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4 March
5 March
8.00 a.m. Ellen Lenihan R.I.P.
9.30 a.m. May O’Brien R.I.P.
11.30 a.m. In Thanksgiving (Howard Family)
6.30 p.m. Peter Keane R.I.P.
9.15 a.m.
Patrick Dooley R.I.P.
Father Martin Boland ~ Father James Mackay
Deacon Paul Conrad ~ Deacon Quentin Hall
Email: [email protected]
Clergy House: 01277 265235
Deacon Paul: 01277 810321 ~ Deacon Quentin: 01277 200925
6 March
9.15 a.m.
12 noon
7 March
9.15 a.m. Intentions of the Gulliford Family
11.00 a.m. Funeral Mass for Joan Cutter
8 March
9.15 a.m.
5.30 p.m.
Intentions of Tom Carr
Gertrude Manning R.I.P.
9 March
9.15 a.m.
May and Ian Glen R.I.P.
10 March
9.15 a.m.
Patrick and Honora Lenihan R.I.P.
John and Ellen Fahy R.I.P.
11 March
Agnes Borsuk R.I.P.
Funeral Mass for Stanley Kaliski
8.00 a.m. Helen Horgan and John Quinlan R.I.P.
9.30 a.m. Bridie Dowd R.I.P.
11.30 a.m. Intentions of Mary Gilsenan
6.30 p.m. Kevin McQuillan R.I.P.
The Brentwood Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 234092
4th March 2012
Brentwood Cathedral Lenten Lecture 2012
Last year, we had our first Lenten Lecture in the Cathedral. This was
given by Archbishop Vincent Nichols and drew a large and enthusiastic
crowd. This year’s main lecture is on Wednesday, 7th March at 7.30 p.m.
and will be given by Father Christopher Jamison, former Abbot of Worth,
author, broadcaster and the man behind The Monastery television
series. He is a hugely respected and popular speaker and it is a great
honour that he has agreed to come to give his lecture:
Please make a special effort to come to the lecture and invite anyone
who might be interested to come along too. Refreshments afterwards.
40 HOURS OF PRAYER ~ Will you not stay with me one hour?
From Thursday, 15th March at 5.00 p.m. until Saturday, 17th March at
9.00 a.m., we are going to have forty hours of continuous prayer in the
Cathedral. Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the
altar, the very heart of our community, and we will bring to him all our
joys and sorrows, needs and thanksgiving. This kind of intensity of
prayer will bring many graces to us both as individuals and as a
community. We pray it will be a time of blessing for us as individuals and
as a community.
How will this work? We are asking every adult parishioner to give one
hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during the forty hours. We
need the minimum of two people to be in the Cathedral during each hour.
We are asking the men (and any willing women) of the parish to be
particularly generous and do the night shift - perhaps, retired men in the
parish would consider doing the Thursday night shift and working men,
the Friday night shift. Sanctuary light candles will be available for
purchase (‚5) after Sunday Masses or from Clergy House during the
week. You will be able to write your intentions on the candle and place it
around the altar.
We are inviting all groups, schools, associations, young and old in the
parish to come and be part of the 40 hours. In this way, we will see in a
very real way how all that we do is done to give praise and worship to
A 40 hours schedule is now available at the back of both the Cathedral
and Holy Cross.
Please sign up today
Lenten Prayer Groups take place at 7.45 p.m. every Sunday at Clergy House.
This is an opportunity to experience the Church’s rich tradition of contemplative
prayer, finding that deep silence within us where the Holy Spirit can dwell.
Lenten Lectures: The other two lectures for this year are on the 14th March
at 7.30 p.m. ~ Rev. Peter Judd, Dean of Chelmsford Cathedral: Huts or
Temples: The Church as a Sacred Space and 21st March at 7.30 p.m. ~
Father James Mackay: Male and Female he created them: a meditation on
human relationships in God’s plan of salvation
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place from 8.00 a.m. every
weekday ending with Morning Prayer at 8.45 a.m. Evening Prayer takes
place every weekday at 5.30 p.m. In addition Choral Vespers will continue to
be celebrated at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Stations of the Cross take place on the Fridays of Lent at 6.00 p.m. in the
Cathedral, also at 3.00 p.m. at Abbotswick, House of Prayer.
