June 14 - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
June 14 - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
St. Julie Billiart Parish A home for every heart ~ formed by faith, acting in hope, serving with love June 14 Sunday, June 14, 2015 7399 West 159th Street Tinley Park IL 60477 708-429-6767 www.stjulie.org Affiliated with Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School FR. LOU’S LINE . . . Page 2 Inside this Issue 2 Fr. Lou’s Line 3 Parish Happenings & Highlights 4 Parish Calendar Sacrificial Giving 5 Ministers’ Schedule Mass Intentions 6 Our Loved Ones 7 Reflection Readings for the Week 8 Liturgy & Music 9 Human Concerns 10 Formation Religious Education 11 Community Life 12 Youth & Young Adults 13 CJBS 14 Bulletin Board Parish Contacts ORDINARY TIME… We are back into what the Church calls Ordinary Time. We actually returned to Ordinary Time several weeks ago after the Easter Season concluded with the Solemnity of Pentecost. However, the first two Sundays after Pentecost are marked by the Feasts of the Holy Trinity and the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We return to “counted” Sundays and the use of the liturgical color green. the ministries of the Church which locally impact our faith life: June’s Retired Priests Collection, September’s Seminary Collection and December’s Retired Religious. In addition, we have a second collection for the Angel Fund of our parish school, Cardinal Bernardin. It was suggested that if we have a collection for scholarship to CJB then why don’t we have a collection for scholarship to our Religious Education program? All the second collections are for good causes. It is my opinion that for causes which have the greatest impact locally, we should When the bell tower went in, the large cross ‘pass the basket.’ This is a departure from that used to mark the front of the church past practices at St. Julie. In the past year, as was displaced. It has been lying in the back we took up the collection in this manner for yard of the rectory for the last couple of these three collections, we saw a marked years. Arrangements are underway to once increase in giving. I do not plan or intend on again install this cross. ‘passing the basket’ for each of the second collections throughout the year. The plan is to raise the cross on the south end of our property. There is nothing that The old saying is that charity begins at home sets off or marks that you are entering and these “home collections” are of direct St. Julie’s when you enter through the south benefit to our local Church. So in the end, gate. Also, this location will not “compete” St. Julie will pass the basket in gratitude to with the bell tower. So, in the coming weeks the Retired Priests and Retired Religious, you will once again see the large cross! and for three formation collections: Seminary, RAISING THE CROSS… A COMMENT ABOUT SECOND COLLECTIONS… CJB Angel Fund and St. Julie Billiart Religious Education Scholarship Fund. First, let me say thank you for the generous response to last weekend’s second collection for the Retired Priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Your generosity goes a long way in assisting those who’ve served our local Church and who in their retirement continue to be an integral part of the life of the Church. FR. MIKE SEND OFF... Letters from St. Julie ~ Let us bless, let us bless the good God! Let us throw everything into the heart of our good Jesus! ~Julie, L98 Next Sunday, we will bid farewell to Fr. Mike. He will offer remarks at all the Masses. After the 12:00 Noon Mass we will have a reception for Fr. Mike in the Parish Hall. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN… This week we anticipate the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical about the environment. This document will invite significant reflection on how we are to be good stewards of God’s creation. Already, even before it has been released and read, there are naysayers questioning the Pope’s motives and conclusions. I look forward to reading the new These collections offer support to a encyclical and learning of its challenges for variety of ministries in the Church. Several us to take care of our planet! of them are directed at missionary outPeace & Prayers, reach throughout the world. There are three collections that are about supporting As I near the end of my first year as pastor of St. Julie, I thought it would be good to offer a comment regarding second collections. Each month there is at least one mandated second collections by either the Archdiocese of Chicago or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. PARISH HAPPENINGS & HIGHLIGHTS 2015-2016 Religious Education Both new and returning families need to register !!! Join us for Breakfast Today! Following 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Masses New this year! Tuition can be paid online at the GiveCentral website www.givecentral.org. For more registration information please see Formation page 10. June 27 For more information please see Community Life page 11. St. Julie Front Parking Lot 7:30am—Noon Cost: $20 per space For more information please see Community Life page 11. Time: Monday Night Medley begins June 15 Summer Faith Formation In Devine Center from 7:00-8:45 p.m. Fr. Lou kicks off the series with Prayer in the Life of the Church TNT: July 5 thru 10 Breakaway to Lacon, IL Page 3 WEDDINGS/ ANNIVERSARIES Beloved, let us love one another. 