The Nine O`clock Bark - Smoky Mountain Bulldog Club


The Nine O`clock Bark - Smoky Mountain Bulldog Club
The Nine O’clock Bark
the Newsletter of the
On the web at:
The next meet up of the
Smoky Mountains Bulldog Club
Will be Tuesday April 5 at 7 pm
Hush Puppies KK-9 Center
(see page 4 for directions)
April is Wine Tasting month at SMBC !!
April Meet-up & program
New Arrivals
Rainbow Bridge
Bulldog Color Dilemma
Board meeting Minutes
Directions to Hush
• Debbie Murmylo
Vice President
• Ranee Randby
Secretary & NL editor
•Mari DeCuir
• Suzan Jordan
Board Members
• Jayne Burritt
• Nikki Ewing
• Ashley Miller
After the outstanding success of SMBC’s Wine to the Rescue, the April program
is wine themed! Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 5, 7 p.m., to join
SMBC for an evening of Wine and Cheese as we bring Napa Valley to our meeting at Hush Puppy’s Pet Services, 9752 Parkside Drive, Knoxville.
We will enjoy exclusive Artisan Wine handcrafted by some of the best winemakers in Napa and Sonoma. Wine Consultant Kelly Buckner will take us on a private guided tour where we will pair these fabulous Artisan Wines with chocolates, cheeses and learn a little more about noses and legs!
You will be able to purchase wine if you choose – including special labels featuring your own Bulldog – or just come to enjoy the fun.
A donation to rescue is appreciated, but not required.
What is required is an RSVP, please, to [email protected]
so we know how much wine and food to bring.
ALSO, DO BRING your Bulldog!
Don’t forget!
April 5th, 7:00 at Hush Puppy’s
Space is limited so RESERVE YOUR GLASS!
The Nine O’clock Bark the Newsletter of SMBC
Page 2
Button is still looking for a new foster home.
Our boy Button here is still looking for a new foster home without steps.
He needs a surgery on one of his feet to remove a growth and after the
surgery he will need to be in a one level home. His current loving foster
home has a lot of steps and is not suitable for him after surgery. Button
came to us in the summer of 2014 covered with sores and significant
hair loss from untreated allergies. Since that time he has improved immensely with lots of vet care, allergy shots, prescription food and most
of all loving nursing care from three foster homes. He medical regimen
includes medications two times a day, eye meds two times a day, weekly baths and ear cleanings and allergy shots once a week. Button adapts
well to other dogs. He is housebroken and very social. He loves walks
and greeting “his” public where ever he meets them. He is a sweet boy
who has suffered a lot and now is beginning to enjoy just being a
spoiled, lovable Bulldog. If you are interested in helping this good boy
stay healthy and happy please call Mari DeCuir 865-688-2270.
Ms. Molly our favorite diva
has found a forever home
with a “repeat customer”
adoptive family—the Elders,
Doug, Dagmar and six other
dogs, including SMBC Bullie
Bruno and three cats. Good
golly….don’t worry, Bruno
will be looking after you and
Dagmar will play the music box for you at bedtime.
Biggie came to us from Florida. He is a big, sweet,
happy six year old boy. He has been neutered, He is
lively, alert and learns very quickly. He knows his
commands and is
crate trained and
housebroken. He
is currently in a
foster home with
another dog and
they get along
Our sweet blind and
deaf boy Blue meets his
new family for the first
time. For Blue it is life at
the beach in Panama
City! Blue spent two
months with fabulous
trainer Joyce Keeton in
Atlanta learning to adapt
his “abilities” and now
he is ready for a forever
home. Hey Blue! Have
a frilly drink (with one of
those silly umbrellas) for me !
Enjoy the good life —you deserve it.
Oscar is six years old. He has
more energy than your average
bulldog, loves to give kisses, LOVES belly rubs. If you
run he will chase you. He will
chase after a ball…but don’t
expect him to bring it back to
you. Oscar needs to be an only
dog. He expects to be the center of attention.
“As hard as it is to let them go
that does not stop us from
loving them and
wanting more
What a tribute to these
great dogs….. “
Ranee Randby
Page 3
On Thursday the 17th. Our
beloved Clyde aka Dody,
crossed over the Rainbow
Bridge. This has taken mommy’s boy away from our loving
family. When we drove from
North Carolina to Nashville to
get him we were all so excited,
Harley was getting a brother
and we were getting another
Bully. The moment we saw his
picture we knew he was the one
for us. He loved sitting in
mommy’s lap and getting
“Nub” rubs, but his favorite time was just being in his Tee-Pee. We are
all grieving for the love of this gentle baby and miss his calm, loving
manner. His human sisters miss him also and so do our grandkids. Our
lives have been forever changed by his love and slobber. I still cannot
remove his marks on the walls, Harley has been so lost without him.