Service of Reconciliation will take place on Monday, 2nd April at 7.30 p.m.
There will be a number of priests coming to hear confessions and there is no
better way to prepare for Easter.
COFFEE after 9.30 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall today will be hosted by our
Journey in Faith Group. Next week is the turn of the Justice and Peace Group.
WE WELCOME into our parish community Cecilia Eileen Garnier who is being
baptised in the Cathedral this weekend.
Valley. Joan will be received into the Cathedral at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 6th
March and her Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday
(7th), followed by cremation at Chelmsford. There will be light refreshments in
the hall after Mass. THE FUNERAL MASS for Stanley Kaliski will be celebrated
in the Cathedral at 12 noon on Tuesday, 6th March.
May they rest in the peace of Christ.
HALF MARATHON SPONSORSHIP: Father James will be leading a team of
runners from the Cathedral in the Brentwood Half Marathon on Sunday, 25th
March to help raise money towards repaying the Parish Hall debt. Joining
Father James for the 13 mile run will be Hall Fundraising Team chair David
Worsfold, team member Katie Ward and her husband Colin. Every pound
matters so please give what you can – and don’t forget to cheer them on or say
a prayer for them on the 25th March. You can sponsor them online at (which allows taxpayers to
include Gift Aid) or by using the forms in the narthex.
THANK YOU for the collection on the 26th February: ‚2,380.21, of which
‚1,623.35 was gift aided. Holy Cross: ‚410.78 (‚224.56). 250 CLUB Winners
for January and February are Simon Conrad and Tony Peluso. Congratulations!
A REMINDER that a MASS FOR READERS will be celebrated in the
Cathedral at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday (6th), followed by refreshments in the
Small Hall. MINISTERS, READERS AND COUNTERS: The new rota to the
6th May is now available in the narthex. The Easter Triduum will be covered in
a separate rota to enable more people to sign up. Please ensure you sign up or
advise Lorna Green (205923 or [email protected]) by Sunday, 26th March.
Flame is a gathering of young Catholics from around the country, which
will take place at Wembley Arena on the 24th March. Up to 10,000 young
people are expected to attend what promises to be an exciting, enriching
and joy-filled celebration of our faith. We still have some spaces at a
cost of ‚20 (this covers transport from the Cathedral). Age range starts
from 12 upwards. If you are interested, please take a form from the
back of the church and return it to one of the clergy with the ‚20.
ST HELEN’S BABY AND TODDLER GROUP: We run every Friday in term
time in the Parish Hall from 1.15 p.m. to 2.45 p.m. Fees are ‚1.50 per family –
free for first timers! Come along for a coffee and a chat, and fun play for the
toddlers. If you are interested in helping out (setting up, packing away, serving
teas and coffees) please contact Viki on 07732 691774.
9th March to Sunday, 11th March. Theme: Contemplating the face of Christ.
The weekend is an opportunity to spend time away with the Lord through
teachings, prayer & quiet. Cost: ‚95 residential, ‚65 non-residential. For more
information, call Allegra on 215011 or e-mail [email protected].
Ampleforth Abbey will speak about the Acts of the Apostles at a study day in
the Parish Hall on Saturday, 10th March (10.30 a.m.-3.00 p.m.) Admission free
- lunch provided - book your place at [email protected] or 265289.
ON SATURDAY, 10TH MARCH there will be a pro-life processional prayer
vigil, with full police co-operation, led by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal,
at the BPAS abortion centre in Stratford. The vigil will begin at approx 8.45
a.m. with Mass, followed by the procession, from St Francis of Assisi Church,
Grove Crescent Road, Stratford.
