OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm
OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm
Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Giờ Lễ WEEKDAYS Monday: 8 am, 7pm Tuesday: 7am, 8am Wednesday: 7am, 8am Thursday: 8am Friday: 7am,8am Saturday: 8am SATURDAY VIGIL 4:30pm (English) 6:30 pm (Español) SUNDAYS 7:30am , 9:30am, 5:00pm (English) 11:30am,1:30 pm,7:00pm (Español) 3:15 pm (Vietnamese) Reconciliation, Confessions, Giải Tội Tuesday 6:00pm Fridays After 8:00 am Mass Saturday 3:00 pm OFFICE (760)945-8000 FAX (760)945-8036 525 West Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm (closed for lunch 12-1) CLERGY Rev. Efrain Bautista, Pastor Rev. Minh Do, Associate Pastor Rev. Phuoc Nguyen, In Residence PASTORAL ASSISTANTS: Deacon Ron Arnold Deacon Robert Mueller, DDS Deacon Loi Hoang Deacon Pedro Enciso Mon. 24 November-December 2013 Soup Kitchen - 5:00 pm Queen of Peace Rosary - 6:30 pm Queen of Peace Mass - 7:00 pm Tue. 25 Confessions 6:00 pm Wed. 26 Mother of Perpetual Help Novena after 8am Mass Feast of Christ the King This weekend in the Church we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, King of the Universe. Hence, I think that it is important that we take a look at the history of how this celebration came about. The earliest Christians identified Jesus with the predicted Messiah of the Jews. The Jewish word "messiah," and the Greek word "Christ," both mean "anointed one," and came to refer to the expected king who would deliver Israel from the hands of the Romans. Christians believe that Jesus is this expected Messiah. Unlike the messiah Thur. 27 Thanksgiving Day– Mass at 9:30 AM Offices Closed Thanksgiving Dinner 12-2:30 pm Fri. 28 Offices Closed Sat. 29 Confessions 3:00 pm Sun. 30 First Sunday of Advent Upcoming Events: Advent Penance Service at 1 PM and 6:30PM OLG Novena (Dec. 3-11) OLG Movie (Halls) Vista Christmas Parade St. Juan Diego Feast Mass 7pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass and Mañanitas (11 pm, Reception following) December 12…………. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE FEAST DAY Mass and Mañanitas 5am , Reception following Mass and Procession 6:30pm, Reception following December 2…………. December 3…………. December 5………….. December 6…………. December 9 …………. December 11…………. most Jews expected, Jesus came to free all people, Jew and Gentile, and he did not come to free them from the Romans, but from sin and death. Thus the king of the Jews, and of the cosmos, does not rule over a kingdom of this world. Christians have long celebrated Jesus as Christ, and his reign as King is celebrated to some degree in Advent (when Christians wait for his second coming in glory), Christmas (when "born this day is the King of the Jews"), Holy Week (when Christ is the Crucified King), Easter (when Jesus is resurrected in power and glory), and the Ascension (when Jesus returns to the glory he had with the Father before the world was created). However, Pope Pius XI wanted to specifically commemorate Christ as king, and instituted the feast in the Western calendar in 1925. In the 21st century many Western Christians, Catholic and Protestant, celebrate Christ the King Sunday, including Anglicans and Lutherans. Unfortunately, in some mainline Protestant churches, "king" language is not popular, and the feast is downplayed. However, in a chaotic and unjust world that seems to scorn any kind of authority, many Christians proudly celebrate Christ the King Sunday, where the loving and merciful - and just - king of the universe is praised and glorified. Fr. Efrain TODAY’S READINGS First Reading I will rescue my scattered sheep (Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17). Psalm The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — As in Adam all die, so too in Christ all shall be brought to life (1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28). Gospel Whatever you did to the least ones, you did to me (Matthew 25:31-46). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day (suggested): Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Monday: Thirty-fourth or Last Week in Ordinary Time; St. Andrew Dũng-Lạc and Companions Tuesday: St. Catherine of Alexandria Thursday: Thanksgiving Day Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe We thank all who participated in our recent blood drive. 39 pints of blood were collected, which again exceeded our goal (30). Those will be credited to our St. Francis parish fund, which makes blood available free of charge to any St. Francis parishioner who needs it. Our next blood drive will be Sunday, Feb 22, 2015. Please join us for a Thanksgiving Trilingual Mass on Thursday, November 27 at 9:30 AM. Please bring canned goods to share with the needy of our community. The Parish Offices will be closed Thursday, November 27th & Friday, November 28th in observance of our national holiday. THANKSGIVING DINNER This year we will continue the tradition of fixing and serving Thanksgiving Dinner for anyone needing a place to come for a good, safe and loving environCHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT ment on this classic American holiday. The dinner is Children from Preschool through 8th grade are served from 12:00-2:30 PM. In past years, we have invited to participate in the 4:00 pm Christ- been blessed with an mas Eve Mass. If you would like to partici- abundance of donations pate, your child must attend the rehearsals on of food, financial support and time. You will Monday, December 1st; 15th, and 22nd @ 4:00 p.m. in the Church. If you would like more information, you also have an opportunimay call Irma Amezcua at (760) 945-1712 or (760) 224-7610. ty to sign up for whatever your blessed bounPlease help us with our 75th Anniversary Celebration!! ty provides. Also, anyWe are currently searching for information . If you or anyone one who would like to you know from our parish has been orvolunteer to help with dained a priest or religious please contact “set-up” food preparaKim Severino at tel:760-622-5437 tion, serving/bussing tables, dish washing, general to submit their name and vocation inforclean-up, and post-dinner chores may call the Parish mation. office at 760 -945-8000. Thank you in advance Very Important Notice: St. Francis has a publication called “Friar News”, that allows us to keep our parishioners informed about parish events. We invite all of you to send your e-mail address to [email protected] , you will receive information on Mass times, liturgies, activities, and most importantly keep you updated on all our 75th Anniversary happenings. We will never share your information or send you spam!! UD@TE ON S@N D@MI@NO CH@PEL: Goal: 75,000 hours. Hours of service submitted by Nov. 14: 89 Pl_[s_ not_ th[t this is not [ pl_^g_ for futur_ s_rvi]_ \ut [ r_port of s_rvi]_ []]omplish_^ sin]_ Nov. 1. World Youth Day We are taking sign-ups for those who are interested in a ending World Youth Day 2016 in Poland. Please email Theresa Phan for more info.! (760) 945-8016 PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE: The Youth Ministry office hours will change December 3 (4:30pm– 7pm) and December 4 (2:30pm-7pm) Vocations Discernment "Dear young friends: If we want it to have real meaning and fulfilment, as you want and as you deserve, I say to each one of you, “Put on faith”, and your life will take on a new flavour, it will have a compass to show you the way; “put on hope” and every one of your days will be enlightened and your horizon will no longer be dark, but luminous; “put on love”, and your life will be like a house built on rock, your journey will be joyful, because you will find many friends to journey with you. Jesus is the one who brings God to us and us to God.” Pope Francis I God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts. The closer you are to God the easier it will be to understand his whispering voice; so make a plan for your spiritual life and include the following: Pray often, asking God to reveal his will and to help you know yourself better. The Vista Teen Parent Program is looking for a few generous people to provide Christmas presents for the parents and children in the program. If you are