A Welcome Party with a Diflerence
A Welcome Party with a Diflerence
A Welcome Party with a Diflerence By Joe Archibong 7l <co,ding lo St Vincent De Poul,'All beginnings ore ,l^1 somewhot stronge; but we must hove potience, ond liltle by little, we sholl find ihings, which ol first were obscure, becoming cleor.'On Fridoy, 8'h Septernber 2006, the new sludenls tor 2006/07 become fully initioted members of the renowned Tongozo Fonrily. Three weeks ofter lheir exciling orienlotion, they finolly underweni the lroditionol onnuol Rites of Possoge during whol I coll the best welcome porty held in lhe college. lcon soy this -rery confidently os o Fongozo Veteron. The doy begon with o fine lunch. l wos inspired to see even the likes ot Fr De Jong ond Sr Poolo stonding poiienlly in the protrocled lunci queue. The true Tonsozo Spirir yo,-, sYmbol ofthe 2006 initiation might soy. Afler o colourful curtoin roiser by the Koyombo Africo misicol group, the TANSU Executi.re were inlroduced ogoin ond the show begon. Suddenly an errtlrralling vorce lhat seemed to Co tinucd on Pqge 3 1|ruld And os llwriie this piece the bosketboll field is under consiruclions. Lor'rg l:'ve Toirgozo College odmininstrotion! Thoi e not oll, we now enioy free inlernet services in rhe'-ollege.',^y'lro sr.rys Tondozo iS nor greotl Yes, there is olso new monogement in our forhous Pomoio; Hill Crest, their services is indeed fontosticl We see why our school fees wos increosedl Surely, it is difficull lo roise it but we ore hoppy thof it is being used well; hoppy to see lhe Jevelopment oround the compiound. lhe College odmifhirotion war,h the besl for us, ond we soy osonteni sono. Lei Ine end with o remrrrk one of our visiting lectureas once rnode, she soid " Tongo;.:r is ihe only conrpus where when YoLJ poss o loilet you don'i rer-llize you hove possecl one", This .onfirms thot Tongozo is weli kect; courtesy of the grod odninlslrotion, oble domestic :loff qncl iesponsllle st!denfs. L!'f s keep the Spir)t o1;ve, lei's ..rtilize thir .)pr)ortur iry o,rcl ;,r,vilsg L Poem-Gift of Gifts A New Year for Tangaaa By Kamau Alex Ribiro If I was a gift like the one I see in you Then I would be there to lift spirits just the way you do warming hearts with a dazzling smile Putting some joy where it is dismal Being there as an example to see That loving God is something we should enry For it shows in your quality, your sim- plicity, your charity Who wouldt't want to be \vith you when you emit such dignity Present is the gift ofgifts in you Jesus Christ tloly and True. A youth rninister nn answer t0 post-modernity education By Paulo Edonga, lYM, 3rd Year /here is a general complain among I the old that. the current youth generation are "spoiled" ofsports, music and tourism fads, on the other hana th€ youth think that the old are still "back ward" that is the tradition gone is "local" hence the youth culture is a global culture 'pop' that goes with the new trends the world is experiencing hence the society is.at a cultural quagmire, During my 2no year research at the institute ofyouth ministry I have come to see the need for a ministry that is geared towards these realms that is a minister and surprisingly youth minis- try is doing it. This is because the ofidentity, lose ofculture, lose of lose meaning in life and lose ofselfawareness is the out come ofthe unsystemetized informal educati0n. Do you think you can support this ideology? lf rve suppon music, spo s and tourism I think there will be a change rhat is why I call you allduring lhe sports and social events in Tangaza to participate with a willing heart. I thank you all who participated to make a success the welcoming party. Our eondolenees Tangaza Update use this opportunity to \ympathizc wirh the Instirute ofChariry (Rosminian) community, Theology programme and the Indian community in Tangaza over the death ofAntony Sammy Stephen who died in -fazania. on hrs $ay