATIMA: Ist Saturday of the month 4 PM in the Convent Mass at 5:00 P.M. PARISH SOCIETIES DOLMA: Ist Saturday of the month, Novena at 4:00 PM BAPTISM CLASS: Monday, November 15 At 7:00 PM in Convent. CLASES DE BAUTIZO: Español: Noviembre 3, 2010 a las 7:00 PM en el convento. A PRAYER FOR SCHOOL & WORK O God, teach me to work hard and play fair; and help me to forgive those who are unkind to me. Keep me ready to help others and send me chances to do some good each day. Amen. 3 ST. HEDWIG PARISH FAMILY MEMBERS BORN INTO ETERNAL LIFE NOVEMBER 1, 2009 - NOVEMBER 1, 2010 WE REMEMBER THEM In the rising of the sun and its going down, we remember them. In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. In the opening of buds and in the warmth of summer, we remember them. In the rustling of leaves and the beauty of autumn, we remember them. In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them. When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them. When we have joys and yearn to share, we remember them. They shall live forever in the Communion of the Saints, and in the arms of God. As long as we live, they too will live because we remember them. + Frabces A. Logisz + Henry J. Pawlicki + Henry J. Logisz + Sabina Karpuk + Dorothy Bandy Horvath + Linda Marie Pettineo + Dorothy Ciekanowski +Janina Rodak + Anthony Weglarz + Lottie B. Olszowka + Ernesto Alequin + Edwin C. Sarnowski + Rita Mc Kibben + Eleanor J. Dembkowski + Lillian Duckunue + Lorraine Swiatek + Emily Galuszka + Maria M. Aristizabel St. Hedwig Thanksgiving Celebration Please, join us in celebrating Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 9:00 A.M. and then join us for a Lunch which will be served immediately after Mass. Please, make your reservation for this event. Thank you Fr. Stan, CR and Fr. Thomas,CR Through the month of November we will collect the dry food for the poor from Jamaica. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Please remember those from our Parish who have requested your prayers. * Michael Bernacki * Frances Alequin * Lino Carmona * Dorothy Damienski * Jesse Flores, Jr. * Irene Gramiak * Mary Janka * Lt. Robert Logisz * Angela Melchor * Mary Piechowski * Samantha Ramirez * Jovita Soriano * Paz Tamondong * Clifford Welheim * Dorothy Chmielewski * Veronica Pudlo * Daniel Brady * Jorge Cervantes * James Desecki * Sophia Flores * Walter Gramiak * Maria Kozlowska * Lorraine Macek * Henry Mojica, Jr. * Diane Pilat * Carlos Riano * Raymundo Soriano * Eugene V. Tepper * Helen Wozniak * Bernie Popp * Carmilita Ayap * Ross Cabanero * Sally Cardenas * Ann Pyzik * Leo Cieminski * Barbara Durbin * R. Evangelista * Cherry Garcia * Trudy Gardner * Grace Gauss * F. Hoffman * Dolores Kryszak * A. Krzyzaniak * Sharon Marek * Julia Marzec * Stanley Olszowka * Rose Pasko *Serafina Salinas * Jennifer Ramirez * Caroline Riske * Jose Serbia * Brian Stanzil * Jeffrey Starzec * Mary Vencill *Teresa Mercado * Apolonio Alarcon * Anibal Yanez S T E WA R D S H I P 4 Parish Collection October 30, 31, 2010 Parish Envelopes Loose Collection $ 1883.00 $ 731.49 Total Collection $ 2614.49 Goal for the week $ 5,000.00 Amount (Under) Budget ($ 2,385.51) Deficit Amount For Fiscal Year 2010-2011 ($ 42,672.98) Mission Sunday CAPITAL CAMPAIGN - WE ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST We extend a sincere and prayerful Thank You to everyone who has contributed to this very important campaign. We would like to acknowledge our new parishioners who are pledging for the first time and everyone who has re-pledged. By working together we will accomplish our dreams of restoring and preserving our Church. As of October 31 we have received over: $ 357,736 in pledges We have a balance of $ 142,907 If you don’t have envelopes for this Campaign there are envelopes in the church that you may use for your contribution. Please use the Capital Campaign envelopes for this and not the Capital Improvement envelopes. Thank you! Thanks to DOLMA $426.80 Please