July 17, 2016 - St. Raphael the Archangel
July 17, 2016 - St. Raphael the Archangel
SAINT RAPHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH ______________________________________ JULY 17TH, 2016 16TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME MASS SCHEDULE WEEKENDS: Saturday at 4:30 pm Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:00 am WEEKDAYS: Monday through Saturday 7:00 am HOLY DAYS AND HOLIDAYS Check Bulletin For Mass Times EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of each month (with exposition) following 7:00 am Mass concluding at 2:00 pm with Benediction Subsequent Tuesday of each month (without exposition) 7:00 am to 2:30 pm PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS Tuesday mornings at 6:50 am CONFESSIONS 15 minutes before morning Masses on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday; and 4:00 pm to 4:25 pm on Saturday 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time PRAYER TO ST. RAPHAEL Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobiah on his travels. Because you are the medicine of God, I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favour (Make your request here...) and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 6047 BISHOPS PLACE ● SAINT LOUIS, MO 63109 PHONE 314-352-8100 ● FAX 314-353-6603 WWW.STRAPHAELARCHANGEL.ORG [email protected] 17th, 2016 CLERGY & STAFF PARISH OFFICE HOURS Rev. Robert J. Reiker Pastor Deacon Ron Holmes Permanent Deacon Deacon Roger Kreitler Permanent Deacon Deacon Gerald J. Geiser Retired Deacon Mrs. Diane Halbert Office Manager Mr. Philip Wolk Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm Friday 7:30 am to 1:30 pm PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We, the parish of Saint Raphael the Archangel, celebrate Jesus as the center of our life. Through our active participation in the Eucharist, we strive to recognize Jesus in our daily lives and the lives of others. Our commitment is to grow as a parish family, and live this through our religious, educational, social and civic involvements, witnessing to all, our faith in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Communications Coor d. Mrs. Mickey Janos Admin. Assistant Mr. Robert Schlueter Maintenance Mr. Josh Knauer Maintenance Mr. Frank Jorns Music Director Mrs. Kim Vangel School Principal Mrs. Linda Mechler School Secretary Mrs. Amy Ruggeri Cafeteria Manager PHONE NUMBERS: Rectory 314-352-8100 Father Bob Reiker Ext 215 Office Manager Ext 211 Administrative Assistant Ext 210 Fax 314-353-6603 School 314-352-9474 PARISH INFORMATION Fax 314-351-7477 REGISTRATION: New members are encouraged to see the Pastor, Deacons, or to call the Parish Office to register. BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office just before or shortly after the birth of your child to make arrangements for Baptismal Instructions and arrange for a Baptismal date. MARRIAGE: Those seeking marriage should contact the pastor at least six months prior to the intended date of the wedding to begin the Church process of marriage preparation. Prayer Tree Please call the rectory EMAIL ADDRESSES: Father Bob Reiker: [email protected] Diane Halbert: halber t@str aphaelar changel.or g Mickey Janos: janos@str aphaelar changel.or g Philip Wolk: [email protected] Facebook: Saint Raphael the Archangel Parish and School RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): Twitter: @SRAtoday Please call the Parish Office for information on becoming Catholic. MyParish App - Text ‘App’ to 88202 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2 July 17th, 2016 FATHER BOB’S COLUMN FROM FATHER BOB: Still on vacation! I will be back Monday night! Here are some cute observations from the mouths of innocent little ones about love. Remember too that Jesus said we must be like little children if we want to get to heaven. Think about this for a while! "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas, if you stop opening presents and listen." "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate." FATHER JOE GOSSELIN’S THANK YOU Dear Parishioners of St. Raphael the Archangel, This past weekend I had the honor and privilege of presiding at your weekend Masses as well as preaching promoting the good work of the UNBOUND sponsorship program. Because of you some five children and elderly will have their lives changed, giving them so much hope for the future. If you had wanted to sponsor but were not quite prepared to make a decision, you may use the Sponsorship forms found in the past weekend’s bulletin. Or else, you may be interested in visiting UNBOUND’S website at unbound.org. It is exceptionally well done and very user friendly. I appreciated very much your warm reception. And many thanks to Fr. Bob for giving UNBOUND permission to preside and preach; and to the parish staff who gave every help possible. May the Good God above bless each of you with health, happiness and holiness. Yours in Christ the Lord, Fr. Joe Gosselin, m.s. 