AUGUST 28, 2016 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A more distinguished guest . . . (Luke 14:8) In the second century AD, the scientist/astronomer Claudius Ptolemy presented a model of the solar system that stated that the Earth was the center of the universe. About 1,400 years later, another astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, overturned Ptolemy’s model and taught that Earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around. Just as Copernicus upended Ptolemy’s teaching, Jesus upends our assumptions. Every day he asks us, “Who is the center of your life? Are you living under my rule or under yours?” Using the Ptolemaic system as a model, we might say, “I choose to be the center of my universe.” Living under that model tends to make us selfcentered, even if we appear to be good and upright. It can move us to ignore our weaknesses, take all the credit for our goodness, and never submit to Jesus’ rule. Using the Copernican model, we might say, “Jesus is at the center of my universe.” We place him at the center when we realize that although he was perfect as the Son of God, he became a man and died to rescue us from sin. We place him at the center when we realize, not only that he loved us even unto death, but also that he has been raised up and is now Lord of heaven and earth (Philippians 2:6-11). Of course, it’s humbling to say, “Jesus, I want you to be at the center of my life.” These words are opposed to our fallen nature. Yet the more we begin each day by praying these words, the more we will find ourselves filled with an incredible peace. We will also find a grace-filled determination to place our lives—every thought and every action—under Jesus’ rule so that we can give him glory. Jesus is the most distinguished Person ever to live in our hearts. Let’s treat him like the royal Guest that he is. “Jesus, you are my Lord and my God. Come and reign in me.” With permission of the Word Among Us, Copyright 2014 Saturday, August 27 5:00 Robert Consadine Sunday, August 28 7:30 Joseph & Theresa Gehrig 9:30 Meshy Tasnady 11:30 Nicholas Siciliano 5:00 Judith Russo-Mletzko Monday, August 29 6:45 Theresa Radzivila 12:15 John Leyden, Sr. & John Leyden, Jr. Tuesday, August 30 6:45 The people of St. Martin de Porres 12:15 Gaetano Citera Wednesday, August 31 6:45 Janet Smalley 12:15 Ida Sgaggero Thursday, September 1 6:45 T. V. Devasia 12:15 Catherine Costanzo Friday, September 2 6:45 Theresa Radzivila 12:15 Anthony Incorva Saturday, September 3 8:00 Caroline & Aloysius Mikula 5:00 Joseph DiLonardo Sunday, September 4 7:30 Arthur Fraleigh 9:30 Len O’Connor 11:30 Ralph Albergo 5:00 Deceased Members of Knights of Columbus The Bread & Wine Used during the Masses This week are In Loving memory of Art O’Connell, Sr. The Sanctuary Candle Is lit this week In Loving Honor of Art O’Connell, Sr. Parish information Calvary Cemetery 62 Lagrange Avenue, Poughkeepsie 473-4222 Caring Committee 473-4222 Parish Office at Community of Praise Prayer Group Meetings Praising God and Prayers for Healing Monday-7:30 PM Bill Haag 462-3669 C. Y. O. Knights of Columbus Chris Fields 462-8790 Larry Prescott Parish Council William Kennedy 462-4717 Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in The Nativity Center Health Care Ministry Doris Kennedy 462-4717 Senior Program Val Brown 471-7567 Youth Ministry Fr. Bancroft 473-4222 Music Ministry Jackie Hourani 223-3439 Catholic Charities 452-1400 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday from 7:30 AM-12:00 noon. ROSARY – (Mon.-Sat.) after the First Mass of the day. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Monday after the 12:15 PM Mass REMEMBER OUR SICK Christopher LaFalce, Robert Stoutenburgh, Peter Cavaliere, Pat Drain, Anthony Coviello, Josephine Bohac, Nenesio Serrano, Joseph Boback, Joe McKeown, Karen Iovane, David Tracey, Ann Fields, Joan Callagy, Patrick Fraleigh, Andrew Tallon, Eileen Donovan Ballantine, Erika Clayton, Anthony Tomasselli, Cathie Geerlings, Stephanie & Kevin Gieseler, Ralph Fiorio, Laura Ardito, John Carpenter, Mae Stringer, Catherine Yurkovic, Gerry Jacobs, Kathryn Barber, Dawn Hammond, Fr. Robert Norton, OFM, Laura Reilly, Enza Cassata, Betty Vassari, Jim Sassaman, Sharon Mateo, Lourdes Mateo, Alice Wannick, Josephine Milton, Frank Franco, Patrick Craig, Ann Place, Maui Lengyel, Paul Stuewer, Esther Rhynders & Kathy Colt. MILITARY SERVICE We would like to remember all of our parishioners serving in the Armed Forces, at home, but especially those serving overseas. Please remember especially: Pvt. 1st Class Evan Simeon; LT. Ryan Henebery; Sgt. Christopher Wilks; Arm. Robert Wilks; Pvt. Donald Schneider; Staff Sgt. Philip D. Percesepe, USMC; Sr. Airman Anthony DiMase; Corey R. Tag; E-4 James LeRoy, US Army; Ens. Kathryn Munson; Sgt. Vincent A. Fiorillo; Airman Frank Lauria; LT. Eric Hung, USN; Petty Officer 3 rd