interested in sponsoring a parent and child or want to donate money towards the effort, or need more information, please contact Rae Arnold at 760-500-3201 or [email protected] The Women's Ministry Guild will be shopping as a team on Thursday, December 4th at 5:30 pm and Saturday, December 13th after the 8:00 am mass. If you would like to join us, meet at the hospitality kiosk. Bring your coupons and good cheer. Find a church or chapel that has Eucharistic adoration and set aside time each week for silent adoration. Consecrate yourself to our Mother Mary by praying the Rosary. Live a sacramental life: attend daily Mass whenever possible and go at least monthly to the sacrament of Penance. Read Scripture daily and look to other good spiritual books such as the lives of the saints, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, classics of the spiritual life, etc. Seek the guidance of a spiritual director who has a good understanding of the consecrated life, or of a religious sister. Participate in retreats or days of prayer, especially in a religious community. Talk to a sister about the concerns you might have. Visit a religious community and experience a come and see day. For more information please call Sr. Aurora Lopez-Ornelas, SJS at 619.651.5954 or Email: [email protected] FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Monday December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Our Mass schedule is: Dec. 8 7:00 am, 8:00am, 6:00 pm (English), 7:00 pm (Vietnamese in halls) 7:30 pm (Spanish). November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PARISH CELEBRATIONS December 3: 7:00pm NOVENA - Chapel (Dec. 3-11) December 5: 6:30pm MOVIE – Halls & kitchen Friday December 6: 1:00pm Vista Christmas Parade December 9: 7:00 pm St. Juan Diego Feast Mass (Church) & Reception (Halls) December 11: 2:00 pm Decorations Library & Church 11:00pm Mass & Mañanitas (Church) Reception after Mass (Halls) December 12: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Friday 5:00am Mass & Mañanitas (Church) Reception after Mass (Halls) 6:30pm Mass & OLG Procession (Church & St. Francis campus) Reception After Mass (Halls) Young Adult New Years Eve Celebration Tuesday, December 31st ; 9:00p.m-2:00a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Looking for a great way to start the year and an alterna ve to the party scene? Then, join other young adults (18-39yr old) to be a light to the world and ring in the New Year with Jesus and his His peace, love and joy! The evening will start at 9pm with Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament, 10pm Holy Mass, and a party from 11pm-2am in the hall! Our Lady of the Rosary Church is located at 1629 Columbia St, SD 92101. This is a free event-all are welcome! For info Contact Nathan at 619-415-3024 or at [email protected] SAVE THE DATE!! Christmas Gala December 13, 2014 6:30-11:00 p.m. All Hallows Parish hall Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Blanche Carey + Sr. Mary Agathelia Wuebben OSF + Veronica Cisneros + Sunday 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30pm 3:15 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday 8:00 am 7:00 pm Elena Black+ Augie Morales+ Tuesday 7:00 am 8:00 am Roger Meredith+ Mark Ianni + Wed. 7:00 am 8:00 am Wilma Mohaupt + Clarence Bartolomeo+ Thur . 9:30 am THANKSGIVING People of the Parish Friday 7:00am 8:00 am Marvin Musial + Rose Goddard + Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Jo Denning+ Martin C. Wuebben + Salvador Sanchez+ Maria Luisa Valdovinos & Family (Sp.Int.) People of the Parish Maria Arciga (Sp. Int.) Vicente Romo + + Familia Guerrero (Sp. Int.) Jorge Guerrero (Sp. Int.) OFFERING FOR THE WEEKEND OF Nov.15-16 $ 19,233 Prayers: For our sick, Joanie Caywood, Azucena Galicia For the deceased, Graciela Ortiz, Dominique D’Agostini, Vicenta Cruz, Raymundo Hernandez Lugo The Holy Father’s Intentions for the Month of November General: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Missionary: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors Culture of Life Family Services…….