St.Clare`s - Corpus Christi


St.Clare`s - Corpus Christi
St Clare’s FMM House
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
Respond in Faith to a desire expressed
by many, to stop, take time out and walk
with God as the saints of old, in peace,
prayer, reconciliation and inner healing.
We do so by offering the ministry of
spiritual accompaniment, retreats,
workshops and counselling.
Residential - 8 participants; comfortable
Day Groups - max 15 participants
Counselling/ Spiritual Direction
By referral or direct arrangement.
Names of people involved:
Srs Margaret Taylor, Janina Tuszkowska,
Anne Miller, Charlotte Garland, Gina
Morgan, Premila Dias, Marlene Hixon,
Agnes Choi, Maureen O’Reilly, Philomena
Wright, Mrs. Yogi Sutton, Miss Claire
Dancaster and other invited guests.
The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
St Clare’s FMM House
95 Sudbourne Road
London SW2 5AF
T: 020 7274 6082
E: [email protected]
2013 - 2014 Programme
S eeking
“From His fullness
we have all received.”
Jn 1: 16
Saturday Retreats
Weekend Programmes
Number of participants: 12 - 15
Time: 10am - 4pm
28 September - Day Retreat for the Parish Agencies
Seeking wholeness in and through our relationship with
12 October - Day Retreat for Young Adults
Deepening awareness of being in Communion with
the Spirit.
9 November - Day Retreat
Dipping In: Discovering God in me and in my
19 October - Day Retreat “Seeking Wholeness”
(follow up Group 1)
Time: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Discovering our Child Within.
“The ‘Child Within’ refers to that part of each of us which is
ultimately alive, energetic, creative and fulfilled; it is our Real
Self who we truly are.” (C.L. Whitfield)
Evening Programme
Number of participants: 8 - 12
Thursdays from 19 September - 24 October
Time: 6.45pm - 8.45pm
Seeking Wholeness.
Six consecutive week programme for Young Adults
(Group 2).
Time: Sat 10.00am - 4.00pm/ Sun 10.00am - 1.00pm
25 - 26 January
How has God educated and loved me in and through
the events of my life?”
15 - 16 February
Rediscovering and learning from the Child within.
“The ‘Child Within’ refers to that part of each of us which is
ultimately alive, energetic, creative and fulfilled; it is our Real
Self who we truly are.” (C.L. Whitfield)
22 - 23 March
Knowing my Name.
“I have called you by name you are mine” (Is 43).
Reclaiming the Sacredness of my Being; encountering who
you are by name.
13 - 20 July
Individually directed.
Personal Formation for Gospel Living
27 April - 20 June
(Group 2): Residential for 8 participants
A holistic programme of personal formation;
an experiential journey aimed at integration of
one’s humanity, by deepening awareness of the
spiritual and personal dimension of one’s life.
This personal journey includes input,
personal and group reflection, plus individual
accompaniment (weekly) and an eight day
individually directed retreat.
Further information regarding any
programme is available on request.
Donations appreciated.
Privately directed retreats may be
arranged throughout the year.
We offer to all a Franciscan welcome of
“Peace and All Good”