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 3 July 17th, 2016 SERVERS FOR JULY 18TH-JULY 24TH Monday 7:00 am Cate Guenther Tuesday 7:00 am Lucille Schlichting Wednesday 7:00 am Miranda Sullenger Thursday-Friday 7:00 am Anna Mersinger Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am Cate Guenther Andrew Kellar Katelyn Massey MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday, July 17th 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am People of the Parish 10:00 am Erna Sinovcic Ellie Guenther Abigail Stein Monday, July 18th 7:00 am Joan Rudge Mia Thompson Mia Thompson Tuesday, July 19th 7:00 am Bart Saracino Ellie Guenther William Madden Wednesday, July 20th 7:00 am The Hutton, Jost, & Kimling Families Thursday, July 21st 7:00 am Judy Svetanics Gillian Neal Rory Barnawell Anna Mersinger Sam Schicker Abigail Stein Lucille Schlichting Saturday, July 23rd 7:00 am Bart Saracino 4:30 pm People of the Parish Sunday, July 24th 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Howard Sheldon 10:00 am Dorothine Hulford WEEKEND OF JULY 23RD AND JULY 24TH 4:30 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am PRIEST: Visiting Priest Visiting Priest CONTRIBUTIONS FOR JULY 9TH-10TH Visiting Priest LECTORS: Virginia Schaper Mary Reck Friday, July 22nd 7:00 am Miriam Deachan Denise Howard Sunday Collection Online Giving Weekly Total Collection $6679.06 $2192.00 $8871.06 Tuition Assistance $20.00 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Kathy Steck Carol Hughes Mary Dupske Jerriann Blassie Beverly Whitworth Margie Auer Kathe Berger Mary Niemeyer Rosemary Phelan Nancy McCarthy Joyce Holmes Tom Yehlen Gina Horas STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time “…I am a minister in accordance with God’s stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God.” Colossians 1:25 Believe it or not, we are all called to evangelize – to continuously grow in our knowledge of and relationship with Jesus and to share those with others. We may not be called to evangelize like St. Paul, but we should look for opportunities to share our Faith with those closest to us, like our family and friends. Dennis Matreci Carolyn Skidmore 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 4 July 17th, 2016 *SAVE THE DATE* WHAT IS THIS RCIA ANYWAY? . Faith is the foundation of your life. Make that foundation solid! Go slowly, and make sure you've developed the basics well. That will help you avoid discouragement and frustration, two big enemies of faith development. This is exactly how the RCIA works--it is a process of faith development. The process guarantees that the information you receive is accurate and faithful to the Church's teachings in 4 stages from basic questioning to full participation in the Faith. Make sure that you're satisfied with your own faith development in each of the Catholic RCIA stages before moving on to the next. Don't let pressure from anyone else make you move on. Also watch out for calendar-based pressure, Don't say things like, "If I don't start catechesis now, I won't be done this Easter!" That's the wrong basis for making a decision about your faith and your life! If you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church or know someone (a relative, friend or neighbor) who might be, please join us this fall. For more detailed information, please call Fr. Bob at the Parish Office (314-352-8100) or Dennis Matreci (314-681-3002). MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THESE EXCITING EVENTS AT SRA! College Mass- Sunday, J uly 31, 10 am Back To School Sunday- August 14, 10 am Sports Trivia Night- Satur day, August 27, 7 pm Alumni Mass- Sunday, September 11, 10 am Men’s Club Fall Golf Classic- Sunday, October 9 . PHOTO DIRECTORY HISTORICAL PHOTOS For our photo directory, we are looking for any older parish photos you may have of past baptisms, weddings, or any other important historical documentation that you may have during the 60s, 70s, or 80s. If you have any, please send us your photos by July 18th. Please send your photos/ documentation to [email protected]. Thank you for your support! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL DONATION EVENT ST. RAPHAEL SCHOOL YARD SAINT LOUIS LIFE TEEN Here’s your opportunity to help our St. Raphael SVDP Conference earn credits to assist our neighbors in need with “purchasing” needed items. We will have a truck on our school yard Saturday, July 30th, to collect your TAX DEDUCTIBLE new or used clothing, furniture, household items, toys, tools, equipment, electronics, etc. By donating, our SVdP conference will earn Thrift Store credits that we can then use to help our neighbors in need. At the same time, this is your opportunity to donate items you are no longer using. Drop-off will be from 8 am to 4 pm. If you need assistance getting your items to the school yard that day, we would be happy to help in making arrangements. Saint Louis Life Teen is a multi-parish youth ministry program based at Bishop DuBourg High School. We serve a number of parishes in the South City area. We will meet this Wednesday, July 20th from 7pm to 9pm and would love to have you join us! The Lord has graced our youth and adult core team members with many blessings since beginning in 2014. We look forward to growing in faith, fun, and fellowship with each other. If you would like to find out more about the goals for Saint Louis Lifeteen, log into our website www.saintlouislifeteen.org . Be sure to check back here for more information! 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time If you have questions, please call: Mary Faith - 314-832-3310 Christine - 314-853-8995 or email us at: [email protected] 5 July 17th, 2016 SCHOOL OF SAINT RAPHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Formed in Faith, Prepared for Life FAITH – St. Raphael the Archangel School guides its students as they form their knowledge of the Catholic faith and their love for Jesus Christ, in an environment that promotes compassionate hearts through habits of personal prayer, reflection, and community service. CHARACTER – Our school and parish community endeavor to develop each student’s character by modeling and practicing the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. We nurture our students’ perseverance, sense of gratitude, leadership, and ability to make informed moral choices. ACADEMICS – We utilize a rigorous, measurable academic program that develops critical thinking skills, promotes imagination, celebrates individual gifts and talents, and fosters a life-long love of learning. With these values, and through the guidance of our patron, St. Raphael the Archangel, our students are Formed in Faith, Prepared for Life. RETURNING FAMILIES SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR THE 2016-17 ACADEMIC YEAR ST. RAPHAEL SUMMER CAMP Last week at camp we had our own 4th of July. We celebrated by having the people that protect us come by and have talks about being safe. Mr. Lake came by in his police car, and showed us the inside of his car and let us hear the sirens. The fire department came by and we had a fire safety talk and took a tour of the fire truck. To make the day even better, the wonderful Men's Club grilled us hot dogs and had all the fixins to go with them. Delicious!!! All current SRA families can submit the Letter of Intent, Emergency Contact Form and Eagle Bank Automatic Payment Agreement, along with possible financial aid information to the school office. Please turn in all paperwork as soon as possible. COLLEGE MASS SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 All St. Raphael Parishioners leaving for college for the first time or returning to school in the fall are invited to attend this special Mass and receive a blessing. Students are encouraged to wear their College Spirit Shirts. 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 6 July 17th, 2016 PRINCIPAL’S COLUMN Dear St. Raphael School Families and Parishioners, A group of our teachers, plus myself, traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana, last week for a national conference on Teaching Excellence. Not only were we able to enjoy the beautiful city of New Orleans, but we all learned some new things and came back to St. Louis with lots of new ideas and ways of thinking about teaching and learning. Some of our biggest take-aways from the conference: x Boys learn differently from girls and need different strategies for learning - Miss Chris, Preschool x Assessment variations between boys and girls are