1 John 4:7 May 16, 2015 Karissa Jane Ellis and Stan Philip Cichocki May 23, 2015 Jennifer Marie Racki and Robert Scott Gill May 30, 2015 Sharon Audrey Gary and David John Dohm June 6, 2015 Mary Elizabeth Richards and Matthew James Regan June 12, 2015 50th Wedding Anniversary Jack & Noreen McKenna NEWLY BAPTIZED One Lord, one faith, one baptism. Ephesians 4:5 June 7, 2015 Ian Michael Son of Julie & Shawn Astor Ekaterina Melissa Daughter of Tetiana & Timothy Hosty For ages 8th Grade thru Senior in high school. Sean Edward Son of Katherine & Michael Larmon New this year! Payment can be made online at the GiveCentral website www.givecentral.org. Aubrey Lynn Daughter of Jessica Noble & Buddy Rhodes For more information see Youth page 12. Emily Anne Daughter of Lisa & Greg Skelly Frankie James Son of Edyta & James Valfre Page 4 PARISH CALENDAR June 15 - June 21 Devine Center except where noted. Subject to change without notice. Monday, June 15 Summer Intensive Religious Education Autumn Leaves Rosary - Away St. Peregrine Novena - Chapel Monday Night Medley AA 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: E-Giving Cut Off Tuesday, June 16 Summer Intensive Religious Education RCIA - Conference Room 9:00 a.m. In completing the transition 6:30 p.m. to GiveCentral, E-Giving Wednesday, June 17 Summer Intensive Religious Education 9:00 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapel Summer Intensive Religious Education 8:30 a.m. Note for the week: 9:00 a.m. Thursday, June 18 Friday, June 19 Saturday, June 20 Sunday, June 21 Summer Intensive Religious Education Hines & Johnson Wedding - Church Parish Office Closes at Noon AA will close out on June 30. Direct link to St. Julie on GiveCentral is https:// 9:00 a.m. www.givecentral.org/ 5:00 p.m. location/365 7:30 p.m. Fr. Mike’s Farewell Mass - Church & Parish Hall Bingo Mission Trip - Away 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Sacrificial Giving for July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 June 7 Year to Date Needed $20,200.00 $989,800.00 Collected $19,009.11 $945,377.63 Under Budget ($ 1,190.89 ) ($ 44,422.37) Retired Priests Children Envelopes Children Giving $ 4,917.04 17 $21.25 Summer Office Hours - This change is on Fridays only Now thru August 28, the Parish Office will close at Noon. (All other posted times remain the same.) Except for Friday, July 3, the office will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July Holiday. Our parish is now using for online donations Sign up now at www.givecentral.org Page 5 Liturgical Ministers June 20 / 21 (subject to change without notice) Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. Sunday 12:00 noon Fr. Mike Grisolano Fr. Mike Grisolano Sunday 6:00 p.m. Fr. Lou Tylka DEACONS Ed Pluchar CANTORS B. Rheinheimer J. Hohner K. Kempke D. Gotkowski C. Clouse C. Seitz M. Rose A. Kapocius B. Pantoja J. Van Klaveren E. Eubank T. Ortega R. Kaemerer D. Schwickrath M. Halicki L. Ignacio C. Evans J. Benz SERVERS A. Flanagan K. Flanagan T. Ryan * M. Burns G. Rost K. Rost E. Sikorski G. Sikorski J. Sikorski S. Faro E. Mani G. Mani G. Fernandez T. Siebenaler Z. Siebenaler B. Humenik M. Madden M. Peca EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS R. Bracken B. Broz C. Conachen P. Daly S. Edelen A. Fields M. Grzeslo A. Hayes E. Helmold * P. Helmold M. Hernaez B. Kmak J. Lisiecki J. McErlean M. Modjeski J. Neven M. Ryan * B. Weglarz J. Dantis B. Daum D. Gallagher G. Gensler M. Johnson K. Koszut J. McMillian S. McMillian M. Murphy B. Ritchie K./J. Rost J. Rost S. Rost P. Tunney J. Van Klaveren R. Wyrick W. Busby E. Hagan K. Keller R. Kuta D. Mazzuca M. McCarthy D. McClintock M. Melgar T. Melgar C. Minatto M. Mueller M. Mull M. Ortega S. Ortega F. Padilla C. Padilla J. Rehr J. Tuzik J. Burda * E. Day J. De Vivo N. Dudek P. Fashingbauer P. Flynn M. Gastala J. Nels A. Nevins S. Prepura M. Prepura, Sr. T. Rohan D. Schwickrath J. Taylor J. Van Zeyl C. Ward J. Zander E. Zych S. Biel D. Dobrzynski L. Freundt L. Ignacio D. Jozwiak J. Kilanowski P. Laspesa T. Lavan L. Maurer P. Moskal N. Padgett M. Pratt P. Siebenaler E. Sniegowski Not Filled Not Filled S. Becvar J. Benz D. Buckley K. Duffy P. Duffy C. Evans K. Kramer * J. Lucas J. Rickey M. Rubino T. Sherry Not Filled Not Filled Not Filled Not Filled 1st 2nd (* denotes sub has been requested ) CHILDREN’S LITURGY Fr. Lou Tylka Sunday 10:30 a.m. PRESIDERS LECTORS Fr. Lou Tylka Sunday 9:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Grisolano Ed Pluchar Leader Assistant Mass Intentions Daily Masses Monday - Friday at 8:00 a.m. Monday, June 15 Tuesday, June 16 Wednesday, June 17 Thursday, June 18 Friday, June 19 +Juan DeAnda +Eugene Siemek +Joseph & Mary Lisiecki +John Burian +Emily Stall +Joseph Kloptowsky +Matthew E. Szwed +Leighton M. Stone +Mary Stone +Quirico P. Evangelista Deceased members of the: Morrissey & Leonard families +Herbert & Theodora Zuleger +Ping Law +Dorothy Broz +Mary & Eva Troubetaris +Len & Mary Zelanowski +Paulette Wojtaszek +John Grigus +Charles Kaucky +Paulette Wojtaszek Beloved Deceased of: St. Julie Billiart Brementowne Manor Jackie Whitworth 65th Wedding Anniversary of Chuck & Mildred Faron Mass Intentions for the Christian Sabbath, The Lord’s Day Saturday June 20 4:30 p.m. For All Fathers For All Mothers +Ed Hartley +Joseph P. Miller +Martin Durkin +James O’Donnell +Virginia Buczek +Harriet Moody +Eileen Finnegan +Anne Malak +Dave Schmitz +Evelyn Coscarelli +Bryan Doran +Charles Andreas Sunday, June 21 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. For All Fathers For All Fathers For All Fathers +Stanley Stabrawa St. Julie +Anthony Dick Sarlo +Herbert & Theodora Parishioners +Edward & Virginia Yorke Zuleger +Lena DiSalle +John Gatto +Bill Jphnson +Wayne Taraba +Bob & Bill Johnson +John Norris +Gary Jensen +Edward Weston, Sr. +Walter Kuta +Alexander Stachowiak +Ralph Stablien +Pasquale Giampietro +Ben & Kathleen Wedding +Edward Golen +Alfred & Sergio Tenuta +Joseph Niemiec +Ted Roy +Raymond “Carl” Rardin +John & Angela Kwak 12:00 p.m. For All Fathers +Gene Moskal +Stanley Kilanowski +Irene Skora +Edward Pratt +George Albert Wantroba +Dolores Nagle Individual deceased names will be preceded by the cross (+) sign . 