February 7, 2016 - Newbury Park


February 7, 2016 - Newbury Park
St. Julie Billiart Church
E-Mail: [email protected]
2475 Borchard Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Parish Office (805) 498-3602 Fax: (805) 376-2332
Religious Education Office (805) 499-0979
Website: www.stjulieschurch.org
February 7, 2016
To All Who Worship
With Us Today!
The St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Community
warmly welcomes you.
If you are new to our parish
community, we invite you to make
St. Julie’s your spiritual foundation.
We encourage you to visit our website at
www. stjulieschurch.org
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. -Mary Health
Email: [email protected]
Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.
For the Sick - By Appointment
Sunday Supply
Deacon Kim Bond,Deacon Barry Harper
Deacon David Lawrence ,Deacon Claudio Selame
Deacon David Smith - Pastoral Assistant
Email: [email protected]
2nd and 4th Mondays: 7:30 pm
Contact: Deacon Dave at: (805) 499-0979
Arrangements for a marriage should be
made 6 months in advance.
Please contact the Parish Office to make
an appointment with the Pastor.
Monday through Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
9:00 am - 7:00 p.m.
We cannot go where God is not. And where God is, all is well.
Page Two
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Contact Information
PARISH OFFICE - (805) 498-3602
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
(Closed-12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Monday - Thursday)
Friday - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Business Manager & Ministry Coordinator…...................498-3602
Carole Wachter……..........……....([email protected])
Faith Formation - Deacon Dave - Ext.1
Email: [email protected]
Director of Religious Education - Linda Smith Ext. 3
Email: [email protected]
Youth Ministry - Daryl Hitt Ext. 4
Email: [email protected]
Altar Servers Coordinator
Maureen Kubica- Roes ([email protected]) ......... 499-6407
Altar Society
Marie Jendian ([email protected]).................498-5249
Divine Mercy
Virginia Witt ([email protected])................................... 805-758-9339
Eucharistic Ministers
Pat Stotko ([email protected]) ....................................383-9478
Helping Hands
Sally Kutcher ([email protected]) ............. 498-7377
Knights of Columbus
Ray Sobrino ([email protected])……............ 376-8389
Jim Bullock ([email protected]) .................................. 376-2447
Music Ministry
Leanna Brand ([email protected]) ................581-7184
Meal & Winter Shelter
Bob Shaffer ([email protected]) ..............................573-0941
Parish Pastoral Council
Dave Sanders ([email protected]) .......................... 551-0531
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Karen Seemann ................................. [email protected]
Ron & Dorothy Hage ([email protected]) ...................... 498-1566
24-Hour Hot Line—Life Centers ...................484-1122
Safeguard the Children Committee
Ed Roes .....................................................................499-6407
Seniors Club (OWLS)
Ed Francis ..................................................................498-3232
80+ Social
Sue Thompson ([email protected]) ............... 493-1394
Richard Gaz ([email protected]) .....................498-3393
Wedding Coordinator
Donna Perroni ................................... ([email protected])
Welcoming Ministry
Phyllis Simonich ([email protected]).....499-7000
During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis calls us to
share with everyone the tender compassion of God that we
ourselves have experienced. In today’s Gospel, Luke uses a
special Greek word conveying just such tenderness. In the
other Gospels, Jesus calls the disciples to be “fishers,” haleis, the same word that means catching fish with hooks or
nets, to be killed and eaten. But Luke uses zogron, from zoe
or “life,” meaning “catch or gather people alive,” as animal
lovers capture without harming, rescue from “the wild” for
a better life, and protect in aquarium or zoo, tenderly cared
for by professionals committed to the creatures’ well-being.
So in Luke’s vision--and Pope Francis’ as well--we who have
been “caught alive” by God’s mercy ourselves are to become
“missionaries of mercy” during this Jubilee Year of Mercy,
rescuing fellow sinners from danger and gathering them into
Jesus’ community to enjoy fullness of life.
--Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Adult: When have you felt God’s merciful forgiveness? Did it strengthen you?
Youth: When are you afraid or feel inadequate to
help others? How has faith in God strengthened you?
First Reading -- The Israelites show their faith by offering
the LORD first fruits of the products of their new land
(Deuteronomy 26:4-10).
Psalm -- Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble (Psalm 91).
Second Reading -- All who express faith in the risen Christ
and confess that he is Lord will be saved
(Romans 10:8-13).
Gospel -- Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit and
was tempted (Luke 4:1-13).