important, especially in the early grades - Mrs. Smithicki, 1st Grade x Explain with visuals, visuals, and more visuals - Miss Imo, 5th Grade x Kids need to read, talk about it, and then write. Don’t skip the talk about step so they can process their thoughts - Mrs. Runiewicz, Literature 6-7-8 x Hands on lessons and movement enhance learning on all levels AND improve cultural relations - Mrs. Martin, PE PreK-3 x Kids retain more information while DOING something with the information - Miss Amsler, 2nd Grade x The more we can engage students in being responsible for their own learning, the more deeply they will learn Mrs. Vangel, Principal This list is certainly not exhaustive, and, in many cases, the ideas presented at the conference confirmed what we see in our classrooms and already “had a hunch about” from our experience. Most important, these professional development opportunities for teachers spur our discussions and our thinking; they give us the time and the framework for exploring how we can continuously improve both the science and the craft of our teaching. You might also be interested to know that the funding for the majority of our professional development at St. Raphael (including this conference trip) comes from Federal Title II-A monies that are channeled through St. Louis Public Schools. So this is one place where you are seeing some benefit from your tax dollars in improved teacher training and development! Our Music Teacher, Mrs. Caroline Zarinelli, will be returning to St. Raphael for 2016-2017, and we are getting a bit more creative about the way she will be teaching our students. If you attended the Stories of Christmas program that Mrs. Z put together last December, you know that she LOVES teaching kids how to perform through music and drama. We know that kids who perform learn poise, self-confidence, public speaking skills, problem solving, and self-control. These are all incredibly important “soft skills” and that’s not even counting the music and drama part! So that’s where Mrs. Z will be concentrating her efforts. She plans to use musical theater as a vehicle to teach all of those soft skills, as well as to reinforce some of the subject area content that students are learning in other classes, like history and reading. In order to do that, Mrs. Z will not be at St. Raphael every day, and the kids won’t necessarily have music class every week. When Mrs. Z comes to school, she’ll teach lots of kids in big groups for longer periods of time than a traditional music class - it will feel more like a project to the kids than a regular class session. And she will continue her work with our students to grow them into accomplished and confident performers, even those kids who are skeptical about getting on stage! Watch for more details about planned performances throughout the year. That’s it for now. Please remember to put these important dates on your calendars: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Saturday, July 23rd...Black & Gold Auction Gift Gathering Party Sunday, August 14th...Back to School Sunday Wednesday, August 17th...First day of school for K-8 (and it’s a full day!) Thursday, August 18th...First day of school for Preschool Friday, August 19th...PTA Back to School Night Saturday, August 20th...Annual Watermelon Festival Peace & Blessings, Kim Vangel Principal 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 7 July 17th, 2016 St. Raphael the Archangel Watermelon FesƟval 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk Saturday, August 20, 2016 One Mile starts at 6:00pm St. Raphael parking lot (6000 Jamieson, St. Louis, MO 63109) Live Entertainment!!! Games for the kids!!! Food Trucks and Beverages available for purchase!!! St. Raphael Watermelon FesƟval 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk RegistraƟon Form Check One: ____1 Mile Fun Run/Walk ____ Proud SRA Supporter! (I just want a snazzy t-shirt!) Adult: $10 Child: $10 Family: $45 (up to 6 shirts) First Name: ______________________________ Last Name:____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ *2016 Red/Green* SRA Watermelon T-Shirt Size: YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL AXXL AXXXL If Family Registration: Name: ______________________________ Shirt Size______ Class:___ Name: ______________________________ Shirt Size______ Class:___ Name: ______________________________ Shirt Size______ Class:___ Name: ______________________________ Shirt Size______ Class:___ Name: ______________________________ Shirt