to his pastoral work. A great soldier ofthe Lord he was; to have dled doing the Lord's work. May hc enjoy perpetr:ll happiness. We also cxtend slmpathy to all our bereaved mernbers. May our departed rcst in peacc. Amen. ANEW PAMOJA By Anastasio Nyagah, sdb Theology The Hillcrest Group of Compa- Evenls come ond poss! Some evenls become bygone history while others become o living history, Bul ihe focr thot some evenls leove behind memorobre nies which is now running the cafcteria is certainly t.oces, is yei onother timely trufh. Such wos the 2OQ6/2OO7 fongozo inqugurol moss thot took ploce on the 2l 6 Aug, 2006. Someone would rightly cloim "this wos iust like ony other Tongozo onnuol event!" Sure it wos! But I believe there ore sonre ospecls oI trujh in whot the ourhor of Animol Form cloims, "oll onimols ore equdl bui some ore more equol thon others". This could opply to evenls like the one we de5cribe here. The doy wos groced by d bright sunlight since we hove noi hod rhot kind of sunny doy since obout two months. By 8.00om, srudents from vorious insti. fules begun to orrive. Yes, oll looked cheerful; indeed it wos o meeting otter o long breok. Indeed the inougurol function begon with exchonge of news ond views from oll corners of the world. To the first yeors especiolly myself, everybody seem fomilior ot o point, ond this mode me ro tell myself ihol Tongozo will surely be o home for me in the next 4 yeors, keeping in mind the words of the DPA, "study ond sociolize in Tongozo". the opex of the doy wos the Holy Euchorist. by 8.30 om the procession of more lhon 30 priests opprooched the oltor. Fr Tim Redmond the Principol welcomed Fr.Mourice Schepers, O.P the Choirperson of the Soord of Governors, who wos the moin celebront. Everythrng wos reolly well prepored, thonks to the school choir. Their melodious songs were lively ond odded life to rhe hole lirurgy. The student body olso porticipoted very well in the whole celebrotion. At the end of the celebrotion mony heoded towords their vorious closses ro colch ihe first lesson of the yeor which begon by I 0.35om. Fist impression they soy, losts longer, ond lhe good impression I got the firsl doy will linger in me. There is o common soying "leove the ploce better thon you hove found it" this is my wish for you. The second wish is to leove o legocy behindl Roberr Shormo in his book,,who will cry when you die" expresses more beoutitully "when you were born you cried while the rest of the world reioiced, live your life in such o woy thot when you die you will reioice while the wo o cry. Moy oll who dwell here become procloimers of ihe mystery of foith. ''fangozo Fun6o /o i,noni' through their lives. ! good. The staffare very couneous and the menu has bsen improved while the prices remain the same. Though services delivery is kind of slow it is worth the wait. The increased sining capacity is a great imlrovement, the interior is nor.v bigger and the provision ofclean hot and cold water is definitely an added plus. Whether the services is going to improve or go down only time u ill rell, but we do hope for the besr. mean while Bon appetit! C.N.K.- Social Communication New Lecturers in the Collece ongozo Updote wishes to ocknowledge the new lecturers in vorious instifr-rtes. We ore blessed to hove good ond well experienced men ond women whom we hope will be generous wiih their knowledge. In Theology we hove I ! Fr. Mulcohy Eomonn, C.S.Sp Fr- Epoolet Dunsion Fr. Ndemo Aloysius, C.S.Sp Fr. Dunne Victor, 5.P.S. Mr. Dovid Ndegwoh Fr. Sontulino Ekodo, O.C,D. Fr. Guido OIiono, M.C.C.J. Fr. Joseph Enorri, l.M,C. In Sociol Communicqlion we hove Prof, Tom Okoyo Mr. .,eff Ariko Ms. Noncy Achieng' Booker In Youth Ministry we hove Solome Nyomburo Owinyo Sr. Joyce Ndegi Nieru, F.M.A. Sr. Eleonor Gibson, F.M.A. Fr. Mothew Puthumono, S.D.B. Anlony Opiyo Ogutu Denis Oluoch - Oduor In Sociol Ministry we hove Dovid Ndegwoh In CTIE we hove