………………… Oceanside Pregnancy Resource Center………………… Birth Choice…………………………..………..………. Retrouville……………………………………............... Retrouvaille Español…………………………………... Catholic Charities, Thrift Store -Vista………...………. Catholic Charities, Emergency Services…………......... North County Lifeline…………………………………. St. Vincent de Paul………………………….………..... Prayer Line…………………………………………….. Rachel’s Hope……………………………….……….... Interfaith Community Services Coastal…….…..……... Brother Bennos’ Kitchen……………………......…….. Women’s Resource Center……………….…………… Catholic Charities Immigration………….……...…….. San Diego Housing Federation………………….……. (760) 741-1224 (800) 395-4357 (760) 744-1313 (951) 259-9474 (951) 259-9474 (760) 631-2819 (760) 631-4792 (760) 726-4900 (760) 407-8900 (760) 419-9869 (858) 581-3022 (760) 721-2117 (760) 439-1244 (760) 757-3500 (760) 631-5890 (619) 239-6693 R E S O U R C E S ñÙc Giêsu Kitô Vua VÛ Trø Chúa nhÆt này chúng ta mØng lÍ ñÙc Giêsu Kitô Vua VÛ Trø. Vì vÆy, xin ÇÜ®c chia së v§i qúy ÔBACE vŠ lÎch x» cûa lÍ tr†ng này. Các Kitô H»u tØ khªi ÇÀu Çã nhÆn xét Chúa Giêsu là ñÃng Messia cûa Do-Thái. Danh hiŒu "Messia" cûa Do-Thái cùng v§i m¶t tØ "Kitô" trong ti‰ng Hy Låp có nghïa là "ngÜ©i ÇÜ®c xÙc dÀu". Ngài là vua dân DoThái mong ch© ÇÍ giäi thoát Isarel khÕi quyŠn l¿c cûa ch‰ Ƕ La-mã. Các Kitô H»u xÜa nay Çã tin ch¡c Chúa Giêsu, Ngài là ñÃng Messia mong muÓn cûa muôn Dân. Chúa Giêsu không phäi chÌ là ñÃng Messia cûa Dân Do Thái thôi, nhÜng Ngài ljn Ç‹ giäi thoát mu¶n loåi khÕi t¶i l‡i và s¿ ch‰t chÙ không phäi chÌ giäi thoái Dân Do Thái khÕi tay ch‰ Ƕ La Mã. Kitô H»u xÜa nay Çã mØng lÍ ñÙc Giêsu Kitô Vua và cÛng m¶t phÀn trong mùa V†ng (trong khi ch© Ç®i Ngài ljn lÀn thÙ hai trong vinh quang), Noel ("Hôm nay, m¶t ñÃng CÙu ñ¶, vua dân Do Thái), TuÀn Thánh (khi ñÃng Kitô vua treo trên ThÆp Giá), Phøc Sinh (khi Chúa Giêsu sÓng låi v§i uy l¿c và vinh quang), và lÍ Chúa Giêsu Lên Tr©i (khi Chúa Giêsu trª låi trong s¿ vinh quang Ngài v§i ñÙc Chúa Cha Çã có trܧc khi vÛ trø ÇÜ®c tåo thành). Tuy nhiên, ñÙc Giáo Hoàng Piô XI muÓn dành riêng m¶t ngày Ç‹ mØng lÍ ñÙc Giêsu Kitô Vua VÛ Trø, và ngài Çã Ãn ÇÎnh lÍ tr†ng này trong lÎch Giáo H¶i miŠn Tây tØ næm 1925. TØ th‰ KÏ 21, nhiŠu h¶i thánh MiŠn Tây, Công Giáo, Tin Lành, k‹ cä các hŒ phái Luther và Anh Giáo ÇiŠu mØng lÍ ñÙc Giêsu Kitô Vua vào ngày Chúa NhÆt. NhÜng trong m¶t phÀn cûa phái Tin Lành, danh tØ "Vua" không có nhÃn månh và Çôi khi coi thÜ©ng. M¥c dÀu chúng ta sÓng trong th‰ gì§i bÃt chính và nhiŠu khi khinh thÜ©ng quyŠn l¿c, nhiŠu h¶i thánh tôn tr†ng và vui mØng lÍ m¶t Chúa NhÆt dành cho ñÙc Giêsu Kitô Vua, và chúng ta tôn sùng lòng thÜÖng xót và tình yêu cûa Chúa là Vua VÛ Trø. ~LM. Efrain @]tivi^[^_s _n S[n Fr[n]is]o ^_ @sís Fiesta de Cristo Rey Este fin de semana en la Iglesia celebramos la fiesta de Cristo Rey, Rey del Universo. Por lo tanto, creo que es importante conocer la historia del comienzo de esta celebración. Los primeros cristianos identificaron a Jesús como el Me- sías prometido de los judíos. Tanto la palabra judía "mesías", y la palabra griega "Cristo", significa "ungido", y describía al rey que esperaban que liberara a Israel de las manos de los romanos. Los cristianos creen que Jesús es el Mesías esperado. A pesar de que los judíos esperaban a un mesías que los liberara de los romanos, Jesús vino a liberar a todas las personas, judíos y gentiles, y el vino a liberarlos no de los romanos, sino del pecado y de la muerte. De manera, que, el rey de los judíos, y del cosmos, no gobierna sobre un reino de este mundo. Domingo 23 Lunes 24 Martes 25 Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado 26 27 28 29 Ministerio de Hombres 7am MISAS ESPAÑOL 11:30am/1:30pm/7pm Comida para indigentes 5:00pm La Liturgia y los Sacramentos 6:30-9:30 pm Confesiones 6 pm Grupo de Oración 7pm Reflexión Dominical 7:00 p.m. Tutoría 6:00pm Confesiones después de Misa de 8am Confesiones 3pm Próximamente: Diciembre 2- Servicio penitencial 1;30pm y 6pm Diciembre 3 Novena de La virgen de Guadalupe Diciembre 5 Película de La Virgen de Guadalupe Diciembre 6 Desfile de Navidad en Vista Diciembre 9 Misa de San Juan Diego 