Page Three
St. Julie Billiart
February 7, 2016
This Week At St. Julie’s
February 7, Sunday
Pray and Play -9:00 am -12:30 pm - RM #2 and #3
Helping Hands Celebration -12:30 pm - Hall
RCIA - 9:00 am - Rm #5
Charismatic Prayer Group -1:00pm -Rm #5
Divine Mercy - 3:00pm -Church
Youth Ministry - 6:30 pm - Hall
February 8, Monday
SVDP - 9a-12pm - Room 4
Adult Confirmation - 7:00 pm - Hall
February 9, Tuesday
Foodshare- SVDP - 4:00pm -5:45pm - Hall
Women’s Bible Study - 7:00pm - Room #5
February 10, Wednesday
Mass—Ash Wednesday 9:00 am—St. Julie’s
Mass—Ash Wednesday 12:00 pm—St. Julie’s
Mass—Ash Wednesday 7:00 pm—St. Julie’s
SVDP - 9a-12pm - Room 4
Confirmation I/II - 6:30 pm - Hall
RCIA 7:00p -8:30p - Rm #5
February 11, Thursday
Women’s Bible Study - 9:30am - Room #5
Children’s Choir - 4:15 - Church
University Series- 7:30pm - Hall
Adult Choir - 7:00 pm Church
February 12, Friday
SVDP - 9a-12-pm Room 4
Lenten Dinner - Winter Shelter 5:00 pm - Parish Hall
Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm @-Church
Divine Mercy - 7:00pm - Chapel
Santa Julia - 7:45pm - Church
February 13, Saturday
Shelter Dinner 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm -Parish Hall
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
World Day for Consecrated Life;
Boy Scout Sunday
St. Jerome Emiliani;
St. Josephine Bakhita;
Chinese New Year 4714
Ash Wednesday;
Fast and Abstinence;
Our Lady of Lourdes;
World Day of the Sick;
National Shut-in Visitation Day
Lincoln’s Birthday; Abstinence
Sunday, February 7
Tony & Mercedes Gamboa (+)
Jean Weber (+)
John Resendez (+)
David Boone (Int)
Monday, February 8
Fr. Edward Hill (+)
Tuesday, February 9
Fr. Edward Hill (+)
Wednesday, February 10
8:00Ash Wednesday
Thursday, February 11
Joan Gaz (+)
Friday, February 12
Carl Witt (+)
Saturday, February 13
Alice Shaffer (+)
Christian Braden
Jeanette Budnik
Kevin Courtney
Pat Frangiamore
Angelo Frangiamore
Marilyn Frangiamore
David Giese
Kelly Miroballi Gilbert
Robin Gruver
Sunny Higgens
Clark Hunter
Tim Kelly
Joseph McCartin
Alan Mieren
Martin O”Neil
Don Rockwell
Tony Simonich
Jerry Steadman
Helen Valdez-Kilbourne
Please let us know if you would like us to add any of
your friends or loved ones to our prayer list.
Email us at [email protected] or contact
the Parish Office at 498-3602.
Thank you for helping us keep the list current.
~St. Julie’s Parish Staff
Weston Baccus, Justin Ray Cress, Cameron Davis.
Dillon Francis, Jordan Galuszka, Ryne Intlekofer,
Brendan Konrath.Catherine Bernadette S. MagnoPopa, Heather Masigat, Joseph Pace,Vincent Masigat,
Antonio Pagano, Brian S. Petit, William J. Price, Oren
Pursley, Kyle Stotko, Mitchell Stotko, Logan Wilk,
Paul Witt, Mathew Walker , Paul Woods
LENT 2016
We begin Lent with the observance of Ash Wednesday on February 10th. Lent comes from the Old English
word for “Springtime”. Once again, we take inventory of our lives with some interior “Spring cleaning”!
It is during this time that we ask where have we fallen short of God’s plan for us? Where do we need to
turn hatred or resentment into love and forgiveness? Where does God need to be more manifested in our
lives? Each year we have the opportunity through these 40 days to submit ourselves to God and through
fasting, almsgiving, and prayer and whatever Lenten observances we choose, to be transformed into our
own best selves, to be more perfectly who God has called us to be!
Some suggestions for this Lent:
• Unplug the TV and turn off electronic devices as much as possible. Use the additional time for spiritual
reading and prayer.
• Commit yourself to one hour a week before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament chapel. Grow more lovingly
in devotion to the Eucharist.
• Make family dinner a priority. Begin each meal with a prayer of thanksgiving from everyone present.