6:00 p.m. For All Fathers Page 6 REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES OUR BELOVED DEAD Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. Philippians 1:21 Danilo R. Javier (son of Danilo G. & Edena Javier) Clem Chojnowski (father of Donna Lukas) NEEDING GOOD HEALTH Aurora Torres Brian Shannon Eileen Hauser Charmaine Prepura Jack Killacky Jack Ryan Primo LaCasas Sue Weidenhofer Harry Mistro Patrick Moody Michael Rodrigues Bill Dempsey Geraldine Majewski Jackson Bowen Kathleen O’Grady Rich & Carol Stankus Matthew Eckert Mary V. Rao Gloria Presto Louise Data Eve Cole Anthony LaCassa Ray Schuster Louise Data Eve Kole SERVING OUR COUNTRY * Thomas Ryan, USMC Major Jim Hannigan, US Army 1st Lt. Brian Sutor, USAF Lt. Col. Tom Vogel, US Army Lt. Col. Dan Vogel, US Army Paul Evans SSG, US Army Joseph Lyon PFC Alex Bubis PFC, US Army Raul Torres, US Army Sgt. Jason L. O’Brien, US Army Timothy J. Avolio, US Navy Master Sgt. Michael LaGiglia 1st Lt. Mario LaGiglia Sr. Airman Dominic LaGiglia Sr. Airman Brandon LaGiglia Private Geno LaGiglia Sgt. John Thomas LaGiglia Captain Kelly Pajak Johnson Captain Matthew Johnson US Army National Guard Private Salvatore Chavez, US Army Lt. Katherine Maglia, USAF Staff Sgt. Steve Martin, USAF Michael J. Yucuis, Jr., USAF Lt. Col. Kimberly (Nyderek) Schmidt, USAF Nick Merda, U.S. Marines Lt. Charles S. Novak, US Coast Guard John T. Hannigan PFC John Riordan, US Army Tanya Ayon, USAF Private Juan Carlos Chavez, US Army AFC Tanya Rhude, USAF Capt. Michael J. VanWyk, USMC Lt. Cmdr. Michael P. Schnolis, US Navy Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Whitney Airman Richard P. Scherl Matt West, US Army 2nd Lt. David Pierce, US Army Staff Sgt. Carmen Consolino, USMC Sgt. Timothy Gena, USMC Airman Michael R. Sarniak, Jr., US Coast Guard Kimberly Rodriguez, US Marines Matt Brophy, US Army Sgt. David Bergunder, US Army Capt. Michael Wieland, US Marines Capt. John S. Dabrowski, US Army Capt. Brian Dommer, US Army Sgt. Robert Sterling, US Army Timothy Driscoll, US Army Cpl. Joseph G. Kowalczyk, USMC Bryan Holubik, US Navy PVT Matthew Ryan, US Army Lt. Cmdr. Michael W. Meno, Jr., US Navy 2nd Lt. Andrew Reno 1 Lt John H. Weiss John Scope, US Army AFC Alex Barrett, USAF PFC Daniel Patrick Ryan, US Army PFC Joe Louis Siebenaler, US Army PFC Daniel Wiatrowski, US Army Tyler Novak, US Army PV2 Eric Holubik, US Army PVI/PFC Abel Santillan, US Marines Capt. Brandon Schmidt, USAF Tom Ortega, USArmy * To add your military family member who is currently serving our country to the prayer list, please call the office. When he/she is released from their service, please let us know so we can keep this list current. Thank you ~ God Bless America and all those who serve. Page 7 Sund ay Growing from Seed to Plan is a Mystery by Jane Esker Throughout my pregnancy, friends shared books describing the week-byweek growth of a fetus. One week the eyelashes are developing, another week the fingernails are fully grown, another week thumb-sucking has begun. It’s fascinating to envision what’s occurring within your growing belly. Of course, these books are careful to note that every baby’s development is different. Some babies kick harder, some develop faster. As much as we know about fetal development, each child’s growth in the womb is still a mysterious, unique process. Jesus speaks about this kind of mysterious growth in the Gospel today when he compares the growth of the reign of God to agricultural growth. Obviously a farmer scatters seed, cares for it, and harvests it, but how it grows from seed to plant is a mystery the farmer cannot see. It happens underground, known only to God. The mustard seed is a similar mystery—it’s a very tiny seed, but it grows into a very large plant. We know it happens and we know how to help it grow, but the actual growing process is mysterious and hidden. A Word From Pope Francis “Lord, look, there are good things, but there are also things that aren’t good. Jesus, do You trust me? I am a sinner....” This doesn’t scare Jesus. What distances him is one who is two-faced: showing him/herself as just in order to cover up hidden sin. “But I go to Church, every Sunday, and I....” Yes, we can say all of this. But if your heart isn’t just, if you don’t do justice, if you don’t love those who need love, if you do not live according to the spirit of the Beatitudes, you are not Catholic. You are a hypocrite. Can Jesus trust himself to me? In prayer, let us ask him: Lord, do you trust me? Excerpted from the Pope’s homily at the Roman Parish of Santa Maria Madre del Redentore, March 8, 2015 openness to the Spirit, and gentleness of heart. And then God does the mysterious work of growth—drawing us close and nurturing us with love. As with each unique fetus, the growth is different—we can’t look at someone else and berate ourselves for not being as holy as she or as spiritually developed as he. God takes us where we are and grows The reign of God in our hearts follows us at a pace that is ours alone. † the same pattern. It’s a unique collaboLiguori Publications ration between our efforts and the www.Liguori.org slow, mysterious work of God. We have to practice patterns of prayer, Copyright © 2015, Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057. 