7 pm (recepción después de la misa) Diciembre 11- Misa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y Mañanitas a las 11 pm con recepción después de la misa Diciembre 12: FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Misa y Mañanitas 5 am Misa y Procesión 6:30 pm Los cristianos han celebrado mucho a Jesús como Cristo, y su reinado como Rey se celebra hasta cierto punto en el Adviento (cuando los cristianos esperan a su segunda venida en gloria), Navidad (cuando "nace el día de hoy el Rey de los judíos"), la Semana Santa (cuando Cristo es Rey Crucificado), Pascua (cuando Jesús resucita en poder y gloria), y la Ascensión (cuando Jesús regresa a la gloria que tuvo con el Padre antes de la creación del mundo). Sin embargo, el Papa Pío XI quiso conmemorar específicamente a Cristo como Rey, e instituyó la fiesta en el calendario occidental en 1925. En el siglo 21 muchos cristianos occidentales, católicos y protestantes, celebran el domingo de Cristo Rey, incluyendo anglicanos y luteranos. Por desgracia, en algunas iglesias protestantes, el lenguaje "rey" no es popular, y la fiesta se ha minimizado. Sin embargo, en un mundo caótico e injusto que parece despreciar cualquier tipo de autoridad, muchos cristianos celebran con orgullo domingo de Cristo Rey, donde el amoroso y misericordioso y justo Rey del Universo es alabado y glorificado. P. Efrain LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El pastor-rey busca a los perdidos y sana a los heridos (Ezequiel 34:11-12, 15-17). Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta (Salmo 23 [22]). Segunda lectura — Cristo nuestro rey ha conquistado la muerte (1 Corintios 15:20-26, 28). Evangelio — El Hijo del Hombre se sentará en su glorioso trono y los separará unos de otros (Mateo 25:31-46). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Apo 14:1-3, 4b-5; Sal 24 (23):1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lc 21:1-4 Martes: Apo 14:14-19; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Lc 21:5-11 Miércoles: Apo 15:1-4; Sal 98 (97):1-3ab, 7-9; Lc 21:12-19 Jueves: Apo 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 21:20-28 Día de Acción de Gracias (sugerencia): Sir 50:22-24; Sal 145 (144):2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lc 17:11-19 Viernes: Apo 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a; Lc 21:29-33 Sábado: Apo 22:1-7; Sal 95 (94):1-7ab; Lc 21:34-36 Domingo: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Sal 80 (79):2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3 -9; Mc 13:33-37 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo Lunes: Trigésima Cuarta Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; San Andrés Dũng-Lạc y compañeros Martes: Santa Catalina de Alejandría Jueves: Día de Acción de Gracias Sábado: Santa María Virgen 23 de noviembre de 2014 Nuestro Señor Jesucristo rey del universo REPRESENTACION NAVIDEÑA Niños desde Preescolar hasta el 8vo. Grado están invitados a participar en la Misa de las 4 pm del 24 de diciembre. Si desea que sus niños participen, ustedes deben asistir a los ensayos los 1o, 15 y 22 de Diciembre a las 4 PM en la Iglesia. Para esta representación navideña se necesitan lectores, ángeles, borreguitos, estrellas, etc. Para participar y mas información, llame de inmediato a Irma Amezcua al 760 945-1712 o 760 224-7610 Consagración del género humano al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Ordenada por Pío XI para el día de Cristo Rey Dulcísimo Jesús, Redentor del género humano, miradnos humildemente postrados delante de vuestro altar; vuestros somos y vuestros queremos ser y a fin de poder vivir más estrechamente unidos con Vos, todos y cada uno espontáneamente nos consagramos en este día a vuestro Sacratísimo Corazón. Muchos, por desgracia, jamás os han conocido; muchos, despreciando vuestros mandamientos, os han desechado. Oh Jesús benignísimo, compadeceos de los unos y de los otros, y atraedlos a todos a vuestro Corazón Sacratísimo. Oh Señor, sed Rey, no sólo de los hijos fieles que jamás se han alejado de Vos, sino también de los pródigos que os han