Coating 12/2015
Coating 12/2015
Nachbericht MKVS Review MKVS Adhesives - the talk of the town today and tomorrow Forty years after Prof 01' Knut Nitzl initiated the first MKVS (Munich Adhes ives and Fini shing Symposium) in 1976 and ten yea rs since th e current organizers, Stephan Hinterwaldner and Or Michael Ge rstenberger of MKVS GbR , took the helm - the 40 th MKVS programm e marked both anni ve rsari es at once. From October 26-28, 20 15, once again 250 or so developers, technical speciali sts from the industry and academia co ming from almost 20 «save food», he showed how using the right packaging - that thi s also includes the right adhesive goes without saying - can save or better th e lives of millions. Th e 20 minutes allotted to each oral presentation hardl y see med enough time to touch all aspects of th e goals the technology, chemistry and research presented in the following 25 papers are meant to reach. countries converged to discuss what is new and newsworth y in pressure sensitive adhesives with a focu s on di spersions, solvent Chaired by Evert Srn it from Lohman, the remaining first day featured two different ways in which nature can influence adhesives and specific approaches to applying th em and the pitfalls to evade borne products, reactive systems and I·IMPSA in English and German - as well as to make use of th e industry reunion to float new ideas, discuss th e food for thought presen ted 01' simpl y tou ch base. As in th e previous yea r s, th e symposium was topp ed off with a table top ex hibition, providing a more in depth in sight and the opportunity to discuss some of the expertise ex pressed in th e pape rs gi ven . Arizona Chemicals, Cabot, OK SJ, Emerell, ITW Dynatec, Keyser & Mact<ay, Michelman, Nordman Hassman , TER Group and V iscoTec participated in this ex hibition. in doing so. Resources co mmon in nature and therefore eaSily reprodu cible, such as yeast, sugar or bacteria, provi de th e basis for the higher alcohols and ketones, Or Andreas Menne from Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Sa fety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT ex plained. The intermediates usabl e as e.g. solvents and derivatives usabl e as eg plasti Cisers are th e products a special catalytic coupling process developed by UMSICHT can generate from th ese renewab le resources. However, adhesive properti es common in nature can also in sp ire innova ti ve properti es engineered in ad hesives. For example arachnid s inspire th e glue for otherwise anti-adhesive surfaces introduced by 10nas O. Wolff from th e Departm ent of Functional Morphology and Biomechanics at the University of Ki eL Thi s development is still at the outset. Time to marl<et is estimated at around 15 years. With hot melts bei ng the adhesive of choice where energy needs to be saved and environmental aspects play a role, th e application process, too, needs to be examined according to economic criteri a. The pl enary speech on development, economic importance, growth factors and markets with a speci fic focus on PSA by Ansgal' van Halteren from th e german adhesives association, Industri eve rband Kl ebstoffe e.V., Idcked-off th e symposium. Franky Dauw from ExxonMobil Chemical, continued in thi s vein by showing how the HM(PS)A indu stry can meet future nee ds. These papers paved the way for lurther more in depth discussions of th e chemistry and technology involved in innovative and niche markets such as printed elec tronics and cash cows such as packaging. «Dragging» adh esives from the ivo ry tower 01 pure research, technology and th eory, Bernd lablonowski from Messe Dusseldorf brou ght a real-world tone to th e table: prese nting th e initiati ve 161 Coating 1212015 For example, when hotmelt-PSA are appli ed by smooth rollers in different set-ups, as shown by Marco Schubert from Kroenert, the results of th e application process such as even and appealing coating are affected by physica l aspects of such as viscosity ami temperature. Mirko Rin co from Bobst Italia introduced the pros and cons of an altemative appli cation method: using slot dies for hot melt coating. Howeve r, the best application system will fail, where hot melt enemy number I strikes: char. Guido Schurmann from ITW Dynatec showed how easy it is to ban thi s enemy from the production si te: when softenin g point and temperature versus viscos ity curve of th e adh es ive are known, so that the lowest possibl e temperature for th e process can be regulated and pain is taken that no fitters an d packag ing residues contaminate th e adhesive, the appropri ate system (melter and application head) can be chosen. 1·loses transportin g th e ho t melt should be installed permanentl y. 1·loses and application heads should have th e dimensions suited to the process. If on top optimal cleaning and maintenance cycles are maintained, th ere is no reason why char should not be . history. Copyright Coating Intemational2015 Review MKVS Where adh es ion in co mpos ite materi als in volv ing PSA is a problem, thi s ca n be remedied by surface trea tm ent using th e plasma tools for surface acti vati on in reel-ta-reel PSA application s introduced by l osu H. Hoig Leibrandt from Helyon Plasma: a seri es or matrix of single plasma jets, rotation nozzles and slot nozzles. ,The ran ge of topics spanning from a currently very promising future topic, printed electronics, and the various concepts for raw materials for and production of new adhesives, to basic resea rch of cross li nking reactions and migration of mineral oil deri vati ves coming fro m adhesives. All in all, every paper showed an interesting and exci ting perspecti ve of the future of adhesives.» Dr Peter Barth, Creati ve Network Consulting, chair of th e second day summed up the papers given. Haftkl ebstoffc r '1" , on • Lo'~~""elhalt,ye P ,,,du kl ~ Ru kh ~. S)' !."'