Dr- Thomos Kibutu Dr. Colmbo Muriungi Mr. Peter Mbuguo Dr. Dovid Molonzo Mr. Doniel Okun Dr, Alex Mochocho Dr. Wycliffe Wonzolo Dr- Josephe Niogi Ms. Adeloide Mutune Sr. [ucy Nebukonde Sr. Condindo Mukundi We say karibuni sana to Tangaza. Wc are open to share fron the rvcalth of vour knorvledgc. lour reward begrns here in Tangaza and surely in heaven. The unique welcome party Continued from Pege I come from the heovens, introduced JULIE who wos going to onimoie o lolk show obout initioiion. lf you were not olert, you would hove thought you were wotching gproh Winfrey or Fyro Bonks live on stoge. After the tolk show, the octuol initiotion process begon. ASHI, who needs no introduction, oppeored on stoge in his flowing Houso royol gorb to leod the iniliotion os the KING for rhe The 3rd year Radio Students in the Institute ofsocial Communication will soon be on air; all you need to do is tune in to FM radio Waumini. The frequency is 88.3 Different serious social issues will be discussed. you can't believe the talents we have got in Tangaza. No rvonder, most ofthem who rvere on atlachments during the long vacations nearly gor retained by the respective medii houses. welcoming porty of 2O06. '.{ith }hot, he ioined the disrin- guished line of few privileged Siudent-Kings/ queen to perform this onnuol initiotion. To everybody's surprise, Bibion Julie the talk show host the Secretory of the DPSL listens to Sr. Agatha wolked up the isle, corrying her odoroble three-month-old boby boy John poul. John poul wos going lo be ihe centrol symbol of the initiotion ceremony. According to Ashi, John Poul represented ihe newness, hopes, life ond continuity the new students brought to the college. He honded over the boby to be corried in lurn b)r o new representotive of eoch insiitute. Every body got rolher emotionol to see the Reverend Sisters olso corry John Poul, it wos o feeling not eosy to describe, The high light of the rituol were lhe words of wisdom given by King Ashi. He reminded the freshmeo, both religious ond loy, rhot Tongozo is one fomily ond so there should no' be segregotion omongsl fhemi lhe peer counselors were ovoiloble Ior those who needed to tolk oboul Wateh out! !! issues, sociolizing wos on essentiol port of the Tongozo dreom os weh os extro-curriculor octiviiies. He goi ihe crowd ecstotic when he cloimed ro Tangaza Update uses this opportunit_v to acknowledgc lha( a good number of students who graduared last year from different Institutes in the College have got good jobs. We congratulate them and pray that they be good ambassadors, to make Tangaza proud. And for some who are still searchins for jobs, we wish them well. OVen Day in tie femafr .1{ostef In America, the date I lth September (9- I I ), brines to mind rhe tragic demolishing oftall buildings by terrorisrs. However, in Tangaza College, on that same date in2006, a beautiful tall building was opened to the public. yes, the TANCAZA WOMEN'S HOSTEL, had its Open Day during which members of the public were welcome to tour it and ei_ perience its beaufy. At l2:30 pm, many Tangaza students and staffbegan pouring into the hoslel grounds for the day. Sister Ccrrrude DDL gave a word of welcome after which our DpSL, Mrs Edel Ebalejoined hands with Sr petronilla DDL in ofllciallv culting lhe tape. After thdt. people were free fo walk into thc beautifully decorated hostel, take a snack and a drink. and shown round by courteous residents. The open day l.rsred until about 4 pm. For thc hove 30 credit hours this semeseter,20 in the closs room ond l0 ot Pomoio house! Without being notionolistic or congregotionolistic, I would like to give ASHI the fult 80/80 score for his srerling, etoquenl ond profound performonce thot 1}Joyl The BABY effed will live long in our memories thonks to creotivity of the Sociol Welfqre Committee of TANSU ond -thethe generosity oI Mother Bibion who wos proying oll the time lhot her boby not be