abandonado; haced que vuelvan pronto a la casa paterna, para que no perezcan de hambre y de miseria. Sed Rey de aquellos que, por seducción del error o por espíritu de discordia, viven separados de Vos: devolvedlos al puerto de la verdad y a la unidad de la fe, para que en breve, se forme un solo rebaño bajo un solo Pastor. Sed Rey de los que permanecen todavía envueltos en las tinieblas de la idolatría o del islamismo; dignaos atraerlos a todos a la luz de vuestro reino. Mirad, finalmente, con ojos de misericordia a los hijos de aquel pueblo que en otro tiempo fue vuestro predilecto: descienda también sobre ellos como bautismo de redención y de vida, la sangre que un día contra sí reclamaron. Conceded, oh Señor, incolumidad y libertad segura a vuestra Iglesia; otorgad a todos los pueblos la tranquilidad en el orden; haced que del uno al otro confín de la tierra no suene sino esta voz: ¡Alabado sea el Corazón Divino, causa de nuestra salud, a Él se entonen cánticos de honor y de gloria por los siglos de los Amen siglos! MISA DE LA FIESTA DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCION El lunes 8 de diciembre es la Fiesta de la patrona de esta Nación: la Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen Maria. Habra misa a las 7am, 8am y 6pm en Ingles, a las 7pm en vietnamita y a las 7:30pm en español OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS: Joanie Caywood, Azucena Garcia QUE EN PAZ DESCANSEN: Dominique D’ Agostini, Graciela Ortiz, Vicenta Cruz, Raymundo Hernandez Lugo Tutoría en el area de Lectura, matemáticas, y ciencias Grados 1-8 los jueves 5:00-6:45 en en Salón en frente de la biblioteca escolar. Si alguien desea ayudar en esta sesiones, favor de llamar a Irma Amezcua 760-945-1712 Ministerio de Oración de los Domingos Invitamos a toda la Comunidad Parroquial, a que nos acompañen todos los Domingos, después de misa de 7pm, a rezar la Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia, en la Capilla de Santísimo; de 8:30 pm a 10:00 pm, meditamos la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, acompañado de Alabanzas de Adoración. Unámonos en Oración por las necesidades de nuestra comunidad y por la reparación de los pecados del mundo entero. ROSARIO POR LOS INMIGRANTESLos invitamos a que nos acompañen cada sábado, después de la Misa de las 6:30 de Intenciones del Papa Francisco en Noviembre: la tarde, a rezar por los inmigrantes. Oramos por nuestros Intención universal ''Para que las personas que sufren la hermanos que sufren por esta condición humana, por los soledad sientan la cercanía de Dios y el apoyo de los hermanos''. Intención evangelizadora: 'Para que los seminaristas, reli- que mueren o quedan lisiados buscando una vida mejor; giosos y religiosas jóvenes tengan formadores sabios y bien prepa- y por todos los que abusan de ellos. rados''. ¡Todos estan invitados, en union de sus familias! 23 de noviembre de 2014 Nuestro Señor Jesucristo rey del universo MISA DE “DIA DE GRACIAS” NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE CELEBRACIONES PARROQUIALES Diciembre 3: 7:00pm NOVENA - Capilla (Dic. 3-11) Diciembre 5: 6:30pm Película – Salones Parroquia Diciembre 6: 1:00pm Desfile Navideño Vista – Carro de la Virgen Diciembre 9: 7:00 pm Fiesta de San Juan Diego Misa (Iglesia) y Convivencia (Salones) Diciembre 11: 2:00 pm -Adornos Jueves Biblioteca Parroquial e Iglesia 11:00pm Misa y Mañanitas (Iglesia) Convivencia después de Misa (Salones) Diciembre 12: NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Viernes 5:00am Misa & Mañanitas (Iglesia) Convivencia después de Misa (Salones) 6:30pm Misa y Procesión con la Imagen (Iglesia e Instalaciones Parroquiales) Convivencia después de Misa (Salones) Ministerio de Oración de los Domingos Invitamos a toda la Comunidad Parroquial, a que nos acompañen todos los Domingos, después de misa de 7pm, a rezar la Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia, en la Capilla de Santísimo; de 8:30 pm a 10:00 pm, meditamos la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, acompañado de Alabanzas de Adoración. Unámonos en Oración por las