&. H,," PS A Pressure Sensitive Adhes ive s ,1.. ,-,1 Bo. ".· RU <1Ove Sv . loms . I'lMPSA 40. MKVS 2015 One requirement of modern adhesives is that th ey can do so much more th an just joi n two substrates. Given a fun ctionality, such as electri ca l conductivit y, Ihey ca n be the ba se for hybrid products merging pri nted elec troni cs and sili con elec troni cs. Wolfgang Mildner from MSWtech showed th at many exciting applications of this techn ology could be possible once specific requiremen ts have been addressed and fu rther research has taken place. A barrier against water vapour is th e fun cti onality add ressed by Ferdinand Ru ess from the Fra unhofe r Institute fo r Process Engineering and Packaging IVV. Additives containing active wa ter vapou r absorbing nanoparticles can achieve this. His research for OLED packaging with high barrier film shows that the barrier propelties are not only effected by th e th icl, ness of th e acti ve layer and the mass amount of nanoparticles in the ad hesive, but also by th e location of th e ac tive layer in the barrier stack and by th e number of barrier layers. Also, the fu ncti onal adhes ive requires fu rther developmen t regardin g both cohes ion and adh es ion in th e fi lm composite. Wh ere adhes ives need la be slicky in a humid environment, as is, for example, th e case in th e constru cti on industry, Or An ke Lewin from Evonik Nutrition & Care revea led th at silane-modified polymers with lateral crosslinking groups, s o~alled ,N EW- SPs» that react with humid ity can be a game changeI'. They are also an interesting class of ralV material for r SAs curable after application in the presence of humidi ty and they offer nelV possibilities for adhesive formu lati on developments to reac t to growi ng or changing market requirements. Cross li nk ing is, accord ing to Pro f Dr Zbigniew Czech from West Pom eran ian Un ive rsity of Technology Szczeci n, a recurrent theme Copyright Coating Internati onal 201 5 in many r SAs application s, as it influences th e bul k properti es of th e adhesive film and builds shea r, heat and chemical reSistance, whil e nega tively impacting tacl< and pee l. One exa mpl e for a cross linking agent are UV cro sslinkabl e materi als. They have grown tremendously over th e past. As l an Scheffel from Biolin k explained, using UV-LED on certain formulati ons in PSA-Production can lead to certain properties in adhesives. Adhesives may also have certain undesired side effects. Molecules from their formu lation can migrate into the packaged foodstuffs and at best only change smell and taste, at worst be detrim ental to Ihe heaith of the person ingesting the contaminated food. Migrating minera l oil re sidues are an example of the latter. With th e packaging substrates in food packaging now being available with effec ti ve barri er coa tings against th ese molecules, Martin Lommatzsch, PhD stud ent of TU Dresden, Chair of Food Science and Food Contact Materials, took th e topic one step further. In cooperation with th e GC Departm ent of Kantona les Labor Zuri ch, Sw itzerland, he researched the migrati on potential of hydrocarbon resins usecl as lackifiers in HMA and (HM)PSA. His findings were that there had been a con tamination of th e foodstuff researched with oligomel; from the adhesives used in Ihe packaging. However, th ey also showed that both analysis and interpretation of th e resuits obtained are di fficult, more especially as there is no sufficient inform ation avai lable to the toxici ty of th e migrated substances. When the migrating molecules change the odour of th e packaged foodstuff, thi s is the result of polymeri za ti on, degradation of raw materials and th e additives used in the hot melt adhesive. According to Dr Th omas Hopfmann from Add iva nt, the most powerFul and versatile choice is to use an appropriate 101V odour ant ioxidant pacl,age. However, as Prof Dr Dirk Burth from Mu nich University of Applied Sciences shows, diffusion of certain molecules can also have an effect on oth er ad hesive prope rti es. I-li s research of raw materials rega rding diffusion, perm ea ti on, and solubi lity of single raw materials in PSAs put th e PSAs behaviour in a new perspec ti ve_ Furthermore, two oth er raw materials used in formulating adhesives were presented: lactide based co-polymer technology pproviding excellent stabil ity and processa bi lity and improved adhesion introduced by Chris Schael,ens from Corbion Purac Biochem, and so-called cabo t particles presented by Eli zabeth Sims from Cabot Corporation. Cabo t particl es are a pour-in means of introducing fum ed silica particles into waterborne pressure sensitive