January 10, 2016 - St. Julie Billiart
January 10, 2016 - St. Julie Billiart
St. Julie Billiart Church E-Mail: [email protected] 2475 Borchard Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320 Parish Office (805) 498-3602 Fax: (805) 376-2332 Religious Education Office (805) 499-0979 Website: www.stjulieschurch.org January 10, 2016 To All Who Worship With Us Today! The St. Julie Billiart Catholic Community warmly welcomes you. If you are new to our parish community, we invite you to make St. Julie’s your spiritual foundation. We encourage you to visit our website at www. stjulieschurch.org LITURGIES PASTORAL STAFF Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil Mass Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. -Mary Health REV. PAUL J. HRUBY Pastor Email: [email protected] SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 3:30 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION For the Sick - By Appointment ST.VINCENT DE PAUL HOT LINE 805.270.9597 REV. KEN RUDNICK Sunday Supply Deacon Kim Bond,Deacon Barry Harper Deacon David Lawrence ,Deacon Claudio Selame Deacon David Smith - Pastoral Assistant Email: [email protected] PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASSES 2nd and 4th Mondays: 7:30 pm Contact: Deacon Dave at: (805) 499-0979 WEDDINGS Arrangements for a marriage should be made 6 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office to make an appointment with the Pastor. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fridays 9:00 am - 7:00 p.m. Page Two The Baptism of the Lord Parish Contact Information PARISH OFFICE - (805) 498-3602 Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Closed-12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Monday - Thursday) Friday - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Business Manager & Ministry Coordinator…...................498-3602 Carole Wachter……..........……....([email protected]) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE - (805) 499-0979 Faith Formation - Deacon Dave - Ext.1 Email: [email protected] Director of Religious Education - Linda Smith Ext. 3 Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry - Daryl Hitt Ext. 4 Email: [email protected] MINISTRY COORDINATORS Altar Servers Coordinator Maureen Kubica- Roes ([email protected]) ......... 499-6407 Altar Society Marie Jendian ([email protected]).................498-5249 Divine Mercy Virginia Witt ([email protected])................................... 805-758-9339 Eucharistic Ministers Pat Stotko ([email protected]) ....................................383-9478 Helping Hands Sally Kutcher ([email protected]) ............. 498-7377 Knights of Columbus Ray Sobrino ([email protected])……............ 376-8389 Lectors Jim Bullock ([email protected]) .................................. 376-2447 Music Ministry Leanna Brand ([email protected]) ................581-7184 Meal & Winter Shelter Bob Shaffer ([email protected]) ..............................573-0941 Parish Pastoral Council Dave Sanders ([email protected]) .......................... 551-0531 Prayer Shawl Ministry Karen Seemann ................................. [email protected] Pro-Life Ron & Dorothy Hage ([email protected]) ...................... 498-1566 24-Hour Hot Line—Life Centers ...................484-1122 Safeguard the Children Committee Ed Roes .....................................................................499-6407 Seniors Club (OWLS) Ed Francis ..................................................................498-3232 80+ Social Sue Thompson ([email protected]) ............... 493-1394 Ushers Richard Gaz ([email protected]) .....................498-3393 Wedding Coordinator Donna Perroni ................................... ([email protected]) Welcoming Ministry Phyllis Simonich ([email protected]).....499-7000 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Fittingly, this Jubilee Year of Mercy is also the Lectionary’s Year of Luke, for Luke’s Gospel highlights God’s mercy in finding the lost, healing the sick, restoring the broken, comforting the sorrowful, forgiving the sinner through Jesus’ ministry. But before doing, Luke’s Jesus is always praying. As practical moderns programmed to measure worth by productivity, we instinctively appreciate the Jubilee’s call to embrace the practical challenges of our baptism. But today Luke focuses not on Jesus being baptized, but on Jesus praying after baptism. So must we pray to become the disciples we are called to be, that the Spirit empower us to do what disciples are called to do. Imitating Jesus’ openness to the Spirit will enable us to cooperate with the grace that transforms us into “beloved sons [and daughters] . . . in whom the Father is well pleased,” living out, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the extraordinary potential of our baptism. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adult: What are some of the ways in which you have been comforted by God’s merciful compassion? Youth: Reflect on how God and others comfort you in life. How can you share this comfort and mercy with others? NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS First Reading -- As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so God rejoices in the chosen Zion and Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:1-5). Psalm -- Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations (Psalm 96). Second Reading -- All the varied gifts and talents found in the Christian community are products of the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Gospel -- At a wedding festival in Cana, Jesus changes water into wine at his mother’s request (John 2:1-11). Page Three St. Julie Billiart January 10, 2016 This Week At St. Julie’s January 10, Sunday Pray and Play -9:00 am -12:30 pm - RM #2 and #3 Family Program - 9:30 am - 10:45 am - Hall RCIA - 9:00 am - Rm #5 Youth Ministry - 6:30 pm - Hall January 11, Monday SVDP - 9a-12pm - Room 4 Adult Confirmation - 7:00 pm - Hall January 12 Tuesday Food Share - 4:00opm - 5:45pm - Hall Men’s Bible Study 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Room #8 Pastoral Council - 7:00pm - Room #5 January 13 , Wednesday SVDP - 9a-12pm - Room 4 Religious Education - 4:15pm- 5:30pm - Halll RCIA 7:00p -8:30p - Rm #5 January 14, Thursday Children’s Choir - 4:15 - Church Adult Choir - 7:00 pm Church January 15, Friday SVDP - 9a-12-pm Room 4 Divine Mercy - 7:00pm - Chapel Santa Julia - 7:00pm - Church January 16, Saturday Shelter Dinner 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm -Parish Hall Did you miss last year’s OneLife LA? You won’t want to miss this year! On January 23, 2016, join Archbishop Gomez and tens of thousands in downtown Los Angeles for the second annual OneLife LA, an event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Beginning at 12:00 at La Placita/Olvera St., we will walk to Grand Park for a family-friendly day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organizations serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm. Book parish buses now! Get t-shirts, postcards, posters, buttons, and everything you need to promote OneLife LA in your parish and school at OneLifeLA.org. Don’t miss out! SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Wednesday: Saturday: The Baptism of the Lord First Week in Ordinary Time St. Hilary Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday, January 10 8:00 9:30 11:00 5:00 Monday, January 11 8:00 Tuesday, January 12 8:00 Wednesday, January 13 8:00 Thursday, January 14 8:00 Friday, January 15 8:00 Saturday, January 16 5:00 Richard Stelmar (+) People of the Parish Vito Covino (+) Thomas Henry Wade (+) Jacqueline O’Donnell (+) John Resendez (+) Erik Rea (+) Angeline McGowan (+) Teresa Renna (+) PRAY FOR SICK PARISHIONERS AND FRIENDS Bev Aldridge Dick Aldridge Pamela Allen Annette Anderson Marla Anderson Laura Baker Ruth & Ashley Benedix Ryan Benson Mark Beshears Jeanine Bordagary Christian Braden Haroldline Brown Eleanor Buchler Frank Germano Loretta Colantuono James Connolly Chris Cordello Kevin Courtney Robert Courtney Dorothy Dent Christopher Depre John Dube’ Bob Eck Florence Elsley Claire Empol Sean Ferreiro Pat Frangiamore Angelo Frangiamore Marilyn Frangiamore Matt Frey Chris Gago Chuck Germer Frank Germano Anne Gilliland David Giese Dave Guerrero Steve Hallack Florence Harnist Judy Hayes Judy Helfrich Sunny Higgens Megan Hines Melanie Holmes Clark Hunter Jenny Isaacs Maria Jacoby Jolene Jaeger Marion Jeffrey Peggy Jorban Connor Joyce Bob Kauss Mary Ellen Kauss Tim Kelly Carm Kirkeby Aurora La Blanc Lorraine Lambert Richard Lee Oona Lyman Julie Macy Angela Madgwich Jeoffrey Mallen Joan Mann Bella Maria Henry McCarthy Joann McNicoll Alan Mieren Kelly Miroballi Gilbert Mike Morcos Gene Moutes Michael Myers Jamie Oberson Sean O’Neill Andrzej Palak Anthony Ponticelli Maria Ponticelli Bobbi Quigley Jorge Rimada Don Rockwell Danielle Saucedo Eric Schultz Peggy Seiler-Brand Justin Shareghi Dorothy Simmons Dorothy Smith Josie Sorce Jerry Steadman Claire St Ledger Grace Tallman Rita Valdivia Peggy Vampa Ginger Waters Ryan Wilson Lauren Wonders PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS Weston Baccus, Justin Ray Cress, Cameron Davis. Dillon Francis, Jordan Galuszka, Ryne Intlekofer, Brendan Konrath.Catherine Bernadette S. Magno-Popa, Heather Masigat, Joseph Pace,Vincent Masigat, Antonio Pagano, Brian S. Petit, William J. Price, Oren Pursley, Kyle Stotko, Mitchell Stotko, Logan Wilk, Paul Witt, Mathew Walker , Paul Woods University Series - Lent 2016 During the season of Lent, The University Series™ offers more than 100 seminars connecting faith with real life in areas such as current events, contemporary moral issues, evangelization, faith and science, marriage and family, church history, scripture, prayer, and other priorities set by the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Synod. Sessions include multi-media presentations and always allow time for your questions. The 2016 season will run February 11 to March 18 at 12 parishes that span the border of Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Our faculty have extensive knowledge in their fields and love to teach. They include international authorities, priests, religious, professors, authors, lay