Class Robert J. LaBarbera, III U.S.N.; Sgt. Marc Coviello; Army; Pvt. Nathan Wentworth; Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian Brandon USN; Sgt. Levi Santagate, USMC; AM2 (AW) Bridgit Stratton; Capt. Eddie Preisser, US Army; Airman 1st Class Preston David Wtulich, USAF; Richard Milliot, 2nd Mate; Major Benjamin Hung, US Army; LCPL Aidan Steckley USMC, Sgt. 1st Class Harold Petershagen, Cpl. Cory J. Espejo,USMC. ST. MARTIN de PORRES NOVENA Wednesday after the 12:15 PM MassArchCare Navigation- Need help caring for yourself or someone else? Totally Free! Call855-951-CARE CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER 845-471-9284 Sisters of Life Hope & Healing After Abortion Women -866-575-0075/ [email protected] Men-877-586-4621/[email protected] FLOCKNOTE’S-Stay connected to the Parish and the Archdiocese. Text Martin to 84576 or go to to sign up. PASTORAL INFORMATION If you are new to the parish and would like to register you may do so by filling out the registration form in the vestibule of the church or printing a form off the parish web site and returning it to the parish office via collection basket or mailing it to 118 Cedar Valley Rd. Poughkeepsie NY, 12603, or stop by the parish office. If you are a parishioner & need to update your information, please e-mail updates to [email protected]. Please let us know if you have an address, phone # or e-mail address change; are moving out of the parish; or if a family member is sick and would like to be visited by a priest or a deacon. page2 I Katlyn Torrens & Joseph Zechanker Cenacle for Life Our Cenacle for Life meets every Monday afternoon after the 12:15 Mass and Miraculous Medal Novena. We meet near the tabernacle and say 10 decades of the Rosary for Life, for the protection of the lives of the unborn, for the weak, the sick, the elderly, and the most vulnerable persons in our society. We pray to affirm the dignity of each human life and to defeat the Culture of Death in our society. Come join us. The Religious Education Program Thank you to all who answered the call to teach our children. We have filled several positions, however we are still in need of teachers for 2nd, 6th grades for the 2016-2017 school year. We also need aides for various grade levels & substitute teachers. Classes are held on Tuesday nights from 5:30pm7:00pm and on Wednesday nights from 6:15pm-7:45pm. Please contact the office at (845) 471-8728 for more information. Thank you! PILGRIMAGE TO The Senior Center is closed for the month of August. Coming Events September 17th –Dinner on the Hudson: Boat departs Kingston 6:30pm. Tickets $42.00pp & includes 2 hour cruise, Buffet Style Dinner catered by Mariners Harbor & Music. A bus would be approximately $20 extra. If interested, please let Val know ASAP so trip can be booked. September 27th –A Day at Mohonk: Bus leaves at 9:45am and returns at 5:30pm. Buffet luncheon, a presentation by a chef 11:15, 15% discount coupon for gift house or greenhouse garden shop, Tea, cookies & a souvenir! $83.50pp October 13th: Saturday Night Fever, Bus leaves at 9:30 and returns at 5:30. $77.00pp October 29th: 9:30-3:30 Interested Vendors please call Val @ 4623105 th November 17 : Bus leaves at 8:30 and returns at 7:30. $35.00pp December 12th –Christmas Party: Cappuccinos, 12-4:00pm, 3 meal Choices, beer, wine & soda. Music by Bob Martinson. $25pp December 20th – “A Playhouse Christmas, Bus leaves at 8:30 and returns at 7:00. $94.50pp Val - 462-3105 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) 2016-2017 Want to become a Catholic or thinking about it or wondered what the Catholic faith is all about? Do you know of someone who might be interested in the same? Have you not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Holy Communion to complete your initiation into the Church, the RCIA process may be for you. Come to the Information/Introduction Night on Wed., September 14th, at 7:00pm at the Nativity Center. Come register and get your questions answered. Classes will begin on September 21st at 7:00pm. No fees are required, just your time! If you need more information, call Deacon Frank Hung at 845-705-4852 or call the Rectory at 845-473-4222. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” `Dr. Seuss Good luck to all those who are off to College! SPAIN & PORTUGAL Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions at Fatima: APRIL 24 – MAY 3, 2017 Visiting: Fatima ▪ Salamanca Santiago de Compostela Ávila ▪ Madrid Hosted By: St. Martin de Porres Parish Spiritual Director: Fr. Abraham George $2799 PER PERSON FROM NEW YORK (Air/land tour price is $2169 plus $630 government taxes/airline surcharges) TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Roundtrip airfare from New York, $630 govt. taxes/airline surcharges, first class/select hotels, most meals, services of a professional tour director and comprehensive sightseeing, all hotel service charges, Porterage and entrance fees FOR BROCHURE WITH COMPLETE DETAILS, Contact Mrs. Kathleen Davis (845) 473-4222 Email: [email protected] Space is limited! Book early to avoid disappointment! New York Catholic Bible School Program Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Catholic Office will be holding classes beginning Monday, Sept. 12th from 6:30-8:30 at the Church of St. Dennis in Hopewell. The program provides Level Three & Four Certification to Catechists of religious education programs and RCIA. However, it is open to all adults who are seeking “something more”. Tuition is $150 per trimester with a $35 nonrefundable registration fee. Qualifying catechists are eligible for a discounted tuition. For more information e-mail [email protected] or call Maureen @ 646-794-2855 or Elda @ 646-794-2862. Mt. Alvernia Women’s Retreat Mt. Alvernia Retreat Center announces Women’s Retreat, Sept. 9th -11th; Theme: Jubilee of Divine Mercy; Includes: Private Bedroom with full bath, Linens, Friday Dinner at 6:00pm, three meals on Saturday & two meals on Sunday. The retreat consists of Communal & private prayer times, four Conferences, Adoration, Opportunity for Reconciliation, Saturday & Sunday Mass. Cost &175.00pp. $50 deposit to reserve your place. For more information please call 845-297-5706 X 112. Kennedy Catholic Golf Classic, Centennial Golf Club, Thursday Oct. 6th for more info call 914232-5061 ex. 121 or go to Walk to Fight Suicide Dutchess County Community Walk, Sunday, September 25th, Walkway over the Hudson. For more information Contact Marisa Ruff @ 243-4619 or go to page3 Following Christ It isn't enough to just love Jesus. He said we are to be His disciples. A disciple is a student or a follower of a teacher. What does it take to be a disciple of Jesus in today's world? Come join us for the dynamic 7 week series Following Christ on Sunday evenings from 6:15-8:15 in the Nativity Center beginning Oct. 2nd - Nov. 13th. Cost is $25 which includes dinner on first night, retreat day (October 30th), & all materials. Prerequisite: Discovering Christ. Email us at [email protected] with any questions. Registration forms in the back of the vestibule. Sunday, Sept. 11th from 10:30am to 2pm and Friday, Sept. 16th from 5pm to 8pm in the school cafeteria. Includes boys and girls divisions for instructional (K-3), intramural (B3-12, G4-10) and travel. Travel try-outs will be 9/24 and intramural evaluations will be 10/2. Boys high school league (grades 1012) will start on 9/17 at Gold's Gym. $20 late fee after 9/16. Registration information and forms available Please be prepared to signup for clinics; contests; Brooklyn Nets and New York Knicks events; Marist, Vassar, St. John and Army events; UConn men's and women's practices and more at registration. Contact Chris Fields at [email protected] or call 462-8790. A Lecture on Martin Luther Please join the St. Martin de Porres Ecumenical Committee on Thursday, September 29, at 7:00 pm, in the St. Martin de Porres Nativity Center. Pastor Dan Ward, Pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Church Poughkeepsie will lecture on Martin Luther, as the Christian world gets ready to commemorate the beginning of the Reformation five hundred years ago. Come listen and learn about one of the pivotal figures of Christian history and the community of faith that he founded. A Healing Mass With a free flow of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, will be held Tuesday, September 6, at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish,. Guest Celebrant will be Fr. James Sheridan, newly ordained by Cardinal Dolan and serving at St. Columba Parish. Praise & worship begins at 7:00 pm.; Mass at 7:30, in the Chapel. Individual prayers for healing follow Mass. The event is sponsored by Spirit Wind Prayer Group of St. Kateri. Spirit Wind also meets on the other Tuesdays for praise & prayer from 7 to 8:30 in the Chapel. Details contact Pat or Joe at 845-440-3519. Teen Do you like to read? Are you comfortable reading before a crowd? If you do, I’m looking for students in Grade 6 and up to read at the 5:00pm Teen Masses! High School students are welcome too! For more information or if you are interested, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you Needed for your interest! Mrs. Farina Ways to Support St. Martin de Porres School Target- Take Charge of Education: Register your card designating SMDPS School code 10910). The school will Receive 1% of your total bill. Tools for School: Register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card designating SMDPS (code 16284). Box Top for Education & Campbell Soup Labels: Send in box tops and labels for the school to receive credit for supplies. A+ Bonus Bucks: Register your S&S card designating SMDPS (school code 07838) and the school will earn money. All you have to do is: Log on to to register online OR Dial 1-877-275-2758 to register your card Please visit the PSA website for all information regarding our committee and events. Helpers Needed The Parish Picnic will be on Sunday September 11th, from 12:30pm to 4:00pm in the Field next to the Church. Helpers are needed on both Saturday 10th @ 9:00am & Sunday September 11th @ 10:00am to: Set up the children's games, Helping with face painting Setting up the food service area (grills, tables, table covering, service ware), Serving beverages (iced tea, lemonade, punch, water, ice), The grill line, as cooks (charcoal grilling the meat), The grill line, as servers (placing meats in buns/rolls and plating out), AND, where help is most definitely needed, cleanup after the festivities. If you wish to help, please call to Mike Franco at (845) 462-3186. We would like to have enough volunteers so that each person will have only a 1-hour shift, thereby allowing each volunteer to enjoy time with loved ones. All the work of coordination and preparation for the big day is a gift of the volunteers who offer their time and energy. Last year we had games for the kids, balloons and face-painting, and we served about 500 hot dogs and hamburgers, baked beans, a variety of condiments and 50 gallons of beverages. We are expecting at least that much this year. In observance of Labor Day the Parish office will be closing on Friday, September 2nd at 12:00pm and will reopen on Tuesday September 6th at 9:30am. St. Martin de Porres Parish Picnic Sunday September 11th 12:30 to 4:00 PM Everyone Welcome! Everything Free! Stop by one or all of our Parish Ministry Tables and meet the people who are serving the many needs of our parish. Find out about the many ways you can get involved in your parish community. Family Day Be Involved. Stay Involved is The National Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse’s national initiative to promote simple acts of parental engagement as key ways to help prevent risky substance use in children and teens. Family day will be celebrated across the country on September 26th. to learn more about Family Day and to join parents all across America in taking the Family Day STAR pledge, log on to 426deporrespage5 Year of Mercy Events Sponsored by: The Carmelite Sisters of the Aged & Infirmed St. Theresa’s Motherhouse, a designated Pilgrimage site with a Holy Door for the Jubilee Year of Mercy, 600 Woods Rd. Germantown. Sunday, Sept. 18th Sacrament of Reconciliation, Quiet Prayer, Tours of our Venerable Mother Angeline Heritage Center 1-2:45pm. Sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00pm followed by Mass Celebrated by Fr. Paul Fagan, C.P. On Wed. Sept. 21st St. Luke Productions will present “MAXIMILIAN, Saint of Auschwitz” performed live by the captivating, gifted actor, Leonardo Defilippis. Carmel Hall 7:00pm. Free will offering, suitable for ages 10 & up. For more information call 518-5375000 or e-mail [email protected]. The First Saturday Club for People with Disabilities Will be held on Saturday, September 10th at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Church, LaGrangeville. The Rosary will be said at 10:30am, followed by Mass at 11:00am. A luncheon, prepared by the Host Parish, will follow after Mass. For further information contact JoAnn – 462-3186 or Elizabeth at 454-2340. RENEW & REFRESH Retreat for High School teens, Fri. Sep. 2nd, 7:00pm -Sun. Sep. 4th, 3:00 pm; Sun. Mass & Commissioning of our new Cap Corps Volunteer Commissioning at 2:00. Relaxing retreat & social time with CYFM community, a wonderful time of spiritual refreshing &fellowship with new friends & those you met on DDA, COP and CAM. Come & experience our welcoming community, make new friendships, strengthen old ones, & get to know our NEW Cap Corps Volunteers. Cost $115.00pp for materials, meals & lodging. Registration deadline is Tues. Aug. 30, send application (available at on “events” tab), $60.00 non-refundable deposit payable to CYFM. Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries PO Box 192, 781 Route 9D Garrison, NY 10524 (845) 424-3609, National Shrine of the North American Martyrs Auriesville, NY The Florentine Council 304 & St. Mary’s Church, Poughkeepsie will be sponsoring a bus on Saturday, September 17th . The bus will leave St Mary’s at 10:00am & return aproximately 10:00pm. Cost is $25pp. The shrine honors three Missionaries as well as St. Kateri Tekakwitha. For more information Contact James Foote at [email protected]. For the Maryknoll Sisters Global Mission Outreach, Friday, October 14th at 6:00pm, in the Delegates Dining Room at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC. To purchase event Tickets, advertise in our Gala Journal, view Sponsorship opportunities, purchase raffle tickets or explore our silent auction items you may visit our website @, for more information please call 866-662-9900.