For more information please visit:
THE INVISIBLE PROVINCE: For those of you interested in reading Father
Martin's blog, please go to
SINGING THE NEW TRANSLATION ~ Workshop at Warley at 3.00 p.m. on
Sunday, 11th March. If you have not booked your place, please contact Shirley
at [email protected], phone her on 219944/233302 or send your
booking form/drop a line to 156 Warley Hill, CM14 5HF. We are very privileged
to have Frances Novillo, RSCM Regional Music Adviser and member of the
Westminster Diocesan Music Committee, who will help you feel more confident
singing the changes, by introducing music in several styles.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME: The next meeting for parents
will be on Thursday, 15th March at 8.00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The children’s
next session will be on Saturday, 17th March commencing with 9.15 a.m. Mass
in the Cathedral.
WORK & PRAY WEEK AT SION COMMUNITY from Sunday, 18th March at
6.30 p.m. to Friday, 23rd March. Can you spare up to 5 days to lend a hand
with some voluntary work at our Centre? The work is varied and is also a good
opportunity to join in the life of the Community. Even if you cannot manage the
whole time, come along for a day or two instead; there is no charge for meals
or accommodation. For more information or to sign up, contact Teresa Frost on
215011 or you can email [email protected]
ANNUAL SPIRITUALITY DAY led by Fr Daniel O’Leary (author, theologian,
spiritual director) in the Cathedral Conference Centre on Saturday, 24th March
from 10.00 a.m. (Registration/Coffee) to 3.45 p.m. A Day in Spring-Three ways
to a happier life. We will reflect on the mystery of our hearts, on the mystery
of the world around us, and on the mystery of God’s presence in both. Cost:
‚10. To book: 265255 or are&[email protected]
A WARM INVITATION to join the 9.00 a.m. Choir from The Most Holy
Redeemer, Billericay and Champagne Flutes for a feast of seasonal music. The
Programme will include music by Palestrina, Mozart, Tavener and Saint-Saens.
This Lenten Recital will take place on Sunday, 25th March at 7.00 p.m. in the
Church (Laindon Road, Billericay) with refreshments afterwards. Admission is
free with donations going to local charities.
CAFOD: Starting from this Sunday, until Sunday, 13th May, there will be a
second-hand book stall at the Sunday coffee morning to raise money for
CAFOD. Due to this year's UK Aid Match scheme, the government will match
every donation to CAFOD pound for pound – so come and help us fundraise this
Lent! If you have any unwanted books at home then you are welcome to bring
them along if you feel that they would be of interest to others and in good
HIT THE ROAD for JACK: The Campion School is organising a second
fundraising walk for Teenage Cancer Trust on Saturday, 5th May in memory of
sixth former, Jack Chester, who sadly died in September 2010. Last year’s walk
raised the fantastic sum of ‚22,294. This year there is a choice of walking
distances: 13, 21 or 26 miles. Entry forms and further details are available on
the school website at
Saturday, 30th June in Headcorn, Kent. BCCS is looking for people to make a
sponsored 10,000ft freefall parachute jump, so why not take on the challenge
of a lifetime and take a real ‘Leap’ this year by doing a sponsored skydive. For
further information contact Julie Abbott on 01268 784544 or at
/[email protected]
BABYSITTER AVAILABLE: Recent graduate available to babysit most
weekday evenings, from 7.30 p.m. onwards, and weekends whilst completing
work experience placements. Past Ursuline pupil who is friendly, reliable and
living in Brentwood. Georgina: 07816 243 818.
GOING INTO HOSPITAL? If you or a relative is going into hospital please
contact us in Clergy House so that we can advise the chaplain or the parish
which serves that hospital to ensure that the patient’s spiritual needs are looked
THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK is available to anyone who is gravely ill or is
about to have an operation, so if you know someone who should receive this
important sacrament then please speak to one of the clergy.