dropped os he wos being possed from on initiote to onother, Loter come presentoiions by lyM, the Jusiice ond Pecce group, the IYC group, French Club ond o fontosiic physicol_ disploy by ihe Korote group. With the Korote group in the college, I thought to myself, we don,t need the services of secu_ rily men. I ogreed wirh the DpSL, when she soid during the porty, thot this group of first yeors hod ihe record sho est time in settling down. The principol, on his port, hoped thot the freshmen would be truly hoppy in Tongozo. And so this beoutiful porty, coordinoted by two brilliont MCs, Sixtr.rs ond Kosuku, eventuolly come to o thrilling end with lots of well_loved music by Koyombo Africo. Finolly, I musr suggest, inspired by the BABy effect, ihot our college hove o speciol doy when oll rhe stoff brino their children for o doy of proyer, entertoinment ond socioliz-_ ing. Moy ihe new students, like St Vincent De poul proyed, hove the potience to see things get cleorer for rhem in the col_ lege, in their iniellecis ond in their souls.I past year, this imposing 3storey bu ild ing had been under con- struction behind the Edel Beatrice Churu {DpSL) Sr. Pehonilta Kpanah officially cuts the and (DDL) ribbon Imani House. lt is acces_ sible, not only ro Tangaza College but also to CUEA and the Jomo Kenyatta [Jniversity oiAgriculture and Technoloqy. lt con_ tains ubout 80 rooms. some of which are self-coniaincJ. .l hcrc is a standard conference hall; the chapel and computer room will soon be ready. lhe toilet and bathroom facilities are arn_ ple and spotless, witlt hot water all day long. Meals are provided by experienced kitchen staff; securily around thc prcnrises is excellent. Standing on the balcony of the 3'd floor reveals an overwhelming view ofthe Langata area. The solidness. beauty and cleanliness ofthe host€1, together with its serene, peaceful and friendly nature, are just ideal for young ra'omen studying or working in the area. It is also available lbr retreals and periods ofrest to non-residents. We hope that the fangaza Women Ilostcl, managed by the Daughters of Di\ ine Love, rvill attract and house many residents. Karibuni Sana. I From the Sports Representative's Desk Polycarp K'Otieno yeor's footboll tclrnomenl for the communities thot form Tongozo College is olreody in progress, with "Sports for speciol growfh" os lhe lheme. Teoms hove been odding some ospecls of growth in their live since 7th Sepl. And slill burning with the spirit of sporls in them, they intend lo corry it on, until finols scheduled for This 27th Oct. The ieoms which hove ployed so for hove very much impressed us; os o moiler of foci il is hord to predicr which teom will cloim the rrophy. Will it go bock to the Spiritons. or will the Si. Potrick s bring il home? h could be the turn of the loy sludenl's leom or ony other teom. 27th Ocr. sholl rell! Sport is o fundomentol inslrumenl for the .eleose of ocodemic siress, sociol growth ond physicol fitness omong other things. The sports office is hoppy to corry on with ihoi moilo, ond invites yov to the interinstilutes Sporls Doy scheduled Ior 4th Nov. Be on lhe wolch so thot the sports flights do not leove you stronded ot Tongozo Airstrip. said. Lord. 1 was so wrong to think my wil'c did nothing, please ti)rgivc me, let us trade back. The Lord in his infinite wisdorn rcplied, my son, I feel you have learnetl your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were. But I'nl afraid you rvilljust havc to wait nine months. You got pregnant last night. Fricnds, do['t bc tempred to think you ar€ bettcr than the othcr; they may be doing eyen morc than you think you are doing. A lesson f<rr you and I. Laughter, the Music of the Soul Ul end,i,ng. w lle,orve,yv A couple hod o folol occident on lhe woy to the Church on their wedding doy. They found ihemselves ot the gote o{ heoven ond norroted io St. Peter their ordeol. So they osked Peter if it wqs