remember St. Hedwig in your Estate Plan. Upcoming Second Collections Debt Reduction Capital imp. Energy Catholic Camp. Nov. 6-7 Nov. 13-14 Nov. 20,21 Nov. 27, 28 WE THANK ALL OF OUR PARISHIONERS AND BENEFACTORS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND GENEROSITY $ 214,829 in contributions Congratulations and Best Wishes to the newly elected Dolma Officers and Members. May God Bless You All. This is a special occasion to thank all members of DOLMA prayer group for their presence in our community of St. Hedwig and for your spiritual and material support. During last Induction Ball Dolma offered as a donation for the parish needs $2,500.00. May Blessed Virgin Mary - Mather from Manaoag care about you and your families. God Bless! Fr. Stanislaw,CR and Fr. Thomas,CR "Caring for the elderly poor, we care for Jesus" Dear parishioners of St. Hedwig Parish. Our Community of Little Sisters and Residents are grateful for the gift of $763.15 we collected at St. Hedwig. It is only through the generosity of our benefactors that we are able to continue our mission of caring for the elderly poor with dignity, respect, and compassion. Thank you all for your help. Sr. Michael Teresa, l.s.p. FOCUS ON THE WORD 32th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In Luke’s gospel, Jesus seems quite reticent in talking at length about the specifics of life after death. To the Sadducees’ question, Jesus simply replies that after resurrection there will no longer be a need of bearing children—we will all be children of God. In other episodes of the gospel there is the same reticence. Jesus alludes to gaining a reward in heaven and the coming of the Son of Man in glory. Lazarus in a parable will be carried by angels to the bosom of Abraham. In his last hour, Jesus promises Paradise to the thief who is dying with him on a cross. The principal focus, however, of Jesus’ teaching is on the present. “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Lk 11:28). They will be counted among the blessed at the Lord’s coming in judgment. Jesus’ attention to the supreme importance of responding to the reality of the present moment is evident not only in his teaching, but in his own life. Luke tells us that when Jesus realized that his own death was imminent, he did not explain to his disciples what would happen to him after his death. Rather, he prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, still, not my will but yours be done.” It is in the reality of that moment that Jesus hears the word of God, and keeps it. He could put his life into God’s hands at that moment because he trusted that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would not abandon him to the power of death. We encounter God and can respond to his will only in the narrow gate of our own present moment, our day of salvation. We do not encounter God in the feelings of past moments that we try to hang on to, or in the feelings of future moments that we try to imagine. Now is the only time for the decision of faith and for the works of love. Because God is the God of the living, when we encounter God in faith we are in the presence of all who are in communion with God. Each Sunday in the Eucharistic prayer, we sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” with the Risen Lord and with all who are alive in him. It is a natural trajectory from the good news of Jesus’ affirmation that our life as God’s children does not end with death to the good news that Pope Paul VI gave us to affirm in the Credo of the People of God. “We believe in the communion of all the faithful of Christ, those who are pilgrims on earth, the dead who are being purified, and the blessed in heaven, all together forming one church; and we believe that in this communion, the merciful love of God and his saints is always attentive to our prayers.” Campion P. Gavaler, OSB READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 8- 14, 2010 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Tit. 