necesidades de nuestra comunidad y por la reparación de los pecados del mundo entero. Una de las fiestas más significativas en este país es la Celebración del “Día de Gracias”: el jueves 27 de noviembre. Nuestra Misa Comunitaria será a las 9:30 de la mañana. Les pedimos comida enlatada para distribuir a los pobres. La comida de Día de Gracias para quienes lo necesiten, especialmente nuestros hermanos indigentes, será en los Salones Parroquiales a las 12:00 del mediodía a las 2:30 de la tarde. Las oficinas permanceran cerradas el Jueves 27 de noviembre y el Viernes 28 de noviembre . Tambien los invitamos a que acompañen a nuestra comunidad el primer y tercer domingo del mes ( Noviembre 23) a unirnos en una hora de oracion por las vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas frente a la estatua de la Divina Misericordia a las 3pm. Diócesis Católica de San Diego Centro Pre-natal en Oceanside Consulado General de México—San Diego Alfabetización INEA1 Clases Ciudadanía Comité Justicia por Inmigrantes Child Abuse Hotline/Abuso infantil Abogado Inmigración Caridades Católicas/Servicios Emergencia MI—Enfermedades Mentales San Vicente de Paul Línea Diocesana para Abuso Sexual Escuela para Adultos—VistaTutoría Tutoria Retrouvaille Español/Problemas Matrimoniales Abuso Domestico Casa de Amparo Ayuda para Suicidio Caridades Católicas/Inmigración Servicios de Empleo Sheriff / Vista (858) 490-8200 (800) 395-4357 (619) 231-8414 (760) 224-4081 (760) 758-7122 (760) 644-3229 (800) 344-6000 (760) 351-6776 (760) 631-4792 (760) 722-3754 (760) 407-8900 (858) 490-8310 (760) 758-7122 (760) 224-7610 (951) 259-9474 (858) 568-5200 (760) 754-5500 (800) 784-2433 (760) 631-5890 (760) 929-8121 (760) 940-4551 R E C U R S O S C O M U N I T A R I O S Aviso muy importante: Nuestra parroquia de San Francisco tiene una publicación llamada "Noticias Del Fraile", que nos permite mantener informados a nuestros feligreces sobre los eventos de la parroquia . Los invitamos a todos a enviar la direccion de su correo electronicodirección (e-mail) a: [email protected], usted recibirá información sobre los horarios de las Misas, liturgias, actividades, y sobre todo, los mantendra siempre informados sobre todos los acontecimientos de nuestro 75o aniversario. ¡Nunca compartiremos su información o le mandaremos “spam”!! ¡Por favor, envíenos su dirección de correo electrónico para poder participar mas activamente en nuestra comunidad !! William E. Wright, D.D.S. Family Dentistry INMIGRACION Deportación, Ciudadanía, Petición Familiar, VAWA, U-VISA, DACA ¿Quiere Mejorar su sonrisa? ¡Sí se puede! Todos son bienvenidos 760.351.6776 Law Office of Erubey Lopez Many PPO insurances accepted - Call for more information Accepting new patients Si desea ayuda en español, con gusto le ayudaremos 520 W. Vista Way, Vista, CA 92083 ~ Phone: 760-941-1906 Email: [email protected] * We are directly across the street from St. Francis Catholic Church in Melrose Plaza Abogado de Inmigración 635 South Santa Fe Avenue, Vista, CA 92083 [email protected] Castaneda Business & Tax Service Bookkeeping (760) 941-4520 550 W. Vista Way Ste. 205 Se Habla Español HANNA PLUMBING Sales & Service & Repairs $10.00 Disc. on Service Calls 643 So. Santa Fe, Vista 726-2002 Members of St. Francis MORTUARY (NORTH COUNTY) FUNERARIA Custom Funerals Servicios Cremations • Pre-Planning Funerarios • Cremaciones Family Owned Traslados a Mexico, Centro America Sur America 760-724-1680 Member CFDA/SDCFD/Vista Chamber Commerce / [email protected] 328 Vista Village Dr. Ste. #E • Vista, CA 92083 FD#2185 ARE YOU OVERWHELMED CARING FOR YOUR LOVED ONE??? Don’t Wait For A Crisis!! Call us regarding all your options!!! FIRST CHOICE SENIOR PLACEMENT 855-407-1591 Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Residential Care, Home Care, Adult Day Care Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513025 St Francis Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Attorney - Abogada Family Dentistry Mary Gaines, JD Maria Elena Afan 410 So. Melrose, Vista DMD 1010 E. Ohio Ave., Escondido Criminal Law 760-419-8562 (760) 743-7117 1350 