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Customer Programs AIR C4i around the world T h a l e s R ay t h e o n Sys t e m s p r ov i d e s A I R a n d i n t e g r at e d c 4 i NATO ACCS LOC 1 GCC HAT II Battle Control System SCCOA ThalesRaytheonSystems is a world leader in Air and Integrated C4I systems. With 35 years of experience acquired from its parent companies, ThalesRaytheonSystems has been delivering state-of-theart fixed and deployable Air C4I and Joint & Land C4I systems to the world’s defense forces including the United States, NATO, France and the Gulf Cooperation Council. ThalesRaytheonSystems has developed flexible systems that can adapt to changing operational demands, ensuring seamless planning and tasking, monitoring, control and execution of the full spectrum of air operations. Our References B AT T L E C O N T R O L S Y S T E M USAF/NORAD The Battle Control System (BCS) by ThalesRaytheonSystems, is the primary air defense/battle management system for North American Air Defense (NORAD) and the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM). The interoperable, open architecture air defense and command and control platform supports the U.S. and Canadian Homeland Defense and drug interdiction missions. BCS processes, integrates, displays and distributes data from multiple sensors, data links and other C2 agencies to maintain situational awareness, decision support and combat identification for the United States and Canada. BCS employs commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware and open source software, including a Linux operating system and a highly flexible, customizable user interface. Our References With five air defense sectors in CONUS, Canada, Hawaii and Alaska, the system supports up to 200 radars and is capable of tracking all radar-detectable threats over CONUS from a single sector. Through spiral development, BCS delivers continuous improvement as technologies evolve, including special support for missions in the National Capital Region (NCR) and automated machine to machine processing of Air Task Order/Airspace Control Order (ATO/ACO) information generated by the Air Operations Center (AOC). BCS has been operational 24/7 since 2006, providing a single integrated air picture to defend against airborne threats. In early 2010, the next generation Spiral 3 system will be operational at U.S. and Canadian sites. S C C O A – A I R O P E R AT I O N S COMMAND AND CONTROL SYST E M ThalesRaytheonSystems is providing the French Air Force with key components of the SCCOA program. This program provides a highly automated global management capability for air operations, both within mainland France and in overseas operational theatres, based on a unified air operations command centre with high speed data links and a high degree of interoperability with French and foreign armed forces. The fixed structure is formed by 4 Detection and Control Centers, which are part of STRIDA, the air defense data processing and display system. The C3M V1 is the mobile command and control system of SCCOA. It is designed to meet the technical and operational requirements of the air component in response to NATO Response Force (NRF) alerts. It is NATO certified NRF5 (2005), NRF12 (2009) and is U.S./NATO interoperable. MARTHA is the French Army’s air defense C4I system for management of the 3rd dimension (strategic asset and/or battlefield area protection). The system merges the C2 situation for low, medium and high altitude planning & tasking from the Air Force for delegation to the Army. The system offers command, coordination and optimization of the firing of all types of anti-air weapon systems; direct control of all parties (friends & foe) intervening in 3rd dimension; and planning, tasking and execution of all low-altitude missions. Since MARTHA joined the SCCOA program, it has become the first joint land and air C4I program in France. N AT O A C C S L O C 1 Air Command Systems International (ACSI), a ThalesRaytheonSystems company, is the prime contractor for NATO’s Air Command and Control System Level of Operational Capability 1 (ACCS LOC 1). ACCS LOC 1 sets new standards of integration for air operations in Europe, providing a single, integrated approach to planning, tasking, monitoring and mission execution. The program is now delivering a system that networks air C4I systems across 14 countries in NATO Europe using the same system of hardware and software, and sharing operational data over a highspeed communications network. The ACCS LOC 1 program also has a deployable air command and control system. The Deployable Combined Air Operations Center (DCAOC) with equipment packed in carrying cases for transport, provides the deployed operational planning and tasking capability. The DARS (Deployable Air control center, RAP production center, Sensor fusion post) is a mobile, shelterized tactical component of the NATO Air Command and Control system that will support any NATO out-ofarea operations. In the future, ACCS will integrate the capabilities of missile defense command and control for NATO; interoperability with Air Ground Surveillance (AGS) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR); and sensor to shooter mission execution. Currently there are 5 ACCS locations installed as part of the test and validation phase. In 2009, ThalesRaytheonSystems signed contracts for the installation of 11 more NATO sites across Europe. (Top to bottom) ACCS LOC 1, DARS, BCS. G L O S SA RY SCCOA (Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Opérations Aériennes) MARTHA (Maillage Antiaérien des Radars Tactiques pour la lutte contre les Hélicoptères et les Aéronefs à voilure fixe) STRIDA (Système de Traitement et de Représentation des Informations de Défense Aérienne) C3M V1 (Centre de Commandement et de Contrôle Mobile Version 1) G C C H AT I I The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) contracted with ThalesRaytheonSystems to build Hizam Al Taawun (HAT II) a system that provides automated interfaces between Member States for the coordination of multilevel and multinational air defense. The GCC includes the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman and State of Qatar, State of Kuwait. The system has one Interface and Sector Integration Subsystem (ISIS) site in each country to coordinate national air defense. © 2009. Photos: ThalesRaytheonSystems, all rights reserved. All products names are the property of their respective owners. ThalesRaytheonSystems 1801 Hughes Drive P.O. Box 34055 Fullerton California 92834 - 9455 USA T +1.714 446 3118 F +1.714 446 3260 ThalesRaytheonSystems 1, avenue Carnot 91883 Massy Cedex France T +33 (0)1 69 75 50 00 F +33 (0)1 69 75 51 00