possible to hove their wedding in heoven. Peter soid to them to give him some lime 1o look for o possibility since such o cose wos coming to him for the first time. Peier left them. A doy possed ond there wos no Peter, o week, o month, lwo months ond he oppeored in the third month. He told them thot they con hove their wedding now. They were hoppy but wondered oloud; supposing ihings don't turn out well for us, will it be possible to hove o divorce in heoven? Peter wos mod, ond soid to ['Jlili'iffi iiln rJ::' ;:i':fi ::';i'"';J:;"':,J;,',:"1.''tiil: TllezQrea,tDay ililffia A politicion wos lo oddress o group oI people in one of his politicol rollies of becoming the countryt next president- His oble secretory wrote o beoutiful speech for him. People opplor-rded with greot expectotions from him os he wolked ihe stoge to oddres: the crowd. He greeted the people ond soid to them "Todoy is going to be o greot doy" ond the people opplouded oll the more with onxiety to heor from him. He repeoted ogoin, "todoy is going to be o greot doy" os he soid these words, his honds Food Thought were moving from one pocket to lhe other in seorch of the speech his secretory hod n man was sick and tired ofgoing to work written for him. He spenf seven minutes repeoting the some phrose ,,todoy is going to every day while his wife stayed home. He be o greot doy". And he concluded by soying "thot is the end of my speech". Whot o lvanted her to see what he went through. big emborrossment! He lefi the speech in the office- you con imogine the disoppointSo he prayed: dear Lord, I go to work ment his oudience hod. A piry! Njideka Ngene cvery day and put in 8 hours while my object wile merely stays at home. I want her to In qn internotionql clossroom of children qged 9-l 2, rhe Englkh reocher osked the puknow what I go through, so please allow pils to nome vorious Ilying obiects. A Congolese mentioned fly, on Indion meniioned her body to switch with mine for a day. bird, o Polish mentioned oeroplone ond the Nigerion kid soid "teocher teocher lknow Amen. God in his inhnite wisdom granted o speciol flying obiect, o witchlll (no winch- Pidgin) KemiAkinleye the man's rvish. The next morning, sure Jvlemory enough, the man awoke as a woman. He rose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awak- A 65-yeor-old womon gqve birth to o boby boy. When she wos dischorged from rhef hospitol ond went hor1e, her relotiveJ cqme to visit. "Moy we see the new boby?" one ened the kids. set our their school clorhs, osked. "Not yet," soid the mother. "l'll moke coffee ond we con visit for qwhile first." fed them, packed their lunch, drove them Thirty minutes hod possed, ond.onother relotive osked, "Moy we see the new boby to school, came home and picked up the now?" "No, noi yet," soid lhe mother. Afier onother few minutes hod elopsed, they dry cleaning. took it to the cleaners and osked qgoin, "Moy we see ihe boby now?" "No, not yet," replied the mother. Growing stopped at the bank to make a deposir. very impotient, they osked, "well when con we see rhe boby?'' ,,WHEN HE CRIES!" She went shopping, then drove home to put told them. WHEN HE CRIES?" they demonded to know why. "Why do we hove to woaf away the groceries, paid the bills and baluntil he CRIES?" EECAUSE, lforsor where I pur MattheW Adetiloye anced the check book, He cleaned thc cat's little box and bathed the dog. Then it was already I PM. And he hurried to make Keep laughing, keep enjoying the music of the soul until our next the beds, do the laundry, dust, sweep and inop the kiiclicir. Ran Lo the school to pick up the kids. Set the milk and cookies and got the kids organised to do their homeus work. At 4:30 he began preparing supper. you If have anything you want the Aflcr supper he cleaned the kitchen, bathed the kids and put them to bed. At College fratemity to know about, let aPM he was exhausted and though his us kno\^r and we will let them