• Write a “thank you” note each day (or each week) to someone who has touched your life in a positive
way. A grateful heart is the strongest antidote to negativity and pessimism.
• Try to see good in others, especially those who try your patience.
• If possible, attend Mass during the week. See that it is as natural as eating and breathing!
• Select a few choice subjects and attend the “University Series” here at Saint Julie’s or in one of the local
parishes! Expand your horizons!
• Meet someone new at church. Be in a hurry to “stay” after Mass and say hello to someone who up to
this point is a “stranger”!
• Think about something you can do to make Saint Julie’s a better parish! And do it!
• Pray the rosary with our parish Right to Life group at least once during Lent.
Fast and Abstinence
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory
days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In
addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of
For members of the Church, the norms on fasting
are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. Two
smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal
a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from
meat are binding upon members of the Church from
age 14 onwards.
Ash Wednesday Mass Times
St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church
9:00 am
Mark Your Calendars
Lenten Dinners and
Stations of the Cross
Begin on February 12, 2016.
All Are Welcome!
Penance Service St. Julie Billiart
March 9, 2016
for more information on Lent 2016
Scout Sunday will be
observed by St. Julie’s at the
9:30am Mass today. We are
very proud of the dedication
and hard work of these young
people and their leaders.
All Helping Hands Ministers
and those whom we have helped
are invited to a luncheon after
the 11am Mass on February 7.
Join our celebration of twenty years; enjoy the
food and fellowship. See you there. Any questions
call Sally Kutcher 498-7377.
St. Julie’s Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Pantry needs this week are as follows:
• Peanut Butter and Jelly
• Tuna, Canned Meat
• Small Jars or Bags of Ground coffee , Instant Coffee
• Canned Beans
• Spaghetti and Pasta Sauce
• Cornflakes and Oatmeal
• Pancacke Mix and Syrup ( Reg. and Sugar Free)
As always we are overwhelmed with the blessings of
you, the parishioners of St. Julie’s and your support
in our mission to help those in need.
Our next Foodshare Pantry is this Tuesday, February
9, 2016 from 4:00pm until 5:45 pm and is held in the
Parish hall. Call 805.270.9597 for more information.
“Holy, holy, holy!” Ancient languages, like the Hebrew used in the scriptures, did not always have a
way to express superlatives in one word. Isaiah could
not say God was “holiest,” so he used the threefold
repetition of the same word. This bit of scriptural minutiae about these “three little words” that we sing
at every Mass serves as a reminder that answering
God’s call has to be grounded in awareness of God’s
holiness. In Isaiah and in the Gospel passage today,
we hear accounts of the revelation of God’s power
and might: the seraphim in the temple and the miraculous catch of fish. These are not wondrous revelations for their own sakes. They lead to a response
in mission, Isaiah’s “Here I am, send me!” and the
disciples’ leaving everything to follow Jesus. And so
must our own “Holy, Holy, Holy!” lead us to Christ
in the Eucharist every Sunday, and to a life following
him day by day.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another
as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen
your communication, strengthen your relationship,
rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament
by attending the next WWME weekend Feb 19-21 at
the Best Western Canoga Park. Contact Jeanine and
Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at www.
twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages
Online Giving provides secure access for St. Julie
Parishioners to set up payment schedules that fit their
needs. You can set up one-time gifts and pledges as
well. Parishioners who pay their bills online have the
same option for their parish contributions. Please log
on to: www.stjulieschurch.org to sign up.
Page Six
SJYM - St. Julies Youth Ministry
All high school students
are invited to Sunday evening
for Youth Ministry from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Contact Youth Ministry Director: Daryl Hitt
Email: [email protected]
Feburary 7, 2016
Untold Blessings Series - Notre Dame
Center (1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks,
CA 91360) will screen this video series by Bishop Robert Barron in three parts on February
4, 18, and March 3, at 10:00 a.m. and again at
7:00 p.m. Each 90-minute session will include
an opening reflection, the film and sharing. Material for further reflection will also be provided. Please RSVP to Sister Marie Paul Grech at
[email protected].
Help children through challenges by offering support instead of solutions.
Whether it’s a toddler being mean-spirited to a sibling or a teenager being self-involved and refusing
to see the bigger picture, it can be tempting to try to fix their challenges. Under many circumstances,
the attitude of trying to fix someone is often counter-productive. Instead of offering a solution to
child facing a dilemma, do your best to listen, ask questions, encourage, empathize and pray. For
a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Communication Tip No. 10: You Can’t Fix Them, But You Can …”
email [email protected].