Size______ Class:___ Organization:_______________ Organization:_______________ Organization:_______________ Organization:_______________ Organization:_______________ I understand that participation in any physical activity carries with it risk of physical injury or death. I also understand that my participation in the Watermelon Festival 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk is completely voluntary and by choosing to participate, I agree to hold harmless and indemnify St. Raphael Catholic Church, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the Archbishop of St. Louis, and their respective officers, directors, members, employees and agents from any and all liabilities and claims for damages arising from or by reason of injury which I may incur as a result of participating in the Watermelon Festival 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk. Name (print): ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ (If minor, parent/guardian signature) 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8 July 17th, 2016 COR JESU ACADEMY HONORS 2ND ANNUAL SPORTS TRIVIA NIGHT Congratulations to the following parishioners who are on the Honor Roll for Second Semester at Cor Jesu Academy. The 2nd Annual Sports Trivia Night will be Aug. 27 sponsored by the Men’s Club. Doors open at 6 p.m. Trivia starts at 7 p.m. $200 for table up to 8 participants. Drop off check at the rectory. Free Beer/Soda and Snacks. Also, there will be a Silent Auction for Sports Memorabilia. For questions, please call Tom Magee at 314-368-8517 or email [email protected] Johanna Brewer Ellie Hogrebe Noelle Hogrebe Hannah Horas Mary Howard Genevieve Jacquot Eleanor Lorson Kathleen Magee Caroline Goeddel Rana Issa Katherine Vollmer High Honors High Honors High Honors High Honors High Honors High Honors High Honors High Honors Honors Honors Honors ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus affirms that to be a disciple we must also sit at his feet and listen to him. St. Vincent de Paul taught that it is only through prayer that we can give selfless loving service to those who are poor. This week, please say a special prayer each day for the poor and forgotten in our parish. The parishioners are very proud of all our SRA graduates! SAINT RAPHAEL HOUSE FLAG & GARDEN FLAG HAPPY, HEALTHY, HOLY, EATING Name:_____________________________________ The Poor Clare Sisters in Oakville, MO, are selling cookbooks to help raise funds for a much needed privacy fence. This book is not only a collection of their recipes but a history of their order and an explanation of their liturgical way of living. The sisters have never before opened their “doors” to let others experience their monastic lifestyle with photos and personal testimonies. This is more than just a cookbook! It is an evangelical tool that will truly lead you to a “Happy, Healthy, and Holy Lifestyle!” Sister Mary Francis Peggy Hoffmann ’56 & Sr. Mary Leo Patti Hoffmann ‘61 are alumni of St. Raphael School. Address: __________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Patio Size Flag 12" x 18" House Size Flag 28" x 40" Metal Garden Flag Stand $18 $25 $10 Please make checks payable to SRA PTA with attached form. Place in the collection basket next weekend. Flags will be delivered to your house. THE VATICAN'S ‘LAUDATO SI' WEBSITE The Vatican has put together a website offering resources on Pope Francis's encyclical "“Laudato Si”: On Care for Our Common Home". This is a great resource to find the latest information on how the Vatican is working to ensure that the teachings of Pope Francis are being lived out globally. Please consider taking a moment to visit the site. Black & Gold Auction Gift Party Please join us for the Black & Gold Auction Gift Gathering Party on July 23rd, 7-10 p.m. at 6000 Guilford Place. This is an adults only event. Ray and Mary Ann Braun will entertain as you visit with your St. Raphael friends. Please RSVP at [email protected] by July 20th. 