know. dailV chores rveren't finished, he u,ent to Jokes, information, afticles etc are bed rvhere he rvas expected to make love, vrlry much welcomed. Send to rvhich he managed to get through $ ithout cornplaint. The next morning, he arvoke update(.Dtargaza.org o and imrrrediatelv knelt by the bed and [email protected] For A ftying fai6 him!" Write to r gflangaza A Co{Gga CAEA "ubfication MidTerm By Grace I don't know qbout qll. A breqk in the br Mid te.m fiink it should be supposed b help week, But in this the mid term breqk wqs but in writing con roy it is s when ihe leclurers leoYe line of CATS. I ltudents to teoch them- glory. It gives { selves, Lel me iust whEther or nol il ri you wlll decide period. On Fridoy it wos Yery colourful. I wqi wqs CUEA's iery hoppy thor T The sevEn Oclober. I hod r with. I spent sone mY popers. course in my poper thot whole DAY! ,. come qnd ,. holidoy, "breok". Now I looked ot ny qnd foce whot poring for the the SECOND O un -a.""ilt" uFYery strong ond refreshed cgnit believe I reod oll the qffer bookr lirstiiC-od ing but under- sbded for rhe work. Hecic doy so I did oll though the iyr But I thinf,,Oe are each c DAY. On 'ti'l corpoleldly, to give what !ow..,..Ifie.1 wonders of my thot l:hoA ,' mode. ,'li}., hoppy I got very liitle resf. Ihe I'm '. "'' Af r_sid 1 can I'm found dozing in the closs. lt is the To my ledures, leclures, ond rhe ocqddtiric ls,itpossible ocoddtiiic.Qdqrdi bdqrd: Ir ibpossible to hove o BREAK, insteod of o breol? Ihonk you. E4iopthe res{;of the semerter, \Me hqve corne bock to end the other fiolf of thi ibmi'si6r. I know you lust con't woit for o well-deserved Chiidrmos holid'oysi 'r Thsl wos mine, how wos yours? gan. Let us redouble our effor$ do. I ,- t Fr. Tim Redmoiid, S.P.S. j':,i :: us a l t AN EYE XN TI# F{OUSE NIGERIA AT 46 By Luke-Dominic Onwe f]f -gu- *ed to be a place where when you I forget something you will be certain to find -'r- On Ociober I'i 1960 Nigerion goined iis independence from the British rule. On this doy, the Nigerion .green, white ond green flog hohred for fhe first fime ond reploced the British Union Jock flog. This yeor on ihe ln October. 2006 Nigerio celebroted her.46h independence onniversory. But whot morvels me is the celebrotion of the some independence by the Nigerions in Tongozo College. As il were, it hos become common thot eoch yeor the sfudenfs ond stoff look forword to it. As o motter of foct, Nigerions ore the only ones for now in the college who and how you left it, or you will find it at the "lost and found" desk. But :' now? The story seems to be differ: celebrote their independence in such on orgonized woy wifh other members of lhe Tongozo fomily. This yeor's celebrotion wos onticipoted becouse lhe octuol doy wos o non-school doy. Thus, it wos celebroted on Fridoy 29n September. The celebrotion storted with q morning moss officioted by Fr. Tony Alonono from . .,',Eijfu ,. qspect of it wos deferred till l.l5 ofter school, The occosion wos honoured by mony Nigerlon: In ihe Nigerion qttirei to ihe odmirolion of mony people, The celebiotion . _ .ilj".l,lfi :";f .i:,I':.J"ffi j',Ji,:,I:T:p groced by mony people who hove worked in Nigerio os missionories in the persons of Frs. Tim Redmond SPS. Rod Crowley CM, Perer Loost CSSp, ond Sr, potricio Lonigon M.lv\M. There were olso mony who hoye become Nigerions ot heoit or by odoptlon in rhe likes of Mrs. Edel Ebole ond mony more, The Nigerion Embossy in Kenyo wos olso represented by Mr. Shogo who conveyed the messoge from the High commissioner. I The high point of the celebrotion wos the shorino of the Nigerion delicocies - fufu, the egusi, onugbu soupl .pepper soup ond mony more, This wss o lime of shorino from the generosity of ihe people os different communi-ties i:nd individuols hod volunfeered to bring some foods for enlertoinment enlertoinmenl. h wos q o reminiscence of fhe qoodies ooodies lefl bock home in pursuit