1: 1-9 Lk 17: 1-6 Ez. 47:1-2,8-9,12 1Cor. 3:9c-11,16-17 John. 2: 13-22 Tit. 3: 1-7 Lk 17: 11-19 Phl. 7-20 Lk 17: 20-25 2 John 4-9 Lk 17: 26-37 3 John 5-8 Lk 18: 1-8 Malc. 3: 19-20a Thes 3: 7-12 Lk 21: 5-19 November 7, 2010 5a MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 6 8:00 AM † Rev. Walter Wilczek C.R M. E. Shober Birthday Blessings 5:00 PM † Lillian J. Duckunue † Irene C. Tusinski † Irene Kosmos † Stefan Krzyniak † Bronislaw Zylski † Lorrain Swiatek Sunday, November 7 8:00 AM † Lottie Olszowka All Souls Novena 9:30 AM † Joan Feranski H&B for Families, Workers and Owners of Advance Window Corp. 11:00 AM † Rev. Walter Wilczek, C.R. † Ted & Lorraine Swiatek † Emily Galuszka For Liv & Dec Benefactors and Parents of the CR † Romualdo Rios 1:00 PM Parishioners of St. Hedwig † Dionisio Leon Munoz Monday, November 8 8:00 AM † Frances A. Logisz All Souls Novena 7:00 PM Eva Rodrigues H&B Tuesday, November 9 8:00 AM † Cecelia Gall † Honore “Nora” Wiszowaty † Frances A. Logisz 7:00 PM † Romualdo Rios All Souls Novena 5b November 7, 2010 PARISH STAFF Pastor…………………….Rev. Stanislaw Jankowski, CR Assistant Pastor……. Rev. Tomasz Wojciechowski, CR Resurrectionists in Residence Rev. Eugene Szarek, CR. ......................... Loyola University Deacons/Diáconos Gilberto Cintrón & Daniel Cabrera Business Manager………………. Margaret Kloniecka Director of Religious Education ....................... Ana Flores Music Ministry ........................................ Maryna Shutovich Parish Bulletin Editor/Receptionist .................................... Parish Secretary......................................... Bernadine Popp PARISH OFFICE Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm or by appointment (closed 12:30-1:30 pm) Phone ............................................................ 773-486-1660 Fax ................................................................. 773-486-1684 Email [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm (English) Sunday 8:00 am (English) 9:30 am (Polish) 11:00 am (English) 1:00 pm (Spanish) Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:00 am & 7:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Sun. 6:00-7:45 am Monday-Friday 6:00-7:00 pm Holy Rosary: Monday-Sunday 7:15 am O.L. Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesday 8:30 am Litany of the Sacred Heart: First Friday 8:30 am Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: Saturday 8:30 am Rosary & Our Lady of Manaoag Novena: First Saturday 4:00 pm Saturday, November 13 8:00 AM † Irene C. Tusinski 5:00 PM Stella Schaller H&B Wednesday, November 10 8:00 AM † John Strenski All Souls Novena Sunday, November 14 8:00 AM † Lottie Olszowka † George Lindenmeyer 7:00 PM 9:30 AM Adam Kolodziejczyk 11:00 AM † Anthony Ludtke † Joseph & Janina Ficek Dec. Fam. Mem. of Ficek and Duleba Dec. Fam. Mem. of Szyszka † Stanislaw & Stefania Szyszka † Edward & Susan Ulanowski Parishioners of St. Hedwig † Maria Aristizabel † Guadalupe Chavez † Romualdo Rios † Donald Schaller Thursday, November 11 8:00 AM † Frank Slosarzyk † Carlos Meza 7:00 PM All Souls Novena Friday, November 12 8:00 AM † Roman S. Logisz 7:00 PM † Rev. Walter Wilczek, C.R. 1:00 PM 6 XXXII Niedziela Zwykla "DIOS DE VIVIOS" «No es Dios de muertos, sino de vivos: porque para él todos están vivos». ¿Cómo he vivido las pasadas celebraciones de Todos los Santos y Fieles Difuntos? ¿Qué ha predominado más, el simple recuerdo o la esperanza en la resurrección? ¿Cómo es mi fe en la resurrección? ¿Esta fe me da fuerza para afrontar la certeza de mi propia muerte? ¿Me ayuda a dar el justo valor a las cosas de este mundo, también las situaciones dolorosas, sin caer en la desesperación? La Eucaristía es el momento cumbre de nuestra comunión con Cristo Resucitado. Cada vez que la celebramos, tras la consagración, decimos: “Anunciamos tu muerte, proclamamos tu resurrección”. Y al proclamar su resurrección, también proclamamos la de todos los que han muerto en Cristo, y a los