THE SICK:- Please pray for all our sick and housebound parishioners and
friends, including Joy Breslin, Iris Clarke, Joe Brown, Curtis, Kyle and Nathan
Coe, Marie Cooper, Karen Cox, Edna Cutler, Bernadette Dawson, Sylvia Dean,
Mary Dowse, Tony Evans, Rebecca Florendo, Don Fox, Jean French, Dennis
Furlong, Heather Gash, Ged Gilligan, Mary Gilsenan, Mike Gray, Amos
Grossmith, Sky David Harrington-Ellis, Margaret Hogan, Tom Horan, Ann
Hurcombe, Jess, Tony Kidd, Stefan Krafcak, Wanda Kwiatek, Lisa, Tony McCoy,
Ann Mallon, Ann Mardle, Chloe Mansell, John Mansworth, Tony Marsh, Pam
Maule, Pat McCarthy, Bernadette McGuinness, Jerry Moran, Alison Moss,
Siobhan O’Leary, Bill Pateman, Christine and Brian Perrett, Angela Pumford,
Maureen Quinn, Michael Quinn, Mary Rodgers, Anne Rowe, Pat Shaw, Daisy
Simpson, Catherine Smith, Richard Smith, Sr Stephen OSU, Olivia Stock,
Margaret Mary Toal, Sheila Ann Towler, Sylvia Vaughan, Anne Veale, Christine
Vinsessa, Mario Tinenti, TCT, Jacques Visser, Jarlath Wills, Abigail Witchalls,
Preston Wood and all our sick in the Marillac, Mascalls Park, Brentwood
Community, Queens, Nuffield and Hartswood Hospitals and St Francis Hospice.
ANNIVERSARIES:- Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur
at this time: John McLoughlin, Father Hughes, Patrick Kelly, Ellen Gibbs, Frank
Leader, Maureen Byrne, Michael Doherty, Dorothy Collier, Patrick Lawlor, Colin
Martin, Catherine Greaves, Francis Fuller, John McDonnell, Elizabeth Rowe,
William Henry Stone, John Dillon, Thomas Regan, John Clarkson, Dorothy
Verrier, Mrs E A Eldridge, Dennis Lyons, Patricia Drake, Paul Pennell-Buck,
Howard Bunn, Lilly Hammond, Sister M Elizabeth, Ian Darroch, Albino Pereira,
John Young, Ian Glen, Mr Carroll, Mr S O’Reilly, Clarence Keary, Florence Bell,
Martha Burt, Edward Flynn, Maureen Kenny, Patrick Luddy, Victoria Stone,
Eileen Benjamin and June Hammond.
Tickets on sale next Saturday evening & Sunday after Mass for a lunch of pork
medallions on a bed of cabbage, served with potatoes and a choice of
puddings, to celebrate St Patrick’s Feast Day. Bring your own drinks. Tickets:
Adults ‚6 and children under 10 years ‚2 - available from Breda Bower on
PROMOTING OUR FAITH IN TODAY’S WORLD- a conference, led by John
Vaughan Neil, at the Marillac Hospital Chapel on the 10th March. Please contact
Bill O’Regan on 223460 for more information and to reserve your place.
100 CLUB: Congratulations to February's winners, Lyn Hawser and Denis Filler.
There are still a few members who have not renewed their membership. If you
need to contact me please phone 234421 (evenings) or catch me at Mass. New
members are very welcome. Thanks, Denis.
3 March
4 March
6.30 p.m. Holy Cross William Jackson R.I.P.
10.00 a.m. Marillac
Florence McLoughlin R.I.P.
11.00 a.m. Holy Cross Intentions of Margaret Hogan
10 March
11 March
6.30 p.m. Holy Cross Roy Wood R.I.P.
10.00 a.m. Marillac
Intentions of Nellie and Bill Tully
11.00 a.m. Holy Cross Domenica Ambrosi R.I.P.
ANNIVERSARIES:- Please remember the following whose anniversaries occur
at this time: Maurice Potton, Mary O’Sullivan, Joseph Breslin, Mary Brewster,
Lily Horswell, Father John Gordon and Teresa Keely.