1-800-325-9521. Liguori.org Editor: Julia A. DiSalvo; Designer: Mark Bernard. Scripture quotations in this publication are from the New American Bible, revised edition, © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. For licensing information, call 1-800-488-0488. All rights reserved. Distribution rights granted only to license holders. BHW001 Ezekiel 17:22–24 Birds of every kind shall dwell beneath it. 2 Corinthians 5:6–10 We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Mark 4:26–34 The mustard seed is the smallest of all the seeds on earth. Monday 2 Corinthians 6:1–10 Matthew 5:38–42 Tuesday 2 Corinthians 8:1–9 Matthew 5:43–48 Wednesday 2 Corinthians 9:6–11 Matthew 6:1–6, 16–18 Thursday 2 Corinthians 11:1–11 Matthew 6:7–15 Friday 2 Corinthians 11:18, 21–30 Matthew 6:19–23 Saturday 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 Matthew 6:24–34 Page 8 LITURGY & MUSIC Worship Office (708) 429-6906 Gardeners and “Flower People” Even if there are more than 3 members, all family members can It is that time of year. Flowers are vest in the Server Albs and assist, as blooming and plants growing. needed. This is an exciting time for Consider caring for the flowers and families to say yes to their baptismal Next week’s readings for the plants inside and outside of church. call “to go and serve”. Please call Twelfth Sunday in It is an easy task that a couple of the Liturgy Office if interested or Ordinary Time people could do in a short amount look for more info in the bulletin or of time. Please make some time in in the Narthex. Or how about Reading I : Job 38:1, 8-11 your busy schedules to help out. Family Greeters! God has made the heavens and the Warm Weather Attire earth. Have a Little Time to Share? for Liturgical Ministers The author of Job uses the image of a whirling storm to portray God The Ministry of Funeral Server is one As the temperatures change speaking. Job does not understand of compassion, respectfulness and why terrible things have happened to for spring and summer, so too, our prayer. No matter your age, young him. Through the questions God asks church wardrobe. Keep in mind, the adults and older, male or female, this church is air-conditioned. You can Job about control of the sea, Job is a call for individuals, friends or always change your clothing after realizes that God is in control. couples who wish to serve. If you Mass for your next event! A liturgical can give a little time on some minister’s attire, whether a member mornings to assist at our funeral Reading II : 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 of the Assembly, Eucharistic Now all is new in Christ. liturgies as a Funeral Server, you are Minister, Lector, Greeter, Usher, In 2 Corinthians, Paul preaches the needed. Training is provided. Three wonderful news of the new creation. Cantor or Choir Member, should servers are present at each funeral. Paul stresses that Christ is a new demonstrate your appreciation of Please let the Liturgy office know if creation, as are all who believe in how your role fits with the worship you are interested. What an honor him. Christ’s resurrection is the final experience. Does your attire to be able to assist the priest and be defeat of death. express respect and reverence for present to the many parishioners the sacred mysteries that are being who bury their loved ones at St. Gospel : Mark 4:35-41 celebrated? Would you consider Julie. Is this call for YOU? Be still. wearing your church clothes to a job The might of the sea is used in tointerview? All ministries, in actuality, St. Peregrine Novena day’s Gospel to show Jesus acting in are much more important than any the power of God. After Jesus calms interview. They require a reverent St. Peregrine, the Patron of those the storm and the sea, the disciples demeanor and appropriate clothing. suffering from cancer, continues on are astonished. In Jesus, God brings Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the new creation to birth and defeats Liturgical Ministry Schedules Chapel. The Novena will continue the powers of sin and death. through June 29th. Please remember to keep your Eucharistic Adoration assigned dates/times for your Questions: ministry this summer. Request a sub On Thursdays from after 8:00am For Children: Jesus makes the wind ONLINE if you can’t make it. You Mass until 5:00pm, Eucharistic and the sea peaceful. How would are needed. Adoration takes place in the Daily you have felt if you were with Jesus Family Ministry … NEW ! Chapel. Please spend some time in and the disciples during the storm? quiet prayer before the Blessed For Youth: Jesus is capable of great Why not have a parent or parents things, even calming storms. What is Sacrament. We especially need serve with their children as Altar one thing that you wish he would people to be there during the Servers? Wouldn’t this be a great calm in your own life? afternoon hours. The Blessed way to be involved in your parish For Adults: When and where have Sacrament may never be left in and do something together? When you been awed by God’s action? chapel if no person is there. So, your family comes to Mass each please take 1/2 hour or an hour to person in the family can participate. pray. Bring a friend. HUMAN CONCERNS Retreat/Workshop for Widowed Men and Women Widowed? Help us to support the Church’s Initiative on Marriage Today’s readings talk about God’s Wondering: How long it takes before children being plants that grow, things begin to look better? How to flourish and bear fruit. Do we reflect move forward with your life? this in our own lives and in our Come join us for a weekend especially marriage relationship? Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worlddesigned to help you reflect on and wide Marriage Encounter Weekends recognize new direction for your life while still treasuring memories of on June 12-14, 2015 or August 7-9, 2015 or October 16-18, 2015, all at your loved one. Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registraUpcoming programs: tion is highly recommended. For June 27 & 28: St. Julie Billiart Parish reservations/information, call Jim & July 25 & 26: Holy Family, Inverness Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through http://wwme-chicagoland.org . For more information contact us at Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry Phone: 1-708-354-7211 E-mail : [email protected] Hope Website: www.joyfulagain.org Out of Space is limited. Early registration is Darkness encouraged. “Christians, by the grace of Christ, dead and risen, are the seeds of another Divorce humanity, in which we seek to live in Divorce is never service to one another, not to be part of your plan arrogant, but rather respectful and for life. When ready to help.” you married, ~Easter Message of Pope Francis, 2015 you intended it to last a lifetime. Just as the Spirit was poured upon the Now, there are first Christians, let the Spirit inspire us serious complica- this Pentecost to have the courage to speak up for immigrant families, espetions in your cially families separated by detention relationship or and deportation. Invite the Spirit to you may be divorced, and it heal children and parents affected by may be a time of detention. grief and pain. ACTIONS: Pray that the Spirit fills our Divorce Ministry provides support, guidance, and resources to divorced Catholics and non-Catholics during the vulnerable stages of this transition. We invite you to take some time to view helpful resources found at wwwmarriageandfamilyministries.org . Annulments Annulment support is available by calling the Parish Office – 429-6767. Page 9 hearts with compassion for immigrant children separated from their families. Call the White House at 855-5895698 and ask for an end to family detention. Learn other practical ways to be in solidary with our sister and brother immigrants at www.CatholicsAndImmigrants.org. In the Gospel, Jesus says: “This is how it is with the reign of God. A man scatters seed on the ground. He goes to bed and gets up day after day. Through it all the seed sprouts and grows without his knowing how it happens.” Through your almsgiving you are sowing seeds that grow far greater than you know. Your gift placed in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box brings Christ’s love and compassion to the poor. St. Vincent de Paul The Society of St. Vincent de Paul directly serves the poor and those in need in our own community. The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society visit the homes of families with financial needs to determine how they may be of service. If the situation demands immediate attention, emergency funds can be approved. All cases are reviewed and discussed at a bi-monthly meeting. SVDP depends on the Holy Thursday and Thanksgiving Collection, money from the boxes in the narthex, money donated through Gift Central, and funds allocated to them from the Scrip program. They help so many people in our area; please help them. Page 10 Religious Education Office (708) 429-1044 FORMATION Monday Night Medley The Southwest Suburban Cluster of parishes will, once again, sponsor Monday Night Medley, the Summer Faith Formation Series. All sessions are held in the Devine Center from 7:00-8:45 p.m. The schedule of dates, speakers and topics is as follows: CJB Scrip Program can be used for RE Tuition We are partners with Cardinal Bernardin in their Scrip Program. Under this program, credits can even be applied to your RE tuition. There are three ways gift cards can be purchased under the Scrip Program. You can fill out the order form and submit it along with your payment by check or cash. Order forms and payments can be dropped off at the Main Parish Office or the Devine Center. You can go to the St. Elizabeth Seton campus on Wednesdays from and 6:00-7:00 p.m. (in the school lobby) & Fridays from 7:308:15 a.m. to procure gift cards as a direct cash and carry purchase. Finally, you can receive a log-on and place your order online. Contact any CJB scrip team member for more info. Pull Tabs on Cans Please save your pull tabs off of the tops of beverage cans and bring them to the office. We are saving them for the Ronald McDonald House in Oak Lawn near Advocate Hope Children’s Hospital. The Children Matter Network is a partnership created to protect the dignity of children. It is full of wonderful resources and tips for today's parents! Visit the website, www.childrenmatternetwork.org. Date