que también nos unimos en la comunión de los santos. Por eso, lo mejor que podemos hacer por ellos es celebrar la Eucaristía. No nos quedemos en el simple respeto a su memoria, en el recuerdo: vivamos la Eucaristía como encuentro con el Señor Resucitado y, por Él, sintámonos unidos a nuestros difuntos. Y que esta certeza nos dé fuerza en la vida presente para toda clase de palabras y obras buenas, que a pesar de los momentos dolorosos sigamos esperando en Cristo, y con Él y por Él participemos de la Resurrección. ORACION Padre, Gracias por amarnos tanto, Gracias por concedernos la gracia de la Resurreccion, Te alabo, te bendigo y te amo... Te pido perdon por todos aquellos que han partido y no te alabaron, bendijeron y amaron... Gracias por concedernos la gracia de verlos algun dia en el cielo, y ser como "los angeles." Y aqui en la tierra Yo te alabo, te amo y glorifico junto con Maria la Virgen, los angeles y los Santos en el cielo, por que eres bueno... Por que eres Misericordioso, y por que aun mas que nosotros... Tu, mi Dios, me anas tanto! Bendito y alabado seas por siempre Señor. Amen. Bóg jest Bogiem żywych; czczony jest przez żywych, a nie umarłych. Człowiek nie może umrzeć, gdyż jest umiłowanym dzieckiem Boga. Bóg zna człowieka osobiście, kocha jak Abrahama i nie pozwoli mu zginąć. Od śmierci człowieka chroni miłość Boga. I ta miłość obdarza nieśmiertelnością. Liturgia chrześcijańskiego pogrzebu ukazuje wyraźnie wiarę Kościoła w przyszłe życie i w zmartwychwstanie. Ukazuje ona, że śmierć nie jest końcem, ale jest początkiem nowego życia w Bogu i z Bogiem. Jak śpiewamy w prefacji za zmarłych: „Albowiem życie twoich wiernych , o Panie, zmienia się ale się nie kończy i gdy rozpadnie się dom doczesnej pielgrzymki, znajdą przygotowane w niebie nowe mieszkanie”. Dlatego największym nieszczęściem współczesnego człowieka jest niewiara saduceuszów. Nieszczęście to polega na tym, że nie widzi on po doczesnym życiu innego życia; żyje bez nadziei i światła; wędruje w ciemnościach z dala od miłości Boga. I ponieważ nie chce tej miłości przyjąć, jego życie jest mroczne i beznadziejne. Ale my, chrześcijanie mamy nadzieję na życie wieczne. „Otrzymaliśmy życie, byśmy szukali Boga; umieramy, by Go znaleźć; otrzymujemy wieczność, by Go posiadać” (P. Nouet). Ks. Jacek Wawrzyniak SDS KALENDARZ LITURGICZNY 21 Listopad - Chrystusa Kroa 25 Listopad - Dzien Dziekczynienia Dzień Dziękczynienia Zapraszamy drogich parafian na wspólną celebrację Dnia Dziękczynienia, która przypada w czwartek 25 listopada. Mszę św. odprawimy rano o godz. 9:00 a bezpośrednio po niej zapraszamy na poczęstunek. Prosimy o zgłoszenie swojej obecności podczas posiłku dzwoniąc do naszej kancelarii. Przez miesiąc listopad chcemy zbierać suchą żywność, którą chcemy wysłać na Jamajkę jako naszą odpowiedź na prośbę Małych Braci posługujących biednym. Żywność można przynosić na plebanie albo do kościoła. Dziekuję ks. Stanislaw,CR Zrzeszenie Amerykańsko Polskie Poradnia Zawodowa ZAP zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych na bezpłatne spotkanie informacyjne z polskojęzyczną przedstawicielką Chicagowskich Szkół Publicznych (CPS) Podczas spotkania będzie można uzyskać informacje na temat: . . Programów Magnet, Gifted oraz International Baccalaureate (IB) oferowanych przez CPS Zasad i terminów przyjęć do programów . Szkół oferujących programy Spotkanie odbędzie sie we wtorek 9 listopada o godz. 18:00 w Centrum Fundacji Kopernikowskiej przy 5216 W. Lawrence. Po wiecej informacji prosimy dzwonić pod numer telefonu: 773 282 1122 wew. 418 Parafia p.w. Św. Heleny obchodzi 97 rocznicę powstania. Z tej to okazji ks. Waldemar Stawiarski, proboszcz parafii wysłał nam zaproszenie na uroczysty bankiet, który odbędzie się 21 listopada, 2010 o godz. 3:00 po południu w sali bankietowej Ukrainian Cultural Center przy 2247 W. Chicago Av. Zainteresowani proszeni są o kontakt z biurem parafialnym po numerem telefonu: 773 235-3575. W imieniu ks. Waldemara zapraszam na te uroczystość.