adhesives . Formu lat ion ti me can be shortened by this technology, as the step of first creating a silica dispersion from the dry powder fall s away. Thi s met hod also increases processability and performan ce becau se the distributi on of sil ica remains constanllhroughout processing, as we ll as during drying and coalescence of th e adhesive film . Th is can result in signifi cant improvements in cohesive shear strength and therm omechanical properti es of water borne pressure sensiti ve adhesives. Dr Anja Schneider from Henkel provided ano th er approach to sustainability: a new technology approach to higher total solid solvents. Broader formulating capabilities with 10 - 15 % higher solid systems than conventional solvent PSAs and coa table viscosity improve coatel' efficiency_ «The third day of th e 40. Munich Adh esives & Fin ishing Sympasium was especially dedicated to con tribution s having to do with tape maski ng and mounting applications. Furthermore, the focu s 12(2015 Coating 117 was put on the use of in novati ve silicone polymers in both fi elds, as high perform ing PSAs as we ll as in the release materials fi eld - what always stimulated questions from th e audience.' Stephan Hinterwaldn er fro m M KVS GbR, th e event' s co-organize r and chai r of th e last day, sums up the papers g ive n. As ked about the trends he noted in th e papers given, he especially referred to ,Dr L. Berger of Seki sui Alveo with his con tributi on .,polyolefi n Foam s for th e Pressure Sensiti ve Tapes - Sta te of th e Art and Oulloolo). And explained furt her: «He demonstrated in which way mod ificati on of the foam surface might improve produ ction process, quality and rel iabil ity of fo am tape s. The trend is also here, that through a close coo perat ion of end user, tape, adhesive and foam manufac turer doors open for even furth er new appli ca tions.' Of cour-se the event was also a moment to show and tell about inn()va tion s. For Mr Hi nterlValdner ,Noteworthy new developments we re presented e.g. by Lohmann with their functional adhesive tapes for local anodization of aluminum avoiding the classical bath RECORD NUMBERS. The 171h edition of ITMA, th e global tex til e machinery event held in Mi lan from November 12- 19,2015, wh ich just closed in Milan, was a great success for Italian textil e machinery manufacturers. As ACI MIT President Haffaella Carabelli stated, ,Visitor attendance recorded wa s the highest ever, and ex hibitors are broadly sati sfi ed.' For th e eight days of th e event, th e hall s, wh ich hosted th e 1,700 ex hibitors, re co rd ed almost 123,000 participants, hail ing from 147 Countries (22% more than the previou s edition in Barcelona). However, it is i n the number of unique visitors th at M ilan marked a record increase: +4 2% compared to Barce lona in 201 1, and +8% compared to Mun ich i n 2007. Si milar statistics had never before been record ed in th e si xteen prev iou s edition s of ITMA . Italy ranked first overall i n th e number of ex hibiting companies (454). as well as visi tors (18% of th e tota l). Behind Italy among th e main countries with most visito rs were Ind ia process and by Dymax wi th their SpeedMask®, a light curing solve nt free on e compone nt system for application s on geometrically complex surfaces.» Next year, at the 41 st Munich Adh esives and Finishing Symp(}sium 2016, hot melts, hot melt PSAs and ex trud able film s wit h a special focus on ba se materi als, co nve rtin g and app li cations wi ll take centre stage at th e Conference Centre of th e Sheraton Arabellapark Hotel in Mu nich, Germ any, from October 17- 19, 20 16. The ca ll for papers is on-goi ng until Ap ril 30, 2016, by when title and abstract (max. one printed page in Engli sh and/o r German) of th e respective innovative technica l paper need to be submitted. Parties will be notified that th eir paper was accepted by May 08,2016 and th e full paper to be included i n the proceedings is requested by Augu st 31, 2016, in English and/o r German . MKVS GbR, 0-85614, Kirchseeon bei Munchen, and Turkey (around 8% each of total attend ance ), Germany (7%), followed by France, th e Uni ted States, Iran, Brazil and Pakistan. In addition to industry opera tors, over 4,000 students also attended ITMA, whi le media representatives in th e press hall numbered 400 in total. In conc lUSion, the President of AC IMIT stated ahis edition will be remembered not just for its record numbers, but also for the message it has tra nsmi tted, concerning sustainable innovation. Th e trade fair pavilions in Rho exhib ited a great many technological innovations that focu sed on a quest for greater susta inabi lity in tex tile producti on processes. Susta i nability and innovation : a comb ination that wi ll represent the key to a success fu l future for many manufacturers.• The next edition of ITMA will be held at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Via from Ju ne 20-26, 2019. ACIM IT, 1-201 23 Milano, Werden Sie SchicksaJs\Nender Obernehmen Sie eine Patensc haft. Bereits ab einem Franken pro Tag wenden Sie extrem leidvoll e Kinderschicksale zum Besseren. Jelzt unler Terre des hommes 18 Coating 1212015 Copyright Coating IOlernalional2015
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