June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 July 20 Speaker Rev. Lou Tylka Rev. Jay Finno Rev. Gil Ostdiek Dr. Mary Amore Sr. Gael Gensler Rev. Mike Foley Registration Information Registration materials for the 2015-2016 Religious Education classes were mailed back in March and by now, you should have had a chance to review the information. Both new and returning families need to register for the upcoming school year. Please stop by the Main Parish Office or visit our website at www.stjulie.org for registration forms and information. Title Prayer in the Life of the Church Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments of Healing Sacraments of Service Catechetical Dimension Preschool and Kindergarten Information Help your child in Preschool and / or Kindergarten get to know Jesus and themselves better. Help them see themselves as special in God’s eyes! Enroll now in St. Julie’s Faith Formation for Preschool and Kindergarten students. Classes meet every other Sunday morning from 8:45 - 10:00am and begin after Labor Day. This is the one hour in their week where they can gather with children their own age to Tuition must be paid in full at the time of open their minds and hearts to Jesus registration. Your other option is to by simple prayer, crafts, music, and pay half the total due at registration hands-on activities. Please call the and the other half by January 31st. Religious Education Office for more Credit card payments or direct debit information. from your checking or savings account Back-to-School Program are available through the GiveCentral website at www.givecentral.org. Class Together We Cope in Tinley assignment letters and our calendar Park is, again, sponsoring their will be mailed to you in August. Back-to-School Program for youngsters in need of backpacks and The Religious Education program is school supplies. As last year, their plan for children in Preschool thru 8th is to purchase pre-packed boxes of Grades who attend the public district school supplies appropriate to each schools. This program is developmental, grade level from an outside vendor. which means that the children are Together We Cope will supplement the expected to attend ALL levels in box of school supplies with a backpack. order to be fully initiated and formed A $20.00 donation will give each child a into the life of the Church. Please call box of school supplies and a backpack. the Religious Education Office For further information on this cam(429-1044) with any questions. As paign, please call Tina Kessens, Client always, we are grateful for your Program Coordinator for Together We support and collaboration. Cope, at 708-633-5040. ext. 7231 or [email protected] COMMUNITY LIFE Pancakes, Eggs, *Sausage Breakfast (*option of bacon) Join us today after the 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30am Masses. Page 11 Garage Sale Shoppers! Get your shopping feet on Saturday, June 27 from 7:30am until Noon! Proceeds will help defray cost of postage for packages for the soldiers. Don’t miss good eats and a fun time! Upcoming Bus Trip: Architectural Boat Tour & Water Tower Place Cost: • 11 and older is $6 • children 3 – 10 are $3 • children 2 and under are free. On Wednesday, July 29 departs 8:45am for Navy Pier; from there at 11:30am to Water Tower Place until 2:30pm when we return to St. Julie. Bingo! Sunday, June 21 Cost: $50 includes bus, boat tour & tip. Lunch is on your own. Tickets on sale in the Parish Office. Join us in the Devine Center. Doors open at 1:00pm. Early bird games begin at 1:15pm. Pull tabs will also be played. Ten games of bingo begin at 2:30pm. St. Julie’s Golf Outing Event Details: August 28 at Silver Lakes Country Club. This event kicks off with a 1st Game $100 and the last game, brunch at 9:00am. Tee times at coverall for $150 and 8 games for $50 10:30am. Great prizes! prize. (If 100 or more players than 1st There are 3 packages. Golf packages game will be for $150 and last game, coverall will be $250. If 125 or more include brunch, a drink ticket for the beverage cart + a round of players, other 8 games will be $75 ! golf, cart and prizes. Deal each). Best 18 hole package is $68 !!The Lucky Number Pot is at $119!! 9 hole package will be $40. St. Julie The St. Julie Book Club meets the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in the Great Room. July 1 All Girls Filling Station Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg August 5 Blood Work by Michael Connelly Bible Studies: Will resume in the Fall. Enjoy your summer! ♦ ♦ All tickets for the book of 9 cards for the 10 games are $15. Hot dogs, sloppy joe, chips, etc. available for purchase. Please, no outside food. Annual Garage Sale Have you reserved your spot? When: June 27, 2015 – rain or shine Where: St. Julie front parking lot Time: 7:30am-Noon (set-up any time after 6:00am and before 7:30am) Cost: $20 for each space (16ft x 10ft) ♦ Brunch and cards only for $10 Sign up as an individual, a twosome or foursome! Or join us for brunch and an afternoon of cards. Golf Sponsorships are available. If you or your business would like to sponsor a hole for our golf outing, please come into the parish office and fill out the form – cost per hole is only $50. This is a Here great Na m e r u o Y way to advertise your business while showing support Please complete an application form in for our golf outing! the Parish Office. (Spaces are assigned by date of completed application.) No Refunds! Registration forms available at the office. A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Thirteen days January 24 – February 5, 2016 You are invited to join us on a oncein-a-lifetime Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We’ll visit Tiberias, Cana, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Mt. Tabor, Mt. of Beatitudes, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem & more all under the spiritual direction of Rev. Lou Tylka! Only $3,249 from Chicago (ORD), includes airport taxes and tips. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit www.GoCatholicTravel.com/ Gensler. For more information, please contact Sr. Gael Gensler, OSF at (708) 429-6767. Space is limited. Register today! Page 12 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS (708) 429-7377 [email protected] Softball is here! Check out what is happening in TNT! Need Service Hours? All current 8th grade students thru Seniors in high school are invited to come out and play on our co-ed 16” softball team. Games have started but it’s not too late to join. Forms are available at the parish office. Friends are welcome! Donut Sunday We are always looking for help at Donut Sunday from 8:00 a.m. until Noon. See Mr. Rubino in the Parish Hall and he will put you to work. Next date: June 14 Daybreak is all year round Thank you for your continued donations of breakfast items. It is greatly appreciated. Any donations such as eggs, juice, sausage, etc. can be dropped off at the parish office the week prior to the first Sunday of any month. Next date: July 5 Did You Know? We post service opportunities and TNT events on Facebook. For more information, check us out! Tuesday, August 4 9:00am 10:00pm BREAKAWAY RETREAT Breakaway Retreat July 5-10 TNT Current 8th Grade thru current Senior in high school are invited to this summer retreat held in Lacon, IL. Forms available now. New this year: payment is accepted thru GiveCentral.org. Friends are welcome! $45 Bus & Ticket $15 Bus ONLY Jr High & High School Friends are welcome! Download the form online or forms available at the parish office! **Pay online at GiveCentral.org or turn payment in with form. TNT Car Wash Schedule July 11 and August 8 **New ** Payment can be made online at GiveCentral.org TNT Leader Team for 2015-16 Are you interested in becoming a TNT Team Leader? Do you know someone who would make a good leader? Give us a call or send an email! NCYC! Indianapolis! Who is interested in this amazing weekend? Forms will be out soon and we will TNT Meetings & Drop-Ins! have to put down deposits. Join 25,000 Meetings and Drop-Ins will other Catholic teens for an experience resume in the fall. Our Meetings you have to go to believe. It takes place and Drop-Ins are open to all 8th the November 19—22 and is open to Graders thru Seniors in High high school and college students. There School. will be workshops, music, Coming soon… Mass and so TBA – World Youth Day much 2016 Poland Meetings more! Mark them down in your calendar! Next to the Devine Center from 9:00am until 1:00pm. Volunteers…we need you from 8:30am until1:00pm! Young Adult News ♦ ♦ ♦ Interested in a Bible Study? Beer Pairing 3? Yes! Watch here for details. Ideas? Suggestions? Reach us at 708.429.7377 OUR PARISH SCHOOL Page 13 Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School Preschool Summer Camp Open to all 3 & 4 year olds. Must be potty trained SCRIP Summer Hours Starting on June 10th, we will have a cash and carry sale on: Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm Monday mornings from 9:00-10:00am We will continue to accept the couriers from the parishes on Mondays, with no changes necessary. This means parishioners can submit orders over the weekend and we can send our courier on Monday morning. We will not have a cash and carry sale on Wednesday mornings during the summer as has been the past practice. Please remember you can submit your orders online directly at http://cjbscrip.scriporder.com/. Need a log on, call the SCRIP team at CJB. Orders placed online by Sunday will be handled thru the courier so you can pick up at St. Julie. Orders placed online for the Wednesday pick up will need to be picked up at the school. Thank you JULY 13th-17th Safari Sensations Join us on an imaginary safari through the grasslands of Africa. We will use our binoculars to discover all the amazing animals, and if we’re lucky, we might even get our picture taken with a lion. AUGUST 3rd-7th Teddy Bear Olympics Bring your favorite teddy bear along as we learn all about bears. The week ends with our Teddy Bear Olympic Games just right for you and your teddy bear to try to win a gold medal! Summer Camp meets Monday thru Friday from 9:30-11:30 AM Camps include story time, crafts, and hands-on learning activities. Spaces subject to availability. Minimum of ten students needed to hold session. Complete the registration form below For more information call 708-403-6525 ext. 150. Preschool Summer Camp Registration Information Please return this form with your check payable to Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School by ASAP. Child’s name___________________ Age ____ Date of Birth __________ Parent’s name ________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City __________________________________ Zip code ______________ Home number __________________Cell number ____________________ Please indicate your camp choices. Select one or both camps for a summer of fun! Each camp is $55 or attend both for $100. _____ July _____ August Attn: Preschool Summer Camp, Cardinal Bernardin School 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, Il, 60487 Page 14 Bulletin Board Congratulations TPHS Symphonic Band Employment Opportunity Tinley Park High School Symphonic Band performed at the University of Illinois/Champaign on Friday, May 8 and took first place for Class AA Division. They are under the Direction of Vincent J. Aiello, who is a parishioner here at St. Julie, along with several members of the Symphonic Band. Substitute Nurses in School District 146 The Village of Orland Hills Proudly Presents “Party in the Park” See our District website under “Employment” for additional details (www.district146.org). If you have any questions, please call the Kruse School health office at (708) 614-4530 Ext 3402. Join us for our Party in the Park Celebration on Friday, June 26th, Saturday, June 27th and Sunday June 28th at Kelly Park, 16675 S. Haven Avenue, Orland Hills, IL. We will have Live Entertainment, Car Show, Children’s Activities, Fireworks, Food Vendors, Family Tent and much more. The Celebration will feature the finest in local entertainment including, Heartache Tonight, Mike & Joe, American English, Hillbilly Rockstarz as well as many other local favorites. Are you a registered nurse interested in working as a substitute in School District 146 schools? It’s an ideal position for registered nurses who work part-time or who are retired. Substitute nurses undergo a brief orientation and will be called occasionally to work in any of our schools on an as-needed basis. Interested applicants should call Human Resources at (708) 614-4500 Ext 3114, or apply in person at the School District 146 Administration Center located at 6611 W. 171st Street in Tinley Park. Candidates must hold an active R.N. License. Admission is Free! For more information please call the Recreation Department at 708-349-7211 or visit our website at ohpartyinthepark.com. Parish Pastoral Council Pastoral Staff Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor - [email protected] Rev. Michael Grisolano, Associate Pastor - [email protected] Edward (& Sheila) Pluchar, Deacon William (& Joan) Lubben, Deacon Nancy Pfieffer, Business Manager - [email protected] Sr. Gael Gensler, Pastoral Associate - [email protected] Patricia Kmak, Director of Religious Education - [email protected] Deanne M. Tumpich, Director of Liturgy & Music - [email protected] Sheila Pluchar, Youth Ministry Coordinator - [email protected] Mary Alice Roth, Director of Human Concerns - [email protected] Support Staff Marianne Mueller, Sacramental Coordinator Laura Frencl, Administrative Assistant Maryann Siniawski, Administrative Assistant Barb Theis, Liturgy and Technology Assistant Cindy Conachen, Facilities Coordinator Parish Office 708-429-6767*Fax 708-429-6788*http://www.stjulie.org Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (M-Th 12:00-1:00 closed for lunch) Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. / Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Office of Worship & Music - 708-429-6906 Office of Religious Education - 708-429-1044 Youth Office - 708-429-7377 Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor and the Pastoral Staff Scott Becvar, Chair Ruth Enyart (Liturgy Bd.) Mary McCarthy (Community Life Bd.) Dan Sniegowski (Liturgy Bd.) Mike Rubino (Community Life Bd.) Kathy Reilly (Formation Bd.) Karen Keller (Human Concerns Bd.) Tom Sherry (Formation Bd.) Judi Haines (Human Concerns Bd.) John Benz (Youth Bd.) Cheryl Scallon (Pastor’s Appointee) Merilee Andreasen (Youth Bd.) Barbara Broz (Pastor’s Appointee) Finance Council Bill Hackett, Chair Carl Evans*John Thomas*Patrick Flynn Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. or anytime in the parish office by appointment. Registration: Please call Sr. Gael in the parish office weekdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for information on registration. Baptism: Please call the parish office to make arrangements for your child to be baptized and to attend a preparation class. Marriage: Please call the parish office at least six months in advance to secure a wedding date and to begin the pre-marriage preparations. Masses: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. / Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon & 6:00 p.m. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School 9250 W. 167th St., Orland Hills * 708-403-6525 * Fax 708-403-8621 * Ms. Mary Iannucilli, Principal Our Soldiers Greatest Need: white, army green or black t-shirts (L or XL), letters to soldiers, Pringle chips snack pack (8 pk), snack packs of raisins, Kraft handi snack packs (6 ea), bags of individual wrapped candy, granola bars, Rice Krispy treats (individually wrapped), crossword puzzle/game books and insect repellent with deet (pump style). Also Need: toilet paper, shaving cream, eye drops, disposable razors (10 pk), AA batteries (8 pk), lotion, white sox, band-aids (one size), heavy duty wet wipes, Tampax Super Plus 46, Always Ultra Thin Pads 28, travel size Kleenex, combs, brushes, hair clips & bands, disposable cameras, beef jerky, powdered lemonade (12 quart), powdered Gatorade (2 gal), magazines, 12 oz. bags of ground coffee, mouthwash, regular size shampoo and conditioner, International phone cards. And we always need money for postage. This bulletin is made possible by the following advertisers. Please patronize them when possible.
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