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9 July 17th, 2016 THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Monday, July 18 7:00 am - Church READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17 Mt 13:1-9 Thursday: J er 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 26:6-7ab, 8-11; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: J er 3:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday: J er 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Sunday: Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14 Lk 11:1-13 Mass No 8 am Mass during Summer Tuesday, July 19 7:00 am - Church 7:00 pm - Church 7:00 pm - Cafeteria Mass Weekly Rosary Men’s Club Mtg. Wednesday, July 20 7:00 am - Church 9:00 am - Rectory Mass Quilters Thursday, July 21 7:00 am - Church 7:00 pm - Rectory Mass Budget Mtg. Other News THEOLOGY ON TAP SUMMER SERIES – SIX TUESDAYS IN JUNE AND JULY. Friday, July 22 7:00 am - Church Mass Saturday, July 23 7:00 am - Church 4:30 pm –Church Mass Mass Sunday, July 24 8:00 am - Church 10:00 am -Church 6:00 pm - Rectory Mass Mass Marian Award Mtg. This summer, join young adults from across the archdiocese for our Theology on Tap Summer Six Pack – we have one more night of engaging talks, drink specials, and great community: July 19. The talk will be held at 7 PM at Kirkwood Station Brewing Co. Our featured speaker will be Bishop Hermann. Email [email protected] or call 314-792-7008 with questions or for more information. PURIFICATORS P We need about 2 or 3 ladies or gentlemen to wash and iron the altar linens 3 or at most 4 times a year. If you have the time and wish to volunteer your services, please call Barbara Cramer at 314 406 3317. “Our Sunday Visitor” (Weekly Catholic Newspaper at church entrance) If you would like to contribute to Our Sunday Visitor, please place the donation in the collection basket. This is an excellent way to keep up with Catholic News. Take me home today! 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 10 July 17th, 2016 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress Home of the Lawn Care • Painting Power Washing • Any Odd Job Free Estimates / Insured Garrick Prater $15.99 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas Oil Change Specialists in Engine & Transmission Replacements 4922 Macklind 314-353-9936 St. Gabriel Parishioner 314-780-8002 [email protected] PLANNING A SPECIAL EVENT? Treat Yourself With A Limousine in 2015 314-620-8302 “2014 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS OF YEAR ST. LOUIS CITY” www.STLPREMIUMLIMO.com bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. 5208 S. Kingshighway 314-352-6317 www.NieblingAuto.com Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! Saint Margaret Sunday Missal ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Solutions as Low as $1a Day! 800.393.9954 Designed to be Following Jesus Every Day: Readings • Reflections • Prayers GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703 Paul Karasek SALES & SERVICE Since 1954 BRUNETTI / PESC-CO., INC. Professional Exterminating Service & Chemical Co. Heating & Cooling Service Since 1904 FUNERAL HOME HEATING • COOLING $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 www.davey.com Sunday, 10am - 2pm 314-487-2208 1-888-220-BUGS Innovative American Cuisine with the Freshest Ingredients from Local Farms www. jmcarthurs .com Sambo’s Appliance Service & Home Repair Est. 1979 Major appliances, water heaters, garage door openers, plumbing electrical, etc. Judy McNamara 3304 Watson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63139 314-781-2290 www.judymcnamara.com 11131 South Towne Sq., Ste. 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Ron Goedeker RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL St. Raphael Parishioner Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more “THE TASTE OF ITALY” Serving St. Louis for over 100 Years (314) 446-7960 314-781-5750 www.landscapestlouis.com 314-966-3388 Where Nature and Architecture Meet Schultz Family Dentistry Scott Schultz, DMD St. Gabriel Parishioner 5400 Walsh @ Macklind ANNA GARCIA REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL WHO IS LOCAL & EXPERIENCED (314) 353-0900 www.scottschultzdmd.com www.volpifoods.com Cell: 314.973.3319 Ofc: 314.353.0336 [email protected] 3537 S. Kingshighway SOUTHSIDE HARDWARE 6401 Hampton Ave. 351-0204 www.gpstl.com Good Neighbor, Good Advice Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. SchickerAutomotive.com John & Stacy Schicker Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 314.664.4100 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Ford • Jeep • Lincoln • Mercury • Chrysler • Dodge Reservations Accepted 314-647-6222 www.lorussos.com FRITSCH ROOFING CO., INC. Fritsch “Since 1946” COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL ROOFING SHEET METAL & FLASHING INSURED - FOR YOUR PROTECTION 314-775-2754 NO SUBCONTRACTORS 752-3350 817900 St Raphael the Archangel (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703