E. Vista Way, Ste. 6, Vista (760) 940-1011 $50 NEW PATIENT (EXAM/X-RAYS) Open M-Sat./Evenings/Tagalog/Español TC’S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Full Charge Bookkeeper Teri K. Carr - Owner - Parishioner 131 Beaumont Dr.,Vista CA 92084 Cell Phone: 619.840.8113 Email: [email protected] Eternal Hills Memorial Park, Mortuary & Crematory 1999 El Camino Real, Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 754-6600 FD-234 • We Specialize in Preplanning • Proudly Perform Cremation Onsite MEAT MARKET Serving the Norh County Community of San Diego Since 1947 “Sirviendo a La Comunidad Mexicana Centro-Americana” 356 Vista Village Drive Vista • 758-0513 Se Habla Español Vista Pantry RESTAURANT • • • • • • Tree Trimming • Clean-ups Palm Trimming & Hauling Stump Grinding • Tree Clearing Chipping • Topping Lacing • Landscaping Palm Skinning • Wood Fencing • FREE ESTIMATES 760.685.7585 760.519.6843 European Motorsports Expert German Auto Repair Audi • Porsche • Mercedes Benz • BMW JOE VAMPOLA Owner • Parishioner St. Francis 599-9307 DOAN LAW FIRM MICHAEL DOAN IS A CERTIFIED BANKRUPTCY SPECIALIST - CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY LAW - AMERICAN BOARD OF CERTIFICATION DOAN LAWYERS FATHER & FIVE SONS California’s Largest Family of Attorneys BANKRUPTCY & Bankruptcy Alternatives $100 STARTS (760) 450-3333 Free Consultation Se habla Español Hermosa Boutique 995 Postal Way #100 Vista, CA 760-496-4346 PARRIS MORALES PAINTING LIC # 977326 Over 15 Years of Experience Interior/Exterior 760-519-8292 7am to 8pm FEATURING HOMEMADE PIES Buy One Meal @ Regular Price Get 2nd Meal @ ½ Price (of equal or lesser value) Any Time, Any Day Also on Sunday Only, Show This Ad & Get a 945 S. SANTA FE AVENUE FREE COFFEE VISTA, CA 92083 • (760) 414 -9803 AZTEC TRAFFIC SCHOOL TICKETS CON CAMARA O POLICIA NO SE PREOCUPE! Classes 8am-4pm Saturday-English • Sunday-Español Appointment Required 760.630.6392 English 760.724.0434 Spanish Classes in Escondido, Vista and Oceanside Adicional Servicio: INCOME TAX TRI-CITY CARPET Quality Carpet at Wholesale Prices 1455 W. Vista Way Vista, CA 724-5595 ALL STARS HAIRSTYLES BARBERSHOP Appointments M-F (760) 758-1756 Sat. Walk-ins Only Closed Sun. Sam 1070 S. Santa Fe Ave. #5, Vista, CA Vista Village Pub Purveyors of Food, Spirits, and Good Cheer Member of St. Francis ATM 513025 St Francis Church (A) Open 7 Days BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER per Week Sat-Sun Breakfast 8 AM-2 PM Eggs Benedict • Biscuits & Gravy • Pancakes Lunch/Dinner Menu Served All-Day Kids Menu • Patio Seating • 760-643-1619 224 Main St., Downtown Vista • [email protected] 3/4 Mile from St. Francis / Free Wi-Fi For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 PARISH OFFICE (760) 945-8000 Yolanda Cortes [email protected] Lourdes Barton [email protected] Daniela Lopez [email protected] Cindy Bang, Bookkeeper [email protected] BAPTISMS/BAUTISMO Sr. Madeline Fitzgerald (English) (760) 945-8040 Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ EDUCACION RELIGIOSA For Children/Para Niños Tuesday-Friday 1-6:30pm Martes-Viernes 1-6:30pm Coordinator– Maria Luisa Valdovinos Rel. Ed. Assistant– Erika Arciga (760) 945-8015 (760) 945-8010 (760) 945-7189 Vietnamese Coordinator– My-The-Huynh YOUTH MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS JUVENILES Monday-Thursday 2:00-7:00 PM (760) 945-8016 (760) 945-8039 Director of Youth Ministry- Theresa Phan Youth Coordinator- Michelle Barton Youth Coordinator-Yazmin Reyes ADULT FAITH FORMATION/EDUCACION RELIGIOSA DE ADULTOS Sr. Madeline Fitzgerald (English) Louie Luan Pham (Vietnamese) (760) 945-8040 (760) 445-6274 (760) 945-8013 (760) 645-3843 LITURGY/LITURGIA Leticia Chramosta An Vu (Vietnamese) (760) 945-8043 (760) 945-8043 (760) 415-4093 MUSIC/ MUSICA Kerey Quaid (English) Roberto Vallin (Español) Anthony Dinh Pham (Vietnamese) ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL (760) 630-7960 Elizabeth Joseph, Principal Somyr Perry, PTG President George Burrola, School Board President Mary Drego, School Secretary WEBSITE Judy McDonald [email protected]