of the will of God, Theire wf orso flme ror lokes ond the dqnces os mony tried thel expertise in different Nigerion iigs from different fribes. lr wos o wonderful celebroiion whidr teft mony people gosping for more fime ond more of such celebrotion. Together let us give 46 hoppy gbosos for, Nigerio, yos, olso -: . long live the Federcl Republic of Nigerio! Tangaza is ours, let's show some concern!!! Self Discovery to Listen By Kiyingi Frank Pio Life Invested in Service To Empower Neighbours iscovering oneselfin a helping relationship so as to acquire life skills for a healthy living. While others rvere busy with many things during the mid term break, some ofus chose the better part. We were involved in the tluee- day Peer Counselling Training (l lth -l3th October) whicl was held in o[: ::H'":,:l::i:Ti l:l'i1"l i pants to get in touch This discovering is a that opened us to prop€r life. This availed to us fi'L!r,.,'. ^' , An Initatins Cricket Let us indulge not only in prqcticing the western fod , but olso mitigote it to top ByValerian Atieno ihe forgotten culture by interpreiing this qJlture In the troditionol one. Let us roise or two weeks my room had been oworenes! io moke our culture rnorkettumed into ajungle with cricket oble, not only for chums or money but olso for o reosonqble troditionol pride. screechiog and bird pecking on I coll upon oll of you to ioin in the the windowpane. upcbming celebrotion of Tongozo culturol Who would imagine a cricket inside the doy, which not only promotes culture but house? olso the reconciliqtion ond colloborotion of I switch;d offthe light, jumped multiple cultures in Tongozo. into the bed, settling down to a good night diverse ond Let us qll show up on thol doy sleep. Thc fust few minutes are always wilh our rich cullurol herilcge. The dcy hard to get any sleep and as I started meltremoins Solurdoy 28lh October, 2006. ing into thb unknown, the mind was already half way to the land of silence and Students Leadership Seminar dreams. Suddenly Ijumped up; some very sharp piercing sound filled the room. My ears could not tell exactly where the sound was coming from. My movements made it stop. I went back to sleep cursing the damn thing. This went on and, for one whole webk I could not sleep peacefully. One day I got mbd.I woke up looked for it everywhere and talked to it only if it could hear my cry. Beat up.things to get it ftom its hiding place and come out. There wos o seminor of oll studeni leoders orgonized by the DPSL lost Soturdoy the l4th Oqtober. Among the qnimotor/ focilitolo.s of o very fruitful seminqr wos our veay De r- mol Qontinued.in the next issue. . : You inn'i afford t9 miss it!!! care, compassion, love imd empathy in the lives ofthe new peer counsellqrs. This is the first of tluee phases oftraining a second batch ofpeer counsellors in the Col- lege. After discovering the importance A section ofparticipants during the Student Leaders' seminar of Rooche, SM,A. He shored wiih this yeofs leoder5 obout the chollenges of leodership in Tongozo Proper, ond reol hints of how to ba winners in it oll. peer counselling, the new peer counsellors are ready to listen ]r,ith an open ear, heart and mind in order to touch a wounded, broken and hurting life.It was realised that there is no one who does not need to be listened to, because a fistening ear has ability to facilitate healing of a hurting, ?1il11",".""