people, and local favorites who are all passionate about helping students grow in knowledge and faith. A small tuition ($5 during pre-registration or $8 at the door) allows each student to bring a guest for free. A Season Pass for all classes is available only during pre-registration for $85 (a $208 value!) and includes your guest. Remember: these special discounts end when pre-registration closes. Pre-registration is open 5:00 p.m. January 9- January 24. To pre-register for one or more classes, just go to the course listings and select the ones you want. The University Series strives for excellence because our Catholic faith deserves our very best efforts. Please visit http://theuniversityseries.org for more information or pick up a brochure on this year’s series at the tables located near the exits of the church. ST. JULIE’S NEWS THANK YOU FROM COMMUNITY EVENTS The Community Events Ministry wishes to thank the parish for all their participation, volunteer hours and support for the 20 day, 160 hour, Nativity Exhibit at the Community Gallery adjacent to the Library. A total of 1753 visitors signed in from many other states and countries as well as locals. Saint Julie's will benefit from the monies in the "box" and from the donated ornaments on the Giving Tree. A very special thank you to the parishioners who shared their nativity sets and the 32 volunteers who staffed the Gallery from 10am to 6pm daily. If you'd be interested in participating next year, contact, Anna Gaz 805-498-3393 or Jim Olson 805-480-3962. THANK YOU FROM CONCERN AMERICA On December 6, 2015 hand-crafted textiles, baskets, ceramics and wood products from Concern America were displayed. As a community of the faithful, you were generous in purchasing handcrafts valued at $964.00. We are very grateful to Father Paul Hruby for his hospitality and support, and to everyone who purchased handcrafts. Through your generosity you have helped to spread hope for a better future to hundreds of economically disadvantaged people in many developing countries throughout the world. Thank you! For information about Concern America’s many programs or if you would like to see a selection of Concern America crafts, you are invited to visit our web site at concernamerica.org. To place an order for something you saw at the sale, pleas call our office at (800) CON-CERN (800-266-2376) FLORAL DONATIONS Thank you Charles and Lindalisa Louis for the floral donation in memory of Military Families and Pet Rescue. TURNING THE TIDE When everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. --Harriet Beecher Stowe St. Julie’s Society of St. Vincent De Paul Pantry Needs this week are as follows: • Peanut Butter and Jelly • Tuna • Small Jars or Bags of Ground coffee • Instant coffee • Vegetable oil, Salt and Pepper • Sugar • Spaghetti and Pasta Sauce • Breakfast Items, Cereal, Pancacke Mix and Syrup As always we are overwhelmed with the blessings of you, the parishioners of St. Julie’s and your support in our mission to help those in need. Please note that the next Food Share is January 12, 2016 from 4:00 pm until 5:45pm We welcome the following newly baptized into the community of St. Julie’s Catholic Church and congratulate the parents and family. Roman Alexi Sanchez “Have You Remembered” St. Julie Billiart Church in your will or trust? For further information, please contact Fr. Paul Hruby at [email protected] or Kimberly Jetton, Planned Giving Office Manager at (213)637-7512 . Our correct legal title is The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, a Corporation Sole for the benefit of:St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church. Page Six www.stjulieschurch.org SJYM - St. Julies Youth Ministry All high school students are invited to Sunday evening for Youth Ministry from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Youth Ministry - Daryl Hitt Email: [email protected] January 10, 2016 Making Decisions With God – A series of four discussions led by Sister Mary Leanne Hubbard and SND Associate Jen Coito. Join us to learn more about “discernment of spirits” and “communal discenment” in the Ignatian and Quaker spiritual traditions. Wednesdays, January 13, 20, 27 and February 3. From 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Notre Dame Center (1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360). Please RSVP to Sister Marie Paul Grech at [email protected]. Be wary of online friendships. Today’s teens may seem to be always online, with constant messaging and sharing on social media with a large audience. The internet is a great place to meet people, but these meetings come with potential dangers that can put kids and teens at risk. You don’t know who you’re really talking to online. Pay attention to the sites your kids on computers and mobile devices. Monitor the sites that they visit and ask questions about who they talk to and what information they provide to their online friends. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Preventing Teen Victimization On- and Offline,” email [email protected].
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