Here is a few of our treasured memories of our gentle giant and his sister. I was never happier than when we were in a puppy pile, this I will
miss. We love Smoky Mountain Bulldogs for our fur babies and giving
us a reason to smile.
Don, Linda & Harley Farler
The Color Dilemma and the Bulldog Standard
The Bulldog Club of America which is the parent club for our breed has become increasingly alarmed at the number of AKC
registered Bulldogs with eye and/or coat colors that are tradi onally not associated with our breed. Non-tradi onal eye
colors are blue, green or par -colored; non tradi onal coat colors are merles, lilacs, black and tans. Some of these colors are
associated with deafness, eye disease, allergies and auto immune diseases. BCA has the right to clarify the Standard and
make certain coat and eye colors a disqualifica on. BCA has revised the eye color and coat color por on of the standard
and submi'ed the revisions to AKC for approval. Once AKC approves the revision, it will be submi'ed to all BCA members
for a vote. A two thirds majority is needed to pass the changes to the Standard.
Our March program was on this proposal but we thought that for the benefit of all of our members and adop ve families
we needed to explain this in our newsle'er. So if you are approached by anyone with ques ons about the changes you
would be informed.
Below are some pictures of Bulldog puppies with the disputed colors.
Minutes of the Board Meeting
March 6, 2016
Mee ng was called to order at 2:20 pm. All 7 members
Approval of the Minutes of the Last Mee ng; Ranee,
Jayne, MC
Report of the Secretary: no report
Report of the Treasurer. Jayne distributed report from
WTTR. Report was approved as published.
Report of Commi!ees
Show: dates for the 2016 show . Nov. 5 & 6. We will be
with TVKC this year at the fairgrounds. Ranee is wai ng
on judges to submit forms to BCA & AKC. Ranee has the
class trophies. We will need to form a show commi'ee
soon to plan hospitality, motel etc.
Rescue (see Excel file) Placed Harley, Ella, Gannicus, Winston(aka Georgie), Spanky, Fiona, MaggieNashville, Molly.
Foster: Bu'on, Patrick, Lita, Blue, Bruno, Stella, StellaStar.
Rainbow Bridge: Maggie (From JC shelter). Ranee suggested that we set up a budget for reimbursement for ongoing
rescue expenses (i.e. Dr. Hnilica)
Do we need to reconfigure the Rescue commi'ee?
(current commi'ee is Mari, Ranee, Suzan, Jayne). There
was discussion about reconfiguring the Rescue Commi'ee. Consensus was that current president should be
added along with a new board member and the outgoing
Treasurer be dropped. New configura on: Mari, Ranee,
Debbie, Suzan, Nikki. Ranee suggested that as new rescues
come in an email be sent to the commi'ee to keep everyone informed. Adam Miller, as our social media chair will
be added to the new arrival list so he can post.
Finance Ranee made a mo on that we no longer need a
finance commi'ee and that it be dropped from the list of
permanent commi'ees. Second: Suzan & Jayne. MC
Programs April and May program will be at Hush Puppies. Ranee would like to do a wine tas ng event. She has
been in contact with Costco Liquor Store about providing
the wine. We s ll have some WTTR glasses that can be
used for the tas ng. People can keep the glass for a
$5.00 dona on to rescue. We might need RSVP to
determine how much wine we will need.
Fundraising WTTR 2016 (Debbie) Jayne and Debbie
need to send all their WTTR guests’ email address to
Mari so she and compile a DL for 2017 event.
Set a date for 2017? Tenta ve Feb.11 Book the date
with the Crowne Plaza.
Ashley will do a thank you le'er to all of our donors.
December Facebook auc on (Suzan).
Unfinished Business
Dona on of Bulldog Collec on from Beverly Wagner
(Debbie & Ranee). Ranee will send around a date to
start the auc on. She would like to do the auc on in
sec ons; some items may need to be sold via eBay.
No framed items will be shipped. (too much danger
of breakage). There was some discussion about purchasing some insurance on the stored items.
Linda and Robin s ll have show items that belong to
SMBC. We need to make arrangements to get them
and store them.
Suzan will contact Linda and find out what we have
stored there. If the ramp is there it could be useful
for training.
New Business. Ranee is doing SMBC business
cards. Mari’s will be the contact person.
RespecGully submi'ed,
Mari DeCuir, Secretary
New club members
Jim and Kris Buchholz
Ken Dudley and Judee Schuler
Directions to Hush Puppies
9752 Parkside Dr.
Exit 387 from I75/40: turn south on Cedar Bluff Road. Turn right onto North Peters Road, which becomes Parkside Drive.
The road narrows to 2 lanes.
Turn left at the Rural Metro Firehall. Hush Puppies is directly behind the Firehouse and across the street from
the new Porsche dealership.