."", *" oi:lli:*,*ilffi It wonderful expcrience; have. was a greatly valued it. ' I What's Next? Cultural Dav is By Paulo Edonga .: 1-lvhvre somelimes is omusing, Urboni- The Plichtof Womens Are we up to it By Stephen Muinde I greotly oppreciqte the lorum hosted by the Jusrice ond Peqce club here in Tongqzo on the I 7th 0dober, on "the plight of women in Kenyo." lt wos o greor honour for Hon, Prof, Juliq Oiiombo MP Funyulo constituency. ond Dr. Tom Nomwomboh to toke lheir time to come ond not only enlighten us but olso orouse ihis debote. know whot she is up to ond ii oll siqrts from within" soid Dr. Nomwomboh. zolion is becoming o threot to the I q,rlture \-/ iniiiqtives in mqny societies. Leoving lhe block drild wollowing in the despoir of poverty, urbonizotion leqds to lhe loss of identity ond troditionql inifiotives. The 5ociety is poorer for thot. This qrlicle continues It is pothetic to see how the sociely contin. our nexl issue; donrl miss it! uer to be loceroted, trickling down from lhe lodder of ideols in cuhurql wisdom. The chonge in life style is chorocterized by skepticism ond individuollsm which hos Peer Counselors Team generoted follocious cultures coll "Kiosk cultures". One doy lstood omozed wotching o Moosoi Moron in his usuol red regolio ond o stick in his hond trying fo drive his cow: ocross the crowded tormoc rood while vehicles hootied ond the so colled "liberoted guys" scoffed, "Moosoi, loke your cows owqy, your ore fotolly behind.,.this is not the ploce for cows". Prof. Julia Ojiambo delivering her talk in Food For Thoueht Laughtero The Precious Present There was a boy who listened to an old man, and thus began to learn about the "Precious Present." It is a present because it is a gift," the old man explained. ,'And it is precious because anyone who receives.such a present is happy forever". "Gosh!" the Iiftle boy exclaimed. " I hope someone grves me the precious present". He began wondering what could possibly make one happy forever. The old man told him" When you have the precrous present you will be perfectly content to be where you are, the wealth ofthe present comes only from itself, the precious present is not something that someone gives you; it is a gift that you give yourselfl'. The young man was confused but determine; he resolved to find the precious present himself. And so he began the search. After many liustrating years he grew tired ofsearching. Then he staned recalling what the old man told him ,, when you have the present you will be perfectl) conteni ro be where you are, the iichness ofthe present comes from its own source, the present is not something that one grves to you; it is something you give to yourself'. The old man had now grown very old and the young man was nol growing any younger- He had grown so tired of trying rhat he simply stopped trying. And rhen it happened! He didn't know why it happened and when it happened. Itjust happenedl He realised that the precious present wasjust that: THE PRESENT, not the past; and not the futurc, bUt thC PRECIOUS PRESENT. IN AN instant the man was happy. He realised that he was in the precious present. But then, just as quickly as he had discovered it he was unhappy again, because he started regrefting all the years he spent looking for what he had. But at once he observed he was trapped by his guilt about his past. When he became aware ofhis unhappiness and ofhis being in the past he returned to the present moment. And he was happy. But then he began to worry about the future. How long would this joy last, will it be forever? Again he caught himselfand remembered that the gift was the present. It is wise to think about the past and to learn from my past but it is not wise for me to be in the past, for that is how I lose mysell lt is also wise to think about the future and to prepare for my furure bur it is not wise for me to be in the future, for that too, is how I lose mysell And when I lose myself I lose what is most precious to me. I can choose to receiye the precious present whenever I decide to; I can choose to be happy now. The present moment is the only REALITY we ever experience. Supervisor Edel Ebale (DPSL) Sr. Vivian Atime !,. NIary Nligichi Ii Stephen Muinde Write to us If you have anything you want the College fraternity to know about, Iet us knory and we will let them knorv. Jokes, information, articles etc are very much welcomed, Send to: [email protected] or [email protected]